THE OMAHA THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS ; It Would Take a Derrick to Lift the Pilca of Wheat at Present , CORN AGAIN FAILS TO 'KEEP ITS PROMISE. i N , Oalsn frl/lo / Nervous , Hut Prices Itliu Up a Ncii'oli Nothing .More Tliim ( Jrlnil In the I'ro- vision I'll. . July 17. l"pcdil Tolojr.un to TUB HITTlirrc u scc-H'iw mnrknt riKfitn twlny. Itiltiioticis wrro tiin tly bullish , built ! iiiciitH | | tintnolliliiK will lift llio prlci" ) nt pri'si tit. Tlio niiirliot Murtoil Hi in unit a lltliu liUlieron Urn I'ulilcs nnd lc fatorulilo crop topnrls "f sumo RtrciMlli cnrrloil over fiolu ycslorilny. n moro Ijiilllsli ustlmutoon the total orop by tlio Price Ourrunt and iitj un- 1'iny tVilliuiiiiniiitHlinrK with llffht ottVrltiR1 ! of IDIIK oli1 This w.n oiioucli to put pi Ices iipu cunt or two. but tlio only Advance win n 'IB Kill" over Ilio nlKht and u 'ic further uiluinco for S't'iitPmlii'r to 81o. TlitannHlliu topliolnlof llio tiny. It looked us If Iliiloliln- MJII uumiKiilnst tlio in.u I.el , us lie wu < i mi open KelliT and funiMiod tins ti.uluiill tlio wheat thi'y wantt'il I/ tier In thu il'iy It win found tli it licliiul liniislit ftccly tliniiiKli otlicr brok er * . Tlio IIPHS lice-lino o\iu moro bullish. Liiinsiiii's Irnl very bullish nth IOM from Imll- nni , unil lllfc'elowX Co fromCiillfornli , wlioru tlio milling iltnriiii ] win oxt-i-lliiit and llnnr iiilv.iiiml slwe Miinday. llccrliolmi lu- linltuil Ib in in.ii lit li mill wi twentliur ubruid. JMlrriiniil dmi'il linn iiml ' 40 hlKliVr Tlmu wire i-.ililt's iliout tlio Injury to rye nu tin' f'lintliiint Hot winds liri'tullivl In Now VoiU ele.iicil 107,0(10 ( biisliolsnf wlieut .mil iitlbiii ! polls Iflinoo liusbds In wheat anil Hour. Mum ) No. I hunt win it was talum for oxiioitiit Now York , but tliiiniiiiki'L wim rmr- . AnitustMililfiT'iC to H'Uo to KT'i'c' ; fi iiluiiilii'i Mililtssf to Vic to SS'/o to KH'C1 tdW.nto KS'jc tot > S'Bi'Ht ' t o'cIncU ; Du- I'OinlmrHO ( Oto'JI'io ' toWI'tO lo'M'io ' In IW'.c. No ns taken fioni slnro hero. KcjiirtH of tb Irk on limit In ids I ikon for export lit New Yolk ciiiM'cl a lllllo mini buying In Just liufoiu tlio close , \vlien Hciituinlier moved on to BS'.c. but tliu cliisu \VIIH at S.S'VL1 , or u fr.iitliin under yoti'nl iy. Ollm closings wiML ! Jnlv bfi'ic , August S. 'ni ! and Dcucinuui U0\e. Nucharters \M in ti pot tul. A .ilu a lilg in irUet In torn was expected anil iiL'.iln Irail'ng ' wus lUht. It was tlio vriilhir maiUet , lint wonthir Is nnc'ertiiln.ind lisp lUln's arc nut at all to lie ii'llid upon. iuly ; uilvKis linlluiitcil a return of lilKh ti'in- jimiture nnil dry wlinls In ICnn as and oilier Houthwc sli'in st ill's. In n jii'iieral way noi | nportHtti'ieli-ss favorable Tills slartrillho nun lu I up and .Inly and Ainrunt cai'h solil up to ! < < ! , or 3iO OMT tliocliM ) yislcitlty. Sep- tniilH-r suIiKiaitetnUiifU to.Mu InlW'iC , ulnsliitf nt JlN'u' ' , or Ha lilgliir Oitolur t'lniiid ntis : e M.iy .sold at Ho tullUc to41'ic ' to tlio olnso. Tlio outs urn Kft wns a llltlo nervous afralti and nilics wen > run up a notch further , l.l-'ht neolplK anil sin ill slocUs , with stonily buying lira fmv p.irtlis , ciiusru hliorts to KiitoitH vlinn tlipv ( .iinlil nltlioiit putting prices up. .Inly sold : il'jc ' to rj'ic , ulosliiK at : K.V ; August ate to l oat tlietlos' ; Supti'iiiliei m'iu to IWo at tliocliui' , ( 'li ) ltiK vllort Mav.lPaC'.ind .LV. There .ippiMis to lie nollilm nioro tli in a local ( jilinl In tlio piinlslon pit. I'lk'i's iliiin o Init HlMlilly fiuiii il.iy to il iv. Today mess * j > ork sold nt * ll 7" and Jll. ( ) for .Inly. JIOSO fur A g st , tilSO ) fin Hipti-nilior and * i'U'i for Jiuioiiy ; Inrd lield al 'iUi'i for bopteiulu i ; shin I ilhs , t''M : tof'i. 't ' rurMMHi'iiihei aiul > 10 foi Au- KHHt. nlth Inly nujleutLl. { ( I'ho piovlslou Undo Is In ii rut. CJIIVA ( . ' ( f LI t'K S I ( > fJIf. , Inly 17. [ poelil Telegram to TUB III E J-lHTTLB-rilO flit Clttlo Ill-lirll Of tllO c.illlo tr.idetod'iy luollncil \.c.iUncsH , and tlmiirli an occasbiial load of s nn 'tiling rlpo Just Illtod thi ) order sold at Hto.idy in Ices , Koncrally tlio in irUot was "u anil lOo lower Or.i s steoi-i .mil rouxlilsh Kr.idoi , as for sonio tlino past , were IndlltoroMt , sclllns pintles Iliiilln u llniltoil outlet at Irro'i- ul.irly low Jliiros. ( In fact , siiuh had to bo dlsposud of on a oitcb-is-c.iteli- inn luslsacry unsitlsfactoiy tiailliis roiulltlon for butli linjer and sillor , isvell as forounor. Handy butcher stnll uotnnianilod iiliout UK much iniinoy as anv tlnin of late , but ; still , values can not be limited iniiL'li , If any , limur tli.m ji.stor.lnv , Alioiitfi.GOOTu't ins were Inoliiilcil In the iliiy's airlviils. nsigiiv'fitliiK a Illioral run for llio wcnlc. Nov rtlii'li".s , stoailv liilecs provnllcd unil tliu pens wuo will tluareil. Considering tlio liniiiuiinn KiippIUsnf nil classes of cuttlu that liuvo In uii n cel\id tills U'ulc , tliu gcnciul Initials In excollunt eonilltloii , und deinoii- Gtratcsthounuilt'rfiil facilities of our Ulilc.ign market. t'holcoto extra bLUMsI.T3i4.r Oi niu- ( Iiuiiuu gnoil stioiH. l.Til to l.riOJ His.$4.2T > Q < .r > 0 ; 1200 to l.'BO His. , H SJ l.r : > ! KXI to 1.20J 1IS . $ , t. ! > 0 ( il.OO ; stoukcrs und tenders. j.KH ; .ITU : onus , biilln nnd mixtil. l2.iro'IIO : liulk , ; .IOi.r : ; slnpfi'd Moors. ( I.SAiil.not Texas grass Hliors , l. . < ( X3.liiO ; fed stecis , * J2JiItJU ) ; cows , 1.T5 ( 2 . ' 10. Moos The innrkotopcnod Ina very douht- ful LMinilltlun and iiiuny sales uorc niiiili ] lit tehti'rdiiy'HL'loxliiff prices , ur n rim nil $ .ld7'/trrt ,170 for mixed IIOK . As the diiy liiissL'd , htiointth mis dovoliiDod anil tliu c > 'neial niniliot elnsed .VftlOu lilghor nnil 5o lilghur on Illtht. Knrly trniisiiotloiiiscro largely at f. 1.705117r > for good lie ivy , with M.T. > iiiiisliU.'ioil nn excelli'nf iirlcej Inter , J.I.T. > (3.I.MI ( \ > us nuirliod , Mltli JIN ) tlin basis for iirlniu quall- tlos nnilfaKleoiiiiiianilliiKlho M'ry liistshniiod tops. Me lit lion's. nirti'd and luitiliers' pigs nt the stnrt hriiiiKlitonly M.7. > ! later. H.H ) win tlio li.iils fin Yorlc suit unil Inilc'hiM solLctlon , with slngiliiK sorls nt MW. Light-light and thlpiilng tins sold from $ . ' 1 Wftl.Tl1 , mostly 'iiioiinil JUKI. KOUL-II heavy uiKlcoiiinuiiipiick- Ing griulL's , pnilluiilarly those ho\vlntc Kr.iss , niut with nun our los > i uoxloet nnd solluis hud to force tlieiu on buyers at f.l..rij to JJUj. NKW YOHIC , July 17. [ bpoi-ld Tolocram to TUB llEn.l-STOLKH The market opened fevor- Nh but soon been mo quiet , as nothing out of tlio usual routine traniplrori. lloston was luiylns Atchlson , but tlio low cr prices and an ftbsoncoof ordeis from London anil the west woroills.ippoInthiK. Room traders wcro bear ish. SI. Paul fiunls'ied so HID speculation , as Klrkncr