Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    HHH l i i M l l Ml l i ' ' i l ' 'l ' * ' 'l'Ml'H * H Hl B''l "BHBM > B M
A Noticeable Dearth of Candidates for the
Iowa Democratic State Ticket
Description or Ono 1'lnco "Where
Jjiior | | Is Illegally Sold The
l-'lliiilliiin ( 'ami ! "Worked
on a J-'ariiicr.
Dm Moixn' , In. , July 20. [ Special to
TiiKllin : . ] In about two weeks now ( Au
gust ft ) the democrats of Iowa will assemble
nt Cednr Unplds for the purpose of nominat
ing n stuto ticket. Font party Unit nlroady
holdi the governorship unit claims to l > o ublo
to knock tlio republicans out this fall again ,
tlicro U u notlccubla de.irth of candidates.
They are probably waiting for tlio oflloo to
seek the num. It h also probable that the
onicuU milking u still bunt , mid Ills exceed
ingly difllcult for an outsider bko your cor
respondent to tnnke u rational gnus whcro
llKhtnliiK is Hkcly to strike.
For secretary of state , which will bo the
head of tlio ticket this yvnr , Hon. Fred Leh
man of this city bus been suggested by some
of the lending democratic p.ipors. Ho has
not signified Ills willingness to accept , how
ever , nnd Hkcly would not. Fred isn't ' that
kind of 11 fellow. Ho doesn't care to run for
ofllco unions bo has a "dead sure" thing , anil
then would aspire to something even higher
than the governorship , let nlono the secre
taryship of the state. Ho Is perfectly
willing that others should sweat and toil
trying to procure the o olllcos , but nothing
less than the United Status senator-
ship would satisfy him. Hut wlillo bo
U no potty ofllco seeker himself ,
ho w recognized ns the lending democratic
political worker In tno state , and his [ rawer
bohlml thu throne is greater than tlio tlirouo
L. B. Kcnninplnn of Newton is understood
to be a candidate for auditor of state , and it
Is snld Unit Tom Howinun of Council lilulls
would not refuse to run for treasurer , and is
likely to have the chance. .1. U. Cloggctt of
Muson City is a candidate for Judge of the
supreme court , and ICdltor J. U. Ivelly of
Sioux City would like to fill Gib 1'ray's
shoes us clerk of tlio supreme court. J. C.
Ileom of Alnrcngo would like to bo supreme
court reporter , and L. J. . . Ainsworth of West
Union is mentioned for attorney general.
lion. Peter A. Uoy , the veteran railway
commissioner , Is a candidate to succeed hini-
Kulf nnd will give the republican candidate
nn uncomfortably close contest , although the
railway excitement In Iowa bus practically
died nut and it Is not thought the republican
ticket will bu very badly scratched on that
So far as the platform is concerned , thorn
will not ho much eliaiifjo from former years.
A bid for the farmers' alliance vote will un
doubtedly bo made by the adoption of tnriil-
for-ruvenue-only plank , and the arraignment
of hij'h'taHIT taxation as being detrimental
to the interests of the farmer and day la
borer and creative of trusts and monopolies.
The pint form will also probably favor the
Australian system of voting , tlio right of tlio
state to control railway .and other corpora
tions , and In the Interest of true temperance
will demand the passage of n carefully
guarded high license law. This latter phinlc ,
however , will depend very largely on the-dis
position 01 me original pacungo uiu uy con
Apropos of this subject , the sale of liquor
la running wide open In thii nnd other cities
of the state. The1 exposure of the conspiracy
of tlio Justices nnd constables to grow rich nt
the expense of the public treasury bus had
the effect of lopping oil' the fees and dampening -
ing the ardor of these officials. The legislat
ing out of ofllco of several justices and con-
stnblp.s by the vacation of the townships In
which they were elected also takes
out of of the contest several objec
tionable ollleiiils nnd It was high
time , for the county fund out of which these
ofllclnls wore paid , which has been ample in
former yean , -was overdrawn in the first six
months of this year to the extent of $17,000.
About all the searching * and seining is now
being done by the city police , and they nro
only half-heurtcd In the matter. It Is an easy
matter to avoid them , and most of their en
deavors are fruitless.
The description of one place where liquor
Is Illegally sold will serve to show how well
the "Joints" in this city uro protected. This
plncoisa restaurant , on a prominent street
within a block of the Hock Island depot. It
is equipped with electric wires , nnd a half
dozen connections are made between the
lower nnd upper Iloors , the keg being usually
on tai ) up htuirs , the door to the stairway be
ing always kept locked. A look out is always
on hand , however , to admit unobjectionable
customers , of which there is usually a pretty
constant stream. But let a police oflleer or
constable enter the place for the purpose of
making a raid. The waiter behind the lunch
counter touches ono of numerous electric but
tons , the alarm Is sounded up stairs , n con
venient sledgehammer comes down "kor-
Avlinck" upon tbo keg , the contents
nro emptied into a largo pipe which lends
to the cellar , the keg is heaved
through nn open window Into the alley , nnd
nil is quiet. This takes place quicker than
ono can tell nbout it. The door is unlocked ,
the oflleer enters , ho sees a number of per
sons In thu room or casually leaving It , and
"nothing is stirring. " Sometimes nn arrest
Is nmdo of the supposed vendor of the prohib
ited article , but usually nothing comes of it.
And so It goes. Darkness is the harvest
time of
Tin ; unooTi.Kflor.ii , "
nnd those who have fco established place of
bustnaxs. An "original package" Is secured
nnd taken to a convenient place , the Junc
tion of two nlloys , or n vacant cellar or burn ,
and runners sent out to notify the thirty
public that n "keg Is on tap'1 at such mid
such place , nail customers nro not wanting.
Jn u tew moments thu contents of the package -
ago have been transferred to "original"
.stomachs , and thu plnco of sale is changed for
the purpose of breaking anil emptying an
other package , ad Inllnitum , ad libitum , ad
ri.iMrr.AMMnn TIIK OLD MAX ,
Ono of the smoothest conlldeneo games
over worked in this city took plnco last week.
A fnrincr had a line team of horses which ho
was offering for sale. Another man drove up
with a team of dilapidated mules which ho
offered to trade. The farmer of course re
fused , and the imilo driver passed on.
