Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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"Wheat Market Slow and Narronf , "With a
BHght Eally it Noon.
OntnOprn Slronjr onCoiintrjr
Very Ijlltlo
In the 1'roils-
Ion Trftilc.
CnirAno.Inlyl4.-l pc'lal Telosrim to TUB
IlBK. ] C'oinldorltif * iln > nc M tlio wlicnt market
KIIS limvyloday. Tlio Wit Jicml of strain on
In corn on Iho curb , nnil ut tlicoponhiK.liolpcd
lo start wliinl , nt Ix.'Hrr ( lur , but tlicro
no iiiluiiiru f fuiii tlio op n I n , , ' . The
nip ply lljjiiD-s ciiino In Hlnuly ,
Miowid u largo tluri'tiM ) of 271,030
Mlniioapcilli.'W'iro deeri'iso , flillo Now Vork
( loc'naHodlii t lil.OCO 'Iho lirKo Increase of
SuH.OMIimlic'lsiit Iliitriiloiuul IVI.OW In store ,
mid 1(4.0.0 nllout ut Sr. l.uuHvn mi-
I'or u 11 mo It looked
OH It lliuro would to a small
Increii o Instead of Iliu 'XlMKXlilccrcaso antlcl-
l itcilHiitiiidnv. Ilio ofllolnl llsiires otl.Oli-
( M ijiishuN iistnlnsLl ISI.OOO bmhoK u deensno
fioin Insl y ar. Now York oliarod UO.OOO .
nlicnt uiul some flour nnd rcporlud prutty
bullish emit I nonl ul cables. Mvtrpool c'lilili'H
ncrcllrinfof pot. unit fiiltirr ? . 'flio oxtrcmu
lu-iitnf Siniilnjr In Ilio iiotthwost mis fnllovcd
by liluli vlnilsand lurd ruliitiit , inuiiy Dakota
points hi t nlslil , nnil liUli teinpvrituro n iln
to < lny. Tlio tuns ( loin tint ( | iiirlir
WIIH bullish In tlio oxlrciiic , as no
crop cull lloiirlsli tiiulnr tlio conditions
roportocl. Norllmcstnrn orders were to sell
wlicnt liitlilmniirlret. Not ihwoMirn country
utocks < Uir Mi'Cl ( fortlioKuck 17000J biisluls.
Much of \\liuiitbouslit on tlidCiirliand at
wns noM onttliollist hour , ICM\-
iler tlic Satin < luy HKIIIOS Tluro
i ntly nlioiitiKMin , but tlio innrlit't
WIIH slow ami iinriow , July started ut Mo
niulMll it HT'iU ontlio ill cllnc. AiiRiiil ohI
nt 'fc'DiiU ' oir lo Sfi'io ' to HH c toiHHci bipt-
luiiilior npoiiid nt D 'ie ' , Mild nt l'J' o oir
to Wo nt onc'f , tallliil a ( ruction nnil
tlK'll AMIlt OlT 10 M'jCVltll ' It Sl'OOIIll
rally to Wo l/ifotol o'cloclc ! Doienibcr , Olfo !
to 'ifc toDISti' Vlsllilo supply HKIIIOS.sliowliiK
u tliciuiiui of over l.OOOIiuo , were not poslou
until ncir tliccloH' or tint HUslon Tlioro us
a timpomryr.illyln Hiiitc'inluMlotnSOViito (
tn'ti , bnl tih'do ' from IlilM tlioro wim lllllo
cliiuiK'Tho tliwlnu pilot's i-ro liluntlial wills
Hiituidij's lljin t"t--.l nly hT'ic. ' Autiust 88Hc
HiMilciiiler 8'j'iuiinil Duaiiilwr UUc. [
'Ilio corn nnrkut win a stron ? one at tlio
ormliiK.hut Iho rcstiltof t liixlnvnsiKlls'ip -
ponilnunt totlio bulls Tliooitlierconill \ -
tloiiBOMr tlio soiilliMistt'rn htitcs bccnno
bullNli , IHIkU'rlns ; liotwunthur nusropoilcd
ovir ICniHiiHuml Nebraska , wltlidry and lilub
liMiipcialiiruhi loivit , Mlssuurl mid IlllnoN.
Tlicio wns netho buylii on the curb.and
vvliin t lii ) iniuki'topi'tnil at I0n : ) till futures
wan up lo fioni tlio clo.p Hnltirilnv. 'Iho
buyliimuis IM ! by I/ORDII A , Co. ninl MrCor-
rulik. < V Co. Tlio Htioni ; nppoiir inco ot the
iiinrl.-otciui'-r'il hliorts lo Jump In nnd buy.
Tlic adtniuo wim Htonpol by olTirlnm of
Iliilrliliroit , On the e.irly bnUo Iho IIIL'I !
crowd Installed turciillro nnil tlio best prices
wcio not licld. July sol tint llt'iu ' to . ( * ! ! to
117'ie ' ; AilsoMi7-1 ; o to .l1 ? o to ; i" ' c : bopteni-
bcrsoldat : ii'io toJ-iVifllo ai' ' o tu a 'lo ' ; May
I lW to4l ne.
flto nlH iiiaiketwns ptronjr nt tlionpciiliii ?
oiii'omilry linyltu oiilors. 1'ikos advanu'd
Htlll furlhi-roii tlio ginoriil bolllsb fofllii , ' In
all the marlt > tf ntirly. I'lii'ii Iliiluhlnsoii
pnusotl a break by liinvy selling. I'liolust
prlei'-j ere nlK.utUo a\vr Ilio uloiu Situnliv.
July mild at ao ) lo ai'Sc ' atthoclosc , Atuust
toXTaCtoSS1lu ' , fontiinbor U'S'iu toJS'sO
toJblttOto s'i5 ' < "H'io totlio clo-ii. , May : U4'c to
! I1\C tOlI'sCtOol'iC.
Iho provision tmdo put In 11 < liy vlth Imli-
iillleanl looil oiieiatlons. Thrro w is lilt It !
oulBldo builiu-hi. ' 1 Leu ) ivns soinollfiiiiii-ss
only on nccniiiituf lion's bdni ; V to I'c bl liui
ami coin ujilu. Miort illH bold ilrm allilay
awl eliSLCl lilsbor atl'ilta for H-ntotiibor. Iiiird
tnr tlio Hanio tiiontli \ % us nt. ? KiL"i ! iii < l$0.0."i ,
cliisluu at , Ifl ( Ki' ' ( . Mrss pork for , litlj \\as
qnutudnt SIJIH ) mid $ IIKi nt thoclo'elSlitii | ) -
bcrSUCO totlO.Hlto tlio closo. Tliuio wcro no
utn fditurrs oxicpL Hint the clUjno appcurs
to be letting poilttlcclliio slowly ,
* * \y CmrAnoJulyH. [ Spoehl TcloRram toTim
FrK.1 OA.TTU : The supply wni mmlo up of
18,000 nativesiiii(13,000Tomans. ( Natives con-
HlUotl principally of threo-qimi-tor fitted
Btcors.such . tluit htiio licuii nulling of Into
mainly mound I3.7B , still Micro wcro n grout
many heic\y fntc.-it tlooti silo , but only illicit
snrltildliiKOt handy dry-fed < ] iialltlos and do-
filMblelmtilierrtnir. Iloavy c.ittlc , mieli as
are chHsuil us oxinrturs , mot with slow
niulualc Inquiry anil ptlecs 10 anil
I'c. Dry foil smooth stci'is of lljilit and me
dium weights rtcolvcil considerable attention ,
nnil prices for such ruled stonily. GooOeows ,
lielfori milieu I MM wcrn compar.ithelv scarce
mid cominindrd xtroiiir H uri'i. vilillo other
prndcH ruled ntuuly , Tim ourly Texasnuir-
\vnsBcimd lOo hlshor.lmt the closing sales
( how no more tlinn lastSnturdiy'sqiiotatloiii.
Tlio bl run ot nnttio caltlo today I )
duo In a ( it oat oitout to tlio drylnir up
of water , Mi-llsnnd sprlms tlirouiilioiit Iowa ,
MlHsourl nnd iiiitiy htrc'iiius of Illinois anil
KntiMS , finoliiitfai iners to riKli tin ) r slunk to
mnvlict MHitior tliua tnko chniius of hold-
liiK during Mils liotsvnitlitr. . L'hulco
to extra licovm. 94Mit Vii inuciiuin coixl
Moor ? , I.IUIto 1101 Ibs. . fl''vauo ; 1SOO , to l.CO
Ibs. . M.KiiM.ii ! ( ) or > o to i.'oi ) Ibs. , * ;
tloclfcrs nnil fced fn , $ . ' < ( K < t > IIV ) : inws , bull !
uiul ml veil. $1 iVj/iItltl : liulk. llKii-.ICii sloii-
ful sloeisM.tKW4.10 , TOJIIH Brass Rtoi-rs. Ja
KI.OUi coin-fed , J.I.W3ii..rl : ; cows. Sl'ri ® , ' .
lions'llio innrki'topened vlth a sirtiil de
mand foruchnlco quality of hogs from all
classes of buyers , niul prices aiorascd IDo
hlirlicr tliiiu tin ) nu-rnso o ! Saturday , and
lullvi ; . " ] " liotti'rtliiuirrld.iy. Ilio low dnr last
c < ; k' . Tlio bull ; of tin ) licaiy. good enough
for fhlpiln ) . sold around M.s. > , ami incut
df the | inclliiK Rrndi" * botMiuii ? t.N < i
JK5. A ( i\v fanov soitut licavy wcrn
lioticht hy Uudcruootl nt JJ.ubut
IMXirppiisuutnl tlio aoinul extreme toj > of
the nmrlut forjirlniest lieiivjiiiiiilltloi. Unlit
liOKfsolcl froinf.l.N"o ( ! > , xtltli $ .I'K ) tlio pop
ular prlio fur Vorlc sorts. A. few shiKhu
tops btoiin'lit (1.00 , Sok'otcil Imtt'UoiV pUt
lommniidcil Konorally J'lR.vrclK ) ) . tliouli
packers sold in low us } I70CJI.7. > . The finish
of theKcneralmarie ! was wuk nnd Indlca-
tlonslia\oun iinuoilalnontloolc for tuaiortow.
NJW VOIIK. July 14. [ Snoclal Telegram to
TiiKllKis.l S-rnrus-Tlic oll'tpt of the piissn o
of the BlluT lilll iiou | tin ) Mock mtirlct tills
morning WUH llttlo uioro tluin to stlmiilnto
triidlitK In Hllvor cert IHcute ? , nnd nlthough
1 the inn riot pri'sonlcil imtronxfrontoulsltlo of
EiiKnr ItcDnorles tlicio Meiobnt Hllk'lit changes
lu the quotations iiftortho opculni ; mUiuiccs.
