Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. JULY 10 , 1890. ' ' fl
Wheat Heavily Handicapped By Many
Strong Influences.
OntN Mtrlcrt I lulilrt Pretty Plrm
All lny-i\Kiiln ) tlio I'rovlHluii
Xrnilo Idiokt I'ciitiiru Cat *
tic and ll < > f > 4 ,
rniMnof ( July 1.- [ . pcolul Tploariini to TUB wuro ntuny Influences iiRiiIiut
llio wheal niiirli'jt this moriilnr. Pint , corn
imivery wenkiinillowiroii tlio curb nnil ere-
nt < (111 ( 4.llliiK fielliiK lii otliet markets ; second ,
thowealliur romlltloiis mid Imllcilloin wcro
liiiliiovcd ( or tthant ns ( toll us oornj thlnl (
Mwrpool uiililcs \orybearlsh , * < i\iotliix \
* | Kt ) wheat uiul future Vl lowur :
was ix snmll dieioavo l ? > wliuut on tlio ocean
passiK t IIftli , uxH | > rl < M vero reported as
( .elllnjr at New Votk on 1 cent ilicllnu fioni
Batiiidayi sixth , New Yurlt clfiirul nonhunt ;
soM'iitli. rccel | > ts litro veto uway ovurtho is-
Ultimo and qulto a l.irnii proportion vns
piiulwl No. 2 ; clKlilli , IliiUlilnsim
u persistent seller In this innihctj nlntli , tliu
imillittr-lMiliI ( nut line ; tenth , lucil lungs
felt slinky ami wild out ( | iiniitltis ! ofvhcut ,
wlilli ) H.ili ] < 'is noiuidcd tin : market fur u fur-
Ihirdi-cllno. Undii those enndltlotiM tliu mir-
Uot opcmd 'iu lower for s pit mlioriit sci'ko '
luiils-olclS'lVlo ' Wl'ic ' toff'ioat lu'elork. 'Jlio
wonder u us that i he pi lee d Id not RO oil So or lo ,
lill 11H-II3 utisstlllt-oiiii'Imll mn\s from I nulls
lit ( 'iiliiiiiliis ) , Ncl ) , mid tliu woisUI l.iOiovH' ,
\VI . , II is I li-lllnu ( if prciiniliirely ilu | Kinlu
nnil u IlK'lit yield mid tliu liitlir lulllnit ( ifn
Koud si mxl Imt heavy nist , Hhleh must ittliut
thejleld. Ihuio ttas no Mry timorous vip-
jiotl lieio nl liny tliui' , hut olfi rlii.'iciu
iiuh'lly iihsoihucl. Iliilchliiion wns i ojoi | t oil u
nt Nu\v Voilt mid Mliiii ( . > i > ells ,
ami this li'il Ilio tiiulu In Ixslluvu
tliiil lin lull fultli In thn nmrtii't.
Tlio lutlon In vmloiis months line
w.n : .liilv Wi'it ) toW'iolD Wl'fi'i AiiKiiit 7Sc ;
toM' ' Sc I" HT'ic ; Di'i'oinlwi1 l > kto W .o to Ml'ie ' :
h < | ili iiibi'i iiHfl ( in iibinu. Tliuie u inn lltllo
t'iv In nlit'iit f roni llm butloni julus.
Scplciiik'i sold in lou UH M'HC. ' or l'/c iiniler
lliuc'lo-d ycslrrd. iv. mid cluvd at t'S'n ! : .July
cliM'd tit bdlif. AuKii t bl'tc , nnd Jiouiin-
Corn took usliiirp dinp Inprluu lit the open
ing ttxliy l il tint uppi'iirril louul tlio nnt-
tci us fir .is liny niiiU'i tul ( li-cllnii was cun-
uirnud up tel i > cluck , ultliniiKli tlu'iu was n.
roirliiKlilK nun li I nnd Htimm ulToi t lo tou-
tiol pikes all iliiv. Tliu liilluoiicu abovunll
otliL-is tis tin ) liiipiii\L'l \\fiilhcr uror tliu
emu licit , \\ltli \ ( Ills iMtiK ! llm fun fium I liusc
% \lio liml loinli'd up foi a bull scare on tliuu < c-
jHClcil ilioulh , tint jitrliajH lliiiu inliht ) iil
neil lilKuiop * > t coin , nnd Ilioy pi octudi'd to
throw slutt. Wln'iit nlHM.ilnis who hud iwnu
loiiK In wlii'iiL nciu the llrst to iiiiloid
J'h'j lniiio\til | hi r mid u lu no lucre iso
on tlit'LCcnn imsiiKu , luri' rt'iuliitHiiiidev-
ctllciil KinilliiK liuiv , wllli an o\orl > oiiKlit
oiinilltlun of thu iniirliot , uno t huohlcf oiiusot
ot llio hot biuK , Tliu acllon. In t-iiitcmlior
corn , lip to I o'clockV.IH : Oponcd at .IT'ic , lo
iniiUirlimt nU'lit.siilil ut IK'iO ton" * , $ to .I7io
toliri c to ilT'ic toIITV' Cum nilllodsoinvbu
fine tliu olos'j on buyhiK hy Iliituliliison .UK
aliurts , Closlim prliM-s u i r , ! about 1'iC ' iniilui
yi'sliTilny. July II7ii ! Aii uHt fi'uC , t'Cplcin
LirilMc , May-ilc.
Tliu oats nun l vt In Id jui'tty llriii nil ihy
Adrop In tliu price-sot othcrion iN eiify
ciniscil ii Inwiir opcnliitf for : ill nioiitlis , liu
thi'io WIIM mi fmllior dirlliu' . anil after liold
liu pruttv slciuly all < la\ t line \vis ; u little
iiptuin lii'foK ! tlio closu lik'li nut prlus :
t-li.idclii'l tor llian I liu olo-ii j ciioidiiy. July
vas ( | HoIl ( at Win eaily anil 2)'i ) ' tiilhi
( .losn. AllKiM solil lit IVnC. til 2&cli 21\c to tlio
Insu ; 'uptiinbtr , ' . ' 8'ti to 'Jsio to 2 c : May
tlio imivlsloii tradu vita without
upovliil fentuiu and pilt-cs were not uluin ud
touny inatiliilti'iit. ( . I 'list dlspatilii-j fioni
tlio yards irpotti'il llio ho iiiiiUitliriiiand
uUlvc , but Intel It uiis i < * portol hlow at
udcullno In prlies of * c tolOi ; . I'lils , toKitlioi
with nhiulili'ii ( liu | > In Hit ! ptlcuuf corn , uniisoil
u \\uiik fuolliiK In provlslDiis. l.avil ti.idurs
olToicd tlii > lrpriiiliit ficuly. Lard lulil sd' idy
at WOO fir'ScituniliorvltliJiilynt | flMKiO
BfiJ'i. blunt rlln wuiniiuotpd at J. > .0'i enl > for
July nnd 1".7Vi to Vi . ' " ' . 01 5o lower for Soptuin-
l.ur. Messpiii-lc oloKl l.'ic louir fin .Tuly ut
IIIJiO and boplcinhcr bold $10bO to JIO'JO ' to
110.70 , oluhlng at tW 70.
LI vi : r < > cic .
On ICAOO , July n. [ Special Ti'Ioijnm to TUB
llrn.l-t'ATTr.K Tlio gvnurnl innrkot was dun-
nutorlzcd liy Hticngtli and ai'Uxlty. Only
4,000 iiiitlvusu.'iiuo liiiind nil clii'sosof biiyois ,
fioincxpoitera down to umneis , seemed to
wniitit tow cattle , ami vliuii tlioy found n
load tl.txt jus ' t suited tholr rcciulruinciits.
H'llois wcro ixb'lo to fnrco u little lulutnru , but
lisa rnlu nnlliiiry gradus sold .sti'iu'iy and
clioKocatllo fVSIdo butter. Tuvalu , though
ina'.liu' npu supply of nunrly IUOO , uldloopon-
liiK hlow and weak , nlso suld to goaJ nlvtin >
tn uund tlio Kcnurnl tiiulu wnsconsiinimiitod
on n strong b'isK Of coiuso Tuu.sdiiy Is
a IHKIT iluy to ill an concliislons us
lo tlio iictnal stiitiis of llio duaind ,
but t'oiHliluiliiK tliu laieu iimnbci of cuttlo
takiu by thliipois jcsttrday , anil tliu fito
inoM'iiioiit todiij , tliu tone and fcclliiKof tlio
niarU't In iiiiiucli inoru i'iicour.iKiii2Coi | .
( I I linn than foi HOIIIU Ilinu past. Oliolco
to iistra IIOUMS J4XWC475 ( ; ieiuiiu TO ( < > < !
Mnors. 1.JIVI to l,50 , Ilia. . 2l 7iriO : 1/.TO / | ol.iS : )
III- ! . . H.twe4.'il ! Kti to 1.20. ) Ills. , M.fit4.lOi
stouluis nnd fiedL-rs. t.VuJini : cow.s , bulls
nnd nilM'il. $ | 2V.oim : : Imllc , .20.MOi slop-
fed stueis , f4.tKi4U.riO ! Texas KI iss btucnt , &J.40
Q.1.21 ; coin fi.d toeis , * 3liX3iji : ( ) .
llods 'llio npeiiliii ! of tliu iniirlcot found a
few liuyois wlllliiK to Did a 5o iidMinco ovir
} esterua ) . So nn\louH did tliuy uppoiir to
di'sliotimbsotbcliolco iiiulltlus | nt tills lin-
piOM'iiH'iil tlintsuliMiii'ii KOiiPiiilly iniiili ) ii n
vllortto MHioizo out a lltllumuiunioni'y , but
whlluthoyuro trjIiiK to do this tlio Imycis
MidiUnlyvcnt \ liuukoii tholr bids , .uid buroio
u tiur ouioiililtull wbellu-r tlio innrkvl win
stonly : orHlroni ; . It us .V.lOuliiwrr iiiiiklo ul
fully IDo under tlio list prlcef ropoitod , eltlicr
yoHlurdai or this inornliiK. 'Ihero weroa few
Hiilea iniiiln on tlio jump nt first lilils awl tiny
look \O1) lilnheoiiip.uiMl nltli thmloilns quo
tations. In fact , MHiiofnncj hold up ti > * .f.ll\
lintiix a ndu any translation * OMT t.lR , * > fur
liua\y \\iro nbovo tliu inaiket. Inasniueh as
M.M ) was about tlio top for tlm lut he ivy ut
thulliilsli , mid M.7. ) llio liisls for dwont p.ick-
lnK lin s. l.lylit lion's , \\hllu not opening t < > as
pooil un .nhaiilimo us heavy , hold tholr own
liutlcr. I'nrlysales wuio : JI'K ' ) foi ii nrttd
llclit uiulM'liTk'd IIINIVJ ] il s and f.t.K > later.
