Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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uno i
W lhTTarco fc Co.'a express , olTcra u
rcwnrd ol S.'UiO for the detection nnd nr-
rt'Ht o ( tlio Norfolkrobbers. . Mr , An-
draws Is nt tlio scene of the robbery.
J'iflHfX.lfIV1K.1 UltAl'IMH ,
C. Dlockof Mlnnllc Is at tlio Murray ,
C. II. 1'orrlRO of I'rcinont Is In the city.
K. H. Ustlcltof Chicago la at the I'nuton.
S. N. Kotin of Norfolk Is nMurmy guest.
S. H. C'ox ' of I'ahner Is In town , at the
.7.1) ) . SturKcn of Norfolk is a guest at tlio
C. A. Mnrtinof St. Louts Sunclayedat tlio
T. A. Thompson of Chicago Is stopping nt
the C'nsoy ,
C.\V. Mead of Boston Is atthol'axton tills
N , \V. Uurlioof DCS Monies Sundnj'cd at
the I'nxton.
C. HutltTfldil isat tlio Murray , registered
from Denver.
K.T. Andrews of St. Louts was at tlioMtir-
tnylnst nltfht.
"W. W. diction of Cboycniic ivaa at tlio
I'astfin jestcnliiy.
AV , II. Livingston of Now York la la the
city nt tlio Murray ,
J. W. Dallcy and .T. H. Johnson of Noith
J Bowl ai-o nt tlio Cmey.
! .7. Hi Jlonroo of Kansas City was a I'axton
hold guest ycstci-day.
I J. C. Uosxvortli , roproontlnt ? the Michigan
[ sto\o company hi loxvn , spent Sunday at tlio
\ I'uxtoii.
* C , UAVrinlit leaves for Uio Black Hills this
I momiiifr , whrra liowill reinitiii several days
i looking after his tin Interests near Knnld
Tl rro li None.
OMAHA , July 7 , { To the editor of Tin :
Hi r. ] Will you please inform mo through
your paper if thcro is any difference boUvccn
a foot squaroimda square foot , and oblige
M A Ruinit ,
An lets "U'lij im "Wrecketl.
A Sixteenth street motor tmil oncot Iho
Ploronco Ice company's ' wagons caino to
gether ntShcriiinn iivtimo wul Corby street
yesterday lifter-noon. Thomignn emno out
of the conflict ti total vreolt , vvhllo tlio motor
\vas uiihuriiicd.
When thoBtojiiach lacks vigor nnd regular
ity thcro will bo ilnlulcnec , heartburn , mm-
m > a , sidt litndttdic , nervousness , wo JDr. .T
II , MiLcnii's ' ijtveiicthcnlng and
Ulcod I'uril'.cr to give tone iitidrcgtilnrity to
tlie stomach ,
Dcbnto Supplement.
The complete short-hnml reports of the
Hcatrlco debate wlilolihuvo appeared in Tun
I3ur. vill all bo made up Into a supplement
for the convenience , of these who may vant
to preserve the nrt'tinicnts. No other paper
nttcmptcd tomukoa perfect , verbatim t'cport
of the great delnto. Dally contemporaries
contented themselves with garbled and un-
Bntlsfnctory attempts to repoit the dohite ,
vvhllo prohibition sheets gave only tlielr sldo
of the argument , I3y printing precisely what
vvrs fcald on both skies TUB Bun debate
supplement will bo in demand v.ith all classes.
Oulers will receive urompt attention.
Asl : for Van lloutuii'i Cocoa. Talto no
Ann h r Clilno ik. vcckly "clilnook" struelt the
city yesterday morning anil sent the mercury
dancing to the top of tlio glass , Up and up it
\vcnt , until the 100 degree point was reached ,
nt about i ! o'clock , and there it stayed for
nearly time bouts.
Burly In the mowing tha hot , blistering
wind from the southwest made Itself felt and
icntiiiuedtn inolco llfo miserable- until after
sundown. Trees and Hovers wore wilted nnd
uliiivcled , while suffering mortals sought re
lief , en flishubillo , In leraonndes nnd phos
phates , Iho sticctcurs did alandonicobusi-
ness In carrying people to the purlis and
suburbs iuthohopoof llinlinR relief from tlio
ovoriKWoiliiK1 heat. Everywhere the hot
wind made its \viiy \ and any thing It touched
was burtied. .As the sun wont down relief
rarnoimd the -wind lost some of its heat ,
The weather Indications point to u speedy
relief from the heat with a northwest wind
and a possibility of a few showers.
Miles' Nerve and Liiier J'llls.
An important disoovoi-y. 1'hey net oa the
liver , stomucli and bowels through tlio
nerves. A new pilnciplo. They speedily
euro billlousness , had taste , toipid liver ,
pllea and constl nation. Splendid for nion ,
women nnd children. .Smallest , mildest ,
surest. aodoscs for 25 cents. Samples trco
nt Kubn & Co.'s IC-tb and Douglas ,
Fito niul Forty Years Ago.
Tliero were twenty-seven stntes In tlio
union ,
Tlie total population vas about 20,000,000. , ,
James K. 1'ollc was president.
John C. Cullioim was seerctary of stnto.
George Bancroft vas secretary of the navy ,
mid was preparing plans for anaval academy.
"Webster , Uenton and Cass -were In the
sen nto.
There was a debate ou tlio Oregon bound
Texas ; vsis ndmitted to the union.
