Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1890, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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Prlccn Cut on Our Ktitlro Stock Com-
inriicliiu Montlayi
Monday , July 14 , Kuntlcr ft Harris ,
1620 Douglas street , Omaha's lowest
price reliable shoo dealers will com
mence tlioir great stock reducing sale
which will give Iho public nn opportu
nity of purchasing honest inudo uhocs
ana slippers at 11 great saving ,
Wo must have room for our largo fall
stock whlHi will soon arrive.
Ladles' Oxford HUH , patent leather
tips , hand turned bole and Mile leather
heel stllToncrs , everybody's price $1.2o ,
our cut price for this sale 8 > c. ,
Ladles' Oxford tics , genuine dongola
kid , linnd turned solo , would-be compet
itors' price 81.76 , ourcut price this sale
only $1.15.
Ladles' fine Oxford tics bold ohowhcrc
nt $12 , our pricu S1.4" > .
All of our ladles' $2.CO Oxford tics will
no aHUW.
Our Sit Oxford tics cut to J2.-J5.
OurSa.oO ami $4 Oxford ties will bo
Chlldron'H Oxford tics , fixes 8 to 11
patent leather tips , sold everywhere at
fcl.lM , our special price fiiVj.
04 pair ladles' genuine hand turn
shoes , ni/.cs 2i to 4 bought at a great &ac-
riflco , our Hpeclal price for this sale
$1.45. Only ono pair to each customer.
Ladles" front lace ( shoes , Now York city
make , genuine hand welt , very stylish ,
regular price $4 , our Hjieelal nrleo for a
few days only $2. Do.
Ladles' front luco shoes , Rochester
make , gc-nuino hand turn solo , regular
price $ o.OO , our special price for this sale
only $ ; ) .0o.
Ladles' genuine- hand welt shoes , New
York city make , opera or common sense
fctylcg , regular price $4 , our cut price
Ladles' $4 genuine hand turn dongoln
Elmo's ' wo offer for a few days to reduce
block at $ J.W5. !
Ladles' $3.00 genuine dongola button
elic-cH cut to Sl.j. !
Mines' genuine dongola and morocco
shoes' ' , solo leather heel stiffness , sizes 11
to li , everybody's iirlcodl.To to & 2 , our
special cut price $1.35 ,
Children's genuine dongola button
shoes , worked button holes , spring heels ,
sixes fi-8 75 c , 8-1 1 Doc.
Baby shoes ir c , 20c , 2oc , 30c , 35c , 40c ,
4Cc , CUc , 55e , OOc , Gee , "Oo , "oc.
Boys' A , ealf seamless button shoes ,
worked button holes , sizes 11 to 2 $1.05 ,
sizes 2i to 5J 81.4.5.
Men's A , ealf and lace shoes
regular price $2 , now $1.45.
Men's A , calf congress and lace shoes ,
regular price $2.50 , now $1.83.
Men's genuine calf ( shoes congress and
lace regular price $3 , now $2.2o.
Men's genuine hand volt congres and
lacq shoes regular price $1.00 , now $2.95 ,
bettor grade , former price $1.50 , now
Men's genuine dongola shoes suitable.
for hot wealliur , former price $3.50 , now
Men's Oxford ties , southern lies , ten
nis shoes , wigwams , low shoes and slip
pers of all kinds at eut prices.
This cut price is general and includes
everything In our line from the lowest
price baby shoo to the llnest shoo suit
able for ladles' , gentlemen , misses' or
children's wear.
It will bo a mistake to buy anything
In the line of shoes before seeing our
goods and getting our prices.
Call and sco for yourselves.
1520 DOUGLAS ST. ,
25 per cent olT on all russclt shoes for
Monday only. A. D. MOUSE ,
14th and Parnam.
111(1 ( Cut ii Cnhlnvt Photograph
Pluhh frames worth Sl.OO at 35c.
Plush frames worth $1.25 at 4e. ( )
Oxidized silver frames worth $1.50
at Me.
Solid oak frames worth $1.25 at 40e.
A. IIosi'K , 1513 Douglas st.
Knr tii Advance.
The Chicago & Northwestern with its
4:30 : p. in. and ! ) :20 : p. in. vestibule llyers ,
with sleepers , diners and free parlor
cars direct from theU. . P. depot Omaha
to Chicago. Four passenger trains each
way dally. City office , 1401 Farnam St.
Depot , 10th and Mnroy Sis.
Go to the only first class gallery in
the city. Our line cabinets only § 1 a
dozen. Kclm ft Moltz. 1312 Farnam st.
Through coaches Pullman palace
Bleepors , dining cars , frco reclining ehulr
cars to Chicago and intervening points
via the great Rook Island roulo. Ticket
.olllco 1002 , Sixteenth and Furnam.
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council BlulTs , DCS Molnes and
Chicago business is the Rocl ; Island
vestibule limited , leaving Omaha at 4:15 :
p. in. daily. Ticket olllco 1J02 ( , Sixteenth
and Farnam sts. , Omaha.
Auction. Puniitiir.5 Auction.
1218 Sherman avenue , Monday , July
14 , at 1:30 : , a nice lot of furniture , car
pets and household goods , folding bed ,
gasoline Move , line neater , White sow
ing machine ; all nice goods ; come early.
K. WKI.I.S , Auctioneer.
Huylor's candies just received at Kins-
Old Typo \vlt"i H History.
A few days ago a lot of typo was
plowed up in a Held at Ephrata on
ground of the historic Seventh day
Baptist society , Bays the Philadelphia
Inquirer. The press on which the typo
was used is now in Philadelphia , in pos
session of Hit ) stale historical soeloly. II
was the second press sot up In the col
ony of , Pennsylvania. It was obtained
by the society at Ephrata in 1742 , and
for iv half century thereafter was in ac
tive operation.
