Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1890, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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Coatinuoa Easy at All linancial
, , < s
Dmnti.'i Jobbers Hay Iliat Iliislncsa
Has .Voter Iliicn So Oootl at
This ScnNon of tlio
for the week n reported by
Mr. llu lien , manager ot the elcnrliu house
for theA violated National banks of this city
footed H7W.03I.I3 , an Ineieaso of I38-10 per
cent , li-ilincn were MTC.5K11/ ! .
The liio t tnonoy mnrket has been dull dur
ing tli < wk'k nnd loanablo fiuitln have au-
cuiniil.u d in excess of the demand. Itatoi
( iid easy at 8 per cent fur iirlmo paper. Kx-
Chant-'i s .n good supply.
Tin i .iiti-rn loan market Is qnotod as dull
nml M < inly. Call loans 1110 4 lo4'/5 per cent.
Time In.ins. " percent for ninety days to llvo
month . . Commercial ii.ipi-r , Hlxty days. 3 to 0
percent for two n.iinos , and r > ' ,5 to 7 per vent
for HID li'iiames ' ; llrstcUmsto Rood , with Spur
con ) t.ilti n on names not HO well known.
Mom ycDiitlnucM'iinyn tall II nnnclal centers.
Ail > lctHiulIcntu that feats of slrlnRonuy at
I ondon.l'arlsand ' lleilln gio\rlmoutof Soiilh
Aluoiliaii coiiililluations nro UTOiimlU'ss , and
i theic K nothing for flnanolcrs to worry ever
JU'.I n..w. unless It bo low rates of Interest ,
Gemini trndo Is very Rood for the heason
firm iJinaliii Jolihiira say business has never
bci-n so Rood to tholr knowledge at this neasou
of tin > i.irisnn\r , Intlio building tiadesonly
complaint Is heiuid and traders In this line
attritjiito the depression existing solely to
fouls on the part of capitalists that pioltl-
blllon nay oarryat theensulng fall eleotlon.
/iitlilicrt.s have an abuiidanco of
Woik planned to bo put nndur way us - boon as assurance U had
thai Ni'lirnskii 11 not to ho ciii > i'd by llio
rule of families as Iowa and Kansas have
uei'ii. lint unlll IhLs ii.ssiir.'inco can bo Riven
our HH' < lianlcs find Inborors must remain Idle ,
ns cniltdlll | : nolboinvested. It\voulil aston
ish tin most HAiiRtilnc believer In llio fnliiiu
grcalurss of Omaha IIH u ciimiucrclal un-
iri'pot I'uiilil it ho Minim just , now how
JaiKO HII ainodntis ; hrld nwnltliiK Iiiuslinent In
Indiitilus which will boni'llt tbls city ns soon
OH the prohibition Klmst Is laid.
As I'i'ilalnas the HUH HetsNovenihor 4 on a
dlsgriiutlucleronil ofdefi-atcd fanatics at the
Jiolls In Nebraska , Jusl stosuri-ly will Iho uiluo
of hi-r farms , oily anil Hiibiirtitin lots , stocks
und luinln of towns and cities upprvclutu and
n gi-iivral < 'ia of unhnnced pruspuilty bo In-
aiiftiiralril. l'rlce nro prictlc.illy unehaiiKrd
Jor all li > uilliiKStnplcs > iiKnrs nro pcrliaiH
Wi'aUi-rbutinutatl | ns are not lower.
( lotlois aru I ho same as last vi'ok. The total
stoclf of Itrn/ll eoiroesln sloroand alloat for
the I'mti'd .Slates to date foots -t l..W5 baits ,
against . ( . - > I,7H baxH at thla time last year , and
tliuiti.iiKctsin IIiiroDo nml South America iiio
btri : < 1y at iinotntloiis ,
1'or mild grades conditions romnln sllRhtly
Ini'iMiKir nnd HIIIIIO eonltli'l of opinion may bo
noted In the vlotts i-vpri's i'd , oven upon the
KellltiKsldi1. Tlicru hns not of late , however ,
uei'ii nny loss of vunlavo iiround on the trans-
ni'llon I'oiHiinnnatvcl , und IIH tlioiuiintliinoxos
nlimi ; thu eliniices nii'tlritwants ofcoiiHinueis
will i.nliiaily ovpiunl Into \oluniu Hiillli'liMit
ttilirliix trade up to thoiougnly tutl fautory
In diled fruits the market Is by no moans nn
ndUmmoyot tberu Is a Hteiuly luguhir do-
inand rxpi'iloncod. which shown a .sllnht In-
oreasnfiinn day to day. .Supplies In thu Inter
ior ami also In the hands of our local jobbers
niitsniiiiiisly liroknn , anil tills fact Is n-tlecti'il
dally liy tlionumerouslniiiilrlesaiul thu many
Final I s'lh'.s thnt are a fcutuio of Ihn nmrKet
Troin tlio h.inds of Importers , Thu latter are
prompt to take advantagu of any opportunlly
that u trill's to obtain ad vanbcd prices , thus wo
Bto thu value of ninny slaplo Roods gradually
Improving and maintained in Urm posltl
Currants are hold by the principal owners nt
lull . " > v , but small orders can yut ho uxroutud
ontslilc utS'lu ; the demand Is only moderate ,
tliouch I lieie are inoru Koods bolllnx at Ilm nd-
Taiicnthan when the nrlco was three-chthtlis
of a cent lnwor , l-'or Tuilclsh prunes Inrask.s
thuioU u fair jobbing lnijulry.wltb sales ro-
rorteiliit ? ® i'/i ' cents. 1'ho lattnrprlco Is
Bom-rally nskiil. thoinjh lots of ten or more
disks could probably boolitalned nt tbu Inside.
Valunola Kitslni do not sell with any firrdom ,
nnd thu slow moromont IsdlsappolntliMto
tliosn ului iim carrying the Koods. llopo , hoiv-
OM'r , Is ontertnliii'd of im i-aiiy Imnrotoment ,
and iirlcon tborefoio am maintained qulto
Btenrtlly. Mu. leiinro qulot , but bultana and
Oallfoiniunro jthbing fairly at full values.
Citron lomatns qulot hat Urm. Dates are
steady , but the demand lucks spirit. Klc.s are
taken rather IndllrVrontly. TnriiKono almonds
nro mm-livid nt full 12'fe. and ulea at lU'ic.
] liii7ll nuts nre higher , holders nowriifasliij ; lo
book orders below ll'ie. fcjlclly lllbertB nro
hold liy Mimu In the trade at lOc , thouRh small
ordiMs utinyut bo placud at l > Hc. Kor.Iordan
nlmondh tlioro hiiH been more Inquiry of laic ,
v lib sales of iO boxes nl ; ; ViiV : Jo. Chill wal
nuts an > held nine , though carload lota can bu
yiirelniMMliit HJSo.
The Llonimeiflal ( N. Y. ) Ilullotln says of
BiiKiir : lloldors quite generally Heom to fia )
convinced thai values have fairly passed ilm
lowest limits on tlio persent crop , and whlli
possibly iho upward turn may prove Hlow and
unimportant for a while , tins chances are coa-
8ldirml nil In favorof the theory that natural
nioltlircHants , and the appcaranco of refin
ers from tlmo to time , must gradually
Blronjlhi'ii the entire position.