sold it ofl' to a low point > esteiday , while the best buyliiR looked as If It w.ia for heavy Chicago Interests. The Oannuok following - lowing hu\o sold IJooU Isl.iml si persistently that the trade Hoards the short Interest heavy. The action ot l'ho iniirki-t this morn- KIIVOCIIO now feature to tlio trado. I'lr t iirlecs showed losses from last oon- IIIK'S figures of from ' , ' to ' { per eunt Citnt'ially , wlillo Denver , V ISIo Orandii pro- ferrulsi4on I pur eent and bu ai Itollneilos upiillko aniount. Tlio list n.imod stouk sjon ilovrloped a marUi'd wo ikaoss , howuvor , and lapldly lost not only tliu opening Kiiln , but inoroIn addition , 'llio lo ular lUt roiiiuliu'il without special fo'ituro lieyc nil the Htrenuth la 1/nCMiw.miiii , which , honoMii , Hiioeopded la KuhdnR only > i per ct-nt. Tim uoilcnessln suunr was afterward nosleotol In the iexiilr list nnd ( imitations sliuded oil Into In thuliour. btiKardfollard to7JVTii loss of SUperetnt froniltsopenliiKllKUii remained at about the lowest for tlin list of the hour , Tim hour up to I'J o'clock brought u little rally In Su ar u > 7ii. : ( lliero\MIS- llttlu upturn In Itock Islund also to Ul'i. or V ud > anee. OlhurhtouKs failed to reeoM'r fioni the 11 o'clock prices There \\eio additional encasements of cold for o\port toda ) and tills had a ilupiesslnt ; tlTect on the a 111.idy heavy HtiK'k. . I'rloos -nt to low IT points onory llsht trailing , lus noio 77.000 snaies. The following wuro the closing quotations ; MoMiV-KHHy at : ! ' J per cent. I'IIIMK MKIIOAM-II K I'.ii'm 147 iior cont. 8TMi.ul ( KXUIUMIKDull unil btcaily , il3jty-UaylIHaH.81' ) ' ; NK\V YORK. July 17. [ bjioelil Telosram to TUB HEK. ] Tlio followliri ututliu niluliiKstook ( imitations ; Caledan'ii II II Onlnrld IH ) llondwiitul 1' , . . , I'ljmiiuth ii I'liii'iili , Arlt . . . . 1 J Hum Silver . 3 MVHKU , 4 TO N Hello Inla . K\ tilerru N. Coiuiuunvrealtli . . 2iO TlioN'cw Voile CofTco Mnrki-t. NhffYoitK. July 17. [ Spoolul TeloKraiu to Tun llKB.l ColTeo Opt loin opi'innl steady unil iinchniiKcJ to 10 points downi closeil Bleiuljr mill unulianccil to fipolntailoAii. Halt'is 21,0(10 IIUKD. July , (17.15 17 ) ; Auuust , ll-.OOdMT ( U | beiili'liilier , (10.40ifilO.-l5 ; Oolober. tli.Ml Nn- vimiber , tli.4 % Dvci ni tier , * 15.4,0 ; March , 115.10 ; Miot Hlo dull but steady ) fair cargoes , Ko. I nut touu , I18.2 > 31IU7S. ! M'ltonVt'K 3UHHKT. Cmctno , July 17 liH p. m. elo c-Wlicat Sternly ; t'asli. NliiV'W.'ii ' ! ! < i'itetnli | r. RSVc. Cora -Hlondyi ( . iiMi.OT cifeptetitbcr.ts'o. : ' ( O.its Htc.ulyicasli , Ill'fC ! September , ? Jo. Hjc 4SHc. Hurley Sicmly. Prlnio Timothy WS. Klut - II. . Pork yiili'ls ci li , Ill.fiOi "cntPtnljer 110.40 , I.-u.l Oiiliit ; c ijh. M MI suiti'intier. t > OJ'S , 8 KlniirI'lrni nnil itiirhaiiiiuilt winter whciit , 11.11181 0 1 M'rliiu , tl.loat.'Ol rye , IJJW7J.OJ. PrnvNIiiiK Slniitlilero , fl I' TiHOj short clear , IVJU.V.j liorlrll ) .i'i.KS'i.lO. ( lluttur ( jiiU't : creamery , UaiGei dury , ' - -IJni'lntisoli fullcrcimclicililnr * . 7 < (5 ( 7'ici ' Iliiti. 'UfJJ'iCVounS ' Anicrlc.lS,7'i'iJ7i ' o , 1'iriii I'lnn ; fiutli , U'-ic , Illilei llncli uiKisil ! lie ivy and llilit preen Riilte'l. ' rlT4ciltcil ! liull . .V' ! ciocn siltnil eulf , lUiQiUiu ; ilry silled lililoii , Oa ; dry o.ilf , fiRJei iluucoiii. 3)o ) o icli. I'lillmv-l nuliinsol ; No 1 , solid ntckoil , 4ct No. ' . ' , I'Sc ' ; uuKe,4'ic. ' Uocelpti Shlpm't- . llour . inooo o.oiw Whcit . 411)1)1 ) ) 8.000 Corn . Illi.OOJ 4AVOX ) o.its . ii'iOKi ur.ojo Nm YOIIK. .Inly I ? Wlioat-Uccclpti.d'.Wjfl Imsliels : expoitt , 107,7V ) InMioU ; mint ( Irniori No. 3 red. lil'SUnP u In elevator ; OiU Wiio alloit ; nV.ftiT'ic ' f. ii. Ii ; optlinisclosMl htcudy ; No. 'J red. July , cliiHlnn ut DISo. -IteciilpK'Wril liiHlii'UiOxport .llO.IO' ) Imsliels ; -tioiis.No. . V , 4l'4u ' In uloMiloi | II'J'UIIV ' ! iillo it ; iin.'r.Klcd inlMil. l-'ai'ic ' ; opt Inns I'loseil linn , lulvclinliu Ht4l > ' . O.its-Uoculpt'i. ' "iO.JiJJ hilsliuli ; o\irts. | ) .11.591 busliols ; spot - . ( ireu anil lilclier ; > 'J wlilto , IBl'ifiJIlL' : uilxul wi'ilurn .IVtii'- ' ; wlilto nest- ; options stroiuur ; July eloilng ut ColTro Options closed sta idyi iincli'ini.'ol to 5 points ilnwnj salps Sl.oiiO ha.'s ; .Inly , il ? I .id 17.20 ; August , JI7.00BI7.0J ; spot Ulo stv idy ; fulr ciirgtnes , , * K.iw flrin' eoncrotn K" test , 4n < 'i tollni'd fisloij olT "A" " a lKIc ! ; pOHueioil , 0 11-lGi" Kr.innUli''i'1. Pi'tiuluum Uultcil closed for Attaint nt I iss rnncy , scarce anil flrin ; wcstoi n prlnio to f mcjv. IHiflUiO. Pork -Unsutlled ; moss tl'.7VM I V ) . I , ml bto.idyiestPi Ol'ji ' August , t l III lliitter-n\tristoidv : nthi > n iiuli-t ; I.lgln , ITVii'ivvitei u dally. OBllus oiianu'iy , lOiilTc. l'lii'l'su-\W ik ; pu'c slJnis. ® " ( . ST I.oirin , July 17. U'hsilI'lnn ; e.isli , 6(1 ( Sii1 ; boiiluinliLT , HSc' . Corn Illihor ; cash , : \Vi \ ? ; September , JiUo. Oils -IIUIii'i ! ciisliCI' , jplu nljcr , 'iJo. Pork -Qulot utIle > r ! ll.i. . I.ird Dull nl f.VJIi. > . ( j ( ) . \\lilsU\-il.lil. llutti'i In 30011 iloin mil for cholcp. ntliois noslecle.l ; cli il oeie.iin Ty , i2 ; > H < Ji Elgin , IT © IHcitholeo dairy , llfiUo. KANSAS Cltr , July 17. Wheat I.oivi-r ; No 2 liuril , cash , Tli'iu ; July , tO'ios No. , ' luU , cnsli , 7."i'ie > t'nin ' ti'iuly No 2 , e.isli. nfi'jc'S July. We. O.its SlroiiKcr ; No J eili. . SiUi- ; July , . ' " ' 50. Mi.NNrii' , .lulv Ki'i-cliits , tA om slilpinunti , SO c it's ; c isli in 11 ket dull iintl \MMk.llltliMleiiiiinil for . 'injllilnt ; exioiilliu No 1 liuril anil No. 1 nnrthoi n ; low Kr.nks Mat , C'lusln . No 1 lianl , .lulv unil Aiin'ii-t. Ivy ; on tiack. tr'e ; No I. niirtlii-ni , .lulv. and August , 8. iV ; ' upti'inliur , SISu ; mi triiU.S78.i"'icNo.J ; iiiirtlicjiii , July unil August , sic ; on tiaok , 813 tslc MIIAVAUKKF , July 17.-\Vlicit Qillot ; No. 3 ( .pilnj , c'isii. SiiffXi'Sc ; No 1 nurtliuni , b It1. Corn -I'll mi No I. II Oils-lllKlui : No 2 white , 31'ic. ll > -JiiloliNo I , 40c. Ilirlil'iriii : No.L' , ( no. I'liivMiius-n.isy. Pork Cash , { 11.70 : AUR- ust , f 10.70. Oisi INNATI , July I" . Wheat Sle idy ; No 2 n-il , We. t'om - Minus ; No 2 mixed. ! 0' ' ' ( JIOc. Oils K.isler ; No 2 , mixed , .te'itfte. Whisky tl 1C. Uvinu'ooi. , July 17 WheitI'lnn ; de mand pom ; holilen utter inoliM itily ; Call- foinla , 17s 2il pi-rueiifil' toil wustein spihu , 7s > | il nir ; roil western wintui. 7s H\l per euntiil. Coin -Mi'aily.dPtn ui'l p.ioij newnilcuest - ernJsbJ4il , ptrvuntul. Lin ; sTitux. CiliCAno , Inly -Cittlp lloTlpts Ifi.'iOO : shipments 110110 ; in.iiKit slow. IOW.M ; lieo\is , tl ; [ ) ; s < for > , $ t.-iJiil.- : stocKurs anil fi'i-ilers. ; 403)17' ) ; cow , hulls nnd mlxcil , Ul.ivail.lO : Tex is e.ittlo , 11.7.