THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY , JULY 20 , 1S90.-TWELYE PAGES. The delegation to the conprcsslonnt conven tion Is headed by John Hrlttuln , The dele- Rates to the Mute convention linvo not openly expressed themselves on their mndldato for governor , but the gonernl preference Is In favor of John A. Dempster. .Although the farmers1 Alliance has been pretty strong In this 'county , and they have refused to recog nize nny of the old parties , yet there was nominated n candidate for county representa tive who Is nt present secretary or thu alliance in this county. The president of that organi zation , J , O. Cramb. U the republican choice for lloat representative. Quite a number of the lending iilllnnco men are delegates to llio convention from the various precincts : hnrdly a precinct but hnd ono or more n delegates. Auiintx , Neb. , July in. [ Special Tclc- gram to Tut : UEH , ] The republicans of Ne- mnhn county assembled In convention this afternoon and nftcr selecting delegates to the various conventions adopted several resolu tions , the llrst being ono Introduced by lion. Jarvis H. Church , containing among other recommendations the regulating nnd HxltiK of freight rates ; that the saloon must go from the state , cither by constitutional or statutory provision , us the people shall do- cldo ; Ilxlng u penalty for violation of the maximum interest rate ; that misappropria tion of public- funds bo made impossible ; the regulation of trusts mid corporations ; the guarding of the Interstate commerce law , etc , : asserting that all these questions were originated by the republican party nnd were being considered by the wisest men of the na tion nnd the republican party , and will bo settled In duo time to the satisfac tion of all men \yho ndmlro equity and Justice. The following resolution by Hon. Church IIowo was unanimously adopted : Hot levin ; ; thnt the best Interests of ourstnto ami county demand laillcal eliainres In many of our la'AH. nnd thnt steps should bo taken to that end by tliu next legislature ; thoieforo bo It Kej-olveil , Hy the republicans of Jfcmnha county In convention assembled , that wo will dcinnnd of our valid ( dates for llio not t Icglslit- 1 lire Hint , thov pledge themselves to use their bi'Ht. ellorlsfor iicliatiKu In our pre-ont elec tion lawn by substituting the Australian sys- ti'in of votlint. whereby un honest \otu and a fair count Is guaranteed to every voter : a more htrliment usury law , inakliii ; the penalty for thu violation of thu Mimn a forfeltmo of loth principal and Inteiest ; tin-enactment of a law prohibit ing Kiimldliiit In futures and farm products ; iMjinil taxation and all property taxed nt Its value : the. legiilatlon of rallioad corporations vthornby they hhall bo allowed to charge such fiolchl ami pnwngi'r rates only as shall net them U per cent per annum on thu actual cost of thulr properties ; we , the republicans of Nemalia county , In convention assembled , liereliy declare for the unlimited cntnaitn of silver and an Increase of the circulating medium to the amount not less than $10 pur capita ; a protective tnrllT to that ex tent only as Hhall nrotootoiir laboring classes against the competition of pauper labor la other countries. The following was introduced by David Jack of Peru : Resolved. That wo endorse llio work of our nioinber of congress , lion , \V. J. Council , In llio pti'scnt congie.sri and our delegates to the congressional convention are hero by In- btructi'd to support him for lenoinlnattun. DAVID Cirr , Neb. , July Hi.-fSpcclnl Tcle- gram toTiu : 13tn.l ; At the Duller county republican convention this afternoon the del egation chosen to the state convention is headed by J. S. Hill. The congressional convention is headed by R. II. Btcelo mid the senatorial by J. G. lloss. The following resolution was adopted with out n dissent ing volco : Hesolved , That It Is the sense of the repub- lleansof llutler comity , In convention assem bled , that Hon. ( illlci'i ) I/ . Laws has nilsreprc.- Miiitvil tin1 pcoplu of this conjrreislonal dis trict In thepioxi'iil congress , and that , the del- eKiiti" . to the congressional convention use all honorable means toprovi'id his leiiomlnatlon. It was also moved nnd carried that the del egates to the state convention use all lionorn- bio means to prevent the nomination of Cow- dory , Ilcntou and Stecne. It wns made a part of the credentials of the various delega tions that no proxies bu allowed , and that th"yvoto by the unit rule. A resolution re questing the delegates to endorse nnd vote for nny action that might bo taken nt the conventions In favor of the prohibition amendment promptly tabled. YOIIK , Nob. , July 10. [ Special Telegram to Tut : lii : : , ] The republican county conven tion met in this city today and nominated Hobert Henderson and 1) . W. Baker , both fanners , for representatives. A solid dele gation was elected and Instructed for N.VT Hnrlim for congress , The dclcghtcs to the state convention , headed by WUliunlCcckloy , po instructed for JiaJ/o" ; M. 11. Koeso for gov ernor , and also Instructed against voting for cither Ben ton , Co wdery or Stecn under any circumstances. The debate on this question was hot nnd. was led by Keck- ley nnd Gilbert for Judge Hccao. The delegations to the judicial and senatorial conventions nro not Instructed. F. C. Power was nominated for county attorney mid George S. Cook for register of deeds. The platform declares for liberal pensions , plenty of silver , against the McKlnloy bill , and In favor of protection to American labor , for the election of the board of transportation and United States senator by popular vote ; the Australian ballot law : equitable railroad rates ; demanding that the state nnd county treasurers pay all Interests on deposits to the people , mid declaring prohibition a non-partl- san question. AUIIOIIA , Neb. , July 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BKK. ] The Hamilton county republican convention today elected delegates to the state , congressional , judicial and sena torial convention , nnd nominated a legisla tive ticket. The nomliiess for the legislature nro E. D , Snydcr and Kdwnrd Nugent , both farmers. Resolutions wcro adopted in structing delegates to the state conven tion to use tticir influence to defeat the nominations ol the present state board of trail ! portntion. The delegates to the state convention wcro Instructed for K. IJ. Barton for state sunerintendont , The Judicial dele gation was instructed for Hon. J. II , Smith for Judge of the sixth Judicial district. Hon. J. A , Whitman was nominated for county attorney mid K. I ) , Huliug for county com missioner. TKCUSISKH , Nob. . July 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Ilii'.J The republican county convention of Johnson county met this after noon. The delegation to the state conven tion Is headed by Kugcno Lunghalin , D. F. Osgood selected the delegates mid they wcro instructed to use all honorable means to se cure the nomination of Osgood for attorney general. The delegation to the congressional convention