2 TETB DA.ILT iBJEE , F Jill ) AY" , OTTJrt ? 18 , 1890 , ST , PAUL HAS ILli ) ENOUGH , A Probability That tlio "Western Association Team Will Bo Disbanded. THE PROSPECTS DECIDEDIV GLOOMY. Ocvflniid's l'lo nnt Work AVIth the Stlolc the Peaturc of Yc ter Oanio Haniuct | t uurd. PcrOt. Jl .RtU J7 ( VKt US ! rv r .r-oo ,17 : 45 .W7 Omnlia 11 ! , St. l' nl fl. ST. IM-i , Minn. , July 17. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : llKi-Clc\clnml ] \ shed uptho distances to the fence nsulu tliU afternoon , and tlio II nit throe ( lines nt bit ho larruped Arthur CUikson's Hvisten out of the lot. Ills great stick work \v < u enough to 11 In the game , but the local team mida eriors at critical points nnd enabled the visitors to inakolhc score lery jiig-handU'il. lUly , Iluiks. Swetnov nnd runner vcro nick , and Mnna pr Watkliis played second and jiut IIcnr > Martin , n local amateur , In right Hold J'ltclur IMiitin kltuply tossed tbo bill o\cr the jil.ito utter the fourth Inn ins , but the Apostles could not ( jet It away froirt the Holders. I'hu Omiilnnt pit nlno o'f their ton hits together In the fourth nnd Hftli Innings , nnd trottoJ around the bast's until they bcc.uno ox- huustid. Tlio- Holding features ivoro the pretty stein undtlirovvs of AValshand Hun- nlmn , iMoraiihurtlds Inncl sIlBhtly in the liftli nnd UKiurdiurttoohhls place. 1'hogatoiocdpts today were loss than $50. The inntiaKCincnt is ilohalliiK whether to ro- Icasolt-H high priced pi ajirs and contlnuetho present HC'ison through iinclor corliln loss to retain thn fratuhlso , or disband at once , It IsevllentSt. 1'aul ' lus had enough baseball for aeonsldorahlo period. Tiie score : liVlNNIMl- ' . < ! [ 'ml . I 00 02 00 00 3 Omalia , . ' . ' 00 10 00 00 12 BIMMAIIV. Unns pfimod-Oiiiiliiv C. Two-ln o lilts Mil I IH , \ \ Illls. lldllll'lllIlS-Cll'Mlllllill J. H.lSOi on l > , ilNdir UlnkMiiiR. oir . Mm Ll n I. Mruuli out Ity lliirksun 7 , by llartlu 4 , Umpire Denver TMilnuultcc I. MKKRVrsIuly ! 17.-fStwclnt Tolc- pram to Tin : UIB. : ] ITolIowlnu is the result of toduy'a K.HIIC : HY INNINdS. , . . .t 00 00 02 01 4 Dcmor. . . . t 20 a o 01 o 7 SIMMAIIV. 13nrnp < lmns-Mll\iiiiiJwn \ 1. Dnnvcr 5. Two- IIHSII lilt vTt till way - ' . HUMS slnlcn i'cior- man , 1'otlt" . HUSH on balls IVIIIntiukoo 5 , lon\i'r ) \ I , Ultby iillclied hull IVlllt. Struck out lly llnvlHt , bvlviMiniMly ! . I'tssod balls . [ nut/on , Tlnut Oitn hour uuJ lltl-ll\o ) inln- utos. i : , Slouv City 1 , , ftlinn. , July 17. [ Special Tol- toTiiEBKi ] Mlnne.ipollivon . the iirottlost piiiiiC plavcd hero tins sc.ison fix > m Sioux City todiy. The score : SUMMARY- . Kims cirnoil Mlnnoiipoilt I T o-l > aso hits Anilrus Kyn. Homo run-Dowlo. ( stolen bases Mlnni-npollsl , Slcnix City l ! . HIHC-S on balls It } i'nlty 1 , liy Hi'iidorvu JJ. Klrst I KIM iii orrof-i-MlnnoHjiiillH 1 , Ij < : ( t on b.iac-i-Min neapolis' , Sioux Olty 5. 'J'linei of cajno Ono hour mul t\Mnty-llvo inliuilus. Umpire - Itiumvliic' . National doitgnc. AT 1IOJTON' . Boston 1 4 1 0 0 O 0 0 0 6 Cincinnati. ' . , , . . ! ) 1 0 0 0 O 1 1 0 3 lilts lloHton (1 , Cincinnati 8 Errors- Hoston .1 , Ciiiclnnatl 1,1 , Butteries Oot'/eln and IJennottjHhlnes and ILirriiijtou , Urn- HI ro-Powers , AT rilll.ADl.t.l'IIIA. PhlUdelphia..1 0 00020 01 7 Uhle-igo O 0 30010 a 0 5 -I'hiladelpliiu 11 , Chicago , 11. Errors VhlUidclphh U , OhiaiLjo U. IJattcrio-j- Cilcisonaiid Cloinents ; Luby anil ICittiedye. Uinplre-Mollorniott. AT NU10UK. . Now York 0 0 00201 1 0 4 Chwhuul 0 0 0 1 0 O 0 0 3 4 lilts New-York ! ! , ClovchudS. Eirors- New Vork , Ulovelnnd4. llattciicsrolch \ und MuiphyVudnvorth ; and Zluunor , Uia- e-McQuald. AT UllOOkLY.V. PIttshtiiv . 0 1 010 31 10 7 lirvokljn . U 0 40010 0 0 5 Hits I'ittsburj , ' 1 , IlrooMyii 0. Errors PitUhurcCi , Ilrooldyn 3. lUttories Ilocltor and Dcikor ; Tony uud Daley , Umpire Ljuch. . ' * I'liiyern Boston . fi 0 0 a a 0 1 0 1 13 OlihijfO . 0 0 003 00 00 U lilts -lloston 10 , ChlcsiKOT. Krrors Hoi- ton U , Chicago 10. Hatterios Hailliouni nnd Murplij , lUldvlu , l'iiri\ll uud Unipiroi ICulglitnnd Jones. Phlladolihlu.3 ) 1 000 00 02 5 Buituio . 10 ooo oo i o a ' 10 Buffalo llri-ors- Jllts-l'hlladeliihitx , 8. - Phllndeliililn : i , lUUTnlo2. Hattcries-lviicll anil llalliuiui ; ilaUlofkutulMiick. Umpires Uull'iiey and Sheridan. r TOllK. NcwVoik . 1 10O21300-S Pittaburp . 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0a Hits-New Voile 14 , PitUburKJ. Krron f Knv Voik3Pitt3lmig , . UattiTies-lCc'cro mid Vaughnnj Giilvln mul Carroll. Umpires I'ox'tjusoii und llolboit. AT IIHOOICI.IN1. Brooklii..0 ) 31030 008 1-10 Cleveland. . , ' ,0 00303 1 0 3 0S Hit-s-BixxildynlO , Clovdnml 10. Krron , J3rooklju 0 , Cluvclniidl ) . lUttories Sowders ntidlDally ; llnkoly anJBrviiiinu , Umpire * Leech and Jlattliws. ' Amortoikii .AT COIU.MIIIS , Columbus 3 10100100-5 Urooklju 0 13 00 003(1 ( Hits-Columbus 0 , Drooklyn 3. Errors Columbus S. Brooklyn 4. Uattcrles-Chimi- berluln unel Dojlo ; MeCuUough und U'ov. XJiuniro Curry. AT I.OIISVIII.E. nicwo 0 00 10 310 0-4. Villo 0 O3 00 1UO --0 lilta-LiOuNvillo 12 , Syracuse U. Krron 0. natterlesICwfo ricCT , Strattoa und SVocklxx-Ucr. tlin- l > ircKcrlns , Jll TOIBDO. Toledo. ) . 0 1 010 003 1R UodiosWf . 0 10000010-2 Jilts Toledo , ItochostirO. HrrorsTo - le < io O , Rochester . Uuttevlot-Huly and Itopers i Harr and McOuire. Uinplus 1'eo- ' pK'sund DcxMcher , At ST. tOUIJ. St.LoulJ.i . 0 01200000-8 Athletltf . 0 0 0 1 * - 1 lllts-St. I/iuisS , J\thletl4 0. Errors t. Louh 8 , .Athletic. : ) IhttcrksSttvctts nml MniigairSo , iVixl and llobiusoti. A. New Mnn Indcril. The Omaha minapjinetit signed a new plnjcr jwtcnlay In Catcher Newman of the Toronto * . jVcu'tnin v.islth tlm DlrooIJyn National leajuo tcim nt the opening of tne pruentscason , nml did some ery hrilllmt iinllmlnityvoilt \ , hit ww released later simply from Hie fuct tlmt llyrno hnd ti do- eliJi-iHiupluiof ; cituhcis. N'oumnn is un- doubto'lly u. piotl man. lie catches otter the Rtjhi r/uhnrllo llonwtt , and is ono of the best vounff iiicltetops In tno countrv. I Io is til M > "a fltiu hitter and ilrat ilass general player. DeflMolncflStll ! In III DKH JIoiNW , Ta , .rulv IT. [ Spaelil Tclo- frmm to THE ECE. ] llnscbnll matters are about settled here , anil it h iio v pretty cer tain thnt the club vlll lo continued in the league , though but few games will ho played hew. U'lio pinenvill bo p.dd their salaries toJay and v\-ord AV.VS revived fiom Secretary