UTJLJiJ UMAtiA ujijju , wiu.LMNjiiw.uAi' , JUiJi : ju , isyu. THE ROMANCE OF A ROBBERY \ Mrs. Russell's Alleged Advcnturo With a Coterie of Oattle Thieves. THEY DIDN'T HESITATE AT MURDER , Tlio Principal ofMioSl OOOO ' 'JCclln n AVclril Tale of Mtirtlur ami Kobbnry In lilccillui ; KllllHIIH. Durltiffless tlmn thirty years of life , pcllto t'lorctto llusscll , the principal In the fclO.OOO robbery which occurred nt the corner ot Fouitccnth nnd Chicago streets Snturtlny nf- tenioon , has succccilcd \vcavlnpiihoutlier- - Belf u iTttnnnco Hint would cause tlio average modem novelist to blush forlils Inferiority. Uurinu the past few days on rilrof mystery hits tilled tlio central station nnd pervaded tlio frescoed domain of Judge Hclslvy. The nod ules of UIP detectives have been close togeth er nnd tluTO have been ftvquciitconaultuttona in the chiefs star clintnbor. Hcjiortero linvo been tubooed. Tbo most Industrious questioning failed to bring fortli any tiiiiiblo ( ? results , until yeslcrd.iy when ' .ho fuct of the robbery wus dlscovorvtl. When 11 linn reporter wiled nt 011 South Pourteonth street yesterday moniing , n sour looldiiK wonmii catno to the door. Mrs , Uusscll \Viis nslcotl forAvheroupon the wonmn became exi'lled. "Vou nro a reporter ! " slm fairly shouted. "You'ro and husband told a reporter my mo this inoiniiiK if you coino iiostcrlni ; nroiind here to ( 'lvo you something you woiildn't for- Ket vi-rvst'on nnd I inn of a good mind to biiKlii 1'11'lit now , " nnd shoclovntcd the broom fihubcld In her hand to u most thru.itenlng iinijle. lut ! the gnu's wo braved and nn- othiT ituiuiry was gently in.ido for Mrs. IJus- HL'l. HL'l."I "I don't Uno\v anytblny nbout Mrs. Hus- BCll , " himppcil the woman. "Sho moved nway from lime thh iiiornlMg. " "U'hcro hua she KOIIO ! " "Howshoula I know ! \Vituliorbrother I guess. " guess.Vholshcrbrothcrl" "Diin'tknow. " " \Vheru doea lie llvol" "Uou'tknow. " llwiis llnully discovered that Mrs. Itussel had boon taken nway byayouiift man who claimed to bo her brother , nnd nlthough she is still in tbo city her residence ia no Unnwn. The story of Mrs. llimcll's career during the past fmv years Bounds much moro lilto llctlnn Hum It does like the history of a life tbnt hut been netiinlly llvel. Of iMrs. Russell's early life , nothiiiff Is known In Omaha. The mimes of her parents the place of bur birth are unknown. She is t woman of jr.uoful : carriage , and In convcrsa tion she spualcs coneetly and well , nnd i would .ippcar tbnt hi'r line ! had never been cnit in the iliv s of lifo's st-.i. The first that Is now known of her by the ofllccrs liriv , Is wlu-n ho appo.iri'd upon the Mirfiw in ICiinsns City , 'iiul sunongat n rcr- t.ilii colt rio v.'as linown us the "Iricnd" of J. w L. UiiHh , n rich man of sporting and siwula- tivo pioc'livities , whoso resldeneo during a greater portion of the year was at Kansas City. Hush madolarRf sums of money and spent it ncnily us rapidly ns it canio Into his colTors nnd ho nnd his parnmonr cut an extensive swnth In the clmoH just without the palo of society In the city by the ICnw , Ittish , when asked la what pursuit ho was engaged , would atisucr that no was 11 cattle inuii. Ills b'iso of operations In the cuttle liisino was nt Otta\va'ICansas , u own nbout ono hundred miles southwest of Kansas City. Whether Rush ever did any legitimate liuslniMS Is not known , but In m.iking her fltiitomoiit to County Attorney Miihonoy the ox-mistress of John L. Rush stated thai her worthy lord , together with bis partner , n man known ns James Ho.'an , wore not wont tocoiillno their dealings incattlo tolcKitimato trndo I'TO ( Us by this method did not new- inttfiito with n dcRroo of rapidity to suit them nnd so they undertook to increase the protits nnd nt the saino tlmo dccreasu the uuiount necessary for investment. They toolc to cattle stealing , nt least that is what Mrs. Kusscll tells , nnd undo money very rapidly. Hush juitl Ilogan , assisted by a band of cowboys sworn to their alloirLiuce. tnadu nllirrimaires into Texas two or tluoo times a year und vrhllo down there managed to accumulate goodly herds of cattle without paying for thorn In current coin or anything else. They would mn the cattle across the line Into tlio Indian territory nnd to a rendezvous in a desolate and lonely section of the terri tory anil then a halt of inany duys would bo innilu. While at tUo rendezvous tlio brands on nil tlio c.ittlo would ho changed by expert handlers of the branding Irons , and then , so says tlio cattle king's ex-inlstross , Rlc.saiji. Unsh nnd Hogan would tlrlvo thu herd boldly Into Kansas and dispose of them ut the most nvnllablo market. TliU bold work was continued for some tlmo and Hush amassed u fortune , nnd la the meantime Mrs. Uusscll lived with him in the close-si relations. Hush nnd Hogan hadfl'young man In their employ as confidential clerk. Ho was thor oughly ac < inulntod with tbclr business meth ods. ods.One One day this young man bccamo ambitious nnd his ambition , like Ciusar's , cost him his llfo. llfo.Tho The clerk ono Jay , as tbo story ROCS , after Ibo return of his employers from a most successful trip to Texas , mot Iliem in the private consultation room of the linn's place of business and boldly do- cltired to thorn that unlass money , In sums not at all modest , was immediately forthcom ing to him from them , ho would Inform on ttiem and give tliom over to tlio ollleora of the law. law.Tlio Tlio pirtncrs In tlio cattle "trulo" llstcnoil to their clerk with mitlonee , and then Mr. Hush suggested that his p.irtnornnd ho take the matter under advisement mid give their answer on the following d.iy. This proposition was