Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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    DAILY BJ3JU , ALONDAY , JULAT 21 , 1800.
_ _
Olilcngo Times ! .Along In the iprinjj
nnd fall of 1670 I wnrin salesman In tlio
commissary dojiartmcnt of Price fc
King's camp- railroad catup in Ali
zarin , Plttrnimalloy , "i'uvniil county.
Notlcpsthnn COO men wcro Ihoro cm-
plojctl , embracing all nallonnlltios. Tlio
long-halroil , good-natured Sueelo shov
elled and picked beside the fim-lovlnif ,
quick-wlllud Iridtiinnii und thophlcjf mal
ic ' .Teuton duiup and levelled the fo.ul
bed no > l tlio wide avalco American anil
stolid Itnllnn.
1'ilcoit ' Klnjj woio contrnc-tois siml
woio building tlio Atlantic & I'nclfio
railioad tlio Cnllfoiniii connection nt
Albuquerque , N. M. , of the Atchison ,
Tojioka it Santa I'o. Thu'o timtuutora
\\eMonoltliootily one , however , who
wi'ii1 cMiffngcd liicpoatlntfii new ni'tory
binding Iho great cnst vllh Its pawky
but fust proninc brother , thoifi'uat west.
On tlio contrary , tlioro were at least fifty
otliern , but all of them combined would
not maltu an largo a campus Hint of the
txvo conlrac'tor.s lofeirud to.
j\mong \ liuMilt-edit of workmen In
tliiswiltt foimtr ) wcio inauyold iiiiuci-s
from tlio fin rounding moiui talus called
the San Francis-co elinlii wliohad failed
to "pan out" jind who , becoming
"elrupiiuil , " wt'io compelled to no to
woik to got what they tinned a "tfiub
Kttike. ' " Most of them wire hindy
A iiic'riiimtf ' , not a few beliiLp foi'tyninci-s
uliohnd made and Miunmleicd fortunes
In the glorioiiH days of great Rold finds.
Tlit einon , as a rule , liud itpait from
tlio otlmrH , as , In fact , ww : tliu ca'o with
thootlicr n.iUonnlitli's. At 0 o'clock In.
the evening , when tlio timoliueju'r rode
ul imp- the line of the mad bed aiiiioinic-
Ing the I'loso of the day's labor , tlio Ital
ians trwlfrtd oil in oiio direction , the
Gvunann in another , thoSwcdu.s to tlioir
o\\n quarters and the Americans to
theirs. It was thuioforu but natural
'when a newcoinor iuinipcil into cjunp
and ( fol u job-anjbody fjot a job that
wanted it , all that vim necessary beliifj
to buy a pick and shovel , f i\o \ hh name
to the overt-tier , and go toorlc without
lug -it wan tliurcforubutiiiittiitil
I say for the tiottc'omor to take Ills
kt't to tlio camp of his follows.
Ik'ing in the coiTimissiarydeiwrtniont
I had of coimo much opportunity for
( studying thcHO rougli , outbiiokcii men.
All oT tlii'iii had to buy their necofesir-
ies , excepting food , at the loinmlbi-iiry.
It was the only stoio within a nulitis of
lifly mile" , the nearest bcliif , ' nt Pri > scott -
cott , ticrosa the range. Thus it nun that
pMiry evening manj of llioao men want
ing a pound of "navy cliowin' ' , " a woolen
Hlilrt , or apuir of canvass trousers \\ith \
copper rncled buttons , would lounge
uljout the unid-cliinked log house und
engage in frcnoral talk , This was es
pecially tine o ( Americans , the c > tlicrs
bcominy to bo thinking contirwlly
of tlielr lovi'd ones in dear old fathor-
Innd. or el-o uere enprtigcd in luteliln }
up \utbliliig ; their tfonorally welM\orn
rotifrh clothing , I'lio .Amoiiean boldoin
Bcwod or patched up his { rarmcMits.
" \ Vhonthcjyiiofnlling apirt ho
to the commissary ixucl pinchii'-ed ' new
OIK'S. The pntioiH , suviiif * foroignordid
this \\hilo tli rc'.id ' or wooden piib could
kcoi > tkoin together ,
There was ono Atnoricnn , liowever ,
who was , an ex < option to this rule , and I
liad only IjL'oiviiu 0.11117) a wcok bofoio I
discovered it. Ho ncitly hpoko to hit *
null's , and when ho did it VIM : in a biiap-
jiy , Hnarlisti manner. Ho becimo ilis-
ilKed iinunfi \ looked upon finally \\lth \ \
susiclon. [ Tliat \va-uplo home doh-
Twnito itetor ] iacl committed some terri-
bio crime in the stales for vhicli hiscon-
sclotico was lashing him was the Una belief -
lief of all the moii in liiscamp. Iloivas
niocoso and billion at nil times. In np-
poaraiico thia individual , who , by the
way , vas known only ai"Giouch" by his
follow-labororfi. thouyhho li.ul given the
name of 13111 Hardy to the timekeeper ,
van tall , bony ana angular. His hair
and beard , coaibo and ( stringy , was the
color of brick du-it. A cook eye and
liiokon ncho did notsono toonimncoliis
peneial apiioai.mcuvlillu ahidioushair
lip anil a dull i eel < * ur on the left cheek
f-erved only touiib.ince the man's abao-
late uglim' . There was no doubt ol
Ills being- the ugliest man in the camp.
When ho ( h'ht arrived he , like all
others , was a. , ked "wlur lie cum frum , "
imd in hisbavage way icplied , "frum no
liar in ji'ticldor. " His answer scltled
further questioning on this subject and
"Orouch" wns allowed to keep to him-
Ft'lf ' all informatioa on this point. Bui
it did not make him friends. As undo
vlion a nowiomcr blacked up in this
w cum ] ) "fur a voi'kln' spoil , " ho was geiv
" crally talicii in hiinciuy ono of tlio boys
who shaiL-el liia hut niiel blanket with
him until lie \uw able to provide for him
self , lillt tlllH V118 HOt tllO ClbO With
Grouch , wlio , for \u nt of/butter qutir
tors , betook himself to the toutliorlj side
of a hujjoinalpl rock orbouldoi' ' , ayuin&t
vhich ho placed a few boughs toho.ul oil
the Mind , A day or bo after Gioucli g-ot
In tjoaio of the boj5 inUsccl little arllclos ,
hut they asked no questions after look
ing at his sautfe , u < ? lv fnco and obiorv-
hiK" the glare In his milk covered e\es.
