y HE OMAHA DAILY TWENTIETH YJiMK. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , JULY 1C , 1800. NUMBER 2 Kfl JORE BODIES RECOVERED , Largo Quantities of Dynamite Ezplodcd in a fruitless Search. THE SEA KING'S ' CAPTAIN NOT DRUNK , Jml-c IJijrell of Argyle Gives Posi tive ilvldcnuo 10 the Con rary A I > ny of Moiii'iilnn at Uc l Whirr. I-iUft : CITT , Minn. , July 15. Tholakoshoro < vns niuda to i-ovoiheraui this inoinmi ; with the thunder of dynamite , which wits brought into loquisltion In the luipo that it would beef of help In bilnt'lng some unrccovcicd bodies to the Btirfaco. 'Iho country jicoplo who drove in from nil directions jestcidny w etc again on bund this mot-nine ' , tind residents of this place were also theio nt an early hour watching the workers. The military guuid was kept up all niihl at the beach. Tlio RinllliiK iky in no vvny ictnindcdonc of the great honor thut hud come upon this whole section of the stnto. ( Soodlnie county , ofwhich Hod Wing is the county sent , caches to UiocdKoof r.iko City , and the dis aster occurred in the limits of that county. Tills fact , nnd tlio icsidcnco of mostofthe victims nl UcJ Wlnt , ' , was wlint took the bodies to that city at once , llio colonel tiicio taking chatgo of nnd pieparini' them fet the ltiUst | ( , wblcli will bo in today. Nothing new lias developed nlong the lake shore nnd no moro bodies wcio rccovcicd to day , although dynamite was used in largo quantities under tbo dlieUion of ( Jcneial Mulle-n. It is probable that no note bodies will bo found foi two or tin ce days , It Is thought by some th it not over n do/en moio mo In the lake , while others place the num ber at two or thrco times tint , Cnntuin Wetliein , who bus not been Been lie-ro shuo jcsteidny noon , loldii citl/rn of Hcd Wing Hint the number of people on board his steamer nt the time of tlio stonn would not excci-d 170 A lied Wing mini , who was very much , oxeltcd , denied the captain's ligiucs ns o\cr thirty below - low the nctunl number and accused both the captain and crew of being drunk and unfit to luno chaigo of n boat at such n time This elwi-eo soon became kmmn about town and may. In pait , explain the clmrno of diunkeiiiTess tint lias bcc.il nmdc. Still thcro is no pi oof of such a btnto of affalis Thoio wcio those on the bin go among the passengers \\lio had been drinking and whoso actions diovc the women nnilchildim to the cabin , nnd this fact may bo another iriound for the rumor Another rumor that caused pieat Inditrnn- tion was that w hlch accused the captain of ordeiing the cabin door locked nnd keeping the people inside. The captain AV.IS blamed for penning the people up whcio death was sane to como. Miss Atrglo llnition of Luke City , who wns onoof these \ vlioero rescued fiom the liargo when it di if ted iie-ar tbo shore , sa\s nil the women and children wcro ordcicd into the cabin fiom the baigc. It would bo n uat- nial thing for the captain to do this ui it wus intciisi-lvdiuk and the rain and hall that wiie fnllinfjmadoit extremely clisugiceablo to icm.iin on the unriront the moicy of the elomcnis. On the othei hmid , tlio engineer told City Minshul Tim Foley that the cajit iln thought the barge safer than the steamer , and bent an order down to the cabin for tbo women nnd cliihhcn to go on the barpc. In- stcud of carijingtho order corrutly , the man told tlicin to Hluy in the cabin nnd lock tlio door , which they did. Previous to that most * of tbd wdmen IcftMho hargofot- the Btcamcr , tolling tbo engineer that a party of men on the hurgo wcro drunk nnd had been nctlng In an objictioiublo manner , and they would not stay thcie. Whether these bo facts or not , it Is ecitain that the doors wcio nhut , if not locked , when the icscucrs reached the Htennier , unit ' c\erythlnp Indie itcd that they had been closed throughout the gnlo. Ttio ontlro bobtlc-ty of the engineer Is fjuestioned by an old llsbermim named Cook , who escaped fiom the wreck. The engineer fin thcr snys that when the Mcamcr tut ned over ho was on the barge. lionihieh ho slopped upon the upturned hull and looked on all sides without discover ing anyone , However , Fmnkvj"of Tien- tmi siijshcand twenty-lho or moio others clung to the stcmnci's bottom uftor she tunicd over nnd that ho swam to a place ol Hafety from tboie , but his lady companion , Miss inttio Plinn , sank und has not jet been rccovcicd. Two of his sisters nlso went down und only 0110 body has been vceovcied Jndgo Bnjrcll of Aitryle , who v/as on the boat , gives positive evidence agiilnst tlic charge of ditml > cmio > 3 Ho sa\s \ tbo captain vas not only sober , but wns fully conscious ol tlio picscnco of the stoim. although not fully nppi-eeiatlng its gravity. The cnptziln walUec' ' tlnniifh tliu cabin , fitiiotly tiylng to calm tlu excited passengers , telling them ho did nol think thoio wus nny d mgei , but , if nn > vl'hed to dp so they could put on life pie bcnt'i's and prcpnio for the worst possibility A few minutes Inter ho once moio mtieit the same suggestion The i-hugi iigulml tbo crow probably oiK'inatcd ir the behavior of some duinkcii mnh pissc-ngcl-s on tlmbuii'o. Seeing the sovciltj of tlui storm the captain \\ishcil \ these whc v c-i eon the bin go nt Iho mercy of the wind , inln nud hull to wok lofngo In the cabin , bui the hitter considered the largo a safer plnci mid huoulcrod the women nnd children - moved theic. Ills order mlsuiriied , or a ! least such s ( ems lo have been the ease. I.aiw.\or ( Jicer of LuUe City lit > lif\cd If tlu jicoplo had known that p.ntof the hUe nmnj could havor < cnpcd , nnd cites the c\ per tenet of IIni\cy Mnboy. Young Mabo > was ou board the Sea King und when she dilftet ] mound below tlio point she Kivundcd fort thorttimoona bar. Knowing the wntei there was shallow ho Jumped oveiboard nnc it-nched lind iiisilj. Ki-om that bar th < steamer thiftcd nloncc the shore , kccplii { nbout forty or ilfty juuls out , All along tin bottom slopes \e-iy giadunlly down , t.o tha ncarlj all could have i cached slioio had thej luiovui that luct. This evening the rorontr's Jury assemblei nnd were about to begin the Inquest \\hci Countv Attoincy Wilson said tbo statute piovhfo that the coroner shall hold nn inqucs only whore thcro are minks of violence on i botiy. As tticie were none such in the pros , rnt'taso no inquest could bo had. II * " Hild further that ho hche\ed , tali Ing Into consideration the frano of mini of the community that it is ndvlsubl not to hold an Inquest now , oven if It could b held. Ho nsMiied the Jurymen as citizen that the matter would ho laid before th grand Juiv at once midii rigid Invcstlgatioi uo hnd. The Jurv acted on his opinion am tbo toiotur dismissed them. L.ntor- 1 bis evening ono moro body wu found , that ol Itltta Victim , aged thhtcen. 