i THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , MONDAY , JULY" 21 , 1800. THE JDAIIAT 3JJBEL E. ROaEWATEB , Editor. PL' IJ L1S11ED liVEHY' MORNING. TKIIMS OP Dally mid i-"iiiidiiy Ono Year . . . . . $1000 Ml IIKIIltlf . r . . . . . . . . f > OO Thtti' ' liunlln . 2 TiO Huiiilny IVu , Olio Vuar . 2 00 AVtcklylliv , UiioVoiit . 1 : OKFItJKi Omahn , Th"loollull ! < lliig , Simlli I'nriliii ' , < T rni rX ntinSntliPtrrota. OimtiiMl II , ills 1'H'oml Stici't. lili'ticiioiflrr. : U7 < MiiimlitTof rnmnioroc. VirUiioiiuli.llimJ ( ; : ! liTrlbnnu'lIulUllng. > Yutt1iiiigioiii OIlH'ouitcunlh attest. COimKHI'ONDKXCE. All mm inimical loin t chill nt In news and r < 1lii > rlil : innllor fliiuild tie ncllrusicd to tlio ] - . < llturlil ; ] ) oiiLrtiniMit | , IIUrilNKM I.KfTEU ? . All IjiisliiPSH Irltori'ttiulrcin'lt.itlKH ' should lienililirsM'd ' toTlio lieu I'ulil ' liliirntnpmy , tJiiiiklK PrnftxcliGvkM : in'l ixMtnlllcu ordura In Innuidti | iiyablo : to tliouittcr of thuOoiu- 'Jhc Dec Publishing Company , Proprklors , The Ili'C ' ll'll'ff. I'lirnani and Seventeenth Sti HYullN hTATDI KXT Ol' fin'onf Xrbunka. I' , , . r untyof Il.iii . lai. f IS 0 < < nrj < - II. T/.x'linck , srrrottuy of The Hoc the iicHiiiMri-uliitfi'ii ' of Tin : IIAII.V 11 KB for Ihciok cnilliu July 10 , Ik9.i , vrn : M follows : ( iiiiilar. July II K..lTfl . JUin-lny. .Inly II Sl.sw ! Tiu-Miny. Jiify 1.1 I 1 ! > .l'l ! ViriliioM'ny. ' .linv 10 Tim rainy. July ' 17 . l ! . : ? rruinv. July is . in.ua Salt. rtay. July U . . 1 .7.M Average . liO.OTI ) Oiiounn It. TzsciifCK. Ru-nrn tibofnro tno mil suW-rlljL'd In my I'K ' s MOO ilis llllh ( lay of July , A. II , , I8W. ! [ Hr.Ai. . ] IS" , ! ' . I < 'KII. , .Votary 1'ubllc. H'ltcnf Ncl rnskn. I , dill lit)1 ) Of IIOtlghH. f " " ( Vonto II. T/.M'lmck , lifliiR July swoin , < lc- iiv-i"iniirl < ! iVHtlititliQ Isn'M-rcliiryof ' The Hi'e 1'iibll'litiiit Umnimtiy. I hat thn not mil iiu'riivo ( IM'yi'lri'iilatlciii ' of Tin : DAII.V llxi : for tlio iiKinlli of July , IS * ! * . ISw rnpliM ; for AuKUMl , J Mi. IS.liTil UOII'IM ; fur Si'pliMiibcr. 18 ) . 18.7IU iop'i'4. ' forUctol.or , IS8 ! > , Klill'nipli'S for No- vcnilior. Id'1' ' . 1'VIIO ' cniilui ; forD-si niibur. IM , M.OIrt'OpliH ; fur .luniuiryi IN.U. I'JV. rnpl < i ; frV ( \ ruiii-y IW. IW.l ( , | ipli > n ; for Mil fch. IS ! ) } , ! ! O.SI.M'iit > : i' ; for Airll | , I".M. 'Jil..Vit rupln ; fur Mny. is.1 , U'O.M ) coils | ; for Juno. Ih'JO , Oil : ) cnp'iM. arnitriK It. 'I'/wininc. ' . " worn ti before mo iincl nnlis TlliO'l In my ] irosinii Hi s Snil rtny of July , A. II. IMVI , i. . ] K. I' . I'KII. , Noinry 1'ubllc. VNT.ASY lies tlio hesul that wcsti-aa. gubernatorial boomlct. Tun law enforcing an honest valua tion of tliitinblo goods stiikos tlioBbip- jiersof Franco in a tender spot. 11 A MTTMC more watur jirossufo on tlio pipes in tbo Btiburln til : lcs on tlio council would bo upjirauiatad nil round. 11 FAUMKU CiiUHCii llowu cnmo to the front in Kiiiiubii county and laid down Iholnxvfoi * tlio railroads anil bankers. I : \ As un anti-monopolist Mr. IIowo is a brilliant success. " \ViTii yellow fever nifjlny In Havana , cholera Hprundlug in Sixilii siiul a stale convontlun to bo held in two days , It behooves people of a nervous tciupor- inont totnkoto tliu woods. Too iiiuolillntlsm und too llttlo flnnn- cinl Common sense Is the cause of the troubles in tlio South uiidCoiitral Ameri can republics. The experience is costly but Itvlll do them u world ofyooJ. . How that tilmndant rains have as sured good crop. } throughout Iho state , croakers can find eonsolntlon In pre dicting n visit from the seven Icon-year locusts , All otlior hlffiis have fulled. UXIJKR the now census , Cook county is to have seven congressman instead of four. This will afford an opportunity for promoting Chicago boodle nlderman to positions in which they can distin guish thomsolves. j- UiXDiNutwlno is advancing in price. Tlio reason given Is .that 535 tons o ( it recently burned1 in Minneapolis. The real reason , however , Is tlmt the trust } ' , " * wanted to takoad vantage-of Iho demand , r | ivnil almost any pretext would have lioon BUftloicllt. Tlilirailroads ! propose to retaliate by rulslnj ' , rates on packing house uroduots and Itiinber if the reduction on grain is forced , The corporations should remem ber that two eiui play at Unit iyno. The power to reduce rates can bo exorcised through the length and breadth of the freight schedule. A GAxniDATis lor congress running loose In South Dakota Is reported as charging1 In nrooonl address that the English syndlento which bought up the breweries In the United Stales last year , before planking clown thu cash inndo n , ( hargnln with the national supreme ! court whereby Unoriginal package de cision was to bo rendered. Such va- porlngs tire an insult which iiitolli oiit votei-sot South Dakota will nroporly re sent at the polls. It is qullo clear that any man who would intike nuch assor- Qions Is a proper subjout for a luimtio usyluin. Gli.VBUAL , AlASTGUVO1IKM.W \ DKlti.Y is In favor of changing the manner - nor in whluh presidential uloctors are chosen. Ito wants the. election by ills- trlcts instead of states , so Unit if ono ] iart of the Btiilovos domomitio tvnd an other purl republican , then both parties would have representation. lie gives ns nn Instance the fact that the democrat ! ) of Pennsylvania nnd the republicans - publicans of Mississippi have no ropro- tontallon nt nil. Mr. Prnvderly will liardly be able to got u patent on this original Idea. Ills proposition was dis cussed nml disposed of moro than a lumilred years ago by the Iraniors of the federal constitution. SEOltKT.VliY WlXDOSt dojs not antici pate a dcllolt during the current llscal year If congress does not swell the up- proprlutlons beyond the amount now contemplated , but on the contrary ho figures that tlioro may be something re maining In the treasury ut the close of the year , The trouble with the socro- tary's ' estimate , however , is that he places tlio probable pension demand too low. A good result of tlio discussion of thla matter has Iwon to put a chock upon the extravagant tendency of congress , nndtliora is reason to believe thutthera will bo no further indulgence of the dis