y v7 THE OMAKA ? DATLY 33BE. T EDNESDAY , JULY 1C , 1890. t'SPBDML NOTICES , IVr KTISKMF NTS fortliwocolumns will . In ) taken until JStX ) p. in. , for the nvcnltiK sedition nun untlls 3ip. in , for the morning [ [ edition nii'l ' bUMiAV HKB. | rpEIMS ! Cushla advance. KATI P Adtcrtlsenicniion tills pnRn wlllbn ibarsr-d for Hi the rat oof Hi tent per word for tlui l nt Insertion and I cent per word for ealJinubfci.ucnt Insertion , and tl.SO per line month , IsnaiM crtlseinent tnkun for losa rr trnis fur tlio Or t liiicrtion. * I NITIAI" , figures , symbols , lie , count cich mU rfllspmcnts muni run conBCCii- aTJIIfel nnd under no clrciimst nmos will thoylw tnUii ordlHcntitlinied liy telephone. _ i IJAHTI tf > nd f > rll lng In the i columns and fyjImvlntithclraiisKcr * Jiddri-swl ton"nnm- bcnd Ittlcr" Incnroof Tut : MM wdt rceilvo a titnnl oiiil cheult tonnable Ilicm tiitotlholr lottctH. Atmivfrs Mill bo dclliored only on j > r Mtitallun ol Ibis cbi-ok. I ncloso answers in onvclnLH | properly addrosscd . niUfrtlioinrntn under the lioml < if AM. 'Mitulnl ? > ( ytlcos"iir | iiibllsli'd Inbotlilbo morning and eveningfdltloi.HiitTill lU.i.lho clrculat MI of which nKjrointos IIKIIO Ihan SO.rwpmcrs dallv. ami ! M.S tbo odiorllHor tholenelti otunlyof thcl'irsoc reidatlon of TiixlU.i , n Omahabutnl-o InCoiincIl MlulTn , llmolii nnil otliercllles and tutins In tbo west. hbN'DAV lliM.I' MATi4. ; AIl\'niTimMi : > T. ! for situations or for nialoor fdnalo help lot exceeding l worl niii InsLrtril InTin tt'Ntnv HfK ullrilf mien ( lurli'K tlui muntlisot .Inly tind A UKiist. Tliflio jtilrr rnli'H will lo charscd for onoli mldlt oml ntinl a' nvo 1 wonlins Kelt as for conio ulUo linoi tlons. BRA.NCH OFFICES. Advoitlsulnz for tlipnocolninns wlllbolikon on the u ovu conditions at tl o following buMiii' shot sot lie are iiiitorlod ! to t.iko nptclal mit to , at the Hamo rates as can bo lindnt Uio miln olllco. 001 'i OMAHA . niiANrii oinoi-No. : 'XSI ' NStrict , I.htcr UioIt. . JOHN W. lU.M/ . l'hartnu-Kt,6M fcoulh Tenth Urcct. CIIASTA. IIDDY , Stntoners and I'rintorB , 111 ! t-oiith IClh Slioet. J. Ill OIlKd , rhurniiclitUi4 North 10th / 11O. tt ,1 > A11H , lluiihiuoltt , 17H I.cavon- wotth Sluot. H ' G11 KSM'11A1UIAOV ' , SI th and 1'n mam. HITCATIONS VVANTIM ) . Jfurratct , etc.Mr fojinJirtL cvliimn un thit Half rate * on Suninu. SITUATION' wanted tn do chamber work v .If. > , Hioolnco. 4Kl 10 * "V\rAISTii-Iii ntownnot less than flvolmn- Tt dnd , Kltnutlonas Brain buyer and man- npcr of Hat Ion bya uoniKolcnt iimn ; hest of rod-lewis fiirnlslnd : f > ) uiirso\pvrlc'iico. Ad- djiss buck lloxiEi.l.dKnr , Nub. l.MHJr * V\rA > ni-roslllon to tiatel. Soenkfoiir TI luiuuaKi's. ( looil TCfi-rLiirc orHinilll : > oiid If iiiiilnd.aHesnoobJeetatlltst. | \ . Addtuss J.\V. \ J.WUOOhIo , streut. -lh-10 * \\t A > Tnn Stimuli n as bookkeeper or T ttiivclliu I halesiniii ; llrst-iluss lofor- onccs ; last nlaco foui yuan , In bank Ad- ilrc s.H7 , IKeUlllce. 4.JO-17 * _ " \\rAM'in-I' < ( ltloii as Janitor , watchman , leltrtMiip , jl > o bond if leoulrud O. II Olson , Jill ) rarnuiil t. i'frlfi * TOTIC'n In iiicrcbant tailors I'osttton JL > \\untotl hy llrat-elas ruttor , rcfirum-cs n. Addnss II M ) . lleo olllco. Uiljy . ' ) * \v Famttit , clc.tre topnf frnt fdlumn oti thhpagt. Half tales on Simlilu. * \irAM1EIIt-AciiitB ot cither BOX In every * v county In ItlKsoiirl , Iowa , Kuns'is and ts'ihni'-ka lonill Iiiim'.ssollil inncll IK < ) pencils ekduslio turltory ftco. Ktny person A\ID | uw-s niui'lltito iii-uls one , S nntilo hy mull i'i uli Send furUiciiliirs .Chns. .ttilersOi > n'l /\8t , OW WyumlotloHt.Itooni U , haasns Ulty , Wo , 413-17' U f AM'KH \ \ Illi tv IniKfltorporntloiii an A 1 intryili-rk , iniistho quick nnd accurnlo ntllKiins. ( lood prospicts fnr ndviincernont loi'xpcrlented man. sjliiy 15 to begin with. Addicts J US , Iteeollluo 4ol-17' " \ \ " ' ) A nsldent nprnt Inovery town IT la NebniBKa iiml Colorado "I.aily or ccntlom. in" for something new. Tor pirtlou- Jnr.s aildiess wllli Rtnnip , Jlio Tin IlnK Fluid Co , room Ml , N. Y. Mfe , Omaha. J el > . 410-18' " | > Al < ni niitrd Good In cad and pastry JJbulir ; ninri'Idl mnn preferred AddrcsiJ , 11 Maikli , Joiroron , Iowa. -4.1V 15 * fA \ Ul'l'NTIjUS , plasterers , pal liters , nusons \J lalioiuts , L tc.otu.cnii Kit work and apply ns first payment on lot , Inlanco six juara. \Uu. \ J , I'aiil , lOOta'armm. 441 _ T\I IM < iU and Cowman AUntcd- Wanes } J5 l'l and bonul ; must lo an cxtri KOOI ! man. II , Wood , Omaha atlonal bank. "lV7"ANTni-"yoiinKmen anil 2jouii'ladlcs ( li tosolUlt , nalary ii per d ly , room ' 'til/bam * cor of Co mm 01 oc 4 U 10 * * l\7' NTO Ilollililo > non ixs oaiivassors. ii Oootl oponlnit for mnn with hntso nnd Call 1011) ) llowartl st UM1U * V TANTKn-A KOOd barber , Call lit Jlolcliolr ] Ilioj. . 1110 Kuraainat. 41B-10' W.\NTri ) Tcnmstcrs andluliorursi ffsoclc Island Kriidp. fourtei.ii iillcs sou 111 of town. U'fiRi's $173 porilay and li" > pur month. Apply on vrorK , lo J. A. Warn iff. bun , tontrnct- N . ' J.-ai * ANTKI ) A competent liiitelier to RO In Iowa Must bo sober , industrious nnd ntilo. liofcicncuioiiuliod. Address J M Iloo olllco. JOl-10 WANTED A first class boiler malar ; Rood wiices for tlio rltlit nun. Adduoi U. Hardliu ; . lead\ ) > oed , S. D. 411 It , * WANTFII A first class cream man to wnrk In oanily factory i mint bo stonily. Glio rufouncos Addic-ss l'O. ' box 0BUcdin.'Utnh. ( IIP 17' TVTANTI D Salesmen on salary 01 cominls- IT Mon to hainllu tlio new pnlentchomlcnl Ink eiiiHlii/peiull. 'Jlio Rrcntuit soiling ng\- olt v Mot1 pimluud. 1 rasts InKllioiouithl ) In two su'omH ; nonhrasloii of j ) ipor. 'M tofOO for ecu t prolll. On ngrnt'isulcniuiiountoil to VW liinlxiliys ; imotlicr * t.'lii two hours. Wo want one rniMKCtlu t'eninl iiKi-nt for cicli utatoand territory. Simiihi liy mill IL'icts. For tirms nnd full p u iluilnri addiesb the tlimrou KiiMii' Jlfe Co , l.udosscVI M ifi \\rANTI I ) A ioo < l linker at onco. I'-niiiilro _ J at 1M > lliirneyclioil. BM.-li * \VrAN'L'H ) A few t pcrtonrril solleltors. IT lid > or Kcntloimn. forsonndlilni ! now , no y Jji > < 2l > i. _ Apply al loom GUI N. V. Ufo. . ' > U-1V A hAI.TSMANnnted.inanto sell line of , / -oliMrssilary ; amlo\pinses pild. Addiess , Wltlii > tiiiii | ) , Ulolo Uljar Co , bl.Luuls Mo , m l.V WrS ) Aspt its niiil dcilors r.\ory C.ithollc hou ehold antsiui altar. Uur homo und family ultir bills ut hliht. Soinc- bnniplouUnrfn > o. Aiulri-ss utaiiiirttis for Illustrated dvserlpttou , Itostoii tlrn.t'o. . 5711Va8li bl . ItoMou. .Mass. m.