THE OMAHA DAILY BEE i WEDNESDAY" , JULY 10 , 1890 , The House Ha ! a Lively Session in Oom- mittco of the Whole. MORE CLERKS FORTHE PENSION BUREAU , It I'rovci n fiulf | : t for nn IKtcndnd Ai-fliimrnt , V Illll Iiitrodnucil tu I'ptiAliin 1V-- IIIOIll'H .Tuly 15. In HIP Imnsotodny Vandover of Oullfornli introduced a bill gmntlng a p'nsioii of $ , < KU ) ujear to the widow of John 0 , Prcniont , lr. C'.i'ition moved that the house go into coinnilttco of Ihuvholoon tlw.blll apiroprl- | ntiiiR'jl''jfor ' m additional foreo to carry into effect the provisions of the dependent pension act. 1'cndlng this amciuhiiMit ho moved that ilebite Iw limited to two hours. Agreed to-yoas 111 , nuysUO. ' ' The tnovloui qnnlion was then ngrcecl to- ycas KW , naysilf mil the house wont into committee ol Iho vhole. Jlr. Decker ) of Missouri nltieUcd llio nn- 4 Jorlty ofthe coinnilttooon npproprlutlons for notiepoitlnifii bill niiikliig an npproprl-itlou ; to ply the pcnslom which would bn nr.inUd under the dependent pension bill , and intl- ' mated thnt tlio falluro was attrllijtablo to po- , lltic-jl n.iHons 'Iho appropriutioii-woald not botnadobi-foio tlio Xovutiiher olcction Mr C'lntumsaid ' the moiicy would bo.ID- ' ] > ropriaUd ; and p.ild Just as inpidlyas imnulon f coitlJlcntes AVJIO Issued Mr. Duckeiy cliarged thnt the majoilty\\as iifTrighlcd hy the HtaitlliiB iiiiproprhitlonu inadx at the present scsilon for nslons nnd tint it was the intention of the nmjculty to bring in an enormous dolldoncy bill after election , Mr Siveis of TOMW pivdictcd that the next session of congress would Ijocalhl uiwu fc tonppropriule no less than MJWI ( ) ( ) to aup- 1 ply ilojlck'iules hi uipropri.itions ] for IKII- uloiis Mr. r.nlonof'IVniiessco thought Unit be- foio any iiicrnnscof foi-ce ( fr-niUS'l the pension buiv.iu It should bo nsi-eitiiineil vheth r the charges brought against Ihu jiresiMiti-oinmlssloiu'r.oifeicd by Mr. Cooper oflndlaiui , Horolnie. Mr Cooper of Indiana snld ho\\ns ready to provo leforea competent coinnilttee that tin- coinniissloiur of pensions outLurcoiisly sold out a ruling on bihalf of n linn of pension at- tomoyslniishlngton. \ \ . If thoconiinissioner of pensions would devote his tlmo totbo dLs- chargoof thcdutle.ofhia bureiu iiisti-nd of becoming irtcsident anil chief maiincor of u i-efrigeiatini ; institution , biscd possibly on no substantial foundation , there would bo none- cc-ssitj for so consldembloanuinberof cleilcs. Mi- Cannon said ho did nut know until last TVIdny thnt Mi Cooper hint Introduced an lnvesllR.itIon resolution. If ho ( Cannon ) had introduced such a icsolutioii and a hearing- was in process ho would milt until the lieur- iiitr was completed. Mr Cooper ic-plicd that the committee , nfter hearing the statement , ndjoiii-iml to meet list Jlondiiy. Hut itdid did not pursue the inquiry bei-aiiho -gentleman from Illi nois ( Cannon ) and other members absented themselves , Mr Cannon said ho had been absent OH Monday Toi the first time In eighteen , years. Tingentleman's ' oaKcrnets voulil seem to show imxlety to liguio in the tieubpapcrd. it inlsht bo tliut the iidininlstratbu oftho pension buiean was corrupt. If It Iwcounpt , let it bo shoun. Prora an iicuniiitancu | of t\\entyu.t M with Circca 11. llaiini , from I his honoiMiilu cineei , the lespoiislblo position hold by him forycaisiii Iho ueoMiry and his unlfnrin good oh aiii'toifrom all these thing * lie would say tint if It should bo true tint in thcio hist days ho bid fallen under tcmptn- i tloii it was a riiio cn e , and fur ono bowould . j .iiot condrmn him until pioof vus shown. ] Mdvinloy said that , o\\lng tOHorlous illness , j la his family , he had not been present at the fi meeting of the committee on uiles towhich Mr. Cooper hud alluded. So far ns the Inves tigation was concerned , If uny gpiitlcmon wouUTiso and ch.irtro Incqualltic ? , or cor ruption , or dishonesty , or unfair dc.ilinir on the pirt of the coin nilssioner , that would bo a Buflldontreason forhimto gi\u \ his vote for Invcstlgnilon. IvJr , Cannon said ho diduotjro HO far M the eoiitlcimin from Ohio. A chni'o ( on the pait of n member ofi-unerusswlio ( frequentlv did notwel li his words ) or ituhidnilnisti.ition against nn c.sei-utlvo oincer wns not Biiilldent to 1111111011/0 the hoiiio to order nn iuvcstlention. It must bo a speilile charge , . for which the representative made himself U'sponsiblc , Ho must state such facts and oiiunnstanocs us vould satisfy tbebouso that an hivcitiga- tlonoutrlit to bo inado. Mr. Houk of Tcimesseo offered an amend- mcnt i > roidlnit \ that persons mploye l under this bill bo apportioned ninoiiB the congress- lonii di trlctsof the states and terri tories tint now having their tniotu of omployes wilder tlio existing law. Hilled outoii a point tif order , ooUo ur botivbonMessrs. Cituion nndlloukcoiicc'i-nlng tha civil scrviii ) law them was conslderahlo warintli uf ex pression. rinullv the coinraltt < ! o rose , the bill past > cil ami thu liouso ndjourncd. Hciintc. WAHIIIS-OTOV , .July If ) . Tn the senate today- Mr , Shiiiuan i-cportod n substitute loitlio bllllnti-Oiluoed byhlni on May 10 to reduce thonniount ot United SUtoUiondi to bn ID- qulied ot national b.inh and to rcatoro to tlio channels of tr.iclo the cxcossivo nivunu- Intlous of Uu'ful money la the tieisui- ) . l"lacod on the cllonduIt irovi ) < le < tint the compulsory requirement , for the do- poslt of Un Unit-States bonds with Itiotreasuior of Hie United SUiti-s In- national banks bo limited In amount to $1,000 , bf bonds for each bank , pruvided that the voluntary with drawal of bonds for thorotlieinentof national bank notes shall not etcocd $ J , ( K , ( ) OJ in aus- inonth ind nlso ] iinvicled tlut the tut shill not apply to the deposit of bonds to bci-uro deposits of imblioinoneya ; nlso pmviduijj tint initloiial bunks beentilleil lo nveivo circu lating notc-s not exi-eecHn > ; tlio vholoninonnt of tlio paviiluo ot Iho bonds ( lope llod and tint at no tnno tlio total ninount of nueli Blnll ou-cod tbu uinouiit of the capital stoek uitiuill ) paid In. The senuto resumed consideration of the ' auiulry olvllapiiroprlatlonbiU. the lirst item beliiff * iK ( ) , < ) OJ forBimDylii | > pnblio hinds , tlio cdinniitteo rsconunenillni ; an Increase to 5iiNKl. \Vitliout dhpoilnjj of the aincudnient the scimto adjoamod Bleoplessnoss , nervous prostntioii , nen-ous dispop lu , dullness , bines , cured bDr. . Wiles' Kenlim. Samples free at Kuhn & Co.'d , llth nnd lou ) ? liw. 1'ailrd