TlioreMISIIO iliiin.ind for -.InKoliii ; hurts to
ispo.ik of , and H ! > 2'j , and possllily { - ) . ( ) , " > , uoiild
liaM'scciiidd lliucry tops ot hiicli. tlioujli
\\iiHoiiutniiisactlaii liciu SO pl \\t.ii )
plckid out of bovutnl lonlH at JI.OJ ,
* " *
Nnv Vomc , July 15. Telegram to
Tun llir : , ] STOCKS Operator * ovtdoiitly do
not think western eropi hndly Injured. Tlio
BtiH'k nuirUet uialn shotted u llriu tumpor this
nioinhiK mid llrst prices , as eoiiiKU'ol | xvith
t h ( o of limt oiling , \ > ere iwior.dly ( nun 't '
to ? per font lilifliur. Dullness was still n
ruling fiutniaof the dcullns , IHUVOUT , uiul
allslionxth us well as activity uero coiiuin-
Irnted InSiiKar Hulluorles and New ICiijliind ,
uncliof which made a further Kiln of 1 per
conl In the I'ai'y triidlnjr , I.Uur , Norili-
\\'bti'in du\ ( > loped somu slren.'th , touch-
Int ! Ill , St , I'tuil IDSO ulioio it and
Iiiokii\Nuinuroso ; In lls'o. Still Liter , Siinnr
tumbled fi ( ( in T71 ! ID Viand tiKiiln rmo to Til.
Now Knshiiid lost-'i. ' Tlieioiis \ \ utlriiilono for
tlio tumi'tiil 1M u Illioiildtlii riiHiti'ihilclianso.
-htoi'ks HITO hold latu In the diiy. Illalnn's
hitter ciiiihC'dii Mmrp ( hop In thoMittnr Trust ,
\\ldeli closed \vllli a net loss nf "J'a.
Ciili'iiKo Has was oil' IU lit r.l'l. ' ( lraiier
htooks veiDllrin on pmspccts of a fair crop
nnil Ihoiidx unco In ratis. Northnestcrii
uii' . uiul St. 1'aul ; 4 , with slltflit
The following weio tlio t [ | iiolitlons :
U. H , ! rc ulnr. . . . r.'Htj I'.ictloiH of'W SriS
U. NIH tuupun do prorurri'il. . WU
II. H. HM ri'nul > r. . . UU 0 A..S W UIJi
II. H. IHicoiiiton , , , , tul d ( pruforreil .Ill
Couirnl 1'iicint * its ! N. V.luntril IIM
CliUimo A Alton . . . . W i' . , i ) , i i : yflf
Clilrik'o , lliiillnutun Hoc-kill.ilhl . . . . ' WV
" t iw I' . . .M.A hi. 1'w 7IK.
d. > | irurorml llovj
IlllnolH ( Vntrnl IIS Si. I'nul. % Oinalin . . . X'U
I.,11 \ \V 110 doiruforriMl WL
Kant.iK \ Toxm I'nlnii Puclllu It
l.tik Miorn , , UlU
JMlfhlh-iin Coiilrnl.,110 do I'rutVmMl. ' , , , . . . , . ' ( . ( i
Mlmuirl I'aelilc 117 Vt'uitcrii Union . . . . . . Cl'i
Northern I'nclltc. . , ToTi
MONKVKn y ut4'i m-r wnt.
bTKHI.INd i\CIIANlH-Illll : ( ) Hut
blxly-dny hills , tl&l'.i doiniuul , fl.Ml ,
Jfr.w YOIIK , July 13.-bpei lul Tolrnrinn lo
Tun llii : . ] The follottlii arothoiuliilimsloelc
Hello I le7 HO Horn Silver SIO
licit A. llcle'iiT Jf.U N. i'omiuunwunllli. . . US
Cvn. Oil .t Vn IJU ( Iniurln | , ix )
DcndwtHurr I'M Oirullontnl. , Ill )
1 Inlo A .Nurcroa , . . „ iHJO Plymouth , u
llumestaku ILOO I'lHUllX. .Ull . . . . IU
Onicino , July 13. 1115 p , m. closo-Wlictt
K Steady | ciihli , NI\C ! Sitei | btr. kSSJc.
" " L'orn-ririiii cash. aTMu : Si'ptombor , H'Si MS
Ouw-fetomly ; casU.y > iO | boiiteuilicr , ili.So.
'lyo-Dull at
llnrloy I'lrm.
1'rltiio Tlmntliy - tcndy atll.5KM.J ! ) .
rinStoidy nt
Wlil kv II fo.
I'ork-Onkt ; wwli. Ill.T.'i PontcmbcrtloM.
liin | . vlt < wl.vcn'.li , ( , "i < < ! | September. IX ) ( ) .
I'ldiir Steady nnd nni lintmodiwlnter wheat ,
ircwfcJM ! rvc , tt..v > 8-l.oo.
I'mvlslons Hhi > ultlor . . ® } ! | uhurtcicar ,
lluttir I'lnn for f.meyi ereainorji UClSc ;
( hlry.oailc.
-IfiiL-hatiffodifiilloronmehodlnr'.T B
7'c ' | ; llatfl.'if&i'ie ' ' : VUIIIIRAnurloas171i < J"'iC.
uH-noiuiKi' : i-i , .
Illdn Uiiuliiiiucd ! liuuvy nnd lljlit uroon
ill ( l , fVJlfi'ii1 ' ! millpilbulK . " o | > rro MI silted
calf. 'iW.T'ii.'i ' ' dry siiltud lildus Co ; dry calf ,
'ySfic : ifi'iieniif . 2)0 ) oncli.
Tnllnw liiicliaiiKedi No. I , solid pi kcJ,4cs
No. - > , : i'io ' ! cuko.l'.c. . ' .
Ilocdpts , Slilptn tt ,
Hour . 11,1x10 : i.00fl
\\lioat \ \ . 4U)1 7.000
Corn . : wix)3 ( ) Jir.noo
Oats . , . 1SC.OOO l'ir.,003
NIM VOIIK. July in.-Wllpal UocM-lpt .5ia.TM (
liitsIiiN ; ( Xporti , - liusl'tls ; siint lower !
No. „ ' rod , ttPiit > Pc liivluvntor : VJ < rTiiloiti ;
ifii'/i'ic f , o. hi oiitloiu lo\Mr : .V > . 3 rud ,
July , cloHlnK nl
C'titn Hicullii.iii | : < J.UO ! liil ln.llO\port ! > , 30,100
husluls ; ci'ot. ' Inwir ; No. 2 , 4.i < J'3t.l\c ' In
cloviilor ; 4li'ail1BO afloiitj ttnvrnouil mixed ,
IJ'i ' lH'Jc ' ; optuitiH limisr , Jill v closing utl
OutH-lCTlil ) , OJ.OOa Uii'du'l'ij o\iorti. |
liutliilt ; spot stionirn ; > o.S uliltu , M'i' ' t.lS
mlxrdnoslcrit.llWs e ; whltonturn , : i7 < ijl I1 io |
iiilliin | hlionvi'ii July clixhr.Mit : jo'c.
UolTii * Uptlon-i ( .tB.ulyj iiiicliiiniiuil to 10
piliilHiiijsnl ( | < .s. . " - ' , ! liii ; July. il..l( ( > !
August , tl'.UO ; spot UIo fttmdy ; fair
Hu.'nr liw ! nnn : fair roflnccl lltf-lCcs rc >
fliii'tl , fulily ui'tlNo mid linn.
I'etiiiloiiniUnltvil cluicd for August at
tsf c.
UKBS I'nni'y , linn ; otlicts dull ; prtiiivwcst *
nn. Wffinte.
t'nikMfiidji ni.s. * I I.J.VT ! 1 1.75.
l.iudi.Hl : 'ruiidliill ; ( 'stiin s train , 11.12'i
lliitlor Uxtri , wiuk : I.lKlii ,
1 7'jCi ttciotn ( hilry.O'frlli'i eroiiiii'iy. lOiJIiC. fc
C'litcseKiithor t > t j ; | i'ii5 % sklins. 4
HT. t.ot'ii , July -C'loHliu. . Win at dosed
lowi'i ; omli. SHin > ; s > pt < < ni1itrMl6c | ,
I'orn liiiwtTi c'lish , . .Oc ! S-ipluiiibur. IWSc.
Oats -1/iiMoi ! ojuli. : il
Pork yiileti cu-di , f I l.
I < : uil rviiinlniil at f " ) . ( ! . " >
WhWv.v-.Stoady uttl.W.
.i : , July l . Wlicit nn y !
No. 2'piliu' . c.i li , NidiSTci No.l uuillivrii , fc'W.
C'otn Uineti Nu.3. : Ui > ic.
Outs -ruin ; No. 'Jt , : : e.
Hjo KT.y ; No. l. Wttl'i'lo. ' '
li-irti > y-Qiill ( ; No , L1. fllu.
Pnivlsloiis r.aiy. 1'ork C.isli.tll.OOi AIIR-
OlM'iNNtri , July 15.-Win'it I'll 111 ; No. 3
red. K5 < iW.
Corn \\cul\pr \ \ ; No mixed , 40o.
< lats fctroiiKi No. . ' , niKeUioi-o.
Ktsn\sUivi. July 1.-\Vlicat Woukcr ; No.
2 linrd. cisli. July. 77o : No. Siocl , cash , blc
Com Stronger ; No. Scnsli , IlTc ; Jul ) , 'M\
Oalv-Slciuly ; No.S , c.ish , S 'Jo ' ; July.W'ic-
MINNKAi'or.H , Julj --Whoit tloslm : No 1
liiuil , July. blV ! AmiiHt uiitf.ick.irJi'i ' ; ' No 1
( ) ( ' , , , , ' , ! AiiKitil SlHii on truck ,
tr-c , No.'Jiioitliuni , July aici Aujust.Elc ; mi
tiuck. 8. 3Mo.