Is headed by J. S , Dow and Is In structed for W. J. Council for congress. Senatorial delegates wore also elected nnd much enthusiasm was manifested when D. Osgood's name was mentioned for attor ney general. Viaininitis , Nob. , July Ifl. [ Special Tclo- crum to TUB iii.j ! : The Knox county ronul > - ilenn convention was held hero today , thirty- one delegates being present. J. II. Uerryman was nominated for county attorney and George T. Cornish for representative. The Htnto convention , headed by Kd. A. FIT , stumls divided between Thayer and Ulcharus for governor , The congressional convention , headed by B. 1 < \ Chambers , Is antl-Dorsey. A warm contest ensued over the delegation to the congressional convention , nnd n motion to instruct it for Donor wis lost by a full majority. _ PAW.M-.I : CITY , Neb. , July 10. [ Spccla Telegram to TUB nun. ] The largest am ! moHt.enthusiastio republican convention ever held in this county put in nomination for the legislature C. A. Schuffol and \V. W , Clifford The convention instructed for S. H. Woods forstato senator for this and Ulchnrdsot counties. The delegation U ) the state con ventlon Is headed byV , A. Ulce , and the congressional by C. E. Casey , and Is solid foi Connell , H. C. Lindsay was rcnomlnfited for county attorney nnd K. L. Vance for county commissioner. Y CKNTKH. Nob. , July 10. [ Special Tel cgram to Tin : DEE. ] The county rcpubltcai convention was held hero today. The dele gates wcro now men , mostly farmers. Not- lleton worked hard and secured a delegation Doth Christy and Horlis refused a rouomlnu- tlon for the legislature. A resolution was passed urging the candidacy of NetUcton for congress , but only about twenty of the bun drcd delegates voted for this resolution. Tin delegation to the stuto convention is hcadct by faW. . Chrity. _ III.OOMIXOTOX , Nob. , July 10. [ Spocla Tclcgi-am to TiiBlJKK.j At the republlcni county convention today J. P. A. lllaek was rcnomlimted for county attorney and \V. E I lad ley for representative. Tbo state dele Kittlon is headed by H. M. Stark , the con giesslonnl by J , L. Thompson mid the senu tonal by J. M. 'Wllhnout , Thrco of the state delegation uro for Hnrlun and four for Dnwcs GiUNO IsKAM ) , Nob. , July 10. [ Spccla Telegram to THE llEK.J-Tbo Hall couutj republican convention was held hero tedu ; nnd selected delegates to the state nnd con irrosslomil conventions. The latter nro In Btructod for JuOgo T , O. 0. Harrison and the former uro for Tbuyor. George L. House nnd O. Humphrey wcro selected for'repro- cntatlvc.4. Both are prominent farmers. I'm * OITT , Neb. , July 10. [ Special Tclo- gjam toTnu ni'.K.l The republican county convention elected delegates to the state , ongres.tlonnl and float senatorial conven tions , The following resolutions wcro adopted ! Ho It re olvrd by the republican party of tk'hardwn comity. In convention assembled , lint It Is the si'iKe and conviction of the rn- rcpnbllc.iim of said county Unit It Isnnun- wlso principle ns a matter of party politics , o support a.s a iiomlneo of the state lepubll- crun of Nebraska nny person for a third term for nny of the irenrrnl ollleers of the state ; that Inn continued rciiomlnatlon of nny one pcr on for a leading otlli'n leads to corruption mil tcniN to domorallr.o thu polities < ( n state , ireatcHClhmeH anil factions , nxcltes dissatis faction and will eventually disrupt nml over throw any party pursuing Miuh course , us wit ness thu result In other states ; and bo It fur ther lteolved , Thnt the Itlclmrdson county dele gation to the. Mnto convention be instructed to carry out thu principle above put forth by not supporting any third termer for iiomltm- Oovcrnor Tlmycr hnd a number of friends In the convention , but \verooutnuinbcred \ and ninilo no forcible response to the resolu tion. The ladles of the AVomcn's Christian rcinpewnco union wcro on hand , backed by outsiders with their little amendment rcsolu- Llon. The resolution was sidetracked with the committee on resolutions , whoso report will bo mudo at the adjourned meeting of the convention. After selecting delegates the convention adjourned , subject to the call of the chairman to nominate county olll- ccrs. The delegation chosen to the state con vention Is headed by Ernest Werner , nnd the congressional by John Schulcr. The latter will bo largely for Conuell , but go unln- structcd. The stnto delegation Is unln- structod , except so fur as the above resolu tions Instruct , but will bo for Hon. W. W. Abbey for commissioner of public lands nud buildings. Ki.woiut , Nob. , July 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin' HKI : . ] The republican convention of Gosper county mot today. Hinging resolu tions wcro adopted endorsing the cause of the partv In the past and expressing inllnite con- lldcnco In its ability and inclination to deal with the exigencies of the future. J , O. Stowurt was nominated as candidate for county attorney and accepted the honor in n very neat speech. William Schcfllcblen was nominated for county commissioner. Delegates wcro elected to the state , con gressional and senatorial conventions and were left uninstructcd , though It is under stood that the state delegation favors Hon. Jack WacColl for govcrnorand that Hurlan Is the favorite for congressman. The repub licans feel quite conlldcnt of victory in the battle of ballots. LK.XISOTOK , Neb. , July 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bun. 1 The republican county convention mot this afternoon . and elected delegates to the republican state convention. The following resolution was unanimously adopted : Hu.solved , That the delegates In convention iiHseinhlcd In Dawson county favor Hon. . I. II , .Mrt'all as a candlilatu for the olllee of gover nor , and Instruct llio county delegation totlm state convention to u > .u all honorable means to secure his nomination. Mr. McCall was allowed to name the dele gation. A largo number of the delegates in the county convention wcro pronounced alli ance men , hut they were ull enthusiastic in favor of McCall , Uoi.nunon , Neb. , July 10. [ Special Telc- gr.mi toTm : Brn.1 The Phclps county re publican convention was hold hero this after noon. The delegation to the stnto convention was headed bv ex-Senator Kinscl. The con gressional delegation goes without instruc tions. J. A. Frcdricks , a lending merchant of Holdrcge , was nominated for representa tive by acclamation. S. A. Drnvo of the local bar was nominated for county attorney , and AV. D. Shields for coroner. UTICA , Neb. , July 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin : 31ii : : . ] The republican county 'con vention solccted delegates to the stnto con vection , headed by J. 0. Stiver. All were against Burton for governor excepting ono. The congressional delegation is headed by 15. H. Waggoner and the senatorial by P. P. licntly. The convention adjourned to meet later to nominate candidates for the various county ofllcoa. _ -w. _ _ Sriuvi.rikJifcVWriittly ; 19. [ Special Tele- grAiir to TIIK Uii.1 : The republicans met today and elected delegates to the stuto con- vcntipa headed by H. C. Hussell , The dele gates wcro not instructed , but nro nhndat solid for Thnyor. The selection of con gressional delegates was loft to the action of the central committee. Srrcuioit , Neb. , July 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tins Uni.J The republican prima ries were held today. The delegation to the congressional convention Is headed by C. B. Adams , The delegation appears to bo evenly divided ns to the renomluatlon of Congressman Laws. Ai.mox , Nob. , July 10. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bm.l : Tbo republican convention of Boone county mot today , Tbo state delega tion wns headed by Loran Clark nnd the con gressional by F. B. Tiffany. A special con vention will bo called by Chairman S. S , Had- ley to nominate county olllcers. T.OUICITV , Nob. , July 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tnr. Bii : : . ] The republican county convention met today and nominated J. U. Scott for county attorney and J. B. Fail-burn for representative. The delegates to the state , congressional nnd legislative conven tions go uulustructcd. SCOTIA , Neb , , July 11) ) . [ Special Telegram to Tun BKB. ] At the republican county con vention held nt Greeloy Centra today , Judge Lewis headed the delegates to attend the stnto convention. A resolution to instruct for Ilichurds for governor was tabled by the convention. OSCHOM , Neb. , July 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tins Ben. ] The republican conven tion today selected state , congressional and Judicial delegates. They wcro uninstructcd , Neb , , July 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Br.K.l Republicans of Hooker county today chose M. A. Hummel as u dele gate to the sUite convention. NOIITII PI.ATTK , Nub. , July 19. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bii.l : : Lincoln county elected today a McColl delegation. BEATIUCK , Neb. , July 10. [ Special Tclo- grum to Tun BKK. ] The result of the repub lican primary elections in this city this evenIng - Ing Is a signal victory for high license. The high license forces wore led by G. O. Bate.- ? and ( acorgo B. Everett and the strong light was mndo In the second ward in which the Uates-l'jVerett ticket Is elected by a vote of lil-t to 12 : . ' . The struggle hero was of special Interest because of the Kretsingcr-Tiilt- Dempster faction leading the prohibition amendment forces as a boost for Hon. John A. Dempster's gubcmntoral boom. As a consequence Dempster's chances In Cage county have gene glimmering. In the other three wards the ICrctslnger-Tait ticket Is snowed under badly. The remain der of the county has not yet been howl from , definitely. The delegation as elected is strongly in favor of Capt. J. E. Hill for Btnto treasurer. _ ALMA , Neb , , July IV. | Special Telegram to Tun Biu. ; ] A conference wns held hero today by a committee from the county nl- lianco and county veteran association for the purpose of admitting n representation f win the veteran association nt their convention on July 20. The following delegates were chosen by the veteran convention : W. B. Gibbons , Fred Huffman , S. L. Hobcrts , C. P. Mornvlllo and D. S. Ferguson. Tbo prob ability Is that they will unite on the nomina tion of a ticket _ _ _ FAiiint'iir , Nob. , July 10. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE Bnn.J The Knights of Lnboi held u caucus at this place tonight and selected sixteen delegates to represent this precinct In the farmers' alliance convention to bo held next Saturday. The Knights of Labor and farmers' alliance will work in joint convention mid place a full ticket in the Held. CHUTE , Neb. , July 10 , [ Special Telegram to Tim BKK. ] Republican primaries wcro held hero this afternoon. Nineteen delegates to the county convention were elected ant ] they nro all solid for Hastings for attorney general and F. I. Foss for float representa tive. The county convention convenes Mon day next. _ NoiiTit PUTTE , Neb. , July 10. [ Special Telegram toTiiuHEis.l The county conven tion today elected a mixed delegation to the Btato convention , being part McColl and part Thayer , No Instructions. The delega tion was headed by C. F. hidings. NTATK A'-Kir.S. lilghtnlim's AVoi'k at Staiilon. STANTOX , Neb , , July 10. [ Special to TUP DEB. ] A tcrrillo rain storm , nccompnulct by deafening thuudor and almost continuous lashes of lightning , prevailed in this county ast night. The lightning struck In sovcrnl ilnces In this town. St. John's German Lu- licran church was struck at 1 ; 30 a. m. The owcr was soon In flames nnd In splto of the leuvy rnln prevailing nt the time they soon spread to the main body of the building and .he structure wns soon reduced to ashes. The Lutheran society will take Immediate steps to rebuild. The next idaco to receive n visit from Jupiter was the Leslcr residence. After entering the nttle the bolt seems to tavo scattered In all directions , doing damage n nearly every room la the house. No ono wns injured here. The hardware store of Wcmnan Brothers received the next visit. Entering the lower mrt of the front door ( somewhat shattering t ) the bolt jogged to the right , entering the } un case , breaking the RUIIS ; turned again ; inssed down along the wall to the other end > f the store , killing u bulldog pup lliat was ylng under the safe. Dcntli or Ilev. Hymn Loui- City , Neb , , July 19. [ Special Tclo- gram toTiin Ui'.i : , ] Uov. Byron V. Uussoll , taster of the Presbyterian church of this city , died at his residence hero yes terday after an illness of three noiiths , and wns burled today , a urge concourse of people attending the Funeral , Ho was born in Tittle Valley , N. V. , In l&iy. Ho received lila education lit Now Hampton , N. II. , and Lcwlston , Me. , nnd wns ordained in 18T > 3 at Danville. Me , tn ISiiQ ho entered the army us chaplain , in which bcrvico ho contracted the disease which resulted in his death. In 1SS1 ho located at Orel , and in 18& . " > was elected representative from Valley county , which ofllco ho lllled creditably , nnd was then appointed acting state geologist , and as such superintended the. sinking of the salt wells nt Lincoln in 1SS7. In December , 183 $ , ho ac cepted the pastorate of the church at this place und has since resided hero , although ho has suffered Intensely during his Illness Ho was highly esteemed nml his loss will bo greatly felt In this community , Matters nt Ord. Onn , Neb. , July 10. [ Special to Tun Br.n. ] Itlght Hev. A , P. Graves , bishop of the jurisdiction of the 1'latto , held mi Episcopal service hero Wednesday evening , which was well attended by our citizens. Thursday afternoon on informal meeting of old soldiers was held In the court house , thlrt y veterans belur ? present. A motion was put and carried that no pension legislation short of granting service pensions would bo acceptable to or accepted by the old soldiers. A committee of threa M. E. Gutter for the republicans , J. H. Fulrbank for the demo crats and J. M. Kllnltcr for the Independents was appointed to notify our congressional candidates to that cll'oct , and nsk their pledges to work for thnt end. Messrs. Miller and Prob.iseo of the Grand Island Young Men's ' Christian association have held a series of evangelistic meetings hero this week with u view to establish a Young Men's Christian association tit this place. 