Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Th j bank clearings ycatcrdiiy wcro
1001,017.01. _
Chrirlcs Knmmoroi' Is In tlio cooler on
a clmrgo of potty pilfering.
J. J. Cusoy Is booked to Jinswor this
morning to tlio elmrfjo of obtaining
money by false pretenses.
John "Walters , who was accused of
Bleating 11 liorso from J. 1' . Vlora a week
ago , has buun discharged.
Uurglnvs wont through a residence at
Twenty-Unit and California stroolB and
stole SO from tlio pockets of D. E. Cubic ,
a _ roomer at the J'Jjiro. ' _ _
Tlio United Stiitos Lnhrynth company
filed arlicles with the county clorkyoHlor-
day ; eaiillul stock , 810,000 ; fncorporatora ,
O. K. Ni'Uon , . T. Mimlsen , T. A. Me-
gcntli and live others.
Daniel Turner entered suit yesterday
npnlnbt tlio American waterworks coin-
coinpany for $10,000 damages alleged to
have resulted on account of nogliycnoo
on tlio part of tlio defendant ,
Sam F. Graham lias filed nn informa
tion charging George Ur. Humes with
Htcnling a bicycle from him on or about
Way I ) , and pi-ays that wild Uurnca may
thurufoi'o bo dealt with according to
L. A. Scoloy of Scribncrand Austin
Taylor of Strung wore escorted to the
city by United stales Deputy Marshals
liandolph and Hill yesterday for
Jailing.lo buy the necessary stamps from
ITnclo Sam before selling liquor. They
pnvo bondn for * tholr appearauco at
the November term of court.
On Thurhdny evening there will bo a
mooting of dllTorcnt .farmers' alliance.1)
find Knights of Labor assemblies at
Green's hall at 1415 Farnum street. A
general invitation is extended to trades
unions to pond representatives. The ob
ject is the discussion of Independent pol
itical action. The call is made by John
C. Tlornoy and Jesse II. Bind ; , who
compose the central coinmltlco.
The Omaha city mission will hold its
nnnual picnic on Thursday , the 17th
Inst. , at llanscom park. Suitable pro
visions are earnestly solicited. Inoy
may bo sent to tlio Mission building on
Tenth street or to William Fleming's
store , corner of fourteenth and Douglas ,
or will bo called for if word is left nt
Dr. Licscnring's ofllco , corner of Six
teenth and Capitol avenue , before 9
oclock , Thursday morning.
ClmHe.i Drlffcoru was up buforoJuJgoTIcl-
Bey yesterday morning charged by Uls friend
MeEllmUotiith keeping a vicious dog. Ho
said Uiat It was MuElhatton and not tlio dog
that was vicious.but tfio Judge thought otherwise -
wise and tola Driffcorn to bring his clog up to
the ( 'iu'baijo master and liuvo It shot.
Mr. Young , who keeps n snloou at Sixteenth
and Cunilnij , was nrrulgncil and iilenilod not
guilty to ( tie clmrgoof keeping open on Sun-
chiy. His case was sot for ti'Ial on Saturday.
Kd Cusoy , mi old time vng , was scut over
tbo river.
Kolihcd a llenl KHtttte Do.nlcr.
Monday alglit us W. T. P. Woods , the real
estate dealer , was wending his way home
ward about 10 o'clock , Just after ho reached
the corner of Nineteenth and Lnlto strccts.ho
was sci/od by two men from behind. Ills
arms wcro forced bank and the thieves .ran
their lingers deftly through his pockets , ab-
tnut ! < ] ? H7 In cash and then permitted Jlr.
Woods to continue his way homeward. Lake
sticet Is very dark at tlio InturscLtlon of
Nlnotcc'iith , and the footpads can tlo their
work without risk of being observed.
County Court.
Judge Shields was again In hia plnco on the
county court bench yesterday morning looking
fresh as a bunch of daisies nftor his three
weeks' trip In the oust where ho attended the
nnmtul convention of Ellis ,
The llttlo court i-oom was filled to over
flowing with attorneys who paid vcrv close
attention to the call of u docket containing
the unusually largo number of 11)2 ) cases.
During the afternoon the following Judg
ments were rendered : John A. Ilurbaiigh vs
Ella Aunts , $1(10,77 ( ; Kcnnard glass and paint
company vs N. O. Drown , S107.80 ; Omahiv
coal and coke company vs A. J. Stanley , $531 ;
Omaha coal and colco company vs A. J. Stan
ley , ft'iGS ; John I. Uedcllck vs Frank Bernard.
8W ) ; Corliss , Chapman & Dralco vs A. S
Collins , iS'JW.09 uud Citizens bank vs K. L.
Green , -JjOS.70.
Justice Rtlllor's Arrival.
.Tustlco Samuel F. Miller of the United
States supreme court arrived In the city yester
day inoriiingnnd Is stopping with his nephew ,
Attorney Frank Irvine , who HVOJ nt Twenty-
cvcnth niul Seward streets.
Judio ; Miller Is n portly , line looking man
of n bout llfty-llvo years , with clear rjroy eves
and a benevolent counlcimnco. Ho came
licro irom St. 1'aul and will remain in the
city long enough to dispose of two or three
cases which have been bold over uutil his ar
rival , after which bo will go to Denver , stop
ping on his way to visit a neico , Mrs. A. JJ.
Touziilln , who is living ou a ranch near
Denver. _
A Now St. Jnitic.i.
The old St. James liotel , the scone of many
n lively Uirio and tun spot where nt least ono
murder tooit place , Is being rapidly pulled
down to nuke w.iy for tha nav union dopat.
