Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1890, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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Dongltu County's ' Eepullican Delegation
Fledged to Ilia Support.
Tim Delegates I'rchont at tlic Stile
ntitl ConurcflMlimnl Convention )
Will CuM tlic full Votc-
Tbo convention of republicans held at
Washington hall yesterday afternoon to
choose delegates to the tatoconvention to
bo held at Lincoln on May 23 and dclopatcs
the congressional convention to bo held nt
PUttsmoutli in September was a , representa
tive one. Throughout its deliberations the
greatest good feeling and harmony &f senti
ment prevailed. There were two or three
disgruntled delegates , but they quickly
Houghttho background nnd simply sulked.
The business of the convention wa ? con
ducted without a Jar , Dr. Mercer bellihear )
tily endorsed for governor and lion.V. \ . .1 ,
Council forcongresH ,
It was nearly 2i30 when Will C.urloy ,
chairman of thu central conimttcer.ippcd ! the
convention to order.
Ho said that those present had assembled
to transact n duty of the greatest Importance
to the republicans of Nebraska. Ho
lioped tint the proceedings , would bo
marked with liarmonv. [ Applause. ]
Ho hoped that a delegation wouli'Jbo ' chosen
which would benbloto luttlowltbafoo thiit
under the haniier of republicanism Is endeav
oring to wreck the best interests of the
stnto , [ Applause. | Vet himself bo would
tav thiit hho vouldratlicr fall llRhtlni , ' pro-
idliitlon than iichlovu victory under its ban
ner. fAniilaiise. !
Mr. CJuiloy then asked for the election of ft
leiiiimrnry chairman. Upon the motion of
Isniii ! IIusciill , M. 1' . O'Brien WIH elected.
Mr. O'Hik'ii thiinkcd the convention nml
called for the noinlniUion of n temporary
M'crctury. Mr. 13.V. . mineral wns clioscn
without opposition.
Tlio secretary announced the following
ik'lopiU's as being entitled to scats in tbo
convention :
First Vnril-I. S. .Ilascall. "William Urn-
pjierfon , .loliu Mattliicscn , M. Fonl , Joe
kiit , .lolm Itoaloky , U. 1C. Loni ; mid Golt-
llob.linmerinan. .
Second \Vunl Gustuve Ilnmcl , C. M.
O'I3onovan , M. 11. Kedllcld , Daniel O'ICecfo ,
M. Morrison , John Tnleinnn , Joseph ICuvan ,
T. 1 , . Van IJorii.
TblrdVunlSol Prlnco , It. D. White , \ > .
K. Itecd , Hown-d Watson , ( jlmrlos liiitclicl-
Hcr , Willluin I'oytoii , Charles \Vehrer , Sctb
Fourth Wnrd RV. . Gray , H. S. Berlin ,
I ) . .1. O'Domihoe , E. Kcsewiiter. It. t ) . Duu-
enn , M. 1' . O'Hrii'ii , Hiebard Smith , Morltz
L' lfth Ward .F , M. Counsinnn , G.V. \ .
Ambrose , .1. N. 1'hillip.H , Henry Dolln ,
UennlH Kcllelicr , G. J. Westcrdahl , Gus Loi'k-
ner. C. Hamcn.
Sixth U'avd IDorsoy B. Houelc , F. W.
Mnnvllle , C'hristlau Hpecht , K. U. Mullery ,
MidiiiolCody . Urimlsloy Austin , \Vllllam
Ho.l'ctts . ( , .1. M. Talbot.
Seventh \Vurd-M. I , . Hocder , J. AY. Ellcr ,
M. Lee , D. .1. Collins. \ \ Crawford , B.
Walsh , ( iuoryo V. Sablno , M. I ) , i'utcrsen.
Eighth Wcrd U'illliun Cuhurn , rotor S.
Uolcn. A. 11. Sanders , O. It. Armstronu ,
S. 1C. SiuiuhlliiK1 , J. L , . lllue'f , George A. Den-
net , 13. W. Siniui-al.
Ninth \Vunl JI. P , ICnhjht , Aupust Doll ,
C. L. KrleUson. ( ! . S. Uencwa. A. L. AVIir-
pins , Kobevt lilvosey , J. p. iloran , f. M.
