Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , . JULY 10 , 1800.
All the Conditions Favorable Yesterday
for Aquatic Sports.
A Depleted TreriHurjr Cuitaes llio Ilt -
Imiid/uriit or tin ; Dos TVIolnes
"Wost'i-ii Association Clul )
Oilier Sporting NCWH.
Kt , Ont.KANi , SriiiiTljAKr , In. , July 15.
[ Special Tclei-ram to Tim Bun. ] There Is
nn old adngo among boating men that n race
It never won until lliilshoil. Tills fact was
well exemplified today In the races of the
sixth annual Iowa rc.cttn , nnd It inny glvo
four Council Bluffs Imys elegant gold meilnls ,
filthough tlioy wcro the slowestof four crews.
They wore put nt u big disadvantage bccaiiso
\i. C. Uulo , with only thrco days' training ,
practl"nlly nothlng hnd to taUo the place of
n sick oarsman , Thornton. Othur members
ofthorrow nro II.V. . Patterson , Lewis
BouriiKililliumd.1. H. MeWilllams.
The shell nices > vero u intlo and n half with
turn. The wuter was somewhat rough , and a
cross wind miido the tlmo Blower than usual.
The dny wus perfect bright , but delight
fully cool , In the junior four-oared ratio
Council muffs caught the word llrst , hut
they wonts gradually outrcachcd by Cedar
Kaplils , Duhuquo nnd Burlington. The last
three crews steered out Into the lalco and him
to turn almost at a light angle to get back.
Cedar Knplds got urouud their Hag nil right ,
hut the Judges are of the opinion that Bur
lington and Davenport made the turn from
hturboard to port Instead of In the
opnoslto direction , which would dis
qualify them. Council Bluffs steered
a beautiful course nnd gained enough to win
second. Going up to the Hags the four crews
wcru pretty well together , but after the turn
thoyHOon strung out into a procession In the
following order : Cedar Kaplds , Burlington ,
Davenport mid Council Bluffs. Cedar Kap-
ids had a lead of llvo lengths , pulled easily ,
and never was a raw moro surely won until
within a hundred vards of the llnlsh , when ,
without a warning , the rudder of the Cedar
Rapids shell suddenly Hew into midair while
her nose sought the bottom of the Inlto and
four shirtless young men were left to float
uutll a row boat should pick them
up. The chamber In the bow of the boat
lllli'd with water through a holein the deck
and sunk her. Burlington finished first in 11
minutes , r.t : seconds , Davenport in IS :30 : and
Council BlutTs in 13:10. :
Ono of the rules In this nnd most other row
ing associations is that every boat mustabido
by Its own accidents. This rule would lojo
the race to Cedar It'iplds if theru wcro no
complications. Cedar Haplds , however ,
claims that Davenport folded her unit broke a
hole hi her deck which caused
the sinking accident. Davenport
rros-cd the stern of Cedar Kuplds ,
while It was the how of the shell that sunk.
Davcdpoi-t denies fouling , and maintains that
it was Cedar Haplds that was out of her
water. The Judges reserved their decision ,
If Cedar Rapids' claim of foul is denied ,
Burlington and Davenport making the wrong
turn , tlio vice and the medals will go to
Council llluffs.
The free-for-all single was won by J. (1. (
Corn-belt of Chicago in 11 : ! > ' . ; . G. U. Turner
of McGregor was second.
The junior double was won by McGregor
in 11 : ( ) ' , ) , DiiDuquo second.I. L. Dodge and
N. 1' . Dodge , jr. , of Council Bluffs third , Bur
lington fourth. Cedar Hapids llnlshcdisecond
ljut wus disqualified for making a wrong
The junior pair was won byDubuquoin
llifiOj Burlington second.
J. Li. Dodge of Council Bluffs withdrew
from the junior single , his shell being unfit
for use. J. A. Kocho of Cedar Rapids won
the rnco In 11 : ! i8)f , CharlesCaso of McGregor
second , l-i. Karlo of Davenport third , Gus
Lyon of Ottumwa fourth.
Kmllo Duff of Duhuquo won the canoe race ,
and Low Anderson of Cedar Haplds the tub
race. ;
Tomorrow's contests will bo senior races.
Later After three hours of talk and testi
mony taking , the Judges have awarded the
Junior four-oared nice to Council Bluffs. The
claim of foul made by Cedar Unplds
ngainst Davenport was not sustained.
IJnvcnport was disqualified for turning in the
wrong direction unit liurllngton for not going
around n ling In making her turn. These de
cisions nro based on rules long established In
boating and enforced In almost every regatta.
There was an unusual number in this race ,
! ! nnd tlm combination happened to bo such as
to give the race to the last crow In.
I !
of the Clubs.
I'lnvod. Won. Lost. Per Ot. ! .640
. 40fi
iMIhvankco O , Denver O.
KUti , Wls. , July 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tm : Hun. ] Following Is the result
of today's game :
Milwaukee 0 06010020 n
Dcmor Il 00012000 0
Karned nnn-Nono. Twn-baso hits Dai
ry mplo. Thrvu-hasu hits Moll lone , Troadway.
Stolen bases 1'noriiiaii. McL'leilan. Troadway
! ! , \Viiltni.1. Double playM McUUmo to Kov-
nohls , Mclilono to McUlullan to Reynolds.
HUM'S on halls Mllwauki'o 0. Denver 8. lilt
by iiltvlifd hall Shock. Striink nut Uy
( Irlfmh 4. by Kennedy ' . ' . Wllil pitches
Orllllth I. Kcnticdv 3. Tlmo Two hears and
thirty minutes , Umplro-Dougherty.
iMinnonpolls K ) , St. Pmil ( J.
Mixxiurous , Minn. , July 15. [ Special Tel
egram to TUB 'HuK.J Following Is the result
of today's game :
Mtniifiipolls a 0 8 0 : i 0 0 0 2 10
bt. 1'a.ul i oo u o us o a B
Huns unrnod-.MInncapolls 4St. Paul 4. Two-
liaM ) lilts-Mlnni'lian. liny. AmlriH , llyn S.
Tluvii-liasa hlts-lliirtni'tt. llnniu runs-Day.
Double plays-Abucy tn O'llrlon , Burks to
U'llrliMi Id * llartiictt. Stoh-nbases Awlriis ,
Uyii. Day , Dowlo llast-s on balls-lly ivtty 4 ,
by Mooklnby ! Cliirkson 7. Struck out-Ily
I'liHy.XIMi'ukin' ) . by dliivkwrn X Passeu
balls Hroiichtnn. Timnof Knmo Two hours
iinit ton mlmiU'rt. Uni ulro llaiiswlnu.