"IJeokon ho don't ' vnnt no p-iruuor , "
observed Willis Uarton , itn old-timer ,
ono day aftorho and tlio boys hadslxed
the ugly follow up thenoughly. * 'Ylt il
teems only ilglit tor try nn' chuorhiin
up a bit , " anil tlio next day ho bcfrtin
ehovclling alonysltlo Grouch and trying
.tobceoaio ftlondly. His otTort to bo
uolfjhboi-ly occupied the epuco of jitbt
about ton minutes , at Iho end of vliioh
J tlino ho HienKeel Lu-k to his pluco near
Doc UurrtnvH , ronurklnp tliitt 'tlio el n
coyote \v\\e \ \ unthin" but a el n grouch. "
That's \\horo IJiird1 , got the name of
Months rolled on. Grouch remained
IIH | own coinjiany and the lioyHgiivohim
no further thought , llo wns looked
upon as iv iliingurous dl ease anil therefore -
fore religiously fihunneil. At niffht
when they failed to show up iibottt the
eoimnissiry eloortntho hoyn put in the
ovenliifT at Ahirt X.odin'.s wtlewn , iv log
hut , with a rouyli , unplanod ktr , three
! Ii' four tables , nnd a dwonor MI ohairH.
Marl was well known , for lie hael fol
lowed the camp from Foil " \Viiiblo\v , a
govern moat post , to his prebont lociv-
tlein , it distntu'c ) of perhaps two hundred
m 1108. 3Io be > hl \\-lilhkynt t onty-fio
cents n di-lnkandsorveditup iiitinenps ,
ahvius taking- euro to iioui1 out
the llory lli\ild ( hlmsolf. Ho did not do
this boemiho ho wa ufiitd the hoyr. would
_ _ ovotdo the tltHO , but simply a.sun art of
courtesy. At least ho H > informed his
patrons. "Draw" wastho favorite gtiino
mill many high bets of { jolel pieces woto
frequently wagered.
Onoo\cttiiiK , the orbix months utter
Groiioh hud "locatecl , " the boys \\hilo
Ftixndin about blurt's -pliieo iiotit'od a
etraiigorleatiin r against tlio blde > ol the
lint , bis hands in his nocliets and look-
lii } - absently up the MilloOf , \ cour-o
tho.boyM talke'd , wondoreil who ho was ,
aneii Dually determined to Had out , IIo
wna loobO jointed : vml bhort , freckled ,
led-liL-aeloel , unit npaio. Thiit ho was
but u moro Mriplliii ; was evident from
the fuzz on his chin and lip.
'hot's him hlrn for ainliilt tin' see
who ho IB , " Hild Doe Hun-own , who had
loootvod his lltloboeaiiho of hib cleverness -
ness in lutehlng- ( jashcs or dicing
c\ut \ bullets \\lienanyof thobo.vihap-
iioned to have anvniibiiiit'icrbtitiidini , ' .
Dee , too , was looked upon as a i-oi-t of
r _ ho nl nuin or leader by tlio .Amoilmns ,
and when he raid anything it generally
\\ont , bo to apeak. This might ha\o
bveu bocauboof his handiuc:3 with hia
rovolveror it might not. At any rnto
Uoc'to n certain extent ruled the ranch. 1
' That's PO , Doc , " paid ono of the bojs , '
"but what kin a toilers-ij to such alone-
fomopilouv bone" . Ef jou wit/.to cut
his Btisponders lio'd IIy up in the air. I
MiKlit ax him furto tnko fust plc-k In the
nowifi'tuoyard , but then Bile died last
week , you know.1
"Ax him totnlwsec'n pick'suggested '
" .Say Eomdhin' , " coinmnntled Doc ,
looWnir utrahrhtnl Big I2dwhoebedlent- ,
ly aiipro.ichcd tlio llguro leanintr iigainst
the hut wall.
"Hullo ; Htwngor , vho air jo an1 whar
air to frumV"
Tlio fh'uro turned slouly nnd nllo\\cd
his rocklnt-liorsu eyes to scttlo on
lligl'd. Then in a few moments ho 10-
plied :
"I'm Jasper Hurt , an' I'm frum Boon-
ville , Cooper county , Mhzoom , on the
Mi//oor.i river , 1111' HO kin ial o more
( 'rapes than ennj blamed county in tlio
central lurto'.tlic state. "
"IIo v nohow ? "
"Don't use her , "
"llvorlleltor upV"
"Nope. "
lieturnlnRto Doc anil nis comrades
Ui'Hd { , said It vas no u-o. "Tho fellor
an tone of in an1 yitho Is a itmocent
bo.y , Go an' talk to him. Doe. " Doe
dill to , but came back veinarUin ) , ' that
tho"mi7/nblo rnt an't lit tor be out uv
doom mi'needs ' takla' Itcesr uv. Como
hcte , " ho culled to Jasper , "an' don't
pavp a t lib as ef % \e wild a Btirnum's
memory. "
.Tiisner slowly shnniblcd up to the
crouel , lookol it over closely and thin
asked : "L5o thar ennybody liore from
The buys did not answer.
" 1 thought e/ how thar motit bo Rome ,
cnti'-o some men went out from Boon-
villo a good ninny jetirs SIRO , most uv
'em bound fur Californy an' I thought I
mout fin'homo on'em here. TharUA \
IhoOenifolosUy boys , fur instance. "
"Demi uwr terltisiilt jor iluil , tonny , "
said Doc , "but jo'ro notripo ennuf 'tor
e'um wny out here , lonellke. Yo'll get
fever 'fore jo'rclieroaeok. . "
"Ain't { tit no dad , " icplleel Jiibper ,
"Iciistvnysho riiiincdaw.iv from mammy
ton years ago nn' HO aii t hear toll on
him bcnco. Mammy's had a powetfnl
tinio biinRin' uv us up , an' I thought
mubo ) I could help alonga bit byconiln'
to tlio mine . lun'tdono it yit mines
didn't iian out , an' bere I am lookiti fur
Bumpintor do. "
Doc \\as-not \ \ what migh't bo called a
church-going man , oven if ho had the
opportunity , but ho looked at Jasper
svbiidily fora moment or so and Inward
ly breathed , or seemed to , a "God bless
you. mj boj. "
"who's got ImnU-room fur Jasper ? "
he asked , turning to the boys.
"I bev , " quiddy answeied Grouch ,
who had como up unnoticed while the
talk wns going1 on.
llvety ono started , and Grouch's face
did not take on a very amiable look as
ho noticed the gonural distrust on the
eoualcimnecs of the men.
"Vei needn't glaio at me , fellers , " ho
bald f-iivngcly , ' 'I bed it , an'I means it.
C'cine on boy ; I'm ' goia' to turn in , " and
the two beauties walked away together.
