Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1890, Image 1

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MORNING JULY 21 , 1800.
Tom Bonnlnghall , a Lincoln Yonth , Shoots
a Son of Eugcno Warner.
An Adventure Wltli a Tnrntttnln-
Iliii-lnt of TliintinN II. Ken-Is of
Geneva XewH Krinu Over
the HI ate.
/ \ TJNTOI.N , Ts'ob. , July20. [ Special Telegram
I to Tun HKI : . ] NVhllo Tom Denningball , a
'i nf se.vpnteon. wns foollnir with a re-
youia in scwni-c ,
volvcr thin evening , near Eleventh nnd 13 , ho
ashed a group of boys : "Which ono of you
wiints to bo ahetl" IJugeno Warner's eight-
ycnr-oldson rcspondc-il , "I do. " UciinlnghnU
then leveled , thu revolver nt him iinil llrcd.
The bullet struck him In thohcn.l , inflicting a
frightful wound anil dropped tlic boy sensc-
lins ami bleeding to the rwul. A pltysldun
was called and an cxnmJnatloii showed Unit
the bralu win not pierced and the wound
not fiitnl. llonnlnghnll pretests Hint ho aid
not mcnn to shoot. Up to 10 o'clock ho had
not been urrcstoil ,
Cniiluronci : Cut 11 | i Mooting.
Fiioio.VT , Nob. , July 20.-rjSpcclul to Tin
BIX. ] The minimi ramp meeting of the
Christian 3'nrlc and Assembly association
inccta on Thursday o ( this week. Proparu
tiuns nro being made with tlio expcctatloi
that thu attendance will bo very largo. A
new auditorium costing SH.OIO nnrt having i
seating cnpclty of , W persons IB being com
nlctcd , A commodious boarding hall 1m
ULCII built imil the ( -rounds nro greatly 1m
proved In many ways. The street car line i' '
Iwlng extended to tlio grounds anil will affon
convenient nnil cheap transportation.
The programme for the meetings whic' '
continue ten days is an elaborate ono. Mini ;
distinguished ministers of the Mutliodls
church will bo in nttendnnco.
Dodge C. nintyAlllnncpfl.
FimioxT , Nob. , Jniy 20. ( Special to Tn
llr.H.J Pomona grange has decided to li.ivo
irumlpicnic ; in the future tit some point I
the central part of the county. An invltatio
lias been extended tn ami accepted by tit
county alllunco to unite in tlio festivities
Prominent speakers will bo invited fron
The president and secretary of the countj
ulllnnco hnvo Issued a call lor u county eon
ventlon , to bo hold nt Xortli llond Saturday ,
Julv ! M , when legislative and comity tickets
will ho nominated and delegates selected to
tiUonil the independent blato convention.
' ICtd'rf > t.
Hurlnl < > ! Itrotlinr .
GKXIJVA , Nob. , July 110. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Itr.i : . ] The memorial services of
Thomas II. Ferris , the Sir Kntpht of Pythias
who was accidentally drowned at Milwau-
wnukce , was bold this nftornoon in the M. E.
I'hni'ch. Hebron lcnlgli s , whom Ferris
drilled with while nl the encampment , unmo
up by spi'einl train. There was IMI immumo
cro\vd present. The sermon was preacbud
by Itov. L. T. Fisher , chaplain of tlio Third
regiment , Knights of Pythias. Tlio florid
decorations were the llnest ever seen in the
city. The parade , headed l > y the Third regi-
inent bund , was mi Imposing and impressive
Utmliii"iB nt IVIIucix.
\Yii-cox , Neb. , July 20. [ Special to THE
Bun. ] Dusitiess h good In nil branches of
triulo and'-money * seemsUK be reasonably
plentiful. Tlio banks report the demand
fi'Am thn farmers lighter tiiiiii usniil for this
Irom uio
time of the year. Ono brick building , store
building , Coiigicgationnl cliuroh and several
brick residences arc well under way. Lots
have been purchased for three other build
ings which will bo commenced ut oiico.
Found n Tarantula.
TAI.MWI : , Nub. , July 20. [ Special to Tun
BII : : . ] As Mrs. J. H. Bord , wife of nrcstaiir-
untiaan , was opening the stove this morning
a tarantula walked Into the rtxhn , probably
driven by tbo rain. It is supposed that the
unliiml canio to tills country with a bunch of
bnuimus over u week ago. Nobody wisi burt ,
and the "varmint" wns killed.
BnttiiiRr Growing Ilnpltlly.
SUMMMI , Neb. , July L'O. [ Special to THK
BELBunmor ] Is ono of the now towns on
the Kearney J'c IHaclt Hills iiillroadvbieh
iBimwbuildiiiK from Kearney up the tvrtllo
\Vooil river valley , nbout forty miles from
Suninor is located In the very best part of
tlio valley nnd surrounded by soir.o of the
iluest furm lands in the slate , mid this town
is destined to become ono of the live onca of
this suction.
Sale of Hoiuls.
Wisxnu , Nob. , July a ) . [ Special to Tin :
Bun. ] Tlio Cumlnij county $03,000 , 5 per cent
ten to twenty year i-efundltiB bonds wow sold
on Saturday to W. .T. Hayes & Sons , Clovo-
Iniul , 0. , for $1,10."i , premium nnd nccruoil In-
trrust cijunl to $1-IOI ( , This is the best ale of
the same cUss of bonds o\or \ Jiwdoiu thestato
nnd speaks well for Ctimlng county , .
' .I'ho Itinnc T ! .IIII"on ,
.Bi. MII , Tfoh. , July 0. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : HII : : . ] The pimo of ball today be
tween the Models of Council liluiTs and the
lioinu loam ix-sultcd In f.ivnr of thohomo nine.
Sicorc. U tor > . lliittorles ; VorMoilels.Crusby
nud Alchols ; for Blair , lllloy and Wolbauui.
Drown County 1toiiihlliiiK | ! ! ,
BAfaKTT , Neb , , July 20 , [ Special Tclcttram
to Tin : UEIAt : ] the republican county eon-
' qcntiou ytstoiilny < J. J. Houseman was nomi
nated for commissioner nnd J. Il.Klwcll for
county attorney. Del Aldus heads the dolo-
pation to the stnto convention nail J. I ) ,
Creiblo to the connresslomu convention. The
delepites to the stile convention were in
structed for 1 ( , D. Uichatils for ( ravcmor ,
while the congressional deleputcs wcro un-
I Instructoil. JCvery product In the county
had their full roprcscntntionand the conven
tion was iu every way very harmonious.
s , , , , , , , ! , , , . , , County lflcgiitou. |
VALI-AIIVISO , Neb , , July JJO. [ Sixvlal Telo
pram toTiiK Hin. | lloti. John Stcen will
hnvo ten If not twelve of tbo votes of the
Kaumlors county delegation for the onlco of
commissioner of public lands and bulldlnp ) .
