THE OMAJEIA DADDY BE35 , . .rjIURSDA.T , JULY 17 , 1890. 8PEGIHL NOTICES. " * Ii VT 11TISEMFNTH tor theo fDlutnnn vlll he tahon untlH2ttOp : tit. , fortho evening o'lllrn and until 3i p. tn. , ( or the morning cdltlnn and SttMtxr llir , , In ndvanco. T JATF8 Ailrertl prnfnt * on thliptiRC wlllbo J Xilinncil for nt Iho rale eMS lent per wnnl fiir'hi ' llr ? > t In'ortlrm and 1 cent per vord for c.nli n liseiiiiciit Insertion , and < IM per line prmioiilli. ! u > n Uortl ! iiiciitH taken for lens tl.nnSl fontHfur tlio lint Insertion. * f MTI/I.S. Btnro , symboli , etc , , count each J d inc word. rPllt SKailifrtl nnpnl mnt run conHeeii- I tit cly and tindi'r no chvutirttatHM Mill they In Inkunor ilhrnntliiiiid by telephone. 4 havln/thelr unsworn nr drrsicd lo a"num- 1 ered lcltir"ln caio ofTlillllKK w 11 receive n mini end rlieokto onablclhein to ( ot tliolr Vttor . Answer * will ho clcllvwil only on iinsi'iitallonof tlih rliei'k Kndoso answers } ti inv < 'loOHpmierly | ) tddrothod , ' ' , \ advrrtlsoinont utiili-r the he-nil of A'- - . " prclal ftotlcci" urn publlHlinl inhothlhu n.ornltil nml ovonliiR idltloi.sof TIIK IlKiMho cliciiliitlon nt which nifirrt'jtntej ' mow tlma 211.110 piiior.H dally. milKlm the nilierilwr Ihclnnelltnoti nly of lln > lariie ilrfuUtlonof Tin : Kt-.i ! n ( liniilin. bntiiKoln Cinmell UlnllH , 1 Inioliiiuid otliorultk'tnndtown ln llio \ > cst. HUNHAT HAliKKATHM. DVTIiTISPM IlNTSl for Bltuatlom or for A1 iiuiln or fomnlo help , not rxecullnff 31 ,1nro , Iturrtolln Tin : PI'NIIAV Htt at , Inlf rule durlnKthe tnonthsot July nndiViiKUit. 1 he reunliir rates will 1 n chsirji'd for riioh nildlt'oiinl word II'MIVMwords ' as well aafor con < ( ] utlvo Insertion * . BRA.NTCH OFFICES. /rtvoilltoln ? firthi > incolumn'wlllliotnkon on tin' ui oui ronilllliinx , nt Do folloMln'/ IMI | IIO dliomos vbo nro null orhod to take niKrliili'Otloe' ' . tit thflitnino rates a ) can bo Iiinl nt llio main olllcp , SonII OMAHA IIHANMI Ol-'PIOE-No. WilN Strict. IiNt"f Hlo'k. | OirV. . IlELUriiarniucNt , SJOEoiilh Tenth htr. ot. OIIAPH A : nnn\ \ ' . Pint onora anil 1'rliilors ' , n-j ! uu tli IGllifetrcit. \\r j urqiiisrhamiiiciMt.oi , North wth Mrcot. C1KO. \ . 1'ATIII , I'liariiiaolst , 1718\on- J , TOtlh Slreot. | .l IJOIIKS'l'IUUM ACY.Slth and 1'arnnm. KIUUA'llOXS far ttitu , etc , , rcf IDJI oj flrnttittiiinn ontMa llulj nttetnn _ tiumlny. SITUATION wmtcd to do clmmbor work. . - AihlresH. J Ki , llyooflluo. 413 1C' " \\rANTKD Tn a town iintlcsitlianflvoliun- il ( Irtil. .situation inwrnln buyer and inan- m'or of spitlim liy a loiniii'teiit man ; best of t'iiccs fnriiMii'diOyiMrs oxperluiL-o. Ad- Liiuk llux iB , Kdgnr , Xul ) . 4 Mt-ai' \\7ANTKII Position to travel. Soon U ( our * liintdiaii" ! . Uno.i . ronreiicoor sinulllioud Jf ii'inilicd.Vaie8 no object Utllrst , Address 3\Sr. J.WMOIiliiHtrcct. 44H-IG * \\t ; ANTK.II \ " SItunllc.n u toolcloopor or tinvullni ; k.ilesinnii ! llrst-olnsi rifer- rnccs : plain four years. In bank. Ad- ilri-ss .11.7 , IUD ! OHIce. 410-11 * \\7 ANTKD IVsltlon us jinltor. watchman ; T refuronce. give tend if nipilrcil. 0. 11. OKon.llllUl'nniiiin st , SOfllC * S TOTIOE to merchant tailors-Position wnntodby euttcrj referonees li. Address II. 00 , lleo olllco , UilJJ.'i * \VAN"rji : > MAhB HEM' . 2'arrata , etc. , nee top nj flirt cnhimn Ilaljititn on Suniiau , _ " \VTANTED Astoiiosrajihor and tjrpowrltor , l olllicr gentlemen or lady , wlio will bo wllllnjto tniko thuinwlvrs ccnorally uvofiil nbonttlio oHloe , furnlsli tlioir own madilno iiiulvnrk clic'iii ) . Address ! with terms look bo.x .N'el ) . 45-17 ! ) * ANTED Oil vaiilro < I Iron cornlco worlc- ors ; stead vworlt.ftood waces. James A , lllllcrfc Itro. , U > J and 1 1 So utk Clinton St. , C'liloiuo. 42a ( ANTF.D rtnmeillately , c flrit-class tneat cook utOddl's tllnlnsliall , Llneoln.Nob , / 17513 "lIT.ANTElt Anoxperloncod dry foodathat l > caii'hollandmakohlinsolf usuful In doing nny kind of work in a Krnoral Htoro. 1'iofer ' eliiKleinonimiistliavu Ilrst olais ruforenco.s In everyway. Address , with stamp , look box 00 , Ulalr.Neb. 472 ' " \\7"ANTr.I ) Hey or ohlcrly man for two IT horxis nnd burey nnd to male himself gcneiiilly mot ill about preiiilacj. Apply tuDr. ! ; , nonmaii,6gts wiist. . 4 i 17 * " \\7"ANT1D ! Api'iitiof cither sex In cvory county In Missouri , Iowa , . Kansas a nil K brii4ka to sell I.oni'n solid iiiucllajo pencil ; cxcliulvo territory free. Kvery person who v cs iniiollii o iicudsone , Haniplo liy mall "i cts. tfen-l for clrciilan. L'lias. 0. Soilors,0nn'l A-'t , \Vjaiulotto St. , Koura 3 , Kansan Ulty , ill ) . 445-17 * WANTT.Dlth \ a larjo eorporatlon.nn A 1 cut rjcluik , mutt lie ( [ ulck and nceitrate at tljjiiu's. Good prosncoH for iidMinei'mont toi'\pi'iii > neca man. salary 415 to bughnvltli. Aildnss J M , lleo oHlco. 43M7 * \\7"AN"rr.D AlosldcntaKOiit In every town i' In Nehraakii and Colorado , "l.ady or eoiitli'maii" forsomithlni ? now , 1'or pnrtlun- liu-s address vllli ( tamp , The Curlliifx Fluid t'o. , loom 001 , N , Y. Life , Oinalia , Neb. 4W-18 * Alll'KATEItS , plasteri'rs , jKilntcis , misons , Inboreia , etc. , ele. , 1:1111 totuorkiind apply an lint payment on lot , balance nix Ji'iirs. Win. J. I'aul. lOUil Paniuni. ill HlI.KrClt and Cowman Wniilcrt-Wiiitoi Jil nml board ; must bu nn extra pooil mail Apply J. II. Wootl , Oniuha National bank. \\7"ANTrD Syoiinc men and 3 youiiKhidlrs T > w solicit , tulur/ per d nyi ooni 2tl Cha in- bor of t'oiniiioieo. 4aa 10 * \\7"ANTr.D Itullablo men at canviusors ' liiHid opoiilnir for iiinn with IIOIMI and nn on. Call 1UIJ llowardst. : &lii * A\ANTri ) ARooUiarbur. Cull atMiloholr lllos.lliururnam st. 41S-1G * " \\rANTK.O ToanisltTrtand hhorersonltock " V Island Kr.i'le. foiirloen iniloj fcoutli of town , \VIIKDS (1.75 ( IIDI diy anil f-Ti per month. Apply on nork.lo JA. Mure k Son , eoiitraot- - . * Ol-s. 42J-31 \ \ , ANTKl ) A competent butcher to go In v > IOXMI. Must lie hobor. Industrious nnd aide , Koferoiieo lequliuil. Address J ( il Itco olllee. 401-10 \\TANTED A lint elan boiler linkers coed T > WIIHCII for tlio rUht mail , Addroci I0. . . Dcntlnood , H. 1) ) . 41118 * \\7ANTKn \ Hi-stoIiiMorcim man towotlc TT lii candy fictory : must li stoudy. Ohe riifuii'iiooH. Atlilrcusl' . O. boxSK , Ugden.Utali. -IIP 17 * _ YVANTKD fninonno in build tivo onitacrs > uuil tnko foixl lot sin part nujr. CoKotli , Johnson .VljO > Kroii , room I ) , Clmnibcr ot Coin * nioiii ) . CT 10 _ WAN'I'RD Sovornl coed city eunvassors. roriiiirtlculius audruaa llo.x.X.7 . , Oinulu , Noli. ) ANTT.n-IiiiiiMilliilclv. flrat-elnss b T > Jorniinontdltiiiitlon * U per woolc. Ou- 1 1 Q U'tbiilfer y , Lincoln. Kob. g&l IMNTI1D A Rood ttilkor to sell niodlolno > on thvbtnot. full at 017S. 10th st9EMG1 \ ANTEn lnoo moil for nillroid work In > > \Vyoiulnp \ , UaUiUi. Utah anil Novudni * l.j to l..Wi ; ( toady work. Allirlght's ' Avi' eynariiriiuiu , st. ' , x. > n.i > Throe f1rstuln.Minon to ropro- i sontlhoOinalnlloolii and ontof thoolty , Oullnt tli * special ollluonf Onr.ilm Hoc , rornvr li Hi nnd lariiaiii , yrouiul tloor. n \ \.VAN'rKI on to travel foroiirOnnndlan * nurberleiimoiie cNVi'lllii toii.Miidliioii.