Soutli Onmhn-Dnnlel I-i. McGuckcn ,
C.corKoW. Jlnkepeace , Ncls Peterson , .lohn
C'ontlon , Sun : Gibson. Joseph Kunzel , John
C. Ilowley , .loliu 1) . lioblnson.
Douglas I'roflnct Ed Lceilor , C. W.
Stephens , FranU ShenvooJ , II. Koth , George
WcstOinnha OcorgeV. . Itobcrts. Henry
Hicelie , David Heed , Henry M. McGinuis
and George II. Potter ,
Klkhorn William Osbornc , O. 1 { . "Will
iams , Isnue Noyce , Ulchard Uuckuole , Homer
Kloreneo-F. S. Tucker , R W , Cowan.
Frank Leach , John Paul , John Simpson.
Cbh'iiKO C. II. Doulccr , Jonns fry , A.
Moebelnmnn , Nicholas Kickon , Henry liolfs.
Mlllnnl John Dcnko , "EgBotSpocht , Him-
BOII Selunldt , Hcln rich Kelsey , William Van
Doran ,
MeAnllo I > atMc.Ardlo.Tnnies , Rolfs , John
( Jrlohcl , Fwil Sowou , Chnrles Avory.
JotTersou- Peter Mangold , John IClinkcr ,
II. . ) . Sehomel , H. G.Tlmino , CluusOtt.
Valley and Waterloo delegates were do-
Inyed by a late train and did not arrive until
after the convention hnd adjourned. C3
\\Vsterdnlil nominated Jllchncl Leo for
pcnniinentehalrinnn ,
Mr. Uunn moved that the temporary or-
panizjitlon bo made permanent , hut this was
received with such evident distavcr by the
convention that the motion was withdrawn ,
Mr. Lee was received -with great npiilause ;
Upon tailing the chair , ho said :
' 'Gentlemen of the republican convention
pcntlemeii of the reunited republican party
Itlmlikyoii for the honor you have bestowed
upon mo. it Is an honor thuii any man might
1)0 proud of under ordinary circumstimccs ,
lint under the circutnstnnec.s it is nn honor
this year that lllls nio with exceptional pride ,
Wo have an exceptional b-xttlo on our hands
this year. Wo have a fight to make that
means not only the victory of the party but
the preservation of our personal lib
erty niul prosperity. 1 would
rather die fighting than to sco
lin ninenilmcnt to the constitution
which will curtail our liberty and decrease
our pmpoity interests at lcabt5 ! ! per cent. I
hope that the republican party will so work
that such nn amendment will not bo thrust
upon 'as. 1 feel like coiiKratulatlngtbo repub
licans of Douglas county today. Wo hn\o
been disunited during the past fo\r years , but
now wo ura reunited. I'ho ineavo nominate
In our atato nnd congressional convention
will ho the men elected. "
Mr , Lee then ashed for the nomination of a
permanent secretary. Upon motion K. AY.
Klineral vus unanimously eboscu to 1111 that
13. W. Ambrose nroso and said that If lie
understood the condition of affairs correctly
thuro was but one voice In the convention as
to who should bo chosen as delegates , and ho
would ask permission to Introduce the follow-
\UK \ resolution i
Kt'fcolvvd , 1. Tlio ropulilloiim In comontlon
ftssointileil In Duuitlus county imuiilmou.sly
ciiddrsu Dr. H l ) . Jliu-ccr us u c mull tint o for
the oilluoof pnvoriuirof tlio bluto ( if NobniKl.ii ,
nml Instinct Slid ( li'li'viili'-i deoU'il from t-alil
eonnty touse nil luiiuiratile uiitleuvumto M'-
cure the nomination oj Ur , Mercur to llwt
'J , nititwo ilrrlnro tlint In Ilio jioiidlnR ol > -
tlonthiult Is Iho duly dfall fuoil dtl/cus. anil
In the Intorokt of every < U > piii-tiiioiit of tlio
- stale , to seeuro tlitMuloiitloiiof tlio ooiiHtltu-
tlonul unn'iKliiu'iit rolutliiK to liltth llci'iiho
nnd tlio ilofniit o ( Iliu aineiiiliiiunt iclatlnjr
to iinilillilllon ; uiul tlio < li'li' iiU > n c'louleil
ui tlio stiitn coiivi nlIon nro horoly Iiiilruotcd
to Kicuruthu IKIHSUKO , If losslblo , of nrcsolu-
tlonIn favor of bluli | | .vn o uiul usugulnst
liiolillihloii by thoktului-onuMitluii.