Besides the celebrated "Book of Mar
tyrs , " which was printed on this primi
tive press , over forty other publications
nro known to luivo been issued. A largo
amount of continental money was also
hero shortly afler congress ad-
ourned from Lancaster to York in 1777.
Among the publications was an edi
tion of the now testament. Three wagon
loads of printed sheets of these were
seized to make cartridges for the conti
nental army , and at the battle of CJ or-
nmntown and Brandywlno the curious
spoetuclo was presented of the bible be
ing utilized by the patriots to beat the
The old press was worked by the
brethren of Iho cloister until 170.r > . The
typo that has Just been found must
therefore hnvo boon burled almost a cen
tury ago. Notwithstanding this long
disuse and exposure it is in a good state
If ) of preservation , the lettering being
quite distinct and corresponding to the
Imprint on jminy o ( the old books yet
ut Lancaster.
Thousands of Dollars Given Away at Our
Qrcat Clearance Sale ,
InimciiNO Stookn In All Departments
Will Ho Haerlllecil I'roll'H ' ami
Competition Aiiiithiln'fMl Ti-c-
IIICIHIOIIH lllU-J'llllM ( ,
Our entire stock of whlto goods.1ms
been divided in two lots.
LOT 1 AT oc.
includes all check nainsook ? , striped ,
checked and Inco Mriped whlto goods
that have been selling up to 12jc. To
morrow oc yard.LOT
LOT 2 AT lc. )
Includes our very finest imported and
domestic white goods in plaids , stripes
and two toned laeo effects ! . Goods that
have been selling at 2oc , liGc and 50c go
tomorrow at Oc.
All our 2oc plain black and newest
shades of solid colored fcatecns go to
morrow at ! ) c.
Your cliolco of the finest Imported
black sateen and t'ronch sateens In the
newest designs and figures worth up to
50c go tomorrow at lllc.
Tomorrow wo will offer 4SO pieces of
drcns goods that have been Felling at 60c ,
OOc and 75c at 2c ! ) , including 40-inch
hcnrlotta , brilliaatincs , summer flannels ,
elm-lots , nun's veiling and imported
novelties in French weave. ? .
Tomorrow wo will make a great effort
to close out our stock of summer fans.
Wo have divided them in lots at le , 2c ,
4c , ( ic , lOc and 2oc. They are worth four
nnd live times the price.
Our entire stock of ladies' and misses'
line summer waists , that wo have been
selling at 7Cc and 9Sc , go tomorrow at
See.Our fine black and navy blue ladles'
blouse waists , that have been belling for
$1.2-5 , go tomorrow for-toe.
Our finest imported French flannel
silk striped blouse waists at OSc.
Our entire slock of ladles' colored silk
jersey milts that have been selling at
2-jc and COc tomorrow at 12jc.
Our fine black all silk joi'aey mills that
have been OOc now 2oc.
All our very finest imported silk mills
that have been 7fic at 3oc.
Just arrived from Now York auction
160 dozen ladies' fine English sateen cor
sets in black , whlto , cream , pink and
light blue that have never before been
sold at loss than SI , tomorrow at 40c.
Ladies' line liblo thread linportefl
Swiss ribbed vesls , 12c. They are ele
gant goods , trimmed with silk ribbon
through neck and arms , worth fully COc.
Ladies' tlno silk trimmed and silk em
broidered jersey ribbed vests at 15c.
Our very finest imported pure lisle
thread vests at 2oc , worth $1.25.
114S. 10th si.
Iluyler's candles just received at Kins-
For a few days wo will sell our 84 C. S.
and opera cur kid shoes for half price ,
and rusbol shoes from 75c to $4.
14lh and Farnam.
Snm'l Burns says as you go down
street see that "King Charles" ware in
front window ; three casks just received.
Sold in odd pieces or course sets us do-
For HrirKaitis In IMnnos
Go to McBride & Co. , successors to Al
fred Molnborg Co. , 1514 Dodge.
At Clitiutau < | iin.
Council Blulfs ,
Sunday , 3 p. in. , July 13th ,
Hov. P. S. Jlctifcoti , D. D.
To got there : Leave Omaha nt 1
o'clock via Bridge motor line , connect
ing with the C. , M. & St. Paul Ry. , leav
ing Main slroel depot , Council Bluffs , at
1:50 : p. ID. .
Round tvip tickets on enlo at Union
ticket office.
1601 Farnam st. , Omaha.
1C02. Sixteenth and Fnrnam streets is
the new Rock Island ticket office. Tick
ets to till points east at lowest rates.
Try Schoolply's $ .1 Shoes ,
1415 Douglas street.
To Our Ice Customers.
Having this day sold our ice business
to the Crystal Ice Co. , our former patrons
will bo supplied by them at the same ruto
as the Crystal Ice Co. furnishes ice lo
their old customers.
Lecture ,
A free lecture by Prof. J. E. Rumsburg
nt Germania hall , 19th and "llarnoy ,
Monday , July 14 , at 8 o'clock p. in.
Subject : "FallsClaims. "
A HcslUctit of Yorkvlllo Strays Down
Town and Gets Ijost.
A Tippernry goat , that danced and
gamboled on the green hills of York-
ville , got loose ono day last week and
wandered down town lo Union square ,
says Iho Now York Morning Journal ,
There Us eyes were dazzled by Hie cos-
tumosof Iho actors on the Ri alto. The
simple goat left behind the celebrated
Hamlets and Macbolhs and wandered
further down town. It lost Its way and
at last It wandered bewildered into JJott
When it saw the Chinamen with their
almond eyes- and pigtails it was fright
ened almost out of its wits nnd wished it
were back in Yorkvllle.