accepted by the clerk. Homomlicr thnt this is thu story us related by FlnrottiKussell. That day , she pays , In some way , the con fidential clerk of the oatUc kllnjs met his Xloatr by iKilaou iidtnliiistorud to him by J. L. Uush. Murder had been added to his category of crimes. Uush escaped suspicion and arrest through her slli'iico. Not long after this , this versatile demon of crlmo whom she so vividly portrays , grew tired of his mlstro's , Florettn Jinssell , and 1 began to make le veto another woman In Kan sas City. Jealousy was then aroused. She went to her recreant liege , nnd not withstanding that she know of the death of the clerk , bho threatened Kush with the ven geance of the law. He put In a counter bluff accusing her of being an accessor } ' after the Tnct , Tlioro was n pow-wow , aud finally n com promise \vns made , Huih ugivcd to place $10,000 In cash In tlio 1'eoplo'H National Innk of Ottawa , payable to her in ono year , hho to receive the certificate of deposit so endowed , provided that bho should forever hold her ix'ico. The terms wcro accented , the money de posited , the certlllcato Issued and she disap- jiearod from public view , living In seclusion In Kansas City. Hush married his now love and selected Kansas City as n homo. The months went by , and the day upon which FJorettn Uusscll was to bo | > crinltU > il to draw from the Ottawa bank , the money that would maUo her comfortably rich drew near. Thcro is employed in the Omaha stove works on Douglas street a young mimlio claims to bo the brother of Mrs. Russell Last Thursday the woman loft Kansas City and i-amo to Omaha. She sent a mes sage of her arrival ana he found her n lodg ing place iu n wry huiublo cottage at Oil North Fourteenth street. The ccrllilcato of deposit she hid hidden among the many articles in her trunk. Sat- xirday morning she unpacked this and took the certitlcatq from Its hiding place. Jt had boon arranged between her and the man she called brother that she should bring the certllk- ito to him that inoniliin and that ho should take U and go to Ottawa and se cure the money aud return with It. She started to fullll her part of tho.ar rangement nnd leaving the house walked down Vourtfcnth street toward Douglas. Just as slio reached the eonuir of Four teenth and Chicago , tlivro was u rush from behind , her hand bag was snatched from her , a man ran pant and n round a corner and her 10,000 cortlllcato was pone , She stood speechless whllo ho ran out ot sight. She * obtained but n glimpse of the man but she rccojrnlred him , DitritiK the jvarof her Impatient walling 'or ' the time when she should draw from tbo bank , she several times noticed n nan whom she suMK-cU-d of watching ter. Hho saw the same mnn nt the Knnsai City depot the morning she left there for OtnaHii , nnd she saw him run nwuy with her hand-bag lost Saturday. She oays ho was employed by Hush to do the work. Such Is the story of Florottn Uusscll. Attor the thott of the certificate a telegram was sent to the bank at Ottawa nnd payment of it 3top | > od , nnd as the money was do- jxislted in her name , the woman will prob- ubly recover It. The detectives nro trying to secure Hush nnd the man who stole the certificate. The identity of thoyounKman InthoOmnha stove works , who inserts that ho Is Mrs , Utts- Rell's brother , hns l > een pretty well covered uj ) , hut the detectives have [ wsltlvo informa tion thut the only bond between them is a mutunl hatred of Hush , the young man hav ing been also Injuted by the cattlenuui. Knt tiled to the Host. All arc entitled to the best that their money will bujso every family should have , nt once , a bottle of the best family remedy , Syrup of Figs , to clcauso the system when costive or billons. For sale in We uud bottles by nil leading druggists. l.V 'JIIi ; UisUAIWAY. . Tlio County Commissioners SoldierIng - Ing TliroiiK'i ' Tlirlr Work. Thcro was nn adjourned moctltiK of the county commissioners yesterday morning. It took a whulo hour of monkeying to secure n quorum , the appointed hour being 10 o'clock and call-to-order tlmo II. Icfor ! > 3 the mooting heqnu fritz Herrko , the very lively little German , broad as ho is long , wlio guvo the newspaper boys so many A 1 storlunbout his trip to Kuropo a few months ngo , made various members of the board listen to several yards of a cer tain tale of woo recanllng his tax assessment. Fritz laid for his victims with the adroitness or a 1'inkurton , nnd the man ner In which ho made them hear him was worthy of n diamond studded trophy. Ho ovuis "tho KIkhorn Vnlloy house property , nnd dug up a document among the county commissioner records showing that ho had given umplo reason for his assessment being reduced from ? " > ,700 to 1.500. Ho also showed that some clerk engaged on work in connec tion with the assessment l > ooks had made n coj > y of his petition for the use of the board "and In doing so had inndo it appear that rritz wanted a reduction from * 7.WO to $ : > ,7 ( > 0 , nnd the board had gone ahead and reduced it by this ropy. The thing was plalnlv n very rank clerical error , according to Fritz's story. .Mr. O'KoclTo held , however , that tlio assessor hud sent In two reports on the property with ligures given In the order noted above. 