\\i T70 AtlKNTS-f-MoiitOtonaJdays' tlmo. ll.w.oo lirolltla 4 weeks erne u.iy. Aild. wltb ( tamp : Jurvlut Company , Ituuliio , WU. " \\7AMin-Salcsiiion nt W per month sal- myandieiuos | tosella linn of Bllvcr- nlalNt nru , vutelio , el ; , , by anniple only ; liortei and tonm fiiinl.shcd free ; vrntuatonoo for lull imrtlctiliirsandiimiilo oaio of ( roods free Standard Sllrcrvuro Co. , Uoatou , Jlnsi. AOKNTa wauled , 10 new specialties , nil fiiit tellers ! no riporlencu niH'esDiuy : blj tnoncy : S'nnplo ' frco. Address E.O. Hrowstcr , Holly. Mich. CUOJylt ) * SAliKhMKNtORellspeclaUles to merchants I'/Miinpto ' ! fulury paid touood mrni xaiu- plcifuriilshcdi Htcudy Mtuallon ; Model Man- uriicuirlni ; Co. , youth llcnil , hut. JMjy.v A NTKI1-803 lubnron ( or extra roir > i-iiiin. Applyto 1' , H , Johnson. II , it M sHiitzir dcHJt."Ciiiulu | ) , i TONisiAStN8 ; ( ) waiitoit lit Norfolk nnd Hood WUUCK paid. SI , T. Murphy . \NTKH AKooilKrnoral J ' r. l'o tor , i'litlortou. NuU WAN'TIit ) > l' 'or rate * , tic. , tvttnjmf first rnlimn on UiU / / illnil' * oil \\7ANTKI > Urtycook , 0J | wnltwwM for ItiipHUUr , a , . f ' ! , faMpiilflllu In fit/I niiTidriilii fninlly.t. ) : iiitr dKlrMSinl RlrH , ir ; cookinndlut < il tooil > ? lrN for Kfm'ral ou twork. ilrs. lireso.sussir.tli , ( taw , A cooUKlrl , call at once ! rr- man preferred. Mrs. J. IV , Cralsj. 11U ! . i ) . 1st it. 4VVJU * .AT . ) nvrtmii Rltl alwut 13 yc.irn old > V to t help tale onto of clilhlron. Mr .JuIlui 'jsn. intii wt. -ira 11 WANTKD A Ulnlnprooin clrl untl laun- dri < 9 > ut once at Oltjr Hotel , cor. loth and larncy. 4Gi 17 * 7ANTM-A Rlrl tot general homework , - icao fc , is Hi at. 47H17 * WWftS WftS A nurse ulrl. Rood wnc < j to right party , i ! . H. cor. Mill anil Jones. SO 1 'VVANTHn-A flntKlrl for llio Idtchrn. SI 4I7-20 AXTFn A Ktxxl wmnnncoolf , Ooll nt.111 N lf.Hi , Ilaycs&Oo.ilrii ) ! toio. Xt ; Is * Wi\NTI'f-I.ni1 to tra > cl. sahry HO per iiionlb , ruoia'.M , UhAiuljctot t'oiiiincrcu ' , 4.1110 * V\'AN7Kn An fvporloncfJ clrlforti > noral > liouiicvvorki Goriiiaiiirolcrn.'u. llCIDouj. us st. -HMO \\TANTr.D-Olrlfor light liouscofl..l HN > > ad. 4ilii * housework n-w I tor.itHth and Houghs n. -liiir , * Vv ' _ 'od nlrl flip CUM on I ; tVo'liffiiinlly. lllStiouili lotli. ooia jjlrls atliulsar \ \ iioui. r.iL- _ _ _ _ _ \ AN1T1A Klrl forRoicrul li V > IT irANIOI ) Thrco OMperlcncd dlnlnj room ' Kit lint the llarkcrlioU'l. 771 JlltKSS IAIil.VO. ! - < > rnitrrtr.t < : c AOKMnNTiMo ilodrestlnaliliiKlii fatnl- i Milleltcd. Jllss Sturdy , 5U3S.Jth arc < , - . * hu : * rou IINT ; Jiousns. forrati ete tftt tup oflint / foliinnioii thli TTIOU HUNT To responsible pirtle ? only. J- ; these llnonowlirlek Hiidstoni ) houses on Georgia avenue ; llttoen rooms nml aluoui ; iiuiro eiiiivenlrtiuc'i ' and bt'tlur Imlslied thin aiiyhoiho foriont In tlio city. II , 11. llomler- son,400 1'axton block , city , -1W T510R linNT-ll-slory hrlf-k , 12 rooms rornor -t ? lot , 1 block from Heo bulldln ; , In complete iepilr : bath and tollnt rooms nice vanls front , slile nnd biuk. Call at room 510 Now York I-Ifo HulUlln ; . ICI Jtrf TjlDIl KICNF 7-roomi'd house , hath , wmh -l tiibs.larjiopiivcd oc'llnr. and ( ttiblo If dc- .liid. 25.7 F run kiln st. Apply , 003 Men-hunts National Hunk. -Ill * IJ10R lnNT--Ifouseslar ! caiiUamnll. J , 11. ' ' N. Y. Jjlfe. 4o9 18 TJ10K IIHNT 5-TOoni ( urnMied house ! ic'er ' JUciicoiroiiiilri-cl , KMS. llllli SU 4.1)-lIt ) ( "IjlOIt KENT Two 2-5tory brick linuics ; G J- rooms and hath ; all modern improvements. Apply , ( Ml UcobulldliiK. - 47IJ TjlOU KKKT Dcslrahlo l-room house , all JL'modcin linjiroii'inciits : rvccllcnt location , soddi-d yard front and roar. Coiivcnlont to wlmlosalo dlslrlctiiiidiuiw union depot. Good locatlcnfor pbyblclaii. Apply 1112 S Idtli - > t , 4011 "OOIl HKNT-Sopt. 1st , cotlnsc. all modern ImpriivuinontH , 1S21 Hiormaii na. \ . 4r-'jt ( : * "fTlOU IIKNT lii'slitences on llarnoyi all the Jt ; latest ImiiroveiniMiti , at lo > vosb possible rcntnl. 1'axil , IfiOOrurmim. 4:3 TOH HRNT in-room nuidern lirlckrannni -U motor line , very cliesip.VrKhuiu & Me- Cullooli , est end iCxposlbion bU'KHI" 10 * I1ENT A double bullillnr.firoomse'ich , Hit hand Mason. glOporinoiilh. i"J "fJ10UliENT--.r-ioom house , city water and JL1 screen * , at a bargain to n'Ppoinlhlcpurtlcs , ; C107 I'arker bt. Applylill ) . Vaxton bloclc. 1.1) T710II KRNT 3 room henine , nrird andCiuinhi J-'sts-.l. per month. U. F.lIarrlson.Oll N.V. LKo. "THOU IIKNT S ( Inn pressed brick liousos. east JL' fronts on Georgia n\e. \ . Jnit north of ] IMV- cnwortli St. . 0 rooms , hitli , lurnaco , Newer con nections allconvi'nlonces ; will rcnttorespon- sllilo p.irtienfor G ) . H. A. . UptonOo.lGUiand Knrn si in. ! 77 " | 7OIl ! HUNT House. 10 rooms , all moilurnlm- JL' proioments , IIII-RO yard , * H j > r month. Comiiilulunto ajunta , Uextcr L Thomas. 778 IP YOU \vWi to rent a h < wso or store see H. K. Cole , Continental block. 779 NT-10 room house , 2107 Douglas. Tn- 73J "IjlINlhosldcnce , modern linprovcinents , SI03 JL' St. Mary's avc. . JOTipor taniitli Inquire at premises or at A.Ilellei-'s. 11U 1'arnnm. 731 KENT 5-rooni houw. peed repair , n Ice J. yiinl , elstoni water , innlf I. Apply to4)9 ! ) South Uh in cor to Jno. W , llelldrugglstIOth 7S" T7KJ11 UKKT 7-rooni house with tinrn ; iwrn- . ! ' Innl rent to good parly. O. r , Harrison , 1)11 K.Y. Llfo. 111 " 171UHNIS11F.D house on Dirnain st. for rent. -L liiqulriiUoriiuui-Aiiiorlcan bavln s lunk. 7M TJIOH UENT Good 10 room honsi ) , sewer , -L water , gas , bath , barn , furiincn. In elcint : s-lmpc , cheap. 1) ) . V. SliolejCj.lii ( ! ; Ilrst Niit'l lun li. rou , fur rnits , etc , urelop jrtcolumn ! onthts jno * ; . TjUH UKyf finest roTiniTna > r hoa rd I n -L hoiHO I n the cllv ShloeliS from llec liulld- lug. liuoniSlO V. LlfobiillilliiB.JCJIU * 11KJ N , 2T > tli t. , two largo elegantly fnrnhhcil rooms ; hot and eold rnniiln ? water ; other dcMriihlo iiKiniH , Tahlo and appointments the hist. Accessible via thrculInuM of car.-w T.ilile lu'itdeis accommodnled. 4SIHU * Iftia Doflpost Del Islit fully cool rooms , in charmingly furnished ; boardno.ttdoor. TT1OH KT5XT 5 rooms and na alcox-o fnr- Jr.lshcd for light lioa < 5ol.ooiliiB ) In privntt family , and pooil nelghlHirhoixl ; only iiutut lioopluwaiiloil. Address. J70 , lieo. 4T1 18 "I ) OOM and Iward , Kl.riO , Sinnders stioo JV rcstanr.iiit and employuuat olllcc , I.'CS . . on llltli st. motor. 481-b * rootnjfor rent. Uial'aolflcHt , lialtblock from Jllli st. motor. 441-U" IORnEfiT Newly funilshcd rooms wltl day liourd. 2M1 llaniuynt. 4M ffl * 1)Oll KENT A front parlor with honrd fc t OKLMitlcnicn. AlhO buck room -with lioan for tvo centlrmen. Call at 171'J Ciipitolavo Dvorjllilnu tlrstclaas. MM. J\V. \ llreon. 