Sonio Chlnamon caught the goat and
carried it through an alleyway into a
rear court. Ono of Iho many Chinese
holidays was til hand , and they thought
they would slaughter it , with Iho many
nigs nnd ducks which thoyjluid collecled ,
for a holiday feast.
When the Chinamen tied the goat in
the back vurd it was sorrier than ever
lhat it had left home. It would have
given anything to get back to York
The goat couldn't understand the
Chinamen , for it spoke nothing but
Irish. It found out , however , that the
Chinamen Inlondcd to kill it. Being nn
Irish goat It sot its head to work to cir
cumvent them. Thursday afternoon ,
alter many experiments , 'it broke its
halter and escaped Into Molt street.
The fugitive goat started down the
btreet on nimble feet at full speed. It
noticed an open passageway leading to
William Cleary's blacksmith shop , No ,
31 Molt blreol. It bounded through
this passageway and stood at the forgo.
Blacksmith Clcary bowed to the goat
and the goal bowed to Blacksmith
Cleary. The honest blacksmith gave
the fugitive a biiug stall in his etablo
and advertised in the newspapers for the
The goat , in a bland good humor , was
eating a bran dinner yesterday , with a
playbill for deserl. No owner had yet
como to claim it. But it seemed de
lighted ut having escaped from the
Retting the Prices on Groceries.
Very best country butter 7c , 8c , lOo ,
12c } ; best creamery , loc ; boneless hams ,
lOc ; picnic hums , 7c ; sugar cured hams ,
lie ; dried beef , Die : brick cheese , 125c ;
full cream cheese , ' 12jc ; best ! I-X soda
crackers , 5c ; mustard sardines , ic ( ) ; oil
sardines , 5c ; very test Columbia liver nal-
inon,12Jc-lbcnnbestCal. ; ! ! apricots , 12jc ;
Mb can bestCal. green gage plums , 12Jc ;
3-lb can Cal. egg plums , I2jc ; i'J-lb can
Cal. damsel plums , 12Jc ; kiln dried
rolled oats , 2Jc ; Minneapolis best super
lative Hour , $1.8o ; Miowllnko Hour , $1.
Wo sell the best tea for the least
money in the city. You cannot dupli
cate these prices for those grades of tea.
Sun dried Jap lea 17c } , lc ! , 2.5c , 2.jc,20c ,
! ilc ! nnd : ioo. Basket fired Jap tea ! lc ,
4l5c , 47c , oOc and OOc. English breakfas-t
40c , 4oo , fiOc and GOi1. Gunpowder tea
600(0750. ( If you will take tno trouble
to try these teas you will bo convinced
they arc the best'value ever received.
21 Ibs sugar for $1. The best preserved
red or black rjispborrics 17jo a can ,
worth 'We. J3ost preserved strawberries
17ica can. Wo have much cheaper
goods , but these nro the finest packed.
The No. 2 western washer for $4.50 and
the superior clothes wringer for $1.50 ,
folding camp chairs lOc , carpet sweepers
$1.2. ) , copper bottom wash boilers 69c ,
milk pans le , pudding pans le ,
nio tins Ic , dippers 2c , extra
largo dippers Co , glass sugar bowls
6c. butter dishes fie , spoon holders Co ,
nnd creamers 5e , } gal. water pitcher
3oc , sauce dishes 0 for lOc , jolllo glasses
Soopor doz. , porcelain lined Iron pots
ana kettles 2oc up to 75c , garden hodoOc
per foot , scrub brushes lOc , steve brushes
lOc , flint tumblers 2o each , pieklo jars
lOc , milk crocks fie , coffee and tea pots
lOc. Rockinghnm tea pots lee up to 50c ,
wash tubs 5oc , wash boards 15c , covered
tin pails 6c , Gc , 8c and lOc each , 12-n.uart
water buckets ICc , wire screen 15c per
square foot , imported Majolica
candle sticks lOc , worth 60 ; wash bowl
and pitchers 85c , chambers COc , soap
slops , ac. Mrs. Potts' and Mine. Slrcet-
er's patent Hat irons , 3 irons , handle nnd
stand for $1.50 ; hnvo always been nnd
are still being sold everywhere for $2.75.
Common Hat irons , 75c per set. The gem
polisher. 2oc. Towel racks lOc , and a
collce mill that will grind and pulverize
coffee and all kinds of spices for 43c.
Can bo fastened on the wall or table.
Rime lee per pound. Perforated chair
seals. 8c. Shelf paper , He per bundle ,
all colors. 12 different styles of terra
cotta cuspidors at 2oo each , worth $1.00.
Dry Goods and Groceries.
Iluyler's candies just received at Kins-
lor's ,
To "West Point Sunday , July 2Otli ,
Under the auspices of the Omaha and
West Point Turner societies. Train
leaves Missouri Pacific depot , 15lh and
"VVobstor , at 8 o'clock a. m. sharp. The
picnic park is ono of the best grounds in
Nebraska. There will bo a grand ball ,
good music , glass ball 'shooting , an ex
hibition of the champion class turners of
Nebraska , boat rides on the river and
other entertainments. Price for trip $2.
The ruinous Mountain of Iron Has
Ceased to 1)3 JL'rmluo Ive.
The celebrated Pilot Knob mines have
been worked since 1840 , and during the
years intervening to the present time
have produced u.i almost fabulous
amount of ore , says the St. Louis Re
public. The mines reached their zenith
in 1SS4 , when they produced 200,000
tons. This output wan continued for
aboul three years , when it began rap
idly falling oil , and two years ago the
Vulcan works , whoso capacity U 15,000
tons per month , wore closed for want of
sufficient ore. The company continued
to prospect , however , feeling confident
that it would soon strike another pay
ing vein. The prospecting failed lo de
velop a vein , and as a last resort the
company sunk another shaft MO feet
deep , the expense of which was enor
mous. This failed also , and the conclu
sion was forced upon the company that
the "mountain of iron" was exhausted.