National Ijcaguo.
- AT 11O3TO.V.
Boston i i a a o a o i 5 u
Cleveland 0 00050 ' 0 a t U
Hits-llostoa 15 , Cleveland 15. Errors-
Boston 4 , Cleveland 11. Batteries Ciotzeln
niul lionnett ; Wudsworth and dimmer , Um
pire Powers.
AT rillL.MlM.l'lIIA.
Philadelphia..0 85000000 8
ruubun * , o a o o o o o i o i
IHUi-Pldludelnhla 14 ' Errors
- , Pittsburi10.
rors Philadelphia 1 , Pittsburt- 1. Bittcries
lav and ClomejiU ; Uolomaa and Decker.
Umplro MeUormott ,
'Now York U 0 3 15 0 0 3 10 7
Cincinnati 0 000000 1 2 3
Hits New York 11 , Cincinnati 0. Errors-
Wow York 4 , Cincinnati 5. Uatterles-Wolch
mlHucWcy ; Unities and Harrington. TJmptro
McQuulil ,
Chicago 'J 0130400 2 13
Irooklyn U 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 a 0
tilts Clilcnro H , nrooklyn 10. Errors-
> hlcago f > , Urooldyn II. " Butteries Hutch *
nson and Klttreilifo ; Cnrruthcrs , Perry und
Chirk. Umpire Lynch. *
i'lliycW ljOA'4113.
loston -.0 10030303 9
Juffnlo 'J I U 0 0 0 0 0 * 13
Illt4 Iloiton II , Buffalo 13. Errors-
Joston li , HulTiUo T. Batteries Daly nnd
iwctt ; Hucldy and Mack. Umpires
Sheridan and Uaffney.
AT IMlll.vmXl'HH.
'hltadelphta 0 05000300 8
Chlcacro 1 00000110 3
Hits Philadelphia 12 , Chicago 8. Errow-
htludclphlii U , Chleii-o ; 5. IJuttci-los-Saa-
lers ami MIIHgan ; ICini ; und FairclL Urn-
> lrei Matthews and Leech.
AT suw roiiK ,
New York 0 5
Cleveland 0 * 0
lilt * Now York" , Cleveland 11. Errors-
New York 2 , Cleveland 5. Dattcrlcs O'Day
nutlEwlng ; Dukely imdSutclUTe , Umpires
Cnlghtund Jones ,
nrooklyn 1 7
'iUsburg 0 2
Hits-Brooklyn 11 , I'lttsbiu-R 0. Error.s-
Jrnoklyn 0 , Plttsburg ! ) . Batteries Van
'laltron and D.illy ; St'iloy nnd Carroll. Urn-
) lixls Ferguson nntl llolbort.
American Asiuulatlju.
AT coi.t'.Miiua.
Columbus 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1(5 (
Brooklyn 0 01000010-2
Hits Uohimbui 15 , Hrooklvn 3. Krrors
Columbus 55 , Brooklyn 8. lUitterlcs Cart-
wrlght I'.nd O'Connor ; Muttlmoro und Toy.
Umpire Curry.
Loulsvlllo 'I 0400300 * 10
S-racuso 3 00000000 3
Hits Louisville l > , Syracuse fi. Krrors
Louisville ! l , Syracuse 5. Batteries Stratton
ind Ityan ; Morrison and Crourle. Umplro
St. Louis 1 00140000-0
Athletic 0 0030 000 1 3
Hlts-St. Louis 5 , Athletlo S. Errors St.
Louis 1. Athletic i ) . Batteries Uamsoy ,
Hurt and \Vells ; Seward and Kobinson. Um
pire Emslle.
Toledo 0 01 102020 0
Hochestcr 0 000530 1 - * 0
Hits Toledo' ) , Rochester 12. Errors To
ledo ' . ' , Rochester ( t. Batteries Ilealy and
Welch ; Culhihun , Barr and AIcGuIre. Um-
pirca Peoples and Daeschur.
The DCS jMolnofi To i in Disbands.
Dis MOINRS , Iu. , July 15. [ Special Tele
gram toTm : Hun. ] The Des Molnes baseball
club is n thing of the past. Today was pay
day and then ) was not money enough in sight
to liipildato tlio salaries of the players. A
meeting of thu stockholders of the club was
held this afternoon , and nfter a thor
ough canvass of the situation it was
thought best to drop the club and release the
players , which was done this evening. Ap
peals of the strongest kind were made
to the business men of the city
to como to the rescue , but tone
no purpose. Of the sixty-ilvo games so far
played them has been an average net loss of
JIO per gamo. Tlio team was lu bad condition
and there was no money to strengthen It.
The Interest in the game hero seems too
antithetic to sustain n club. It is not known
that any other city will fill the vacancy , al
though Lincoln was understood some tlmo ago
to hare n bid in.
Cutting Down thu Snlnry List.
'oi.isi , Minn. , July 15. [ Special
Telegram to Tins DEI : . ] The Minneapolis
munngoincnt lopped $900 a month off its sal
ary list at ono fell swoop this mornlrg by re
leasing Nat Hudson , George Meyers and Es-
terqucst , the young Chicagoan recently
signed. It was all done to rcduco expenses.
Hudson had pitched tweutv-ono games and
won sixteen , but his salary of $400 a month
was too much for the management to bear ,
Iludsot nnd Meyers , it Is said , will join the
Buffalo Players' lenuuo team. Shrove has
been released by St. Paul. - Denver Is nego
tiating for the transfer of Foster and Henglo
to that team. _
THE Sl'liKl ) ItlXG.
Monnumtli 1'arlc Knees.
MONMOUTH PAUK , July 15. Summary of to
day's ' races :
of mile Eon Mad-
Seven-eighths n won , -
stone second , Tipstaff third. Tlmo 1 :30 > .
Throe-fourths cf a jnllo , Atlantic stakes ,
two-year-olds Salllo McClelland won , Fairy
second , Falrvlcw third. Tlmo 1:15. :
Hnckensach handicap , threo-y ear-olds , ono
mile Kemplund won , IJavnlor second , Tulla
Blackburn third. Time 1:41 ,
Milo nnd one-eighth Diablo won , Erie
second , Montague third. Time 1 ; . * > ' . ) > .
One mlle Esquimau won , Guy Gray second
end , Fritter third. Time 1 M .