1'lrst prices Mcro Kcnorully from ! to
ecnt boiler thnii Saturday's oloshiR
but BiiKnr vns up l per cout uncl 1'uclflo
Mull l' | . Sugar wns > cry nctho nnd
rose 1 iicr cout fnithor to 78V ,
a not gain ot 3 per cent
from Saliirtlny's tlniil flgure.hutrouctcil
tloimllyln tlio latter portion of the liour. Sil
ver cot tllloatcs iilsoojniicil up I'jporceiitand '
on coiojiitnitltoly lirtjo builnoss ro etolOO' { .
a gain ell percent i cr tlio oioiiln ; price * .
AIIIOIIK Iliu HtoeUduf the rointliii list St. 1'aul
C/TKinoMiictliu nnil showoiln sin ill friictlonal
ndunco , but I'nc'Illo Mull \ii\s \ iinnbleto hold
Itsonenlni ; ndv.iiitiEo , r > iutliiK i luirccnt ? .
ivinllIocldiiK Valley , nftor a giilu of * X. lost
most of Its linprou'iiicnt. Tbo lost of the
mnrUotshonod Httlo or no fonturo audtho
iliutuutlotia ttero Hcarooljr pcreuptllilo. At
11 d cluck Iho onlet niul
rullipr liciivy , wltlisoinostocUs sllRlttly lower
Hum t liu oponlnji nrkn , DutliiK tbu liour to
2 o'clock Piiclllo .Mull aualn touihcd its lilsb
ptilnt , 45V , vlth ItifrluulH proillctmia Brcut
ellnil ) on in-uHintof tliu siibsUly bill , I.nck-
uvutuiu ro- i ) lo US. butrtlil not liolil Its best
BiiKiirdroiiiod lo " 7'i ami nunln rosoto
78 , C raiiKor toc kH wcro dull ut llltlo bitter
tlun Siitunluy's llRutes. Bujir liitlucrlea.
tiller lHliiKniiinl ; , | > ulnicl nil day. retuinoU
J nit ut Ilio close lo 76V. tits lust prlco of last
wuk. liitoln tlioiltijr , ICcHk lilnml ilronutx !
tc9'i , hit iccoviri'il to OJ'4. ' bliowliiR.ij not
lo . ft. 1'iiul oiul ltiokawiituni itero eaub
homowliiit ucllvi > , iimlfioli6li < M\oil 14 gtiln at
tlio oloso. gramerH Keiicrnllv wore heivy
tvlth Itook Isluiul. Total t.a'ta cro imS < X )
Thu follonlnB vero Iho closing quotations :
U.S. 4Biiiuliir , 121 > < i IMileiMof'Hi , , u i
11,8. 4s roit | > ca . . . , , , t = i iloiiroftrruil W !
U n. 4Vin-i.-ul r un I' , A.V. W . . , ; . . . ; Ill"
tin profcrroil lu
N l.C.Miirnl lixs
CbkuKiiA Allin $3 I'.li .V K . ,
* " " " Iturklntiiiiit. . . , UUl
lulncr ) . ! , , . , , C.M A. St. 1 * 73)- )
nu * w io < i't tlo prnfcrretl 118
llllnol.foiUTJl H7) ) Si.l'.iiil t Oimlin , . ,311
I.H.-A.W 11 l l preferred l WU
, Htrunul Tens uiiKm I'mltl p w > 2
J. lo Minn ) IBS ] \Vbt I. &
Mlclittcan Corlnil UU < tu preferred , .11
Mluouil I'n cine M < i Wciiturn Union 8lU
Korllivrn 1'Hcillc , . , , 73'j
MOMIV I'asy , VISier \ cent.
I'uijir. MKIU-ANTK.I : I'AITII V3 ? per cent.
( TKIIIINO KxdixNiiiquiet : and B toady ,
Uty-iluy tllU. ( l(4Ml Utmiuid , H.W ,
July 1L LDpeclal Tclcsram to
. 1115 p. rn. closo-Wlicat-
Soitoinbcr | , 81\c. (
iisli , : r74C ! Srptotnlior , 3SSo.
Oiiu HUnilytciiMli , SUHci fccptonibor , 2H1.1c.
Hyo-tinlitut 4Jc.
Hurley Mcmlr.
I'ork-Ilull : va > li , 6llfiT ; Spntcmb rll0f0.
I.iinl-Klrni : cahli. WSS'it Sciiti'itibcr. trji ) ( { .
. .I'rotljIoiis-SliouUIpri. ftSOQIKV ; shortcluar ,
.i4-/aTiO : ihortrll > .tVIO.
1 Iciur I'ltiu nnd iiMfhunl ! winter wlicnt ,
IOOJJI80 : lirliif.l.lBtM.Mi rycRJ.V > JliVI. : ( .
MtitU'r llriu for fancy ) creamery , IKBlOci
i ,
OliiisoStuailys fiillcronaclicdiliM. 7tt74c |
Iliits , 714 4 , He ; \ on nz Americas 7' i } 7J c.
KtfiKlnii ! ; fresh. 12Llo.
III ln IlriiH-fi liciivy ami llnht Rrccn
.iltcil , ivnni t ) suited ItiillH. Scs jrrcoii s.iltdl
cilf.T'iai'iidry ' ' siltutl lilclis , 0 i dry uulf ,
MKJc ! ilumuiiM. io ) o.uli.
Tiillow Tiiniot No.1 , folld pacVcd , Ic ! No.
, „ . Slilptu'M.
jour . , . , ( Hii ) 15.WX )
W In-lit . 17.00) ) 14,000
( oi-ii . 117.00) ) fi74 , ( X )
Olitt ) . U7.000 , XW.OOJ
. Xi-w VOIIK. July 15-WliPiit-Uucclpts , 110.7V )
linslii ; ! ' ) ; cXnnl ! | , llilOV ) Ijuslu'N ; spot lliisct-
tli-cl ! cloiliiv Muudyi No. S rod. i va'J' Uo In
Cluvnloi' ! OPaialtott ; IMilQor'iO f. o b : up-
llotitHti-iuIr : . " ml. .Iiilv. closltiK ut rc > no.
Corn-JIiculptH , lll'W ) ImslnN ; t-tporU. 40,100
Imslids ; > | iot closoil i-us/i No. 'J , JCnjII'to In
clovalor ; 4l'viM * > o nllo.itj nn.'finlc'd mixed.
4. " j'SCxj ; options atruiukr , July uloslns nt
Oali Iii'CPlpK Ilt.lOO bii lii-U ; export' . 4R.IOO
liitslicls ; spot ilfoini'f : No. 3 tt-liltc. D
inldMstutn. ( . IllfTj u ; Hliltowi-MtL
opt Inns llnuiT ! July UH
UolFi t > 'Jptloiii iliNOil st 'lilvj iK'iiKc
lo 20 put nli npi-mlts , Wm IIIKS ; Jul\t7l'i ;
, ild OJ5J17.00J spot Itlo Ili-inei : filrcir-
.Mm.Itiw held lilnhcr : rcdnoinrtn ! " 0 , "
: cxt ri"C."lli-ir/a. : > il-luci wlitto extra
"t""V ilJolInw , 4 ia5 < 4i' .
I'ctrolcinu btouclyi Uiiltod closed for Aiu-
nut nt b'.ic.
S-K _ gs 1'uiit'if stionjj : wuslern , inline , 151 ] ©
I'ork Plotuly.
Ij-nil Mien , ! ! wp > trn steam , ? 0 12 ; ScpLoin-
bc-i-dnslui. ut ( < > . : iO.
Ilutlt i-Piiiiey , firm ; iliolc-e , wcnKscstcrn
ilulry , ( ifillu ; ciuuinciy. t J17o.
'or.n , . .Tul14 \ - \ Vlicittllocdpts T
i Kliliiuoiit | , 1ft ! t-ir : < ; tilt Rrndes lit pntty
( luiiniiul liming tliii KI i nl 01 p.irt ot Iliu
liin. I't Iocs. iiMiit td strotiKi-r nolullli-
KuuiiKiipsslii tlio curly iniiU'i'l. Clo- < -
.Inly , Kb'lc ' ; Aucu'-t. KS'iu : < in ti.iclc.K3 \ >
i-j'o. 1 iiorlliiirn.Iitll8nliB : Aiiunit. bTi'Ju :
on tr.u'ldSS'-i1) ! ) ) No L'nmtlicrn , July uiul
Anitimt , jfte ; on ti.ick , SlffiSV.
PT I.OIIIR. July II Olosliu : Wheat closed
lil luir : dsli.b'i' ' ' u.lM-pleiiilii.'r . , M'lc. '
Corn Illifliu ; tush , .MiC/iliO ! Soptciuljcr ,
: )7ac0i.17 ) ( < ie.
Cats Illsliri ; risli. ! ( ! ( : opleinbtr , 'JOljc.
1'ork On let ; eu h ,
T/ird Noinliiul
est Him , low iir.idos dull ! jirlccs
until uiRiil ; mjiiiniry. liaixj ilnlry , MtlLV.
3lnvjiUKii , July 11. Wliiat ( Julut ;
N ) . 'sijrlin ; , tnslisi/5c ! No 1 nortliujii , Die.
'orn ( Jiuct ! No I. : i'le ! niliud.
Oils rirnio.2 ! , wliltc , 3JHc.
l/o ! ItsviNo. I , l ! ) ' ( .
iiiilcj-i iini : o. Lwjo. .
I'rovlsloiis-ririn. 1'orlt Cash , J1200 ; AIIK-
nsl.fll.w . ) .
CINCIUNATI , July U.-Wlieut In peed du-
niiind ; .No. lul. S."IL\
t'uriitroii " , ? ! No ! J mixed , 40o ,
Oils bt ni iu ; No 2 , nilvod , .I7o.
ItlsIij JI 10.
K \NSAI C * ITI. . Titlv 14.V \ licit Stroiucr : No.
2 liud.cislii 77V u,7be ; No. 2tuU , cutli , hllj ®
Com IllKlier : No. S.cnsli , lO'ic.
Oats -HlKlier : I o.L' , . ' 8'clild.
I.lVKiii'OOi , .Mtlv 14.Vlinnt I'lnui duinind
poor : lioUlMnottorspnrliiKlyi Cullfornlii No. 1
.s l'5di7s ' ( lilpur ciiitilr ! -f fcstcrn ttirln. , 7s
2diffsl'ic { ! ! ; \\csturiivintor. . Js Idffiis I'ic. '
Corn -Quiet but sto.uly , ( li'iii-ind poor ; now
mixed ttesttrn , IbB' ilpur miitul.