Prospecting was continued , however ,
but very quietly , until a vein was struck
near the surface. This vein was noth
ing like the original vein , however , the
output being only seven cars daily. The
mines were ouietly stripped of all Iho
machinery , and scarcely any of it Is to
bo found there at Ihis lime.
The furnaces and forges were built in
1847 by the Pilot Knob Iron company
and in 18o8 wore acquired by Choutenu ,
Harrison & Valle. Before Iho Iron
Mountain railroad was completed to this
point the output had to bo carried over
the O/.ark mountains to Ste. Genevieve ,
Mo. It finally ctuno into the posses
sion of Iho St. Louis ore and sleel com
Tlio location of the mine is historically
interesting , as it was one of the worst
nests of bushwhackers developed by the
war. It was at Pilot Knob that Ulysses
S. Grant received his commission as
general. It was at Pilot Knob that the
United States headquarters for the
northwest wore established. It was at
Pilot Knob thai General Ilardco sur
rendered in 1801 , and It was on this same
spot that the celebrated batllo of Pilot
Knob was fought in September of 18(11. (
And now like the lalos of Iho war , Ihc
erbtwhilo famous "Pilot Knob Mine , '
the supposed Golconda , is a thing of the
past , a shattered stronghold.
Our hand-welt rttssott lace shoos for
only $3.00 this week.
A. D. MORSE , 14th & Farnam.
Tlio AVorld Ho Move.
And bo do the elegantly appointee !
trains of the Burlington route. By Ihis
favorite line , selected by the U. S. gov
ernment lo carry Iho fast mall , you have
the choice of three dally trains foi
Chicago and the east ; two for Kansas
City nnd the south ; Iwo for Denver ant
Iho west.
The Burlington No. 2 Fast Express
vestlbulcd throughout , equipped with
elegant Pullman cars furnished with
woli selected libraries , reclining chah
cars ( seats free ) , and dining car leaves
Omaha 4:30 p. in. , arrives Chicago 8 a.
m. . serving breakfast before arrival.
No. 0 , the fast mull , leaves Omaha
0:10 : p. m. , arrives Chicago 1 p. m. , equip
mcnt and dining car service up to the
highest standard. Ticket olllco , 1223
Farnam st.V. . P. Vaill , agent.
For Ono Week.
. sale Indies'nnd '
Special on gentlemen's
watches. First clnbs goods at low prices
Sitcciul attention to line watch repair
trig. 0. L. Erickson , 200 N 10th , Ma
sonic blk.
Buy your knives , forks and spoons m
C. L.'Krickson's. Lowest prices in Iho
city for llrsl class goods , lloger Bros' ,
genuine knives nnd forks only $1.85 foi
Bel of six. C. L. Erickson , Masonic blk
IGth lit. and Capitol avenue.
Money loaned on diamonds , jewelry
etc. , FrodMohlo , cor. Farnam & IHh.
On n Very Jjow IlnslH.
Round trip tickets to all tourist points
cast ntitl north via the Chicago & North
western Hy. City otllco , 1401 Farnam
St. The fast trains leave dally diicC ;
from the U. P , depot in Omaha.
Will Put Their Kitlro Stock on Special
Xho Hnle AVIII Continue Until .Tuly : tl ,
AVIieii .Stock .Will Ho Taken Wo
Must Ilmluco Stock lie-
lord Invoicing.
'Wo propose to give the Omaha public
a chance to buy any article In our stock
at a reduced price.
We do not spread before you a llsl of
goods which wo want to got rid of , nnd
consequently oiler at a very low figure.
Our slock must decrease before in
voicing , and the 'following reductions
will do it :
On all dross trimmings.
Silk Irlmmingrt.
Crochet trimmings.
Jot trimmings.
Steel trimmings.
Applinuo trlmmlnns , etc.
On all
Dress goods.
Cotton goods.
Dress pattcrna
Tea gowns
Lace nets.
Gloves and Mitts.
Handkerchief ) )
Vassar Shirts.
Ties , etc. , etc.
On all
Corsets and Underwent' .
Remember our whole and entire stock
: s included in this great clearing salo.
1518 and 1520 Farnam st.
Miss M. JIcGralh has reduced the
remnant of her stock of imported dross
joods previous to closing August 1.
318 Ramgo block.
To Ijoan.
Special fund of $3,500 on good first
mortgage security.
Sco those $0 toilet sets in Burns' front
windows , formerly $14.
A. Forecast of 1'aelllo Commerce.
The newer west , if it can have no in
terior water traillc , will nevertheless
have indeed already has a commer
cial position of vast importance. Years
since , a great Russian publicist , Alexan
der Ilervon , wrote of the Pacific ocean as
destined to bo the new world's Mediter
ranean , writes Colonel luchard J. Ilin-
ton in the July Forum. It was pointed
out that nearly one-half of the globe's
inhabitants wore on the Asian side
thereof , and wore therefore its commer
cial tributaries. The American shores
of the Pacific are to bo first considered
in all focoeasts of commercial progress
and power. The people who nro mak
ing Puget Bound alive with their activ
ities , are surely bound to grasp the traffic
of the North Pacilic. The men of the
Oregon and California coast are not
likely to bo limited in their industrial
ambitions. One of their "captains"
holds the Sandwich Islands in his hands ,
and Samoa will yet , despite the triple
protectorate , fall easily under American
control not necessarily governmental ,
however. No matter what action Bri-
ish or Canadian statesmen may ttiko ,
and however vasts the sums they ex
pend , it will soon bo scon in our national
councils , that the newer west will de
mand , and that its growing business
activity will compel the absorption not
only of the whole coast from Washington
to Alaska , but at least the northwestern
Eortion os the dominion , British Co-
imbia and all the rest east to Winni
peg will ere long bo looking toward a
continental union. The same law of
physical unity which has boon consid
ered as immediately affecting the
newer west and its internal polity , must
control in the extension of our republic
to llio northwest. The peninsular of
Lower California will finally follow the
same- directive impulse.