: i. I'liU ol nt i ntlnii uiunlnioiKly endorses
tliuroiiiiotif Hon. W , J , Coiinull In oonirois ,
uiHU'spfiliil y ftuntiieiiiluhlin fi t hlHWorklii
jvlntionlowlial liknoMii as "tlioelKlit hour
lilll , " now pending in conurc s , anil inurocts
ilKlrrnti'4 vliHttuI ti ttuuoaiios'oiiiil ; ( Onvtn-
t ondir lils llstritto | prooiiro tlio renoiulmi-
tlonof .Mr. L'onnoll as a member of umsms
Mr. Uoiowitor naked tlint the clause re.
fernntf to prohibition bo stricken cut niul
loft over for illseuisloii. jo [ eoulil sliow tlio
CWiiventlon , lie snlil. how tlio adoptionof such
a resolution would bo n most fnttil blunder.
It would bo Impolitic for the convention to
declare Itself In furor of the license amend-
incut , ns then ull republicans who \vero not
in fuvorof the uinciulinont unil who would
not vote for It. Jlo tlld not think the conven
tion should IKS tciuiclotts on thU point. The
resolution was uimccossnry , The convention
us all present knc\v \ , was ngnliibt prohibition.
IsiiaollosiMle ; vas of the suuio ojilulon as
Mr , Itowwnter.
Jlr. iiibtxiso suld ho would not lw tcime-
loiis , niul withdrew the rvsotutlon rofenliin
to prohibition. .
The resolutions wore thcix adopted as
Mosoa P. O'Urlen tnoroil that as the con
vention hml ondorsoil Dr. Mercer for gov
ernor , U should proceed to nominate cnuill-
Uutcs us could bo depended on n'tnaintiiK
faithful to their iilloiil.iiico to him. lie intro
duced n resolution providing that eiieh vutil
iu the city should nuiiio six Uelopitos , that
the South Oinuha dolei tea should uninoslx ,
find tnat from cuch oJ tticjo dclcgutlotia Dr.
Morccr sliould ncloct four to attend tto con-
Volition Tlic motion ( irovldcd farther tliat
the countn * precincts fthould tmm < ? eleven
ilflocnU-inndthntnr. Mercer slinultl solret
cltrhtnciittt Inrge , tnnklnn a toUil ol sixty-
til no.
no.A Bontloman from Mlllnnl prcclnet , not
nnilerstnndinif the resolution , obJocUil to It
on the ground that the country woulil hove
no rcpivMmtntion. Mr , Koacwntcr esplnhifd
to lilm that the resolution provided cloven
delegate for the country , nnd the gentleman
from Mlllimlsiit down satisfied.
1' . W. Omy moved that the chnlr nrpolnt a
committee consisting of ono delepnto from
each ward in the city , ono from SouthOmnliu
nnd three from the county , ( o select n ( Moni
tion to Attend ttio congrosslonnl convention
to bo held nt Plnttsinouth in Hci'tombcr. '
1'rlorto ' tlio submission of this question by
the chnlr. J. L. Jlhick aslied permission to
present tills resolution !
VIIKIIEAH. W. J. Connell , our reprc ctiln-
tl\o in cun icss. lias tnlroitiiiMul In tin ! liouso
cif toprciontnllvudi 1 > 1I1 proUdluR for tlieto-
iluotlonof tlio hours ollabor on national pub
lic wot-ks , tliiroforc. belt
le ! olved , Tlititlt IH Iho FCM O nf tliN con-
vt'iitlonnniltlii ' * rciulllciitii.irty | | of DoiiRlas
county tlint Mr , Coiinull 1110 ovoryclTorl lir
sociirfiu the pnnsaRu of tins sunn- , and wo
herebyciidor'u nml iiiiprovohlHactloni.
The resolution ivus uniiuimously adopted ,
and then the chnlr appointed tlio eoinrnittco
suggested Ijy Mr. Clruy's motion , niunliiB
Isaac lliiscnilas thalnnan , Mr , Gray rclus-
ItiK to serve.
Mr. Ambrose moved thntns the convention
had solieurtllv endowed Dr. Mercer , the
elinlr * should nppolnt a committee of
three to wnlt upon Dr. Mercer nnd inform
him oftlio notion of the convention and invite
him to appear before it. The motion pre
vailed , uiul the chair named G. W. Ambrose ,
V. W. ( irnynudU. J. O'Uonahoo as such
A rocoMs of thirty minutes was tlien taken.
