Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1890, Part II, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 THE OMAHA DAII/Y / BEE , SU DA3r , JTJTAr 20 , 181)0.-TWELVE ) PAGES.
nmi 'ni'O I1'\T ' t\T (1IT1I1TIM1 ( PltlTf *
How Big Tom Eoed Looks With His
"SndngW Oil.
IMcKinlcy dro\\H IClixitifiit In a TS'r
CnMiimu ' 1 lie Coiilln Xnulilncry
ol' the Cnpltol I''I.uni'l
. .
July 10. [ Sprclal to Tun
Bu : , ] Hi > eaker Ileod hns ono of the gaudiest
funnncr suits In Wo-shlngton. I saw him on
Pennsylvania avenue this nftarnoon. Ilisblf ?
round cannon hall of n head was covcicd
with alnond brimmed Btraw hat and his ! )00 )
pounds of hone and llesb xvcre adorned xvith a
sultof hvcnJer ray. Ills rent \vnsa cuta-
xvny hut It xviis nnbuttoiiod ut tlio front and I
noted ho had no vest to coxcr his Ilannel
shirt and that his pantaloons xvcro held npby
a blue silk hand fully one foot x\Ido and nec
essarily nt least six feet in lenRth. This Is
the fashionable conRressioiial suit for sum
mer , and It 1m been adopted hy Heed , I Icnry
( Jnbot Loilff o nnd others of the eastern con
gressmen. About one half of tliomemhcnof
thohousonow appear upon the lloor without
vests and dlpilty has gone to the \\lnds. A
large number of
l Shirts
nnd Henry Cabot I.o Igohmonoot invy blue
nnd ho varies this nt thnts xvlth another of
a dtllcntc la\cnder. lie -xvc.irs a Ilannel ahlrt
collur fastened tolho shtrtand his coat isnlso
of blue ll.inncl. His iimtiiloom * arc light nnd
n deep blue silk band holds them la place.
Bcloxv the bottom of Ids pantaloons shoxv out
russet shoes and bo loolw inoio ready fora
foot nice or n camping out expedition than
for speech making.
General Spinola slicks to his blp white
collar , but hovllts llxo I'vciy day and spends
one-fourth of his time in rushing into the
cloak rooms to change thorn. Ilohastho
Bnmo blue suit that ho xxoro In thoxvinter.
but he wears his xcst unbuttoned and duihifj
the last foxv d lys the perspiration has run off
of him In stix'uina. He does not seem to
mind It , however , and ho manages to'et (
nloiiKlthout the use of n fan , Dockery of
Mlsso m I alxuys has n fan In his hand nnd
always looks hot. Amos OumniliiKS has been
Inn pailiolkd stite , and though hoxvoilts
right nlon r , ho cinnot stand the licit. Ills
summer suit Is of gr.iynnd his handsome
fnco is shaded as ho walks ni > on the avenue
by n tall xvhlto Stewart of Ver
mont Is now a symphony in yellow. Ills
coat Is n dellc.ito chrome. His shoes are the
bilgh test golden morocco ; his necktie Is of
Jcr ey cream , and ho wcais a Acstltloli has
a jcllow tinjo. ; All of his clothes aio of
some cotton or fcllk goods , nuj ij3 , sallow
complexion nnd sandy shlno out of
tliem ns though they were touched up hy an
nitlst to ho a pait of the yolloxv wholo.
Kx'on "Hlso Up William" Springer has
slied his X'o-it , but ho pounds the air Just as
earnestly as though the thermometer was nt
zero , nnd hols rtaily to mike n speech \\hon-
cxcr he can catch the speaker's eye He has
roses lu his buttonhole , iiotxvithstandinghls
negligee dress , Mid ho fie < nicntly tjets an
admiring glance fioin the gallcilcs. Ono
of the brightest nnd brainiest of the young
men oJ the house Is Frank of Missouri ,
Ilocamo out yesterday In a light black silk
coat , awhito vest nnd black shoes with the
brightest jellow uppers. MrKinloy mndo
ono of his biggest spcoelioi the other day
xxlthouta vest. Ho wore n Prince Albert
coat and this xvns thTOwn open nt the front
and his bit ; expanse of white shirt showed
out xvith all the gloss of the Chtnoso laundry
"When ho i-alsed his hands up toxxards the
ceiling In emphatic fiastiiro- the little round
tag that Is fastened to the end of the liosom
to hold It In place popped out and stood
nt rlpht nnglcs xvith the bosom nnd just ox-er
the centre button of the black hand of his
pintnloons. As ho cnfoicecl period after
period xvlth emphatic gestures
This Llttlo White SI MI
Ircpt lioliblngnp ami doxxn and McKlnloy ,
xxho Is usually ns cool us the centre seed of n
cucumber , groxv warmer and xvanner. His
collar be an to xxcnltcn and the soft pnrL : of
Ills shht cluntr to his body , miking his xx-cll
starched hosom btnud nlone. I hive seen
other statesmen who Imvo spoken under sim
ilar chouiiHtancei and it Is the general con-
clnr.inn amontr the incinbcis that the flannel
shifted statesmen are the host off. Among
the handsomest of these Is Dicckcnrliltfo of
Kentucky who hns doffed his statesman black
nnd has clothed his big fiamoln a popper and
salt jii.iy suit. Ho docs not \\cir a vest and
nls llnnnel shirt Is of the most delicate cream.
Itound thocollnrof this bo tics a nobby hluo
iear f and upon the lapel of his coat ho wean
n bright buttonhole bouquet of la Franco
Joseph 0 , Cnnnon of Illinois makes nil of
his Hpecclies in a graycutanny ( suit , Ho
Uorks himself Into a sweat xvlicnex'cr ho
sponlts nnd ho has no summer gestures , Ho
has cliaiigcd his standing collar for a turn
over and lie xvllts this every time ho taltes the
floor. Genera ! Bunks xveaw a liito duck
X'cst niul nsnltof black goodsof light xxclght ,
Ho covers his handsome xvhlto head xvith a
black blouch hit and his necktie Is a black
ribbon , which 1m tics himself. General Kuny
Leo , the son of the great confederate gen
eral , wears n gray suit. Tom flajnoof Pitts-
burg bobs around in a $ .15 Scotch tweed , mid
General Tracy of Now York has agruy busi
ness suit , n boiled shirt and no xcst , Ben
Untterxvoith looks like n preacher In his
xvhlto tie. Rising Sun Morse of Massachu
setts , the Hum xx'ho makes the stove polish ,
has n coat of boinb.uine , xvhich shines 03
though It had been polished ut his oxwi fac
tory , nnd his big f ramo U bound around xvith
n xvhlto xest. Judge M'lcktiam of Ohio has
man led xvlntcrto summer and
Slloku to IliHllliiclc AVIiitcr Knit ,
hnx'ing put on n yelloxx * cloth vest for appear-
unco's snko. O'Donnoll of Jllchigan ahvajs
looks cool , and his xvhito silk nocktlo I'laltes
him cooler than ever. McComns of Mary
land Is a brtinctto and ho is the handsomest
blnck-hnired , bilght-oyed young man In con
gress. Ills light summer suit sets off his
beauty , and his snowy shirt nnd his xvhlto
nccktlo make him look as though ho had jiibt
jumped out of a bandbox.