riaiho that none of them coulctbo considered rele.iseJ Ilio KitisajCltj tn-.inigerwaanlso iiotllicd that Dw Molnoi was still iiithe leiunio , but tbo team filled to appcir nttho pail ; fora paine this nftei noon anil the pamo wu , B'ncn to Dcs.Moiae.s by Umpire Hoo\or. \ l liutiiKan , 1'atton and Hint failed to uvpc.ir ititlieiiuiiiformsnndwill boilned. TholJeii- vcrsories sihcdiiled hero for the liJtli , 51st nnd 22U will bo played at Deiivir Secretary l edie will bo here tomorrow toofllclally up matters , llrotlierlinoa Dlrrutnn TVIcot. iritiA , July 17. [ Sieelnl Torcgtnm toTiittOni ; ] Wmcttlnpor tlio dlrccton of tlio Players' baseball league was lield here this mo'mlng. Thcrp will bo no change in tlio circuit , and faccrctacy Bun neil shtedthat no chnnKowas lontcmplatod. Kadi club in thcleiiiio ( [ U assessed $ -J.TO for tlioexpcnses ot the national body , and A. L. Johnson of Cleveland , M. Shlvo of UntTiilo and Secre tary FmnkKrunnoli uppoiiitul nn executive - ecutivo or oincrscncy coniiuitteo to Uko adioiion allquostions wlileli requlro iminc- tliito action. The Uun.ilo team will be stieiiptlioiud at once , This -will ho acconi- ) illsliedby the tnnsfcr from other rluta of tvo pitchew , anontlleldorandan indolcler. ivrnntiioutlil'mk llneoi. IHuic , .Tuly 17 AecoiJIng to Kentleini.Mi who held watches on tlio Mon mouth Paik rice tr.ulc the rceord ofi--orimailoby B.dvador for a milo and a quarter wiu broken usecnnd nnd n quarter by Bunijiict , tlio winner of the Stockton stakes , today. Doubt us to thocorn'ctiicss of tbls time Jscxprcsscdby inuiy wlio ltnwsed tlio raeo , it being nr eil thit the timers did not cntili tliostait. The race vas ounntralght coui-so and the horses when tliey stood nt the post could not , In seen \\lth tliu inUeil e\e. lly tlio aid of n class thoj could just be dlitiiipiislied. But the dust of the track lii- tcimiited cvon n view with glasses. No fuctional time was taken Sumrnury : Tlnw- fourths of a mlle Moridmvon \ , ladv Keel second , 131uo Hook third TIne Lasslo stakes , t\vo year old lillics , three- fourtlisof a mile Ambulanoo ivon , I'airv second , Sallie McClelland third. Time 1.11. 1.11.Stockton Stockton states , milo and one-fourth Ihnquct won. Tournament second , Sir John third. Time 8.0J9U'his U tbo fastest time in the country for a mile mul ono-fourth. 'Jho host previous time VMS Silvator'K l:0"t : Hindi ) at SlieeiMhe.il Bny in u mituh with limiij , Banquctis nbay geldine , three jpars old , bylliijou U'Or , dam Ella T , and is own eel by Congressman . T . Soott. Oiiomilo-Kcnwooil won , Tariston second , Delliida third. Timo-1 : lljf. Milo und onisclBhtli S.unVood \von , I'ciizunce second , lirusacls third. Time 1G. : 1G.Thive - fourths of nmilo-Beauty won , Fox- ford iecond , BoULthinnn. tnird. Time 1:13 AVnsliiiijton ) 1'nrlc Uncoil. Citicuio , Julyir. Thofoatiro of the day was the Hydtftinrk ntakcs , vorth about Slt.UOO , tUcrloliost ciuntof tlio west outside of the A-iiicriouif derby. The track was fast , Simiiniryi All ages , mile and one sixteenth Arundel von. LlzzioD second. MexkioII thlra. Time -1 :59 All ngos , ono mile Anne Elizabeth v/on AVnry second , 1'ropliecy third. Time ll-M ! Ilydo jnrk stakes , ttto-yc.ir-olds , three- fourths of a mile Ihlgouati won , ICln0'iiian fcc'c-oinl , Key del Itoy tliiri 'Jiino 1 : 1(1 , Oiiomilo Huron ttoii. Woodcraft second , Prints ITortunatns third. Time 'MO. All nres ( milo and ono lurloii ? Kaniey HOII , Ilallyhoo second. 'llino-litOO , Ciiiotoo , .Tulyl" . Much dissatihfdctlon ha ? been exprtssed by horsemen from tliosoutli nnd chewliero with the way \vhluhtliiiigs hive been going nt "Washington park dur ing tlio present ineetlnfr. This dl utis- faction is chiefly diu > ctcdto\\ard the rnuniug of the Chicaptj stable , ovuod by Ceorfreilan kins , the veil known frnroi > lini ; hou-o kcopor , Ills horses hail been "ruimiif , ; In nnd out" In the most Kinailiublo milliner , anil the nipcis of the oily , beffinniiin with oxpresslons ot mild astonishment , h.ivo conio to outright dc- imnchtloii , There are threats iiiiulo tint un less Hniikins-iaexpUlod nonoof tbo southein stiibks will bo mpresunted hero nvxt season , 111T3 ICANriAS tt'AY. Orliliuil 1'ncknirn 7olu s ou All Miles , .Tailor .Too Millar returned hst night froma trip t O ttofro , Kim , aii < | awild tale ho tells ot aflali-s hi thnt stala. U'hilo thcro Mr , Mil ler vUlted several towm and in each ono ho tounil the saloon bar closed , lut the original package nourished In all of Its original glory. IlotclJ , tlriiR- stores , groceries , liardwaro stpros , and in in my iuttnncosilry goods stores had their little rooms pirtltlouol oft nrhcro the lueknjoa vcre sold. The streets of most of the towns vcitJ lull of drunken men and cvory other man hud an original paeluje In his { uckal In 1-off.inl to ciops , they are poor , small cniin IxMnLr nlmost u fnllure , wlulo tlw corn bus suft'ered greatly from the liotwluJs that blov diiinig ll\o \ days last week. AN Are Solil Vi ) ati.VIIreillIcnrtIcss ( A llttlo moro thin n month njo Oeorjo Townscnd , an attornoyof tbls city , piwiicd J00 ! dolhrs worth of dlanumda with J. H. Trennory , n Parnain strat pawnbroker , for f45 and i-cc'elved a ticket which culled for thulr redemption at the expiration ofthhty days upon the pay ment of fl. . " > 0 intcieat. Tonnscnd allowed the time to elnpso anil neither redeemed the iliaiiiondsnorienowed t'io ' Interest. A few ilnysafterthoexplratlonof the ticket Trcn- iiprj sold tlio Jewuli. U'ownsond heard of It mul jestoiilay iiioinliitjc.iusol Tivunory tobo urreatcii on u iharge of Uivcny as bailee. Tlrollonui. ointlilu | The lo d bunch of th6 Nebraska Homoeo pathic Mcillcjl association held IU bl-\veeWy \ mcctlut ; ut the I'iixtou Iwt evening. A paper on " 'hooping Cough" was read by Dr. Lankton , and ( jonerally dlncussed , The Kivatcipartof the session was tnlien up In ilisoussliiK the uiovoto drlveout the quiiiks. It as decided to act li\roiiunctlon \ ] with thoold schoolTmictltionors ami a com- mltteo. fonsiatiivKor lrt. ) Dlnsmoi-o. Wood and I'liftoiis. wa > appointed toaciwitlui similar eomitiltteo of tlio uloiuthlo unil colic- tlo fliyslclaiis of the city , solldtod coiitil- butlmis far pushlnt ; the proscoutlous wore responded 0. Larson's ' Son , Wb.Ho Indiog a Gun , Shoots Himself. EX-TREASURER KAPISH'S ' SHORTAGE. Tlio Ijonc IMtio A cinbly-jV Queer ahon-Ctmnty Scat AYnr Olil He t- tiers Meet at lloiurlce- Ctnuity Consent Ions. Fnmtovr , N'ob. , July lT.