401-10 * _ 11IAVE asnltof nail front rooms for rent iiiirxiioclcillj vacated. There an * no bind- wmorroonih tobu found itestot the Mlmonr river , TlioMcrilaiu , Uomu iiulck. Sath am Dodge , 441)-b' _ Tnoit KF.N'T Suit of rooms for ptuty of con- J.1 tluintn , vlth Hist tlas boaid. Family room , UUN , IKIli nt. 40'J-IO * _ PWAfANT rooms , moileiu Imurovoinenta Ib.'l ' I'litniiiilbtroct. 'MO fpWO iilci-ly fiiriiMiod larco front rooms 1. with llrst-class bourtliU7 | M7tlist. Ml lb TTIOlt 1 HiJTl'-NMco furnished rooms , will I1 buud.R'l IiotiKost. : tM-ll ) N1 K.1 < V fdriilshcdrooin * . 1SJ1 Furnain. 317 AI\HGK front room. for rent , SOlSllarnoy bt M 17' ) front rooms , tlocantly ( nrnUlicil , wit I ullmoOem | aipro\eiuout , at 703 . lull st OOOM for aliijlo gcntlemaiili ! ! > Dodse. it _ . iS4iilO ! > ST. CI.AIU Kurnpcan hotel , with dlnliicrooin IJta-UodKo. bpoolal rates by vcokcrino TUI _ nilNISIIKIl rooms , lioutokecplnc , Lt at.Mary'B H\O. _ ua 17' LAHOE ( rout and rear room , half Mock from iilotur.fcitotlS. 7I7B MlUst , ! 10 . ' NICE rooms , ill convenience * , 119 ? IHvon. _ port st. _ iff.iu * 1 > OOMS to rt'iit , furnished und iinfiirnlshtvl J VAtiply at thc.Merrlaiufor pirtlculun , li and lioilKre , itMio ITMJIlNIMlEriroonn. with boinl : aowly fur- - iiUliodthrunglioul , witli hut und cold water , 1017 Dodje. _ Q57-I7 * EXT -ruriiUhod roonu. 1WJ Dou lai Oil UEXT ruriiMiodiooiius Katbntlinnij btlUJO , LMl ) HuWillll. 'Sj l OU ItrN'T Nicely fiirnfshrd rooin.allniod. -L crucouvuuliuuoj , OUS l tuu ' " 0 NKWLY ( urnlihoil roonu ntnl bonrd for. o-v < oril p.irtli * lt"Oil Ilarni'jr nt t two in In- turn * walk fromcontor ut bumns < , and cool plucelor summer. MI'S I'avlnU A : Poll UKXT- For rolcf. tit , , Mtnptf flnl fotunm on SflTRoroiitroomso ( ( > criijharJ rarc tor 1031 llovnril Jt. 47810 * I'Oll RKVT STOIIIOS ) AM > for rater , tic. , * < . < loj > ofiiit column on FOII KENT Tlio hrlofc corner store SI and 24lliuts , South Onialu. can bo rented by a food party nt rtn enable terms , Snloiidld 1o- tatli a for gioccry or bnkury , Applv to 1 , SlackI'JWI , arnint stmot. liT-.a * STOKES at 7098 lOlh. xeac. \vtndo\Mi , stcim heat furnished , llall.llt L'axtonblock. 171011 KENT Tlic 1-Morjr lirlck biilldliijt.wlth L orwltliont jiowor , formerlypeouplodhj tlio llou rublMiln t'o.JlU KnrnantMt. TholiilUd- ItiK IIIH a ( IropriHf cctncnl liaM'iimntcoinploto iteainhuntliiicilvtiili" * , viatornn all lhellior , HUH , ctu. Apply nt the olllco of Tltulloo 1)1) ) POU lll'.NT-rino corner itoro , 10th and .Innus. ( TO ; Um- runt , itood location uml Ket- HUB lictterovery day. Gcorgo Ulou r.701tf.10th _ HOTEF/-2S roomsrill pniivenipncc . lirlelr,2 lilka from I'.O. II. II Iruy , N. V. J lfc. IJIOIt Ul'.NT barge room In roar of wt'onil J- story im rariinni St. , sultalilo for Iltilit iiiiiTiufaetnrliis puiposei , ano Bcvernl ollleo luoini oil siniefloor , voi-jr lonsonalilo. Ii | Uira l.08 ! rariiinn stat , clisiirfctoro. -KU-IG * POIt Ill'NT I'mo'torerooinln Norfolk , Neh. Minimi hiiltalilo fur cluthini : bnslnpss ; flpctrlo llglits. sloaiahoat , otc. . Addrcs < L'.A. Muni. 57(1 ( NH eco niimall llsuroson xrounil Moor , 1 IiiUoyd'a opera him > o , luijulroof Atiu-il- can I'neft'o. ' . 'Mti. nth bt. KW 171OK UKNT-llrielt wnrolipnsc. two stonoi U and b.iseini'iit. OOO Riiiuro fiet , with ID foot of dnuhlo track on U. I' . ralbvays < ititli MLh and i'lcruo ' stricts. Adilres.H U. Oakanip , Umnha. IS'cb. Jit ! rorntendc.ntttiiuf . ( iut columiiwi tills jtntit. HE. CO L.E , rental agent. Continental bit i 7TO GT.O. J. I'ALU IdOO Karnain , IIOIISOH , stores aiitl lints for riMit. rents collueloil , reliable lire Insurmcu , Money to loan. " 17 MORTON'S rcntuluBoiiey , 517 Puxtou block. 701 WHITMANS & M'CullooliV. . ma n\io | > l- lion bills. ivn-us EJ. IllEV. rental ugcnt , aON. V , Life. 7K ! ! ) MIHCIlIjLiAXKOUM , I'orrafes , ( ( c. , Kt tufof Jirtt column on tlid pny. Sr.AT.KI ) ] > roposil twill bo rceelvnl unlll Mtxml.iv noun , July Dili , for tlio pilvlU'R-s nt tlio uolfi'o picnic to lo ) held at ( ilox'ir's cro\e , ncir AilliiKton , Nob. , Thursday , July L'4 , 1:90 , as follows : rtiisr. Ice crcauiandnll ti'inprranco drinks. SIX'dM ) . Ijiincli counter. TII HID. Fruit , confoclloiioiy. etc. ( OUHTII. Sliootlnz Kiillory.cniie . rack , etc. Tim polleu will reserve the rlKhtto acceptor rcloet any or nil bids. All bids must bosont to me In writing on or buforo ticvt H.itnrdiy noon , necojnpiiiilcilvltli a ocittflfd clieek nniountlnitto IHIper centof thuamount oltliohld. ulilch wlllbo ntarncd If the bill is not nccojilecl. All bldri will bu opened anil tonslilcred by tlio coniiulttooof ariniiKcim'iitii ut 5 o'clock | i. in , Siitnrdiy. Julylt' ' , h'JU. ' Addiess \ . a.Scinoy. cblofof police. 441-lli * TVT'auIltK'aillnlll ' ! ! 1 > SI1 nwly fitted up. at JLT-UI3 Ko. ISth. Ilest nicalsla t lioultyat , low ratii. 1'iirnlaliod rooms upstairs. IMnr Jlc- G Hire , prop. 331 la * 1IN work.roofliijr poutmpvalley ; < . otc.E < iod - norkunu low prices. K. Savage,1918 , Cum Ins. &l ) . , ! > AVAN'JLTO 1'0 BUY. 7'Tur mtei , ( tc. , we top of frvt column ou tth page. " \5\7AISTED-Ooo3 coramorclal paper. o- V i bratka Morti'ago loau t'o.,51H'astoii lilk. 7U3 "V\7ANTKD-A. tJioroiuhbriJ St.llernard pup. T \ Address for thrco dnyi , with price , room Kt , Kow 1'aclflo ' CoiuioH lllulls. 480-ir * TjlUHNITUltE , hoiiseliold goodsetc. , Illulicst J ? cash price. HIT 8. Wth. 7'Ji ) UKI'/VIJIS / KTO. For i atc , etc. , see toyof first coliiniiiori ttfa paje. TTMUllRI L'AS repaired : expert locksmith U key Uttln : tit llolllu'd gun shop .119 N. ICth. PAKASOLS , uinlirollin Ai\H \ vftispti umbrel las covered uiul rcpiiiruJ. AYalklm oniie ? ropilrcd. B. Ualor , 101) JJouglas ; busoiiicut J4D Fmrateictc.sfe tupof fist tuhiinnon IH < jxijf. " 7VrAS.SAOEtreatiiientoloetio.tliprmiilbatlis. , J-'Isciln.'i hair tuMtmeiit. innnliuro Acliliop- odUt. Mrs. 1'os.t ' , rSO-Sl , Wlllinollblk , . riiHE Indinn doctor guarantee * to euro all JLklndiof Flics in ten days ; al o allillnoasos of the throat and hinss In thesnino time. 'I'.ipi ! worms taken outln six hours wltlioutlculni ; otlleo : unit all dlscn os that are curable. 017 S. 10th st. Call ami soohim. ( EMjyZl * for rattt , etc. , tec < ui | of flivt roluxin on IM yaae. TDRNSIONS-New pcnslonliwoverW ; years' J- experience In tbu prosecution of poiislnns and io\irnnioiit \ claims ; have secured jovor Il.OF pensions for soldiers In KabraiKu anil Io a. thi-lr nldovs and holis ; latest decisions ; latest laws ; no aclvamn fee ; new blanks and ulrculaii free ; consultation al\v.i\s \ ( roi * . HlramA. bliirwcs , 8-5Crolghton ! bloOr , in-.Vt M > uth ot P. 0. Uinaha , ii.yjilu * JK\Vlaw ; pensions for almost allsoldlers ; fatlier.s. mothirsldoMS \ and minor ilill- drcn ot soldiers. Claims pnslieil Ijy E. N. Clln man.liandi Krcn/i rblk. Uycut. ee ; - rliucu. Only iicnsloiiolllculn Umitha. M7 3T. PATCH , oxelmlvo pension nnd clilm i attorney ; o > er 15yeari'oxierionco ; liivo a.11 the latest lavs and decisions. Ollloo re moved fromTronicr block toUliambcrof < 'oni- merco , loomH , Omahi. For rattlrtcrf cloy of flnt toltimv otilftfa ) ije. ( STOIIAOK-For inorehiiiiillso and furniture. cold storao and fri'czlnj ; traclcacc , Hivld Cole. 8H-817 Howard at. g7i _ rilRACICAOUstorriKoat lowcitrates. AY , M. -J-litishman , iill : Loau'ii worth. 