CntoAno. luly II. O.ittlo Rccolpis 21000 :
iniirlvul net IM > . hlciKly lo lonuii bio\us , I4..10
OTI75 : leois W.WH4.40 ! stiK'Kcrs anil fonlurs ,
S.'IDQ I'il ' ; CO H , Inillsutul inl.\ed. J1.'J5J.10 |
Ti itiH cuttle , I51.7M.1.W.
lloss-Uecclpts , rJ.OH ) ! ninrl < ot slrotie nnd
lilUlior : inlxril , J.l.702.1 IX ) , hoiivy , SJ.70 ® l.l ) . " > ;
llsht , W70C&IIW : skips , W.OOfs 1.40
ilioop Ui eel iit , 0,400 ! in nrkutilo wand weak ;
nitlvos , ® . > .10 ; Tcxaits W.ii4 51 ; lunibs ,
Dioxcis" Journal special London ca'i'
quot s modern to Hiippllos ot citt lu frcnu n.11
qimrtiN. Demi n I steady , prices linn at UJio
per 11) for vbulc-o Ainjrloanstucis.
ST. Loai . July 14-Ualtlo Jieeelpts , 1,700 ;
sliliiincnts , WJ : iniirKet strong : fair lo fiinuy
iiitlvoHtcors1753400 : stoclcus and
HOK Ii < . > colit < iir : > ( IO | Rlilpmvnts , 2000 ; mar-
kit lilRliors liuivv. HWJ.70p.iclilnB ) | JJijO ®
: KO ; Unlit. J 1.70(3X77' ( } .
IJKAMIAS OI-KV , .Inly II. Gittlo-Kecelpts ,
.i ,000 ; slilpnicnN , 2.70J ! inirkot lower ;
HlLorstl.2.Ti420Cow8 , ( ! , $ I.2'iU'.OI ; Miockers and
, . .
lli > KS-ucculpts,5 , ! > nO ; h , ) , GOO ; mar-
Let blghuri all yrados , $ .t.JHi < iloO.
O.W.47/4 1,1 VK
Monday , July 14.
Hstlnrat ei\ \ receipt t of citttol.OO ) OJinp.xrcil
nllb l.H-Ji Sntnulnv anil 2.iKTi Monday of
lust vV'olt . Tlio market ojiuncil vury slow an < ?
lowiM , DiMsed boot anil cAport stocis urn
.l10o lower , tlio most ili-slnulo io\\i and
lioirM uriiibout Btcady.otliert bnvu ilcullncd
ibonlwltli stocis. htockrrs .ind feeders aru
linvoi. lii\lii' : declined I.'MI to 'iio alneo Mniul ly
of lu-l wuo and nroey \ dull , All other
kinds of fioinii i-liulo ; to 13c lower.
nstlmnted rocelpts of lio'is , 1,20) . compared
lth ,0tt Saturday ami 1'rja Monduy of
list viol * . Thoniarkot < iivnod ] aotlvo at an
ndvanen of 10 to r Q. closing llriu nt tlio
adviiiicc , with nil sold o.irlv. Tlio riniKo of
nrleos w Kl.ri0 .i.i3 , tlio bulk hailing nt * : tCO.
* ! 'ia-'l V > ; mUod , WvVajdO ; lioiivy.
. 'i,1 , I'lio aiorape of this prlroi pild
fl..V.ij uoinnarcilslth $ -1.47 S.ituiiUy mid
W 02Ji Mondny oil ast week.
nstlinated receipts of sheen 211 , compaied
lthW > Hitiirtlny inrt 1IJI Monilny of List
\icok. The ( loiniiiul for good muttons still c\-
' I'rloes.
1'icviillliit ; .
Tlio fdllowlnx Is n talilo of prices p"\ld In
tills 111,11 kit for tlio 'ruln ; of stock monlloticd :
I'llniOHtvCM. 1 ) to 1OT3 IBs . Jl'- ) ® l..rt
( loodstocrs , 1'JMto HVtfci . 4.00 { 61.
( looiUtoc-N. 10V ) tolIJO fta . .1ST. { ? )4.0) )
Common , IOOJ to IfiOlbs . ! l.25 flu'LIO
( 'oiniiHii c.iii liners . 1.1)0 )
Ordlnaryto fnlr cons . 1 .00
I'a Ir to n ° od cows . 1 m
flood to vholcocow * . 2.7. >
Cbolco tofmioycous . 2.Ki !
1'ulr to Rood bulls . 1.7. .
Oholco tofancy bulls . 2.W ) ( K\X
I.lKlitHtockcrsaad feudcis . -.50 ( TCI.'O
Piuslors.aiO tollOOlhs . 2.SK ) Wl n
P.ilrto choice llRbt IIOKS . ! I VI fS-'IW
I'alrto cliolcohoa > y bos . : iCiO f&-'IM
Ttilrto choice mixed luvs . XVS ! 40. ) CO
AvorajtO Cost.
Tbi ) following table Klvos the avoruo cost
of liojts on thod.iteiiuciitlonoil , Incluillii1 tlio
costtodny , ailusol upon sales reported :
.7 u no .K ) II I7J Julyg
July 1 2 4l f July I )
July ! ! a 4H4 July 10
Juiya any Jiiiyii , . .
July ! a MJ. , July 13. . . ! . . : i47
Julys I1W JulyU.,1
JulyT aOJ',4
Tlio following table shows the rino In
tlda and Inn week :
Tldt WcoK. I.nitYcck. .
Momtny. , 1(11 ( ta u CM I.T n
TiiiMtUijr. , 3 SJ'iJSJ ' TO
.1 57 At 70
Thvirtduy. , 3 10 ® 3 r.'k
; i u ttl : u >
tfutur.trty. . . 3 10 U3 53
aii'l luivjit
Tixlnj * .
Illfkost , . . ? ! Illahost ,81.
: | 5J 1,0we-t D40
Stock Il oolptl , '
Oll-slnl S ituM ly. Kitliuatol Toil-ty.
Cnltlo. , , , J , lSlt Oiittlo , . , . ft ! ear * . 1.033
Ilivs. . , , lU ears , 5,0.1 % llo j . 4SeirJJOO
Hlicop . 1 car , a S Miot'p . . . S cars. SK\ \
llorkcs , , , . yearn , SI Her d. . , . lUcars , :1M
Prlooof .
Showlifi the itver.isup.-lL-o p ii I for loaiM of
oxj on the clays itiltu itol lu I3i7 , l sjl 1 ISJJ
und IKU ;
The following talilo shows tlio ranjo of
prices piiiil for IHUS :
I nlr tocholeo llxht liogi , . . * J M ( Ttl .11
1'alr tocholcu liuivv and cil * Vi
1'alr to eliolco inlxu'd a&5 Wl 00. ,
I'fltiie fnt < hpop 425 ll Ri
OOO4I filUlnep . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . SIM ) 0 ! 45
Common to medium ihoen 'J5J Ol 83
DlHKHltloii | of Stock.
Showing tlio nniiilicr of host purchase. ! by
tlioclllTuront buyers on today's market :
ctrrr.E. 7l
Thud. II. HniiimondOo 181
Thu Arinoii.'Cniliiliy Packing Co 1"0
Onialia I'nckliuCo. , , . '
) liiiiillton& Stiphon 28
llvnton fc Underwood 1
lltckcr Sc , ll ir Mi 1
l/ohiiinim A.Trtuorm.inn 1"
Other IJuyors MS
non .
\rtnniir-Ciidaliy 1'acklns Co. . . . . , , 470
Oiniilii Pinking Co 1,111
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Tim ll' . ll'iinimotiilCo \ ! . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . Ill
J. 1'.MIulres & .Co W"
Tlio AVcok ,
SivIflAiCn : t,702
The tt II. llaiiniiond company 1,41
Arniour-Ciiilaliy I'.iokliM Co l.'W '
Otnnlii Packing Co 101
Total .1Ta7
nons ,
Ariiinur-Ciulnhy Puckliu Co 1 < 1U
Dniiiliii I'iiukliiL' Co 11,101
Swift As < M . .T : i.70S
Tliiilli-ort.'o II. llatnnioiidcoiiip iny. . . . . . . IKiS
J. I'.Hnulti's A C'o ' 'Vrj
KlitKiiti A Oo : iliO"
( Inu'ii &Siis ' . ' 10
Diulihy Iliothurs I" ' )
llrMUfn A , Co ! tt !
Tot.ll 43.IW
Sill H1.
Swlfti Co 07
N'o , Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. > . Av , Pr.
I nm } )2-i ) 2. ' ll.V > M lll-if-IIK )
UK ) , l'5 ll.'Ii ) I 75 .M. iii' ) : iu i
l.'ll .IW ) V. ) 11 HI I SO 4. ' 1:111 : too
wrw \ - i lias I SO 40 lllJI 4 W )
i.'io , i no III ILHi. ) I R1 II. ) 1.IU 4 05
UK.'i ; i ir > 50 1J-J8 10 .1J.)7 4 15
fllll'l'ISd tND rXPOIlT STI Kllf ,
18 1151 J 75 17 iir : > 2 I Vt
cow s.
line 15 IWi ' _ ' fiO 1 1510 S7'
ion M 10 (7 a : ) 1..1IH ) L'su
uno : u ID- ) ; . d ) 11) ) . 'S. ' ) S' ' ( )
012 M ) i 1 RIO 2Ki
aw W 18 1017 a < > 51 .IIIO1) ) Slrt
600 r.o l ij.- : a 73 1 .1KVJ a 10
AM )
SRO no I . 4fl U 71 20 Ir24 ( 3S5
i. 73 &o. an a to U.1UU > J'Jo
: t. on 21 . Oil 1 5,1 , li. . 7K 180
i 1210 r > o 8 .10JO 1 75
i. imo 1 .1180 1 & 1..15V ) 250
1. BIX )
20. . KM w. . wi : t n 7. . Oil J15
2..nG3 2 25
No. Av. I'r.
ttl con < 1010 $ . ' 4-i
U't'OUH lilt 2 M )
10cows Mil J fiO
lOrons r tifl 20) )
Ofiiws 1070
llc'ims IIJO
T.cows OU 1 75
1 hull 1410 1 bO
1 bull 140 1 75
1 hull 1110 1 " .
1 stcur , ilusied hi'uf 14M ) 4 25
Meows UU ! ) 2 10
IIsteers , tlnssod bcuf . . . , > UlU atr :
Jlsti-iMS , fturio 121 ! 2 r > o
41sti > ers , ( luviud uouf 1107 a bo
Av. Sli , I'r.