The board of managers of the Now York
coflvn i'\ilianto ; have just forwarded to tlio
niPinliorsa rocoiiiiiieiKlallon tlmt proposes a
rudlcil uhaiizo In the buslnes-i methods at
pri'M-nt In operation on the exchange. The
recommendation l.snothhii : moro nor less than
to onlarRO the Hold of trading and speculation
no ns to allow transactions In all colt'cesurown
in Ninth , t'outh or Central America , nml In
the Last or West Indies. At the present tlmo
tlio otmtr.iot Iradlnx on Iho exchange la con
fined to Klo and Santos eolh'os. the growth of
llrn/ll , nnd should Iho proposed Innovation bo
ndonlod U will , It Is asset ted , moro than ilou-
lIe ) the sire of the I'ommodlly to bo traded In.
It Isoxpeotcd tbat a public meotlmr of the
mi > niliiii-NOf the cxchmiKO will bo hum within
ft four dav.s todlsoim the inattur.and Ihoipies-
wlll hi delliiltuly deoliled by ballot on August
1 , lielwiH'n noon nnd 2 p. in.
The I MIII trudi ) shows MHIH of Increased ac
tivity and tbnThonias Iron company ronorts :
"Tlit" sonson which Is Keiiurnlly siiKgcstlvo of
Inarllvlty was IncMiiK this year , the mills are
BtHI kepi busy , anil wo are nmiiufactnrlni ; up
to our full limit , llut , what Is more to thu
nolnl. our prices avoraco considerably better
than they did a nio ; , and the outlook Is
far moi-ocnuoimiKlni ; . Thcro Is no doubt that
n vast amount of Iron and stool will bo pro-
iluci'd this year , and onlors aru coming In In a
moil ! ? ratlfyiiiK and HatUfuclory manniir. All
malicra nio bonked nhoad and will 1m
unable to iii'i'opt now huslufsOVIMI though
litilii > r pi lens for iirodncllon bo oftVrcd. Tiio
ntei-1 rail business Is paillcnlarly Urm , ami
th < > M < railroad comiiaiilos which have not
liuiilo tlM-lr cent rncU lli llnd no lltllo dllll-
cully InplachiK their onlors. "
Ht'liorts from this statu nnd South Dakota
dhow thiil tliRRrovrliiK crops are In flnu eon-
dttlon and tlioiiKRrceato harvest will prob
ably oxeeoil that of issu. Tliero U a heavy ilo-
liiand for alcohol and hhh wlnrs from Iowa
nnd Kansas and ono linn hero Ij paying out
11,00 pt'r day for special stamps on liquors
Koliu InthohO two states \\ldlo In thu far west
tnulo in this line Is comparatively dull.
I'ollotthitf is tlio stiui'iiii'iit of anthrnclto
coalforlho month of .luno , 1SOO , coin pi rod
\vlth thu hiuno period lasl year : Wyoming
ivKlon. | v , l , 0h,7l ; isv.l , l.i'ai.S'JJ ! inereasi ) .
114Siil ; l.ehlKh . iVRlnn , MW. 571. IIU ; liS'J. ' MI Oj
Ineroaso. 10.44.1 ; Sfhuylkllln > lon , lbU ! , l.u-m.-
054 ! ISSi ) , 7S7.M7 ; inere.isy. 27H.OM1 : total , lhW ! ,
8.4IVrnW ! It-Si ) , 3Xti,21l ( ; ( : lnorcaso,412nH ; .
The tlsht between tlio 1'ulliniui and Wnsnor
,1s heliiKolosi'ly watcheii In all parts of the
crtnnlry , an tlio Involved Is of the lilch-
CM inipiirtanco. A prominent western rail
road man was dl > .cu ; liii ; this subject at the
Hotel HrlKhtun , Long llrunoh , thoolhor night.
llu Maid :
"Tho Pullman company hi its fight with the
Vandi'rhllts over the vi-stlbulo pntiMil , has
lifcn rntlu'r unfortunate In ono iiart.'cnlar.
Tin' mill has proved fatal tothotwomoHl end-
nont of Hi vuuiiM1 ! . lion Thurston. Ilm dls-
lliiKiilKheil patent lawyer of 1'nivl-
( li'iii'o , \vho hud charzo ot the
I'ullinnn end of the litigation , died
rls'lil hi the inl.lst. of his work. The senior
iiu'iiiln'r of Dlckurson & llukci-sonwho ) were
the pilnolpal asjot-l.ito attorneys , baa also
passed uwny la the vi-ry midst of the
contest. Tlio loss of these two limn who
liadcieilod the case , and who were Hat unit oil
iv Ith it , has boon \ ory sorloui to I'ullman , who
xind < nilili > illy focls that this Uval contest with
thu Vnmlerblltsls the most. liiiH | > rtant lie has
mcrliud. It Is not Koiioridly known that the
burnt of t ho contest In uolml tot tlio Wimnor-
YumlorblltlntiMVSt Nbornu by nn assoelatlon
iiiulo ; n | ) of thoralltindsot llu * cntlro coun
try. The We.stcrn Itnllway iHlatlon ; and
t lie Kasti'rn railway nssoolut Ion urn a vombl-
maloiiof thn railroad coinpanlos of the I'litlio
country todofunu nil aults brought on palunti
iiKnlnst any inoinbor , Jiultro 1'uyMiii of C'hl-
cuno 1m the eonlor counsel of tills combination
inthonnst , andeonsiMiiuMilly when the I'ull
inuii company sued thu Lnko ghnroand
tin Injiiiu'tloii touroM'iit II riiiinlncUsYajiHir
viHtllin train. JudKol'aysoiiutonconssiiiiird
cent i 1 of the lU'fiinso In Ivoliulf ot thu \ \ ust-
orn Uallwny as oolatloTi. It Is the baino way
in all tin ) othorbiilta which the I'ullmancoiu-
TKiny hns hroUKht la the east aKiilnut the
Vuiuli'ililH roiul.H. Kor Instani'o the Kastorn iis-iocliitlon defoiids the hull briniKht
ly I'lillmnn asalust the HosUm A Albany
railroad for runnlnu Its WuKtii-r vosiibulo
train. r > o tlmt Mr. I'ullinnn It flghthiK In thl *
iiicu not only thu Vumlurbllts. hut an us-
i ition ot all tlio railroad proportloH In tlio
country , tlio o\onsoof | tnodi-fi'iiso not full-
I. , upon the Yamlorbllts , uutuuou thu united
rend < . Sln o thf ilcnth of Thurston nnd Tlok- )
oraon the I'lillnmn litigation ha < boon taken
In cliaruo by Itutinells , the gonotal counsel of
thu ruliman company. "
Faturihiy. July 19.