to I'rovo Iho Churgo. Mi-a Apthn LUatehfoul , who keeps n bonrdlni ; house on Twenty-lit tlistroot , caused the airest of Charles Furinoi- , colored in dividual , yojtei-dny aftci-noon. on the i-bai-pu of.uiitiwfnlly appropiiutlnj ; lifr poekotlmok nnd the &lllt eoiitaiiiod tohls o\vii uso. She illdn'tsco him take It , but nho was suto lie. \\as the jrulltv lurty , Slio fulled , however , to com luco the jury of tlio eon-eetness of her impro ! iioiis. and farmer was necovdliiKlJ' no- quitted. For beauty , for comfoit , for improvement of thoconimoxion , use only 1'o/zoiil's l'o\v- deithere's ; ' nothing oqunl to. Tlii-o1 VIHIII jsteiH lit. rroultlo , Prank ICoether , John Shenieidla nnd Charles Davis , tluvo yoiinpsters , were ar rested lastovenlntr for stealing u lotof clfiirs , clpai-cttos. pipes ami tobacco from a el ur Morti jjn Tenth stivot between IT.iiiiain uml Ilarnev. The cluiruo is trniiul laivoiiy , bnt ( lie viiluo of tiio property U loss than fan , and the chin-go will bo ehaiiKiHl to petit larceny. Mm Wlnslow's Soothing Sjrup forcbll- ilrontixjthliiKpro.lucos untural , qulot sleup , 83 cents u bottle , % Tlio CVsHlon uf I T3EKMX , July -SpDelal [ CnUefirimi to TiiKlli. * : . ] Kmporor Wlllani will ninko tir- raiiReiuenU for the cei-eniony of the cession of Heligoland din-liii ; his visit to Queen Vic toria. A Geiuuui council will boiipiwlntod for the island before tbo neil session of the rjlohstag , The government destroy to bo jcalded by Iho couutll's \\owa \ , A Ti-nM iiicrnocurii : : : > . 'I wit Ilnc-h llnr is ICIIlcil lf ) a llrukcti ? l tcir Wire. A pair of tmracMvcro klllol by tbo electric motor current lait nixht on Slxteenlh Htivct , Ixtwecn Farnainandllarney. The overhead wire bmkc shortly before midnight nnd about lllteen minutes Liter Charles I'arkcr , who dilvus a Iniek for Frank Xluiore , diovo ngainsl ono of the broken inds thatwas sttlngln nerosj the street. Tbo horses fell instantly when they struck Uiutvlro , but one of the in revalued Ita feet lor nn Instant , only to' fall nifiln when the wlro SUUIIK agiilnst it. Tlio tortuicd mil- innls idokeil ami slru xlcd as the pow erful fluid ran tlivoii li them , anil tlio stndl olHcoi'i hin ; ' hair iiiulbiirnluLr flesh Illli'd thii nlr. An utlciupUvai inado to Kut Ihuni off tlio 'vlre , but before Iti-ouM bo ac- coinpll beilbotlinf llio horses \vcro dead , 'Iho iJilvorcsi-aped unhijureil , n * dIJ nho a pcntldiianaiul lidy who were boinrf driven homo In tlio luuknL the time of the nculdcnt , Tlici'iirient vas not turned oft for u ( | iuir- ler of an hour nller the break uccurred , nnd linctni'iiMIO then sent out to repair the The prompt nctionof the police uiuloiibtcdly kept several pintles from receiving danger ous slioi-ki A doif thnt ran under the \vlio was knoi'ked oviu-nnd disappi-ared yolpln t an alley , Can were kept running on the Hn" for spvcml inlnnti'siift * ' ! thu horses weic hilled , The miiin.d'i wei-o burned ill sevcial vl'lees , and the hnlr win bnrnoil from tliclr bodloi tthoi ) they had rolled on tbo wii-o in their XIMIVIIM : , Teini , .July 13. 'Jhe demo- iratlc eonveiitlaa for the nomination of u fjovomor met hero today Hon. IS.V. . llaptlst \ \ is fliosen tomporarj ( halrniaii and IIon.,1. S Uiclrmlson , member of eonffi-ess from the rifteeulli Jistilct , iioriiiuuctitiluiir- man TIio uniinl ( Oiunilttco was appointed uml u toi'oss t.ilien. At the afternoon session a platform was mloiiled. It endorses tbe iidiiilnistratlon ot ( ! rouT Cleveland ; donoini-es the MeKInley bill ; ( U'liundstlie fieo cohuipo of sllvir : do- nounecs Iho Importation of pauper labor ; i-oiicleinin the republican party for iliserlinination sifitnst ( in terests ; for revolutionary methods In h'Kl'Utinn to pfi-p tuate Us power ; for reckliss squandering of public money for party puiposc * , for corrupting tbe American frainhise , for olTorts to foment sectional strife ; for its attempt to pass a federal election bill designed to engender eonlllet belweeii the nu-es in the soutl , for u disregard of the will of the people ple ; ot' unseatl'iBduly eleeticl dcnioci.its In congicss , etc. , etc. Ono ballot uas taken for governor and a recess had. Some tnfoiity-ll\o or thiity of Mr. Llehto- berger's friends gave him a furo cll biuejuet lustnihtat Maiuw's restaurant. Ilcleiucs forCbicaKo tonS ld , where n position as chief cleik toStipillntendont KdUieWnsonof the Baltlmoi-o & Ohio road awaits him. For the past ten or twelve years no has been con nected ina c-lcrical catucltvwith the Puclllo la this t-ity. Diirhnr this time ho Ins foimcd a peat many eloso friendship * , nnd is iiromlnciitly idcntltlul with a nuiiiher of tlio best social and Irnovoleiit societies. It \vm a merry crowd that sat nrouiul the bin- iiuct table last iiijtht , nncl before dispersing at IU o'ebjtk every ono hud cipres'eil in a little spceeh his sorrow at losing the ansociitlonof so comtmnlonaUo nnd excellent u filcnd. Ainoii these pies- ontweio. AV K Uei-hel John ,1. I'hilbln , Henry I'hilbln , J. 11 McDonald , A. H. HilKir * * , KhcimiinC'aiiflcld , Andv Jiloyniliiti , .luhn Boyd , Jeff. Meue.ith , T. 1C. Biidborough , Koi-ty , ] ' , . ISiiokiiighnin , AV V. Cm-ley , A.lun Suydei , Jolm Douirheity , GCOIKOYldtlock , C.J. O'Uonahuek > oTealion. 1M M'lllen ' , 13. M. Webster , Willl.mi Campbell imd I.ou Lay. * HIIJS IlpU'n Vie i > nl7iil. P. S. Boekwith solemnly suc.irs that he has bern'vidlmljcd to the extent of SO icnts by ono of the llttlo foblei-s Issued by the Omaha photograph company in tlio hands of anuiifcc-riipulons man , The folders are the outgrowth of tin advertising scheme , and by presenting thcnint the stores of ecitaiii mer- eliniiU patrons aio Kiveii coupons ranging in value nct'onllng to tbo extent ofthepnrclinse , tliut-\\lll boneeentodby the pliotodi.ipher in piyitunt for work uthis btndlo , A few lines on tlio back of tbo folder coutnln tbo an nouncement Unit the folder costs but fit ) cents , and that from this small expenditure all of the benellts ot forth may be derived. Ilei-k- ulth nlleKis Unit thcso were the representa tions Unit cum 1) , B. Whitesldo made to him und lie necordiiigly paid NVIilt esldoM cents for the folder , \Vhoii ho prcscntotl It at the studo ! of the Omaha photograph company ho found that It was valueless. Ho now wants toseoMr. White.sidelnsldo of prison \udls , i.nd 1ms IIleu nu Infoimation ag.iinst liim chnrgliif ; him vlth obtaining money by false pietenbes. Ill i PiMlrio Kires in rtns. . ASIONMOTOX , , July IS Tiomcndous praiiiollics