LuKitrooi , , July in. Wlioit Dull ; hold-
cisoirorinodiratcly ! mlistorn winter , 'u
JudR'H Id pui ; ad vestoin BiJiliiKi > *
l dttTs 2d.
( . 'orn-I'll indciiniid f.ilrnow mi.xul wcst-
crn , . ! > Oil DLTluut , il.
LI i'f ;
CillCAno , July IT Cittlo Uocclpt , S.MO :
IIOUIPO , { 4.rVitt.7.r > i ttL'crs 4IWTOIW : Moukir- .
and fiMMlcrs. W.' ( ; cow.liulh
Jl.aiaMOi : Texas cattlc , .4r > BI ( VI ,
llors Kuctlplt. , lVKsU ) > aily , lower ! inlscd ,
$ : ! .7CCU " , ; he.ivj , SJ70itU ; ) ) ; light , W.W3 >
iJ.lKil skips , WlVS-ldO.
hhooilteuvlit | > . , J.OOO : steady ; natives , ljl',0
( Ti"'l" > ; western tMiii-fi'd , 'JI'JOCSIS ' ) ; Tu.\ui * , : ! ! lainlis. { S ll tli.'o.
Kt.ssis t'trv. Julj 15.Oiittlo HeculpK
t,7S ) ; .hlpnicnts , . i.M ) ; miiikut steady ;
t ( IMS , $ v ' > 'i < ,4 I ) ; co\\s , H.j.VS..Od ; stockers and
oc.lcrs . , t.
llu s Kccvlpts 1(1.100 ( ; shipment * , 0)J ) ; inu-
{ ( tstuudy ; .ill KMdesV"jt6 ! I.U .
! rT. Lotus , July -J.ittlo ( Itcceljits , r > , ' )10 ) ;
slilpineirts , none ; market Htronji ! fair to fancy
intlve strors tl.UXtfil.Mi stoclJi'isiinU feeiliN ,
4. Moil * 140.
lloKs-lEecoliitsMOO.slilinneiils l.iMO ; nni-
< itstiimor ! , homy , &U > T > i j3 ; inulcliij $ JW3 >
J.r.'W ; llslit , ll.TOiZl.'JO.
? iou.\ CIT , In , July 1 * lings liccolpts.
J.iiH ) ; n a1 k ( t o.iouuil stiong , butsc
Oo , veil in ? ut > .i.r .yi'l.V ( ) ,
iiolils.uOi ) : ; nmrket ( , toaly.
The Co IT o 3Iiirkct.
Nr.w Yoitic , July.lC [ Special Tclcgrnm lo
Tun CEP. ] Coltw Options steady aud un
changed to 5 points up. Sales , 23,300 bags.
July $1".10@1T.15 ; August , § 17.00 ; Septem
ber , SlG.4.10.fiO ; November , S15K ; Jan-
tinry , ? 11. 10 ; Fobniary , S15'.V March , * U)25. )
lilo , steady ; fair cargoes , ac ) ; No. "Hat
O.M.17/.1 JMI'Ji S'fOUX ,
Tuciilny. July 13.
rsttmated receipts of cuttle H8J ) onipirod
llh 'if > 0 yostoidnv and L''J.i ] Tiiiiday of
lust wiulc. I'lio muikolopciieil In U'ry hid
coiidltlou , slow nnd loirOr on ovirytlilnjr. I'lio
IIIIKO receipts with tlio wrei.d tumloncy of
the iiiaikuts tonarih loner inlcos , inadii n
hlonsisKlns inukot ( iiilto UUcoiiMKliiE to
f-touk misers aiulshliipcrs. Pearcolj' any tlilnfr
In the yaiilinus du'ilr.iblu 'Jiiourh , uudur tlio
( lonio liiir InlliiL'ucis to hold up to study
jnlL'es Till' pool quality of bii'f mid ' \iort |
ulcers nnd llio Intjtv mil of stoukurs md feotl-
i < rs run In hecauso of tlio drouth , undo tlio
innki'ls p.iitUnliiily bid. htocLors null
feidois liuu : not only declined hut are
siMiudy Miuilcil. K\ou the most ilcslriblo
Citulosnf cows and lulfers tlialbiiMi licroto-
fore held up w ell , a ro low ir.
r.stliuato'l iOoliits of lioi . 110)3. ) ooiupired
with S.S'HI ' jcsUiday nut T , 117 Tutiiliiy of
Tlioioc'elpts mo iiinoiiK tlio lu.iv-
Itst lids juar. The inukot opcnod > ory
"look ) , " hhnv and lowor. Iliuill ) suttlhiK to : i
drii > of 5 K'7'ie. At inlildiy only iiliout half
( if Ilioidcelnts ehui cd liaiuls and liuyors
wmo 'ilVeiliw only M MM } . ! VJ'i ' Tlio in uki't
ilose 1 seady utllie decllilu vvllh tlility loads
liu laime was M. '
J.II.V3 i ; > 2'ii mixed , tl.Vir > r ; heavy , U.Vi' }
; i W. The a\urax'o of the iiiloe p.ild nas fl ; " > . ' ! J (
poiiipnrud with ( ( . .MI'i ' yesterday mid fJUT1
'luesday of lastwooK.
Pfcviillliitr I'rl 'cs.
The folhuvlni ; Is tulilo of prices paM In
lids in irkit fortlio T.uloof stock inoiiLionodi
1'ihiiobtoors , iw : to nia its . . . . ui QI. n
( loodstoois , I'i'ilto l4Urt > s . . . . 100 cjl.n
( loodstoeis IO'K ) to III ) Kii . . . . ! 18 > ( BI05
t'oiiiiiiou , ITOJ tull.'iUlbs . : i/ > Cill. > ! J
Coiinnoii uannni'rs . 100 dt.'OO
Ord In iry to fair cows . H ) Gil 10
I'alr to need cons . UK ) CUKl
Hood to choice emvs . 27. > ( ill I.'i
Chnlcu to fiiiieyrnws . S'O ' 4M.W
rulrtUKOixl liulU . I7i
Cholioto finoy bulls . 3V ) W l
Mirhtstockors and feeders . .V > 3 CJI-'O
IVedits , tra to MOD 16s . 29) ) iUU :
riilrlocholeo light | I IH . l'"t \
I'alr to cholco lii'.ivy Uois . IW dU.r.0
rtilrtoeholuu inKedhoKi . J5JViJ.57'i '
yre Gout of
The foi Ion lug table sUei Ilia uvcr.iio cost
of lilies tin esinanlloiioil , liiohiilln , ' the
rest today , as Ixiso.l upon talui loportoil ;
Juiio.W . a I7 > ( July fl . 3 r.T'J '
July I . SU'i .Inly 9 . It tUJ'S '
Julys . : ; 4i > i July 10 . a KI
JubJ . It IV4' July 11 . J4
July4 . : i fll'i July U . il 17
Julys . : i . ' > ) July H . : i S'J'J '
JulyT . a C5 ! ! July 15 . a SJ'i
Thn follow I iu tuhlo shows the r.vnjo In
lirlcesoii hnits iliirln ; thli and last weuki
Hlilliou null of
, ta < u . .II 01
lo\\ist t 50
OfflolnlVusli'iiliiy. Ksiliu.itol Today.
Ciitllo. . . . ttt c.irs.J.W Oiittlo .Dloiiis. : iSW
llOXS . . . . 41) CUM-,1)L , )
Hursts 1 our , "
Horses. . . . Incurs , sri
'rioo of
Showing the .ivortto nrloj pit I fir lunU o (
DHS on the day * In lluitullii Uii' . Idii , ISI )
undlb'.K ) ;
ot'l rl u3.
The fallowing tublo ho i tlio ranzo of
nrliTd paid for lioiMt
V air to cholco llthl liojj . p 45 ai 53
Vo. rtotho eohouvy. . . . s & 5 flu oo
Fair to choice lalicd . 3 5'H ! J J'i )
Prime falMiecp 4 2X CM 0
(3ood fanliecii . . . a Ml / . : ! 41
Comiuonto medium slicup. , * OU < O l U
Ilcpronentnllvc Hnlcs.
Illll.SSI.II llll.l'
No Av. T'r. No. Av , t'r. No. Av , Pr.
4.1n H35 CA lllflj 73 K..1WII
4.1i I02J II 40 SI 1115 M 1271
i 1.170 .1 TOme 21 lira & ) .111) ) 400
mo .1 M 47 1071 4) ) . .1107 400
M itzi s no Ji 1127 .1117 40)
18 lOtt ) 3 GO 14. 4 CO
in 10 .1 no no ) 400
107 ICll 3 70 I fi .1no 4li ) ; i TO WJt 40. .1 415
40 izw a TO 11US
1220 50ra IS 11M I M 17..nil
ra id law I M 412'5
1152 1 ( W : il i mi I . ! ii nu 415
oo 18 .12T.1 UU IS 1M 4H
14M CM aw 10 1M 415
111(1 ( I t w 20. HPI 4 SO
1101 U bO 19. 1277 W..Hi-
f 0 W 11 . l 2 40 fi. f22 JCS
1RJ7 ( 00 S llffl 2 SO 1..1IIO 8M
1)1 ! ) 00oo " 8..71S 270
00 ll"W ? 2M ) M..531 280
Hrw 00 10 .102) ) 2 W ) 10 . 100 280
S3) ) CO 2 1 ( ) a 10 1 1110 300
Ull 11 Ull 2 CO 1 „ . - 3 (
1010 W tr.'l ' B IK ioiu 3 m
bill a nn an 10.10 : i oo
: o i . i HO _ n i. UK ) 300
U5) ) ! i : 7. KW a n 4 M 3 10
luso : 40 13 . Iffi ) S U 1. 1JW ) 2 2 , '
KS 3 40
PTOCkEiis AVH miui4. : !
r,01 2 11 1. . -O ( 5 T5 17 . DTI 2 93
TOO 205 G..SJI 2 To ai 051203
1 1070 1 V ) 1. . 9K ) 1 75 11 TTd 1 T3
1 1100 1 M 2. . 1170 1 ,3 14 K47 1 00
II HI 1:111 ,
1 . 401 2(0 ( 2..1l.'o J03 12. . 7JJ 3 10
I. . 4UO 2Xi
HUtr. j.