Grand Excursion to YcllowHtono
National Park and Other "Western
The Union Pacific , "Tho Overland
Route , " proposes to run , on July 20 , a
grand excursion from Omaha to Yellow
stone National Park , Great Shoshone
Falls , Idaho , Ogden , Salt Lake City ,
Garllold Beach , Denver , Clear Crook
Canon , the famous Loup , and other
points of Interest. The Union Pacific
will furnish six horse Concord coaches ,
which will carry the party
from Beaver Canon , Idaho , to and
through Yellowstone National park.
Those coaches will also bo taken to Shoshone -
shone station and used for the ride to
great Shoshone falls. At each stopplug
place , such as Ogden , Salt Lake City , ,
Cheyenne and Denver , the coaches will
bo unloaded , and the tourists convoyed
from the depot to the hotels. Afterward
a rltlo to all points of Interest in each
city will bo taken.
From Beaver Canon to Yellowstone
national park , Iho trip will occupy three
days going , three days reluming , and
eight days will ho spent in the park.
Excellent tents and good equipment for
camping out will bo furnished by the
Union Pacific , enrouto from Beaver
canon to the park , and while in the park
Iho lourisls will bo quartered at Iho
various holels.
The very low rale of $225.00 per pas
senger has beenitnado from Omaha. This
ralo includes irnilroad , Pullman and
slago faro , motila and hotel bills from
Iho lime of leaving Omaha until the re
turn of the excursion , In all 30 days.
Only thirty passengers can bo accom
modated , and as accommodations are
limited , early application for same
should bo mudef no ono being accepted
after July 20th. Unless (20) ( ) tickets are
sold by July 20th , the excursion will bo
abandoned , andi purchase money re
funded Immediately.
In ordering tickets send money for
same by express , to Harry P. Douol.
city ticket agent , U. P. Uy. , 1302 Far-
nam St. , Omalit Nebraska.
While children will bo allowed on this
trip , still it Is advisable not to take them ,
For further Information relative to this
excursion and Itinerary , apply to
E. L , LOMAX , Gen'l. Pass. Agt.
Try Schoelply's $ 't Shoes ,
1415 Douglas street.
For liarjcnins In I'lanoH
Goto MeBrldo &Co. , successors to Al
fred Molnberg Co. , 1JH4 Dodge.
Dr. Dlrnoypractico limited to catarrhal -
al discuses .of not > o and throat. Boo bldg.
Got prices on lots in East Omaha from
Potter & George Co , 10th it Farnam.
Try Sohoolply'd 83 Shoes ,
1415 Douglas street.
Seaman's buggies best and cheapest
HpcelnlVusIi lrc < q Clondi Snip.
Lowest prices in Omaha at Haydon's.
1,000 yds light ground fancy figured
awns only 1 Jo yard.
Plain , pink , blue , cream or black
batiste , yard wide , only 10o yard.
Extra quality plain black India linen
reduced to 20c vnrd.
Black ground linen lawn 20c yard.
Manchester line lawns , black ground ,
white figure ? , ISloynrd.
Fine challlcs , black ground and small
white figures , only 7lo yard. Extra
wide ehiillies , black ground white fig
ures , French styles , beautiful patterns ,
only lOo yard.
Plain blade checked organdie lawns
reduced to lOcyard.
Black ground fancy colored chocked
awns , entirely new , only 20o yard.
These styles you will find only at Hay-
Ion's. white ground , blue , pink or
jlnck checked organdie lawns at 15c ,
llaydqn's Is the only place in Omaha
whore you can Had a full line of black
sateens. Plain black sateona , honriottii
finish , at lOc , 12Jc , 15c , lOc , 2oc and 5o
per yard.
Our black saloons can't bo boat. Hayden -
don Bros , ave ottering the largest stock
of white dress goods at the lowcstprices.
All wo ask of you Is to look them over
mil compare the quality aad prices , you
will bo well repaid for your trouble.
Best make of Pacific organdie lawns
in light or dark ground only 7io per
yard. 5,000 yards of cream crinkled
seersucker reduced to 6c per yard.
200 pieces of fancy striped Baorsuckor ,
worth 12c , reduced to 0o per yard.
Don't full to look atthcso seersuckers at
Oie.Haydon's greatest wash dress goods
3alo starts on Monday. All our counters
in Iho rear end of our sloro as well as
several of our coaler counters will bo
loaded down with these special prices on
Monday and as long us the quantity
liolds out. Come early and often for
there will be plenty of bargains for you
Dry Goods and Carpets.
Save Your Doll urn.
A full set of teeth on rubber for $1 ,
superior lonnylS leolli macloln the city.
Teeth extracted without pain at
it22 ; Farnam street.
\v. F ,
No. 1O2I Howard Street.
On account of lateness of the season
-and in preference to carrying them over
J will close out gas stoves , refrigerators ,
water coolers , Gelsol's gasoline stove-
Seaman's wagons best and cheapest.
The "XVay In AVhicli the Delicate Oilor.s
Are Obtained.