hme been rn'Inpwest ( along ; tbo line of the Southern Pnellle railway. No rain fall for JUo weeks and the RIMSS is ns dry as Under. .All the water courses mo dried up and In places \Uiorethoro went once marshes veKOtationburiBlloicely , A number of bead of cattle hiuo boon lost. Many dccrs woi-c driven nt'iiinst baibed wire fences and burned. Vnr.lareas weie cleircdof rabbits and smaller forms of unliniils , Union I'lulUo Stittciiicut. UOSTOX , Mass. , July15. . [ SpoeialTeJecrrnni to Tin : Ihnr. ] Union I'aoillc oMcinlstate- montfor May : Uross eniiilii's.SJlll ( , ! ) IO ; in crease , $ " .ii > , r M ; net , ( l.ija&WiO ; incrcahe , fl5ri * . Tor lU-o mouths to Mav ,11 : ( h-obs , SlO.Wi.sriT ; increase , SOl.'M'J ' ; net , (1,519- ( Wl ; Iiicivasofl81 , ! . A I'nMloi- " \VDIITII , Tex. , July in [ SpeoialTele- irnini toTHBllKi.l-Dr.U * . Mitchell , pastor of tbo Broadway Presbyterian church of Foil Worth , was in-rested today for forgeries rtiiiouutiiii ! to f.riX ) , Ho wiup'laced In jnll , being unable to gho a ? l,000 bond. NViv Vork Cloak Sinker * AVIn. JS'EV Youic , July 13 , The clo.ik makers' strike ended this afternoon by the manufac turers agreeing to disc-barfo all non-union men with thaiiudcrstiiiicllnf'tlmt they woild bo tukdi b.iek us soon as they joined the union. Slc'iuiiiliip j\t llaltimoro The Quecnsraorc , fiom Li\crpool. j\t NortVoik The State of Georgia , fioni Glnspo-w , \t L-ondon-Slfe'litoJi The J > Iaestle , from Nciv Yoilc. Tint Smitli Will Sulk. KINPW Cm , JIo. , July 15. Ex-Oovonior Ciittendcn of Missouri in a letter to the Times states that none of the soiitbein sutes will represent themselves if the north passes thoLodju Icderal election bill. CuiiMliiul Inopl 'n Hit ; III nzc. Cos * < nXTi\oi'ir , .July IB The losses by the ijrcit llio Saturday hit In this city amount to X'1,000,000. , , Tlio Fire llrconl , DEXTO.V , Tex. , July 15. The principal busi ness block burned toilav , entailing n loss of SIW.OOU. Tlio Sliootrr is PAUK , July 15 , The man wlo llred nro- volveroutaldo tbo Eljsco palace yojterday Is insane. N'ntoS. UoynoMa , cilltorof the Tecuiuseh Hcpublleiui , Is In tbo city , N. O , Hnnvn of the Merchants lotel dc- inrted for Chiemro lust iilfht.- Mr. ( loorgo II , Wallace of Tuyctto , Mo. , recently appointed coiisul-Kencrid to Mel bourne , Australia , and his wife nro visltlu 3lr . AVallucu's sister , Mrs , J. K. Camiibell , at No. 1311 Bouth Twentieth street. > WAS LIKE THE OLD TIMES , Mr , Bechel Gives the Council a Lcison on IxpeJitinj Bwiness. THE JAIL JOB TO BE INVESTIGATED. Ijtoatlons N'ntiiPil fur tlm Moxv H-Aildlt Iniiivl Polling 1'i-c * olnotf-This Dctritlvr Onll- iiuiioc Vutuctl , In the nbsenec of President Clmffeo of the city council , Mr. lleelielvv chosen to pre side ut lust night's nieetiiii ; nml tlio way in wlileh lie rushed business through simply us- tonislu'il some of the now moinberi and ro- inliidoiUhe veterans of the d.iys when the business of a big session would be rmhcd tlirouKh itishipslmpoln iicouplo ofhours. The business of lust night's scsiloiivus principally of u jouttno oluructcr. The nmjor presented u cominuniiMtion Hieing the routull totukostcJ.H nec-oisnry to iiierciso Uicniiinborof i llini { places In the various wurds Ixjfore the next election. The in ittor wu rofuTotl to the committee on Jucllcinry. Thoeluimof I1. A. Fox for ? WO iluMiiROS cmsoilby ndefcitlve sewer at Tldrtj-lirat mill Half Ilownnl streets \vu4iofcriod \ to the committee on sewers. David UlluertiiiidJ. II. McCoiinellveio nppolnted boiler mnpcutors. Thomtijor returned wPhout his approval niesoliition intiodiu-cd by &lr. loromty or- tiering the ( trailingof Ihlrty-becotiu street iKjtwccn I'ucltlo streit mid I'onplcton nvcnuo to iiwidth ot Hfty-slx feet only. Tlio veto was Insed on tlio pronml that guiding the street in such mini- ucrould not bo le il unless iuvni\er \ of d.un- uses that might bo occ-islonoilby tlio iiarrou- lut < of tlio street uero Hiai received , Tlio \eto was sustained. The detective ordinance was hilled bv the miiyoi's veto , Insed on the ( trounl tint tbo scope of the proposed ordlnunco seemed to bo to bring all detectives enii'loycil ' by persons or corporations under the contiol of the board of lire iuirt polioo com missioners inut Indireetb under tno authority of the chief of police. Ulio mayor siifitfostea that mi ordinance of the kind "would bo lill light If it rofoned only to profcssiomi do- tectbes and dotoetiio ngeniies and not to inoii em ployed by pilvnte Individuals or cor porations for tholr s-ieeinl detective woilc. i'lioctovns sustulned , Chairman Blikhmisorof Uio bonrd of piib- llo vorks hi formed the couiicil that the 13ar- ber iisphull paving cotnpnii ) , in malting le- pulrsunder their contract , \\iis \ using the old worn out material by nddlng a smull proportion tion of nsphatio cement. The tecoinineiulcd that only now mntcrjal bo used In making ropilrs. The matter was ivfcried to the committee on inning , curbing and mit- icrinj. City Engineer Tillsoii , Building Inspector Whltlock , John 1\ Coots , and Fowler & Boimlorf niudo a report that tlicy had nsrectl with Mi , 31. * Ilolliiun upon a [ ilanfor strengthoniiifj and seeming tlio Hill- 111111 block at the corner of Tlilrtconth imd LAii-mmi streets. The report was ftpprovcd. A petition for the location of a lire engine liouso nt Thiitlutu anil ypuuldhig streets -\\iis \ referred to the cominitteo ou 11 round \vatcr- woiks. Another ronuest for the repeal of the swi- tary commissioner's oiilinaiico vus made by the cesspool cleaners. The request was re- fe.ueil to the committee on Judiciary. A lonsthy protest ntf.iinvt the proposed milk ordhmmo was referred to the coinnilt- tooou jutHeisiry. A protest of the B. &M. against piying a pnitof the cost of the clc-c-tilc light on South .Twentieth stieot was lefcriod to the commit tee on gas tl"d electric lights. llioork of prqviriiiR tlio city tax list was referred to Deputy City Ulerii Coimsitwn , with instruction to employ the ncccsiary help tohiivolbo uorkdonc. The city tittoriiey as Instructed to tnko thu necessary steps lit Mice to have thu boun dary line between Omaha and South Ouiaha dcllncd. A vcsoliilion was introduced by Mr. \Vhi-elcr iiistriiiting tlio watmvoiks Com pany toluy inaiiisou nil streets to bo paved duiiiiKtho coming year , ' 'is wsolutlonwas introduced to oiitorco a charter provision und and in neooidanco with an opinion of the city attorney that the city has nuthoiity to require tholayinp otnuilns without ut