California vas ivMexicitn provineo.
Expenditures of the United States govern-
moiitwuro $21,69.1,370. ,
Tlio sluvor fapitllro was condemned in Bos
"Washington Irving vas minister toSpnln.
John Howard Payne vas consul nt 'lunis ,
Edgar A. Pee bad recently written "The
Haven. "
There were 14,1 83 postofil cos in the Uu itcil
States. _
Abraham Uncoln was practicing law at
Bpijiiulicld , 111.
\VlllininII.Seward vas uractldng law at
AuburnN. Y ,
Henry Ward Becehcr was preaching nt In
Ulysses S. Grant was a lieutenant in the
Fourth United States infantry.
" \VilliauiT.Shcrimm was n lieutenant In
thoThird United Htatcs artillery.
Jefferson Davis was a icpresentatlvo in
congress ,
liobcitlS. Leo -was n captain cf cngltiecra.
Charles Siiiiincr , lawjer , delivered an OM-
tionJulyt , in Boston , on "Tuo True G mi-
dour of Nations. "
Kathaniel llnwthorno was writing "Mosses
from an Old Manto. "
J , Li. Motley was secrctaiy of the American
let-atlonat St. Petersburg.
lloraco Ureeley was editor of tao four-ycar-
oltl Tribune.
W. C. Uryant was editor of tbo Kvcnlni'
James Gordon Dennettwas editor of the
James G. Dlahiowns In Washington col-
lepo , PonnsjIrunU.
Ilcnjam'.ii Harrison , James A.GarflcUlnnd
Graver Cleveland weiu boys undev fifteen
years of ago.
San Francisco had 500 inhabitants , Ornahn
niul Denver none ; Minneapolis , St. 1'anland
Kansas City n four hundred ; ( JMuutp. nuaut
ten thousand.
There wcro 4,011 miles of railroad in the
TJntted States.
Thowwcw passenger paekctson tlio c-nnnls.
The first telegram was tent a year before.
Thomas IMlson was not born.
Whnlc-oll lamps tind tullow candles wcro
tlio chief Illuminators.
Wood was the chief reliaiico for hcatiru ,
Be\vliif ) machines ere not in common use.
Movei-s and reapers wcro in exiwimmtal
Itnhber shoos worocomlnp into uso.
U. M , \vmttxliikhifof a"i-otary print-
tap p vs. "
Onlll pens won still mueh used.
( ieticsoo flour wns the stindaril.
Hnml 11 roengines werotUo lest innde.
Htatobuuka furnished the currency.
Shillings and sixpences wcro the silver
UoM product of the United , States was
Thcro were no telephones , eloctrlo llzhts ,
ctcain elovitors , sleqmnj cars or typewriters
The only rullrond train out o ( Omahn
run expressly for the accommodation o
Oinuhii , Council BluH , DCS Molncs ant
Chicago business is the Hock Inliiiu
\C8tlbulo limited , loavlnjj Omaha utl:15
y. in. dully. Ticket oillco IWtt , Sixteenth
ud Fnrnain sts. , Omaha.
linpor.nnt KucscntloiiH Trom tlie
coin eHiiiciitnl | Ntatlun.
Itejiort-ft from the nib-stations tstabllihcd
inthosprlng bythostatofxpcrlinent station
for tlio purpose of determining the effect cf
the varying conditions of soil and climate on
the Rrowthof , and the production of Jugur
In , the sugar beet Tire , in the main , good.
In many places , especially in the oxtrorno
western part of tlio state , beets have suf
fered from hot weather and n lack of rain , a *
a rule though they seem to withstand these
unfavorable ) conditions us well as corn nnd
letter than small grain.
From some points reports tell us that in-
Beet enemies have bcfe'untholr ravages ,
As the best methods of cultivation with us
are tflho dotcrcrnilncd by experiment , tlio
sutrRcstion is made to tlioso having smalt
pints , that iturliiK- the dry wcathorthe ground
lx > fimucntly ( at least once a week ) hoed or
stirred. Not only will this method cf pro-
leduru keep tliotrround free from weodi , but
It will aUo al < l the plant to withstand tlio
effects of dry and hot woatlier. TtiU last
effect Is ciiuscd by broking up tbo llttlo
cannh or ihaiincls , formed in the soil by the
passage of the moisture from the ground to
the air , thus tvturdltiK the evaporation of
inoiMuro from the soil and permitting the
free circulation of air throughout its upper
layers. Doth of which aetioni have a gen
eral tendency to Icrcp tlio soil cool and moist.
If possible , bee one-half of the plat every
weokandtheotherlmlf but otn'0 In two or
even thveo vcchs and carefully iioto the
clTccts on the growth.
Aithora uro several Miula of Insects tliat
attack the lect , nnd ai they have already
been reported as having begun operations , ft
sccmt the proper time to begin to loam some
thing of their appearance , habits nud the
best means of meeting their advances. To
this end the leets should bo watched very
carefully , from day to day and nt
different times of the day and oven
In the evening , icr nny" Insect , bug
or wonn that scorns to have an
Interest In them ; search the leaves , pull up
the beets and search the roots and the top
layer of tlio soil , nnd vthcn any marauder is
found send It to the cxpcilment btatlou for
study and identillcatioii ,
Directions for scndint' such specimens I
copy from bulletin XIV , on "Inserts Injurious
to Young Trees on Tree Claims , " just Issued.