-iftl iti. Ilo.sUuuLlpts.e ; 0 Ml ! niai ket liMiur ; mlcil. . $ .lWll ( > l'i ' ; he.iv. . SJ.CJBI.S'i , liKlit , { JUi'aa a..KI ; skips , tlJiUJSI. hheop-Iteeelpts 7,0 > 1 : stp-nly ; nittvoi , SlVXii'ilO ; westerm. fl.'iXiil-OJ , L'exans , tl.30S ( 4.1,0 ; lambs , fi ( K > US VJ. Ktssii CITV. July 17C.ittle llcoolpts , 3,00) ; shipments , : i.'ll ) : market sti-.uly tostion , ' ; sti'iirs , ll.'jvfjil 41 ; BOWS , Jl.VJU'J.Oj ; btnckera and feeders. $ J7uaii ( ) . Ilius Itecolpts , I7.OJ ; shipments , G , ! ) ) ] ; mar ket sto.ulv ; all Kridi-s. tl 4i'5't > l..0. ST. Lotus , July 17. C'attlo Kecelpts , 200 ; slilpments. 4Hli ) ; market steady : filr to fnnoy natlvp steers , $ J.DO < J4OOi stotKcrs und feeilers , S.MVB.JI3I. Iliws Kecelnts , 4rt ( ) ; shipments , 1.13 ! in u- kitslow lie IV v , $ Ki02iJ.70 ; packlllR $ .135 $ 3.i7 ( ! Illit SMi.l7. ( ) . Sioux Oirv , In , July 17. Ilo s Uoculptt , 2,400 ; n.aikt'tS'/Sit ' lilsher. oloiing steady ; soil- In ? at U4V&J VI ; Imllc at Sl/iJ Cattle Ui-ielpts ' "Ji ; mm Ket dull .mil ni.o- tlltlOllbllllLllllllRKl. O.M.I.i itiviz sravit. Ctittlc. Tlmrsd iy. July 17. r tlnntcd receipts of cattle 2.IKI ) oompaiod wllli JH'IU ' vi'stonlav und 1M7 'lliuiiilay of last week. The jccelpts Kenet.illy were \ery common. Tlioiiiarketopenoluliiilstii > ly nn tliu best Rl uiles of steels anil 1 iltcliuiV stiiir , iillnthci urades iiru vo\v | and siKKln'I'liu tendency of the market seems to bo tounidsa lower le ol of urlies. llieronro u KooJ ninny ( eeileislti tliu pens , most of uhlehiiio na tlieli way tol'oorla , III. , JToi Nels Morris' feeding _ 1 1 OKS. IMItiiatcd receipts of hos. 0,70) , compaicd yislorilay and JVisS Thiirsrlay of last weok. 'llio nnrkct openo 1 actHo lit a Hhule'a adxaneo , t > eon became weak and almost Hat , then lenuwln , ' active life , all cli.uiKtil hands eloslmtllrm at tlio liesl pikes of tliu ilnv. with all sold. 'I he r.inio of prices was $ .l4X3i."i : , tlio liiilksolllns at t-H'uKt a. I.Uht. f.1 ttxai.17' } . Mlvoil , tl r P.I IJ. llo.ivv. * .l4T'j.l5i. Tlion\ui.iKO of the prices p ild w is W 4b'i , eomp iredUlli > ( I40 jistcrday and ? .IM Thursday of I ist week. Sheop. n tlimtol rn"clpts of slicep. 231 compared with .Vli jestculay , and none on the eonu- spiiiidln day List week. Uojil mutto in are In ikinanJ. I'rnvnlliiij ; I' The following Is atililu nt pr ; os pitd In this mat kot for tliu r.ulo ot stosk niciitloiic 1 : Prime steers , 11)1 ) to nil Itu JI 2J < J6I Ll ( Inoil stem s , lii ) to 1 4T1 Ibs . , 4.03 < if. .l } Oood steoi10" > I to 1.1)0 ) Ibs Common , loojto 11V ) Ibs . . . . , . .1.21A'lil ( ) Common caiinnurs . , 1.00 ( iV..O ) Oidlnary tof ilr urns . . l.C. ) © 'J.W K.ilr to Roodeows . l.O ! fC'.MVl iliKi I tocliolcn cow * . Cliolcu to t uiiey cows . Kilr toiiood hulls . H" ! fK'lm Choice In fancy Imlls 2..VI ( fti.2.1 I.Ulit stoukers anil feeilurs , 2. VI ( h I..M rtedeis.ii.lo to lioilbs , 8.0 J 40 Ul I'dr toelioko lUht lio-s. . . . Pair t < iclioleohi > a\y hn.'s Pair to choke mixed heirs . J.43 Oust of The following tahlo Klvos the aver.i"o cnst of houson tlio dates montloiied , In luilIn tliu cost toilay. as b.isnl upon sales itpoi tuJ : Juno : iO 1 I73i July ! ) .luly 1. 24'1'i July 10 : i si .Inly 2 . . : , 4 * J July 11 : i 4i u July a. . : i n { July u A 4 ? .Inly 4 . 8. IP ; July 14 a .IP , July ft 811 July It a siii .Inly T . . J ( .i'S July 1(1 ( a 4G Julys. . . . JOT'-j July 17. Coinp.irativo Tables. The following t.iblo slio > H tliu riuo In prices on lion's during this und lust uc'tk : Hlllliest nml SiliMof ToJiiy. Yoitcrday. IIlKhust . . . . . . . * 1R5 HlKliU'.t . f I M ) Lowest . 340 lowest ( . U 40 Stock OHlulal Yostortliy. P tluiatnl Toilay. Oittlo . .M9onri.UU4 Outtlo . .lO ( can. 2000 lln s , .141 cars , 8,0 > iS HI > KS. . .IJ-Juur-i , O.Tix ) Mieup „ Ileus , Till Sliojji 1 car , 'MO llursus. . 'Jtuia , 01 llor 0b. . . , 2 cam , ill A\ernjo I'rloo of IIo s. of IMccs. nous. The following taUlo shows the ranzo ot i > rlcu8 paid for hogs : lulr to choice light , lioji (3 W ® 3 I7i | I'alr to choice lienYV , , . . . , , . . . . 3 47'iffil M l > 'ulr to choice mixed . . . . .J45 l 3J 8I1EEI' . Prlmo fatMiccp 4 53 Bl 83 Unod fntOiecp 3.V ) & ' 2 . ' > Common to medium sheep 253 ( $1 81 Disposition oPHtouk. Sliowlnz the number of cattle nnil lioi ptirchrHCd by tliu dllTonut buyers on today's market ! OVTIfX. Fwlft&ro ISO TlioH. II. llatiitnond Co 170 The Armour Ciiiltihy P.icklni Co 4 l Oniihn 1'nchln.t Co 10 I/oo Uolhvnlld ClU Hamilton V Motiheti 8 ! ltlllOM& Ull'lL'tHHIll ' 1 NeUMorrls fAI HvckorA , Dozen H Lolmiiiim St Traiii'rm.iiin II Ciono A. \ , 0 Other llujurs Ml lions. The Annour-Cudihy P.iekln Co 271S Onmh.i I'.it'ldng Co i.fw SwIftX Co. i , KJfl Tim O. It. Hammond Co M .T. I' . i | n I res * . Co 4(7 ( llrlttalnA. < Jn SI7 LUcrpuol & Dus Moltiu4 I'acldngOo 270 Itcitrcseutatlvo Sales. IIIIKS-'f'll lit IK STI.tiH. : No Av. Pr , No Av. Pr. No. Av Pr. 17 tHllMl.- i ? uTJtlM SI I 111) ) H 71 21 I.MH : i ; io w 11 vi ; i TO 21 nil aso f. M2J i : L- > 21 ir.i ; i TI 20 DM at.1 . : 'i7i .14- si U4j a Ti su 12H aw ID llT2 it , VJ SIIII'I'ISO tVI , rtl'OIIT STltltS ni ! n is 2. ' ti ? ) : i : i.i u uos nca 21 'ASS .1 20 20 ion a 23 cows. 2-J 010 I T 3 10-11 2 10 0 1171 2 II 2 HM 2 OJ II 1)1. ) 2 III 2 1271 241 11 " 7J 2 OJ B 1340 2 : fl 1017 2 V ) II 10,0 2 OJ I Til ) 2 10 fl MO 2 M fl lliVI 2 OJ S ! 10SJ 2 10 l'i ' H17 ! i Irt 1 TT1 2 0) ) 1 10.1) ) 2 40 1 1010 271 2J T1I7 2 10 1 1040 2 JO i .I.'IO a UO 1.1 08.1 2 10 C\N.NHts. 2 1120 1 . ,0 II 7M 1 71 El . $02 1 f > 7" I HI ) 1 .TO I 104J 1 71 1) ) 1019 1 l < 7'i ' I II'M 1 M 4S SM ) 1 K ) 21 MS 1 ' IS 1KH 1 M 21 T.1I 1 M ) 21 I Oil ) 1 IK ) 4 107. " 1 Ikl I N)7 ) 1 M 211 KlM ) 1 ( U li 2n 1 71 4 . 771 1 m 2 II'IJ ' I ' ) J II 2ll ! I TT. U . SO. I M 1 1110 I < < U 1(1 ( SS7 1 T.I 4. . S'Jl 1 1 1 . 'M I 110 21 TO" 1 Tl .STOCKF1IS AMI K M1KI4 | , 1 TOO 2 10 2 TtlJ 2 .10 11 . 714 2 CO 4 7 : 2 r > o i trri 2 .11 4 ? i ui 17 Hid 2 .V ) 11 Ml 2 ( fl 1 , KM 271 2S 710 2 M J b7 ! 2 M ) II. . UOJ a OJ : 7u9 2 : > o I ire i TI 7..1410 2 40 1 14CO 2 40 j ir.0.1 i M C/I.VI S 1 2sO 2 SO 1 . 210 a 03 1 . 2JO a 40 i 210 a 10 RThl 114 AMI IllirCIIS. : io . TOI : i 01 s . 027 a : iu. . ' , : o a 40 I 48) ) 2 CO 1. . VK ) 2 75 Miiition. ' Host cattle steady. HOKS aiU.uiecd a simile. 