Hut the name will llvo ou , for UnvncstStutit
has already commenced tlio excavation for anew
now St. .lames hotel to bo Uullt , on tbo corner
of Eluvonth and Mason. The plans tire ready
calling for the erection of n three-story brick
building ilxtj ( } foot. Mr. Stuht- now receiv
ing bids for the construction of the building
nnil proposes to have It completed within
sixty days. It has not yet been decided who
Is to manage the hotel but in all probiblllty
Mr. If oily , the experienced Iteuiicr'of the P.i-
cllli ! hotel nt Sidney , Nub. , will conduct the
now establishment.
Marrlnxo liieouocia.
Judge Shlehls issued the following mar-
rlago ilrenses yesterday :
Nnmanu'.l u'ldrojs , Atjo.
J John AV , Day , Council muffs 37
( Hobocciv Kppci-son , Council Bluffs 83
( Thomas G. Jeffries , Omaha ; il
J Julia II. Spauldlng , South Omaha 21
j Orlando Walter , Omaha 117
( AVlnnlo Hobeii , Omaha 'JO
I Henry If norr , Abilene , Kan 23
| Nettle Lloyd , Omulm. . - ,
j Andi-cw Suiidiu , Omaha 23
( Louisa Ucrgstrom , Omnha ! > 3
J Carl Fluke , Chimgo 20
1 Emma UaiiUig , Omaha 27
Coiiimoiioemctit ,
The annual commencement exorcises of
Uathhun's business college- will bo held at
Uoyd's opera house Wednesday evonlng.
Admission five. The following programmo
\vlll bo rendered :
Overt uro lloyd's Opera llonso Orehojlnx
Kathleen Aioon \bt
"T. K. " Uuarlcttc.
Bnlutntory llusliicss Kducatlon
0. If Cuttles
rinnu liiiPt The Jolly lllitekRiiillh
Miss MiniiHi I.eaiiiiu ; , Mlsi'l'lna llurntsun ,
nnil J. Ii. ICooUwull ( bii b ) .
Ilaplil CnlunliitIon
Churli'S Kold mid Tim Kulloy
Voail Hunt > Vlioa the Uo > iiu lloaies us-iaii
Missus .Maud and lloitloCition.
Tim KiHliiusiCollcKo 1'rof. U. K. Unthliuu
lloatliig Sons Krati
T , K. " ( junrtnttv.
lUslnrss Kthlo < < lion. K. Itosuwator
Yovul Solo Lovu's Dicum Is l'n-,1
, . Mlis Kutu luniisoy [
Hlicclul IMuciilUiu liuv , 1' . 8 , jllaynoy
rinnu Duot-Thii VVItolii's
MNM-S Thui lleratboii mid Ilcrtlo Orcoii.
" \ulfdlctiiry J , It , l.tvlnvktun
JlurgiRTltu \\hllo
"T. lf."Qiiurtuttc.
Awnrdlns Diplomas W. J.CIuIr
A Notable Itopoi t.
"For disordered mensturatlon , anarmla
ind sterility , it may properly bo termed u
ipeclllc. "
Extract from Dr. W. P. Mason's report ou
lie waters or Facclslor Spriugs Missouri.
Suinnicr nivoi- . lit That Will Ho
IiidnlKCil In by ( lie .Soldiers.
Practice marches not to exceed ono hun
dred miles from the posts named have been
ordered ns follows :
From Fort Hrldpcr , tt'yo. Major J. N.
Andrews , Twcnty-llrst Infantry , with all the
companies of the Seventeenth and Twcntv-
first Infantry ; the p3st surgeon and one-bnlf
of the privates of the hospital corps. The
command will leave post In August next ,
mnrchinir to "Gilberts Meadows. "
From Fort Douglas , Utah. All the field
ofllcors , tbo regimental staff , all tbo com
panies of Infantry , the U. ht battery , the
junior medical olllccr , the acting hospital
steward and one-half of the privates of the
ho.ipltal corps , Ttio command will leave post
in August no.U , marching along the Denver
ft Klo Grande railway.
From Fort Mclflnney , Wyo. , Major Guy
V. Henry. Ninth cavalry , with the two
troops of Ninth cavalry , and the conipinv of
Infantry ; the post surgeon : the acting hos
pital steward and onu-half of the privates of
the hospital corps. The command will lonvo
post In August next , marching Into the Ulg
Horn mountains In nccordr.noo wltn project
submitted by Major llcnrv.
From Fort Nlobwra , Nob. All the Held
ofllccrs ; the regimental stuff ; all tlio coni-
panics of the Eighth infantry ; the two troops
of tlio Ninth cavalry ; tlio post surgeon and
one-half of the privates of tlio hospital corps.
The command will leave post in September
next , marching up the N lobrara river to the
vicinity of "D6lling Springs. "
From Fort Uolmison , Neb. AH the flold
ofllcors present at the post ; the regimental
staff ; all the troops of the Ninth cavalry ;
all the cornp.mios of the Kighth Infantry ; tlio
Junior medical olllcor , und one-half the
privates of the Hospital corps. The command
will leave post In September next , marchlug
to ) Id Fort Laramlc.
