THE OJfJLHA DAlLiiT BlflJ ? , SUNDAY , J UL.r . 13 , IBDO.-SJXTJWEiV PAGJES. TJIE OMAHA. JHSE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PKAIIL , ST. /Icltvcrt-d / liy Carrier In any pint of the Clly. II. W. TUTON , TKMHMIONES : fliiMncMOnicp , I\'o.-in , . NlRht Wltoii Xo.SI. N. V. 1' . Co. Council UlulTs Lumber Co. roil. Ttin barbers' ' wnr is practically ended anil nil the Hliops will k ) opeii today. J. C. IJcIIiivcn look out nbuildinR permit j-catcrclny for the erection of a $ v'UOO , rcsl- cleiuo on Weit Broadway. A immclcsH Httlo wnlf a led at the homo of the Irli-ixlless yesterday ntul vlll be burled this afternoon ut 1'iilrvlow ceinetrry. Tlio Slmbort ( iwrtutlc tmlvodat the Clinu- tnufjua grounds hut uvenhiK and will appear thin afternoon in one of their splendid con certs. pAcnsoof diphtheria WIM rrnoi-Uil to the bourd of health yesterday. The victim is Kclcllo Or.iham , the oleven-yourold son ot O. W. ( Irariain , on Avenue I-1. Hubert Itusicls , the Infant son of Mr mill Mrs. W J. Luutorwa-ssor , < llcd yesterday tiftornoon. The Jiiiiornl will tnko place at 4 o'clock twlny froia the rwlcleiico , 1W North Klfjlith street , Two o ( the Intnatcq of a bagnio nccupiud the attention of Jud o Helmiv.'court ycster- day mo ! til n ; ; , They \vero \ Hello Clover imd Mfiuilo Ieo , and the forniT liad tlio Inttcr arrested for stealing nlot of baby clothes , 'J'horo will bo ulargo batch of ordinances in- troducccl In the council at the meeting Mon day night , It li repotted that each incnibor wi'll hu\c u new ordiniinco to HUbtnlt. This disposition to picsent new ordinances ns a remedy for every Httlo evil Unit conies up is haUiiK tlio cfTuutof loading clown the lojjal machinery of the city und mnliinn the ordi nance books too iKmUcrons for loininon use. A largo hpiivy team altaclied to a heavy wupon loaded wild iiiouple of tons of coke hold temporary jmssession of Hroailwny , between - tweon Sixtn find Seventh ntra-ts , yesterday afternoon. The wuuon wai badly broken up nnd thocokcwiM scntteiMl o\cc the hticct , about forty busliMs of it b'-itii ; deposited on the motor ttack , c'liuslnt ? ni > liKlit interruption of the tmlilounil a potid < of work for the conductors , who bud to sweep It off with their hiinils. Juclijc Cnrson concluded toscnilthollttlc boy , .lohimlo HOOKOT , who was LroiiRht up from Qlimvtood on "I-Mcliiy , to the state re form school , Tlio facts in tbo ea o as prc- seated to the juiltfo Indirato that Johimio's nnturols Him hli nano , nnd that he is a per sistent but not very sldilful pilferer. The fattier trieil Itaru to s.ivo tlio boy from the re form school , anil was anxious to bave him consigned to the Institute for the fcoblo inlnucd , claiming that the boy wni not responsible for his actions , anil that his wetilc- ness of mind win the cause of Ills short-coin- ings. ings.Tho The saloon kept by.Tolm Dinmncxtto tlio Revere house \vis , closed by the police last night. The proprietor and bis son wcta ar rested and booked ut tbo central station charged vlth selling Intoxicating llimors. All the furnitnio and the bar llxturcs wcro also taken out and stored by police orders. The cause of the rahl was not so much for the reason thatDu'iin was selling intoxicat ing liquors as It was t or the fiet ; Unit he 1m . persistently refused to comply with the po lice regulation requiring tlio payment of a inontlily lino. A satisfactory hoiul was Klvcu and Dunn and his boy were permitted to KO home und apicar foV trial tomorrow morning1. Onoof the finest comers of Vine street , vhieb has become onu of the best rcslcloiico stteols In the oily , lui located upon Jit n liousoof ill-fatno. Tno tiliu'o is one of the most noted of Its Idnd hi the city , nnd has been the sccnoof murders and suicides , and every degree of erime. The proiwrty owners livinx nonr it havp nuulo many oilorts to have itclobi'cl , and various new city administra tions liiivo compiled with the request , but the abatement of the nuisance bus been only temporary. Thoio is a prospect now that somelbinp will bo donoforlts suppression , for thu Imlles lositlini ? on the sticet and ad joining streets iiv the vicinity huvo under taken n cnisado upilnst it. Atttio meeting- of tlio city council tomorrow evening they will present a petition asking for Its suppres sion. If the council ddcs not act favorably upon it , the ladles will add another naino and present itnptilu nttho nuxtmeeting , and \vill continue to do this until the council Is com pelled to order the closing of the ohnoxlous place. BOSTON STOlin Council IIIulTn , I.i. JTJLY UEDUCTIOIfS. Below wo append only a. few of the thou- inndj of bargains to bo had , A Rlanco at the undcrnoted will Rlvo you a rouKhldciof wlint is Folnpon at the Uoslon Store , Counuil Blults. From the sumo you can learn thu fact Unit the Boston Store , Council Blnffs , is the lending dry goods house , the house where youcuii always pet the best value for o\ory Uollar spent , and llnd ovorjthiiiR just as rep resented or money cheerfully refunded. The youngest child can trade ns veil w its mother who has seen llftysummorsor more. WHITE ( ! OODS Dkl'AHTAmVT , Impoited Swiss stripe reduced to Ue , former price 12jo. ! Large , medluin and small pl.ild nninsoolf 12Ue , former price 17c. Corded nnd Itico strlpo , now ofTccts , 15o , former i' Uwenty-llvo difrcrent patterns In plaids , stripes and vheclts , lOe. Some of tlio above tjoods retailed for aie. Fi-encli novelties in Grecian stripes , em press cords and sateen brocades , all to go at toe. ENBUOIDEUED FLOUNCING UA.K- GAINS , Lndics1 Swiss flounclngs , 40 Inches wide , rciluced from 91.00 to T5e. Svlss lloutielnij. new Vundyko edge , reduced to 750 , 8."o and $1.00. Children's ' flouncing at givatly re- iluccd vrlces. 5Sc lloiinciiitT for i > c. 'Ci c HounciiiK forrOcS3o flouncing for t > 9cand , ourl.l'J ' $ l,25 , und l.U3 goods all reduced to UOcu yard. BELTS. Wo nro headqiiartera for ladies' ' leather bells. Hlnck and tan leather liolis with nickel buckle , 2.V. Dlack and coloroil per forated bolts with gilt and niclcol buckles and all extension clasps at JWe , lllk1 , 43o and 50e each. The latest in our U.ick velvet leather belts with lurKo slide at r > So and GOe , Usual price LADIES' WDKR-SY13AH. 500 dozen ladles' nnd children's ' Swiss ribbed vesta , reduced from lOo to Be. 100 dozen fancy vests In iiinlr , light blue and Nile stripe , reduced from 1'Je to l'J > o each. 45 dozen ladles' Egyptian llslo In four dif ferent styles , trimmed with silk and ribbon. reduced from S.'o to IDc , 3 for We. US dcuon of our 5flo four thread llslo vests , silk trlmnml and fmicv stitch , reduced to3ac. BOSTON TOltK , ITOTIIBRINGHAM , WI11TKL.AW & CO , , _ Leaders and promoters of low prices , 101 Uroadwav. Counill Bluffs. r I'.t H.l ( UtAI'JMS , Miss Dora Judkins of Fullcrton. 