TMo general appearance of the house Is far
different now than luthoxvlntor. Instead of
men la stately Muck you hove nil of the dif
ferent sorts of suits above mentioned and a
number of Instances have been knovui of
members taking olT their coats and working
awnynt their desks In their shht slcoven.
And still the Capitol is the coolest place
In Washington , nnd Is one of the coolest
places In the country. Thousands of dolhira
liuvo been spent in order to make It so , and
the same poxvcr that Is used
To Cool ConirrcHS
xvouldrunn vast innnufaotuilajj establish
ment , There Isn tunnel xvhich extends from
the foot of Pcnnsylx'ntihi nvonuo up through
tbo grounds into the basement of the capitol ,
and there are two great forclag fans over
twelve feet In dlamoter xxhich draw in a cur
rent of f roih lr and sends it Into the houses
of congress , Ube nlr Is passed through n
fountain in order to cool It , and it loses some
of its beat In Us xindergroand passage. An
other tunnel is talked of , and hi this CIWQ the
air xvlll bo brought freai iv gronttr distance
and xvlll consequently bo cooler. The en
gineer of the capitol thinks tlmt the nlrought
to bo jusicd over iccaud , ho scuds a good pait
of the nlr through the * heating pi pa In xvarm i
xvcathcr In oiiler to cool It. flioro are inoio
than thrro mile * otlliesipiiw * lutho capitol ,
thomostof xvhleharo iindcrh'rotind , and Iho
nlr bv rncliiK around through them gcU cooled
off. In mtdltlon tothato arrangements there
arc fans to take the bad nlr out ot the capitol
nnd the celling of each o' the houses ot con
gress Is perforated In order Unit the bad nlr
limy escape , The mott careful moans
nro tnken to render the congress
men comfortable nnd ono of the Instru
ments xvhlch the engineer luis Is ono to test
the humidity of the atmosphere. This Is
tcgted by nHinglo human hair. Human lialr
absorbs moisture like n rope , and It becomes
shorter xx ticnxvnt This hair Is six Inches
long and It is laid on n dial , 'i ' ho hand or
pointer of the dial moves backward or for-
xvunl as the moisture In thohalr vatles , nnd
la this xx-ay the nlr can ho perfectly regu
lated ,
Tliu bath room ? of Ihcc.pltol haxo never
been inoio pitroulzod than they aio now.
fifty members of the loxverhouso
TakoTixn llatlis Dully ,
nndiieaily every congressman pots his tub at
Uncle Sam's evpcnso diiringthoLot we.ither.
Hen Lerovwof Ohio used to spend about
one-half of Ids tima in thob.xtli tub during
the summer , nnd ho xxas ono of Iho foxv con
gressmen who gvt futon the Itussiati bath.
ThPio are nine bith lub-iln the hisemont
under the house , nnd e.uh bath rootnU as big
us the ordinary hotel } > iroom. . Tlio tubs nro
Immense , and Tom lleol ordejrgo Ilirnes.or
nnyof the fatoit nion In congrojs , can toll
about in then \vithout gi adng their el hoxvs
or their ktiotu. Some of those tubs are of
maiblo , and la ono ot thum Kean'au
h'lthlngxvhen he was c died up to vote on the
Morrison hill. Hocimo npln nblii'ikot , atid
like the bedbug got theio just thosamo.
Some members take a bath Just before
speaking Jt makes ono feel like a nexv man ,
and xv hen tnoy got on the iloor , instead of
feeling hot and tired , thoystirt off as ficsh
ns a daisy. A number of the members like
the lUisslun h ith nnd even In these hot July
days you xvlll llndsomo of the greatest men
of the lountry unsseilln nothing but a toxvel
bitting In the stcua worn nnd ihlnklng cold
xx-ator until the piesphation runs clown their
checks nnd off their backs In rivulet * . Trom
tlrno to time some of them will go off nnd take
n plungotmd then como bade to sxxcat again.
After they Imvo bean well rublicd dovx'ii nnd
sni.iyodolt xvlth cold xvator they como out nt
pcaie xxlth thomselx'esandnll the world. Not
a foxx' of them bring their constituents heioto
bntho and the senutora as n rule are fully tus
fond of the public ; baths as thomcmbejs of
the homo. In the supreme court hiseinont
there isn sort of aa eleutrlo bath xvhich , It Is
said , will almost million doid in in think and
whluh h resorted to by members of congress
and the Judiciary xvho ai'o very tired from
ox-cr-xvoik or over-drink the night before and
xx-ho xx'ntit to
Tnt Theinsolips In Immediate Trim.
Speaking of the senate , the members of our
so called house of loids ate qulto a-suadlgnl-
lled in tlioir dress as the represent atix'es , A
laigo number of thcinxvcar no x-ests at all
and I saw " /ub" Vance this afternoon xvalk-
ing through the chamber xvith great beads of
pe.uly sweat standing on his Inndsomo fore-
lic.ul. Ho XXMS fannliv himself violently nnd
and n vast expanse of boiled shht slioxx-edout
betxvecn tlio frocks of his light gray
business suit. Tic hud evidently come to the
capitol In nuuviy , for his shut was soaked
xx'ith perspiration , and it clung to his pcisoa.
PUtt of Connecticut is another vestless
senator. "Vunco and Platt are about the
same height , but Vance xxeighs J.'iJ pounds
and Plait weighs 1U5. Ho is as thin us n rail ,
and his six foot of bono and sWn look longer
nnd thinner than over in Ids summer attire ,
Another tall , thlu anatomy is In alls , and ho
and ICiigono Halo of Maine hive evidently
bonghttheir summer suits in partnoi'shlp.