rroolpU ot ciittlo 1.800 , compared
with K8 yp tordav nnd I.KTi Hatnnlny of
histnei'l ; . The receipts during the veckwcro
J4.5I7 , oonipared with ll.'Jl thu prior week n
train of ; i.t3l : AtnoiiR tlio rccelijts wiToil.xcars
of tlio llnuHtsti-orshioir.ihllii theynrdfor some
time. TlKiy noId nt J-I..V ) . The Market opened
fairly active and Urm to tttronif on the host
grades f Hteurs. itlth thn commoner grade * of
Ntvers and butchers' Mtnff steady and foaturo-
! ( . HinoUcrs and fcrdors are slow , without
Ufa and prices nncli.ingeil. Hnlcimon dliTur
coiiililiiraiily on tholr oiilnlonsuf the nmrkct
nearly as many sales being luportcd weak as
strong. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Intimated receipts of hey * . 7.500 , eonipired
wllh 11,417 yesterday nnd r , ( U" > Saturday of
lusl week. The rccelptn ( luring tbo week have
been auiV ! , cotnnrud ) ) with 4luw Intt wi'Clf. n
falling off of .MW ) . The iniir-kot opened nctlvo
and strong on heavy boss nnd steady on
llKhts. I.ato arrivals swelled tlio rei'clpU and
buyers begun bidding a nickel lower. Tlio
iiiarkc.t became slow nnd weak , cjomnit Hat ,
with twenty loads In first hands. Tlio range
of prices vins WAnQWfim light. J.l.5oa'.r ) > 7'ii
inlnod , t-tfiiWf'Mft ; heavy , $ : i.wu,74. , 'J'bo
avi'ragoof the tirlcos paid win Jiw/j com-
liariid with M-'Vsli yeslouliiy audW.lTtia.tunluy
ot last wuuk ,
The rpcolpts of sborp diirlns tlio week have
been l.HVeiniijiarod with 1,710 , the week prior ,
u f.iltlni ; oil of .v ; . Good muttons cuntlnuu In
( leinuiid ut IIrm prices ,
I'rcvallliiLr 1'rlous.
The following Is n table of prices paid In
this market for tlio jraduot .stiuk inontlonnd :
I'llinoMuoM. ii'to : ) ) Ml ) tti JI.L'J 0I..10
( iood Htuers , l'i"ito ) tnilbs 1.00 w.t.15
liood htcors. 10.V ) to | : ) Ibi ! ) .8' > 441.0.1
CoiiililOii , liKX ) toll.Vfti : i.'J W-WO
Common catmncrs If ) C't'J.OO
Onlliinry to fair cows I fa Cii'.lO
1'nlr to good cows MM {
( Jood tocboluu eow.t ! ! .7.'i ( 'r'l.l.'i
Uliolcutofiiiivycows ! ! . ' > . " > < c-1.M
l-'nlr to good bulls l.7. > fj.'J.iv"i
Choice to fancy hulh " .M CC\.yi \
Ijlglitstockurs and feeders 2..V ) y'l.uM
l''ecdors ' , D',0 to IKK ) s ' .M a :
I'lilrtocliolcu light hogs 11.51 5fJt.r.7"i
I'alr toeholeo heavy hogi. Itnj CW.,74 ( !
Fair to cliolco mixed hogs U.&
Coinpnrntivo Tuhlos.
Tlio following tnhlo shows the range In
prlci'.son hogs ihirlns this and hint wouk ;
Avprafjol'rlco of Hogs.
Showlnijtlio avor.izo nrloo jidd fur lov-ls ot
hos on thu days lmllu.ito.1 In 1SJ7. ISii Liil
and 13JU ;
Average Cost of
The following table elves the uvoraio cmt
of hogs on tlio dates mrmtlonml , Ini'ltidlti ; thu
cost today , as b.isud upon sale * reported :
Juno .10 II I'U July 10 n KJ
Julyl U ll.'j' July 11 34I3
JulyS i ! 4l'i July 12 347
July : ) II 4V4 Julyll HJS !
, Ihly4 I ! July 15 '
Julys : ire July in' : . ; „ . ; ; „ . : ) w
July ? afi''v ; July 17 : i4SJ !
Julys : i 07U Julyirt : t.W/j
Julyl ) a CIJij July IU 3 G0 !
lllffhcst anil Ijoivcit Salca oT HO.J.
Today. Vcstorday.
HlKliost MC7W Tll liost S'l ( V >
Lowest 3 50 U 50
Stock Keoolpts.
Official\Vstorday. Rstbnatod Today.
Catllo. . . . 4"i cars , IKIrt Rattle. * . SvS cars. l.ROO
llogi fit cars. 3tt7 Hopn llUoars. 7,500 , 00 Horses. . . . a cars. Uo
lloiu . . -cars , Uii
KniiKC of Prices.
The following table shows the range of
prices paid for boss :
1'alr to cliolco light bogs M 51 < 2fl 57 s
1'ulr to cliolco heavy 3 fid tfft. ! r,7'/i
Kali to cliolco mixed 3 GJ CS3 57ji
I'rlmo fatsheop 4 25 l 01
( 00(1 ( fatslmcp a M J40
Common to medium Hhcop U 5J i 83
Disposition of Stock.
Showlns tlio number of cattle and hojrs
purchased by the dlfTerent buyci-a 011 today's '
market :
Swift & Co 313
ThoQ. II. Hammond Co JI7
The Armour ( liidnhy I'aolclns Co L'5
Leo Uolhsohlld IM
Hamilton & Stephen 3
NolsMorrU R42
llockor & Dezon 149
Lolimium > t Triuiorniann l.'i
Orono ft VanSant 1
Other lluyora ] no
8&S 130
The Armour-Cudahy I'aoklns Co. . . H.278
Umalm Packing Co 2,101
Swift & Co 2.V )
Tlio O. H. Hammond Co : KM
J. P. Suulrcs& Co Kll
Iloi > rcsontativo Sales.
No. AT. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
1. . 000 83 00 21. . BO M K > 23. . 1007 $ .1 80
1. . 1KM 300 43. .1007 U 7 : 10. .11178 3 Ki
1. . 1020 SS 1..1070 375 2t.l ± ' . 0 410
20. . 1030 am 4 . . 11.17 380 40. . 1240 415
IS. . 001 3 C.1 20. . 078 360 17..iit : > 3 420
siiirnxo AND Kxroiir STIKIIS. :
21. . 1030 3 27i ! 0..1Sn aftS 21. .1240 400
lit. . WS3 M 41. .1075 370 17..iti4 : : 4 2.1
: i , . 10.U lift ) 2. .11.10 375 72. 13.15 4 !
10 , . l l 3 M IS. . 11 1(1 ( a K > 1)5. ) .1532 4 DO
20. . 1201 3 65 23. . 1071 3 DO
1085 180 1..1070 200 1..I1IO 223
21. . nui 1 81 20. . KH 225 1. bliO 2ffl
a. 77 : ) 2(10 2..1i 5 225 2. .1140 2 GO
1. .1140 2 OJ 1. . 700 223 ( i..llKj 2 liO
1. .1050 200 13. . 051 225 1 < J..1U2U 285
.1510 200 1..12IO 200 1..1.VIO 225
1700 2 OJ I. . 1.170 205 L.lh'JO 225
.11GO 200 2. .10.10 215 1. .11110 2SO
1..1000 140 1. . TIO 150 1..1000 105
17. . 700 2 85
33. . 503 2 tO
MostoftheBmlnesa in Wheat Was Trans
acted the First Hour.