-.1) ! * fH ) Swioono tolmlU twocottacs nitd tnko Rood lots In part piy. L'oUetb , Johnson A l.ogren , looiuli , Chamberof t'om- mt-ne. LTJ 19 _ "VVJANTM ) imvoriil coed oily canvassers. tr" roriartlcuKirsaddnss ) llox 'M , Omaha , Neb _ _ 7U.i'l ' \\TANT1.D Immedl.itelillistelusa bidcr ; TT | U > | iiuiiciit sit nation ill jurcok. . ( ! u- llolv'ub.il.ir y. l.lneohi. Xih. _ gin V\7AN THI ) A good talker to soil medlolno T > on tlio sti ut. Vail UIC17 H. 10th it 2153-10 * _ \\7ANTK1 > 1,000 men for railroad work In T > Wyonilnjr , DaVota. Utah mid No\uda : wasas l.7i to S."M : steady work. Albright's 1'alior Acuiey. HUH larniini st. _ joia7 ANTKH lhroollrstcliissmpii lo riMiro- iunt Iho Onm ha lleo la and nut of the i Ity. Dull at t ho speoliil olllco ot Omaha lite , eornor ITthuiid 1'ariinin , ground lloor. 077 \\rANTKD Men tntniM-l ( oroiirt'iii ndlnii T i pursi'rles ilouciV. Wellington , _ Or.N'lS-Ooiitfltoii.lOluys' ( tlmp. eivi.00 piotlllu4 wot'ks erne piy. Add. with Hump : JurvUtl Compuuy , lUcluoVla. . 771 tS75por month salary - ary und oxpeiucs to sell n llnnof blher- > liiti > J wiiro , vatehis , otc , by s.xtnplo only ; } ion-0 nml team furnished free ; write at once for full luitleuliirsand samplu nnsoof coeds five , bumlunl Sllunvuro Go , lloitou , Mass. t _ 773 _ AQiNTS : wunted.lOiiew Bpvclnlttcs , nil fast tulleri ) no osporlinco m-ofsinryt bis money : urn plofroo. AililfuaaU O. Itrowster , r'holly. ftllch. _ 6Wjy BAI.KSMKNIoHellipechltlm to morchinu ly ttamplo ; salary pula to food nioii ; mim- plc furnltbetli steady slhiutIon ; Model Man- ufaelurlng Co. , t-uulli Itciiil. hid. 4 iJJJJ } "VVA > iTl.U-IOO ! laborcra for extra mad . 'k'an8. Apply to I' , 11. JoliUMUi , K..V at. ' pnttoitKirilopot , Unmhu , 4 < S CJTONKMAfcONB wiintfd ot Norfolk und V-JUQutrlco. Good wacoipaid. M.T , Murphy 111 WANTED A peed Kcnonil blacksmith. J. 1' . Vmior. I'uilPtton. Nob. * ! - ! fur role * , ( ( . , < ti > i > of flrxl column nn ( At * Jlalf ratu on .Siimiiv. AiMirso Rlrl. Good WURCS to rlnht party , H. K , cor , 25th and Join t. : rjf > 10 AATANTH ) A tlrslRlrlfnr the kltchon. Mrs. > W. It Viiuiliiin ! , ) t7roiiilitoiia\o. ( _ _ i.l"i ? \\r A N THD A KofA wciinun cuok. Call at 1110 T > N I6ih , Ha > ut &Co. drug store. ! Ki li > > I.ndy to rre > l\o iintrnclloiis and kioptct of looli ) ( In Council lllutT , Fo < Kl sltimtlon. C'all from 7 to . J , . Snilt li , 1WO New ork I Ifo bulldlnij. 4(0.1. ( % * \VANTKI > I.ady to trivcl , saliirjW > Per i nionlli , room LT ) , Ulinmbcrof ConuncrLu. 4.11 16 * _ _ V\ ) ANTED An \tiurlcnof < 1 lrl for Rcnornl i ' liousunork : Oorniunprcfitrcd. IC1 ! DOUR- 4.KI-16 "VyANTnU-OIrl for light housework. IIJB N "V\rAN1 ni-0lrl for KI in-ral hou cwork n-w i oor.stli anil Douglas Hts 427 W * "VVANIKD To nicut ddnaiids forcninpi tout > i btiolikocpus : One Inly , tliruo uuitiif men rculvo lii tl iKllom mid Keep books AiiU'Ust lilt J. II biultli , UH.N'ow York Life bulletin ; ; 41J.ir. "V\rANri.I-KxporlL-jicoil clrl for poncrnl T ) hoiiSLnork. twulii family 1USouth : 10th IB ! MrAMI.D-llnln-ioom ) girls \\lndsot Ilottl. fli \\rArirr.l > A j'ouiiKuninn \ to nttonj on sk'kporsoii. t'allat.Mrs Kliuballi i : U S. Till . - * TArsTKlJ-A Klrl for general liousc nrlc at ITllDodBOBU JUWIS * riirrouxporluncd dluliirf loom lit , tlio lliiiburhotdl , 774 , , tte topnf frtt column u tlil i > < iQt 'NOAOHMFNTHto ' doiliosMiiiiklnp In fund- llled wliclted. sbtuid,6'Job 'Joth . IIMJ fHfcl 1 > I * iirNT..iiousis. : Fur raltt , etc. , tee lojio/ /lrt unliimn on Mil * " 1710H HHNT 0-iojm furnished house ; rcfrr -i enc _ sreciiilriL-d. K.4 f , lUllisU 4 1-1 * . TH10U ltK > r IHslrablo 8-iooin house , nil -L1 modern Imiirou'mi-iits ; extellint loiation Hoddcd jar l [ rout and lutu , Con\onlent to \vholcsali ! dl'lt let and now union depot Good lociitlcn for [ ihyhLLui. Apply lll''b loth st. 400 TjlOH KiNJ'-l oMrtonces on Hurnoy ; all the J'latibt lniiroMini'iiti | , ut lowest piwslblo rental. Paul , luri riiriium. 41'J roilItKNT 0-ioiim houseci'llarctty watir , so\er , I'M ' ) N atb St. ; 4-ioom hoes < -Jll Mnolvtorlli me : iiOir > * JilOU lir.Nr-I.J-ionin modern biltk. larn.ini otor line , i cry uhciii. WolilmiisX. Ble- M looliM. . - > , U' 1 1 disposition bld'g : H7 IG * MOIl KHNr-Tlio bilik corner stoiuH and - I I' I til Ms.outh Oinnln. cm bo icntid by i pirty at icnMinnlile tc-nus. bplcndld In- ratli n for Kiocuiy or biUerj , Apt It to K. ainok , IMS r.itii.-nnstrcct. 4ai-ri * IjlOlt ItHNT Tbnso olc iint stone rosldonces on ( lioigli : i\o , b ' . " ) th Ht. . bet. Mason : ind 1'ncllli : bU. tioownor for long time IL-I"O II. 11. HjHhrson room 40O. l'iIon bll ( 77 ( > A double hii lldlntr.fi rooms ouch , lOtliand Mnson $10 per month "IjlOHHKNT n-iooiu liouso , ulty watir nnd .L' sorieas. at a lutKainto iciponslhlujiirtlu , : a ? Parker st. ApplySI'J. ' \tonblc > c.K O " 1J1OU HKNT 8 loom house , llrd and ritiiilnz J' stair per month. 0. F.lluiikon.llll N V. Life. UI3 r S fine pits-edln lok homos , cist fronts onlleorgl i sue , just north of Uuav- tmroilli st.U rooms , bath , fiiiuuco siir eon- iKetlons , iillconM-iiIonces ; will unt torcspon- frlblo parties for J,0. .M.A. Upton Oo. , ll > th and Ijiriiuui. 777 IflOIMinNT Ilmpsi10 rooms , all inodorn Im- 1 protunicnls , lit io yard , $ .53 jn-r montli. Coin mission to agents Do.Mer It Thomas. 773 [ P YOU vUli torciita house or btore bee II. i : . Cole , Contliientnl block. 770 FOIIHKNT 10 roornhouse,21071)onglns. ) In- ( HilioaJllloiilgns. 7KI iriJNI'rcsldciitP , modern iuipintcrnonti , i'lOS JHt. . Mary's a e. f ( < 5 per month Iniiulie at A.IIclKr's. 1111 Karaain 731 FOlt KKIsT 5-rnomhouse , peed repilr , nleo y nrd , cistern wutt-r , rontfii. Apply to 1100 fcouthTtb UMJ.orto Jiio.V. . Doll , druggist , 10th 787 171OH HK T 7-rootn liouso with bam ; notn- Inalrentto good parly. C. ! ' . llaiil > on , 911 N.Y.Mfo. Jll FUliNISIir.D houno on 1'arnmii st. for lent. IiuuilrnUuriuim-Amerlcah tjavlim faille. T71OU Kr.NT Coed 10 iwni house , sower. J. % valor , Ras , bith. burn , furnaco. In olejimt shape , olio ip. U. V. bholos Co. , 2U Klr-t Nifl im 111 ; . : < Ht mNT---KooMs ; Forratcf , tic , TTIUKNISlino room for rent at SOlSLoauu- JL1 oiiwoithst. 4JU-J5 TTMJltN'Ihlinn moms for rent. Ilia 1'aollicst. . JL1 bait block fiom litli st. motor. 444-Jl * IlOU 11KM' A front parlor with board fo twoKcntloiiicn. Also bir.k room \vllh Ixiird for two gentlemen. Call at 17U Capitol u\e. Kvorjthhig first class Airs. J. W linen. J01-1G * 111 AVK a suit of east frcnt rooms for rent unexpectedly vacated , 'lliercnre no band- somor rooms to bo found west of the Mlsvour rlvor. TlioMerrlam , Uomo quick. Jltli and DodRO. 