position to run into reekK'ss expenditure. It is stated tluit Speaker Hoed has an nounced that thcro shall bo no moro ap propriations for public buildings , and doubtless everything else for which there Is no urgent dcuiund will bo ul- lowcd tovull The message of Mayor Gushing to the city council , calling attention to the nec essity of vedistriellng nnd largely In creasing the polling places of tlio city , should rocolvo vareful conslderullon nnd ftuornblo niitloii. It Is a well known Mot that under present conditions It isutturly impossible to poll the full vote of the clly. Kven K It were possible to bring nil voters ers to the polls and ballots wore offered steadily from the opening to the close , it would hi ) a physical impossibility , with comiKitent and nellvo judges nud clerics , to accommodate all voters in a majority of the wards. At the clly obotloii lust December less than thirteen thousand votes were cast out of u total registration of seventeen thousand four hundred and forty-five. Thousands Of voter. ! wore pr.iet ioally dis franchised at that election , owing to the inability of the polling olllccr.s to handle the ballots olTored , especially during the noon nnd dosing hours. The issued In volved in the comiiiL'state election uro of sin'h Importance that It is certain the registered vote and Iho vote east will ex ceed twenty thousand. Provision must be made to handle this number without cMTuvdlng or confusion , arid give the judges nnd clerks reasonable time. Wo must avoid the rush by limiting the number of voters to each poll. The registered vote by vnrds nt the city election wis as follows : First ward . ' . . . 2,021 Stvoinl wanl ' . ' .JtT.I 1'liiril ' ward 2,751 Fi'UUtli wuril ' . ' , : ! < ) Fifth ward L'.O'.W sixth ward. . . . , lir ! ; l Seventh ward 1,2s * KiKhtli ward 1,170 Ninth ward 1,1:1 , " ) The First and Sixth wards each have three polling places , the remainder two each. The Third ward , with the larg est registered list In the city , has only t\vo \ pulling places , a number jiltorly In- Miitllclctit to accommodate the voters. Taking1 twenty thousand as the basis of the city vote next Novo mbcr , it gives nn average of nliira hundred and llft.y- two votes to oneh of the twonty-ono polls established nt present. To pall this vote the judges must handle an nvei-iigo of ono and a half votes per minute an impossible tislc : under the presc'iit reg istration law. In determining the limit of votes to each poll , the council should take In to con- ( " [ deration the cumbrous system of regis tration. The time required to llnd the voters' namcils an Important factor , nnd in addition the judges at eneh poll nt the state election will have at least 11 vo separate ballot boxes to look tifter. Al lowance must bo inndo for challenges and the time lost in answering questions. It is easy to see that in few if any polls an average of one vote per niluuto can be cast , and the immbiii * of votes to tlio poll must bo limited to leMsthun six hun dred , The experience of larger cities , with bettor laws , is that an average of four hundred votes to the poll Is all that can be readily fiandled and afford citizens and olliclals relief from the confusion of crowding. The number of polling places In Omaha should therefore be increased to fifty to meet the emergency. The in creased cost is Insignificant compared with the facilities nilbru'cd to secure a complete expression of public sentiment at the ballot box on vital issues aud in sure a prompt count of tlio voto. DKF1XIXO AX UltiaiXAL PACKAGE. The liouso of roprcsoiitlvcs will vote today on the original package bill which has heon under discussion for sov- ernl days. Of the several measures that have been proposed It is uncertain which if any will puss. For the Wilson bill , which passed the senate , providing simply thatintoxluatlng liquors imported into a state to bo sold or used there should bo subject to the Inwsof the state , the judiciary committee of the house re ported a substitute providing that all urtlelcs of com merce going into a state should bo sub ject to its laws. A very strong report accompanied this bill , but itlws not met with very extended approval for the reason that It is held to go much farther than the necessities of the situation re quire. Still it has received vigorous ad vocacy .in the house on the ground that if congress Is going into legislation of this sort It should make It thorough. Another measure , while providing that liquors Hhall bo subject to state lawn , de fines what shall constitute au original pnelcngc. It wiys that sucli puclf- ngo of intoxicating liquor , In bottles tles , shall bo a enso containing - - ing not less than ono dozen bottles tles , and nn original package of liquor not in bottles filial ! contain not less than live gallons. This applied only to liquor in3ilo In this country , that imported from any1 foreign country to bo still subject as to quantity to the laws relating to duties uKm ) Imports. This last measure has a strong sup port , particularly from the representa tives of city districts , nnd Its biibstitu- tion for the other measures Is not Im probable. It ib corlninly important , if tlioro Is any legislation on this subject , that It shall clearly define what shall constitute an original package. It has boon hold by some able lawyers that an original paulcago , within the moaning of the opinion of the supreme court of the United States in the Iowa case , Is-a pickago In which liquor is ordi narily transported for commercial purposes from state to state , such as iv barrel of gin , a keg of beer , or a case of brandy or champagne , But every ju dicial decision upon this question , so far asvo have observed , has hold that a single bottle or llask , no matter how small , was to bo regarded as an original package. In view of the fact that in the Iowa ease the boer offered for sale was la one-eighth and one-quarter barrels and sealed cases there is certainly good reason for assuming that the su preme court did not Intend that n bottle or llnsk should ho considered an original package , but since there U di versity of opinion as to this nnd the supreme - promo court may not soon have ar oppor tunity to make n dollnltion , it will bo well for