Ono mlle Holla B. won , Fitzjames second ,
Grlmalul third. Time 1:45. :
1'ark Hnees.
CIIICAOO , July 15. Summary of Washing
ton Park races :
Maiden three-year-ohls , ono mlle Salute
won , Kingllko second , Bargain third. Time
1 irCi- ; ) .
Three-year-olds and upward , mlle and a
furlong Balantyro won , Cashier second ,
Bennie King third. Time 3:02'r. :
Quickstep stakes , two-year-olds , foals of
1SSS , half mlle Sister Linda won , Forerun
ner second , Anne Elizabeth third. Tlmo
51 K.
Three-year-olds and upwards , milo nnd ono-
sixteenth Cataliia won , Martin Hussell sec
ond. Ell third. Tlmo-1 :55. :
AH ages , ono mlto Attleus won , Snntallno
second , Ballyhoo third. Time 1:18. :
Ooltl I'or Europe.
Nr.w YOIIK , July 15. Five hundred thous
and dollars in gold bars have been ordered
for shipment to Europe.
Iowa I'iitcnts.
WASHINGTON , July 15. [ Special Telegram
toTilK BIK. : ] Patents were today granted as
follows : .Tunics S. Ady , Odebolt , la. , nir
blast regulating device for fanning mills ;
\Vllllam P. Bottendorf , Davenport , la. , ma-
chlno for upsetting metal ; John 'Con
rad , assignor of one-third to S. 13 , Nixon ,
Burlington , Iu. , smoke consumer ; Edgar
Nownuu-lcet la. cultivator Inventor
C , HolUday , , ,
ventor : W. Hogers , West Union , la. , "
geological chart ; Hooper B. Htraut unit C. B.
Shuto , assignors of one-third to II , D. Me-
KelvoyCulbortson , Neb. , welding compound ;
Uobccca T. Swciuiluir , Dos Molnes , In. ,
transparent water color paint ; Charles II.
Taylorv Lincoln , Nob. , cultivator ; Charles
'O. Toole , Dubutjuo , Iu. , boiler.
I-'Ivo Hundred Iron "Worker * Strike.
Tiir.X'JON' , VJ. J. , July 15. Five hundred
iron workers nt the Now Jersey steel nud
iron company's works hero refused to go to
worlc this morniug becnuso of the firm's re
fusal to sign .tho scale of the Amalgamated
Association of Iron and Steel Workers. This
Is a mill principally owuixl by AbramS ,
Hewitt of Now York , who is traveling In
Europe for his health. No ono has authority
to sign the scal'o In his absence.
Owlnjj to the Wonllior.
Hnuux , July 15 , [ Special Cablegram to
Tun BEB.J T.ho North Oorman Gazctto tlo-
nlcs the report tlmti Chancellor von Caprlvi
has advised Emperor William to shorten his
tour In Norwegian waters owing to political
developments. The programme of his maj
esty's trip , the Gazctto says , has been only
slightly inodUlcd owing to the weather.
lllliitl EtluuuturH in Convention.
JACKSOXVII.LK , 111. , July 15. This forenoon
the national convention of superintendents ,
teachers and ofllrors of the Institute for the
blind assembled In this city. Prof.V. . B.
Walt of Now York was chosen president and
B. B. Huntoon of the Kentucky institution
secretary. Papers pertaining to the educa
tion of the blind were rood during the day.
Wyatt Loncy , a BUinuton Farmer , Moots
Death in a Well.
Olnt' Bergstrom , Clint-god with the
Murder of 13. O. Kdliolm , Ac *
( jultted nt Gothenburg News
from Ovrr the Slate.
STAUSTOS , Neb. , July 15. ! [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKK.I At 11:30 : o'clock today a
tcrriblo accident occurred on the farm of
William Loney , four miles northwest of this
place , which , resulted In the death of his
brother , \Vyatt Lonoy. The circumstances
are as follows : At.i:3Uo'clockClmrles : : Wyatt
nnd William Loney , in company with John
Stlngley , attempted to nlwm oat n well from
which water was taken for stock only.
Charlesf descended llrst , but had only
reached the bottom when he was overpowered
by foul air and lost his hold of the rope.
Stln cloy went down Immediately and
hooked Into Charley's clothes , but the
hook tore out and Stlngley was then over
Then Wyatt went down , hooked on to
Stlngley and the latter was hauled out by
William iionoy , but in the meantime Wyatt
was overpowered , thus leaving two dying
men In the well. Mr. Loncy at once
rang the bell , nnd , with the other
alarming noises made by the family , suc
ceeded in bringing aid from the harvest fields
In the vicinity ,
Means were resorted to to remove the
poisonous air from the well nnd an attempt
made to rescue the unfortunate ones ,
but not until the air was
nil rilled could they bo reached.
They wore finally removed after being im
prisoned and unconscious for ono hour nnd
thirty inluute.i. Charles Loney and John
Stlngloy were resuscitated , but the efforts of
the attending physicians failed to bring the
remaining victim to life.
Van AVyok's Address at Waterloo.
\VATIW.OO , Neb. , July 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Br.r. . ] About six hundred people
ple assembled nt the picnic grounds , from the
alliances of this county , today. Banners were
berne by each alliance , with mottos : "Every
thing Mortgaged But Our Vote. " "Godspeed
the Plow. " "I love the farmer" Dorsoy ;
parenthetically added "and his chattel mort
gage. "
At 2 o'clock John Steer introduced Hon. C.
W. Van Wyck , wtio was received with thrco
rousing cheers , The speaker began by thank
ing the audience for his cordial reception ,
"We have mot to consider questions of inter
est. It Is the object of till to engage in what
is remunerative. The country is divided ac
cording to iutciest. In some sections of the
country the tariff Is beneficial , and there it Is
advocated , no matter whether democrat or
re publican. '
At this point the speaker was Interrupted
by the firing of firecrackers and other sounds
from a short distance from the stand. Ho
asked if that was gambling , and took occa
sion to refer to a feature of prohibiting gam
bling at the Lincoln fair , which was his
work while in the state senate. This led him
to the subject of lotteries nnd the action of
the North Dakota legislature , and thus Louisi
ana and Governor Nicholls1 veto wcro treated
at length.
Ho then came back to where the fire
cracker Interruption found him. and spoke of
Randall and Kelly , Pennsylvania's two great
tarlfC men , ono a democrat and the
other a republican , who agreed on the
tariff , showing it was not a
question of politics , but of interest. The in
terest of Wall street is to make money scarce.