2\'ebls visiting her cousin , Mrs , J. V , Bell. MissKldrldgoof Ottawa , 111. , Is the guest of Mrs. Perkins , 140 Grant street. Mrs. P. \ \Vllliunison of Cblcairo v ho lias been visiting Rlrs. P. M. Uault , left loat even ing for tut nomo. Mrs. Friedman of Danbury , Conn. , Is visit ing friends in this city , und is tbo guest of lira. A. M. Elwell. Mrs , L. M. Colclauph leaves onMoiulny for nn extended visit vlth relatives and friends In Montreal and Quebec , Canada. W. L. Fleming left last night for St-Joseph , vhero he was culled by the dangerous Illness of his sister , ISIIss Daisy Floiuliiy , formerly ol \V. D. JJogerson , the \Vab \ h engineer \\lio vent through the vivck on that road a short tlmo atjo , leaves tomorrow for several weeks' visit In Sm-liiKlloUl , 111. Ho U still suffering from thu Injuries ho received in the wreck , nnd the company has ordered him to tulio a vacation without loss of pay , Regular meeting of Excelsior lodpo No. 2-V.t , Ancient Free and .Accepted Mnsons , Jlonday evening. Visiting brethren cortllalK Invitcii. By order of the \V , M. If you wish to sell your property call on the JudcUtVclUCo.C. \ . U. JuJd , iittoldmt , COO DON'T ' KSOW HOW TO 01CJT. Jensus Euptrvisor Hlght and the Board of Trade Hen Oan't ' Agree. THE RESIGNATION OF DR. COOLEY. TIic AVlKvnm I ulldcis TOD Slow Ki\- \\fn\i \ \ > tf Ilin I'atrol House AIHirs- Inr la n lit.Vltcic toVor - Hlilp Ucucrul Nolcs. ? bo board of tr.ido at It1) ) meeting on Frl- diiy tiifjht cooked up a close for Census Super visor Hlght thai win scidditig hot. There vcro present II f teen or twenty of the leadln g juslncsi men of the city , and they made hint ako the on tlru dose nt ono gulp. It was a ) otlon limb would remove the cuticle from .he month ot a ruhioceroi nnd it literally lujcd the meek and tender ccjitain. Hero is vhat they gave him for his breakfast yciter- dny tnoriiini ; : . Whercis. It I * reported liy ifio supervisor ol s fur HIP Third dlsti let or Inwu that shu > i iHtwetn twenty- jiio tliinisanil anil Lwnity-tuo tlioiis.incl In the lly of Council lllntVi.amlwhcreiiH our lelionl < 'nilis < li\v < ! l.ll ) ) ) C-niiMiif ] scliooIliKe In t Ills lly ami tlie la t city dliuotory of Council lluirs. lliiitiif Iv'.l , uitiliilim ( l.uOO naitii's ' < j ( > , < tn biiMlnin linns , licnilt ot families anil lielr liiik'i'iili'iilly unplnycd , und \UioiiMiv.Thlselty \ hncl aiioiiulatlon ol 19,0(1 ( ! iiioiinci ; : i..rir.7 In ! > - " ' . ami Whereas , The postal rowlptjof tliu Counell Hhitr | M > stiilco ) | for Iho ll-.cil ytar end I tin I line in , If * ) , weioS 1,100. nncl for thcllunlyeur ndlii.IiincUO. ) ! . Hi" . wuro t&.UUU , and fur the Kuiil } uai'ciiMnn' ( Jnnu : , lyjJ , wcie fil.OOO , mil Whi'rpui.TliDlKinkdepiHltsIn tlie vnrloin vinkMof Council ItlulN. la. , vcri1 ( .VI I . JO on latiuary I. fOj Ji , 1 ,110 on Jiuin.iry I , 18t3 , mil \\m > , ' 11 n , i ry I , 1MM , and U'litwiH. 71U liiillillii liurnilt' * liiv : < ! IICHII MiHMloy Mid city sliicu the Ttli day of IVbru- uv. lSi tt'lieirus It fully nnponiM from said fach toall rcuMiiiublo men tint elly of Coun cil Id nil's Ins not leal than : > CWO iiopnlitlon , mil Whiroim The uiiiiuioriitlon of less than . " .WO iicDplclii this city laiiniily | tlio ixsiiltof jiross lneiiiiiic | > tc'iiey on the partof IIV. . Illnlit , tliiHiiiiorvl-or ) of tlie Tlilrcl ci'iisus district , and ola purtlonof thu enutauratoiiapiioliitcd liy him , ami \ \ ) iciu.iM'iiI < liiiatlci3uiroDrounnt \ to tlie titlenllon nf UtMiuratlStilivrt I' , I'oilor. super- Inlenili'iit of Ihc eluienth tlio city eutiiiill oftlio elly ofCuiinull lllittTithcboanl < if traclu ami the petit Ion , ind iillldavlt.s of all tlio most prominent representatives of tliu ciiiiitni'relul anil iiiiltistilal Interisthi uf this city , and \vhiieasGeneralI'ortcr , anllioilzed dil II. \V. Ill lit to retake the ccnsusln tlio < llslrkts wliuiethoBatiKiliacl been ilcfootlicly t.ikin. nnd Whereas , Said B. W. llljtht Issuedn foolIsh - Ish mil silly iMoulaniiitlon cllii'etliii ' ; thwo not c'linnieratiil toeomuiip und cnunu'iato them- wilvt'S , am ) U'luiein , The veiv system of sondlni ; out enumerators tiitnlii : thoeeiisiis usiulopted liy the Roveinnu'iit fi mil Its foniiclalloii n basi'd uponlhe ull-kno\\n \ fai't tlut i 'i > ons vllt not t.iku . tliu t lull bio to inuiiiuiululliciiis-ul\e.s "wiicn-tu Said U.W. IHBht has refused to order thu census riUikcn In the o llstrK'tn Iu-iu thcMiiue has been UefeotUely tiiKcn. and NVIioreiis , Nothing Yt'linlseeu'r cnn bonceom- lillsliecl by folliiwln Ilio stupid and foolish plan.uloiited liy him , \vliurufoie uu It Kesolvnl , Th.itovlllniaU1 iiotnoreolTotts to Inue tlm eontuscorrected.IJIM eimtuit DUI- sulvetvllh thodeeUrtitlon that tliu ccnsnsof Coiinfll Jlliitl'Mfoi1 1VJU , l.iken uuiler tlio aiis- pleeioC IIV. . lllglit Is false nnd fraiiiluUnt. ! inclfi > r tlm truth of this usscrtlon wo npjieil to iieanclld public illon thu showinghuidti 111:1 ill' , anil belt fuilher UeMiIvtcl , 'Iliat In our opinion Hie cnuincr- utoi who oinllH nil lues trim i Ms list wliluh | iioiiorlylolonis thuru Is in iiuicli ( julltvof liorjitry in tlu'ono who Intentionally liiMit.s lletitloiisiianii'S tlii'ieln ' ; and a. euiisiis fiom which tlionsands ofnctniil iislcleiits am oiult- lccl ! Is as f.ilscand fraiiilulunt u one In wliluh IhoiiiiuiiU of llutltluu.s naiiios are inlciitlun- ; illi'lii- ( ' < lind ; u clili-e | iL'cllually : to do- iiixiiicii II.V. . HlKlit , Hitpurvl-oi- of ttiu census for Iliu 'llitrclillstilut ol Iowa , and his enum erators In districts numbered : il | , : il8ilPEO. : Ul.i ! : ! . : t'l tiiiiKC ! ! ( or tlio fuNu and fraudulent census olthlic'lty , They have ItnpoKcl iipoii oni peoilu anile will hold It. W. 1 light.and thoeiniinorutofs of wnlil districts perbomlly responsllilo Tor wi.tto ] > er ofiltiinaKu may ro- Hiiltto this city from tliolr inconiiiutentaetlon. "I am going to hnvo that sot of resolutions clogcutly engrossed mid fnuncd , mid I will hanuluuii In niy oftleo. " snlJ Supor\lsor Ilight to Tun BEI : ycsterd.iy. "They sire a perfectly brutal lot of resolutions , utterlv devoid of decency and common sense. I inn satlsllcdthatl huvo done my whole duty in the matter of the census enumeration in this city. I hmo IKOII acting Htrlebly in ue- cotdunco with Instructions , and have bad two of ray men running all over the city dur ing the week , hunting up tlio mimes that were reported. I have a letter from General Potter under d.ito of July 7 , in which ho says : "I think thu plan _ recommended to you in telegram July 5 will meet the case without oven the puithil rc-enuincratlon that the peti tion from your rlty requested. " l'li j plan suggested vas to keep open the schedules for the addition of names und let the fact bo known tnrousjli the iioivspupers , and that Is it did. The petition assumed that them were thousands of names tnlssoj. I asked them to fjivo mo a few thousands or 1,000 , or oven ICO. I have had two of my best men at work all over the city , uud from all saurces ami us the result of ourcffoits wo hnvo added just llvo names. 