"Whenever possible insect ) should bo
packed allvo 111 so mo tij-ht tin box the
lighter the better , as nlr liolei aionotneedeil
iilongwltha supply of their appropriate
food sufficient to list them on the Journey ;
otlierwisu they generally dlo on the road and
shrivel up.
"Sendtis full an account ns possible of the
Inibtts of the insects ; what naitof the plant
It Infests , tiinu of the day when it Is most
active , amount of damage done , etc.
"I'acltaKOsshould bomaiked uith the iiamo
of the sfiiderandshould boadda-ssed to the
entomologist of the agricuturnl cxperiincnt
station , Lincoln , Neb. "
It will aid very materially informing con
clusions If all people -\vlio have planted seed
this season will send , trom tlino to time , ro-
poits of the condition of their beets to thoox-
pciimcnt station , \ddro&s
II. II. Uicitoi.sox ,
Agricultural experiment station , Lincoln ,
IN Tltl IMlMiS.
Tliousaiuls Seek rtcliefliVoiii the Heat
of tlie City.
Never wcro the cooling shades and comfortable -
fortablo iitniosplicro of pleasant parks so ap
preciate ! ! by Omaha people us yesterday.
nvorybody divined very early that it was
destined to bo a roaster down town tunong
high building ? ni > d on paved streets , consc-
saiuently all vho could conveniently get
away : \cnt out in search of some pleasant
spot to spend the day , Asa result Hniiscom ,
Sjnditnte , Speed's , Hasc.ill'a , Ruser's and
all the other plcasuio icsorts wore
lillcd nil day with persphlng human
ity , taking life easy and doing
tlielr level best to keep aa cool as possible.
From 9 o'clock until neatly 5 , when watery
looking clouds checked the force of his rays ,
thu sun heat down bard , nnd those so unfor
tunate ns to bo out unprotected against its
force felt the heat severely.
In the pinks , though , where trees sludcd
the glass. It was much nwro delightful , and
the hundreds who went them passed the
tlmo qullo comfortnblv. Another of
tlio Musical Union's Sunday afternoon
conceits wis enjoyed by live or six thousand
iwoiilo nt Hnnscom park. Several hundred
chairs and additional settees have been pro
vided by tlio commissioners , \\hlchfacthad a
wonderfully pleasing effect and inndo the
hours passed there much more restful and
easy. Conductor Irvioo waved his baton
vrecisely nt 2 : IM and the bandphiyoJ "Silver
Truinpots" ] ust as It was played for the
inont festivals of tlio councils at St. Peter's ,
Homo. Uhis was followed with Vcttlo's
' 'Klvul , " by request ; then caino Sangor's
"First Love , " after which Mr , H. Lotz , the
only musician la Oinahn , explained Manager
Moycr , wbo can do It , favored tlio throng
with an excellent cornet solo , "Zaiio do
Nolle. " The balance of the iirogranimo was
comixned of such selections ns "Vo Olden
Times , " a medley of old melodies ; "It Is
God's Design , " a quartette number ; "Aus
trian Kotmit"In live parts ; "Down In tlio
Deep Collar , " a baritone solo ; "Poet and
Peasant , " "The Mill In the Forest , " "Bo
hemian Girl , " and "M'orld's Exposition. "
Mr. J. Siinorwcln dlstlnpuished'hlmself in
tbo Itaritono solo and "Bohemian Girl" was
given for Ben Woods' especial benefit.
Quinsy troubled mo for twenty years ,
Slnco I started using IDr , Tliomas' ' JSIectrlo
Oil , have not had an attack. The Oil curea
sere throat- onco. Mrs. Lctta Conrad ,
Standlsh.Mich. , Oct. 24'S3. ,
.V Former Onialia ainii Commits Sttl-
( idcut Seattle.
A bullet hi the brain lias ended the earthly
farcer of A. D , Blllcr , q former Omaha man ,
Two years ago tlie young man vas conspic
uous about the saloons of the city , serving
flrstlu tliocaiueity of bartender and again
as hanger-on. Later hobecaino nldghroller ,
drove a fast horse , supported a still faster
woman , and in tbo fnll left Omaha dead
brolro. Ho showed up In Salt Lake ,
whcro , In a poker game , ho inudo
a ralsoof$2,00u , and then went to the Mon
tana mines , vhcro for a time ho made money
rapidly und vas considered rich. ' Ho sold
out his property nnd with $3,000 In cash
went to Helena and after a carousal of a week
found himself penniless ,
Killer then drifted to the coast nnd all
traeo of him wai lost until last Friday iiioiu-
Ingwhcn ho walked Into ttio Bcllovuo hotel
at Seattle nnd asked fern room on thoboconct
floor. 'Iho clerk told him all of the second-
floor rooms were engaged , hut tint ho could
give him a good room on the third floor forgl
nor day. Blllcr paid his dollar and asked to
bo snown to the toilet room. Ho en
tered the room and a moment
later a cloud of smoke issued
through tbo door nnd the ropoit of a
revolver startled the minutes of the hou o ,
wbo at oneo rushed to the sreuo , where they
found Blllor lying on the lloor , vlth the bloo'd
spurting from a hole In his ritfht temple and
u revolver clutched in his right hand ,
Death was Instantaneous ,
In searching the body of the dead man. all
that wai found was small memorandum
book'n picket ItnlfO , a door key , a llaslt of
wlilslcy nuddl cents inclumgo.
