Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1890, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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A dVI IfTfI1 'wTrf or Hit
J\ INI IH km mi tlll.'i j ji in forllie > ex-nlnif
till linn mil nut U 3 > P in * lor the
ulltlin Hiiil MS ii U' I tew.
a li lp ( lvnw-o.
I ) ATf H AitreTtl i rrnl otillilii | > iiKn will ho
L' < b rPil for ntllie rittc ( f I1- , tent i r wiml
( ir tini'r t IIIM Hlmi ami I writ per wurd for
Mioli s'.t > fc'iu > t t ln-'M-tlon. n ml I..M | < * r line1
ttir nil-Hi li An 11 'h prt-lwuiPiitH lakni for ku >
| liHti''l ' it nifilor Ho llrnllnm.rtloiu
NriIAJu , routes , MjrtrUoN , etc , count cacli
iuUtrtl Mi rnt irni-t run rorjccn-
I It anil nnilrr no cri-iiin ! l tm-s will
Ilicylx tnhi norillsfdtitlnunl by ltto | > honi * .
> AIII III * Dih-c rtlM > liitflti -ccoliiiriniliiiil
J lirivhi-rlhilr ntwrmUfiOtviwil t li "nntn-
I cred h It r1 In CRI& otlllKltur wll roccilvn
ii xiitiil.ei'd ' ihiaok lonnaliluilniii tri fnt tholr
Hit"Amron will In ( Ullx'tcd only otl
jjK'M iiln lli'ii i f thin rSin-k. l-'ni'loto niuivoiH
In 4MHi'iK's | | intily ; inldri'miwl ,
I , I , liilMitHfiiionLH undr > r Ilia hcnd 'if
A t > ( ' -.Id Vitlic * " itrt ) publisher ) I ntwthtrio
lii't iinil cronl in clli Im iid'iiK ! K. tlio
clrciiliitlin "I wlilfli u/Ji-iimtM tuoro tlnm
Sfl.'iopa ( ( r-t flullr , nnoKiMH iho tulvoriiwr
rh'-lein'M nit r. nly of lli - liirk'ee rcnliitlon iif
tliip. Iti'l' In flrnalm , luitaKoln iViiinfll Illutr * ,
I tnio ! n > , iililljiT ( l tl aii < llowii- Ihouust.
ITI-fMIVI'H : for nIiunl'oM or for
APV1 or remain la < 'l | > . nit ixi-cidlmr
w > r up' liH'rU'l ' lnTiiKl-rsiiu It IT a ) linlf
into durli ftlhetii'iiil ' hi'ir July Jind A.njHKt. !
"Jli' lo-'uM ' rati wll li fmre 'iL lor ouch
rul'l't on nlv rrl nlxtvu 'JI u-jr < JmiH ivill in for
C.IM1SC llt' '
Ailrntltoliitt fftr tn-Tco'iir-.n I llbo tnken
TI tin1 n1 oxu ( ( iiitllllini" . i'1 t o following
lii'slni * K lioiiien wlio mi" null ( > fi/stl ( t'i tnko
. | > i'cliil ' i olrc ! , ; it Hits itiiiu uitus in can bo
luid it tlio i
or'in OH/MIA
UWi N ' trrc t. UstLr Mo te.
f OIIN V. IIKLI.riiarinnol L.'JO ( fc'oulh Tenth
v Htr < el.
CDIiV. ftafoners anil I'rlntors ,
\\T .1 , 111 niLIS.PIinmisitlt.t.WiNortli . ICLli
> .
MTO , "W. PA Hit , ISiaiiniicSst , I'tH I.uaven-
X vtorlli Krewl.
T-V'0'1 ' '
l'iinatu > , etr. frrtup t\f \ ! > i ft mlumn
flrilf itltj ( oil '
/r iN Hur tl 1 ly ii 'dm ls t o f II
\ ' jcai-smn'i'linin En Niirwnjr ant I J yen sin
A. ini'i Ifii liKlnli-il jiliiiriikiiilit r\t i > .ikola ,
liv ex ifiiliiiUrin. SV. | l. , llt > \ M.'i , \inlit ; < n ,
' ' , H. H. _ - ' . . ' *
AN I'ldi ilj Isuly v lstU" H | | intloti as inn < iii
dnrliiK' mflniiiiciit Uiiiacxiu'iloiirii and
of ii'fi ICIHOS. Mt-s. 1. Iloiui , llWiuirlli
\yASTI I ) I u n1 own tint Irs * Hum 11 iw hil n-
i i dii'ii kll u nilon iisBiiiln luiyii anil 10.111-
ut-'er of ntatli > ii ben conipi t 'nt in nn ; best of
ft fir mis furnlnlicd iljonrs expuclcnee. Ad-
( lir s Iorkll < iAiiipfCit ni' , NVb. < : y a ) ' *
TVTOTU'H li iiic'icliint tillucri
iwniilolby ln-.t-1'liiss rntur ; n fini'iim (
plvin. AiMnM < i | | ( > , llco ntlli'O. iVilJyU' . ' . *
m o n i :
i Ti
I"irrcicx ( , ctf , * n Nir t fl / nl
_ I fnlj inlfitun .s
\\rANrPli -'hi lilr. u fL-w piilent ilislit men
' foe Null , ami In. , to sell liril lnr > for my
liotstlns ( inrl nnlcin-dliiK inmhlni' . Miohlm : >
will lio'st iiii l diiiup Joint ofmiilii In rrlli or bin
In tliiiiimliriitiM 1'ci.tiiil. Usimd .1 line iK1H \ ) .
Aililri" wllli ri'd roucTS llar\c'y 1/lllln. Inven
tor , iitiiiiKKti. l > ll. r4-a )
VI/VN'lTl > 1 'livn i unK nionanil IwiTlad les
'i to > ll < . ! t mi h'liiantiti'ccl stlnryof ft per
clay. Uooin'JlI , ( . 'luinlii mfCJoiiiiniTcu. ( CIVJu *
" \\rAPJTrl > 'IVo onciiTdllc joiuu nicn In
> < linvol. must bo wllllni ? to work on Kinall
Ralnry ill Iliit. ; u lli ( - Mvlili itiinni r/ock Hot
ew , x , r.iinni b m. . 'i. . ia.--so *
" \\rArs 'I'KIJ AacMinii nnuiol ooil
i ( iiialllk'iMlinisuiiil a tlioiiniuti luio lodKU
Of ljOOUI > IHl3l ] H WHl ll HUotl iHHlLlllll Of mllllU
Idiul. IliUi'hml c.xiH'ilnnm In tlio liunlwiiio
lino. C'uii riLiiilsli Kwxl icfuunco and cl > o
l iencr 9 < Hiix. : Ailduw-t K r. , llio. 6U7-2I *
AlllTTir"w7mro"T ! irfNoffoil. . Mel > .i 8KI per
wisilt andRtc.iay Job. Wrlto U. IJ. Uou-o.
\ \\f AATFinV ! Papllllon , Ni-lj. , for
i iHliinilJt. U. wuriniioinme.i.Vierdnyi ) : |
r > 01 ii.oii at sfUO mid > l.jr . MtilxiMitrnotnrs
vnutccl. ) lulJ < iiniIct > . llioI'lipllllun , , Nob.
' Stlcsrnrii citiMiilii'jr or conmils-
fl'iu ' | , i liimdld ilij iii wpilriil rlnnilciil
Jiikciinlni : ptnivll. 'J'hn xH'ulist f-cllliij ; nor-
tilty iVrii | icuc < U. l > . Ink tliorniinbly
In two soeniiiLsl no nbruslon ot i > : iu | > r. ixil to
MllpiTU'iit p lull I , ( Siicnuciit'snilli'suiiKiiinli'd
totilltl In AC ! tlayn ; .Liintbur SU IIL two hours.
"W * want IMI I onrrm'tloKi'iu'riil iiKi'nt foroMiry
Ntntu mill territory , Sinniilo by tunll .Ti
J or id full tlc nlns mUliiv 'J'lio
.1 , Wit.
ANTKD A IIr l-clii.siKli/lcr. AVIncnto&
Hlltiy , Htli niuLJ'liirt'U ' UK _ BK.I LI )
A.KT.Ml A OnLilaHsliinill > alorntoiirn.
Mirt iLiul Ki d wnaiN. Klnpt t
nt.JJln < iiliu. NVli. _ ip-j-L.
oii'iihuid | < | iiarU'rs
, mum pilncliilo iMttiiio
contnil of nn rli us 11 u"M nnd appnlnt local HIM !
siili-uiuiili In Mury illy"Int'liln ate , poods
- - kmivii , Wiiiili ) us I four. In iinlviinul do-
iiianil.and pjivjnotiirolll.otM \ IDICII poreent.
Ailclrms I'lio UiiloK toiiiiiany , TJI llniulway ,
K. Y. riK"- ,
\\TAMI lTffo l llrst eliiM nil1l > ( rscall on
.l.lMLoi'li north of Deaf nnd Dunih In-
stllutii. _ ' _ nio L'U"
WANT1.IAHlilppliiKeIcrl. . i'xi * > rleaoe < l In
llnMilii lMilo Krounrv IniHlnesM enn hear
of n ( xislt'ikii h } u.doliusslii Ktfjlvuolliiu ; fl\a
ufoiuniKi. fc.'l iit
" \VTAN1 KITnirk Inyii-s nnil suifarrrs nt
IT Iveitriiey , riiiUvn ; t s Ji.75 to &t fruo
traiiHpiii-lillon Applyon thnork < irnt ronni
IS. N < < lii-in1i SnOl Ilaiit liulIiSliiK. Oinaliii ,
. H HUMo. 5JJ 24
I > . An < nKJi-lonu' | < l
i > 3. IHXluil. Add rcn * K l ) HUL ,
AV TANTRI ) M IIIMII nt Sivlft&C'o. li'iihonvs
Cut.oir laVi. Wiat *
l7ANTFIU'i tii > fd nt once lOQwiiltin
M fiOiiuUsto ( III ( ilni'in of slrlUlnit _
nnd vnltrr-rt , Klciuly t-iiiitlnyiiiuil to ponil
lii'lp , Ai | , ! y totlioht. l.oiilillutil nnil lii'i-
tiiuinnt iif < nl'itlcii ) | A. A Anilrou * . 1'ics.
llodtns fi5 or llnilIIo blil'Ki UUi nnd Ollvi > , St.
Ixnils , 51J-30
"V\ / - . ] linn eornli'o worlc-
i' " f uu > ik , irooilMIUVX \ , .liiiiicii A.