4 A It.iV Of Fl'XKlt.lLS. The Whole loivnoflloil Wing , Minn , In Mniiinlnt. ; , Rrn WINO Minn. ir , , July -Sixty-si bodies that wci-o brought Uerojcstcriluywei laid out in an empty store room , and to thl plnco of tlcath cnmu the mourning friends t claim their dead or look In vain for absc-n ones , All day long lonlned bodies wc-i being cnuicdto httiekt-n homes In the ell nnd at manv hcai llistont-a but ono or two sui vlvors of tlio family awaited the coming t the remnimi of their loved ones. ThU is day of f uuoniUi , nearly all of the bodies j ( rccocicd being intci red in God's Aero. " Funerals have been held hero light nlon during Iho day , one of the mournful proea bions pasblag along the stixn-t e-vory few nib utes. Business houses generally uro close und lu inourning gaib , while the whole plac has nn air of disconsolate grief. Coroiu Kyllo went down to Lake City to view tti fcceno of the disaster. Ho will hold nn li quest nt once on the body of E. A. Johnso of Dakota , who wtvs to have boon married ti lrtvi ami whoso betrotlicd was also one i these who pcilshed. OnoMoni Ylollin Dies. MiN.xr.iroi.i3 , Minn , , July 15. Auotlif victim of the Lalco Ocrvnli cyclone died yes terday. Mrs. John Clark , whoso homo nt Ulttlo Canada was wrecked , her left arm torn off nnd her lung exioscd , died In great n ony. It is thought her husband , \\lio was badly Injured , will iccover. A T / , . ! Ki : UJxTrA IS. Tlioim.inils orCurloits 1'eoplc Visit the Scene of the Cjelonr- . ST. 1'Aui , , Minn. , July in. Thousands of cinlous people visited the scciio of Sunday night's cyclone at Lake Gcrvais. 'Jho search for the bodies of the tlirco missing vlithns lias not yet resulted in success. All day to- dny iiatticsof seaichers were scorning the \\oodsnndswatnpsin the vicinity or drag- King the lake , but absolutely no trace can bo found of the bodies. The injincd , vlth , two or thrco exceptions , me doing v.ell nml are nil under the best of medical treatment. Seven families that resided In tbo path of the storm were left destitute nnd thrown upon the public for ( ltd. 11. C Schuuncler much improved today and told how he saved himself and ulfo. Ho slid that when the storm c.itno on the house began to ciack , then bend , then buist , nnd wo wcio In tlio midst of the ( ) clone. I leai-hed for my \ \ ifo and we tlnow our nuns niouml each other. The wind raised ns off our feet nnd throw us to the gioundVltli arms mound each other \\o Vtoio rolled over the lough round and eon found oursoUes in the lah < ! . In another moment wo were back on the lake shorn. Iho stump of a ttce , from which the tnink hud been urokcn tind cinried siway by the wind , vas near by. With mv * dfo in my arms I crawled forward nnd fastened ono of my firms aiound it. Wo wcro uliippcd up and down like a. lush for several moments. Had tlio futlous wind lusted n mlnuto longer than It did I vtouldhave been obliged toielenso in ) bold and wo two would hnvo been gone. jt'sr i : * > u.u'ii > .1 o Tliu'utcneilIth t'K * Storm Which Devastated MlniipMiita. Ciliru.o , Julv 15. The ( signal scrvieo ofll- rials here sij-tlmt the conditions for the do- \clopnientofnc\clono wcro parfect jester- day , and th.it Itty.isprobiblyonlyiivoileil by the ptoximlty of L.ako Michigan. Itus in fact the cdgo of tbo storm which wiought such ba oo in Mlnnosota Sunday. Late jcstoulay aftcinoon the wind blew hero at the late of about lllty miles nn hour and the rain c une down lu sheets Ono and tin co tenths Inches fell In thiity-ll-.o minutes. Kcports from Jolict nnd other poUits near this city nio to the clfcj-t that growing coin was leveled to the giound by the wind. Advices from Illinois , Iowa and Missouri say that the \\eatlfcr was veiy hot yesterday , the thermometer limiting from 'Jb ° to 10'J = . JUlH.ltilfl O UH AJKTJC S TOf.V.3. . V rishlng Scbooner Tjost Off Iceland null Sailors Drounod. OiourrsTrii , Mass , July 15 A letter from Captain Kj an of tbo schooner A. D. Sloiy , ated Djnofjonl , Iceland , Juno 4 , suys that be weather his been unusually stormy and hat at Iho time of wilting a heavy snow toim pievailcd. Two of the crew of the chooner Senator Salisbury , Tbomus Hccso ! ind Otto Johnson , wcro lost by the cupsl/lng if a dory. The schooner "William Itlfc , ono if the llrst vessels fiom Gloucester this sea- ion lor the hnllbut fishery , is missing It is thought she collided with un iceberg , many of which hmo been repotted bv the licc't dining the passage. She carilcd a eiew of sKtcuii men , all ofhoni weio unm.nrlcd. Inr 1'ooplo Drotviiotl. POUTSJioimr , N. II. , July 15. The yacht Million of South Boston struck u lock last night and was sunk. Three of the four per- bens on board were di owned. j.v Tjn ; UAHir.ir The Atclilson'a I-Jarnlngs. CUICAOO , July 15. [ Special Telegram to Tin. Brr.J Tbo. carnlugs of thoAUlison it Santa Po railroad for the fouith week in Juno nn Increase of S130/.JI9 / , and for the month offlbi.OST , nun the St. Louis & San Francisco show nn incieuso for the same poiiod of S10Ul3 and ijOT.'joTiespectivoly. ' It [ 3 predicted that , independent of the San Francisco' ' system , the press cauiincs of tbo Atcliisou foi tbo jcar will bo moro than : ? .H > , - OOO.UOO as ngalnst aOU,000 lu 1W9 , wiual tenet net earnings of * > UOG ( > ,000. , Ilaili'oad bait Scttlcil. O , July 15. [ Spocinl Telegram to : Tin : liui : . ] Stripped of legal technicalities , .ludgo Tuloy today decldod that the Canadian Pncitie load could mn its train over the Wc&toin Inuhina tracks and into Chicago. The suit v.as ostensibly louyht by the Wabash - bash , but this was.so because it was an at tempt on the pait of tlio Grand Tiunlcto tight off its Canadian neighbor and wenkon the force of its tiaiUocontuiet with the Wa- bash. The hnmedlato result of the decision is , that the Canadlm 1'iiclllo will put on bo- t\\ccn Chicago and llo ton solid vestibulcd passenger trains and compete lorahn oshnio of the business. Its trallio contiact with the Wubasli will compel It to use a Wnbisb cngliio and train ciew between Detioitnnu Chicago , but othem Iso the whole trains will belong to the Canadian 1'aiillc. The trallio contiact now covers all freight tiattlc , the only chiingo which \\ill bo made being that Canadian I'.icilic tiuins to and flOm Chicago will now run solid U more con venient K ist bound p isscnger men are in a ( luandaiy how to meet tl.o Caimaian Paelllc comp tltion That load has a i\nv of doing business \\hoio lines in the United bt.itcsonld starve , nnd no pasjcngur man doubts that it \\lll at once do us largo or a larger business than the Pennsj h mil i or Lake Show. 