Dlspati-bes sent ironi this i-ounty huretoforo
have been very iiilslnmllng. J udco Hoe o'3
friends state upon authority that ho will not
bo u candidate lor governor.
- County K piililltittis. !
Uow , Nob. , July CO. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : TIKI : . 1 The republican
county convention mot lioro yesterday nnd
elected deletratos to the state convention ,
hemlod by 'W. Hoyeo. A majority of llio dele
gates are. supposed to favorJacK MeColl for
governor. Ills 11 fanners' delegation ,
\Vayiu < County Itupnljllonnq.
\VAVSK , Js'eb. , July 20-Speclnl Telo-
gnuu toTiiK Iluil : Tbo county ivimbllean
convention met yesterday. Tlio ileKvutlon is
unpledged. A strong natl-Doi-sey delegation
wiw uhuDcn to tho. congressional convention.
Jlnrrls null Not Dim lirl" .
I'AXTOX , Jfeb. , JulyiO. [ Special Teicji-am
to Tut : Her. . ] The name ol M. A. Daugbctv
is mentioned In the , dispatches from Ogullalu
as heading the delegation to the republican
titnto convention. This Is an error , us Or , II.
1) . Harris of Pixxton iwolvcd the outli-o veto
tnul wus therefore entitled to xbo chnlrman-
bhlp. _
Wnrtio tliituVnr. .
C.MUO , July JO , Itls reported that Osman
Ulgtm bus lost 400 mcu by fuuilua anil sick-
UV53 ,
' ' ' VAJIt.
'JTIfJJ H''fi .
Y 7M < ; ctlng III CJilo.ign In ( lie Intercut
of'Hiinda.v CU > slnit ,
CHICAGO , July ! iO. Atn largo meeting held
n Tanvell hall this uftcruoon resolutions
verc ndopted by n rising vote that the logla-
aturo fibout to meet la special swslon bo ix > -
juestcd to see to It that the world's Colum
bian ex position be closed on Sundays , Q'ho
csolntloiis itccluro that tie "Injury to the
city , stnto nnd nation ot an opan _ Kuropcan
Sabbath NuiiAit bo estimated and .that the
Vmcrlcnn institution of n titilet Sabbath
mist not bo trampled on. The example set
by the United States In Phlladolrbtn In 1S7U
and Purls in 1SVJ should bu continued ,
and wo ewe It to the worKlng
people of the world , nnil uspeclally to these
of our nation that this most precious boon of
i rest day bo saved for them. " A copy oT
the resolution was forwarded to the Htato
senate nnd house of reprcacnt vves , Gover
nor Fifcr , President Harrison , the commis
sioners of tlio exposition nnd the Chicago
bonrd of directors. The meeting wns under
the auspices of gentlemen inoro or less Idcn-
IIiled with the Voung Men's Christian asso-
I'liitlnn and Chicago Kvangellcan union.
World's fair matters were not the primary
objects of the gathering. The resolutions
wcro introduced and sidoptcd utter speeches
following u lion statements mutio by Major
Whittle , just returned from Thornton , regard
ing the interest being taken across thu At
lantic in everything pertaining to the coining
Fore nst t
July 'JO. Debate on the
tnrlff Iscxpeetedto begin intho s-cmile to
morrow afternoon. The repuhlleiins do not
intend to engage In general debate on the
bill , therefore tbo dcirocratlo senators will
make the opening speeches. 'Tho republican
members of the ilimnco coimnittee have beci >
Informed Unit the democratic minority will
not make a formil report against the passage
ot the bill. No effort will bo inailo this weelt
to consider llio river and hiirbnr bill , but if
the tnrlff debate proves protiiictod the bill
will bo laid aslJo infiu'inully tu permit tlio
river and harbor bill to come Iwforo the aeii-
nte. Nothing dotlninito lias been decided re
garding a republican caucus upon the election
In tbo house the programme bus been
partially outlined by special order. Tomor
row votes will bo tnltun on tbo amendments
to the original package bill. Tbo bankruptcy
bill will come next nnd occupy the tlmo until
Thursday. The elections committee may ren
der reports in the pending eases.
Guntniiinhuis Dufrntrd.
Cm OF MU.MCO , July 20. Kl Universal
publishes un account of tlic battle between
Guatemalans nad S.m Salvadoreans in San
Salvador , in which the former were defeated
with u heavy loss. The Guatemalan force
numbered 0,000. General Barrundia , a Gua
temalan refugee , has left Oaxaica to tuko
part In the war. Ho will probably ralso the
standard of revolt in ( Umtemahi , I'rlvato
telcjtr.uns from San Salvador sny the San
Salvadoreans captured the fluulcmalaii ar
tillery in the battle which took place Thurs
day. It Is rumored Unit President liarillas
of Guatemala talks of resigning. *
Notice to Grand Army Jlen.
13WTOx , Mass. , July 20. The reunion
committee of tbo National Grand Army en-
cninvmont earnestly desired tlio names of all
orgJiniKiitlona that have secured through local
members and without application to tbo com
mittee their own accommodations. The com
mittee also dcsirea nil military and naval or-
pauluitioiiR that uontciiiplatonoldinR reunions
dining eneanipmontwcelc and have not al
ready notified the committee should do so at
onco. Notices should lie sent to J. Pnvson
Braiiloy , ehiilrman of < the reunion eonuultteo.
No. i , "A" Beach street , Boston , Mass.
Klrcinuti Arrested.
WCHT , O. , July 20. The shockhij-
intnxler of Eiigincer Vamlovaudw and the
probably fatal wounding of his liroman , Sam
uel Hoadliouse , resulted today In the arrest
of the hitter , charged with the crime. Ho
his innocence and says they were
oth assaulted by nu unknown man. They
wcro known to hnvo been quarrelsome for
several days and llio detectives'theory Is that
Viuulevander knocked hint down , Injuring his
bead horribly , and the fireman then wuitod
his e.hiiueo and struck the engineer with a
Steamship Arrivals.
Browhead Passed , the Servia , from Liv
At New York The Aur.mia , from Liver
pool ; the City .of Home , from Liverpool ; this
State of Alabama , from Glasgow ; the Hol
land , from London.
At Ilostoti Arrived : The SeythUi from
At London Sighted : The Brettigne , from
Now York.
At liultlmoro-Arrived ! The Ohio , from
A Ifpi-o Hunted tn Death.
Dnxvnii , Colo. , .7ulyliO. [ Special Telegram
toTnnllr.i : , ] The Commercial hotel , an old
time structure , burned near the union depot
at an early hour this morning. The loss was
not largo owing to the worn out cnanictcr of
thu improvements. About forty persons came
near being suffocated , and seven were carried
nut of thu burning building in nn liiscnsiblo
condition. John Johnson , having carried out
nniiinbor of people , mostly women , lost his
own lifo llnaily In attempting another rescue.