' " uiul UI bouili Ullnton st. . .
O A IIITSTKU * . ph ton'r-i , imlntiMH , innsons.
Inhoreta. uo.i > tc.oiiii fi'toilc \ nnd upply
llrnt iiiijriim'iit nn lot , liiilniico six JTOIM.
LJ.Vi in. Ii3".l l-'nriiiiin. 441
1\T ANliU-7 ; .un tiiS3iiiilliiliirt'isiiniok ( ] !
l > Iklkllll pcillil ) , fOIICtllMI IllllOH Mllltll l ) (
tnli. . \ \ iixci O.-'VjH'r ( In y nnil S jier iniiiitli ,
Aiilynn | w J.A. Vtito Ac s-on , rnnlruut-
di-s. , , , _ - - _ . . 4i-Sl *
f i mm L - - - - - r.iiIT
T\7"AN73M.So ival pixxl ully pnnviis'.prs. '
J * IctamtUculari mlilri'js llo.M7 , Onniliu ,
N uii. ir : ui )
V\rAN7K.I ) lOi ) moil Tnr ruilioml\vork In
' < ffjimi luy. Diikuui , lltiih null N'uvinlii ;
yuiVH ! li.t Uf.W ! ; uti'iuly woilc. Allirlglit'a
" - - -
Iiiilnir Atni'o"
UI-Thc ) ' 0 Hist oliiv-t inen to ropio-
ent ItieUiiiuliallcnlniiiidoutottliuelty
I'nlLiit the hiwolnluiliconf Oiiiiilia Ilee. oornur
htli nnd L'uniiuii .Ktciuml ( lour. 077
\\rAMIlt * Men ti > travelfor our Oinnitlan
' iiim rlot.Stoiif.tNViailnn'ton.Mndlrton.NVIs .
ACIIIM'S- ) out tonWdiiv tlinn. SHQ.W
proliCiiH wroks or no pty , Add. with
Btiiinp : Junl & cjomiKiiiy , ihu'liio'ls. \ \ .
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 771
\\7AM.'Kll- ! < : iti iiiiu"n nt 173 p r tnuiitli HUI-
Tl arytuiilrxpu'iiius to sell a Ilimnf Bllvi-r-
plnliHl nnrv , tvitcliCH , iHo. , by Miniplo only ;
lui o tinr.l loam ( iiriilrtlird [ roe : ivritn at onei
for fiillfiTtlciilHrfnudnniiiplo ciiitoot cmxls
fret ; . Mnuilaul Slhct-UikioOo. , . lloaton , Muss.
. . . . _
W AM' 2i Inlmrcis for mlin ni\ (
K'ntia > . Appyto 1' . II , Jtihnsun , II. A. M
dcput , Oiiinlia. jw
S TOM.MAM : S ivunlod nt Norfolk nm
tltxMl vruuca jiild. M.'I' , Murpliy
OA1.1.S3LUN toeioll hpoolidtlm U ) niercluuiti
kJliy hamiile ; Hiilnry juild to sotnt men : HUUI
l : steady i Unit lum | Model Man
i. , South Ilciul , Ind , "
Wll *
> \\ttK \ \ oil Sun l'i/ ' | / .
\\7ANTllIl-Poiol ) ( nml lauu Irot * , al < o cconi
it Kirvliu ! iiiKleiMliindH ululiibowlnu. Mm
F. > v. tiuiyut ; Doaslim lit. _ ,77 ao
7ANTTl-At ) once. clrl for conv
\\ink. V.Vi \ .
IJPf TI'TIOV ror-inclrl. Mu t l.o . wcllntnl-
J I lilt it. ( ill t rtny. L'lioii-cnor pi > An
K illi > ryl'i"Jl' < ) Uiiiiiit ! .v.tllo *
/ io Dxlrl wTinU1 * ! for hiTuHnTiirk In fntnlly
Uufthtuo. Mrs. II. T. VIUInmrtiloftH.MiJiit.
\\f ANTKIl A girl fur jti'iirrnl Imnnowork :
ft good w go . MM. Jl > . I'ottor ' , 7CO.H. ; ntli.
r v)3o ) *
I" ADV aitetits xvnuli'di 'ntlrciy new skirt
Nnnil li i < MiiiM > rli'r ' ; rapid m-florj
fue. AddrcHH MIH. N , II. Llttto .MfK Co. . t'lil-
cng . III. f > M > *
> l ' I'nriiiini t. 5il 11)
" \\7ANThD A ( food gill , cull tit once ! Oor-
II man pnfunud. Mrs. J.V \ , Cm IK , 121'Jh ) .
IW1M. p y hdloiiL saltiry of 110 per wok
to wnrlc fo" ino In their loi-Mlllv nl Immi1.
Iglit TTiirk.KoodliHy form | ttlnie. Wrlli' with
tiiinli , Mrs. It. I. Inrrliulon , bovTOS Chicago.
NTri Olrl fiirhotikownru ntomu. (3nod
BipjummlJ. CallgfilfiCallforlila st. 610-
t"hiii. Mrs.
U' . H. ViiUKlni'i,30471'oiletoii , ) | UM- .
\\7ANT1'I--A \ ) nurse Klrl. < " ! ixd ) wn ci lo
> V right pifty. fc. Ii. cor. IHlli and , lnni"
W t0
_ _ _ _ _
\\rANTV.I ) Dliilng-rooin girls nt Windsor
I Intnl. lilJ
) 1liri'oiXii | > rlc > nccl dlnliii
tlm I
J'nr Miff. rt ( , . are tti iifJU't lolifiniioii thin t i/e (
SfTjfSPf7 fi S vTiiT lo ? tf > hi fanTinVs.
Clin. „ ' ( ( .tl. ' i day ! Ix-it of rufi-M-iici's.
MKH Miiinr. Ult ( . 'ai. | a\o.
ur.MI.STHto < lolii'Hsninlliipln ( ( fahll-
ollultud. MNsHnrily , f/liS. SHIi nvo
ira lv ' )
"j'ofi iii\'A' ; . Tidusitn :
J'ui' iilt , etc. , tee tiipiif fitt ciHtiinnoiitlitxwir. \ .
J i"inli , ) : : ' WVpi r lnmitli. t'u-iipi-riillvu
laliil nnd lot Co , JO'iN. lOtli st. liil- )
"iriOllllKNT rurnUliul house l 10 ronim lo
J pirtliw vvltliDiit clilliln-n , pirt of n-nt
Inuinl. Kcfoix'iic'CHiL'iiiilied. L'rt.'JKt.
AI 'try'iiuvii _ OU-gl *
/-I100.M hoiisu for runt. J naiuofSSS. Hlhst.
IjlOU KK.VT rivp-imiiii cottticoln llrst rlnss
1 onk-r , UCKJ tonlli 17th HL. , near Cent or , 1' .
Mi-Jlllliiii. rew-'J ) *
Jj Oll IIII.VT 10-nxiin house , li.ith room , gus ,
1 rii' . : i.'in Iei\ < 'ii\.oiih \ st. , sir :
C-ioniii IniUh" , Illsl scriet nrar Mimnn , 8 IV
l/iiuo hoiisu 'mil liai n , A inblci I'lniu , chca ] ) ,
Sioiu cor. JOili and Kltlibliuhiiigiilty
. Olnrlr. ISIslIiiriii-yKt. _ r : ! !
VUOOM diiuii I on n houm nnil liarii. 8IO |
' \\i Islnnm & McCulloiliMStend viposll
. , ItrNT-ll room hoinn No. 310 Knitli
' . " 'il streot. Inonlio No. M North 22d.
iriOl ! IinNT-Kl lil KIUIII honne , newly pu-
J I i it'll mid .ill inoili-rn InipPini'inenlH. Cor
Sltli nnd Woolftorlh u e. Imiulro athoire.
rim-a )
I71UII JtllNT 5 rnoin rot taifi * . ! i hli.elc fioin
-1 ? motor , * 18. Apply Hfl a. aid HI. CM ± !
ITiCJU Jir.VT fc-iooin house , L't'lliir city vatnr ,
- iiewi'r. HKtl Is' Htli ht.i 4-ruoiu liotiMiUll
J'Jt '
IT10II linNT-To ' | ] | pjutlei only ,
1. tlio-ii' llnunowhi lek innl Htono houses on
( k'orn'ln nvcniic ; Iif Ken looius nnd aleovcs ;
mole onvciili-iicn nnd li'ltii llnlsliKd thnn
my lionso furii'iil In tlio city. U. II. llcndi-i-
mjn , 400 I'.ixton lilnok , ill v. 4iki
F'Ull HUNT 7-n oniid liiiusr , halh.umli
tnl > , 1'ir i' pavrd cellur , ami stnldo If di'-
MriMlUK27l < 'r.iiiklltihU Apyly.UW Merrlunts
Natlunulltunk. J.V .2'
T71OII KCNT Two 2-story Inlolc liousos ; 0
JL1 rooms nnd liatln nil model 11 ItiiiiioviMiicnts.
Apply. DM Ilinhtillilln , ! . _ 4ni
Foil itiNT III sh nidi ! 8-100111 house , nli
inodnrn linju-oienients ; cvrelliMit locitlon.
sodded y.nd fioiit anil Convenient to
u-lioli'sili' dlsti Id and nmv union depot , deed
loc.nllc n for iihywklan. Apply Ilia S 10th st.
_ 40) )
FOlt KIINT-Sopl. 1st. nittiiKn , nil inixlpin
1ini > rii\onii'iitH , I.W1 Miprmiinavu. l."iii-SS ! *
lliNT-Ki : > slilonei"4oii Ilurney ; all tl >
lulost lnipi-o\.iiiintH ; , at luwunt possible
roiilnl. '
( ) U ltiNT-A : .
191 U nnd Jlaaon. ? ll ) per month. g-.1i
Olt Ill'iNT .Vtonin house , city ntor nnd
wrrciH , nt n tmi'prnla toii'Spm-.lhlo i > artlcs ,
arkin- . Apply All ) . I'a.xlun hlocK. 12i
C HUNT H lonmhnuM1 , scinl and Ciiniln
SH.V ! > per month. CJ. 1' . Hinrlsoii , OII.V.V ,
lAte. _ 015 _
" | 7HIl ) HUNT lliiiihi' . 10 looms , nil iiio'.K'in Ini-
JL ? prui'i'inoiitt. IIITKO 3inl ! , J.i" > jior month.