congress to include ono in any legislation it limy enact on this subject. Under such a law us is proposed the original package business would be very promptly suppressed. The census bureau expects to have the record of population completed ao that congress may be enabled to frnme. nn apportionment bill by ArgiiHt 1 , nnd doubtless a mcns.trovlll bo ready for introduction by that time. It la very properly urged lhat Ibis work should , It possible , bo completed nt the present suasion , tm important reason for prompt action being , as suggested by the Is'ow Yorlr 'J'ritiunc ' , that whatever In crease In representation the now slates may bo entitled teen the bnsls of their population In IS)0 ! ) , they ought to be enabled to enjoy earlier Hum Decem ber 1 , 1S93. It would bo a great Injus tice to refuse to adjust the representa tion to the population until moro than three years after the taking of the cen sus , if such delay cnn bo avoided , If the apportionment is not made at this session it will not take cll'ect until members of congress sire elected two years hence , who will not meet and organize until the winter oMS02. If thet'o-ls a fch'ict and impartial al- lolmont of members according to popula tion the task of adjusting a now appor tionment will not be dllllcult. The Im pression is that thcro will beno material increase of the number of membord In the house , experience having shown that tha number la iilready to largo as to Im pair the ollleleiiey of the house for work or deliberation. Some opinions Insist that tlioro would TJO no disadvantage hi largely iiici-caslni. the membership , supporting this view by pointing- the much more numerous Itrillsh liouso of commons. Very lllcely the representatives of states which will make no gain from nnincroaso in the ratio of representation will bo found advocating this view and Insisting that the ratio Hindi not be much larger than now. Hut tlio largo majority will doubtless favor an apportionment which will prevent si ma'terinl Increase in the membership of the hotlso during the next ten years. It is not only a question whether the olllcloncy of the house for work and deliberation would suffer from materially enlarging its membership , but tlioro vould bo the necessity of finding other quarters forit , the hall of the house not having accom modations for many additional members. It is probable that in making the now apportionment congress will provide for remedying the unjust arrangement of congressional districts hi several states and nlbO for the prevention of gerrymanders. Legislation of this sort is demanded. . It Is expected that the new census will increase tbo repre sentation of nil the surely republican slates , with the single exception of Maine , and tbo western states will bo the largest gainers under the now ap portionment. A JUDIOIAT , determination of the boundary line between Omaha and South Omaha is a matter of importance to both. As long as the present dispute exists , public improvements between the two cities will bo seriously retarded , nnd the coiiillet of authority will impede the enforcement of municipal laws. The lognl ofllcials of both eitiesshould there fore agree on submitting the question involved to the tmprouio courljniidurgo tin early decision. TIIK Insinuatioa that certain South Omaha counclhncii made away with con slderablo corporation swng Is the Inven tion of nn enemy. The high character of the city dads , coupled with their rec ords as municipal legislators and con tractors , lift them above the influences of worldly dross and render them imper vious to boodle. Away with the ftlander and slanderers. IT is a significant fact that the ex posure of quacks and impostors by 'tho press invariably calls forth a deluge of vocal filth and falsehood. Even the cloth is no guarantee that the pretended wearer possesses the ojcrncnts of com mon decency or manhood , IP A majority of the board of educa tion is determined to make a change in the suporintondoncy of the schools , public Interests demand that it shall bcf for the better. Thcro must bo no steps backward In the management of the public behools. TICK cold water ( on the side ) bush whackers are attacking Dr. Mercer. A few weeks ago the doctor was , in their opinion , the noblest rcprchontatlvo of Douglas county republicans. Evidently the Broatch gang are playing prohib. TICK hilarity occasioned by the "find" In the county treasury has given way tea a painful anxiety as to the most expedi tious way of placing the surplus in circu lation. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Just Now On Top. Kcameu A'cit ) Km. It cireulntion amounts to anything In the way of influence with the iwoplo THE OMAHA Bm : is just now on top In this respect. Xol n. Tiling ol'ltcauty. Chicago Neict Since Mr. nialiso plucked the tall feather's * out of the McICinloy bill oven its most ardent sulmlrurd uro compelled to confess that it is not now us pretty as it was , A Fonni < liit > Io Itlval. 'J'lnnvtnn Citimtu HtpuUlean. The numerous candidates for governor will iind in Dr. Mercer of Omaha a formidable rival , .mil it would bo no surprise party to this observer if ho he the chosen ono. Out ) Aliend. Kanmia Cltu Jfliininl , "Idaho la the youngest stuto in the union , " says un oxehance , "hut it produces as much ttllvcr and Just m many UititoU States sena tors as one ot thooltlojt. " How tilxmt Now York , which has Evarts and Hlscock and Urleol A \Vlhl Western Invocation. . Arconllug ton consensus of press opinion , Mr. Henry \Vuttcrson is making a chump of himself with Ills dnlllosncked tilulatlous from the inouutain tops of Tennessee , Droj > your meat , you catamount , and como down and suufl inlut. HI ol u Goo il Hoard ofTYniisportalloii , It seems that , us usually , uot sunicient at tention Is paid to the election of good men for those state onlecs , with which the member ship In tlio hoard of transportation la con nected , though those onlcc * really are of more importance for the iwoplo than till the rest of them , Tliu governor himself has no author ity over this board , and consequently Inn not so much Influence on tlio Important Ques tion of rullroiiil rates as the live subordinate officers , the secretary of state , tlio attorney general , the state treasurer , state auditor aud corninlsstonoKlof pu'ih.limls ' . and buildings , who ronstltut * tlj i board. If the people want relief they tmm > UUR out Cor the election of Rood mon for lh. 4ooftlcos , men who will net In the Interest 6f the people , and can neither ho scared nor Wtirht. It is by no means Miniclent to nJpiollie re-election of Cowilory , Ucnton mid St'tVn , Tiiftso men \vlll nrouubly not bo propose ) tor nomination nud election. Hut men of the sumo stamp will bo offered. And the pconlu tufist have their eyes ooen , or else they will bo .deceived again. The rail road bosses \vll ) , us they nlwnys did , try nil their tricks for the betrayal of their people , ami wlllconccntrjto their efforts on these ofllces , so ns1 to sccurp for themselves the majority of the hoard , which has Iho right to llx the rales and to reduce them to a fulr amount. tj i'YIenil ol' HooiUcrs. Kaiifu city Jiiwnnl. Colonel Fellows announce * that DoLncey and Molonoy , the returned hoodlers , will bo tried in November , but he does not promise a conviction. Sonic time ngo Colonel Follows did promise a conviction of the boodlors if they over rotnriicd within his jurisdiction. The condition is fulfilled , but nobody expects that the promise will he. Put ol' Place. I'll/on. / The prohibition vs high license nrfiUtncnts between Messrs. Dickey nnd Sam Small on the side of prohibition mid Messrs. John L. Webster and E. Uo.scwnteroa the sideor high license Imvonllmn published la TnnOMMiA. rjin : , nnd it is safe to say have been pretty generally read uy the people of Nebraska. While the Union believes the argument put forth bythochrunpionsof high license will not hold water , it is frees to say that those gentle men were much more fair and innuly in the handling of their subject than were Messrs. Dickey and Small. Tlio abuses heaped xipon many prominent men of tills state by these Imported prohibition agitators was not only wholly uncalled for hut statements inndo in many instances untrue. Tlio statements ro- Kimllng Senators I'addock and Manderson were such as would have been beneath tlio dignity of the lowest ward politicians to make in n public speech. Tlio publications of the speeches , while it will not hurt prohibition with fair minded people , will not Incrensotho worth of Jlessrs. Dickey and Small in the estimation of the people of Nebraska. Tlio prohibition campaign should ho conducted in a line of education and rnllKlitmeiit rather than on the line of vituperations nud black guard I sin. sin.l OLlTloVvt. GOSSIP. Major Charles O. Bates wants to bo county attorney of Cin c county nnd Phil K. Winter thinks he can do him up. Major Uatc.s , he- sides being a distinguished ofllccr in the state militia , also ropivscntcd Nebraska nt one time as presidential elector. It was when Uushncll and \Vhooilon of Lincoln went down together nnd Charley Wilson of Sterling scored a sweepstake in brushing away the Hies for nn alternate's job. As the Gage county convention will not bo over until tomor row , tlio heartache is coiillnuiiif , ' . Francis Dunn has been nominated as the independent candidate for representative of Oolfux county. Mr. W. H. Jilunpcrof froinont Is at work on an elaborate and extensive denial of the charge that ho will run for congress on the democratic ticket. It Is now announced , nnd nn Instructed delegation proves it , that "W. II. Abbey of Kails City Is a candidate for secretary of state. Ho is nn ex-farmer and ex-newspaper man. lie served 0:1 tlio live stock commis sion in the days of Dr. Qcrth and Major Blrnoy. Ho expects to have some following from other couutib , mid tlio lUchnrdson dele gation will yell for him long nnd loud. Cln the struggle which takes place Wednes day evening1 , or , moro properly sneaking , which commences Wednesday evening , the man with a dozen votes i s not going to cut much of n figure. It will tate the neat sum of 410 to nominate. Encu county Is now developing material for chairman of the state convention. The man chosen should bo n blacksmith , so that ho could use his gavel with sonia effect. With over eight hundred delegates nnd most of them present , together with the army of lookors-on and nn exciting time predicted , It will take ft Napoleon to preserve order. Tlio Kearney Enterprise makes this im portant discovery : "Judge Kin cald says ho is not a candidate for congress in the Third district , and for the reason that Judge Harri son of Grand Island is un aspirant , It seems that the former had promised to retire from tlio field In thoovcnt'of tlioluttor'scandldacy. Judge IClnoald thus gives the lie to the oft re peated statement thut 'political promises nro never kept.1 " FYom all indications Mr. Council will re ceive the nomination. About all the counties in the big First have instructed for him. The ticket for the capital prize In the po litical lottery Wednesday is numbered . TIIK sLOcunrTTLAW. The following is a synopsis of the Nebraska high license local option law : Section 1 provides that the county lioartl of each county nuy grant license for the sale of malt , spirituous and vinous liquors , if deemed expedient , upon the application by petition of thirty of the resident freeholders of tlio town If the county is under township organ ization. The county board shall not have authority to issue any license for the sale of liquors in any city or incorporated village or within two miles of the same. Sections provides for the lillng of the ap plication anil for publication of the applica tion for at least two weeks before the grunt ing of the license. Section U provides for the hearing of the cn.su if n remonstrance is lllcd against the Itraiiting of a license to tlio applicant. * riirthcr sections provide for tlio appealing of the remonstrance to the district court ; the Jfimn of thollcenso ; the giving of n ? 