Onls Muted Another Notch Provisions
n Tilttloln I'rlco
The Cnltlo ami Hog
CHICAGO , July 10. [ Special Tolcjnun to Tltr.
Tlio big Imsinois linvlioat. so fur n n
jirlceit wns concerned , was over at
the ( 'ml of llio first liour , 1'ho heavy trading
conttniluil inoraur loss nil < hy mid llio iimr-
Vet. huvlng otico uilVnticuil. hold remarkably
stiong. The buying was by MrotiR imrtlt-s ,
uml tlic sltuntIon ujipenn to Justify tliolrliold-
liiK on to tholr wlu'Jin The market started
only 'Jo or He ever the Close , but It did not ru-
iiKilii tlioro 11 inlnuto. Didoi-i nt opening
l > rlcus roultl not bo Illicit till tlio price was up
! lc. Thcro WHS Just ono llttlo tlccllno
after the titiirt , causing u few sales
nttlio closing prices or ywtcnlny , and Him
prices moved straight up lo or more. 1'liun
tliuiu wnssoino ROCK ! selling , 1 > ut buyers took
euro of offering1 * and held tbcmiirkat , August
wlic-at sold M fc to HM--JO to Wlii" Koptotiihor
goliUDHutosii'to toMHo toft ) " td 0)c toMMo
towi'.c ; DoviMiilwrOmo to W'io to w\.to \ to l o
tolU'iO ' to 2Jo to lUVo , iietlns exactly with
i-ontcinbrr. As far nsiicws wi-nt , ilm foreign
situation was Imlllilivhllulhu iinrtliwi'stsimt
a Hood of lipiirlili dispatches. They were not
lliiii'd rlnht for the market and Una no foreo.
Liverpool cnbluweru llrm early on bull
veiitlmr ulirimd , and at thu eloso ( td
up on oliolcovlicit. : . J/onrlun. 1'itu
la the day , cabled a strolls ftpllng
vltll tliocontliii'tit buying wliout emy. which
did not iiffifi ) wltli the London ealile. lloinu
crown wheat In Knslawt was M for the week.
llnyliiK was Rtai'lccl by lliituhlnsoa brokers
Inking nhoiit 1OW00 Tlicn ltwm tt Co. ,
MeCormlcIv A Co. , Itakor & Co. , Hlooni , Orr
iiinl many other strong eoncei us bought liber
ally. The crowd followed and Duforo noon
trtidn wui ro.'arded n , lic.ivllv lonir.
Miles by Mllmlri ! Itodnian at nn advance were
uirdltcdto Hutchison. Receipts hero wuruUl
ears , with 77 ears for Monday.
Trade la corn was ay.iln disappointed. Dis
patches from his coin btates livuo tlio inattor
of n iood cmwlnij trun In doubt. Thcro win
tnnko new prices nnd the mimu for the day
waHiiariow. , luly anil August kept toKCtlie.r
botMcuiilPa and Ih'ie. of the sus-ton. Sop-
toinbor old at IWHc , JW olt on larger
lecelntsnt tlit ) opcnliiR up to3sj ; ( and becanio
steady at IHVic : .May was lwt\\ucn 4l'Sc and
4P < i' . The coin market was quiet tolhuclose.
The last prices were : July and AuL'ti-.t.'JS'nCi
Kentuniliur , IW'ie ' ; Octo'jor. So ) und May 4Pie.
All mouths were sellers o.xcept July und Au
The outs market was lifted another notch
( oday. The prleos of July was put tin an
other cent toi4u ! and solil later at ilic , closing
around : Ujc. ! The cash duinanil Is note strong
as It was. tii'ptombnr oats sold at tlio highest
point on tli j crop , toiii'hlngllOeclosing nt ) ' ( i' ;
August touched SOJiC. uloilnv at IW'iCi May
sold at 33'4.eiiC , closing at JH'v. llotehln-
Ben was a big buyer. The first car of now oats
that ai-rUed today was graded No. ; i while.
I'rovMons ' drugged down a llltlo in pilcn to
day , with no now fi'aturo tn thu tnulo. Mess
iioik was almost nesU'cU'd. but cloicd 5 to lOo
lower ntfll.SJ for July and * 10.i" for Septem
ber. Laid was oltU'Hc at JLiUi for eptenilior.
There was more soiling of ribs and Srptoin-
bcr wont olVto $ . " > . ! . " > , closing about the bottom.
Hugs at the yaida numbered KMHiO , or UWX )
iiioio than expected. 1'acUug to date , lT4Ulioo
, July 1 ! ) . [ Special TelcRtnu tn Tun
IlF.E.l CATTI.K Thcro was a fair dcniand for
the ulmliiR tiny of the wcok , particularly so
when tlio liiiinenso run for this season of the Is considered. Halos show moro or loss
IrieRuUrlty , but In a general way the nut ho
ciittlo sold without material change from the
prices quoted yesterday , llujcrs woio pretty
well filled , how ever , and the movement was
draggy , some cattle lemalnlng unsold. Cows
and hulls Inclined to weakness , but the
2V1D ( Toxuns on sale , owlnsj to a "hungry"
coining demand niado strong llguros , S looker
anil fecdor trade was In a llfolosseondltlon ,
not enounH doing , in faut , to quote a market.
natives , WSf&lffli cows , bulls and mixed ,
81.i. : < J4 40 : 'lexas cattle , f.1 OOQCI.10.
llooa Til" market opened strong at yester
day's'closuU. . 1'alees mlod very unovoii and
llnally Unified weak. Hales of Jioavy tanged
from ( to f I.X ! ) for poor ( o choice , with a few
fancy atJ. ! % . A bulk of tlioffood heavy , hon-
ever , sold at f'I.WViJl.85. Jlght soils , sultahKi
for pork , and > eleoted butchers' pigs broucht ,
ucnorally S\A\ \ though lights anil skips Hold
down tof3.M ) , end fancy slngo lust up to iK
with heto and thcro a transaction at $ ; i'J3. '
Nnw Vonrc , July 10. ( Spoclal Telegram to
Tun llKi'.l-SToqKS The market showed this
morning a continuance of the Intense dull
ness of yostorjay , while prices were only
slightly changed from those of last evening ,
with nshiRlooxcoptlon of Sugar lioflnorlos. in
\vhlclithorKooflast ovtntiu continued
and at 77 It was J percent better. A further
rlso to 77K followed by plenty of
stock canio out from that point
and It quickly retired to TS'i , The Ken-
oral list win utterly devoid of feature ,
nnd besides Sugar and silver certificates and
citizens CiaU ! > f llrooklvn showed nny anima
tion or movement. Silver moved up again to
lOUJs and citizens Gas advanced a fraction.
Sugar remained In the neighborhood of the
lowest and at 11 o'clock the market was still
hitonso. do. 11 and steady at about Hint prices.
The bank statement mailo public during the
succeeding hour was not a good ono , hut not
nearly as had as predicted by ilii.incinl Jour
nals. Hesorves showed a doiTeaso of f. QOUO ,
loans a deereaio of SiSI.'i.oOO und deposits de
creased JUXHi.OOO. Granger and coal stocks
voro Immovable. Sugar was up ngani to ? i >
and Chicago at . The wcok ended in a
most disappointing manner.