71H lOTOliAUE-IJraiicli i Co. , 1211 Howard. IO 8Q ] _ uosr. Fur rtilw , rtt , , tec li > i > n//rslfolitnm ! onl/is / jxioe. JOHT-Ptrayod from : i5th ami 1 , streets , < South Omahi , : i bay nuro.two join-sold , \vlth Aihlti * spots , oiio bldo of facu rod , tlio olhor vlilto,3 , wlilto fict. A liberal rowanlfor her return. J. K , ConUlti. IJO-II T UST-I tuly'M email Bold wiituh. dlainnnil J'settliiK la ease , liberal rovurd at L'auon hotel news stand , UG-1 ? 3OST-O ll ( waleh. plnlncasowltli diamond ' tarsot tliie altaulu'd tofob. Uuward Ifro- turneilto H.r. Drexcl , 5th sad Jones , 100 roit HAM : iioiSE.s\VAGON'H ! | JOrc. I'ur rutti , etc. , see lop fiivttuluan onllilx wye , ' room 0 U , 8. K.U'l jl.iiikbiilldliiK. 47 < : il D3 head mules , easy terms , 1'art lleht/drlv- ' > liiK iiuilosMiltalilo ( or all Gt ll > ory busluuss. Jlalaniu work niulus.V. . b , tsilby , r ia , Im.ird trade. _ - > . ' ? FIMCAM work horses , Kill take buggy aapan J-pay , K.1J , boani of trade. 710 TPOltSES-LIpht drivers , Daijjaui. Tholato J Lili-ohiismaduthcm cheap. 11. E. C'oIo.C'oii- tlnuntil block. 08 _ rpEAM Mi'illum st7fil horses client ) . . Sounr J. and good work toaiu. 1150.Y. . L. Selby , r Inboard trade. i iVi riUVOSPAN iieavy and two apaii light imiloa .1 fonalt'.ou two ycirs * tlino ut7 puronnt Interest - torest with Ilrst or tceoml murt niie Oinaba real c tntaioeurltvf or other unproved 'imrt - liy. tH'Iby.riHJinlX HoardTrado. CM _ ' 'T OltSALF. 1 platform Hiring leather toi J. carrlngo nfaiost now , ! liuckboarct now 1 doiiblo liusKj-or carrlaeo liaruess.pply nt i \Volutoritroct , Uinaha , fVU Durn Inrso lie ry liorscj. W H rU. bouni trade , 2.T rOIlSCSW nod up. U.K. Colo. L 1:0 : aAuii i'"i ) > tyITuina ircc. " 1J1O1ISA1.E On nccoirnt ot filllnj "hollt J' tliMiowtiml elojimt , furniuirt ) of a L'l- nwni liouse , MCUixiiilH flrst'clast , inroino tiearlyll.CWOpormoiilh1 , finest locution in the city. ITOt'SEIlOMlfuTiiluiie at prlmto ale , livery cliciip-by ph.c torlot , 1311 I'nllfornlu slreet , . 425-Ii' S.VL.1 ! } 'urru/M. / elt , , "ftlop tf JMV fotiimn GOOD clear lain Icp/6\nlo \ ( In largo quanti ties , a'ho Nibraska , JJcoCo. , Kotirnoy , No- lira ska. Wall WLKTEKTH-Ooniilnoitt cents ) select 60 -lil cents. A. G.Shav , \ aleiitlno , rich.asois aso-is * lilOllSAl.r. New Slelnwiy coti planoibest Jmakuipiirtr lenylnKtltyjparteaHb , hul- anco tlinu llde.sfrod. Imiulro ulOlS lUxtimblh on VA-M'ItJD-'XO HUNT. I'ur rait * , ett. , < c toi tflrtlmlunn _ _ on thf\iae. \ MIEN or 13 room llat.coiilral . locutionfTST ! i. King , lai Kuriiani Mt. 4K117 * MUSIC AllT For talc * , tit. , KrtlojJnlcodimn onl/if * | > riaA BEfOUT huyliiK a piano examine ) thonov scale Klniboll pinno. A UutpulSU Doiuclas WJ if 1 EO F.dKl-.LKNnK' banjo Uwllh IIo pe. I'.KJ Umislis. 219 MOM-TV TO I..CHN. for fatff , clt. , ftttoji ot .ffnlrulnmii on this | Aro.NKV to kin liy II P. Master * In niiy M-L amount from il' ' ) to JIU.IHW , and for tiny tlino from oiio toslx moiillis. Loans iniulo on household coodl , i ilnn os organs , lior's , nuilvi , houses , leaM" } , mire- house receipts , otc. lit the lo\vost posilhlo ra.tosft'lthout , publicity or removal of prop- irty. Loam soarratiKodthatrou can makes apny * nu'iitnt any time unil rodnuu botli principal and liitcri'st. ' You ] iay Inti-reM. only for i ho tlniojou mot lie money. If younwon linliuicn on jour pioptrty or Imo a loan you * ! | ihanjed , 1 will pay It oil uncl carry It for you. I do not iidrorlfco to loan you money at bankratei , liutcunlMoiiily claim toirl > o you loworraU'iiiiideaslcr terms than can bo ob tained elhcwhcro In tlio city. Money nJwaysmi hind. No delay , No pub licity , Lowest rates , II. P. JURtCM. Hooui 4 , WltlinoU HI : . , 1Jlh and IliriicySts. T" OANS-Oltyaiid fiinnloaw , mortgage j > n- J-Jpcr bouzht. McOaune Investment Uo. bOOB lIjDIN'G loansiiindcat Ioni-strates. W B 1. Harris , room 3) ) , r'Kii/.ur blU. , opu _ ! ' . 0 , RRAL r.STATKToins--rashon liand. Ololjo Loan i Trust , ( Jo UOT S. llilhtt.t No delay. No citrailiarfih. llousesfor rentgood ; list. MONETo loan on Omaha and Sjuth Omaha icid estate. Xo ilelays or expon- sus. Money on hand .it all times. Hat is , Smith .t. Co. , CommcrulalNatlonal bankhldg , lK > U-a : : \l"OXEYloaiiel nt lowest rates , loiiu tlino on liJL Imp roved Oinalia luiil estate , no "otias , " no delay. Qlobo Loin&TrubtCo. . l7 y. Hjtli. b07 BIHLTJIN'O loans , 0 to 7 percent ! no addi tional charges foreoiiiinls'.lon ornttorncy's fees. W. II. Mclkle.FlrstNatlonalbaiiV bldg , PTI19T nnd secoiidniorlijiiKe'onncantand inproieil city ptoporty. County wnrraiitj boni'lit. .Money oil haud. V. 51. lllchnrilsou , 818 M , Y. Llfo. , m E private inonoy to loaa roasoiia- Wo. And ress , J , . IJn" otlleo. L'18 MON'EY ao.COorWdaj'Soii furnlluroiliiioi. ] ! liorsiit , housoa , oto. r J. J , Wilkinson , OH 1'a.xtoii blk. 800 Ij loins at lowest rates : buslno'3 V > 'coiindiiitlalr)10 , TaxtoiiblU. J. II. JinltiK < > r Mil ) / 1OJIM > ; UOr\I < and coneral short tlino paper VljoiiKhtl also rosuhirllve-jcar loans niado on ImproM'it iiropcrty. i Oca. I' , Ulust & Co. , bills , , 611 STICONDmorlKaROloun ? . Second hoiiKht. Xoansilii vacant lots , liced k Bollrooai la , Hoard Trsuc. 812 KEVSTONE MortsitRO Co.-Louni of J10 to $1,000 $ ; Rotour rates before borrowing and savomoncy ; loan on borsos.lnrnltureor any approved security without publicity ! notes bought , for now loan , renewal of old and low est rates , call B 208 , Sbccly bllc,15th& Howard. 814 FIRST mortWKo loam at low rates and no delay , U. V. Wholes Co. . SID latNat.l bank. 815 GTEU CENT resilience loans , 83,000 totin.OOQ. Hnlldlni ? loans atspnclal rates. Xbo Moatl Invratiixnt Co , Heoblil ; . 81U MONEY to loan on Ironies waxons , miilo ? , household goods , pinnos , or a md 1 ninoiids , at lowest rates. 'J'hu lint ori.inlzoil loan ot- ( Ice In tlieolty , 3lako loans from ! tO to 'Aft day wblcb oin bo p.ild In parlor wholcat any time , thus lovcrliislho principal aad Interest. Unllarultca uswliin you want money. Wo can assist you promptly ami to yourad .mtaito . wltliout lumoval of property or puMluIty. Money always on hand. Nouolnir In making loam. O. F. Reed & Co. , 313 S. 13th tt. . over HlUjrhunut Sens. 817 TTNUSUALIA' loiv rates y ) Of Ititonjston llrst inert cjajos of Improved reiilestate for thonexcOO dnys by the Kansas City In vestment Co , lioom Diiloinl ofTrado. J. II , I'oaso , iiuiuiwr. bSU MONEY to loan on any security ( or wliort time ntlovr rates. Lmust rates on porioiialproporty. The Ilondorson Mort ! ? . o Tavestnicnt Com pany , room * M , 1'iiYton ' blk , 813 \/\rANTrD--FIrht-flass liisldo loans. 