The complications of the silver bill wcro
next shown , nnd that it is to the interest of
the money power to keep it obscure. Why
the clause in bonds that interest be paid in
gold } It means something looking to the
time when gold only will be this legal tender.
Ho then showed how Louisiana's repre
sentatives vote for n tariff on lumber in ex
change for ono on sugar. Tho-money power
says It cannot issue a greenback
without gold back of it to. redeem
it. The government issues bonds with
out gold back of it for redemption ,
and they sell at n premium. The idea of reducing -
ducing the surplus by buying bonds at a
premium befoi-o due was bitterly ridiculed ,
and ho stated that a Nebraska representative
had proposed to Issue $500,000,000 more new
bonds at 8 per cent for tho' benefit of the
bankers. This was encouraging infant in
The remainder of a thrco hour speech was
spent In denouncing railroads , their lana
grants , government watered stock nnd dl-
vrdouds declared thereon. The farmers do
not got what they want , for they don't con
centrate. Kailroad commissioners nro ap
pointed and legislatures elected , but they
sell you out and you don't want thorn
to do it again. You have been preyed upon
long enough. lie then ridiculed the Idea of
sticking to the old party. They are ndvked to
go out ana talk , but to como homo and rodst.
What do you want an alliance for , then , if
only to pass resolutions I
The old parties can get along with the help
of the railroads. Wo cannot reach the national
govorment yet , but wo can take control of the
state. The republican party was founded to
abolish slavery. Wo liavo tried to get Justice
la tlio old parties nnd now wo
are surrrunded by conditions worse
than slavery , and the people can rlso in their
might and throttle corporation rulo.
Mr. Edgorton of South Omaha , a represent
ative of a labor union , then made a short ad
dress , and wtw followed by Thomas Potter of
Sarpy county. The climax of his speech was
reached when , turning to Van Wyck. ho said :
"What wo want Is , not only the policies , but
the otllces. " The quick assent given by Mr.
Van Wyck to this sentiment was suggestive.
Merest ram Acquitted.
GoTiinsnuno.Ncb. , July 13. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BIIB.J Olaf Bergstrom , who
has been hi. jail for the last four months
charged with the murder of K. G. Edholm ,
was today discharged by Judge Church nt n
special term of the district court. There was
a want of evidence to convict. The news of
the discharge preceded him homo and citizens
with a band "met the train this evening and
serenaded him. The action of the court meets
with general approval.
ItcmlnlHucnt ol' Fremont.
FIIUMOXT , Neb. , July 15. [ Special to TUB
Bun. The dentil of General John C. Fremont
in Now York Sunday recalls the circum
stances of the christening of this city in
honor of the great "Pathfinder. " It was in
August , ISofl , that a party of four gentlemen
from the cast drove up the Platte valley from
Omaha and planted some stakes on the pres
ent towi8"e. . After It was staked out an or
ganization was perfected , which was called
the Plnney , Barnard it Co. Town Plat asso
ciation. This- occurred during the great
providential campaign of that year when Fro-
inont stood as tlio llrst prusldcatlal candidate
of the republican party. The owners of the
town site soon wanted u name for their
future city.
On September 23 they met at tlio log cabin
of Seth P. Marvin. The fact that Fremont's
name wis ; on everybody's lips ; that
ho had explored this section of
country and the further fact that
u little town called Buchanan , In honor
of his political opponent , had been staked
out at the mouth of Shell creek , near the
present site of Schuyler , all combined to
suggest the propriety of naming it Fremont ,
which was accordingly done at that meeting.
The original record of the proceedings Is now
hi tholiands of E. H. Barnard of this city.
who was ono of the members of the original
town site company.
ThU hiuutlful western cltv of 8,030 Inhnb-
ItiiuU stands today as a fitting monument to
the old hero who has passed away. There Is
n tradition that when Fremont pushed
through this then wilderness on his first trip
to the Rockies that ho blazed a trco between
the present town site nnd the Platte river.
The first settlers who still remain nro dls-
posed to question the truth of this. Thpy nro
of the ofilnlon that when ho went through
eastern Nebraska In this latitude ho passed
south of the Platte river.
District Iteiinloii IK North IMatto.
NOUTII PMTTK , Neb. , July 15. [ Special
Telegram to TUB UKB.J A district .reunion
of veterans In North Platte this fall Is now u
certainty , as the committee meeting Wednes
day night howM tfle financial problem to bo
solved. H will , bo.icld | four days duritiff the
fair , Soptcmbor liV17 , 18 uud 1 .
On ThuradayVllJf/ , the vetoram will
have charge of pWcyihlnft utthe fair ground
mid will run thlng ' .then' their own way , In
cluding sham Iwt'lp ; and free admission for
'soldiers at the girtcs. Tents and forage will
be supplied for aHuvho want to live In camp.
Committees nii nt work perfecting details ,
and are nt work hjioarnest , too. Camp tires
will bo held every cvonhig. Eminent speak- ,
crs have proin.lsrd to attend , Governor
Thnyor , UencniX i Torrow and Commander
Clarkson among thorn.
Social railway rates will bo secured.
Those who couiu ' "nil " wheels" will llneproper
arrangements mudo , for the care of their
Newspap .
Ninnt : K.vCrrr , Neb. , July 15. [
to THIS BKK.-Tho Palmyra Pilot , a prohibi
tion paper in the northern part of the county ,
and horctofilro owned and edited byB. E.
Newton , 1ms been purchased by A. C. IIIll ,
who has changed Its name to thu Palmyra
Bee , and will hereafter conduct It as a strict
republican paper , This change leaves the
prohibitionists with but ono paper hi Otoo
county , the Syracuse ) Journal.
A Forced Trade.
NumusKA CITV , Neb. , July 15. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Bnr.J C. It. Baker , a
farmer , today had n warrant Issued for a man
named Woodruff for stealing n horse. Wood
ruff wanted to tr.ido horses with Baker and ,
nftor.txaimmiig ! the hitter's animal , during
the owner's absence concluded It would bo a
good trade and made the exchange to his
own satisfaction and disappeared.
Thlrt eoiith A-inunl Session.
F.u unfit Y , Neb. , July 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hr.u. ] The thirteenth an
nual session of the Jefferson county teachers'
institute began hero this morning. About
Tlicy Humbled on a Corpse.
Snufvrnx , Neb. , July 15. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEK. ] The body of Charles
Painting , u section boss on the road here ,
was found In a wheat field four miles from
town this morning , an almost unrecognizable
mass of uunmnlty. Ho had been missing
since Sunday. It is said ho had been drink
Narrow Kscape frinn Drowning.