[ 'oihiiiNsloii lu : iKuits. Jlvxtur I. . Jlioni.ii.
| "I'VOU wish torent alionso or atoro wn II
I.K.ColiContinent nl bloulc. 770
Kr.NT-lO-rooinhouie.'lO ; DoiiBlin. In-
quli oil.lllouUiiH. 7H.I
"TjllNl" resldpnce , incHloi n Improvement" , : M03
JU [ > i. Mary'snve. . frtllpor nionlli. Iminlio at
pii'mlii'soi'tit A , llcllir'a. 11111'arnani. 7SI
"JT'Oll HUNT li-innin hotiki' . Rood ivpnlr , nlco
JU yuitl , cNti'rii utir , n-iitJry.1. Apply to IV
iiiilh 7lli iiM-.or lo Jno. AV. Hull , diunKM. 1Uth
T7I011 III5IST 7-KMitn house with ti.irii ; tioin-
JL ? innl rcntlo Kiiud p.uty. 0.1' . llnirlwn. 'Jll
N. Y. hlfo. 111
TTlUKNISIirO house on rnrimmst. for rout.
JL liuiulroUcrniaii-Aiiiciluun bavln H Iniiil. .
" '
171011 IJKXT" ( lood 10 room house , tower ,
. wutcr , K" . lintli. liarn. ( nrniiec. In elotrnnt
Mlmpo , clicup. 1) ) . V. fcholes Co. , L'lII I'Ust Nnl'l
hunk. _ 181
f-'o ii Tiloo i-TTi txTsTi f)7
- u iKviv M H - 10 )
/'DI rdffii , etc. , aiflnit nf Jlttltiilumn ( in tltlt jxw.
1Kl ( HodKeRt. lU'lljrhtfiilly cool rooms limit
ihuiiiiln ly furnished ] boaid ncvl dnor.
PTi.A > AVrTiiHinaalsubouiilIiig ) ; , G''SS. J7th"
mi-a ID *
171OU KENT I'umWied fiont rooms. 1W5
- . Uomud st.
1 M N' . ' . > . ' > tli st. , two liir > ; oeli > zantly furnlslicil
J loomliot ; and cold rinuifnvitur ; other
dcslrnlilo ronini , Tnlilu and iippolntiueatH tlio
lii'st. Accesslllovlnthr i ( ) lines of ( 'urn. Tnlilu
lioirtlvN accommodated , 4i-L"J' (
r T o lilcoy fnrnMiud fiont
,1 rooniH with all inoiloin i-oin-cnlenecs , cen-
tr.tlly looaldl. ti'iinsrciisonablo. fall lit , ; o.l
ir. liitli fctr-el , Hat U. _ f.UI-3. *
.1 IK ) nnd I UN' , lith si. , looms \\-ltli boird nt
Jut 3I rs. Uhni chill's , 00(1
_ _
"ITinilltKNT Ahultof nicely furnlMlied eimt.
.L. fronl rooms with liny window ut 0-"J o. .Itli
ht. , near St.Maiy's uMiniio , blO- !
rilO 'KKNT 'll lvfu"rnl l dl ( sult bf' front
JL rooms. W ± Jbl. Miiiy'mivu. tlil-Sl'd
TjlOi : 11ENT Nloely furnlslicd ioonisiji and
V J. i .75 po r w ot'k. itKM Kaiiiiini , SJJ''I ?
FOR UKNT 'Juicily fuinlshed front nionm ,
with nil modern con > i > nleiiccs , ut 21IH I'ur-
HOOMS , nil conveniences , 1719 D.ivonpurtHt. .
a.-i7-af '
3 ROOMS for hnnieleoilint | for man nnd
A Ifoi rout taliuii In Ixwnl. ail ) N. iTIh.
571 ffii
TTlOIt KHNT HIKUM f nrnlKlied iir iiiifur-
J' iilshcd , for Unlit housckorptng , blnslo or In
aiiltM.t.'O SlJthnt. ridlloor. fill -Jo *
1J1OI ! HKNT Itoom and lionrd for two hi
J.1 prlMito family. ! 3tUhirtnt. ! rdO-2l
"IAO1MIKST Two enst front rikini' ' . UIKIII
-L1 for light hotiscl.i6pln ; , tu 3U TxIS N th
Ml S
rH'INISIIiirooiii for ronl. llii : r.
' liitlf hlooU from llth bt. inolor , ft - , ' !
"MOH Ur.NT-Nowly fiiniMiud rooms with
- 1dny liouol. ' 'Oil Iliu-iu-y > .t. j.M ; . ; ,
IUjlHBANT room * , inoiloni Iiulro\inii'iits ! ;
IS.'l ' Kiunutii utri'i't. ji < u
"VTlontiY furnlalicil rixin.s , 1SJV rurnnni.
J > i : ; i
! NillO *
ST. CI'Allt l'iirtoniiliotolwlthllnliiK | ) ( ronn ,
Utli-DoJKu. bjicelul rutw by week or mo.
iN'T-ruinWieJ : rooms. 1000 Uouglua
_ _ _ 7lM _
FOH KKNT-riirnlKh'idroonisj gas.batliaaJ
bti'ltlil , 151U llo\Mlltl. TtiJ
iriOII Ur.NT Nleey | fiirnlslipd room.all mo-t-
J eiiicoiivonlt'iicci , ( JlsrilUliM. 7'.0
NKU'UV furilNlinl nMiiisnnd iHinrd forsov-
ural iiaitlesat Slltl llnrnity kt , ; two niln-
tnc ' wtiilc from center of himhu's- * , and coo
lilucofuriuinuur. MlMCavluUVValbrldiru
] 'ortatctttc.tee tup r > f first rutumil onttittjaat.
Ij'Oll IIKNT Tlio brick corni r Bt iru Jl unit
JSltlirH , HmtliOninlm. can bo n-nti-il ujr n
Ko Nlinrty | ntri'uwmnblo tciius , Spli-ndmlo-
cntlon for iriucory or bakccy. Apjily lo E.
Muck. 1M rnrnniiigtrect. < n-.U *
It nt.NT-TlioJ-storylirk'kbnllrtlnir.wltli
wlllicintixiwor. formerly ( X'uuiileil lj ) the
e . 'uLlMliInx C'n , tlKiriiiniinut. Thu hulld *
iiulins a 11 reproof coinoiithisomcnt , complete
ntc-iin iKitlnit llxlnrt's , wntcr on till the lloors ,
K s , etc. Ajiply utthooHlcoofTlM _ > llco _ IU5
IjlOlf HKNT-l'lNt-cIn n'ollli-c. corin-r ll'lh
J- and llowiird sts , , ground Moor , snltiildo for
iiarchundlsu broker. Iiuiulro I'cyoku Itnw. Uo
575 SI
IOTOKI.S ut7o lS Ifilh , SOfOO pitch , hrcinhow
JwlndmvH. ktetini furnlshuu. Tlioi. 1.
.lull , Ulll'iiMoii lilooK , . 7UI
Foil UI'NT 1'lno corner store. ICtn nnd
Jonts. HiOi low iiMiti K < KX | location und !
tlnxhvtlur tnupyduy.Ucorgo Cluuser.TDlH.ltltli
troit UKNT Il.wtncrit . 1M5 Dounliis t. . J.1
JUainoiitli. Apply at Ha ) ward Itro-t. fit" i.0
HOTif ; < 28 rroms , nil conveniences , hrlclf , 2
blkafruni r. 0. II. U , Ircy , N. V. 1-lfe.
_ _ _
1JIOH IIHNT lrltio murorooiii in Norfolk , Noli.
JlHhi I veil siill.iblo for ololliliiJ liisliu" ) . < ;
dectrlollKlils. stu.itiihoat , etc. . AddroysO.A.
M. < t. . r.ra
_ _
FOR IIKNT llru-K wnrchome. t\vo ntnpn-4
nnd biiwiiiL'nt. " * ,0i)0 ) njuiiii ) feel , with W
fpctof doiihld tnick nn U. 1' . inllttiiv. south
JOIh nnd I'll icu blrucls. Address U. Oskniiip ,
Uiiiiihii. Noli. _ .11' !
f TK'riv\
l < 'orrnlrr , ctt. , tcf ( ) > of Jirtl rrtluitit mi tlili jxli/ / . ' .
U r.COM % rental nscnt. Contlnuntal blk.
J I. 77 ! )
CiO..I. : PAL 1 ( . ( COO riirniin , houses. Mores
aucl Huts for lent , runts collected , rclhiMu
HID liiHuriini.o. Money to loan. 217
iiKoney , fil ? PaUon block.
\\rn.s A M'Cullnoli.V. \ . end
tiim l > ld .
EJ.llinV , i cnlul liBont , TOO .V. V. Mfe.
7"nr i-nl , < < < „ HTfliift nf flnl column on thli
" "
. . . < 'imrt , " Mink
Twnlii'xliiit innl bt'st hook , l > y suhicrlp-
tlon only. The * " tnlHsi'd by p.invnsm'N ciu
Miot'tipy nnil siilisurlliu liy nildru'iMliiK .f * W.
( JlllottsoliMi , 'nt , Uiiialiu , Nub. ( HT-'JO *
" \VANTI5II IimniMlluti'ly. liwi".t ( IUmi" < ,
TI I'lliiriillotnil or Kiiinpunii lunlorn slldrs ,
II. .f , ll.n Iji'i , Alwuoil , Kun Wi-'M *
WANTIII ( Tliu tulilro'i of a K ( id ilnni'lni ;
tuachucln Omaha. Addass but 10 1' . 0.
riAIN worli.ioonntr.-poiitiiis.V'illoy . otc.iood
\\uiLiinuluvrprlvv4. . l SiivaioI018 Cnnilnif.
liM ) '
/'in1 rait * , rlc , , mrtnptif Jlitt column on till *
T\7"A5 5Tii ? : ) Hone about 1IP(1 ( pouiidi. do-
'V llvciyMinu ; ; and harness. Dull corner
21th and Calil well Hts , ujistnli-s , aftei lip in
"il/ / ANTlMllinoinniKlhoiinl , 1)V ( tuiitk'iiian
t > and \vlfo In prlMitu finnlly. Must , bo lint
c'lass and L'uod nulirliliorhoud , 1C. IS , lice.
t.r.-ao *
"IXrANTI'D ( Jood roniincrulil piper , NO-
IT lir.islia MoiLunxo I'D in Ci.5Hl ) ra.\lin lilk ,
TTIlTHNIrniiTilioiiiolullRooils ( , etc
J.1 oasli price. .IITS.lltb. 71NJ
} ' < rnle.i. tic. , Mtupuf Jiiel column nn till *
M C tie.'itiiicnteli > ctiothcinialbatlis.
ul huh Iri'iilmciil , iiiaiiiimri
o.llst. Mis. I'o t , rlOSIVUnnolHjllf. \ .