1'rltz stuck to his men until they convened us a bo nil nnd corrected the minutes so as to read SH.WK ) instead of $ . " . ,700 , ( iruding und county bridge building bids vero opened and referred. Numctous charity nnd insnno matters ot no inportanco to the public were handled in ono vnv und another ns usual. The city engineer was instructed to udvcr- io for bills for grading that part ol South Slovonth street located outside of the city. A great gi 1st of small bills was referred , Mid ntnoug others ono from Dr. 1'caboity for " 51" ) for malting n microscopic examination of he hlnod status on the clothing of Allen mid Jorothy Jones , the old couple who wore mur dered. An adjournment was taken until 2 o'clock. Commissioner Corrlgan was the absentee vhen the county boaid convened in the ufter- 10011. The speclfil committee having in charge the natter of the working of city prisoners ro- > ortod that upon investigation the proposition of VnnCourt & LetnUh to furnish a stone > llo hnd been considered and requested the re-port bo adopted nud the county attorney bo equc-stal to draw up a contract with the atone dealers. Ed. J. Hrennen's billor$7r > 3.3. " > , balance duo 'or constructing the hospital sewer , was al- owed and tlio amount ordered into the next ippropriation slitet. Dr. At. McMunigul presented abIllofMO 'or looking alter tour corpses. The bill was cut ? 10 and the bilauco allowed. County Attorney Mnhoney's bill of $435.00 'or ofllco rent for the second quarter nnd egal expenditures in criminal cases was ul- .owcd , The regular monthly hills of the various cjunty ofllcials were presented and allowed. The contract for furnishing wlro screens for the county jail was awarded to Leo Ua- voek at eiSJ.iW. After considerable discussion the gas com pany's bill for June , amounting to 13-.OI ) was allowed. A county road running from the northeast cast corner of section JU , 15 , 12 , thence west ono mlle to the Llttlo Papls , was established. This connects with the AleArdle road. Bills amounting to fJ.O.UOS , from the Juno appropriation sheet , wcro taken up and passscd. The bids for grading a road in the western part of the county were oppned nnd the con tract awarded to O. Whitney at 12 cents per cubic yard. Knight Brothers secured n grading contract In the vicinity of Elkhoni nnd will do the work for 11 4-5 cents per cubic yard. After deciding to advertise for the removal of 5,0)0 ) cubic yards of earth on the line be tween sections 3 and 11 , township 1(5 ( , range 12 , the board adjourned until Saturday after noon. _ Announcement. C. B. Moora it Co. , have boon appointed wholosnlu nscnts for the celebrated waters of Uxcclslor Springs Missouri. 1)11. CnrrloVilllaiiiHon Asks the CourtH to Set It Aside. The Dr. John W. McMenatny will case has at lust got Into the courts. It got there yes terday und wont in on au apical from tlio de cision of the probate court. Carrlo William son Is the aggrieved party , and In her'pctltion she sets forth the following as her reasons for contesting her father's ' will : 1. That the paper purporting to bo a will is not the lust will nnd testament of the lute John W. McMonnmy. 2. That the papers purporting to bo a will were never executed , published or declared by the deceased us his last will. 3. Tliatnt the time the prctoiidort will was made the doctor was not of sound mind and was not possessed of testamentary capacity. 4. That the uiiikin ? of the said pretended will was brought about , and it was put into existence , by fraud , duress and the unlawful and undno intlucnca of ono Churlcs Mc.Men- nmy nnd one Klla Scott , both of whom nro benellrlaries under the document. V. K. Glllxirt has gene into the distinct court , where ho will make un attempt to recover - cover $1U)0 ) from N. F. Seifert. Gilbert isa contr.ictor and builder , and In this capacity he erected a ? l(500 ( hotmo for Keifert. After the house was built Seifert refused to pay ; hencu the bringing of the suit. Klma 11. AicLuughlln seeks to recover $1,000 from the KqulUibio llfo assurance com pany. During the year 1SS1 lUma had a hus band , ono Andrew F. , who bad a life Insur ance policy of000 In the above named com pany , IIo inndo three payments of premium , amounting to F.HiJ , and then died. The com pany was notllled of the death and refused to pay and so Mrs. McLnughllnlias now brought suit to recover the amount of premium that her husband paid. \ Daniel Turner yesterday commenced suit ngnlnst the American waterworks company , iiinl In bis petition ho sets forth the fact that UB will usk for u Judgment of $10,000. IIo al leges thnt during the month of July , 16S7 , ho was employed ns night engineer nt the old pumping station on the river Just above the Union I'aeitie shops , and thnt ono dark night whllo ho was wandering about the engine room his lantern went out The next stop was to tnko down a hanging lamp that was suspended ton feet from the floor. Uy means of a ladder ho reached the lamp , hut , la get ting down , the ladder uuioL , thu lamp tipped over and the burning oil spread from his heiul to his feet. Turner was badly burned and somewhat disfigured , so much so that nothing but u Judgment lit the amount asked will ropav him for the mental and physical suffering that ho has experienced. For Colds , Croup , Asthma , Bronchitis and Sere Throat use Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil , and got the genuine. THEIR AGENT IS SUSPECTED , \7olls-Fargo \ People After the Norfolk Express Robber , * SOME SUSPJCIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES , The Perpetrator of Olio Ilobbrry Cup- turctl Unwinds Showing t * ' 1'ftiil Hvninnn'H Sivhi- dlcr Captured. Superintendent .Anderson of Wclls-TTnrgo's express company has two younn men on the carpet at Norfolk trying to squeeze out of tliem some facts about the t',000 robbery cornmlttoJ there lust Saturday , Ono of them , L. Gttrcscho , Is the company's nRcnt at Norfolk , nnd tbo other U nil Elkhorn brnkotnnn who has frequently walked for tlio messenger on his runs. Uureselio la u young fellow , not over twenty. Ho catno from