1/owist i rat cs. Call ami sun us. Mutaal Invubt- munt Co , 1 , " > OI 1' 810 OlinAl'cnMcrii money I'hilidolphliv MortitaKO and Trust Co. , always rcudylo loan and pay proinptly ; Ilrst laoitKUKfi wanted , ( ! oor > roY. . 1'Uoatcs. rcp- rubintatlvn. room 7. Hoaid ofTrado. 821 EASTF.ltN money to loan on city properly ; mortgage lusorbought. llU.lroyNV. , Ijlfo. Kiti . .mo loam on vacant lots. A Koed. 111. Hoard of Trade. P UIVATE mniioyto loni : clicup. O. r. Ilir- rlson.UU iVV.l.lfo. 8J2 PI ! I VAT 12 Jiuiilsto loan oncholi'O city jirop- irty nt loiu > st rates. Kliuball. Chain ( > & Uyan , ISO Karnanibt. 703-Jy L'7 IIA'L'TEljiiiV10 | ! : , : ! S. ir.tlist. will inin yon noiier oncbattoU athankratca. Cull )1'J ) SlIOllTllAN't ) AND . , tee toflof fmt ciilumnon NOTIOi : flio HprplaUu tumor session ot tlio elates Iniioiiinan hlp anil shorthand Mill coniinoncu MoiKhiy , July1 1I. . Ola sos will bo hulil In llio inuriilin ; . ittuirnoon niul evening. Call on or aditrKM fonJnforniittlan , Sluailnrd Shnrthaud Jliislniss CVUugo , Now Vurlc lITo hulldliiK , Onnlia. .Nob. , , ; , , _ ilgd S 'O.M ) lUN'U-aaltrrnK ) Ilmniiiona nnd KuinliiKtons. Joln Uf Comoi ( Jo , L tlar lili'juinlitllceapcc'laltli'i ) > 4. IlnniKoblclK , H.7 i , etc.iec tap of fast whunii on l/ito / WIT. . i > TV fAl" ) AM K nEI.7.IEltJOimilia's only tlior- ° (5103. ( lath St. jl ( 43-iil T"K , Olnyton. clalrt'/iynnt / nnd waRiietlo JLJhoalcr. ) Can ly ) herUondorful will uo er Brunt any request | GOS.3.JUtli. 4V-1C * TVIKS.IIH. I.DDy-Tk'dlsllnKulshoil trnnco -i'lclalrvoyant. late * t Mto-.ton , 'NYlillo en tranced willruvral oifililddin mjstery In life , i'ropans K.'jrptlaii. falSman which will o erco Illo jour oncmi'S , roinovo family troubles , rcitoro lost alVrctlons unites the Heparated , helps all In t routilo , oto. Foe , $1 and ujiwnrils. N. II 1'wfcot BatUfacllon KiiaranlueU Sy mall. Hond stamp for Illus trated circular. Mrs. lir. l.ddyM 3S.I5tliit. , Oinahll , : M-UI TJU. NANNIE V.VAKIIEN. \ . clairvoyant. JJ medloal uml huslness medium. Toinulo ' ' . llDN.lGlh st.rooins2 , and'J. CH.V.VCKS. Fur ratn , ttc.tce , toy of [ fint fonimu on Vtln S\r. JVi , la cash will buy one of the -.bestclsaraiidnowibtands inulty , Culloii oraddtMH ntoncc , as tills opportunity will not laal loiii ; . to W S. lltu. _ JU-K' l'O store , widow liviljr wlthon InBollnt 'oiu'chur Into liiibluuil | half liUcruit In p < xl pnylna clruj , ln\olulnr ulnut 87,000 , In J.aniliir , Wru. . til hlio wlslios tiit | outt , AdilruxMriJ. wSulllvan.Laudor . AVyo - ' VJRSAL.l r'hcup , the Kow York bakery , 1U17 Clark st. 7 l'j ' > lOU l\riT-A. doort liimlwr ynrl atforcwo 'Nob | onlf ynnl tlifroz ncolknt territory tributary ; teed ( rrospoiit fnrtrailo. Ijut othur bu < laos4lntcrnHtriconi | > ol tlio nlo ; linworor. \TlllnotiolltliriPtook without tlio roM.ostnto ami linprovi'iiu'iiti. Adilri M , J. Mlllcr Co. , Uorwoo.or O'V. Ljrtaan , Ltlucoln.N'ol ) . K7 IB JAIjT/-A. ulco clonn Mocknf ilry li uiul noHonslioloiiulnKlo tlio lute K. I awlor. Fine locution nml a R < MH ! trade fxlrpndjre tnbllslicd. 1. Ln lorloa l' < itnot. Lincoln. Nol ) , 5I1"1 ? ! OTEl. a rooniH , alt eiiivcnlonep < , new , lirlfk , M WcxskJfroiar. 0. 11.11. Irey.M.Y. . Llio bulldlnj , TOO lOU SALE-Tli oldest li.ikory in\Valif \ > o Nolie.ounty nboiit 4.KNInlialiltant9 , Ktiiy terms. J , AV , Jolmson\Vatioo. , Itoh. SJI-17 * OIt SAI.K On only tcrnn , flnt JL ! restaurant nml ll.vturos and ; \o. \ 1 location 12niiu 1 10 nt til * L'mton block , ao _ for Hair , 'r\ro-stiiry brick ; h otto 6c - hot tilt , Uolnij mi oxi'ullenl WIKH ! Imdnow , oitonu oltholK-stenriioM Intlio city , Address Commercial Hotel , llroketi How. Nub. rou u yurrata , cttKc , tap of frst column nntht * jaae. O EXPiiANGK a wl work team fnrmlloh o i\ \ . U. 1 . llrowiler , JWM llunilltiuist. , Omaha , 4fiJt7 * 1OICrxoh9tiio-n few loU and hou < i' , eto. . - * for foot ! furnu or hiiiili. V , J. runl.lGUO 411 rilO KXOIIANOR Anne 8-rouin oa < t front J-cottago on K 2Ilh slfor piocl clour lot. lll iiay soinociuh If desired. 0. II. Pajrno. 1501 Vninainst. 1CK 10 iO rXCUANOE Nlen clonn stock of dry goods anil unlloiii , Involco . ' , * ( , for siuul ri'iil OMluto on vhloli 11,100 can bo burruncd M.A. I'litonl'o. ' C.-S JJ T1OH EXCIIANOR Clean no w stock ctitirral L inilsi' ! will tala roil o.M'itinittlc. . IIONI'S and iiiouoy. llo.\7f > , I'mnKlort , Inil. 4W20 * Ons-Xot , cwh liinln. olc..for J.1-i'lfjr InK Can iao iiulto u number. W. J. I'anl , iww Kariiaiu st. 412 " \\TANI K I ) Vacant lots or acroi for two of iV tliKlliiest and host pa\liiK \ lilouU 111 tliu city. Will giro MK iliMil It in ad D boon , with cash. J ( K > , Itco olllou , 411 Onod fnrtni. oitj proper- JMy and \ylld Innds In Noli.atidlowi forgooil Sen'l ni'd'suiproneityi'lisar , tltlopurfout.d - rcss luuk Hot tti , rrvmotit. Neb , 829 I'OIS , SiVHO UKAh JSSTATE. 1'or ratti > , etc , nectap of flmttotumi onl/itt " | jOnSA.T.K ! An 8-room liousc with Hani on J1 Capltul avonno , near Mtli , only Jl.000. \ cosy cottaRc , 0 rooms busldu largo bnth nml store rooms. ' ' . , c.wateranilnov\crabiiiil- nnt lingo clieH. . Dast lioiit , lu Hauscotii riiico ; tornH oavi Kl.JOO. Aeri'.ico. nortli , west nml couth. Oloar propurtyfor ctotiiiiiKU. J. II. K > ans , 003 N.V. T.lfo. 4(8 18 ( JjlO CAP Hun ills per month for lioiiiound P full lot lit fiom $850 to 31,500 , each , \V J , I'aul , 10W Paiiium. 411 T OTUMllilO-roonihouip , near S. 24tli st. JJiiiotor llni1. Dcslrablo fur So Omaha luml- uiss 111,111 ; 51,700. O. Kllarrl on , U N. V.Mfo. 4SM7 AVTIIV ilon't jon catch on to some of that I.T South Oinami property south ofJ ( stn-ot , on L'-ltli ? llont you know the "Rock Islam ! " ijln tlio n ! d ? il. A. Upton Uo , 4M 17 171011 SA IB Onc-hnlf lot wllli T-rnom cot- Jtaje , nearS nil and Lu.ivoiiwortliW. | . O. 1' . Harrison 1)11 ) X. V.Llfu. 415-18 ; Vonr Rood lots In Wiilnut Hill , JNll)0 each , on gritclo. J'llco WU ) e uh , vurtliiloulilo tlic monny. Rtrlnior k I'oiiay , block. Iflth anil Uodso. 400 Kast front in block KUduncoin ' lncc. WvlBO wlthn-roDia cottiiijo , S.iOOj ) ! \ eryI'lncc. . U. T. Harrison , 1)11 N. V , I-ITo. 415-19 ri\VO nice houses and lot * In A.mUcr 1'laoe , f ITO each. ill. A. Upton Uo. 41M 17 A KM ALL pajnioiitdo niuiill. > per inoatli jxwlll buy u 4-mom honso anil lotiin 3Mh. 2 bluuks from motor ; flist-cliiss uhanco to no- inili > oa homo on onsy tornta. Apply to II. 13. Cole , Continental block. 8,11 , T 1KCOLN IHiico and Cartliaso lots , nrlco JJtl.OOO , 8V ) down , b.ilaiicc$15iiiontlily. w. i Solby , room III , Board of ' 1'riiUo. til TpOll SALE 1W\t20 foot , south front ; at n. K w.cornerof the pirk. Special prlcp.t7.5OO , 0. l'llurrhoii. . Dll N\ ' . J/lfo. 415-10 EAST front lot on 45tli ! St. , Just north of DodKo , Kllby Place , only $1,000. W. A. Upton Uo. 42817 and htiya homo on monthlypny. menu Cliolco of sotoa dllTorcnt lioitsos , son tli fronts on Fur iiuin st , Every convwnlonoc , InoltidliiK furnace and pas. I'lins uin bosoon at myotllcc. Gall lu. D , V. SliolesCo. , 213 1st National lunk. 15 POK SALE Coo < 1 homoat IBnl ami O st. a room moilcrii liou&o , * 4WO. 0. If. llnrrUoii.Dll NV. , life. 415-10. 