Tlioy have the same cloth , nnd ns they sit
siduby side they nro drassod enough alike to
bo brothers. Senator lag ills h a coed deal
of n dude. Ho his boon cillcdtho
I'est ' IJr.'Hscd Mini In the Senate ,
and ititho xx'Intcr ho xvcars tlio most costly
of hoax'y goods , and always has a rod necktie
sticking out of his co it in east pocket. IIo
noxvxvo.ars a double-breasted froeic coat of
light gray. It li is enough material In it for
nnovcicoat , and It corresponds xvith the re
mainder of the suit. IIo wears a white neck
tie Instead of his red one , and his long , thin
nook is clasped around byn standing collar ns
\vldtoas tno diivensnoxv. The vice-presi
dent look- * coot and pleasant In n business
suit of light hrow'ii. IIo Is never hot , and ho
duos not allow himself to appear nthcr.viso
than smiling. Stem-art the millionaire looks
like a farmer. IIo has n suit of navy blue
flannel , and his straxv hat cost about 81.
Senator lllair Is another straw hatted sen
ator and John Sherman' has nxx'hltu panann
which ho bought lu Cuba n foxv years ago ,
Hohas n gray business suit cut x'ory much
like that of Ing ills and ho looks not unlike a
xxoalthy southern planter in his seashore
dress. Blair looks moro like a Vcimont
fanner nnd his suit Is black and of light
xxclght. Senator Payne sticks to his blncir
Prince Albert nnd axinter clothes nnd though
ho xxMlks out to the capital ho Is
AH Cold ns Tee Cicatn ,
Ho has not enough flesh to get warm If ho
xvantcd to and ho hellox'cs in enjoying life
nnd enjoys It. Ono of the coolest looking
senators is Butler ot South Carolina , xvho Is
-xxhlte-haircd Adonis of the democratic
side ot the chamber. IIo has n skin as fresh
ns that of n baby's and thcio Is not enough
h dr on the top of Ids head to innlvo his brain
hot. IIo xvcnrs a business suit and a xvhlto
xcst xvith n lavender necktie. Ho keeps the
sun fioin his head hy n xvhito straxv hat nnd
usually entries an umbrella.
IMiilctusSatxyor has throxvn oft his collar
ns xx'cll as his nccktlo. Ho hns a xvlntcrni'ck
and Ids short fat fnuno Is pasted to his hi ;
strong face by only a wafer , Tlio result Is
Ids collars last only n foxv minutes nnd ho
would I doubt not throw o/t / his com If ho
dared AVIien ho Is nt homo In Wisconsin ho
likes to work about his naxx'nillls In his shirt
sleeves. Ho is worth , it Is said , about * " > ,000- ,
000 and ho has thousands of acres of plno
lands Not long no nn eastern merchant
xvho wanted to ntnko n deal with him XXMS
told ho xx-as nt one of the suxvmllls. The man
followed directions and went la the sawmill
and hcolngn little fat ohl mm with n bald
head and a big jjoso , In his shht sleeves
xvorlilncr nmciig the machinery ho actostcu
him rather roughlv and asked him several
questions. The fat old man in shirt
sleeves ans\xered him and the man
then said ho wanted to sco Sen
ator Saxx'j or. "All right , " said the fnt man ,
"toll mo your business. " "But I don't xvaut
to talk to xou. " sala the man ; "I want to sco
your \Vhorolstliosemtorl" Senator
saxvyer then disclosed his Identity , to the
man's great surprise , nnd inado a birgaln
with him based on the conversation which
the man hid had xx-lth him xvhea ho thought
ho xvivs a workman. The result xvas that the
Marie 11 Small
by the man's mistake.
Senator Gush Davis wears the cleanest
mid prettiest xvhlto nocktlo In the senate.
His llnon Is always fresh and his complexion
clear. Hols not averse to hot weather and
his clothes are alxvnys In good order , for hU
xxlfo buys them for him and shoxvutches as
carefully over his xvardrobo us over her own ,
Senator Davis' summer "dilnk Is a glass of
Iced milk , ono of which ho always takes just
tofoia ho goes to bed. Father Dnvves of
Jlassichuselts xvcan > n black silk coat and n
hnon vest , Senator Spoonor has como out In
summer pantaloons of light lax'cnder. Pad
dock of 2foluiulii wears n v lit to rest. Man-
dordon has n navy blue suit , Gojrgo vest la
clad In xellovv and Casox'of Dakota looks
cool In black , All ot the senators have
chanced their clothes , mid lam told that If
the thermometer rises another degree a num
ber c ! them will appear In Ilannel shhts.
"ra VEIN ,
Bright Bits from the Jolly PhilosopLera for
July Reading.
f f t Ills IStpcrlcticoVlt7i nn Opera
Company Tlio Metaphor Slight ly
Mi > c < l DlHtntiuo In Colorado
The Wrotijr IMtv ,
Puck : Prisoner T don't think there xvlll
bo any need of your addressing the Jury.
. lawyer \\\\y \ not I
Prisoner My Insanity xvlll bo Instantly
plain to thoni when they sco that I have 10-
Uilncd you to conduct my e.iso.
HIM btln Too.
IJoston Transcript : Sleeker Yes , sir , I
alxxuys keep adhiry. And there never xvas an
entiy in that diary xvhlih 1 xvould haxe been
nsh lined that my mother or my sister should
see.ItulTun Same hero. 1 used to put clovn
'candy' for cigars and 'sundries' ' for drink
A TilglithouRe Inspector.
Smltli.Gray ACo.'s Monthly : "Hello
Snippier , -xvhat have you been doing all
"Oh , I've ' been Inspector of lighthouses. "
"KoJ I didn't hear of your appointment. "
"Well , It xvnsa't announced. 1 backed the
Baindoro opera company on its western
tour. "
ol' lvtlnsIvcnoHi. !
Ts'exv York Weekly : Miss Doxx-ntoxvn
Where aio you going this summer )
JIIss Uptown To Frojjtovvn. N. J.
"Mercy ! That's a horrid place ; nothing
butsxx'.ampi and mosquitoes. "
" 1 know it | but all the wottv resorts are
filled tipnoxxudajs by the common herd , yea
know. "
GcttliiV\\Iullr ; 3Clxcd.
Noxv York Weekly i Immigration Exam
iner Have jou any moms of suppoitl
Immigrant Indulo Oi have thot. Mo
brotherMoik do bo hosshi1 a gang of Oital-
lans cluuln'streets an1 ho promised me wor-
rukat that same.