1 feel turt , deeply hurt , that I should bo mndo the object of this unwar ranted ubu e. I never in all my llfo before Imd as iiKinr requests ami iirbnositions to stultify myself mid commit perjury us 1 luivo lucl In any oao ueclcsiucol liavo had charge o ( this work. It is Intliniitcil tint I huTO treated the bcurdof trade with dlsrospectanil contempt. This is maliciously fulso. Ttioro never has been n committee of tlio board in my oRlco , Ono nicinbcr ciirao In oil Monday morning nml sukl tlio board were initialled with my vtorlc and AUtiildlot the matterdrop. unj that nothing finthor would bo done , Jtiiivo hud to 11111 after thoboarJ and hunt up Individual nietnbora , when tlio bouid pledged Itself to work as n body to assist lu trotting a full count. 1 Avant these resolutions preserved , nncl I want the men who adopted thorn to sco thorn In future JCUH , The t > lush of shuiiio they will brln i ? to tlielr cheelts may assist In their redemption tot the crime tuoy have committed atjaliibt tlio truth mid Seine of the incmliers of the hoard of trade A\ero \ aiked ixoout the faets In regard to handIng - Ing In nanias of these who luul not been enu merated. They said that some names had been handed in hut little attention had been luld. They had no iviiy of determining whether the mimes ( bus given in were regis tered or not , Tbo enumerators who hud gene through the farce of the supjioseU eount claimed tohavoulreuly not most of the names , and kept on claiming limb. This was sup posed to bo qulto natural , as men do not like to admit wing In error , or having neglected duty. In tbo opinion of the woirbora keen It was useless to attempt to get nt the ruth , and tuny felt inclined to stand by the resolutions and lot tlio census go to the dogs. The only show lor getting n , fair census AVUS to huvo a recount irade by iic\v \ men. If this could not bo had , there was no use fooling away tlmo drugging in names only to ho told that these names vcro already on the list. In some eases bonu lido names of actual resi dents hucl been handed In , the old enumera tors wore sent out to verify them , end re ported that they could not Und tlieiu. Either the parties thus named did not chance to bo at homo when the enumerators called or the enumerators \\cro not anxious to tlnd them lest there should bo some proof thus es tablished of thu inefficiency of their previous woik. llcuco the disgust. Dr , U.S. West , porcelain crown and bridge work , No. 1'J I'oarf. The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 118 Broadway. Dr. Coolcy's Ilcfiljinntlon , Lllto a thunder clap from a clear sly came the resignation of Dr. Coolcy as pastor of the First Baptist church Iu this city. It was sent to the vestry at their lust meeting and created the most profound surprise , as there never had been the least Intlinntloii given by the doctor or his frloncU that his resignation was a possibility , much less a possibility. U'lio reasons assigned by the doctor can best bo given by himself in the following open letter to the members of Ills church i Dear brothers end Olsten : Somewhat over QvcyouriaKo youlnvltcd mo to bo jour pas tor , Uollovlog that Olirlst , the great head ol thu church , led you luyouraetieu. Itccv ted your turltatlou. Convinced now that tha time hiiU-OMp when 1 cin , enii tcntly with my ( Icily to Ci < l und t yc u , tuyduwn this wntk. Inort'liy rc lsn thw olhcc uprisltr of thN church , lo tnko vltcet on the l.i t d y of Sciitombcr ( iltlili year , It H en"liniinty lulh for pallors nnd eliurolHi taflvothrec months' ' notloe. sutlint tiM'i'Hsitry nrriiiii iiientH ean liuluado. 1 Irtmt that tny SUITIM II- will bo sclc-ctul so that wlic-n I topiiHl < ltyouniior and more vlitnrnin hnud * iiitiy IKK'licly to taku utj innlciii-iy the r < 'iMM | < llIllllcM uiici Illinium of thopastiiratn ofnelnitx'liln tlil * liupotliint eltj , Tlilrty ; tliieu j en M of continual inhilstorlnl wtii-lc , of Avlilvli ornvo luivo heuiiitlvin yuil wltliont it tucallon.necoril inu thu right , ot rcleiiHO from tlio I'xict IHK cUillos of o ro | onslble n iinitdMtc. ' . Hiiillwc nut alle < > -uc ) > rdu tnniaU * Suit thoc * fi'iv rt'iiiulnlnit veokinf > nr i chit I on Uieaeh otlitr > lu t1) Oixl and ID the btit Iiilere li of thloehnrch. > tlint wlion A IHIV piiHtoi-Mmll eotiiliienci' liN nilnls rv the ehiircliBhnll bo rcacly foi-overy KOOI ! work ? I'no'lnv : that dud inny ; iilcl yoii In the Im- portniit c-holee of 0110liiiwlll KO befoici you null lead you tnlo tlio KifL-n p.isttires uf Ills ord , ancl Inipiiuyoii to nii'iiler eon-i-ciatlon I n the muster's nervta * . I reiu.iln. ever your servant anil well-wMu-r , I ) . II.Coonv. Thovestiy nml leading members of the church met to consider the resignation. Tbo unnnlmousopinlon vns iwt to accept it , nticl a set of very stroiic resolutions weta adopted commend [ UK the faithful work of the p.istor and urgln liimto reconsider Ibo matter , and encliii | ( with this : Itesnlved , Tb'it In onlor lo nloril atnplo tlmo tooomlclorthhlinportaiit intillor In nil IN lciulii ) > .M that fiiithur action lie cU'lt-rrcd tint II Hie next ic-Kiilar InisliR'ss meeting of this cliitrch , oil AiiKint IH , 1 1K ) , at which time llnal : i"tlon.Hliill bo taken ; nnd that If tlio IMHtorudlicro.slo hli cU'lprmliint Ion anil the elm fell accepts his Ion. that we coin- ini'iicl lilm to the liusiil of Ibo clinrrli. jiraylni ; that lie inny c'likiv many yearn ol Inciuasc'il ' ii tf illness , uiitl that tjracc' . ineicyancl ncucu Dr. DoAvers' ofllco moved toi-'O JJ. Main. Mandel , t Klein nro offering great Induce ment to housekeepers clwlng thoio hot clays , M'o nro receiving tic\v tooJs tlally nncl can offer great bargains In carpets , bcJdii t , c6ol : Moves \\OAvlshtoinalio room for our fall stock. We would bo plca-jod to hnvo you Ihmrewith us for cash or on tliolnsuilhncnt iilini. Wo wilt ship allL'oods frco of chiiiye v.lthlu a ladtusof 100 miles. Kcincmbor. AJCi.nv , WO Drondway. " 3\\n \ \ 1'iiiMiior.s1 There AV.IS n meeting of the hoitlculturists atthecouit house yesterday nfternoon to consider further tbo comini ? Farmers' N - tlomil congress , The committee of the board of trade , from whom so much Aval expected Iu KRard to the building of a wigwam or fruit nalneu orsomcthinif of that sort , did not matcilalize. The members of the society felt r.ither hurt and Informally cxpressi'il themselves us having been played Avith. It was decided not to depend upon such build ing scheme , but to go ahead with other nr- rimgcinents. It was defined hotter toiccuro the cpenihouso for the sessions of tlio con- ( tress nuJ to provide an exhibit