440-lb- 171O11 HrM' Suit ol rooirs forpait ) of cen- Jtlointn , Mlth first oliss bouil Kainlly rooin , HON. asilist. _ 40K. . _ inoli HKN 1' I , irKUiooin In uar of soceni J. stoi y l0h ! lariiiini st , siittnblo for Ihrht maniif.ietuilnK piupo < < es , also seMinl olllcc rooms on siiuo door , t cry loasomiblc , Iminlio UPS l.iiiiiim St. . nt elitui sinri- . _ 4'Jt-li ROOM and boird cliuap for two in prltato _ fmnljyggl8 liin t sti cet , _ : t > s l. > * I.rASANT nioins , modem tmuiotuinitita Is.'l l'arnaiiii > tiei.t. 'M fT0 | tiledv ( iirnlshrd IIIRU fiont rooms JL with lnst-ohss bn iitl ; 107 & . Kthst. 'Jil In ITIOH 1JI.NT Xloo furn'blieil i-ooms. wltl K bond. It'l DodKust. af-S-U" N' 'lCl LY furnished rooms , lt > 21 1'lirn im. ALAUOi : front room for rent. 01Sllnriiey t > a 17 * fTfiont \ rooms , cloKiintly fmiiMiod.Utl -L all modem InipiotLincnts , nt 705S. Idth t ROOM for single guilleman. 2I.M ST Ol Alll iutoi ; ) iiibotelwltlidlnliiKrocm Ulli-Uoilgo. fcpicUl rates by Avielcor 701 TJVJKNlPlini ) looms , houscUeeplu ? . SOJ JJ hi Mnrj'i inc. M 17 * T Alton frontnad rcir room , half block fion JiiiiUorS totlV 717 8 JMIi st. _ SJjjJ N ion rooms , all vonvuulcnccs , 119 Datoii _ I'ortjt. ' _ lg7-li/ * _ KOOMslo ti-nt. furnished anil itinrnlaho ( < l Apply nt tlio Men kiiu for p.irtluulnrs , : > tl nnd IjodKO. _ lt > 4 19 | 7llIKNlSIIin rooms , tvlth board : iiowly fur f lnlslnil lln-oiijliout , \ \ ith hotuiul oold w ito bath. IfllTDoUgo. IO7-I7 * DKhlK Iioouis with board. Its Chlcag ,1 JJKN'T rurnUlicd rooms. 1009 Doutla ; FOR Iir.N'T--rurnlsliodrooinsi giis.bathnni sttain , 151'J llowunl. 7lO TPOH ItKVT Nicely futulsboil room , nil mod Jcm eonvonltnci'S , OlSb ITthbt. ? W "VfllWIA" furnUboil looms and boird forsov Jotal pirtlesnt aon llnrney st.j two inln tuiV walk from conlor of bmlnosi. and rot ) pluco for summer , lllsa L'aviuU ' & Wnlbrldgo - I-'OK HUXT-S'l'UUUS AM ) O1V1CUS Koriulwflc. , , ite tuj > of Jlnt column on tlils nx T0 I HKNT-Smnll store r i > tn. 5. Font J-1 Tenth. 1'our doora from dt'pot Bultibl for fruit ur olg ir utoro. Apply tKkot nniet b07NUtlilOUi. ) _ fcU TO1U8 nt TOO S ICtb. UKtOcuob.larcosbow window * , steam huat furuUlied. Thai. 1 Hall.-JlU'uxtim block. -TTIOU IlFST-1 bT8tory brick bulldlns.wlt - * - or without pou or , formcrlyoconpledlij tb lleo l > uUMilnx To , via Inrunnibt. Tliotmlltl ins has a 11 1 eproof ctment bubcinunt , coniplot btrnm licntliiKllxturos , wutornn alltboUoon Ainily u t the olllco ot Tliu lieu Ul " 1710 U UK N T- Kino corner Here , 10 tn am J. Jon 01 , | COj low rtnt. cooil location and got tliij totter every day. GcorioL'lou cr,70lS.iot HOTY.tr- rooms , nil cfmTonlonres , lirlek,5 , hlka from I' . O. II. U. Irey , N. V. Life. IDMlT nCNT-KincMorFroomin Norfolk. Sbrlrcil jultablo ( nr ulolblnz lm > l oloctrlo Hsbt ! . Btcnm heat , etc. , Audrc" ( ' .A , Ms < t. 67B _ _ _ I7IINK olllep k Htnnll fliitre nn ground floor , JL In Uoyd's opera hou c. luiiulro of Amerl- caiiKuolCo.iljalUl ! tU . _ 1U3 I10H IlKNT llrick wnroliouso. two Morten and bastnicnt , 27OW Homiro foot , Mdtb 100 foclof dnnblo track on U. I' , railway , south Jlthaml I'lorio streets. Address 0. Ojkanip , Jninliu , .Sob. 612 t rormtft.ttc. , tee tup of frnt etAumnon thh < HE. COL ? : , rental Agent , Coiitlncnt.il blk. 77U Gio..f. : PAUli. 10CU Karnnlu. lumsos , nnil lints for rent , rents collected , reliable lie Insurance , Money to lonn. _ 217 lT l'.ixton block. Till fni'SHA.NS &M'Cullooh . can i\pod- : tlonblik. UB-ua _ J. 1UEY , rental nxcnt , 2UON.V. Llli-7 1'or rnf , ett , fee In ) ) of fift column nil thit S HA Mill pro ] > oil i will 1m rrct-lvrd until Nitunliiy iiixin. Julj ll'th ' , fur the prlvllivs nt the tiolku plcnlo to bo held at Ulovir's ciute.uoiir Arlington , Neb , 'I'lnirsduy , July Jl , IS'.KI , us follows ; ' i-insT. Icoi'rc.iin anil nil lompi'Mnce dtlnUs. I.iinoliiiHintcr. Tltllll ) . Triilt , umrwlloncry , etc. i OLIITII. Bhootlnir Rillory. eanc rack' , etc , Tlio pollen \\II1 H'-M-IHI tliorlulit to mceptor ic't'ctnny ' or nil bids. All hlils must lucent to tno In uiltlni on or before nc xt.-iitiirilay nooii.nteoiiipanli'd wltb niortllli'il cln-el ! nmuimtlni ! to.lU per tent of llio amount of tlio bid , \\bUh will be icturniil If tlio hid N not iieetpti-il. All blcli will lo ) opened and lomldored by tbo comnilttoc of iirrai 'iiiiMits ) fit 5 o'clock p. in , Mtuidiy. .Inly Pi. ISIW. Adibcss W. b. Senior , ( .lilcf polfee. 4II-1 ( . ' \f'OlIlItr't < ( lliilii lull , newly flttrd up ut llL'fl.J.No. 1Mb. Most mi-ills In tlioelt ) at low intos. rninlsbed loonib upstairs. I'ltvrMo- ( iitlro , titop ajl Ib * ALTparllct knouhiK themsulies to bo In- ilobli'd tiiM. II I'oKoll.dniKiiUt , wlllpli IMJ dll and settle thosntnn u Ith tbo Mead InM-it- mc'iitt'oHJIIechulldlnj , ' . 7 r > 111N worl.roollnt.si)0iitiiiivalloy' < . ot. , I work anu low price * I" . feivaKC,1918'iimlnif. KH ) ill' 'XO I1UV. /'or / niltt , etc. , fff t ( > i > nf Jlnt culitinn on Uif 7 ic. ( \ \ T7"ANTTi : > GiH > d ( Oiiiincrelnl iiaper iSo l T hrislvii MoileaKuI.oanl ) . . ' ) ! ) Pnxton hlk. TIUIIMTI KH. household gooiH otc. Hluhcst .1 cash priceilib. . Ilth. 7W S 1ITC. /'or ralK , fr ( , , un dip nf ] < iltulimm tnithls pwc. f imTEhTAVTeinlteC"exiicrt iTitKsmTtb U Ui-y llttlns atHellln'sn'iiii bl.up .I11N. lull. OAKASOI.S. uinbrelliis nml IKOII nmbri-1- J- lisunull : iiml npalRil. UulKIn emes ripalrtd. II It.ilor , l'il. > DoocUs ; lusomuit MJODICAI ; . /'i / r idttK , etc , i-ectt > i > of ftrnlcolumn on l/ifs / MA AGK tieitriient.elcetiotherin il.bdhs. sculn&hnli tri'iiliiHMit.niuiilcui I' chliiip- oilist. Mrs I'ost , r.0 \VlllinclI blkNir Nira7' rilHK Iinll.in doetfr pmr.intio -1 kinds of plln m tin ( In- ; 'il- of tlio thro it anil hiniH Inlhoximo time. 'Jnpo ttonns taki n out In slIIOIUH without lei\lni : ; iilllcci , and nil diseases tint tire curnble 01" S 10th st. rail lad see bliii , d.'ljylM' I'K.NSIOX AOIONOV. Fur rate * , tic. , xceti > ) > of firtl column on this jmij "IDENSIONP Now pvn lon lawi ocr 10 ii-ar J oxpuilcnce In tbo iMosi'uiitlon of peniloils ami ( 'OM.inment claims ; IIIHD si-cuu-it ever IiOiX ) jioiisloiis for holdleis In Nebraska nncl lown.tbelilclo ' nnd belrs ; litestduoistons ; Intostla s : no advnnco fie : now blinks nn'l clreiilars fieo , ennsult itloti al avs fieo. lllr.imA. btursos , 8' , } Ciolgbton lilnck , next souther I1. O. Omaha. N"K\V \ luvrj pensions for almost till soldiers ; futlioM , mothuia , widows and minor chil dren of Miltllirs. Clalnid pushed hy F. N. ( UliiBiiiuii l'i and-'l rnii/irblk. 