-ABi'iHTiil otconTerentlonsirose.btit itwna |
soon Interrupted by cheers from the sldovvulk ,
Avhleh was soon taken up by those near the
Dr. Mercer had tnmlc hh appearance.
Th celled Inn ivus learty lUHlprolon oJ.
Thoiloetor was escorted to the platform.
Cheer after clucr followed nnd it was some
time before order vns restored. Then Ur.
Jlcrecr win presented to tne convention by
the clialrman.
"uciiticincn , " < uuuiio. "it is not necessary
for inoto thank you for your devotion , eMrsy
mid earnestness In this short , Here , but do-
clHlvocanipalKn which hmjustendcil in these
primary elections. I must acknowledge the
Hot that Iain indebted to you for the hlirli
compliment which you huvo paid mo today ,
and lean ussuwyouthutlf wo move on in
this ( ireatcamjwfgn with the same decree ot
enthusiasm that has so fur marked our course
wo skill succeed. Ifccl tiuite sure that the
result of the coining campaign -will show a
cnind and glorious victory lor our party ,
[ Loud applause. ]
"Every effort will bo put forth on our part
to attain victory , nnd I feel confident that
with the class of citizens Unit are aiding xis
hi tills movement , on the 4th dny of next
November Iho republican party will achieve
a Kmt "fctory. "
Tliedodor'ashortaddrcss was received by
loud nnd prolonged applause and continued
JNlr. Hmrnllfroin the committee on ehoos-
Ing A delegation to attend the congressional
convention , reported tlmt lie anil his asso
ciates , iiotlfnoivlngtho proclivities ot all tlio
delegates present , had found thcir.selves
la an ombavni3sin position , ami
ho woulil nsk le.ivo . to report progress
nnd permission for the committee to return to
their scats in the convention and take part In
the deliberations , with the uiidorst.iudiiiu
that they should rcllro to thocoujmitteo room
after receiving sonio ciiliphtenmcnt f win the
convention and complete their labors.
'While Mr. Ilnsenll had tlio floor ho intro
duced n resolution provldint ; that no proxies
be allowed in the state convention , and if any
vacancies should occur they should VH ; illlcd
by tlio delcgixtcs , nud tliat tlio delegates pres
ent should cast tlio lull vote , nnd that the
siuno rule should govern the delegation to the
conuressional convention.
This resolution was vinnnimonslv ndorited.
butno nellomvas taken on Mr. llascall's re
quest for further tlmo for the committee on
selectindel ( ! < ' ( ! atos to tlio sumo convention ,
Iho chair Ihcn announced tlio following
gentlemen ns beinu the delegates cliosen to
attend the state convention ui Lincoln on the
23rd :
23rdAt largo Thomas Sivobe , A. L. Strnng ,
G. W. Utiingor , K. Uosnvntcr. AVillinm
Coburn , Albert Sunder , 13. W. Sfmcral , II.
J. Uavis1,1. S. Ilascall , Frank ICaspar. H. D.
Duncan , Frank T.Ilansoin , B. S , Baker , A.
U. Smith , I ? , W , Gray , M. L. Rlcuotts ,
Henry Bolln. John Jenkins.
I'irst Wnnl-Jodlah Kent , Jolia H.Butler ,
MlehaclFord , John Kotclcy ,
Second \Vard-E. II. Stcnbcrp , C. M.
O'Donovnn , Melville licdileld , Joseph Cavan.
Third Ward Sol Prince , L. B , Heed. T. B.
Brainanl , Chin-lea Wehrer.
Fourth \Vanl Oeorgo 1. O'Brien , R.S.
Berlin , D. .T.O'Domihuo , Kiehard Smith.
Filth Ward J.N. Counsman , J. N. Phil
lips , AiiLiistJuclincr , J. B. Bruner.
Sixth Ward John C. Whorton , Chris
SpechtT , , Hauok , Frank Spoor.
Seventh \Vard-W. L. Koeder , Mike Leo ,
J. W. .Kllor , Ed V'nlsli.
Nighth Ward J.A.Bennett , J. L. Black ,
V , O. llrunner , P , S. Bowcn.