11. U. Uoyd rcpresontod Illaden with a cai o IOKS. W. 111 all nn sent In .icarof L-attlo from llart- hiKton. Jones .Sliuan tent In t oc.irs of hos trail Am CM. I ) . ( J. Itubb sent down thruucais of lin-rs fron Kiidltolt. S. II. it. M. ColTiiitiii sent In a cai of e.ittlo floiu Ayr. A , T. NUIiols sent In n car of liogs fion hltohllold. II. Way liad flvo cats of eattio on tlio inaiKo from i-t.iiiliin. JVlluer I ) h ul a car of L-atllu on the m ir- ket fioni bcnaiil. John Ualtoii hid near of o.itllo on the liut from 1'aliuji.i. P. and A Alldiltt had of luys on the inarKct f i inn Krleml. Puller , binlth fc I'lillor had hogs In fioni Fcrilnior and Dodge. A. s , larii > tt hud .11 ai of hon-s on the kut f rum Kosturson , Lehiner llrothers of Ord had time cariof c'lttluoii Hit nnrUet. T. A.TiK.ilsijy & Co. had a unrof lie son llio market f ronivnllgrls. . \V. A Kicnrs of Uoiers Hriitlioi-s , Gibbon , was down with i car of line's. C. A , llailKOttucaino In fioni Hun > o Cieuk , Wvo , with.i uar of rm ucaulo. .lames I'imeis , tlin lioa\y de.ilor of Itemlor son , nils hiiulth li.ittlo nnil lilies. John Q. .lolnison ,111 1 lle.iianiln ) ? ( .Ton'jlii ciii'h had n car of hon" , In fioni O.ilc , J. P , of DIM ryniiin ft Llttlnr , Cor- doMi , wasupUtli a cm vauli of ( .nttluaiiil A. I1 , Winon ! , a iironilnoiit und siieucssful feeder of NuicawKa. w.i'i nil with two oars of gnjiliuttloof Idsounf iioolund lo ) Alnln s ] i leldn company tit DCS Molnes , In , wtiihuie mid took away a tialn load of ho , , " ) . Kiiink Dor-ey , ono of tlio hcst Known and most puilli'lDiit men at the i\eli : m i > , has roiiiii > ctu.l lilinsnlf with tlio .liinirs II. C.iniii- bull cuiiiniKiiuii voiup my , Mr , loicy Is nno of thoold tliueis as trn ly as ho Is loniiKti-nt nnd pimil.ii' . Tlu cninii.uiy could not luvo seunri'd n Uuttvi to Ini-ri' iso Its linslnoss and .uld btien th unil Inljiiunco to tlio local U.T1.1HA M'HtHKiALE JI I roduuc. MIII.STUHtiuso. . -HIM. 1'iwi I'isr Ib : Perch. 7c : u'-'o ' < j , TC pluUercl , hu ; pll o. tic : tr.ur ; Ooj wld c. PC iropi'le ' , JIM ; unt llsh llijuiid ttu . . . . , .0l iioun ilets , lie ; Oieyoi saln.on , liu ; bUckbasj , lie lobsleis , I8e. JKi.MKs-pj'aio perlb. lHKh4in : VKUr-Choluu medium , ftii7c ; : Hsht 6G.-i'e ' ( : heavy , lltiVi. l.l\8i.KiiOti.-lta\\.ftOo ; bjllcd , ( lie. OIIIKII I'or bbl , rollno I , * l.oJi half bbl. M.'i5 harileldcr , pure , pi r hbl , $ ( ) ) ! oraiu'o tldur half bbl , JMKJj pear elder , half Ubl. ( i to. \ \ out ! I'lno uu allied , Hfcfilfcj riu'dliun nn wr H'led , isft.'lci L' unwas'ied , IsfjiuO. 1'nt.TH AMI TALMivr-tirfrn lililts. riyftOo ; dry saltiil hides , fie : dry Illu hlilu U'ii&Su ; tnlf hideI'j'TJl'jO. ' ' . Ilainugod hldusSd less. hhiMipiiolts , Kiei'ii. inch , 5uc < 5 ( l.5 ; eliocppelts , dry , per lb , O SIlo. TAM.HW-A No. l.l' u ; No. 2J.l'c ; preaso , wlilto , ilVifdc ; jullow.S' ; htaarlni * , O'i ' ( > . UOSBS ( ( Ouoliitloinaro fur lit llory In Chi cago. ) Ory butfiiio , | ior Ion. tir.oo3iP.UJ ! dry country , bioaohed. IKVX > iiiJ.03i dry couutiy , damp and > , & 7XKT01010. HII.SKV-StralniHl. uO-ibcans , per lb,0o ; now comb lionD } ' . IKJISo. llmss-Hand-picked navy. II.7.V3KO ; Innd- pluked na\y. niullum , Jl.001.71 : hund-nlckud oountry , ! l.40i/I oo ; Kood eluan , ll.loQi.s.v I'UKi.Kb-MoJIciii , per bbl , &M ; bioall , H59j ghurUiiH , J7.-.0. IiMCKuiiiiiiirK Ki-ioai OJ iior'4-nt case. , ti.W , I'cr24 . e4 Ilo lli.i < ijp r'.M.iit ciisosblack , 1 X ) per 2l-il | < ? a e. , . ( loosinrniur.H : Twob t iicl stfttid , Jl W3S.W. COCOANUMl'crlWlv.tifl ( , WATI n\in.t.o > -I'er lee , tsOrtaw.00. . I'ASTKi.HUi'K I'er ( loc.d.iivtfidu. e\t.iroiiMA CiiEHnui , jvr lo-lb box , ! „ ' * 73 : soiltlierii , pir biHliid , f.V ! > a.loO ! Orogou , 1.1&S2 00. \CHBS-Arlti\nia \ * . " 4-hitghpl box M ; Oiillforula , per box , * ! t P3J . I.KMONSI'IT box , Mcssbin , fancy , J'lOO. ' TtMATOfI Din-ba kotvrate'i. t-.wnj.M. O.MONS Sew oilthern , per bbl , .V > § , - > .0.1. I'KHH llartletl , Cnllfninl.i. per box , fl.W. 'HUNKS ( lot 111 in , per box , f.'i'i ; traguly , ier unite. * . ' .7.V I'urplu Dunne.JUTlio\ , . I'oUl.TllY-l'or do7on , chr'Uu ' hens , MOtXEaROj choice mixed , JlVjaiWU roosters , f.Vi' > tJj.7 , " > : sprlns chickens , IJ.iHTiiJ.2for small : { i Vft.l lie for medium ! * I.VMJUJ for hirst ) ll\c turkeys , c : ucrlbiiiMO Hirmii"CremiiPry : , fancy rolls , print , IC ® Ifi'iC ' ! creamery , fancy , solid picked , l.Uillle ; cifiiinery , choke , lO/ijlSci dairy , fancy tolls ihlu. I'm I-SK Kxtra fancy cream twins , lOi- ; anoy full cream twins. livcj choluo full ereain twln , 1)01 ) itool full vrvim twins , M ; anuy MUlins , TUi'ii'l chnlei > skims , tvn.o'4c : all to Kood , .VB-mo : cholie VOIIIIK Amiileii. ie ; fancy lliiiliurKui. lowi.'c , fancy brlcU , 10 ® Ic ; .lomustlc bivlss.vgutc. \ . MF\TK Pin ? kit * ' prU-us--iiHikod limns , id-lb iiNor.iKe , tO'ii' ! inoled liiitns SO to 2Jlbs'M ' o ; oinoltid liniiix , I.Mo II His , lOVi I'xtiu hi'iivy liiinis,2.1 to21 His axiraue. li , i , sUinnedslle.- Itnr. is in 20 His avir.tvo , UUfidOo ; I'lillfotnlii limns , T'ji' ! spi'clal broiikfust bacon , 10'io ; poilit haim. ll'iebtcnkfait bacon.elcur.H'iu ; rib , 7'i5 ? si\i' : limn --iiisiii. ! ' K' ! iileiilo limns. dii/ . } < iiK ) ; pi-i II ) . ll'iei dri < ill meats , ' , -4 , - , me s pork , ntr bbl , tll.iKl'ifi. u\ti.i ntt-ss hi'ef. ? > , Vij siiutiiw. per Hi. hnliumi , 4o ; star , 4'iu ' : liver , 4".ii' | blood , 4'ti , hi.idolieeso , 4't' . Add Jit % per Hi for lots h- , , HUH -flb | < , | ' | pink , hornless , pur bill. JII.M ; li ilf bill , J7.23 ; iinaili'i Iilil H7'i ; eighth lilil. t.MO ; pics hocltv , half hill , * l 71ijil ; u tti ! bbl itttillitli ( blilll U ) ; kits , 1" . His , iRIl ; liUw fiet. half hills , ! . ' 71j ( Itiurtir bills , fl'iO ; uUlithbhls. V- ; kits , 11 Ibs I i'b Uii1 ; honoll'v * IJtv.lKfiiM liiL'on )0o ) : boilt- less ham. "o ; summer s.nis.ige , lOoi cor\elnt suns me. ' " > ' . Din-si n ! : l * -tcrs , M tolrt ) llisaver.iRo , nathc , iii5ii1Hii ! stii'is , 4(0u ( > Vie llisai.iiti - , iiatlM' , t'lfii.'vi'i iow and hi-lfirs , lootoMioiiis aM.'i.ib'e. ,1'tu : lillidiUiutiis | , stiuis.lOo ; hliul- iinnili'rs , towsSu { fnieiiu liters stcurs , 4'ju ' ; fi > M > iiintti.ts | , enns , 4' ! iin. .si d hess 41iC , DIII-SSKII MtJTriiN-riinlce diesscd iiiutton , O'ji. " , iitoUsof iiiiiltiin , I4u ; s.iiiiilus of inuttiin , I0ilueiistsof ; iiintton , : ! ! Uvs of mutton , lee C\\M-.l ) MIMTS Cornul bief 1 lb , 11.20 ; ciniied In if , 2 Hi , i..IO ; iiindi toiu'iK' , 1 lb , Ji.lWj lunch tongue , 2 II ) , $1 7 > : In.itt n , 1 111 , H.V.1JhiaHii ; , 'J Hi , * - ' . ' ) ! oxtiuiKiips , p , Ib. fiO' ) ; ntnnsiuf , ' . * III , Jlloil ; chipped beef. 1'i ' Ib loiindcans fl..M ; roist beef , 'Jib , round c.ins , i..O ) ; pottnl liain. > t Ib , loiinil IMIJS. iV : potli-d ham , ' , Ib , louiid cans , ! fl .M ; deviled Irun. 'i Ib. lound cms , its ; ; di vlleii him , 'i Ib , iiiiind eiius tl.'J ) ; liottnl otoiiKiie. . ' , lli. iinindeaiis IIHpottiilox ; tongue , v , Hi. round ems. { I.'JO ; lOiupri'Hstil bam. 1 Hi. squill' ems , 1I.7. > : iniii- ] iieul ham , 'ilb. siuuroians. | U7.'i ; tripe , 2 Ib , lound can' , $1 SO ; mliicc'd rollops , 2 Ib , round tans. JJ.aJj boneless pls' feu , 2 Ib , siiiate | e.ins , ij.'i'i PIIISII Hunt C'tTTS Hulls RII. ; beef ton- ilei loins , lt-c ; slrlolu. butts , 7c ; boneless httlps , 7Hc ; loimds , ininp on" , ( Ic ; lounds , lump on. Sc ; lounds , sliniik oil , i'c : lioncless inmps , 4i. ; elincKs , .pc ; jilati-s. 2'5u ' ! hack halves. 