1'rof. N. F. Damn of Scwaru will bo the principal of Ord's schools for the ensuing year. Prof. J. M. Hussey , our Into principal , has accepted a call from Aurora. The AVcnther nnd Crops. Fr.r.MoxT , Neb. , July 19. [ Special to Tun BHR. ] The long continued dry spell was broken last night by a heavy win , nnd there Is .great rejoicing by everybody. The corn crop in this county hn.s not yet boon iujdrcd to any appreciable extent , but a few days more of the dry weather would hov.o proven very damaging , f. E. Ilcaton , who has been a resident of this city for thirty years , and local observer for the Doano college meteor ological observatory for several years , reports the rainfall since ' ' this ports 'J o'clock morning ata.JJI Inches , the heaviest known in the his tory of the city. _ Knl NO .Statement Corrnet cl. NEIWAAKA CUT , Neb. , July 10. [ Special to Tin : Bra : . ] Much indignation has been aroused In this city by the false statements roticor'ilni. this place s.out out from Lincoln by the prohibition bureau. TiarTurcnt ; asser tion that the city council of Nebraska City took action upon the matter and refused to permit a pair of prohibition oxbortcrs tqhold meetings in this city la false In every partic ular. The matter never was considered , anil the men In question , . Smith' nnd Hucklns , held meetings hero for two weeks and quit of their own accord. The Sunus licet 1'nlncc. GIUKD ISLAND , Neb. , July 19. [ Special Telegram to Tuc Bin. : ] Fifty men are at work on the Grand Island beet sugar palace , and It will bo completed by August 23. A company has been formed and the cvclorama of the battle of Gettysburg will bo on exhi bition during the reunion. The sugar paluco will surpass the famous corn palace of Sioux City in every respect. Two COWN Killed. STAXTOX Neb. . Telegram , , July 19.-Special [ gram to Tun Bic.J : A bam on the farm of Chris Madcrow , ten miles southeast of Stanton - ton , was struck by lightning last night and badly damaged , Two cows were killed. Tbo drouth is ended nnd farmers are jubilant. The acreage of grain harvested in this county is largo und the quality good. Two Residences Struck liy Ti BKATWCI : , Nob. , July 19. [ Special Tele gram to Tim BGK.I The residence of H. A. Estnrly , at Tenth and Scott streets , and that of William Falconer , on South Seventh street , were struck by lightning early this morning nnd considerably damaged. The ODCup-.iuts , though severely shocked , wcro not otherwise injured. Political DcmnnNtrntioiiH 1'roldbitcd. GitA.N-i > ISLAND , Neb. , July 19. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bm : . | The Grand Army of the Hopublio reunion committee has passed a resolution prohibiting any political demon strations , and Mi.yor Platt will issue a proc lamation prohibiting any demonstration within the city limits. Heavy Itain at Ponder. Pr.xnnn , Nob. , July 10. ( Special to TIIK BIK. : ] This vicinity was visited last night and today by a heavy rain which has been much needed , ns none hnd fallen for nearly three weeks , and corn had began to show distress. About one-fourth of the liar- vesting has been dona. iMnch llcjoii'in < ; at Itlnlr. Bum , Neb. , July 10. [ Special to TUB Rcu.j A much needed ruin commenced hero last night about 10 p. tn. nnd kept It up con tinually until noon today. The farmers re port that it has saved the corn crop. Ono fruit grower says It inado him ilOO bushels of blackberries. Everybody is rejoicing , Copious Showers tit Sliuhort. SiiuninT , Nob. , July 10. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK BKI : . ] A copious ram began hero this morning about ( i o'clock and con tinued for fully three hours. The drouth In this section had begun to assume a serious as pect. Corn was suffering nnd the pastures wcro dried up. The drouth seems broken now and our prospects for a bountiful Jcrop are promising. Normal Institute Cloned. STAXAO.NNob. . , July 10. [ Special to THE BEK. ] Tbo best normal Institute ever held in Stunton county closed yesterday. The attendance was largo throughout. Superintendent Coney has mi nblo corns of teachers in this county , nnd the schools are second to none In the state. % Sim AVnntH a Illvoroo. NKinmiCA. CiTVNTob.July , 10. [ Special Tel egram to TUB BEE. ! Mrs.Frank Scott of this place asks the court for legal separation from her husband , whom she married only eight short months ago and who , she declares , grow tired of her mid deserted her utter n few days of wedded life. Injured in a hand Slide. GitANU ISLAND , Neb. , July 19. [ Special Telegram to TIIK BKK. ] Flvo injured men were brought in today from the U , & M. railway la Wyoming and plixcod in St. Jo- soph's hospital. They were Injured by u land slide in a cut. Otno County TcnulieiV Institute. NEIUUSKA CITV , Neb , , Juno 19. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKE. ] The Otoo county teachers' institute has closed a very success ful two weeks' session. About one hundred aud twcuty-tlvo teachers wcro lu attendance. SHUT OUT m THE BREWBS , ii The Black SOJT Lese at Milwaukee By a Ecoro of'Jon ' to Nothing. DAD CLARKE "tEAVES THE TEAM , The City Stcniiis nntl Missouri Valleys to Meet TliW Aflei'iioon-Stnna- Ing of , the Turf News. , I'lavod. Won. Lost. PorCt. Mlnnonnolls oil 41 ? . " .638 Milwaukee . fil ) 43 27 ,00 < l Knnsns Olty 01 ill " < .MSI Denver en M in .W5 Sioux City. . ( M xi XI .MX ) Des Molnes. 07 LI ) ! M 4ill ! Omaha OS at ) if. ' .420 St. I'ttUl 00 1 ! ) 47 ,238 NATIONAL l.K.vaUK. Played. Won. Lost. PcrCt. Philadelphia. . . . 74 -H . ! Ilrooklyn 7:1 : 47 -ft , < > I4 lloston 7 ! > 40 Vt ! > .0111 Oliielnnatl 73 4i ; - . > .SU7 fhleauu 70 'M M .Mi New Vork 74 1C ! 42 ,4'rj t'lovi-Iiiml 70 ! ! l 411 .io. : ) PlttHburg 73 17 K > -liMJ AMKItlCA.V ASSOCIATION. Pliiyod.V < m. 1/ist. PerCt. l.onlsvlllo ( W 4'J S7 .C0 ! Athletic 7ll 4'J 2S .WO St. l.ouls r'j ; ai ill ) .fiM Knchojtor 7(1 ( iij ! U .512 iVilumhus 71 iUl ! ! " > .W)7 Toledo fk'i J.M : .410 SyriKlllso M 110 ! W .411 Ilrooklyn C8 19 4'J , 'Jdl ITAVimS' I.KAOUK. Played. Won. bost. 1'erCt. lloston 7ti 4 : > ST , C > r t Ilrooklyn 70 4:1 : tci , W.l ( t'lilcnijo 71 : so ia , r > iu New iorlc . ,71 IW 31 , fvT Philadelphia 74 M ) : n .fOT PlttHburg 71) IB ! W .457 Cleveland 7 a ) ! W .4ci : lliiffalo r > T 33 47 .V > 7 Milwiuilceo 1O , Uuinlm 0. MiLWAfKEn , AVls. , July 19. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK BKE.J Following is the result of today's game : .MILWAUKEE. OMAHA. U n O A K U II O A B Poorrann. in.,0 2001 Cnnnvnn. lf..O 0100 I'ottlt. rf 1 2800 WnMi. f > 0 2330 Inlryiuile. | lf..l ' . ' 001 Ki'nnn , tf..U 0 21) ) 0 Shocli. n I 1 2 0 U Cleroland.llb.O U 0 0 MurrlHtCTt lb.0 2 12 00 Hnnrnlinn.'Jb.O 0 1 S 0 Jnnlzon , c..1 2 fl 3 U Andrews. IO..O 1 13 0 0 Allmrt9.3b.,2 1020 WHIN , cfip.O Wulcli. 2b. . . , II 0 2 U Morun , c 0 Davius.i ) 1 1030 Uriulinrt , c. . 