-Special [ to THE IJnt.J Yesterday foi-cnoon Chnrlio Larson , the foiirteen-yenr-oUl son of 0. LnMon , a farmer HrliiRln L0jrmto\vnshipthiscounty ( , nccldontnll3- hltnicK intlioabdoinonlth a iKeallbro iovol\er vshlch ho was loiidliiir. A. physician was hastily suumioned and Iho ball probed for , but it bad lainioJ downward and could not to found. The llttlo fellow how It without a murmur , lie died tlila morning ut 'Jo' clock. Old Sciller * srt-ot ait Kreniont. Xeb , July 17. fSpochl Telo- toTitEUnr ] largely nttotitled niect- old solJiotM was hold In tliU rlty this afternoon , with J E. HUM n chairman and J. W. Klicrsol secretary. Kasolutiom were adopted deprecating the efCoitt of county nndstatoonielalsti satire creator compen sation than Is allowed by itiwi deiiuuidltiK that loyal proeoediiigs bo tnken a9'iiimt Htite and countv treamren for the recovery of ititeiest upn public moneys i that the de linquent oniccrs of Gmo eoaiityba proceeded nKiiinat , opposing a third term fora pov- ornor nna JemjniUnt ' , the "abolition of the state boird ot transportation and the substi tution therefor of n boird of rillrojcl cuin- misiioners by direct vote of the people. Soieral old soldiers were named frjrthoro- spcetlvo ofllcos to bo eluded this jear and tlio special endorsoinoat of J , E. llushfor county attoiuoy. Tliol/oni ; l lnoM r , Neb , July 17. fSi > ccial to THE Urn. ! The Long Pine Chiuttiuo.ua assembly opcus on August 2 nnd closes August IS. Thcro piomtses tobo quito a gathering this year and already there uro some twenty peo- Iilo ciiinpitiR on the grounds , nnamoroaro oomhiR Tliesi * people arc here on account ofits being a su miner rusort nml will roiniln till after the msoinbly closes. The iiro- K rammo is the best over presented anil nil who hn\e attended theio leetutcs and takoti the Chiutituquo course pruimuuM it as ono ot the pro itost novelties hi the faducatlonal line of the , in'c. Dr. JosophT. Durj-ei , piesident of the as sembly , will deliver so\einl lectuics nud Conrad Ilanev ofllUiiOlslllHpeacon \ Gr.md Auny of the Kepuhllcdiiy A | ? raiid aincncl- mcnt ivlly Mill hoholdrtn Afipust IH and H ) . 'Piomiiient span'tuus ' from all paits o. the state Mill beta ntlemUnco I-\lsiont ( > rKii < i { County , Xioinivn * , Xeb , .Tnly 17 [ Special to TIIK I3n.j : A very Ihelysession of the bouril of supervisor.- } took plnc'i ) yostorJiy over the dhisionof Kuox county. Thcro vore two conmittscs , ono reprc'3entlnj the south half aid the other thoo.isthnlf , and thcro A\as a stiupglo to precede the Cioifibtoii petition , which lud been first filed. .A vole lieinp llinlly taken ivsnltcd inn tie , Supor\Uor Vnloiitlne ixfusini ; to Vote , Itwasieeonstd- eied and met with thesaiiw result. The com mittee for tbo cast hnlf diUilon then brought iiu report and it canlod by two rmjoilty. At the clo < o of proceeding-s a motion pre vailed to again reconsider the Croiphtoii peti tion. and it will piolwbly bo fn\or.ibly \ ailed uina today , thus civiiitftvo separata divis ions to rote upon. easurer Ituli h'H Sliorlajc. Nfioiin\.iM , Neb , July II. [ Spechl toTnr. E.I The elofalcatioii aso of ex-County Treasincr C J. Kadish is being heard today by the county supervisors. ICadlslf was found short about 812,000 in. 1SS3 , part of which ho settled with ills hoiidsmcn. They aio about fli.OOl ) yet behind , though the bondsmen have property in Omaha from which they hopq to rcalizoneaily that Tiiuoh. yho ? supervisors want tlio matter settled 1m- meillutelv. Judpj Crawford ol West 1'oiiit represents Mr. Kiulish and his bondsmen and County Attorney llica\vill prosecute. rolled to the Croimil. OAKnvw.Neb , July 17. [ Special to THE BEE.Vhllo Jumci Fields and Chnrles Cooper were stnndliij ; justlnsUo of the front door ofMr.Coopor's llveiy uarn List night they -were felled to the ground hy astrolto of Ibhtntiisr , and \\evo picked up to all appear ances dead. No respiration and no notion of tlio lie.irt could bo dcteeteil. Ji'hyslciaiis introduced artificial respiration and Mr , JTioldssoon returned to consciousness , but Mr. Cooperls still unconsciougandhls fate is in doubt. His hair wis buirtod and Mr. rieluVhaUvas coiiblderably torn. A County Sent AVar. TKKANT.VII , Xcb. , July J7. ; [ { Special to Tar. BEK. ] For several weeks pastBurt county 1m been engaged in a counti' seat -war , vhich culminated today In a special election.A stroiiK' rivalry cxit > ts bciwecn LjonsOak land , Craig andToltainnli , wlicra the county sc.it lus been located duilnp tlio pist tlilrtv- tlireejcari , Tlio Held lias lieeii tliorouijhlj canviwsocl and His probable tliat u largo vote \\ill \ bo cast. lliii'iii'il ID tlie "XYatei's I"dc , Sir.iua CIIKUK , Neb. , July 17. Siiocl.il to TUB ] ) r.i : . ] A. lenvystonn vUited thh sec tion Monday iilht. ThollRhhiliiKstruck the ULT biidtjoacross tholUutto river ut this point nnd burned one span to the water's edge , and voultl haw destroyed tbo entire struetuio hut for tlio offoits of the citizens of Sdvci Cr < olt , who turned oat nnd foupht the Uro with such/eul that tboy contivlledlt. He Won IlhUrhlc nt Nunuvsitv CITV , Nob. , July IZ-fSpecial Telogiam to U'nu 33BK.J EdVillmnn , who ashoit time ago \vas compelled to usoan ax In liisnrBument for the possession of Augus tus Gcrhault's daughter for a wife , and who has since carried on awar ntthis place and Lincoln , -was today \letorious and was mar ried to the girl for vhomho fought , A ICcnrney Itesidcnoo Uiirncd , ICuinXBT , Is'eb. , July 17. [ Special Tele- giam to 'Inn Hen. ] A tcsldenco on South Ceiitial avenue , belonging to Willnm Mel n tyro of Lltchfleld , i\as \ burned this evouint ? , loss about fSOO , The lire was evidently ot an incendiary origin , as no ono had occupied tlio plnco for two vcoks , A. Yaunncy Filh'il. FAiimunr , > "cb. . July 17.-SiOclnl [ Tolo- gnunto Tin : DFE. ] The county judge today appolntcdS. Maekcyof Uoynolds , this county , to fill the placoloft vacant by Commissioner St Ulartin , tliolust of the boodle ofllcoii , whoreslKned jestcmay , Th6 appointments have been made with a view of oluthif these appointed this fall to a full term. ji'M U'ork jxtH'ymoro. Kcb. , July 17. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tim Ilci-DurliiR ahen\y \ thunder shower tills owning , G. L. Hempcrtry'j ' resl- Jenco WIVH struck by lightning , The roof was torn couslilerablv. hut no further dtitmso WIIH done to the building Nouo ottho family were Injured. llurcly UdOapiMl AVItli Tliflr lilvos. "LiM'Oi.x , Neb. , July 17. f Special Toleprnm to Tin : I-lti : . ] Mr. 1'oundstono'a cottaffo at Sixteenth and B streets was entirely con- Bumivl byllrotoniKht. The IHIUSO vas the oxplodonof rihunii. The family barely es caped with their li > os. A Qiu < i rTlicft. ITAiiaisiirno , Neb. , July ir. [ Special to Tun UEK ] The comity clerk'-i oftlco was hrohen Into last nlfiht and the town lot numerical index destroyed. Ko pth or dam age , no clue und no cuiuo for thu net taovvn. A I Me lUul nsttilo Hulr. LINCOIA , Keb. , July 17.-Speclal [ toTnr. BII ; | John 0 , Dcputrau haUiroughtsuit In the dlstilet court iigulnst J , fcL , McJIurtry , tUo real citato man , and others , \\ho , bo claims , nro alVjujillnR to rob him of rerj * T l * uahlo prope > rtftJfng in this city , Iho tract comprises sixUwfjks. Ho also siiys thnt Jlo- Murtry Is trjliiB la illc-pally hold possession of two other frtu of land mid now it portion of the city orjfncoln Iho plaintiff siys tlmt thocliiirlij of , McMtirtiv to the Imd nro based only on'ft irfstnW in , the suit brought by Itowcna "i'outiir to rccoror realty In that Vicinity. MwUpiititrnn iialel JI0.600 to Mr. umliHn. Sannel'Wi Llttlo for those traits , nnd ho asks llttrt'tho mistake made in the Judgment reniiii-cil ID the case of llowenn Young lie coriifitf ( A. In the petition Mr. Io- ) putran lutlinales that Me-Murtryknow of the mistake , hut actuated by fraudulent inten tions has takerailvuntago / of the mistake. < O L'\ \ Clicycnno Coiiiity Sii > Nnr , Neb. , July IT , [ Spocltt to Tins Dm : . ] A lar o nnd enthusiastic con vention of f armor * assembled hero today In the court house far the x'Urposi ) of electing delegates from Clieyenno county to the re publican stiilo convention , nnd unanimously adopted the followlnp resolution ! AMieroise \ , tlie republicans of Choycnuo county In coiivontloii n serablod , most ln- eorciy bcllo liiK tliat tlio mildly Iiifroaslnp woallli of iMNU rii Nihrnskii. lo/otlu-r vlth the Hlondy lnonsme in population nnd icr- \rlnliiilnj rviiubilutii inn lorltloi which luvo nl\tiiyH U'oii rvcorJnd from lids portion of Iho stutc , ciitlllont to roewnltlon In thcfornu- llonof the wtito tlekoti tlierofon1. bolt lieiolud , Hint in uonsldiriitlnn of the tict that linn lli'iirvilrujii'-r Is bnlnt ? r.iuu-.ilily inoiitloiicd liy tlio stiilo roiibllean | ) press IIH u uniidlihto fur tlw ciUlic o ( ut < oinoy itt'iirr.il. aiulwltba tttsli-o ( o furtlnr tlio Intueitsot Wfilern N'eliMski. and his Interests liefiiio tlu'vtnlo tointiilnn | , no tiorob ) retiitost him to selocl deliviuos from Cheyenne county tote to idcl MatcintiMiitlim Aftertlie aJoptlon of the foreoin ; resolu tion loud cries weto imulo lor Uaynerilio innde an eloquent spOeh on tnolsiues bcfoi-o thoiieoplo. Ho named the cielegatlonheaJod byJudfe'o Gcorgo\V. \ Heist. Kojn l nlnt t'otinty ilepnblleaiiH. Sriti > aviiw , Kob. , July 12 [ Special to TUB B LE. ] The dolegitlon elected Tuesday to represent ICeyaPaha county in tbo slate com on tloa was headed by II , J. Skinner. Delegate" ) wro also elected to attend the Third district eonjrosslonnl convention. The delegations j-o uulnstiucted , thosttilo delega tion ii thought to bo divided between Itleh- nrdi and Tluyer. Tlio delepition to the Third concirc'sslonnl ' convention Is forUoraoy. j\n \ alii nice people's contention is called to meet atthis place July vt ! > , for the purpose of sondliigdclcifcites to the Independent state convention and the nomination of a county tickct. The move is democratic in this county. * llitchuoolc County CuMiniTsov , : Ncb. July 1" . [ Special Tele gram toTucHii ] Uthcropubllcan county coinentloii , held hoio today , the folloulii } ? couuressiomil delegates weio elected , "W L. Oir , A J. Oooni , Fred AVutts and John S. \VlsonllK.O.La\v men. Also delegates to son.itoinl coiivenlion M. II. Coons , J nines IlaijernniiV ( \ Do\vherst \ nnd I1. U'lipp delegates to ivproscntitivo convention. SI. II. tjoons , J D Spraclns , , T. D. Healornnd Ltonai-d Diimellall for B. D. Gla oof Iliyos county Dclpsate's to the side convention : J. K.Koortz , 31 B Lowl , AVllliaiu Knlghtnnd A 1Ihor.il * Jf. Lnntz of Galena was nomi nated for coirnty1 commissioner and C. A. Heady for county ( ittoniey , Keith Cpii'iity llcpulilleaim. OOAII.U..A , Nob. , July 17. [ Special Tele gram to Tnr. Ufc. ( ] The lopublioniis met in thocouit house today nt 2 o'clock ' for.tho election of tlele itos to the stale convention. M. A. Doujheity lie.ided the delegation. Resolutions \vevo \ passed instructing the dele- Kates tousoall liouoriblo means to have the state convention endorse a resolution mnkiiip usuriom contnti.11) ) void as to priiuipnl and interest as veil , is a inisdeineanor puulslnblo by llnoand linmiionmcnt , nud also a demand that tlio republicans takoastund a dnsttho eontrolof ourjiuity by ralltoad coiporutlons and that they vito ) for no man oil the st.ito ticket ivlio does not favor the abo\o rcbolu- tions. Otio ( futility Allilinco. Cnr , Tfeb. , July 17. [ Special toTiiK Uiiul VmoothiBof the alliancoand Knhts ! of Labor ic'prcsentatives of Otoo county has been called nnd will bo held at Sj r.icuso on Saturday , July 19. The meeting is railed fortho purpo > o of naming1 a date for holdiiiga people's ' or independent countycon- vcntionto elect dolcfjates to thostato conven tion and place an independent eouuty ticket in the Held. The meeting on Saturday will consist of iho alllanco and fho Knights of Libor delesitcs nnd it Is proposed , to hold the primaries Thursday , July 134 , nnd tlio conven tion on Julj 20. Dawes County l > epnlllcnns. ) CIIADUON , Neb , July 17. [ Special Tolo- Kram to Tun BEB. ] In- the icimblloan con vention of Dawes county today a resolution to repudiate Horsey and instruct the con gressional delegation for Klnkaldwas tabled AsolidDoisoy dologntion was then named. \ \ , \ V.Vllson , p. farmer , was nllo\\od to select the delegations to the senatorial and representative uwivcutions tstato dolcgatca vero not instructed. A. BarUott vas nomi nated for commissioner nndV. . 