'lij im ; tt > Adjust Dill * ronecs. Ciucvuo , July 15. [ Special Telegram to THU Bn : . | The general inmagcr-j and presi dents of the prominent western roads met to day to talk over the plans for bettering the condition of their load. Itna decided to . take up , ono ny one , the points o of difference and , n.s being the fmost impoitant , the meeting today ll discussed the divisions of i ates at the Missouri - 0 10 souri n\er , oriu other \\ords , the relations of the two locals to the through rato. This has of Into been it largo bono of con tention between the Chicago lines those \\lthc\tcnsloii3UCotottho JilUsouri claim ing the light to cariy dear to Chlcapo all tfaftlo originating on their lines west of the Missouri , nnd these ending at the Missouri claiming all freight must break bulk theio and every line pet a shnr . The Atehison nnd Hock Islnnd have gene so far us to ivf use to prorate with its com petitors , and the result has been the making of locil rates from the Mlssouii to Chicago , which , mldoU to the local rates west of the i Ivor , equal the through rato. This has resulted in the present low basis fiom the Missouil to Chicago. 'Iho Alton hat ttilun the lend in the light , and especially on cattle , has reduced the rate ton lum-pi ) ing basis , Means for relieving this state of affairs wcro discussed totluy. All line's Interested were represented , hut us no cone-lucion could ho icncbed , a coinmltteo of seven , with Chairman Walker at the head , wna npiKiintcd to draft hnrinonlous measures , It was freely admitted that nil western lines werq la such straits as to compel some kind of nn agreement , hut the comnuttoo was unable to roach ono this afternoon. Tomor row It repoits to the meeting. Iho lines have nutuvully grouped them selves In ivapeit to whether or not th \ end nt the Mlssouil-tho Alton. St Paul , \Vn- bash and Chicago , St I'nul Ac Kansas City being on ono Mdo and the Atihlson , Hurlliig- ton und Rock Island on the other , The Alton now holds tlio whip hand and will not ugivo to advance rules unless liberal concessions are grunted it. THE C0101IBDS COSYENTLON , 0. M. Kcmm of Ouater County Nominated for Oongrcu. THE DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES. Dcmonotl/alloii ot" Silver nnd tlic M Kinlcy Hill I > Miounee < l In Un- ineasnred Terms Uallot llct'orni DcinniKleil. " , Neb , July I' . [ Special Tele gram to TIIU Bii.j : At ttio Independent con vention of the state runners1 alliance , Knights of Labor , trades unions and other lubor or ganizations of the Third congressional dls- tilct , to nominate n candidate for congress , held at the opcia house today at 2 o'clock , about ono hundred of the 113 delegates en titled to seats * i\cro present. Captain J. D Ilntllcldof Antelope was chosen lemporaiy chalnnun , and J. O. Painter of Custer sccretaiy. While tlio commlttceon creilcr.tluls wits out the candidates for con- giess hid tin opportunity to tell the people \\liat ailed them President Powers , of the state alliance , was called out and gave some fatlicrly nd- v'c-e ' , telling the people to cut loose from the old pat tics and nominate good men , and not ( live up the battle until death called them home. M. T Knox of Ouster , Sehrador of Logan nnd O. M. ICcnnn of Ouster , also made speeches , each of these gentlemen being can didates I. S Chnmbcihiin , a professional Knight of Labor nnd editor of the Strombuig Head light , made a sxiecch about the wrongs of the libormg man as tbo psisnirution fell upon his immaculate whlto vest. This was followed by a vauntlnp speech by I ) ivo Hutlcr of I'awnc-o county , and the ami ! nice look his rctmn Its kindly , but did not oflV > r to nominate1 him for go\ernor. The committee on perm incut orgnnl/atlon then repotted. C II lical of Custer was made chaiiman nnd Fred Jewell of Platte scciclary. The following persons wcro placed in noml- nitlon : JI F1. Knox of Cnster , William A. I'oyntcr of Hoono , O M. Kemni of Ouster. U. D. Sclnoder of Logan , W L. Wlllaidof Hull. The committee then proceeded to nn informal mal ballot , the dclegites present casting the entire vote of each countv with the following it-suit : Kemm fid , Wlllard 1 , Schroder C'J , I'ovnter 1-1 , Knox 10. The second billet was made formal , result ing in Komm's nomination , as follows- Schroder TO , Kemm h , Knox i. Costolloof Hall disco\eied that Schioder had piintcd tickets , and tisingon a chair de nounced the proceeding ns a dishonest ono , a trick of the politicians whom they vao trying to dofeat. Tills changed the thlo to ICemm and lesulted in his nomination. Kemm was called on for n speech nnd said that he did not know whetberho felt llattbied or otherwise , but ho dlel feel the sense 6f the grave responsibility resting upon him. Ho s dd that ho was a friend of the laboring man unit the laboring woman ; Unit ids lot had al ways boon cast with them , nnd th.it wljen ho came to the convention ho had no more idei of being nominated than ho hud of tailing a trip to the moon. Mr. Kcmm is thirty-five years old , was born In Indiana on a farm nnd in lbS2 came to Nebraska and homcstcadcd a claim in Ouster county , 09 which l.o lived until January last , When ho was appointed deputy county treas urer. Ho has been u republican up to about two years ago , when ho cut loose from the party and joined the alliance , helping in the bitter fight in Custer last full. Ho announced Hint hov.w poor nml that about all ho hnd was i family of motherless children and a $1,500 iiioitgngo on his farm. TIIU in SOILTIONS. The cominlttc'o on resolutions , C. S. Rvnns , C. "W. Potter , M. J. Costello , John S. Free man and C. \ \ . Bcal reported the following , which wcio unanimously adopted : Land is tbo original sonixo from which nil wealth Is Uriv.ii. 1'ico access toll Is IIPUOS- sury to llfo , lllmrty anil the puiiiiltof happi ness. Tim ownership of land Is thuonly tiuo basis lei tlioustabllslimont of homes ; liPiii-e , the \tolf.iro of society and the pi0'russ of Dm liiuirm rae'o dupend upon securing to every \\oilliycilUein an opportunity to own liiird ; t hereto rp , \Vo are opposed to o\ cry form of land mo nopoly. Yvu ni-mnml tlmt imoirnud land criints shall uoforfoltor j tlmt alien ownur- shli | shall bo piolilliltud , und that liulhlduals sbnll bu provi ntud fiom holding 1 ugo tracts of hnd out of use for spconlatt\o pui [ lo cs. Money Is to oig.ml/oil Industry wli'it blood is to tliolimn in sistoni. It should bo Hulll- clent In iiii'intlty. good In quality and Bhonld elrciilatfl tluoiuli mery part of tbo body | ) olltlo. Its scumlty caitso falling price's , lnisliii" > Sht ign itlon mil haul times \\llh all tliovonsoiinunt ldliii-is , siillcrliiK and erlmu. A contraetldiiof tliucMirionuj hunullts no ono > - . \\IIOSOHOUKOS of wealth mo Hxod In value' , as bomb , , ( < > < IH , mortgagee , cite , ulillu II wrongs uiicl < ) | ) iiis-.e'sn\iiy ) nioducui , \\o li.uul tlio hnaiulal li' l.shitlon nf the ( Tnlled "status for the p ist twenty jetrs us innvlsu and eiliuliullv unjust lo the niassci It his bec'ii In f.nor of usiiruisaiid .ig.ilnst piudnuvis. Ihudcstiuctlonuf our paper onr- ic'iuyand tliu deniiini-tlzatlon of slherweio 01 Inn's n itinst , society. Inordei toMMMiio justice to tlio pr-oplo and a utuinof iiiospirlty to tliUconntry.wo do- inaml tlio full nnd iitillmltodcoln uu n ( si Ivor and all p ipe-r uurrenov shall bo lsuud by tlio go\ei unit nt directly lo the lu-oplo In tlio foim of li-jinl te-ndei truisuiy notes and In sulllcicnt qn intltj U > do the business of tlioeouiitry. 