the biimo time orderins hjdraiits. The resolution was re- feu'ed to the cominitteo on iiro and water works. The mayor and citv cleilcero Instructed to huvo tholr iiiitnc llthogr.iphcd on the coupons pens of the city bonds. . .Thoboimlof vublic woiks was instructed toordtr the Omaba street railway company to operate the street car line on Leaven- worth street from Twenty-ninth atixHJt to the Belt Hue rnilway , A. i-esnlutlon was adopted Instructinf ; the street sweeping contractor to sweep all ji wed alloys at least once a month. A resolution AMIS adopted rciniirliiK tlio B. &M. lailwiy lompany to remove the piers of the Twentieth stioot , bridge that tire an obstruction to public travel. The sidewalk Inspector \viis allowed f-5 n month for horsohiro. Thonrdiminco ordering the change of the ( jrnclooC Twelfth street from At ho r to Elaine , \vns , on UiCRtruigtu of a batch of jirotests , icjoctcd. Ord'nanccs ' cro jnsscd cmitinp a paving district 011 I'iiio street and opcnmg Canton stivetfroin'i'hlitoeiith sti-cot to Tourtcenth street. The cominitteo on public property and buildliiRs and a cominitteo of the tire and po- Ike commission pruciitcd a report uvojii- mending the location of thi/now lire engine houses , 'Jho repoit was adopted and tlio coinpttoller was instructed to udvcrtho for offers of sites for engine honbca liitho follow ing locutions : Within two blocks of Sixth and 1'auillc stiects , within four blocks of Twentieth nndVintou , within two blocks of lid Crc'ightoii avcnuo and Linian ttreet , within four blocks of Lowe u\enuo \ und Ham ilton street , \\ithiii8ix blocks of Twentieth and Locust , within four blocks of Thirtieth mid SpauldiiiK , within tlneu blocks of 'Jhirty- elxtb and Jaclsson. The paving ordinance adopted at the last mcotinpr of thoeoiincil as icturned by the mayor for correction and adopted In the cor rected fonn. Mr Diuls unil Mr OConnor had alittlo lound twain over the jail Job. Mr. la\ls ileniandedii inoro coinpleto liivcstigatinii of the job. Ho Slid ho had been net-used of IrrcKuhirltlcs iiKliischnruo of the work , and ho v inted the committee to either make n ro- portrelieUnfjhim of the cnargesor substan tiating tlio charges. Mr , O'Connor give a vugno explanation , coupled \\lth some ndditionnl cliargcsof ir- iCKiilnrlty iu tlio vork. The goutleinenevu petting decidedly jier- sonulin theirromurks vhoii.Vctiiu President Hechel called them dowi by refusiiif ; to hear nnymoru\vningling unless a report vas pio- bcntod. After the other business of the mt-etlnRhnd been disposed of , bo\vo\cr , Jlr. O'Connor aslced thattlieconunittpo , composed of himself. Cooper and Jlcl-.eirlo , bo dis- chniBed and a new coinnilttco bo apwlntoJ. | On motion his request was grunted and the clinlr iip | intcii Blmner , Kuspur and Sander as n now committee , with Instructions ex amine tlio Jail Job and to rcjoi-t the icsultof their lincstigatioiis to the counill within two weeks. Tan Houtm's Cocoa Pui-c , soluble , eco nomical , Tlii Cliootau * I ottory Company , Tuns/re * , .July in-SpcchilrrtileRramto [ Tnr Kcp.l Itseuns that the proprietors of the Uhoctaworphan asylum lottery company ha\e not abandoned the scheme yet , U'hoy dedftro that the United States govormneiit has no iljjtit to Interfere and that they In- touil topioc-cd to hold a ( h-uvlng and test their rights. A meeting was held at Antler's on .Sunday , the pwoculngsofwhich ha\o not l/ocn miwo public , but It h under stood thit itwas decided to have iidriuUn atan enrly day. As the net of congress , up- proved ] Maya. 1SSO , positively forbldi lotteries ies In the Indian , territory , It Is Interesting to know how far they will bojujrinltted to go. Wroek on tlia Iliirlington. nrumoTos- , July 15. A wreck hot - tren the nurllngton * * Kll" express nnd n freight occurred across tlio river from hero at 1 o'clock , It Is not thouijU aujoue was hurt , ' 't.VSCOlS. Vjirloiii IVuys Mother * Unvoor ? Ia c. INK IniUntH Iioly. ( Ill Irolniul n b t uuulc of woim\ns * hull1 is placed nboutiu-lilld tu keep liiirm avny. - ( liifllu , Kilt , tii-iti mill stcuk nro put into tlio eiiidlo of a now-born babe In IIolliuul. Houmtuiltn mmliorH tlo rc 1 rlljbons around the luikk-s of Ilioir flilldrcii to pit".ov o tin-in front harm , while IMlio- iiim mothers nttach bitn of nssafu'tida ' to the nciks of tlwli * ( illspilnp , Welsh motht'i'fc jnu n pair of tonpa era a , knife In the traillo to Insure the s.ifoty of their ulilldtun ; the knife is used for tlio yjinio IIUI'IHJSU In Homo uirtsuf Kny- hind. hind.Among - the Vosjjos , peuXmt childi-on born lit a now mooiiaroBupi > oseu toluivo their lonyiies butter liunir thnn others , llllotho e bom at tlm lait quirtei' arc supposed to have loss tonguu but letter reasoning powurn , A daily-liter born durini ; the waning moon is ahuiys pro- COl'lolH. At the llrtlinf nchllil in Lower Bi-it- tuny the iioljriiborliitr women tuko It in ohai' i ) , \\iiHhlt , euicUlts joints and rub its hend vlth oil to solder ita eninium bonus. 11 is \u-uppedlnutiprlit bimdlo ami itilimuro uimuintcd with linindy tomako ita full Uioton. The Grecian mother , b.'foro putting lior child In iUfiMdle , turntluoo llinus mound btforothollro while siiifjing her f.vvorllo bonfjftomdolV evil hpli-its. In Hcothmdlt issaiilthnt to rock tlio empty ciMdlo will In.-niro the coming of othuroccupants for it , The London inothcijilucci n book under the hend of the oiioM-bom Infant , Unit It may Iw qululi at reading : , anil puts money into the lath to { , ' " ' ' anteo its wealth in the future. IMm Tudcish mother lo.uls hot * child vlthiuuiilotHiis .o.n ) s it Is Irani , nndii srliall bit of mud veil stocpod In hot \\ator \ , piopared by jiievious eluu-ms , Is btuek on Its foi-c'liwul. In Spain , the infjinfs face is swept withu pliso tieo bouyli to briny good luck. Kltoat TH13 .VNewnntl Iiiipurlunt Iiidnsti-y I ) vcl- oilm [ ; ( > ii ihcVcht \ Count. A now Industry which 11 siii'iiiglng-up In southern Califonilii , \\liicliproni- - Isoa to dovolon into yictit proportions , Is inackorel iishlii } , ' , sajs the Los .Anyolos Times. Last your "W. II , Mnut-k-o , an unterpi-lslng produce jobber of tills city , saw the line opening which oxibtcd and stalled wmiomon to catching inuclcorol olt Catullna Wiiml und salting thorn in approved fashion. About twenty bu-- rold wore put up , nnd the-o , , utilised us Hiinipley , iniulo suc-h n f nro ruble iinpics- sion that it wasdctermlncc ] to iiut up a supply for the tudethis joar. 