Iiiilliin doctor giiarnnt < 'LStn euro nil
kinds of piles in leu days nl onll dKoasi- <
of thcthiinl nnd IIIIIKS In t Iiosixinctline. 'X'tpo
worms taken out Inwlx lioms without leiixln
nlllri1 ! anil till dlsiviho > that are inrnblo. 01"
b.lU'.hnL. Call unilseo him. ( , -JIJyuM *
Kor mtfK , ( If. , uftt'i ) > tif Jlnt niliiinnoii till *
"I UNHIOXH No-\s iiuniloii liw ; OMIT ir , yi-'ils'
1 ) il ( irleiieo In Ibo piobceiitlonot pensions
and ) ' . ( > veiniiiinc. chilnn ; Irivn tiivtiieit O\IP
: i.OOU jicii , loin finNiIdhiH In Nbrni > la mid
Imvn. tlicliviil \\rt mid holfsilatc'it < lei'lslons :
liitost lav.n ; in ) uilMiiKT fi < - ; nowblnnUs nnil
clictil.ii-3 CK.'I' ; coimiillatlnii always tiro.
lllr.'iin A Ftnrift. , 8'i t'rolshton lilm'lt , ni.xt.
fmitlor P. U. Unniliu. _ '
"VTKW Inw ; ppusloiis for nltiiu.stall hnhllcrs ;
1 > f.itlu'riniitlKTH , widows nnd minor chll-
dion of hiiltllrrs. Clulnm pusheil by K. N.
( 'Iliisiiiiin.l'J nnd1 l'roii7Uf blk. I'lycinu c > \i > o-
rloiiic. On 1 v _ _
1" T , PATl'II , oxdiislxo pension nnd iMaliii
J ntloriiuy ; ovorlfi yeiifs'expcrienen ; bi\o
all thu latest laws and dci'lilons. ( Mltcoio-
mo\nl from I'ren/er bluclr toUkainliorof Coin-
inorto , loom fi4. Oinaliii. _ 7UllySil *
Fur rattn , tie. , > ce.t < > ] > i > f fltvt rulumn nn this fime.
1'op inorelniiillsn mill fnrnftnro.
cold nnd fri-ezliiKi trackage. I > ivld
Cole , S1M7 Howard si. m
rpHACICAOl'.BtoniRO ' at lowest latoa. Vf. M.
J , Iliisliniaii. IJIlU'a veil worth. _ 711S
STOUAOi : llmnili &UO..U11 lluwaid. 80Q
/'or / m < tv , etc. , Kf < i > ) > nlift minimi on HiN
STlA-Yii ! : > or Btoli'ii July JO. Unlit Imy Ri'l-
illin ; II joins old , 1C. II.IIIIH high , welsht 115)
lb < * . Muck iiiniio and IIIJH totlio luft , mill lonjt
hlnult tall , liliu-k lc i , limufonli'd and hind
Inn-Is blunt Mllli ioic' | , 1 i iii . ) . Kiilt.iljhi 10-
\vaiil \ for liifoiniiitlun. Ken. K. llrj ant. 4tli &
0 ht. bu. Oniiiliii. M 'Jl *
TOST A packaRi'Of contraotfi behinnliiK to
J.I , , f. Wolto .t Cu. , l.iHl o\i'iilii about 0
n'oloelf , lint \\iuu DniiKliis nnd Dmluusts. ur at
l.'itliad Hiiilun. 1'liiilui jilt'imo ii'tiiinhiiinu to
Till ) l'i\tnii binldlnx' und KUl iiiuaul. K\ \
ItlhT A inoitxii : " from Kauelc to Ulowy.
-JUnturn toll. i : . Hoberts-KW N loth st. , or
Inh'plioiio 11 Wand tvoeliu io\vard. W53SU *
rOST-oIil ( ! watch , pbdii c.isu with illamim d
J tll hull lir , ' iitlimhed to fob. Umuird II returned -
turned to H. P , Drexel , Sth and Jiinca. KXI
Vormtf * , ttf. , f < * I"P nf frst nidiinn
IT ) Snrrollioise , c'aiiclit at 8. 5tbnnd
JJ himnol Ast liifinil , rj-.l ) '
t't > riataitc.i < rc lopnlr < t column nn Ihfji | uje ,
to make tlioaLMinalntancuof a lady
with ineaii.s , 2. " > toJJye.u.s of IIK ! ohjuut
nslnuM and poihaps inatrliuony , Adili
C U Itpcolllio. 5-JK *
EO. Ii. . plcasosond jour iiildioMto A.
.postolllco , I > eavnr. KC ! ! *
rornil , rtc. , sr > In ) ' o/ /l * t column nn tlitt
TTOU HAM ) A simp , mint nice , hound her e ,
J-1 butjy and harness , uulllOU b Uth st.
" "
' ( JOOD team of horses fiir"lUO" on thin )
wit n Rood security IIMI u pied ill Ivor for
8cAOo-operatlvoliindand lotCo,205N. 10th st ,
C07-i."J >
FOlt SAIjK IIoiso , waRiin , liarness. etc ,
llorsu lijonni ; , sound , ronllo , Kootl Hlzu
and color , nnd nn o\tri ; k'ood Invu'lcr , Call
at 1lal ( l ell s ( . fab-'l *
"ITlOU SAlill AnlcowiiKon , hlmllur tn City
JLJ towel wiisoni I.M ! ! llodRO .st. MW-'Ji ) "
"IIIOU BAIiK llorso , biiRuy nnd harni'M
J- Homo Is broke toelty u c , Uliul and cent lo.
thst. GiO'O *
TjWIl SA I.n Oeod worliiiiR nor. o and liar *
-t ; imsa , HM , iil.sogiihollao bto\e , Kood us now ,
OJI b llllli at. GJ7 a > *
-l'liio lrlvlHBliori.o. W.S. Kynu ,
room 0 U.ti. .Vit'l lliiiiitbnlldliii ; . Jil : il
OOlioiuTiiiillo'J. easytppins , Part llBhiilrlv *
* JiiK | It able for nil delivery buHlnoss.
Kalniiiu work inuloa. W , It. beluy , r 'U , bouril
trade. . _ 2.7
"HIOItnl.ri-lilKht UrlvorJ , nnreain , The Into
J 1 tl minis made them olivnp. If. K. Cole , Ton-
tlneiital block. _ m _
TPKAM Medium Blid linr-.i > i ohenn. hmml
Jin id Rood work team. 1150. W , ft. Solby , r
1U , board tr.ulo. .T
* | 710U SALK t lop IniKRy , 1 sprliiRwiitron anil
-LVrxxt linlf Jcrsuy milch cow. I mud rout
aSlTlIowiinUt. M.W
M WO flAN heavy mid two 1.11:111 : lUlit mules
J for nalo , on twuycarn'tlniout ? pur eont In.
torest with first or Beconil niortsa o Omnlii ostutaneunrlty , or othi-r nppi-ovod fiiors-
Ity , bclby , roouilJ , ItoanlTraJo. C1U
rj rM voU i jrs , „ , win ii < o Dugy mpnrl
J t > r HI 1 urvlof UAhc 710
"I/IOIIH'M/I i matforiii mrmi lustiirr top
-L ciirrl IT nfmcut nuw , I liurkbonnl now ,
1 uniiiiU * I ii.-y or cnrrla i * harness. Aily | |
it sail \ \ i listi i Mroct. Oninhn. tin.
rpl.AM KM Inrso liuavy hortcs. W li ,
1 fcolliy. r I J. IXUMI triulo. 87 !
] . OlVKS noanaup. 11 , K.Colo.
a/ui :
/ ( > r lc ( * . cc , , Kfitnjiof / ! ; < ( column
TT OU8KI10MT7 liriiituio nt prlrnto Kn > ,
J 1 very clicnti-by niece 01 lot. lOUCnllfoinlu
stit-ot. _ _ 4itva _
"I7IOU BAliKAt u bargain nwl i > .iy tcrin .
JI'iliiiiluriMii ( > nnf ) u Icn-room lioii .e , con-
mlly loriiii-il mid fllleil ullli roomer * . J. I ) .
/.Itllf.itlt N. Y Ufu lll V . El
offiittltn lieilt
tlio now mid delimit fitrnituru of n "I-
riiom Iimisi' , (1013111111111 ( llr'.l't'Suti. incoino
ni'iirly ' tl.ixo pur mnnlli , finest locution In tlio
clly. AIdrt t.s JIM , lieu ofliuu. 07--ai ! :
If OK HA.1,13
1'nr fair * , elf , , fft fuji af jlrrl column on tli
L1OH HAI.i ; oi i ; < clinni'i' I/uti'St Improved
JL1 Mi'MlWiTsleri-oiillenn with Huu'iitv N
fiirotliUiltlntiof wnrof 1801. Adtlreirf 1421
filli'i't , t'omu-llllhilTa. KB-SO *
"IflOIt SAI.i.woonlHiil coed cotton wood nt
J1 t\.m \ u cnul r. o. II. Aililrvsi A. 0. ining ,
. .Mo. C03-y
SODA fountain for alonu ciuy nutiilwcnts !
now tills suasnti , only 173. J. A. Dal/eM. 113
BAIIHKIIS' sTTssin for siilf ! llvour MX largo ,
line Klns-u-H with ormiui'iitnl tojH mid txil-
Innis vi'iy Hii'im. ' J. \Milttliigliain. . 2-'l !
Km melt it , i-ity. _ & : tt 'JO * _ _
GOOD clear liiUuico forsulu lit Incite quuntP
tit" ) . 1 liu Iiibrablcii ko Uo , Kuarnoro -
liruskiii ! K17iill
B OAUniNcriloii-tj Tor Kali Ono of the
tnoMt centrally lopalcd linuillim lioil o 111
thc city for Hiilv. Income. JI.OOU tunnionlli. .
I.M-tytliliu Iliit cliss. Ill liuiillli cnuso of
selling. Aililn-sH K.7. lleoodli'u. Oty-iu *
UN-Vinv Ftoliiwny .V Sou piano ; l > est
J1 ifnike ; paity liMivlim'olly ! iiuit fiisli , 1ml-
uncotitiiulf di'ilrcd. InqulroulOU I'uMnii blk
I'm tatCKilc.Hi-tt > iiof jwt column m i-thti _
I3A11ASOI.S nnd iimbrellns eoMTod nnd ic-
J p.ilrcd. J'.ll.ilor , 110H. l. > tli St. , Sd dour fium
I1. U. Only n.mi . In town. ! HU
W A NTI Jl ) ' ! < > IH' T.