SO 2SJ 81 $ . ! 00
.2.VJ IOJ , ! ( )0
fii . . , . .i)7 ) : iw )
. . . .27:1 : 120 ; i)0 (
ir sm
i > o so : K > O
110 100 .11)0
70 2 4 ISO IKK )
" . . . . 'ill 120 no- )
. , . .2W 120 , ldO
W ; . . . . : fou 40 : t)0
- . . . .i-V.i 80 .ino
. . . , iJ 80 3 'J
M . . . .247 120 3G )
2(17 ( 200 IldJ'S '
rn 2iw 40 : nan
Tvl 80 JIBi'J '
Id ; . . . .28 200iy' \ \ \
-.a 3(1215 (
57 iao : id2"
* A 80 3d2'i '
K > 'JOJ 305
8 KJ1 325
Alnrlcct rMcntlon.
IIo s lilghor und active.
L'attlo lower nnd slow.
Danlol I ! Wuiis-tcrhioiicht In a load of cnt-
tlo fiMin Hlllo , t'o'i'1. Mr. wubi'ur U as gonlal
anioiintaln Kontloinan asonuoftc-n niuots.
James I ! lluiuo of MadUon scat down a car
of hois.
W. Allpr.iss liro.ight lu a oar of c.ittlo from
Nicholas NIcNou of Stainfonl bad a car of
IIOKHOII tlio innihot.
\V. U. Lohr bad a car of hog * on the marl.ot
ftoni Morn i.
I' . A. Vcist caino In with fl vo can of cattle
flOtll IHlln'llllNl , "
W. P. llliclc of nimCrcck In with sl\
irbof uattle.
W. II. Lewis hid a car of bogs on the market
from Columbus.
.Tamos I'm hoi brniubt iloun tlirco xcarof
DKOoattlo front lljannls.
Noli and Jens Oli on of Bancroft wore dona
\\ltli tlmo carsof cattle.
W. A. I'liiloy. thoM known shipper of
Greenwood , biought lu acarcjobof cattle and
o S.
T. T. Alilrltt , the veil known eneiRctlo
stoi-kinaiiof I'llond , wasiloun \ > lth a cat of
I'tcil Slnokov and W L. II. Chatnhoilalii
weru both down from Whitman with a of
call In each ,
W , II. Dunn , county tri'.iiuror of Clay
county , was In from OIny Ueator with , i of
Huslck.t Ilansnlhad two cars of cattle liero
fiom Itattlo C/'tL'ok. Mi.lltialuk iiuiiu Invlth
I ! , P. MoRwcn. iiKi-iit for the Sttoot stable
oar line at Denver , was here ooinnltlii Rh
Looil Aitetit OeoiRO W , Jontb.
Aiisust AnilcrMiiiot tlio llr.n of Anderson A :
.lolinson u\tinsl\oslilpurs | of O-iklanil , was
MII with t MO cars of cattle iiiiclonuof lie s.
OJl.tll.l WUOLEN.tfjK M.tJtltHTS.
PfOflllUO ,
Tisn Per Ib : I'orch. ? c ; 'ii"'os. ' 7c ;
plcKutol , He ; plKc. Uc ; truut , Oc ; whl o. Do ;
c rjpplo , ! ( ) < ; cit INh , lie ; rod Ito.i * . , u ; llouii-
diiis , I2ci Oiijoa siilinon , IJe ; black lus , | 5u ;
lolnturs , ISc.
ts : i'i < 3loor | ) Hi.
KII VKtrOholeo nudliitn , ( V37c ; light ,
hoa\y,4fVj. (
n On , lluw. OOc ! bjllud.KIo.
C'iiKit-l'orl > * lroliiol ! , * IO ) ; half bbl. fin ;
banl older , pnro , per bbl , f\m \ : nranito cldor ,
linir bbl( ; ponr elder , half bbl , tTliO.
rinouiiwnsheil , Hloilioi iiieilluin im-
vnuio ; co.u o nuwus'iul , lsWc.
| 'II.TS AM ) I'Ai.i.ow Drcvn salted
lildis. fl' iU1 ! dry salt > d lildos , So ; dry Hint
bldts. IfiffrACi ( till blilts. Il > 1i70. ! llaniiiB d
lililos'Jo li-ss , Miecp pelts , KM-OII. each ,
$1..1 ; slieopm'lK , dry. per Ib , ( USlic.
TAI.UIIV A No , 1. 4 Jju ; No. 2 , UU-lUc ; fjreaso ,
\\hllp , .I'i'Jftlci ' yelljw , U'ltn-lc ' ; sloarlno , OKe.
llNKv-Qiiotiitoasnro ( ( ! fordillxoiy InC'hl-
cnso.l Dry biilTino , per tcm , IP.COQIMOI dry
country , bioachcd. * loOD < ronoaj Uiy country ,
damp nnd noitj , f .OiViilo.tO.
HOM.V bird ned. UO-lb cans , perlb.Oo ; new
comb lionny , .
llK M ) Hniul-plcUoiI navy. * I7T > 1MOO ; Innd-
picked navy , iiH'illuni.Sl.dOitil .l ; lianil-plcUcU
country , $ l.lOftl. < < 0 ; good eleiin. I.104t.2. > ,
I'lfKi-Ks Medlein , per bbl , * 3.Wbiuullti.Ki ; ) )
ierklns , $7.V ) .
MlACKHKiuilKS-f3..p ) a.4 0) ) porSI-ntcasc.
KVATOIIATHI Ai'i'i.ts-r.inoy , 10 13110 rerlb.
lli.uiu.iuiu.iI'er bu.W.O ) .
- 1'orSI-qt cnse ,
UAsriiiiiuu:4- : , t , ' 50 porlM-cit cusoblaok. ;
MV ) per 2l-it | ease
OOCOt.NUTS1'ei KK1 , $1.09.
WATI iiMKi.i.o.NS-l'i'i lee , ti" .0oaw ; 00.
( UMruoiTB I'or doz. J.I txa-Mii ( ) .
tUi.iFOUMCIIKIUW.S I'nr 10-lb box.
1.7V southern , per busbul , l-.Witl.OCi Ort-gon ,
I'BACiiKS-Arkansiin. J-biiKlieI Ijox H.003
1 V ) ; Cullfornlu , per tmt , QU3 W.
.LKMONS I'er Cox , Mt-bslna , f .nicy , f J.OO.
TOM \TOKK rour-basket orates , fiixgaM.
ONIONS Now southern , pur bbl , M Wgfriou.
I'KAiw lliirtlott , California , pnr box. fl.50.
I'ltUMiS ( Icrinio , nor box , l..23 | tragedy ,
per crato. * . ' ,75.
1'i.UMS rnrplc Duane , jicr V > ox , $3 IV
1'OUWHT I'or ilozon , eliolco liens , M.OOSWJMi
oliolco mixed , l.'VMMfti : roosturs. IJ..V > ft2.75j
spring elilokeiiB , t.owiW.2.5 ! for smalli r.V itta.OO
for medium : Miottl.W for lurfiej live turkuyi ,
ei perlb,0@lOc.
' '
- -
Miif.sTurr II2.0O3U.OO ' "
Iitrmu"l're.iwiry , ftinuy roll * , print. Iftii
16'IP ' ! croatnory. fniioy , sollil pnckwl , IlitUct
cruaincry , choice , l iJI2c' ! tlulry. fancy i-olln
and print * , l icillo : Uulrr.fiincjnHollil p.ickrd ,
KxiAli'ci dairy , eliolco. l 3sili ( ! | cuiintry roll ,
fancy , rVJtw : cliolcoTttwl Iniotlor,251.V.
r.diij--10c for strictly frcstij wtnlo not * n\- \
t'iirr K-Extrii f.inoy eruii txvln , lOoi
fancy full cream twins , t'wi ' eliolco full
MrtT8 I'aokcrs * prlccSmol eil haul" . lfi-lb
avoi ise , IW3 > llUi ) ! ! sniokeil liAlns , 20 t Ibs ,
H'4'B'J'ic ' ' ; sinokul haint. 1'J to U lh , im c : o\lra
lii'ii > y bams , si to 21 Ibs nvennfnno : * Klnncd
Mlelnif. ISto SOllw aM-rano. OUttlOe ; ( . 'nllfornla
liann.7ltc : breakfast baconcloar, ; rib ,
? lW { < ti | < 'j | m , , | sauvnKo. 801 plonlc hani , 7'iB ' ;
dried b 'cf bants. SS SUc ; bout tongue * , per
il ( > , f ( pOOipor Ib , O'iCj ' dry ( lit meats,5Ute ;
pork , per bbl , fll > * 3r. > .7.r > i extra mess
saiuaitc , per ID. lioloKna , Ju ; Mar ,
kits , 15 Ihs , pips fiHit. linlf lfd , * ) . ? : > :
quarter bills. ? I..VJj ulKlith bills. KVj klt , 15 His
. < > 5ci boialcss breakfast bacon JCci biino-
. .
. HI-FP Stcor , f > 03 to fimi llm axorage ,
natbifliiiiiOUe ; sti-ers 4)0 , ) to r > OiHb4n\ut.iii > ,
nittUo. nif.'l'ici cons iiud btlfun , 400 lo.VWlos
uvornRo , SMc. , ,
, Uiu s > * n > MUTTOS Choice < lrpist < d mutton ,
O'sii ; incksof million. Uu ; inldltsof mutton ,
lOej breasts of mutton , .Ic : Itvs of mutton , 10 < - ,
CANM.I ) ' .MbATS-t'orncd beef 1 Ib , 41'Jil ;
corned bi-of , 2 Ib , tJ.10 ! Inncb tonjino , lib ,
? - ! . ) ! lunch tonkin2 II ) . fl.T. > ; hrnnii , 1 Ib ,
1.'J : bt.iwn. Jib , J.MKox ; toimucs , I'Jlb. iio1) ) ;
ox toiiKtu-s , 2 Ib , M.OUi eblliped bcif. li ! Ib ,
loiiml cans. 1120 ; roast beef. J Ib , round cans.
W.oij polled li.iin , U tb , roun 1 c-ui . ( VV ; pollcil
ham , > i Ib , lotind cans , fl.2 > l ; dc\lled ham , U
Ib. round cans , UV ! devlle < l hiim , ' 4 Ib , round
en us , fl.'Jil ; tiuttcdox toiiKiio , it Ib , round nins ,
li" > oi polti-tiox tonsuo , 'J 11) ) . roiinil cms , Jl.'O ;
lompresMd 1 Ib. sittaiu | cans. * 1.7."i ; coni-
ptissi-il Iniiii.l 1 b.squ in o onus. < J,73 ; tllpeMb ,
round cms , MX ) ; ntlnevd col ops , 2lb , rtiutid
cans. $ . " . " 0 ; boneless piss' fiet , 2 II ) , square
eans.W.SJ. . ,
HoNRlCojili Titli'K Half b irrels , J.1 " . * > : quar
ter bands , $ , ' .10 ; eighth barrels , $1.1) ; kits. 15
IbsiMicli , IKe. ) , , .