'i'ho sea sons pack already has commenced at Cutnhna , and it promises to bo very suo- Tlio onlv trouble wltli the lislies Is an cmbarrnvimcnt of riches. The hdiocls of fish oncoun- terccl aio boust that it Is iinposiihlo to driuvanet nromul one , and , a.s only a poitlonls included in thosweoptlioy got stalled on nrunlikoa llockof sheopiind the miiior portion Che.ipoVhcn \ a smull t-cliool is cncoutitcrcd the bcinl < is more Hiicccx&ful. This mason's pacli will be fro in 500 to 1,000 barrels of liwh , and Mr. Morrisex- l > eets to supply oldersas fiu- east as Denver and pob blj Kansas Uily. The lisharo snlcl to bo very line , ranking with tlio iinportcd braiid 'bloiiler mess , " and lueraging one aiul throc-qunrtev jiouudbeuclu clichstcl.rery few of this choice brand re.iuli Uio co.isb through the dealers , and these vhich do are sold at fancy prlccs-about 2.J cents a pound. The juorajro supply of this coa-st is rated as No. It , nnd commands , at wholesale , from $2 1 to 825 a bai-iol. The chances aio tint the Pacific coast will shortly bo called upon to supply a share of the imukerel tiado of tlio country , as tlio mack ei el fisheries of the Atlantic coa t are lomarkaldy short , Forty fish ing vessels A\hioh iccontly entered Gloucester had not more than enough for a good comuleinent for ono. Mr , Muurico is to lie congratulated on his stiokoof cnlcrpritc , and ho is doubtless leading oil in a gieat Industry. ij ; Hearts in Smok . In Cuba a woman jjoes thiough the world in sin easy , bhiftless sort of away , lounges only too gracefully in a liaiii- niouk , or lolls In her vockin < f chair , her mind intent on only one idea how to keep cool. The grace cf the woman Is set off by the marvellous way with vhich she u-'OS lior fan. Not for a moment ' is it tit rest ; it flut ters , waves idly , is opened and slmt in the spueeof abocond ; falls to the side , and again rises totulcopait in the con- Mjrsntion , Thotypo of the fnco which beamsnbojo every fun in Cuban high life Is dilllcult to dctcribu. The complexion vailes from olive to Mlille ; dcop-blnek hair islhopi-uniloat line ; but the eyes ! Luminous , dreamy , so laitfo , dark nnd vivlcl. L-uSonorlla , with hoi * certain child like frankness , but with a provoking rlohncHS nnd llroof nature in her feat ures , on&narc * many u lienrt as she sits at her open -\\indow tuirltiiff lior fan and watching the curling snioko from her dfjaiolto , and while she Is Kept under Iho fill-iciest Mirvcillancebhe Is auomnn and lomnntie , and nunyaro the proofs that "stone wnllbdo notapribon imiko , " HI MViu ( u's ' rii'i ; . Tliclteinains of Olio Ho MuoUcd at School Ouiicd In Aniorluti , "This is all th at.I liavo left of n plpo which 1'rincu tlisinarck used In his school days , " The speaker vas Jndfjo S. Goclhuen King , who loaned far back in his easy oillco chair as ho spoke , and hold up in his him da cherry pipostem about u foot loiiff , t-ajH an Atlanta dliijateh to the Olobo-Demoerat , How did I come into posbe > isioii of it1 the judge said , "It was In this way. You see my biotlicr , Mitchell C. King , went to hehoolwith Bibinnrek wlion ho VIIH nbtudontat Dr. Beckor's famous uuliool at Piiinkfort-ou- thc-Maln. They were class-mates and roommatesVen [ ) they wcio about to Ica colloHO they exeluitifrod pipes , for you know o\ery Gorman student has his pipo. ' Well , lltchcll broucrht tlio iilpo which tlio future clianccllor gi\\o him in oxchanifo for his own to America \\h\i \ him , anil It fell into my hands , for I'm a great smoliur , yoiibeo , The plpo was qulto a pretty ono , I'ho bowl Was nuulo ol fine clilna nnd had a cameo likeness of Bismarck on the front of It. The stem was aliout twlco us long as it is now , for it has lieon trimmed very often , I have smoked it a thousand timcb and never enjoyed a plpo more. Mitchell and Blsmurck weio very -warmfriends and corresponded with each other for yearn. In fact they donoy , I think , Some times ago some body in America , wrote Bihinarek alot- tor. uhkinRhlinlf ho line\vunybody on this side of the water. I To replied that ho Unow and corresponded vlth two men in the Unlled States , ono vns Mitihell C. King and tlio other Dr. llmory Cotlln of Aikcn , S. C. Mitchell , my brother , is now 70 years old ana U llrhiL' at Flat Kook , N. I' ' . " "Ilow old isthobtoin ? " "Well , it's hard to say. Lot inoseo. Mitchell brought It oror with him } n 1S3- ) , that malfos It lifty-llyo joai-nold , and I don't know how old it was then. It IB an intero itlnir memento , and I prize It very highly. " SEWS ABOUT THE BLUFFS. James E. liloOormack , a Orcston Attorney , Suicides lit the Tremont HOIISJ. HE TOOK SIXTY GRAINS OF MORPHINE , i- Hwlln of the Union Dcjiot Coinpiuiy niul Iti3 Hnll- rend M. manors - Union Dle- 1 > I rectors. " .Tamos T. MeCoriiuiek , nltoniey-aHaw , Creston , In Divorce * n spec ! illy , " wa ) the legend homo by n p vl of letter heads ly hit ? on ntableln ono of tlicrooms of the Treinont lioiisuon Broadway list crcnlni ; . Slttiii ) ; beside - side tlio t lilo on a ch.iir. his nerveless Hnsi'w still piaspliiK n pen and Ids ojo.s dliiiincd by the Klao of death , silt a hr < o , poucrfnl man vlth sunliurned face and scanty gray hulr. On tlio Hoer at Ills feet Inld abottli ) labeled , "sulphate moiphln Powers & Whit man , Philadelphia , " Thu cor'.c with Its tlufoll wrapper laid near It. The bottle wns entirely empty. A piece of red striped tissue p.ipcr ami a roil cotton conl such as diugKists ure , Mhowed that the bottle had Ijocn rocoiitly piuvliiso.l , butthoro was no label to show from \ \ lioin , The appear ance of the man ladle1 itcd that ho hud .swal lowed the dcatllv dose long enough bcforo to bo completely undoi its lutluoiiee nnd beyond the ix'.ich of human aid. The bottle hnl con tained sixty grains of the drug and he hnd taken all of it. The iiuiii caino to the Treinont house four days HBO. ami rop'st red the name Riven above , nnd fja\e Cieston as his aiMrrsi Ilo stated that ho hnd Just retiirneil fi-om the west , whcro ho and a pirtiicr had lostnboiit fJioO ( ) ( in mining speailations. lie stalil iiroiiucl the liotet very closely , and kcomeil very desiiondciit. mid frequently ronnrkeil that ho could dl'covcr 110 rcn'ionliy \ ho should llvo tiny longer ; tint ho was sixty yeais old , and penniless , nncl believed that when a man waeheil the condition ho had ur- rlvedathu owed It to himself , his friends nnd the uorldto termhiato his existence as quickly iw possible. Immediately after dinner ho ictlrcd to his room and iciiinincd tlirre all the afternoon