1'or mc , rte. , Mr tnjiuj fnl rotiiiiin oni ( * 7 > < i0r.
WANTKI ) lly tuoyoiine lnlioi. loom and
hoard. Iti-fcrcnco o\cli.uigeu. Add rest
1C Ifi. lU-o. OH-L'tJ *
\rJI'JsO ( in.iiivaiitn room nnil boatU In
strictly in vali ) fhinlly. Ki-fuenoM o\-
iliungpil. A.l.lrcss 1C I. Ili'u olllci' . Sf IJ ) _
WANTH ) A furnished or unfurnished
loom foi iniiu and \vlfO , couviMilont to
business. Stnto iirlcu , Aildri" > H K 10 , Ilee ollku.
/ * > lulled , r.'c ft' fop of flm1 eolinti on thti
3 > ll"Oii : ; liuvtiu u piano oxaiminotlio now
- > scaluMiiilwll pliino. A , ] Iaspul5ii : Duuvlas
G io. : r.OiiI.KMIic'K : , toachuiuf the linnjo
f'r > r ml < v , dr. , we ( ol ; of flivt oihtinn oil l/it / <
MOXiV ; to lo.ui by II. I' . Musters In any
amount fioni HO toflO.OJU , and for any
time from one to MX months.
J.o.ins made on liothobold L'onds , pianos ,
iiK.ins , liorsis , innlus , houses , le.iSL-s , wnie-
litinsH ict'olpts etc. . at the lowest posslldo
i.ites without publicity or removal of piop
JjO.ins so nrr.itiKed that yon can iiitiKo a pay-
nu'iit tit any time and lednco both prlnulpil
ind Interest. Von pay Intuicst only for the
tlinoyou u ollie moni'y. If > ou o\\o \ a balaneo
on jour inncity | or bi\u : a loan yon \vUli
ehniiKod , I will piy It oil and carry It for
1 do not advertlpc to loin yon monoynt
) nk fates , but confidently cl.iltnvn pit o ydu
lo ( r r.itoc and Piiilcr terms than can bo ob
tained ehv\\ bore In the city.
Money alwnvs on liniid. No delay , o pub
licity. Lowest rates.
H.T Masters.
Itoom I , WUliiitdlblk.,13tlinndlIainey Sts.
33ii : VATIC money to loan cheap. C , P. Ifar-
- ilson.OUN. Y. Ijlfo. SCO J9
T OANH t'lly ami fnrin loin. < . IMOI I'.i o pn-
-lJii | r iHiutrlil. MC.UIIKIIO fnu'btiiu'iit ( 'o. hH )
TT > iri LDINO loans iniido at lowest talus. Vf.
JL _ > J1. Hauls , luoni " 0 , Prcns'cr ' bile. , opn.P. _ O.
KFAIj rSTA'PP I , < 'uii "C'iisli on hand. Cilobo
l.oaii& T'mst , Co Ml ? f. llithp.t No delay *
No ex tin vliucctti , llou-cs foi rent ; seed list.
\ la lo-in on Omaha and Sjuth
Uninlin ual estate. No dolnjs or cxpon-
hcM. Money oil band nt all llmtis. KatoM ,
binlth & Co. , Commercial National bank hld .
MON1IV luin < ( liit lowest nit pi , IOIIK tlnmoit
Improved Onnilui lonl estate , no "oxtr-n , "
noduluy. Olobo LoanA , Tiust Cu.W7i : ) . UHli.
_ _ _ _
EIIIIjDI NO loans , Oto Tnorcont ; no addi
tional cjharKesforcomniH-donnr attorney's
es. W. II. Jlolklo , Kh-bt National bank blilK.
"IjllltST aiidsocond niortiwxesoa vacant and
JU Inipiovi'ilcity propelty. County wnriants
bouuht. Money on hand. P , M. Klchardscm ,
818 N. Y. 1-lfe. W
TXTONKV : wMorCOdayson ( f in nlturo , pianos ,
J-Tlhorscs , IIUUSL'B , oto. J. \\llklnson , Ulb
Paxtonblk. bJJ
L loans nt lowest rates ; business
S I'axtoii blk. J , It , Tinlirjor.
/ IOMMKIU'1 AIj nnil suni'ialhlini ttlnio p.ipor
vyiiouclit ; also it'nlar tlM-vear loans nutln
on liispinvi'il piopurty. Ooo , r. Illust & . Co , 201
Hamxojildir , fell
SKrOXD innrtsaso lo in" . Pocoiul mortjjaaoH
hoilKlit. Ijo.ins on viic'.int lul . Kced &
Selby. loom 111 , lip n d Traiic. l U
EYhTOXH Mort'/imo Co. Loans of } 1D to
JI.OJO ; set our rates before lurrowlna and
hinn nuiiuiyi loan on horses , fiiiiiltinu orany
npprotcd CL lrlty ] without inilillelty ; notes
IjoiiKlit , for new loan , renewal of old and lowe -
o t lutes , call USDS , hliculy blk.Uth ti. Howard.
"ITllKST iiinrlRiifin lo.ins at low rates nnd no
-I-1 ilolay. 1 > . V. Sholw Co. . yio lit Nat.l haul.- .
HOSiY to loan on liorte-t , naRiini. innlos ,
household Rumlh.plnniH , ors.ins.dliimonds ,
ntlotti-it nitt . The Hist orriimUcil loan of-
lleo In thoelty. MaKe loans fu > in fill to Ik
days\Uilclienn 1)0 ) paid Inrartnr wlioluntnny
tlino. tliiisloworliiK the principal mid Interest.
O.dl unit seeiiswlion jon want money. Weean
assist jou promptly nnd to your advnntiiKo
It limit removal of property or publicity ,
Jloney always on hand. No delay In making
loans. O. T. Uend ,1 Co , UIO'S. llltli Ht. , over
gliam &SCIIH. 817C3
NUSUALLY low rules
Otlntmcston first iiiorlsaces of Ininiorcd
estate for the nevi IHdnysby the Kimsns
t'lty ln\i'stniL'ntio. , Uoomutl llo
.1. II. I'uiioe , inaiiairor.
TV fONEV lo lo.m on any M > oiirlty
111 f or iliort time allow
rn\c-\ \ . Lowest r.itei
on iiiTsonul property.
The Henderson Moimuffii Investment Com
pniiy. room jiH ) . I'nxlon lilk. MS
\VrANTLI--ntst-elaii ) Inside lunm. lowe t
> > riitoh. Call nnd see us. linost-
ii-nnt t'o. . IVlt riininin. 1J
. eastern monoy-
CHII.VP . ilnrtcnito and Tniit Co. ,
always leady to loan and pay ptoniptlyj llrst
jnortiiios ) ! : iiiitcd. ( ieorso . 1' . Oo.itcs. ri ii-
of Tnido. 8.1 _
MIN iiionc-vtolompii I'lty imipnrtyi
; iur ! boitKlit , 11ll.lioy.rO , .Ufo.
. . .IT llmo hum : ! on vneiuit lot * . ScIhyA. .
> J& Hi'i'il , HI. llo.ird of Tr.ulo. ( gl
T > lflVATrf imniiiy to lo.m olieiip. 0. I'-IItir-
1 rlann.CU N. V. I.Uo. i * ?
1 > UIVAT ] ' , tunila to lomi on i-liolro olty prop-
I crty at lownt rates. Ktmlmll. UlminpA.
Itynn , li-VI I'm n.ira st , iQrt-Jyuf
HATTEIj : ! > H. 13th it. will > > " ' .
G inono.v on L'lnttols lit InnU ratm. CU11 4IJ
for nitf n. ttr. . ete < oi of jint roliiinii on i ( jtajt ,
- . '
uluivsoiln inMiinnnshli | and shorthand 11
coiniuuiico Mondny , July U. ( JliiMut will beheld
hold In thn inornliw. iifturnoon and ovciiliu.
Call on or udilress for Inforniiitlon , r-tmdanl
tlioitliand I lui.1 n ess College , Now \ orlt I.lfo
Imlldliitf. Oinnliii. .Neb. _ _
KI o Mi il. \ Unlliriiihs7Haniiiioiiil ) anil
lloniliistons. John II. I'ornoi t'o. 1'i'ttur
llh > a and olllcn pielnltli''S ' , Kumgo "hit ; . HJ7
I'lir rolw , fir. , fit lopnf frul culunill oil I'll' '
T KM , Clayton , clalr\oyant and iimgiintlo
JJheulur. Unii hyhiir HonderfuUlll ouwsr
gi ant uuy request. WWS.ltitU. IM-Vo *
MADAMK DPI 7irii , Omnhii'i only tlior-
otikli massage nnd iingncti t n\er
fill ) H. Utli > t. 4 3-l
Tr IIS , 1)11. KIJW-Tlio dlitlnijul'lxvl triuico
-ITlciftlrvoriint , Into of It.jstim. Wlillo en-
IranctU will rc-vrnl every lilddrn mystery In
lift1'roparo" * Egyptian tallinuin wliicli will
tiiercpnio your cneiiile * , ruinolo family
trouble * . reMoro lost ntloctloim , utillM the
Konin\tcil | , helps nil In trouble , do. Too. II
nnd iiiiwaniH. N. 11 I'orfrot siitlgfaiMtoii
pimrnntecd ! > y mull. Send uttunp for Illus-
tciitprtctrculnr. Sirs. Dr. Uddy. 331 N. IStli t. ,
< , , . , . , afO-all
It. NANNin \VAUUO. . clulrvoynnt ,
mcdlc'il nnil liusino i inedhim. IVmnlo
dUoaacs tiipvclally , 111) > .10tli9t.rounis2and1.
1JUS I M33S CJ I ASClisi !