00 1 0 II Maitln , ) U 0 1 ' . ' Totnh 10 13 27 15 2 Totrtli 0 5 27 11 4 11Y INNINGS. Milwaukee . 0 5020010 2 10 Uiuahu . 0 00000000 0 KU.MMAllV. Turned runs Milwaukee 1. Two-huso hits I'etlt , Shocli. liases stolen Ponrman , Pet tit , Dalryinple , .Tunt eii. Wuleh. Doublii jihiys Shocli to Morrlssey. liases on Hulls L'ooiinnn , Alberts , A\olch i , UloM'hind. Andre s. Struelc out Hy Dnvles li , by Martin 1 ! , liy Willis I. Pased lialls Mnrnn , " > . Time of eiinii ) ono hour und forty mimics. Uniplro llungle. City 5 , Minneapolis 4 , rf , Minn. , July 10. [ Spocinl Tel egram to Tin : Ben. ] Following is the result of today 'a game ; MINNKAl'OMS. KANSAS CUV. SCOIir. Ill1NMNOS. . Jllnneapolls . ' . , , . . , : t 0000010 1 Olty . , , . , . . . : ! 0 U 0 20 o * D Ituns carnen M)5iioiipolls I , ICansas Olty 3 , Two-base lilts-Mtllfr. Giuihon. Threo-baso lilt Urn. Homo B.ini > i < sriiaJiull2l ! < ' nliivs -Dowfo to IJvn , M\lli'jfto \ llyii. raeiniirre' } * ' ' Mliini-npoll.s S ! . IJlu"by pltclii r Ilyn. liases on linlls Hy Alitcholl f. Smith 4. Struck out Hy Knchrll 4 , tjiulth 7. First on crmrs--Mtii- neapolls 2 , Kansas City 3. Lofton baftus Min neapolis tl , Kansas City 0. Time Ono hour and twenty-live in InittcM. Uniiilro-Ouslcl : . Sioux City 7 , St. Paul 5 ST. PAUL , Minn. , July 17. [ Special Tele gram to THE DUE. ] Following is the result of today's gnmo : 8IOUXCITV , uv I.VNINQS. St. Paul 0 01 00220 0 f > Sioux City 4 7 SUMMAIir. Runs carncil St. Paul 2. Two-huso lilts Ilartnott.Miirphy.lllnck , Homo runs IlroiiKh- ton. Huso on hiills-Olf Mockln : i. lluidlck 3. Struck out Hy Mcckin 5 , by Hurdlek4. Um- jilre Bauswlne. National League. AT xcw VOIIK. First game- New York 3 13 0 0 300 0 0 IS Cleveland 1 00000030 4 Umpire McQuudo. Second game New York II 00103000 7 Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 n Hits Now York 9 , Cleveland 0. Errors- New York 8 , Cleveland 7. Imttcrloa Shar- rott and ( Mark ; Llucoln nnd Ziuuncr , Um pire McQundc. AT UOsTOK. lloston 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ti 0 1 0 Cincinnati 0 10 2 lilts Boston 5 , Cincinnati 0. Errors Bos ton 5 , Cincinnati 7. Batteries Nicholas and Hcnnett ; Khlncs and Harrington , Umpire- Powers. AT rillLADCU'llIA. Philadelphia , . . . ! 4 Chicago 0 0 Hits Philadelphia 13 , Chlcaso . Errors Philadelphia 1 , Chicago 0. Hattcries Gleason and Clements ; Luby and Klttredgo. Umpire MoDermott , AT -/IJIOOKLYX. Pittsburg . V. . O-.O 00 11 00 3 Brooklyn . 3 * 8 lilts Pittsburgh , * Brooklyn 0. Errors Pittsburg , Brooklyn 0. Batteries Baker and Wilson ; Carrutliew and Daley. Umnlro Lynch , . , t AT 1103TOX. Boston . 1:0 : 2-0 Chicago . 0 0300 00 31 7 Hits Boston \2 , 'Chicago 15. Errors- Boston 5 , Chieauo'12. ' Batteries ICilrnV1' and Murphv ; King and Farroll. UmpIrcaL.lLiilght and Jones , AT ( lIlf'.UiUl.l'lIIA. Philadelphia . \ , & I 1 0 0 3 0 0-S Buffalo . U | 1) ) , 0 0 0 0 1 0 o-l Jilts Phlladolphia'fl , Buffalo 5. Errors Plilladclphia ' . ' , ButTalo . Hattcries Knoll and llolumn ; Buckley and Maclc , Umpires Uuffnoy and Sheridan , AT NEW TOIIK. Now York . n 0402 133 2-18 Pittsburg . 0 1 'J 0 1 1200-7 Hits Now York 10 , Pittsburg 12. Errors- New York 2 , Pittsburg 2. Imttorles-O'Day nnd Ewlng ; MorrU arid Carroll. Umpires Ferguson aud Hobert , AT imooKiA.v. Brooklyn . 4 2-14 Cleveland . 1 2-10 Hits-Brooklyn 8 , Cleveland 13. Errors Brooklyn a , Cleveland 8. Batteries Sowdors and Daly , Bakoly nnd Sutdlffo. Umpires Matthuws and Leach. Amurlonti AHsoulatlon. AT rillMlllM.l'IIIA. Athlotle . 2 00000310-0 St. Louis . ; i 3 * - U HtU-Athletlo 1' ' , St , Louis 13. Errors Athlotlo 1 , St. Louis 3. llattcrles-Espcr nnd Kobluson , Itauucy and AVclls , Umpire Peoples. ATiiocnr.sTnn. Kochcatcr 1 1 0 0 0 n 0 0 2 7 Columbus 0 0 1 Hits Hochestor P , Columbus 4. Errors Hochcstcra , Columbus I ) . Itattcrlos-Culla. Rhnnand Melveogh ; Gartrlgat and Doylo. Uniplro Curry. ATSrilACUSK. Syracuse 0 0 3 Toledo 10 4 1 (1 ( 0 1 0 13 Hits Syracuse C , Toledo 10. Errors-Syra cuse 7 , Toledo 7 , Batteries Cuscy nnd O'liourko ; Sprague and Sage. Umptro Emsllo. Amon.i ; the Aniatetir.4. NnntiASKA CITV , Neb. , July 19. [ Special Telegram to Tin : DIK. ] Tim ganie between tlic Muscos of Omaha and the homo club this afternoon wns won by the former. Score , 13 to 3. The third mid Until Ktmw will 'oopluyed tomorrow. Stella ai , HnmlmMt 5. SIKI.I..I , Neb. , July 10. [ Spcrlul to Tuc Bun. ] The IlumboldU en mo over today and were defeated by u score of 'Jl to 5. Linn and Frctz were In the points for Ilumboldt and held the Stella's heavy hitters down for six innings to ono earned run. a homo run by Lowe , and then the Held behind them went to pieces and Stella scored twenty runs. Smith , for Stella , pitched a good Raaio and wnswell supported. The features of the game was n ono-hniided catch of a line drive by Cnrnalmn and the batting und base run ning of Fretz. A Paper llano Ball Scheme. Mi.VNCAi'ous , Minn. , July 10. The Journal prints tills afternoon the details of a big base ballcombinntion. The plan Is for nn amal gamation of the Nat'.oaal league , American and Western associations into oao largo or ganization of sixteen cities. These will bo divided Into eastern and western circuits. In this way base ball would once more bo put on a paying basis nnd the combined associa tions bo in a position to make it very uncom fortable for the brotherhood. Game This Afternoon. The City Steam Laundry team and the Missouri Valleys will battle for supremacy nttho local park this afternoon. The two teams are evenly matched and n line contest will assuredly result. The game Is for . > > ( ) a side and the gnto receipts. 1'Liy called at Clarke Kcfasc.s to Play. Dad Clnrko left the Omahas at St. Paul Friday evening nnd returned to this city. He had some dilllculty with Manager Leonard and refuses to play under him. JnU what this means to Omaha at this critical juncture is easily understood. The niituro of the diffi culty between Clarke and Leonard is not Icnown , as Clarice has not been seen on the subject yet. The Cowbny.ProhihKion Muddle. President J. S. McCortnlck , who is ing mermaids at Spirit Lake , has called a special meeting of the bo.ird of directors of the Western association for that point Monday - day , for the purpoio of arbitrating the Ues Moine.s-ICansas City embrogllo. From the prlinn facie evidence Kansas City is unques tionably In the right. Manager Manning was oflleinUy informed by the manager of the DCS Molncs foam that the elub had boon disbanded and thu players released. Manning immediately signed Hart , Patton and Traflley , then consented to an exhibition gaino which Ues Molncs won. The readiness with which DCS Mollies' players were being gobbled up opened the umn'aRO- inent's eves to the fact that they could proba bly realize several thousand dollars by the sale of their bust men , so they squealed , and sending for Secretary Kocho , claimed that the club had not disbanded and that the players hnd not been legally released , Kocho swallowed this story without salt and decided in accordance with tbo " wishes of the man agement that