The iniiuost dtnelopc.l . 110 new facts , nnd n
verdict oi picmeditatcil suicide was rendered.
Prom "Onortho Vive. "
lUitnts-ox , Neb. , Julv llTotbo Editor of
TnuTJiii : : Vou have been misled in stating
in your Issue of the 10th thit " 0.V , Hester
lobbied among flvo U'onii'ii tObccuro their
votes to elect hi in to the oftleo of district
school ( rcasurer. " Mr. Hosier novcr sought
tlie oftlca , nor did he or any oj'hls friends
solicit votes ou his behalf. Tlio fact is the
adalrs of "district No. 7 hnvo been admlnls-
U'rcd in so loose and careless a manner it has
entailed u loss of several hundred dollars
upon the district. hm refused
to give any account of thuir stownrdsblp.
Thu hnv innkea the mother ) equals with the
fathers nnd should make tboni the superiors
of buchelow in cduciitioual matters , and so
these flvo mothers , availing themselves of
their privileges , did as it was their right and
duty to do and voted for an honest nnd
capable gentleman , trusting by this means to
dupplyat least a partial remedy for the evil
souu. Nor will they b deterred hereafter
from doing their duty In protecting their
rights and the rights of their children , re-
Kardlcm of the slurs of the puny souls tha }
sneer at them. or THE TTivn WOMEN.
Sivl cliiiieu Spniid tlio Day itt \Vnter-
loo-Tlio ilntcliers' Out Ing.
The switchmen's ' picnic at Waterloo yes
terday was one cent Inuous round of pleasure.
The morning train was late In leaving the
depot , but when It did go It bore away six
teen conches loaded with switchmen ,
tlielr wives , sweethearts nnd any num
ber of city pcoplo who grasped
the opportunity of getting out Into the coun
try , nvuy from the sweltering bent of the
city. A. run of tin hour brought Iho excur
sionists to the cool shade along tl.o Klkhorn
river , where the day was spent In boating ,
pluyinf ? ball , svlnginj ; nnd indulging In ath
letic spoils. The dinner was ono of the
basket iiflilrs , and wns hnngely enjoyed ,
as itwas pui taken of under the
trees along the bimlt of the river. The An
cient Order of Hibernians' ' band accompan
ied tin ) excursionists nnd furnished muslo nt
Intervals during the day. Hoturninj. ' , the
train arrived in the city at 10:30 : hut night.
Thu I ! tit cliers.
There were few butcher * la Omha and
South Omaha \\lio failed to take ud.iy's outIng -
Ing yesterday. The occasion was the butch
ers' annual picnic , and wns held nt
Arlington. At 9 o'clock yesterday morn
ing two heavily loaded trains steamed
out from the "NVobstcr street depot. The rldo
was a delightful one , and notwithstanding
the oppressive beat , the dav was one of en
joyment , M it was spent m boating on the
lake , plaj Ing ball and swinging. Not an ac
cident occurred to mar the pleasure of the
trip , and after partaking of an elegant and
substantial lunch , the excursion Ists returned ,
reaching the city just before midnight.
SOU11I . ? / . ! If , I XEWS.
' IMcnlc.
Tlio following are the members of tlie com
mittee on general nrratigctncnts for the union
plonk ) to bo given nt Plattsmouth on .August
3 : Court Kclipso , No. 107 , of Omaha , J. 15.
Oustls , Sylvester IlyerlyimdS. Martinowich ;
Court Magic City , No. 1(13 ( , of South Omaha ,
George .I.SelUer , Jnd go Patrick J. King and
Uhnilcs Singer : Court Tcutonia , .No. li'5 ' ,
of South Oinahn , Martin Spcuttor , Her
man IVeiiMc nnd II. Hcyinau :
Court I'rokop Velliy , No. JJOU , of
South Oinaba , Voclar I'lvonkn , Joseph
Ilrown iind James Jnrnish ; Court Oato City ,
No.OTl , of Oinahn , M. Carroll , James Bros-
Inn and J , M. linldiviu ; Couit Nebraska. IN'O.
21(5. of Omaha , John Simunck , .Albert ICuca
nnd Frank BoukahCourtaSkamlla , Ko. ii''O ,
of South Omahn , Ncls A. Liundtrrcn , John A.
NcUon and Kdward Peterson , The lliial
meeting of the commlttco to complete
arrangements will bo hold in Metis's hall ,
Omaha , Sunday , July ifi , at2 o'clock.
Entitled totJioHest.
.All ni-o entitled to the best that their money
will buy , so o\'cry family should have , nt
once , u bottle of the best family remedy ,
Syrup of ITisrs , to cleanse the system when
costive or bilious. ITorsnlolti COo and Sl.OJ
bottles by all leading druggists.
A Stranger's Illiiff.
There wcro u dozen of ua in a smoking1
cm on the Luke Krio fc AVestcm during
the closing daysof the last presidential
campaign , and , of course , wo compared
notes , Bays a writer in tlio Now x ork
Sun."Gentlemen , " said a Kow Jersey
banker , "I'll ' bet 520,000 , on Harrison. "
"Riglit now ? " asked u mini wlio came
forward all of a ouddon , having' un old
unrpotbii'r in his hand.
"Y yes , sir. "
"P. y. w , , which means produce your
wad , " said tlio utrangers and opening
his carpet bagho took out a roll of bills
asbigaa your leg1.