171O1 ! SALE Aflno nowN-rooin cnttasonoar A ! olcctrlocur line on N. STth st.Ylll iko as part of cnsh jnymcnt u coodhorso or horao unit pliaoton. I1 , J5OI Funiaiu st. WJ LOGIC nt tbU Lot 345rooni ! house on Corny tt. jiut east of Sliorniun avc.oiily ( , ' ,0l)0iuu.stbu ) snapped uniiuick uttliiit nrlco , M. A. Upton Co , 41317 r-TCOOM. rottnuos. Jl.r 00 each , $100 cush down , 'Jlmhncn fl. > pur inoiitli , Thus. 1' . Hull , IM1 1'axton block. ais TT1OIISALE 110x180. 'Cornorof 'KlrdaiidPop- D jiloton. 8H.OOO. Easy usrmt ) . U. If. liar- l X. Y.Mfo. 415-10. _ VVT'AUaiUfNUatorllolcl.icalcstatc.S.Oraahn . , ptOTTAOB homos In most any addition for Wsalo at from ll.OOOup , on easy monthly nay- moiiH. 1UC. lirllnx,4illiirlc.r ) : bllt. JJ TJ1OH SAliK N'Ico 7 room lionso roartf to i3 rnovo Into \vitli full lotJ,2 , & 1M cash. C. V. Harrison. DUN. Y.LIfc , U3 TK YOU hnvo niijtlilni ! to bdl oroxchango Icall nt fill I'aston block bin FOU SALE Lot 01x100 , o. front , faolns on Woolnnrih nvo , north ottlic imlc. ( J.50H , CIiolcu site for home , C.T. Harrison , Oil N. Y , Llfo , 415-10. 171OU SAL10 Now buslnoHS block on ipiirot.rciitsnro 10 pcri'imtof mien iiskort $ , ' 0,000 ciihh , hahnuolonfjtlino. "Ill boon tlio market only a. low days. Address 117:1 : , Boo. POU SAhH Ono liilf lot with 5 room cottaKO noarlliolilKh t..hoolJ,500 ( , , O.K. llurrl- on(11 N.V. .Llfo. 415-IU. NutU'C of Iiicorpor.ition. State of Xohraricu. I _ Cotiiilrof Iionshs. f " s Toall winmlt may ooncorn ! Tulo notlco that n I'orpomtlon has liccn orcnlod. nnd tllod ltd articled of Iiicurporatlou as roiiiiliid bylaw , 1. TIKI naino of paid corporation h The UiiilO'l State LubyrliitliC'onipaiiyof Oiniiha. 2. HH ollloo for transacting its buslncsti Is Omnlin. Roll. a. Th senoral nature of Itsbnslress sliall lie to build and operate portable and Btatioiiary Lull ) rlii His , tliroir.'liout tlio Uiillod blates , nftorthii jilans nnd Hpoclfluatloiis of intents no\v | > L'ii < lfiir ; In tholliitk'il titatos Patent CJf- llco , iiiid cntltlod , 'Stationary ' and Portable Labyrliitlis. " 4. Ihc capital stock of the corporation shall ho iflO.OOOOO , dlvldodlntonno ImiidiPd sliartn nf 81 * ) oadi , to bo paid In full w lion Hsnod. 5. The tlmu of ooiniiioncumciit. ol Hald cor * poratloiils.ini ) ' UMIi , 1S1XI , andsluill tormhiato Jiinmry M , JM7. ! ( i. The lilKheit iimount of lnrl < 'Uodiicss ' or llalilllty to vthloli this corixiiatlou bliall at niiytlinoimbject ittolf. ( bull bo two-lillhH of Us | nlil up uaiiltal stock , 7. The affairs of the mrpoMtlon arc to ko conduct 'd by a boaid of director * . 8. Tim olih-ort of thin corpoutlonshnll bo a prcMdont , vlio-presldint , si-cnlary and troa uror , of whlchtlio tire list ininuil shnll give bondiv Illi K' > il and hiiUloiont hiiiltli'M. 0. The lioiiidof ofdlrci'tornhhallinaiouiioli bv-laws uuil iisulatloin for tlio eovurntucat of tlm < v > r | > ornthm and the mana einciitof IU atl'iilis a i they may deem iicicssnry , o. it.NiMiN , II. K. HAIMKN , T. A , M I.OKA.TII , H. JONASK.V , .1. T.MAiLiiNnrn. 11. J fonsr.v , B. JOHQENhKN , 1 > . S. IIOIKV. Inrorporators and Directors , T. A , MKOUATII , Pjisldont. 8 , JO NSKN , Vice-President. O. li , N EUOXSoorclnry nnd MaiinK r. it. P , MJUSK > . Treasurer. Plenril , Omaha. July li. IhUl , _ Kotico to Coin motors , nils will boroc'plrod by tlic ICcnrnoyOpcra Ilouie C'o to biilldun opera lionio anl bunk lm ll'llir ' , ' at Keiirncy. Nilu up to Jul > ! ' , 1M ) . hl . 'of bull liun ,3 < ii'JVif' : > ot nnd lUoslorio * lilsh. I'lun and .spotilllcatloiii mny boioiui at on rt > nii' ln Keai-nu.y on nml after July I7lli , 181)0. Hlqlit toiukHtunynndall bids rricrvcd. jir t KtucNir on uv llotrse Cn. ! MI < ; oiitmiji < irn. ItliU will bo received by llio Park Com roll- ( .lonor.s.l'lty nt Oninha. for ihu civi-llon ola pa > llli > n In lluiHcoiu 1'u i-l , , " u ino l o'cIocU noun tin1 VTttlidny of J nlv. l-s'i. I'liiih. diitnlH and Nprclllualloniioiiiilio scon nt thi' olhue olMttion A HI > IIIKI' < I | , urthltcclH , Hooins COT anil ( HH N. Y , J llo Uulldlnif. 'Ihu coiniiilsiliiiiori restive the rl.'bt to reject uiiy or all bldt. THE anEA7DrVtDE'3 ' 'RIZK ' OFFII13 'OH ' OEMS ON KOCKV 3.10UHTA1W . SCENEHV. ( Anyone inny 1ST Pttttn A Hnllma.1 TlcVcUooilnTP thl Irollno nllha tkmveiaitfl llio ( lrninUUullM < 1 iT < iiohol ; cnr Thahul.lct of Iho mn mnr rllo vi'tfdnTfn tht ypnr with It. Tiheneier nmt liciovrrhii tilcisus , tllhont nnox | > < oiu Mbatattr ornllnialfiiro - lll'llti'i : . A Tlofctt , smrt > t sir month * oter hnllne iiflho li'iivomul IllinJiiiulnllnllrovl Ilia lOldor nf Ihu nine mnjr uloct any in nnof tlio rt'iir , but muni irlcctnlv wiKoontlv-d niDtilln , niul nny rlduM often us lie i > Ki i < , ITDIM niiileomlnu lirnovnr nml ihrroror li uinMrlxh , rturliiK nny UMixl iin crnllvo lit mdntli n ( tlieji'nrh''l. Sll ) > l17K. } lk UllM , nllh IJMV Mitlunb ( sM df fur ililpnii < iit. It no il" lt l > . 'I lie intuvh M.Oii nnd ulioiiM winner Korora.00 , III mil -will o inlil Itiili'nd.nn . tlwiinil 4111 1'lllOJ. A colored l'liotf > iir i bpf thetlnrrton .f 11:9 : f.'Oil" , linnilsdtui'lj' f mnuvl.HnlnliM 111 Ilin tint > o > ll > to innnnor , Slre.ts lucbos 1'iiic. ' J' > lnlin lilih , 'lidlonrniiheil ti ; U" . II. Ju < lson. Actuil coinmi'rx'Ul mini" . f.T\01. fc'lll I'llI/.lC.-Ononhoii iiniJ > tll . .Toiimoylhrt ImllocklM-Aiouiullho Clrrlo flrki-l , Tnlun FJSIU. I'lilittckitirtttti ) tiuol unr tlino l > oti\con Juno lit , BTI1 PIIIKIC A Ciilored I'bchtfrnih | folin 2.VW nohi' < ) oftlio Mountain ol the Holy I'ro'i , t > y Vf I. Jtrksoni linmlfoiwly Irniuext Attiul ronmipr. Inlmlnc.t.iMH ) It dixlrel , nmljr imf so'ect ' nny itluriubject of Koclr Moiintiila rcunoryIf eniiia a I no. 7-1II , Silt. tVTII AND IOTHPU17ia : will MlI'liolO- : raili | , b\V. II .Imlnon. hiiinlioiiiclr Irnmeil nnd inlihiMl. Hire , 8 , ' > v : ) Inclif * . Annul conimuriliu 'iilUK , f lOWi-reili. Tin winner otnnyof tli o i > rliM of Hook.Mountainicuiii'ir- SUBJKCTS ox winrit PULMS MVV mwnitxitx. Colomrto. llah. I'almcil.nVo. Minltou. ( innlcn ofllui Oed * . HojalUoriio. 'Iko's Pen * . SliTra lllnncn , Toltrauio Vctnl'ais ( Mil Ijlo. Ouiiy. 'llHllwcllorit. ' laitluUatu lllnck Cnnon. O'urrlcniitlN'PCilli' . Jit. llolj11'rwi. riiol'niiunof tlioUrniu ! Hirer. ilnmlnll 1'ii's. Aiilmit Cinoii ( Vlio Hirer of Lost SoulO. Mt. Abrnnjs Toll Roi.l. \Vupuii Wheel ( inp CONDITIONS. Thn writer Is si liberty to ehooin lilion-n title , lut lii'l'oi'iiinnistlio onono utllionboToiuliJc H. "inf person nmy coinpilo for any or nil prlirs cteil. tnuli intliorwlll iicolvmluocroUlt.uii . rub- Iciilloii. IVrsnninol ffimlllnr wltrmil > Jcrt onwlilch 1'ooini Ivo matter l > y iniill , | ' ( > | , upon iorcl | > t of 10 ccJil , niijwliurcln tin UiiltM Slati ? url'niivtn. . JVIZ H will nitbo ( hiuiKoJ In nny e.