"Whut do ye think , DocV asked Willis
Barton , liot ho means sumpin ngiii the
boy. "
"I'm it ' ' said "an'
suio on , Doc , I
hcicbj apjilnt a committee tor look after
him an' t-eo that he don't git the.wubt on
it. All you bo\s keep nn o.\o 011 Grouch
frum now on. What ho Hants is to niako
a blavo outer Jasper an' rob him uv his
money on pay day. "
The next night the bojs niot as usual
at Mat Zodor's , and botneen drinks
talked ovei the Grouch episode. They
could not Mtisfactoilly account for the
ugly man'sstranre conduct. IIo of all
others would have been the last one
thought of to do an aet of charity. No ,
ho hads-omo ulterior end in view in tak
ing the boy to the cabin near the big
rock A\hero lie had first camped out.
"Bojs/'baid Doc after be\eral rounds
lincl loon disposed of , "I propose to
watch Grouch an' learn jes' whut ho
means , Hov Igota pardner ? "
"Thefs whut , " quickly ronliod Big
TCd , who jumped to ' his feet and stepped
to the bide "of Doc. "The bov don't
amount to much mebbo , but it wa'nt ho
caiiBorouch ( ! (3 ( fond uvdoin' ' good turns
that bo tuk him in , "
Then 13ir ( I2d and Dee loft , pointing for
Gioueh's hut. Tt was a rude affair/liko
all the others in the camp , and here and
there Hero gaping chinks largo enough
toiiibeit ono'slist. After reeonnoiterin"
for an hour or so Ioo ) and hib companion
cioptfiteallhllj ute ] the hut and peered
in between tlio chinks. They saw the
boy asleep on a mattress of dead grass
and coveted with Gioueh's blanket.
Gioucli himself sit before a dying log
flio , ith his hands clasped over hi ?
knees , and looking fcilontly , thought
fully Intcvtho pum lit tie bla/.e. IIo sat
so long in thib position that Doc and his
comrade giowro.stlcbS and iinally quito
angry , Besides , Doc had only taken a ,
hdf-do/.en drinlcs duiing1 the evening
and ho was getting thirsty.
Suddenly , ho\vo\er , Grouch arosofrom
Ills seat on a big rock and approaching
the flcoping boy bout o\or him , ga/ing
intently into bis faeo. A slight ticmor
Komcd to pass over the Bleeping youth's
fiamc. No tooner had Grouch bent
down over the boy than Doc and LJig lid ,
\ \ \\orostatlonedonoithorsido \ of the
hut , pulled their revohors and drew a
head on Grouch's \ltals. Grouch arose
and bloppul softly to a , corner of the
room. Dee slipped over to Big Ed's side
imd Mid :
"IIo's gene fur bis knife : watoh him
elofceleinnio ; Iho fuat , 1M. "
Grouch came back in a moment , and ,
btoonln ; ' over the bodj tenderly , placed
his only loinalning blanket o\er \ him.
1'hen ho resumed his teat on the rock
before the 11 re and looked into tlio dying
cinbeis. After ten minutes study ho
got unplaced n log along bide the boy
and tlion laid down , xising- the \ \ oed for
a pillow.
"Heokoa 'llb'liovo '
the boys usV'aMccd
Hig ld ! as bo and Doe looked at each
other rather sheepishly.
"They Kin cum an' &eo fur tholrsolves
ef they don't , " answered Dee as ho put
away hih gun and started for camp ,
Thobo\s \ recoi\cd the report in grim
filoiuo with oao exception. IJank Wil
liams did not lurtake of the ill fooling
against Grouen after hearing" Doe's ro-
"Let's all drink to Grouch. Ho's all
lightfur , Ills heart's in the right place , "
ho said.
"Hole on. Hunk , ' ' interrupted "Willis
llarton. "Loo's viilt afore wo drink tor
( iiocieh , though I don't min1 takiu'a
tniftor Mi jou on genul principle ?
( Srouch isijoiii' tomaKo thobc\\ pay him
fur hh f-lii'ltenm'ho don't want him to
git bilk. Loiibtwnys thereV bonio hoeus-
poeus bl'/nesti about this hero thing , Jos'
jou wait nn' hce. "
Tlio following morning yciung Hint
came into the eonmiibwiryitli U touch ,
got tihhotul and pick , and then began
worliby the tldo of the suspected man.
Doc , noticing this , Mopped oxer to tlio
Uiy and whispeied Unit ho had hotter
"como OMH- among white men an' work. "
"IIo's nliito enuf fcr mo , " niibHercd
the boy , joiking his thumb towaul
Grouch. "IIo's tulv Kcor uv mo an' gin
mo my tools , htvyln' ihoy waron't to cost
mo a cent. Jlcnidcs , ho's goin1 turbuy
mo bomo now toggery. "
uTno h-1 jou wii I" commented sev
eral of the bojs when told this by Doe.
"He's jes' vultin' fcr the boy ter git
paid , an1 then he'll rob him uv ov'ry '
cent , " broke In AVillU Uarton. The ex-
iiresJ agent Hill bo along In three weeks.
Then watch Grouch. The boy'll wlmt
tor fcndfome money home. " '
So things ian along , the boy vorklnp
beside Grouch and the two fcetnlng to
grow more attached to each other dally.
They did not mingle with thootlicr men
but spent their e\onlngs togother.iuulon
Sundays took long trainpj up the beauti
ful valley , Inhaling the balsa mud ulr
from the plnon trees on the mountiiin-
side , and plucking vlld Hovers lor the
adornment of the walls of their rude hut.
The day on which the express agent
was to arrive was fast approaching , and
boys were once more on the qui vivo
n their watching of Giouch. On tlio
light piecedlng the ngcnt' Doc
md Big Ed stole down to the su pccled
nan's cabin and took up their uoaltlon
lear the openings in tlio chink in ( lie
vail , Janpor and Giouchcvo sitting
icar the fireplace ( for it va iilways
chilly at night in Ail/ona nomatter how
vat in the clav ) , chatting in low tones ,
lalf an hour later the boy got up , took
lis blanket from a peg on the wall , and
hrowitig it on his mittress of dead grass
curled up and was boon asleep. Grouch
< ept hisoyeson the lire and seemed tobo
a great dibit ess of mind. At times lie
vould half lise , onlto sit down immo-
liatoly , run his long , bony lingers
hrough his coarbc , bristly hair , and
nutter to himself in an Inaudible tone ,
suddenly ho lumped up to his feet as
.hough ho had at last made up his mind
md walked over to the l ys couch.
Stooping down ho slowly pushed his
in mi under the boy's head and diowout
ho bed's leather pouch , containing the
nonoy ho had received the day before
or Ills three weeks wotk for Price 5c
In a second Doc had his "wecpon"ori
i dead level with Grouch's temple , and
10 noticed with satisfaction that I3ig Ed
lad also discovered Grouch's act.