"That is , I will bet $20.000 that he gets
tlio popular vote , " said , the hanker.
" ( J. u. w. t. i' . , wliieh moans come down
with the rhino , " replied the stranger ,
as ho lished for his boodle again.
" 1 I haven't got $20,000 with mo , but
I'll see you later. "
"Exactly.Any olthorestof you gen
tlemen anj thing to say ? "
"I hank on Cleveland , " remarked ono.
UU. m. d. y. b , , which mqnns iiow
much do you bankV" as | < ed tlio stranger
as ho waved his wnd on high.
"Oh , I don't care to hot"
"Does any ono else ? "
No ono did , nnd ho took up his carpetbag -
bag nnd retreated into tlio next car. I
found him thcro au hour later and asked :
"Wero you betting or Mulling ? "
"Here's the roll untTyou ftm jndgo for
yourself , " lie replied as ho-tool ; It out.
I tun tolling you straight \yhoii I say
tliat ho had $23 in bills wrapped arouncl
an old pleco of canvas not a dollar
"I hain't got no aristocratic blood in
rno , " ho said as ho put tlio roll away
nguin , "and I hain't purtynor smart.
Per these reasons I ginorally travel with
tin ollset , which is tlio same as this , 'C. a.
s , in. t'which ' means cojno nnd see mo
with anything in the shape of abet.
ItBinporloroxccllon'oproTCn tnmllllons of hornci
for innro than n quiirtrrof a century. U I * mod IT
tlio UnltcMl Htntii Covorninent , Kmlowil by tha
liendi of tlio Krrat iinlruriltles ni the Htroniru t ,
1'iircit niul Moitlloallhf ill. Dr. l'rico' Crunni link-
ln l'iitrlcriloanot contain uminonlii.llmo or u Him.
Solil only In mm.
.NuvVorlc , Chicago. BJU I'rnocUco , St. Louis
Perkins , Batch
Lauman ,
\Vc have the finest assortment O
en T
* - sortment of Wares in P
CO the west , and 3
s ( D
03C Bottom Prices
( D
Sec Us Before You Buy.
Crockery and Glassware.
1614 Farnam Street ,
> r 1
Do not he Imposed eri by ny of the numerous
Imitations , lubstltalce , etc. , wliich nro flooding
the votla. There la only ono Svlft's BpecUc ,
and Ihcro It nothing llko It Our remedy ecu-
tain no Blcrcury , Potash , .Ancnlc , or nny jxils-
onoo ! tabibnco vliatcrcr. It builds up Iho gen-
cml health from Hie Cist dose , ti il has never
foiled to cndlcnto c JiiUgtou blood polton and
Its effects from the ey Ura. Ito euro to get the
gonnlno. Send four odilrce ) for our Treatise on
Blood and Skin Ulicnfcs , vhlch will lw mnlhl
free. SfflPT SPECIFIC CO .A Hirt rj .
10 SI" ? nillousncss. Sick Dcurtnclio , Constlpntlon.
Malaria , l.lvcr Corrplnlr.ts , tnko iho sola
and certain remedy , SMITH'S
U80lhoSMAI TBtZI(4O ! ( lltllo tcnnstoChobot *
tie ) . They arc tlio moat convenient ! suit all ngea.
I'llcoofoltltiBlza , 25 ccnu per bottlo.
KISSIMdTnt 7 > 17' 70 : I'1' .
' * * panelbUoof tlaa piuuro for 4
ccnta ( coppers or Etauj ( is ) .
J. F. BMITH ft CO .
Makers cf "Hllo Ilenns , Su touls , Ho.
Drs ,
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists.
TliCtuost vvidi'ly nnd favornblv known sncc-
lalistt In tlio L'littod Slatus. Their lon u\-
licrknco , rutiinrkulile skill iiml unlvorial sue-
ecss In tlui tiinttiicnt. nnil euro of Nervous ,
Chronic and fcnrKlcal I ) soasi-s. entitle thc"o
eminent pliy&leluiis to HIP full conUilcnooof
thoallllclcd uierywhurc. Tliey Kuurnntcui
the nwf nl otl'tvts of curly vlco and the numer-
oiisovH.slliatfollow In Its tialu.
. ' nijd prrmiincntly cnicd ,
OUliintSylold readily to their skillful trcat-
pihEa nsTtrr.A A D HHOTAL ur.cEus
Riiiirniitrcd cured wltliout pnln or detention
ft oin business.
in > nlly jind successfully ourod In every easu.
innlorrlicn , Seminal Wcnknris , LostMiinhnod ,
NlRht Einlsslnns. Decayed I'licultlos , Funulo
Weakness and all ( lollc.itu disorders peculiar
to either sox positively cured , in wellasiill
functional disorders tliat result from youth
ful follies or tlio cvccssof inutuit ) vcais.
sTI 1 ( Tl 1 WI7 OiiHinntoed nrriiuinu n tly
O 1 IV IV I U 1X1 > cured , ruinoid coiniilcto.
without ciiUln ; : . caustic or dllatitlon. OnroB
iilTtctud at homo by patient \vlthout a mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
A TH'F nil ? ! ' Tll ° nwfl11 oflojts of
y-V OUlVl.jJ \ 1\L early vlco which briiiRs
or-'iiilowoaliiie.ssloslrylns ) ( botli mind and
body , vlth all Its dro.ulud ills , pormanvnty
nOC IIPTI'C Addiess these who have Im-
l-M\iJ. I ) 1 ( 1 1 O paired themselves by liu-
propop IndulRencc and solitary liiblls , which
ruin both mind ami liody , unllttlng tlioin for
business , study or mairlaKO.
jMAKUItri ) JIEN or tlio-o ontcrlnson that
hipi : > y life , awuroof physical do'jllity.ijulckly
assisted ,
Is based upon facts. First 1'rnctlonl oxpcrl-
onco. Second E\ory case Ishpoclallystuulcd ,
thus starting rlRht. Third ) lo.liclnos nro
prep'ii'ed In our laboratory ovactly to suit.
ondi cise > , thus oircctlng cures \\ltliout Injury.