Shortly utter n well dressed and gentlemanly
appearing fellow enmo upon the scene. Ilo
neeostod the farmer thus : "There is a man
down the street who has n team of mules
which my father nt ono time owned , I nm
very much attached to them , but the owner
will not sell thoin to mo. Now , you want to
sell your team and I'll help you to dispose of
it. You trade your team for the mules anil.
I'll give you iCO for thorn10 more than you
ask for your team. " The scheme worked.
The trade was made and the new possessor of
the team of horses drove oil. Tlio fellow who
wanted tlio mules stayed with the fnrmornnd
when the horses were out of sight around a
corner he blinded the unsuspecting farmer $5
to bind the bargain and went around another
corner to get a check cashed. Ho Is around
the corner yet. The farmer waited three
hours for him to come back and then stnrtoil
home with his mules , sadder , poorer and pos
sibly wiser.
lown 1s the stuto of palaces. It has n blue
grass mince nt Ureston , u corn paluco at
Sioux City , 11 coal palace nt Ottmmvn nnd
now It Is announced a Max palace will bo
built at Forest City , to bo completed Iu time
for the county fair la September.
AVoro Not Given it Fair Show.
Four DODQK , In. , July 20. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun BCR. ] Wllllnm Alunn , Thomas
Parel , William Stephens nnd J. L. Quasi of
Webster county , who were candidates fornp-
polntincnt as stuto mine inspector hut spring ,
have preferred some sensational charges
against the executive council , of which ( Jov-
cmor Boles Is presiding ofllcar , and which Is
made ilp of botn democrats nnd republicans.
They claim that they were not given a fair
deal In the civil service examination nnd that
the npivnlntinciit was nmdo without regard to
the results of the examination. These candi
dates sny that when the ones from this comity
requested to see tliolr standing after the ex
amination , thev wcro refused this privilege.
but nfter persisting for some llmo they were
finally permitted to see their standing. The
board , whoa aikpd to show where the an
swers to the questions were wrong , wcro un
able tocxplnln.whorcupoh the Webster county
candidates threatened to expose the fruud ,
and one member of tbo board snatched the
imperil and escaped from the room. They
now ask for another examination nnd offer to
forfeit $ | , < 0 If it Is pruveu that they ilia not
successfully answer nil tlio questions la the
Died of Ills In.lurlos.
AVOCA , In. , July SO. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : HKI : . ] lilmer Huscknmpf , the twelve-
year-old son of Fred Iluseknmpf , died this
afternoon nt 5 o'clock from Injuries received
Friday In the hayileld of A. W. Coffnmu , ono
mlle south of town. The boy fell from the
load , falling under the horses' feet , the horses
kicking him in the nnd stile.
To Mnmtniotiiro Creamery Huppllos.
M WONCITV , la. , July SO. [ Special Tele-
grnm to Tnr : IinJ ) : A stock company will
bo formed In tliU city for tlio purpose of man
ufacturing all kinds of creamery supplies
from a bucket to un engine.
l/pper / Mississippi Timili'/.lrk.
DAvnxi-oiiT , In. , July 20. Tho" fourteenth
biennial feast of the Upper Mississippi turn-
bcMrk began hero today. The attendance Is
the Inrgcst In the history of the association.
iillH ; Arrests a Man \Yiiiilp < l for _ Scv
oral ( reeked John.
Detcctlvo Kills arrested a sneak tblof
named Tom ICIng tit the corner of Fifteenth
and Douglas last evening , after a lively tus
sle , In which ho was compelled to club the
fellow into submission.
On Saturday afternoon a residence at the
corner of Twenty-llfth nnd Seward was vis
ited by thieves , who secured three breast
pins , u ring nnd a watch , The fellows wore
seen in the back yard by the family and by
neighbors , who suspected nothing -1111111 tbo
loss of the Jewelry was discovered n few
hours later. Tlio police were then furnished
with n description of the thieves.
Detective Kills saw thrco men enter Kulm's
drug store , at Fifteenth nnd Douglas , nbout
10:110 : last night , nnd at unco sued them up as
the fellows ho wanted. As they came out he
placed them under arrest. They showed
light nnd broke away nnd ran In opposite
directions. The oftlcor pursued ono nnd Hred
once in the air to stop him. Ho overtook the
fellow , who again1 resisted , and the oftlcer
struck at him with his gun. The thief caught
the blow on his wrist , which was badly cut
by tlio gun. It took the light all out of him
and bo submitted quietly to arrest.
When searched at the station two brenst-
plns , a meerschaum pipe , two pairs of ladies'
gloves and about $ i : ) in money wcro found on
him. The plus answered the description of
these stolen from the residence on Twenty-
llftb street. Tlio pipe was a new ono and hud
never been smoked.
The fellow could not give a satisfactory ac
count of himself. Ho Hrst , claimed that bo
bought the proiwrty in Denver , having ar
rived from there last night. Ho afterward
denied this nnd refused to answer Captain
Atostyn's questions , saying : "What nro you
asking me these questions for i You know I
will lie to you. "
The detectives took another look for the
two who got nwny , but could not Jlnd them ,
as they took n hack auk skipped across the
river to the Itluffs.
Shortly after the arrest Henry Hornbrrger
telephoned the police that his money drawer
bud been stolen while ho was temporarily
absent from his lunch counter at 1IM1 Doug
las street. The drawer was later found near
the back door. Ho said that it had contained
nbout 3. nil in sliver. The mnneV foniiii nn
King consisted of a 43 bill and fS.10
in silver. The pqlico wcro satisfied
that ho and his companions hud
robbed Hombcrger's place nnd had then en
tered the drug store for the purpose of get
ting tlio cash drawer there. This suspicion
was strengthened when it-was learned that
ono of the men tried to engage tlio attention
of the drug clerk nnd get him to tlio rear end
of the store , but the clerk suspected that
they were thieves and ordered them from the
There is a strong case ngalnst King and
charges of grand larceny will bo placed
against him.
Paul Frank Moots Ills Death Through
a Companion's Cnrclc.SHiiCHH.
The body of another victim of carelessness
lies at Heafy's morgue.
Some days ago Paul Frank left hi ? homo in
Chicago , and , stopping at Council Bluffs , ho
worked at odu Jobs until yesterday , when ho
concluded to visit Omaha. Early yesterday
morning ho walked down to the river , whcro
bo met a boy with a boat , who said that ho
was coming to this side.
Young Frank engaged passage , and , taking
n sent in the bow , ho was soon pulled out into
the channel , where the oarsman apparently
lost control of bis craft and allowed it to drift
with the current.