Ninth Ward C. D. Hutchtnson , J.L. Carr ,
J. S. Benawii , A. L. AVlirKins.
South Omaha J. E. Hart , G , W. Make-
pcaeo , A. J. Baldwin , (5. ( B. Eriou.
County Pieeinets H. O. Tlmmo. II. 1C.
Schenicl , Pill McArdle , Jnmes Walsh , Henry
Kclch , JohnLimpke , Ed Lcudcr , Ivl , Chai >
man , 0. H.Vllllnins , I'cter Hyler , G.V. .
M. P , O'Erion moved that these delegates
bo ratified , and ttio motion was seconded and
F. W Gray suggested that as Mr , Council
would bo in the city within a few \vccks and
as the congressional convention would not
convene until September , that itvould bo
better If lie were consulted in the matter of
choosing delegates , lie moved tlmt action in
this matter should lie postponed until his
return. Ho suggested that the
committee selected to cheese delegates
to the congressional convention should bo ex
cused , to bo called together by the chairman
to confer with Wr. Counellas to the selection
of such delegates.
Mr. Ambrose didn't think this -was neccs-
sury , nnd r.s nn aniendment he would sungcsl
tlint JMr. Council be allowed toseleithisown
ilclcKutcs upon his return. This proposition
wis received with cheers and \vns carried
amid crcat applause.
J.V. . Ellcr moved that Iho convention pro
ceed to upjiolnt a county central committee ,
coiisUthiKof thivo delegates from each ward
in the city , three from South Omaha , and
two from each of the country wecinets. The
motion was seconded and curried.
Hobert Dnneim moved that Morris Mor
risen bo named as chairman of the centra
committee , but the convention conslderei
this too nrbltmry and ordered that the com
mltto ) should select Its own chairman from
among its members.
The central committee was then named as
follows :
First Ward John II. Butior , John Mathie
ecu , GotloebCiiumerimum. .
Second Ward I1 , L. Van Dow , DSH
O'Kecffe , M. Itedtield.
Third -Ward-Both Cole , W. B. Pay ton , II
P.Vutson. .
Fourth Wnrd-E. Dunn , Swlboroutth
M. P. O'lirloii.
Fifth Ward J. N. Counsman , Henry
Bolln , A. Uocluior.
Sixth Ward-Lewis Llttlcflcld , "William
Hodgetts , KiUvurd Mullorv.
Seventh Wnrd SI. L. Uoeder , E. AValsli
Frank Crawford.
Eighth Wnrd S. II. Spauldicp , 0. 11
Armstrong , Jainos Allen ,
rs'luth Wnrd-G. S. Beuaway , U. S , Lib-
bey , J. S. iloran.
South Omaha J" . B. Erion , O , W. Make
peace , W. S. Cook.
Florence Precinct John Simpson , Frank
Elkhorn Precinct Isauo Noyce , Omar
Chicago Precinct C. II. Deaker , II. A.
Mlllard Precinct-John llmnlo.VillInm
Van Dohren.
Jefferson Prrclnct II. C , Timmo , Peter
\Yutorloo I'rcclnct H. B , Hcnnlger , F.
Most Omaha Prcclnct-G. W. liobcrts nnd
Henry Ulch.
McArtllo Precinct James Rolfs , Patrick
Union I'reclnct-U. Kodinan , P.II. lluylcr.
Mr. Makep ieo of South Ornnha ohleeteil
to the it'solutlon iicrmittliiB Mr , Counellto
to select his own delegates. Ho lud no doubt
but that everyouo pnscnt was in favor ol
Mr , Connell for congressman from this dU-
trlct , but under the resolution passed Mr.
Connell might select nil the delegates from
ono ward In Omalia , whllo the whole county
wanted to bo represented and have a voice ia
Mr. Council's nomination.
Jilr. Ilascall suggested that the gcstleram
ivns laboring umlor A mUnpprehpii'lon < to
the facts. ThodclcfaUftchosen byMr Con
nell were to bo approved by Iho committee
Iho convention had thoscn , a--.d were W ro-
eelvotheir credcntlnls from Its ofllcers.
Mr , Kller moved n recouslderntion ot the
Mr , L. Itoeder thought Hint llils would bo
In bail tnsto , ns the resolution had been once
passed. Ho thought that it would bo bettor
to ndd a represcntutivo from every ward imd
precinct to thocoininlttcothnnto reconsider
the resolution.