NP.W VOIIK , July J . [ bpoelal Telegram to
THE llKK.-Tho following are thu irlnliig stock
quotations :
Allco 2'a I lonioitnko 11X10 A llelrher 3M Ilornbllvor. Sii :
Cnloilonla II. 11 I'.O Moxlc.m : < )
Con. Cul. .VVn ; wj Mount Diablo I'M '
llpailwood T 123 .V. Cominouwo.iUli. . . 11
l.'olimmlii 100 Ontario I1X )
KurokuCon 8.r > 0 rijriwnith 411)
llnlo * Norcrosa Ji'i I'lin-nlx. Arti 17."i
CHICAGO , July 10. 1:15 p. m. close Wbcat
Firm ] cash , b7ic ; HepU'inbor , Wo ,
Corn l''lnu ; cash , JSJio ; Bcptcmbcr ,
Outs Unsettled ; cash , SlJJoj September ,
) ' . { o.
Kyo Steady nt H' 'iMOo. '
lliirloy Quiet ; 07(5,70. (
I'rlmo .
Klav E.islor ; 41.2JK.
I'ork Dull : cash. | | JS ; HoDtembcr , SIO.STi.
Lard Steady ; uaah , W.SO : boptomber. tJ.'Wi '
C vir > .
riour I'lrin ; winter wheat , 51.00G4.30 ;
spring , 81.fi02 > 4X. ; u > d. tS.W33.00.
1'rovlsloas Slionldors.'M.tDai.W : short clear.
$ ! short rlhs.i-.0ixa'i.0j.
Huttor Unchanged ; cieaniory,12aiOoj dairy ,
s-iltpd. RW4U ! Halted bulls. ro ; grooa salted
calf , TUQ.'i" . ! try salted hides , tin ; dry calf ,
Mtlic ; doacons. ! Uu each.
Tallow 1 ; nchangoa ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4o ;
No. S.UVJu ; cake , 4 0.
, Hecolpts. Shlpm'ts.
Ilour . 8uoo 7,0t'j
Wheat . : K,00) CTHH ( )
Cora . 2iHCOO llli.OOO
Oats . 1SO.IBO 1J'.000
Nr.w yoiiK.JulylO. Wheat llceolpts. 17-.2JO
busholso\ports,4sl50 bushels ; spot hlghur !
No. arcd wiUWJolnoluvator ; 03o afloat ; 07
W.MHo to. b ; opt loin closed Urm ; No. J red ,
Jnly.eloslnu at Wic.
C'tiru UouulptH KW.7TO bushels ; spot firm. No.
2 ll'jo Inoli'vator ; 4'KBi.v-io ; niiKraded
ml.\ctl44QIU'o { ; options lower , July closing at
443 , < o.
O.its locolptsS ! < ,0001)ushols ) ; options Irreg
ular , July oloihiK nt 40o : snot higher ; No. 2
hlto41JiO42ii ! mlxod wostoru S83llo ; white
L'offeo Options steady , unchnngod to 5
points up. sales. U.25J bags. July tl7.'J5 ; Au
gust $ l7.10417.15j bpot Hlo stuady ; fair car
goes , r-M.OO.
Sugar Haw firm ; fair rfflnlng 413-10o : ro-
niuHllower ; 0 5M5ic ; white extra O 5 c ;
yellow 4 iMo : off ASO-lGoi mould A U 3-UJo :
Htandanl A 61-lrto ; cut loaf ( i'io ; powdered
UU-lOo ; cranulatOJlO Ho.
I'ctrofoum Uultod elosod for August at
Wo.Kitgs 1'anoy firm , western fair to fancy ,
I'ork Steady , mess , I12.7.VS13.SO.
J.ard Dull , easy ; western steam ( asked ;
July M.07.
lluttor Quiet : Klein ITOl'Koiwostorn dulry
Ktllo ; creamery IDitlTe.
( JliouaoVeuk ; [ mrtaklins 3UiW > iO.
WlNNEU'OLlH. July 10. Wheat Itoeoiptu. ft )
car * . blilpmiMit.s. M rnra ; cash wheat iinlut ;
rather slow ; hlghenidoa active ; low grade uuu
winter wheit oxtrrmMy dull. Clo-sliiR ! No , 1
hard , July and August. w * s < m track , KJjr'JIoi '
No I , nnrlhorii , July nnd August. 8.1Sion . :
track , Kw , < , No , 3 northern , July and Au-
Cint , H-loi on lr.icW.83.e-V.
ST. . Loft * . July la.Wlif > nt-Markotliljhor |
witli , K'la'i Soptcmhor , t M .
C'oin 1/owori cash , l)01 ) < 4.KiC ! ! ! September ,
D7c. '
Ortls Hither ! rmli.anebldi September. iWiP. !
I'ork Dull at J1I.U- ) .
l.nrd tjulet at f.vr > < v.Vf0. ! !
Whlsky-Ptcady lit JU3.
llutter-UnchaiiRed ; j'holco creamery , ISO
ICci r.lKln , ITSbe ; cholrtt dairy , HAlSe.
MiiWAfKF.K , . Tuly lO.-Wheat IIIsher ; No. 2
sprlne.cush. wva87o ! No. 1 northern , Wo.
Corn I'mni No. II. iWo.
O.its 1'irnii No. 2 while ,
llyc rirnuT ) No. 1 , 40lc. (
llirli < y-Qulit ; No. 2..V > e.
1'rovlsloin 1'asy. i'ork Cash , 711.25 ; Aug
ust. J10.40.
Ol.vcixXATl , July 10. Wheat Hlghor ; No.
S ml. 80e.
I'oin StrnnRj No. 2 mixed , lip.
iat-s r.asy : No. 2 , mixed , * > ® ; 8iio.
KANSAS Oirv , July in. Wheat Stronger ;
No. 2 hurd , cash , 77Ji877J4 ; July , 77 > io bid ;
No. 2 rod. ea h'KU'K' ' .
I'orn fctendy ; No. 2 , cash , SU'iSMO'Sc ; July.
tats Ka-Jlcr : cash , DSo ; July , 57He.
crn , Hs O.Ud per cental
OincAno , July IS. 0v.ttle licrolpti , 4,000 :
shipments none ; market , dull , steaily ; natives
W.iViil.W ; covvu. bulls and liil.\cd , tl.S5QI.4l )
Tevas cattle , i2.OOtM.10.
llcus-Hecolpt.s.l'.tmO : marlcotweak ; tiackors
and "shippers. * J.O. > S'I..C ' ; mixed and select
heavy , M.7aii.lW ! ; bklp ? and assorted light ,
J.r < ii.tir ; ( .
Sheep Hocelpts , 4.0DO ; nvirket easier ;
natives. ? 4.1.i3l. > s ) : westerns , ii.t ; Tux-
ana , i.i.lttftil.W ; lambs , tt.iw i i 10.
Sioux UITV , la. , July It' ' . Iliis-lteoolts | ) ,
2ilK : ) ; market opened 24u loner ; quotations
* ; ; . .Vr' ! ,
Oattltt Ten car loads were received today ,
Inlttlicydld not stimulate trado. Except a
low feedois trading was conllnod to scalpers
with unchanged quotations.