Frank , knowing something about handling
boats , tools one of tbo oars and paddled to
this side of the main channel , and then
banded the stick to the other boy , instructing
him to land at the bridge nnd let him out.
An attempt was nmdo to do this , but again
the boat drifted , and when near the Thomp
son-Houston electric light works , at tlio foot
of Jones street , the owner of the boat sud
denly turned it toward the shore. Tiio turn
was made so quickly that Frank was
thrown Into the water , when the other lad
turned about and pulled rapidly for the Iowa
Workmen on the Thompson-Houston works
saw the lad fall overboard , nnd running to
the boat rowed out to the spot , reaching him
Justus ho was slnkinij'tho second time. Ilo
was taken In the boat , rowed to the shore and
sent to St. Joseph's hospital , where ho lived
until 'I o'clock yesterday afternoon. The
physician in attendance stated that death
was caused from ncuto pneumonia , caused by
tbo sand and water taken Into the lungs.
The iinmo of the other boy who was in the
boat could not bo learned.
A telegram has been sent to young Frank's
parents , who reside In Chicago , nnd no dispo
sition will bo made of the body until a reply
is received.
Coroner Ilnrrigan will bold an inquest over
the remains this afternoon.
PUSTPONI31) Till' ] KXCtm.SlON.
of Itnln Prevent the Turners'
West Point Trip.
The much talked of , widely advertised
Turners' ' excursion did not go to West Point
yesterday , therefore n great many young men
anil pretty girls all dressed in white , hung on
the left nrnisnnd Councilman iHiko Leo were
sadly disappointed.
At S o'clock , when the train should hnvo
pulled out , it looked so much like rain that
the committee In charge said it would be fool
ish to go.
In consequence a hasty consultation
was held , after which the spokes
man announced that a postponement
to next Sunday had been decided on.
' It has been raining all morning , " said he ,
"and promises to bo raining all day nnd you
know how impossible it Is to have u good
tlmo In the rain. "
The delegation of West Pointers nnd Juven
ile band who cuino down on Saturday to escort
cert the excursionists wcro put aboard the
regular train at U o'clock and sent homo.
Severn ! hundred people had assembled at the
\Voujter street depot willing to make the
trip , rain or shlno , but they took their disap
pointment good naturally , nnd vowed to , bo
better prepared by next Sunday.
Jdtko Leo was irolng with the expectioji of
meeting several state convention delegates at
tbo picnic , consequently bo felt tbo disn | > -
pointment more keenly than anybody else.
Kut Mike was not there to get left entirely.
When the Turners declared their affair off ho
Immediately bought two tickets , and Joined the
Iron Moulders' union excursion to Arlington.
Now York' is Clubs.
There nro 203 olub in t > - city of Now
York , and very few Jin * loss than 200
names on tliolr rails , uomu are purely
social , while others mix politics or re
ligion or literature or athletics with
their sociability. Some of them own
great buildings and maintain expensive
cuisines. Nearly every fourth uilult
muu In Now York in u member of a club.
rijANS of TUN Mtmatoxs.
They nro Striving to Gain Footholds
In tlio NorthMcnt.
"The Mormons are now gaining a foot
hold In the Canadian northwest , " cultl J.
U. Hyde , a lawyer of Vancouver , H. 0. ,
nt the Palmer to a Chicago Tribune re
porter. "They are. now directly accom
plishing what they were not permitted
to do two years aco. In 1S8S the lenders
visited the dominion capital and made
certain propositions. They naked that
they bo allowed to take up a Inrgo block
of land , that tliolr agricultural linplo-
munis bo admitted fruo of duty ,
nnd that these who nlrcady had more
than ono wlfo should bo allowed to
practice ] K > l.vjmmy. * 0f course , * ho Can-
mliun government would not li-'U'ix to
thcbo requests and now the Mormons are
getting ready to com pel the government
to listen to them. They are determined
to tfnln such a hold In the northwest , and
especially In Alberta , that the ( jovorn-
mont will bo obliged to adcedo to the do-
inunds ( if their big- political organiza
tion. The Mormon church is ruled by
n few scheming loaders , and the social-
Istlc principle was luught by Brlgham
Young. \ ou know'lio claimed ho hail
n revelation commanding' ' that nil things
bo hold in common by tlio breth
ren. So it Is in the Mormon church
that when -member comes into
possession of n farm ho must deed it to
the order , or Enoch , and tlio church
tlion owns it. Tin's applies ( o other
property also. Ho must give Ills horses ,
oxen , Hheop , etc. , to the church , mid If
ho refuses no Is excommunicated and be
comes a pariah In the Mormon settle
ment. In Utah the life of one excom
municated is not safe. He Is more than
liable to bo assassinated , In Canada
this could hardly bo true , though the
unfortunate would be boycotted and
finally ho would bo obliged to seek
another clime. The effect of this
community of goods is to prevent n stain-
pcdo from the church , If a mnn leaves
the Mormon church ho cannot ( nice away
or convoy bis property. Not only this ,
but lie Is not tils own master and he
muat do what his Huperjors command.
Therefore his ballot belongs to the
church and the Mormon vote is neces
sarily solid. If the Mormons gain as
cendency in Alberta ns it look's now
that beautiful country cannot bo inhab
ited by Canadians.
"The Mormons are striving to got
bold of a territory that will become a
province , then they would acquire
enough political Influence to force the
government to recognize all the ovlls of
MornioiiiMn , including polygamy. This
is their ambition and aim'ami it is not
impossible that it will bo realized. They
nro certainly spreading themselves over
all the western part of tlio United States.
Thriving ; Mormon settlements can now
bo found in Idaho , Now Mexico , Mon
tana and Wyoming. "
Ilc.siilt f the TlnthlesH Slaughter of
Xohlf ; Animal.
In 1SCS the Union Puuillc railroad and
its branch in Kansas completed
across tbo plains to the foot hills of tlio
Rocky mountains the western limit of
the buffalo range and that year wit
nessed the inauguration of tlioVliolcsalo
and wanton slaughter of the irront rumi
nants , ending only with their practical
extinction in ISSo , by regular hunters
for their bides , and by the crowds of
tourists who crossed the continent for
mere pleasure and sport , then made
possible by the advent of the "iron
trail ; " these latter heartlessly killed
for the excitement of the novel experi
ence , often never oven touching1
a particle of flesh , or possessing them
selves of a single robe as they rode along
at a slow rate of upced , says a writer in
Harper's Weekly. Tlio former , num
bering thousands of old frontiersmen , all
expert shots , and as many novices the
pinneor settlers on the "public domain"
just opened under tbo various land laws
from beyond the Platte to far south of
the Arkansas , within transporting dis
tance of the two roads , day after day for
years mndo it n lucrative business tq kill
for robes only , a market f.or which had
suddenly sprung up all over tlio country.