Those delicate , dainty perfumes which
the superfine and the vulgar alike enjoy
are obtained in a very prosaic way , says
Iho Pall Mall Gazette. They are pro
duced in a land whore ( lowers are peren
nial , but the processes of manufacture
include not only distillation but fermen
tation , but oven boiling in fat. Consul
Harris , writing from Nice , where the
manufacture is curried on extensively ,
describes the processes. In distillation
the flowers are boiled in an hermetically
sealed copper vassal. The steam as it
condensesln its passage through a spiral
coil exudes the volatile essence drop by
drop and it iscollootcd in a small glass
vessel. The water in the copper retains
a small portion of the scent and becomes
the rose water or orango-llowor water of
Iradc. All llowors are not susceptible of
this treatment and those that are pro
duce but a minute quantity , the orange
( lower , for instance , giving but ono
grainmo of essence for ono kilo of ( low
ers , or but one-thousandth part.
The volatile essences thus obtained ,
combined and mixed together with a
certain quantity of alcohol , are used in
the preparation and as the basis of can
do cologne , toilet vinegar , lavender
water , etc.
The perfume from flowers which do
not contain the volatile essence is ex
tricated by two processes. In the first
or cold process , cosslo , jcssimino , jon
quils , tuberoses , violets and some other
llowors , freshly gathered , and placed
upon a layer of pure lard a quarter of an
Inch in thickness spread over glass
trays. The llowors are changed
every twelve , eighteen or twenty-
four hours , according to uircutustiinccx ,
until the lard is sufficiently charged with
perfume , Jessamine and tuberose are
changed as often as fifty times , nnd the
other llowors from twenty to thirty times.
When the hot process Is resorted to
grease is placed in a copper vessel , together -
gothor with the ( lowers , and the com
pound is boiled. Additional llowors are
added from time to time until Iho fat has
absorbed the requisite amount of per
fume. By another process the perfumes
are extracted from the fats and , by
blending thcso with the dilVorcat es
sences the nmnorous scents are obtained.
Certain perfumes which are of great use
In the manufacture of scouts can only bo
obtained by the fermentation of fruits ,
llowors and roots.
Oregon and Washington.
Travel to the now empire of the north
west is now setting in with the approach
of warm weather , and from the number
of people traveling via the Union Pacific ,
" Overland Route" to
"Tho Oregon and
Washington , it would seem that this
line is the favorite for all classes of
travel. Its facililies are unsurpassed ,
and HH train service is all that can bo
desired ,
By the operation of through Pullman
palace sleepers , Pullman dining cars ,
Pullman colonist sleepers , free reclin
ing chair cars from the Missouri river
lo Portland , and fast lime , It Is cer
tainly the most desirable route from all
points cast to this now and growing
In fact , the Union Pacific Is the most
direct line to Denver , Colorado Springs ,
Pueblo , Trinidad , Ogdcn , Salt Lake
City , Spokane Falls , Portland , Tneoma ,
Seattle , San Francisco and all Califor
nia , Oregon , Washington and Puget
Sound points.
Ticket agents in the United States poll
tickets via "Tho Overland Route , " and
by applying to them or the undersigned
any information relative to the Union
Paelilo can bo obtained.
City Ticket Agent , 1302 Farnam street ,
Omaha , Nob.
Agent Union Pacific System.
The North British Mercantile insur-
nnco company of London and Edinburgh
having opened Us "Omaha Branch" at
210 South Thirteenth street now solicits
a liberal patronage from Omaha citi
zens. Flro Insurance written at regular
rates and losses adjusted from this of
fice. II. N. WOOD. Resident Secretary.
Try School ply's S3 Shoos ,
1415 Douglas street.
If You Want n I'lano Clirnp
See the great bargains at Melnbcrg's
music store , 107 N. [ Oth.
Seaman phuotons beat and cheapest.
The ladles of George A. Custor W. R.
0. No. 82 give a boclal at G. A. R. hall
110 N. 13th street Tuesday evening , July
15 , 18UO. A cordial Invitation Is ex
tended to the public.
Imco and Kmtirnlilory.
Sale Monday ; will olTer moro ntlrac-
llvo bargains In now stvlcs than anysalo
wo have over attempted. The variety is
so great that It is almost Impossible to
niioto prices ; 43 now styles in line silk
drapery nets.
In all grades at less than one-half the
usual prices. Fancy border and hem
stitched , le , 2c , 3o and fie , worth 5c to
15c. Hemstitched , embroidered , nt lOc ,
12Jisandl5e. High glass II. S. linen
handkerchiefj , lee , 20c and 2oo , worth
2oc to SOo.
No such opportunity hasover occurred
In this lino. ; 18 styles Ingrain carpets nt
! ! 0c , Hoc , -lOc , 4icand : oOe. Compare- these
goods with any ( Sou quality. Government
standard extra supers 55c , eSc , ( HJo and
75c for goods fully worth "oc to $1.23.
Full assortment new stvles In tapes
tries , brussels , velvets , wiltonstuul mon-
125 styles In lace curtains to be closed
at any sacritlco. Also real lacocurlalns ,
portlors and draperies.- This department -
mont has the most complete line of
shades in all colors and sixes.
Best mounted spring roller shades nt
lOo , in all colors.
Chamber suits , sldo boards , extension
tables , woven wire mattresses , chairs ,
ote. Splendid chamber suit , $11.85 ; 0
feet antique extension tables , $3.08 ;
center tables , $1.75 ; oak , $1.03. A
splendid line of chairs ranging in price
from 3'Jo. Startling values In tlol" ,
trunks , valises and fancy ' goods.
Furniture and unclaimed hotel bag
gage at our salesroom , 213 South Twelfth
street , tit 10 a. in. and 7:30 : p. in. , Monday ,
No. lOUl Howard Street.
On account of lateness of the Reason
and in preference to carrying thorn over
I will close out gas stoves , refrigerators ,
water coolers , Goisul's gasoline stove
A piano examine the now scale Kimball -
ball piano. A. IIospo. 1313 Douglas.