1" jeurs i\ | > u- rleiiio , Only pensionolllio In Umahi. W7 JT. 1'ATC'll. exclusive pen < loii nnd claim attorney ; o\er Uyears' oxpmic'nc'o ; h ie all thu latest ] i s und ik'iilsloiia. Olllmre- mo\od fixim I'nnrei hlocktoCli.imljcrof Com- muuo , zoom M , Omnh.i. 7t'jyl"J ) % 1'or idles , etc. , ftttnpnf JliAcolwnn tmtlttt page. STOUAOi : 1'or im icb indIsuuiul furniture , eold stnrimoaud fruuzlng ; tuekigo. David l/'oloBLVfcIT llowuidbt. ' / , 'M rpllACKAGLstor.iRontlnuctc rates. W JL llusbiunu. Ull l.i oiiwai Mi 71IS TOKAOE Ilranthi. Co. , 1:211 : Ilownid. LOST. Fm m/cfl / , fir. , art ( oj > nf ftrtl rolnmri on thin puye , T OsT Mindiiy o > oiilns , July Oth , n -LJliendiil paiuol ; rc\\.uJ foi Its return. 10JO Illnnoy.st. 41M5 * r OslT LidyS small gold \ \ itch dlninoiid J-JM lUiu'In L tso. Iilbn.il n\raiilnt : \ l'u\ton hotilnows stand. 41IJ-17" r Oil' Urn j oil from uTitb and b streets , J-J S-onth Omiliti , i b.ij man1 , two jeuisold , with \\bllo spots , ono nldo of fate ic.il , tbo other white , : \ililtofi-et. \ . A liberal to\v.ini for boi lotmn. J. i : . ConUlln. l''n-r > IOhT A sin ill pui o on Notth Kith or C'hl -I i-aun sts. Helm n Bimoto II M. Knutl- 111:111,711) : bout u 17th st. , anil gut row uil. 4-'l- T" O T field u.itcli , plain ca o w Ith dl.inioii d -L-'sliii'iic.tlln ntt.icliodti ) fob Kc ai.llf returned turned toll. 1' DiovuUnih and , lotus. JOti OSr--I'ooliOttool : rn Lo o a\e. bclwoon 'I'urnniii und llamilton. llndor ro\uirdeil at IW ) fip , au- . 1)0 ) KOU hAIjlJ llUSr.S\\ACJO.VSlire. | Fonatci , etc. , sec fop uf Jlrt rnluinii mi tJitt JKIJ/O. BOhoadinulis , oasytonns , I'.irt llsbtdrh- IIIB iiiuh'S hiiltablufoi all deliver ) busliu-ss. Hal inco work mules. U , L , eltjr ia , luiuril t radii. .VJ7 " 1710 r-AI.n Good sjan work horses , mines' ' Jn wii on ; tUht 1 , WO ; c.ibli or time. Old - oi Khorsib , will Into bn sy us pall -piy , K IJ , board of trade. 710 HOllt-r.S Llcht ilrUeis , na real n The late llu < his nude them cheap 11. K. Cole , Con- tlmntal block Wti riliA5l-lle : < llnm sized horsis clinap. Sound Jl and coed woiUleuin , * 150. W. L. ilbyr 111 , boai J tr.uli' . f.'T " 17011 SALH bpun youns mules , cwt. nhout JU l.LOOiac'h.Bood waion and liarnoss , lath or time. J. J , \ \ llkliibon. U1S l'a\ton blu. un rit\\O \ ei'AMiemy and t no s all Hslit mules J-forh.ih > . on t\\ojous'llinii ut 7 per cent In- tniot with lust or si-cuml niortKaxo Umahi real estate sicurlty , or iithrr approved ecuin- Uy , bulby , room 13. Ito ml Trauo. CM " 1710U SAIF.-1 platform stirm-j : leather top * - eartliiKO nlimvit now , 1 buekhoard nc-w , 1 double biuvy or cairl.iKo harnuss. Apply ut i'15obster \ strcot , Unialm. fiw. rpfiAJl KMra Inr o hea\y horsus. W L , Jfcolby , r l.l , boaid trade. J7 " H. UColo. 120 TOH SAll3KlJlwTuM3 KTO. l"vr nitci , etc , , tee t vp of fnt fofuninon fJil * pajt , 17lOU "SMVn-6n nceount of f nttlng lio'vlt JU1 tbo now and eloKiint fnrultnro ot a i'l- room house , occupants tint-class , mvomo iieiily (1,000 ( per innatli , Hurst locution In tlio city. Address J .v , lleomUcc. D-.I fnrnlluro nt prlintn sale very cheap by pleco or lot. I'M California Btrout. - Iir ' ratei , etc. , tec toy off" ] > t fulmnn on tl\li \ GOOD clear lake Ice for sale In larcoiuaidl- ( ties. ThcNotirasku Ice Co. , Kearney , No- bra ka. _ * | ? OU 8A1.K-A choice library. 600 vols. , Iil3 - Jloy , liloiirapbr , lletlon , poetry , oto. Good in now , Will trudo for peed upright piano Also , n burular-proof sufo with time lock , h peed order. Will soil cheap , lox Uf. . Colum bus , Null. UtU-lS * EI KTKFTII-ilonulnfjiP cents ; nelccl 50 cent * . A. a.Sliuw , VuJcuthio , Ncb. _ " " " * JSO-1C 171OHBA.1.K IX w Stf OWiir i .ul. uKuiuiui-i , J.1 iiiakot party liMiyliiputy : [ fart cash , bil- nrico tlmo II desired. lno. tro atGM 1'axtou blk 073 3IUH10 AUT fur reft * , rtt. , rrtlny of' ' fln\ti > tnmn on this \xige. \ BKrOKK buylntf n Ptwm otftiulno tlionow scale Klmball plnno. lloapo,151J Doiittltis ' Nl5 /"j I'M. P. ( iRM.I.N nrk'TOf.iohTr ' of tiiu binjo" U with llixpo. 1M3 Doutilim. gia " M O.N K Y T rarrattf , tie. , ret top of flfl. column ontlit * \ro.NKyto loin In any amount from 310 to llLjIoOOOforatitlm'froiiij ( toOnionlhs. In.xtui tinidcon lioiisoholil Roodsplunoshor'iis.iiiiiles , wauons. houses louse * , < ite , , In fmt on any aMillahlo security In any Amount at the low- cst jjoislbhirutis wltlioutromo\al of property , I'ujinenH ifiin bo made at uni time reducing hothprlnrlp.il iipd Interest You pay Inlirest only for the 11 tno you usolho nioiiej. lfon ouo ahal inc-o on your proH'rly [ 1 will tnko it up ami entry itforioti. Jloncy nlniiyjou hand. No delay. Nopub- llciti Notemo\al. Lowi-at rid- . II T. Masters. Iooin4 ! Wlllinell blocK , l.'tli und llurno ) sts 1 OANS-dltynud farm hi in , mortuage pa- 1 Jpir bought. McC.igim lii\osiim nt Co. MX ! BVrt.DINO loinsnmdolt lovri-strltos AV , 31. Harris , room 9) ) , Pnnzer hlk.opt ) I1 O ! ! 73 RrAIj VTATK Loans Push on llam | . ( Hobo loan ATrint , rn J)7 B liithst No delay. No extra iharns. Houses foi ruit ; good list. ONB\-To lonn on Oinnlia and South Hum In real I'stito. No ililnys or uxpon- ses. Monry on hnnd at all times. Hates , c t'o , Comiiiircliil.Nutlon.il b.inU lildg 059-a. : MONHV lonrcd nt lowest r.itcs , IOIIK tlmo on Itnprorod Oniiilu real est ilc , no"ci'\tr.is , no diluy. Oloue IxianAc Tru > , tLo..Ui7a. Kith. 807 BVILDI.N'O linn , fi to 7 iicrci < nt | no nrtill- tliiiiiilchirei's forcoinniKsloiiorattorncvN fees \V.1I. aiilklu , l'li- National buiU bids F1K8T und second mortiwjrisoiiacnnt and linproMd city pioptirty. dmnly wurrants loiK'lit. Moiu ) on hand 1. M. llltlinrdsou , MS > . V. Llfo. EAbTKKN private nibncy lo loan reasona ble. AUdnss , JA lion ollln- . 18 MONIIV : KVlorllOlai ( > oti furullurc.pinnoi , horatshousos , itu. J. \Vllkliisiin , Mi 1'ifxion lilk. h)1) ) ) _ O'lATTni ' * loins it lowc.str.ito > , ! \/tonlldintlal'illtlli\tonbll ( J. II IS _ 810 / 10M.M > KPIAI. and KiMicral-horttlinop.iper VlHMiKlil ! ul * ) nvilnrllio-M ir loins made ) in IniproHd inoperly. liio. I Illmt & . Co. , au lild-- . Ul I COM ) moitgiiRe loans ' uo lil. 1/oinioii vainnt lota Kcod loom II llonnl Traui . bIJ EVSlONt ; MoitstiKoCo. Loans of JIO to $ IU K ) , sctoiii ratus before borrow Ins mid imom ; Ion n on borsus. turiilttiroor any npprovcil Hocurlty without publicity ; notes bought , for mw lojn. rini-wnlof old iiml lo - cit rate- , call H 'JOS , bhcolr blklSth& . Howard 811 FIHST mortciiKO loans at low rates ind no delay. L ) . V. fcliolei ( , U. 'M Nt S.it.1 bank. OI'EIl C'HNT residence loam , ( J,000 tollO.000. lliilklln ? loans ntsii'al | rites. The Mu.ul IiiM'itinent Co. lieu bid * . 