I'nr ratu , ttt.iivetiipof Jlnt column on tAM
S A M-I.onVo i" mii part fiirnUtiro M-
' nxjin hcitol , only hotel In town ; HOT vlll
lUy ) If soon. Kent , * U. UoinmcTcUl
liutol. lliiliipton.Nuli. Klljr-i *
OUSAJjIND.ilry on Amoa u\c. open for
J-1 i mil or trade. J.T. lluuli. 'vfJ.ilT *
\\ANTJD : Position In Brain Mill lumber
buxlmi4. noitlU Invent K.OJ3 to { 1,000 or
\\irl < un snlnry. Ilettof lofcrtneciulvun. Ad-
" "'l *
drcsa"X."Criilif. Nell. _
Hl'O iloro , widow liulv wishes tosollut
once hnr Into liusband s half Intemst In
pnfMl p.iyini ; driii ? IIIIHJIICS-I. involeln uhi ;
$ " ,000 , In I.iiulcr , Wvn im Bhowlslit't tojto
cast. AddrcsH Mrs. J.W.Sullli'an , Lander AVyo
Bl'8INr.s3 Opi > orliinlty This print lint and
IxxikblndtiiK i-italillaiinient. tr. L'ther ullh
tlio d.illy und nci'Uly ncriunn Ncbriiskii Trlb-
11110 nun piinor. at Oniiiliu. Neb , . ln > Uir.'lni ; to
thn fsltiti-nf - I'.C. 1'istnur , dci'i-nsi'd. Ishtroby
onVreil forsiilontn fulrvnliiatlnn , wllli peed
itlllj either liHlni > < n "t'pirulcly or togotla-r.
Tlio huslnCHS U now Ucnt In surcwf ill opciu-
lluti.rluiicJtign weekly not piolltof fiotu two
litiiultc'l tu two liiinilicd nnd llftydollars.
I'or irirtlcitliirs wrlto tu John II.1' . I.cliinniin ,
cxi'uulor , Oiniiha , Noh. G'Jl-'JO
THDlTsA" ! , ! : Moc'kaiKlllxtiiifi of n wholo-
-L .ilu tomniNslon hotisi- . Addle * * K. 17 , lieu
nlHoo. ( ill
17Ult HALK-or ti.ulo fin iii'wsjnpor plant
-L Scluuti stocks of inilsu. loiVJJ ! , York. Jfb.
ASXAI1 for somebody \fanthiK to buy u
Mookof < 'onfoc'lloncry. clKUMand tnbuero ,
school limilcH nnd notions ; RO < id tr.idn I'stab-
llHhoil : lit ) t of ii'iisons forsolllng. Addnss ,
A 1' . M. , drc-inwood , Nob. ClT-'Jii *
WANTLO I'o M II n Kooil IIUWH nnil I'onfei'-
tlonaty stumliloliiK u KOOI ! business. lor
tfriiH. ri-asotisforsclUiit ; udiliosilt. W. Knih-
ford , \Vnlnio \ , Nob. C2J-W
' -ItOOST hotel In poixl hicatlon , has paid veil ,
-J riiinlturi'tuUU nil cm time If wcui Ity Issit-
Nfnetory. Co-opuratlxo land and lot Co. . 'M >
X. NHIl st. Vifi-Si
HOTl'L t.1) ) looms , nil convcnloniTS. new.
brick , 'JblouU.s from 1' . O. Iroy.N.V.
l.lfojmimijiij. _ 7l > i
F OItSAI < K-A Nn. 1 liaiborshop ; jwd loea-
tlon ; diliillisl ! elu-- '
clt > ; his oilier bii'inoss ; part cash , lal
'me. Addn- J 71 Hcoolllie. 41W I.M *
ITIDlt SAI < K Olvii : rsloio In ( Irstoliisslocatlon ,
J- d'liii K < I 'A ' liuslne-sj ii'iison foi Mt-lllns.
other business to atlund to. Addioss.l " : J lleo.
j-tf ' „ ' . - !
J710U SAM--Moat iniirKi't. ilnlni : Bond busl-
- 1niss. . in I on n of I.L'o : ) Inliabltants In nasttTii
Nobiasl. i ; only J.tCO c.nh aquliud. Acldtcss
1) . I' . Tinner. I loinont , Nob. CM ) .V
\V \lMi I : { Tor F.ilu-Ial ) yanduocMy.
Tlu I'ulunibiis Ilully Telo inm liiis bct'ii
eitaldlslii'il l'i nionllH. has uood oliiulatloii
i nd a'l\nt SHU pitronairo. The weekly Is an
o' < ] estnbllslit'd ] ) 'ii'r | ) Job otlkit his : : t iooil ;
imttnniiKu. 'H'liiw satisfactory. IJ. 1' . Davis ,
Uoliiinbiis , Neb. f > .V 1
FOi : SALi-On : cnsy terni , llr-.t tliss
ristniiriinl nnd fl\turis ! nnd No. 1 location ,
I'iKluli i' nt ( Ih I'liMon bloi'li ITJO
HO Pil , foi will' . T o-story lirluk ; U ono of
tbo best botuli , ( loin ; ; an oxi'ollcnt good
iiislncss.oii ( mo ottlio liost eorners In the city ,
AddiL-baCoinmorclal llotul , llrokca How. Nub.
Pur m < A clc , , KC lop o/ frat coluinn on l/if / i > n'je.
rilO KXCIIANGK-HA ) ucics land , clour , for
JL Omaha piopcrty. O. J. Oaswell.HH ! N. V.
Mfo. f > il-i5
Al'LUJl Itl.U and ini'cliiinlu
trade onuoi two rcsldoii'-es ' ami tuiiiocasli
for liiLuu'st In pliinibln ; and hcatlnj ; or nov-
nlty niaubinu uiisliichs. Addn-ss K 14 , lice
olllee. f.'J'i-tS *
rpiniXCllANUC jllUUl ) worth of lumnm-d
JL and Mionnt city iiiojioity , clcaTof IIRIIIII-
I > rnniu nnil In u Hvu ( own. for Oniiiliu prop
erty ! Mill iisMiitiiuirilliiary Incnnibi.iin'o , Au-
druvt , 1'ruul ; K. llaitlg.m , Ciotu , NobuiHlta.
\ yiFAT Inno you to uvi-liangn for 2sccllons
T of elcur woslorn land ; nuilie inonn olYor.
\ siiuiiiindoih. i.i. OT-X' ;
\ , .7A7 < TKI-'l"o ) trade , u now 11-i-ootn resl-
' i ilc'Ucn on I'IIUKUM st. , with all inodoin ho-
pio\uiiient , for N'obr , hind or Oinaliii nrop-
orty to build colitises on. Addioji "K 1- , "
IJteOtllco. r 5121 *
MMlATliavo you to uxoluniRO for house and
InllnOiiiuha Vlow , U. J. Oaswell. HW Jl ,
Y. Ufu. Mil-2'i
"TTIOIJ i\CIIANOn : ( 'leun.nov stock eonoral
A.1 nidscj will tiil < o roil est.itu , c-iiltlo. hnram
nnd inonoy. llox 70 , I'lankfort , Ind. 4W SO'
TT'1 o\uh.iiiKO-ii few lots nnd house" ? , oto. .
JL.1 top good farms or lands.V. . J. 1'aul , 1C03
Knrmuii. -Ill
N'otcs , cash lands , etc. for
elriir lots. Ciui use qulto u inuiibor. W. J ,
1'uul , 1000 li'arniuii Hi. 41J
"VV'ANTEI ) Vai'iintloU nr iioic'i for two ot
i the llnuit nnd bust pnvhiR liloeKs In the
city. Will glvo hlK deal If in.ule ouoii , with
soniu c.ixh. J ( VI , lluoolllce. 4U
TTtOUKXUIIANnn-Oond fiirnw. city property -
- * - ' ty nnd vrlld hinds In Neb. and lowi forgood
pcn'l in'd'Hii ; property , title perfoot. Ad
dress 1/ouk llox Hi , KrcninnU Noli. bJO
Foi nitef , etc. IHC tni > af jiml colijiiin
" 171AKMH for finlu or trade Tlnco line Ini-
JL pioved f.irius uniit lining fid ) ncien In Gos-
purconnly , Noli. Will trade tlio wholu or pint
for introhnndlHO drills or linrdwnro lire-
foi roil. Addiuss 11. 11. Itellnniy , Ariipihoc ,
Knruiisco. . Nub. fiKIL'J *
TTIOH hAIii : The choleo ri'sldoiico at No ,
JUMorilUuiHghi uvo.tJ : < eHO ft II front , ( llnr u
rooms , but h , BUS , sewer , lint nnd told w.itpr ,
olnsotand all eonvciiloiieus , invner Knlnjj to
le.ivoclty. D V. Sholes Co. , SU 1st ,
TIOUSR and lot In Walnut Hill for s : lo
J 1 uho.ip. Uull attJO1. . ! NuUon st. foi torms.
fiTH 21) ) *
TTIOIJ SALTI A bnnlf , lot.lmildlns Minlt , Hiifo
JL' aiid Hxtiit ! > 4 , In Kond linvii liiu'n , only I
tlii-io , ildlni ; an excellent liihliiL' ) 3 , t.cnltoiy
nliniitli miles In dlamuter , nnd s.ild tolio In
the heat fanning country In tliuuoilil. Col-
t-olh , Johnson &Iovgion , rooiuU. Uhainlier of
C'oinineruL1 , riLOUl
SAI.n The lionso and lot ail Hnwurd
IfOH ' lot UKlfM , 12-inoni honso with all mod'
urn cun } tMilenues : also i-'ood utalduTnrini
ciisy. Jiiqulro on piuniUes or of DO.IIIO &
r.irrottc , room 17 , Chamber Commerce.
CIIKA1' , lor 3 lots on l < o\\o live. , hotworn
I'aiiiainunil I.oav'uinlh. It , &J , Dim elan hlK.
f > M 21 *
TI1OH SALIlllioliu corner lot , 8' ' ) fuot east
.1 front. hlKh nnd .sluhtly , notliliiK Hnor In thu
elly. A haiKulnat tM. Ainut > , 1307 rainnni
$10 HASH and ? H per month for lion o and
- full lot nt f 10111 } Nl ) to ( I.&JO each.V
.1. Paul , 1iW ( ( 1'anniiii , 411
A OHKpropPily fioni Jl.'O per aeie up inStnvi ,
- / v.vcit , Honthnnd nnrtii , at prli'tn that won't
lut : lonir , and via kniuv II. Cnlsoth , .lolnisoiiJ :
I , civ ogre n , loonil' ' , t'liambor L'oniinc'ro. ' .
OKAIj iSTATH : IOIUIH. Vciy lowest ratts.
itU.J. Ciisy oil. S10X. Y. I.lfc. & i3ld
JjlOU SA IP I'Diir good lota In Malniit lllll ,
J MxI'iU uncli. on imido. I'rluu tM encli ,
\\oftli donlili' tlio niiinoy. Si ringer & 1'i'iiiiy ,
IMiiplua lilouk , IliUuunl ItoilKii , _ Uhl _
"IjTOHSAIiR 8 room lionan nnil lot , lliiimuiini
JL placi > . Vnc mi. lot for llrst pnyiiiont ,
uHL-o to unit. U , J. O'.isueU , blO N. V. I.lfo.