the players hud not been le gally released. The following day Kansas City refused to play against -wnat it consid ered part ojyts own team nnd the game wua l iveint fDu Moines , as wns the exhibition game of thoUny before. Kansas City has ap pealed to thjl board of directors and the mat ter will bo settled Monday. While the Cow boys may not get the men they signed , It la quite certain the forfeited games will not be counted against them. The Gormaiila Koys. Miilwniikco should never be allowed to win the pennant. In fnct it would bo t. gri at thing could the Western , association drop her from the circuit next season. July , 13 , 181K ) . MILWAUKIIK , July 10 , 1SOO. [ To the Sport ing Editor of Tin : Bun , ] Bear Sir. The above is from the Omaha Bni : . You will please have the kindness to explain your rea sons why Milwaukee should never bo allowed to win the pennant , and why she ought to bo dropped fromtho cireultnoxt season I Milwaukee has always been the club of the Western association you could rely unon in every way and at the end of the season always proved a.s well as any of them. Mil waukee never had any linanclal trouble , where the clubs of other cities like St. Paul , Minneapolis , Dea Moines and Sioux City had hard times to pull through. If tbo Western association would not have Milwaukee and ICansas City it would no tbo at the standpoint it is now.Vliy then drop the best towns and substitute less successful ones ) Milwau kee won the pennant ono year and never re ceived it , tbo pennant being credited to a club that was a year later transferred to Omaha. This perhaps explains the ill-feeling or would Omaha like to have the pennant again this year and can't got it ) By answering this in your next Sunday's ( July L'O , ) issue you will greatly oblige JOHNLIMIIKHUKII , 1)53 ) 12th St. , And Other "Ucrmnnla Boys. " Llmboi-Rcr and the rest of the Uarmanin Boys will Und the desired information in the response to Paul Champion in the regular snorting department. The case might bo elaborated on. but it is not best to use all your powder in a single load. There might be a bear come along. Thcs WhicheHlor' Shoot. The Winchester gun club's regular weekly shoot took place yesterday afternoon , 2.5 blue rocks 21 yards rise. The score : 1' . Kiiller 11111 llllt Olllt 10111 11011-21 Son Paulson tllll 11011 IIIOI 11101 llttl ! } J O. " . ' , PlcKird..nilll : mm join ) J1IOI mil ui b. .1 oh n so n 11110 11110 JtltO ] ] < ) ll OUII1 1'J ' N. Johnson 01111 Hill mil 10011 mil II. 1'aulKon mil 1(010 ( 11101 11101 oiiiu ill w. o. I'auison moi inn mil mu onoi si c. Hunt mu mu mu mn aim y > Ed Leader OOftX ) lioill KWO ) 01101 HWIl II ( ieortfo Junes OulOO 01100 00011 00100 OIKW 8 Miclianl FOSK 11111 Illll 1I1W ) 10111) ) 0110' ' ) IS .lack Knoules..11111 10111 Illll 1IIKH OHM 19 J. Grim mu mu mu 10001 10010 19 TIIK SPEED JllXd. .Moiimoiith I'iHc ; Knees. MONMOUTII PAIIK , July 10. Summary of today's races : Mllu and one furlong- Stockton wonjudgo Morrow second , Theodosms third , Timo- 1 : t)7. ) Tyro stakes , two-year-olds , three-quarters of a mile Strathmeath won , Holers second , Ambulance third. Time 1 : lfi , Midsummer handicap , ono mile Prince Hoyal won , Taviston second , Kurus third. Time 1:40. Mlle nnd three-quarters Triston won , Eon second. Time a : ! ! ! < . Mlle and ono furlong Clarendon won , Ad- uinnnt second , Longford third. Time 1 : .r)7. Throe-ycar-olds and upwards , thrcc-ipiur- tors of a milo lago won , Louise second , Arab third. Timo-lllH. Bellow stakes , ono milo Pagan woaOrl- flnnunc second , Philosophy third. Time l:4W. : Five fnrlons straight Hcter won , Adven turess second. Juckof Diamonds third. Time -1:03. : Park Ilacen. CniCAfio , July 19 , Summary of Wajhlng- ton park races : Two-year-olds , flvo furllngs Anarchist won , May Thornton second , Walnut third , Time 1 :0-Mn' : , Thi-co-ycaiMlds , ono mile Chapman won , Twilight second , Jaokstaff third. Tinio- 1 MW- Wheolcr handicap , throo-yoar-olds nnd up wards , milo and ono-fiunrtcr Teuton won , Prince Fonso second , Hypocrite third. Time 2:0il' : ; . Thrco-ycur-olds and upwards , uillo aud ono furlone Arundcl and Itlmlnt ran n , dead heut , Attleua third. Time , liMSf. in the run off Arumlol won , Time. 1:50 : 1 ? , All ages , milo nnd one-sixteenth Prince I'\rtunntu9 ' won , Churchill Chirk second , X third' Time.iW { . I'jxtrn , All ages , ono-mllo Glciihall won , Pluck Pilot second , Mandolin third. Time , 1'rlecd Sp oilers. Nr.w YOIIK , July 10-Charles Keed has purchased Uxilo from William Lakeland , for $15,001) ) , nnd French Park from D.ivo Clldcon for ? IOXK ( ) , These two horses will bo sent to bis brceJliu ? farm In Tennessee , THK Y. ai. O. A. IIKI1T. Tlio IMrsI 91 , 000 Towards It.s Mqitldn- tlon ttalscd Ijiwt Mir lit. A special mooting of the members of the Young Moil's ' Christian association was held last evening for the purpose of taking some decided action towards raising money with which to p.iy oft the indebtedness of the asso ciation. There were nhout.otio hundred mem bers present when President Fleming cnllod the meeting to order. I IP mndo a short state ment of the linanclal condition of the orga nization , showing the debt to bo about $11,000 , with about fl.fiOi ) of this amount provided for. A llttlo over half of the Indebtedness repre sents the balance duo on the building , and the remainder was incurred by current expensed. Mr , Fleming stated that it had been sug gested that the members of the association should at once hike steps to ralso the llrst few thousands among themselves , to show their interest in wiping out the tiidohlodno.-is nnd to show the business men of the city that they wcro deserving of their iisslxtaneo. Mr. Nash was eallod upon for a few re mark ? , and stated that he did not bellovo that the business men of the city would see the building closed nnd the work of the asso ciation abandoned. The need for the worlc would exist Just the same whether the association stood squarely on Its loot In good llnanclal condition or was bankrupt. Ho was positive that there was no other organization that could do so much for young men , and ho doubted If there WUH anyone who would deny that it ought to contiuuo its peed worn among the .M , 000 young men of Oinithn. Ho then stated Unit It was proposed to ralso the llrst thousand dollars right then and there , and called fonsubscrlptlons , It was evident from the start that the ineinbors were In earnest in their efforts to pay off tbo debt , and subscriptions were re ceived by the .score , Tlicro wcro very few who did not oft'or to give something , and the subscriptions ranged from $1 toJ50 each. Printed blanks had been prepared , and they were circulated among those present. It required n llttlo over an hournndjii half to raise the $1,000 , but It was finally all pledged , the last dollar being received with hearty upplauso. ( > real enthusiasm was manifested nnd many of the members pledged themselves to raise various amounts from other members who were not present nt the meeting. It was decided that for the present all work will bo done among the members