Immigration Examiner ( severely ) Ahha 1
You nnvo come hero iindoi contuictto work.
You must go luo'c AV'o cannot nllow Amer
ican xx'orklnt'nien to bo eiovvded by foreign
AX xv Term M lining Conspiracy.
Jexvolers' xVockly : I'rofessor ( to laxv
class ) If A , B.,0. , D , i : , P. , G. nnd II. ,
agico together to plunder tlie public treasury
by means of fotgcd vouchers , xvliat would
youilenominite the combination I
Bunilsh Blight ( a joxvclcr's son ) An in
itial ring , sir.
NoliiN'nr Itelation.
rilegcndo Blatter : "Say , old fclloxx * . nre
you really a relation of the celebrated 1'rof.
"Yes , but somewhat far removed. "
"How , then ! "
' 'Ho is my brother ; but } ou see , there are
ten sisters betxveen xis. "
A lldii h
Somervlllo Journal : Mrs. Bjinlcs Did
you have a rough passage to Plymouth the
other dax * , Mrs. Ilonesl ]
Mrs. lljones Well , I she lid siv xx-o did I
tell you , I hox'o a sigh ot relief X'vhoii 1 sot
my foot on drv land once more. And fr.iukly ,
Ahs. Bjlaks , between you and me , tlmt XXMS
( ill there xx'ns left to he ivo.
Dlttancc In Colorado.
Van Horn's Monthly : "Hoxv far is It to
the postotllcol" nskod the tourist as ho en
countered u mountaineer among the Rockies.
"Well , " AXIIS the vnly , "if jou co around
by the load It's a half hour's walk , but if you
cut 'cross lots it's fourteen miles. "
A Mix < 1 Mt
Wesl Shore : Judge Piisoncr , the cliargo
has been xvlthdr.ixvu , and you nro dis
charged ,
Slxshootcr Sun Discharged , and the
charge xvithdr.ixx nt Yon may bo way up on
liixx1 , bat yea don't ' kno.v much about guns
Tholtcu IJP ! ho Could Think Of.
National Weekly : "I will never go doxvn
town xvlth jou lyain , " s.i'.d an apparently
neglected vvifo to her spouse as they were
quietly meandering doxvn the cioxvded thor
"What on caith hax'o I been guilty of ! " ex
claimed thu husband ,
"Thero is not a xvoman that passes us but
what you turn around and gaze after her. "
"Well , my dear , I was only looking up a
spring style of bonnet. "
"Paidon mo. my dear. " replied the lady.
"Hoxv cruel of mo to Judge you so harshly. "
( Sleepy Soeii-ry.
"Smith-Gray ACo.'s Monthly ; Mr. Grand
Cimon Don't you tlnd our xvoitaru scenery
impressive !
Mr. nast Port It struck mo as being
rather sleepy.
Alt. Grand Canon Sleepy ?
Air. East Port Yes , I iiolicod the gulfs and
lavincs xx-cie yaxvning on nil sides.
A Misapprehension.
Somerville Journal : "How cool she Is , "
exclaimed Air. ICajoncs admiringly , us ho
Avatohcd thoclailng female trapeze performer
at the circus.
"Yes , " snapped Mrs Knjoncs , asshoxlgor-
ously wielded a big pilm leaf fan. "Almost
nuybodv could bo cool xvho didn't hax'o any
more of a co tumo on than she has. "
A Horrid Thitu ; ,
Romerx'illo Journal : "Da you like bable ,
Jlr.Vldtol" asked the yoang mother teudot1-
Iv of the grim old bachelor xvno sat nt tuo
foot of the table.
"Don't knoxx" , inarm , " replied the bachelor
promptly , lietxveon two niouthtuls of potato ,
"Never tasted any. "
On nC I'exv.
Sornorvillo Journal : Bjones "DD yea see
that man across the street ! I tell you , ho is
a public benefactor. "
HJeuks "Hovvsol"
Hjones "IIo keeps still whoa ho liasn't
nnytlilng to say. "
Ijlko Some Afon.
Nexv York AVorld : Do Pew Why is it
that the oxvl is such n xviso bird !
La Conic Because he 1ms his fun at night.
Nexv York World : Miss Siv'ynm I shall
not associate xvlth that Miss "Teller any more ,
'Ihoy say her father was ft thief.
"Yoa , hostolo a million from the security
bank. "
"Mercy ! Hoxv people xvlll Ho ! And to think
that I xvaa going to cut her. "
A CSooil Titm kt cpcr.
Smith , Gray & Co.'s Alonthlv : Dolloy-
Does jour noxx'watch keep good time , Uos-
Ooslln I think it must , for It never glx'es
any away. I can't mikoit run.
Iilhcrnl Itciiiiinoritinn.
Smith , Gray & Co.'a Monthly : "How do
jou piv for snake stories ! " ho asked , ns ho
entered the sanctum. "Hy the lyln' , " replied
the editor.
Tlio AVroiiT Klre.
Detroit Free Press : A boy of eight or nlno
came out of un alloy off Champlaln street yes
terday with tears in his eyes ami a limp in
each leg , and u man xvho xvai passing stopped
to say ;
"Been firing of a toy cannon and got
hurt , chl"
"N-no , sir. "
"Haven't you fired off any thing ! "
"Well , xvhnt's the matter1 } '
"I xvas utter pigeons and a fellow fired mo
off. "
A IInt ofTlielr Value.
Jewelers' Weekly : Manager ( to noxvstago
c.arp nter } A part of jour iluty will bo oc
casionally to steal the loading lady's ' dia
Cnrpantcr I suppose I shall bo liberally re
warded for returning them.
Manager Uoi\-nrdi ( U No , sir I If you are
not willing to take the diamonds for your
services I will hire somebody else.
Tlio Anolont Style anil the Modern.
Jewelers' ' Weekly : Mr , Guzzle ( making a
Lcrolo oflort to bo entertaining ) M1 dear
( ho ! ) lo you lmo\r \
( lili-Mvonrsiinhea niriairi on of
MM. Unwle Intlotkll Will , that's n peed
dual better than wearing them in ono's boots.
A canary tlmt dl l nt Etst Ooshcn. PH. ,
nfcn'dujs ngoxus nearly fourteen years
Accorillng to the Wilmington lvnry ! Even-
tnfcnnftll xvnt found lu tlio heart o ( ft cow
ttuitdlcd ncuvthoro recently.
Ts'dcknmlvon township , Burks county , Pa. ,
boast * of ft four-lcggud ihU'kwhUli uses them
nil In a vay tint tan sight to see.