4'ic ' : shoulder clods , 4Jic' : heof loins. No. I , < * teii. Kiailc ; bei-f loins , No. i , inCfllcjhiuf lolus , No. I , Or ; beef libs , 0" @ Sc ; Ii ef illis. No. 1 lOiWlle : s cet breads , per doI'm ; kiduin" . iMcli , > , ox tails , each , 'I'J ! Iht-is , eaili , l.V ; betf heails each , 4c ; beef toiiKiiox. eiieb,4ie ; snip lolus. il c. Pill su I'otiK-l'iiik loins , ' ,14 ( . : tendi-iloliis , Oc1 ; spaio libs , 4ir ; sliouldeis , ' < ( " , lioeks , Ilo ; ti liuiiiliif ; ' ) . 4c ; baekliones , ' 'i , diessctl ho s , ljic ! ch'iined pUs fiut. pop doiOc ; loinihun- eloaned plas ful. | u do ? 2 ic Ij Mill Ull.sllbls , i\tli : laid oil. ws,4Sc [ e\tri .No. I laid oil , 4 to ; .No I I ud oil. Hoc : No i laid oil , .lie ; pilio no itifnot oil , 4e ; S 4itl , can. Vie n'al , LAti.i noilsfo'it oil , 4Io ; No. 1 ni'iitsfootoll , .I7e ; tallow oil , 4lc. llosr.-iio'.iii liill'l Half b.iirels..7.-i ) ; rjittir- ti'r luni'ls , W.Uj elchtli b.urils , } ! r > ; kfls. IT Ibs each. IKU- . I'IIIIK TONOUBS Uncpoki'dMilk cnied Half linnets , 100 Ibs i7.iJ ; unaitoi b.iuels. Vj Ills , J4 ( HI * * \ tJni ( " sINOH-C.ittlc-TletCLS and barrels - rols , mlildle pel III , ( , ic ; niuiiil , ,1'ie , lnuis ( , 4c ; hoKiaslms. IM per Ib. ln liun s No. I , 4'it ; each ; rounds , per it.iO ) feel , 12lic ; M't mid dles , per sit 'n feet , . .Vici i woiis imlb , IcbSthan l,000-fileielotsiii-iacli | , small bl uldei-s , less than lOOdolots , IK- put deLuge ; bladders , loss Dili n VlO-do' lots oOc per do ? . Si'iruii I'Kis'ToMiijKs-llalf bairels Jll.Ofl ; iiuailer lui lels , W.7'ij eighth bands , &I.UJ kits , Pi Ibseaeh , W.2,1. TAl.l.ow A No. l,4osteailno ( ) , C'4c. I'll KI. I'n llKH'ToMiutu Half baiu'ls , $3.r > 0 ; quuitur ImtitiN. t.i SOi elulilli liantds , SI 03. Ii tun ' 1 lei cis Hi'llned laid eoinpoiiiul. S c ; nuiu leaf , d'ic ; kettle , ( l'tc. Add 'su toc per Ib for sin iller packages. I'lCKLHiTitii'i : Half hiriels , ifj")0 ; quaiter ImiieK SI. li : UK'itli ' butruls , 0o ; kits , 15 Ibs each. ( ioc. SunAti-Cut loaf. 7'jc ; tubes , 7'ies stnndaiil po\Mleii'd , 7'ji. : XXXX , pondeicif. sc : i.inu- lattd. tPjei confectloneisj1 A , fi'ie ; climax XO , i.1 jc ; Nebraska XJ , 0'8u ' ; umber. 5'tc ; Oanaiy C , Ti'iC. OoiKKt Ojicn I'anoy uoldcn Hlo , ? i'c ; fane ) ohlpK ilieirv , 21'iCiKlo , iholco to fancy , "i'sc ; UIo , pilme , 'Jic ; Ulo , { jood. vJl'.o ' ; Santos and common Hlo , ll 'lu ; Moeha , ' "lc ; Java , Keniilno O. U , , -'sc ; Ju\.l , good Inlcilui , 23c . ' UoifKh KoTiti-d Arlosi , 2."iic ; ; lluuola , SV/iCi Mcl.aiu'ldliiXX , 2i'e : Genuaii , 2.iiC ! Dolnoi til's , a.Ve ; l.lon , 2.i'-s ; Mallpjticli , 25' .c ; .Mocha , .Sic ; O , C. Java. , t'e. KAHINAI i ous Uoiins llailej , a c ; farina , Sc ; peas , le ; oitmeal , liQ-i\ \ ; niacoionl , HKii lluj vei inlei'lll , llXBIli1 ; ike , cboh'o.S'ie ' : fanej , lie ; hcad.S'ic : s.i o and tapioca. bt > i7c ; lima boiins.Ou , split peat , ! c ; sp.i lttl , He. O NNi.n ( ooiih I iult , ( ; allofnla ( htaiiiliui bramls , 2'i-lb , per doApiUots , tl.'iKM 01 ; Kiillous. )4..Vl ) ! blaikbcirles , ? _ ' .x'i ! elienles black. * li " > rA180 ; iliisrrle.s , white , ti.yViS.M\ \ Kiapes , { LuMDIbJ ; pjais. Itaitlutt , Ji.lOu.2.2S ! pn.iLhes , jellon , ( { .KKUi/J-'i ; pu.uhcs Union din. , t.MO ; plums , C C , ? ! ( . ' /ai.sil ; plums , Kiihlt n < bop , } ! > ' ; plums , mien ( ta e , Ifl.lkVii 1 81 ;'H lth pits In. tl.iiOj euiiants , : Koosubotrlus. ti.'i'i ; qiiluccs , KU : i.ispberiles ir..WI ; Miawbtiiles , f-.Vi ; peithesIb ! oasl- oi n sttindaiils , II hi ; Mb pie , tl. ' > \ Kal- lens pie , j > .I.OJj apples. liUli xtnndaids f.1.13 2-lb K < i"sol Olil < x ! Ue ; --111 sti.iw UOff'lV ' ; 2 Ib i.ispbi > rili > s , $ IOO2-lb ; bliiuhenlcs SOdi'iOt' ; 2 Ib bliukhuiilos. ( P > < 370c : 2 Ib strav\- burilos. preserved , tl S0j2-lb i.ispbeti Ie , pre- Miivvd , l > 0a-lh ; bluuklxiitlus , pit-served , fl.tfl plneapplus. ll.ilianui Imppe.l , t-.O ) ; 2-11) liu- llama. iateilf..7.-i : 2-lb ll.iham.i , hllced , SU.IK ) ! . ' il.sllfnl , JLiiai/iJ ; ohei > ki > . S-ll prd , llnlllmoic.triQ.U.lvi , JI..IO. Vi IIKTI i s Tomatoes -l-ll > u\tia , fl.OO ; 'l-lb hlandaid western liiands , ! Vc ; Kallons. stilutly stamlaid , JJ..M Com rinestniinvn. H.liO ; jjllt eilaed su ai coin , very line , * I.M ) ; choke --1I su.'ar coin , $1.10Hi ; oxti.iveitern \ luanils S'ic&JI.OO111 ; stiimliiKl western biaiiiK , UYii 7'ie , Miishrooins 1-lb I'n'iieh , extra line , -2ij ( JV ; l-lb I'lemli , tine , lSTio ( : 1-lb rr < 'iicli , or- dlniry. lOftlSc. I'eis Ties , line , per can , 'Jic ! ( Icml-tlne , percan , Pe7-lb ! ; sifted , $1.M ) ; t-lli ! eiirlj .lime. ili" > ' ( ( , I..L'i : 2-lh .Man ow , stamina branilK , tl.llllb ; ' so iked , .ri7e. Stilus be.ins- S-lli hih ( Ki.idc , Ucfugto. Me ; 2-lb ( Joldti wax be ins , 7iic ; 2-lb stilni ; beans , U'Jc I/lina beansilb snikod , 7.V. Ho-ton li.ikei beans 'l-lb I.uwls. SI.O ( | Crown brands fl.W Kvuct potatoes , ! -lb New Juisvy , $1 U ) . I'liinp- Klns : t-lb , tt.lO. Oki.i and tomatoos-Sl.W okia , ! Ul ; succotash , $120. Ditiniiriiuirs- nuts , nuw , .Vju ; vostly i O'ie ! prunes , cask" , I..10J lbs | ii.C | ; piunes , bb or IIIIK. ( i\u ; llosuli piunes. i c ; cltion peel drums , ij.lbsc ; lemon peel , drums , -Me apples , i bolco ovapoi.itid , JOu ; .MlehlKaii 'if i.c ; I'erslaa dates , 7c ; hlaikburiloh , evaporated 50-lb boxes , , Viu ; ehurrles pitted , di y enied iHH,2" ! r.usmiorrles , evaporated , N. Vno\v : ) c ; prnneK , It U. , (17 ( 70 , 10i/il2'c ' ; oianiie iieel l.'iui raisins , ( ' .illforniii. London orop IH'H ' , la ; Oallfornla , loose mnscaloH crop 18W ! , J..OO Vaknu'.as , old , lie ; now.Oci Califor nia seedless sidtaius iniisujitols , 8e ; sks , 8'c. lUsiCKTs I'er dor , t busliei , 11,11 row bam stave , elm , SIM ; l--3 bushel , iianovr ham ht.ivn. elm. JSMs Ibimlul , .stavo broad b.inil elm , f..a ; I'JhuslK'l ' , stave broad Im nil , elm $ J.7i ; 1 liiislioielin sta\e , bale handle JIM ) ; bushel , oalv stave , ti.00 : I busliei. llrlRRs , $ -.7'i & diu , f 2.0.1 ; l'i ' bushel , IhljJKS M.2.1 , 1 liushel oaksplint. W V ) ; 11 , buslml. oak i.pllnt.f UfiO I bushel , b.iinlioo , ? 5.UJ1' : bushul , bamboo J7.0JJ liiundry , willow , huxe. J".Vi ) launilrv willow , medium. JIV ) ; laiimliy , willow , small f."i..V ) : iiiarket.cliiiillt | , 4 > c ; markit , elm , rivet handle , UOc ; market , ilm. eoveieil , 1 peek fi.OO ; willow , market , lurne. ILSO ; willow , mar Uet,2 In nestd ximdl , 1 modlum ) , pur nist , UV ! ash , sa ti hoi Ii isket , eoered , li In m st , pi r nest 81.10 ; small bamboo lilt\ery. ifli'i ; inedliin bamboo dellM-ry , tl.75 : lant oiiiibuu < lcll\ury J.V.10 ; waste piper Imkils , W40. PISH Cod ( lib , extia ( Jtiorites. new , ft1 jo Kiand bank , new , 4'ic ' ; silver , : ; -lli lilix.'Ki'i'f ( snow white , Mb lirlckn , u , bic ; Turkey cod , lancn inlddlo brhks , Oo ; snow white orates. li-l-Ib bo\e , H'4'o : medium sealed hoi- rliitf , 2.rKj ! No. 1 scaled lierrhu. 