HASTINOS , Neb. , July 12. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bnn.J Manager Charles Mur
ray had an exciting tlmo at the uatatorlum'
this afternoon. Two colored coolcs from the
Bostwlck hotel ventured beyond their depth
and Murray Jumped in , clothes and all , in
order to save them. Neither could swim.
Shipment from Nelson.
NII.SON % Neb. , July 15. [ Special to TUB
BII : : . ] Greenwood & Spurcko shipped
eighteen cars of cattle to Chicago this mornIng -
Ing at 4 o'clock In the pahii-0 stock cars , the
train being under contract to rcauh Chicago
In twenty-four hours. This shipment is over
the B. & M.
They AValved K.xatiitnittion.
FAinnfitv , Neb. , July 15. [ Special Tele-
( ji-am to Tin : BIK. : | The boodle commission
ers and the architect had n preliminary hear
ing today ; thev 'Waived examination and
were admitted to ball In the sum of § 1,000
each until the next term of the district court.
Corn Prospect at Fall-bury.
FAiniiL-nr , Neb. , July 115. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Dii---A : : rain amounting to
thrco inches of water fell hero last night and
the prosjxsct for corn is increased to a very
great extent.
Tlio Stuntoii institute.
STAXTOX , Neb. , July 13. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKK.I Professor Cooper lec
tured to a largo audlcjico last night. The in-
stltuto now in session. Isi the best hold in
" . *
"years. -
Cattlu Shipment.
FAtnnuiiY , Neb. . July 15. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKn. ] Two special trains left
here today loaded with cattle * Ior Chicago.
There were twenty-two cars in all. The cat
tle were owned by several feeders iu this
All Omaha Man Creates an Uproar tn
Cur.rcxxn , Wyo. , July 15. [ Special Telo-
grnmto TUB BUR. ] On February 7 last John
S. Morrison sold out his household effects
hero and removed , with his family to Omaha.
Ho hud served a little over a year as county
commissioner and therefore had less
than a year of his term remain
ing. Morrison appeared here on July 4 , at
which tlmo the board of equalization met.
Ho did not take any part in those proceed
ings , but has since claimed and taken a
neat.Tho board , before his arrival , was com
posed of ono democrat and ono republican.
Morrison is a republican nnd the signifi
cance of his action lies In the fact
that the board is now to arrange registration
districts and appoint registry agents for the
county under the now Australinm law , The
affair has createdqulto an uproar , the repub
licans applauding , the democrats kicking.
Nothing has yet been done to oust Morri
son , who is u member of the harness firm of
Collins & Morrison , on Douglas street ,
A Proposition Ac-copied.
CIIBVUXXB , Wyo. , July 15. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bun. ] Under a contract be
tween the city and the Union Pacific rail
road , the former must build a stone viaduct
across the tracks of the company and com
plete the same by January next , This via
duct Is rendered necessary to make trafilesafo
between the north and souths-dcs over the net
work of tracks and over the big shop plant.
Under the contract the viaduct was not to
cost the city moro than $15,000.
The company now offers to build
the viaduct for the city , accord
ing to specifications for that amount , the
snmo to bo payable to the company
nt the end of five years at U per cent Interest.
This proposition was accented by the city
council tonight nnd work will bo commenced
, soon.
Wyoming' * ) Hlnto KIcctlon ,
CHBTK.N.VC , Wyp * , ] uly 15. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Warren today
Issued his ploclumjtf oi for a state election to
bo held in Wyomlngou ] September 11. The
ofllcere to bo elected include a governor , sec
retary of state , Auditor , treasurer , superin
tendent of public Instruction , three Justices
of the supreme tvjtirt , a representative In
the Fiftv-ilrst congress , a representative
In the Fifty-second o'cfngivss. a judge of the
district courts of'cnch ' Judicial district de
fined In the constltWt'JAn , sixteen members of
the state senate , tUJrtx-threo members of the
house and county untl'prccinet officers us de
fined by law.
Only llqr Hmw.
VICTORIA , B. CJuly , 15. Captain St.
Clalr , senior officer oftho Kngllsh war ves
sels now hero , saUV cday that the reason of
tlio gathering there m such force Is to wel
come Admiral Hothtim , who is coming. They
have , ho said , received o orders regarding
Bchring sea and doubts If any of them , cer
tainly uot moro than one , will go there.
A Bl < ; Administratorship.
HBLEXA , Mont , July 15. In the supreme
court today Attorney Meyers opened the ar
gument In the A. J. Darts ease , involving an
administratorship estimated at 111,000,000.
Gladstone Alt-iulHii Tarty.
LONDON , July 15i-iSpecIal Cablegram to
THE BEE.J Gladstone is bettor. Yesterday
afternoon ho attended a garden party. The
queen was also present ,
A r rout I'd t'nr ( ompllolty.
IsnrKMiNO , Mich. , July 15. L , Pen-In wai
arrested today for complicity IB the Hurloy
"bank robbery. The prlsoaor Is the father of
Phelps Perrin , now on trial.
Prolimiuary Stops Taken nt the First Meth
odist Episcopal Ohurch ,
A nonril oCIiRiulltir ; Clericals ami Liny
lleprcsentn lives Appoint oil I'lnttH
anil Hopns oftlie Orlitlnators
Tlio Work to He Done.
For the purpose of taking preliminary step *
for the establishment of a Methodist hospital
la Omaha about one hundred and fifty mom-
, hers of the church , Including the leading min
isters of the city , gathered at the First M. K.
church last nlghU The project has been the
subject of consideration in Methodist circles
for some time and considerable enthusiasm
has been aroused. Dr. E. K , Young was In
troduced by Presiding Klder Olcndennlng In
a speech outlining tlio objects of the meet
Dr. Young U the pastor of a leading M. K.
church of Philadelphia and is on his summer
vacation , Ho opened hU ndilress by explain
ing that he was not in Omaha to talk , and
followed up his introduction with an
eloquent address Illustrating the beauty and
helpfulness of organized benevolences. Ho
explained that when tlio Christian put his
hand to any enterprise which relieved suffer
ing or sorrow ho was doing what God ordered
him to do.Vc who profess to follow Christ ,
ho said , are Uod's helpers in this world.
These hospitals and other church charities
are the means of calling out the bonevoleucos
of men. lie spoke of how the beneficences
of Carnegie , Giranl and other millionaires
who realized the needs of Immunity would
live In tlio hearts of Americans for genera
tions. In contrast ho spoke of the work of
those who had amassed millions nnd left it to
their children who should go on accumu
lating. In view of this ho did not wonder lit
the unrest of the labor world which saw
these masses of wealth Increasing itself to no
benefit to the world.