On either side of the lines of the rail
road , within close range for nearly their
whole distance , the most conspicuous ob
jects in the o days were the disiccntcd
cnrcasscs of tbo noble boasts that bad
been ruthlessly slaughtered by tbo
thoughtless and excited passengers on
route across tbo continent. On the open
pruirio , too , miles away from the course
of legitimate travel , one could walk
in places nil day on the dead
bodies of the bulTnlos , killed by
the hide hunters , without step
ping on the ground ! Then was the
opportunity for congress to interpose.
KestHuting the transportation of robes
by the railroads and express companies
could have saved the buffalo from ex
tinction. I believe tli ore was some ab-
Kurd law enacted in relation to prevent
ing the terrible slaughter , but it made
it only a misdemeanor on the part of the
hunter to kill about as effective a pro
vision , so far as the average plainsman
wus concerned , as to ut-
tempt to dellcct n tornado with
it palm-leaf fan. The price of
robes ranged all the way from oO cents
the amount paid primarily to $2./iO / as
they became scarcer. I Inivo bought
many a linely tanned and ornamented
"silk vobe" from the Indians for half a
loaf of bread or a cupful of sugar ; but
that was twenty-five years ago. Today
tbo same kind would easily bring $ lf > 0 ,
if procurable at all anywliore , which I
very much doubt.
A Very Itnrn Stamp.
Philatelists will bo interested in a cer
tain passage of the last ollieinl report
which is nmdo by the British consul at
Tanisul , in Formosa , writes Eugene
Field in the Chicago News. It Is to tbo
effect Unit the supply of tlio so-called
Formosa stamp * has como-to an end and
that accordingly the. value of current
stumps must necessarily increa&o as time
gees on. The Formosa stamp is HO far a
genuine stamp that It was originally
produced for postUl uses , but , as a matter
of fact , tbo intention was nuvor carried
out ; HO it has been impossible to obtain
specimens authenticated by a postmark.
As philatelists would sny , It has never
been more than an "essay. " However ,
these stamps were utilized as railway
tickets on the Fornuwnn government
railway line , and ns fast ns tiscd they
were destroyed , The supply issued for
this purpose has been exhausted. When
the stamp was first "ossaved" it brought
as high a price us Oil in London , anil , of
late , collectors have been paying § 2.50
for specimens. Of course , almost any
price can bo demanded and will bo paid
for ono of those stamps. Certain Mauri
tius stamps are exceeding rare and tlio
Htiunps of tlio defunct Gorman principal
ities are rapidly becoming scarce.
It Guts Awful llol In Ocorgln. *
A curious incident occurred on Wash
ington street , Albany , Ga. A country
man had n load of melons and was try
ing to sell thorn. Ho stood tlicro for
about half an hour , nnd at last ono of
the boys cnmo up and priced them. Tlio
countryman turned and nut his hand on
a melon to lift it out a nil aliow it to the
omtifuior. When the countryman
touimcd the melon bo gnvoa yell that
could hnvo been bonrd to the uopot , and
danced around like n crazy num. slinking
his band. The melon bad laid in tbo
sun HO long that it was rod hot , and the
countryman had burned the skit ) oil' his
hand when ho touched It.
The Attempt of , ' Third Party Managers to
Entnaro Laboring Men ,
1 t
A Delegation , Visits the Slnclo Tax
Club and Typographical Union ,
Hut .Aro Promptly Sat
Down Upon.
The leaders of the Independent movement
nmdo a desperate attempt yesterday after
noon to Induce labor nnd politics to go hand
In hand. The attempt was a dismal failure ,
so far as inducing wis concerned.
Karly In the nfternoon the members of the
county central committee of the Independent
party met In one of the unto rooms at Onto
City hull , whcro a committee , with I. I ) .
Chamberlain of Stromsburg us spokesman ,
was appointed.
Thl * committee was instructed to visit the
Omaha Tj-pocrnphiral union , No. UK ) , which
was in session , and there offer inducements
to the members If they would go Into politics.
Tlio visit was made , but It was not of long
duration , for the members of the union at
once Intormeu the committee that they were
not In politics and no propositions could bo
The political ambition of the members of
the committee was cooled off to some extent ,
but , not in the least daunted , they returned
to where the main body was In session , wait
ing to hear the result of the interview. The
report was made , after which the same com
mittee was instructed to visit the Henry
GcorRO club , which wns in session nt Onto
Clty'lmll , and attempt tourpoupon that body
the importance of going within the Inde
pendent fold.
After enterIIR ! the hnll Mr. Chamberlain
of Stromsbnrf , ' stated the object of the visit ,
remarking ! " \Votirohcro for the purpose of
inviting the Henry George followers to como
to our urms nnd join with us in ridding the
land of political corruptlonists nnd political
tyrants. Wo want you to bo on the inside ,
believing that if you are on the outside you
lire ngninst us. Do you know , brothers , that
I have four little boys , and that
each ono of these boys carries
branded on bis back 'Mortgaged
for 51,000 , ; mortgages rated there by the
people of this state. "
Mr. Chamberlain said ho was In favor of
the free and unlimited colnnjjo of silver , but
ho would prefer to have n piece of paper bear
ing the United Stntc-s dollar stamp than to
have the silver dollar. Ilo then read the
platform of tha Thdepcndont party and devoted -
voted an hour to its discussion , frequently
declaring that unpolitical parties are com
posed of rorruptlonists and men who upon
general principles uro robbers.
Mr. btcvens of the Henry George club
thought the proposition was too indcllnito
nnd smacked too much of politics to receive
uuy consideration. Ho said the pronosition
to go into the unlimited coinage of silver
looked like a scheme to help sliver mine
owners rather than the residents of Ne
braska. Ho thought the members of tlio
club would bo willing to untu ! in ntty move
ment that was lu the right direction , but bo
did not think they wanted to start off on n
tangent , not knowing where thcvwcro poing.