_ _ _
AhMAIJi pnjmont ilnnn and ilorniontli |
will buy u 4-iooiu IKJIISO and lot on Kith , 3
lilocLs from motor ; Ilisl-ulusi i-h innn to ac-
( iiitiAin homo on oiisy uirnis. A piny toll , ] : .
Cole , Continent il lilook , KU
FOlt f.Wcnhli iindflO porinonth wo will hnlld
yon u neat four , tl u or lx room homo ,
corner lot. Uheup. Uoo. 1'uul , IWJ li'nrniini.
( J.'iJ *
i.NflU.N I'lnoo and CatthiiKO lots , prloo
! 1OOU , t-V ] don n , Imlnnco il.1 monthly.V. . I ,
\ > , room IJ , Hoard ot Truiln. lt
. . . . niiu unit liny iv nuiut'oii monthly paj-
> > incnls Cliolounf mivi-n differentIIOIIMS ,
south fronts on Kiirniim st , Eiuryronv iiloiKe ,
Inelndlne fuririL-fl and Knmuin ! : In HCOII
nl inyolllcii. Uall lu. 1) ) . V.SholcH Co.tiilit ; :
Jj Olt HAIjK A line now fi-roiiiiicottaKi ) ni-ir
I'liotrlui'iir Him on .N.irTlliiit. Will Kuan
purl of canh payment u good horau or lior > o
mid pUuctou. 1 > 1WI Faruuui bt b !
ft TIOOM .
111 inr month. Th i 1 llnl" . ,111
I'axton _ tOn. >
\YrALUIIlV 'csletllotll'rx ' On. iln.
liomoi In must nny nd'IKIoii for
tit from J1.00J Ui , on t > i y imintlily tiay-
I\K. liirllinr. 4itarkor | Ml < . K _
fc.A17lNfeo 7 uofii lion o ready to
inni'o Into with full lot. } J,5 , JAO ca < h. 0.
I' . Hatrimiii. OIIN. V. Ufc. UU
_ _
IK YOU hiivo nnylhini : toscilur oxchnnso
1'nrton bl.wk _ bin _
T71OII SAkK-New bmltion block on Itth
1 ulrcot roiitiiirc 10 pcrcont ofnrli'onsUoii
IJO.oovcuOi.bnhnuplonglliiK' . Mill hoitnthu
iimrki't only n few days. Atldrc-till 7. ' , Itoc.
\OIIDO in Con t VAC torn.
Notice li horohy plvcn that Rented jironosnls
ivllllio rciclvod fiy the olty elork of Iho city
of South ( Jin nil i. on or ( < ufore tliossllidny of
July , lMn\nt I o'cluclc p. in. , for sloping und
ruinovlni * thu dirt on th follo ln loLau -
cordhiK totlioiuwlsloiuotOrtllii.uicoNo. l S ,
to-wlt :
r.ot.l. WnnlcPD , Potlth Onialn.
Lots 1 and V , block K I. Ninth Omnhn ,
I.uM 1 and S , blockllrst addition to South
I.otH , Idoekl , first addition toSmtliOninlin.
I.otIJ , liloukH.tlf.1 aildltlonto . ' outhOnialiti.
l.nts n. t , 11.13 nnd in , block W , llrst addition
to Ninth Oinnln.
J.ots 1,2 und I , hlook 7 , llrst addition to South
\Vf t el onty-llvo foot of lot 1 , Moell 4 ,
Itionn'9 1'nrk. '
I'.nst sii > nt-ll\o feet ot lot 24 , hlock 4 ,
Itiov.n'h I'.u l ( .
i.ut .e\pnty-ll\o feet of lot 9. block 8 ,
llrown's I'sirk ,
Jot7. bliu'kf ,'s Park.
l.iitd. Moi-k IK1. rioutliOtn.ilia.
Lot 10. lilrti'klll.s-oiitliOiiuhsi.
l.otO. hlnuksS. South Dnialia.
i/ns ! , ; iuiui4. blouur.i , south Omnln.
l.oti I'and4. ' blo.-klM. South Omaha.
Lots : i and 4 hlock tu South Uniiiha ,
1 , otf , , lloul , < rj , NinthUniahii.
NoiiiososiiN will ho eonsldorod nnlcssno-
compniilcd by a ccitlllcil ohoi-1 ; for ! HM.o > , lo
ho rctiiliind on all Mils nut acccnlrd. Tin-
right Is rcsonud to ri > 'u't : inv oral ! bids.
J17dlOt JOHN. ! . HVANL'uyCK'ilc.
Notlou to Srxvrr < 'ontr.iotors.
S. Oinahi , Neb. . July idlh. HOC. f
Peilod nr ) iiosnlsifllllo icoolvcd hytheiin-
dor < Uned , ut thisotllfe , until twelve o'cloek
noon , of Inly Sdth , IflO for fiirnlsliln , ' nil Iho
Mink ! Inls and doliu ail the workiioci'ss'iry to
coniplctn tne tolIuwniKcIt vlminvimoiitsvl/ |
C'on truetliu u twenty-four huh storm
wntPt sii i r. In "Q" sticot , nlso Jinttlnsln n und approach to the wi-s't i'ii < l
of "Q" stioot vladnol , I'lniu nnd spoclfle.i-
tlons may hcseon.tind all Information K'la-
tlcto tlio work obtained nl thlsolllco
! s'o ) > ropos.ils fnmi nnvi-oiitriictor Indof.iull
with thoelty on any pu-vIoiM contrast will bo
Js'oproposal from nny contractor will ho
consldt'ied unless nc'tompiinlod bv aei rtlfloj
check for fi\o hnndred < lollnis ( K > WOO ) to bo
tt'tnrned on ull bills not invented.
The rlsht Is revived to rolut any or nil
liroposnln ; work to bo coinpicto wlt'ilu ' 4l\ty
(111) 3.
Apliroxltmto ostlinnto Is 270 foot twcnty-
fonrliieh ti I po. 4W ( f < 'et t'.vcho Inch pipe. All
bidsniiisl uoun bKinlis furnished by theclty
onu'lnci'i ,
II ) order of the oounc'l. ' Coininltteo on
stncts and alloys. 1) ) . CON'NIII.l-.V ,
' ' ( Jhalrman.
. . . .Denver Jiiy 4.(1J ( p in
Di-nvor KTIHIIKH ti n p in
DontiT .Melit "ixprou U.ti n tu
. . . . Mncohi Loril . . . . _ _ y.oo i > _ tu
rr t * r n. A orui - I ArrlvoT
Doinl | Dili ami Mjnon flroel * . | Onnlm.
. .KnmniClty lay Kxprcn . . .
JJ.IJ p in ilv . UNIyhtKjrp vtuU ! Tram
DSTO.-Tl'A a Pi 0.
Oiualm. | Depot IQlli nnil.Mt.rcy street .
0\orlanl Klyur ' . * OS p ni
M | . .I'ncltlc K prt11 * ' ' . . , , I'-.ll | > m
10'JUu ui Denver KxpraHs. . . . . . . . . I ! U i > m
5 ( l n in Knniis City Kxprosi I i O'i n. m
10 15 n in ' nlrtJvMICx _ 4Mji in
I.jMvu.rjTlllcSdO. If ! . A V7C"fB'lO.
Onmhn , | U. l dopi t10Ui _ nnil Atnrc >
Oli p in Nik-lit iriron : IIOU'i a m
II H n m Atlantic Kxpruiit II. ) p ri
4 lo ] > 111
siouvcif r TACiFTcfr ArnfSr
Ounha. IT. 1' ilopuU JUth nnl .Miircy SH. | Oninlia
7.15 n in . . . . aioui cit. r I'liiionKur I
_ 5 15 p rij _ . il ICxprosi . . . . . .JJOOjjt ra
7 < rtlv ii"
pmiihn. I llopiit bill nnilib tcf St * . Unuiliit.
. . . . .M t'.inl l.lmluiil |
J care * n'UlUVUO * NUltTllM KSTlIitN I Arrlvoi ; , lOlli mil Mnrcr i3ti | Oinihn.
1115 a ml Chlcii , " ) ntpruu U'.M p in
X.JI ii ra Veitlbaln IJraltol
( it ! p in . IOM.I Acfoniinoilatlun ro > | i m
/ ' '
Onmbn U Iil pn't. lUtli'nnl aiarcy bt < I Um'ilni.
till a in OO'i pin
CW p m ( Memo Kxpri' * * 1M i 11 111
( ISO p m
llmiilia. [ JJ. P iluiiot , lOUi and Miircy Sti. I OmMm
l..xTl > in ! -i. IxiuH Uitnium Hill ll'JIu i > ra
liv n I K. 1C .V MJ. VVttjiV. Arrlvoi
Oianhn. | Dopotllthi nil Wii'ntorrtH I.Omi'ii
VU ( n in llhck IIIIN . . . . . . fijl ) p m
HO ) a ni Kip. ( Hi rtuniliiy ) . , Si ) p m
610 p in .Wahoo k IJncoln 10 % ) u m
ni.Yorte | ANorfnlb ( Kir. Hiiniluy ) , . lOK ) n m
Omiihn J llcpotlSth anilYclKtcr
7jm n nil. . .Skiui City ACL-ujiiiiioihtlon , . . | OK > p ra
10) p m . .blonxnty EiprmsKrSnn ( ) . I 1 M p ra
0M ( p nil Bt. I'nul J.lmltod V'l.'i a m
Jit ) D inl.llnnpoftl'naMHRor.lKr. Biinl , ) | HIS it lu
r TT/JlJlTi I'AUlt'tu. ' ( "SfrlvoT
Depot nth anil Yolnluf Bti. I Um-tlii
10 ,0 , a nil. . .Bt. I/iuU ft 1C. 0. Kxiircna , , . | i Wl 11 ni
U15 p . . . . . Jxmli A K. 0 , KTpnm..J _ j , U n in
Thoto tralni QUO stop nt 13tn , Ulli.SCth nnd Sltli
fltmoti , .Summit nnrt SiivlitRo Croulnc.Torllnj. .
pien'M tultn ilJ nol run Silndiy.
llruiui * Trmu- aiicol'y
vrny ttt Omnlia fctn- South Alhrl'l
CltlulTi Depot. lC\IOt lldii. IJmnhn. " MJSii
DTO fi.t'l if/ )
n.ujo r 57
II.Vili.4' 1M li.ll ) 6M
80i su B.'J
H.'U'H.M ' TV )
111 Oi : > 07 SW
3P5 07W
I.M 127 (05 W II .jM
41. ) 4.5V 527 ( Uo 5u ; < M 5JU ISO
1501 & . & < 0 30
11.62 TUJ 7.07
l/IIXVCi "ClItOAdo. It 1. A 1'AUil-iU I Arrlvoj"
Tniwtir Union Dnpol , Council lllulli iTmnJler
TTiib p in NUht ICiprem ! Hi niii
Jsi ) am Atlnntln Kiprmi &Kt p ni
COO p in \ojllbnlc Unitto , ! IQrt.0 n ra
Trail ifer I UnIO9OopiitC _ _ uncllJil uJTi. l ranifcr
liTu n m . .ClilcoKO Kziiniii , 1,11(1 ( | MU
500 p m Ve tlbulD Mmltoil D.r.D n m
lli ) ) p .u ICnUorn l > lyur. 2CO pm
_ Upjn AtlnntloMall 7 Kl n in
"lT"1 n nil. ChlcnuiiMull ( L'lCfpl siuiiJny ) . . I 5 so p nt
i.lO ; iiml Chlrniiu ; t\i > ru < j. . . . . . ' .Ml am
p mj _ , Clilcijn Uxiron | _ JJ 3UO p in
lanvro If Tar JOH * if If.