A Former Omnium Dies In Denver.
Dixvin : , Colo. , July l-'O.-fSpcciiil Telegram
toTiiKHnu , ] ( ieorgoY. . Kassler , formerly
cashier of tbo first Xatlonal bank of this
city , died hero today , nged llfty-four. IIo
bis been In ill health for some yearn. Mr.
Knsslcr came west In 1S57 11111 ! settled in
Omaha. In IS'K ) ho came to Denver , whcro
ho has over since resided , He was a man of
wealth and high chnnictrr , but has not been
prominent In Ihmnclal circles binco retiring
from tbo First. National.
Intermit Debt to Ha Granted ,
LONHON , July ! ! 0. Cnhla dispatches from
Montevideo say thogovcrnmentcontemplates
thu cie.ition of an internal debt at 10 per
cent interest. In order to withdraw from
circulation national hank note ? . Merchants
iina foreign bankers have signed nu ayroc-
ment to rofiuo forced paper currency In
settling gold transactions.
Tttnnlccd tliti Siilt-.ii. :
CoxSTAN'Tixooi.i : , July. ( Special Cablo-
gmm to Tin : linn. ] Premier Stnmbuloff of
nulgarla has thanked the sultan for appoint
ing llulgarlan bishops iu Macedonia , and has
assured the porto ot the support of the Bul
garians should necessity arise.
The Austritms , Clcrsoa and Mojor , recently
seized by brigands near Smtdt , havo'becu ro-
Icuscd. %
Argentina Hoinilillu All'.ilrs.
Bi'r.xos AVIIK ? ' , July SO. Conflicting re
ports are current of a discovered plot against
the government. A seml-oflleiul paper do-
clmvs that tlu ivport-s have no foundation ,
A iiiitlonul convention will bo convoked lit
January to designate a candidate for the
Sewret Huoleties Deiiitiinnoil.
Dfiu.iN , July W. Iihis sermon at the
cathedral at Armagh today Itev. 31. Mnc-
nccco denouiieod secret societlo. . Ho i-o-
fcrred especially to tlio Ancient Order of
Hibernians. Hu said this society , which was
founded la AmorliM , was seeking now mem-
row In Ireland and ho warned nil Catholics
against having anything to do with it.
A Severe ( r'oittcitcc.
A'IFN-XA , July SO. [ | Cablegram to
TiiElliin.l Alfroil von ICeudler , a banker ,
formerly Swedish consul In this elty , baa
been tried and convicted hero on the charge
of fraud and embezzlement and sentenced to
seven years penal servitude and the loss of
all his titles ,
Congressman VTalker's Death "Will Delny
the Vote Upon It.
Tlio ConKRr Imrd Hill Will Pi-ohnlily
lie Ilrouu'lit ItcTiifc thu UOIIIQ
this Week I' rcnUH ill' Wash-
liij-ton , Society.
5ii ; KouutEKXTiiSniKirr , >
WASIII.VITON- . 0. , July SO. )
Tbo dentil of Congressman Walker of lls-
sourl , which occurrcit yesterday , will proba
bly prevent tbo vote upon tba original unck-
aKo bill , which was to have boon taken to
morrow afternoon. It has nhvitys been tbo
custom for tbo hotiso to adjourn at once after
thonnnouaeeinent of tbo de.ith . of one of Ita
members , and then ) Is no reason to expect
Unit a different course will bo adopted in the
present ease. The Immediate adjournment of
the house will put tbo vote on tbo bill over
until Tuesday , and thnt will necessitate the
postponement of the vote upon tbo bank
ruptcy bill until Tuesday , or ono day Inter
than was Intended.
Those who are most active in the interest
of the original package bill arc no better able
tojudpo of ita futo tonight than they were a
week ago , but tbo return of man ) absent
members tomorrow morning will afford an
opportunity to nrnko a canvass nnd to glvo
the members of tbo Judiciary eom.nlttce an
opportunity to decide whether It will bo ad
visable to insist upon the \Vllson \ amendment
In view of tlic opposition nnd the strength of
the following of Mr. Adams of Chicago.
While Hie democratic members of the house
nro trvhiK to console themselves with tlie
Idea tiuxt tbo majority for their party in the
next congress will bo something enormous ,
they nro at the same time groiitly worried
over the reports which are being received
from several of the congressional districts
where they have heretofore regarded them
selves as bavins'a "cinch. " It is gener
ally admitted that nearly every district in
( ieorghi is In danger , owing to the activity of
the fanners' allltUice , anil that Soath Carolina
lina is in about the smno Hx , without , even
the federal elections law , and now comes
word tliat one of tbo supposed safest of Vir-
gliiia districts Is in imminent danger. This
General ' is
district , now represented by ,
In an uproar over the methods of that gentle
man. So bitter is the feeling that It Is openly
admitted that if ho is ronomlnutcd. and Ibis
seems certain , ho will bo snowed under mid
democrats will lese the seat. The republi
cans are active and Intend to try hard to win.
Tin : sViii'i.ts STII.I , writ ts.
The talk of. the deficit in the revenues of
tlio government , and tbo complete abolition
of the surplus , which seems to bo agitating
the democratic press at present , was effect
ually answered by Secretary Windoin yester-
.day in the circular which ho issued in
viting offers for the sale of bonds of tno
government. The surplus is still with us ,
imd tlio secretary estimates that it now
mnounta to § .V.ilUOUl > 00. Should the revenues
for the current liscal year threaten
to fall below the expenditures author
ised by congvcss , it will bo largely
on account of tbo increased expenditures
on account of pensions , and it will bo remem
bered by all but tboso who refuse to recall tlio
facts connected with the lust campaign , tuat
dent squashed by vetoing tbo dependent pen
sion bill when it went to him lor his signa
MIIS. rnuMONT's ' rr.xsiON' .
It scoins to bo admitted on all sides that
the bill to place tlio iiiuno of the widow of
the l.Uo OoHcral Fremont on the pension roll
will pass at this session of congress. In
spite of the j'act that the Pathfinder wns the
Hrst republican standard buarpr in a national
campaign , there is less opposition to the pro
posed pension in this instance than there has
been to any similar measure for many years
on the part of the minority In congress. It is
likely to be called up at an curly day.
The District democrats nro already laying
pipes for the control of the convention hero ,
which will send delegates to the next na
tional democratic convention. His expected
to prove u rather bard light for the friends of
Mr. Cleveland , among whom are ex-Murshal
Wilson , ox-Commissioner Whcntly and Kcg-
ister Claggctt. They are expected to use
strenuous eJTorts to capture the convention in
tbo Cleveland interest. Arrayed against
them will bo many of the old rank and illo of
the party in the district , who do not regard
Mr. Cleveland as the best candidate ut this
time , but look with more favor on Governor
II111 of New York. There will bo a hard
life-lit in seine of the districtsfor control and
the elans nro already jnrrsliallliig for the
fray. The central democratic committee bad
a called meeting for last Thursday , but as no
quorum showed up tbo meeting was ad
journed until tlio middle of August. The
composition of this committee is antagonistic
to cx-I'residcnt Cleveland.