From Fort U. A. Kinsel ) , Neb. Ail the
field ofilccrs ; the regimental staff ; and all
the companies of the Seventeenth. Infantry ;
the post surgeon ; the acting hospital steward
andonc-lmlr of tlio privates of the hospital
corps. The command will leave post in
September nc-xt , marching westward up the
valley of Crow crock to a point at or near
" .Slicrnmn Station , " on the Union Paelllc
From Fort Wnsh.ikie. Wyo. Troop E ,
Ninth cavalry , with nil its ottlccrs and en
listed men ; the post surgeon and one-half of
tlio privates of the hospital corps. TJio com
mand will leave post. In September next , and
march in accordance with project submitted
by Lieutenant Colonel Hurt.
fort Sidney , Neb. . The troops nt this po'jt
having been selected to encamp with the
Grand Army of the Republic , ntCJvand Island ,
Keb. , September next , that service will bo in
lieu of a practice march.
Fort Omaha , Nob. The headquarters , staft
mid band mid eight companies of the Second
infantry , having been ordered to proceed to
Iowa and encamp with tlio lowti National
Guard , that service will DO In lieu of a prac
tice march.
Fort Dn Chesr.e , Utah. As this post is
under construction and much work Is yet to
bo done bcforo completion , there will bo no
practice march.
A suitable detail will be left in charge of
each fort.
The details for the marching practice will
, bo properly armed and equipped , and nil
marching and camping will conform to regu
lations and tactics ot the arm
of the orvico to winch the troops belong and
will be conducted us if in the presence of an
" \VIiy , now I cunnot * ret enough to eat , "
says ono Udy who formerly had 110 appetite ,
hut took Hood's Sarsap.trilln.
Harry McDonald's Molly Found on n
Sand Uut * N'eiir Alhrljjht. . .
The body of tlio boy found on a sand bar
Monday night , has been iilontillcd as that of
Harry McDonald , the six-year-old SQU of A.
C. McDonald , who fell oft the Davenport
street dump last Wednesday afternoon.
Yesterday morning Mr. McDonald , the
father , was walking along the bottoms ,
tolli. : . " everyone ho met about the sad
accident and ashing them to keep n lookout
for llio body. Ho distributed cards bearing
the immo am } address of his employer , C. E.
Gardner , the furnuco man , niul tnkl the poo-
nlu to lot him know at once if any cluu was
found. The fiUlicr was heart-broken over
bis less and had been wandering along the
river'ic n'glit and day siuco tuo accident
occurred , "yesterday ho heard a newsboy
crying his papers , "All about the drowned
boy. " and purchased a paper , thinking this
might bo n.cluo. A
Af tor rending the account of the finding 0F
t ho boily ho hastened nt oneo to the under
taking establish ! ! ! ; , ' of Hcafey & Hcafey In
SculU Omaha and asked to wee the body.
Ho wan allowed to see It and ntonco rocos-
uizod It as that of his only child.
The fiilher was overcomes with grief at the
sight of his boy , swollen und disfigured be
yond recognition , but positively identified
tbo body as that of bis son.
An inquest was hold at once and a verdict
ot accidental drowning returned ,
Mr. McDonald said that ! y close question
ing of the doif : uud dumb boy who hiul been
with Ills little son when the accident occurred
ho had found that the boys were playing on
the dump , throwing stones up In the air and
catching them In their lints. Harry ran nfter
one stone and ran over the edge of the dump
Into tbo river. The other boy coubl notmako
hia story known for sonio time and by that
time the body hud disappeared.
Tbe'remains were placed la n closed casket
and the funcraUook place yesterday afternoon
from Ileafey & Heafoy's. Interment at
Laurel Hill cemetery.
Hconcutiiir a Thnronlifare. : ;
In order to guard against results utterly
subversive of health , it h absolutely essential
that the grand thoroughfare or r.vct.uo of the
system , tlio bowels , Hhould bo re-opened as
speedily as possible when they bscomo ob
structed. If they are not , the bile is misdi
rected into the blooil ; the liver becomes tor
pid ; viscid billlo'.n matter gets Into the stomach
ach and producea indigestion ; headaches ensue -
sue and other symptoms are produced , which
n prolongation of the exciting cause only
tends to aggravate. The aperient properties
of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters constitute a ,
most useful agent in overcoming constriction
of tbo bowels mnl promoting a regular habit
of the body. It to infinitely superior to the
drastiu cathartics frequently used for tbo
purpose sttico it does not. like them , act violently
lently but produces a natural , painless effect ,
which .does not Impair tlio toneof the cvacua-
tory organs , which it invigorates instead of
weakening. Tlio stomach and liver , also * In
deed the entire system , is strengthened and
regulated by It.
Prospects of the iraiita Fo Coming to
Omaha Other Int.-resting X ws.
There seems to bo a general bsllof among
high-up railroad oftlcInU hero that the S.iuta
Fo will have a line Into Omaha within the
next twelve months. That corporation 1ms
been watching very closely the rapidly
growing Importance of tills city as a market
center for llvo stouk and its reprcsentr.tlves
have been hero repeatedly .within tbo past
two yours making Investigations , and the
.natural Inference Is drawn by railroad men
that the next niovo will probably bo an ex
tension of the innin line from St. .Too.
Ono oflleiul Maid ho believed that
the scheme made public ) some time
ago. In which It was reported
that the Uhlcapo. St. Paul iiml Kansas City
pcoplo proposed building a branch from some
point down in Missouri to Oinahn bv way of
St. Joseph , Is backed by tbo Santa Fo. Much
prominence was given then to strongly as
serted claims that when completed this
would bo by far the shortest line between
Omnlm ami Kansas Citv. The fact that a
combination has been formed by the Union
Pnclllu and Hock Island , whereby they uiti
invading the Santa Fe's territory with a
powerful system , aud thus bringing a vast
scope of stock r.ilsini ? country Into direct
communication with Omaha , shows which
wny the wind ( s blowing ,
It Amused Them.