'llio inn\ Ingot product und the tiunsuiKslon of Intelm-oiim liy moans of i uliuids and tule - giaplis iiui iiccosuy and Impiiilaat p ulsof om Industrl.il system. The puispuiltj of the countiy Is absolutely dependent on thosu guat nicKlera Inventions. Hut they are of Mich a natino that companion fulls to ir ulato the ] > i kescli irgcd forlliolt uso.and monopoly pimalK Thus public mospeilly Is loft at HID iiiuoy uf'prli.itu Ktred , unless the Koveriiiiientcniplojs Its poninto sccuio the rlKht use of t'H-sc'Kroat ' Inventions. The iln'ht ot the jo\uiimionl to do this Is nlllimud by llio hlshcst legnl and t'c-oimmlo nutlmrltlci. Hut ncllhcr Iho L'nltod htatcs 1101 tlio statn of Nelnaskii hasiiMT ollt'ctu illy oxeiuUeil tint iluht. IIiiiicoJliDCoiistiiic'tlon. ami opuiatloa of i illroids and teli' inphslsinnrked b ) fiaml , oMortlon. coiitonipt of law and political eui- iUitlou..Tho | proiluecis of ncilth.iru op- piessi-dnnd lobhtd without stint that a tew sulllsh moa may pllo up vast foiliincs. Kall- roul corpoi.itIons IIIIMI domlualud and cor rupted tliu pulltksot this Mute. Mv o\oibl- tant cliu us llioy liavu uxtortcd millions of doll irs from tbo tolling masses. W'o bulluvu tlio only ulluclual remedy for tin so dills His In KoMirniucnt ovvncislilp of tulcviiiphs and railroads , and tills vvudc'claiu lobo our olthiialo object. Hut pending Iliiul settlement of this ( | iiestlon ivo dt-muud tli it tliOK \ > rnnnmt shall ovt'iulso Its right of control ovtirtlu-su lust Hut him sons to pi o\ cut nliu e-anil sc'unreMlio rlgbtsof llio people so far as may bo po-slblo. Wo ( U'limiiil tlmt tbo gavcrmnnnt shall foro- cluso Us nuiiljra/i's on tliu I'.iuillc lallvuivs , tukucli intent them , and opeiato them in tliu Inloicstof the 1111111- . . . 1'itxatloii lionnof the most linportntit func- t Inns of government. A wlsou.oot thopower to tnIt tlio best sign of a Jn > , t undhoalthy govuuimt-nt , Tu\os should lit ) limited in amount to tlio ne-e-ds of govt'miiic'iit , and evury nfoit should bu nrnlo torcilueo these needs liy rconomy and lutrunoliment. Tnxos sliDiiltl bo lovlc-il mil collected In such a man- ni i as to Intt'tfere an little ns possible with tliu business of the i-ountry and tlioiiatur.il cour o of Inilnstrlal iliivtMniiinriit. Monuy cnllootKl by tax itlon sboiilif lin Kept out of clroulntlon no IDIU'OI limn Uabsoliitt-lvnotcs- h.iry ; nor should finuls in tliu pulillu tronsury lu-use-il ( or the c'lirlchmontof puhlluolllolals. \Vudeiiiaiul a stilot iippllcatlon of the alxivu pilncliiles and a thoi-ough tuv lofurin in u\ury tlcpui tmt'iilof our govunue'iit , inunlclp il.sl.ito and national , \\o \ nri ) tll nsltul vvilb the ciullc'84 bloker- liica and ilUimtus by which tbo politician- to Keep tbo po ) plo ( llvlilcd on thu turllf iii s- tloii. \\u \ bland the iMisltlon of tliu ili-moe-iutlo imrty nn that < iiie > tlon IIH vu'.ik nnd osc-lll it- Ing and unworthy of support. Wo binnil the tarltr policy ot tliu rmnilillouii party asiin- wniiid and iiMliistiuHl tlri JleKlnloy bill as un otiti.uuon u IonMitrerliu puoplu. In plueo otull this tin in tliiUuibii vuulumunduhvv cup- ing niiabiiruof it''orin Hint shall glvu relief to tli fiirmorsandltborliu pi'oplo by irii-atly ifduoliig llio liiNts on ull tliu noec-isurlesof life. life.Tho USD ot tbo bnllnt to secure afrc-oox- lir'Kslon ot tliu nc-tuul w.ll ot the voter Is essential lo tliu biice'i-ss of popular govern ment. Thcruforo to frco our politics from corruption uud ubolbh the tyranny of bosses nnd mnc-lilncs , wo demand the Australian Ilfaltliy competition In production and roiiiiuir-oniiHt ) > o imtlnt.ihuil or wo will ho forctd tomloHt HOIIIO liniMif tate socialism ns our only iii-otcetUm agnlnst thoruviiKt-sol monopoly' TlicfefofO. wonon-nnil that trusts nml all combinations In n | ltnmt uf produc- tlon m undo shall bo iiujllslml bj laws that Kami ling In stocks orliibof prod net * sli ill bo i-ons'iU'iid ' and treated ma trline. and that t-vtm'foim of rubbery vvhctlur prohibited or siitutlinuil bylaw uliiill ncel\o UioumcUmuu- tlonof all luneM iiicii. \\o favor a llbei-al scrMco pension for \ery soldier or sillor nho sc-rutl In tbo union army and vvholms re. e'lvi-U an honor- ntiloilNclriri'C. We i j-ndjtn llio old DirtIu4 for tbo rcpentoiliilntloiis of their promises 11 the n tthostilioiolitn siivi'dthu nation. \\o ti'inectfully Invilonll UHHO who favor tlu n'foim * v\iiid\oi-i'.t , Minil iiro Insv inpitliv vvlthoiirprlnclpU-sinitl pmpcuu to aid us with their * .oUs nnd Intluencp. TUB HEI.FOITI . The followhi ! ? were the dolcgntci from the cllffci cut counties in thpdlstiletho voted In the comention or wei fen-presented : Hull Ole Nellson , F. O Clark , II. W. Meirlll , Charles Urammor , J T. Vanshiko. Loup William Evmrs . Logan-\Vlllard tllwn. James Bikowcll , J. W. West , M. li Klrhv. George Ulnppcll , J. B. West , Cliaili-s Parker. C I ) . Schroder. Madison J. II. Saxon , U. r Mulfoy , J. M Hale' . Shorldun Wilson Henry , David James , L P. Cummins. Valley Hohcrt Johnson , I , II. Peck , 1) . M. McC'ord. J II. Coons , Thompson lilssell , D. AlcCnll , Dr. J. AI. ICllitker , James Wheat- cioft , II. W. Piiny. AnU'lopo D Hitlleld.II C Birthloinow , J. A Blicktnirn. 1) A. bain I'lcrc-o-G. T. Kolloy. C. H Kiik. Uluinc-C. U VaiiNlsto. Shcrin 111 Jnnici Sloat , George Picrson , J. W. Gink. Wheeler Simon Uobv , John Bittlo. I'lutto Fred Jewell , J. a. I'reeman , A. W. Clark , / . Evans. Nuneo-O. M. Chv , D. F. Brown. Lincoln Jacob Miller , Newell lluirlt. W. : . McCunc , L. Stabbins , 1) C' . 