I'oitic TovntTK Uncooked Milk cured
Ilnlf bnrrela , 100 Ibs , J7.5U ; iiuaiter b.irids. : > 0
Ibs , .t)0 )
Cattle Tierces nnd bnr-
rols , inhUllo pjr II ) , O'ii'i louml. .l c , IIIIIIKS , 4u ;
lnw casiliiKs , tso pur Ib , luw bunu's. No. I , 4lo
iMiih ; touiuls , per " -et I10J tout , UUci setntld-
Iks , per set . 'ii fett , IPKwoasinds ; , losstlian
l.OJU-pticii lots , use enih : sinnll bladders IOSM
t him iiOvHlo/ lots , ISc p"r di)7 ) ; I irgu bladders ,
less than . .vjodolots. . , iOo per dor ,
MiinOit.s-Uhls , Kxtru laiil oil , w s , l c ;
extra > o. 1 lurd oil , 4p : ; No. 1 lard oil , : tr o : No
J lard oil , Ulc ; pittu nontsfoot oil , r > 'lo ' ; " > al ,
can , .Vio Rnl , extra ni-atsfoot oil , 4o ! ; No. 1
iiiMt- > foot oil , : r7e : tu lion oil , 4.V.
bl'ioni I'KIS' TOMIUES Half b irrels$11.00 ;
iiunrti-r bani'ls , { , VT. > ; ilKbtli b.itiol fl.ou kits ,
l.-.lbsoicb. . ' . .
TAt.l ow A No 1. 4'ic ; stoat hip , G'lC.
I'lUKiMi IliEi'ToNntthS-llnlf Imiri'ls , J0 ;
iin.utei bariols.r .riOilflith : barrels , fl ( M.
LAUD Til-ices Itttllncd l.ud compound , n c !
jitiio liaf , ( VUc ; Kelt If , li'ic. Adil'ictu 'iC per
Ibfor sinalhr iiiieUa cs.
I'ICKIKD Titn-i Half bnrtels SJ..10 : quiutcr
bntelstl.ii : ; eighth bands , SJo ; kits , n Ibs
each. ( "f.
( Ji'oeerlcB.
SUOAU Cut loaf. 7J4c ; cube , 7'Jo ! standaid
pouclcic'd , 7'icX. ' ; \ \ , pondi-ird. l > u : triiiii-
Intcd.b'ii1 ; cniifictloiii'is * A , ( PC ; climax XO ,
li'ic ; Nebraska , ti'nu ' ; ambir. "i o ; Canary
C , S',4c
COHKH Oieen rjncy eoldin Hlo , 22'sC ]
f.inuy old poibeii v. I'l'ie ' : Ilio , ibolco to Mni-y ,
Ji'tu ' ; Itlu. iirlnuJJc ; lllo , fronil , ai'ic ' : b.intos
and I'onuiion Klo , l iilc ; Moc'ha , "lu ; Java ,
Kcnuhiu U. C. , ' 'be ; Java , good lnlotlor , 2uu ;
Mexican , S"li' .
t'ortrn Ito.tslcd Atl < si , ai'Se ; Hunolii ,
2.V5e : McL-uiKlilln XX.XX. iVJc ; Gunian ,
JVie ; DoUsot th's , 2'i c ; Lion , ! 5 > i ; Mallpuuuh ,
Ho : Moi-bi.IUc : U.O. Ja\.l. Tc.
1 AIIINcious ( ! CODS Hni loy , Il'Jc : failni.
5c ; pias , ; ii [ oatmeal , Pi i ! inai-oronl , li@
lie ; xt.rmlii.lll , lulk"rku , clioh-e , 'i'5e ' : fancy ,
lie ; hiul , .vie : sngo.iiiu lupinc.i..e ( ( ; ntn.i
boaiiNle : split : ' .p.iKittl , lie.
OA > SHI ( loons Kntlts Ualifoiid.i standard
brand2'lb ' , imr doAprilots , fl.Uxrci.Uli
Ktillons , SH.VJ ; bbul.betrieS..SJ ; ultoiilis ,
blnek , Sl.dmi.80 ! ilnTi'U * . wblle , W.yV'W.V ) ;
Kinpcs , $ l.avdIK ) ; lie.trs , llaitlott , tJ.10tS.-'i ( !
iHMebes , yellow , if.MIKiJf.'J.'i ; peaches lunion
illn , W.IO ; plums , CKK , Jl.1 1.80 ; plums
golden drop , il O ; pliitns , jtcon KIIKCS , tl.i.VQ ( )
jbO ; iioaclnslth pits In.Jl.liOi cutrantB , $2.110 !
KuosubuiiJci. K2S ; induce * , f.'lO ; r.ispborilts ,
J..SO ; strtiHbellies , , ' .50 ! potcbosl-lb ! east
ern stnmliiids , Ifl si ; a-ll > pic , * I.2Jj gallons
lens , pic , ( .100 ; apples , lilli standards , $ , l.l'i ;
2-lb KoiisuLonlLS , ! Kcj ) 2-lb strawberries ,
! fl tO.'clb ; raspberries , $1 00 ; 2-lb blueberries ,
SCiKlc ; u-lbblacUbi'iili' ! ) . nvi'Oc : 2-11) straw-
boules. prciurtcil. il SO ; 2-lb raspberries , pto-
BefVid , tl.s-lli ) ; ! blaclcborrlos , pre-orved , } l.l ;
plnenpples. IJaluiiiiachonpeil , s MII ) Ila-
iiaiu.i , LTiitiil , J.7.Ib ; llalianui , tllci'd , fc.MI ;
Mb stiinil ud , sliced , * i.25lil W ; cbcrrlos. 5.MI )
red. II.tItImori'.n.Vt'nc ' ; ve.iis' Tomatoes J-lb oxtta , Jl.OO ; 1Mb
standard \ustciii l > iaads , Wei Kallons. Rt i Icily
sUiiulnrd.&MK ) , Coin I'lm-btuiown. f 1M ) ; Kilt
cilKcilsiiKit coin. > ory liae , JI.Vjj choku 2-lb
sitKar corn , $1.10 ! U-lb \tra nc * > tetn brands ,
8. > ol5ll.00Ib ; btuiiduid western litands , uvft
7.V. Mnshioonis l-lh I'ldiicli , oxtta line , 22 ®
2Vj ; l-lb I'li'iich , fliuIVgi'o ; 1-lb Ficncb , 01-
illnary , Ki'if IKe , I'eas 'lies , line , per cm , So ;
dcinl-llne , pel can , UK.2lb sifted , SI CO ; 2-11)
early Juno , $ l.'V/i ! , ! . " > ; --Ib Marrow , standard
biands , ) ; 2-lb soaked , 57c. Strln : ; buana
2-lb high Biade , Ui-fiiKi-v. Wu ; 2-lb Oolilen
wax beans , 7lc ) ; 2-lb string beans , ( jc. )
I.lnia be.inIb soikol. ? , " > & Iloston baked
bonus JI-ll ) I.owN , tl.ffi ; L'ronn brniids , 4151) ) .
S eel po'atocs 1-lb New Jersey , tl.lil ) . 1'iiini-
kliis--- ) ! ! ) , * 1,10. Okra and tomatoes $1 W ;
oUra , ll.wi : siic-cutiish , 81.20.
DIIIKD 1 ntiiTrt Cut Hints , now , flVo ; vostl/z.i ,
O'i ' ( ; ; pi tnios , casks , ltOl : ( Ibs , n'ic ; prunes , bbl
or ban. 0io : llosnli piunes.'iic ; citron in el ,
( It inns , 31-ihs , 2.'c ! lemon peel , drums. 2Jc ;
' ' - '
Ciillfoinli , loose iniiscituls , crop IbJO , f.'UU ;
Valenulns , old , i5e ; Valenulus , new , Uc : Unllfor-
nl.i sot'dless sultan is uniiuatcls , to ; sKs , b'Ji' .
llAhKiyrs 1'cr do ? . 1 huslinl. narrow banil
sta > c. 'lin , M RO ; 1'5 Inishel , ninow bind
st.uo , elm , SJ' > J ; lliuslnl , stave hrond band ,
oliu--1 ; lii bushel , Ma\o linnil. rim.
$ J.7"i ; 1 tnisheinliiistmo , b.ilo liundlo il.sO ; 1
luiHliul. oik hta\o.OU. I bu-hiil , llil vs. $ . ' .75 ;'i ; lYt hiiklii'l , ItilKK9 , &J25 ; 1 htishul ,
paK splint " , W > 0 ; I'i ' bibhol. iuk splint , 11 U ;
ir. ! . . ! ! ! : IIUIIKUltUllll , ( Jiii , nj , iiiiiiiviiiiiii , lit ci *
hatiille , lc ) ; iiiarkot , ilm , covered , 1 peck ,
S'.OO ; willow , maiki't , larKt > . 1.50 | willow , inut-
ket,2 In nest (1 ( binall , 1 medium ) , per nest , Wo ;
iisli , Mitchel basket , coM'rcd , din nest , per nest ,
$1.10 ; small bamboo delivery. M.2. > ; medium
Immhoodullu'ry. fl.7. > ; Inr o haiaboo doll \ cry ,
$ T > . "iO ; uaste piper biiskif , | J40.
KISII t'odllsh , oxtta ( Jeorues. new , Ti'ie ;
Kfiind bank , now , 4c ! ; silver , U-lli bloc Us , ( j'/c ;
snow \Nblte , 2-lb bricks , now , b)4e ) ; Turkey
cod , lai.'e tulddlo brlcUi , Do ; snow white ,
crates , li-o-lb boxes , 8' c. ; inedliim scaled hor-
rlni , 25t ; No 1 sealed horrltiK. 20u ; ilomestlo
Holland lieirliiK.4Uo ; llambnru splued herring ,
IWc ; Unssl.ui sardines , hplccil , UV ; Un < Miui sir- :
dlnos. pi tin , Mio ; Intporlcd Holland liorrlns ,
ctouii brand , bOc ; do fnney mllkors. ! 0o ; in.ick-
erel , No , 1 shore , half bbls. Jl.'OJ ; bloaturs ,
half bills , $ ISOJ ; wbltoflsh , half bbls , J7.0U ;
trout , liulf libls , ifi00 ; fatally \\hltelhh ,
Ilbls. N 0 fnney , per Knl , 55&V7C ;
choice , n l7o ; KMI.tWOa \ ; Uub.i baking , 28 ®
; black strap , SixSSJc.
. _
' ' "
S\l.soVA lifJls , IJ.'c ; Biilinluteii , 2c ; kegs ,
17 c.