The Train Was Going Down Grade
anil Gained Twenty Minutes.
Now York Tribune : " "Wo had been
shooting prairie chickens in Uinta coun
ty. Wyoming , and lost our way , " ho
said. "Wo had expected to strike the
Union Pacific railroad at Hilliard about
sundown , but it was nearly II o'clock in
the morning when wo crawled up to the
little station platform , tired , sore and
dead fagged. Wo sat there shivering ,
waiting for the next down freight until
the red light rounded the curve and
came toward us shivering nnd tottering ,
as it seemed , in the darkness. AVe did
not expect to bo able to stop the train ,
but Iho grade was slight hero , and as
all trains from Piedmont to Evaiiblon
are run 'on grade' , wo hud determ
ined to 'jump the train. ' S was to
take the engine at the cab door. That
left for mo the caboose at the end or pos
sibly the emigrant cars , If the train
carried any. It is next to impossible to
'jump'a freight car , us tharo are no
steps or no place to seize when you make
the spring. I was to climb up , walk
along the freight cars nnd join S in
the engine where it was warm , and
where wo could talk to the engineer and
"Tho heavy freight rumbled down
upon us and as the engine shot past I
saw S suddenly pull himself up and
then he was gone in the darkness. A
moment later , after the rattle nnd rush
of a string of cars , I spied my chunco on
nn emigrant car , and I , too , was safe on
board. I had not expected to llnd nn
emigrant train , but when I landed on
the platform of the first couch I opened
the door and went in. Everyone , includ
ing a brakeimm , was fast asleep. I vent
through the three cars and back to the
caboose. Everyone fust asleep. Then I
walked back through the cars , and
climbing to the top o ( the last freight
car , started to walk ahead to llnd S .
I mot him coming my way , as ho wna
afraid I had not made my connection
and had been loft behind.
" 'Tho engineer and fireman are both
asleep , ' ho said.
" 'Then everybody on this train is
asleep , ' I answered , 'and there are n
hundred or HO of emigrants back there. '
"Wo went ahead , and I getting down
to the tender , nat on the coul and looked
at the engineer and Ilreinan. From Ilil-
Hard to Evanston the grade Increases
and it is a lively run. The train went
ahead at a smashing rate , not a single
brake being on , but both men In the cab
slept on peacefully.
"It was full davlight when wo entered
the cut about ijvnnbton. S - shook
the engineer heavily tho'o.
"Hotter wake up , " ho said , with a cu
rious smile on his face. "You are run
ning into town at a pasbonger train's
speed. " -
"Who's asleep ? " said the engineer ,
gruflly , springing up ami rubbing his
eyes as ho lookedat his big silver watch.
'What nro you doing In hero ? '
'Oh , ' said S , with a laugh , 'I've been
watching over your sluinbor for an hour
or more. '
"At tills the engineer's savagencss
suddenly disappeared. It was down
brakes then , and the long train came tea
a standstill. The llromim meanwhile
had become awakened and looked sheep
ishly at his superior. Each had trusted
the other.
" 'What ' are wo lying hero for ? ' asked
g _
" 'Twenty minutes ahead of time , ' said
the engineer , incokly. 'Say , 'ho added ,
eagerly , 'you've saved my head on thin.
Don't say anything about It , will you ? '
"Twenty-three mlnutca later No. 8
pulled into Evanston on time to the
Dr. Hamilton Warren , eclectic and
magnetic physician and surgeon , rooms
2 nnd 3 Grounso block.cor , 10th and Cap
itol avo. Chronic-ami nervous
u specially. Telephone 1)11. )
The now olllccs of the great Rock Is
land route , 1002 , Sixteenth and Farnam
Btrcot , Omaha , are the finest In the city.
Call and see them. Tickets to all points
eatt at lowest rates
All join in praising the line finish nnd
accurate likeness of our special $1 n
dozen photos. I'toof showed , satisfac
tion guaranteed. Koim k Moltz.
1312 Farnam st.
Fine wedding rings at A. Edholm's.
Seaman's carriages best and cheapest.
I no iMuno
A. TIospo , 1(518 ( Douglas street , has 100
piano boxes to sell at $2 , each ,
Tickets at lowest rates and. superior
accommodations via the great Rook Is
land route- Ticket cilice , 1002 Six
teenth and Farnam streets , Omaha.
Co iitlunuMi Alwuyn
Desire that their cigars shall Ixi of the
best. To obtain such bo certain that
you cull on Win , Coedecko A Co. , in the
Barker block , 16th and Furautn bts.
1112N.VISON llltOS.
Orrnt S'nloVlilto ( ioodn Monday. J-
60 pieces check nainsooks at Ijeuyiinl. , (
100 pieces line white goods in checks nntl
stripe ? , elegant tiunllty , nont patterns , .
worth lOo to ltc ! | , cliolco Moiuinydion A
yard. Also In fame lot 2-5 pieces whltofl
India linens at Cle a yard , worth lOo. 50 * W
pieces fancy chock ami strlpo mulls ; f
those-nro the French goodscolors , nro/
pluk , red , blue , brown ; colon nro per
fectly fast ; they are worth iiVr they go
Monthly only at 12ju a yard. Don't full
to see our elegant line of whlto Swiss )
embroidery lloiinclng 4o Inches wldo at
fi'Jc ' ( i'Jo ' 7oi' See nnd DSo
, , , tv yard. They
nro gems mid most awfully cheap.Vo
are closing out a lot of claillles and
IJL'ureil lawns at half prices , Choice of
all our French saloons i3o ! n yard. I-u-
dlcs white dressing saoques nt reduced
price * Chlltlrons whlto bonnets at half
prices. Kow nllk mnbrollnx , fancy han
dles , Jl.oO each. Call on Us Monday
sure. Bargains in every department.