writing lettcij. AVhen the girlwont to hU room to call him to supp--r at 0 o'clock she found him in tlio condition desciibod above. Assistance was quickly called and the nun put to bed uiicl \vntteriminsuniinoiuil , buttho spurkof lifo had almost entirely iled when the phjsiciun arrived. Tlio stomach pump was implied nnd a large qnnntity of thonnasslmil.itcd drug was brought up , and the most powerf ul stiiualants given in vain , uiulnn liour and nlmlf Kitorho viis dead. The letters ho had wiltten bait been mailed , but scvcrnl sheets of paper hud been written over and torn up. Housed Ills owa envelopes as well as letter lieads , nndoa the corner of tliein wis printed , "James P. Me- Connaclt , attonieyat ln\v , notary public and criminal lawyer Divorces nnd pension claims specialties Oregon , la. " The dead in inas taken to Estop's under taking establishment nnd pbuccl In the morgue. He was a large , Jloshv man , and would \\eigh nt least S-IO pounilh. Ills left foot wascloforniO'l ' in the manner cpiii'nonly known as club-foot. Thorn wns nothing found in his effects that wojlcl throw any acl- dltloiialllghtuponhlsldontlty. Ho had but 05 cents Iu money The coroner will hold an inquest at 10 o'clock this morning. Tlio Union Depot I'l-njoot , The ( llrectora and stockholders of the Union depot company and the represcnta- thcs of the Mirious railroads interested lield a meeting in the ofllcoofVrlght , Baldwin & Ilahlano at 10 o'clock yesterday for the pur pose of settling the question of the right of way and approaches. All of the ron Is vero represented , the Union Pncillo by Thomas L. ICImbnll , theMibvaulico by A , .T. Burling , the Noithwcstcrn by J. M.Vldtmnn \ , the Rock Island by A. Klmball , the Burlington byW. C. Brown nnd Vice President Wilson , und the Omaha it St. Louis byV. \ . H , M. Pi sey , trustee , and Fr.mliM. Cault. Three routes f lom the cast were submitted to the five roatts approaching irom the cast , and ono route from the west lor the tnlon Pacllicnudtuo Northwestern. These roites have been survejed hy tlio engineers of the companies under the direction of the depot company and were found to bo satisfactory in all respects. The president and secre tary of the Union depot company weio author ized to purchase the western nppioach mid were also instructed to ascertain the cost of the eastern appioachea between tbo present tlmo nnd the t3th inst. and foiward thoesti- mates of cost to Chicago , where Iho represen tative ) of tlio cistein lines will holil a moot ing and determine \\hlchof the tlueo i-outes to adopt. When this Is agreed upon the union depot company will bo instructed to buy the right of way. The inciting was very harmonious , anil there were no symptoms of friction or dis- sitlsfaetioa with any of the proposed arrange ments , The meeting adjourned -without fixing a dito for tlia iicU conference , loiufng Presi dent 1'usoy the privilege of iMllinj ! the next meeting , -which will bo immediately niter the letircsentntivcsof the eastern lines mod and adopt the loutofor tlio eastern approach. 9 If you \\lsh to sell your property call on the Juddfc AVells Co. , C. B. Judil , picbideiit , CX ( ) Broadway. A good lioso reel free vMi every 100 feet of hose purchased at Uixb.Vs. .r. C. Bixby , steam heatln ? , sanitary en gineer , Oil Llfo bulldinir , Omibai OJ Mcr riam block , Coancil IJlufts. SPECIAlj FOl" THIS IVIMiJIC. At the Itostnii Store , Connrll Ilium. LADIUS' MUSLlN UNDEUWEAll. f CORSET COVJ1US. line eor.set co\c-3 , all sizes , lace trimmed , bargains i"c nnd a'.lc. A full line o ( better goods In allslzcsat 50e , 5Sc. Wo and 75e. Nlsht dresses 50c , 75c , 8"o , 9 > o to ? Il.OD. Sliirts , all tilminecl nnd tucked , (5'.le ( , TSc , 60c , fl.OOup toW.75. Cheapest goods nt 50cto 5Se , tucked only. In chemises 23o , D'Jc , 50c , 5bc , 87c , 'Jjc ' to (1 . 9. Drawers to matdi all the nliovo , COllSE'I LISP. Light weight sateea corsets ( good vuluo ) r 0e. Our Town Talk corset ( lap back ) 7f5e , Ficnch cantil corset in dr.ih , wblto nncl ecru , 7f > c ( special price ) , Our ONE DOLLAR LIST , Warner TS'o. IKKl , Corallne.TanipIeo , Madam Nora , Uuplcx , Ball's II , P. AVarner's Ko. 411 at (1.25. "Kiumliiio at (1 ( 25. "Warner's health corset atfl.SJS , Misses' ' walit JBc , ftOenndTfic. lll.ickcorsets , ei.itt 10 ? . ) . , fast black. ladies' wabts ( Warner's ) $1.00. Ladies' waists ( Hall's ) $1,25. " \Vo are showlnpoversovcnty-flvo dlfTorcnt stjles ofcorsets nt prcsout Bo convinced wecan suit jou inunykiiidof ncoi-bct. IIOS'l'ON S'l'OIUC. Council UlulTs , la , Jlnndcl & Klein nro offering great Induce ment to housekeepers during tluso hot days. \Vo are receiving new goods d.illvund can offfrgreat bargains inenrputs , bedding , cook stoves , \Vowishtoniiko loom for our fall stock. Wo lunild bo pleaded to have jou Hgurolth \ us for cash or on the installment r > l.m.'a \ \\\\i \ \ ship all goods fi-eo of charge wllhhi u radius of 10U nil lea , lieinenilior. MA\mit JVIKI.V , U'JO Broadway , Uiilnn Jllevatut-Mectlnt ; , Tlio loardof d live tors of tbo Union eleva tor hold a meeting yesterday afternoon in the ofllco ofVrlght \ , Iliilihviu & Hnldinc. Thomas L , ICinihuH representcxl the Union l3 < icltlcJ , , > I AYIiItinaii the Is'orthn-Obtcni , John ( Uvon the Hoclc Island , A J. Harllng tlieMlhvaukoo \ . II , M.I'us y the trustee , tlio Omaha , t St , Louis , ami J. W. lllythotbo Burlington. Tbo meeting vas for the purpose of elect ing directors uad oBicors for the ensuing year and leasing the elevator. The old board wu re-elected , consisting of Ulytho , Given , Klmball , Whitman , EarlliiK and Pu-oy. Thomas L. , Klmballtn oleetoilpresWc-nt. A. .T.Karllng , vice president , und 11. A.Saydor , sccretiir > und tivnsnwr. But t > vo lilcls for the lenso of the elevator for the on'iiintf year were submitted , nad they cnino fiom 1'cavy it Co. , Mliincapalls , and C. T. Brown , Omaha. The president was Instructed lo formulate tlio lomo and submit It to the paillcs who bid , for satisfactory adjustment , \Vo \ iloso our .store at (5 p. in , during warm weather. Mueller music company , 1UJ 3Iulit stiect. J. G.Tlptou , real c tnto , 5U" Ih-ondwny , To llejjiilut > .Molor tfp Til. City Attorney Sto\virt is engine. ! Iu drift ing an ordlii nice upon the request ot thu city council to rcculito the speed of motor train * , electric or otbcrivlso , nnd horse CUM running on the various lines In the city , or upon ml- dltiomil lines thnt tnuy bolnilltlii the future , 'i'lic oiilinnnco vlll bo submitted