Drs. Bctts & Betts ,
Drs. Merrill & Merrill
Chronic , Nerrons , DlooUnml Surulcal dlicntei , nnd
dltoaaci or tbo Kye , Kiir , Nusc , Thruat und Chest.
bpcciul Alt-iition to Di-scaicH ofV < > -
mon nnI Cbllilrnn.
TlioitoctoMlinvohn-1 jcnrs of ciperlonco In tlio
licispltnlj of llruoklTn nnJ New Vork , und nro niuonu
tlio ini ) > tHurc asrulBiiU willolf known Bjjcciullsta In
tills country ,
'loYniini ; nnti Mlrtdlc-Aeod Mon.
UiHt Mnnliooct. Nervoun Ilcbllltr ) , Bpormutorrhfo
Seminal l.oocs. I'hyKlCJl DIM ay , iirlMiiK from IndlM-
crcitlon , ii o < liictns lccili' | "ii < . " ' ! < , < ! ojiomlency | , pirn-
I'lfnontliu ' Incu , iivemlun to nooloty. unslly Uiscour-
nccil , lick orc'ontiapnci'.ilull.untltfurstiiily orbusl-
nt" . Mill tlniN llfea bunioniafulyiurai9nontlr | | anil
ipceclllf curcJ.
ISImul RiidSJc'n ni ( ( i sn .
Byplillli , n dlsciM ) iuoat dreadful In Ua results ,
cumpleioly cradlcaUKI.
Ui > iiiiiiUrlnnry * urir-rv.
Rnnorrluc , ( ilcctBri'liH ' . Hyclrucole , Varlrocolo
nnd btrlpturo rniltoilly nml I'ifoly oiircd without
| I | M ur detention ( mm tmilneis. All Hexuiil Uatcir-
mltles Mil luipocllmoiifcito luarrliigo nucccsafully removed -
All Hoctnl DMo.ncn ifely nnil pormnnently cured.
llouts'.i , HUB | ) .in. snniliiri , lUtlll I ? ,
N. II. 1'otioiiH unnblo ti ) vlilt UH limy ho truntnil nt
Iliolr Immoiliy coriwpomlonco. Mollclno * nnil In.
( Iriictlunx tent t > y urprc > . t'uiiiintiitlonl'reo.
tiuml I cL'nls In ( tan.i' ' ! to Imuro reply ,
iilH Kllux-utn St. , Otiuo.ito LJjyU's
Opera llutiar.1Oinuliii | Nrb.
Pp lllo for HT l rtiw. Wiilnwi.r".UKBUraliU.\Val .
luliuii , Mentnl iHprviilon.lioltonliiirof Ihu Iiratn , r -
lultlnif In In anllr o-iJ lua llnir to lnl > ery dtxar al.l
ileAth , I'Km iar Old AK .U rrunnc ji. Ian o [ I'o er
laclllier t i , ImolunWrr J-oji-un , an.l 8iriimtprrh A
c uiv l l > y oror-exortlo of Iho l > raln , lf Luvo ur
orerladulnnco. tar h box roptalnionemontt'ttrvau
monk 8lftl > oi , or ilk ( or t ) . tent by malUwpnlJ.
\Vltli e rli onlcr for lit boir . vrtll rend purilianr
p < i Rr.t lu lifted wonoj. If tie Irvalnu nt f ili lo
cu „ tl , ' ' - ' I" dBpi'mm ixM tin , rlv
llttrarniintKlroct.Omuliu _ _ , Noli
Buff erlnit from Uu ertccU of youthful errori , enrly
. lncitktifii > , lokt inaiOiuHl. rtc. , I will
trad a vnluiblo trratlM ( wnlrdt containing full
I rtlculani fur homo cure , I'llKli of clmrgn. A
ipleudld medical work : ihoul I l > iraa If.eitrr
It uer on nnd titlillltalrd. Addrcu ,
The Omaha Daily Bee.
THE OMAHA BEE offers n year's sub
scription ofthoclally pnpoi'includlngthoSim-
day Issues delivered nt yournddress and n
complete set of THE AMERICANIZED EN
month. The first five volumes delivered on
payinent of $2.130 nnd the balance payable
$2.BO per month. The other five volumes to
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are entitled to all the advantages of this
great offer.
People living outside of Omaha can nvnil
themsalvcs ofabove liberal offer by having
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Send for descriptive circular.
If you haven't ' time to call and examine
the books telephone number 25jS or send a
postal card to THE BEE nnd our represent -A.
ative will call on you.
J. E , HcG-KEW ,
The Doctor it unsurpassed
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No treatment has c\cr In en
inoro Bucct'HEfnl and none
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mcnt. A euro Is ( junrantei'd In the A cry worst CIIBCS
In from 3toBclnv8\vitimttho ! ( loceof nn hoiir'a time.