of this county's products in the Masonic temple hall , The oomhifj congress Is nn Important event for Council Bluffs , It Is the Hist national ( fathering ot any numbers which tins over been held hero , 'llio opportunity should be therefore improved , and Council Blurts should bo nt Its best. It is claimed that tbo opera house will not accommodate half of , hose wlio dcslro to hear thondilressci , there join , ; enough dolomites alone to fill tlio place. [ t is to bo hoped , that thuro will be n waiting ap to the importance of immediate action iiiicl .he.secuiitigof a suitable place for both holcl- ng the cougivss iiucl making the exhibit. Will Knlarjjo tlici I trol HOIIH- > . The police committee of the council , after a thorough investigation of the requirements of the service in line , have decided to recommend , the erection of mi additional story on the top of the patrol house for the use of the police department. The addition will cost about 3.llXH , > . If It in erected the upper rooms of tlio city jail Aihiclinronow occupied as heudquaitcrs for the chief nnd : ils force , Avill bo abandoned , and refitted for lull purposes. 3tis iirouosed totatooutnll partitions and ljuilcl n liao of cells In the center of the room that will hold fifteen or twenty prisoners. J , G. Tipton , real estate , .r > 27 Broadway. Till Cnnutuiiciu.i. There was a goodly attondaiico at the Chnu- yesterday. ' .The programme was ex cellent and cvorjthing moved off smoothly. The cvontof the daywnstliolectvro by Dr. Heuson in the afternoon. Ills toplo was 'Tools. " This Is the lecture vliiclils gener ally called for AAhorcver Dr. Ilenson appe.irs , sfiiil is considered by common consent the best in his repeitoiro. These \\ho Avcnt out to boar it yesterday woiitAvitli tint expectation. In thh they ivcro greatly disnpiiolntcd. It does not begin to tome up to several other of his lectures , but yet it Avns a most entertaining ono. The nudlonee laughed and laughed aguln nt tiie < iuaitit , witty , sensible nonsense. Ho de scribe , ! the rich fool , the drunken fool , the learned fool , and a number of other classes of fools. In Introducing hlsthomo ho. said that present company Avas always oxcepteO , ami bo clidnot fear Hint ho would causooffenso to nay ofhis hearers , because ho was goinjf to tallc of these Avlio showed their lack of wis dom by not coming. In elosing ho pravo a scatliini ; ribukoto the 1 1 religious fool , who had said in his heart , ' 'There is iioftoO , " Dr. Ilenson's lecttiro on "Fools" hag won for him a wldoroput.ition as a lecturer. In totlie popularity of the title , m com pared with that pi vcn toothcrof bis lottiires. ho once expressed regret that ho hid named Uus he hud. In speaking of the matter at Ills OATH breakfast table , ho remarked tint ho : \us \ iifrald that when ho was gone the ehlcf thingthatwouhl beromeiuberecl of him was the author of "Fools. " One of his boys , with something of his father's twinkle of wit , replied , "Well , father , that's pretty hard ou us , " Dr. Ilenson Is to Rlvo another lecture Mon day evening , his subject being "U'ho Golden Cnlf. " 'J'hU is pronounced by many Avbo h.ivo hoard it m the host of all , o\-en oxeoccl- Int ; "Tho Other Half , " which proved so en- joynUu a treat to these who heiud it at the Baptist clinrch la thh city last Ailnter. nt. Henscn AA ! ! ! prcachthisaftcinoonatuo'clock. The progninimo for the day is ns follows : 11:00n. in. Assembly blhlo ittuljr. : i:00p. : in , Periiion , Itov , 1' . S. lloibon.n. TJ , 5:00i : > . in. Oliautwiqiiu Sunday \o-jpcT &er- vluo. 8Xp. : ( ) in , Sermon , Doan A , \ . Y'rltlit , n. P. Thli ivcck there is a feast promised. Among blio special features lull bo tbo cele brated Silmbert quartette , which Avill ti- [ pcar Monday afternoon , und ngiiln Tuesday evening. Dean Gardner of Omaha A\lll \ IccturoTucs- diiA * afternoon. Wednesday will bo "recognition day , " Ex-Congressman Herr of Michigan A\ill leetiiro. In tbo evening Prof. J. li , DoMotto will give his wonderful le < turo on "Sound , " Illustrating it with experiments. Thursday Hov. Dr. Phelps will lecttiro , and also Mr. Herr , and iu the eA'cnlugUr. Do Motto. l rlclaywlllbo children's day , and will bo the floslnt ' , one of the assembly. Throughout the week there Avill bo music by lioneiV band , solos by Mr. WooUvoith , bible studies by Dean Wrlfiht , nncl a variety of other Interesting und Instructive features. A good hose reel frco with evciy 100 feet of hose puichosed atUlxby's. .f , C. nixby , steam heating1 , sanitary en gineer , I3 Llfo buildhnr , Omaha ; 2W il rium block , Council B lulls. II. A. Green , the junior member of the Council Bluffs paint nnd oil company , dis tinguished lilmsclf yesterday as a burglar catcher , His residence adjoins that of Sol Foster , another member of the llrui , AVJO Is away from homo. Given Is an earlv riser , uud when hearosoat \ ; ( \ jcsterday morning and looked across tlio lot to his partner's back door ho observed a man enter an ad- lolidtig shed door , Ho awakened Mr , Cole , a neighbor , and the two surrounded the fellow and Ciiptured him. Cole had u Fourth ol July toy pistol and Green had aroA'clvor thai haa not been loaded for years , but the Avcap- ons looked real enough to bo dangerous , and the burglar threiv up his hands , Green held him Avith the harmless pistol Avbilo Cole called an oflleer. Ofllccr Peterson responded und took the follow tot tie station. He AMIS a negro and gave the tame of Mack Hycrs. "When searched nt the station ho bad a bottle of chloroform In his poclcot Tho. case was reopened &t tlio evening es- sion of Iho court ami HycM proved that ho AVIU a c-ook ou tbo Xoilhwcstcrn , temiwrarlly out of ajob.iuidtlutt ho had been sent to the [ Tester reslclcnco for the purpose of seewlng Llio poMtion of hostler. Ha accounted for the botllo offhlorofoVni found In Ills posses sion bynhonhiRthht It vas n mlttunj of chloroform llnlirenb tvhlch ho WIM using for tlio todhaclio. Ho proved thlq to the satis faction of the court nncl w discharged. 'I lireo rintpH . 