"That Now York dispatch scat out last
Friday night , predicting n consolidation of
the Milwaukco and L'nlon Pacific , Is rather
amusing to pcoplo who are on the Itisldo and
acquainted with all the facts , " Thus mused
nn oniciul ot the latter road yesterday.
'There 1s no possible Miow , " ho continued ,
"of the Milwaukee ever getting Into n com
bination with the t'nlon Pacillc. It once re
fused an opportunity , permitted the North
western to step lu aud ukg what \vos Uwt
offered to it and thin clbsotl the doors. The
Missouri Pttcl/lcand SantuFo may tie up and
scoop In tbo Alton but there Is absolutely no
possible clnmco now for the Milwaukee to
pet its oar Into tbo Union 1'ticillc-North-
western family. "
Locnt il All the Way to Lincoln ,
The Uock Island lias finally located Its line
nil tbo way to Lincoln and grading bos been
commenced at two or three points south of
the Platte river. A representative of the
company was asked yesterday regarding
rumow that extensive shops uro to bo located
nt South Omaha and ho said tbero was posi
tively no foundttlon to It. "Tlio building of
the road , however , may bo the moam of
bringing one or two largo manufacturing
establishments. ' ]
Tint .Joint Depot.
Work will bo commence ; ! some time next
week , so it is understood , on the Mlhvaukoa
ami Uock Island's Joint passenger depot nt
Sevciitecnth and Pacific streets. The .Mil
waukee is getting very run ly |
trains across the river , but can't como in
until that depot Is completed. This anxiety
insures a rapid construction of the building.
Plans for It have not us yet been received ,
but they contemplate a wooden btriicturoUUU
fcot long , llfty or sixty feet wide and ono
story high.
About 11 'iidy to Move.
The Union Pacific will probably coininenco
vacating Us old cow shed about Thursday
and move Into the temporary depot. At tbo
same time contractor Johnson will tackle the
ancient pile with n strong force of men and
tear It down. The roof , iron and nay good
brick found in the walls will bo used In tbo
new freight depot.
Undue exposure to cold winils , rain , bright
light of malaria , may bring on Inflammation
and soreness of the eyes. Dr. J. II , Mc
Lean's Strengthening Eye Salve will subdue
the inflammation , cool and soothe the nerves ,
and strengthen weak and falling eyesight.
25 cents a box.
The now offices of the prcat Rock Is
land route , 1002 , Sixteenth and Farnam
street , Omaha , nro the finest in the city.
Call and see tbom. Tickets to all points
oust ut lowest rates '
Proceedings of tlio City Council.
The council held an adjourned meeting Mon
day. The following approved bills were or
dered paid : City Clerk John J. Ryan , $00 ;
L. Welsh , SO ; Telephone company , fl'i.OO ;
John UoxUy , S1.50 ; P. II. Tuner , $3.00 ; T. J.
O'Ncil , WO ; Shnniblin& Scott , S3.GO ; Uoy E.
Had , $20. Total , $170.80.
The petition of the Sun Vapor street light
company of Canton , O. , to light streets
with slxtcen-candlo power lamp at § 15.00 per , Kggors & Bock for Sll'O damages by
water uud grading Seventeenth street from
Missouri avenue to J street wcro referred ,
M. I' . Smithers was granted a dray license.
O. U. O'Huru was appointed on the policu
force in compliance with Marshal Muloney's '
request for more men. An ordinance tlxing
the gr.ulo of II stn.'Ct east from Twentieth
'street to the B. ft M. tracks was referred.
Ordinance No. S2C. granting the Chicago ,
Rock Island St Pucilic railroad company the
rijrht of way through the city , was amended
uud passed the third reading.
News Notes nntl Pormnnls.
Fred Green of Atlantic , la. , is visiting his
sisters and brodiors-iii-luw , Mr. and Mrs.
Lon U. Plnucll and Mr. aud Mrs. A. J.
T. II. Spencer of Spokane Falls is visiting
the Armour-Cudahy packing bouses.
Owing to the Woman's Christian Temper
ance union tent having been blown down the
temperance meeting will bo hold in the
Methodist Episcopal church.
Mrs , Hall , wife of Jamas I. Hill , the man
who was prostrated yesterday with the heat ,
with her two children and Mr. Hall's mother ,
anivcd yesterday evening from Crcston , la.
Mr. Hall is butter and will recover.
A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Hun Uoy.
A sea born to Mr. and Mrs. Job. n Nelson.
William Peterson , a grader , WAS thrown off
his wagon and had Ills right leg broken.
A daughter catno to tlio household of Mr.
and Mrs. Julius Rosenberg.
MrsErnhout , wife of Dr. E. L. Ernhout ,
and daughter Mllliu , have returned from At
lantic , In.
A pleasant dance was held at the Eagle
house last night.
Miss Maria M. Cambridge of Chicago is vis
iting her sister and brother-in-law , Mr. und
Mrs. I'eter Urenimn.
At the residence of the bride's parents , Mr.
and Mrs. A. V , Spauldiug , Albright , Miss
Jtillu li. Spauldlng and Air. Thomas 13. Jof-
fries of Omaha were married nt 8 o'clock last
evening , the Kev. Hobert L. Whcclcr , ofll-
elating. The many friends of tbo bride and
groom , have showered good wishes on the
popular young couple.
William Sweeney , aged seventy , died yes
terday , and will bo burial from St. Ay 'os
church Wednesday at 0 o'-lodc. Interment
in St. Mary's camotcry. Mr. Swccnoy leaves
a wife uncl three children.