- J B who linio lccn
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relieving Iho bladder , pronounce It n mnut wonder-
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pntn , Ina'rnrneiitB or loss of Inno.
Bcxtml or fiiifl
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mo t droajf-jl rcsnlle nro nnsolntvly cured.
S cnred
InstnimcMitB. A wonderful rcmidy. IIOUH8 for
latllM from 2 to 4 _ OXLY.
end nil Dltcasffl ofthc Skin ,
Hlnoil , Heart , I.hir. Kid-
nt'jo nnd Itlailder ( tired.
Cured In SO.totO dove. The
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A Wrllten Guarantee lo
Our euro Is | imimii < nt
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Cn eHlrcnt 1llrucui8itiu
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fully vo cnn tient jou by
mail , unit \v o glo tlio f nmu
flronti guaraiilco to cunt or
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hero Ifa fall to euro. Wo
ChnllcnRO tlioAVoild fora
rare thntocr.MAOlU IIDM-
EUVvlll not cure. Vrlts
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ttioc Uencc , Wo know tliat
> ou io Kkcptli-ol , Justly to
too , AS thu mot cintndit
I'll ' llan3ha\o uevtr btcn
Qblo l < m-
pornrjrielUf. Incur flo
jcaiV practlco vith thld
born most dinic'iilt to cicr.
coniclho i > irjiulUran aliiKt
all i-o-ciUlocUpeciflcs. liut
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nu clianrti ( > C lovInK 3 our tntklnit uf 1300,000 , It
tntltg. l IK fleetly i fu to nit Iio
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foieyou hine kin imttlnx up
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though you nionot jet cured no
one lias paid Lnclo our money.
Do not vanto any inoio nionuy
until you try us , OU chronic ,
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Jituo cuuilvlio liavoptvcn JKT *
lon la nfcr to limn , It
> U you only potitago to do
. . J l It vlll have jou a woild of
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nonce llryourfyniioiii | ( nruiiorothroutmucoimiutih-
M In inoutli , i IK unallnii In bonce an I johiti , Inlr fill-
Inj out , mi ) > llonaonanxiart | of tlictodj , fi-cllnfof
C nt'raldcpreMiton.pilnHln head orl > oiuH , > oii have
no t line to v ofte. Tl > o > < u vliourcconhtantlytAKInffmcr'
tunr nml pctiu.h fliouM dlirnntlnuo It. Conrtnnt u o
fJlltoviHo. All corrcniondtnco font icnlid In plain
cuclo [ ff. AVe InTlto thotno tilc'ldlniet.tlcatlonnnd
v 11 t'a all In our jioncr lo aid 5011 In It. AiWnn ,
COUK KUUJZDY CO. , Oiniiliii , yrttraslm.
For Nervous Debility
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A Bpccd ? and pcrnmm'nt CUD. TlioiiHonda cif rn ei
cured Mthimt n fnlliiro. f lanil li boxcj. jl curoi
mllU ta a : fiouro olnlln'itepniM.
COOK KK.MKIIV CO. . Omolm , .Vcb.
13th and Uodpo Streota.
KAIl.t li oporalei to quitlly tad villh iiieh erf
laiuty that tA pttlent uudercoe * no lueoDvonlencc.
and era h la uware , hi * compliie reformation u
rflncitd. 18 page book of partlouliri Irot TotwhrJol
KUJ1M & c6. . J6lh ft DougUn , tt 1Mb i. Uumlnr blV.
pj-Tr Je.pplitd br UL.1KE. IIUUCE U CO Jalli
XuCUAitPiloif fiUUU CO. Om L ,
Brent Slimmer Bargain
-v >
Jewelers and Silversmiths ,
Bargains in Bargains in Watches.
Nlrkel n.ntflios from f..WHipivnrcts.
Silver Miitchei frotit f , * > tipnirM. ;
. l.ttlius'icolilvatclio4 lioin $15 itpwnrdi ,
Ucntlemcn'aKOliIntches from $ . ' 6 UMVnr.l | ) .
ninmoncl rlncs from ! 2&0 tipmirds. Bargains in Jcwclcry.
Illuiuonil rollar buttons from (3 tiinv '
Dhinioiul iciirf plus frnin 5llpw llrls Wo carry u full line of'jcwulory Inolildln
IHiunonil ciiII billions fromtO UinrnrUj | , botli solid Koltl nil line nilluil plito rlrm ,
Illnmoiul tliid from } 7..r > U uimurdi , pint , carrliiKs luckutH , cluiliu , bntcelutt ,
Dliiiuund lace pica from IlUupwnrd * . necklncc i outr and rollitr buttonM , ( to. Ar-
Dlr.iiioiid onr iln/tsfromHSupwnril / . tlclus ncliiiilly worlliil wo sellnt Mo to T.'ic ,
IllnuioiKl liniciilots from fl.1 upwnnls. iiml nil other Kooilsoru hold at tlio name pro
Dlniuoiiil ponilnnts fri > ui 2.iiipwnnl . portion. Hoe our iLutr nlndonj. Bed our
Dlumuuil ncciflucoii froiu fuO upnnrda ices ,
Watches , Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
at Reasonable Prices.
Greatly Reduced Prices en Silverware , Clocks , Lamps ,
Umbrellas , Optical Goods , Etc.