1'ottor , Wil liam Bt'itty , ( . ! . W Peterson , J. Kunuer. Holt C ) . \V Bi.uU. D. Dawny , James Mc- Oounhl , Uobeit Oiilllger , O. W. Keklcy , Thomas Wlllct. G. II. Phdps. Leo Loger- wclj , W A. Wilso-i , C. S Evans , Thotms IlntiiuMliin , John Crawford , John Hopkins , S. C. Stoier , l > at McDonald , F. V. Horvillo. Col fax J. M. Dovlno. John Pollard. Stanton -Jonathan Nicholas. Kcya I'aha-T. V. Smith. Giirlleld C. W Hcunlck. I ) nvson It M. Scott , A S. Briibaker , K. Pariis , J II Edmlaton. IHiiTnlo U E. Ttiointon , .1. T Wheelock , S. C. Vallcntlne , W. L Mos , Jonathan Tur- nci. W 1C. Wight , J. ISillingsley , J. C. Bes- wick , George N. bmlth Uadgo-J.J. Blxler , C.V Hepburn. IS row n C. W. Potter , A U. Ilebee. Custcr-C. W. Bcnl , H J. Shinn , C. T. Berry , James Stocklmm , C W. rodeo , 13. W. Dodson , G. A. Stcolc , lion-aid Loinnv , W.P Guthiie , L. AI. Dapray , H. T. Holliday , W. J. Uice , J. G. Painter , A. Stnley. Hoonc A. Dresser , Arramornnn , J T. An derson , W. A. Boyntcr , II. II. Glllett , L.V. . Biunmii. Giecly A G. Nicol , Walter Ilo\\e , Mor gan Krclibs , J. N. Bnkcr , Thomas Bijun , H. S McCartv , E. A. Hadley. Hurt Iciclmrd Jones. Knox W. G. Krusc , Qeoigo Wiight , A. II. L MeCamp Mcrrick E. M Rlcliards , S. Kellogg , II. Ballings. Ilall-Willlnnr. Mt-Gl-iughllii , M J. Cos tcllo. L S Hanchott , Aaron Cook , T. B. Col ter , William Drcnnain , J. Jl Hunter. CONVI NTIO > ? : XCI INTS. The convention ndjoarnbd at 0 o'clock nnd tnetngiln at 7 for an "experience meeting. " The farmers who wow present were sincere nnd seemed to bo in oivrnrst. The dofeatcd candidates took their d < Jtinj with good grace , and all premise Mr. Ivi " > aun tlu'ii\lo > 'iil,6Ui- " ' " " " l' ' ° It Iho profpsslonal polit r o ms. especially Dave Butler nnd Chimiborlain , did the Broiler amount of talking. Dutler , vho represents the union labor pirty , appirently wanted to KOt up some kind of n "dhlsiqn in the nmalgairlatcd foicos , as ho unmeicifully ro.istcd Buirows Ho characteiized him .is insincere nnd said that Ills soul was so snmll tint u thousand Ilko it could Hnd walti-intr room on thopointof the finest cambric needle , raid then there would yet bo woilds of room. J. M. Klinkor made a talk tint showed that ho me nit business. He suld that lialmd bor rowed money of uncighbot to come to the convention , and Unit Iw told tiis wife tlmt ho would not return until they h.rd nominated tt good man to defeat Dorscy. OutMdo of ttio legular c imllilatcs for nomination , IC1 Inker was tlio only fanner who entered into detail and apoko fiom the shoulder. Clinmbeilaln iittemptodto pet up n ntani- podo by declaring thut il the people did not go in and win the battle this fall the great questions would boettlcid by bloodshed. Ho seemed to have several dyn unite bombs con cealed about his por.son , but it was impossible to see them through lib P/lnce Albert coat. The larmeu did not go Into ccstaclcs over his haianjue. Itlnine County Kcpuhlieans. BIUWSTHI , Neb , July 15. [ Spechl to Tin : Hci : . ] Tlio moit exciting nnd interesting convention over held In Blalno county or cen tral Nebraska AMIS held In this place Satur day. T no Inrpost delegation in tiio county , Hrewstcr piecinct , wna pained by the hluh license champions , polling the lurest vote ever ( ast at a ropublieau primaiy in thU pio- clnct E. W. IZankln and Robert Dargan weio chosen as delegates to the stnto convention Jeff D. Urown and Ooi'goU. Iio\v woio elected as delegitcs to the congiesslonal con vention , instructed by a unanimous vote of the convention to cast theii votes for any other good honest republican than George W. lj. Dewey for congiessinan. George W. Biowstor , candid ito for repre sentative In the Pnrty-nlnth distilct , was allowed to naino the delegates to the repre sentative convi-ntioli in his interest. JI B Welch was chosen aa county attorney , Chailesft Van Kesto was nornlnated for siiperlutendont of public instiuction , and Wash Hankin as county comuiisslonor. Oioo County Hopiihlloain. Ninuvsiu CIT\ , Neb , July 15 , [ Siwcial to THE BEK.I Tlio following are the dele gates to rcprojcnt Otoo county In the repub lican state convention : Paul Schmlncko , John G. Watson , Jaok F.nlcy , William Schapui-s , O. Home , J. 0. Iloyd , J. H Me- Kcc , H. Windol , Chuilcs Dornian , ( J. K Brown , II. II. Bareleiiff-Frcd Scliradcr , E C. Wlthnni , Nets Overtoil , Tip Pnjno. Tim congri-sslonnl deh-gation Is ueadcd by Poatmaatcr Ilclvoy and ) s solid for Connell. City I rlinniioH At HASTINOS , Neb. , July ( 15. [ Spoeial Tele- grain to Tin : DKI : . ] The city primaries to day losullod in the election of a Bostwkk , or anti-Laws delegation. ! ( will suppoit the homo man for coiiRicss nnd Professor W. 13 Andrews of Hastings college for state super intendent of instruction , ii County KopubllciniiK. Bi-vnt , Neb , July 15 [ Special to Tun Bin. ] Tlio ippubllouns of Washington county \\ill hold their prjmarios in the differ cut pi-ecincts July 13 from ( S to S p in , The county convention will uoliold next Saturday at Blair. Itlflentcti Heaj'Ii Colotjnp. Coionsr , July lC.-rSpcclul [ Cablegram to Tin : BI.B. ] The American ililumcn nr- rlvcd heioat 7:50 : o'clock this rooming from Berlin nnd ptocecded Jo Konljswliitcr | nnd Slebeugeblrgc , . I < \ 11 Session ol' I'uilliiiuont , tiovnov , July H.-rfOpocial Cablegram to Tin. Bti' . ] Tlio govcininonthasdeoldod to ndiicio to tlio proposal fur November sitting of p irliament. The dnto of Iho meeting will probably bo November 23. * Inerpatij-tl I'ny.lqr 1 elnnrnptiers. Lovnov , July 15. [ Speeial Cablegram to TIIE Bui' . ] Tlio Kovcrnmontlms accorded nn increase of pay nnd other concessions to the telegraphers. . . f holcra'n lln\ii' ( In Spain. Mumm , July 15.-The Gazette says that In the last two months thcro hnvo been 415 cases of chol-'va la Kii * . f"ct ifta being fatal. WILL ORDER A REDUCTION , Interstate Commissioners Docile to Oompol Railroads to Lower Rates , THE WEST ONLY WILL BE BENEFITED , AVIth tlic n\-cci > tloii ol' l'eun < iyl\anla tlio Southern Slat's Ijeiil In rostolllc-cs I'ttnblKhea tire Past Vc.it * . WismvoTov BmrvuTnr. Ovmtv Ikn , fill ! I'ounTnnNTii Srui'.i.T , \ \Vvsm\oro\ G. , July lit. , As nnticipited In these dispatches some diys ugo , the interstate commere-o co nmls- sloncrs litiro decided to issue an outer direct ing the vniious railroads to inako a roluc- tlon in the rates of transportation for grain Tills action is in iiccordanca with the lec-oni- inend itlons sent to tlio senate by the com missioners on Juno 7 In response to the leso- lutionof Senator Paldock Intioducod lu Feb ruary last Commissioner Morrison said Unit tbo order would not ho likely to Invo nuy tIToet upon c\isting lateson rallroals cist of the Mis sissippi river for the reason tint th"so roi Is , in nntlcip itlon of the irllonof tlio coiimU- slon , promptly loJuced these tate ? to a point v.lieiutho ) are not MjjarJod ns excessive , and would ofTcct [ few of the reals outside of the stitos of JCobraska , Iowa , Kins is und Missouil , vvlieio the enforced icituctlon Mould bo equivalent to about U percent in some cases and 15 In otlieis. While the order will of cense ho applied to the business of nil ro ids , it will not effect certain specific complaints of ovcrehiivriiig that are now-and hive been for