1'rof.Sturgiss tmvlo his third fulluro nt the laljo yciterd.iy . fti au aeronaut. There AvasanluimetisoeroAMl of spectators , iiu-luil * ing about n thoitsanl little children , who had been given nn uxtjurslon to the lalto by the generosity of ' .lohn llcno & Co. The balloon could not bo properly In Hated , nnd after along delay It was eut loose nnd car ried tbo balloonist to the height of tilmit sixty feet. IIiip.irac.huto win accldent.illj1 detached mid ho fell to the earth vlth fearful force , The big umbrella came down Ilka a hulc without spreading its ultigs oA'cn u little bit , Ho AVIV ) severely shaken up and stttnncil , nnd sitlsJk'd not to uuko mother attempt. The lulloon drifted a little way and came back to the earth bottom tom upwiiicU and vomited a ilcuso volume of black suioko heavenward It is reported tlnib ho Avill n lcc aiiothor n tempt to get n.A\ay \ this evening , simply to satisfy tbo public tint hociui do so. The children wlio ft-cro glxeti n free ride and an afternoon ot the l.iko enjoyed them selves to the fullest extent. r piety. A eordlril Invitiitlon is CK tended to tin men of the city to nltciidtho men's meeting In the Young Alcii's Christian association rooms in the aicrriBiu block. Good singing. Shoit talks , Mcctim ' , lasts hut ono liour. Oomo and bring a trlend. Fii t I'rosbjtorhnCorner of AVIllow Avenue and Seventh- street , llev. Steiihen l'hclH | pastor. ut 1.10 ( n. in. Sabbath school at W in , Xo evcniiu tci-A'lee. Strnngeraaiul others cordially in- \ltecl \ , Broadway M , K. Church Corner of South first street and H roadway , Hov. DoVltt 0. Pranklin pastor. Kennon at 11 : ! tO a. in. by Iho | i.istor. I\'o evciiliif ; service. Sunday behool at 13 in , All cordially invited. Congregational Services this morning. 1're.rhiiig by tlio pastor. Subject : "Tho ICinplom of God. " No oven ing service. Sunday sihoolat IJm. Allure cordially In vited , Gospel meeting nt Overton's mission and People's church , corner Tomtit nveiiuo nml Seventeenth street , this ovculng. Everybody cordlallylnvitcil. Tiltilty Mfthodlit church , South Main ttrect , opposite Kighth avenue , S. Alexander , pastor , residence liUO Eleventh avenue Preaching nt 10 : : a. in. nml 8 p. in. Class meeting at 0-r > n. in. Sunday school nt3:30 : f ) . in. ISjnvoith league at 7 :15 : p. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p. in. Ahs. AVI11 Hhhon , a noted lecturer of the I'acllic coast , will lecture on "Spiritualism , " In the grove nt Fairmount park this afternoon at 'J0 : ! o'cloolf. Bcrenn Bnntist Church-There will ho preaching at IOtOa. : ! maud 7 p. in. The Sun day school in cots nt 11 :4 : > sv. in. The praver iiectlngls on Wednesday evening. You Avill 30 inadovery weleomo. Rev. John Alex Dowlo , from Melbourne , Australia , Avill preach in Iho TirstHaptlst chureh. Mr , Doivio is a very nblo nnd scholarly man , and is attracting great inter est In his dully nncl nightly lectures In Dniaun on divine healing. Coma and hear uliii , Sunday school nt r.i.00 in. Christian KndcaA-or meeting at 7:00 : p. m. Xo evening serUco. Epwotth Jlctholist Episcopal church , cor ner Avenue B nnd Twcntv-llfth street. George H. liemictt , pastor. J'rcachlng at 10 : and at 8:00 : o'cloclc. Sunday school at ) : SO a. in. 1'ruyc-r ' meeting Thursday evcu- iii } , ' . All are welcome. 1'ifth Avenue McthoJIsb Episcopal church , coiner lliLrh'tocnth street nnd rath avenue. George II. Henrctt , pastor. I'reachlnc by the pastor at 10 : .U l\'o service in the d\cn- \ ingon aeeount of Chiuitauqua. Sunday school at ll:4V Praye ; meeting Wednesday even ing. All are welcome. > f OAXAD.l. Tlio Itcptilccl Popularity of HICHC NotetlUviles Mjth. A year or so ago , says Blnkeley Hull in the Philadelphia Times , I happened to go into tlio cifu ot the "Windsor hotel in Montreal at ft late liotif 0110 niglit. ! My attention Avas cii'.ledto ' four men who sat at a corner table. They were a downcast und discontented loolclng group and they tullced in low voices. flth one exception they hail all grown beards nnd it AVIIS Avorth noting- that the gentleman In tlio hotel kept resolutely aloof ( rom thorn. Once in a while a , pushinff drummer , or seine man Im pelled by a dcslro to court notoriety , Avould join tlio little group , but the stranger never stayed any length of time. The four moil Avero Keeinin , Siyles , Do Lacey nnd Doinpsey , all of Avhoni nad ru away from ju&tico in ] S'ow York , I had heard a good ninny stories about tlio popularity ot IS'aw York boocllers in the Dominion , and I spent several days in carefully looking over the hahitsuhcl modes of lito of seine of the noted exiles there. I found that thov AVOI-O outcasts in oA'cry beiiso oE the \voivl \ , Ihoy had lieon blackballed In every association and club that they had tried to outer in Canada , and no man of rospcctatllity A\ould \ bo men in their company. They spent the long dreary nights of the win ter in the darkest corners of the barroom drinking1 ut what was Icnown as the ' 'booulorV table. " Liitor on , at the Itosrfin house in Toronto , I waa produiil \\heuivtelogriiph \ oflioial of some eonso- flitonco in that city rose from u. table vlieroa nuinlxur of fjontlonion wore sitting tinguud said that If a man who luul just joined the group sat doivii thorohu vould would liavo tolea\o. \ The man was Al- doi'inm Dempsey , aivl lie goi uinincl lounged elf ulth a hang-clog IOOK and without u word. All of these monworo plentifully suimlicd Avith money. They lived in good houses and spent as much money as pobslblo , considering t luit no ono would associate with thorn. One of General INirtcr'H Stories on TliixDorlclcd Subject , " 3t is a significant fact , " says tlio North American KoAiow , "that while Prof. Smith ii ncuuylng us of .Anglo phobia A\O \ are accusing1 a largo element of our people of Ahglomnnians. One of the symptoms of llio attack IH observed In the terms employed. Wo find hero Victoria hotuls. her innjusly's opera , royal baking powders , imperial trains imd hnrncHKiiuiktirs to his royal high ness tlio nrinco of "Wales ; and when the anthoinot "JohnBvoivn'Ms ming there tiplieiirsto boa confusion In the minds of faomoof our inoro advanced Anglo- inanlaesiia to wlwthci-tho reference to the possessor of eo progressive a fcoul Is an alluhion to our hero of Harper's Per ry or the queon'ahitogilllo. "When the dude Britiumieus iniulo Ills nppcurunco In I'iecudilly Ms worthy counterpart , the , diulo Aniericnims im mediately exhibits himself on Fifth avcnuo , rolls up his trousers Avlion the eablo announces rain in London , Bucks the head of a larifo cane , und adopts thu Biuno transatlantic sving when ho walks , at the risk of being Bet do\vn as upneitr- ing boT-leggoil in tlio elbows. Even the Irish , \vlioto presence lioro is a novor-fnlliiijf HOUI-CO of Irritation to tlio author of the iirticlo under dlscssuiou , are Bujiposcd to bo coming over to the Anglo-maniacs , Ifvo \ may credit the story ol the coachniiin from the isle of emerald nuo who recently iippllocl to a lady hero for a Munitionnnd , when a ked by her. "Aro you nn Englishman ? " ro- Glled : "Nomum , ; Iwaabornin Oirland , ut I've lived BO long in Ainoriky that I Bupposol do seem qulto English. " The Jennem-Millor Mujrnzlno con tinues Its practical articles upon woman's dress aud liomoinattcra. TJIIJ VAKlltS OU11S13 , Al'rophocy of K\ll That Cnino Trno AVItfi James Jlnss , the trnvolor , tells tills story , wiyn the rhlluilvlphla Inquiivf : "Itvi3 \ about 5 o'clock In the ovenliig , Colonel Vcagcruntl I sat onlho vorniula ofthoVictillali hotel in Bombay and on tlio eiltjo of the native city , which is ciillodVieiillaliimd