"Did him DocV" iibked - lid
ye tee , Higlid ,
is ho tiptoed aiocmd to Doc's side of the
"Yes , " returned Doc In awhhper. as
lie took a slglit on his revolver. "I'll
money , then I'll plunk him. I alters
knowcd you wuz olt color , old man , and
now we've got the proof , oh , Ed Y1
"That's what , " was the answer , as
Big Ed peered through Doe's , chink at
The ugly man blo\vly \ opened the boy's
| ) each and Doe got toady to plunk. Then
Lrtouch stepped over to his o\ut \ bunk
and pulled out an old \\orn money bolt
and came to the side of the boy.
"When ho gits _ to pout In' the boy's
ciuol skins inter his own pouch I'll diop
him , " wid Dooto Dig Ed. "Then o'll
bring the boys down an'tell'em the hull
bwness. It'll bo a leg'lar circus fur'om ,
won't it ? "
"Well , I reckon , " replied BigEd , who
was getting still with excitement.
Grouch placed u hand on each bagnnd
TJoc felt for the trigger of his "vconon. "
Gionch'b lelt hand opened vide the
mouth of the boy's pouch , and with his
right fclowly poured a glittering sticam
of gold pieces into it from' hib own.
Thou lie tied up Jasper's pouch , put it
back tinder the bo " 's pillow , put hib own
empty one back "under bis niattioss ,
took oil his-boots , and went to bed.
Doe slowly placed his revolver in his
pocket and sneaked softly away about
ono hundred yaids , followed by ais com
rade. Then both looked at each other
foolibhly , drew a couple of long1 breaths ,
and btrnck out for Mart Xoder'sliko
men who hadn't tasted liquor for a 3car.
Breathless they jumped into the saloon ,
causing the boys to throw down their
hands and quit placing for the moment ,
"Enny man here kin call mo a liar an1
I Hon't open my yawp"Doc cried , when
ho had caught nis breath.
"Wouldn't belio\ed itef I hadn't seen
it with my own two eyes. Boys , Gioucli
bar. "Como on , everybody ; she's on
me. "
As tlio boys mo\ed to accept the invi
tation Willis U.irtoa interposed and re
marked :
"Boys , of I ain't ' mistaken Grouch'11
be olaimin' that the boy robbed him and
tomorror when the agent comes he'll
take all his an' tlio kid's
o\\n gold , too ,
Thot's his an' I'll '
game gamble oti it ,
caiibo ho's a sbre\\d fellor. "
Once more Doc became a little doubt
ful , and before the talk had finished that
iiighta compromise wasagieedon. They
would wait until the aycnt uuuo auu
watch Grouch.
The next day the agent lode Into
-camp ; the boys ga\o in what money thej
wanted to f-eiid homo and got their re
ceipts. Grouch und the boy woio tlio
last to appear , The founorsont nothing ,
'The boy handed his pouch over , ad-
dictated to his mothor. ami then stepped
bick bashfully to await his receipt. lie
did not bco the money counted and oalj
got bis receipt by being .shoved foiwatd
by Giouch. When ho got it ho shoved
it into hib pocket without oven looking
at it. Then the two vent back to their
"Thought ho wanted to git conviction
in writinV sheepishly baidVillis Bar
ton to Doe as the boys looked after the
dibiippeaiing'fot'inof the ngoiit ,
"But you HUmistaken. . Hoys , did'
jou see the tears in Grouch's ' eyes ? I
clid , " and looking lib if lie hadv just fin
ished a raid on a cliickon-eoop Doc
biieaked back to the road bed and shov
eled as ho no\or did before. For that
matter bo did the robt of the boys. Tlio
only ono who looked happy was Hank
"Williams , who kept shouting to hiscom-
rados :
"Tolo jer , didn't I ? "
A few days after thongeat'sdepartuio
Grouch was sent over to IVescott by the
oiorseer to order a lot of picks and
bhoveis. Jabpor felt lonesome , and at
nights ho would wander mound to
Xocler's und chat with thoboys , IIo was
\\oll-iecelved \ andirota hind nerd from
ovoi body. On tlio foiuth day after
Grouch's absence , and when bo was ex
pected Lack , Jasper , after his work was
done , blood near his hut thinking
of ills homo In "Mi//oora" and
Hondiring why it HUH that Grouch
was BO good to him , for ho had
by this time be in told by Doc of the
pouch onl-odo the night beforethoagent
came.Vhilo thus absorbed in thong-lit
a drunken Italian looking for tioublo
bpied the boy ,
"You lika do ' ' sneered
no dago , the
Italian. "I no HKa do Americano dogsl"
and leollng towaul the boy the druriecn
foreigner ifrow his btilotto , Ilefoio lie
, had advanced ten feet a pair of long ,
bony lint'ors enciicled hisbwaithv neck
in \leo-llkograsp. .
" ' \Vhatdo yor moan , you Mculkln' ,
ilrunkon heathen ? " jelled the well
knout ! \oico of Grouch , who nnd but
just ictuined to eaiap , "VYith a power
ful ollort ho throw the Italian violently
to the ground , the fellow letnaining
motionless , as though stunned , Fearing
that ho might ha\o killed him , Groudi
bent over the prostrate form to learn the
extent of the Injury inllieted. "Without
warning the Italian leaped to his feet
and plunged the stilbtto into the left
breast of Grouch , who bank to the
ground mortally hurt , The loud crlcsof
the lad hiought nearly all the boys of
the camp to tlio spot.
"Ik'il to fight , iinally , an1 the boy has
laid himoutbald , AYlllis Ballon.
"How did it como ubout ? " nuked Dee
has lily of Jasper , who was oil his hands
and knees bc ldo the foim. pi the fast-
ginklng Grouch.
"Tlio drunk dago did U/'WilcJ ' the
boy ,
"i' wu.about tor t-uklo.Taspor
when I jumped on him , " whlspeiod
Grouch In a weak , p jilu , * \oico , "art *
after I done him ho knifed me , "
\Vlllii Barton knelt doiv n and took
Grouch's head In bis arum , hiding-his
own face with his hat.
"Grouch,1' said Jasper , ns he inoied
up closer to the dying mm , "what made
yerputyor money later i\\ypouch las'
ng-cnt day ? "
" 'Cause , " paid Grouch , placing his
nrm around Jasper's neck , " 'cause I'm
your dad what runned ntvny fiom jer
mammy ten year ago in Hoonville , " and
the ugliest man in Arl/ona dicw the
face of his child nonr his own , kissed it ,
and then let his head fall back into
\Villis Barton's lap , The arm lolaxod
its hold about the boy's neck , the eyes
. elo-ed , and Grouch \uis \ no more.
1 "V'or a p.irt orphan ! , Juspor , " said
Doc. who know that ho looked upon a
dead nun as he gtmd ; at the white face
of Grouch , "but we'll jjln him a g-ood ,
ust cliiss bnriil , as ho de imo" , 'an' '
chip in oniiir and to spare to bend yer
back homo with the news' '
( Iroueo was buried noM , toSilaVhit -
aKor nnd the boy HIIS presided with a
mnd'-oine pursoiindboni hoinow.ird.