5,000 bond by the successful upplioant for the li cense. Sections 8,9 , nnd 10 make it an offense , pun ishable by a flue of $ i5 , for nay licensed llciuor dealer to , sell intoxicating IJijuorto minors or Indian Section 11 provides1 that any person selling- liquor without n license shall ho lined not less than 3100 nor uibro than $ . " > ! > 0 for each olTenso ; nnii section 1 ! ) provides for the trial of such offenders , , . , ; Section Hi makes it au offense , punishable by a line of $100 mid , a forfeiture of license , for any licensed llnuor vendor to sell adul terated liquor. Section 14 makes It nn offense punishable by n line of $100 for any per > ou to sell or ulvo away any llijuoron-Hundny , or on the day of any general or speniftl election. Sections 15 toSJl . .inclusive , dcllnotho lia bility of baloonkeepeirs for damages sustained by any ono in consequence of the traftlo and provide the step'necessary to collect such ' ' ' claims , Secttoik 21 related to the issuance of drug gist1 } ' pi'rmits. Tim loeal option icaturo of the law is con tinued in section iio , the salient part of which reads. ' Tlio corporate- authorities of all cities nnd villages shall hove power to license , regulate nud iiroliibit the selling or giving away of niiy Intoxicating , malt , spirituous aud vinous liquors , within the llmlta of uuch city or vil lage. This section aUo lixes the amount of the llcenso fee , which shall not belojs than S"iOO In villages and cities having lass than 10,1)00 ) Inhabitants nor less than { l.OUHn cului having a population of morn thin 10UI'J. ( Sections : M and 7 ivlato to druggists' rog- htersmid jiuualUes for violation of the rules governing tlio same. Section makes drunkenness nn offense punishable by n line of $10 and costs or im prisonment not excelling thirty days , Sf < : tiim yj provldat Unit the doors and windows dews of biiloous shall bo kept fwofro.il scivcns or blinds. AJB It'S O * ' Xfl K A O It THtl US T. Xebraskn. Politics absorbs every city for a few days. Bold burgle men are working Central City. Uurnell now has a lodge of Modern Wood men. . The Oration Lender h.n siupnndcil publica tion. tion.S. S. C. Woodruff has punihused the Strains- burg Republican. Two rnttlo thieves giving their nnines ns Atbrlglitniid Gibson have been captured at Cliiul roii. ICnox county is going to Indulge In a county scat light. A scheme for n division of the c6mity Is also on foot. President Power * of Iho state alliance will address thencoploof Atkinson upon the is sue otthoda.vun IMday , August ! ! . The furmc-r.-t of Wnwuod wlio hitched their teams while they vent to the circus , lost all the Ivory rings that were on their horio.i. There will be trotting nnd running races nt the fair grounds utNcllgli , Saturday. July'X Nona but horses owned in Autelopj couifty will bo allffwcd to entur. The next tinnuiil meeting of the Nebraska association of Trotting Hoiv ) Breeders Is to bo held nt Fulriiury , Neb. , August ll ! to I1,1 ! , for which we acknowledge complimentary. The Lyons Mirror records this society Item : Mrs , Omaha City , an Omaha Indian , nnd four children worn riding in a wagon near tlio Omaha ngcucy last Monday , when a stroke et lightning Killed both horses without any InJury - Jury to the woman mid children. Ofllccrllallof Beatrice found a fair somnam bulist walking tlic streets about 1 o'clock ' In the morning , lie followed her and culled her , and at lirst thought she was a ghoit. Laying his hand on her shoulder she a\volo unit fainted in his nrins. and now the entire police force Is looking for more of 'cm. ' ASreely ( county paper says : There lias boon a great deal of talk of I.ne about the ter rible tlnanchil condition of the coulity. lint the fact is the county is In bolter shape than it was a year ngo. Tlio total assessment for last year was * lU , uii.r,7. : : Tills year It is $1,101,070.01. Tlio total nirountof levy this year on all funds lh # 1(1,570.17. ( At present there is $11OiiWlin claims of various kinds to be drawn from this fund Immediately nftur the meeting that commences today. This wi 11 leave StWi.-i ) ; : ) to bo drawn oa in the future. Last year in the same month there was only abput ? i,000 to draw upon. Iowa. The old court house at Mirshalltown is to ho converted into an original package house. While watering stock Thomas MoGiiTen. nu nged niut prominent fanner living near l'\ilr- ' lleld , fell Into the water and was drowned. W. II. Ilamnor , ox-treasurer of the Ked Koclc school board , lias boon arrested , charged with embezzling- funds of the district to the extent of &t7l , ( .hissio Watts , a three-year-old Dubu < i\io boy , foil from a stairway a distance of twenty feet and struck on his head 011 a brick , caus ing fatal injuries. KogcrQ. Mills , the Texas congressman , hat consented to deliver an address on the tuilit at the CJrcston hluo grass palace exposi tion some time in August. An idiotic pr.ietlerl joker at Ashley UKH- eucd the rope.i of a hammock , causing Mrs. Deimor , a young married lady , to fall und permanently injure her spine. Fanners in the vicinity of Jinplcton have formed a stock company for the purpose of building n Hist class creamery. A sulllciont sum has been subscribed and tlio work of building will begin at onco. The postmaster of Ghnriton , In. , makoihls patrons pay I cent extra for advertised let ters when they are claimed by the rightful owners. This is presumably for tlio purpose of covering the expense and annoyance of ad vertising the same. An Indian burying ground was unearthed at Livermore the other day by u party of ox- cavntors. A number of skeletons In u , sitting post uro were found about three feet below the surface. Tlio graves wow located 011 a high mound ovcrloolclng the river. A fanner mimed ITutik , living near Parkersburg - burg , met with a terrible accident. His team ran nwny mid ho was thrown out and dragged a considerable distance , his left arm catching in a barb wire fence , lacerating it so badly that amputation was necessary , .T. M , Punk , n farmer near Webster City , hns within a short time , lost 250 young pigs. ' .I'lio animals seemed to get along all right un til they were from four to six weeks old , when they were suddenly attacked with some strange malady and continued to fail until they died. Al ( Iriftin , agent for an original package house at Ottumwn , became tired of life and attempted to shoot himself through the ab domen with n revolver. The bullet struck a button nnd was turned from its course , mak ing a slight Ilcsh wound , hut sufllclcnt to dis pel all further thoughts of suicide. Samuel Ilonecker , a native of Switzerland , was sent to thu Mount Pleasant insane asylum from Davenport the other day. In his exami nation before tlio commissioners of insanity lie stated that ho was king of France , where- ho had a palace much larger and handsomer than the Scott county court house , and said that when at homo ho beheaded people with an nx that cost $20.000. Ho also Imagines that ho is worth 810,060,000 and tnat ho came to this country in a balloon. Ilojoiul tlioHocklcfl. The southern California fruit canneries nro short of help. The estimated population of the state of Washington is 50,000. There are 23,000 Chinese in San FYancIsco according to the census , a gala of 2,000 , in ten years. It Is said that Dig Timber , Mont. , is the largest wool "shipping point on the Northern Pacific this year. A movement is on foot , backed by European capital , to endow an. ostrich farm at Me- Nuughlvillo , Wash. The Idaho republican convention to nomin ate candidates for state officers will bo held at Boise City , August ' _ > 0. Chinamen at Butte , Mont. , who will not pay their poll taxes are lined 5 and compelled to work ont tlio line on tlio Mrcets. The total shipments of wool from ( Jrcut Fulls , Mont. , over the Great Northern up to last Friday amounted to 1,100,000 pounds. During their nights of watchfulness the Ogden , Utah , police this month succeeded in arresting 1SU plain and gilt-edged criminals. The Northern Paeillo has am Indians cut ting wood between Hoeur d'Alono and Mis sion. Idaho , and they are said to ho good workers. A Chinaman who rented 200 acres near Florence , Los Angeles county , California , lias planted it to potatoes , and says ho will clear SHS.OOO from tie | crop. The fruit shipments from orchards on tlio .Sacramento river soutn of Sacramento , Cal. , nro becoming so heavy that the Southern Pa- title company hns put on an additional steamer to assist in moving the crops to ttiat city. city.The cage containing the old lioness in Kob- Inson's circus was closed here , as she gave birth to three little-linm on Monday , bays the Deer Lodge , Mont , , Silver State. Mr. Low said that ono of them would bo named Deer Lodge , ono Montana and the other Precinct 111. 111.Mat Murphy of Santa Hosa , Cal , sent his wife to a wino cellar after wino , und because Bho did not return right away ho went to sue what tlio trouble was , taking a gun witli him. Ilo found her bilking to n man and nt nncaoi > cncd lira , wounding his wife's ' com- minimi. Mill-nilv U In 1ill. I'M./ . . . . . .l.tlrll . : > . . . J , . . . * Idaho's apportionment for public surveys far the current llsc-al year Is ยง 10,000. Contracts - tracts involving the full amount of the up- portloninent have already been awarded. These contracts embrace lands m the Teton Hasln and other parts of Ilingliuin county ; homo townships near Mountain Homo ; jwr- tlons of Custor and Alturas counties , and Boino public lands In Kootcnai county. It is some what remarkable that in the county of Cowlltz , WiMhlngton , acounty that h as boon settled forty years , tnat has 7,000 inhabitants , thirty miles of rallro.id and has the second largest court house in thosUitoof Washington , thcro should be u part of tha Hold untroddenty \ the foot of n white man and less known to civilization thun Is the heart of Africa. About llfloen townships within tlio county uro nnsurvoyed. A. portion tion of the mnurvoyed tract Is occupied by white settlers , hut fully half of it is a douse , impenetrable wlhlernms. The outlook for a rich harvest of hay and grain along tlio Yellowstmio and its tributary valleys lu Montana was never moro favor.tblo than at prus'Mit. ' The abundant and timely rains of tlio pnt tlirivj months have rendnnul irrigation almost umiivonaiiry nml nmchini'ii ronllilontly itxpwl a yitud fully 50 iur cent butter than lh.it of last yimr. Nullv grass Is knco high on the r.mgtvt , nntl along the river hottnniHu plentiful Miipply ran bo out to lu a through the coming winter , no matter how uc.cro It n.ay be. CHLOROFORMED AND ROBBED , How Lincoln Burglars Kept a Family and \7ntoli Dog Qnlot. A VERY SCIENTIFIC PLUNDERING RAID , Mncolii Ij-\w Holiool Tlio P.nlild l'r.Hlicr AVoiniui-Scliiiill AVIM I'niscuulo tlio Captain of Po lice Corner Stone Lixcoiy , Kcb. , July SO.-fSpcclul to Tin : HKI : . ] A sturtllin ; euso of burglary was w- iwrtcil at tlio police station toilny Unit shows Hint the thlovcsvoro exports nt Ihclr profe.4- slon , niul by their sciontillo Unowlcviso poi-- formed tholf Job skillfully nud 'siifcly. The family robbed w.w that of Mr. Add Is on T\\Tiitloth and H strocti , niul the moinboM niulcvon the faithful watch ilpg showun- inlstiilcablo ovldctieos todny of having bucn chloroformed , and the attendant Clrctnn- stniR'es of tbo burglnry nro proof that the lilunderow could not have othcrvviau uccoiu- lillslicd their work. Tlio burnlnrs cffec'tcil nn entrance Into the house by cutting the three sides of n wire scivon In the window on tlio east side of the bouso opcniiiK Into the sitting room. As the window was up the burglurs had no further trouble In petting Into the Mouse. A great barrier to their wild , however , was Hid watch doj ? tlmt was sleeping on his used muster's pantaloons , Hut BO mo soporific son was applied to him and subsequently to tlio members of the f.imily and the thlovi'.s having thtn # all their own way litcr.illy turned orerytliing upside down and coiiipleU'ly riiusaclcod the liouso. Tliev stolualltho silverware , Mr. Addit' watelihfs pocketboolc with ? l'"i in it , u liandsoino vnliso helonglii ! ; to Mrs. Addis , Iho boat clothes In \yanlrobp and a innnbor of other articles. Tlio b\irilars next tackled the luniso of Olllivr Kane , Justeaitof the Addis rc.sldeneo , and cut the screen in the window opening into the room used for storage purposes. They could gel no further , however , as the door opening into the kitchen from this apart ment was locked. It was evident that tlio follows thought that Ivann was still on tbo night shift of tbo police unfl were not awarn that tlio ofllcur was transferred yestiTiliiy to the liny forco. It is probably very lucky 1'or the follows that they got no fur- tlicr than tlio storage room us the olll- corhns a formidable looking Mix-shooter that ho ki'cn In re.ulinc.vs