not Bombay , Tlio colonel is illaddl ! that ho once owned , nnd lovccl Is gone. Uo AVIIS o.xpoctlntr hlj Avlto ami dittightur , who had ken out tu Kiiglnnil oiiajoars visit , and the vessel \vits to arrive at Calcutta nuxt day , Avhllowo wercL'oing to got the him- galo\v ready to receive them. The col onel AVIIS in the bo&t of Dplrltii. Hojokocl and Inughcd und told old stories of love ami ; lio\v ho was nearly captured anil murdered by the renowned Nitua- S.ild . at Comnoro ; of the vast poppy plantation and the revenue ha derived hum the opium h dlstilled every veai * . Finally AVO started to walk to Avhoro AVO luul our horses stiiblecl. and thuu for a canter ovoi- the beautiful roads to the bungalow fifteen miles iiAviiy.V \ o had to go through Vlcullnli to reueli our ties- tluatlon. Wliut aktileldoseopotluit na tive city isl The hurrah Auilhih AMiter eiifi'icrwearing nothing hut n breech clout , and the male body Horvunt , vlth his red tutbtui und lonur Avhlto jackets , Jews from I'alestltto , i'areeos , or tire worshipers , \vlto traveled 8,000 miles over deceit and mountain from 1'ersla and catried their nacred Ili-es , all lilcturesniio , all in white , burilercci with ivd or other Iji'iglit colors. Well , in turning a corner in Vlcitllali \vo found a crowd being harangued by ono of-tho best known fakirs in India. I hud heard him spoKen of as one who could put a blight upon you. People called him Sad i-.SiiibSadl. my master. Colonel Yeai'or pit sited tlirough the crowd to witlim a few foct of tlio fukir.lo whom ho Mild soinothlng in llin- ilo.stanosc. It socinecl to onnitfo Sntll , who jumped from his little platform la front of "i eager , onying : " 'Englishman , bo cure-fill , or Wight may fall upon you und youiw. Trend not upon the smallest thing Buddha has created , or it may turn and BtSng you. ' "JJeforo J. could slop him the colonel lnul cut the fnWr across the face , a nil with tm oath luul shouted : 'Out of tlio way , you Hindoo ptgl" "Tho fakir with blmlng oycs said : " 'Englishman you will not meet vour wife. You will not meet your child. Vour plantations Avill Ijo do vacated ; your craven heart will wither within you. You will die. ' "The fakir's Avot'ds were prophetic. I felt it then , and 1 also think the colonel did.Vo I'oauhetl the Imngalow and and wore soon in bed. How 1 slept that night I don't know. The words , 'Eng lishman. beware , ' wore continuously tinging in my ear. Next morning I won't into the brcakfjbt room , and I shudder when I think of it , The colonel was thcio walking uiitind down A\lth a tele- pram in his hunt ! , his fuco drawn , and ho looking twenty years elder limn he did the night before. With tears In his eves he handed mo tills message : 'Steamship Fitigo A\oiit \ ushoro at the mouth of the lioognly. YTourife and child drowned. ' I have novel1 seen the colonel since , lmt I have watched his career. His poppy ' crop wtis a failure that year and i't ruined himbuthls bungalow was burned by cither accident or design , and Yea er died within u twelvemonth of a broken heurt. " H T , Jtll tlU ) TJIB iVfjUAXKOSS. Tiicn the CI-CAV of tlio Hnrlc Hart a ItuiiKh Time In 3Ilil-Jc'eun. Co Id MIIC'I Ancient Mariner. At length did cross an albatross ; Through the IOJJT It came. 0 * * * * * , What plagues thco so J With my cross- hOAV I shot the ross. * * * And I had clone a lidlish thinfe' , j\ncl it would work 'cmA'oe. . The log of the English bark Selkirk shire now lying at the Atlantic dock , Brooklyn , says the Now York World , contains a record qulto in line with the superstition that sailors from the time of "Coloridgo'd Ancient JIarlnor" to to day hnvo associated with thu alhatrobs. "Whan the bark was on her way from Australia to England a tailor known as Aloe became crux v from the effects of the tropical sun. lie imagined ho was an albatross. The second anil fourth mates caught an hninonso albatross ono afternoon A\ith a kii ted hook and lino. When the bird Avas killed and the wings were stretched on deck they measured twenty foot from tip to tip. The long bones wore removed from the wings and laid on the dock to dry. There AMIS a glitter in Alec's eye when ho saw the wings , and with a wild cry ho plunged his anus through the holloA\s left by the removal of the long bones and mounted the mil. "Who , tays that Alec can nuo flee"ho shouted , and jumped from the mil Into the sea , Avhich was funning very high , llio fog was thick. A llfe-lwlt was t Ill-own overboard , and the second mate , clapping another on himself , 'jumped aflor tlio era-/.y in an. An attempt was made to launch the lifeboat , but it was dashed to pieces agiiiiibt the ship's side. A bout was finally launched from the yiirilurm and tlio men pulled away through the fog. Thobecond mate Avas picked up nearly dead from exhaus tion , and within tAventyfoet of hiuiwas Alec. The albatross' wings had ] ; opt him floating hniA'cly on top of the vnivcaund lie was wild with excitement. IIo was hauled into the boat , but Instantly jumped overboard.rTho mate htntlecl Alec In again by his loii beard und hit him on the head vlth an iu to keep him quiet , The boat -was half filled with water nnd the ship out of sight. The men towed for llvo hours and were muttering under their breaths against Alec when the ship wns finally sighted , The sailors wore so excited over the occurrence that the captain ordered the albatross' wings thrown into the sea. Alec tried to stab the fourth mate assoon as ho recovered consciousness and was kept in solitary confinement thereafter until Enclanu was reached , wlren ho was placed In an asylum. For his bravery the second mate was presented with tno modal of the Royal Humane society of England. "Knln-ln-tlic-Faeu" DyliiR from Ilia Wll'c's -Wound. As stated in a BII : : dispatch tv few days ago , lUilii-ln-tne-Fnco , the noted Sioux chief , ranking next to Sitting Bull In renown nnd prominent through his connection Avith the Ouster miifasacro. Is lying at Standing Rock agency , N. I ) , , diuit'orously wounded. Unless a chimgo for the better soon takes place ho must die. The chief Avns stubbed by his squaw a handsome young woman whom ho had neglected for another young AVOIIHUI. After a desperate quarrel between Rain- in-tho-1'iieo and hlb squaw , during which bhodrowa Imlfo , the chieftain removed to another lodge , nnd that night while ho lay asleep , hlrf wife entered and plunged along knlfo Into Ills side and chest , making terrible wounds. She then gave hereoU up. "I'm horrv , " feho snid , "that I didn't kill him. " Tlio Indians nt the agency are greatly excited and trouble may fol low , 'Jho Avomun is now under u strong guard , na violence is feared , Shoulil Kalu-in-tho-Face die she will bo tried for murder. She lias been jealous of the chief suctions for several months. Hfitn-ln-tlio-r'ueo Is known as tlio In dian