Its superior excellence ! prorcn In million * of hoinoi
fiirinnrnthnii aqiinrtor of n contnry. It Is u-oil hjr
llio Cnlteil states ( iovornnicnl. Kn.lorsc'l'W ' thq
lirndi of the uri'nt universities nn the Htronirou.
1'arjst unit Mo t lloiltliful. Dr. rrlcoV Cream link.
liu I'uirilcr tlois not contain nunionln , Hmo or nluui
SclJ only In i-.uu.
JXMV York. Chlcnio. Sm : rtanclsco. ft.
St. Maru's Sohool. Knoxvlllo , II. ,
A Olitirch SoliDol for Girls.
SL. Alban'w Sohool. Knoxvlllo , 111 , 1,1503
A Church Fchool for Hoys ,
Now Inillilliip'j , now furniture , now appara
tus. Tin1 latent ini'tlioils of ntoiital nnil piy ) >
leal culture , Kvnr.vlhliiK ii | > to tlio t lines
lluinu c'Dnifdrls nnil uoinoi-aro fnrovcrv I ) upl
, , ituv.u w. ii-i-'KixuwKiri : ) , b
liuctor untl Founder.
Opens ! Uh ninntli.Vth , UW. 'llilrty mlr.utci from
Ilruaa St. station. I'nll.i. UiuUr ciri ) ol Krlcnli.
Full culkvlmt ) ruursoi ( or liollc HOIOH Ic.vllint to
Classical , Knilno rln < , Hclontlilo nti'l ' Literary ilo-
KiroH. llctililifnl luc.illon. tixtenilra uroiull ) ,
biillillncs , ninchlno shop ) , laboratoilcJ unj libra *
rlci. Tor full particular * lulilron
Wil. 11. A I'I'I.KTON , Tli. I ) . . Proslrtent.
M orirnnl'nrlitner.rClilcaifo ) . llosrdltiK rp
SchoJlforOlrlo nnd Ynunc Iidoa. | ForfU
cntiiloiuo MdrPMO. 'rilAYHU , I.I > . I > . , "
Moreau l'r.r ! . Ill.or77MttaUor > Struot , Chicago , 111.
homo tcb' ot , Kqulpnicnts perfect propane for nn >
collect * or f'ir Inulnuia ; luickwaril Uoys rutvlvucii btl
jenr oioiisi Sept. 8. U'-o.O ) . AUirt ! J llov. S. 1.
EiriVB.i.A .M , , Hunter lllll , 111.
* fOII YOUHO LADIES. Mui nl n , | Ait le. )
, i li ( , : , eii > rrr IN > I Aiucr , &u I nruiwm Teai' ' ertt
fdtttti Lii i ] nrw luiriit-Li , li itnl 1 y hot valFr ,
AiJjtuiUv.i w IIAHHETTrit.rOLUMaiA , MO.
1'rvfaratorjrMiti f , lurf.lain-\inic
wuite.iut. Jit" , UflXABS , l'ilncliulJack m iCv , III
IN Col. t' . J. Wright , II. S.A.M.CornwuU.XY.
ttdif CqiirOEanilCCHSfRVATORI.Jj"
U lrii otolfit luil01u | > il I'ltii crouniti
iCI uliLIttti. * > uiiaIlii > t < niU.JiirCOUO |
CircuUref iitNUY J. tlCVtWi 4i -i J''Ui ,
Tor 25 ycirs I BuffcrcJ from bolls , cryjlricles
tad other blood affections , taking during that
time great quantities of different in edlclnca with
out giving ma any perceptible relief , I'rlcmls
induced mo lo (178. ( a. 9. It Improved mo from
the Blurt , and niter Ukmg focral bottlce , ro-
( torcd my bralthes far M I could hope for aj
my ago , which 13 now ( ovenlT.flvo ycurfl.
lino. D. 11 , Luci , Bowling Orcca , Ky.
IVoatlic on Iix ! | > l f ml fikln Biff asc ( mailed free.
S\V11JT Sl'EClHO CO.Mlanta , Ga.
- TheKabocorsctthatbrin s
a woman to perfect form if
she only laces it tight enough
' -for it never stretches or
breaks its " bones " or rolls up
has soft eyelets that do not
cut the laces.
Soft eyelets are loops of
corset lace instead of metal
If the Kabo corset fails in
a year in any part but the
steels no way has yet been
invented to make unbreakable
steels you get your money
back from the store where
you bought it.
- You wear the Kabo corset
two or three weeks ; and , if
not satisfactory , take it back
and get your money again.
CHICAGO COIMFT Co. , CUlcaco and New York.
To euro Biliousness. Sick Ilondnclio , Constipation.
Malaila. Liter Complnlnts , tnko thn safe
( ind certain rcmcilr , UJUTH'S
UsothoSMAU.BIZE(40 llttlo bcnnstofhohot.
tic ) . Tliey m-otho most convenient : tult all UKCS.
J'rlcoof cither tlio. 25 conU per uottlo.
K8SS3PJC5at7 i7' WiPlioto-BniTiim
> '
Ea aiieib4 pnnol Btzooflhla plctui-o for !
cents ( coppcra or atamps ) .
J. F. SMITH A ; CO. ,
Mnhoraot "Dllo Beans. Et. Loula JIo.
For improved nnil oconninio
cookery , use it for SOIIH ) , Sauces
and ilatlo Dlsiie.3. In tltvvor /
compviuble , iiiiddissolvosporfootly
clour in wator. flukes delicious
licef Tea and keeps in all climates
for tiny length nf timo. 1 Ib equal
to40'lbdof lean beof. Only sort
rjunrtintaed g onuino
by Justus yon Lie-
bit ; and boars his
sifrnuturo iu blue ,
thus :
i'ay Up clul Attention to tbo
* 31-iiiiifacture of *
Tor House or Store. Wolmvctho
In thU city.