Tin : CONHCK I.AIIII nit.u
The friends of the Conger lard bill will bc-
slcpo the ctmimittco on rjlcs during the pres
ent week for an onportimity to bring the
measure before ttio house , and His confidently
expected that their demands will bo compiled
with. Members of the house have received
so many petitions and memorials irom Indi
viduals and commercial bodies all over the
country , both favoring nnd opposing the
measure , that it Is evident to the committee
on agriculture having the meaburo In charge
that the deepest Interest Is felt In the hill , and
they will insist that the committee on rules
give thorn an opportunity to discuss the bill.
The senate committee on postofllees and
postroads , at its meeting tomorrow , is ex
pected to take mini action on the bill it has
had under consideration for soiiio tlmo to en
force thu eight-hour law in lirst and second-
class postolllces , and to give the clerks therein
an annual leave of fifteen days. The com-
ralttou has Investigated the subject with thor
oughness , and It is" said has come to the con
clusion that it Is not practicable to apply -tho
eight-hour law to these ofllccs ,
Communications have been received from
the clerks themselves saying they do not
crave relief in that direction , but they do
waul their salaries increased , The arguments
they have used in their cominunicatlous Inxvo
satisfied tbo committee that to nmho tbo
eight-hour law effective , and to pay the clerks
extra for overtime , would remit In a doll-
clcnoy for clerk hire , however largo iu reason
the iippropriatlon mlKht be. Ho the wisbos
of tbo clerics in regard to their salaries will
bo met by the committed as far as possible ) ,
now , by recommending tnat fifteen days an
nual leave or pay bo given them ,
Ono of the hottest lights that will arise In
the senate- during the dcb.ito on tlio tariff will
ba led by Senators I'ettlnrew and Moody of
South Dakota In favc" of protection for'tbo
development of the tin interests of that state.
TUera niw never been any serious effort mada
until now to develop the tin mine. * of this
countny. In tbo Black Hills of South U.ikot.i
are undoubtedly soifto of the richest tin mines
in the world , nnd they have only been looked
Into suftlciontly to ascertain the quality of the
oru and something of its extent.
Wdlo lead , silver , especially copper , nnd
nearly nil other ores indigenous of the United
States have been given speelllu attention In
the tariff laws , our tin has been permitted to
receive only general attention , mid very little -
tlo of that. Tin is ono of tbo most pop
lar articles of consumption In the country ,
for It goes into the use of every family to a
greater or loss extent. Tbo South Dakota ,
senators suy that they have enough tin
within nn area of sixty inllo.i square to tnoro
tluiii supply the United States , and that It
can bo fully developed within two years if
thuro is proper encouragement given by con
gress. They say that they will not ask as
much encouragement 03 b glvcu either copper
or lend , and they decbxro Hint tin Is a much
more essential product than cither of the
others named.
Mr. David Day , chief.of mlnc and mining
In the survey , has been out to the
tin mines In South Dakota , find intends to
prepare n statement of thiv promises of UvJ
South Dakota tin mines. Ilomys that un.
doubtedly these mines nrc ns rich as any that
can be found in the vorldif | not much richer ,
and that tnoy are much easier to
Mot tit than can . be found else
where , but the dlffou'nce In tbo prices
paid for labor In thli country , nnd Wales and
other tin-producing countries nriko it essen
tial , he says , to have protection at the hands
of congress for two or tlirco years until the
mines may bo developed.
The announcement tlnilo Inst wcok thnt
Senator Sbcrnum would nt tbo expiration of
Ids present term , March ! l , IS'.a , retire to
private life , has brought out a great ninny
expressions concerning bis character and use
fulness which prolMoiy wcahl never have
been heard hnd ft been relieved that ho in
tended to continue in the semite or had no
ambition to remain n public mm.
Unquestionably Senator S'terman has been
the control figure In tbo naUoimriegtslaturo
for at least a score of years. There have been
men since the beginning of his public career
who have eut a more cnnsplcuoui figure In
the proceedings of conisress , but surely
none which hnvo lasted so long and worn
so bright. John Sherman entered public
life hero in tbo Thlrty-umrth congress and
wus a member of the lower house eight years.
Ho was a candidate for sbeaker in tlio session
Just before the- rebellion begun and nt tbo
opening of the war wn promoted to the sen
ate. Since Jiarch. 1SU1 , been continu
ously n senator , with the exception of his sec
retaryship under tbo Htiyos administration.
Uo waspresltluutof the .senate almost two
years , from the winter of iss5 till that of
1SST. Having been born in May , IS' ! " , ho In
consequently over slxty-5"ovcn years old. Ho
was trained to bo a lawyer , but bavin,1 ; a nat
ural political Inclination , h.-pm very early In
life to hhow conspicuous political abilities in
tlio conventions in his native state , Ohio.
There have been t hrco or four character
istics which have inado .John Sherman last
ingly n great man , HU honesty was never
questioned. IIo la frank mid plain spoken.
Ho always goes diicgtly to the point In
trcntine every subject. IIo was nevur ac
cused of beating around the bush or making
n point by Indirection , Ho was never guilty
of duplicity ! double doolinir was never
charged against him by even bis bitterest
enemies. Whenever ho made an utterance
in uny place , at any llmo , bis statements
were taken fo'r the trrith nnd bis apparent
alia was never challenged. This can bo said
of vnry few men. Ho has always been sur
rounded by men of strong friendship ? , who
would go to tlio extreme end In a political or
personal battle , because tbov know ho would
in turn fully reciprocate their fealty.
The republicans in the ponnto hnvo for
many years loaned agaitiat Senator Sherman
whenever there was 'u great tariff , financial
or International .subject to bo handled. Tlo is
as a lawyer , diplomat , llnniieicr and political
economist surely the peer of any man in the
United States. There may bo men stronger
in ono of these features , but none stronger In
nil of them. IIo Is n great all-round lighter ,
and ho never skulked to the rear or ref used to
show the proper courage at a critical moment.
Ho has always been at the Iront ami in the
thickest of the uffray. For these reasons his
absence in the seuuto waulil be keenly mlsci'd
for many years , mid It is unt likely that the
country would be so fortunate ns to 1111 his
place in the present gcnomiion ,
.Tolm Sherman's fnco and form are as fam
iliar In tlio senate as any of the most popular
pieces of furniture ; indeed ho is a llxture ami
everybody likes him. beciliwo ho Is invariably
courteous and outspoken , According to the
reports Senator ShermaiUia grown weary
of public life , mid in , bis declining years
wishes to secure some yf Jha comforts of
which his public faon'tcns have deprived him
during tbo past quaitt-v of iv century. Ho has
always boon a barerworK and'han given bio
.best services to hi ooiuViy.
ruiiAKs or WAsnixfiTos ocinTY.