OAliUKobln.ilcmnko four feet In length wis
ktllcNl lutho prlvnto onk-oof the ISxcUnngo
bank of Chcill , Slioll AsCo.nt O.uthupo , III. ,
the other iif tenioon 'Iho bulk I * loitttod oa
principal street imd noboilv snw tlio snitko
eater , 'llio ivptllohiul HXXMlloxxcJ tx\o \ largo
tmekiitfoi of bills anil ww about to csc.ipo
with Its plunder.
D.m I Iciidi-lrk'4 of Vtoln , In. , killed a ut-
tlcsnnka last Monday \vhleli liid two legs.
They were plnvoci about six Inches buck from
the head oa cither sldo of H bo < ly and \xcro
nbout txxo Inches lottvr. The foot resembled
n cut's ' iwv more than anjthliiK olio and
xx'hcn lint seen the ivptllo \ \valklnfiua
them , at the simio thud wnifKlIni * tlio lower
part of its boily like any other .smkc. It xuis
about tinea lict in loiigth undluulAx'o tat
There is n butcher's boy luSenttlo vho
travels nioanila deal on Uonobick that
iittiuetH considui.ible nlteiitioii IIo hns u xvlll notch on the horse's
back and rltlo nloiif- the street apparently
xx-itli iii mtieli also. uui ciOojiiicnt as the lay
hinisoir. IJutxx-hen the Iwy wants to hitch
thohofsois ulien the tlotf comes inlianilv.
The tlo Is tolil to Rltiloxx'ii utiiUlioliorsois
fastened to him , when the txvo animals .iro
loft , to .ill intents and puipOhM , iuporlcct
secmlty ,
-At Milton , On. , nfcv days ago n liltlo
boi caught two youn mocking Wills niul nut
the'ii in u wipe , which was kept outside the
hou o. N'oxt day the youtiK birds - 'ro
adopted by two old mocking blids mid tlioy
havobeen feeding the joting ones over since.
The same diij the old birih beuim loeOmg
them a Hue Jiy ilo\v up totho uifovitli a
blaeic bciry ii his mouth and xvmtedto lielp
foe'l ' thoyouni ; oni's which so otiujjetl the old
binbtlnt they .lUui-lcecl the Uuo jiywith
Bi'cit fiuy ami drove him away.
.A snake aiul-cat stoiy con * from Ilcmp- , L I. It is to the elicit tlut n yollnv
I'iit one afternoon last week had Its nttentlon
ntti.iL'tCil to ; i moving object In the * .
The eat pounced upon the object , xvlili h
proved toboasii.ikoahout two fiet inluntrth.
A lively tus.slo lolloxvcil bctxx-cui the reptile
and Tbnsnalw would turl uliouttlio na til the latter xxas compelled toletpo
Ills hold The oat , lio\iox'cr , xvus petting ttio
bolter ol Iho battle , \\hciiu robin How near
to the spot and diverted the cat's attention ,
and thus enabled Iho snake to escape.
.A Maine 1ml tells a story In the Lewistoa ,
Me , Journal of the remarlnblosair.idty of a
pet cat which ho oxviis. 'Iho feline lull a
great fondness for the lle.shof birds , and in
order to muko her quest for tlio sumo suc
cessful employs n stuitaguin Evidently
undetMiiKluiK the birds' fondness lor angle
worms , she collects n number of the same
and btirrics them in the ciound. hho then
hides nearby , and when the buds alight to
secure thoiriovcted morsel , she springs from
her courculincnt and pounces upon them.
imny ii biul tlms falls a prey to pussj 's
Lixx'icncuBoininov , a hlnpo mamifnctuier
of Uromly , ciptured a nionstei skate xx-clgh-
iti | ? 150 pounds in the suit ut Coney Island ,
and it Is now on ixhiWHon In one of the
\Vcst lind resorts there. Ivlr. Botrmicr is
upward of seventy jears old , but with the
assistance of his ifop ho raptured the hig llsh
without much tioubls. His. attention ivas
lirst attracted to it by the birkiug of the
dog , and \vlien ho saw It in the surf ho seized
a heavy piece of wood and walked out almost
to his vaist in tlio w.itc-r hofoio ho readied
the llsh Ho stunned it xilth tliooo3arul
the dog seized it and tore at it n-k-lwdly It llnally sucuicii with a rope and towed
ashore ,
A singular snake story comes from near
Gieeiivllle , Ala. A very sm.illmilksnalte , it
appears , cruwlcd Into the house of a man
named Walters , and found n toottlo o ° milk
without u cork , the bottle bcitiK- kept for a
baby of Mr. nnd Mrs \Vnltors. The reptile
crawled into tlio mouth of the Lottie nnd
diauk heulv of the milk , and it was there
when Mrs. Walters oiino In. With ft scr.\nn .
she seized a broom to kill the reptile , \\hlch
took flight and started to run , but it had
diaulc too much milk. It hid. ROIIO in without
au > trouble , hut It now found It impossible
tofe'ot out , and , after pulling the bottle nbout
the lloor for awhile , it nns killed. i\on ;
then it was impossitlo to ( jet the snake out
ot the bottle , and they uere thrown away
Out of thirty-six piincipils erected in the
Minneapolis public schools , thirtj-Uvo aio
Obeilln college , ICan , elected to Its piesi-
donoy President G. W. Uutcs of Hutgcr's
The prnduating class of Ohio Weslcyan
iinlvonity numbered elghty-tvo , tLo larijest
in its history.
The Lynnn Uoechcr lectnies atValouiil-
vcisit.v iie\t year will bo lay Itov. James
Stalker of < Jlusfo\v' ; , Kcotlmd.
The commencement exercises of the "West-
cm normal college at Shcninuloah , In. , begin
July 0 and mst until July ! i4.
Air. Moodv has secured Itov. W. It Mowoll
of England to nddiess the stuUcuts of his
summer school at North Held.
Oeou'C linncioft , the hlstotlnn , has presented -
sented his ehutk to liisltop Ilurbtns an en
dorsement of his bdieino for a Methodist
university at Washington.
Hururd university Is to provide noxtvcar
fur a .sjbtem.iticcouiso on the laws , the literature -
aturo , the customs , the llfo of the Hebrew
people ; this is to say. a course of lectures on
the biblo.
Somebody has offered Talc unlveisltyflOO-
OOJ fortho election ofa dormitory on the college -
logo campus. Who ! Nobody knows ; nnd
President Dwlght s.iys ho will not toll until
the building has been completed.