The speaker concluded an eloquent address
of half an hour's duration with a poetical
peroration , exhorting the people present to go
on In their great work , realizing that In car
rying It to a successful termination they were
doing the will of the Master.
Dr. Kynctt of Now York was then intro
duced and explained that the address of tlio
"TSvcnlng had been delivered. Ho had only
one or two thoughts to deliver. Wo need
never fear to follow where God leads the
way. The speaker teld of how a hospital
was secured for the M. K. church of Phila
delphia and held up the work of those
Methodists as an example for the people of
Omaha , I In spoke of the magnificent hospi
tal being erected by the Methodists In Brook
lyn , Philadelphia and oilier cities.
lie confessed that in view of the needs of
the Methodist Episcopal church in Omaha ho
was surprised at llrst at the attempt to es
tablish a hospital under the auspices of the
church , but after considering the matter and
asking himself whether God was with the
enterprise , ho was willing to acknowledge
that the church wus doing a good work. Ho
elaborated upon the bcncllts which would
accrue to the city as well as to the church ,
and closed by wishing the enterprise and
those present godsj > ood.
Dr. Merrill then took the platform and de
livered u short nnd pertinent address ,
explaining the needs of finances to keep
the enterprise on its feet as well as to pay for
the expense of the present meeting.
The constitution of the Methodist Episco
pal scheme of hospitals provides for thirty
trustees , nine of whom are allowed to bo lay
men or members of any or no church. Hev.
Mr. Dawion was selected secretary. A meet
ing of the ministers had previously been held
in which it was arranged that each of the
twelve churches in the city should have-
member of tlio board of trustees and that the
remainder of the hoard of thirty should bo
elected at largo. The following were elected
from the various churches :
Trinity , J. .T. McLlain ; Seward Street , E.
Jt. UOOK ; * irst , J. Aicuonncu ; jHonmoutn
Park , - ; Newman , L. O. Jones ; South
Tenth , David Cole : Danish , Thomas Erick-
soii ; Swedish. O. Polnudcr ; German , George
Duttweiller : South Omului , E. M. Klchard-
son ; Hanseom Park , Hazard ; Second ,
Charles Johnson ; Colored , Rev. Moore.
Tlio following members at large wcro unan
imously elected by the meeting.
Bishop Newman , Kovs. Uoo , Savage ,
Shank , Messrs. Hector , -Dale , Fowler , C. O.
Lobeclc , George Baker , Frank Bryant , Sam
Burns , J. U. Francis , F. A. Johnson , John
Thurston , Guy Barton , Clark Woodman and
J. II. Millard.
Dr. Foote , secretary of the hospital com
mittee , then took the floor nnd explained the
plan of the working of the hospital and claimed
tnat ho know of $ " > 0,000 which would bo con
secrated to the work. The meeting was
closed with the benediction by Itev. Dr.
An Arrost. Mntlo for a Murder Com
mitted In 1HO1.
HIAWATHA , Kan. , July 15. [ Special Tele-
groin to Tun BIE. ; ] Great was tlio excite
ment at Troy , Doniphan county , this state ,
todn } ' , the occasion being the preliminary
examination of Joseph Tribble , who was
arrested July at Wnthcna for the murder of
Alexander IClueald on September S , 18(51.
Tribblo was a rebel , Kincald a man of
union tendencies , although neither belonged
to the regular armies. On the day men-
tloncd , which was Sunday , the boys , both
under twenty-one , met at a eampmcetlng ,
A quarrel ensued and they wont at eacn
other , KIncaid with a butcher knife , Tribblo
wlthabowio knife. KIncaid was klltlcd.
Tribblo wont to Mississippi and did not re
appear until July 4 , when ho was arrested.
Today ho was bound over hi the sum of § .OUO ,
v.'tiich ho Is unable to give. The most intense
excitement prevailed at Troy during the trial.
The court room was crowded by men who
had rebel tendencies nnd men of union pro
clivities nnd who openly stated them now.
Tribblo has u wife and five children In Mis
sissippi , in destitute circumstances. Ho
made no defense nt the preliminary examina
tion today.
_ .
- < -
At Huron.
IIuiiox , S. D. , July 15. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Den. ] The South Dakota Scandi
navian republican league held their annual
meeting here this afternoon. A largo num
ber of the leading Scandinavians of the state
Thomas Thorsen nnd Gus Gilbert , chairman
of the executive committee. The convention
will take action looking Into the Interests
of Dakota Scandinavians in the coming polit
ical campaign.
At Deudwnod.
DEADWOOU , S. D. , July 15. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEK. ] The Uuvreneo county
central committee met nnd fixed August ' . ' 0
as the tlmo for holding the convention. The
state , legislative and county nominations will
all be made at onu convention.
Tlio Cluytim-HrcckiMiriiluo Catto.
WASIIIXOTOX , July .15. The house commit
tee In elections today heard arguments by
Judge John McClure of Arkansas , Clayton's
representative upon the Brcckcnrldgo elec
tion case. JudgoMcCluro began his argu
ment by attacking Breckonrldgo In reply to
certain statements made by that gentleman
as exhibited In the Record , lie charged that
Brcckcnridgo had sought to incite his parti
sans to treat him ( McClure ) as they had
treated Clayton. Ho reseated the effort
which , ho suld , had been made to niiiko the
people of Arkansas rosionsiblo [ for a scrlos of
Crimea which ho sought to show were part of
a general plan carried out by politicians and
ballot box stutters nnd stonlors wltn a de
liberate purpose to reverse the will of the
people at the { rails.
Conn In InvcHllgnlo CCIIHIIH
WASHINGTON" , July 15 , Assistant Attorney
General Cotton has gene to St. Paul and
Minneapolis under orders from the attorney
general to Investigate the alleged Irregulari
ties lit thu census returns of those cities.