them selves , and a carefully conducted can vass will bo inadu. It is contidently hoped to rateo $ ' ) ,000 in this way and tbo busi ness men will bo asked to subscribe the re mainder. The initial steps are very promising , and it Is hoped to ralso the necessary amount to pay of the debt by January 1 , 1801. The subscrip tions made last night wcro on that basis , al lowing ilvo months in which to complete all payments. The olllcors of tbo association are highly elated over the outlook and every member will now push the work with re- uowed vigor. FllIDAY NIGHT'S STOKM , It Assumes a Cyclonic Character in the Vicinity of I'lielllc ! .Junction. The raia storm of Friday night seems to have been unusually severe throughout the Missouri valley , and at Puciflo Junction it was somewhat of a cyclonic character. Conductor Bon Lovorluo of tbo Burlington gives n graphic account of tbo storm as it was seen from the windows of a passenger coach. Pacific Junction Is the end of his run. Ills train hud been run in on n side track , and just before midnight ho nmdo his , bed in ono of Ufo coaches and retired for the night. An hour Inter ho was awakened by a loud peal of thunder , and golne to ono of the windows , saw a funnel- shaped cloud bearing down upon the town. The sky became inky black , and a moment later the storm struck. The coach was over turned , mid in going down an embankment , ono of Lovcrino's legs and his arms wcro badly bruised. Bo remained quiet for a short time , and then , climbing over the seats , made his way to the door when , by the flushes of lightning , ho watched the storm as it wrought its litivoc , scattering lumberyards and outhouses in every direction. The wind continued to blow for five min utes and then thu rain fell in torrents for two hours. The principal damage consisted in the wrecking of three small building's ' , ono occu pied as a confectionery store , ono ns n feed store nnd the other a small , unoccupied resi dence. The residence was totally destroyed , wlillo the ether buildings wcro blown from their foundations and unroofed. After the storm hud passed over Mr. Lov- erino crawled from the car and made his way to a doctor's olllco , where his bruises were dressed. Ho brought his train down yester day afternoon nnd will lay up a few days for repairs. Dr. Birnoy cures cnturrh , IJeu bldff. The rcndltttnii Mix-Up. POUT WOIITH , Tex. , July 19. [ Special Te'lo- pram toTiiKBmJ Addio Cullen Pcmllcton arrived lioro this morning from Now Orleans. Being Interviewed Miss Cullen Mated in effect that she had not seen the newspapers , for Peudleton bad kept them from her , consequently quently sbo did not know that their inarriago had created any excitement. Pcndluton in formed her that all his intimate friends know of the divorce and that ho intended to marry her. her.When informed by the reporter that the al leged divorce was a forgery , the expression of her face and her actions generally showed she hail never ooforo mistrusted the legality of the divorco. She said she could not tell what steps she would take , it was all too sud den. Pcndleton had never said anything to her about the divorco. Mrs. Pcndlctou No. 1 today filed suit for divorco. Four Counterfeiters Arrostcil. JnnsEV CITV , N. J. , July 19. [ Special Telegram to Tun BKI : . ] four Itulians , who are undoubtedly members of nn export gang of counterfeiters , were arrested in Jersey City tonight. They are believed to bo associates of the two Italians arrested in New York on Thursday. Antonla Sou- verga and Kcno Moro were literally loaded with cheap articles , evidently purchased , fiom as many stores. The other prisoner gave his name ns An tonla Wntchlor. Ho was the "boss" of the gang. In one of his pockets the police found SIM in genuine bills mid $11 in change. IIo protested that ho hnd no more money , but the HPiirchcrs kept on until they had Jlshcd eighteen of the bogus certificates from the inner pocket of bis vest. Kol/.nro of Napt tin. CHICAGO , July 19. The United States authorities this afternoon solicd ! ! .jO barrels of naptha belonging to the ( icnncsseo oil com pany of Buffalo , which wcro shipped hero on the steamerTlo.'a. 'llio sulzuru was inado because of the violation of the law regarding the shipping of the Jluid , tbo company markIng - Ing barrels of napUm simply "Diamond H. " The statute tumor which the scUurowas made provides for the salt ) of the oil , the sum derived therefrom to bo appropriated by Undo Sam. Tbo section also provides for criminal prosecution. ' Fatal Fnetlim Tight In Kentucky. LOUISVII.I.H , Ky. , July 111. It is reported that ut Hubburd's Mills , Knox county , dur- 11 political speaking contest last Thursday thu Smith mid Mcsscr factions got into a quarrel. Firing began almost simultaneously and the crowd lied in every direction.Vhoii the light was over four bud been killed.two on each side. Several others wcro wounded , The Thoosophlcal society tncnta ovfiry Sun day evening ut 7 : ! ) In Shcely block , room'JOS. All uro Invited. Wednesday nnd Saturday evenings the room in open to thu public. A. Guilder leaves this morning for u three weeks' visit with friends hi ( Jrand Kuplds , Mich. THE BURROWS-BUTLER ROW , The Lhicolu Editor Ectuls the Ex-Qovoruor Out of All Parties. SOME INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE. Cradtlock , Heorctnry orthc Knlghta of' Ijnbor , Buys Ills Nunii ! AVns l''or ed to tlin Itiilo- lictiilcnt Call. r.ixcot.y , Nob. , .Tuly 10. [ Special to Tim 13ii : : . ] Since Dnvo Duller turned loose oa .1. lltirrowsof Columbus nnit licensed liliu of being narrow flouted , seltlsh unit iiinblllous to run things lib cnvii way , people have won dered what particularsplit litul occurred In the ranks of llio alliance , the union labor parly ami ollior organizations which for u while Illlod the all- with general throats of amalgamation uiul u grand , sweeping rush to victory , As nearly ni your correspondent has been nblo lo Rather the facts , Butler anil Burrows had a meet hip , ami In the uieiuillmu they hud looked over the Hold for nvuilablo material material Unit had the money to defray - fray the legitlmato expenses of a campaign. Butler claims that ho suggested thntfolcimm of Polls hail money , anil It ho would run ho mlsht put MM pr $ , MH ) In ttie campaign , to llio credit of Durrows' paper , nnd then help foot the bills of extra and sample copies. Jliitlor , whom your cor respondent lias been unable to lat-n-vlow , lias tolil other parties that ho hud no inoiicy of his o\vn nml In fact did not know \vhcihcr Coloinan would rua : that If hoillil run ho did not know , In the common phrase , whether ho would "couithup , " but took It for grunted that ho would. Burrows , In the virtuous depths of his soul nt once , after rollcction , took It that Duller was a deep anil designing corruptloulst ; that ho hnd money giUoro to throw at pnpum which seemed to waver and which seemed to bo In wmit of the needful. and ho goes homo and on the letter-head of the Fanners' ' Alllnnco wrote to Mr. Untler anil peremptorily road him out of not only Clio uiiuigiiimitod parties , but all parties now in existence and all part ies which nro llnblo to bo In existence. Urlelly , ho killed him , burleil him and erected Ids tombstone , without oven giving him the bcnellt of the clergy. The letter rould not bo secured by your correspondent for publication - ' cation , but a copy of which was given mo mid from which I make those extracts shows that there Is blood brlitht and red on the moon. These extracts show thut Mr. Hitr- rows thinks ho Is la command of all the ' forces In the Held : LINCOLNNoli. . , Mny CO , lfW.