Another mcinb'er thought the independents
wcro a muss of unorganized men , without
any fixed purpose ilii view , nnd he saw no
reason vwy the members of tlio club should
take up , follow and endorse nay third party
This put n dnmpcnor on the hopes of the
members of the' ' committee , but once more
Air. Chamberlain braced up nnd said : "If
you will join with us wo will take you Into
the county convention and allow you ono
delegate tor every ten members of your club ,
nnd an extra delegate on the major fraction
of the ton. "
This for p. tlin6 looked ns though it was
going to bo an Inducement to join , but tbo
club members rallied nnd the proposition was
J. C. Ticrney , another member of the inde
pendent committee , threw himself into the
breach , and us an extra Inducement sniu :
"When wo formulate our platform wo pro
pose to give the Henry George men their
single tax and land plank , the laboring men
tboir hour plank and the farmers' alliance
people their transportation plank , and this
ought to satisfy nil of tbo ele
ments.1 ' As another Inducement , Mr.
Tlernoy informed the club that
all of the members of the independent move
ment would pledge themselves to cut tbo can
didates on the republican and democratic
tickets and stand as a unit for tbo nominees
of the independents.
John E. ijmblcn was so well pleased with
tbo situation that ho moved that the club en
dorse the third parly inovt'iucnt. The debate
became hot , so hot Chat ho withdrew his mo
tion and offered a substitute that the club
send delegates to the convention.
Mr. Chamberlain oneo more got the floor
nnd stated that if the delegates appeared nt
the convention tliey would bo recognized. At
this point Mr. Chamberlain was called down
by tlio president iuforinlng him that the con
stitution of the dub prohibited the body from
engaging in n political contest of any kind ,
and , pending the discussion , the meeting ad
journed without taking any action upon the
"Wanted Co i-Grand Ijnrccny.
Tom McDonald was arrest cd yesterday on
a charge of grand larceny. Ho Is one of a
gang of young thieves who are wanted for
stealing foOO worth of railroad brasses a short
time ngo. Ed Fitzgerald , another of the
gang , is now under arrest at South Omnhn.
William Munskey was arrested several dnys
ago for receiving the property , andhiscaso
is now pending trial. i i
- -f'J.M.'SOAM/ ll.l < iHAM'lIS.
U. T. Smith , Carroll , is at tlio Millnrd.
Allen Jillson of David City is at the Cnscy.
T. J. Wall of Denver is nt the Merchants ,
John McUrido of O'Neill is a Casey guest.
S. G. Husscll of St. Paul is nt the Paxton.
K. B. Davidson of New York is at tlio Mil-
F.V. . Wood of Milwaukee Is u Murray
B. Undo of NIobrara is stopping at the
Frank Boyd of Leigh Sundayod at the
J. Watson KIley of Albion was at the Mer
chants ,
J. A. Patterson of Crc&ton was at the Mer
chants last night. ' '
F. E. Broadway Is stopping at the Mer
D. Soper of Chicago Is n guest at the Mer
chants , -
J. A. Hamilton'o fet. Louis'is nt the Mur
ray today.'i
J. B. Hunn of Sah Francisco Is n guest nt
the Paxton. ' "
J. C. W. Perry ofNew York is stopping at
the Murray. t. .
E. II , Kellogg of Chicago Is In the city , nt
the Murray , . ' > .
F. AV , Barber Of'Grand Island is stopping
at the Casey. iu
William II. Woods of Chicago is registered
nt the Paxton , < > ilf
J. W. Scbomp of DCS Moines is registered
at the'ii '
M. L. Elsmoroof Hastings was nt the Mur
ray lust night.
Kd McComb of DCS Moines was nt the
Casey lust night.
Thomas A. Hnllsback of Atchtnson is a
guest at the Millard.
C. C. Van Elton of Now York la at tlio
Paxton this morning.
Henry St. Uayner anne down from Sidney
hist night and lb at tliu Paxton ,
Air. and Mrs. W , I , Bcanlan were nt the
Millnrd last night on their way from New
York to the Pacific
Tlio Aiit.I.inics | Kiiotlon ,
The nntl-James fnetlon of the school board
held a meeting yesterday afternoon at the
ofllco of II. IJ , Corycll , at which nine mem
bers of the board were present , The meet
ing was hold behind closed doors and nil re
porters were excluded. It was a tcto-a-tote
session of the anti-James combine , and the
knowledge of what they did U locked up lu
their own minds. It vrns learned , hoivovor ,
on very good authority , that they decided to
mnlto nn attempt to oust Mr. James nnd en-
gngo Mr. llloss nt this avonlna's meeting.
The members present were not disposed to
{ tire out any Information as to the action
taken tit the meeting and wcro frigidly non-
communicative when approached with refer
ence to It ,
Ilcnmrknhlc KflVut of the Hlto of 11
To.xa * Insect ,
Old stories of the hlto of the tarantula
Inducing nn uncontrollable deslro to
dance have been called to miml hero by
the death of little Maurice Benton , son
of Lemuel Ucnton , a prominent lawyer ,
which occurred yesterday , says u Texas
letter to the Philadelphia Times. Tlio
llltlo follow had boon playing on the
lawn of his father's residence and ran la
to his mother complaining that somo-
tblug had stuck in bis bare foot. Tlio
member was examined by Mrs. Ztonlon
nnd a small red wound , sueh us a liirgo-
sl/.cd noodle might hnvo punched , was
found , but was accompanied by no swell
ing , nnd but little pain ; so , applying n
little camphor to the place , his mother
thought no nioro of it.
During the night , however , slio was
aroused by the child's uneasiness -and
eomplninlng , bo she took him out of his
bed , and , to her horror , discovered that
the entire limb hnd turned u purplish
black. A physician' sent for , but
before ho arrived the boy was iu convul
sion of so peculiar it character that tlio
doctor ut once suspected the presence of
some unusual poison. The spnsum
seemed con lined to his limbs , which
wcro so violently nnd continuously con
vulsed as to keep the child dancing up
and down , throwing its arms wildly and
twitching its fingers. These painful
contortions lasted until the little follow
sank exhausted and unconscious , in
which state .ho remained all the next
day , dying in the evening.