for such visitors. The ilrst intimation Mr. Addh had of the robbery of his house \vas when ho awoke very Into this morning and discovered his dog lying pa hit bai'lc us tlioiiRh iioad. Ilo ulfio experienced the greatest dlfllculty in nrous- Ing liis nied wife and their daughter , a widow lady. .Mr. Addis himself felt unusually dull and it was several hours before ho roulU shako oil' the lethergiu feeling that had taken possessisn of him. There was also noticeable u peculiar smell in tlio rooms. The best efforts of the police has failed yet to give any duo to the identity of the bci'en- tlllc hurglms. WH.I , LAY THE COI1XT.H HTONB. Tlio laying of the comer stone of the Kmunucl M. K. church occurs tomorrow evening at Thirteenth and U streets at S p. in. The exorcises were hilled to occur last Mon day , but were postponed on account of tbo tliiviitculng aspect of tlio sky. Tlio major portion of the Methodists of the city will be in Attendance to witness the impressive and Interesting ceremonies. Kev. licoruo O. Furguson of University Place will deliver the dedicatory address. Till' I'ltATIIKI ! CASE. Considerable surprise wivs expressed tlmt the Jury that listened to the trial of the no torious Lou Prathor , the female who so vic iously bit and otherwise resisted Constable Ilinger , should fail to agree. There wore hint- ! previously alloat that the Jurv had been "paclted , " but the failure of the quartette to agree shows that part at least , of the Jury. men were men that could not bo bought. There wore a multitude of witnesses who testified to seeing tlio terrible disturbance juado by the foinalo , while all the ladles in the neighborhood were forced listeners to the language she used. The ciiio will bo tried iigain July ! il. A movement is helnir made to cause the removal of the I'ratber woman from the respectable ncluhborliood in which she lives , as it is asserted that she is not what she should bo , and all the ladies in the vleln- ity nro in constant terror of her. It is not yet determined whether or not nn- other complaint of malicious destruction of property will ho lodged ngalnst the female oa account of the destruction of a silver caster , hanging lamp , rich rugs , etc. , rather than pay for them. Further prosecution will de pend on the result of the next trial , as the owners of the property destroyed express themselves as being satisfied with tlio female being punished only once for all tbo misde meanors laid nt her door. * LINCOLN LAW SCHOOL. The persons interested in tbo Lincoln law school that was only a venture twelve months ngo. nro satisfied with the work of the institution the past year and uro making efforts to make the enterprise u permanent affair. The following faculty have been chosen for the coming year : W. Henry Smith , Lincoln , dean and pro fessor of contracts and corporation law. ' tames AI , Woolworth , Omaha , professor of general Jurisprudence. T. M. Marquett , Lincoln , professor of con stitutional and Interstate laws. Joseph K. Webster , Lincoln , professor of equity Jurisprudence ) . .lolm G. wiitson , Nebraska City , professor of criminal law. Herbert J. Davis , Omaha , professor of law torts. Henry MvVHsou , Lincoln , professor of law evidence. 4 > TiuTiin : CAITAI.V or i-oi.ici : . Carl Schtmtt , tbo grocer nt 1111 South Tenth street , declares that lie has not dropped tlio prosecution of Captain Carder for assaulting him on Thursday night in front of his own store , as is asscrte'd. Hchmitt says that the trial of the police captain occurs in Justice Coohran's court at 11 n. in. tomorrow and ho declares that ho is ready for n vigorous prosecution of tbo case and will see that Carder is lined. Captain Carder denies the allegation that at the time of the trouble ho was drunk and expresses coasidcrablo regret that a slight niistuko should cause so much trouble. MR. POlMMuKTONS' OPINION. OMAHA , July 10 , To the Editor of THIS Iii ) : With reforonuo to tbo proposition to extern ! the charter of the American water works , it is to bo hopo.l that tlio citi/ens of Omaha will not ho BO blind to the unmistak able signs of the timoj a i to permit the ex tension upjn any consideration. The city can botteralTord to p.iy for theoxtrn hydrants needed than to extend the franchise for other twelve years. As City Attorney Poppleton buys in Ids excellent report on the petition forufiiini'liItoUi another company , recent Investigations show tlio wisdom of municipal ownership of all lighting , water supply and public transportation. The interest manifested throughout Iho on- tlro country in the recent magazine articles describing tliomuiiicipulsy.stoinsof Olasgow , Birmingham and llcrlln , tlio latter of which was copied In Tin : HKI : of Juno ! > , shows that tlio time is rlpo for what some one has called municipal socialism. A comparison of tbo clectrlo liirhtlng In Iho vaiious cities of America published In TIIK HKI.several ; months ago proves pretty clearly that it is to tliu ndvantngo of cliliu to own and operate their own plants. To any ono who has talked on this subject with tlio business men and the people in gen eral , it Is abundantly evident tint a great change has como over public opinion , not only with respect U > municipal ownership of the various systems , but also with respect to gov ernment ownership of the railroads and tclo- gnuihs. Making every allowance for "boodlo , " which soenis to have become so common ni to excite no surprise , not to spcu'c of hearty , wlmlo-soulod coutoinpt , it ntlll remains that the advantages ho with public ownership and that the day for private or corpjr.ito control of municipal systems U rapidly parsing away. One feature in the composition of the coun cils in the tiiivo cltlm mentionoJ above which might ba eoplod with profit In ouriltv , Utluit roprotiuntiitlvo num of tbu hlgh'xst honor and integrity are sulrctod as members. Any one whoa \ unumlnUxl with the condition of our cltloti will admit that wo might leant the los. on with advantage and bid good-bvoto parly spirit in our city elections , UJ.N IX Til 13 HOTUN'WA. . H. II , Clarke wns seen by the Itotumli nmn at the Mlllui-d niuljn n running and pen- ' ciiil conversation , said tlmt when tlio Mis / ' souri Pacllk- line between Otnnlm nnd