0. Pardoo for county attorney. Hurt County TKKIMAU , Neb. , July 17. [ Special Tclo- gram to TUB BVE. ] A.t the special election held In Burt county today Tckumah lacked only sixty-three votes of h.ivln , ? tlio requisite t o-llths ( of all the votes cast , thus making necessary to call another election. The contest - test % % lll now bemuvio\veddo\ui toTokamah , Ijjoinnnd O.ikUucl , and while it isto 1)0 ) re gretted that thcmatter could not have been settled on the Jlr-,1 ballot , jet Uiero Is little doubt Unit Tokamah will conio out ahead in the ond. f County Kopulillcnns. * , Neb.Julyl7. [ Spcclnl toTnr 3)ciTills ) county held a mass 'niectlng of lepabllcans Monday and selected a county central co uvnitteeo nnel Jele atos to attend the state , coiifmslon < il. senatorial and Icffis- Iatlvoconventioii3.Villlun \ \Vlsnerwai chosen a delcff.ito to the htite convention. All the delefjateera uninstrueted. Clay Count ) rtcpiililleaim. Snrox , N'ob , July 17. [ Special Telegram toTmBEt. ] At tlo primailes hero today the following1 delegates vcro elected to the republican com en tibn to be held Saturday , .lulv " 19 : Henrj'Grosshnns , AYilliam Crless , II H Scluvaf ) , 1) ) F. McGill , William William Siuloieher.K. KHalrrrocVllliani ( \ llelsplch , J , J. Ochner , 1 { , M. Thompson . K. Bemls.Aut'iIStiplmll ' and II. K.Cainp. lluv Bilt'tt ) Uopulllonim. IIiviNoiortuJfub , July -Spoclal [ tolo- pram to Tun BtW.1 ! The republicans of Box Ilutto county y'cnpnlay ' selected delosntes to the stuto coiivoiiftlon ns follows1 John I1 Amott , Jsime 'Fl. ' .DmsUii , IM M Tracy , A. ] , . Kced and I 'tt.1 ' , Jlounds. This is gener ally considoradY iitory of tlio Dorsoy over the Klchauls Itnnno < 'iUiiily Itcpuhlleans , Ai.moN-Nob'jMfply 17 , [ Spscial to TUB' BKC. ] An antl-Donoy delegation to the Hoono county' ' vJitluMlcTO convention was elected in this niuclnct Monday. Tlio con tention AUll hehtWSaturday , In all probability - ability an aiiti-Din'acy ' dolegratlon vlll Iw so- Iceted to yo to'Hii : cougressloual convention , Valley lounty UopubUcaiin , Onn , Neb , , July 17 , [ Kpcciil 1'elo ram to TIIK BKI : , ] TH | ) republican county conven tion wet liero this nfueinoon C. C. Jewell Iw.ulslhodt'lo.ntion to tno btito convention. Itgocsunlustiutitett. . ' . MiiMiroom I'd i Mini lie ; . MusUrooin polsonincr Is fc > o common nmoiiff tha poititinU o ( Italy tliat rural dlsiXMismlos koojironely n tock of rrntl- dotes , sajs the Illuitratccl American. Unfortunately , these rarely reach tlio p.itie'iit In tiino , mul doatlib of boveril nioiubersof a family simultaneously : uo foportod frequently. As Italian peas- niitrf Insist iiiiDii c\tiiih' : \ vlait they Bup- none nrolieulthf ul in xuli rooms ) \vh > novt'i ' % Ilioy \\n\o \ auopjiortunlty to do so , It U | iroHsetl | to ilisscniluiito 0ini3 Bliuiile In- structioiu witli respect totheedlblo und iioti-eilililo fuii"'i. FROM THE 1HKEYE STATE , Dos Koines and "Vlciuitj Visited by a Vio- Icat Elcctrio Storm. CONSIDERABLE PROPERTY DAMAGED , Several leronn Stunned null Other wise Injured lijr Ufjlitnitijf Mnnchiatli'8 Sciitenoo Coiniiiiitctli DES Moivn , la. , July 17 , [ Special Telo- frramtoTiu : llin. : ] Alolcnt \ electric stonn vlslteJ this city iilwut ( o'clock thU morning , consldeublc ) . dniiUKO bplnjr rcpoiled by lightning ISlr. utnl MM. T. C. Oiborno and their five children have resided inn two-story frame on the corner of Day ntul "Wileystreets over since the eyelouo of July Ul , ISSt , which destroyed everything tboy h.id on a farm nour Wmk . They thcmsuUes otcaiied with their ll\e-j , vhllo tro a crashed down Upon their house , Mr , O.sboriio hal boeu nonoua about storms When the stoini began this ipomlng Iw uroso , went up stairs and brought down bis children soils to lmo his little flock together. All ut once thcioviw nti nwf ill roar , a blinding lliuli , and the IIOUM Illicit with line ilust. Tor ten min utes Mrs Osbm'iic. felt nstiiiKluitpninia the top of her head as if noodle * liul boon run Into her scalji , Her oldest duinhter l.iv be- sldohorstunned , but fortiinilelv uonowuo killed. The bouse , lion over , w w visited In every part ami pieces knocked cIT , splinters bitten out , holes Imrncd through the walls , ntidhiivoc ercitod generally.Vith the bolt came dawn nu oult tree in the yard , sheltering it , and before reaching the croutiu leaped o\er to thohousoand ran all around It. SSoieral of the neighbors were. aUo shocked .A tenlflc cannonading1 was kept up for half an. hour In that pnrt of the city , Ono bolt struck the tjiound hi the boil o/Uird's ' run , hotlng a big post hole in it. A few minutes before 0 o'clock ' the to\\cr of Trunk- lln school \vm struck , shattering one corner ttiidshockiiigsovcrul verso us in the chilly. Mrs. CJeoi'KoBarton , lialf a block from the school , was knocked down but not seriously huit. Heports from other juris of the city uro equally startling. lli > ir to .Millions , l\nnrr\-ni\i'i : , In. , July 17. [ Special Tel- cgrim to Tun BUR. ] Henry Ilillberg , n bnkcr and rost.iutatourof this city , isu lucky man. It loolw as though ho will boortli \ u million or t\\o soon. Ono htindi'ed yeira apro Jobh 13r.mil . died In Amsterdam. In 1701 his wife also died , leaving HO heirs , mid the gov- arimiouti'oinertcdullpiopcitlcs into money , which lias boon accumulating over since. Jlr. flillbcTj has received notification from Gcr- intiny. wio a private letter from a brother in that'uountry , stilting tint after a century oC research kith mid kin hive been found and the llual papers pro\ng ! iclnttoushlp have ba n'lilcVl , 'Iho circumstances of the case are notclo.ir , as Mr. Hillberg isoiityabloto state th it Mrs , Brand wus bis father's ' aunt , anil the living rchtlvM on this sldoot thohou o arofow , The csUtovns enormous , and In thelusthimdrcd-jears has nmountcil to SH'i- 001,000. A meeting of the heirs \vns recently lielJwhen It was deildod to inako a settle ment. .Mtiiiohrath'H.Seiitciico Commuted , lis : JIoiNH , la , .Inly 17 , [ Special Tele gram toTnr BISP. ] Governor Boies todiy commuted the sentence of lYod Munchr.itli , jr. , from two jears In the penitentiary to three mouths. Mutichrath was 0110 of the alleged conspirators ' \hoso work resulted in the assassination of Uev. Haddock of Sioux City u few jours ape on account of his activity In the eufotcement of prohibition. The governor unices a lengthy statement bi which ho tikes the ground th.it i IDS much as Munehrnthmtlioonlr one of the m- spliiiton convicted , and that the evidence shows Mimchruth cautioned cam in the inat- tor and was largely the \lctiin of circum stances , ho thinks the sentence excessive and therefore commutes it military Olllocrs CBD.U RANDS , la. , July 17. [ Special Tele gram toTiiiiBi : ! ! , ] "While Adjutant