202 io 208 South Water Stool ,
J. McftREW
. 1 , ,
EfS9/5t ! ) " ( PI1 The Doctor U nnmrpiiMecI
lr ( $8 UftS H tr ln the trrntinunt of nil
u u a w ca H BH forms of 1'rlvnio Diseases.
'JUJC A S CTS1 * Nilrc'ntnii'ntlia3cvcbocn
J&iSM jSicS niorceuccmafiil anil none
mcnt. A euro Is Kiinranttfil In iluMcrynnrf-tcoBcs
In from 3 to5 UnjtjvHliuut tlio loss of nn liour'n time.
SB BUD ! > iS $ i Wbaiia sirlrtiircorrlltlictiliy m l * rln trratincnt fcir In
relieving Iho hl.i.lilcr. | iroiioiincu it n inntt u umlcr-
fill fucccs' . A coniiilctoctirolnntcwdayav.l.hout
Main. Ina'rumonl'i or l"-"s of timo.
lltnl'llty ' nr iifrvoiicncss , In their woret furinii uud
must ilrcailf'il rcaitlt5 nro nheolntely uircil.
Ami nil KICJIAT.T !
Inslrntncnl ) . A wordcrful rcmcJy. 110U11S for
Inilioj from S In 4 ON'I.V.
anil all Dsfncsnf ! tlioSkln.
lllood , Ilwirt. Uvcr. Kid !
, , , .yi nml IlliulJer cured. '
: C'urcil in 80 to tfliliiys. Tlio
iYPHILIS mcutinpii ] , Bafo mia rrtrct-
Ivalreatmcnt known to the
tneJIcal prnfcfiloii. Every Irncocf tlio illecntc ic-
from tlmblcoJiixcomplrtocure guaranteed ,
ffs r < y 1'or "nmn" or "woman" , each lOc
0Jji ? cl ( tnnin | ) . TrMtmcnt hy corrc-
i onilenco stamp for ri-tily.
9FFI * 0pcn rrom B A. M. to U I' . JM.
on Farnum or llth Kt ,
: cHiciiccTEn's : ENGLISH
QV DUI I I IQ ( 'UI > 1)0 ) curctl InMtoSI
J I n I l _ 1 0 iluy.s hy tiso of tlioinnr- '
velmis Aluslo fli'incily. for n east ) It will
not fit re. ( 'Al"L'lS ( to ni't llio Kc'titilno ruin-
odyVrlto or cull im r. C. Juslyn , 2JfJ llur-
ncyStivct. Oiiinim. N
Full I.AIIIIM UNM.Y-Dr. l.oHiic. ) IVrlo.llonl li | | |
thcl'ri'iHh ruuiol ) . ncton Iho inanstrual y > tein nnil
euro 8upire | alcm from nlutever cnuio. I'runiulo
mrnitrnatlom Tlioso iillliili'iuM ' nut bi taken < lur
IIIR ITOUII iiu-y A'm rill CVi. , ItuMltx I'ropi. .
cor , C'lnyC'o. , la , ( icuiilno lir Hhcnnun & .Mc'l'onnun ,
Doilso 8t , near I' C Oiinlmi C A. .Mt'li'liur , Koutb
Uniahn. M , 1 * Kiln. Couir II llluffi. J' ' , or.'l furfj.
y llue nilh * Uniunl K.u ,
nperk , Hwjel f , SjfftlM ind GnU Trlr } -
III. dm lit niorf It | , il , | 11re , , nl
C 0. D.d.irclf.Min I. II. l | , . . , , r' . !
:0 : iki < l. H'n'l ( e. tump f .r PI" ciU *
( ik. fit Uitil Uiijij U lit sili.
It may be that some fathers who read
our proposition will be so engrossed in
business that they will not give the matter
that consideration it deserves. Don't think
that because you have managed to get
along without a good Cyclopaedia so far
that your wives and children wiU have no
use for one. That would be a great mistake -
take for you to make. While you may
not have the desire nor time for reading ,
yet they may have , and nothing- would af
ford them more pleasure than to have a
good Cyclopaedia , such as the American
ized Encyclopaedia Britannica , at hand for
consultation o"n all imaginable subjects. If
you can't appreciate a good thing , find out
if they would like it. If so , order it with
out delay and thus add to your own hap
Mothers should sec to It that their hus-
. bands' attention is called to the great pro
position of "THE BEE , " and impress
upon them the importance of a good Cy
clopaedia in the home and have them order
at once. This proposition will not last
ahvays , and if you do not remind them of
it every morning they may neglect it until
it is too late , and your children will be
forced to do without while your neighbors
will have one , and it will ahvays be a
source of regret that you did not make
your hasband get a set for your children.
"A word to the wise" is sufficient.
I T0
Children there is nothing that will he
more useful to you in getting an education
than a good Cyclopaedia in the home.There
is no subject in the whole range of human
knowledge but what is discussed in the
. Americanized Kncyclopedia Britannica ,
the latest , cheapest and best Cyclopaedia
ever published , and the arrangement is so
simple that you can find any subject in a
moment you wish to read about , and thus
gain the knowledge or information you
misfht be in need of without having to
spend hours reading some old history and
perhaps be disappointed in the end.