ST. Loiiig , July 1' ' ) , Cnttlo-ltecelpts , OOOi
shipments , 1,100 ; market shade higher : fair to
fnnuy native steers , W.P.nil.70 ; stockeis and
feeder * . M.aMrW.10.
lloxs Kocelnts , 1,100 : shlnmnats. 2.403.mar :
ket strong : IIPIIV.V. juwa.l.ri ; light , tJ.OjQ
U.77' ' J paekliiK. t UiVQ'l.TO.
KANSAS CITV , July ID. Oattlo-ltecolpts ,
IViflO ; xiilpiiiciiti , 0,200 ; market steady
to strong ; steers , 8J. : ) iB4.D : cows , $1.503X00 !
stocki'M and foeder.s , fJ.r Vit.l.r l.
Iloirs uuculiits , ni'tO ; ' : , " " \ mar
ket steady to lower ; all Rradus , JH7 aj.GiJ.
COHV nsc.
- . . .
cnoi'i'Ki ) riin : JDM.
risn-1'er Ib : I'erch. 7o ; InifMns , 7o ;
pickerel , he ; pike. IK.trout. ; . Oa : whl to. Do :
i nipple. lOo ; cat llsh , lie ; cud tte i , . , , , , ) ; lloun-
deis. ISc ; Oregon salmon , lie ; bhick bass , 13c ;
lolf'.tei-J , 13o ,
.IIIM.IKS 'UiQIe peril ) .
DKi-ssKn VK.\ir-'lmico medium , & 157c ; light.
fil-Vio ; hBiivy , 4 4'io.
LlNsiii : : > OirU'iw. . 03n ; b died. ( He.
UIIIKII Per bbl. rellno I , Jii.oj ; half bbl. M.2. ' . ;
hard ( lilerj pure , per bbl. $ - > . ( ) ! ; iiranso older ,
half bbl , * , .UO ; pear I'ldev , half bbl. * 7.l ) ( ) .
\\oof. Mno imwa-hod.H'iiirii ; : mi-dlum un
washed , IM'Um eoat-o unwas'ied. Iwai.'Jo.
lIiiiK-J. 1'Kf.TS AND TAi.i.owUreeaalted
i i ea . ) ' ( | U ! dry hdti d hides , fie ; dry Hint
h i en , i-j calf iiii , w. U.Tr7 > ic , namaR.'d
hhleslV , , s. t-heop polU. Breen , each , &uc ®
J1.VS ; shocp pelts , < liy. | ) t.f. Ib , iHtle.
TAI.WHV-A No. 1.41'c ; No. S.lUM'ic : siva-e ,
whlt < -iH'k' : ! ; yellow. "i'rMo ' ; stoarlnoi ( e.
llONKS ( Otlotlitiiins ILM fiipilillv.i.v In I'lil-
OBKO. ) Dry biitriito , per ton. JUMMfils.'JO ' ; diy
country , Ineai-lied. ilf.iO' III.OJ ; diy country ,
damp and meaty , 59.0'VUO.OO. '
lUiXRV Stralncil. CO-lheans , peril ) , 9o ; new
comblionov. IRTJlhu ,
UKANS lland-pioked navy , if 1.7.732.00 ; handpicked -
picked navy , medium. SI.CO I.7.'i ; hand-picked
country , JI.40rjl.oi ) ; good clean. sSl.lOffilJJi.
1'it'Kt.KS-Mudloiii , porl bl , t5.dUbiuulI ; , JO.r.O ;
gherkins , $7.f > 0.
HrACKiiKliliiKS iJSLVKfl.OJ ppr2l-nt case.
KvAi-oiiATKD Ai'i''aiicy , lOK' llo nerlb.
liMjiiKimiKis-1' bu , Jj.oj.
l'erl4-it ! | ca-,0 , $ ! .TOJ4,00
$3.r > 0 per 2lit case.
UOOSKIIRUIIIKS Two-biishelstand. J4.003o.03.
COCOAKUTS 1'or 1X ( ) , Si.ix ) .
W.VTRHMir.T.O.NS : I'll I1 101 , S2".00" W.OO.
OANTKr.OHI'U 1'or (1(17 ( &I.Uk&Ull. )
CAUKOIIMA Ciiiiiuii-i-l'er : lo-lb box , 8t.HOtt
1.7."i ; southern , per husbul , S2.r > 0i.X : ( ) ; Oregon ,
l'KACur.3 Aikansas. } J-biiRhol box Jl.OO ®
] .r 0 ; Oalifornla , pi3rlo.v > 62.00i. . ' > 0.
LT.MONS 1'er box. Met > sna ! , fency , SO.OO.
ToMATOhs I'our-hasUet orates , it. ' > 1Kfa.
ONIONS Now southern , pur bbl , SI.5035.0J.
I'llAiiti Itartlctt. Oalllornla , per box , J1.50.
I'HUf.-us-German , per IHJ.V , J3.23 ; tragedy ,
per crate. $ . ' .7j.
I'I.UMS I'urplo Dunne , per box. IJ.2.1.
POUI.TUV 1'er don-n , choice buns , $ ' . ! .TOtVJ.rO ;
.choice . mixed , $ J.50/r'J.OO / : roostors. 82..VTfl.7J ;
spring chlcKons , ? ! .w 2.'J. " > for small ; fc.V- > 3'I.Oo
for niodlum ; , IJWjJI.5j for largo ; live tut keys ,
ltuTTiH--Urvaiaory : , fancy rolls , print ,
lOVio ; uroamcry , fancy , solid packud , ia ®
cruatnnry , choice , lOVpl''e ; dairy , fancy lolls
and ntlntx , liUic : dairy , fnncy solid packed ,
10Iio ; dairy , choice. UQilOo ; country lull ,
fancy , &So ! ) ; cliOlce , 7 ( < iSo : Inferior , 25c.
Knns--10o for stilotly fresh ; btalo not sal
OIIKESE TJxtra fancy cream twins , 10o ;
fancy full oream twins , l ) u ; choice full
cream twins. Do : coed full croani twins , 8i > :
fancy skims , 7ii67iu ! ; choice skims , GHJc ( :
fair to good , ! < r& > yiu ; cliolco Young Amnrloa ,
12c ; fnnuy llmbm-gor. 10T4l2o ; fancy brick , 10 ®
tic ; domestic ; Swiss , 15&17C.
Dry O noils.
IUAVY nuowN COTTONS Atlantic It , 7
Atl.mtio II. 7c ; Atlantic I ) . OJfo : Atlantlo 1' .
e ; Aurora 0 , 4Xo ; Hack's Head , O'to ; Cabot
, OJiii ; Darlington. O'jo ; Karmcrs' Nn. 1. 4'j ®
4Vic ; lloosler l.L , SHBJ India Head , 7Uo ;
Lawruiiuo lift. fiJio ; Henrietta lilt , fi c.