Genera' ' Gieon , Cuptaln JCotchain of the regular army and Colonel Bocson of IStarsliaHtown were going out of town to nrranjjo for target practice - tico in company v , 1th E. H. Smith this fore noon their team became frightened nt a plumbers' excavation In the street and fell In tliohole.rj.'ho men \vcro pretty badly fright ened and , -Hero somewhat bruised , but no soilousdamigo was done. AH Xneondlary l Mre. Dr.s M6i > F3 , K , .My 17. [ Special Tclo- grrnm to Tim 15 ti : . ] Uurly this morning fire destroyed a residence at 317 East Seventh stieet , with valuable contents. The llremea had huidvork to avert a disastrous blaze. The house was valued at 81,000 and the con tents at 6500 , the latter insured. The origin of the ftro is a imstery , as the liouso was un occupied at the tlino , but tbo indications arc that it was robbed first and then sot on fire. A. Nora Springa HeiiN.itlun. MASOV Cur , la , July 17. [ Special Tele gram to Tin ! Ems. J Nora Springs has a rjcy sensation. A. D. Strong was arrested ycstcrdiy for running awny with the wife of Jvlr. l ranlclln , a resident of lioclffonl. Mr. and Mrs. IVanltlln voro marnod but four v eeks ago , tlio latter boingu daughter of D. Morrison. The hctsaro jot to bo dcvoloiiod. All paitles arc highly conncotcd , An Cinl to the Jilrnic ) | ! , DES.SIOINEI , la , July 17. [ Spochl Tele gram to Tun Br.i5.l- Governor Boies this morning received a letter from the authori ties at the Clarinda hospital , silting that the thioateiied epidemic has ceased to exist. Atone ono time thirteen pitlontJ and attendants * \\cro down , onoof the latter dvin ? , but all have now recovered but ono , and no fears of the spiead of the disease mo now held. To lo ! 'JiUcun to Xoln.-xslcn. Dn MoiNrs , In. , .Tulj' 17. [ Special Tole- piam to TUB BrK.-Shcilff D A. Uakcrof Iforth Platte , Nob. , has departed from Des Molnes bearing authority or Governor Boles to take from the Clnrlndaj.iil a mm who is accused of scllini ; moitfcaged propcity. Mr. Bakorsaidtho accused was an old offuiulcr. S SCI1HMK. Tlio StntoS'ccri tnry of tlio Knl nis ol IjnlxirVullCR 1'oIHIOH. J. II. Cradilock , stuto seciotary of the Knights of Labor , was in the city last night delivering words of political consolation to the members of the Hod Carriers' union , A Itngtliy tncatiiifc was held behind o'osoil ' doors , at which Mr. Cr.uldock urtfedhls hc.ir cis Co turn a deaf carlo thoontroatlM of botl political puitics and stand llrm fortho hide jwnd < 'nt uwvetnent. According to Mr. Crad- clock's o\vn statement lie has been hustling and during the pist four weeks hohasbeci \hiting small towns and out of the way ulaces , organizing tlio farmers and tr.ulcsmci into mixed assemblies of tlio I\nlhts ( o Labor , fortho purpoio of makliiu afightdur Inpf tlio fall campaign. "We will not luso with cither party , " sah' tlio KCntlcinan , "but If the people of those turtles ha\o uiiy ovntuiw to make wo wil lUten licforo the election comes onvovll bo orKanl/cd on every hill top nml iu cvurj Milloy , niuUvo ivlll m.iko tins pjlitic ! ins thin I that the Knltfhti of I abor and the fanners alllante ommi/atlont area power. " On November 11 the general avomUy o the KnlRhU of Uibor will hold a oonvfiitioi in Denver , and at the present time Mr dad dock's schema h to have tlio delefatos ? leav < their homes early In October , stop inthl statoand lliwJ cvory hsimlot and tchooldla trlct wltli ICniglitH of Labor speakers. Alloys. A resolution was adopted ntthol.wt ncot lujc of thucity couiull Inttruittnn the stioo sweeplntr C4)titniftors ) to bwceji all jiavet ailoyjot lout 0111:0 : month. Tbcro nw ! JO lalles of invert aliojs ii Onmlii , and to i * i 'p thorn OIICK a month wil co-.t aiont8" D i r month , or f > 00 for the tei mouths iu each year that sweeping l duuo. OP J'tXPAfiliS. A Warning Yjcltcrfrotn BulT.tlo County on Iho i'ullllunl Bittmtiiin. ICRIIIN-KI , Neb- , July 14. To the editor of Tnr.llKt : : Although the weather Is exceed ingly warm , it seems to Invo no effect on the politic.il Interest , -\\hlch will culminate to ionic cttont In tlio republicm stuto conven tion. In this vicinity the head of the non- partlvm league scenu to liavo dropped Into the camp of the democrats , much to the dis gust of many gojil republicans vho Just now seem to realize that a democrat never forgets his party tactics to always vote fora demo crat regardless of the name of the ticket on which ho may bo u candidate. In Uuflulo ounly thealllaiu'csaud labor organizations federated , nominating two lOprosontatlve.s and one county attorney , giving to the labor organizations and these of republican tend- cnuloUhopriviloKOot attending tin- various convention * Unit they may bo heard upon the Icorlii their vospoctlvo conventions shouting or five trulo , prohibition and thodofoit of the republican pivty , after whleh they will simply mid they have boon helping tono.nl- nato sonipduinocr.itle candidates lorotnee. So fur inthost.itotho domo.'r.itsliivoi'ap- ureil tlio idlliuuo coineutions , liopiuKtliu enubllcain ni.iy numtniito uoalt \ or railroad ticket , \\hich will give tliom m oppirliinlty of repeating tlio lownjolcoof otorlliiffa ileinociatic governor n a lepiibllean state Tlio democrats are aidin < all thuy c.in toillvldu the rcpubUv.iuH an luui'h iupos < iblo on tin1 pioldbltlon iiui's- tlon , fooling sum thev will bo able to pull oil norotlian our republican nnjorltv to tlio dllmii-n cindldatiM mid by tlu'lurthoi1 sl.Uo- iiout Unit the republican convention will bo contiulk-dby the r.illto.ids , thus helping the \voak kneed republicans in tlio nlllance to lavonn excuse for voting for the dcinoeratle andlJatei whom they have nominated , riioy will ponlstontly iiixo and with great success f of nil democrats to stand square by their party. As tlio piohibltlonc.impitgn progresses n ; oodly number who h.ivo horctoforo felt diully touiml the inovenieiit have bog.m to ro.ilbo tint "thoi-u's millions In It" lor the irohlhitlon cnnip.ilRiiei's. without any good oHiilts to the iieoplo Tlio recent deliito on this iiuostlon , vltli tlio inoductlon of fncUs and ll urcs on the aide of anti-prohibition and the slish nud inlsstatemonts bj thehlrod cnvojs A\lio nro in the bushiest for what [ hero is in it , his a\\.ikonod a dilTcrcnt feel ing In tltis iurt of tbo state among the mad- Ing and thinking people which will make quite a difference when the vote is counted. The nomination ottioiierul A. II. Conner , who