Be sure that your father calls at The
Bee office and orders a set. Ask him toand
if he neglects it , just remind him of it when
he comes home at night. . Ask him ques
tions about places , persons and things that
you may read about during the day. Ask
him when and where George "Washington
was born ; when and where he died. Ask
him \vhen and whereGeorge Washington
was first inaugurated president of the Uni
ted States. Ask him who planned and
built Brooklyn bridge and what it cost ,
how lone : it took to build and its length.
Ask him about the Bartholdi Statue of
Liberty and the history of the donor. If
you will ask such questions as the above ,
simple though they beve \ guarantee he
will order a set of the Cyclopaedia for you
without delay ,
I.ouisana State Lottery Company ! f *
Incorpornleil tjr llio 1-OKlnlntwi * . for etltteatlnnll
nml rlmrltalilo nnrpoio * . ltl frniiflil ntncto f
| rt of tlioi > rotnlNtnlo constitution , In 1S7U , l > r 1T |
tirernholiumit iu < i > nliirrotu niul
To continue until
January lat , I8GO.
Beml-Annually ( J no nnil December ) nnil ltd
Ornnd Slnsla Number Drawing * take plnca
lu each of the other ten months of tin year , ,
anil arc nil drawn In public , at ths Ac.r.luiny i
of Music , Now Orient * i , Ln.
For Integrity of Us Drnwlngsnncji
Prompt Pnymontor Prises.
.Ulculril nr followsl
\Vortoliciobjrccitlfy Hint ITO iuperYl n llio r
rniik't'iiii'iili for nil Ihu monthly unit pinl-nnnoal
ilrnwIitK" of tlio l < oul nnii ttnto Mittery C'oiniinnr ,
niul In person nmiiiinnil ( control tliu ilniwlim
tliuiii'ulvo.i , iiml Hint tliu rirno urn cmiiliiclcil wllli
linncsly. fnlrnci" . niul In ( CKM ! fnlth ( owiinlnll pur-
lli < , nml nunulliorlita Ihu ruml'inr tomolhH c r
tllli-iilo llh fnc-slnillcj of our nlminturva ntlai'J ' -
In luiiilvcitljoiiicnt.i. "
03 M IHJI'J Ht
\Vollio imrtcrMunpilhnnki nmltmnkcru will pny H
prlri'adrnKii Intlio LnuNutm Suto l.cUcrk'J wlilclt
iniiv l > u prcaiMUM nt our couittort ! . .
U.'M. WA.Msni.V. 1'ios. l.oiilsann Nut. Until : }
1'ir.iim : I.ANAITX , PITS , stntu Nat'i iinnu ,
A. llAl.inVIN , Pros. Now Orleans Nat. Haiilti
UAHT. KOHNi 1'i-ca. Union National Hunk. '
At thn Academy of JIustc , Now Orloaus ,
Tuesday , Aligns t IS , 1800.
lOO.t'On ' TloliotH at Twenty Dollar * caclu
llalvos. } 10 ; Quarters , j TimlH * . ' ! Tweu *
1 rillZK OK fMi.KO Ii $ .100 ,
i riuzi : OK IIKI.OJU in uw.
1 I'lll/.i : ( > ! ' W.UUI ) li MJ.UOU
1 PHI/I : OK : ! . - > , IM > IH sMX
2 I'lllXUS OK 10.W ) nro 80.1)00 )
fi : DP fi.WX ) lira W.IXX )
Z.'i 1'lllXKS Oh' 1WU nrj LVIKXI
IIV ) I'ltl/r.S Of NX ) nro M.HX1
JIK ) IMII7.CS OK IW > uro Cfl.liOO
UH IMlIXHd Ol' 'M ' nro 100,1)00 , )
AI'I'llllM.MAriUN I'lll/.La.
lOOl'rl/csof { Mlnro . ' .O.OCn .
luurrl7pior iTOnro . . . . . ' 1
lUOl'rUi' uC .Wiiro WIXU
TIIIMINJ : ( | . i'iit/.is. :
. an ro.MO
WO nro niM)0
3,134-Prizes amounting to $1,064,800
NOTI : . TlclPl * > ilrnwluii Ciii'ICil ' I'rliua are notou *
titled to terminal I'rlznK.
Ci.l'ii IHTES , ornnj further Information
< lMlri'il ( , rlto Iculbly In thu imili'rouiicil cli'iirly
ntatltiK your resilience , ultli liti * . county. M i'u' ntul
nuniliur. .Muru rn.M | lotiiru malt ilcllvcry will bii
nixiiruilby your uuclosliiil nil ciivolojiu bi'arlniuuf
lull nililic'HM.
Address 51 A. DA U I'll IN.
New Oilcans Lai
Washington , 1 > . 0.
Ily nnllnnry loiter , contaltiliM M xiv : ) : 1:11 : , Isl
riii'il by nil i'iii | < < sc'UUiunluj | , .N'ow Vork lunacy
Ural t or postal null. . r
Address RogUterocl Letters Coataluln Cuw
one v to
Now Uileuns Ldi
HiMnMiiii. : Ihn inyincntof prlrriilvoiMUA.