so-nctltnu pending buforo the commission. The argii- mentB against tlio proposition for a roductio i In rates which wcro made before the com mission on tlio 8th and 9th of the present month by the leprescntatlves of iimny rail roads wcro tonllncd chlelly to tlio broul ground tlmt the commission his no juiisdle- tion und tins no power to do vth.it it pioposcil to do Tlio coinmlsslotiCMvcie not impicsscil by the arguments uutl tliej had no effect w hatover upon their decision to order the icduetlons. Hon. ( } at Lnmbeitson , when ho left Washington after making a ver.v able argu ment before the commission , informed Km- ator Paddock that If tlu rate reduction \vas put Into tflcot the Paddx-lc iciolutlon would have accomplished moro prietic.il results in the siviirjof millions to Nohrasln thin any woikdono in this line slnco tlio nnti-monop ely movement was Inaugurated. rosToriici. ciuowrii is Tin : ocru. Postmister General Waiinnikor is gratl- fled at the result of the incieaso of tlio postal business during the liscal jeir whichoniled July SiO List , especially as It shows by the nntuial operation of justice nud the growth of business that tlio south has faiel better than any other section of the countiy. This dispiovoa the oft-io- peatcd assertion that a partrsaii republiian adiniaistiation docs not ( leal falilv with the section below Mason and Dhon'slino With the exception of ono stito tha southeia st ites > lead the list in the matter of postofllco cstab lishmont , PeiinsjlvanUhnJ mora postofilcos cstiibliahed Ust jcar thuu any other stito. She leads with 'J50 now olllces. But the southern stnte-s , much to the surpiiso of ovciy ono hero , arO iihoad of those In the west. Texas Is next to PcnnsUvanlawith 207 now postofllces and then follow Virginia with 200 , Kcntiieuy 10 ! > , Ala buna li > 7 md GeoigialO.i. Itvis suiipo-el tint the atito of Washington , witli its immense ex-pinse of territory nntt great development , would suicly load the south , but It hid 1JJ post- ofllccs established dining the je.ir. Illiodo Island and -New Hampshire are at tlio foot of the list with nine eu-ii , while Alaska secured thieo new ofliees. The number * of postofllces established during the last liscal vear ex ceeded that of the preceding year liy l.W J , while the net gain was U.-lOl. This air Win- namaker verv piopeily regards n splendid growth and shows that the tountiy eieh succcocling jc'ar develops more nnd moio than the ycrr immediately in the past. SFSmoll SlIKKMlVs IIBTIIICVIEM. The iletorminatlon of Senator John Sher- ma-i of Ohio to retire fiorn public life at the end of his piescnt term , Mirch M , IbO.l , was ttio subject of considerable comment around the capltol today Ho will he seventy years old at the expiration of his picsent sen Ice and bus told his fut-nds tint ho is tired of public llfo and \vmts to get some of the com- lorts which man cherishes hofoio bodies llo wants to ictlro to his old homo at Minsilelil , O , and spend the bnl nice of his life with his fiinily. Senator Sherman has been in coiuios1) ) mow than thirty yon-3 , serving three decides nlro uly In the senate. Ho has given the best ofhls wisdom , energies - gies and life to thointotosts of his country mid the absence of no man in oltlier body of congress would bo ft-lt so keenly as th it of the distinguished Ohloan , Ho has been de pended upon by both pirtics and the country at Urge In all contests involving diplomaev , llnanco , the tai ill and the genei.ilelfnio of the country , and ho has never been a disap pointment. His fiiends hcie mo Hiving , unit doubtless those in every direction will ask him to icconslder and accept a continuance in his piosent position. Samiii-lD Proudfltof Iowa was today promoted meted fiom 1 iw dork nt & ! , ( K)0 a year In the general land olllco to bo reporter of land de cisions nt fi50. The incrcMso of thosalaryof Land Commis sioner Groff from $1,100 to "iXX ) a jcar took effect from toda ) , al&o that of Assist intLund Commissioner Stone ftomM.O'JO tor ) > 00 11. Li IIaidiugofDesaioii.es is at tha Cb- bitt. bitt.Dr. Dr. W. II. llabcoek of Chappcll , Dcucl county , Nebraska , was todaj ricoin- mended for reappointment on the bout d of medical pension oxainlnou nt Chappcll. At the request of Senator Minctcrsmi and Hcprcsontatlvo Dorsoy , Senator D nvcs today made a fmouiblo icport from the senate committee on Indian ntfalrs on the now bill extending the time to purchaseis of land on the Omaha Indlin icsorvation. air Stock- biklgoof aiiuhigan bis been rup.ic'itcd to call the Ijill up in thosonata i in mediately , and ho has piomised to do so It will piss nnd then go to the house , wheio , having been favora bly reported from the committee , it will bo piivllegod business and taken from the spe-akei's table and piomptly pissed. Dr John W. llaxtcr of North I'latto bus boon appointed a medical pension examiner in the pension o.llce hero at a salary of { . ' ,000 ajear WltliHcpioscntativcs Gear of Iowa nnd Cannon of Illinois , air. Doi-aoj sncnt tbo last two or thrco dujs us the guest of the Wood inont gun club , on the upper I'otomac , fifty or sixty miles west of this city. One year of the sentence , dopirtnr-nt of the I'latto , Juno 1(1 ( , IB'Jl ) , is remitted In the case of Frank 1' . aicCov , Into niustchn in Compmy P , Second infantry , now In the Le.ivenwoith military piKon. Primi S HUATII. Don'l Ill ; < ; I'rcm h 1'risntiH , PAHIS , July 15. [ Special Cablogr.vn to Tan DKI : . ] The nihilist aicndtlssohu de nounces what ho consldew the discomfort of Trench piiaons and their had sanitary con dition. Ho declares that the Piusslan sv btcm is far suiiorlor , hut admits thut In 1 iiiiiro the ina fbti'Jtea and jillors are moro Ejmpithetlo toward pilboner.s than > in Prussia. Tlio Premium on Oold. A.iti > , July 1" ) The closing quo tation of the piemlum on gold todiy.is "J07 per cent. Man Icy Mill III. Losnov , July 15. Htanloj's Illness con tinues. The queen has scut an luipjliy as to his condition. c/r.t r.v 'ir ; j > ii'tn\ : tf ? ( Jnct'it ofl2 inland tlonorcd * n Introiluutloii to Hun. [ Crjij/rfo'it lK fi/ time * ( lanlmJcnnrt LOMION , July II.Now [ York Ilero't blc Special to TUB DII : > . ] A iiiiinb * .Americans wore present this nfternoon n Ratdeup.iity t > t MnilbirouRh house , w .o they , alonp with the elite of Lomlon society , hul been Invited to meet the nueon. Ainoajj others wow Mr , and Mis Cliaunoy M. Do- iww , Mi-s. Mawhall liobcits and MIsJ Leltor of Clilcnro The Ainoiicnn minister was not nccoin- panioil by Mrs. Llncpln , who is In mourning. .All the la lies wore , of coum1 , ininoinlng diess , which .illd not , IIOWOUT , prevent u hish display of elegant and tasteful cos tumes A bountiful luncheon was scrvul lit the yavllliou , after \\hlchtho