2 .laiJ 1 73 1. 1310 1 85 1..1270 2 00
1 .131)0 ) 223 1..1600 IIC.O 1 .1ITO 3 00
STii.llH : .AM > HIM flllS.
30. . 815 a 30
VMTKiiv cwrr s ,
r > r i .i si"
Bl 'IIS - JI5714
( X ) , . . . :271 : 40 3 CO
On 2 - 3(0 (
rvi ' < r > _ : ice
. .m 40 : nu
.274 W : ( )
.211 w : iw
. 43 - : t to
: iu >
Market Mention.
llois lower.
C.itllo Mow anil lower.
Jones & bhcan s mt In a caret lie s from Au-
II l'\ Downer of Arapjlioo sent In a car of
hos. ;
Henry Tuerliof of Oodgo marketed a car of
Ourl Ilroltb.ith marlcotod cattle from
J I' . I'lillbrook ' was In from Claris wllli acai-
of eat tie.
IVtoriiin llrothcrs scat over a oar of liojs
fiiiniVibton , In.
J , R. Anoy uas ove-r fiou Underwood. la. ,
with a car o ( hogs
I'rcd llcrlcl was on the iiiarketwlth twocirs
J.V. . Williams of Jlunt , KoyuPahacounty ,
, is In with cattle.
H'F. llucdcnino donn from AUiland nltli
tlireo otcuttlo.
J. .Mu.Mlllun hid : two cars of cuttle on thom
m irlvut flow Valparaiso.
oTlirnsliljionstht In a car each of cat
tle and liogbfioin Hogets.
U. .1. Juhnsnii nnd 15 Green each had u car of
c.Ullo down fioni llurlntiul.
A. n Johnson , a licnvy dealer of Central
City , wis eatllo.
Inspector Ifowaiil condemned nmlsliottwo
lump Juv steerstlio lltit In so\irrl diyn.
" . I * . IlliiiMlil.iin ! oxtciislvo dcilorof Iliiu-
l.i , had a car of cattle on the market.
Jolin Tho'iipson , a pninilnont stockinun of
liilllloniisontlio ] market \\llli tuociirs of
_ _ _ _ _
Ojr.lll.l WMHUsl'.S.lLE . .V.ttXT.V. .
I'tsii-1'or lb : I'creh. 7 ? ; in ! ' > > , To ;
plcUoiel , bcj nlke. tH ; : tiout , 0c ; vhl o , tlo ;
cr.ipple , 10o : catfishllu ; ( ud tUi. . . , .a ; llouii-
Krs , Uo ; Ore o'isalnoa , IJu ; bluukbaai , 13oj
loli tois , lsi' .
JKI.LIKS - , | ® porlb.
Diinisci ) YKAI < I'holco medium , GJ7c ( ; Itelit ,
0.3V4 ! liouy , 4ft3o.
I.IN > M-i [ > Oil. Kuw.Gflo : bjllcd , Clo ,
CIIIIH t'er bbl , rollna l.ll.OJ ; haUbblH.25 |
hard elder , puriMiurlilil , t30)s ) orun o lUlur.
half lilil , * 7.00 ; iiiaroldnr. halt bill. JiiO.
\ \ oil ! , I'luo unnaslied , IITtHvi iiidlliitn 1111-
w.islied , lh'lo , ; coai > o iinniis'icil. W.'Jc
IllDF . 1'EI.Trt AND TAUI.O W-G I t'l'll hilled
Midi s , ri'jatiii ! ! dry h.iltid hides , 5o ! dry Hint
lildes O't Oej calf lildos , ) 'i ( < 57'jC. ' Daiuuged
Iildes2c lebs. blicoppoin , KMVII. each , Juc(3 (
JI2" ; shoeppelis , diy pel 11) , l/dle.
TAitow-A No. l.4'4o ; .No. 2Ja't , C ! prcaso ,
white.I'ifilc ' ; M'IUi ,212'i.o ! ! ; Moailno , 0'ie- ' .
llo.NW ( Qiuitiit.onsftiofDrdillvvry tiiUhl-
cajjo.l , pur lun. tlf.OOtfl .iMj dry
( iiiintry , liiL'iehid. tl,1.0Xli.i.OJ ( : diy country ,
( IninpniKlmo ity.'Ktf&luiO. '
UoM-.r Mralned. UMbcanbper lbOcj now
loin 1) honor , H'/3l < e.
pk-kril nmy , ] , tl.iXici.73j ( ( hn'nd-iilcked
lonntry , 1UO'tc\w \ ; good Ui > an. 11.107,1.23.
' f. 17..30.
iiMiitiKTIVX3 > 40) ) per 24-nt case.
n\Mi' iiATiii : AIM-US I'lincy , lUJ Sllo peril )
Ilt.uiiKiiiiiKs i > er bit , -WOJ.
UuiutVMs- I'cr24ituse , 10076-4.00.
U AM'iir.iiiiiKS-Hod , JJ.30 per'JI-ii t cuc iWuck ,
W.M per 2l-it | fuse.
( louniuiiiiiiiM Two-uu4hL l8taiidM.X ( ) i.OO ,
OOCOAMTn I'OT 1 ) , fcYOO.
\V. ni-Mn.i.o\pi 1'er 1UI. $2.T OoiJ.'W.OO.
C'AMKi.oui'i : rordoz. l.ttrff-MK ) .
75 : Kntlicru , per biisbul , * 2.3 > Jfcj.Xii ; ( Oregon ,
1'mciiM Arknusno. M-linslu > l lov 11.002
IMiralUaiulii , porlo\.OOiu1.V ) * ) .
KKMONS-l'or bov , Me-.slna. fnii > y. fO.OO ,
Toi\T < ) rs 1 'oiir-b iskil at ntiw. ti'ZVfjiM.
OMO.vs-.Vuw southern , per bbl , JLVXiwua.
I'KAlis-ll.irtlott , California , per Iwx. SI 10.
I'lii'NKH-Uurmun , jior box , JJ.2J ) trasedy ,
- ' '
Duniu1 , nor liox , 2JJ
Pol'i.TiiV 1'ur do/en , cholco lions , tj.o
choice mixed. ( J.riOtt.l.Oli rooslors fi.Kl
, . .
for medium : * l-VXisiJj forlurfi-i Iho
o : iwr lb , ofsio f
M u I.STUI K Il.ooai4.oo ,
IMinKH-t'rtMinory , fanoy rolls , print , 103
IflVici ervaiuory , funoy , solid pauKed , Ui,14il ;
eruanuiry , uholeo , 10fcl2ci dairy , fancy rolls
and prhiti , 12 < UIJc ; dairy , fancy bollil imckej ,
ll ) < ai.0i dulry , cliolco , UitlOoj country roll ,
fancy , 6 < 3Jc ; choice , 7 < as i inferior , ! > 3ig ,
ft Eons We for strictly fct kj shilo not il-
nblc.OinfiiTnMrrv liinoy frtun l\vn ! , I9o ;
fayty full croatn t\rli ] , f.cj clioico full
crumn tuln * . Po : see I lull tnlnt. Sc ;
fancy Hklina , " ' { " 'IP ' ; CholC , ' oVInia. Uil'i'lt' ' ?
fair to poxl. , W > > | OI oliotpu Voims Anierlt'ii.
12o | faiuy lltulHirner , l Uvifancj lrli-kWi& )
llcJonifStlo9wl | < , KViJlVci
I'rovlslniH ,
'lickors'lirUti'-PiiioVol ' luim , 1Mb
RO , ln 4 < | stnokod liiitm. 2Olo22lb . U'iP ;
od lianii 12 to U llw. H'oi ' extra lu-ax-y
Imiii" , 2:11021 Ibs morjec , OUi'i skinned llc-
Iii3,13 to 20 Ibs au-riiiu. i > , iroikj ( ! Cnllroinla
hum" , 7Ue ; nu'clil ijivnKiiHt bacon , I01O :
spc'lnl linnHl ] ( ! brcakf * tliacoii , clear. 8'ic ' :
ill,71i ( ! ' < 1iG ! limn HHii njfibe ; plcnlu Iiani .
7 4d dried bci'f linijii.J < > ttloittoiiiup'4por | )
HUM pork , nor ibl. III * Oiil2 T5i o\lr.i IIICHM
botf , J.VVU sainusp. inrlb , Intlo/tnti / , 4o ; ilir.
4 ict HUT , 4'i ' < ' : blood,4'j . | . | ieiiili'li(0 . ) ' 4c.
A < ll ( o per lb _ . lots I. t linn fllis. IMjr
boni'lt'siliroakfast buioii IiVi Ijonu-
M' | summer sum.i o lOoicurtoltit
HllllS.ltfC , 220.
i-i > HiKr-Stocf. i > fflto fffl IbsnvoriRo ,
! stools -4iOlo ( VW IliiuvvriiKo ,
co" s nnd lieir - rstooio rut lt > s
n > orn8i > , nMtt lilndnuirlfM , sticrlOo ; hind
i , eo t , be , foKriuarli'i . stfcr4 4 > io ;
foreimiitt 'i'i1co .4eiuios etl ho s , ( He.
Iiiis4ii : > MUTTON' tliolio ilussotl mutton ,
O'li'i racks of mutton , Uoitaddles of mutton ,
lOii bioastsof inutton i'lo : leRsof iiiutton.loc.
U\NMl ) JlKATt-Cotncd lu-el I lb , JI.'JOi
cotnutt boo ( , 2 IK 2.11 ; miioli toiniiic * , 1 lb ,
S'JBi ; liineh tciiKiiu. . ' lb , ft 7'i | btnnii , I lb ,
S1JO ; brnwn.ilbl- < | \ tongues , t' ' .
oloniliies , 3 11) , Jli.OD ! i-liljiptil boif. 1'i ' lb ,
round , cms. JI.20I loml Ixif. 2 II' , roiiml cms ,
* SOi ; iwltodliatn 'i Hi , ro mil onno. bV : iwltoil
limn , Mlb , loiind cam , ' ; dovlUil h.-iin. li
Hi loinid cans , i.'iu ; ilcvllt" ! 1mm. > < i lb , iiiiuid
MIIS , Jl-'il ; initttilox toiiviiL' , > 4lb , roiiiultaii'i ,
tlji ! polU'dov toniiiic , ' - Hi. round cms1.20 } |
cotiipin-odliain.l llMii ] ire CMIIM. Jl.7. > ; com-
picssi'illiiiiii.o Hi siuno cans , } . ' .75 ; trlpo,2 11) ) ,
round C'uit ; inlnecd ei.iios | , sib , round
oaiK. f.V.'O ; boiuluss IIKS ! fuel , 2 lb , bqiiuro
eans. $ . ' ,2.'i.