11. i. ii n v ninisATii'N ti. HANKS uf NO.V . ( irli'unsi
iiml tlio tlclct nrnHl.'jii'il by Ihu | > ri > Milini ofnii III'
Ktlttill'ni wlin-u clnrt Ml illitt : nro r Tii nln'il lu
tlu > lilshost cmirtsi tlinvforr , liuwaro nil of Imltii-
tluns or iinii'in ' > molts HCIIUIIIOI.
tin : r.MTin : STATUS ims dcciiini timt t > o Lo
Linn Hinli ; lottuiyCo. h.ia nCONl'IIAn1 wllh tin
hlnlo ( if l.iiuhl'inn , whlc'i 1JUIW r KM'Illi :
CnoclCe for Myntcrln. Ulnlnou.FMii.i.bunilEln , Walt
lulncss , itcntal Dci > r t.Rton , HottenliKruf tliu liraliitro-
Fuirtn , ; In iivnntty n.iU loailln to inlsoiy dorav LUII !
de th. I'rt'in.ittiro Old Ago , Imtruuiue-t. l ruof 1'owef
Inoltlicr tei.ltrtolunt-iry l.o , < * , nml Hpc imatunlicc *
caust-l liv oTtir-tlxort1o.\ tliu liralu , tcir.f.tufia uo
ovuv-liulnlt'cnro. Eaciilwx contaltiionoii'0'iil.'itroat.
riont. ( labox. or elx ( or 8) , cent hy nmlliirrtmld.
With order for fix lioir , will KUIH ! imrrli.xsef
runrintca ID rvfnnil mDnc-.v If the tr : itinriit fill * tj
tm iim fiff rtne * ninltni\ulno volitiuilV )
1110 Kiirimm Street , - Onmlin , Nob1
' , Fecimdnry ot
To r 11 a r } pel iiiiiientljr
to tiiro tlio most obstlnnlo t'OFcs.Voeluilrago tli
world f or a t-nnj w o can iictciniBlncollio lilstoy GC
niei\ cine a true pprclrtc for SytdilMs hnn liouit tupUtl
foi-Mut never found until < mr Jlnirlo Itrinudy WHH tlla.
C'tlO/C ' Jf7-J/777 > V CO. , Onittltii , Xtbntw/'U.
"SAKAT O , " tl )
Itrmi-ily. IB HiiMwIIU
it U'rlttni Omiritii-
tt'o to emu ullNcrv *
tris Din'SFLppSiich ns
Wcnlc tlrmiirr. Low
nclii * . WulcofiilncH ,
Bofo'rb''Alt'cr Use. Jet Jlaiihooil , Ncrv.
rii'jlun iutiTicil fium Lite , Miimii'Ho , I. ; \ on I tilde ,
nil drulus iiml lor 11 ptnvrr of thu Our.crutlvo Oc.
caii3ln ellburaux , um-cdhy ovcr-ostilion , youlli '
, or the cxc'-fclvo tt o of tnnacco ,
opluci. or ctlmiilantf' , winch ultlniatuly lead to
Infirmity , Cnutiimjitlun antl Inmnlly. Put lip la
ccnt-i'iilc'it form to wirylnthevectjinrlcct. I'rlca
Si n ptukaca , or li Im Sr > With every $ ! > onluria
IJivo a ttrUti'n f/tmrnjiico to euro or rrfnnA
tlin t/ioiici/ . bi'Hlliy innll to nny ndiln'SB , Clt
culnr fiic. Mi-ntloiilliliiiajicr. MAn' i i
HADRIO CHEMICAL CO. llruuch Ollloc for U. 9.4
417 | i"j'li"rn Mit l. < 1 K Ai ( ) , ll.b. '
ICulin &Co. , ( 'or. 1SIU nnil DoiiKlnssI rrcts ,
J. A. l''uljor.t Co.'i ( > r. lltliaud | ) on lm 9
A. 1) ) . Kosti r& Co , , Uoiinull lllulT < , I own t
II run tie clirti In H ru , ut ioffva or leu , ur In ur
tlclv * uffiiuU , wltliout 1'iu KiioHicclBo 01 Iho patient.
Unoofuiiry. Zt la aUnoluicly lurmlcBM nadwill cfteok
n permanent and upoody euro , nhetlitr IliepntUnt 1
flnoder..ieUrlnkaroraiialuohoiaxvreok. ] 1TJ * . IStr.lC
I'AII.M , It operaKl BO qnlotlr anil with luoh ctr-
tliiuytliat tlie patient undorgoei no Inoonvcnlenoa.
and uro ho It aware. Ills corapletn reformation < '
nested 1H rajo book ufpartlouUrs free
f rtcomtaondcil LT the Academy Ot
Itultijiu ul 1'AltlH [ or tbo euro of
und Tor rL-Hultitlna UN periodic ciiurnp.
Jiono Kcnulnc tmlew nlvuml "HWNMKU , 4oruo
Hona.artel'arU. | " tiUUlllY ALL Ulttti6l8m )
" " Fuunrrii'u.iN. V.Auonuforilii ) D.ri.
I'bti Ilillfj trvm & ( ) AUto d Konl n Coonlilii , UrlUlhcv
Ti vrrltd" * IiMtf. tiilintll.rt n&4 itroof < B , llpd ( f AlrilfrM *
\i-- > P.RIF iVi'/lJICAl. CO. . fiUFI-AlO.N. V ,
l , 1 arm nlurful ptlrlii/tlinit
icuaudlifalutl. . li ! I'r
BulT rln"rror7i tlioi'lficUjif liiulhfuliTroiii , f > u\f \
ircay iutliKriokiii - > . lii.liiinuliu < Mlctc . , I will , t -
ciiil a vnlunlilii tntl i | wali'.lii ' tuiiialnliiK tali
iiartlruUn for lioinii turf. I Illil ! or rliarcn. JLe
ipli-udld iiu-dlcftl worki ihoulil ! M rt-nU | jy oiet-y
mnn wli'i It iiHrrniiii iml ilil.lllUlfil. Xdilrriv
I'rof , lr , t' . JL'O iVmil.M.ootlu ( < 'oii > i -