0uj ilomustlo Holland liuirlnn. 40o ; HamburK spiced licrrlm ; Wo ; Unsiil in turdlniK. ttplcod.n.V' ; Itussl.ui siu- dlno4 , plain. .Vie ; Imported llollnnd lierrlnif ciow u luand.iiOo ; do fancy milkers , We : mack pil , No. I shore , half bbN. ? ! . ' ( K ) ; bloatei-s halt bills , $1800 ; uhltillsh , half bills , t M tiinit , hulf bbU , j.100 ; family wlillellsli , { .I. ; * hahnon , ( S.r > 0 . .Mnr.AKUKS HblH. N O funoy , per xal , MQWo cholLu , 41ftl7ci KOOil. : UCI.'o ; UuU.i baklns , SBi uOei black strap , LVaS-Jc , WitAi'i'iNo I'Ai-Fii htraw. per Ib , 1'iGi'Jo rns , 3'ic ' ! Miinllla II. 'r1a ; No. I. Be. Ott.slijprhno whltf , IkIV ; ) water white Me : 17ri lieadlUht , 14)c ) ; 74 Knwllne. 1 ( c. - llblb. , lffo ; grunulatod , S i Kegs t-OliA-1'Ugs 60 Ibs to boi , 5ti5'Jci Kegs Is'ijTS-AliiiondB. IVj ; Ilrazlls. Kcj filberts 12'jci pecans , lie : walniits. 12'io ' ; peanut cooks U'/tCi roasti'il , Ho ; Teiiiusson peanuts , be , OtN.xni PiMi-l-lb muckerel ( honing ) H.OO 1-lbtlnnan huddles , II.oOj l-lb lolMors , J.M5i 2.2J ; l-lb Alaska salmon , Aleut , J1.J5 ; 2-lboys tcrs , 10 01 , 1.'J5 | l-lb oysters , 5 ot , ) if-lb olrctn. U or. I.VTi : Mb chm . Hit lonecki , lt.Si | -Uielams , llttlo neoks. II,7t 'j-lb sardines ulKirteil , prrcasc , 100s. | lVOl < to.OO : vlb Ini- mrled iHiiielrssHanllnio , kov , fi-VlWi * > t-lb lar- lints , American , poroa e. 100s. Preneh ntyle , 4 4iXU VX ) | " , -lb sardines , American , per ca o , IHK Piencli Style , K.MtoH.M ) | 'i-lb sardlui'S ui lar < l , tioriiKo.iVM , Jl.7Vi.MPO. IliiooMs-a-tip , patloi-.Ml'Oi 4-tlc , fi.7.ln-tle ! , J .1) ) It-tie , plain. } IXi ; narehouse , JAW ; toy , 1.2.11 whisk , II ( HW11.20. CoioUlli , 4iH per Ib , OIOCOI.ATB aiCiur lb ; Ocrrimn chicory , oil , 8' < o. Itoi'K ll.isU-Munllla rope , P > o : sisal rope , Sot cotton rope , Ulc : now prtxess. Mo. COTTON Twisr. lllhb , > ery lino. J or 4 ply , Jet llne,20o : daisy. | so ; candle wick. 2io. OI.IVKS Qunrts. per doz , Sl.lifli plats , per tlos , J..VIJ bulk- , per sal , Me. VlMioiit ; ur. elder 10o : good , 12c ; wlilto vine , l'ie : fancy , fruit , sc. Srovn Cot , i8ii - 8i.vx < t.ic7 per prt ) < . llAds Am , perlOO , J17.00 : l.ewlstou , per 100 , 17,00. - . . ' I'nlon square , HOfl-TApor cent olT list , ! ? AtT-l.ilrv.2Ml ] His In bbl , bulk. JS.1I ( ) best Krade. ( Vl.'s. ii'Ht best crude , 100ds. $2.10 lust Kiadu , IS Ids , tJ.20 | took salt , Clashed , $1.K ) | eoiiimoii , bbl , } l.- . " > . „ ( iHi'-O.istllc , mottU'd , per lb , P lOci do white , pu Ib , le ( > . Dry < 1 mil- " . llt' < vv Hnow.v COTTO Atlantic 1 ! . T'KM Atlimtio II , 7c ; Atlantle D.n i-i Atlimtlc 1 > , lie : AUIOM \4Ue ; lluek's llead , ( i'4c' , Cabot \Vtl'ii' ' : DiirlliiKton .'1 Partners' ' Nn l . . 'iia 4'ii' ; HoiHler hU ft'tei India Head , 7'4c ! Lawrence I < I..lUi'i Ileiulettii l.Iy.5J40. TIM : HiiowsCuTTOVs-Atlintlo 1,1 , . dei Au rora II , ( i'4C5 ' Auniri K.f.'je . ; Atla O N II , T'v : ehic'Mi cloth , 4c : Clinton IT , .lUu : I'opiiciell It , G1 ! ! ' ! l.iinudoii ( J II , I'o. ' III.K\niKti ConiiNS IliTki'lny oinilirli * No IHlK'i Host Ynt , U'li'j llutti'icloth XX , 4 , , e ! Cabot. 7'ie ' : 1'lrst ( all. C'io ' ; I'rult of tliu l.ooin , H'jc , lllli Sompur Idiun.ce ; llotisi keetii r. hUcj Klint Phillipcinililli' . UK. , I.iili'-'iloii ( i II. IHc ; I.onsdalc. W'u l < on dale enmbrlc , lOcj rsew Vink J11IN , Hi" O.ik l.awn. 7c. SIIKI.TIMIS AMI I'll.lOW CtSIMH llunvn - Nit Piiiperell. IVIn. . lHo ; t'lpneri'll. I--4 1-e ; Ptppei.'ll. 11-4,11-4. .Vi'i I'iplieri'll , 10-4. 22 , L'tli'.l , 4h-ln , l.V | rtlcn. AS-lli. I7'tc ; I'tici , Ts-ln. Sli'j Utli'a , N-ln. ! 2iK' ' ; l'tleiiIM-ln , > " 2i. ' llle.iolird Net IVppcri'll. li-ln. lees 1'eppoii'll. Ill-Ill , lU'IVipuii'llli-4IPiel'eppi'ii > llt-l. SHr ; Pip- lieiell. ! l-4. 2-V ; Peppeioll , 10-1 , 22i'i ttlia , 6-1 , 24i' , Utlc.i , lM.Vfl'tk'.l 10-1 , S < itc ( J1MIIUMS - - AmnskeiK "Uo Aiiioskonr. driss , site ; Il.ites. tl'cj U'atnlL'k , dress. T'iej Kancn-ti'i , ( Pit'i Olenalro , O' ci Wlilltoiiten , diits , r.'jc. ' 1'iilNTi Inillso liltio-Net Murtliti Wa .li- . liijton ft' ! AiiR'rk'.in , ( J'jci Ainiildfi'iC1 ' Arnold II IOIIK cloth. Jk" silfil A. l.V ; Merilmni'U. \ , I0o. Cold lent. M/ic : Hamilton , iVjo ; Allen I'liiks , d'ie ' ; Allen Chainlji.ij , lie ; Uloucustcr , 1'iiivT' * r.ineles Kddyitone , fi'4i'i Pteol KlM'i , In1 ; It.imnpo. 4' ' e ; ' t ledm.i , ft'iC , Milttliu's - MalthaVi ; < hln liii ) , 4lc ; Muirl- utii'K , 4'iC. ' Tur'icv Itcils-I oiint.iln , G'jc ; liainei.'e : ( relleld , 8'C , llorlln. ii'o. ' WKIANS Net , Tldstle , 7'4f ; Ited l'ioss.7c. ( 'oi.niiHi I'lMiiiucs down , 4'jc ; Ittd Mar , I'ie ; lollid tlovei.Sc , slater , be ; high coloia , Ic e\tra. ruit ' "tevciis1 II , le-ln. fi'ie : "tevens * I ) , IS-ln , Ge : Stevens' A , Kl-lii , 7es Stevens' I1 , IS-lu , 7a4Cj Elevens' M. lin. l . siic , MOM-US' N. ai-hi , s'ie , Slovuns' NX. 'JO-lu , ii'ic ' ; Stu\ens' SKI' , M In. Il'ic ' ; lileacbtd , It-extra liMMS-Nit ) : AmoskeiiK , li o/ li'i'.es Vorlc , camlet , lie ; r.veiett. slandaid , 12' ic ; llaj- niakor's , 7'5ci Old Yoik , XX , 10"tci I.iwicncc , ) . I l'i C ! Lawrence , U-07 , l.Vc ; fancy stilpis and clucks , ll'io. CorrovAiim York Nankin , 10'ic ; Cverctt , 8oIhc : I.ovvlston 10-or , ' "J'li'iorkl nginan's , 14cj Coikscievv caslimcie , "i'Sc. OtMNlNU IVr 07 , 1' . & \V.,4 < le ; Oeunin , ! ) lc ; nllKO , pel lb. , 7.V' ! Insect powder , 22c ; iipliim. ; miirohlnt ! , p < i o1 1 10 ; hops , per lbI0o ; ujtei Inc. ! iOc ; deMilnc. I0e ; cuttlcbone , .lie : oieaiu tin tor , pine , 'Cic lommoielal , I so , cam- phoi , lie ; am. earl ) , 14 , ' ; bliioltrlol , 7'i ' ; ALld-'inl > nlle. aifrt.Vi cltilc , 4n&ISu ; tu- tarlc , IfTfC-l'icj sulphni Ic , per lb , ! ic. Sperm oil. $110 ; tuipentlni' . Isej 'I'onea bc.ius , JJi'p ® Hi bilsani told. 4Juj41e ; ( alnmel , IKifi'ire : cantluiriidlfi JLU'SL.IS , vasslu buds , 'ioWi.'e : cbloiofoim. 4'lJ6Vi ' , t'l ul , 47iii'i ciiinai ible , fiVil'lit.1 ' ! KlVierlnei05J2lej Ijeopodlnm , 40 4lJe. ; meicurj , b7c. _ MotalN. Ilt.ocK Ttv-Snnll pltf , 30e pel lb ; brir , 30o pit lb. Coi'i'Hi I'lanlslnd boiler sle , n.