San Francisco , where ho hnd been employed In the auditor's ofllce , nnd has been nt Norfolk nbout two months. Whllo Mr. Anderson Is holding him under surveil lance hnrdly any ono connected with the company believes thw boy to bo utility. Thcro are sevLT.il str.miro features nbout the rob bery. This inonov hnd been expressed by the First National bunk at Norfolk to parties lit Pierce , n small town twenty miles north. A few iiitiiutc.3 bcforo the westbound train from Missouri Valley arrived on Saturday It was delivered to ( luresclio , who receipted for it put the luckugo iu his haversack and , went to the depot. Upon his arrival nt the depot ho claims to hnvo locked the money , together with a bill of Udlng for it , In the strong box of the ox- pros * car. Ho then stepped across the plat form to receipt for some freltrht and when ho returned ho found the box or safe open and the money pone. Inasmuch ns his key Is supposed to bo the only ono In existence that would open the safe , suspicion nnturnlly rests upon him. However , the brakcman might have hnd a dupllcnto niado when ho was working for the regular messenger and watched his opportunity to make a little haul. haul.Whoever Whoever took the money was well acquainted with the express business , or ho would not have thought nbout tak ing the bill of lading for It also. In missing the bill when cheeking him self up on the train a messenger might not 10- incmbcr readily when crowded with business that ho had such a package , nnd the robber would gain time in getting away before his crime would bo discovered. The Wells-F.irgo company captured a thief at Lockwood , III. , who stole MOD and n book of money orders , July M. Ills natno Is A. C. Penfold. mid ho w.is the ngent at Unadill.i , Nob. His sudden departure aroused suspicion mu ucmg u wooiit'ii-icfrKUU nmn no ono uu- lievod he hnd turned thief until mi investiga tion into the olllco was made. At Llnco'n ' I'cnfold forged and cashed ono order for $15 , nnd offered another drawn on J. II. Nuff nt the Lockwood ofllce. Uy the tlmo ho went through there the agent nt that place , who hud been notified ot his departure , wns on tbo lookout for him , consequently when ho put in an appearance mi ofllcer took him into custody. Ho is now in Jail there , nnd will bo tried for committing a forgery in that state. Miles' Ncrvo nnd I.ivcr Pills. An important discovery. They act on the liver , stomach and bowels through the nerves. A now principle. They speedily euro billiousness , bad taste , torpid liver , > ilcs and constitution. Splendid for moil , vomcn and children. Smallest , mildest , surest , yo doses for 'Jo cents. Samples free utKuhu Co.'s Ifthaud Douglas. OMAHA'S SCHOOL EXHIBIT. A SlnKiilflcont Showing Made at the Teachers' Convention. The exhibit made by the Omaha schools at ho national teachers' association at St. Paul attracted a grcut deal of favorable criticism. [ n the report of the exhibit the St. Paul ? aul Pioneer-Press contained the following : At the high school is found a lar o amount of line work in drawing from such schools as : hose of O niuh a , St. Paul and Cincinnati. These exhibits have attracted the greatest ntcrcst on account of the difference In the ory. The Omalu plan has been to teach the [ Hipil to draw from the object almost at his first lesson , thereby necessitating the use of porspcctlvo and shading from the be ginning. The reason given for this method is that largo numbers of pupils leave the schools before they reach the high school grades , and although endowed with a few rudiments are without the ability to explain their writing or conservation by means of the pencil. In other words , the plan Is proposed to make drawing a medium lor the convey ance of ideas from its earliest uso. Consequently quently fromtho lowestgrades pupils attempt to represent the object as It is , uud while the results nroof course , In most instances crude , by the time the pupils reach the eighth trrado they have a uotablo facility in sketch ing anything and everything. Color work is not attempted , the teacher claiming that iu the limited tlmo dcvotod to drawing iu her schools it is better to make the pen cil a means of expression rather than to leave the pupil a slava to such arbitrary rules of color as that purple and yellow go well together when some shades of purple and yellow when com bined are absolutely repulsive. Judged by the standard of practical results attainable within the lower grades of school work , Omaha is well entitled to bo proud. Thcro nro homo specimens of manual handicraft at the foot of the sketches , but they were made by pupils duringhomo hours and were used in many instances as models for drawing. Cincinnati is directly in contrast with Omaha In this branch of work. Following the old plan of outline simply in the early grades , sketches as such are found only in the higher grades and perspectives are poorer nnd shading hard when , pomparod with the sketches of the pupils who began the work of reproducing the object Itself from their first lessons. Designs seem to bo the copies in the last exhibition and they are involved in many wondrously beau tiful patterns. As the moans of producing designers the system Is a decided success in theory ; indeed , it is so in practice ; for it is said the school sends on au average a dozen designs every year to factories , but it would seem that it has ant , in itself the power of producing pupils nblo todofroohaud work without much moro practice. However , the patterns of wall and dado paper , of mono grams and fancy designs In colors are beauti ful in the extreme as examples of special work. The point involved In these two representative