Willis Barton bought drinks nil that
veek and swore lie would never again
'jump outer a man Jos' 'enusohoworeii't
> uity a whole lot. ' '
HooiV Saisapnrilln , has a ttcnclilylncrcns'
iiKpoiiuluritv , vhicli canunlj bo vou by an
irticle of real tnciit. Give It utrlal ,
mi : iCh
Ills l rcnllniItoat anil Himllo He-
( Minics 1'nrt ill' II ,
The I'bqulmiiu pilot it of his boat not
i thing apart. So closelv is ho identi-
icd with it when ondutj that his eaink
jciomes icallj a part of himself , or
rather of hib outer ( jarincut to which it
s attached , sajs a writer in Harpur's
" \Veokly. After an Esquimm has
[ ) luced his caiak In the water
md has seated himself therein
[ tin opoiation , by-tho-vay , which
; iiiny ! Europeans hive tried and failed
Lo accomplish ) , bo bccurely fast
ens the odjjo of his c.ipadok
[ an outer garment ) to tlio wooden
ring whiih form ? the periphery of
Lho cockpit , thus _ making a per
fect seal , and pioventing tlio s\\ampiny \
of the boat by hca y The boats
iibcd by the EMiuiinauxare nbout seven-
tceifiot in length nnd two feet Inwidth
They have no keel , being half an octagon
gen iiibhsipc. ThoproiVh aio tilted with
whalebone to protect fiom lloallng- ice ,
The paddles used are made of driftwood -
wood , and arc sometimes ornamented
with bone tops. Without his paddles
the l nuiraam in his cdak is helpless ,
Notwithstanding1 an almost con
stant life upon the water ,
but few of them can swim. The
rapidity with which an lUxqui-
man vill inopel his boat through tiio
wiitoris almofet inciediblo , It being not
unusual for them to attain a speed of ten
miles an hour. Fiequcntly , when at full
speed , they will , for a binail considera
tion , make with their boats thieo com
plete 10 volutions in the \Milcr , and con
tinue their cour&o without perceptibly
decreasing their momentum. At the tir
ing of a gun from a ship requiring-
pilot , the\ may bo seen paddling toward
the vessel , alvavs in iiaiis or threes ,
" \Yhen the vessel is "biought to , " the
pilot iolocted paddles to the leeward , at
a point between the fore and
main matt. Two sailors then take
the bightof aiopo ; this is lowered into
theater , and the pilot propels his
entitle over tbofaubmorge'cl loop. Another
loop is loHored over the stern , and a
third , or steadying rope , is lowered to
the pilot. Tlio boit is then hoisted to
the rail of the vessel , wheio the pilot is
stripped of hiocaiak , and is ready to
assume his duties. The Esquimau Is
formidable only above his loins. Tlio
damped position ho occupies in his boat
makes- him bow-legged , and when at-
tiukccl below the waist , lie is easily
placed horn do combat. He is remarka
bly superstitious , but among his fellovs
lias a reputation for honesty , which un
fortunately resomblob thatchaiity which
begins at but extends no furtlior than
home ,
A disordered condition of the stomacher
malaria in tlio system will mocluco sick
licaclaeho : you can icaiovo this trouble by
taking .T. II. McLean's Little. Liver aud IClil-
ney I'lllets. y > cents per vial.
MSIJj , TH15
A I5ciutlful : GirlY lto Asslstfl Her
Onllav lirotlier in ills Occupation ,
The other tnorniiif Joe "Warren ol
Spokiino Falls , \Viibh , , and ono deputy
left for Elopolda , in pursuit of a bnulol
liorncthiovcb thatha\o been coiniiiltting
cloprcdations through a vast scope of the
News vns iccoi\cd that a band with
lr)0 ) head of line horso1 ! had crossed Pond
il'Orolllo river anil were heading towaul
the liritUh Coluinbia lino. There aio
MX inon in tlio gang1 , beaded by a half-
breed named Dutch rJilce and his bister ,
a beautiful young woman of twonty-tuc
joars , Ihe piCboat move of the gang la
but iibcqiiol to the winter's campaign
carried on by Dutch Mike and hib fail
slhtcr , who goes by the name of "Dutch
Mike's sister , "
Dutch Mil < o has a mountain fastness
on tlio Umatilla Indian rc&crvition , anil
all last fall and during- the winter ho
has been mal/ing / depredatioas oa the
neighboringcountry. .
The valley of Lapwai was a very
hea-vy sulVoter , and cattle as well as
hornCb wore diivcn olTln largonumbeis ,
myha dispatch to the San Francisco Hx-
aminor. It is supposed the cAtlo luuo
boon bold in small bunohis to butchers
liiseioraloiticH , rotably Spokane , but to
uirefiil has been the gang- that they have
horotofoio escaped detection , although
detectives liavo been nt work on the ease
elnco last No\ombor.
llorsts-btcallng has been practiced
principally oa the range herds of south
ern Idaho , mid during the winter was
attended with but little risk of detec
tion , for the ronioii that range * hortes
are never counted and boldoin seen , oven
during the cold and sno\vof December ,
January and robuiary ,
Dutch MiKe evidently made a weeding
out of his band of horces before lie
started for the line , for many horses
luivo been ieco\ored by their owners
during the past two weeks miming-
the range , but none of the finer ones
The man i\ho saw the band crossing
Pond d'Oreillo hist week eiystheio were
l' > 0 head of ab fine animals us ho e\ot
Joe Warren is well armed and expects
to capture the entire ( ( angHin lo-handec
but sib Dutch MiKe has the reputation o
being a hard lighter and quick bhootoi
many of his friends think bo should have more men. Nell , the lior ethicf's
fcUter , isalsobiiid to bo a irack shot
\\iththoritloorslx \ ehootor , and may bo
relied on to stand by her uiother , as
may also the flvo other men , for thoj
know perfectly well that they cannot ex
pect quarter , "Warren expects to cutel
uplth \ the gang in tlio1 nclghborhooi
of Flathuid lake , and as that is oil of al
linen of uill\u\y or telegraph It may bo
week or ton daysbofoioany news reaches
here ,
Nervous cleMhty. poor memory , cMAUloneo
oxuul wtulcnras , iiluiiilM.curcil by Lr , Miles
Ncnlao. Sumpleafreoat Kubn& Co.'a 15th
oud Douglas.
A lire nry t ln'iemplttTdo ttCKloi
tloCoiiiiiicrulnl"nliie. .