-K\-fiovenior David tiullcr , I'awni'ii City. AVn. Hlr : A I was iiimhlutn say to you at oiirlast Interview , on account of tlir luilillc ttiirroiimlliijti , wlmL I dolgiird to say , I Inivodoti'inihied to wrltu to you nn ivcpllclt , sliitoniotitof our rolatlvu po sitions , anil what I doslro yon to do. and what you limy expect , from mo In ease you full to comply , Voiircoiini'Ctlon wllli the rnforni movement. In thlbstato has been iinfurt miiito from the slirt. : Hut mutters fiavo ii'iidied a point now whore my fill I her fin licnranco von Id bn 01 Im I- iiul. Your ilivoltof pour I'lniiiiliorliitn , or your corruption of Mm , I do not , Know Hlilrli , Is blmply iliMiilcnhlii. Is ho also u sharer of the money of Dr. Uoluiiinn's fattier ? Von will cui'M' mo fur this li-ttcr. but. I Im agine.vim will comply with tint ilonmnil of It. Tliatilenmnd Is thai from this Ilinu forward yon iibMiliitely withdraw from all partlelpii- llon hi any reform movement In HUH stiile that you donot attnnil the Uliiml : > crliiiii con tention In short , that you absolutely letlrii to private life. on told mo the other diy : Hint I hail npow erful position.Voll.lhao. \ . ' 1'lils , then , Is n ili-maml ami a threat from a man In a iiuivcr- ful Monition. You comply with It ortnku thi ) cim.Hoqmmet'S ' 1 long ago nail InufnluhLti evidence of your treachery. I have iiddcil lr- ' refutable flrlduiico of your venality nnd cor ruption , and ha\o all carefully preserved , I nml.ii this ilcmnnil mid throat In cold blof.d. 1 have little regard for Hie hiinellly of a promise of coiitlilonco o.Uortuil to precede an insult , I tblnlc I Inivoinaclomy monnln ? dear.nnd you can tindor-ilaiid pliiln KiiKlMi. I .slmll mi- noiinco In my paper tlil.s week that you have absolutely retired from all piirtlolpntloa In public all lilts. iMiijinosoyou know mo well enough to know that Ido nut nei l tolnUo any oat In to fiilllll my Uirca' . . I li'iivothein for your use ivlion you receive this letter , lint when your Hrst outburst Hiihsldes you litul butter read It main. Its slKiililciinoo will duwnupon you moro fully on a second reading ; . A I urn , governor , with alldue respect , yours , J. JIUllllOWH. It Is very evident thnt tlicro has been a row In the ranks of the amalgamated forces , and both Duller and Burrows nro willing that it should expand. It nil coiacs , I hear , from the fact that the apportionment in the different eouulios to the stuto convention July 2 ! ) , was mudo xvrong. For instance , Puwiieo county wns given but three delegates , while frontier was given twcnty-threo. Pmvnoo was entitled to thirty , If Frontier was enti tled to twenty-three , and as IJurrows inadu up the list , B'utlor sees In it n chance to do - privo him of twenty-seven delegates. Another thing thut makes llutler hot and warm is that ho claims that Hurrows signed Craddock's name to llio general call for uu in dependent convention without Craddock's knowledge. Cnuldock Is secretary of the labor party of Nebraska. The following copy of Craddock's loiter on that subject shows tlmt the labor folks are also disturbed : LINCOLN , Neb. , July I ) . To Whom It May Concern : As a lann number of my friends , liy letter anil otherwise , have ile.manili' < l of mo an explanation as to why tnobasis of representa tion to t hu call for a people's state con vent Ion was mailiuis It was , 1 duslrn to niaku the fol lowing slaiomimt : 1 know iiotlilim of the call until I snw It imljllshed In thu l''aiiucrH' A11I- anuoof Lliiuoln. 1 wan not asked tonppolnta inuiiibi'r of thucoinmlttec. anil J did not ai- | liolnlanvone on 1 bo I'oiniiiltti'K t < i mal > o tbii oall and I had iiotlihiK to do with the call , anil did not even linow that. It u'as bolnir prupareil until 1 saw It milillsliiid In the Alliance , As soon an I saw tno ( tall I wnt to Mr , Thomson and protu-.tcd.aud on July went with two wltnesiosto .1. M. Thonisiin , sucrelary of t liu alliance , and him to iiaino Ids inciiiber of l hu committeeAt Thomson's Mijcgosllon I named 1.1) ) . Chamberlain II.HOIIO nicmher of HID I'ominllleoand Tlioinsiin named.1. llurrowa as the oilier nu'iiiber of that ciniiniltto , 1ml. all this was after the eiill liml lii'en publlslK'd la * MVU l * > MltJ Ul Urn IMUIIU'lt jvillillllII. L ttlJl III say and Imvu the public know that the n o of my name In connection with that/ cull us puli- llhlicil is out lic.'ly without my knowledge or consent , und 1 am not rcsnoiiblljlo for any _ , partot 11 , Kc poctfnlly , i , . J. 11. ( 'UAIMIOfK , * 139 and MO , Uurr lilui'k , Uncoln , Neb. "Whether Rutler is sincere or not ; whether Burrows is .sincere or not , or what Is the matter the thing that remains prominent and proves , beyond doubt , Is the fart that Butler nnd Burrows are nt war. And this Is why Butler roasts Ilurrows at public meet ings whenever ho gets nchiinco. In the meantime llutler refuses to comn off the porch , nnd with Chamberlain nnd ( U-ad- dock and other labor orRaiuyatlons is whoop ing it up in the country districts insisting that Burrows' soul Is so small that a thou sand like it could llnd aniplo dancing room i > u the point of tholinost needle. There | j a blc war on nnd it is predicted that It will end in a row at the state conven tion July 'M. TillINUIOI'IONIUOXTS. ! . They AVill Hold a Convention in Thin Oninlyiin llio Hlftli , A mass meeting of the independent voters of Douglas county was held hist evening at Green's hall and tlicro about , wore 100 pres ent. The meeting was called to order by U. \V. Miller , who was inado chairman , und Sainuol P. Ilrlghum secretary. Addresses wore made by , ! . II , Cwdilodc stuto secretary of the Knights of Labor ; Allen G. Itoot and J. IJ. Chamberlain , editor ot the Stromsburg Headlight. The following were appointed a county central committee : C. W. Allllor and Joseph W , Kdgerton , Kouth Oinaliu ; J. W. Moore , Waterloo , nnd J. II. Lake. J. C. Tlernnv. 0. J. Kuunoiis , Ira Henry , II. K. 'linston , W. A. J. CSoodln and W. H. llubaml of this city. They wcro directed to issue a call for pri maries to behold July'Jl. and for n county convention on tho'Ith ( , The committee was instructed to iwk all labor org.inl/.atluiiH t co-opornto with them , and was ( 'lvon power to rail special meetings. It U stated that It was the Intention of the Independents to ro-oporntc with the farm- el's' alliance and place an liulopeiulimt utato ticket in the Hold thin fall. President D.It.DunganofCotnor university nt Lincoln will preach In the First Christian church , corner of Capitol uvonuo and Twenti eth streets , both murului ; uud ovculuy ,