610 MOXKV lo loan on horses , wagons , mules , household Kooris , pianos , < uuus diamonds , at limi-str.itu Iho Hist or , { mlzeu loin of- Hecln theelt ) . JIako lo.ui from M lo .lo dujs.u hlcli can bo p ild In imitor wholoat any tine , thus lonei In , ; the pi Inch ) il nnd inlurest fall n ml see us when you want money. Wo can assist you piomptly ntul , to j our ad vantage \\lthout lominul ot properly or publlolty. Money ulwujs on hand. Is'udi'lnr In making lonns. t ) V. Hi-oil 4. Co , Mi S. Bib hi. our Illiiglmni & fc'c us. 817 TTTNPbllA I.IA" low ratttl vJot lntoitstoti llr > t | nprtii i > s of ! ninrn\cd rcnlrstilo for tbo noxi ! U dnjri bj the Kansas City Investment t'o. Ko6m 'IJ Board of 1'rado J. lli 1'uasei. in Ilia Ji'r. i i < k8i ) ] \rONEV toloanon any security XjJ. for f-boi t tfnio"at low r tes l.owost rates on pir-rfMialprotiorty. Tlio ncndoison Mortsiwo fiuestmcnt Com- piiiy , loom401) ) . 1'axtonblk , 61S " \irANTiyn-Fli-it-clasiiiislilo loans. 1/owcst VV rates. Oill and seuus. Stutu.il Invest- incnt Co. 1504 rnriiam. 810 ClinAI' eastern iiioncj l'hhid ! 'llilii | ) MurlMKO nnd Trust Co , uls.iys ready to loan and pay promptly ; first niorlKU-'i' * Minted OCOMO W. I.t'o.itcs , rep- r "icntutlvo. nioniT. Iloinl of Trade. 821 EA 'IHIN money to loin on c-lty pronerly ; moit'tioflpa { er bought. 11 U.lrc-yN , ) .l Ifo. Si time loans on lacint lots. Selbyi. S. llcwl. IJ. Hoard of Tr.ulc. KTJ "J"HI VATnmoney to loan cheap O. P. Ilar- JL rNon.lll ) N. Y.f.lfo SU TnillVATK funds to loin niieboleo olty piop- t-trtynt joweist rittci. Klmball , Clu\mp& . " IIAlTl l.TTanTiTiTu ' ri.llh st. will mm joii monev onehattols .ithank latcs. Call ill ) SHOl'.TllAXU AJN'l ) rut rtifci , etc , tea top of first column OH Mt page. TVTOTlOIi The spool nl sninnier session of the -LiclasMis Inpuniiiiinslilp mid shorthand will 1-ominuiu.u Moudiy , July 14 Classes will beheld held in thoinornfns. aftornooii and oionlns. full on or addit-ss for lafomiutlon , St indard PlioitKiml llusincsjs Colloso , Now York Wfo bulldlii ! ! , Oniiba. Neb D ii QHCOM ) II\ND-OalUr.ipln , llaininond and VJ Itcmlnetoiis. John II. lotnus Co. Letter ( lies and olllcu hpeelalllis , Itim ehldS.T CIjAIliVOVANT. Tor mlw , etc , fro top ut fiatt ruliiinn OH Wilx jwf/c. / "SfADAMK HKL/.IEII , Oni ilia's only tlior- -III oiiKh nuhsaso andmaxnotlatparloismur tllDS. Ulli at , 4i8--'l * 3I31L C'liiyton , cliilnoyint and iiiiuneo 'healer. U.xii hy hir nondurftil will ixmor Srautany jKiuo-it. 50JB. lUh. 4W-10' TMb DK.EODV 'Uio aisthiKulshed traneo -lllulalrvojant , l.ito of lloston.lillooii - traueid \ \ ' \ [ icmal inury hidden mystery In llfo. I'roparcs r,0'yptlin tallsmm whlob will oiereoniu jour tuiimlos , n-inovo family lioublis , ristoio lost iitVutloiis , unites tlio separated , liolp- , nil In lioublc , oto. 1'ee , $1 nnd npwatds. N. II 1'orfect Hiitlsfuttloii KU.iranteed ! ) > null. kend stamp for lllus- trati'dcircular. .Mrs lr. ) tddyJ.4 N IQthst. , Oniabu. M-all DK. A 1R \VAI11113N \ , clalrvoymt. iiudlo'il and biislniiM niodlnm , 1'oiaalo dUoases u specialty. 11J N.lCtli st .rooms and : t JIUSINHSS CJIiVNOUS. Fur 'ivies ' , ctt , Keetcip oj flntfplttmn ontlttn pagr FOK SALE $200,00 cash lll buy one of tbo bpstolRar and noMSBtiuuls In city , Call on ornddiossat onto , us thf oppoitunlty wll not lust long , toils b , llth. ' , _ U-Mt ) * LIVKKV for sal 0 1 coldplelo 11 % cry stoolc comprlblnu liiillcllnt ! liases , harness , onr- rla os t'te , nil In llrst-clnn condition , bostlo- citlonlu town. Rood ttndo already estihllshod lirlco iiiul terms leasoiKitJlt1' , Address lloxl'Jj ' ( iothciiliur ; , Null. ' ' ' 1)17-15 ) * _ _ Dltllfl store , widow lady wishes to Bell in oncohur late hinlnmla half intoicst li fMKl paying drug buslnOH liuolalnn about J'.OOO , In lander , \\o.iis } | , ho wishes to KO cast. Addroaa MM. J. w. ij llvau , Lander \V'yo \ 4 * * Won BAI.C Half Intcrc'U ' In an ostabllshoc -L incat iniikotdolnifa KIMM biulneis. Uun- nliiK two waioiu. IJooka itiu be investigated Addicts J Cl. HC , 403-15' _ T71OH PAI.R On rnsy lorins. first rlass -L' rcstiutrant nnd \turos and No. 1 location Enquire alMrt 1'axton block. 1M ) 171OII SAhK Iho oldest bakery \Vahoo X' Nih. , eoimtysiuit , about 4.0 , ) , ) Inhabitants , tasy terms , J.W. Johusoo , Wahoo , Nob. ! MI-17 _ _ _ FOH SAI.K A alcocleanstock of dry woods boots , hhoes and notions uboiit iiooJ , : half caub , Imlunco uiiliieiiiuberi'd land , Address ock box "I , " Central Ulty. , Noh. 304-15' 1J1OR SAIR AKooilIiimbor yard ntCorutco Nob. ; only yard tliftroi oxcollnnt territory tributary ) Koodproipeotsfor trade , hut otlior huslne s IntureslKConipol the tilu ; ho\ro\or will not Hell thustook without the re ill oituto and linl > ro > cmunts. Address W , J. Mlllur A Co. , t'eroaco , orO. y , bynian , l.limoln , Nch. L mn FOU SAI.K A nlcocleuii htockofdry ROO < U oloiikaiuid notion * beliniKliiK to th late II bawlor. l'ln locution and 11 peed trudo already CitublUUed. L. Law lor , 1U3 1 > ktruot Lincoln. Neb. UCI-ltt HOTKIi a room * , all tonrfntoncci. new , brick. S block ! from 1' . 0. 11. II. Irey. N. Y. Mfo building. 700 HOTEb for sale. Twn-atory bricks li ouo of tbo best hotel * , dolttit an etcollcnt Rood nnlnc M > n ouo oftlinhcsti'ornrrt In tlio eltr , AlditMCoinmorclal Hotel , llrokuu How. Nub. or. . * T310U SAIjl ! AMncknf drilBs , nlornHxturai -U nnd a U no nod a founts In , looatixl hi a pros- ucrous county soil in .NobrasUa. Kvcrytlilii ? lioftbebpst , Tim tonn U a K. 11.division Million and the 11 , U. shops an < loentod tlioro. For full purtlculaw cnll oraddnsa H , II. Hen derson , room400,1'tixtoa ' block , Umahi , Neb. I Oil 1CA4JI1 AN OI ; . Kur rattt , etc , , tee lop oJlivt ruliiinn on l/lf / < i eNchniiKO-a few lotmiud bonnes , etc. . for coed fiirnis or Hiids.V. . J. I'titil , 1600 l"arnain. -411 rpO lA'CIIANOIV-AIIno 5-room ei t front J-eot taiic on N l'7th st for itood cli-ar lot , " 111 liny sonu < eanli Ifduslrvd. U. H. 1'aytio. 1501 Kiiriiatn st. JIKI10 riW i\OMANOJV-Nlcn : clean stook of dry -Lgoods und nulloii , Imolvo } i4K ( ) , for peed riMl cst ito onthlcli 41,100 can bo borronod 31. A. I'ptonl'o. t-S 17 "IjlOU KXCIIANlin Cli-aii nowstook ceneral J. ind i' ! \\lll talto roil estate , rattle , horses und inonuy. Ilox7I > , 1 innKfoil , hid. WM * 7VOlTllAnrr5 | { ! Votes , cisli landetc. . for -lUi-leii lots. Can use nultu u number. W.J. Piuil , iwi rirunm st. 4li " \\rAM Cl Vacant lots or neics for two of M the llnist and best piiyltiK hlooks In the cityMil \ give hlK dc.il if mule boon , ultb Home v isb J u ; , lleo utlloe -I1J " \\rilil tritlu ( new modern 0 room htlek for ii tlnlncumbcred lots. I' A Siullli-'Illlco buildup ; : j7t-l' j : Good firms , city proper- tv nnd wild lands In Nob. nnd low iforgood Sen'l in'd'sc Jiropurty c'lrar , tltlo porfuct. Ad- rcss l.oi'k llov Ui PriMimiit. Neb hJ9 roil HAMUIOAIJ KS-PATIJ. rornitei. etc. net l > of flrlcolumn nnthti inje. $10 CASH and H prr month for housn nnd full lot ut from ISM to gl.WO eueli W .1.1'aiil , lUlill'arn.uii. 411 LOTIUxSl ! , 10-rnoinhouso , mar S. 24lh st. motor Hue. Di-slrahlo for bo Omaha lutsl- ncas titan ; $1,700. U. r. HarrisonUll N V. I.lfe. 417-17 \\riIV don't you catch on to some of that L' South Omaha property south of Q htn-ot , onL'-lth ? Dent you know the "Kook Islmd" Is in tliu Held ? Jl A. Upton ( Jo -J-'f 17 IJ1OK bAU ) Ono-hnlf lot \lth - \ % 7-room cot- J ttiRi' , mm VUnd and Lononwurthi J.t.00. O. r.HiirrKon UH.V Y.Mfo 4I.V16 _ _ inoii"sA Ln-rour Kood-iots iii Uiinut : Tun , -TWUIV ) deli , on sridiI'rlco * VM ) eu-li , worth doulilo tlio nionny. Slrlngori. I'enny , IGtb and ) , ) . , ; . 