Is a candidate , for governor by the re publican party would take nil tlio vind out of the nllliuuo schema from the fact that his record has shown him toalwavs have been on Iho pooplo's side on the transportation cp.i"s lion , His ability and Integrity is second tone no imn in this stuto unit booulu cronto an enthusiasm ami interest in the campilgn which would dia\v biek Into tbop.nty u largo inn011ty ] of the ropubllcuns wlio aie'now enrolled - rolled with the alllanco pnity. In fact , in ordei to lio'.d cvon the republicans In line this } car In the west , it will bo iioceBsnry tonom- inatAJiiotonly a clean yet fair man for gov ernor , who Inn a rocoid on the side ot the people , but they must also duposo of Steen , Joudery and lionton , who have not been loyal to the peoples Interests on the trans portation question. The partv cannot nflord lo go to the polls tliU fall vlth the ticket tailed down with men who hnvo been D in- dilTeient to the people's interest at a time when the farmers of this state needed their Influence and pjwcr. Should the railroad combine succeed in reiioniiiiatin those Ren- tlcinen , It will bo an easy matter fur the democrats to west tins state from the ropub llcanlino So let usguaul oaiolullj andlhor- ougbly the confidence reposed iit ourpirt ) and not goon n'cord as indorsing tbo rallroatl combine , which h.is been deaf to the appeals of the shipper and iiroducer when thu railroad - road ) weio drawing the Ilfo Itlood from those who inako and unmake parties and when once thoroughly aroused will dostroj- even their longlovcd and well served party , hoping to ilnd relief In homo other htucu. A mistake on tlio pint of the iopublicans in tholr con vention will boas MollUiblo tothodeinocratlc party as were the "Mistakes of Moses" to uoblngcisoll. B. Ono Sroro Congrcssloiial Cnmliilate , OiiivnNi.vM ) , Neb. , July li. ( Totho Kdl- tor ofTiiBlini : I wish to malify a state ment appearing in Tin ; BhK that Judge Hauler and Mr. Dorsoy were the only con- Rresslonul candidates in the Thiid district. Judge II.lirison is in it. lix-UoutonuutUov- ernor-Abbott , icfeiilngto the Judgu's cindl- said ' ' Ilirrisoa Is dacy , : 'Although Judge out of town , I can biy that ho will ba a candi date before tbo district convention , and I know of no ono in the distiictlio -will in spire morooonlldoiuo. Ills judicial district , the Ninth , will bo practlcolly solid for him. I don't think bo will go Into the other dis tricts and m.iko u pcrnonnl camass , and I thinlc if bo weio to consult his own interest ho would prefer to remain upon the bench. His nomination would , in my opinion , bo an exc-dlpiit onchis ( Uiarmtor would bo nioio assuring to the majority of \otorsthun any platform or decluratlQii tbe convention niiRlit unite. I consider hU chances very good. Ilo will bo In the Held , and if nomi nated will stay until the closing of the polls. " Tlio Turners' .Kxcnrslon. The Omaha Turners have completed ar rangements for their annual excursion and picnic at West 1'oint next Sunday , A special train will Inavo the Webster street depot atS o'clock over the Fremont , Elkliorn & Mis souri Valley , and mtuinhig will leave West Point about 8 o'clock in the evening. An c\ ; ccllent piofrramino will bo c.iuicd out at tj'io paik , It includes prl > turning , glass b.ill shooting , footraces , boat rue's , baseball , ete , Music will ho furnished by the Second Infan try bandund the Juvenile baud of Westi'oint The latter orgmi atloii will arrive hero to morrow , and will make a parade. Hovor.il speeches will bo made , and an excellent danc ing platform will furnish ntti ictlons for many. Numerous games -will bo jirovldod about tlio groumla for the amusement of vis itors. Jt is cxDi'cted th it about six hundred will go from tills city and . X ) f i-oin l-'rcinout , us uoll m muny other * from various noints along the line The faro for the round trip will bo $ i , The Tumors' picnics huvo alwajs proven popular and onjojabloallairi , and the Indications mo that this one will bo no excep tion. \Vill AMicfoi- Change in Hours. Ihcro is a movement on foot among the woildngnien employed In the Grant and Ornaha smelting worlcs to secure a change of hours so as to inako thrco eight-hour shifts earn day , Thin , ills claimed , has been for some tiiro the pr.ictlco at the Grant anil Omaha smelting vnrks la Denver A delega tion will call upon the managers asking for thia chtvigo. Caiupboll's Injuries 1'rovo Fntnl. " \VilliUMi \ ( Jainpbcll , tlio house mover whoso skull was crushed Thursday afternoon by a flying caps tain sweep , died at 1:3) : ) jestordnj afternoon without having regained conscious- ncjs. 'j'ho coiimcr was notilled , tint declined to bold an inquest , the attending phHicIm dcilariiu ; tlml tbounfoitunnUi mm died frum compression of tlio bralu and tudctua of tbe lungs. niHtrlot Com I. 'fho Impoitant nilng in tbo district i-ourt yostcrdny was the petition of Uuel Nelson , whoforhorsclf and her two children , Anna Nelson , aged sixteen , and Can io Nelson , aged ilvo yean , sues Gbils .Knson , a saloon kLojier atHUJ Is'oith rouitccnthatrcet , and his bonds men , lOmll CJ. Ackeiman mid J. N. Stadtlan- dor. fortho mini of JIO.ODO damages. In her petition , Mrd Nelson iillegcs tlult her lilts- band , 1'otor Nelipn , on January 1 , IblW , d rank liquor to oxetsss In .Tcns > on's pi ice and wai drunk for days and weLks thoieaftor , th.it ou April"J liouas again at Jensen' ' saluon anil bciMinudrunk ; that late In thu eviningof that day ho leturncd to his home , and white craro.l by llfiuor drove his rhlldici out of tbo house and then assaulted hU wife knocked lior down and kicked heron the right thigh , Inllicting n painful and porma neat wound. For this N'olsonvas an on toil tried in police court , convicted and sentencci tonliiotj ilu.