exhibitions is whether the production of specialists or the endowment of the pupil with a fair ability to draw is the desirable end. and which ono will roost likely accomplish the desired result. For this reason teachers have thronged the rooms and discussed without stint the work and the theories underlying. St. Paul's exhibit Is largo , duo doubtless to the fact that there Is llttlo dlftlculty In put ting the matter in position. In drawing the St. Paul school has an unusually fine exhibit , the work in sepin especially being the finest over scon at any association meeting. The work In water colors Is nlso unusually bril liant , and there Is little doubt that in color work the St. Paul exhibit Is easily first , The St , Louis normal school has some flue de signing in shades , made of colored paper , hut not being a public school , It is hardly just to compare it with others. The exhibit of the Hnunlbal , Mo. , schools is unusually excellent and especially so. ns the result of only ono year's work. From a careful Inspection It scorns safe to say that Omaha Is first in the matter of drawing , Cincinnati equally su perior in dozens , wkilo St. Paul is ahead iu sepia work and water colors. To Nervous Debilitated Men. If you will send us your address wo will send you Dr. Dyo's Celebrated Voltaio Belt and Appliances on trial. They will quickly restore you to vigor , manhood and health. Pamphlet freo. VOLTAIC BELT Co. . Marshall , Mich. Through coaches Pullman puluco sleepers , dining cars , free reclining cliuir cars to Chicago and intervening points via the grout Rock Island route. Ticket olllco 1002 , Sixteenth and Farnam. Swindler Scoured , C. D. Cannon , the young man whom \V. T. Seaman says swindled him on n real estate trade recently , was arrested by the police ycstoi-Jny. Ho vns ban ; over in fc-00 bonds to appear before Judge H < loy next Friday at S o'clock. Cnitnon tnidi.l . Mr , Seaman a tow lot * on a Missouri river umil-bar for a num- bcr of carriages nnd other vehicles. Headache , neuralgia , dizziness , nervous ness , na inJ , sleeplessness , cured by Dr. Miles'Nervine. Sampk'a free at ICu'hn & Co.'s , 15th ntiit lougU r- STOXE CO.S'TH.YCTOUS. Third Srml-Anniml McHlng of the .Missouri Vnlloy Association , About twenty-live or thirty stalwart lookIng - Ing men engaged In the business of cutting , contracting anil quarrying stone at Omaha , St. Paul , Kansas Glty , St. Joseph and other Missouri valley points , heht nn association meeting yesterday afternoon in the private olllco of the Billiard hotel. The delegates present werq : A. Sulrrnielstor , Kansns City , president ; A. Sclmll. Omaha , vlco president ; Charles Lauer. St. Paul , second vlco president ; Wllljiini II. Minor , St. Paul , treasurer ; \V. K. Ktivry of the builders' mid traders' cvchnngo , Kansas City , secre tary ; Abcrcromblo & Co. , St. .loseiih ; Bar rett ilrot hers , Sioux City ; U. AV. Babcock , Kasotn , Minn. ; William Imire.Wnrremburg , Mo. ; William BussyTopcki , , Knn. : T.K.Cmnp- bcll , Leavcnworth ; . ,1. Connor * , Council muffs ; Albert Foil , Omaha ; Mathew nun- lop , Kansas City ; J. A ( Jrccn , Stone City , la. ; 1) ) . IleinzuunnSt. 1'iml ; Benjamin Mel- quist , Om.ilm ; A. Pirkorel , Wnrrenslmnr , Mo. ; David Pullman , KansasCltv ; IS. Saul- tcr , St. Paul ; W. II. Tyler , Lincoln , and James A. Voui.g , St. Paul. The linns of Kct- tigcr Brothers , Strong Cltv , Kan. ; S. P. Santy ft Co. , Clements , Kan. ; Sehrall Jb Hogcrs , Leavcnworth ; ht Joseph stone com Fitzpatrick & Mollugh , St. Paul , wcro also represented. It was the third som ! annual meeting of what Is known as the Missouri .Valley Cut Stone Contractors nnd Qimirymen's associa tion , and was held behind closed doors. The proceedings , however , were not important. They related entirely to routine mutters and nn interchange of reports from the different sections ns to the condition of work. The as sociation has as its objects mutual benefit , protection of interests and control of the cut stone business. Its members assert their right to employ workmen regardless of whether they belong to any so ciety or not ; to llx the com pensation and pay every laborer according to bis usefulness nnd the amount of work ho can perform ; to sell stone to anybody and at nny Imildlng where It h demanded , nnd em ploy irt many apprcntici's as they please. "Weshill not tolerate any authority In our yards but our own , " s.iys one provision of the resolutions. They luvo a board of arbitrators to settle nil tlllterciicos In C.MO of Mri.ios. nnd , when deemed expedient , to regulate the scale of wcges. On next Thursday , July 17 , at 7.150 p. m. , tlioro will boa , mooting held nt tlio residence of M. V. Uaniion , ! ! 010 Shor- intin avenue , for the imrposo of organiz ing a now parish in tlio northern part of tlio city. All Catholics living north of Luke street tire rcqiimlfd to nUoud. Tlio I'oliceniiMi's Picnic. The Metropolitan Police Ifcllol association has completed nmuipemoi.ts for their lirst annual picnic , to be held in Glover's grove at \rllngton on the ! Mth inst. The grounds comprise nbout throe hundred acres and are admirably adapted to picnic purposes. Horseshoe lake udjoins the grounds , afford- ng fine fishing and bathing and boating fa cilities. The site selected is located upon the ino of the Fremont , lilkhorn & Missouri Vulloy railroad , mid n special train will bo run from this city , leaving hero at 7'JO : a. m. ; md returning will leave Arlington at 8 p. m. The laro will boil for tbo round trip , chil dren between seven und thirteen years of ago 50 cents , and children under seven freo. A ftonerul invitation is extended to all to par