' ( : il Hrur I'fTS-Kolli. f > 'tu ; heof ten-
tldlulns , 1'c ; sliloln , lulls , 7oj boiielc-M
strips , 7'ic ' : lounds , rump oil' , Ucj
rounds mini ) on. , 'o ; rouiuls , liank oil ,
5'i ' ; Ixini'lril riiuips.k'i dmks 3'icj jilites.
2'ie ' : liii'U h.ilM" . 4'ic ' : siiuunlcr clods , 43ii |
bief loins. .No. l.meur Kl'tllo ; k-of loin" , No
( , * [ > . lunf Inlns. No. .1. II- ! li.of.rlllu I'.l/.ffl
f l bi'cf i llw , No 1 , JO1 to , smot blonds ptr
doJl'icj kiilnov , cadi , : ii , o\ lull * , iMit'li , .I'j ;
llvor , each , l5i , beef lit ills , oiiuli , 4ci Ueil
toiiKiut. > nili , - * ! strip loins , d e.
l'ui > n I'oiiK 1'orU lolin , - , - > 4c : tcndcrlolnd
Co : spuo llhs , 4c'i sliouMers , r > c ; hock } , ! !
trimmings , 4o ; bacjklioiii 2cilirssud IIOKH ,
4HC ; ( leanid plm foil. PCI dc , , JOoi louili un-
clcaiuil pUs fed , perdoiic - .
I.AIID CMKHlils , l.xtn laiil oil , w s , t oi
cd m No. llirdoll , 4fc : l ) 1 hrd oil , : iV ; No
ainrdoll , Jlo ; pure > foot oil , Isoiliuul
cm. Wo Rid , idru niMtlsfiuit oil , 4Ju | No 1
in' itsfoot oil , 37cs lallo'.v oil , 4 lc.
HO.MVCOMII 'liili'K-lItiK bitriulsl.7nutir ( ; *
Iti banelsfJ.10 , olalitli bit uls , 4I.15 ; kftb. 1 >
Ibi t-iicli , Kto.
I'OIIK Tosnus luooo'vod-MIlk ' curod-
lliilf birnls , ICO lb , i".iJ , ( luirtcrbaiicls.
UN. ! MIK ) .
SAun(3iOAst\as-Cattle-'l'lorca : nnil bnt-
n'ls , inlddli- peril ) , O'lu ' ; iiniii.l , IIUo , bunis. Is :
hot ; fiislMKi , Ifeo per lb. lion buimt , No I , 4'o
iiL'biiounils. per sit ; iOJ fuel , 12'ic ; sitmlil-
dies. | n > r sit r > < [ ect , Jtiojst > , is.miK lesttbuii
inuo-iilfcolots , i'ji lu'hj "mall bliiddcr * . I > s
tlinii MOdolots , Ibcpui do/ , large bladders ,
less tli.m nio-dw Iofi.i0o | ier < loz.
hi-KEii I'liis'ToNdDus-llulf ' barrels fit. W ;
qiiarlcr b.iriclHS5.7o , olslith birioli , * 3.U3 kits ,
nlbsca ' , * . ' .
TAII.O\\-A > D. 1. J'Cojstfarlnp , OHc.
l'iCKi.iillKilTovntTis ) : Half bunds tS.SOj
quiii Icr bnnol" $ . - > . . * iO ; clylith Inn cli. * :100. :
LA mi 'lli'rtns Hcllnedl.iKlcoinpounil. 5'Sc ;
mirok'afl4CliOttK ) ; tlV. .AJd ; , ( ! to ' c per
III forMnnller inokna-s.
I'lcKMlDTltllk Illlf InrrcK $2V ) ; quarter
birnls. il B ; il0'htb barrels , 8Joj kits , 15 Ibs
Prow Cut loaf. 'Ue ; tube * , 7' c ; stindnrtt
po\vdoied,7 aiXX\X ; ! , | u\Mhrel. be : friiiiu-
lituiM.'St ; eoinVt'tloiiem A , C'jc ' ; clliniiY .MJ ,
l'ioNobiiskiiXU ; , b'ic ; anitir. S\ot Canary
V'onii-Craii ! 1'ancy tiolilon Klo , 22'ie ;
fiticj iildpuiLlnirv , t > kt Ulochilli' , ; tofuiuy ,
H'icj ' UIo , prime , 22c , K ! , j dinl. 2l' ' o ; b.uitDS
and coniiiuiii Klo , I' ' JIc ; Moi'hi ; , " . 'ei ' Ji\i ,
peiuilno 0 U. , 2su ; Jit MI. KWIInterim \ - , 2'iu ;
Mexican , 'lu. '
t'oiHJU Itoi tccl Ailisi. 25'Jc ; lliiiidli ,
23V ! i .McLaiiiilillii X-XXX , 25VJC ! Ootiniii ,
2,3'it'i Uoboi Hi's 2.'i' c ; Iluii , 25'jj Mallpouch ,
i'lHi , Moihii , Jlei O.O. Jav a. Cc.
liitN cuot. ' ! ! Goons llm ley , ll'ic ' : farina.
Be ; pui" , He : oitmeal , 14i&l4i ! ; niicoiuiil , ID ®
lie : leriiilielllJOOIIu ; rlco , cliolou,5 ! . cfancy : ,
Cu ; lica < l,5Viei sa o and tapioca. OmTci lima
l.nnm IV..Lt > lttln . . : i > . - linulll.1. III * .
us Irults , OnllfoTiila standard
brandsv2'J-Ih ' , per do/ , . '
callous , { J.50 : bliickbeiilus , * 2.i5 ;
bliick , ili.3'&iy ( ) ; diurrli.vhite \ , '
Krupcs , i05i4180 ! ( ; putus , Hnrtlott ,
IHMuliuM. yellow , J.IUS)2.25 ( ) [ puaehes luiium
cliiiif , $ .MO ; plums , ups , 31 f(5 < ! jl Si ) ; plums.
Rolilin drop , jl.SO ; plums. itruunirtigci , 4LIB1 ®
l.bO ) pouches vlth jilts In. Jl.ldj ctiiraiits. 5UJO :
Koosobuirlus. J..25 ; ( [ ii tines , J.MO ; raspberries.
. ' .bOi tttnnv buries , S2.5J ; jKacliis , H-lli ua t-
ru stnmlaids $185 ; l-lb plo , $ l."i ' ; cil-
lous pie , St.01) ) ; apples , lil h standard- , . llr ;
2-11) ) Kdisolicriles POe ; 2-lb kti itvhuirlus ,
A"ic ; 211) iibbtrrlufjl.oo,2-lll | , ) > lmborilus.
, ' ( j ; S lb WauUbnilis , ( lXJ70cj2-lb stiaw-
borilos. pioserved.H bO,2-ll ) raspberilos , pre
sericd. JlbO2-lb ulauklurrlm , pusorxid , JI2' > ;
plnctptlci. lliluviiu elioiipeil , 4-0 ! ) ; 2-lb lla-
liuiiii , Kiited , . > .7,2-lliilaliaiiiu,8licil , ( , * JiW ;
2-ll.taiiil.irlsllofiI. ) 3I255il50 ; Uieiiles , Mb
redBaItliiiori'.85'ilD. > o ; pours 2-lb , SI. M.
VKihTiKS roiuntiU's-Jl-lb oxtru , Jl 00 : 3-lb
standard \vostcrii liuuid" , OOc ; gallons. strlUly
stuiidanl , J'i.W Ciini I luott rowii. Jl.150 ; Bile
eduul sii nr lum. K.-ry line , ifl.Mj obolco i-11)
sinrir coin , .Jl 10 ; 211)tra western brands.
K o3W.OO ; 2-11) ) standard wuilorn brands , C.Vr&
75e. > liisliroiinisllb Kruncli , extra fine , 'iJJiJ (
S'lCil-lbl'ioiKh , Iliii1 , IViiSSIoi l-lb Kuncli.oi-
dliury , ICijJlCe. 1' Tics line , per c.inj" ;
deiiii-Hiie , pir can , llle2-lb | iilftcd , ll.dOMl >
only .luiiu , fli.VQI i" > : Mb Marrow , btiimliitl
hraiidsllOj.-lbniUuI , file , btrlui ! bonus
2-lb hlKli Kudo , lttfuiee. Moi 2-lb Golileii
wax bcma , TOe ; 2-11) ) Milnjj beans , BOc.
Ijlnii beins-2-11) ) soaked. 75e. lloston baked
beans Mb lowls sl.Wi Urinvn branJ . ( I..V ) .
S\\iot potatiHs Ml ) Ninv Jersey , ft. < > l 1'iinip-
klm 3-lb , 31.10. Ultra ami tomatoes ;
oUn , $1(111 ( ; snecohsh , 11.20.
lutiiriiL'iTB ) t ur i . uits. now , 53cj { vostl/za ,
OV-si ! priiiiosi'iisKs , 1W ) Ibs , ( tj-ici primus bbl
orb.iK. O'ac : Hosnl.i prunes , 7J4ci ellioii peel ,
drums , i'jlln"Ji'i ' Union peel , druniH , 2uc ;
apples , choice ( jxnponlted , lOe ; Michigan 'is ,
( ies l'er-liin ditos'i' , DliokterrUs , ovaponted ,
. . .
jiiv i i ( i. nni.i&tiiuiiiii ) i v iiuvf 11 viuj i ) ' < - ' T- * / §
California , luoso niuwatcls , crop WK ) , t'.OO ;
V.ilunelus , old , U ! Viilcnulns , new , Dei ( Jullfor-
nlisuodlo-jssiiltiiiiiis iniisc'itelsSu : sl > s , s'u. '
lUsKtrs 1'ur do1 1 bu-liiil , nuiiow band
stuilni , ll.M , 1'i bushel , nirio\v : \ liand
state , ilni , i.r ! ' > ' ) ; Ibusliul , stave broad bind ,
elm , $ J J.3 ; 1'i bu licl , st a vi' ' Id-Old liaiideltii ,
S-273 ; Ibiisaict olmstinu , bdo lundlu * 1 U ; J
bmlieloalcttuvi $2.00. 1 liushol , HilitcH , JJ.7. !