to the coun cil at its next meeting. The streets upon vhlch Hues ro now oper- atccl nro mentioned , nnd the speed of the trains running upon them is loft ? ulunk for tbo council to till up when tbo ordinance ? is debated. "The general disposition of the members of thoeouncll , so far us I have been able to ascertain , " snld nn alderimin yester day , "Istollx tbo sjieed nt no point In the business part of the city at more thiin six miles an hour. Thai may bo considered too slow , but it is as fustas any voblelo oughtto bo permitted to pas along our cio\vdod stieots , Tlio objection islhiit It is toj.slow , and the contrast ol oil r six miles nn hour with Clilca- py.s ilfteou nrc not uniiiiswcrublo in favor of nhiglier i.ito of speed. In Chicago nil the sheet travel Is conducted by cabs , Imssesnnd i ibloi Women do not try to eioss the streets diagonally und wheel a Inby c.irri-iRO liefore tliem , niul tlici-o nro few i-ountiy people's teams with their given diivors to got In the way und lv rundoun. Hut bore II is differ- nit , nnd a iiighcr raid of speed than six miles mi hour is dangerous and should not bo per mitted. " "I'm in f.ivoi of letting tbe street cnrs go just uboutns fiMt us they can , " snM another aldoiinun. The stock urcuuicnt of the farm ers and town grandmother all over the country against the building of rail- loads a few jears ajjo was the nssoitlon thnt tbo Inconiotlvis would frighten the hoisos to death , mill mike It nn- snfo to over dno n team wltlilu hearing ills- tuncoof tuiin. But PIPKI-CSI anil rail raid building were notaries ted uy tbo ob- ' lections of u fe\v old women and'ncrvous borsci.flho horses qnlc-kly bei-iinu nevus- tomed to the i iekU , and now them is not u ( HirrulouHOld uoiiinn in llio eouutrv who ob jects to tlio building ofu railroad" for that reason. I inn satisfied , however , that tbo 01-1111111100 will pass , With tlw present status of altnlrs between the city nnd tbo motor compiny tlio latter can searcoly bo held ac countable for miy accident that might occur They violate tbo ordinance ) ug.iinst fast driv ing every mlnulo In tbo day , und they should not be permitted tohuvonny lights tint nio 1 not enjoyed by tbo private citizen " Dr Boners'ofllcemoicd to20 y. Main. The Manhattan sporting licadquartco-fls Broadwnv. TIn > ChaiilaiKina A seinlIy. At a nicctinftof the executive rotuniittco of the Council llluffi.ind Ommu Cbauhuqua nsscinblj held Monday evening , July II , thu lolloivliiy resolutions weio pissed : t. The coininltto N fully sitlsfledvlth the llllllNC'lulU'SUlt of ( MSalllllllUtt < 1 faWJIlK l < > a ulusi1 , and Hols ti-iiutoil of Iho fuliiioRiieui"s ( if Hie ( 'tHiiii.-ll Ithilla and OinnbaClii.uUiiiu.i assdnliv ! i. In order fully to slimv IH cnnflilciico the coinnilttco \ \ Mies lo announce tutlui public thai It liis alu'ady di'tcimliuul to ii-eiiKi o nil Iho lulmlpiil noi-KiiM and nltrautloiisuf tliopioscnt sis > loii ; iiul to inM to theiiiii niim- bi ; i of Hit moit brlllliinb spoulca-i , most ac complished musicians nnd lluiioujli In-triict- 01 si lint money can proem e a. Tlioilntufnr tlio uic'otlintof the assiunlily fni Ib'll will bo icadyfor unnouiiuuiiiciit by Ki icluy of this \/ccc. ! 1O. . ( ! [ , iisof , \i. \ W , TULLRVS , ni Ni .r 13 , llAiir , II. ll.VANllllUNT , I ) . W.MUllfcllMlll. i\ecullveCoiiiinlltcc. : J , M. Ounstnn , lieeoicllng bo-reliry. : Iho lad from Keel Oak -woke up , as usual. crjlng , yealerd-ay inornin ; . He bad just discovered the billed word Omaha -was in the title "Couneil Bluffs and Oinaliii Cliau- tauqua. " Ho insists It should bo dioppcd , and Omaha should bo tolil to go to-be did not carj whore Tbo Omaha no\\spiiiors | have contributed moie/ dollars to the Chau- tauipiatbantbo Council Ulnffa papera have cents , or sense. Mr. Kosewatcrput in .V)0 ) , Mr , Hitchcock fi50 nad qtliera llkeviso helped tin ; ChuutaiKim In cash , not In cheap advice. Would the lad fiom Itcd Oak look up the size of the subscriptions m.idoby lilui- sclf and Idspredeecsaorsf Perhaps ho holds enough stock in the Gluutawiua to oto down the hated vord Omaha , if not ho could doubtless secure the Omalia stock at boiuo- \vhat less tlim par. la this connection the remark is mndo by ono of tbo management of the Ch.mtauqua that in looking o\or the ctowds who have at tended tbo Uhautaiuiu.i the ab.scnco of Coun cil Bluffs people has been noticeable. Tlio proportion of tbo homo folks who weald nat urally bo expected to appear at thcso entor- talnmcnts hns beui &m.nler thim the nmiiagc- had the riglit toexpeet. On the other hand , considering the inconvenience , expense and additional tlmo rciiiiivj ] on the part of these living in Om.ihi , the attendance from thnt city has been remarkably lirgo For a homo piper , whieb has done little In stinting and less in helping the Clmutnucjuo , to now begin to tell Omaha people to stay on their own sldo of the river is to bo nccoanted for only on the theory of verdancy , The proci-iimmo jostcrclay was an excel lent one , .tticl the weather beiuic cooler , tbo attend nice was somewhat larger tiian on some of the sultry days. The contort given liy theSchubeit < | uaitutto was the event of the day. The assembly Is fnst appronchlnijn finish. Dnt three days mme reiiinin. Homo ( rood vhichas been left for this p.nt of the Today Is recognition day. Tills forenoon there Is to bo n lecture by U. < ! . Ilorr of Jllehhran on "Tlio Labor Problem. " Ho Is ono of those , men vho tun use nonsense to in.ikoKoodscnso tbo plainer. Ho h always heirt innst nnnllnlU- . mill his liirtnri1. are o\cr listened to mostcacreily. In tbo afternoon thora will ho u meeting ol the Chautmijaclasses at3 o'clock. The pro cession will toim and maicb totbotnbcrnacli wboro the recognition service will boheli and an addrcasik-lUcrcdby itov. Dr. Glllet The diplomas \vlll then bo conferred. At I o'clock Dean NVright will conduct ( bible study , At 4 : 'M llioro will ho a concert by the Sen u bert quartette. In the evening Prof. J , B. D.'Motto will do llverhlsleeturoon "Sounds'brilllintlyillns tratlng it by sjciontlllo expurhnoats aiid pro Jectlons. Dr , II. S. West , porceHIa crown and bridu-i work , No , 12 i'e.u-1. I desire to most cirnestly thunk Di-s , Hail imd llowers for tbilr Hklllful troatmontof mj Halo daughter In amullt'nant attack ofdlnh tliorli. 