At a moment when Africa Is being
carved up to sulNfy the cupidity of cor-
tiln Huropctm ftnto , It may prove in-
teiestintj nnd instructive to tholajman
to htivoti look nt central and oquntorlal
Africa , for It is that countiy , ovlendhitf
thiouuli to the two oceans which is
utnterL'oing the process of biibdivWon
anil tib orption. w rites Colonel Challlo-
Long in Ilitrpoi \Vcolily. . Cola viuulriv
t-illa elinndolloV that is thoimwtlon. In
the llrtt place , wlut Is the mot I vo for
this nypre' lon ? Is it commercial or is
it political ? .Lot us see.
wo have the repealed confession of
General Gordun tliat central Africa was
not worth the tnkinjr fiom n commercial
standpoint ; nnd if that ollicer elected to
return thcio , vltli the avowed determination -
nation of never sottiii- } foot iifrnln in
Gieat Britain , It was becau o ho desired
toncquiron goveriiment of his own , and
whore , ns llio "sultan of tli Soiulnn , " ho
could indulge his fancy In yoveinln
after his own peculiar views. Gordon
never believed in Africa coimaoreially
nor did ho ever serlou'ly attempt to ex
ploit his provinces In that ten o ,
J lnetj pounds u month to a simple valet
doehainbio was a system under yliieh
a ( , 'overnimmt with moio i\ory and tuxes
tli.ui the iwst-ossed would have
succumbed. Gorilon Mid of the Soudan
in his book :
"Tho Soudan is a u'ele s piwe' loii ,
o\cr wasnnd over vill be ; no larger
than Goimnny , Franco and Spain to
gether , and mostlj bairon. Xoonuwlio
has o\oi' lived in the Soudan eiui e cnpo
tlio I'c'lloetlon wlinl a useless po&sesslon
isthi-i land. Few men can bland its
fearful monotony and dreadful clinute. "
Sir Samuel HakorV. administration of
tlio Southui might luivo Hhown bettor re
sults , but Sir Samuel its nn expensive
govoinor general , and imbued lee nuicli
\\ltlithotplritof atlveiittiio to calmly
aimit the slow process of evolution
\\liieliniight Imva crowned his efforts
\\lth biiceess.
SlrUieliardlliiiton In his Kilo Knsin
savs , apropos to the commercial value of
tins country :
"Stories are told of great empires and
po'itkal states in Africa in order to en
hance the gloiy of his reports and to
roiibo the government and the nation ,
and upon tlioso reports to lay hold of
and oUond our power and commerce ,
'llio hole his turned out to be mote
moonshine. Tho-io empires \\n\o \ no
gicut Heels or armies at their command ,
Jind those wretched chiefs cannot muster
a few hundred. The population
aio o erywhero poor , misera
ble , onshucd and engaged in
perpetual war. In every tribe and
slate , also , tlio populations aio wholly
averho to continuous l.ibor , or any labor
at all calculated to produce or to collect
any quantity of tropical produce for ex
change , either for internal or external
ttado. The length and danger of Intel-
nal conveyance is so gieatthatif at tides
could bo produced and obtained for noth
ing , none of the o articles would defray
the cost of bringing them from dibtant
internal posts to the bci-coist. : Can in-
dustiy and commerce , Hhieh must al
ways go hand in , oxht in such a
country ? Nol"
Nc\or neglect a eomtlpitcil eouciltloii of
tlio bowels , or serious results surely follow ,
such ns piles , impure blonl and in my tlironlo
wmphinU Burdock llloocl Bitturs ib tlio
Curious Case ol" anil
u Hinnil lluini itlu Oiii'e.
The qnostion of being buried allvo was
a matter dibcussod bvr a pirtyof gentlemen -
mon at the San Francisco Uoliomian
club the other night. A journalist who
was prosorit told the following story :
' Living in Sm IVaueiseotodiy aio
two persons whoso str.ingo o > cpoiionco3
have long bean u mystery to inc. T\\o \ \
joars ago a. Boston.gontloman came out
to tlio coast. IIo brought with him his
companion , a young worn in in the last
stages of consumption. Slio was pretty
mid talented and ton years younjjor
than her escort. Iain. o ( tlio opinion
that a sort of phitonlo love existed bo-
twecn thorn ,
"Throo times to my knowledge the
young1 woman has apparently pa cd out
of this life into the other world , and
twice propitiations have been made for
her burial. On ono occasion her com
panion was out of the city. During his
absencolho was taken suddenly will * a
sinking1 spell , , anil the landlady
became greatly alarmed. In two
houis the imalid was pronounced
dead by the ladies in llio
boaiding houte who woio iinittendanco
upon her. Ab the day ad Minced the
landlady , seeing no signs of the gentle
man's ' loturn , Albltcd an uiidoitakcr's
near by , and pioptmitions wore made
for laying out the coipso.
"Tho body was cold and stiff when the
undertaker arrived. IIo UoweJ tlio
coriiio anetoat \ back to his shop for his
assistant. During his absence tlio min
ing1 companion of the dead young
woman arrived upon the .scene. It was
now about 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
Upon being- Informed of her death live
houis before , the gentleman uttered an
oxclamntionof burpiisc. Then , rubbing
up to the room wheio the body lay , ho
elofacd tlio door behind him and turned
the key. When the underlaKcr ro-
lurncd ho was lofufacd admission , Two
houra after the gentleman emerged from
the rooTii and ordered two suppeiu tobo
bout to the iipurtmont.
'Later the young lady -was seen bit
ting upright in bed , eating heartily.
Hot companion had brought her b.icli to
life by a method of rubbing and physical
manipulation known only to nlnibelf.
Twice alter this ho repeated the por-
fornmneo. Thrco times to my kuowl-
edge has this young man brought tlio
young woman back from the dead. She
lives hoio today , fctill an invalid , and is
liable to die again at almost any mo
ment. "
A. Spdi'llnvr I'rcneliPr.
Hov. John \V. Arnoy of the Molhodist
chuioii Is a boort ; biys a Siranic dis
patch to thoGlobo-Uomoorat , IIo loves
a hoi-bo and lo\os to diivo him. The
ono thin ? hodoosn't lilco is to take any
body's dust , and ho does not of ten doit.
IIo owns tliico speedy orMiines , and they
can clean out about everything1 in this
district , There is some doubt in llio
nolghborhood as to the merit of tlio par
son's hor-iOH , and to fcottlo it ho has eon-
cei\cd \ and carried out abcheinoto lriv <
a race at Saranao park , and to that oiu
hafl hiicd the park and indued in\lta
tiontf broadcast to attend the races
there July " 0. Ho has made elass tc
fit his horses , and made It a condition o
the ruco that OWIICIH shall drive theit
holies. No jockeya will bo permitted to
lie does not call the alTair a i.ico.bu
an exhibition of boccd , nnd imtcad o
haingur ) ) es nill otrora lot of mod.ds
Thuro will bo no pool box or bolting al
lowed on tlio grounds , but outside o
this the meeting will posiobb all Iho on
vironmontsof a "hoss" race , as the na
ti'vtrt call such iilTaiH.