5 ( ( ( if.f.'BS : I'J ' brnliol , Hrlpn-s , Ji.25 ; 1 bushel ,
onl. splint , JiV ) ; | is liiHliL-l oak npllnti.5U ( |
1 bnshd , biniboo , $ ' 100 ; 1'i ' busliul , bamhoo ,
$ ; liundrylllotv \ , IHBO. : J7.5O | laundry ,
willow medium , t'l-'iO ' II low suuill
, - ! laumliy , K , ,
$5V ) ; imirkd , ulin , split , 45c ; mnrkut.clmrivet
liundli' , l)0c ) | niaikut , ulin , uoturud , 1 puck ,
if00lllow ; \ , muiU'tJarKi.W.'iOi willow , mar-
kt,2 In nest(1 siniill , ! iiiuillunil , porneslt(5c )
a > h , siilchulbasUt , ( . o\eriil.u liiiiostporno , t ,
illu ; .siiiull hainlO ( loll\ory \ , (1.2.3 , iiiiilluin
bamboodolivery$4 73 , lar 'o bniuboodolhury ,
$530 ; , ! ) ) , } . ,
Kiiind banU.iu'Wil'jCibllur , 2-li ) blooksU'iei
hiio\v lilti' ( 2-lb biliks. now , b'ji'i 'L'urkoy
coil , lame middle lirlukn , Oc-t snow uhlto ,
eiatosu-5.b | bo\es , h o ; medium bi'.ihsd lior-
rltitf , 2.V ; ; No. I M.iled herring , 20JidoincstIo
llolianil herringIOoUiiinliuriiiplciil lioitlnu ,
IK'ci ' ICihsIansaidliiuH.silked. ikV ; Kusbliiusai.
( llniis. iiliilii.WiiImported ; Jlolluiul licnhi' ' ,
citnvii lira nil , KOo : do fiiiUjyinllker .lOe ; iniicU.
cri'l , .No. I shore , linlf bbl.s. tl..OJ ; bloitors ,
linlf bbls. IIS.OJ , wliltullsli , half bids , I7.0li (
tioiit.hairiiblH.tJOOjfaiully , I.J.r.U ;
balinon , J8..V ) ,
U < u < AMisItlh , NO fancy , per jal , K/&S7c\ \
cliolce , r > 5il ? ; Kiind. WiuUQ ; Oubo , baklnf , 2s ®
: .V ; Idauk Mnip.-lxiVJ.'C. '
' ' * * " * '
ruz. aijc ; Almlili il.l'JUu ! NoJTso.
Uii.s-l50irUiio\vhlti | ) , ll'i ' 1.3) ) water \tlilte \ ,
lie ; J73liemlllKlil,14'
SM.KKA-lLl3 ) ) , ii. ' | aunuUted , 2c ; legs ,
V IMigs , CO Ib to tex , S'-iGS'sc ' ; kegs ,
I'.c. ' , .
st'Tg-Alnioiiili. I."K : { Ilni7lls , 14cj filberts ,
3'ic.peoaiH ' , 1U | wiiliintA. 'ici peauutiouUs ,
0'iu ' ; luistiil , lit1 , Tcinu' M.o pi.inuh , tc ,
lA | : I > liMi-1-lbiuuekerol ( lioiilnt ? ) JI.OO.
I'll ) tliinan liadillet.tU ( ; l-lblubstors. I..ir4
2i"i ; 1-lb Ahskniialiiioii , Aleut , ; 2-lboyK-
tors , lOoz. tlik > ; l-lb ( lyfftir.s. ,1 oII. . U ; 2-lb
Htlucts , 12 ( -Hf-lV 1-lbulaiiiH , llttlu iieo'U'.s , tl.-.i ;
2-lb eliimh.llttlonuL'ki. $ l- > ; ! , , -lb Nurllms ,
Iniporlid , pcrcMse , IIKIS. SlUKKJJj.oOi > 4-lb lin-
IDltedbonilesskiiidliics , Luy.l .OJ ) > i-ib sar-
illncs , Ainerleiin , porenso , 1UO.I'ltneh ; btylc ,
ilf.MiO ; 'i-lbMiidlniiH ' , Amurlean , per oaH1 ,
H's. ' lioiuli style , t.5Ofiuu ? ) | ; ; i-lb baidlms ,
iniistnrd , jiirciise , 5W , * ; i.vtt4 M.
IlltoiiMrt-'i-tlo , pallor , 4100 ; ) -tlof.7.3ii-tlo : ,
? , ' 25 ; ttluidaln , tlXi ! vaiolioiibt' , tJ.W ; toy ,
Jl'iV. uhlsi.Jl.ooUl.a
'lTbco'i'flii'tio ' per lb.
CiKKor.AiK iiiS LXpurlb ; Ocrtnan chicory ,
I Ml , hliC.
Koi'fc 11 uls Manilla rope , I5c ; sisal lojie ,
\"M \ ; cotton rope , Itiej now process. 6'lc. '
COTTON Iwnsr lllbli , M-ry line , J or i ply ,
! 5e ; line , SUct daUy. iw : cindlowKlf , 2'c ,
UI.UKS Quints. ptrdoijSi.Wj pints , ptr doz ,
I.T.O : luikicrfilno. |
VJ. roAii-ao itr. older. Iflc ; good , 12c | wlilto
wlno , lie : fane. ) , fruit , t > o.
STOIB PoiiHiiM2 - > .l7 ! porcrosi.
liAos Am , pirlOOiT7.0)j , ) J.culbton , per IW ,
HAM Union inunrc , 306.'I5 nor cent off list.
BAI.T Udrv.&O Ibs In bbl , bulk , * 210 ; but
jrud , CO 5s , eiVJiJ ! but fitadc , 1UO to , 42.19 Uut
prndo , UlK f J Ti | rcxk suit , crushed , II.SOj
common , bblfl.2.\
SouI'nMlki. . mottled , per lb , OjlOu ) do
while , ptr lb4c !
Dry ( I iOl ( .
li'\vt | nitflWN Co-nosN At tin tli' 11 ! |
Atiiintic It. ? . : \tlnntlo D.OVi Allaiillc P ,
Oc : Atltcra Oi4\o | Huck's llonil , r.'ie ; Onbot
W.C'i 't Dajlluulon. ( i\ci I'artuor1 * * l ) . l.l'iiH }
4HCI IliHisler Ijli , 5'i'l ludlii Mend , i'io ;
Ijiiwrence J U T > \t | Htnrlelta lb , 5'c. (
I'INU Ilitow O rrt > -Atlantic I ktk-i Au
rorn U. f'tc ' ; Aunru llCt > i Atlti UN' H.Jliei
ehccsti floth.lo ; I'llntdii 1T,5 ci I'oppoidl 11 ,
GVi' ' ! Uaiisdon O II , i e. ; Vet , C'.o ' ; llutlcrelotbX. . 1'iei
Cabot. 7'c ' ; llrstrall.O'jeirrultof . ' tlio l/xim ,
8 4d Hill Suinpurldoni , M"lloiM | k .ipi r.tV4C ! |
IClnc Plilllliieanibrlc.Wo ; l.aiiuiloit li M D'tCl '
l.oiwlalo. BVi lens < lilo rnintitlo. Wo ; Now
Vork Mills , lies o.ik I i\vn,7e. ,
Nit I'ippcroll. ll-lu.,10o , ; I'eppcioll , 8-1. lt > ci
Pqipenlll,0,20olVpporoll ( , ; , 10-4 22. tttk'ii ,
4S.n. | IV ! UtUMX.M-lu,17 > i ! tllca,7s-lii,24oj |
ftlou , < > 'i > tii.l'ltf ' : L'tlci , iHMn , 2 > 'So. ' lUouclioil
Net -I'eppcrcll , 42-ln. 30c : IVppcrell.lii-ln ,
lid l'iper | < llf-l I4jci l'oppotdl.b-4 2Ocl'op- |
pnell.ti-4. 2 * ; Pippercll. li-4. ) 2'e ; L'tlea , 8-1 ,
240 ! I'tliMl. 11-1. 2 < k ! Utleil , 10-4. JM O.
, O' c . \iiio-.kpni \ ( .
tin's. S'lOi ' llatK. U'jc ' : MiirMlek. ( lr's ,7'ie |
I > : inca ler , d'ic ' ; Uleiulre , O \Milttcutun ,
( lids , ( , 'ic. '
I'ltlMi ' ludlKO bl up Net JlirtH Wiixli-
htjton U" Aiiieilcaii.n'ic ; Vriiuld , ( t'lcinold '
lllouilcl tli. 2Oc | Mllol A , lie : Mci rlinack ,
S , 100 , f.olii Uif. h',1' ' , ! llimlliDii.f'ic'-.Alldi
I'liiKs.C'iCi ' Allen Uhimbrny , be ; lllouuster ,
I'ltiM ' I'lincles ndljst mo. ( | { > ; Stool
Tdter , ( la ; Ituniipo , 4' i | t-t I vluei , r l4o !
yhlrt Inns Mirlh i ViishliiKton , 4 > | f : Moril-
imck , 4 > jO Tnrkov ' Kuls loiiiil.Un , OHc ;
Giirner,7o'tolli'ld8'o ( ' { : Herllu. ( > Mi' .
\\irms \ Net. Thistle , 7' ' i ; ; lied Cross. 7c > ,
fui40iiii > i'\MiiiKV-Cro ( ! i , 4'ic ' : Uud Mnr ,
4 'io ' ; rulledL'loMr , Cci Slater , Ce ; lilgb colon ,
UIIAMISlcons' 11 , 10-In , fi'ic ' : Slovens' I ) ,
IS-ln , fn'i Stivom1 A. Ill-lit , 7o ; ' tovtns' 1',18-lti , ,
7'c ; Sevens' M.Iln.S'Jc , Stoeus' N , 20-ln ,
Sije ; Ho vi us * NN. . ' 0-ln , 0.aci ! tetiveiis' ' SHI' ,
50 In. ll'Jfblencliedlo ' | , cilia.
Dr.MMsNet Vtuotkun ; , lc' l . Id'io ' : Vork ,
cnnilet , 12oi ICMictl , Htnndiiid , ll'jci ' llnj-
nniUoii , 7'ifj Old Vnik , AX , 10'iei l.iivieiuc ,
SSI , Ul'ic ' ; Iitwrcnco , 0-ol.Vac ; fancy ttrlpis
and cheeks , ll'ic.