The body was perfectly livid , with
great spots of discoloration nearly blacken
on the limbs and stomach , wbllb a pe
culiar fungus growth made its appear-
nnco between the parted lips. Tlio
physicians were much pn/zled to ac
count for the case , as the limb was so
swollen as to render any examination of
the wound impossible , but old settlers
sny that from the description of it and
tlio convulsions produced it was un
doubtedly caused by the bite of a taran
tula. These deadly oronluros have
grown very rare in these p.irts , so they
were not nt lirst though of in connection
with the case.
A recent writer , assuming Unit n diet
of ono part of nitrogenous to seven or
eight non-nitrogenous is a good combin
ation ; that a diet of twelve to fourteen
ounces of chemically dry food , digesti
ble , with the Ingredients in proper pro
portion , is suflioicnt to keep in good
health an avorage-si/.ed mnn on moder
ate work , declares that the majority of
people in England eat literally twice us
much as this , nor does such excess vary
much among dllTeront occupations ; nnd.
while moderate overeating may not be
considered to bo really injurious ,
it is a fact thnt not only do
very many men oat much more than the
moat liberal tables , but it is no un
common thing for an nveraffo-sizcd man
on very moderate work to eat twenty-
live to twenty-seven ounces df chemically
dry food a day. On a diet from which
all meat is excluded It is found that
twelve or thirteen ounces a day will
comfortably feed a hard working' man ,
and , while a moderate amount of stimulants -
lants appears to increase the average ,
moderately frco drinking diminishes it.
The habit with women exhibits n
marked difference , the fact being that
they eat much less than men , nfter mak
ing allowance for differences in weight
and work ; that is , whore a man eats
nineteen ounces , a woman of the same
weight and of active habits eats only
fourteen or fifteen ounces.
A Hard Yonn * ter to Kill.
Frederick Riulloff , a soventeon-ycnv-
old South Brookly boy , who lives nt H4
Fifteenth street , says the New York
Sim , became recently n helper to Jack
Gallagher , a plumbor. Gallagher was
working the other day on the fourth
story of a row of now lints on the south
side of West Ono Hundred nnd t'ortv-
ilfth street , this city. Young Rudlo'lT
was assisting him more or less. A
bqunro air shaft two feet and six inches
across runs in ono building from coiling
to roof. It had a facination for Iluiltoll
and though warned to keep away from
it , ho just could not.
About 3 p. m. , wishing to got into a
room opposite , Frederick conceived the
idea that it would bo a line thing to get
there by leaping across the shaft. It
was easier to walk around it , but this
was profile. lie took the trouble to
climb three feet to the sill of a door
four feet high opening into the air shaft.
Ilo proposed to leap to the sill of a simi
lar door opposite. The distance was
easily crwsscil , for his logs were
long enough to sten it. But
ho didn't want to stop it , Ilo
wauled to jump. lie jumped and hit his
head against the lintel of tlio opposite
door frame , so instead of landing on the
sill ho landed in the collar , sixty-live
feet below. Luckily for Minn small joist ,
about two foot from the concrete lloor
caught him iirst , nnd , breaking served
to some extent as a spring board in letting
ting him down gently. lie sprained ono
of his fool , and his ankles swelled up ,
hut though they kept him in tlio Man
hattan hospital yesterday to see if ho
would not die of Internal injuries lie
would not , and they lot him go.
I'rompt rayiiicnt of Iill'o Insiiranec ! .
II. 0 , Kitchlo , who died at Plaits-
mouth , hold a policy in the Bankers' life
insurance company of Nebraska.
The following letter is an evidence of
tbo company's prompt method of doing
business :
PrTTtJOUTH ! , Nob. , July 10 , 1800.
W. A. Llndloy , Esq. , Secretary Hunkers'
Life Insurance Company , Lincoln , Nob.
Dear Sir : I am in receipt , through your
general agent , Mr. II. D. Brooks , of your
draft for $2,000 , payment in full of policy
No. Ill" " , issued by llio Hankers' life in
surance company of Nebraska , on the
life of my husband , Harry C. Ritchie , de
Permit mo to thank both yourself nnd
the Hunkers' life insurance company for
such prompt and generous hottlem.ont of
my claim. The money wius paid to mo in
just tivo { < " ) ) days from my hiisbiind.M
death , without any expense of collection ,
or deduction for advance payment , i run
paid balance of annual premiums , al
though by the terms of'tbo policy it was
not duo for ninety days. Yours grate
Oixxl JndInns Now.
The fquaw and papoose of ( Joronimo ,
tlio notorious Apnoho , have been bap
tized In the Catholic church , bays a
Mobile , Ala. , dispatch to the St , Louis
Republic. The ceremony took place at
St , Thomas' church , Mount Vernon , nnd
was performed by tlio ICuv. II. O. ( irmly ,
a missionary attached to the Cut hod nil
of tbo Immaculate Conception , this city.
Oeri-.nimo and a largo number of his In
dians in full war paint aUonded the ser
vice. The squaw , who was instructed in
tlio doctrines of tlio Catholic church by
Father O'CJmdy through an latorprotor ,
received in baptism the immo of Maria
and the papoose Hint of France ! ) . The
spniibors wtv-o chosen by ( Joronimo from
among tbo Citizens of Mount Vornon.
ICIIzAbcth niMnnd'a Crnplilo Pen I lo
tnro of linglniiU'H IJOWCP House.
Wo are going1 to tlio house tonight.
Sir Frederick has nn important bill
coming on iu the evening nnd wishes us
to hear the debate. 3Io goes down early
and sends UB tickets for the upcnkor s
gallery , to which ono gains nilmUtaiu-o
only by n curd from Mrs. 1'eol. Wo
climb ninny steps , nnil a benign elderly
person in kneo-brecehosniuln greatgolil
insignia of olllco shows us Into u crated
cage that looks down ever tlio house ,
which is quite full. At one Bldo of us.