nt Avhoso hands General Custor died. Ho led the iimln nltuck on the United States troops and whim the final struggle came put himself fncotomco with the cavalry loader. Both wore mounted , but at tlm Hrst chot Ouster's horse foil , currying him to the ground. says the Cliioiiiiuiti Enquirer. A bullet from Hiiin-ln-tlio-race's rlllo killed the goiun-al before he could shield hhibolf. Lho fearful mutilation practiced on the other bodies was not permitted on Cas tor , however , the Sionx chief po'thiL' himself on guard and wttrnlitg his mud- dene il followers a way. The famous cumpaiKii which ended in the oxlorinliintlcm of Ouster's command began Mnrch 20 , 1875. The expedition of 1,000 men under General Crook marched to the head ol Tongue river , a tributary of tlio Yellowstone. Ho passed to the lltwobiid , nls.0 a tributary of the \ello\\stone , and was thuro attacked bv tlio Sioux under .Sitting Hull. In thh light Halii-lii-the-r'aco fought with desperate - perato bravory. Thirteen Indians worn killed , and C/eneral / Crook loH nine of his command , besides having twenty-one disabled. It was this light Unit caused General Shorltmn to report advising the removal of till the Sioux to the Standing Hook agency. It was argued that once nl Standing Rock co-ild they be suf- llclontly isolated to bo controlled , nnd this argument has since proved truobti ) ueforo the hostile could bo lulion to tliolr now robomitloii much hard light ing AVUH to bo done. Three thousand win-tors under Sit ting Bull , Hain-ln-tho-Viiuo nnd the almobt equally well-known chief , Kcd Cloud , refused to move , from tliolr hunt- In g grounds , and took refuge near the Big Horn. Thrco columns of troops Avoro sent against thoin by General Sheridan , from Montana , from Dakota and from the I'lntte. They wore to meet at a common center , where the Indians wore supposed to be. General Terry , with the Seventh cavalry nnd about four hundred infantry , started from Fort Abraham Lincoln May 17. lie reached the mouth of the Rosebud .Time 21 , and ho determined to Bond the Seventh cav alry from there hy a circuit to the upper Rosebud. On tlio 22d General Custer slnrtecl with tha regiment , and proceeded up the riA'cr twenty miles. Hero ho struck a heavy Indian trull , Avhich ho followed to tlio Little Big Horn. IIo found a vil- lagoof unexpected strength , and at once attacked it Avith that portion of his com mand which was immediately at hand , Major Hone , with three companies , AVIIS bent into the valley ut the j > oint where the stre.un struck It. Reno , hearing the firing- , forded the river , but AVUS completely overwhelmed by the Indians and was forced to rccross. Of the movements of General Cufetor und his company nothing Is known , ex cept Avltiit is told by the one half-breed scout \vlio e&caped. That the command was not only obliterated , but that the boldlurs were tortured with nil the sav agery that the Sioux could employ , has been a frequent boast of the chief whoso death seems now to huvo come to him at the hands of u jealous scjitiiAV. T1II3 ( JU1LL..WUTI3 COUNTRY. < Y Destruction Islam ! Slim Tells /Vbont the "KjirestFnr West. " Sain C. Price of the Wilson mine at Hor&oslioo , who has recently taken chitrgo of that property , lias been en gaged lor bovenil years , says the L.ead- villo Herald-Democrat , in what might bo termed the "ftii-est far west"having1 lived for a number of years in the cm- ploy of tbo government at Destruction island. There tire but few who liavo heard of Destruction Island lighthouse , but few , indeed , know of the country lying- adjacent to It. In fact , there is probably 110 more remote or less known corner of cho "United States , outside of Alaska , than that portion of the now state of Washington lying between the Olvmpie range and the I'uoillo ocean. O'lio is known the Bectloii us Quilln- yuto country , the nearest postolllco to Destruction Island being Tupnsh , at the mouth of the Quillnyuto river , thlrty- live miles south of Capo Flattery and eighteen miles north of the island. It is located on a small bay that is partly fahcltercd by a projecting reef of rocks and islands. 'Tho Quilluyuto river , " Mr. Price said , "formerly- entered into the north side of the bay near hii'go rock islands which prevented the forming of u bin- across its mouth , and fcmall schooners could bafoly enter the river , About six teen years ago , during a freshet , tlio river mnclo a now outlet through tlio beach one milo north and the old ono AA-as soon closed up. The present mouth is shifting and obstructed by sand bars. The former outlet was about twelve feet deep at low tide , of good wldtli and also permanent. The espoiibo of turning the river into its old outlet would bo comparatively small , the improvement would restore a much needed harbor for small craft and mater ially assibt in the development of the country. "The last year I AVUS on Destruction Island a great many now people went in to the Quaillayuto valley , and all tlio open land and most of that along the river and its branches had been taken up. There are largo bodies of line tim ber lands situated near the river , and that which haa been burvoycd Is being rapidly taken up. Nearly the whole re gion is thickly covered with heavy open prairies scattered about like oa&os in a desert. While Indians have predomi nated , it will no doubtbo a grout surprifco to most people to know tlint white set tlers have lived along the valley for up- Avards of sixteen years. "Although the soil Is very good , moro attention is paid to raising cattle and shcop , as they tire moro marketable than vegetable products. The only direct moans of communication with the out- fcldo world Is over a rough wagon road to 1'ysht , on the Straits of Fuuca , u distance of fotty miles. "AtTnpusli Is a Btoro Avith a general Block , tlio goods being brought around from Seattle in a schooner , and land by means of largo canoes. Tnptish Is the principal village of the Quilluyuto In dians , although the land was purchased from them by the government muny years ngo , and opened for settlement. Those Indians are much more progress ive than these found elsowhcro. They have had a good school for several years , and have made consldorahlo im provements in ways of living and In gen eral conditions. There are about iiOO of thoin. The majority of them live in modern fraino houses and luivo all the comforts usually found in a dwelling. "In tl.o village of Tupush there nro very few Avhlte bottlers. The Indiana inulu ) tliolr living principally by catch ing seal and whale and by tlm annual trip to thu Upper Sound country to pick hopTito ) sealing season commences about April 1 and fiistH Mjvoral months. They go out In thoircuiiocH btrnight oil the coast from flltoon to twenty mllon on bright , pleasant days , and , finding the Heal floating around asleep , qnlotly Hjicar them. The catch amounts to from 600 to 1,500 , In ft season. AVhales are to- ouretl by upcm-Ing thoin with strong , barbed spears attached to poles , which liavo f ah toned to thorn several largo bladders or skins lllled with air. When enough of thono are fastened to n whale they provcut him from going below , and NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS , Tj1pUSA.UrOrwllltriido ; for n > K od roi\tl * ' t , Million No.tew ( . - - until , n.vtMimMl In Wai- law. lly Dr. ArcliHi.ilil. cltuu by Kentucky Cliiy , Sye.iM old , Apply to Dr. Macrae. \\T A XT RD-Oooil girl liy'Mrs. A. IMItui. i' I'liott , 120 I ourtli street. i , - - , - - . , - - w.HMl inociorn nousesy \ , \V. Illljtcr. 