Mlles * Norm null Mvop Pills.
An important dlscoicry. U'hey act on the
liver , fctoniacb anil bowels tbrcuKh tlio
nonci. A now principle , They Hpceillly
uiuxi bllllousuost , l > al taito , torpid llvor
pilci and cunstlliaUon , SpU'iulld for mun
women and children. Hmiillout , nillJest
surest. UO doses for ! > cents. Bamnlc : * fro (
atKuuu&C'o.'s 15th and IJougUs.
IS n blood dljonac , Until tno poison Is
1 ospolled from the sjJtcm , tlitro cm
lo no euro for this Icmthsoito nml
ilatiKerouD innlaily Tboreforo , tlio only
cffectlvo trontinenllH a thorough coursa
of Ajcr'sSaiiupnrllln tle ; best of all
blood purifiers , The sooner you begin
the letter ; delay it clangorous.
" I wns troubled H 1th cntnrrh for oier
Iwojcais , 1 tried vnrloiu remedies ,
nnd Has trcnted Vy n taunlior ol pliul-
rbmi , but rcnclvnl no bunutlt until I
bcgnn to take Ajor's Sarsnpnrllln. A.
fuw lottlfs of tblsniccllilnociireil moot
ibis troublesome complaint aiul ccm-
plutcly restored my luilth. " JcssoM.
Hoggs Holmnn's Willis , K. C.
\Vhon \ Ajcr's Sarsiparlllft roc-
oinniPtulcil to mo for atartb , I u us In
clined to doubt Us efllcncy. llnvltif ;
tried so jimnyrc'iiicdh's , with little ben
efit , I hail no fill tli that nnjthliit ; would
euro mo. 1 hu'iuiie uimclnttil from loss
of appetite and ilnpnitud illgestloa , I
bail neatly loit tlio ni-nso of tiiucll. nail
lay system wns bmlly doinniicil. 1 vas
about discouragi'd , when n IrlL-ml urged
mo to try Aje-i'M SniMpnrlllii , and re-
terrocl me to | HT OHSvluiin It luul cuieil
nf catnrth. After taklni : Inlf n dozen
bot.tles ol tills iiiedlcliio , 1 nm conviuieil
jba't tbn onlmui1 \vi \ of tri'iitlni ; thU
obsthmtcdiHtasc in Umaigli tlio blood. "
-CliirU ! > i II Milonoj , 11J Uhur it. ,
Lowell ,
arsaparilSa ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co , Lcwoll , Mass.
Trlco $ li U lottlii , 45. Worth JSabotllu.
Tndortho Slaiinjcmcnt or the
Hexitan Inlernallonall'anling Co. , Concessionaries.
Incorporalcd By the Stale of Chihuahua , Mexico
ice , for Charitable Purposes.
will take place In public nttlio city of Juarci ( for
merly I'd BO del .Nortel Mexico.
Weilnes'lay ' , July 231,1890 ,
S , botbKOiitlelilcnor lilKli
jflPITAL PRIZE. $60,009.
OnlyBO.OOO Tickets ! Only60,000 Tickets !
IPrizeoiSSO.GQU. " -.SGO.OflO
11'rl70of lO.CKlO lO.IXK )
1 Trl/cof 6KX ( ) . . D.IIW
lil'll/oiiif l,0XJpncli (
10 I'll/OS Of .
eoi'ii/viof IDOc'ioli 6000
inoi'ri/Kor 50 well r , uuo
SoOI'ilzcsof 7,600 ,
Aiproilm tl < m l'rl/u.
lOOPrlrcsof J fiOu.icli 85000
lOOl'rl/csof iWcuuli SJOOO
IDOl'rlzuor SB end , WO
Terminal I'rhcf ) .
GUUTuruilmilEto $10,000I'lUoof , ' JlOsacll. 6,090
1914 Prizes amounting to $12D.970
\V , tlio urderflsnetl. Iiprebjr ccillf.r Hint llio
llarco Nncl'niiil nr ilcxlroln fmliiinhnii ha ornle-
posll from OlioMoxlonn liturnitloniil HnnlliiB Co. ,
uioncooiiiry Jiindftu finnintpo tlm piumetil of
lill prizes rtrnwn In Ilic > Jiiiii l.iitrrlii .luiirci.
\Ve lurllier lertltj Unit no will nnuervlM "II llio
nrrank'L'iiicnts.nlid In IIITJOM inannuc nnd control
nil Ihu (1 ravin ; ] of IlilB Ixittory , nnil Unit tlio MIIIIO
nrucuiuliiclctlMltliliniicnji , fulrncei , unil In food
lullU tumirilH all nnrtlen.
JOH n S. MOSB Y , Commlhsloncr.
CAM 11,0 Aitnrr.ii.B8 ,
Supervisor lor the Government.
If any tlcliotilranlnK arrlio Is eontto tlio imder-
plunoit , ID fin tuliui vrlIIIn1 collpclciluii'lreuilttcd
to lliu owner thuruul , fifnof clinrup.
UnoAHll ISiiovsnv ,
1'rcB. Kl 1'nso Niuloimllhvnt , 121 1'aso ' , Tez
For club rntci or nny oilier Information , wrlto to
tlioiiridcrelKiidl. Htatlnif y nr uJilrc ; ; rlngrlv. Kltti
State , Countyktr tt anil NuiiiN'r. Moro niplddo-
llvcry wllllHi nnmirpl hy your cut loMiik' nn umel-
Oliobeurlni : your I nil urttlrc'BS.
City of J lurcz , Mexico.
Scnrt rpmlttnnrepfnr tukotn liy nnllnnrr loltor ,
cuntnlnliiK M < iiioy Orrtur.lmirdbT iilloxiircm ruin-
liiuilen , .Nnir urk Vsdiuneo. lunik ilmfl or iicitni
note. Adilri'Hiill ri'iilstcrod liitprHtn
Cltrof Juarez.Mexico , vli ii 1'aso , Tex.
1302 Farnam Btroot.
City Passonsor nnd Tlckot Agon * ' .
Provisions and Slocks ,
303 South 13th Street , - Omohn.
- - - - - . , , , DISTRICT * ) , WATEB
Correspondencewlicltccl. COMPANIta , tTC.
ll.W , KARHIS sGoSSPAHY , Bankers ,
lOICS Doorborn Stroet. CHICAGO.
70 btoto Svnet. UUSTON.