-i-n Inrnnr cno. It IB ill'llncllr iiKriwl niul iiiuler.iMiul Unit nny 00:11 : nimmltle.1 I * llio | miiutlr | ) ot Till Until' > i\ll > K rubllsliInK Co. , vliutlur tlio mi mo win ) n > rlia or not. Kol'ooms cnncomiieto InvlnB nnyklnd of nitter- Inoniunt of nt ! rullronit , but guy I'tlior Iliuiuo Is i ranr In "out ntonco.anrt ny tlmo until ) oii'inl > orlUtliK'J , mill omlltnlihi OTOH wlllbo imb- lHii ) > d indi month , licitlntilnic Inttio tioptunibor IHSUO if llllMillKATlltVlUE , 'Jlluri'flllO , If ytlll Wl ll to coiupotofur prlioM , jott lunyiiuiuut onuu , mil > cutl an nuiiiy us you pleixn. In no ( i o mint u I'oomfmtiiln more tlinnlO llnoi , liutllili numbiroC HIH-M niiy 1 * pulluion' nnnjr voni'M aiyoii < lc < tlioroniilotu | I'oummay con- tiilnn liMinunibor tlian 4Ullnoi 1 lint no ono may U'Hltnln to coniprto. plea oob- rru ) tlmt Hlniillullr | , i > lnln tli'HKliH In Miiiaiico , mil wuril plutuiu I'urtiiliilntf ' la Ko.'ky Sluunlvlu Sccuory are i > uitlunlarly tlculruU SAMl > l.i : COI'V of TIIS GUKAT 1)11 IDC , 10 cants ; oatly aulisorli'Hon ' , ll.OO. 3 JUE3ES--3 Toilerlrlowbleh 1'oonin nro tlm bpntwlll liosolcrleil fr < in I lie Colorado rro n. lnnnpillnti > ly after Dutcm- hc-rlil. 18 , Mnit I'rlm 1'oniiVlnnuri will lm i ih- l lu'd Inilio.lnnunrynuiiilior nf in Kiln KMT DIMDC anil Demur I'.iiiora. 1'rUu paid la J iiniiary , 13'Jl , NOTES. llo wtiro nnl wrltn your njxinn oncich I'ooinyoa ml , Klvlniryonr fnllnilrtto" onpnrlil'ncninr lellcr. Alllellorj lorlliU eunloalinusll'U ' plainly nililroatcil : TUIZE POEM DEPARTMENT , C'urp TUK O MAT IliriDI I'Ull CO. , IJtXVEll , COtOllADO. EIllOl-\Vash- itoii , July 7 , 1MX ) , Sonlod iimpnnls for furnishing sill llioniiittrlal anil labortoiiiilrcil liithu I'oinplctloiiof the Unit oil Stairs pent- tcntlaryat iJdt lake City , Utah Torrltory , ns will UN In thocoiittructloii of a slnckado Mall ( provlili'd wllli onlraiiioaiid sonlry boxes ) to onelosoabout twononiof lind of the pinl- tc'ntlatyreservation , vlll borncclvcd at lids ilcp.irtmontuntlll o'clock p. in , Thursday , Tilly ailSUOwhoiitlionvlll , ho opoiidl. Illus onthoholc * woik only will bo consldoroil. Plans nnd .spoclllcillont , liistracllons to bid ders etc. , may bosoonat this dvpartinont anil ultlm ufllcoof thoBOvcrnornf Oio tirrllory , utSaltLakutllty , Joba W. Noble , hocrntary. U-15-17-10-21 Kotlce to Server Contrsotors. OiijEuniNiJin'R On-'icr. 1 B.Omnliii. Tiob. , July 101 h , H90. f Sonlod proiiosals will bo nculvcd bythoim- crslKn , nlthlsofllco , until tuolvo o'clock nonn. of July 28 tb , 1890 , for IiirnMilnj all tlio materials and doing ml thoworknocissary to complcto tno followlng city Improvoinoat3vl7. , t'oiistriictlnR n twenty-tour inch storm water MiTer , In "Q" struct , nlso nutthiRlniv pllo bulk huad and approach to the wo.ste.nd of"Q"itrout vladnut. IMnns and specifica tions niuy besoon , and nil Information rcla- tliotollioorlc obtained ntthlsolllcc. No proposils f rorn any contractor Indofanlt with the city ou any jirovlous contract wlllbo uonsldcrod. No proposal from any contractor will bo considered unless nccompanlcdbv ncortlllod check for lira linridral dollars ifciUOOO ) to bo returned onnll lilds not acceptcil. Tliorlihtls rcsuivcd to inject nny or nil proposals ; work to bo complete wlLMn sixty diiyn. Approrlniato o timato Is 2370 foot twenty- four Inch pipe. 4(0 ( foil twelve Inch plpu. All bids must Ira on Uiinlis fuiulshod by the city engineer , liy order of the couno'l ' , Committee on streets and alloyi. U. CON N Ih ) LY , Jt ( Jlialrman. > .mFEN ? > . | gg m * * 'if8B& Till ] UfiiVljl'V JIAJUCGT. TNSTRUMBNTJ placed ou record durlnjc 4yobtcrdtiv ! lll ! AYalkrraiidwIfo to OcorKcCollopi , lotsOnndlO , blklU SauthOinalio , w(1.3 3,000 Itll Malkfrninlwlfo to OforHu oUcps , irovpriiniciit lot 1 InlO-Ki-lU , vd 1,200 0 II Fltoholt and wln ( tol.ouli I'anlns , lot 3 , hlkil , Cotnor AArcliur'Hadd. w tl 500 Coiiy and ccrtlilcjto to jm > lmli > will of lluriiiiinn Sell uliort , rranltnimoio to G J WJillohouio , lot 4 , hllclNonport.w . < 1 1,500 KS Ulirktolloj-'is & Hill , lots H and ' . , hlkJ , Omiha. Mow.w d 2,000 IIM Chlttundoiiniid toSoiitliUiiiaha , 40\blft ! n of nUnolot , J.blkb. . ' , boutli Onmliii. oed , 1 lloKtjs & 1 III ! t o K S Cl irk , w , i lot 10 , hllc 111. Onialu VMttir , w d 500 BE Fioacliimdivlfoto V V Fiinoh , lot 8 , bll > 2 , J/'iko / Vlow.wd 800 Goodman I'lfg ' Cute ( icdney IMcklo t'o,73 xawitiiinu non-is-ia. > < i 17,000 M I' lleathto J M'lurson , w } scands yt sw 1W5-I.1 , q oil. . . 1 llurrls& I'allt'rsoti to Tlionias IToclor , lot.blka ) , Hnrrls Al'iitlciHon's annex to South ( hnali'i. wd 450 Josojih ICavan anil vlfo tnlludolph I'a- lik , lot tilaadnO ) fllott'J , bllcT. Uiuwn I'arli , w i ) 3,000 SinitliOmnliii eluiitrlo llKht , heat and Itowcrconiiianyto SouthOmaliu , 40xlr > U ft atptUllt sof socor lot 7 , blk bl , South Omahan. , o d 1 lloiiryllauboiisaiid nlfo lo K li Javnos , lotxJnndl , bU'J and lot : , blk5 , lUiu- inond 1'laec , \ d 2,500 Xathan Jjaziiriiiaml wlfo to WB How ard , lot 5 , hllc S , 11 oilman TOIMCO.W d. 1X7J JW inlthaiidilfo toBIouxOItyclrissL-d hoi-tiindciinnliii : cumpnny , lotC , blk " , Illllsldonild iS , wd 3,500 Jnnu'iKliUliN nnd wlfo tn G W Shields , lotslilkl , Kliliiuond aflJ.wd 00 Iliilnof .Jacob ihullJ > J.inmaKovkfol- low.lntftblkW , tsiiull'nW aild. wd. . . . 050 Unionstockyaidj conii > any toj It Har rislot B.blk I , Hecoiid mill U ) oifth Onnha. wd . . . 000 0 \Vlllliini4 , murdlaii lo Abliy llllU , i v lott.hllc : , " Oiniiln , deed 3,100 Q \Ullliin-t. \ : . cuiirdl > n. tu Abhy Hills , oVilota.hlk , " Omaha , q < ul 1 \Vohluwutal to Morris I'rooliaikn ' ut ul , loll' ) , blk 1 , ( late Ulty I'urK.w d aOO Twonty-thrio transform 111.031 ntilldini ; I' Thofolloivlngp"rinit3 were UsuoJ by the ' bulldmir inspector iestorJ.'iy : J. H.Viiii floater , two-story bilck tono- ini'nl nnr , uml 1'jultlo streota (13,030 ( Thuodoro Miidhnld , threo-ntory brick btoro and Mutv Huvcntteiith anil l.cav- iiiiwnrtli HU'lts , 10,0)3 MIcoM. Ilindir , i > i > e-.story fniino oot- tnsi-SIMdC'liarloH ilrix.