MtA-l'Kgs , 00 Ibs to lox , 5'i < a.Wc ; kegs ,
NUTS Almonds. lr ; IUii7lIs , 14c ; filberts ,
12'io ' ; pecans , lie ; wtilants , l.Hjcj peanut cocks ,
OJic ; roasted , lie ! Tc-inn'sst-o ptanuts , he.
UAN.SKII l.'isii 1-lb mauKorel ( herring ) 11.00 ;
1-lb llniian haddlos , jl.1,0 , ; 1-lb lobstois. , ' . ! Vc5
S.2Ii 1-lb Ahskasaltnoa , Aleut , I.U : ; 2-lboys-
tcis , lOor , * l.1 ; Mb nyxtiTH. A 07 , ( I. n ; J-lb
holccts , li 02 , * - . : ; 1-lbclams , little neukH.fl. i
i'-lb elanis , little necks , flr > ; 'j-Ib ' sardines
IntpoitMl , pcrcuHCItlX. . flXnu.NX ( ) ; Ji-lb Iin-
prted ) boneless satellites , key , fii.Ol ) ; U-lbsar-
Iluos , Amoilcan , porcase , llWs. 1'riuuh style ,
W4iVii.-iOO ; ! i-lb mrdlurs , American , per cuso ,
ll s , 1'runclistilo , : ij-lb Baidlucs ,
mustard , per caw , .Vis , * .l , ' " > a I.W. (
llnOUH 5-tle , put lor , $ ) ( U ; Mle , { 2.75 ; 3-tIc ,
J.'i , y-Ho , plain , Jl.N i vatebouse ' , JJ.CK ) ; toy.
U23 ; hlsktl.ttXTll.20.
Ooc uHI ) , 4' ' PIT Ib.
( lnocot.\TK : U2ki. > o per Ib ; German chicory ,
rid , 8'ic.
Uoi'h Hinls Manilla rope , IV ; ; sisal rope ,
12c ; cotton rope , Hie ; new process , b'ic. '
CorroN TWIM. Illbb , Mry line , a or 4 ply ,
-.V ; line , IX * ; daisy. Itki ; ciindlu wiuk.a.'o.
Oi.ftrs Quarts , per ilo11.00 ; pints , per doz ,
. " ; bulk , pur Bill , U.V.
VINI OAK-OT : ( jr. elder. 10c ; good , 12c ; ivblto
vrlno , r > o : faiioy , frull , c.
hTO\E POLISH- $ , ' .lk > ft5.H7 per gross.
llAOi-Aii , pcrlOO , II7.0J ; l.owlston , per 100 ,
lUas Union > nuurc,3on percent off list.
HM.T-Dnlrv. 2 > 'J HH In bbl , bulk , t-MO ; bi'tt
( trade , flISs. ( j Ul btst ciade , lOOJts , till ) bout
h'radc , 18 I0 . J.-l ) ; rook salt , crushed , Jl.M ;
common , bbl , 41.2. ) .
hoAiUastlli' , mottled , per Ib , ( XalOe ; do
white , perlb , Uc.
IU-AVV Itnovrx C'OTTOVS Atlantic It , 7Uo ;
Atlantio II. 7c ; Allantlo n. 5'4c : Atlantlo I' .
Cc ; Aurora 0 , 4Vo ; Duck's Head , G'lo ; Culx > t
\V. UHe : larllnjlontil c | rarmurV No. 1 , 4 V A
4ic ! ; Uooslcr LL , 5 ! i ; | Indian Head , TU i
I < nwroncVIjTW < M llenrlwttft Mi , 5Kc. " .3
rora II , 01(01 ( Aurora 1C , G'.ios Atlas O N II , 7tot |
cltoeo cloth , 4o : Clinton IT , 5 < 4oi I'opporclt U ,
O'ie : IjiitudoitU llt > o.
w.ntruu ) t'DTTovs llcrkelpy cambric No
Oi. O.-i licit Vet , il > Jci Iliittprcloth XX , 4 > ici
Cabot , "lie ! Hrst Call. O' ' ci rrultof tlio Loom ,
K'iO ! IIIUHcinpcr Iilpin.S-c : lloif-ckocper. S'ti'I '
Klitit I'lillllp ciimbrle , too ! I.niijtiloii Gil. n'jc ' ;
l.oimlnlo. s 4j l.onsdiiio rnmurlo , 10c | Now
Vork Mills , lit ! Oak I.nwn. 7c.
' '
Nut-l'cMiprri-ll. 4.Vln.'tDO ! Vi'liporull , 8-4. | sc ;
IVpperell , 0-4,6-4. 20i-i 1'oiipvti'll , 10-4. 22 , Ut lea ,
4S-ln , rn-i Utlea. 17'ipj I'tlcn , 7ln , ! 4c' :
Ut loa , 8.Wn. aiitfi Utlca , tfi-ln , ! Nl4e. lllrticlirti
Ntt Pepporull. 43-In , 10 i IVppfcrell , 4Vlti ( ,
Pi-roll , D-l. 22oi I'e'pnt-rell , 10-1 , ajc'l Utlc'a,8-4 ,
24o : Utlca , IM.lie ! Utlcn , 10-1 , 2Sito.
Ui.MiiUMS Aino ki < at. | 6'io Atnoskcnir.
dross , 8Uc : Il.itt's , O'ic' ! Warwick , ilnss. 7lSej
ImncastvrG > 4Ci Ulcitalri' , O'lO ; Wlilttoiitoii ,
drt'ts , S'c.
PiiiNTs-Indlso blue Net Martha Wash
ington , Cos Aini'rlcaii.ilHc ! Arnold , flUci A mold
11 , long clotli.yoc : Stlfcl < V , 12c ! McrrlniAck.
' , . lOo. llultl'liMif. 8Hcllnmllton ! , f.'icj Alien
1'lnliS , O'Scj Allen Uhambray , GUI Uloucestvr ,
S r nclos K ldi9t < ine. OMI- ! Stool
Hlxer , ( < c ; Kamnpo. 4'ic' ; i"t. I.odKcr , Vic ;
iiKu Martha Washington , 4lti' ! Mirrl-
mack , 4'Je. ' Turkey ICi'ilo ruiiiitnln , 0ic ! ;
Unrnor. Tut Crullold. 8c ( ! llerllnH'.c. (
\ MUs Net , Thistle , 7i c ! Hud C'r i s. 7e.
Coi.onni LUMIIIIICS Uronn , 4\ci { llc-d st.-ir.
4'jol lolled Ulo\er,5c ; blutcr , tiui hlK'i ' celoi-a ,
lo extra.
OiVMii-StoiPii'i It. Ifl-ln , 5'i < ' ! Ftovpiiv 1) ,
18-ln , no ! StuxMiV A , tu-ln , 7et SteNcn * ' P , is-ln ,
T citstuvi'lis'M. ll-tn.6'iC ' , MdM'lis' N , 20-lu ,
8'iri SleMMn' NX. at-lii , llieSto\cnV ) SICT ,
50 In. ll'So : liloiicliLMl , luuxtrn. . ,
IhMvs Nit-AnuMliiiKi)07. ! ) Ifi'iO ! York ,
eainlot. l.'o ; Kvcrctt , slnndiird. 12'io ! lluy-
tiinkur's,7'Jc , | Old York , XX. lO'jc1 ' ; l/ii\Menoo ,
51 i. ll'iui Uuwionco , UoIj'Joj fnney stilpus
and checks , lllii- .
COTTON-ADI < York Xiinkln , ID'Sr : nvciott ,
SoI8c | Luwlston. in-o7.a."ict AUiiUlnginia ,
I4ci Uorksurow ensliineio , aJ'ic. '
OUININB I'crnz. , P. A. W. . 40ct | Oonnan , 3loj
IniiUo , PIT Hi. , 73ot Insect powder , 22c ; opluin ,
H.lrlj iiiornliliif , p > rot. * l IJ ! hops , per 11) , IIOuj
itljcorinc' . anoj < U'\ti Inc. lOoi ciittli'liono , II5oi
uieaiii t.utor , puru , : c.'c : cotnnierulnl , 1-c ; camphor -
phor , Wo : am. enrb. llo : hluo vitriol , 7'ici"
Acid C'nibollu. aKii4Jo ; citric. , 4.Vtlhc ; tar-
tarlc' , n ; < B.l < io ! sulphuilf , pirll ) , 2 ' . .sporin oil ,
fl 10 ; turpentine , 4v ! TOUCH bonus , $ . ' 25 ®
S..B ! balsam toln , I.WVciilonnd ! , lVpfl)7ci ! )
C'tinthaiaillvs , ? l axaiVij eassla buds , aoQ2.'c !
rltloroforin , 4U&.VO ; oieot. 47Vo ! ixiim arable ,
MQTx1 ! ( 1 vcoiIne , 20B.4o ; Ij copoilluni , 40a4Jci
nicioury , S7e.
III.OCK Tiv Small pig , 30c per Ib ; bar , 30c
pel Ib.
Coi-rm VInnls-hed holler sl/os. Xlp perlb !
cold rolled. 2iu : pet Ib ! MicUlii'- pel Ib ; pllts
and lints. Illc peril ) .
Ovt.v\Nt7KD burnt Iuoj Dlseount 50-IO per
rout. i > it. plan , lion , Nos. 21 and 27 , A , 10'iu ' ; U ,
" ' '
'r'/N- / PfATK-I. C. , 10\2I. ST. . f703 ; I. X. , 10MI ,
2r > . Js.71.
PIN I'l-ATn-Coko , ll\20 , 112. JW" .
HootiNa-Chmcoal , I. 0. . 14x.'i ' ) , 112 , JJ50 ; I.
X , 10.7) .
Snr.KT Inns No. 23 , fl.SO ; No 27 , $103.
iot.iiKit strictly half and Irilf , Hm.
Sti.w. NAti.s-ll.iso. !
hTKFI. WlllK NAtl.S-llaSO. JJfs'i.
WlliB Jap. b.irb , WSi ; (
Tlio Coffee Jliu-kct.
Niw VOIIK. July 14. [ Specl d Telegram lo
TUB HCK. ] ColTee options opened dull , 5
polntsdovMi to 5up ; clostdsteidy , uncliaa cd ,
i0 ! points up ; sales 10.WO bass In-
olmUtu July. J17l" > ; Ausust. } IO.Oli317.00 ;
Sciitemli-rir..40lUV1 ) ; October , $1.1 S)0 ) ; Iluci-iu-
bor , jr > 5K7iri.Vi ; Jltiy , ? 112i. Spot Hlo
firmer and moio active ; fair cuigocs , WOO.
> o. 7 Hat bean , ' ? © > 51 c.