UoTiovAiiks'orl \ ( Xnnkln , lO'-SP ! Kierolt ,
8-iv , Hi ; ; I cwIstDii. 10-07 , . ' . " ' '
llo : Corksirow laslunrro , 'i'
OUIMNH Pore ? , , ] ' .t \ V.ICfi Orrniiin , Hli1 ;
tmllKU , t > ( % rlb. , 7'C : Insect powder , l.'e ; opium.
1IJ ( ) ; muriililiiu , puroJlio : hops peril ) , 'lite ;
( .Myoorliiu. ! 0c ; deMiliie. We ; cnlthboiic , : i > e ;
( leani tariff , lime , .L'e ' : coniini'ivliil , Iscj cam
phor , 30 e ; mil , uaili Hij blue \llrlol , 7'i' | ;
Aeld-Oarlmllc , 'Lftfl o ; citric , -IVJIssij tai-
tai Ic , frCWe : sulphuric , per ih , 2c.ponn ( ill.
} 1 10 ; tin-pent Ino , 4V : I'oiui bcins , * 2 'Wfi
i'r ' : bilsiin tiiln. IWi4'i'i iiloiiii'l , IKifffirc ;
cant liinidles. $ l.nx7ll..C : : cassia buds , JJOi'J'e ' :
chloiiiforin , U fV2e ; irjiot , ! 7 < < J'i.V ; mini arable ,
fi' > l"n ) ! Kljeei me , 20ffi24 ( . ' , lyuiuodluiu , iCXu
mercury , 7u.
HI.OCIC TIN Small pig , : tOo pei lb ; liir , Wo
pi r Hi.
roirT.u-l'lniilsheil boiler sl/es , ; RO per II ) :
told nillfil. 2io : per Itsluotiiij. ) . IJlpcr llj ) pilts
nnd Hits , lie pit 11) .
OAtVAM/ti > MiKi'T luo\ Discount M-10 | inr
cont. pat. ) iluii.iioii , N'os 24 : iud 27A , , I'J'jo ' ' ; ! ! ,
Olio.TiNPr.ATE I.C. , lO3lS.I.K.OOil. , . X ,
. .
TIN I'r. ATE Coke , 14\SO , I IS.H.SI
_ UoiU'iNl-Cliircoil _ ( , I ( J. , IU20 , 112f5.50i I.
' '
- ( ) - - * . 51 , MY ) ; No 27n.CO ,
Hoiiinu Strlitly h.ilf and lulf , 16c.
St nt. NAiLS-llasc J2.'J. '
STHCIIIKNAIIR \ Iliso. { 5.05.
WIIIE Jtp. lirbl.2.jt'al ) ( | > . {
"WASIIIBTO.Tuly 1. [ Spoclil Tilcjjiam
to Tuc BLB.-Uoiuls oflorcil ! StiS.OOO . at $103.
Tlie vool Market.
Bo5To\Ma , s. , duly 13. [ Spoclil Tilognm
to TUG Bic.l Thcio has ban n steady tudo
In asmalhvay \\oolaad. \ . pricei arc about ,
the sameas Imt reported. OhioX liw teen
sollinp iitillC'l-c ; nud"X > C and nbovotit .liC'i )
Stic ; Michigan X Iws bieii wllinijiit 2'.i@ ' ) o ;
No. 1 cotiibhij'Hriiiut ! 11@ lOo ; Ohiolluo do-
lalue , U'.io ; J > lichijiin ! Uno ( Wuinciit IHc ; tcr-
titoiy wool qtilub at OOc ; scotwcd for line , 5(5 (
( i 5Sc forfliio medium , nud < Vi ( < ( Vjc for me
dium ; spi in j ; Texas v/ools In fair demand at
U0/3o . ) and < spring CullforuU sells mostly at
ITfttJOo vlth seine choice at 2-(3.'lc ( ; Ongon
wool dull , S0@3rc for licst eastein and Ifi1' , ©
18c for atorngc. Pullcil wool quiet , ! )0SIOj ) (
for super and 2'JiUO for extra ; Austruliau.
wools llini ; carpet w eels qulot.
OF1 'inn AVKST.
One of tlio Interfitiiij I'robloim in
AYe fear that'the a-vcrafio American
iiisnotan adequate idea of tlio Rrcut-
efcsofhis country , says tlio Baltimore Many pcoplo grow localized
n llieir iiiformition and in tliolr poli-
ics , as well as in their residences.
Thejr do iiot nhvnvs Book a coinpro-
'icnaivo view of tilings ; tlioy do not
iilly understand the now conditions that
come vlth every ten years o [ R-rowth.
This nation is a phenomenon , not only
n the politics of the world , Imt In its
owi pie rcss as well. Not only lus it
defied tradition and upset all mwodonts
" 11 iutoinatlonal history , but it Is abton-
sliinff its own people and fuiniblilng
now ptoblcius tofoio the old ones can bo
olved , *
To aiy tluvt Chicago lias doubled its
population in ton years SOOIIH like tv
tnei'o statement o ( rapid dovelopinont ,
but when the additional fact Unit its
: -i\ul , Phihidclphii , lus grovn only
ilwut onothiiu as ftist is mentioned ,
there comes tlio poof the \ vets > cnoi'-
moils progress and ol tlio enormous
power thtifc the progress gives ,
llow nwmy people conaidor the
fact that a line dravn from St
Paul to Fort Woith , Tex , , lias to th
west of it two-fifths of the national do
main , with22,000 inllosof iiilioid,150 : , .
000 miles of tclopri.tph , and nuro telephone -
phone and electric light cables in pro
portion to populiitlon than aio in use
olhowhcroon the continent ? Add to this
tlio fact tint Mithin ten yctirs four now
statealn this area have bcoii admitted ,
and tlio certainty that within thonoit
ton years all the territories , vlth noafel-
blvono will bo similarly
' ono exception , re
What does this moan in politics ? 'Bo-
hold agpriossheness of the west. Its in-
eieasiiifjliold on national Icgibl.ition , its
almost in\iiieiblo \ povor in presidential
conventions , and ita policy of ffrubl > in < r
all tint it can g-et. Tor thitty yeais
e\ory \ , president , except ono , 1ms boon a
\\ostern nun. Tlio cast hns been obliged
to bo satisfied with A vice pic.sidency.
AVill the cast evorluua anotlio ' 111:111 : in
\vhiteliouso ; or will the west with
its increased and incrciblnjf Boiorclgiity ,
dominate us for all tinio to coino:1
There is no moio interesting problem
in politics than the glowing ascendency
c ( the west.
Ne\ei > neglect n coiistlpntod condition of
the bowel' , or si'rious rojiilts study follov ,
such as piles , impute blood anil iniuy clironlo
cmnpliliits , Bui-doi'.c Jilood Bittura U the
Tickets ut lowest lates and superior
nccomtnodtitions the { rrcat Rock Is-
lind route- Ticket office , 1C02 Six
teenth anl Farimm streets , Omalix
'run roon oniMiiVN BUSINESS.
MiiiiillinSyiiiiii | liy of.S ; clcty rorCrliu-
InalK mid Vii rimts.
Tlio most sQi'loiis question modern so-
clctyliiuito front is the practical dying1
out of aympathy ivithlho natural penal-
tics a mim has diawn down on Ills ovn
head , haj > ) tlio Boston TJcrald. This ih
evident enough in criminal matters , but
the c.uisois nor o ytt , bccan o so much
moro far reaching , in domestlo training
nnd In tlio individual man's lionet deal
ing uith himself and his ovn faults of
diameter and vices of nature , .As noon
as anyone nowadays bugins to experience
tlio sufferings ontailul by his own folly ,
solflslmcw or wrong doing , ho forthwith
joaniB flltoreymptxtliy with IIH | voo. Ho
iiuiHtlio on the wCa and ha > o his fore
head bathed by lender hands vlth eo-
log-ne. No dlbtastoful alhiHion must be
made to whtil a dolt , a cuivun or a brutu
lie lias shown himsell to he. The tragic
effect iiiubt Lo pitied ; thoidlccause muat
bo Ignored. True , ho hilled liii o n
chnnco in II fo nnd got hlmfulf turned out
othiailtuntionby nts Incapsioity or IIOR-
loot , but then his position us tin orpluin
is so dlHtitssiiip tlm t It voulil bo cruel
tosujjifcstthat hoft'lll ha\otoboot nt
linnl 'torlcto recover eharnclor lo fit
himself for another situation. Around
him Hook tomlor lioartcd ootiHins , slitoii" " ,
and aunts , incnpnblo c ( seeing tui.\thiiir |
but how the thing hints , and Miooddllii ) , '
him inthocniafoulittiiiL' foollnjj ho
is the victim of ci'ucl fait ? .
Jubt hero lies the dlllliMilty of all at
tempts ill invigorating the liuinnn will
in this highly ih gcnoiiitlon.
Hoys nnd girls , young men and uning
vomeii , Hi-go mo plon , "I innnotiiy im-
ttiro ont'iRotlc , liopeiul , folf-contiollod ,
nndlmtnotl \ Just fro how coiwtltu-
tlonally IilltTcr ftoin John , and Thonins
jind i\taiI ) And yet I Inivo tosulTer
for defect ; ) I did not irako. Tine , I
killed father and mother by my wlllfuU-
ness and , 5ollli < lmes' , out llionl was nat
urally lacking in paiotitnl lovo. N'ono
the less , Iha\o \ toumliirotho paiijs ) of
just the same. I'll ) 1110 ,
pity mo , for living in so cruel iv world ! "
It is high time that nil this Kind of
slulT were snubbed , ridiculed , or , If need
bo , shipped out ot children nnd groiui
poojilo nnd tbat they should be taught
to tttko the ] K > iialth'sof tholr do fa-Is of
quality fMniolv. Xo ono vlll o\cr \ amount
to anything till ho learns to MV : "Kvery
tlmol act liKe a fool 1 hope I'll Iw mmlo
to sintirtfor It. If born tin us ? , or 11
cownrd , or a lir/y fellow , then nuy I be
lunched at , ( losplsodor hot to bicalclng
btones , till Heine , oouriigo , imd onoi'Ky
are pouiulod Intomol' ' if only tlio cous
ins , sisters and aunts would ndopt the
drastic policy nnd quit tlio "pooroi1-
nhan" bnsinuss tlicy voulil cictito a
tioaltluc'i1 and inoro tonic intiral ntniu-i-
pheio for their Innyiiltihiny : dutironeslo
_ _
Quinsy troubled 1110 for twenty year * .