Grand Lottery of Juarez *
Under the Management of the Mexican International Banking Co" . , Concessionaries.
Will tnlto plnco In nnblln nt tlio OIl'Y 0" .TIIAUKZ ( formerly P.iso ( lot Norto ) ,
WEDNESDAY , JULY 23d , 1890.
Under tlie personal supervision ol GEN , JOHN S , 510SBY , and MR.OA.MILO
the former a Rontlcman of such prominence In tlio United States Unit Ills prcsonoo uloni l
sufflelontirunrnntco to tlio public that tlio drawings will be hold with strict bouotty unU fiilr-
ness to nil , and tlio latter ( tlio Supervisor of the Muxiona QovornmuuO Is of ; equal stundlag
und Integrity ,
Only 6OOOO Tickets ! Only 6OOOO TicketsI ,
OF * PRIZES. . ,
1 Trizc of $60,000 , $60,000 , 100 Prlroj of Approximation I W oncli Prizes.
i . 'rlzcof 10 ( X ) 10,000 100 Prlios of M each
, 100 I'rlios of 55 onch. .
1 Prize of
D 1'llic. of . a.UX ) Terminal Prlzoa.
l.UXI ' of $ W each. . . . . III.998
10 l'rlri' uf ax ) csch 2.i > i 6KiTerralnnls ! to MttVJ I'rlzo
M I'rlzei of 1UU ench t JU WJ Tcrialnili to IW.IWJ 1'rlio of I1U euoU ,
ItO I'rlzcsof bC each MM
1M1'rlzcJ of MJcacll TWO 1014 Prizes amounting to $125,070 ,
Wo the undersigned hereby certify thit the Ilnnco If ooy tlckot drawln-zaprlto M nent to I
Naclonol of Mexico In Chlluiahuti liai on dopoilt llKHO-1 - , 111 face value "III be ciillt'Ctod and I
from the Mcilran International Hanking Corapimr , to thu owner tu rnof free or rlrir o.
the nccesiary fundi to guarantee the payment of all KIKJUI It. HllUNSOy , ' ,
. Kl I'.i'o National llnnlt , Rl 1'uo.Toc
the prlzei drawn In tlio Utand I/Jttcry of Juarez. rrcsldcnt . .
Wo further certify Hint wo will u pert Iso all the ar AGUNTS WANTiaiJ.
rangements , and In person manure nntl control all Forclubratoi.or nnr other Informntlon , wrll Mk-
theUnwinds of this lottery , and that thniamo are the undoraliincd. utitlnj your nddre4j tlo.irly , wlthf
conducted with honesty , ( iilrntu and In good filtU Htnie , County , Utroot nnd Number. Mire ) rnpM mall
towards all parties. il llTery wilt bo > Mirnl by your enclosing iineuvol *
JOI-IK B. MOSI3Y. Commissioner. opo lioarlnj your full addrois. _ .
Bupcrvlsor for tlio Oovorumont City of Juurwi
Send remittances fur tlokoti by orillnnry Icttor.coiitiilnlnK Mnnoy Oraai
Ishiied by nil Kxprfns Companies , New Yorlc Exohimso , Hank I > ruftorlo
Note. Address nil registered letters to
Olty of Juarez. Mexico , via El Paao , Tex.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical
For the treatment of allCIirtOMIO AND BURDlaATj DISRABHS Hii' < , Appllnnrei for n formltl i , nfl
Trtiuef. lUtt Kucllltl i , At arotusand Hetnedl0 for auccusaful treatment of erury formof dlitaia r4
qulrll > K IedlcaU > rHurKlu l Treatment. NINKTV HOO.Ma KOH I'ATIENTH , lloafl mnd atUndnnce. Uti )
Accouiniodutlunii Weal , NVrlto for circular ! on Iefemltl6i and Ilracti , Triinni , Club r'rut ,
Hpln , I'llot , Tuuor > , Cancer , L'utarrli , Ilromliltli , Inhalatloo , Klfctrlclty , I'lirnlyili , Kpllrprr , Kldo
liladder , Ky . llnr. Hklnand lllnnd.und nlliiirnloal opornllgni. DIHIIiHKa OK WOMK.Va uppclnlty ,
of Illioaii'i \VoU3ii Tree , Wo lia lately inldod a I.r Ink"In Department for lnlonl1urln C lnnaemeu :
( Btrlctlf I'rlrnte ) Only llellablc Medical Institute rnaklnz a upoelalty of I'HIVA'fK D1SKAHKH.
All Ulood Dlarnaus luccatifully trt'ntfd. Hrplillltlo tioliun riniorcd from tli yalcin without merourn
New IIOatoratl oTrr tmcnt for I-ouof Vltnl 1'uwej. ( 'artlei unalilnto vltltua may be troalcd at aoma DJ
correip jodenro. All communication * conttdontlnl. llcdlrln * 'or Inilruinunti avnt by mall or expreii. iu/
tur l ; parked , nomarki to Indicate rnnttnla or Kinder. Ono pcrtonnllntoMlnw preferred. Call andcomall
ui or lend l.litory of yu'ir cni nd we will aond In pUIn wrapper our HOOK T0 MKN Htin , upon 1'rtTttli
Bpeolil or Her out Dlacitca , liupotency , Byphllli , Uloet and V rl < ocele , vlth quotilun Hit. Addroai if.
Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Corner Oth and Harney Ste. , QQ3 J0 , Neb , .