Citiovwo , July 1 1. Tlio visible supply for
the week ending July 12 , as c-omp'led ' by the
secret iry of the Cblcasoboanl of tr.ido is .is
follo-ns :
, Jlns-hpK
Whent . ll.-'i)00 | )
Coin . 1I.27I.OOU
OUs . 1,0,000 ! )
live . S5I.OM
llarloy . 44J.OOO
TNSTllUMCNrd pl-ueU on ruoorJ
L yestorduv :
0 K Davis company toT T Ivlngsbnry.
lotlfl , Dlockll , Lake VInw. wd $ 2,000
I' O Jloisan and vvlfo to P M luclinnNoii ,
lots 4 , , r > , 20 , 37 and 2S blk : > , llrlsss
Plncovd , . . , . 10,000
0 n Maviiud toI.p < illo.Sta\ert , lots I. 7
to 12.15 and 21 , bile 1. IntH K , I ) . 11 and 2. ,
blk' ' , lotSl. blk 7 , lots 10 to 20 and 21.
blk .lots 10 , Hand 111. blk 2 , Patter k
Cobb's second add to faouth Omnha.w d 0,500
Joseph and ( i I ! Harkor to H II Williams ,
lot 11 , blk 2 , sub of J I ICutllclc's acid ,
AV il 2,700
A J Day to.I A Manning , lot 5 , blk l < 0 ,
Oni'iluid 23,000
D \\bieler. . Jr. , and wife to S N Hell ,
w ! 5 lot 1" , blk 1 , Clarendon add. w d . 1
rMw.ird 1'caion and ulfo toh VMlcs ,
lot 18. IVaion Pbice , w ( I 2,000 ,
Johanna Itlel nnd hush mil to Albert
bander , lot. ) , blk24VlleoVs 2nd add ,
wd 1,000
M K Ilcattv and husband toM A Clallln ,
lots 1 anil 2 , blk 14 , HoydS add , w d 1,000
M EUcatty and husband to James Vllos
jr. , W\17i ) ft In lot 2 , blk 12 , West Omaha
wd 3,500
n A llensmi to K ta Itood , lot 5 , blk 10 ,
HrlKKs'Place , wd 2,000
J S Cameron and wife to I ) K Cameron ,
lots , blk a , Patrick's add. wd 3,000
G 11 ( JuniiTon and wife to I 1 Camoton ,
lot' ' , blkII , Patrick's addwd 3,503
L M I'lclil anil husband to li M Tattle ,
lot 11 , blk 2 , Hawthorne's add , w d . . . . 1
Maiixaret Klimlns toVllllnm \ Liu son ,
part northeast U nnithwest > ( iioitli-
wcst M , scofi , town 15 , niiiKO I.I. w d. . . . 373
J IKodlckand wlfutod K Haiku , lot20 ,
blU8 , lots I"lo22 , blkl ) , Hullok'ssubdl-
.vlslon of K ( dick's subdivisionf | od , , . . 1
F M Hlcliatdson and wlfo to P O Morgan ,
lots 7 to 12. blk 11 , West Albright addl-
tlnn wil , 2,400
r M Ulch.irdson and wlfo to P ( J Morgan ,
lots 0 to 12 , blk U , West Albtlght addi
tion , w d 2,800
0 G Van Tamp nnd wlfo to T W llc-aril ,
lots , blk I. Oottaijo Park , w d 750
T J Pennell to harah ICohn , lot 10 , bll ; 1.
Millar , ! Park , w d . 4,700
I N Watson to K b Hood , lot 0 , blk B , I'ot-
tu & Cobb's addition to fcotith Omaha ,
\ % d . 300
O A Wliyiiuin ntid wlfo to h A Pluiiinipr.
loti 15 and 10 , blk l\ Ninth Omilm , w d 1,000
Twenty-two tinnsfcrs . J77b2t
nulldlii Permits.
Jbo follow inu permits wcro Issued by the
bulldinc inspector yesterday :
MasonleTeinple craft , repairs on build
ing. Sixteenth sticct and Capital
avetiuo . $ 500
Bant J , liixlcn , nnu and thrco-fouuhs
Mory frame lesldenec , Hiinscnni place 2,230
\V , II. Do Kraine.inio and onc-liilf story
fr.imo < l elllii ( ; , Tncuty-llfth and
bpnuldhmhteets . 2.2AO
I'our minor ponnlts . ( XJ'i
Total , seven ponnlts . $ 5CV ( >
now olTlccs of the great Rock Is
land route , 1(502 ( , Sixteenth nnd Farnnin
sti-oot , Omahti , are the finest in thu city ,
Cull and BCO thorn. Tickets to ull points
cast ut lo\\est nitos
Provisions and Stocks.
Basement First National BanH ,
SOB South 13th Stroat , Omah
13O2 Ffirnnm Stroot.
City Passouffor and Tlokot Agont.
JOm hR. tPopol _ lot h unit Mavin tint i r I Oniahy
4 30 it ni . , i , . . , , , ( hlinuo Kiprc" , . , , . . 8tt ) n m
U ( i m { , , t'lilcAuo Kxprei § . . , ,
I'lnpm1 ,1'lilciRo Kxprcu . . . . . . . icW n m
S.Mp mi , , , .ChlinKo local . . , OS a m
luin.itiriu. . MO. IHVUn. , ArrU i"
Uinnlm. Depot loth nnil M on tr cH. I Umnhx
10 nn m . . . .Denver D.i
lO.ISam ; , , . . . . , , Pontcr 'hxprc * * . . , i , .
6.40pmI Pn iT Nlitlit Vit > r < > > 9. . .
BIJn m | Lincoln local
IT IT , 9T J.
Depot 10th anilla < un
pepot luili niul Mnrcf > trcet . I OtuMi
. m .UtiTlnml Hjrcr. . . . .I IHIp m
7. ! p m , M..l'acino " . , , , , , , * , . ] 4. % p m
101.11 n m , , . .PtMiTor i : pro .1 U p in
MO a in niisUllr Kxpros * . . . . . . | I2U ) n In
10.IS n nij. . VnlrllPltl l'\o , ( pvrrjit . 'nn ) . . | I 25 p m
iMlieA7KT.Il.l.Al'.Unyiir rA
Oinnhs. | tl. 1 > . tlcpol. 10th niul Murcr : St . | Omnhv
fi.ll p ID IflTlVn in
li. U n m , . . . .AllMUloKiptei C.w : p m
J.1S p m [ .Vptllbulv I.lmllPil. . . . . . . . 10 41 m
. . . fArrlrSi"
Uuinlni. | U. 1' . ilcpot , 10th Murof Sis | Omilm.
. 7.14 . . .yiciui I'ltr I'noeiiKvr , . . . |
_ 5.IJ p i . j. . . . . * * ' I'nnl Kpro s yo05
IMTCS'I SlTTlr.Ti'l I A VAuUti JArrlfM"
Omaha. | li pot IVh niul \ \ i'i lcr Sin. | Oinnlrw
JIOOp to ) l I'nnl l.lmllnl . . .T.r.l If-'lniii
I.ciTos ( iriUL'.MiO * NOIITU\V K8 1'KllN.r ArrKor
Uninlm. | U.1 _ . iliipiH , llltlijitiil Mnri Sts. ) Omihi.
1)1 n in . Clilenrfo Kxpruss . , ) (1. ( 0 p m
4 M p in Vo'tltinlo l.lmltoil l > V ) a m
C.I.S p in . . . , Iovr Arvoinnioilntlon . . . . 7Ui p in
Ji.ll ) p m ijttstnrn Vljfr . I 14Vi | m
"j civos jrillfAlJO , Mlu7 A l'AlT7ArrTvci" ( |
UniAhii | tT.J' , il | iut , lUtlt nntl Mnrcjr Sts | Oiutlin.
"t'lin ml .CliiciKulfilKoxrviJt SnndiyT.
RH ) p til . . . .llilciiKO Kxpruss
l H p ml . . . , , . . < 'iloitua il\iirc .
ixcivcs I OMVIIA A. ArrlTOJ
Onmlift. | 1J. P. iK-liil , IDIIi nnil Miirejr _ ; t Oiiialm.
4.1) ) p ml M lionls Cntiiiiin Hill J , IJ p m
l.cavoi 1. , K A MJ"VMV. : . Arrival
Omnlii.l DcpiVt IHIi n'l \Vu I i t it Stt " llll'iU _
tUKJ n m Itlnck IIIIU r.tpreM , ft 20 p m
H Lll n m .HistltiRs Kjp ( ICx riitniliy ) . 5 .1) ) p III
f. ID p m . \\nluio A Lincoln Pinvnuur. 10 2J n m
MO p in . \orlt AJ. or folk Ilii. Snmliy ) IU J ) J . in
vsr.TT. M SU : ArrTvoi"
Depot IMh nnjN ob tor 9t .
7 HO n m TTsioitT City Accntninnrtiirioii. "lIUVp in
1 ( U [ > in .floilx flly Ihpri'Sj ( i\ : Hun ) . 1.0 p m
Jill p in , . . .st. 1'nul l.liiilli'.l U ' . ' > a , m
M' > u in . llnnco r ( I3r. Hun ) j H 4S n in
_ _ _ _
10. < Tii ml . t. Uinli A K. 0. Kxproav.V. ' . ' TM p Si
nil . St. lmili K. I * . Kxptvi * . . ti
" UNION t'AOIV'uSlHlllltltAV 'I'llA N- )
Tliono trnlni uho ntop nt Ulli , litli , ) tli nml2tth
Btreot" , Summit unit Snvlilro CrosiUiu.
nien's tr ilni > lo nut run Siimliv.
llrotiu * Trans hlu-el'y
fer Onnhi Sln- Smttli Allirl't
Itapnt. lionot ( hiinlm Pi-pot.
f ! 35e i
610 5BJ SIS
li 05 H 17 I U ) t 45
I..T5 Ii47 7 Wl Illll 7.JO AM
7 (0 7.M 7 , IJ Bcr > 8.U in ; o : , 0) )
H a K S27 S07 74" ) 7 W
S113 ' .I M 9 27 lOO'i on 007 KM S10
no- . a M '
4.T7 411) 4 U 407 4 2- * t'vt
4 5. 505 sn r > i. SU7 4 VII 4 0
f.vij ( if ! 'fiir. 01 II12 0 07
645 lift ? 7071R _ 70 ; II
'lioiiru I 't'HIUAUU. ll. 1 A l'ACiTiTr | Arrlvei
Irnti'fBrl Union Depot. Council llluffi. llrnnsfer
O 4) p m ! Mulit Kxpri-ss . . I n is n 13
< UO n nil Atlnntlo ICiprn i . . . .1 tiX > p in
600pm ! . . . . Vcillhiilf I.lmltvit . . . _ .J10 Wji in
I ArrlvtT"
Trnnifor llnlna Dinint , Council Ulnn < .
li 40 n ml . . . . Chlrneo Kxprcm . . t OIU p 111
AIM pm . . . . Vi'Mtliiilo I.lniltcil . . . . 1MI u in
10KI p ,11 in"lfrn HUM 201) ) p in
S pi"J .Atlnntln Mull I 7 ) a in
UIUBI TUllPAiTd. MIf' A Bl' .