Tor the first time since Il.irx'iml college
\\as founded , the qulnquciminl record of its
almni is issued In English instead of Latin.
During its ' . ' 51 years of existence Harvard
university has graduated li,9. ( , ! ( ) pupils , of
whom little moro tlun one-half ( b.Oiir ) ' are
The numbcrof suicides by pupils ofGer
man gvmnasia , capcrlully in Bcilln , on ac
ount of fa iluroto jiass the o.\amiiiations for
nnndxauccd class , hns increased to such an
alarnilii ) ; extent that tlio Piusslan cnltus
minister , v. ( Josslor , bus nddressed a public
letter to teachers and parents on this subject ,
Ho urges them to a hotter education morally
and plijsically , of the pupils , and to a Creator
regnrd for the Individual weaknesses and
character of the different pupils. Ho appeals
to both homo and school to worlc to0'ethcr for
this end
The University of Lonvnln has added a
com-soof moil leal ethics to the ordinary pro-
gramme of professional study.Vlicc a sim
ilar proposal was Iwfuro thoUclL'Itm pirliu-
wilt homo time aijo it waa objected by deputies that incdlcul students had
rniito enough to leani ulrcidy without beliu
Imrdei'cdwith additional hiilijuc-tsuf btudy
Other enlightened leprojontatlx-os of the
lieoplontTceted to bcliexo thiit "dcontolosv"
( the ricnch term for medical ethics ) must'bo
a mispilnt for "odontology. "
The number of students in the University
of Gielfsnudd this summer scinestor Is OOJ.
MIIK the largest number ox-cr on Its hooks
Of those Ul aiestudimtsof medielno , l7t ! of
theology. M of philosophy and ! i"i of laxv ,
vhile U4 are allowal to attend particular
lectures without havmp miitilcnlnted in any
faculty. At Krlaugcn the nunioer of students
islOU > , bclii the Hist time It has exceeded
1,000. , The theological faculty used to bo the
most nunieroiisly attended , but this year
medicine licada the list. At Marburg there
nro 1 , ) . $ students , this hoina also the 11 mt
time the number of 1,003 hnsbcoiioxcosdcil ,
There are SOU students in the medical faculty.
Frequently accidents occm In the house
hold which cause burns , ents , apiams and
bruises ; t'orusoln such cases Dr. J. II. Me-
Lean's Vole.mlo OH Liniment hat formuny
j ears been the constant favoiito family rem
_ _
The Ohio and Mississippi railroad official : )
liax'o agreed to the doinii'ids of tlioir yard
men in Clnciiuiati for the OhicaKOScale , with
the present iluy of twelx'olu'iru. The Haiti.
moioand Ohio men liavomauou like demand.
"O , looltnt those his waves , " sni.l the tfiil
nt the seashore , "Those nro breakcu-a arn't '
thov n * I" "Yes , " said thu old gentleman as
as ho gazed at the hotel bill , "thoyuro bieak-
crs. "
Pliysiclins , Surgeons and Specialists ,
OMAHA , Niil. :
The nio4 wldc-ly nnd fivornhlv known p"p-
lallsts In tlio I'liltPil Mntrs. Tlit'lr louvi"C-
perltiii'o rotnarkahlu skill mid suc
cess In the tii'iitini'iit nnd rnieof > ervoim.
Oliiiiiile mid MirKli'al Dlsoisoi. ctitlllu thc > < M
eniliii'iit | iliwl'laiis ( to the full imiflilenrcof
tlionillldcd uu < r > nliiu < . 'Iliey ( tutu mtoei -
Ai'TiirAiN AM ) I'osinvi : cntK for
the iiwful I'll oils oloailv vlio and thunuinvr-
onsirllslhat follon lulls tialii.
spoolingeonijilotcly ninl ntriiiani'iitlr cmid.
NI.ISN ors liiir.iTv ) : AND SI-XTAL ms-
OKHiUsyIflilieulliy : to tliclr skillful tnat-
" ' '
{ II.'RS risnirA AM ) IIEOTAL ur.cnts
Kinimntu'd omcd without luin or dctuiitlon
flow misliii'ss
nvnuocicu : AND VAUicocr.M1.
. _ . . . . iDiilers pceulliir
to ililieiu \ | ioItlvey ! otirud. M xvcll tisnll
functional disorders tint n suit fioin youth
ful folIliHor HID oxeoviof in Hurt ) yells.
TIv'If'nilvM ' auatmtuc'il ' Dsrmnno iitly
i. i IVlVjl U l\l- < cured roniox nl coinnlcto ,
\'ltliout ciittln ? , cuistleoi-dllatitlon Cures
afTu'tcd ut IIDIIIO by lutkut vlthout a mo
ment's jiilii or aiinoyuneu.
AIIlvM" " flTPK Thu nwfl1' ' effests of
/V OU 1\1 VU I\L Ciiv , vleo which hrinui
orsinnlo vi'itlinossiloslroj Iiu both inln I nnd
bodllh all its dreaded ills , permaiienty
n PC llK'riX Address tunsottliohavoliu-
U1\O. ll ) > 1 1.3 pijrcd themselves by Improper -
proper IndnU'onco nnd * > ollt irv-h iblls , whluh
ruin liotli nilml and Iwily , uiiilttliiKthotn for
bushiest stinlv orinairliif ? * ' .
MAKIfll'.lJ Mi.N or those c-iitrrtngon Unit
happy life , uvaroot i > lislcMclubllityqulikly ) ,
Is facU. l'lr-it-1'ractlcal
luscilupon - - pviiorl-
eiiio. Stcond-I2\cry case Isspoil'illj studied ,
thin Stirling rlKht. Third -Jlcdldiu's nro
pupireil In our Inboritory oxiu-tly to suit
ouch case1 , thin eircctliueuieslthout Injury.
& Belts ,
Me * York , Chicago , Dcrter. Salt take City ani
San Francisco.
Jllrtwir between Denver nnJ Sun rrnnclsco ; ! ( X ,
milct Iron i ciihiT. Hostlncd to bccomu ooo of llio
cuumcrtlul ccnturi.
( Famous Summer and Mountain Health Resort.