Important Hook Inland
DBS MOIXRS , In. . July 12. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Br.K.j For yours past
the Itoek Island railroad nr.ningcmcnt has find
In view the changing of tlio divisions of the
lines In lowiu The arrangement under
which the operation during many years
has been carried on hut been to
divide the Iowa main line Into
three sections. Ono division extended from
Davenport to Brooklyn , another from Brook
lyn to Stuart , and tlio third from Stuurt tn
Council BlulTs. It Is now announced that
two divisions will bj made of tlio nmln lino.
from Dos Molnes out : anJ west , ami
that the machine and repair shops will
be located hero In the near future. Ground
has already been purchased. Plans for thy
buildings nw already drawn and these hav
ing the erection of them la charge are ex
pected In the city within a few days. Super.
mtendent Koyco will bo hero tomorrow and
President Kfmhall will also bo hero this
Onrflohl'H Tut r
Dis MoiNK9 , la. , July 15. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Br.i : . ] Drake university mourns
the death of oao of its honored nnd most
revered Instructor ! ) , Norman Dunsliee ,
who occupied the chair of an
cient languages ever since the
Institution win founded , passed peacefully
away this morning. The professor was born
In Cuyahoga county , Ohio , Jummry ! ! i , IS'J-J.
He was educated tit the Western Reserve
university , Cleveland , O. , from which ho
graduated In the ehiss of 1815. Ills scholarship
was broad , thorough and comprehensive.
Ills study has been chiefly In mntlieiintles ,
history , philology , philosophy nnd the blblo.
Thirty-live years of bis lifo wuro spent In
teaching , and In that time hesaw his stiulent.s
rise to many positions of honor and renown ,
and one , the Immortal Garlicld , to the presi
dency. Ho was nn Instructor of the Into
President Garlleld three and one-halt years
In Western Reserve college. His chllilum ,
Mrs. Scott of Maxwell , this state , and Mrs.
Andrews of Jlollvar , Mo. , were telegraphed
for Immediately , but , did not urrivo until
Iho Grain Shippers' Case.
DBS MUINI : ? , la. , July 15. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Bun. ] Spencer Smith , chair
man of the board of railway commissioners ,
returned this morning from Washington ,
where he represented the Iowa commission
before the Intcrstato commerce commission
In its hearing of the grain shippers'
case. Mr. Smith said ho would not venture
to predict as to the prolublo or ultlmato out
come of the case , as the railroad representa
tives did nil they possibly could to complicate
matters and delay action. The investigation ,
however , resulted in the peculiar condition of
affairs relative to the transportation of grain
in the western states being thorougly iiireil.
StcnographiM-H ! ? kc.s.slon.
DEsMoi.VHs , la. , July 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BIK. ] The Iowa State Steno
graphers' ' association convened at 2 o'clock
today. There were about thirty present , and
members are arriving on every train. The
meeting promises to bo a busy one.
C. Ij. Dahlberg of this city de
livered the welcoming address , nnd President
William E , Cody of Sioux City responded
and then delivered his unmuil address , Re
ports of officers and committees and nomina
tions followed. Tonight a programme of
music , recitations , drills and speed practice
wasi presented , after which there was a
social and supper.
Ainputntiul His Koot.
MASON CITV , In. , July 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hr.u.J CarlSherln , a wiper la
the Iowa Central engine house In this city ,
was attempting to mount a moving engine
in the yard last evening when his foot slipped
and ho fell with ono toot under the wheels.
The right foot was so badly mangled as to re
quire amputation at the ankle joint. Mo was
a faithful employe of the road and a man of
Sliut the Iliiby.
Sioux CITY , la. , July ' 15. The threo-yonr-
old chilu of Mrs. Henry' Glint , living near
James station , was shot and killed this after
noon in the mother's absence , presumablv by
its ten-year-old brother. The boy , however ,
says that some one clso did it , but cannot
tell who ;
Dubuquc Saloon Injunctions.
DUIIUQUK , la , , July 15. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BI-.K. ] Judge Lcntliim 1ms issued
fifty-live injunctions against saloonkeepers in
this city ,
Of Interest to Army Olllccrs.
WAJUIIMITOX , July 15. The president and
Secretary Proctor are seriously considering
the proposition advocated by several promi
nent army ofilcers for abolishing the present
system of division commanders and
to have military affairs administered
hereafter through department commanders.
In case the clinugo is made a maor general
will bo placed in command of two Important
departments the Atlantic and Paclllo nnd
the Interior departments will bo commanded
by brigadier generals , all of whom will report
to Major General Schofield , commanding the
army. _ _
TtcmlndM Ono ofVar Times.
Mi-.nnouoi : , La , , July 15. Sunday night
twenty-flvo colored laborers loft Hcffncr's
plantation , near Oak Ridge , to make their
way Into Arkansas. They wcro pursued by a
posse gathered by Hcltncr nnd found this
morning in the woods. After n parley they
agreed to return , but when the posse
went forward some shots were fired. The
po-sso returned the lire and llvo negroes were
Killed. Much indignation prevails among
plantation owners on account of the running
away ot colored help , whom they brought
here from North Crrolina at much expense.
Whltn Capi In Xtsw Mexico.
WASHINGTON , Inly 15. The secretary of
the Interior has received from a gentleman
now in Now Mexico a circumstantial account ,
of the outrages committed in that territory
the last few months by White Caps In the
person of several hundred Mexicans , who
armed , masked nnd mounted , almost nightly
parade through the country for thirty
miles around Los Vegas , destroying crops ,
houses nnd bridges and shooting anil terrify
ing citizens. Governor Prineo has iioon
asked for a full report. It Is not unlikely
that troops will bo sent into the territory to
prqtcct tlio lives and property of the people.
Tliol'opo Talc HUH Atria ? .
ROMK , July 15. [ Special Cablegram to
Tim BKR. ] Tlio pope , In a carriage escorted
by two soldiers of the guavdia Mobile , left
the Vatican grounds by way of the fonda-
menta gate today and drove as far as the
musei gate , where ho re-entered the grounds.
The sentries nt the mint presented arms as
ho passed and the workmen along the road
knelt down reverently. Tlio object of the
pope's drlvo was to visit the sculptor
Aurolla and inspect his statue of St. Thomas
Hnloldn of * an American Clt-l.
Brmi.v , July 15 , [ Special Cablegram to
Tun UEB. ] An American girl , Josephine
Neuendorf , who has boon studying muslo In
this city , committed suicide hero toJay. Her
mind Is said to have been utlcutud by IV.T
A Knvorulilo Huporl Ordered.
WASMIMITOX , July 15. The scnato com
mittee on finance today ordered a favorable
report upon the nominations of the llvo ap
praisers of mcrchandlso named two weeks
ago under the customs administrative bill ,
Haun ItlotH In Suutli Ca nil Inn.
Cmiu.iiSTON , S. C. , July 15. A rlo It re
ported near JCcatiilii , Harnwell county.
Three hundred negroes , armed with rllles ,
are said to confront .twenty-llvo whlto men ,
Oao negro was killed. Assistance has gene
from neighboring towns.