Ijniiiforj IJiilon lpiot.C'ojincll lllnjH
I'.J ) n ml ( .lilci o Mull ( inoopt Sunday ) * > ) l p m
I ) Hi f in Chlinvo r.xproi . . . ! > l" > n in
10 00 p mL i . ClilcHKO r pron . . JIM p m
"lcnve I K T. , ! < T. .101 ! 7V
Triiii'terl IJtilon Piipot. Coiincll lllnlTi Trtm fer
lliu ; u nil .KniKita City Diy Kiirux | A H p m
10 25 p m | Knnsns nty ljiht 1'ypronH . . n JO 11 n
"ixHTe < Tt.nriA M' . KoiiH. rArrtvcT
'Jrnnaforl Union Depot. Counrll Illnlla I'lrnmfcr
. .si. iHiiilH 'ntiDii Hull. . _ liiJ'Jjn
fClUC'ATtcT.lllTlir.'N A
'irantfer ) Union Depot , roiuiPll IlliilTn
U 40 n in t'lilcnxo Kxprcm. . 02U p m
10 00 p in ChlcnKO Ktiircis. . 40 u ni
1 ' 10 j ) rn II M n m
3ioDsrci'iT' & i-xoipre : rArrivcV
Transfer JtiInn IK'i'Ut. ' C'ounqll llliilt < . I'lmnsfcr
7.4.'i a in . . .Sioux City Acponiinoilntlun. . . | Ilii a m
GSCOJp in St. I'.inl Kxprrsi I 956 p m
Operated under n twenty year's contract by the
Sloilcun liitcrimtlonal liuproviniint
Grind Monthly driinlnis livid In tlio Mnroaquo
I'nvlllun In the Alnineilii t'ulkClt ) uf .Mcilcoiintl
publicly cuiicliitleil ur iniM'rniiicnt ufllcluls nppuliit-
eil for the piiriiofo by the Secretary of the Interior
nlll to hold In tlio CITV OK MU.MCO ,
"CAPITAL PRIZE , 60,000. ,
80,000 Tickets at W , KKO 000.
I'rlco ot TIcKcts , American Money.
Wholes ® t : Halv M2 : Quattoraf ? ! .
I.isi' ot' I'UI/IIH.
ICnpltill'rUcofHtirxw . Is t CO 000
ICapltil I'rliocif ai.OOO . li SDrW )
lt'n | > llnl I'rUoof 1U 000 . li lOLM ( )
I ( irnnd I'llio or 2.UOO . Is 2000
3I'rl/cs of ( I , ' > J . nro JOOO
Cl'rl/esof fiOO . nro 300J
Wl'rl/eiior KJ . nro 4.UOO
inoi'rlzcsof 100 . are IOOUO
III ) l'rlcs of ta . mo 17,1)011 )
651 1'rlzcs of m . are II , IM )
1M rrlrci of ( ixainixlnmllni'lo ) | | } i < JUX ) prlro (1000 (
l.'fl I'rlTpsof Minpiiruxlmiitliuto aiffJO prlro 7'O )
1M 1'rlzcs of lUnpiiroxlmitliiKto IDIX'I inlio I'.IXX ' )
V.'JTcrmlnalu of fiJ ilccldcul by wojjprlio 15)30.
2S(1 ( 1'rlrcs . Amountlntt to . IK8&O
All I'rlics toM In the United btutcs fully pnld In
U , H. Currency.
llffon Cinn 11ATFS , or nny oilier Inforrrntlon
( Icihoil , wrlt li'Kllilr In the nndorxliiiitMl , cleirly
8tatliiKyourrc8llenrp , nlth Mnlo. county , utrcftnnd
nuiiiljcr Moro rupld return nmll dollvcry nlll ba
iKHiin-d liy jour oncloslnu un envulopo ticarlnu your
full address ,
, u.
C'lTV OK Ml'.KirO ,
MKxtro ,
Or to CMs. . n. JU VTfM. A Co. . Room < 01 N. Y ,
Mfo lliiIldhiK. C/htahn , Ni > b.
lly ordinary letter , lontnlnlnK MONl'.V OltDKIl
Flu ed ty nil KMIITCSS ronipiinlos , New Vork Kx-
cburiKC , Draft or 1'oatal Note.
lly tartns of contract ino compnny miiBtdcpntlt the
nun of till iirlrcx Im ludcil In Ilio uchcmo lietorn unll-
InL' n alualo ticket , und reoslvo tliu ful owlne btllclul
luriali :
Cl-tiTlflCATP Iherrby certify Hint Ilio nnnk of
Ixindoii nnd .Mexico 1ms on ilepmlt tlio ntuoiiinrr
fundH to KtinrnnU'O tlin piynient of ull prizes drawn
ly Ilio Loterlu do la Ilonotlcencln I'lilillc a
Kitrllicr , tlio rotnpnny la roqulrc-d to illntilhnto tit ty.
ilx percent , of the vnluoor nil tlio tickets In iirliea
a lamer portion than Isulrunliy any other lottery.
Unnlly , the number of tlckc-ts l llmltod tuHUUOO-
WIXX ) ICHS than urn bold by other lotteries unlng the
lamu ichcuie.
TMi IR In certify Unit Ilio Ilnnk nf Commerce ,
tinshrlllo , Tenu. , will ( my ull prizes In nborn.
CIIAS. II. 1)UM.\N , Cusblcr.
W.jine.i , of Body and Mini , Wu
ir > | . tloifil -i a ir
S m lullly from ( U IUU * 4 Fvnlca liinatrlti. Krit * ( bcw
* dtll' * tt ok , * itltalla a 4 proofiottl l { tl itrr *
National Bank
Capital , - $ tOOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 18DO , - CV.OOO
Officers i\n < l Itlrortors-llrnrj . Yntc , ) irt" < Ulonl |
IA-WUS IKnl , TlraitrrMilontl Jumps W Stirn > 'iT ,
\ Mor c , John S rolllii i II C CiiKhliiBi J. N. 1U
1'ntrlckMI.S llugliei , cnhlof.
Corner lithniut Viirnnin Streets.
A General lUnUltix IHiBlnoss Trunsnctcil.
National Bank
Cnpltnl , - $ / OO.OOO
Surplus , O.OOO
( ) nioor niul Pln-ilorn- . M , Morupmnn , ( ' SI
llltdiuirk , , lo opli Cnrneiu. . ) r , A. Iti'nry , K , M
AnilcnnnVllHniii ( I .Mntil , tlroirc | < lilontl 1 * l
Wllllnm . A I' . lloi'VIm , prosUU-nti A. MlllUrd
cn hler : F , U llriaiil , iis l > tntitcn lilcr.
Omaha ManUfaGtUrers ,
ItootN null
Wholesale Jlaiuifactuicisof Boots&SIiocs
Attintsfor llonton llulibrrSliooCo , 1102,1101 mull 104
Ilium-j Mtorti Oinnlin , Ni'l ) .
Lager Ilccr Brewers ,
1M1 Ncitli IMli Street , Oiimlm , Xrh.
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Wlnilon raps unit nipt.illcukylliilit' , John I'poncter ,
proprlolor. I * niul 110 South Will clri'el.
Artlst.s' AIat-flnlH.
A. HO3PE , Jr. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos , uul Organs ,
1513 loii.lns ) Slrrot , Omiiha. Neb
Conl , CoKe , 1'tc.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
B I ! . Cor. Ktli nnil IXuicliis Struct ) , Oiunlm , .Neb.
Shippers of Coal and Colic ,
214 Smith Mill Mieot , Oniilm , Nob.
Wholesale Cigars.
4CBN Ifllii'trcr-t. "llollol" 1111
Dry CootlH mid NotloiiH.
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
Corner llth nnil llonnnt SlrooK
inporters and Jobbcis in Dry Goods ;
icnts't'urnlslilnxCJomli Corner Ulli nnJ llnrnor
hliocta , Umiili i , Nob.
to STONE ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furnlturi ,
Fnrmin Street , Omilm , Nebraska.
Omnhi , Ncbrnnkn.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1 itbond IcATcntrnrth Btrceti , Omnlin ,
Immbcr , lOtfc.
Dealers in Hardwood Lumber ,
Ytrd 1310 N. IIth fat. , 0/inlit
Wholesale Lumber , lite. , Klc.
Importoil and Ainorlcan I'ortlniul Comcnt
ajcnt fgr illln-nukpo llrdrniillo Ooraent , n
QulncyVlillu l.liuo.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood carpets ntul iinrqnntflootlnj. Uth
H tree IK Omulu , Nc
Liunbcr , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Corner 1'tli nnd Doiielns Strcots , Oinnlm.
IVIillliicry and Notions.
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
208 , 210 and 212 South llth street.
Notions : J
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
IKIIInrnojr ttrcr t , Omnlii.
Oils. J
Wholesale Mined and Lubricating Oils. ]
Axle yrenBO , etc , Omnlia A. II. Illaliop , Jlnn.iKcr. |
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Cnrry n nlco stork of printing , wrnpi > lntr and nrltlnf
pnper , Hpcclnl uttuutlou given Coi.nrd paper , |
Snfos , Kto.
A. L. DEANE Ic CO. ,
Urncrnl ARcnti for
Halls'Safes ' , .
nnd 333 Bun Hi 10th St. Omalm
Toys , ICtc.
Jotbcr of
Dolls Albums Goods
Toys , , , Fancy ,
IlGUlo FurnlahlnB ( loodr , ClillOrcn's Cnrrlauua. 1209
Inrtrim street , Oninliu , Nob. i
Steam and Water Supplies ,
wliul mills , nli and DM Jonot BtOJi bx
U. If. Iloai , Actlne Munager.
Iron WorkH.
brought and Cast Iron Building Vork ,
nci , hrais wotk , Kcnoral fou miry , mnchlno and
bluckiDiltli work. Ofllre ftnil wiirki , U. 1' ,
Ur. anil Kill ttruet , Omaliiv.
Manl'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Viiult , Jnll worV , Iron uliutteri nnd llro oicnpcl/
U , Audrteuprop'r. Cur. lull nmljnckiuu fell.
, 1)001 H ,
MTA. Disnuow it co ,
Wliolciolo maiiiitacturcn of i
Sasu , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , '
Branch office , 171 li ntid Itard itreeti , Omaba , Neb.
So ti t.h. O m all , a j
01 South Ouialia , Limited.