Trlinnir , KitoniUry or
7oi t mry runiMipiill )
j ' lined in so to VO dni
- ' B ot llmlnitti nil | ulMin
tun will .tliifroraii iKieila iitutn f
llo < liia c In iuy fin n r.ull'H tan Im tiiaticl rt
lomo nmtliat lure ifirtliu laina ] rk < unit umlii
tlio H.IIIIO ( 'iioiaiiUc tut villi -
i llio auho piefi i I
como lull- , \.lll.nntrpct t ( ro them or rcfonil nil
inwey unit | jy ciilno > | HIMI oduuiln , jnllroail
laru iiidii.ti | lillli ,
( o euro tlio must ol tlmto OXB. \ \ ' < j tlulriui ) tlio
xorlil for a. tafo wt la > not ruic Unto the lilMi ry ct line a tmo 1'li'illk'tur' MiHI | ! | m l > cfll lim U
lir lilulm v rf. uml until bur Knulis iuincdy van dli
iiAcinl. Nmi other rtniilnu , Write lor u riunio.
LOOK JC13tii > Y HI. , Oinuliii , Xrbii > tlt ,
SYPHILIS 'an ' tie ciirwl In
-.iijubyiiHii of tlicmiii'
. . . K"in ty , S.'wuejfor uc ise It- will
tieit oeirc. CM"lItJNlo ) jut tlicKe.'iui no ritiu.
ctjy.Vrltoeir \ nil on I1. 0 , Joslyn , SO 13 lluf
w yStriut.Ouiuliii , ;
National Bank
Cnpltnl , - , - - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 'f'iOOO
nn.l DlroctfnK M. Mortcnmn ( J U
Hitchcock. J | ( Snfii"mi , ) r , A. llonrf K U
/IHIIHP.III , Hlllliim M Muni , vloc-iircd'lciili 1 * . II
AUIIInnifi. A l > lluiikliK. rrnsliliMt A. MIlllnM
cnstiltri F. II llrtnni. imHltiit ci'lilor
National Bank
Cnpltnl , . . . - $ . ' ( OOOOO
Surplus Jni1st , ISOO - O7.DOO
Omn > r < nnil Ulrccleirf-ltrnrr W Vntm. ririlitcntt
lc l > i Itccil , Vla'-l'roUlrnl , .lnmu Sntniio.V. \ .
\ MumMm ) > < \ > llln . II C' Ciinlilntf. J N U.
1'iltrlikV II U UiiKlii" , onliliT
T 1 1 M 1 HO A' D VN 1C.
C < rncr latliniutKiirnini SU
A Ui'iictul IliuikliiK Huslncks Ttinsiii'tuili
Omaha Manafactarers.
and Klines.
, JONBS : A co ,
Wholesale Manuficturcis o ( Boots A Shoes
AKom rorHr > ionHit.bcr ! . Pho e'o 1102 1101 nmllllXI
Mitt't iiiunlin , Nib
Lager liccr Brcucrs ,
tilt Nfttli tslh Hlnol Umnh N'ol )
i : CORNICE \\-6ltIC9 ,
Maiitifiictiircis of Galiiinizcd Iron Cornice
\VImlon c'ii | mil mi'lillo Vll ) lilH John U'onilcr ,
| > roili'ti.r | KUiuiil llOStnilli HHIf i-tiiot
"A. nosrn , jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
1SU noiiRlai Street , Oiimlin. Soli
Coal , Col > i\ lto. !
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
B. B Cor lUlliuiut Do'lKlns Slirctn , Oinnin .N'cli.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
211 South IStliSlicol. Oniilui Net )
UEAN , AllMSl'llONO & CO ,
Wholesale Cifrirs ,
402 N litli"ro ( ( "llcll ' " 14t' >
1)1' ) CJoodH mitt .Votlons.
Drj Goods , 1'unilslilng Gooils and Motions
Corner lltlniiiil llunnnl Streets.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
' rurnlshlne ( limit * Coiner 11th aiiJ llaiucy
Btiod' , Uinilm , S't'b.
Wliolcsalc DcAlcis in Furniture ,
Farnain Httoct , Onnlin N lirnkn
Furniture ,
Oiimlin , .Nobriiikn.
Wholesale Grocers ,
hnndIx aHMi\v < irtli trootflOniTilm , ,
itc. ;
Dtalcis in Hardwood Lmnljcr ,
YinliniON Uth gl.Oimli.u
Wholesale Lumber , IJtc , , Etc.
Importfil nnil AmericanI'lirtlniut 1'otuont. Slats
agciitfor lllMaiui > o Ihilriinlla Cotuunt , antl
Qulncyhllo Iliuo
Dealer in liardwool Lumber.
Wood cnriictx nnil iinniuctlloniliiK llh anil Doujloa
fclrcots , Omaha , Nilir.i-il i.
Lumber Lime Cement Etc. Etc
, , , . , ,
Cornorllli nnil noupln * Ftrootn , Uniilia.
IMIIllnopy and N'otloiiH.
I. OmSKFEUDEft < ! c CO. ,
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
208 , SIOnnlZlL'fuiitlilltli tlicut
Xollons ;
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
1124 Ilnrm-y itrei'l , Onulm.
Gill ) .
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
/xlo t ruiscetc.,0umln A. 11 lllsliop.Mniinior.
I'npi-r ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Cntrr n nlco itnck ol lulnthiK , irruiilni | | ; nnil ivrlllnj
IHUHT bcclulnltoDtlun | LHcn to
Kal'cH , 1 : ( ( ! .
A , L , DEANE Sc CO. ,
Ucncral AKOMI for
Halls' ' Sales ,
821 nut iai Eolith lOlh St Omnhl
TOJH , ICic.
II. II/.UDY t CO ,
.TobborB of
Dolls Albums Goods
Tojs , , , Fancy ,
tlouao turnlililnnliouili , Clilllioii'i Cnnlayoi 1201
Ini ii'iiii vttcct , Umftlin , Nut >
Steam and Water Supplies ,
InlUu ! ! > - Mini ! nillln HIS nrulR.'O.loni it. , Ooulin.
I ) tUnas , Aclln ; Mumikur
Iron \VorkH ,
and Cast Iron linildlngVorR \ ,
Lnglnn liraii work , Kdipr il foil miry nuiuliiiiu ucJ
LLickaliillli wirk ( Illiio ml worti , U 1'
Hr mil 17lli mutt , ( Jinuliu
Jlanl'rs ' ol Fire aid Borglar i'roof ' Safes ,
Yau1t , Jitll wurt , Iron > liulliir unit tin ) iwnpui ,
li. Aiutrcmi.i > rui > 'r. Cor lull und Jnik'ionbtn ,
, Doorn , T-lo. )
H. A. DI8UUO\V It CO ,
liolcsnlo mniiufiLtiurra ot
Sasli , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
llrnnib oCIco , lith an ] Uur ] ntrcotn , Omnhn Neb ,
5ittih. .
01 Soulb Vfliiiti , LluiM ,