4Jii _ T71411lSAIl' Kist front In block Id , llansoom J I'ltiif , MxfiOlth . i-t < iiin cottiiBO , $1,200 , \cry cheap C. P. llanNon , Ull N , Y. 1,1'e. | 41.V10 _ _ ril\V ( ) nuo bou > os ind lots In Ambler l'i ice , Lil.MQo.Kli. .M A. Upton Co -i 'S 17 ASMAUi pajnientdoun .indtl.'i per mouth will bit ) a 4-room hoiiv ) and lot on IGtli , 3 hloc-ks from motor ; ilrst-tlass ebaneo to no- ( juli-oabotiipon easy toims. Appiy to II. U Cole , Continental block. Ml _ ? TNCOIA I'laeo and I'lrthigo lots , prlco U-SI.OK ) , Vldowii , lnlaiueir > monthly.V.b Selbi , loom lit , lloaiilof 'Ir.ido. SU SAIiH 1M\120 ( fei't , south front , nt n \ % cot nc'i of the pule. Spiila ! uiluo } 7i > UO. ( . ' K.lIaiilson.Dll N V. Life. 4lfi-ltt EAsT fiont lot on - ) . " > lh Mt , Jiiht north of OodKo. Kllby l'i ice , only Jl.ouo. Jl. A Upton Co. 428 17 T\7 AKTiip : anil buy n , liomo on iiumlhl ) pay- IT mints Choleoof SI-M n illlTon nt himses , south fronts on I'm mini st , KM ly eonxonleiiee , Inuludlm ; fiuii no and lias 1'I.iiis cin 1)0soon ) at my otllcc. Call In. D. V. bholes Co. , 811 1st National hank. Ifl5 FOIl bAljfi deed home ut .On ! and Cumin. ! st. S room modern honto , 84,000. 0. r. Un 11 lion. Oil IV. . We. 4ir10. . FOIl SAM : Aflno npvrfi-room cott.igo near ehttrloiar line on N.i.Tth . \\111 'koas part of eish pay mint a Riiod liorso or ho no and phaeton. I1,1MI FariKim st , KU LOOIC nt this Lot iUxlX ) . ri-tooia house on ( Jorby t. lust cast of hhrrmun a o. only J-.OOO. must bo snapped up quick at that price. M. A. Upton Co. 42317 5-ROOM rottnscs. llr > 00 eueli. $100 e isb down , balanc-ci $15 per month , llios. 1' . Hull , 311 I'axlon block. 8.15 FOIl SALK ViO\-180. Corner of OJnl and Pop- pleton. $10,010 nusy terms. C. 1' . llar- rlson , till N.Y. Life , 415-10. W AUGII& esU-rlleld.rcalobtatc.S.Omaln. 8.M GOTl'AOn bonier In most any addition for tnle at from tl.OOlup , nn ensy inoiitlily uaj * meiits. T. 1C. Hurling. 4.tUarkor bll : . b-U POI ! SAbK Mco 7 room liouso ready to nioxe Into with full lot , $ Jax ) , $2 > J cash. U. 1Harrison. . Oil N. Y. Life. U2 _ TF YOU lia o anything tdboll ore\chinjo JLeull atCla I'liNton block bH POK SAljH I ot QlxlOO , so. front , faclnc on \\oolwoith uinortli of tins park. $ J..r > on. Cbolco bllo Tor homo. 0. 1" . llnirison , I'll ' N. y. I.lfo. 41S-10. FOH ATiK-lNow bnslnosi block on Ifith street , roiiti ate 10 jiorieutof jirleo isWed . ngtime. \\I1I boon the markutonly a fuw days. Address U " - , lloe. .701 FOIl SAIYC Oiiohulf lot with 6100111 cottngo near tlio liluli school , W.539. 0. K. Harri son , Ull K. i' . Life. m-10. "T710H HAI.n Now modern firooinlirlcltnn IM J. foot lot on I'asv Inrinsi will so 11 \ uiychonp. l'ianlt A. bnillh. L'44 Iloo Imlldliih" 78-l'i VA/'K IIAVK for sale cbcip mm on c.isy TT terms snveril very deshalilo houses , taiiRliiff in Hlycfioni 7 to9 rooms , riioyaioln nil itspoits iiioih'rii withitsiiil con veil nnccs. l.oli 101MIC ) . I'lli-M ' niiiKO fioin $ . ' ) , W3 to JS.ttlO Tlio 1'atrlck land Co. . Iloo biilllln0' ( . aTU-15 Matter of application nf 17. M. StlcUnoy imtl C. h. Grlimteiil , ( dcJnx business mulct tlrni iiuinoof ht iknry & OilnHicail ) , for pinnltto soil liquor as diiu-slsts. ntico hereby u'lvcii tliit T M. Ptlcknoy nndC. fc Orlnstead , duliis Inislnc'S unilui the Hun nainoof fctlel.noy A. urtimtviil , did upon thoHth iluy of .Inly. A 1) . It'O. ' lilo thulr.ip- plleallon to tlio Hoard of Mio and 1'ollen C'om- inlSHloiuisof Om.ilin , for pormlt to tvll malt , Bliltltuoiis and vinous lliiuors. us diiiK' Uts , fornicdli Inal iiiethiinleal , anil chrnilciil pur poses only , at No. isia bouth Mth ) itioet. t-eo- oml wnid , Omaha. Neb , from tliu first day of Jiimian , isoo.to the tlrstdayor J.inu irv , ISOl. If tbeio bu no objection U'liionslr inunor DMitist filed wltliln Usouceks from July 1'tli , A I ) . IbO ) , the said permit will bagiuntud. V. . M. SiltKM \ , U. S.'UitissrrAii. J1V23 Applicants Jvottco to Sr\vcr Coat motors. OiT'TNOiNEi'ii'sOrricr I K.Oinuli.i , Nib. , July llitb , ISDQ. ( enlPil pt-oposals 111 to iccolvcil by the tin- sl neil , at tills olllro. until t c'l\o o'uloik noon , of July ! M li , IB ! * , for fnriiMiIn all the materials and dolnt : ail tlio woi 1 < nucissary to complete tno follow Im , ' city ImprovoincntH.vIz Constructing n twenty-four Im li storm wnti'rM pr , In "Q" htreot , nlso nmtlitKlna pllo bulk bead and approach to tlio west. end of 'Q" fctrout vladiti't. 1'lans and Bpcclllc.i- tlon- . may bus * on , nnd nil Information lolu- thutothu uoilv ohtalntil at tlilaotllco No proposils fi urn anyi'onlraLloi Inoefnnlt \\lthtbooltyon any pu vlous contrast will bo oonMdorod. o inoposal from nny contractor will tin consldoicd unless ncrompnnlcdhy acnitlflod cluck for the hundred dollars i J.1UU ( XI ) to bu letumcd on all bids not acuptod , Ihorlslitla resoived to toject any or till piopos.ils ; uorlctobo complete within sixty dujs. Approximate ostlmato Is 2370 fc-ot twonlv- fourlneh pipe. 4W ( fecttwol > o Int-b plpo. All bids must buun LlanUn furnlslud by tlio city c'iir. lly order nf the couno'l ' , Cnminltti-o on strtcts and alleys. U. CONN iiI. : V , J15dlU Clialiiii.in. Notice. Mattcrof application of James E. Stover for transfi'r Notice Is liorohy ( } l\ui tliit .TnniPi K Stnr < lldupnn tlio nth day of July , A. I ) , ! - ' , fllu hl < application totbollo.irjof I ire and Pollen Cmmalaslomrs of Uniiha , for iiotinUslon to niiioxi bin Kiiloon from No. 4IJ houlb 11th street , hi tlio Third waril to No 411 Siutli lab Btri'i't , In tlio 8.lino ward , Oinuhn , Nidi , If tlaro ho no objietldn. luinoiihtrinfoor proteut ( Hod within t o \ > iuKs from .Inly nth , A , 1 > . IS io. thu said pot mission nny 1 or.intuU J.uiKHl ) . hTiKM. . Appllo int. Notice. JIatter of appllcutlon of Oi-o. H. Harris for transfer. Kptlro Is hcrohv glica that Oco. K. Harris did upon thu 14tli day of July , A , 1) . Ih'jO , tlio hit aplillcatlon to the Iloird of 1'lro iiml I'olloo OoiiiniKloiicrs of Otnibu , for por- injsslonto ino ' hla baleen from No , Vrl South lllh Street , to > o. ic.4 : llowurd tjtroct , lu tlio Hume wnrd , Omulm , el ) . If tlicni he no objection , remonstrance or protest tiled within two wenkft from July lUh , A , I > . 