\i in tlio county Jail , lliureb ) losing lil portion , which netiedhim ? I.UOO i year. On lucounl of all this Mrs. NoUoi fctU nxicrloMxl mil thinks that nothini ? Jess than f lUn ; ) , ) will heal the mental and bodily injuries bho has sustained , Cuunty Courl. In the county court the following Judg ments were rcndenxl yesterday : Kud Selirocdcr vs AVllllnm IleMHonw , $ 11.1701 New England loan and trtut company vs M. D. Wilkinson , $ J09 2 | M. A. Upton vs 1'lrs * / National brink , Jmlirniorit for ciHts for ilo- / foneluntjVestoin Noivspipe'r Union v.i & * J 13. Mnno , 111' ' . lUTuikor , O.vhvoll & Co. , vs S. U Andrews , f > )70.f.5. A , l-'iled ifcUo. luivtirommiMtcoit ult toro eover S.'US.W from A. I1. Uoicho , witli Inter est from A pill 5 , IS'.H ' ) . DIP Secret of nn Old Oprtitim 1'ai-nior In AVcst Vli'Kinln. . ThiTO mllo4 ever the iiiountiili Is th touio of OV. . llninrlolt. Jt lt u Ilvo- oem \ng \ lioiiso , tlio interior \vcatliov \ jo.u'doil , but not painted. Tlio fiont vlinlows fuco u iiiiiHiw vulloy Unit lt > oumled l > j hilla so hljjfli they shut out -ho - sun nftcr 4 oVloclc , n-iys U I'lullppl , \V. V . , spi'dul to the I'liiflmmll C'uiu- uorolnl Gsi/otto. Thorc Is uolhiiiR nhmt he house ntul iln uiipfotentluud jni'd to ittrnutmoro thm a pntMliiK s'l111 ' ' for my one who may clwiu'o to tru\ol Iho inuvqui'Jiteil oountry ivad Ihtit ulmla ts \ lono-tontuly Into tlu < hillsbn > onil , ot It is full of uut'l'ultioH thnl liavonf \ \ .led tlio ii'itions it nil ot bomo ( if tlu " > rlhtO' ( < t inlnd-i in the t-ouutry tlilnkititf. Tlio jilain olil house is full of uiuiii- ulos , hull i of bruloiaiul luinuin boinf"s. lore arc ininiuuioa that ouli'hnl nliy Sjrypt over kiiDw. 'I'lio ICj\ptltin oiii- ) iiliin.'ils removed bintiis and blood mul Ibcoi'ii , and wi ippcd the cl.ij alioll lh.it vas lolt in b.iiiilaginj * , sntiiiatcdith \ ) iln anil ointniL'iits. In thin liouan lh Iho > odlo3of t\\o \ ndiilts , natur.i' iilino l as Ilfo ' - of the skin i-d n , ovciy pai'tii-lo o vpo - o tlio air , blood , brains and \ i- > rti i - mining. In the veliih atnl nrlork-s ilvo ) \uo \ and black blood .stiind out us i ir mil unttii'Jil as when these people li\i-il mil \vallcod tiuil Uiunv the nist : > lena and emotions of boiiiffs. Tlio lin ornnil toe nulls show tlio pink lesh o ( life , nml on the ehuolcof ono who lleil o ( ( oiibtiinptian the t-cni'lot murk of .lint . dlsotise ro null tied ulour nml illstiiii't. Tor t\\o years ovpo d to tlm ulr , wlth- > ut decay or odor , tlicMJ bodies liuo : : iin in this man's house nut tiliovo his jodrooiu. Ilia process Is n ( IK'ouTy of his o\\n , but it is so bimplo , 10 siys , that a boy ot llflcun , vftor u fiinjilo lesson , oan do thu work iw olleotiully ns the inventor liiiu- solf. Tlio rooms o [ Wr. Huniiielc nro iiiinUituro museums , In the door .e.uls to his bedroom n hug sits jjmnl , its tongue , undeciyod. : iiit IIH if itoio about to hip mill ; . For "our jeaiM that cut has boon the tolo Ljuard of t hut loiiosomo door. On u iniui- * ; ol , In nu nltltudo of hbtoiuiii.sft { , jotuij deer. aHnhbits , pigs scnilrrols , chk'lfoiiM mid oven ti calf uroto bo been , nil us natural is In Ilfo , nnd nil piesunod b \ tlnuiu - lorful Heoiot. Mr. Ilamriok I'liiuns th it .nail hour ho can proptro n body \\itli- out niiklii < , ' an luci-iiin of iinj sort or i > - moving any part ol tlio body , HI that it nay Iw taken around tbo vu > rldItlinut co or nroonical lluiils. These twu budiis which lie in moiloht stale in IhiHhunihlo loicso linvo turned purclunpiit color viih the liurryiiifj ot time , nnd ejo.s lmo In - conic much sunken. Thoi-o is no odoi , no pulling up of the flesh. The ghostly oolc Is u.mtini * , nnd ono almost feels ubal it is not the bolldillod clny of homo ; ono one , but a wonderful liUtMiov * earvcil by n di\ino \ sculptor from .somo rare vood. Think of slconiiiu' with thooo dead nnd petrified bodieal Ihit Ui'iH Is not all Hint this old wonilor- vorkcr ot the inouulaiJis does. Ho slop decay sit : my point. Cures ulcers of Ion ; ; btniullng1 by an external application of this discovery. By the sniiie process ho keeps ficsh , withoutluosalt orbilno , nil hia ineit , uutter and oygH , nnd uoos tbo sumo /or his nclghljora. Fruit of all .sorts , voKrotablcH , etc. , nro kept jiidt ns\ enailv without decay , und watuimoloiiH , blniwboi'i'loH , and peaches amlcionm nro now ni-snred for the Chriblmas dinner. Mr. Iliimrlok liiw in.idolittlo or no eflort to put his process , which such learned inon nf DM. Cllloynnd Freeman of this city , While of Wellington , Doiuiuus of Now York , nml llordeily of "Wheeling , A\r. \ Vn. , pionoiinco ono of the groalost ( iisco\orics of the iifre , far aboad of wlint tbo lijjyptlans know. Indeed , Ifnmrick sconif to regard it ratbor us it utuiouu oxpeilment than othorwlae. Slipped In an A men. The following may aptly bo termed a lit'coyy way of reporting a rolinioiiH c-x- crciso. It coiucs fiom JiodCllit , C'ol. : _ "Tho oporti hoiiso ns ooinfortnbly filled Sunday night to listen to Rev. Mr. I'lirbotm of Gicoley dKeoui o on cbris- tinnity. Tlio Br > r\lcos oienod with u prnyci1 byKev. Mr. Samlets of Colorndo Suringu , the great mogul ot tlila jurlH/ diction. If tlio prayer \vnsas elHoacioTis n-i itas \ loiifj , it has not yet quit doing- . Tliero is no tolling how long il would hnvo continued hud not bomo devout wofnbiporblipped in nn 'amen' while the reverend was taking breath. Mr. 1'ar.sous viw then introduced and made ono of the neatest talks it Jus kjon our liloabiiro tolibton tobinco 1'roachor Pud- dock loft the wobt In4 1882 01IhSI ! Proucliers llko 1'arsons'nnd I'.idiloi k nhvajsliuvo a warm plnco In om- heart , because vo lil o men who progress with tbo times nnd lese bight of orthodoxy in Immunity. The gentleman wan oainost and hlncoro in everything , nnd , by the wiry , there is the bounty of tnlklng with out rending olT a paptT tbo orator's fcollii'i ( > Hlionoln Ills OJOH.Vo bcMlovo Jfr. 1'iirsoim will cut a wiilo mvutli in Ibis snheio in the not very dlbtunt fu ture.1 ' . . . . , An Kntcrprhln ; ; landlord. There ib proof Unit iv really Krea ribcs superior to the limitations of ctr- cumbtnnccs in tholneidont rc > < 'eiitli ro- luted of the New Ilumpsbiro Inndlord wlionmdea requibition on tliisclty for six young men to proceed lit onuo to the mountains , anil there , wajn the l'ro\ i- donco Journal , arrayed in tennis costume - tumo during tlio day and conventional evening ( lrot > 3 ut night , aaslst lit enter- tuining tbo guestg of Iho liostlory , pre sumably tbo makloii oloinont for tbo most part , li\lng on tbo fat of the bind , meanwhile , gratis. The Im-rcjif w'liri'ity of young inon at our HUIIIIIK r hotels has piovod moro ilolotorlotH to profit tliiui even n coinbinutioii of cold \\catboriind higliprhoi , nml It was in- oxltablo that boinolliing railli-al Hlmuld bo undfiliikeii. Tbo New ILunp-ihlni nrin mi'iitlonecl Is evidently nbreitst of the tlmea > Absolutely Puro. A froain ri'iiljiikinj ! puwd'ii. JlliiliPil I nf loivc-ulnsstrnnsili-U S. tluvuriuuCLt , H - l > ort Aii .17 , 1WJ. I