ticipate in f.ho enjoyjixoit ) of the occasion. The following committees will have full chai-go : Honorary Committee Hon. It. C. Cush- ln , Messrs , Hnitmnu , Gilbert , Smith ana Bennett and Chief \ \ . S. Soavey. Commlttooof Arrangements Chief Scavoy. hiof Detective Haze , Sergeants Graves and Sigwnrt , Ofllcers O'Connell , llowdon and Mc.Muhnn. Following Is the programme : Overture by A. O II. band. Address of welcome by Dr. Samuel Glover of Arlington. Kesponso by Mayor Gushing. Exhibition of club swinging by Officer Pool. Special prize , pair of Indian clubs presented by Gwln & Dunmlro. Foot race , 100 yards , open.to all police of ficers. First prize , Elgin watch valued at 830 , presented by Hnyden Brothers. Second prize , silver cake dish valued at $10 , pre sented by S .Tonasen. Shooting match open to nil police officers. Winchester or Stevens rifles , tti calibre , dis tance 110 feet. First prize , suit of clothes , valued at S30 , presented by Continental cloth ing company ; second prize , fallovercoat , val ued at $ X > , presented , by Nebraska clothing company. Sack race , open to all. First prize , J.S silk urnbrolla , picsented by N. B. Falconer ; see oml prize , SO parlor lamp , presented by Sam uel Bums. Fancy rifle shooting by Ofllcer McMnhon. Ladles' running raco. First prize , $15 pair of opera glasses presented by Max Mover ; second prize , S10 sut of German table llnou , presented by Thompson & Beldcn. Hunning race , 100 yards , open to all. First prize , $10 valise , presented by Omaha Trunk nnd Bag Co. ; bccond prize , line meerschaum piiio. piiio.Tug of war between policemen with odd and oven numbered btnra. Ladles' shooting match , distance forty- flvofect , five shots. First pilzo , tete-a-teto silver set valued at $23 , presented by the Sams jewelry company. Second prl/o , bottle Queen Anne perfume , presented by D.V. . Saxo. Fancy bicycle riding , open to nil. Pri/.o ' silver o'up. presented by C. S. Haymond. Cash prize of $ . " > for tlio handsomest lady on the grounds , presented by J.V. . Moore of Elk City. Nub. A gold headed cane , presented by John Baumcr , will bo voted to the most popular policeman at 10 cents per vote. Fut men's race , opeu to all welching over 220 pounds. Prlre , $15 Smith & Wesson re volver , presented by J. S. Collins pun com pany. A platform 40xSO feet has been erected nnd dancing will Do ono of the attractions. A ? JO fan , presented by the S. P. Morse dry goods company , will bo given to the best lady waltzcr. The Sacred Heart academy for day pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue and 27th st. , is an institution devoted to the moral and intellectual education of young fjirls. The course includes every thing from an elementary department tea a finished clalhslonf education. Besides tlio ordinary ncndomlc.il course , music , painting , drawing mid the InngUiigos nro taught. French is Included in the ordi nary courbO. DilTororico of religion is no obstacle to the receiving of pupils , pro vided tney conform to the general regu lations of the school. Tlio scholastic term commences the first Tuesday In September. Classes bogln at 0 u. in. , nnd pupils tire dismissed at 3:30 : p. in. Corcns Photographed Mrs. S. O. Couch , Nql 101S Corby street , Is the owner of u night-blooming cercus which came out in glorious bloom Monday night. It was mush admired by many of the neighbors , and when it was at its fullest was taken down to Cholccner's gallery and photographed by candlelight. The pinto promises to turn out a splendid picture of the ( lower. The result of the photographing by arti ficial light of this llowcr is anxiously awaited. Pears' Is the purest andbastsoipovor.iuda To I'o4tniiHterH. ! For sale , a full sot of IIrat quality post- ofllco fixtures , in good order , 628 broir/.o look nnd cull boxes , hard wood tlniKli ; nil Ynlo work , jiut up with Bcrew8to betaken taken down. Can ho fitted to any ollico. Coat over $2.000 ; will bell for SUM und nay 840 commission. Address I. n. Seurs , Davenport , la. * GIUL.S AND HhA.Vi. 'I hey Are Not nt All Suited , to Kituh Other. The "sormonotto" is especially for you , di-nr girls. Tlio ndvk-o could bo put in throa words Don't do It , says a writer In Harper's Younir people. 1'os- slbly tlioro might coino tin occasion sny once in a lifetime when a good round bit of the genuine article "slang" would prove funny. Hut to hear vulgar words used by a gentle girl Is almost invariably shocking. I remombcr passing t\vo girls in the street , and hearing ono of them bay , "I'll bet you n quarter. " It gave mo a shiver. And when a group of school girls fill their conversation us , nlnsl they often do with ono siting phnioo after another , the effect on tin outsider is painfully disagreeable. The habit of talking slang grows rapidly. It Is like reporting a bit of scandal. Have you never noticed if you say an unkind word against a neighbor , how quickly a clmnco comes to say another ? And with just that enmo appalling case a Imbit of xishnj careless coarse words Increases.Vocda grow riinldlv. Tlioro is plenty ot good , strong English to give expression to wit , drollery , In dignation or sympathy , without recours-o to the phrased which belong to horne jockeys , gsiinblord , tipplers anil vaga bonds. The street Arab picks up slung ns ho docs the ends of old cigars from the gutter. Surely a well bred girl ia not on tlio same level in her speech und manner. Why should she UMJ vulgar words any moro than she would slain her hands ? There ought to be something akin to flowers iu a fnwh young girl. She need not bo prudish nor priggish. No ono wishes her to say "prunes und prisms" to coax her lips into tlio proper curves. Hut refined and dainty in bpooch as well as in dress she surely ought to bo. Won't you please think about it for five minutes and MO if you do not agree with mo ? Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists. 14.OO DOUGLV.AS STRKblT OMAHA , NIU. : Tlio most widely nnd favorably Umnvn spec ialists In the United Slates. Tliclr loins < - < - purliMice , rcmnrkiililu skill und iinlvor-.il suc cess In the ttc.itinciit nnd euro of Nervous Uhronlo nnd Snrgk'al Ilsi ) < iiiu4. pntllln tliesu eminent physicians to tlio full coiiHih'iicu of tlio allllcted ouny when1. Tliuy Kii.inintco : A unitTAIN AND I'OrilTlVI' CUKE for tbo uwf ill effects of uitvlr vlco and the mtiuei- ous evils that follow Iu Its train. IMUVATi : . 1H.OOD AND HIC1N DIHn.VSHS bnpi'cllly , comnlott'ly nnil ijcrmnnt'iitly ourod. NllltVOt'S IlKlULlTY AND SKXUAI. , DIS- OliUKltS yluia readily to tliulr skillful treat ment. 1'IhES , FISTULA ANT ) KECTAL Uf.C'KUS Ktinruntrctl cuitdvltliout p.ilu or detention fioin l > uslm > ss. liVUKOOKLn AND VAKICOOKLi : poniia- nnntly mid successfully i-iiiod in i < vniy cuse. SVlMIIMh. UONUIIUIIKA , OIiKKT , 8u-i- | mutorthcu , Si'mliial Wu.ikiiPi * , Lnst.Manhuoil , NlRlit Kmlssioiis , Deeaytil r.itultlei , IVmalo \Venliiicss n ml till rtollunto disorders lirculliir to t'ltlicr sot positively uurrd. as well us nil functional disorders tfiit Jesuit from youth ful folllcsor tlio iiTL'Cssof iniitiiro vents. sTIMrrillvM ? GiiarimU'oil pcrnmnu ntly O11V1U1 U1VL < oiired , ronioviil cumiilRto , without cutting. iMUStloor dllut-Hlon. Cures airt-etcd at homo by patient without a mo ment's pain or ttnnoyaiieo. D TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MtN. AQ1TTJT ? The ixwful offcctq'of OUKL , ciirlv vleo which brtnss orpnnle wcnkness , ilustroyln ? both mind anil body , \\lth all Its dru.uled ills , puriiunonty cured. nP RTJTTs * Addro < n tlioso who Jiavo im- IJI\J. UL < 1 liJ paired thcnisplvoi by lin- piopnr InilulRonoo and sollt.ii v Inlills , which ruin both mind and body , uiilUtlnt ; tliuin for buslnps . stud v or marrltiRn WAUKIEU MKN or those ontprlnson tli.it linppy life , tiwiiroof pliyhlcaUlobllity , qiilcLly iissSlud. OUR SUOOBSS Is based upon facts. First I'ractlonl experi ence. Svcond Kvcry ca"o IsspL'i'Inlly stuulod , thus at'irting ' Hunt. Tlilid Modieincs nro ptcnavcd In our laboratory o.victly to suit each case , thuaufTuutlnguiiics without Injury. Drs. Belts & Betts , . 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , - OMAHA. NEB. Drs. Merril 1 & Merrill Chronic , Nnrvoni. Illocxl nnd Surclcnl rtlxpa o , nnd ( tl.'ejBO ) ot the Kyi , Kar , NOHO , Throat and Cliu.it. tspuolul Alt-ntion to DMunsuH or'o - iiinn nnd ( Jlillilron. Tlio doctors have Imd jcira of oxix-rlonco In tlm lioipltal" of Ilruokljrn nnil Ntiw Vork , nnd nru nnionit tlio nio-t fuocosnf ul and vrldcljr known Bn'cIalUts | la tlih country. 'lo Young and Alltlilln-Aend ftlcn , I/iit Manhood , Norvoui Doblllty , Sperinntorrhw Bciulnnl Ix)9to < , I'liysloil llornr , nrlilnc fliini Inills- crctlorii p oduclni ; vlcci'lo iinuiiii , duipuadenoy , pliu- plt'H on the fiuo , aversion to Hotloty. I'nnlly dHrotir- ucwi , lack of rnnllilcnen , ilull , unfit for tinlyur biul mt tlnili llfo a bunion , anfely , i > vrinununtlyund lilooil nnd Hkin Illflnnsin. KyiilillH , n dlscnio most dreadful In ll > results , couinlotiilr oraillciiloil. ( letiito-Urlnnry Oonorrlia < , Olcnt. Syphlll , Hrilnicclo , Vnrlrnoolo nnd htrlctura riidlo.illjr nnd nafoly rnruil nltliout pain or iletunthm from liuslnusi. AllSevnal Dnfiir- inltlos unit liiiH.'Uliia'iits | to murrlnxu luccussf a\\j \ \ ro- IllUVIM ] All lloctat Ill on i af ly nnl pnrminptitlr cured. llonrili H. in. , till8 p. m Hnmluyii , IU till I' ' . N. II. I'lTsons nimljlo toTUItni nur liotrcatnl nt their liomiu liy rorrmpordonco. Mmllrtnoi and lu- BtructloiiH Hont liy c'Tprnm , Cunsullatlon frev. Hunil 4 cenUIn t ini > to tnmiru rc' | > ly. tlH rUiuuiitli bt. , Unpo'tito Opera Ii iiui > , Uiimtin , Neb. A Talking Parrot for 87 RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF VERY FINE YOUNG PAR ROTS , Which I am going to soil the nuxt week at $7 Each. With a Guarantee to Talk Ttlsraro chance to get a tnlkinx p.irrot for an uxtrn- ordlnury cheap price. Uo not inlsH yoiircnaiu'u. MAX GEISLER , 417 S. 15th St. , Omaha. In tnntlystojn for I'M NS. 111(1 ( I-MIH , ItAlMCAl 111' . lirVDAl'IIK , TOOTIIArili : , or any ollu-r I'AIX. n few IUIID uro llku 111 null1 , musing tlio ( Kiln to InM'int ly ilop. A CURE FOR ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS. Intcrnnlly tnkiMi liitlo p < of from thirty to htyilrotn lit nlitilf tntnlilpr ofwutrr will fire In n few jiilnuti Craiuti. Siriiln | , SourStnnmoli , inllo , I'latviliMH'o. llourlhiini , I'lwlor.i Morlms , Dyiotitry' lhrrlui < n , Sick llcnilnclio , > 'nuci , VoinltliiK. Ncrvotunim * . Slooplossia'ss , Mul.irla , uuJ nil Intornnl pnlus arising f rum ulumxu uf dint or \ > : itor unit hot cnii u- < , DO cents a bottlo. Sold by all Druggists. The Onialia Medical and Surgical Institute Forthctrpntrarnt ifnll cnnONtO TruMei ll l Kncllltloi"ppnrntusnad llcnioiVo * for Hucoi < itnllrtMlmi > nt of mi'ry form of ill "aio ro qulrlniiMiMlloilorHiirKlilnlTn'ttinont. > 'INICTY ROOMS FOR I'ATlliM's lloarl nii > lntti < iiilnnod. Itosl Acfomrooitntlona Wist , Write lor cltciilnti on Dcfc-mltlp Mut llnirei Trim < ' , Cluli IVrt t'nrvntnrn ol JJ'liH [ < , 1'llns , Ttirnori , fnnciT , Ciitirrh , llroiulilUB , Intinliitlon , r.li-drlell ) , I'ninlv-iH | - | Hipnr Kldiicj llhililcr , Kye , Knr. Skin nnil Illood , nnil nil "llrnlcal opi-nitloni. DISK\BiS : 01' WOMKNn niivlnltr Heel of UHpnirs u ( Wouon 1'rrc. Wo Innalntoly lidded & llim-ln IVyirtiiu-nt for Wmin-n iluunuCnnilnomoiil ( Slrlcllr 1'rlnnlii ) Only licllnhln Mnltenl Initltiito innklnif n pi > olulty at IMUVATI ! i AH Illcioil IM-onie * Kiicof fully tri'nti'il Syi'lillltli' ' poison ramoviul from the j lrmrltlinn Nfir Roilorntlru Tnatnii'nt forl iijof Yll'i ! 