1 * , the suld purmlsslon may becr.inlud. J1SCJ ( juo , U. lUlilUl , Aiiplluuut. RAILWKYTIMEOHRD fx-stB. i muuifaitniiLLNiiTOtf A y Uroaniv. | IH'i-ot loiJinnU M on tron Omnhy 4 30 d m S | < | A m W4JR tu Clilriuo Kiprm. G.JU p ra I' 10 p in Kiprest I > V ) A in 6.dp in 805 m IIDUUN'iSION S MO. HlTKIl.i Arrlti-r Uuiiha. Don't loili nnd MMOII lrctJ. . | Uinnlrv. 10 it n m . .UotiTOr linr Kiprcij . . . i u5 p m 10 15 it ni . . , , IhuiTor K | ms nil p m 6.40 p m 'J ' il ill 8 IJ in , . Lincoln Uuvil V ( U p m "IT r , M p i v c ir Arrltof Omaha. 't ' IDtli Binl MH < ICIII dtr < it . ( < .13 n in . . .H n mi'H " j > 41 p ni Kr _ NklitKip til f IJ.MO.S' V\l IHf .AMlT Uinalin. Pepnt lutlniiid Muror i > trui > ti. Olullll 2-V ) ii ni > . . .Uri'rlnnl Klji-r , . l. , p in 7 : J p in , , . ,1'nilMo lUprois , . I' , p m lO.'JO a in , . . .IH'iiver Ktprcss. . p m 5 W a m li ( > 3 n m 10 IJ i in KulrHn . ( i'\cc't | 81111 ) 4 V > p m . -V..O-I l ( flic AilO , 1C.I Al'AOlllY "l rrm-r Oninlin. I If. 1 * . ilojtnt , lOtli mill MnrcrtUs | Oninlii. 0 13 p in i , . . Miiht hxpr < " . . til a ii m U 15 a m , , .Athnllo Kxpri"f tlW p m yj pm _ , .Vo tllml < i I.linllm ! 10 I n ra riKH XPli'V * I'ACU'lt. lAirfrur P ill-pot Hltli jiml Miiri-r Sts jjnnlii 7 15 n ml Slonx City I'n si-nuor 'I ' J > 15 pjn [ _ _ . J 1'Aiil MOIM n m Ix-flfoa | SlOLX VI I > ft I'AI fl II [ Arrlte * _ Olilillln I liiut | MIi nnJ\ynb tt'riiji I Omnlm. Jlnlp nil CtT'iiTrt I.VinlliM 1nrim | ( IIHJMK ) , \ No It I li\V Us I'llltN ArrlTO < OniilinU ] I * iloixtt , Illlti nml M-iror Sti Omilin IS n in b Al p m 4. M p ni Vuitlliiilu l.liiilti',1 U V a m 6 IS p in lowii Ariommoitiitlon 701 p in .i 10 p ni . . .t' liirn H > or 2 It p m It'llUAlIOiTiri \ hi' I'AtJl.lArriTor Oiiialuijt'r ' ilppot loth nml Mnri-y Hts | Oinuhn. tM5 n > Mull ( t'tltpt { < llllll > lr ) 1'i.U'i p ni fiOO p m U 41 n in 1 > . .H p in 2 a | > m Ixiavns OMAHA AST Arrluu ' 11 r ' 'i'lwt ' , 10tliniul _ MiirojJ'ln I Omnlii > > t l.imU ( niiiiiin Hull h t M ) V utjjl'i ( vn I Wo'iitir lti .lllmk Illlh ICxpros \\alioo t Lincoln l'T rniior J' < rk.V Norfolk ( Kx Sumlif ) Dipot lilli nnij Wrl'Mur 'ts Sluux lltr bliuix rily Kjpro dCx Sun ) . . . M I'nul l.linlloil. . , llnmoft PnK iMiifiir ( l.r. Sim ) MT.ssliUUT I'Adf'ii _ loiiil ) | lUh iiniMVylMjur 10-11 ix nil ht IA ) | | | . \ K C. l Apress _ _ UNlOM I'AOUllT-StJllUltllAN THA NS Thono Irnlm nlKU flop nt lllti , nth , 20lh Mrrotn , Sittiimlt unit ynvlilmi Croailnic. mcn'i trains ill not run tiundnr , txavoi ClfllJAOO , HT. A I'Alll'iU I Arrlvus Transfer tliilon Depot , Council lllulTs | Tri\nstor 'CJO p m . Mulit I'xiin-'n " . . . . , ,11" 15 ft m 9.1) ) a in . Atlnntlc Hxiirc'i . . . . ft M p in 500 p m \iHtllinlii 'lnll1'1 j . - | IOi l iii lenvcs lOlllUAl.U A MOUTll\Vlii i.ll.N 1 ArrtuV Iramfiri Union lu-pot Council Hlull < | rnu [ ur 'HI a in . . riiicnKO Kxiru s . dlllp in 5110 p ra . VcHllbulo I.linltuU . . . . ! i kill m 10IX ) 11 m . KnsUrn hirer . 2UOpin BOO p m . . Allnnlli- Mull _ . _ _ 7.1flnju Lcnvus PuuiiiM.o , itlL A "Br I Arrl nV Irnnnforj Union Ik-mil. Connill lllnlT [ Triuwfur l > 'I n ni | .thlc.ik'u Mull ( c-itcepi Huuclay ) u .41 p in C .0 p ml . . . I lilcnKO " " t * H n m 10Ul D ml ( hlciiitn 2UI p in iuvori ic. ir ; ST jm ; s unt Arrlviri 'lrnn ter | Union Depot , Council HliuTa Tmnslor siia CU ; I ) ir Iliprpss A4)p ) m OJOii in OMAHA 1 hTTOlJIsC TAirTvus Union lloiiol , Coiimill lllutls MI63OUU1 r L.u TllA S. JOSEPH GILIOTT'S ' STEEL PEP33. GOLD MEDAL , PARI3 EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS , RflflPIP FEMALE REGULATOR , Sifa lllHUItJ anil Lertfiin to a day or inonoj rn- lunileil. jly mnll Sa. St-nuruly rcnlod from oil- eervallon. COUIC UKJLKUY CO. , Oinuha.Keb. BROOKS BROS , & GO , Importer ! anil Wliolculo Ik'.ilcrsln Watches , Jottcli1 } , Cutlery > otloii3 , fttn cities , Albums , Coat-Collar Springs , Taiiu } Uootls , ic. 1 ardent assorlmi'iit fur KNIFE-BOARDS , AUCIIONEEK3. SIREEIMEN AND PEDDLERS , Ull variety of 5c , lOo and 25o counter COIHU. Our largo anil fullr IllimrJteJ . tMaloirii' . . , 7 iiiallfilfri-i 4IT 4ill\T In ili-iilrrs I'.II.O unlr. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT' EXCHANCE- FOR SALE- JoS.RMcQCATH , [ jy4OMAHA ; - DKi'AurMiiNTor Tin : INTHUIOUvu h- liiKtnn , July 7 , lbK ! ) . hoahd proposils foi furnishing all tin ; nmtorlnl and labor rniutrrd In thu completion of tbn Unltril htatispunl- tontl.iiy at Salt l iiku City. Ulub 'U'ultory. n uoll.is Inthoionstruotlou of a stncLmlo wall ( pifivldi'd with entrunco and scutry boYesllo L'ncloso nhout two auiesof 1 mil of tlio licnl- tentlury ruheruitlon , will berrcoltod nt this dopaitinunt until 1 o'olouk p in , Thursday , July 31. MX ) , when they will l.o optm-d , lllils on the whole work onlv will bo odiislilCMi.il. I'lnns and bpCLllluatlons , bistiiK'tlons to bld- dorH. otc , mar ) > o hum ut t bis dop irtinont nnd at the olllco of tlio ( 'ovurnor of the territory , at halt IaUe Ulty , JobaV. . Noble , hfonlaiy 1J-15-I7-IU-2I Notion to CoiiirnoiH. ) Illds will bo received hy the Konnipjr Oporn llou-o Co.txi l/ullil an opera Iitu o tmd bmlc biilhliiuiit h'i'.iriioy. Neb. , up to Julj Si , It'M. t-l/uof liull lint ; 'ixllfl'/i ' foot and fUoslorlos lilsh I'laiu iiml spui'llh at Ions limy boscen at onrollli'n MI Itiarnoy on imd aflor .Inly 1'tli , I six ) KI lit toioli'U an v nnd all hldn ( ( ; \ ; JH 't K'lAIIM'.V UlTIM IIOUSK Co. TIIK iti3iVi/rv _ _ T.NSTUiniKNl'a placoU on ruoor.l durs ypsturiluvi J Tllopkluwtn J WStrnlRht , part lot 4 , blk ! H llenson add , vr d . . * 200 Copy and eurllllcato to probuto the will of Motrls llL'iitter . . W S UonW and wlfo to N n Carter , lot ? ' , lilUi. : l'ottir& tobb'H add tu boulb Omalia , w d . 3.V ) 5 H Daniplicll to Q K O'I.eary , tax lot 1 In Hl-llwd 1VKX ) Cliirlos Do Hohorti and wlfo to Mrv 0 J Mirks , lot 8,1)1 U 4. Nuwport add , v i ! . 0 J WUrlllllb , truslie. ami < tUo lo V II Kin * , lots , blk 1. Oonkllnc 1'tACo. w d .ilwanl Kohn nail wlfo to r J 1'ennoll , lot ,11 blUO. Jnromo I'ark. wd , 5,000 A K Kllby ct nl lo r. A Tlmnn , lot < . lillt Cu. Ciirtliano add , wd. , , , JTJ VOI.nntrvaiul wlfo to VlllmliiUlil , lot 5 , blk tt. riorxMioo , w d , , . . . . KM Vlllliuu liMcCtituo lo I > .McK Smith , Iots4 andft , hlk 10. Mcl'ornilpk's mill , and lot 7 , blk 2. Hoiil's 1st lultl , 11 u il 1 t II Smith to U I , M odiums Inl.t 4 ami n , blk 10. Mcrormlck's add , q e d . 7,701 I ItMnltli to AI I , Sld'amie. lot 7. blk a , Kocd's Hist ndd.no d , . . . . , . 