The recent escapades of tbo young man
White , who is now under arrest for forgery
and embex/lonicnt , nndwho , it Is said , has no
small amount of negro blood in his veins , is
what ho'was. He wus bright , huwlaomo am
clover , nnd after n year's stay succeeded ii
squandering money right and left , dressing
In tbo best taste and gaining entrance Into
tlio best society. Ho stopped at ono of tbo
best hotels and lavished flowers and presents
ou some of tbo best girls in this city , and ono
of tho'saddest parts of tbo present scandal is
tlio Intimate connection of young White will
the name of the daughter of n prominent
southern senator. As ) stated , ho bad en
trance into the best society. His attentions
to the daughter of a , member of Presulen
Cleveland's cablnf t were so marked at onetime
time that the engagement was generally
spoken of and Slnco her departure bis name
baa been coupled again and again with some
of the very best families in this city.
It Is the general comment among the oldei
people living hero thattho lines of social in
tcrcourso seem to bo mnra loosely ilrnwi
hero than in any city In tbo union. No one
seems to inquire who any ono Is. It Is an o ?
currcuco of almost every year that some
yoimg fellow ruts a very wide swath , becomes
fortbe tlmo the social lion and then disappears
usually in a very dlsthiat cloud , leaving be
hind him n loag line ot ; gloomy creditors am
sometimes an indictment or two. It U have
to explain why a man when ho leaves his owi
homo and comes to llvo iu Washington with
out his family , should throw to the wim
those precautions which ho guarded at homo
but the hospitalities of Washington seem to
bo so lavish that every1 man , provided ho has
n drcss 'oat and keeps his linger nails in KOOI
condition , has tbo ontro everywhere. There
are dozens of cases , .in tills town , for In
stance , when ) men who nro known to bo
thoroughly worthless ire received hero will
the greatest favor. 'JSiero are coses of mci
masquerading as noljlo men in their owi
country , who are known by those of their na
tivo country lioro to bo sharks nud perfect
stumps. Nowhere is the question of cluipcr
oimgo more loosely considered.
The chaperon In Washington seem ? to be
considered a nuisance to bo avoided and do-
eeivud wbero ever it la possible. Young
girls KO out by thorns 3lYca , and no ono seems
to think it anything remarkable. A few
nights ago a young girl nro o from her seat ii
the theatre in tlioniiilillo of an act , long before
fore the play was oat , was Joined by bet
escort , and the two left'tho theatre , imd en
tcrlng n carriage waiting for them , tlrovo off
As tlio coachman gathered up his reins the
young man was heard to say ; 'iDrlvo to
the . " naming a very well known resor
Just outside of Washington. This was 10
o'cloekHa the evening , but thcro seemed to
bo no comment about it except a genera
In matters of dross Vj'ashlngton can claim
the distinction of being further advanced , so
far ns evening costumes uro conwrncd , than
even Now York. Washington Is the paradise
of the gentlemanly beat. Just why itshoidi
bo so Isn mystery , except that It lies in the
fact that the ruling ptlnciiilo of Washiugiot
llfo scoins to be , "Mind vour owi
business. " In the caw .of young vVhlto , who
Just urn seems to bo thd most striking ox
nmploof what brass tnd nerve can do , thcro
are do/ens of younir men who are goliif ,
around the city who admit that they know
all about White and what ho was doing , bu
they all say with a shrugs "It Is none of ou
business. " Souio ultra-patriotic American
bhuuo tills condition of aiTalrs to tboiiruscnc
of the diplomats here. Kvcry legation has
dozen or more of young attaches , who com
to Washington avowedly for the purpose o
having it good tlmo. No ono knows nnythlu
about thum. and indeed no one cares to Unou
Homo of tliom may have less white blood ii
them than the viry waiters who ham
thorn refreshments , out they iirononotli
less popular , provided they' have enoug
money to buy a dross-coat , or falling of tun
to borrow n dress coatns young Wbltodh
tlmo and tlmo nirnlnm4 ; have credit enoug
to buy an occ.vlonttl hunch of roses , they are
received nnA welcomed with open arms , and
some of the ugly scandals la Washington
llfo occur from the i.rins ut times being too
far opened. It will boldlo to hops that the
Whlta cpisodo will teach young girls in
Washington a Itwsou. Thuohan > ; ei are that
tlx months hence there will 1)0 ) Just as dls-
gmcef ul a scandal m this , and Just us many
girls In u fear and trembling of JiM indlt > -
graceful au cspOjUK us thcro Is hero today.
The Oily Steams Taken Into ( hmp by the
Missouri Vnlloy Team.
I'ho 111uolc So.x Again Overtaken by
Mlflforlunc at Milwaukee Oilier
" \\Vntorii AsHUclntlon dilutes
Standing of tlic Club.s.
I'lnved. Won. Ixiit. IVr rt.
Mlnnrnpolls. . . ill 44 8S .KH
Milwaukee . . . . TJ ) ! ! „ * 7 .r.H
( imsm Ulty. . . til 'M ' . ' * .ton
leaver (17 ! i ? ! * ' .NVJ
"loux Ulty Of : n III .4 !
' '
DCS Molnes. . . . W Si > .4'--
liniiba Kl ' . .I 40 ,4'.M
St. I'ttill 07 -0 47 . . !
Mltonnrl Vnlloy , cMty StoniiH 1.
Tbo City Steam laundry nnd Missouri
Valley teams played a very close and exciting
? amoattho bull park yesterday afternoon ,
which resulted in a victory for the visitors
jy a score of ! l to 1. The playing of both
cams was indeed brilliant , especially the
battery work. The Missouri Valley pitcher
struck out no less than sixteen men , wldlo
Hart served six m n like manner and only
illowed his opponents three bits. The score :
UtTV SriA > ! - .
All. 11. 111. SII. SII. I'O. A. I' .
Austin , ss 4 0 0 0 0 t 1 1
ciiMieU. m a o o o ( i t u I
drover , o 4 1 If. 1 0
Keini , 1 4
llurKett. r 4 1 I o 0 ( i 0 u
Ileymer. ] ) : i 1 1 0 0 a 0
Wallers. S 4 0 0 1 0 1 ! . ' 0
McGimln.l II 0 0 tl 0 1 n 0
irieksona : : i o o o o a i i
ill IIV INSl.MIS. t
City Steams 0 0-1
Missouri Valley t 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 l-ll
Two-nase bits Ileymer. Hasp on balls OH
ttoymur : . Stitivk out lly Ileymer 1(1. ( HartC.