W. F
" " " " Sk.
N'o , l Ut JIvttriI Street ,
On account of lateness of the season
nnd in preference to carrying them over
I will close out gas stoves , refrigerators ,
water coolers , Golsol's gnBoliiio steve
Armed IIortloi-H DcromlliiuVlient
Kiclils IVoiu ICndlcss 1'loelcH.
"It may Bound funny to people in the
East to bo told that to protect the grain
crops In seine of the California counties
from wild ducks and geese Iho farmers
have to employ a largo force of what IB
known as herders to pnlrol the fields and
shoot , club and destroy nnd frighten
away by various 111011113' the enormous
tlocks of these ravenous fowl that sweep
down on the young mid growing grnln. . n
and do\our it , but such Is tlio fact , " wild
James 13. Pnlnn , a largo grower of wheat
in the Sacrtunonto vnlloy , to a reporter
to the New York Sim. "The
swarms of ducks and gceso begin tlioir
work of destruction early in tlio fall , IIB
soon as the wheat boglns to sprout. The
fowl Invndo the country along tlio rivers , -
but they do not tarry there an hour
after the rains have made the
wheat plains hnblttiblo for tk-iu. I
have seen a tract of seventy llvo
acres iu Colusa county absolutely covered
with wild geese , to densely pnek-d us to
resemble pictures I have seen of soublrd
rookeries on seine ocean rock , " \Vhon
they first como they wax fat 011 the
wheat stubble mid are juicy and sweet
flavored for the table , but when the
young winter wheat appears they work
on tlio green sprouts. This has the
effect of making their flesh rank , and no
ono In any of the wild goose-ridden dis
tricts will enl of these fowls then. They
are shipped bv the thousands , all the
same , to San Francisco and other mar
ket ! ) all winter long , where the people
seem to think the green wheat-fed birds
are a great delicacy. But if the mar
kets could take ten times as many as
they do the number would bo small com
pared with tlio thousands and thousands
of the dcHlrucllvo fowls that nro killed
tiiid left lying on the ground.
"Tolo county , where 1 live , especially
in its northern part , I oneo thought _
could beat all creation as a feeding' plnco.- "
for wild geeso. for I hnvo MJOII these
Hocks so thick in the air , going to mid
from their favorite nnsturu , thai only
fow-nnd-far-botweon glimpses of the sky
could bo obtained for an hour at a lime.
But when I wonl into Culusn county I.
imule up my mind that I had never seen\
wild gecso enough before tonpeiik of ,
There is a largo expense ot barren plain
in that county wnicli nlTords an un
rivaled place of rcndo/vous for both
gccHo anil duck , and 1 have been these
barrens when I thought that nil the
wild geese that wont forth to all parts of
the land , near and remote , must wirely
have their blurting place on the Colusa
county barrens. They may bo seen ris
ing up from the plains In swarim like
the lociibts of Egypt , and going forth in
all directions to prey on the fanners.
They remain all winter long , sind the
wheat the farmers cut In the harvest
they have had to llghl the geese and
ducks for months to retain.
"There tire many large wheat rimchca
in thcno two counties , such as the ( Jlcnn \
ranch , the Bogg , and others. From
twelve to twenty-five herders tire ein-
plovedhy each of the big ranches to pa-
Irol the wheat fields and wage continual _ t
warfare against the gcoso and ihieltAX
These herders llvo in cabins seattorffl
about the ranches and tramp about the
llclds from daylight until dark , and long
afler night , too , If the moon Is shining ,
for both geese nnd ducks feed on tlio.
wheat fields at night if It is moonlight.
Ducks urp moro troublcbomo than geoea
at night , and it was discovered accident
ally a few years ago that a light inn field
would frighten them tuvay. Lanterns
were placed in large numbers among the
wheat , and for n long time the fowl
wore &o shy of Iho bright lights that the
farmers were benefited. AI last , however -
over , tlio ducks became used to tlio Inn-
terns , and grow so bold as to feed by
their light.
"Tho small farmers in the wheat dis
trict being unblo to individually employ
herders , have combined in nM > rt of mu
tual herding association and pay lor
patrol protection out of a common fund ,
many of the farmers doing herding duty
tlionuolves. " / ,
Wlmt a Prlvnto Oll'ennl a Oncral.
I was serving in a rogim nt under
General Itanks wliori ono of our men
btruck his Captain and was , of course ,
put under arrest and hold up for court-
martial , nays a writer in the New York
Sun. Ono day , jiiht before Iho trial was
coining oil , ho sent word to the brigade
general that ho hud something of the
greatest linporliuico to eommunU'iito.
The general went down to too him , or
rather had the prisoner brouyhl to hla
tent , and when they wore alone ho tuU
" \Voll , my man , you wanted to ice
mo ? "
"I did. "
"You claim to liavo very important
nows. "
"I have , general , "
" "Well , out with It. "
"AVoll , general , you know they brand
government mules and horses ? "
"Yes. "
"And that bonio of the boys who get '
an animal Iry lo ellace thu brand and
toll him ? "
"Yes. "
"Hut they make a poor job of It. "
"Urn ! "
"AVoll now , general , I've got a dead
sure thing on that brand business. I
can take one elf in a week and never
turn a hair. My proposition is this :
Got Captain 11. to withdraw his charges
and I'll not only give you my receipt ,
hut I'll agree to steal and Hell n hun
dred mules n month and give you luil ?
the profits. "
Tl.o general didn't ' brain him on the
spot , but the oiler added an extra year
to the sentence of the court-martial.
SUNDAY , JULY 13 , -
Gamc Called at 3530 O'clock , I )