a bit lower , is the Indies' gallon- , grated
like our own. I wonder it they'fear wo
shall get Into mischief that thev cage us
up like monkeys ? writes Miss Kllxaboth
Iflsland in Harper's Uaztvr. Wo are di
rectly over the speaker , nnd see only
llio canopy of his chair , the curly white
wigs of Ills three clocks , and the
enormous golil inneo. On the tier below
Is the reporter's gallery fugged , linrd-
worked looking men , who scribble furi
ously. Ono can see what they are doing
quite well , nnil it Is noticeable that most
of them write In long hiuiil. Their ac
count of the debate Is to be found in the
Times next ilny , and tbo speeches as
given by them are for more succinct and
forcible tlnwi when the meinboi-rt delivered
tliem. Opposite is the gallery for distin
guished. Htrnngcrs , nnd orosswiso run
the gnllorlos for the peers. From time
to Unto some one drops in from the house
of lords now also In session and stop }
to hour a portion of the debate. Now it
is a portly , llorid old gentleman , who
listens with his hnnd behind his car ;
and now feonio slim , pink-chocked boy
just succeeded to a title , immaculately
arrayed in evening dress , with a plnlc
peony In Ills button-hole. The conserva
tives sit on the green-cushioned benches
to the right of the speaker ; the minis
ters in front. Mr. Arthur Halfour , sec
retary for Ireland , is speaking when wo
enter. A tall , slender man , with little
silken brown ripples all ever his head ;
good-looking , calm and faultlessly
dresseil ; nnd with delicate , slender
hands , which ho rests on the desk before -
fore him ns ho sponks. very languidly ,
but uloarly , and with a nlight hesitation.
They uro talking nhout Ireland ns usual.
On the bench from which ho has just
risen sit Lord George Hamilton , also
handsome , tall and dark-haired ; Mr.V. .
II. Smith , leader of the house whose
head Is very largo and quite bald ; Mr.
Goshen , and the rest of the ministers.
Behind sit the conservatives , a fine body
of men , extremely well set up , wearing
glossy , silk hats , nnd looking , on tbo
whole , rather indifferent and bored ,
grinding out an occasional "lloarl
hearl'1 ' when Mr. Balfour mnkcsn point
against his opponents.
This gentleman is saying in pollto
parliamentary phrases , and with n
somewhat fatigued manner , that ho
considers his accusers liars , one and all.
\Vlien he Is done , Mr. Gladstone takes
the word , rising from the opposite
benches , nnd looking oxtremolv white
and feeble , speaking keenly amt to tbo
point , in the trembling , squeaky tones
u&cd by the sage old man. Close bcsido
him is Lord llartington , with his hat
tipped over his eyes , his logs thrust out ,
ana his hands in his pockets. Further
back , among tlio Irishmen , is Brnd-
lantrh. tbo famous infillnl. i-osv ninl
genial , and very like the late Jlenry
\Vard Becehor in appearance. Finally
the Irishmen get on their feat ono after
another Dillon , O'Brien , 1'arnoll and
Hcroain lluontly and vltuporutlvoly at
Mr. Balfour , who looks ever his notes
and pretends not to hear them. Sir
George Trovolyan , nephew of Mncnulny ,
speaks on tbo Irish side with the pol
ished roundness of the elocutionist ; and
a certain Air. Fowler , with his laconic
severity , brings n , flush to Ualfour's
forehead nnd mnkco him stir angrily.
In the gallery with us Is a large
handsome old lady with much white lace
around her head. Lady B whispers
to mo it is Mrs. Gladstone , who is known
as the Stormy Petrol , for there is sure
to bo trouble brewing when she appoaiu
It is rumored to-night that her husband
hopes to cut the government majority on
the land purchase bill down lower than
it has over yet been. She shows very
little excitement , but watches atl'tiirs at
tentively through the grating.
On ono side of us sits a slim girl in
red , HO interested in the debate that * she
has thrown oil' her hut and gloves , and
pushed back her hair from her forehead.
She holds the bars with both little white
hands , and will not miss n word a high
bred , pretty cronture , evidently an
ardent conservative , who gives us much
information in whispers ns to the mem
bers and llio slnto of the bill. On the
other sldo sits one I take to bo an Ameri
can from her excessively perfect raiment
and her little rising inflections. At ton
mlnutos of eight the speaker declares a
recess of half an hour , and the members
troop out to dino.
JIow tlio World's Metropolis Ijoolcod
JKniir Centuries A'jo.
The ancient rhymester who mot his
sister Ann as tfioy were both crossing
London bridge in tbo thirteenth year of
the First .lumen , if ho could como buck
to London in the fifty-third year of Viu-
toria , would find it more easy to rccog-
'n i/o his sister Ann than to recognize
London bridge , or London itself , nays a
writer in Harper's Weekly. In 1010
London was the London of Shakespeare
and lun ! .lonsnn , and London us
the wars of York and Lancaster
had found and left it no nioro
Ifko lo tlio London of today than was
the Hat island discovered by Ilon-
drlk Hudson in K0 ! ! ) like unto iho me
tropolitan city of 1800 which wo cull
Now York , In 101(1 ( little John Milton
was beginning the study of Latin in
Pawl's schulo ; Bacon was living In
chambers in Gray's Inn : Drayton occu
pied tbo bay-window house next to the
eiibt end of St. Dim&tun's church in Fleet
street ; Ihiiak Walton had half of a shop
in the sumo thoroughfare two iloors west
of Chnncory Lnno , and was buy-
in' ' his llsh-hooks In llm-p
Alley ; Raleigh , having fin
ished his History of the World , was 'It- '
ting out his expedition to Guiana ; IScau-
mont and Fletcher were living together
on the Bauksldo. not far from the I'lnv
house , with "tho r-iuno cloatlm and
clouko , etc , , between them ; " and John
Taylor , the water poet , was btlll a
waterman , getting ready to blurt on his
"Ponnyloss Pilgrimage. " In 1010
King James was belling peer
ages to the hlgU'-Rt ' bidders ,
holding costly theatrical revels at
Wh'tohall ' on Sunday evenings , to the
utter horror of the Puritans , lavishing
favors upon Buckingham nt the public
oxpoiiMO , and doing all of tlioso unac
countable thlngn which led Sully to call
him tiio fool in Rurnpc , In 1U10
the tower stood on Uiu eastern verge of
London , as Vih ehor uw It , while White
hall was the extreme wohtorn boundary ,
and the city of Westminster was still'
a considerable illstnnco out of town ;
the gardens of the aristocratic mansions
on tbo Strand extended down to the
Thames on the one bide , or back to the
open lields on the olbor ; the streets wcro
narrow , dirty , ill-paved , full of ruts and
holes , nnd robbers nnd rulllans of nil
kinds ; the Fleet river , the Fleet ditch ,
and the Fleet prison were Illled
with pestiferous Inhabitants ; the com
mon pi'onlo horduil in poor wooden buildIngs -
Ings , unit oven the merchant princes ,
living in luxury over their own shops ,
knew nothing of what wo consider the
Is Impurity of the Hood which produces
unsightly lumps or swellings In llio necki
which causes running sores on the tarns ,
legs , or feet ; which dcrclops ulcers In the
eyes , cars , or nose , often causing blindness or which Is the origin ut pimples , cancerous
cereus growths , or "humors ; " which , fastenf"
Ing upon the lungs , can sea consumption amV *
death. It Is the most ancient ( > f alt diseases ,
and very few persons are entirely frco from IU
Herr , , CURED
Uy taking HooiVs Samp.irllla , which , by
the rcmaikablo cures It has accomplished ,
lias proven Itself to bo a potent ami peculiar
nicdlclno for tills disease , It yon sutler fiom
scrofula , try Hood's Sarsnparllla.