Passed lialls lly OniverS. Tlini ! of inline
Oneliourand forty minutes Uniplio i'lirrlub. '
Milwaiilccc 4 , Umalia i.
ACKni : , Wis. , July ! iO. rSnoclnl Tolo-
gi-am to Tin : Ilnu.J Following is tbo result
of today's game :
AltwU.lll I U 1 2 OiWIIlKp 0 SI 10
W ldi.'b. . . . . 1 U 2 t 0 frjulinrt , a. U U 8 I I
Glllitli , | 0 1 0 1 U Naviunn , UI..U U 0 1 U
Totnli 4 0 37 il 0'I'olil.i. | . . . . . 1 ft'7 11 7
Mllwiiiilieo 0 0 .1 0 t 9 0 0 0-4
Omaha 0 0 1000000-1
Earned rims Nono. Two-lmso bits ( 'ana-
vuiil ! . Tlirco-luib4litr-l'ooniiiin. | Itasesstolen
I'cttltDullviiiplo.Alborl.1Audiiiwh ! ! . Struck
niil-IlydrinltliT , livWlllNII. 1'abbod Imlla-
Wtslla1e. Wild pitches -Grilllth a. tlmu of
Manic Ono hour and forty minutes. Umplio
Denver H , DCH Moincs H ,
DnNVKii , Col. , July 20. [ Special Telegram
toTunUui' . ] Following is the result of to
Vi'lilluliMvl , lf.0 U U U Oi omnier rf..O 1000
I.oliftk ! , 0..0 U : ; 1 U'Mncullar , . . ( ) 1 ' . ' 4 1
McKubb , p U 1 0 2 0 llnrt , | ) 0 U 0 6 0
Totals 8 727111 3 Tnt.iH 3 62713 4
IVnvnr 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 'J 0-8
DCS Molnes o - ; ;
rarned runs Demur 1. Two-ba o bits
Tieadway. Itusu hits Denver S , DCS Mnliics
± Diiiililo plays Miiiilhir ti I'helan t'
rinnliKui. llano on uilU-Utr : MeNnbb S. oil'
Hurt. B. If It by ball Kohtieulc. Kl ruck out
HyMeNil > bi. : by Hurt II. I'as.-ed lialls Loli-
l)0 k 1. Wild iiltelu'S-llurt ; ! . Loft ou buses
Denver U , lies Molnes , " > . Tlmo of Kami *
OnuhournnJ fifty minutes. Umpire Hoover.
St. raul r > , Sioux City 1.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , July 2J. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Iii ! : ; . ] Following is the result
of today's game :
u n o A i : . . .3 3 1 U 0 ( "linn , rf 0 1 0 0 U
Shcpanl. rf..O IIlni.-k , u u 1 1 U U
Abbey. If 0 1 I 0 ( I'liUmn ' , If 0 1 1 U U
llnrtiiflt , 11 > . . . 112 U 1 ! Ksnpol. Sli ( i U 0 f < „ >
llrouiIitiinS.-.U : U t 1 0 Hiwtmn , Sb..O 1 U : ; 0
M'Limulinii.Bjl 1 I y OiPnivi'll , Hi. . . .U1 1 II 0 1
0 Slu-liuim'o..t ;
Knrnier , o 0 1 2 0
O'llrli'ii , 2U..1 1 2 I 1 ( idling , U U 4 2 5
Jliilniu , p 1 1 1 3 I1 Devlin , p U " U 1 I )
, Total fl 7 37 10 31 Totnlt 1 T V7 Kl ( i
St. I'linl 0 0 0 1 1 0 II 0 0 5
SlouxUHy 0 0001 0 U 0 0 1
linns pnnied St. I'aill tlnnCity ! 1. Homo
nniH-O'Hrlen. liases on tialbi UII Malnn I ,
llevlln 1. Slrnuk out liy Mains " , iJe lln Ii.
' ' o lliiusowlnu.
Syracuse Uj'Toledo .
AT IXflSVII.I.n. )
.Loulsvlllo 7 , Ilrooldyn C.
AT riiiiAiitiriiu.
Athletics 1 , St. Louis S ,
Kochcstcr S , Columbus .
Tlio W ; utlirr KorccTRt.
For Omaha , and vicinity Fair ;
\yarmcr weather.
For Nebraska Showers variable winds ;
stationary temperature.
For Io\vn Showers ; easterly winds ;
For South Dniiotn Showers ; casterlj
winks ; warmer except In western part ; stat -
t unary temperature.
Thirteen Iilvely ItoitivlH.
AVii-KiiiiiAiuii : , Va. , July -JO. [ Special Tel-
egiiun toTnr DKI : . ] A prize light .took place
at IlydoPark , a suburb of Scranton , twentj
'miles from lioro , Friday night between
Frank Clarlt , lightweight champion of Gnu-
adn , and Ulchurd Dunn of'Chicago. Thir
teen lively rounds were fouitht in the prcs-
eneoiof about ono hundred mid llity specta
tors. In the thirteenth round Clark forced tbo
lighting to a finish , chasing the Chicago
man Into his corner , wbero bo dealt him some
torrillo blows upon the head and body.
Dunn's seconds , seeing thnt their was
ton weak todefeiidhliiisclf further , tlu'ow uj
the sponge , mid tbo purse , SlfiO , was uwunlci
InPlni'lr .
Oitn Hoii H for the Khlrn.
LONDON , July 20. [ Special Cablegram to
TUB DKB. ] H. M. S , Storlt haa launched at
tlw mouth of the Xambcsl river two stcn
wheel guu boatcs for scrvleo on the Shlir
of ' Coun
try for tlio liiitt.V .
BOSTOX , .Txily 'JO. [ Siwelal Tmi to
'un Due. ] The following t ble' ' , nplloil
rein dlspntclics from the elwirllfnousos
f the cltliH named , shows the gross ex
hnnpos for Injl week , wltH mU per rent
f in1 duuroaw , ns nsulnst the
mounts for tlio corroflixindlng wcok in 1SS9 :
Knnsns city
l uiliivlllo "
Now Orleans. .
( 'levelmil. ;
Minium polls ,
rrurliluiH'V t
} < t.J ( > i iM'li '
l-ortl.inJ Mtj
Ni'ir Ilinvn
Wtirrenter. .
Sioux Oily
Norfolk i
Syrncu e. . .
( 'linltiiiioOKn. . . .
Lincoln , i
lit" ) Mdlin
Lin Auttoles. . .
IjKVlnutun , Ky
'rolii'kn. . . . . ,
: Miintioil . , . . . . „ , . . .
HiillCiix , .V. , . ,
* liirtlnml. ) Ore
' ' ' " '
viilcilo. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .
Xot InaliiiU'l ' Iu ) . No clearliu lioutJ ut tliU
Hum lust J I'.ir.