-lo perlh : coin lolled. lu perlb ; sheeting , ,11 pel lb ; pltts mid Hats , .lie pet lb. ( lu\ANi/r.ii HIIH-T lii'iN Dlsi'ount * fl-10 poi cult. pit. plan , lion , Nos 24 and i7 , A,10'c , II , tl'ie. tl'ie.TIN 1't.TKI. . C , 10\JI. 2.1.1 JT.OOi I. X. , 10\11 , S2.1.M.7-1. TIN l'i ' vin-Coko , llxio , lli , $1,21. KooHS-C , l.U.llV-'i ) , HSfi.50i I. X . tl.7'i. ( Minn IKON Nn. 2J. tl.'iO ; No 27 , 1 100. SOMIJ ii Strict ly half and half , lt > o. StlKI.II.S II ISO JJ20. Sri. i , i. Wiiii ! NAII.S llase. W01. WiiiL Jup. baib , tl.2.1 ; Biilv W85 * Ir ale Up .lie Congregation. There is war in the Mothotlist Prot- cstnn confjrojfntion ivt JlechimicsLui'c1 , a town of 1.500 inhabitants tvvolvo miles north of Springfield , ! ! ! . Tlio niiiiisturmul two or three members of tlio old fashion ed kind constitute ono faction , and the luiniiimler ot the momborti , nunibonng about thrco hundred , 1 lie othur. There is no doubt but that tlio majority will bo supoossful and will huvo the pastor , Rev. A. L. Reynold ) ) , donoscd. The ti'oublo till originated over a cry insiraillciitit | , ninttor , Rov. Jlr. KoynoUlH is of a rather eccoa- tiic disposition , is cdgiiiij tilonj ? toward old ago and ho HUes to htivo liis tnan- dntcs obeyed. Moreover , when preach ing , ho likes to ha\o his audlonco f'ivo liim the ItiUost po slblo attention. Ono night ho advortibcd uxtonsi\oly tiirongli the uhurt'li momboiship that ho would preach on tiHubjeut of grcut Intoiest. A Inrgo nudicnco a somblod , but the min ister's ( loop tliuiuluious passaifoa seoinoil to liavo little olTooton tlio auditors i\ho , possibly , wore very attentive. The night \\tis excessively hot and funs \\oro nocchwiry for comfort. The constant luivo-liko motion of tliusc. brcoyo-pro- ducoru irritated Hoynoldnlio nervously stopped 01 cry once in a ttliilo and seemed on the verge of a volcanic eruption ol protests Finally ho brolco forth bpeulc- ing about the ntlontion of the nudicnco and tlioir use of fans. lie said they must btop using fans , and should think of icebergs the notth polo , polar bears nnd other subjects of u frigid nature , tint to watch him. This hint ted the ball o ttoublo , ami several mcmbors indignnnt- ly aioso and loft the ohnroh. This started others , and tlio minister wns lofl \\ith but ti handful to talk to. This dis- comfltted him blightly. Ho remains firm in his command , but will probiblyro- slgn. * At previous inuotingb ho pro tobtod mildly ajainst the IHO of funs , clnimlng that it was useless to preael : while thoj woio inootation ] ) , Tor beauty , for comfort , for linptovomon of tbo eommpxlon , use only Poz/onl's 1'ow ilcr ; tlioro s nothing1 equal to. Dr. nirnoypriuUica limited tocatarrh- ui dibcabes of nose and throat. Boo bldg. Tncit-II\t > YcarH , Rev. li B. Reynolds partook of tlio sacrament at the first Hnptiht c'nurch a SpritiRfloltl , Mo. , the other day for tlio Ilibt time in many years , and therein ' hangs a romantic tale , Iluv. Reynold' was u boldlar in the confedorato' arm ; and a brother of Ciunoial Uoynolds , uho IN as killed at the battle of Mantissas After the war ho never was hoard of bj hlfi reluthcs , Inclu'dlny Captain Thoma II , C'ov , of this city , until a few day tif'o. It appoai'b that ho located in the vii'inlty of JolTcrson , Tex. , nnd being t widower without any child ) en and Iniv ing mi abundance of piopurlv , ho live ( the past twenty-five yearn in tlio strides hcclunlon. Itccently Ills niceo , Mrs Kutiu .lones , vho lnul moved to Austin saw his name in the papers nnd huntoi him up. Ho had not boon her for thirty- four years. She brought him to Spring field to spend tlio balance of his days with Captain Georjjo M , Jones. lie was bovonty years old .July I , Sleeplessness , nonoiw prostration , ncirous il > SIK.IIII | | , ilullnuss , blnos , cmoJ by Dr , > liles' Nervine. Sainjilw free at ICulin & Co.'s , 18th and Tickets nt lowest rates nnd superior accommodations via the Hook ! * > land routo- Ticket oinco , 1002 Six teenth und Faniftin Htrctita , Oiniihu. To I'rovldo n Homo for K\-tonilotH , Jolm N , Reynolds , the man iilio mudc the I'uuo for Htuto bomitor from Atoliihon count ) ' , ICuiiH.iHvillo ) an Inmntu of tlic nonitontiury , und who wiw only recontlj uHcliurj'td ! from thut institution , bus or the Prisoners' Homo n soointlon , ) inbracliiT ( Ktuimin. .Missouri and No- ) rnsktu The object Is to establish and naintaina homo In one of thcso stntos vliore Qvronvli'ta can bo cared for until tork lias boon provided for them. Mr , loynolds has a number of prominent oil- /ens associated \\lthhlni in the cntor- iriso. _ My I'hyMemn siilil 1 could not live , my liver ut ot onler , frequently vomltoil niwula mcous skin yellow , small dry hu mors on nee , itonmch woulil not retain food , llur- ook lllooil Hitters cured me Mrs AilohiUlo t'Bilen , Itrj ] ixyhnnpqSt. , Uuffulo , N. V. The only railroad train out of Omaha un oxpies ly for the neoominoilatlon of Omaha , Council lilutls , DCS Moliun and Chicago business is the Rock Island estlbulo limited , Ictuliig Omaha at 4:15 : ) . in. dally. TIehot olllce 1002 , Sixteenth ind l-'arnam sts. , Oinnhn. fur IVnrln In IlllnolH. Four pearls found In the river u fo\\ \ nlles fioin Oaleim , 111. , uoro sold the Hher day to a Chicago jeweler for f ICO , t is estimated tlut the amount that will > o realized by pearl hunters In that sec- Ion between now and fall will ngf/regtito 12.3,000. The business of searching is xi\i\g \ \ syMoinntlenlly carried on by expo- ionccd Scandium inn pearl hunters. Chiulo Itillainmiitliin til'llic Hlailili'f Is promptly cured by the wutcu of Ilxcel- iorSpiIngi , Missouri. TluotiRh coaches I'uliinan p.ilaoo sloopora , dining cars , five iwliiitng chair curb to Chicago and intervening points via the great Rock Tiltnul route Ticket ollloo 1UOJ , Sixteenth unil I'arnntn. SIIROEDEI & DEAN ; GRAIN , Provisions and Stocks , BASEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK , 8O3 South 18th Street , - Omaha. WANTED ISSUED OY CITICS , COUNTIEK.aCHOOl _ - - DISTRICTS , WATER Carr oHcUcd. pomlcncc coiWPIVNItS. ETC. 8,1V. HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers , IOS-185 Donrborn Street , CHICAGO. 7O Stuto Streot. BOSTON. RHILWRYTIMEGRRD L'lllCAlfO ' lIl'iaiNOlON AO I Arrlvis Omnlm , loiot ) | lOlliiinil Miismi streiH I Din iln. _ 7 SO il in . ChlciKO FtproM Ii 00 ii m U IS n in . . . ( 'hlcneo Ktpreis ( M p m 'i ' 111 | i in . . Clilcato Kxprc" . . . 11VI : i in fa.tflp ml CliluK" I oi'nl I SO ) n m lirur.l.NtS'lON .V MO ItlVlilt I ArrlM'S il lUtluinil Mason tjoeh _ i Urn ilin. _ . . .lii'iivor l > .iy Hxprma ' 4 0 * > p lii . . Demur l\iir .s I I l' > p m .Dim or NlKlit < C\iiri"n 'i ' u in Lincoln Lot ul . . 1 II IK ) p 111 ' Tf c si.i , vo n " T A rrlVji Oniihii | llcpol loth nnil Mason Ptroi'ts | dm ihii _ ! ' SSTiiT Kinsiv Ilty imin : piwn" I d 10 p m ( MlpnilK ( ' Mulit l' | i vlit ) I1 Trans I I n n in l.unvus I U.MO.N' I'AXIMI. ' I Arrlti Onulii. I Depot lOlli unil Murcj atriut * i Oiimlm 2. > Up m | Ou'rliuul I lir . . . . HJ p m , 1'iiclllo npross . . . . WM it ml Demer i : pt < > ss . in Knii < Cltjr i\ : | ri'ss. 10 II i in 1 nlrtlclit lixn ( uxi ilMIII | I I..IMIVISS ( llfl'Al.O. 1C F.I'll IMI * Oiniilia U I'jIiMiot iotli nml MiroySM r.iip m Miilit I.'xprgss ti 1111 m Atlnntle Kxpri'n . 