-l 1,00 ( II. O , Do vines , iino-i > tOry ( ranio cothi u , Forty-sufonthuiiil 1'forco trootn l.OKl Ono minor iiornilt , JW Total . . . I'MW .J. Tlckotint lowmt nto3 ami Huporior ncconinioiliitloim via tlio great Rock ! land rouloTlckot oirieo , lG02-Sli- too nth and Fnnuini streets , Omaha ShorilT ByA ) Makes thi Prolimlnarj Ar- raiijouiouts for tlio Elocution. THE SCAFFOLD'S SITE SELECTED , Micro VIII Ho Imt Very I'ovr tore , mid tlio SliorlfT AYIH AH October 25 , botwcii the hours of On. ni. and S i > . in , llavo ! you commenced tailing nny nerve onlofor tlio purposoof getting Into ipo for the hnngimiii duties icon prosit IboJ for you I'1 Slurlft lloytl was mlcod by a Bur reporter , 'Ko , sir , " \vas the reply. "JCervo totilo are not In my lino. I think tint ex- xsrloneo , t.iUisnus nvholiasiitros \ 1110 Unit won't ' hnvo to resort to utiykltiilof ubottlo u orJer to get through tills job that It Just ihonJof mo in tliosouti'iicuof tbo law now stands. ' * "llivojou plvonimv thought M to Just hew you will creel tlio scaffold , on whiili Ncalwlllbo liimpl" "Yes , sir ; I have" replied the sheriff , wltli .ho vrutniitnivM nml emphasis of n man who nhvajs liniuvsuM ono lu knowing poifoctly ids invii business. " 'llio sintoiifo of Iho rourl KVM you con- Milor.iblolatitude into the lui' iMit , " I'oinini'iiti'il the reporter , e-iutlouilv fioliiiir : da way up to llio niDi-sol of iieivs whiili will undoubtedly lie rollshiHl by from ten to thirty or nioro tliousinil of the morbidly Inclined .lopuliiccof . Oiniihn. 'Yes , sola tlioslOTlflf , I atnRl\-on consider- iblo scoiM ) by the soiilomi ) . The wnrdi oui'hliiK upon the fact of whore the Kiillo\M shall bo located , nrotlicso : " 'In tlw vicinity of tlio county ( ill. ' "I have iloddc-d Just where the hnnclnt ? shall taVo pliwc It at all , " continued tlio shoilff. "I tlinU hnvo thosoallold eixvtol nt nearly the touthwost corner of thoivutt- i aril , or , lu other Avords , u lltllo boutli of the ecu lor of tlioost .sliln of tlio yard. There Is nil amply liu-fo level spaeo tliiHti which fonni the wet of tlio iliTKround fuel supply houio for thocouit IMliifjimil Jill. I luiMi loolccil the location ivofvltlin \ givnt ileal o [ rnre , aiul 11 ml t - \ \ lllNCrv snugly ni'iiiniinodato bolli the scaflold and enclosure of stodtadowhloh tlio sentence proscribe1) ) shnll ho erected In order to Hliut off the Raroof tlio public. AVhllo It will not Inko much tlimi to put llio seafTold imdenclosiiroiu plnca vlicii mndo , yotlt will if rotirsolalco consldor.ihlo tlmo loKCtthoin n oulor for erection , ami thltls vhy I do not consider It a bid Idea to begin thinking and c\-on doinff a little pluming all by myself , even this soon. ' ' "Shallvou , employ any expert asslstntioo from outside the oily either In tlw construc tion or imnipulntion oltho g.dlowsl" "No , sir ; not at nil. I h.ivo . seen , hcanl nml read eoiiMdonililo ilbout scalTolds , and I lon't think 1 will haven pnitlt-loof troulilu a tlndinif fifty Ilrst I-HM envpenters In Dinalui who ean go ahead and bullil a death trap that will work lo pnrfeitlon , They mo nmimitlvoly simply things to construct. " "Mmll you permit , many or fo\v spectators nt tlio limi ingi" "OutHhlo tliotnembcii of llio proas , court iflli'ci-9 and the lallcr there will uo vw-y four f any othei-s ndinlttcd. 3f I have to per form tills duty of liaiitflnKNeallt Hlinll bo done just as quietly nnd jus.t us quickly when It ionics to the real act as possllilo. " "You autiilfiito u j'icilt throng of peo- "Undoubtedly Iilo ; that Is. n great "throng outside : hut that will bo forlho dty author- 'tics to look uftor. Mv conoorn will ho lo auneh the poordodl into itcriiity \ lth Just as little flutter , shosor oxcltoiiicnt apoail - bio. " Sleoplcssncjs , nervous pi-miration , ncrvoai ilyspopsla , iluHnos1) , Wues , cuiod by Dr. Stiles' Nors'lno. Sample ; ! free at Kuliii & ( Jo.'s ' , latU and DouRloa. " \Vnatcil Her Aloily A queer iirovjsioii turned tip nt Hostoti recently in the will of Mrs. Emloru. U. Atkinson , ho decreed that upon lioi- cloath lior body ahull bo oxnmiiicd ( not ilifescetcil so as to pruvoiil proper burinl ) by students rit Iho ftriissachubetts fonorixl hospital , in the hope tlmt cii'iico ' inny IJQ aided in nllovlut- ing auiroriiiK1. She ulso maUca lo- quests to Ilov. John A. Piuldoeli , * 3,000 for tlio FiinnioS. I'liddoolc Meino- rijil hosjiilal in Wnshington ton-ltory ; $5,000 to tlio Massacliusolls I'Voo Church associnlion , the Income of wliluU IH to bo used for Christ church ou Snloiti street. She leaves $10,000 lo her sistoiiltirintf life , and tit her ilouth $5,00 ( > of it is to KO to llio board of domestic missions to old -truffgllnq : churches in proinlnont plucoi in tlioostcrn \ p.irt of tlio United SlntoH and tlio otltor * oUOO to the Homo for Dibohurgod Foinalo Prisonora ut Dcd- hum. To I'ommasters. Tor sale , a , full sot of first quality post- olllco flxturos , in yowl onlei r/JSbroir/.u lock and call boxes , hnrd A > oed fiuibh ; stll Vale work , put tip with .scro\VBto , betaken taken down. Can Iw lltteil to any olllco. Co3t over $2,000 : will soil for & ! oO and > ny $ W cominwsion. Addrosa I. II. scars , Davcupoit , Ja. IGOZ Sixteenth and Pariiam 8tfoot3 is the now Rncle Island ticket olllce. Tick ets to till points east at lowest r.ito3. Hopeful IIiijtliHtcwai-l anil Ills Wife , llufih Stewart and \vifo of Cini'lnimtL wnllcdnll ono nflornoonat the ( U'jj-irt- inont of charities in I'ittibtirj ; fern inono.Y order tolo rnni tlmt never I'nmo. 'J'hoy told iiroinuntlc aiiilpulhotlohtory. Hois oifflity-two yours old , feehlo mid tottoring1 ; fiho is twenty-two niul In poor llCUltll. I'llO Tl'lllCillllOtCI I'ittHUIlI-L'Oll iLbtonmor. Wnoii they loft lionm they had $17. They expected moro to bo for warded them. Stewart claims that lie has plenty of money , but that it IH liuld in trust by u Cincinnati distiller , Henry Uppenntui. Two voam ago , wlicn just turned four- ecoro , SloMtirt tnaiTiod a vomnn sixty years his junior. Then Ills troubles bo- fiTim. In April Inst liis wifoH ralativos had her sent to Longvlow sisylum. 8ho remained there until a fortnight nro. ( Then slio scaled a wall , nnd in tw > hours had rim to her home , ten inlios disttnt. Mr. and Wru , Stewart deoluro tlmt noth- inff sliall fiopnrato tlioin now , Stouat'l'rf funds umountcd to $10,000 twent.v-flvo years iifjo when placed with the trust company. IIo is now penniless , but hopeful. ACliolco rdst < > ( 'HiiiiuiKT KoRorh. In the lake regions of Wisconsin , Miu- noaota , Iowa and the two Dakotns , there nro hundreds of charming- localities pro- cmptorlly 11 tied for summer homos. Among llio following selected llsturo names familiar to many of our readers ais thoporfootion of northern Htiminorro- borts. Nearly all of the Wisconsin points ol interest are within n Hhoi-t illstanco from Clilc.ifo { or Milwaukee , mid none of them aio so far away from tlio "bu y TOiirtiof clvillmtion" that thy cannot lie roachwl in a fmv hours of trnvol , by fiequcnt trains , over the iini st roivd In llio noi'thwost Ihu Chicago , Jillwankt'o ' k St.Janl railway : Ocoiiomownc.Vla. . Clcjir l.uko , Iowa. MlnociuaVis | , I.ato Okohujl , loui. AVnulieihaVis. . Spirit Luke , lo\vu. 1'oliiijru ' , AVls. Prontouac , Minn. Tamaliawlt Lakes , Luke MlniictonUa , Wla , Mltin. I.nlcusMe , Wls. Ortonvillo , Minn. Kllboum City , Wl-i. , I'rlor Lake , Minn. ( Dulls of the WlsVlillo Hoar Lake , co mm. ) Ml tin. llcavcr Dam , "NYU. Big Btono I.tilto , Da- I or dotAllod Infornuitlon , apply at ticket ! , 1501 Furnain blrcot , liarkor lllo-.V , P. A. NASII , Con. AJ ; nt. J. E. Puus'ioN , I'aas.