Tlic I'ropoKjil to Himqnot Mini in
II vur\x , N. S. , July 'Jl. ! [ Special Cablo-
grnmtd Tin ; Uin.j : At n niectitij , ' of ttio
1'rinco George reception committee nt St.
lolin's , N. 1to discuss the proposal toixivo
a ball in honor of Watson and tbo
oflleors of the BritUh tlcet , tlio proposition
was objected to upon Uio grounds that tbo
public money should not bo spent for such
purposes , and that the committee had no
authority to deal with the matter ; It was de
cided that a number of persons should t > o
added to the committee mid that ai'range-
meimbo made for a ball la honor of the ad
Commenting ou the matter , the St. John's
IIoriiM nays : "Now , if u number of nilvuto
1'Oiitlcmen wisli to give the admiral a re
ception , they cannot bo prevented from
doing no , but it would be nothing less than
nu outrage against the colony , particularly at
this juncture , if tlio public's money were to
bo spent fov such purposes.-
"Admiral Watson will bo a representative ,
when hero , of n flcot , a of which is
closing our factories and destroying our nets ,
nnd that , too. not only in ttio course of duty ,
but In u , hostile .si'Mt. A reception to any
man In'tho admiral's poslUfiriVcRlliT nt this-
time bo misunderstood abroad and do grout
injury , and for this reason we sincerely liopo
that the project of any ball will bo aban
doned ,
"If a b.ill bo given to Admiral Watson , it
must bp given to his officers , also , and there
fore Sir Huldwin Walker , captain of her
majesty's ship Emerald , who ordered and
enforced the stopping of thohavido factory ,
nnd the comr.raiuler of herinajcbty's slilp
Pelican , who ref used protection to tlio people
of St. CJcorgo's bay , must bo publicly honored
by those who promote and attend the ball.
It io idle to say that tbo reception is social ,
and that the o.llcew complained of were only
doing tholr duty , and that polities should not
enter into social life. "
Tint Death Itoll.
ST. I onp , July 20. Charles n Taylor ,
known to the newspaper profo-ision in the
west and southwest , died today from an over
dose of morphine , taken to allay pain.
Los'Dox , July U. Sir Uicbard Wilson ,
formerly a member of the house of commons ,
Is dead.
WASIIIXOTIIX , July 20. Colonel Thomas
Geode I\Iorro\v \ \ , until recently editor and pro
prietor of the Sumhij ( !'to in this city ,
died today after a brief illness.
CINCINNATI , O. , July a-Jacob Krchblel ,
U.D. . n noted CJcrmnn divine of the Metho
dist church , died hero this after
noon of crysypeltH.
An AiiKtrnllan Hallway Roltemc.
Mii.noi-iSK , July20.- [ Special Telcifram to
Tm ; Br.K. ] The premier has introduced In
parliament a railway bill providing for tlui
construction of 1,077 miles of country line
and thirty-nine miles of suburban lines , tbo
whole to cost , besides a grant
from the treasury of i' , > , OOOtMl > . Ho said that
the fifliemuvns necessary in order to incut
the growth of tbo population , which , as the
census proved , wits increasing fabler than tlio
population of America , The bill was received.
How Harrison Kpi'nl Kuiidny.
Cvi-i : Mvy , X. J. , July 21) . [ telegram -
gram to Tin ; Hni : . ] President Harilson at
tended church today. Mr. George \f. Hoyd
of the I'ennsylvanla railroad called with his
wife. Mr. Jioyd is an nlit friend of the Harrison
risen family , having been quite Intimate with
them when they lived at IndlunapolU. The
piwident will leove hero on Tutbijay morning
at 'j o'clock.
e Sturm at Now
Nuw OUI.UANS , La. , July 20. A severe rain
and electrical storm visited this city and vi
cinity this evening. At Milncrburg light
ning struck a shed , instantly Itill-
Inir Victor Marchand , fatally injured
Kdgar Charles and seriously Injured
Edwnrd Wllllaim. At ( jcntllly road a dairy
man was killed In the same way and a imm
was scrlouilv Injured nt Spanish Fort by un
electric shuck.
Tilt ) JKVi
PATKKSON , X. J. , MJy SO. The J. C. Todd
machlno works , tlip'pritjTi'jpiil establishment
of the kind in the JmfniilBtatP.H for inidcing
hemp and roiio mughiujry. burned this morn
ing. fosslMWfK ( ! ! " # * * '
bYKii < H , l > a. , July SQ.-iTlio slopelioiibo at
Short Mountain ( fylory | | burned today.
Several hundred moii uro thrown out of em
ployment for months.
Homo Gnml IndtaiiH.
TUCSON' , Art ? , , July 2l-It ) H now definitely
known that tbo clgUt Apaulio prisoners
under Kid , who inurdorotPSherUt Hoynolds
and deputy and escaped , that all BIIVO three
have been killed. Kid and two others nro at
largo , Troop * ura out in hopes of Intercept
ing them. Three Whlto mountain Apncho
renegades came In today nutl surrendorcd to
the troops.
IllHiimruk Tlrcil of Olllw.
Dnr.snii.s' , July iiO. peolnl Cablegram to
THK Ilin. | The Nncbrlehten says that
Prlnco Bismarck In nn Intorvlew uinphntle-
ally dcolarod that ho hud no deslro to return
to oftlco , ua Uons too old to lisdumo the
cares of Btato. IIo said that If ho decided to
visit England ho would ( , ' 0 to aomo
pluce iu ftC'
Tlioso of North Dakota in tlio Clutches of
nn Elevator Trust ,
( ! m I n Growers Will Hnvo to Ilupos9
ofTltiili * Properly \Vlmtovcr
ltP lluyer Choose *
to Oiler.
.TAMITOWV : , N. 1) . , .luly 90. [ Special Tcle
gram to Tun ltiK.-It : ] will ho a startling
plcco of news to the growers of North
Dakota to Hnd out on tlio uvoof harvo-.t thnt
no elevator In the state will store grain this
year. The radical ehnngo In the handling of
the crop has been Itopt as seeivt ns possible.
It was determined upon , It is said , soon nftei ?
the law \vns passed this year which nmUesall
public elevators and warehouses pay an an
nual llconso of S'J.fiO per 1,1X10 bushels rapacity.