Unloiiloit. _ Cuiinrll lllniri
IOIJ7 und L'lly Kifrati
lU25pm Nljht
Uiivoi T" OMAllAi Hf
'lmiul.'r | Union Dupot , Counrll
MX ) | i in |
'Imnifurl Uiilun
llKpm ) ( Cbluisu t'.tiirex. .
. . t rrtton U cnl . .
| A > rlvo "
TrnnjforUnlon | _ IJepot t'ounrlt Kliilli. I'lrnnifcr
1. IS a nil .Hloul CHj AcmmivmlftUon. . | 'jU ' : nin
ew pinl I . iiuPaul _ l.sprcu . . _ . | II 68 p m
' "ral 0' o'
WoilualJ. ? PUP P
\V biter SI . . .
( Ink Omtlmin.
UriiU lllll . .
Ijiku hlrL-ft. . .
Wnlniit lllll .
llundto 1'luo.
\\vit blUu . . .
fvytnour Park
l-urtnl . . . _ . . _ . _ .
Kuyiuour 1'ark.
Mwn . . . . . . .
llnniloo l-lncul
Wnluul lllll. . .
l lo Htruet. . .
UruM lllll. .
( i.ikl'liutlinm
Itccmt ICtntnrntloni Hi'covor the
I'mnmi * * Wixtcr.
Tlio American consul nl Jo U'lii , /
Mr. Glllman , soiidn totho fitalo mrt- *
incnl anneoiwnt of the recovery of the
famous | xol of Hctluvda , write * Wnali- -
InijUni corro-wnndont of Iho St. Louis
( jlobe-Dctiiocrat. Asia well known , the
IJlrhul Israel hut in tlio past boon con *
aidcred us tlio silo of the Ui'tliosdn ; buL
the cxeavntlons of the Algerlno monl
under the ruins of tlio Crusader church
of SI. Anne hnvo gradually
transferred opinion In favor of
the hitter locality. This was strength
ened by the discovery of a foik-hewn
pool containing water boiiotitli three
tmtWMsho fttiueture ? . Subsequent exca
vations lovenlod the remains of t\\o tiers
of five-lire bed porches. Iho lo\\cr tier
' ' In the pool. The intelligent
of tlu > monks , who tire in '
of llio iirojici'ty , have boon further 10-
ou by tn recent disju'cty of
tinotlior pool containing ti good supply
ofntor \ to the westward of Hint llrsl
discovered , tlio tMitlru agreeing
with Iho descriptions of tlio
IMhc-sdii us given by tlio fathers
of the church nnd 'Christian
griins und writoin as early as the fourth
century. The corrcspondenco in num
ber of the live porches to these men
tioned la the go pol of St. . "John will not
oricnpo notice. btop'tcut In tlio rock lend
down into the water. An ant'lont Chris
tian ohmvh In ruinsBiirmountatho whole.
Tlio remains of the upper tier of porches
extend above the pool nt right tingles
from the north wall of thoerjptbiMU'ath
the church , in which Iho npso , at llio
east end , though d tlnpidtitod , is still dis
tinctly do fined.
On" clearing away the debris thut
choked the llfth poi'oh westward of the
ape all these discoveries culminated in
revealing1 the remains of a painting or
fresco upon the plaster of tlio wall in the
rent1. 'Jho fresco represents an impel
as If descending Into and troubling the
water , which hiltor is depicted by con-
vuilioiuil zigzag nnd vruvy lines'of nil.
oll\o green , shaded with bliii'k. inoro"
suggestive of Egyptian hieroglyphics
than of modern art , anil biirroundlng
the lignro on every slilo. Tlio right
hand of the nngel was Bhnwn us up
lifted ; but this lias been carefully destroyed
stroyed , probably by the Moslem * , "after
their habits , in the early diys of thtur
power. So , also , tliu faro of tln'iingr-l ,
which has boon battered so as tube com
pletely obliterated. Tlio glory or nun-
bin above Iho head , painted an orange
vollow , btill rcmniiH , but little injuroil.
Tlio odffo of the pool appears to bui indt-
eak'd by n broad rod line , ini'loMing
tlio pjilnting , and havinj ; an occasional
rectuiiKuhn- projection into the water ,
] > erliaps representing sitops or tlio
piers for the porches. On Iho
oust of this fifth-barreled atch , tbowii'l '
< \tCidiijLr ! nt light angles , are the iv-
niniiiBof another figure , tilM ) in frc-i-o ,
much defaced , and supposed to repri -
bout the Savior. Above the head , ex i-
dently Intentionally innlllated , is a portion
tion of the uimbus , and in the lower
outer corner of the painting1 part of a
blue robe.
It is to bo rcffrotted that three frcs-
eoes , the colors of which woio quito
brifrht when llrst uncovered , have nineo
greatly faded ; so that the blno is now a
dull , ashy gray. The reds nnd yellows ,
however , though lowered In tone , pre
serve tlioir hues somoxvhat bottor.
To buinnmrizc , these dlhcoverlos are aa
follows : 1'Mist eoiucs the rubbish oovci > J
inu the ruins , nnd built upon by the
inoro or loss modern Turkish hou > cs ;
next beneath istho small church , with
ap-so ; under this the crypt , -with five
porches , contnlng the fruseocdj and ,
lourth and last , underneath all is the
pool itiolf , cut in Holid rock , nnd with' '
live arches of well pro&orxod masonry.
This last , from the historical and other
evidence , is the wltnblo pool of Bo-
thobdn ,
Contrasting Klciii-nts lu the Chtirnu-
tor ol'Ui-Im Old U-'iiad St v an.
Speaking of "Old Thud Slovens , " as
the great American commoner was often
called , I hoard a story told of him the
last tlmo I was \Vasliingtoii which
JM has never boon in print , writes
C. Truman in the Now Vork Times.
The old man was boated near a stuck of
" " at awoll
cheap "chips" ono evening
known resort for gentlemen of his kind
near Four nnd a 1 falf street on I'onnsylJ.
vania avenue , Washington , only a year
or bo previous to his death , when sonio
now arrival announced that old .Jumos
Washington ( colored ) was dead. All
present botraycd o\idcnco3 of real grief
when some ono roin-irkcd to Mr. Stevoiifii
ri"l'm afraid , old man , that It won't belong
long before you \vill follow Undo Jim. "
"O , no ! " responded Thud ; "that's im
possible , " and then , pointing to the
coiling , * 'Ho's gone up. I'm going the
other way. "
Thntl was very fond of faro and of the
midnight concomitants in the shape of
terrapin and cinvusback , and also of line
wines and brandies. Tlioro are few
eminently great public men anywhere
who are not addicted to nil or homo of
the \ices , Bo-called. Oo over the interminable -
terminable list of the dead and tlio liv
ing , and there may bo found exceptions
contiadictory to this statement. This
great Poiinsylvanliui was n staunch
frlond of the poor , black and vhlto , and
especially of the former , because the
blacks xvoro the under dog during His
tlmo of public borvico , at lo.vst In his es
timation , IIo was grim and harsh and
severn in all his public aota , and at
times seemingly , if not really , savage
and unforgiving. Outside the liuuso of
roprosonlativos , hpwovor , ho ga\o n
good deal of time to enjoyments. 1 lo
was as fond of faro aa any man I hnvo
ever known , and in his lifetime stirron-
dorcd much "coin of the realm" to "tho
man who ran the game , " Ho main
tained the sumo degree of humor and im
perturbability , as 1 romomuor , whether
winner or looor , and was ever redundant
in mirthful expressions , even when ho
continually put down more than ho took
up , ILo talked lllllo or no politics out
sidoof congress or on the Btuinp ; but fit
was an oxtromu republican , yot- not
without louclies of democratiu human
nature now and then , for to my certain
jfiiowledgo hosigni'd his name to inoro
than ono apjicul to rrohidonts Johnson
and tlrant for pardons when it was
nocL'osary for certain ox-loadora ot
the rebellion to bo relieved
from a natural disfranchlbcmcnt
icsultiiig from the "Lost Cause. " / * " * '
JJurlngtlio laM months of hisllfo ho f
wns carried In a chair to his seat In the
house of representatives by two stalwart
men , nnd while ho Imd ono leg in the
grave , BO to bpcak , ho ut.oil to joke with .
his caretakers all the way , ami the laht
time they carried htm to und from the
capltol lie interrogated :
"I wonder If I shall have two such fol
lows to pack mo around when I got on
the other sidu ? "
I lomombcr hearing John Ilickman ,
the quaker member of congress from
Chester , l a. , say to Colonel Fomwj a
Blunt time boforoSIOVOIIBtiled :
"I saw Mr. Stevens last ovculnjr. no
will not llvo many days , Hut ho is it
bocond Morcutio. I said to lilm that his -
appcnrnnco was good , nnd he replied v
that'll was not his appoarnnco , but hw
disapparance { , Unit troubled him.
IIo was a good deal like 1 lornco drco-
ley In ono respect ho always hud n coiner
or two for a distressed person , ex-en if hoer
or alio were a tuimp or the worse eli
from drink.