" livery spring my wlfo and children liavo
been troubled with fcrofuln , my lltllo boy.
thrco years old , being a terrible suHcrcr.
Lust spring ho was one mass of sores from
head to feet.'o \ all took Hood's Sarsapaillla ,
nnd all have been cured of thoscrofrla. My
little boy U entirely free from sorct , nnd all
fourot my children look bright and hcallhy. " .
W. I ) . ATIIKUTO.V , I'assalo City , N. J , / >
Hood's Sarsaparilla
ly C.I , HOOD A CO. , .Apothecaries , Lowell , Man.
IOO Doses. Ono Dollar
comforts or conveniences of life. Tim
Thumps was the main highway , and in
1(11(1 ( ( nml for ninny.years tboVonfter , it
hud but one bridge for anybody's sister
Ann to cro.w. Tlio population of
London at thotiino of the accession of
James was a little ever ono hundred ami
lltty thousand , the people- Paris num
bering more tlmn those of London a-iil
Dublin put together. The clt.y wiu
lighted with laiitorns containing cotton-
wlclc candles , nearly all trnvolors carry
ing or hnvlncr curried for them thoirown
links wbon they ventured into llio streets
after tlio sot of the HUH ; nnd rod niul
white roses In 101(5 ( prow in the Temple
gardens us their descendants grow in
the sumo earth today.
AN AUTOMiVriO 1 11113 IGMTKIt.
Tlio Clover Iiivcntton of a Hrlg'it '
Young Cleveland Mcdianto.
Charles P. Orth , n bright young
mechanical genius living at No. 8SO St.
C'luir street , 1ms perfected a device for
the automatical ignition of liros which
is different and quite superior to any
thing HO fur invented , says the t'lov'o-
liuid Sun. Some months ngo Charlie
was employed at the Morgan lithograph
works , at tbo corner of St. C'luir und
"Wood streets , und ho occupied u posi
tion which nuoossltiitod him arising at 4
o'clock in the morning to sturl the ih-es.
Although n gooi hard worker lie , like
everybody else , did not relish the Idea
of getting up so early , und ho began to
liguro out u suliomo which would nmko
it unnecessary. After ninny slcople-ts
niKlils and a great deal of labor the
thing was completed , and now ho l.s ex
hibiting it lo his friends and to nil
others who may bo interested in it with
much buti.sfaction. The arrangement is
at once simple and plain nml has the ml-
vantage > of costing but little money.
moans used. A clock costing not more
than seventy-live cents is connected with
a buttery. The wires are run from the
clock to the simple little device placed"
under the grnlo of the htovo. There are
several little ingenious appliances fixed
10 the clock. Should u person want a.
11 ro sturted in his cook Move at six
o'clock ho would proceed in thin wise :
Ho would place a small amount of
paper , a piece of which would bo dipped
iu kerosene , in Hie grate with kindling-
wood and coal enough to burn half un
hour , on top. Then ho would 1111 his
ton kettle with water and place it on the
stove where it would boll readily when
Iho lire got lo going. Ho would next
lake down the electrical device from a
hook bulilnil the stove and nlllx it to the
grate. La&tly , ho would "sot' ' his eloclc
at the hour of HX ! ami could then go to
bed nnd know that when ho would arlho
in the morning ho would find a warm ,
cosy Icitchon and a boiling tea kettle.
The hour-hand of the clock servos to
open the current of electricity. When
it arrives at tlio IlguroHix it touches a
piece of brass. The electricity passes
throifgh it n round the rim of tbo eloclc
anil UJHHI a wire to the stove. Iloro a
tin } ' piece of platinum wire is heated tea
a white heat by the current , and this
ignutes si match resting against it. The
minor saturated with kerosene immed
iately blir/.cs up and there you have a
lire. A quarter of an hour later another *
current is ononcd by the clockwork and
the electricity rings a boll in the bed
room , awakening tlio Blooper.
All this is not in the least complicated
and is made with little Young
Orth has .suceobbfully opornlcil the thing
in his workshop for the lust few weeks ,
and it is pronounced by all who have
seen It to bo the best devise for the pur
pose yet mndo.
the Kiiinrcss Out.
The ox-Rmprois F.ugonio had qulto an
( id vonluro Homo time ago on route from
Liege to Cologne , writes Eugene Field
to llio Chicago News. She \\t\tt \ \ sitting
In a lirst-eluss railway compartment
when a man entered , and , producing a
pipe , began to smoke industriously. The
guard represented to the follow that tlio
compartment was reserved for Indies ,
but this warning had no ell'cct upon the
rulllau , who continued to mnoko so fast
that the air In the compartment POOH lu-
caino intolerable and the ox-cMnpross
fainted away. At the next stop him was
removed to another compartment. Wliun
told who the lady was the man expressed
satisfaction that he had smoked her out.
"I've paid my faro nrd I in as good art
anybody olno , " waid ho. Strangely
enough , the follow was nut arrested for
violation of the rule prohibiting Intrus
ion inlo and smoking in the compart
ment reserved lor ladles. It Is wild ,
however , that railway regulations in
Europe are enforced In the ciibeu of foi ,
eign patrons only. Lot an American
break the pettiest rule and ho Is mulcted
promptly and to tbo very limit.
"Muy I have tbo honor of tills wnltsl"
"IJut I don't think I have thopleniuroof your
ucijutiliitfliiro. " "U , yes , i truii on your foot
nbuut half an hour since , and I beard you sny
you would remember mu in lontr us you
lived. "
A cn > : im Hnrliuldni ; pnurlnr.
of loiiviinlns stiuiiKih U , a. Uov-fpuiaut lie *
port Ana. IT. I't'fJ .