Sliifo I bin tcvl using Dr. ThoiniV I'ledilu
Oil , liuvonotlud an aU.teU 'I'lio Oil cures
sere thwiit nt ouee. Alw. l cttu Coiiiad ,
StiiMllsli. Muh. , Oct. 21 , ' { 5 1.
A 1'rli'st nt Anilei-jd nlllc ,
The only authorised roproioutitivo of
the fhilsti.ui luligionvlio io-.sessol
unoiigh of it to vNit the thirty thous-
andincnin the prison pen wtna Hoinnn
Catholic priest , Father llainlltdii , who
canio iiuiuito regularly , ut lea4ory
Salibatli , for bovoulueKs , siys a
\vrilor \ In the Centtirlie talked
kindly lo us displaced much s inpttthy
for our condition , and athuinlstuiing tlio
liibt files of the cluiivh to all tlio dying
men who would accept without anj rogarcl
to indhidiul beliefHe staled that
strong cIToits wo. e being ninde to biing
nbeut anoxchaiigo by botli the iiorthand
bouth , and that their efforts would
probably boon Irasurcusiful. Upon the ,
strength of this report \ o eoncluded to
lotour tumiol remain quiet for the time ,
thinking tltat if thooxclmngo fulled wo
could have final recourse to It. Tlio ox-
ohimge did fall , and a hc.ivy thunder
Bhowor loosened 0110 of tlio tiinbem of
which the Btoi'kado vas loinposed , h
that itsottlod into the IhtiftdiMOVOiin , <
to the aiitlwi'ities our tunnel , and they
( lulcklj lilled it tip.
DrinliExulsloi Spring Missouil w.itur-i
A lot of men were placing poker a
Dclmonieo's the ether night , s.iys the
Ne\v \ York Press. The party got a llttlo
hungry and oidorcd bonio saiuhvicliea
Tlioy came a small hut apeli/.lng pinto :
alto the bill , $14. Shortly aftcrutnd n
qulot gontloiniin linked the waiter topa1
him tinothor Bandwich. " .All tjono ,
all , " vaa the reply , The quiet gentle
mim bcokoned to the waiter and atild ii
a toiilldoiitlnlMIV \ :
"All "
"Yos , sir. "
"Go down stalls and order some
"JIo\vminyfiir \ , ? "
"Well , " said the gentleman , thought
fully glancing at the bill and the empty
plate. " .As I'm ' hungry , I should taj
about $2,000 $ uortli. "
Dr.Birnoyprti tIco limited toeatarrli-
al diseases of no&oand throit. Bee bid ; ; .
Provisions and Stocks.
Basement First National BanU ,
SOB Soutli 13th Strsat ,
CAPITAL $400,000
Accounts of Hunks , Hankers anil Corporutloni eo-
OurfaellH'os ' f < r COI.T.KCriONS iiropxcellont. nnd
no ro-llrciinit ( for blink * vlieu bilnmet wurrtuitlu
IJOMlon In a ItcsurM ) Cltr , nnd balances with in
from lank ( not louatuil In oilier HHUIMJ Ulll ( )
wniitm 11 rcscrtc.
\\o draw our own rrrlniuo on Txinddn nnillbo
Cunttnciit , imil luiiko ciitdt ) ImnslirH unlidncuninney
bjr tuH'r.illi thruufbout llio Uiiltuil blatudniul Cuu-
\Vohivonmnrkct forprlmo llr t-cln Investment
fecurlllcn , tnd InUtu proiiosilx from Stutis , Cuun-
llos nnil 011103 when liiulnif boiul ) ,
\Vodo a punurul bunkln bmlnuss , mid Invlto cor-
ASA P. POTTEH. riiKMi > iNr.
olcilcJ. !
Concspondc c COMPANCOl , CTC.
.H ARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
183-185 Dearborn btroet , CHICAGO ,
7O State Struct. BOSTON.
Trlmary , Becimdarjr or TcrlJrry rxrinuiuiilly curitl
in 0 lo td ( In n. ANo illmlncto nil | ot on frotn tlio
i > ytcm , to UiattUeroccn IRMrlio a iituriKf llio dlj-
cawl ! ! nny foinu 1'ailiL.Dcan Lotit-atut atliouio , ( for
lliofamo-ico/tv | o .re. j N M It Hll nnlurdrll o
p.imo irumit nu wf fTaB R u 1 Q H ( r < , ( lmnutli
tlioouliopro \ W E Mj R I * I ? \ fcr to ( olro
here , voviltliT ) IB IRHN H PH contract to
cur tlicm or" > B " ' * ' rotund ftl 1
luonpy olid TiajciittrocTnr ! ° olcoinlnp , rtllrooilfora
nmlhotrlb'tlii , V. ochillfpro Iho v crld for aciuo wo
rannntciirr. Mfiilkn ttilditaitcr. iltIrtkHM.
C'OO/C HKVKJiV CO , Vinulia , J\f \ r ; .n.
! nut : vsi.4 , Jjiruiir Iti.oou ,
National Bank
Cnpltnl , - $ /iOOOOO
SurpKis , - 4 O.OOO
Kiul Dlrpoor - 11 M. Mnr'cmnit 0 M
llltrlimc'k , .lo * > < | h ( Inrnniiii , Jri A Henry K M
VinH'i'Oii , VVIIIInni (1 Mmil , Mni-proililont , U II
Ulllhiii. . A. I' Itoiikln * . vrt'oMont A .Milliard
b' It lltrnnt , mslsuiil c.i'lilcr
National Bank
Cnpltnl , - $ . 'iOO.OOO
Surplus Jnn. 1st , I8OO , - C7.0OO
nil Illrrctonllonrj - W Vnlc , pro'lilontj
I. I S Hot d , Tlco ( Irc'ldcnti .Inniot \ \ lainai't \ .
V.Mor c. Joliul. i-4illiis | , U. t' . Uuslilniti J N. U ,
I'alilfk,11. ; \ . 1 llugliicislilor. .
Curncr I7tliniul tnrnnm Struts.
A GUI ic nil llaiiUluK llitslncss Ti
Omaha Manufacturers.
Hoots anil
itl "UKEN "DX " JO ES k
Wliolcsalc aanulicturcrsof Boots &Sboca
AKculsftir lldnlnii Unhbcr luinlV 11(1 ( 1101 muttlM
llntnu > Mit'il Oninlin , Nib
lager llccr Brewers ,
IVII ( rtll 1Mb Street , Onmlu , S'ob
Manufacturers o ( GalViiui/cil / Iron Cornice
\VlnitowfnpH nn t inrtill ( * k > 1t lits lolin t'p
| ir | < rlotor. IW nnil 110 Smith ll'tli ' xlioi-
Artists' MalcrlaN.
" * '
Artists' Matcilals , 1'lanos ' and Organs ,
15131 > oiiulis Blrect. Om.ilin Nol >
Cunl , Ciikf , hUo.
Jobbers ot Hard and Soft Coal.
S H. Cur. Hth nnd Douglas Slreota , Oninlin , .Net ) . .
_ _ _ _ _
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
214 South Illli Slrcc-t , Oumln Ncli.
CirarH ( ,
Wholesale Cigars ,
< Q-iN' intlit-troot "llllol"UW !
Dry Good * and Notions.
" " "
M. E. "SMITH ie co. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
Comer llthiiiiit Huviril Strecti
Iinpoitcrs and Jobbers in Dry
Gcnta' lurnltliltmriood * Corner lltli unit llurnojr
ailu'ta , Uaiulu , Nub
Wholesale Dealers in Fiirnitnre ,
lfnm.iin StreetOnmh i , Nebraska.
Oiniilia Kutrnnkn
Wliolcsalc Grocers ,
I cavcnnortli Slrooli , Onmlia , Xchrnikn.
Iiiiuilicr , l
Dealers In Hardwod Lumber , 1.110 .N l ( til bt. , Onnhn.
Wliolcsale Lnnibcr , lite. , Etc.
Imported nnil Amorlnn Portlnml Cement , . Btatf
atfoiil tur.Mllffiiikco Kyilmullo Cement , ami
guhiur Whlto J.liuo
Dealer In Hardwood Lumber.
\Vooilruri \ > ft n , | I'.irquot flUiirliiR Utli nnil Dallglal
blcati , Uiuuli '
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner t'tli ' nnd llouKlas Streets , Onnhn.
Milllnoiy and Xotloim.
Importers and Jobbers In Millinery ,
Ms" " . 210nmll3 South lllhitrcet.
Wholesale Notions and Fmnisliliig Goods ,
1121II u nicy utrci't. Om ibn.
> ,
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo Kreaiu , etc , Omnhn. All Illaliop , Man iKor ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Cnrrr n nice Block ot prlmlnc , troppl" ) . ' nnd wrttlnf
( inpur Hpcclul utlviitlon then to c.ird ) mpur.
fcco , 7
( icnorat/BOHV3 for *
Halls' ' Safes ,
. nnil 333 Bon til 10th St. Onmlin
Toyn , Kte.
Job tern of
Dolls Albums Goods
Toys , , , Fancy ,
llcujc iurnlKUnc ( iourta.L'lillilrrn'B Cnrrla ea. 12QB
Knrnuiuilrcct , Uiiiulm , M.b.
. ?
Witter HiipjillcH ,
Steam and Valcr Supplies ,
iv In J inllli 018 and IrJOJonon Bt , ,
U f Hius ,
Iron U'orkw.
\Yrounht and Cast Iron Building Work }
Unulnei , brnni work , Kunpfil foundry iiwblnoaojl
bhlk-diillli work Illtlcunml wurka , U 1 * . 7
Ilr and ITtli itrcivt , Uiuiha
Winf'rs of Fire and llurglar Proof S
Vuiiltn , jail nark , Iron ilinttcri nnd tire c (
U. j\nlrccoprop'r. \ ( Cor llthandJuckiuu hli
Hauli , DOIITH , IgtOi
Vholuialo nianufncturtTK uf
Sasli , Doors , Blinds and Moulding ? , [
Ilrnmti otBte , 12lli nnd liard ttrceti , Oinnhn ,
Qi Soulli Omatu , LluiiUd ,