2d 1'utul street. "TjlOll SVIK nr Kent Onnlon laud , with Jhoiuus , by J. H. Itloo. l' ' Miilu it. , Council "AUANTIvD-Aposllloni cn : give lost of rcN " oic'iicos : KIXMI o\ioilcnco | In grocery anil Ri'iioi-al un < ltiiM | uK , IxiDUUc'c'iilng. Aclilrcss 111' ' , lleo olllce , Council lllunX " \\7 11Y pay % nt wnen you enn buy a liomoon M thosaino terms , urnl lii l eno : of yonrdoutli ut ntiy tlino lon o your fiiiully the fionio olo.i unthofollowlniitoriiK ! A homo worth ll.lKH nt 4IJ jior month. A homo worthil.'vXat ) W iiernumtli. A home worth ( LOiMut til ncriuontli. A homo worthMfHMut IB per month. A homo worth II AM ut IU per mouth. llther priced homes on tbo tiiuo lorm , Tim nlxjvo monthly pityniunti Incliulo prlnoliul ami IntnreHt. For f ti'll luitleuliin mill on or iullrc ( < itlio.ltiilil& Welh Oo , . 000 Ureidway , t'oiiiu'lllMulTs. In. If Oil UKXT The tnr > room , No. 18 , fronting on I'ourl st.V U. .linnet. A \rijl I \ hiMtlt I fill nut lot-nil it ' ' tlnit o will t r.ule mi"iimtWM I v I < in 'u'-'l. ' ' ' " . 11",1"1 ( lr l' ' "ii"'ll ' 'In IN. Tlio Judcl & \\olls \ Co. . Council lllutM , In. HA1.K My and m\v stiind , .No. Ml .MAInst. Osuarllunsel. DR. BELLINGER'S fl Cor. Hro.iihvnr anil Srttli bt , Council Bluffs , la. I'or tlio ttoal incut of nit siiralc-nl aniU-Iiioulo clIscii c ntKl < llsuas"s of tlio Mood. I'rlvalocll'-cii'.os of tlio tirlniiry and c-xiial OfKiins. as syphilis , stik-liuo , cystitis , IHT- mnlnrrolmoii , lust mnlinol ( , u\tml Iwpotuiieo nncl niMikiios * troatocl EiicifU sf nl'y. ' Particular attention liulcl to illsuii'dsiif the ImiK-i , ns Astliini. Uonsii million , llrouhitls , Catarrh , Etc. 1'ar.ilysls. Kidney clUu.istK.t \ \ Dlnliutos llrl.'lit's ll-i-ii-.n. ltliiiiiititl < .in.rilot , Oiinc'or , Vuilcn'c-Io. llyilini'i'lo , lroisy ) | , Tu- nuir * . DNoisesof tliu eye nncl i > nr. I'lutj fc'ct , Spinal curvature ; iu 1 nil dlsuases uf thu bone's. \Vn liavo ii ilc'parlnu'iit ilovotcnl o.Acluslvoly to tlio trout mini t , of ITioflno cllioa-o'i elno'-eiitsc'ciU'oly iiackfcl and fr cj ( r"t iitliin. Coiresponcloncu A'l dross : DIE. - Fiu-Kloal Iiistltiilo nnd I'rlv.ito Ilniplml , Cor. Hro.'uluiiy and L'tli ; si. .Council . lllulV. ' , la , P.M. ELLIS & CO. , ARCHITECTS Ancl Bulldlns SujierlutenUonti. liooim 4iO : nml 4 : : > ltc-u Uullillia , Unnhn Nc'li. , ami KooinsSII mill -'ID Mi'i-l-l.ini llio i Council Itlnirs , la. Ccirrcsponileiico ollcllo cj J. 1) . KnviT.vii'io.v , t SitrdAtiT Vice-pros CIIAIII.KS II. H.\.VXA.V , Cnslilor , CITIZENS STATE BANK OF couxcir. IILUFPS. Paid up Capital . $150,000.00 Sufohisiuid Prollts . 50,000.00 Liability to Depositors . 3r > 0,0l)0.00 ) numerous : T. A. Miller , P. O. OIoiiscjii. 12. D , SliiiKiut , 10. I/ . Hurt , .1. I ) , niliiiuiison , Clurloi U. lltinuuii. Trunsiiut Bc-ni'ml bunking buslr nuts , l ir est und surplus of uny b.uiU In Soiithucsturii lnwii , INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. ho is easily captured , hauled on the bcneh hi the bav and cut iip. "There nro six Indian villages nlong the coast between ( S ray's harbor und the Straits of Fucc-it , oneh of a hopanitu tribe and apeakitig uiliH'croiitlanguiitje. Neai lytill fish for iilivintj. " CA.USI3S PKTui Proppi-tles of a JMIssourl Not the least of the natural of the Oztn-k region of BouthetiHt Mi * souri la Its pilnonil spriuyn , some of whicn are believed to possess tnedleinal liropertics equal to any in the country , while the water of otltern IB HO atroiiyly impregnated with lime Unit everything with which it coined in contact la gradu ally turned into Btono. Ono of tliCBO , which a St. Louis Ho- public reporter Htutnbled unoti duriny a himtlnfc oxctiruloii rceontly , duiervos notice. It IB located inn Hoeuiiled , roclty glen about twelve inilort in a houtlnvest- erly direction from Bcnino Terre , and is- Rites from the top of a Hintill llattoncd mound , rising about Hlx foot above the level of the Burroimdhiy ground. Scat tered over the surface of this mound , which Huemod to be a muss of yollowibli * gray limestone , were pieces of wood , baric , leaven , ote. , partly petiilied and adhering sliyhtly to the roelc. Prouurlng' a minor'n pick the reporter L- dug into the surface of the mound , whiob. was compurnlivoly Heft , but became very hard after ponotruting a fo iniihe.s. In the parts broken oil' were found a consid erable number of vegetable reinnliiH , all completely petrified , and forming parts of the rocky mass. The water Issuing from the top of this formation llowa In tiny streams down Its sides , and Icavoa or other thlny-s falling upon it are noon saturated , and after a few wccktt are BO impregnated with the Hmo doporiltud from the water that they bofjlri to htlIfen. , _ and adhere to the rock below , nml jjniur ually turn Into Htono , or are blowly buried under tlio calcareous deposits , and form part of this odd-looldn/r mound that the little spring has been building up from tlmo unknown. Glimpses ol' tlm Siiltan'H TroiimiriiH. From the Philadelphia Record : In a letter from Bucharest , under date ot Juno 13 , Col , A. Louden Snowdon , United States minister to Greece , Sorvlu , and \ Uoumnnia. gives the following account ol an oxporlonco In the fur east ! "On my way hero I stopped over In Constantinople for a few days , vibitliif the objects of Interest In that romarlc- able city. The Hultnn designated an aido-do-eamp , who conducted UB to HUCU places of especial interest as the general visitor Is not oxpeeted or pormlttod to sco. Thu treasure house of thu sultan , which contains the accumulations ol centuries , is simply Indescribable , ilcro are stored diamonds , emeralds , pearls , and other precious htonod , Bitch as exist ) in no other place In the world , and in quantities beyond calculation as to valuo. The places ) on the Doriphorus tire mar * , volous as to beauty and splendor. " The Qimrturly Journal of Economies for July contains , besides a number ol articles upon timely topics , Homo very intorohllngnotoa by Thomas L. Uruenci of Now York on cliangos in the form o ( railway capital with special ruferenuo id the growing use of Incoino bauds ,