AltltuJu o\fr 4,001 feet , yet fsinnwl by breezes
O/ii u iia'ivt luliiinl S-ult * fn. Miiril bull XVator
B illniund lljtlilnit 2jOXX ( ) bJthuHln < Jrcnt Mlt
/nkt ln < < t yonr PrcBeiit ft icnnopuiied lur O. Gouit
llctolH , H lilM' , Uuntliijnriil C.uni'inJ. ' Hrc8 I'n-
rnilc miJ MlliUiri liund Cumcrta rjilly ut fort
A Mighty In'loxv of tha Best American Blood
Inrecoiit renra hin cloiiblocl the pipulntion , notr
MdiO.itCYeloicI reciurct , b lliui Mroniichurdics ,
iilliluiKmilnalloiiH.fiisterril puollc Fcliool * , created
lin social conditions. Adoll litfullioinuclty.
nrclaiireln Htil I'state.InvenmPiit' , R nnJ 10 ppr
ccntMortirni.0 . IimNCcialiitidSllverMliilnL'.Muol.
on.MIIIMiliiHWorks. riiporWIIIc. Clioiiil ( IXV < rl.81
JMIncriiirnliil.N'iiturnl fin- . Oil , l'ottcrle ' Intc.Ae-
plmltuiu. M < IIIC Qinrrlc' , llixitunil Minn hictiirlca ,
'B , nil line. ' . Our | MVJit'Wiis / -
omrfj. ( 'outline jitmnrc ii'l/Ji Ouwlfgriflnu n/ the
urinitcstlntiHtfH iimnrtunttit tatHt come foM/f hike
CVy t/iiiummrr. Iilustruttft J'amiihltttNtrtiil 'I nir-
anr.tIbTATK \ KSCIIAMC , Sail LuLttlljHull. .
Drs. Merill & Merill
s ix
Clirorilc.VorToii . Bloodnnil jnrKlrpl TM oniri nnil
illioisciot tliolCyc , rlar , Nose' , Tioat nndCliost
j | > iMii\l Alluiitlon to Iliscnsos ofVo -
moil mill Ulilldron.
Tlio ilwlorsluvo liail roTr < of ciporlcnco In tlio
lioipltnlinf lliooklin iinj NJIV Vork , nnd nro nmonit
tlio uioiliucteuf ill undvldulr knoivn nnelulllsta In
tills country.
'i o IIMIIIK niul MUlcllu-Anotl Mon.
It Minliooil , .Nervous Debility , Hiioriniitorrlnr ,
Ponilniill/oHsis , I'liyslrnllta'cor , nrlsliiK from India-
cation iirortuilnBult-oplcstniw , ilosionlenc5plin- |
plosuntiiu full1 , uurnlonto Noctoty , c'ntillillaiour *
iiiiul , link orionfl > toiiculiilluiilltlur , wtiuly orbiiBl-
iicii , milHnihllfoiiljurJcii , afolypcrniinotitljr find
Bitt'UII | ciireJ.
Illoiut nnd skin DIHOIIHOH.
friih'iu n ill < r > iiTO ino t drcvlful In Its rcjtilts ,
ccmplcmly crivllcutoil.
( J IIIK Urtniny Sur o > y.
noiuirrhn ? , filoct , S/plilllx. Hyilrorclo , X'nrlcocolo
nnd Miltturo nulkally nnd mifcly ciuml Atliliout
pain oritetciiillon from InnliiiM.llSuiuil Djt'or-
inlitu and InipuiUiiiintMtdmnrrliiucsiiccjjsfully ro-
All H i tul illsoMH'i nufrly nnd porninnfiitly cured
Ilour > Un. n Huniliiys , 1U till 13.
N II I'ernmi unntiluf ) vlilt usmiy t'u ' truitoii nt
tliclr li ' "ion bjrr-orroiiondi.'no xivillrlnpt nail In-
Blrui't ! ' n Bout by exprois. OIIIH ullnllon f reo ,
fcoi'i UcMitslu Btuiiipjlo liiiuro reply.
lil KHlOL-ntli hi. , OpiKisUo
llounc , Oinalin , Ni'li.
Ledgers , Day Books ,
Cheap Counter Books ,
Order Books , Pass Boo 1\
OIIASI ; ii : > v ,
7OKSiijrjiitS ! : ; / STATIOMIHS
n J c i AM r&
Hit .Sou tli KHli Struct.
Eye and Kar ,
Ilnrler ISIock , litli nnd Fnrnaru. Tolo | > honoC.Vl
Agents Wanfoil !
PcrtruJUEnlarRcdto nny slza
rr'.u li tr > i i 1 > i > c iii > i fc
CiliJuJ EtetritUsU Zsli'tiss ' C ) .
Chicago , 111) ,
Jewelers and Silversmiths ,
Eo'nj mmmfuorurorp , iniportjra and jobbers , nsvol \ ti3 ro-
tnll donlois , otifpuroliailiijffaollltioq nro eocoiul to no house In
th's ' country. Honoi our extreme low prices on ovorythlntr % vo
sell. Suco'nl altent'on la called to our Inrgo niul olofrnnt line of
Fine Man1 ol C ocka ( over GO cUITc rout styles ) nt 85.OO nnd up-
xvards. Flno Banquet nn-1 Pln-.o Lamps , \vl li s k pn agol
cbadtB in all tin now colors , from $ SOO up. Buy yourTtvltlo
Cutlery of us nnd save money. Ro Lra1 Best Trlplo Phvtocl
Kuivoa nnd Forkx only $1.75 per sot. Stool Onrvlnj Sits ( ulfo ,
forlcnptlatccl ) , $2.OO and uowaul. Spsora , &c. , in proportion.
Oar Great Md-SummorDnnruiuSnloof Dlnmoiul Wftlohoa
nnd Fine Joxvolry isafclllln progros" . O nn'iio ' Dinmoxl Pingcr
ll'r ' R3 from $2,6O up. Solid Gold \Vixtch"s fioni $15.00 tip.
COOO , fins solid gold , plain , ba-id nncl sot films frJin $1 to $1O
otxoh. Go d. Fpoctacloa nndByoQlnesoa from $3 up. PltioStaol
Spectacles Ql up.
of Watches , Clocks and Jewelry a Specialty.
Set Vl of Teetli on Rubber
Dr. R. W. Bailey , Dentist ,
Paxton Block , lOtli nnd Ktirnam Streets.
fr Sfn\r Our offices have recently boon en-
LU OLcl \ .
) lnr < lccl nncl , norc fuly | equipped
with nil the latest facilities for dental work. We make n full upper
or lo\versetol' tectn on rubber for five dollars , guaranteed to bo ng
well made as plates sent out of any dental office in this country. Done
no tboprejudlcsd by what others may say ngalnstus , but come nnd
see us and examine our work ; it will all bear inspection.