1'imor. f'nrllo uiuliln to M lt m innjr l > o IrouKvl nt himol'J ' correnpooilonco. All eoniniunlc.-uloiu cnnllilrntlnl Mo.llclno or In lrumnnti i < oiit liy mull nr o | uim , m cutely I'lirkcd , no nmrki lu liiillottniniitonK nrirntlKr. Oniper onal Inti-rvh-T iircfnrroil rnllnnilrnnniill uiur nrnil lil-lorj- yo'ircnao anil no wllUonilln plMn Trr.ippur nur HOOK ' 10 MlN' : FIUM : . iifou I'rlTuta Bpoclalor Ncrvoui llieit ) < on , Imputoncr , SfphllK , Oieclunil \ nrlfoa'lti , < tlth qvoitlon IMt Aildrusi Ornaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner OtH and Hnrney Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Grand Lottery of Juarez. Under the Management of the Mexican Intornatlon.nl Banking Co. , Concesslnnarloi. INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF CHIHUAHUA , MEXICO , FOR CHARITABLE , 'URP03E3 GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING Will takninfo \ \ In rmlilln nt , Ilio CITY O' ' TUFforinnrtv ( IMsr ) di l Vtirlo ) , Jloxtou WEDNESDAY , JULY 28d , 1S9O. Under the -icr-sonul wnorvurnn ol { | | lJf. JOH'I S. MUSHY , nnrt Mil. CVMII.O Alint r.rf.E5 , tlif former n Rontlfinau of such proniliioncn In tbo United Slitm that hU nro-joneo nlnno li Biiniclent vuiiinntuo to thu pulillu tli it , the ilrnvlnvi will ti" liclil wllh slrloL fiuiHMty iiua 'nlr- ness tuull.aiuUtliu Utturilhu Suporvlsuror thu Mmlouu Qovornmun'j U u ( ocitul utaiiulni ! unU Intonrity. CAPITAL PRIZE , $6OOOO. Only 6OOOO , Tickets ! Only 60OOO Tickets ! WHOLE TICKETS , $4 ; HALF TICKETS , $2 ; QUARTER TICKETS.L . _ $ _ IxIST OF 1 Prize of $60,000 $60,000 $ , inoi'rliosof Approximation l.'XJeioli . Prizes. , ON ' . "rlzoof 10,0(10 10,0(10 ( Itxj 1'rlzoj of RO each . B.OJO 1 1'rlteof ft.OU ) fc.l J 100 1'rliei of 2S each . ai'tlic.of lllM ( each 801X1 Tormlnnl PrUoa. JOI'rlicsof awoncli S < n < ) f.MT TinlnAln to KU.IMU I'rliout til ench . Kl'rlrcsof 100 cnoli t > , U 6irJToriijlnil3 toUO.WJ I'rlio or III ) oaoli lit ) 1'rlzojof DC cncb.i. , , , ti.KiO UJl'rliCJOt Uencb 7MO 1014 Prlzoa aniounthis to . $1125 \Vothe nndorntirnoil licrphjr certify thntlho Ilanoo If any tlckot clmwliu n nrlzo linont to tlinnnitor- KArlonal nf Mexico In Cliltiunhua hna on deposit Blcnort , Its fnco nlni ) will l > rolloctol uuJ romltHU frumlho Mexican International llimklru Coinp.'inr. to thu imilur tboroof frun nf clinrno. Ihu noccHs rr funiU tocunrnntei ) tlio iiijmcn tot all K n\it II. HiioNiuy. thi > prlJus drawn In the Umnd Ixittcrf or Jinirci. ProsMcnt Fl l'n n National limit , I'.l PasoTot Wofurtliercortlfjr tlintwo will x\it rvl o nil the nr. AaiSNTS WANTRU. rnn cmunti , nnil In pomon mnnniis nnil control nil Far rlnb rntoH , or nnr otlior Infurinntlnn , wrlio to tlit'ilmvlnsior tliU l.oltory , nnil Hint tlio unius uni \initcrslunol.uliilliiil y ur iiWro" rlairlTi with ( oniluctod with Inmost ? , fnlrnujj and Iu RUOI ! faltli Htule CountyStroutAinl Nuinbor. Jlnro npM mill tuw&rilB nil pirttns. il llvirT"lIl IwB nureil lirTour oncloiln nn uiivul- JOHN 9. SJOSnV Commissioner. ope In nrlnii your full nililroti. . _ CAMH.O , JlUXlCAN IMPKIISATIII.VAI. HAMtlNfJ Of ) . , Ouporvlsor fur the Uovornmont. Olty iif JtiuruJloxloa ? ontl remittance for tlokoti by ordinary letter , conUlnlim Money Ortlor. - Issued by nil Kxpr iaConnutilos. NowYoik ExclniiiKO , llank Draftorl'OdUU Note. Address nil n-Riattrod lettoiilo ME1XIOA.1M IKTlilK.NATIOr-IA.li. BANKING OO. . City ofJuaroz. . Mexico , via El Paso , Tex. Great Slimmer Bargain MAX MEYER . , Jewelers and. Silversmiths , SIXTEENTH AND F.ARWAM STREETS , - - OMAHA , NEB Bargains in Bargains in Watches. Nickel \vntclici fronif Sllrur wntchoi from f > npwnrih. Diamonds. . Ijndli H uld wnlrhuii from HTi upwnrtli. Uc'Mtlumeii'aKUld ulclic'a froui tl ! > upwnnlJ. Diamond rlnui from f2H ) upward * . in Bargains Jcwclcry. Diamond uilliir buttons from M upirnnli. Diamond tiarf plnn from $ 'i npwunlH. Wornrry iifull linn of Jcwclory Incliicllni Dlnmoml cutf button * froiiiS * ! upward * . luilli Holhl ioM ami llnu rnlluit iiluto rliui , DIumoudiitiulifrumfi.MJ uptfittiK filiiii , oitrrliiu , lockntn , chnlm * linic olota , Dlnmunillncu pins from ; iUumiinli. | iiotkl.'Lceti. enlf nnd tollur butloim. ito. Ar- Dluiimnilctr rliiK.i fromr.liiwiinU. ! | titles mtimlly irorthfl n hollnl .Wo ID TSc , DhnnoncI bnici'letH Irani $ lpi tiptvanlH. unilnllotlMTKOdil.H urn Kol'l : it Ilio name pro- lamontl [ itc'iKlanlH lriin ) 'i upwiirili. portion. Kuo.uur iliuw whidowa. buu our liii'clilacoj fruni M upwimU Watches , Clocks and Jewelry Repaired at Reasonable Prices. Reduced Prices Silverware Clocks Greatly en , , Lamps , Umbrellas Goods Etc. , Optical , . PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1302 FnnmT > HARRY P. DEUEL , Oily Passenger and Tiokot Agent. Denver , Colo. , Capital Prize $7,500. TICKETS HO CIJ.VTS IIA.C'11. $26,370 , PAID liACII MONTH BANK OF COMMERCE PAYS ALL PRIZES , Address , II. F. Ill 10 DUS , DKNVEK , - - - Coi.oiuno , JFOR MEN ONLY ! MAf'lP nilH' 1'orI.OSTor I'MMNOMAN JlrthlU tUlif ) HOOD : HKiinal and NKJt. . VOUH DKUIMTV. Wonkiict of llotlv mil Mlnilj KlliictHiif KrroiH in Kxi'isHCH | ii Olii < > VoiniL' . ItiilnHi , Ndlilo MAMIU II fully to gtnicd.Vo Kiiaiiuilro every ( ii ! i ) ur niniit * ' rufuiiilod , Kiunplu cotmit. live duyH triiut nifiit.il ; full imino.fif. Iwiiruly sculoil fn > i ( it/SLTVutldii. OouU Ueinidy Cu.i OuuiUa , Nul