Nlno-UMiths of the crop of the atnU' bin boon
horetoforoboimht by tbo cU'valor companies
upon Uulutli and MianiMipolls iiuotatiim > i , A
farmer could store his grain in those elevators
for llftoon days for nothing mid Ueep It lit
stow IIH long as ho dinlrod to pay a small fee
thc.'ivfor. Now the elevators w'lll ivfuso tills
on Uio gwnnd th-it tliey nro not imblio eleva
tors , and the fanner , who U mortgaged to
thn cars , will this year bo compelled to sell
his crop at whatever price tbo company
chooses to allow him. In jnost cases this
will leave him penniless for tbo winter ,
The law wns supposed to bo a reasonable ona
and was In the nature of u tax not so eimv to
evade , ns thu nld tax law has proved , bill the
companion , in order to evade it , will resort to
this sweeping fhimgo , which will brim ; un
expected misery on most of Hi' ' wheat growers *
ot this Mate , a class of men having from fifty
to llvo hundred acres in grain , which repre
sent nil they have in the world nnd which
now promises llio llrvtt actual return for their
labor in three yc-iirs. By Clio plan of forcing
private buyers out of the snnill ntntlonH anil
agreeing upon a prlco the principal olcvatuM
of tbo fitiito will have , as In the past , absolute
control of the enormous crop now out. Tills
crop will ho M ) largo that the railroad com
missioners * have stated that all the railroads
combined eannot furnish rnrs to move it 0110-
tenth as far ns required. 1 f tbo elevators
decline to store it the eon fusion and dismay
that will result will bo something unprece
YiniiiB Stan Drowned t Huron.
Ilriuix. S. I ) . , .Inly : . ' ( ) . [ Spi'ehl Telegram
to Tin ; 111:1 : : . ] While a bathing party oE
young men were in the .Tim river this after-
altornooti , Ilermun lloincs , ngod twenty-two ,
was taken with -cramps and drowned' Ilia
body wns recovered.
Shot. Through the Heart.
ICvxsisCiTV , Mo. , July ' , ' ( > [ Hp-clal Tele
gram to Tin : BII : : . ] John Stover , an old resi
dent of Argentine , Kan. , sltot and Wiled Ed
ward Jlullin , a young Santa Fo machinist ,
tonight. Mullin was att'iitlvo to Ktover's
niece and the old man had forbidden him the
house. This evening tlio young couple were
walking together , when the old man drew Ida
revolver mid Urod from bis front gate. Mullin
was shot below the heart. IIo stepped away
from Ids sweetheart nnd , throwing up Ida
bauds , fell.
ItiKinttrolc on KouinllKin.
Dnr.iix ; , July SiO. In Nnclirlchton Ills-
mnrelt denies thnt there IB any hostility be
tween the emperor hnd himself. Ho was n
loyal adherent of tlio Ilohcnzollems ,
although ho differed with tlio einpnor on the
question of socialism. The emperor decided
to try nnd Induce the socialist * to jnalntuln a
"peaceful attttudo , by menus of concessions ,
but ho ( Dlsnmrck ) believed in llphtlng tliom
as blnckinullors , The sooner they wcro do
lled the butter. The tlmo would come when
socialism would bo a military question nnd In
place of the present mild stnto of Mlego there
would bo a universal stuto of war.
Order nf Knllivay Conlii"tcirH.
Pini.Anii.i'iiiA ! , July 20.At the meeting of
tbo Order of Hallway Conductors , with dele
gates representing the principal railroads in
Maryland , New .fersoy mid Pennsylvania ,
resolutions were adopted denouncing tbo
Fecedm , stating Unit tbo position of the
Order of Hallway Conductors U most fnvora-
blo for nil conscientious members and that
the order is not on a strilco basis.
Moliliil n Hanker.
Nr.w YOUK , July 20. A crowd of angry
I'olimders yesterday raided tlio private bank
ing establishment of Hernnrd Aronson , whom
they accused of misappropriating funds in-
trusted to him to bo used to bring over their
relatives mid friends from Poland , Aronsoii
and Ills clerk were badly beaten bolero the
police rescued them , They vero afterwards
arrested , and this morning , on complaint of n >
number of I'olanders , were remanded for ex
KiiHHlnii Kxplopcrs. Arrcstoil.
T-ios'nox , July UO. [ Special Cablegram to
Tin : HII : : . ] 'llio Chlneso government stepped -
pod a party of Unsshm explorers la Thibet ,
led by Captain ( ironibtcbt'VsU.v , at Poln , oa
tlie border of the Thibetan dosiert , and ordered , '
tliom to return to ICuuhsjar. The Husslani'
loliised , and the wholu jiartv left I'ol i la the
night time and disappeared In the desert.
it "
American lUlh'imm Honored.
NKHHTAIIT , llavnria , July 0. An Immense
crowd wHnesscd thn procession hero today la
honor of the Kew York ilflemen. The visit-
oru were ymdlj' chucr.'il. In tlio event1 , gn
dinner w.n given and this was follow : d by o >
concert , n display of llro works nnd a grand
KniiuiKineil Suildisnly to l.oniliiii.
LONDON' , .luly 'JO. [ Special Ciiluc'jnun to
Tin ; HKISir : ] W. A. White , llritlsh urii-
bassadorto Turkey , bus rome to Lmidoa on n
short and sudden visit. IIo lias iir ) > : uly tnul
several private conferences with Lord Kails-
bury. Hovill start for UousUntmopK1 in tbo
CoiiNld < ; reil a IHplimi.iro Victory.
Loxnox , July 20. The Post's 1'nris corre- >
spomlont says the negotiations relative to Xnn-
zlbar are coneludeil. The ministerialists
consider that tlio French minister of foreign
affairs has scored a distinct diplomatic tri
umph. _
Whole I'aiiuly
KAIT CI..UHK , Wis. , July UO , A family
named Klngburg , in Shawtowii , amHlstlngot
father , mother and seven cblldnm , aU ) canned
moat at dinner today. Two bom's 1-itcr they
weri ) Kulztid with violent Illness. I'hyslclana
are htill working on them and think four or
llvo of the children may die.
Ditched by a row.
iNWAX.U'oi.tH , Ind. , July ' , ' ( ) Tbo north
bound Monon vwtibulu train struck n cow
near Lennox IbU morning. Tlic t nglno was
ditched , nnd KnglmcrVllllam Btropo
scalded to dentil. None of the pu (
wcro Injured.
I'oMilou ICojeoled.
July ' 'it. | SpoelaH'.il It-gram to I
Tin ; Hr.i : . ] ThoSorvl.m .synod h.n rejected I
tlio iiatlllim of ox-Qnocn Na't'li ( o r-'consldou
the locality of liur dlvoi- . from c
Wllun. _ _ _
c hllilren cil' NovoliNln ll > trotliod.
1'Aiiif" , .luly 'i. ' - [ Hpoelal C'liolPi'rum toTnnl
Ilri ; . ] Joanne Hugo , grand child nf Victor I
Hugo , him bi'on hcthrctlu'd to Leon UuudutI
HOII of Alpliouu D.iuiUi , the novelist ,
A HatlloVllli Snuigloi-s.
CoViiTASTisdi'i.i : , July-0 , A company oil
gumlurmus bad a fntnl uneounter with a gang !
of sinupglein at Thcrapblu todnyi TwoofUcei-al
wcro killed mid u number of otnora wo