4.211 . ( slloStnu-rl to P. rt Itixiil , lots I , 7 to IS. l.tto'-.Mdk llots .t ) , in. li , n , in nnd S3 , liUc.Mot 3 , blk 7 , roller k fobb'n MH'oml mid toSittli Onmliii , w d . . . P00 I A Truman to T.I I'ouudl , lot III , hlk 0 , .Ionium Park , i ] o il . ra Vnu I'aiup to.lohti Mi'llowan , lot I' ' , blk 1 , SnnrlHoiuld , w d . . . . . JobnVallioo nnd wlfo to > \ K Vnlii ot al. lot | . > , IhMllok'Mdrmc , w d . Tolin Wi-licr to Itoso.MlllllhaKr , lit lot ? , blk 7. Cole llrllllant. vr d . . . Vlllliuu Viws nnd wlfo to II t ) Vo < , lot is , lledtok's sivond mid , w d . N Un to nnd wife toS S llrxuit , lot II , blk S. SlilmrssiMMi.d add , w d . . . . : outh Oinnha Iiml I'oiupmv to Ui < nn i and Thom.iM btrniiKlen , lot U , blk I.W , fcoiith Omiiln , u il . trnn < foi < I'onult The following permits wvro by tlio luilliliui ! inspector jratcnlayi Jospph Klini'O , lluio brli-U foiinilntloif , 4II .South Twi-ntv-fourtlistrcnt. . i Jullt lli-otol , two-slut v fi.itnn luldltlon , MUeentli ami Locust stii'oti . . . . A 1' . Tukttj. ouo mill ono-liiilf-slory fiimo iliM-llltiK , rortj-tliliil anil 1,000 \ . I' Tul.i'j. one uml om--hilf-storv ! ftamo ilwi'lllntr , 1'oity-thltd and I'li'lKblim Mn-cts 1.000 \ \ \ . Vales , one nml onc-lmlf story fr.imoih\i'llliiK' . Tlilrtj-llrbt aiidl'lil- I'aisostiiH'ts 2..VX ) 'uki'j .t Alli'ii , oui'-stmy fiamo dwell- Ink' , rrol litoii and IhuuiMu htioiUs i.nto I bite minor poimlts sou Total 8,100 A CIiolco IKt of .Siiiiinior ICosoits. In the lake rubious of Wisconsin , Min- nenota , lowiuuul the two Pakotas , thorn tire huiuU'ods of ehaiming looalitii's pro- oinptoilly llttoil for Hummer homos. Among the following belootod list are names familiar to in.tny of out * roadui.s us the poifeotion of iioi'lhorn summer ro- bot'ts. Nearly allot tlio Wisconsin points of interest aio AUthin a hhovt distance from Chicago or Milwaukee , and iiono of them are so f.ir away from the "busy marls of civilization" that they cannot bo reached in tv fo\v hours of travel , by frequent trains , ever the llnest roml in the northwest the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway : Oconomowoo , Wls Clear Luke , lown. Mlnociiita , Wls. Luke Okohojl , Iowa. Wnukcslm , Wls. Hpliit Luke , lowti- Polniyin , WU. rronteime , Minn Tnnmhnwk Lakes , Luke Wls. Minn. rneestilc ! , WU. Oitonville , Minn Kllbouru CitWIs , 1't lor LuUo , Minn. ( Dells or the Wis- White Uc.tr Lnlto , cousin ) Minn. Beaver I.im , Wls. UIT ( Stone Luke , lv- Mmlison , Wls. Itot.i Tor detailed inforai.iUon , apply at tloltet ofllce , 1501 Funwmsticet , IJ.irUor Block. 1 < \ A. NASH , Gen. Atjent. J. 13. PitisiON , I'.tss. Agent. 1G02. Sixteenth and F.trnatn attoots h the now lloclc Islanil tiokot ollleo. Titlc- ots to all points u.ist tit lowest rates. Anil tlioIMoncj llnm Gained 1C'pt tlio Weekly -lUiuicr on Its Poet. Ono day nfter the editor of the Weekly ] > , inner and Homo Journnl hud roturnotl to the ollieo from a trip around the vil lage , ho announced to iho that the paper would susixjnd with that ibsuc. Iww an apprentice at $ ! 2 per u cole and "found , " and ho was In debt to mo and everybody elbe and could raibo no mine suhsorlp- tions'or ad\ortlslny' AVe were lUaeuHS- ing the gloomy outlook when a jounjj limn vlth hawk eye and a thin iioaocatno bustling in. That ho was down on hH luck could easily bo told at a clanco , but that ho was dibcouragod waH not bo clear. "I want two or three days' credit for a little printing , " ho promptly announced. "You can't have it"giowlod the edi tor The young man wan turning away , scorning not at all dibcout.tged , when the editor asked : "Who are you ? " "A fakir. " "What's that ? " "A man who trat els and lives by hla uits. " "Well , you'vo hit the wrong town. You couldn't raise a quarter hero in a wcelc'H talking. I'veworked like a jackass for a year to establish this paper and she busts this \\ook , " "My friend. " said the stranger as ho hat down , "lot's ' KO pards. " "IIowV" 'You print mo some labels and dodg ers and I'll do the selling and \\ol [ whack up. " "What have " you gotV" "Alivot tonic. " "No good. " . "Best thing in the woild. How many people YOU got hero ? " "Twelve hundred. " "Then I'll ' sell 1,200 botllos of my South Amoiiciin livur iiiM'goi.itor at a dollar a bottle. " After seine further talk the editor agreed lo the ptirtnorfllilp. I went to Iho di ug sloro and found 100 bottles of a certain size. Ono thousand tnOrooru tolugiMphud for at Plttsbuig to come O. 0. D. Wo got up a label , got out fiOO dodgers , anil the "invigorator" was imido at the editor'H hotiic. Jt was a mixture of water , raola.sscs , ginger and whisky , and cost about I cents a bottle. When all was ready the fakir wont out on the btrcot. I circulated the dodg ers , and the editor ga\o him a page ad- \ortiaemontinwhat\\o thought would bo thu last issue. Can you guess .what that chap did in faovcntoon days ? Ho made , bottled and sold 11,000 bottles of that "InUgprator , " work ing two other Ullages besides our own. In the mak ing and bottling ho bad three or four to help , but ho did all Iho boiling alone. Children cried for it , and old chaps who had forgotten that they ever had a liver bought two bottles and then eamo luck for a third ono. I BUW ) l , ! < iO counted down on the imposing- stone for our edi tor , nnd ho very kindly handed mo my back salary and a present of $ - > 0. Jt was a godsend to him , for ho squared up , the paper wont on , nnd today it is ono of the liveliest small dallies in the btato of Ohio. My physician said I could not Hvo , my liver out of older , tioquciitly vomited Kici'nlsli mucous , xkin jollow , small dry liutuors on fiico , stomach would not letulu food , Hur- doek liiooJ IJiltors cured mi * . Mrs AdUnldo G'Utlcu , UTJ KxUitmb'o Ht. , Burtalo , N. V. ( "rlukct In Haiiioii. A cricket mania has broken out In the sunny isle \\horo Hobort Louis Stuvon * ' ton I'm1 ? established bis homo. "Crlclcot , " writes a colonial newspaper correspond- cnt rom Samoa , "which was Introduced here a few years ago by some of thomoro onorgotlo Urltibh resIuenU , has now bo- coino a nuisance , owing to thu manner In which It is phijed by the nathes. It Is no uncommon thing to nee a game being played In which the plajors num ber from eighty to ono hundred and iifty a uido und uliic-h lasts for ton days or a fortnight. The nathcs have bo- coino bo cra/.y ever ciiekot that they neglect their food cions during the whole of the beason and tno conseqnonco IH that during tbo great imit of Uio your they are in a bttito of poverty. " The only railroad train out of Omaha run expressly for the accommodation ol Omaha , Council Hhills , Deb Molncs nnd Chicago business is the Koelc Island vchtlbulo limited , leaving Onmba at 4:1 : ! p. m. dally. Ticket otllco ICO .Slxtoonth . ami Fiunum fata. , Omuhu.