queen , Icanliiff on the arm of the prlnco of Wales , walked annuiil the sp.itlous grounds , stopping c\cry \ few steps to ieco0'iilio with a smile mul fileiidlyord some finnlllar face. Ilotb her majesty nnd the prlnco of Wales looked 10- marknbly well. At the hotel where ho h atnylng , I hid n pleasant chat vltli Mr. Dopow upon topics social nndothoiwlsc The son voynp ) seems tohmu douo him good and ho appeared In cipltnlsx > lilts , cuicUiig his genial Jokes with the gieatcst gusto. After it few weeks In London they expect to visit P.uis , then on to Hamburg mid thence homo. "Yes , hero I tun nguin , " slid I\lr \ LX > po\v , "nllie.idy for allt- tlo plcasuilngmnongmy fiionds on this siilo ofthow.itcr. I stalled out with Stanley's wedding on Saturday. AVho\\ I that crowd I got into 1 As ncouhnoy near mo put It : 'V'ou couldn't see the 'oofi of the 'orsos.1 "ISngliih people Ilko pluck and they hnd conic thoie to honor a plucky mm. I suspect , too , that the * { ; reat furoio hicli has been made in London over .Stanley is tluo in part to thclmpoitniito of the explorer's support In Kiitfland's Africin i-olonizlng scltomo. I enjojed mysrlf lininenseiv this nlternoon nt the pilnooof AVuIod1 garden nnty Although 1 had often met the pi into bcfoio , 1 had novel seen the queen She is n \ \ ondeifulom.in niul I wits much stiutklth the \\.iy hci face lights up wlien she smiles " \s foi the pilm oof Wales , 11cgard him as ono of the mostaccomplUhed and tietful gen tlemen I h ivo ever mot. On an occision like this ho knows liow to tlnow off just enough of his majestic attribute * to put his guests nt case without descending to iinovJt familiar ity , which \\oulil sped c\ciytbing. Wo Ainiiicans the great bulk of us at least look on all this king and queen business as pure bosh I know wo do , but ncvcitholess it Is the kind of bosh that suits Uritish people , 'llioy wtuit It , nnd me willing to p i ) for It , and I don't suppose they will ever COMIC dowu to om less cxclubivo notions ai to tvh.it constitutes so cietj. " "Jlvciiif they did , Mr. Dopew , weald you call it a corno down)11 ) Dop > w laughed in his poaull ir wav an J re plied , "Is'o , no You inlsundcratitul mo ; I simply moan that cich countiy his inailcod out Its soclutj problem in Its own way , nnd got what Is bo.it for it. You kiunv George Washington hied the English sjstun of deepening the rank and .Hie , and found it would not work in London to get with the best society. "vtr "your fattier or grandfather must hnvo been sonv.body ; but the genius of our " 'AGiorl- ' * can system is that the best society "of Now Voikund Boston , or W.ishlngtoillll ro- cchoyoj , no mattir how lowly jour origin , if jou ha\c done something worth doing , and can show n icspectablo character , nnd > vro hcndcil with the smile of a lospeUablc wife We value n man for the vork ho has done , and are proud to liwo nothing of what Eng lish call thcii leisure class. "Tho only Ichuro class I know niuthing about in the United States nra gamblers and barroom loafers , who soak bundles ni.d sodis nil Aiy and play palter all night. Gen tlemen nnd ladies worthy of the nimo am the same In London , in Boston and In Now Yoilt I ha\c seen them all and know what I urn t-ilUlng about" Changing the subject , I asked Dcpcw about Ainei lean politics "Politics 1 ho exclaimed. Ou , thcio's nothing much tint is new with the McKinlcy bill and the silver bill. Kepuh- licans have \cry much strengthened tbulr chances for \ietory in 1BU4 nnd I bavo not a shido\v \ of doubt but that they will icmnhi In power Andvhodol think wllibotbolr nominee Picsident Harrison ? That will depend upon these last two jc.irs of bis term Tliu president has always counted upon the List half of his turn of olllco to appnso his enemies " \Vhothcr Picsident Harritonill boaljloto dothisis more thin I un sij. " "Suppose they put jou up , would jou no- ccptt" llepew raised his foicflnger , and , \\hllo his fciturca asbumod that qui/zical oxpicsslon which comes ovei them when ho is nbout to gctolt something good , said : "My clear bov , did you ever know an American who \\ould refuse a ehuicc to bo piesldenU I ne\cr did. " Then , with a hc.uty slnko of the hands , this lopreiont itivo American gentle man withduw to dinner. t ( ; n r..i a1 i.i < i K. i A T. Jlow Hie All nit f * rx uy of Ilcljil'in ' In- (1 pond nun \VIHIJj Ccleln-.Ufd. LON-IIO.V , July 15. [ Special Cablc tamto Tun III n. ] Tbo ten days' fete at IJiusscls in honor of the sixteenth annlversarj of Jlel- glan Independenio and the twentj-llfth jcar of King Leopold's icign , eommcntes on July .1) ) , with the unvL-Iling by the buigomastcr ot several statues whlcn complete the hlstoiic.il decorations of Sibloii sqimio between the old palace of the Arenburgs and Stlllotcr-S iblon diutvh. The pageant on that occasion is to cost some i'l'J.OOO nnd lopiesents the ' -Glories of tlio Sixteen Century " It has been dcbij-'ned by Qir > tn\u Din Dmts , the \\cll known painter , viliOio"Piidllcatbn of Ghint" pioccssione'c- clted so much attention tlftcun jearsago. Ho is assisted by Julian I ) Kllqns nnd John Hies , and lUonlkyorlial cars uiotf bo buiiounclcd by 1,000 persons In loiidlssanco costumes. Mho \\holo Holglan ro\al family icmsemblos at Brussels on the 10th and many royal visi tors mo e.\i > ectul at the pal ice. Coiillileiu.M ! llcstoreil In Urugnny , Ui'i sos A HI , July 15. [ Special Cablo- Kram to Tun BrK.J The now board of the tlio national tiank satisfies the cammciclal community of Montuvldio In vlmv of the improved situation they have altfied their intention to unow tlio convention of Isi5 , binding thcmsi'hcs to receive only gold. Fremont Will Ijiui In IIlHlory , LOMION , July 15. [ Special Cablegram to Tin : Hin.J Tlio Stand.nd saysi "Tlio deathof General Fieniont ilopiivoa AinorliM of a lomnntic jiei-soimllty whiih it ( an 111 af ford tolo > oln these pie nlo times. His name will ll\o in history.11 Ilra/il'H l < * < * ie Day. Uio.1 vvriiio , July 15. [ Special Cablegram to Tin : BIT ] Yesterday was the natlonn fete day in Hra/11. The streets of the city were ilocorat I'd. w\t night there wan a dis play of liio\\oika and ttio city was Illu- mimitcd. nad I'iiomaii lillli * < l , UOCIIKIII it , N. Y , , July 15 WiltcrV Harils nnd William Callapy , cnfrlneor nnd Hi email respectively of u Wctt Shoio f night train , were killed in A collision at ( J cutset Valley Junction ' TERRIBLE PflffDER EXPIOSIOS Tblrtccii Hnuured Kegs Do Tearful tiou Near Oincinnati. TErj KILLED AND OVER THIRTY INJURED , A. Cirtildno P .tutor ) NVnr tlio I'owdef Jllll Cutliel ) l)08trojcl "Mil- linn Dollar Flu ; ut CIXOINSHTI.U. . , July 15.