Appointed to All-Ion. -
Brui.ix , July 15. [ Special Cablegram to
Tun BKK.I Baron ( Jravcnruuth has been ap
pointed temporary Imperial commissioner in
Kast Africa.
Tlio llDllgoluiicI Hill.
, July 15. The Heligoland bill has
passed lu third reading la the house of lords
with only u verbal amendment.
* * H
The Importance of purifying the blood cannot -
not to overestimated , for \\ltlumt pure
Wood you cannot enjoy good health.
At this season neatly every ono nrcds a
jood medicine to purify , vitalize , and enrich
the blood , and Hood's SaraaparllU \vorihy V ,
your confidence. It Is peculiar In that U
strengthens and builds up the system , creates
.111 ni'pcttto ' , and tones the dlgcjtkmlillo
it craillcnti'sdisease , ( live U a trial.
Hood's Sarsaparllla li s < > M hyalldrlifrglst * .
I'repared by C. I. Hood ft Co. , Lowell , Mas v
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
A riro Starts In n Ijiiunilry mill the
C't'li'Ktlnl Disappear * .
IClm War was yesterday running a laundry
at 110'f South Tenth street , but patrons will
not find the place open for business today.
The little brluk building- n total wreck
from the combined ravages of llro and water ,
anil Kim has dlsnppcurcd.
John O'Connell is the owner of the prop
erty and of tlm buildings on either side. About
fi : i0 ! yesterday afternoon Mr. O'Connell saw
Kim shoot through the door , and utter him
came a sheet of llro nnd smoke.
The Chinaman had evidently stayed as long
as ho could nnd had only given up possession
when the flames di-ovo him out. IIo had
given no alarm and no ono hnow that the
place was on llro until the whole interior was
ablaze. Mr. O'Connell hurried to No. en
gine house and gave the alarm and the do-
partmcnUwas Moon lighting the flumes. The
llro had secured a good start and before Iho
Ill-omen arrived the ( lames had spread to the
two adjoining buildings , ono occupied bvAlr.
O'Connell as a saloon nnd the other bv
Charles Singer as a second-hand store.
It remilivd but a few minutes to get the
flro under control , but not until the roofs of
the three buildings were bai-noil. The laun
dry was gutted and the contents , including
about ono hundred packages of clothing be
longing to various parlies , wore n total loss
Singer's stock was damaged to the extent
of about Slot ) , on which there was no insur
ance. The llro was conduct ! to the upper
part of the building , which was ap
parently filled with feathers , The sinolto
from these was suffocating and made
work very unpleasant for the llremcii.
The feathers were finally dumped out of Iho
window , and the wind impartially scattered
them over the crowd that filled the street.
In the saloon were four pool tables that
were damaged to thooxtont ot : ? " > 0 each , but
this loss is covered by insurance , us is also
the loss on the buildings. The total loss will
not. exceed , * ( iO ( ) .
How the flro originated is a mystery , its
Kim War was ulono in the lanndrv and' did
not remain about the place to furnish any In
ChronicInllnmmntion or thn Hlmliler * / >
Is promptly cured by the waters of lixcel-
slor Springs , Missouri.
HncrcHt llcoovcrlni * .
Low Sccmst , the victim of the fearful fall
from a third story Window of the Merchants
hotel nearly four weeks ago , la better , accord
ing to the doctor's statements last evening.
He is much better than at any time since his
fall , nnd his physicians now express hope of
Ills recovery. His lower limbs havo' been
paralyzed , but ho was able yesterday to
move his feet and toes , nnd it is stated that
the chances are very favorable for his regain
ing full control of them. Ills friends were
milking preparations to remove him to his
liome at Hebron , believing Unit if Ho could
not recover it would bo better to have him
die among his old friends , but the doctors
now snv that tlio outlook Is so favorable that
they will not permit him to bo moved , and
the removal has been indefinitely postponed.
Sharpened 'lliohAppctltcn. .
LONDON , July 15. [ Special Cablegram to
Tun Bun. | The cession of Heligoland to
Germany has , it scorns , sharpened the appe
tites of other powers for the acquisition of
outlying islands. A'ery few people have over
heard of Worm's ' Island in the Baltic , which
has belonged for many generations to thu
barons of fcjtackollmrg. Hussla has long
wished to form a coaling station thcro , but It. " . ,
then owner once refused an offer of 1,000,000 ,
Its present proprietor fiatf just parted with It
to the czar for n little over 1,000,000 , , francs.
I\KUII | Hun In.
William Munskcy , who was recently ar
rested for taking his horse from the follow
who had stolen It , was again rim in liistovcn-
Ing on a charge of receiving stolen property ,
Ho was released on bail , The property lu
question is a lot of railroad brasses valued nt
nearly S500 , which we.-u recently stolen In
South Omaha , It Is stated that the guilty
imrty Is a fellow who roomed at Mimskuy's
muse , hut has now skipped out. The police
ire looking for all the parties Implicated.
Only I'riitoolcil American SuliJtMMs.
WASHINGTON' , July IB. Hear Admiral
Dcllmnp , commanding the naval forces on
: ho Asiatic station , has Informal the navy
department that there is no truth m the re
port that ho took possession of the king's
palace at Seoul during the recent trouble in
Jorea , ami that all lie did on thu o < : cnilon In
jiiestlon was to statlan troop i In the United
Slates legation building for the protection of
American subjects and property. They were
subsequently withdrawn , as uR'alw resumed
.heir usual state.
Vp in n Iliilloiin.
Ih : MX.Ttily 15. [ Special Cablegram to TUB
Bui : . ] Two Austrian ofllcers , who. wont up In
a military balloon from the prateiIn Vienna ,
were carried from Hruzkow In the province
of Posen in Prussia , Thence they wcru
driven by ah' currents to southern Sweden
and llnnl'y ' were carried by other run-outs ' *
iwek to Prussia. All the distance of'thtli
aerial journey wus covered In cloven hours.
A. J. Orovor loft for hiu old homo nt
Wanimsolu.WlH. , yesterday , lu ronjionso
to a tolegnim Hinting that hin father hud
boon drowned in Powitukeo Inko Muiultiy
evening. The tclofjTain Btatuil no fuels
oxuoplthat the { 'ontlciimu wuHoulon thu
luku and the boat upsut.
Abaolutoly Pure.
A cream rlurlinking powlnr.
of lea veiling ntriiiigth . S. Govoriiiuuiit Uu-
port Aug. 17 , IMJ.