KINK lliiowN COTTONS Atlantic 1.1. , Co : Au
rora H , Hc ; Aurora K.C o ; Atlas O N It , 7Mo ;
uhoc cloth , 4o : Clinton Fi SJio ; I'cpporcll I ( ,
; Lungdon U 11,1)0. )
lll.KACMKi ) ( 'OTTONM Itorkploy cambric No
GO , flu ; Iut ! < Yet , ( i'/o ; lluttorulotli XX , 4',5o ' ;
C'ul)0t. ) 7io ! ; I'lrst ( Jull.OVJu ; 1'rultof tlio Loom ,
B'ic ; lllll Semper liluin , bo ; HoiispUocpnr. h'iu ;
Kliii ; I'lilllip cambric. lOo ; Lansdon ( r If , ! ) ! jo ;
Lonvlnln , Wf ; I.onsdulo cambric , lOo ; Now
York Mills , lie ; O.ik Lawn. 7u.
Nut-l'onporoll , 4.1-ln. , lu ( ) ; I'opmiroll , 8-4. lie ! ;
1'epperell , -4li-4. Mo ; I'i'pperell , 10-4 , 22 , Utlca ,
4S-ln. ir > c ; Utlca. r.S-ln. l"ic ( ; Utlca , 7s-n,24o | :
Utlca , HMn , LMo ; Utlca , W-ln,2SJc. ! llleached
Net ' . 42-ln. lOo ' lii-ln
I'eppiroll. - ; 1'epperell , - ,
lie ; I'eppei ell , li-4. 141JO ! 1'epperell , S-4. 20o : 1'ep-
po > olI.U-4. 220 ; I'lippuicll , ll-l ) , 22o ; Utlca , 8-1 ,
21c ; Utlca , 0-4 , lo ; I'tlea. 10-1 , Ssijc.
. O'Jo Amoskeap ,
dress , s'ic ; ] latu > . 0'ic : Warwick , dress. 7'c ;
Lancaster , CUc ; Glciiuf ! < v Ui \Vhlltonton ; ,
clrots. bljC.
I'uiNTs rnrtlco blue Kct Martha Wash-
inslon.Oe ; American , ll'ioj Arnold , nlto ; Ainold
U , lonirolotti. 3 > u ; fellful A , 12o ; Merrimaok.
? . 10c , Cold leaf. H u ; Hamilton. fi o ; Allen
1'lnks , 0Jo ! ; Allen Ohanibray , Co ; Gloucester ,
I'Vinolos ' Tildystono , O o ; Steel
River , fie ; Itamapo. 4'/io ! St. Ledger , 5 > c ;
aiilrtlnps Martha Washington , 4Vie : Morrl-
maok , 4c. ! Turkey Keds Fountain , Wio ;
( jirner,7c : ; Crollold , Hiic : llerlln. ( i io ,
\ViaANS-Not , Thistle. 7'4o : Hcd Ontss. 7c.
Cor.oiiKD OAMIIHICS Ciown , 44c : Ited htar ,
Wtvt rolled Clover , Oo : Slater , Go ; high colors ,
Ic nxtri ,
C'HAfeii Ptovons" II , 18-ln. S'-So ; Stovnns' D ,
18-ln , Cc ; Slovens' A. IHn , 7e : Stevens' I' , H-ln ,
7'Jc ; Slovens' M. Is-In.fc'Jc ' , StOMMis' N , 20-ln ,
fiiic ; .Slovens' NN , 20-in. B o ; Slovens' SJIT ,
'JO-ln. JI-iu ! ; hlcaehcd , Ic u.xtra.
JlKSflMH Net Amosciig | | , 0-oz. lfi'o } ; York ,
camlet , 12o ; Kveiett , sUindard , J2Wu ; Hay
maker's , 7(4c ( : Old York , XX , Viya ; Lawrence ,
22J. ii'/4e : : Lawrence , 0-oz , 13Ho ; fancy btrlpcs
and checks , lto. !
Con ON'ADK.s York Nankin , 10lo ; Hvorott ,
8-oz , ISc : Lonlston. 10-ozSJo ! ; Worklnsman's ,
14c ; Oorksorow caMimerivi' e.
AVcckly Hank' Ktatoinont.
YOIIK , July 19. [ Spoulal Tolcgram to
Tun HIK. : ] Tlio weekly bank statement shows
tliu following phansua :
llc.sorvo , doori'iisc I f > SO,075
1/oans , ( Ircreast ) W.l.WJO
Spuolu , ( locruuso. . . 2s.v : > ,400
J < c : il tondurs , Ineruaso iiV)00 : ) ( )
Deposits , dcoruiiso. . . . ' . . . . ljUAvn 7U.400
Thu banks now liulU $5,027,100 In execs1 * of the
SSnorrvnt rule.
Tlio export of epoclo from the port ot Now
York last wcok amounted to JA47U.131. of
which J.323Hl was In cold and irwo ( sllvor.
.Tlio Imports of spooln for thu week iiinoiiiitort
toilio.fvis , of which (33,057 was hi gold uuU
J ,781 silver.
Tlio Cuft'cu Market.
NEW YOIIK , July 19. [ Special Tolosram to
Tar. ItKu.l Ooneo Option * , steady und un
changed to S points ui. Sale ) , 13.2.V ) bag' , In-
eluding July , I1T.23 ; Aiisusl , * I7.10317.15 ; Sep.
tonibor , * lfi.CO ; Octobur , $ ; Doccmbcr ,
til.CO ; January , $1 ! > .41 ; Murcb. (15.30 , Spot Itlo
nulut but btuiifly ; fair cargoes , i O.OO ; No,7
llut , iJb.2i3lS.J7v , .
Dr. Dlrncy euros catarrh , Boo bldfj.
Dr. Knlin , nn employe of Marcus Frank.
lln , Is wanted for mubozzlcmoiit. HU om-
liloyur 1ms 11 led an Information cbarglng hUn
ivltli upiuiriiriutlni ; to hU own use four doiou
p&lfsof spcctuclud valued ut i.
Real Estate Owners Oonfiilcntly Expecting
a Rise in Values.
for Inside Property Im-
Umlcr "XVny nnd Con
templated Comparative Heal
Kstnto nnd Hi tik Figures.
The week just passed hns not been prolific
of largo negotiations lit real oit.ito matter *
but tlioro scorns to bo n bolter fueling nmou
nil classes of holdera.for the Immediate future.
Prohibition or high license form the basis of
nearly all tnlk on the subject of real estate ,
nml now that the prevailing or/lnliln / seem * to
ho thatp inhibition will not carry next Novom
bei'owners nro more secure mid Investor *
feel srfcr In limiting Inquiries for property.
It ennnot ho too ot ten rclteiiited that a great
futtiroli bcforo this splendid growing elty.iiiul
n cursory glance over the past is nil is
necessary to insure ooiillilonco for Ita future.
Str.mgcrs passing a day or Uvo in tlio city on
their way cast or west nro astonished , upon
making inquiry that no higher prices are
nsltcd for Inside business ptopcrty. They
cite St. I'nul , Minneapolis itnd Kniisas City
as towns where values nro much higher hut
with no reason for It Is apparent to even the
most Btipcrllelal observer that Omaha has a
better country directly tributary to Its lob-
bint ; utul manufacturing houses than
any other city west of Clil-
e.igo. Tlioro can bo no successful
controversy on this fact. Pour or llvo
years ngo the price of Sixteenth street
frontage was leas than half what It readily
sells for now , and in many Instances
prices tlireo times greater than tlioso iiskcJ
llvo years since. All btracta in the neighbor
hood of the court house and eltv hall will
soon bo taken up by business. The radical
grade of Douglas street will hriii } ? that
thoroughfare Into the gc'iiorul list of prospec
tive business west of Sixteenth and the
streets , Seventeenth. Eighteenth mul Nine
teenth will all feel the bcnelit. Aheady
several shrewd buyers are in iking inquiries
for property along these streets anil it is
pretty certain that a rise of values will ensue
in thn iiL-nr future.