4 15 p III Vestibule I.linlli-il l.UHVUS P rtllU\TlirV ) x I'.M'II ' il Oinilii lu I * depot Uth unit Mircy St1 * 7 16 a | blonx City I'niniiKur . . p m | _ . . . "tj'nul Kxpreni _ . . [ I00 > n m hiOl'X ll'l A IMilM Uniilri li pot IMh and NVolictiT stf'HiTj TimiTi lWiM ILIIILAUU .V .VJItVUSV IH I'KICN Arrnej Oiniilui. J U 1 * ilopot , IQtli an I Murry ! ) t < Oimlin Jl U n m l'lilor\o KipriH II.A ) pin 4 i ) p m Vuitlbulo I.linllcMl lii.V ) n m ( , 15 p in . . .lown Accoiiimodallon . . . | 7r ( > pin Jl.IU p in _ . „ _ Kiisle n J'l ; er . . J 84 Ji in CIlKlliU , MIL , A HT I'AUI < . , Arn\e Omaha , V I' ill pot , lUh ( jmil M'iro i-ls ' oiniilm. " * "ii 15ii in' Mull ( jjuiiiliiy ) .11.05 | i m C 00 p in ( * iifu.'o ! i ; < prc < i . .MM" , a in U IiO _ p 111 t'lilfM ! ? "iiyevi . | i to p m Ji nvea I OMAHA & HI' l.OL'IH Arrives Onmlm. U. 1' . ilopol IQlli mill Maroy Ms Ollllllll. ( KU V ni St l.ouh I unniin Hull li IU Ii 111\oi | t.K t M J VVM.SV. Arrlvji Onmlm. Oni'ii in . .Illmk HUH Kxpruns. . 5 JO p m ti ( JO u m lInMlliK < Kxp ( Kx hiiintnr ) 6 A ) p in 6.10 p in Wiilion A Lincoln I'ns'enccr 11)20 a m 6 ID p in Vnrk.x Isnrfolkdtx nn Mil n in i rxr. A Onmlm 1) | > ot ISlli unit WnlntiT 3l < I Oniilia. TdO n 111 bliiux tlljr AmmumxIiUUm | i iS p ni 1 OJ p in bloux flty Kxprvs ( llx Hun ) 1 W p in j ( HI ii in HI I'liul Umlttil . II2S 11 in JiJS n rii llmidift Piisi < ei iM ( i : * < mil _ S 41 n in * l 'l\O1 "XlIS'iOUTlI T'Ailh'lT ; I ArFlvoT" JJ piit IMIimijI Wi-lHti-r Hli " lO.Uu in. St IxmlH X K ( J. I'xprens" I V.i p m U 1' , p nl St hiiuls , V K ( ' Impress _ h it ) n in UNION l'A'Illr ( > UlUIIIIAN ) THA Ns TIioio trilns nlno utiip nt 1 lib , ITIli , 20th nn < > 21th etr tn , Hiibiuilt nml Snvl.l o { roanlng. ' men 9 tr.ilns ilo not rim Hiimlnv li'iHC * .UI11CACO IIUIlt.'N A OUINCV'iArrlTitj Trnn fcrI Unliin JH-jiiiju onIKII llliilTi 'Trnnifer ' " "TilJiTmr Chlraxo KxproKS . . . . p in 10 ( Dp u . . .Clilrnuo i\iri : | > "ii. . . . .Ml ) u in _ 7 iO p in1 . . . I io lnn I oonl II aijnj Ixiivm I BIOUXT1TVA. I'Al'lHT lArrTtS" 'l'rnnaU'riJJnliiii Iliput _ lulj. * llfiimfnr 7(5 n in . .fclonx niy Accniniiiiiilutlon I ti.Viit m 6W p m . . ol. I'liul lUimis. . , _ MlbriOUICI 1'AdKIO SUIIIIUIIAN TltAINri FOR MEN ONLY ! JIACIC CURE YOUS nnillMTV. Wcakno-i of llmly and .Nlnl ; Kilo-Is of Drroisori'voi tics In Old or YOUIIK. HiibuHl.Noblo MAN1IU .1) . fully rn- Htorcd , WuKuarunUo uviry case or money refunded , bamplu KIIIIMI , IIvo diiys treat infill , 111 full coursi' , H. rMCiiruly Ht'uled from ubuurvutlou , Uoolc lituitily Co. , OiuuUu , Nb. ( COMMKUOIA'L * National Bank Cnpltnl , - $40OOOO Surplus , - . onleers nnl nirfclorn 15 M , Mor omin , (1 Illtrliitick , .Imrpli ilnrncnn. Jr , A lleiitr. K M .Amlor onIIHnni (1 Mniil , Tlon-preslili'iili U U MlllliiiiK. A. I * llopklni , tiri'Milinl A emitters I' . II llrriuit. as lilnntcn lilcr. NEB11A.SKA National Bank U. B. DEPO31TOHV , OMAHA , NKI3. Cnpltnl. - - - - $ / OOOOQ' Surplus Jnn. 1st , 1SOO D7OOO. Oltlrortniul Dlreclorp llenrrV 1nle . 1'ie'lilonti lowliS lleeil , Vlie IVi'-UHiil , JnmitiW Smnce , \ \ " , \ Mnr e John S ( Vlllin , II. C Cuihlnit , J N H > 1'atrlekV. . II ii llimlien , oinlilcr. THIS IKON LJAMK. Corner IStli niul KanmmSls. A General Hanking lluslness TratiMii'U'd , Omaha ManUfaotUrerSr. UlllltH Jlllll .SIlOl'H. Wliolcsdlc Muiiificliircisof , Boots & Shoes Agents ( or llo tmi SlinoCo lit , ? , 1101 nnil IIW llnriioy Mrii't , Onmlm , Vrli. Hri'worH. STOHZ fc ILKIl , Lager Beer llrcwcrs , f l&RI Ncrtli IStli Stri'L't , Onmlia Neb Coinioc. KAQLK COHNICi : WORKS , Jliiniifadiircrs of dilvani/cd / lion Cornier \Vlmtow cnn nnil metnllruk ) llk'htt John I'peiulor , l-rnprlilor HiSiituI 110 South IOIU rlieet = 3 Ai-tNts * Miiti'i'itilM. " * A. HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 15U lloinilnii Street. Onmliii Noli. Conl , Ooko , Ktc. OMAHA COAL , COKE ANIJ LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 8 i : Cor ICtli nnd Douglas Streets , Omaln , Nob. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Sliippcis of Coal and Colic , 211 South loth treet , Oin.ilm , Neb DEAN , AHM&rHONQ Ic CO. , \YhoIcsdIc Cigars , 405N lltliHInot "Hello1" 1411 1)1 J CidlKlH 1111(1 XlltllMIS. JI. E. SMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , Fmnisliing Goods and XotiouS O rnor lllli unil llonnril Strectt KILPATHICK-KOCII DRY GOODS CO. , Importers anil Jobbers in Dry Goods , ( Jinta'l iirnlshliiL'l.ddili Corner lltli uuil lloruer ii , Neb Furniture. STONK , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Knrimni Direct , Onmlm Nclirnikn. CIIAHLES SIIIVEUICIC , Fiiinitiire. Omnlin , Nobri kn McCORD , BRADY It CO , Wholesale Grocers , I/o.TVf imurtli StroiU. Onmlin , N'cbrnt it. , itc. : Dealers in Hardwood Lumber , Ytnl IJ10 N ICth bl. , Om.ilin. JOHN A. WAKEFIiir > , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , , We. Imported and .Amcrlrnn I'oitliuiil Coiuont. Statt BcentforMllwnukeiiKiitriiiillu L'oiucnt , anil gulncy V\iiUeI.lnio CIIAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber. WoodcurpcH nm11'.iniiictfloorlnc. ' 'Jlli and IJuuglajl blrecln , Ouiilm , N'ubr.islc i. ' FKED W. QUEY\ Lumber Lime Cement Etc. Etc , , , . , , Corner Utli onil liynulin gtrcctn , Onnlii. JMllllnory and NotldiiH , I. OBERFELDnn & CO , Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , 208 , 210 and SI2 South lltli street. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 112J HurnTjr street. Onnlm. OIlH. CONSOLIDATED TANK MNn CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axle grease , etc , Omalia. A II lIUIioii.Mnni.cor. . 1'npcr. CARPENTEU PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Carry a nice Block of iirlnUiin , wrniiliiuiiiid | | nrltlnl Vmur Bin'Llal utuntloii ijlvcn to cn 'H , ito. ; JL. L. IDEANE & CO. , Uincral ARcnli tilt Halls' ' Safes , 821 nnd33.1 South lOlli St.Onmlm ToyN , II. HARDY & CO , , Jobber ! of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , Home Furnl'hliiR ( foods , Clilhlirn'i Cnnlngcj 1201 I nrn nn altcvt , Omiilin , Nub Water SuppllrH. U. S. WIND ENGINE Ac PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , nillldujrirlnilnillU HI8 umUCOJoiiL' it , Omiilia. ( J I llosi , ActluK ASannuur Iron " \VorkH , PAXTON & VIEKLINO IRON WOHK8 , Wroiiglil and Cast Iron Building Wort , \Cinlncn , Lroin work , tonernl foumlry iniielilno unil tilackimltliwork ( jlllraiinil works , U 1' , UT mill lllli > tm'l , Umnlin OMAHA SAFE &c IRON WOUKS , Manl'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Vuulti , jnl ) work , Iron uliulleri nnil tire c onnc U Andrten.i'ruii'r ' Cor lull nilJnck uiibt > . HllHll , DOOI'H , IUO. M. A. DIBUIlOW U CO. , Wnile ) > alomnnufacturcr > of Sasli , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , llruncU iiUJcc.ntli mid Izarl olicc'ta , Oninlia , Nub. S o i * tAi O ITI a IT UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Ul South Omalia , Limited ,