Tcotli extracted without pain or danger , and vitllout the use of
chloroform , gas , either orelectricity. . Gold and silver fillingsnt low
est rates , gold and porcelain-faced crown , teeth -without plates , etc.
All work warranted.
Dll. LJAILIS.V. Dentist , Paxton I31ocl < , IGth andFarnam.
Open ovcnliiRS until 8 o'clock. TiKu ilovutur on Klthbtnut tutlilnl lloor.
Mention tills piper ,
The Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute
Fcrthotrontmcnt of nil CHRONIC ANn flOROICAI/UISnAaK1) ) T5t re * , Appllnnrei for n formltlc' , Ant
Yruisea ] ) e < t Kncllltlan , Ainiiratninnd lieiucilICK for 9ucL'u > fni tMiitmcnt of ovtrr form of ( llnonio ie-
cd'cilorSiirKliwl Treatment. NINHfV HOO.M8 KOIU'ATIIJN fS Ilonp.1 and ittciiilanoe llosl
Accuniinodatluim . XX'rllofor clreuliri on nofc'inttlos an ! llrnooi. Trumci , Club 1 cc-t , Curviitiiro ol
Sflno , I'llos , Tiiniori , Cunccr , Cutarrh , Uroiirliltti , Inlnlntlon , Kleitrlcliy. I'linilMls. KpHi'iny. Klrtner
Illndiler , i : > o IVir , kln iml lllood. mill nllxuiiilonl oi'ornllons ' 1)IMABIS ! ! OFXVO.MK.X ncpi-clnlty. Hook
of IMsemiB uf XX'oucn I'rce.Vo \ liivve I Ul7 nl.K'iH l.yliiln Pcpnrtiiiunt fur XVonicn dmlnc Ciintlnomurl
( fatrtctly Private ) . Only llollnbte Mc.Hcnl ln tlUto raakl.iia srccliilly ot riUX'ATi : DISKASICS.
All Blood I/IIOUCH c < ucco9ifullytrcnto < l. 8vihllltlc | po'ton ' rtmovcil from tlie nyMcm irltlnuit mercurf
New Kcslornllvu Tivatmcnt fur I.DIS of VUnll'oivor I'tiitlos unitblo ( olalt unnny bo United t homo l ) |
corresp-niUMico. Ml cdnimiinlcntlonn confidential. Motllclno or tnitruuient-i rent by mnll or mine's. B
curilj ir arks to Indlontoiontcntx or ondpr. Ono perraml IntcrUo't prnfeireil. C'nllnnil roneull
uiur nciul lil'tory of yoir cnsj and no Mill Homl In iihln wmpiicr our HOOK TC 51 ION KHIil ! , upoa 1'llvut *
Special or Nervous Dlnctioj , Iinpotcncr.SfiilillU , Gout nn.l X'arlcotulo , with qun'tlontlnt. Addrcsi
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
CornerSth and HarneySts. , Omaha , Neto.
riaro romox'odto 1207 Douglas St. , onnosito Millarrt Hotel.
Stove Rciairs | for 1500 Different Stoves , Ranges and Furnaces.
Water Attutlmicnt Kitted nnil Couiivctecl. GawlIimiiiidOas htoM-slSi p.ilicil. Tol.OOO.
UO1IT. UI1L10 , i'roprUlor , O..M. KATON. Mniiugc'r.
I ° urnittire Company.
A mngnlficent display of everything useful and ornamental in tlio
furniture maker's art at reasonable prices.
Passaqtto and from Grcal Britain and all
purls ol Europe. Montreal-Liverpool routs , by llio
watorsofSt Uwrenco.jhorleit olall. Ulnn ow to
Hoston , to I'hlUulelplifc. Ilvurpool to anil from
HaltlBorf. Thirty Meamcrs. ( Jlnm oxctlHor.
Accommodatloiii unsnrpnefcd. Wcokli | salllngr. ,
AI.I. 4N A ; < . .fJcnVe t. AR Is.
CJ. Sinrlnil M.ntff llJltiMin ht . C'hlcntiu , It
Motropoll m < lby pmvlnlon of irutlliitim | I'cr
mniiintriiillnl LTiiuiuiil iiip | rtiinttr for ln cell
input nnil limlnosi Ciiiltnl | -udcil MorlBimiB ; ft
igiiurccnt. bnv mllli , hrlik kllni , wwilfn
nn wurki wwloil L'nUniltnl wnlor mnor licit
tucloty. ( CihiioH , iliiircliui Torfrcl < llmito Hlou
trim-cTiimradlHO riOiJKui oinmi'iitluiicl lirent kr.iln ,
Jrult nnil vi'ircln'jlo c-ountry HuM croin nistU'i per
nrro Miilm , M.oiuof the Moiintitlin , " will hcoii I uit
ttito Ihlrdln iri'rlout niliivrnlx Oiilimt Inn } ou
l Coiublno bUMlniMH ulth iilvnturu nnl
lUcMirilon rates lllinti.itol piiinplilott
uiillcilfruu HO .MIU UFTIUDK llul o City h.'iilw
raEnhw eflll'c '
. .B ,
< biolulil iij IIIIBI TKBITKICfcT-IUoiJIi In
i air
It. IMll fr.0 , till. * u ForI , . C u.lrU. . ( TrlHI "a
.llnnand vrovfi i > IU4if ( li4irra * ,
nto cnosi DIAMOND QRANO.
l > uici M 4UU iiu * rltlca 'JtiLn niultifrt
HtuJ lc. ( tpi ) for itrticultri aid "lielttr fur
Lttdlt , * * * n ( * tftt7 ruturn malt. A'am * f tttt
llioriiriiain fctreot , - OnmliuN'ch
BufTirliltc from lliormcuofyimthful trrurx , curly
ifvaj , uunlnx vrenlcnru , lint IIIUIII < XM | , < to.,1 will
irnil n valuntilo trrallui ( u > nlc < ll tontnlnlnn full
partlrulnn fur lioino cure. PIIKK of rlmrm A
IpliMHlltl incUlcal\\nrki Fhoiil'l ' 1 n ml hy rvery
tnnil wltn U ncrvoim nnd ill hllltaU'il , Xdiln M ,
Vfuf. I'.f. l'O\Vl.iil.JIIoo : lui.Cuiii ,
ronl.ADH.H Ovi.v--Ir Udiioi Periodical'Pilll
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