Ne braska shall bo completed It will shorten the rnll dlstunco between those rllles to fifty mile * , niul also nmko his line tlio shortest ono between Omnlm nnd Kaunas City. Mr. Cl.irko stntetl , lu reference to the union depot now being constructed , that the Missouri fIt souri I'liellle held nn option upon track privi leges Into It nnd may possibly join the Iowa roads nud gain entrance to the union depot upon nn criutil footing with nil competitors. Speaking of the much mooted line to South Dakota Mr. Clavlto snlil that the Missouri 1'aclllc woulil not extend It1 * system north of Omaha , M In his opinion roads now occupy ing that territory would eloso the gap in good time , llo expressed the opinion tlmt Omaha would prolll Inmicimiriibly by such a road , nnd that as n city she should exert every olTort to securer.n early connection with the South Dakota country. "Yes , 1 notice marked evidences of growth In Omaha sineo I loft thh city , " concluded Mr. Clarke , "and I ran see nothing but a bright future In store for her. My trip this time is. purely ono'of recreation-simply wanted to llnd a cool retreat and escape for it tiino the intense heat of St. Louis. Mat Oreevoy , the nctlvo traveling pas- soiifier ngent or the Union Paclllo , returned Friday from ono of mnny business tours of the state. "You ought to see tno delegations of broUcn-wlmlod prohibit Ion injUiiloM that nro tramping over this stiite , " said lie upnn beliiif urged by the Kotnnda man for a lallc. " 1 run across several such outllts every trip I make. They claim to bo redeeming NV- braskn. Asa rule they nro inado up of limg- faoed o.\horlers and hook-nosed women. Km < \ ono claims to liavo u mi.ss.ion that of saving the homo. They have nothing to say about taking enre of their own homes don't sup pose they have tiny. What iniikes mo so tired is that wherever they nru they want everybody near them to know their business or their mission H 1'rohlbillon U talked pretty generally by pas senger. * up nnd down the stale , nnd 'tla-se self-appointed redeemers at so much a redeem will move up close to passengers who may bo dis-cusslng the question ninl invariably put m their lip , and by loud talk will soon bo sur. rnundeil by every one in the ear. This is | i a object sought , nnd then commences the sau.o old , worm-eaten chestnuts , the sumo sti-ren- typcd lectuii ) that 1 havu heard \rrsinrol was a boy in Pennsylvania. They t.dk ami net as though they were after notorli'ty much moro than tlioy nro after prohibitiun votes. "Hut the Ilnatrieo debate lias fur- nlslied the elti/ens of Xc ! > r.ika a fund of aivuineiit to imvt tbeso tr.unns , viiml tliey consequently moot wit u in.iny decisive repulses. Uusinoss IIUMI a a rule arc found on the trains ami I notii-e ti-oy have digested the high license nrgmai-iiis of ISIr. Kosowatcr and are making good ii.sr uf the indlsputabfe facts and figures presented by him. "IJut I must tell- you of n significant In- sUmcothntcaino under my observation. I happened to bo foigniin ? sleep la my scat coming In from Cii-.nid Island tlio otlior day and 1 heard a conversation between two pro hibitionists which ninusud mo greatly. I gathered from their talk tlmt they had es sayed to take up the pace sot at He.itrico and had in previous "lectures" attempted to com bat the argument that prohibition means commercial stagnation. Wolfenbarger hail _ obviously called them down on this nnd told thorn to stick to tlio old line tbo home and the family. Tills tlioy apparently didn't like , believing that it loft alone they could eonip Ictely nmiilillnto tliu arguments of Hosowater and AVebster. IJut the quirk jierccntloii \Volfenbargcr saw breako" * iiliL'iiuiind lie had Instructed thorn to tahua rest en any new argument. " Ilnslini ; * and Hoatrleo. To the Editor of TUB Ur.n : To decide a bet , please give at your earliest convcnkmco the populations of Hastings and Huitrieeau shown by tlio olllcial census of 1S1K ) . Yours respectfully , Fitim n. HOWAUO. Thooflleinl figures imro not been uiiulo pub. lie and will not lie given out before full , Ac cording to figures generally nccoptoil to bo , correct , Beatrice has liJ.JKS and Ilnstings IS- 030. Itepiibllcaii Stuto Convention. The leimhllcnn elector * of llio Rtato of Nn lirnsku nro requested to send dnli'Katrs from tlii'lr several countli's to meet In eonventlon In tlio clly of Lincoln , Wednesday. July l , uts o'clock p. m. , for tliu purposu of placing In iioiiilnatiou uundldatos fur tliu following stutfl ollloes : ( lovornor. Iilpiitonnnt Onveirnor- Soeretury of Htale. Auilltorof I'nlillu Auuounts , KtatuTcnasiirer. Attorney ( ieiiuial. CoininlhsloiiuroC I'uhllo Lands and Hiillil- siiuor'nti'iidcnt ' of Public Iiiitrncllnn. Anil Iho triinsiu'llon of such otlu-r liiislncij 'IH limy como licforo tlio cnnvDiitlgn. TIIK jU'POHTlON.MKNT. Thosovonil ciiiuitH'S iiro unlltloil to rnpro- scntiitlon us inllows , ix-lnic bast'il uima tlid vntiiciiht for Him. Ocorco II. Iliistliigs , unnl- ilentlid ii'itorln | ! ISM. ulvliiK < ) iiodiloKalo-ii | . iiirgo to ciicli coiinly , and ono for i.'HL'li l.VJ voles and llio major fraction tliuirof : It Is rtt > imimiidi ) | ! < l that nn proxies ho nil- niltttid to tliociinroiitlon. andtlmtthudolit- Kiilcs prt'vnl bo autliorl/.uil to cu.st tliu full vote ot till ) ilclocatUm , It. I ) . HICMAIIDH , Chulrmau. WAI.T M. SUKI.KV Hourutnry. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Subscribed and Climruiilmid Capital..t > Ynm ( I'nlil in Capital : ivwu ) lluyn iiiui sullx Htoelis anil ImiuN : nogollutoM Roiniiiorulitl | iuiiri | ; ruenlvoi niul OXIIUIIKH trnstH ! Hutu : IK trans fitriiKonl and trnntcu of corporations , taltus uhurgu of tiropurly , col- luc'U tunes. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OmahaLoan & TrustCo SAVINGS BANK. S.E. Cornet10th and DouglnsSts I'alil Int.'iiulltil SSMH ) SiiliHorlliuil anil Ciianintooil l.'uiiltul , . lontn Liability of tiiockliulilPM ' 'JU.UJO & I'fr Cent Iiiliirnnt I'ulil on Deposit * . I'HANK ,1. I.A.NOi : . t'ublilcr ' OHlcorsA. : \Vyman. . | .iiv-ld < nil , J.J. llniwn. vK'o-jiiualilent , W.T , Wynian , lioHsnrtT. DlruutnrH-A. I' ' . Wyniiiii. J. II. Mlllanl , J. J llrtiwii. Uiiy C ) . llurtiin. K. W. Nubh , J. Uluibu.'l , Qcur.-u 11.