-A tcirtbto OT- plosion oceuried lulu this afternoon at King's powder mills , on the I.lttio Miami ralhond , twenty-idno miles east of thU city. Ton per- &ons are known to luno been killed and thirty or more otlicrs nciloimly in- Juivd. Two empty fi-olijht cars wore being rolled onto a ldo tiack , where it car contain- Ing500 Iti'gs of gunpowder standliijf .Al the cars strink thcro was an explosion nnd Immediately uftotward nnothor ear conlnln- liiK bK ( ) kegs of gunpowder exploded , nwklni ; 1'WO kegs altogether. William Krawloj , tv. bmkcman , was tit it ml * I ii | on onoof the empty ears when thoexplo- Mon occurred Xo tr.uoof his body Inw been found. Plvo otlur porsoni , supposed to uo employe * of the powder compauv , wow killt'il. The Kings powder roinpiuy and I'ctow' cnitiidt'o woiKs 1 a\o buildings on both sides of the th or , along thorallroul. Thoexplo- sionoccuirod on tlio southsldonnd the dc- stiuetlon \ \ as enoimous Theio uiv a number ofcotUues , oeeupled by vorltinenof tliopow- dci compmyand sltunlod close In tliu track. Those wore shattcied by the explosion nnd their inmiteslnuied. ] TwchoorllftoenghU ut woi It in the cailildfoitctmyeivcrlpphd ! tiy tbo c\iilo4lnn. The railway fitlglit lunuo beloiigini ; to the Little Ml mil inllroul , to gether with nil ttio ndjic-dit hulldlngs , woio siton lira and totally ( onsumcd. Thotr.tcks and tlea of the railroad are lorn up nnd 11 gixat hole ploughed in the ground. Tliu Pcluraurttidi'o factoiy wan binned to the giound nnd nothing hut n mass of black , .sinouldcilngruins ivniahiH to mails the spot \\lieio the building stooil. As soon us tbo news leai-hcd this city a 10- lief train was dispatched to the scene of the disaster with Sopoiintendont IMors niul a laiRO pnty of suijfeons on bomd , nnd relief \ \ is allorded tbo sullerei's ns soon us pos sible. The work of scaiohlnp foi tlio mlsslnc nnd caiing for the wounded Is now piosrcsslng. 1 it. m A messenger of the Adams piess com piny has just ninvod from tlio siene , and siys tlmtwlion he pissed ICingi Mill station ut , 11 (0 ( it was blight ns day all aiound Uvciy thhijj combustible was bnning and people c\crywhero for a gteat distance \\eioJiRhtiiiK the tire The roulnuttor ot the Liitllo Miiml innd had In foi million tint tlioio veie three fnmilips Ihing in n llttlocot- tago iicir tbo jiliuo of the explosion , and that six hours' diligent scaiuh hud failed to llml nuj trace of them Ho said , ftiftheiinoie , th it nil XMIS oonfiislon theio , nnd such n thing as asceitabling the names wasnoxtto nn impossibility. An imidcnt related by bun was that eight ot ten In tbo ciutildgu factory saved themselves - selves fiom tlio 11 lines by catolilnt : hold ofn rope th it happened to bans from the housoto the ground and sliding down. IllsUoryls that moro tlma tea weio killed. Million Dollar Fluat MtNMiAroftH , Minn , July 15. 't'h'd Inrgo seven-story warehouse ol the Security wnio- .house company.-Mm First street nnd Tourth avenue , was entirely destroyed by lire , to- gclhor wjth Its contents , this afternoon , cn- tnlliiiKu loss of nearly fti,000,00J. The ilro Is supposed to liuvo been Utilised byBpo-itnu'ous combustion. Two menV. \ . \ \ , Mono , ono of the propiotorfl , and his pupinuci wcro rescued by moans of HdcloH from the fuuith iliior. They were nlmust blinded nnd anlYo- i-itccl by the dense smoUo. A three-story stone building on the north Hldo of the \vaio- hoiibeocenpled ns a d\\ellinj ; liouw by a numbcrof Jewish families , was crushed flat by falling walls. No one was injured. .t.v nvEMtumri : J/.i rtiu.wc. It Ij ads to Tliioo Arrests on it Clutrgo of ninrder. DcNvnn , Cole , July 15. [ Bpoel d Telogi.un toTnilir ! ] Some bonsntionnl arrests \\ero made here today William II. Avery , a pi om- Incntclti/cn of 1'ort Collins , died at Ids homo Juno ! ! . Twelve dnjs later his widow was married to TnmkV. . Mllllngtun at Ilistings , Neb. MillhiKton hnd Im n a business p irtnor of Avery , was considerably jounger than Mrs. Aver ) and gossip had as"oclatod tholr names In an unp'easnnt ' manner , A very hud been \cry Jealous of him. The unit lingo was comnunmalc'd nsseciclly as possible nnd tlio two hid slipped ciuittly away from Port Collins , folng oslenslblj to lcn\cr ) , but reallv to Ilnstlngs , wlioio they wcremariied. The disclosure created ascn- sitlonnnclsusDlcloiins well. Itwasi aiuoicd that Avery had boon poisoned. The coroner began nri fin estlon and ted ly the shoillt of Lut Imcr county arrived vMi win nuts unit arrested both Air. and Mrs. Mlllingtoii niul Miss Sarah Milllngton , sister of P. W. MIU llngtcn , on the cliargo of mm dor. All pir- ties piotestod Imiocunro , but wcio taken to roitt/'ollIiH this ovcning , itv i\tiri\H HOCK. 'llirco Dnkolii llnciH Hlllcil by ibo 1'oron r n UliiHi hliot. DrAnwoon , S D. , . Inly -Rpcdil [ Tele gram to Tin : Hci : ] The lives of three ot the Highland mine employes weio crushed out nt an culy hour this morning. The mine Is located in Lead City The nnforUiniitcs were Peter Tjahtie , Thomas Bunny nnd Wil liam Hedge 'fwo of the men \\oto hilled out- light by i > emh crushed by fulling lock and tlio thhd died Hlmrtl ) aftcrwaid Tlio funerals will bo conduttod under the nuspices ot the minds' union. Tim coroner's verdict exonerated the owners of the mine. The accident was caused by the force of a bliwt shot. Two holes had been drilled and powder Inserted. Hofoio Hrlng It the men gave the customary warning to the miners on the lloois above and below thuin. ThouufoitunatcM working on tlio thir teenth and fouitecnth floors , and though the wnining was heard thought they wow fat * enough removed fiom the tenth Hoar to bo out of all danger. Tlio bhst may hnvo been n particularly liemy one , fin immediately following It the ulo\enth , twelfth , thirteenth nnd fourteenth lloou crasliod In , fulling to the Ixnith and buijlng Hedge , nnnny and I. ihtloboncath y mass of biokcn lock und ore. A II uslMiid'H Ingraflliidr * . VANKTOV , S. I ) , July 1.1 [ Spocinl Tolc gram to Tun Ilnu.J Tom Collins , an hlsh hoiio doctor , and Mary Dim , an Irish maiden , have eloped from tills place , nnd Mrs Collins , wife to Tom , xumts just fJOO , She has suppoitud him for twenty years by hind woik and from her earnings had saved $ ! JUO. Tom \\ent to tlio b ink on July , diow that nionoy out , found .Mary Kinu and do- paitcd. The Wi'inliiT Tor Omaha and \ Iclnlty Fair wo itlioc. 1'or Nebraska -Warmer ; fair , followed la ex tremo north by nho\\nrs ; soutncily winds , 1'or Iowa I'alrumnor : ; soiitheily winds , Tor .South Dakota Hhowurs , southerly winds ; cooler In wottern , uUtloniry lumper- utuiu incuHUrii put tlon , . . - - - \Vlnd \Vllkfhlmnn. . Wn Kisnvi.iti : , 1'a. , July 10. A torrlflo wind Htoun in this vicinity dllgicut ihnmco and the streets In the lower portion of the city are Hooded. Wubhouta on ralltoiuU have delayed tmlu ,