1 consider their treatment saved hn life. TIIOMAH MVICM.I.Y. HoVs Nut Crn/.y , Tbotlinoof tbo superior court yesterday was taken up with Iho case of Uoorfo Alnakei vs Hugh Dowling. The plulntllT introduced evidence to dhow that ho was not considered insnno by imy of those vho had known him for jeai-j , and that when Dowliagcoinplaliicil of Inin , uud had linn taliea into custody as an Insana person , Itas an net of pure cussed' ness and splto , Tlio supposed cause for tlila net on tbo part of Howling was that M nicer , whoh.idworln'd for him , had sued bun for blspiy. There vas \cry itroni ; evidence brojtfht hi to support the tluory that Dow- lliiKliadiietod maliciously. Thcrcj was one moio witneas for the plalntilt who hnd beer called nway by the illnosaof a child , and would not bo able to appear until tod.iy , .TuOjo McUcowaanot feelini ; well , and bolt comniodato both parlies Ilia court was d < juunie.l about it o'clock until this inoiiiliip , Mure lltoulrlc The comtnlttco on fttrcct lighting in the council nad several ivprojentatlvc.s of the giunndcloctilo llifht rotnpiny wci-o out liub nlfiht for the purpose of loMtlngaddltioiml arollghls on the streets. Tlio contract with the romp my that has been furnishing tha gnsollno lumps has expired , and the council f has condudid to try some experiments with arc lights to tnko tholr places. It has been estimated tint eighteen nro lights properly located on street eorncis will bo sunk-lout to light about nil the .toirltory that Is now cov ered by the gnsollim bunion , fiiidglvoa great deal bolter sitisfuctioii unit cost loss , 'J'ho commltleo was Instruetecl to look Into the inattoriind locate the nninbor of lights sup posed to bo nocessniy to accomplish the do- siivii ivsiiH. , nnd rcpoit nt the next incethiij of the council. The members of the committee unit Iho elect rlo light people were out until after nilcl- niitht , mid Ihlnk that their investigations will cniiblo thoni to nnkn nvcrysatlsfai'tory rciKirt. The location of the luldltioniil lights ot ho nmdo public until the I'ominlttco'.H Is roiul in tlio council , but it U under stood that Main street Kots two , Benton nncl Harrison streoUs oneoacli , vhcretho shadow.t of tin- lives shuts out the Unlit from the to\\er.s , niul 1'atrmount pailc two. SPEOFAL"NOT10JBS COUNCIL BLUFFS. "L10IIMOrwlll ! ll.ido for il gociil rn.ut Ji i CM in , stiillliuiNii. MV ) , ri''lsleii'd InVnl - Ince. lly lr Ai-elilluibl , dim hy Kentucky C'liy. 'ijeiimild. Apply to Dr. Mnorae. Mrs , A. I1 , llnii- chelt , I.'O ! ! .l-2Nr . Two iron I nuiuuin liousos. \v7 or. ! ! S 1'eni-l ' slruiM , i " | jliU8AU' Omul dnift lioi-vc i linpitiu nb - * N Ic Jciiiilngs' ' tin i n , upper liniiid\uiy. \ AKl : or KotO nilon laud \ \ \ \ \ \ -L1 houses , by J. U. Ulco. to ) Main st.Cotiiioll Ilhiirs. ANTKII-A post t Inn ; cm uliti loit : of rof- oreni-tsi KOIH ! oAiciiiifn | In groc'i-rv unit -riil liii-liicss ) also lniiilikui'iiliig. Addli'.sH HU , Hie oillco , Oouiioll IMmrs. " \y IIV pay rent wnen yon can liny nbonicori i tno'-aiiic ) tt'inis , and In east ) of vmirdiutlx utuiiylliiiulo.vvoyoin family tlio lioinu on tlio iDllowlir Uiriusi A homo worth } l,0)nt ifnpor month A homo \ > orth } l.r > ( ) int f is per month. A 1 iiiiiiuMHli J..OOJ : it fjlpuiiiiontli. . A lioinu vorlh M.iuo it tWHT | mnntli. A homo wortlitLOJiut J | , i r nioiith. Other prlwd homoson HIOMIIIM ( onus. The nhqvo inonllily piiyiuonts Inulinlo prlnclp'il uml IntiiivM. Kor f it'll p-iillenlirs oill on or addrcHsthtiJiidd.fa Veils Co. . UW Urciadway , fiuinell UliilN. In. M' Thn .tnn > nioiii , .No. 18 , fi'onlHiij nn I'oiiil sU W < J James. * „ " \\rrIIAVn stitnr.illHviutlfnliim lorn Innu M Hint wo willIr.iilufiit-i'iiJiitnlioi-flil viimi lots IiiOiiisilia or'oiini'll 'iltilT-i. The Judil ! & \VellMCo. , Cuuiii.ll lilulK. la. DR. BELLINGER'S AMI Private JiospMl , Cor. lliondnnv and 20th st , Council Bluffs , la. * Foi tliotreatmonlof ulisuri'lcal nndchionlo dlscacos niul dhcasisof Uio h'oncl. I'rhateill'-o.T-o-i of tbo iirlnu-y nnrt scvnnl orgtinR , us syiihills , HI ilctuio , cystltla , siior- intitoiroliooii , lint in'cliooil , huxnal ImpotJiica and nealcics "tio.iloil hiieeo-Hdil y , I'urtlctilar alluiitlon pilil todlHeasos of tlio luiiR' ' , as Astlnn.i. Oonsuiiiptloii , llronchltla , ( Jiitnirh.Kic. I'uialysls , Kidni-y ( llsuiisi's. 111 Diabetes , Hi Ilia's DKi-aio , Kliiiiiiiiiitlsiii.l'lliM , O.ini'fliViirlneulu , llydioe"le. Dropsy , Tu. ni'if. DNo ises o ( tlm ey.i and eur. Club feut bplnal ciirvntiiro an I nlldlHoabeH uftho boms. \Vo lla o a < lepailiii 'ntdt'voled oxoluslvoly to thu 110 itinent iif Ulorluo dlsoasen. MoillelnosoiitseoTlri'ly iinckccl and free from OllM'l VlltlUII. UuriusnondLMicu confidential. Address : IH ) , IIICIiblNUKH'S Pin-Sli'id Tnstltnln anil I'llvatollosiillal. Oor , Uionhvny and 2lib st. , Council Itlciin , la , The J. A. Murphy MANUFACTURING co. , Ut A vinuo and 21st St , Sash , Doors and Blinds Hind and "eriill Huwlnir. Itc-S.iwliu und Pliilnlns , H.ivlni ! nfall Unds , 1'tmli Hiackots , Kliidllni uouil ! f. . > . 'ilHr ( | loul ilellvnud. Cli'an Hiiwiluslhy tli liiriol. Uf. All work to bo IItatelin'leliphmio J.'l. ' "VOUIl PATltONAUn S 3VIAXON 8s EOTTRQEOIS , Architecis and Superintendents. Fine Interior Decorations. KocmiiVl Moii-Inni ItlnoU. Cnuiicll ItlulVrt , ( a llooin010 > , V. Llfo Iliilldln , ' , Unialii , Nil ) AL.L WORK. V/WRRANTED. DR , J. D. JACKSON , Surgor/ . All l < lnds of work donn. You nm HIM ) ono- lialf oiiyoui Kolduiul silver Illlliu I'.v mill at mom 2 Ji Mori Inn llo-It. ) Council ItlullH F. M. ELLIS &CO. , ARCHITECTS And Building 8merlut indents. Hooms I'd mil I'llco llulMIn Oiu ilia > nl ) . . nnd HnDiiiH-'ll mil ; 'll .Muriliiiu Illiulc Counill Hlulln , Iu , Uorru4iiii | ) > lonuu ulluUui | . . J 1) . Kiuii'MHOv , l'rc . I * . It Flll'flAUr. Vlco-ircn CiiAli.i ( It. lUvx N. Cmlilor. CITIZENS STATE mi or COUNCIL III.UITS. Paid up Cnpitnl . $1W)0.00 ) ( ) .Surnhw and I'roJUi . fill.O'HI.OO Liability to DopOiltoi-3 . rjOl.0 ( ) ) ) ! ) DlilKTUiii : I , A.MIIIin-,1' . O.nii'iivoii. II. U.1 Miiixnil , K i : . Hurt , .1 l . IMtnunsiHi , Clnrli-i 0 , lluiiii.iii , TiMiis-it't Kitiic'rnl liiiiiUfn' liusl- nuss. l.nrst'st ciiillcl | : uiicl sin-plus of uny tunic In Southwestern lowii , INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. OFFICHR & 1'USIiY ' , BANKERS. CornorMnln uml llrcnilway. COUNCIL BLUf-'FS , IOWA. foiclKii und lloiiiwllu Collielloiit Hindu uml Inlt'it.-st pal < l on tliuu C , A. BEEBE & COMPANY , V \Vholef , U nnd Ilctall Dealerh In FURNITUR H f-ar efct Htoclc and Prli-cs , Dculora , KOIK ! for L'utalo ue. Nos. 203 and ii07 Bioadway , and U01 and 200 Ticrco Street , Council lUulTs , I |