The most uotablo work of Improvement to
bo roninieneed the pist week win the
letting of the contract to 1111 nnd
briiifj to Ki'-'do ten miles of streets In Kuat
Omaha. The earth will bo hauled from
Vlorcnco bv cars and 700,01)0 ) yards , costing
tyoo.oiK ) , will ho required to tie the work.
Other improvements are conlcmphitcd by the
company , the members of which Inivo deter
mined to build up a larfro manufacturing ills-
tiiet over what used for many years to bo the
bed of the Missouri ri'vpr.
It is pivtty well settled that the Milwaukee
and Kock Island ro.uU will join and build a
Inrgo It-eight depot at Seventeenth street and
the railroad tracks. The Uock Island in
view of its certain and permanent advent
into Omaha is bound to have facllitioj for
humllhiK its immense freight business , and
the location upoicen of is utmost certain to lie
utilized for that puriio.ii ! . The visit of Gen
eral Manager S. It. 11. Clark of tl.o Missouri
Pacific yestcrd.iy uiuphuatzus the report that
Ills company will soon conunenro tlio erec
tion of a inagniticent p-uscugor depot on tlio
grounds purchased two or three years ngo
lor the purpose , on Sherman rvenue , running
ftoin Nicholas north to Charles street. The
talk that Iho Missouri l\\citlo would conibino
with the Union I'.ieillo In n passenger
depot is not borne out by those best posted in
tin ; matter. Inside pai ties declare tlmt the
Missouri Pacific w III build its own depot
either this year ev next spring and then Lid
for oilier eastern roads to use its terminal fa
The grading has boon completed uy Con
tractor Sluht for the now Union i'acllic pas
senger depot , and as soon aa the tearing down
of iu * previous "cow shed" is eompluted act
ive work will bo commenced on thu magnifi
cent structure which will bo a sourcoof pride
both to the company and the , city.
Work has begun on the Union
Pacific freight house , Tlu baildintr will
practically cover nil the ground running from
Jones to Jackson nnd KIghth to Ninth streets
nnd will bo ono of tlio largest freight depots
in the world.
MM. Clinton Brings of this city lias deter
mined to build an elegant family hotel on her
property nt the northwest corner of IVonty-
llfth and Farnam streets. Mrs. UriRRS has
traveled iu the cast n great deal for the pist
live or six years and her intelligent
observation loads her to believe that
such mi invcstmciu will prove both
beneficial to Omaha , where ho owns Inrgo
Interests and remunerative. The hotel , us
contemplated , will bo almost exclusively for
tlmt class of people who desire- homo und at
tlio same time do not wish to b hindered with
the cares of housekeeping and bo frco to
coino und go whoa they wish. The honso
will bo 120 by ISO on the ground and will rise
to a height of llvo or six stories , which will
bo oruato in design and modern iu every uo-
tall. It is estimated that tlio cost will np-
proximalo f JOO.OOO and work will bo begun
cither this fall or c.irly next spring.
Work on the northern abutment of ttio
Tenth street viaduct will bo commenced Im
mediately , the contract having boon let some
time ago.
Krueat Stuht U building a three-story
brick hotel at the corner of Eleventh and
Mason streets , the cost of which will bo from
$23,000 to S ' ! 0,000.
Tlio transfer of N. B. Falconer's property
on Douglas street to J. G. Adams nnd
others of Uoston was nmdo last
ITriday the consideration being $70UIK ) for 41
feet f rontngo.
It is stated that Low Hill hns offered the
corner ot iVifleonth and streets for
$11X1,000 to an investor who is now figuring
on tlio proposition.
A largo number of splendid improvements
nro in process of development for West
Farnam street.
William 1 \ Loronzcn has commonred build
ing three three-story stores and Hats on Six
teenth , near .Tones street.
Thomas li1. Hall has the plans completed
for a line three-story block ( itixl.TJ feet ut the
northeast corner of Sixteenth and Leaven-
worth streets. This building will bo ono. of
the most substantial on the street.
The foundations for the Carter Wlilto Lead
works in East Omaha are finished and worlt
will bo begun on the superstructure Immedi
Tlio Improvement llccoril.
The following llguros show the real estate
transactions , building ponniU. nnd bunk clear
ings for the veelc compared with the corresponding
spending weak of last year :
m\b : KSTATB TuANsraia ,
Day. WO. HM.
Monday $4i.H.-l : $ 77.82)
Tiuisd.iy D.K.7ffl jH.OiiT
Wednesday TT.ft'.ll '
Tlnu-Mluy . l. " > .r ! 7 MHU :
Krlday . BI.OOO 10H.17S
Saturday . 40,077 77.WI
CDTotals . { (0 ( : , a 8KM,15'J *
Day. lRSt. ! 1ROO.
Monday . J U,7vl $ 'i.G'iv
Tuesday . 51,000 H.ioi )
Wednesday . 8.0JO 4',1X )
Thursday . 5n..WJ 17H4r >
Krldav . 7,000 m
baiuuliiy . 1U.700 17.1UO
Totals . ? 1I3TO 8"t 0KJO
The bank cluarlnga for Ihocok were as fol
lows :
Monday . 1,1S.RS1.BI )
Tiiesdny . ( Ull.017.ul
Wfiimsiliiy . r.ioon.ti : )
Thursday . ! )11 ) , ' . J. < I
1'rlday . TMT.Ili..U't '
Buluiday . COt.llg.4
Tolal . * I,7S)1OBM3 )
An Incrcftso ever the corrosponaltif : wcok
of last year of 23.8 per cent.
The following permits wore Issued by the
buildinc inspector yesterday :
Jlcrrli I.ovy , two-story brick rcsldonco.
DoilRO Ktriut. noarTwenty-seconil. , 112,000
James II. Macombor. tttotoiy frame
residence , Twentieth und nmmel
hi rods . 5,000
Ono minor permit . IM
Total . . . . . . U7.1M
Dry Ooodfl Mirlcot.
Nnw VOHK , July ID. llnslnoss In dry goods
wu light , Tln'io no duvelopiiiouts today ; ,
tlio iuutkt.t boluD' chlolly oxueutuul.
Between Messrs. Roscwater and Webster
( for high license ) and Messrs. Dickie and
Small ( for prohibition )
From complete stenographic reports , with
out abridgment or alteration ,
This debate has attracted special attention ,
not only in Nebraskabut all over the United
States. It is conceded on all hands to be
the greatest debate upon the prohibition is
sue on record. Adherents of both sides
by each speaker. Not a word has been
changed. While prohibition organs garbled -
' bled the anti-prohibition arguments when
printed at all , THE BEE prints every
word of argument presented in the great
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