A call of Iho roll cf the wntihVM de
manded on the motion of Mr. Kllerto re
consider , nnd It vaa lost by n majority of
cloven voles.
The convention then adjourned.
Dr. JlcrcciSerenaded. .
The entire voting population of the Ninth
wnrd and a largo contingent from the Sixth
called on Dr. S. D. Mercer Imt evening with
the Walnut lllll baud nnd tendered him a
serenade ,
Dr. Mercer made his appearance M the
rowd of visitors approached , nml the band
ilayod "isee , the Confiucring Hero Comes. "
'hreo cliccrs nnd n tiger wow given.
The doctor responded by saying that ho
vus glad to sco his neighbors in n social wny ,
s In the social attainments of llfo the most
loiisnntthinuwiis thocxeluugo of cordial
icighborly j.rrccttnt9. (
A nn mbor of the doctor's constituents m.
ured binofthelrcordlil ! , support and mjen-
rjiloxchangoof Ideas was the oiilor.
Cigars , etc. , wore circulated freely amotij ?
hopucsls , and the band ilU itself proud by
dliconrslng sweet music upon the lawn.
OMAIII , Xcb. , July 11 To tlio Editor of
I'liEBr.c : AV111 you jileaso Insert In Tin :
BFH the answer to the following questions :
Who was county trc.isnrcr . and who was
city treasurer and mayor In the year 1875 ?
Answer County treasurer , A C. Athens ;
nayor , C. S. Chase ; city treasurer , 0. Hurt-
Ill.ACK IlMVK. S. D..Inly 10. To the 1M-
tor of Tun Uir. : : will you plea-sosayln
your curiosity column whnt ottleors of the
state of Illinois constitutes the board of par
dons J A party hero claims there Is no board
of pardons. The authority boinijsololy veiled
, n the governor , How is itJ
A Sunscmnnii.
Answer--There Is no hoard of pardons In
Illinois , the power being vested in the gov
OM.MIA , Is'cb. , July 12. To tlio Editor of
Tin : I3ei : : To decide n wager will you kindly
decide which is the correct expression : "To
morrow will ho Sunday , " or "Tomorrow is
Sunday. " and very much ohllgou daily reader
Answer Tomorrow "will bo'1 Monday.
SOVTJlT 3llltA'i'lI'A \
That , luo lllll.
There is going to boa whole lot of trouble
over the action of the council in awarding the
Ornahi ice company $ lGOOon n claim of dam
ages which was originally but for S-COO. About
n year and a half ngo the company's Ice house
nt Twenty-seventh and Q streets was dam-
nscd by an overflow of surplus water. The
company presented aclaiin for ( COO damages
which was reported on unfavorably by n. eom-
inittco and rejected by tbo council. Two
weeks nto the coinpnnr presented
anin their claim for damages , but
Increased the amount -from SHOO to
$ ' 1,500 , Coun oilmen Johnson , O'ltourko
and Doufthorty , a spcciiil committee ,
examined the claim and reported in favor of
allowing $ lr > 0 ( ) of the nmoimt , and the coun
cil concurred In the action , Burke , Dougherty
nnd llawlcy voting in theiiegntivp. Seine of
the citizens were highly Indignant and
secured an injunction in the district court re
straining the payment of the claim until a
furtlicr hrnrhij ? , which has occn sot for
August 11. Some interesting dovelopirents
are cxpct-ted when sin explanation is nsltcd in
the courts of the reasons for raising the
claim from S < 100 to nearly ton times the
Tlio Union IMonlc.
Arrangements hnvo been completed for the
union picnlo by the employes of the Union
stockyards , the G.II. Hammond company ,
Swift & Co. , the Armour-Cudnhy packing
comjuny and the Omaha packing company at
Waterloo , on Sundnr , July 27. The oCleers
( ire : President , Timothy Molonoy ; vice
president , Kccd Darnell ; recording secre
tary , Thomas E. McGulro : financial secre
tary , OcorRO \ \ ' . Ball ; treasurer , Mntthers
Miller ; commlttco on ari-angeincnts ,
George Boust , 'J'heodoro H. Dachman ,
Michael Connors , "William Conrad , \VIllinin
Clifton , AVillinm Crawford , ID.mielD. Dowr-
ran , Timothy I. Flaherty , John Fitzgerald.
J.V. . Glannon , Charles K. Jones , Michael
McllalcV. \ . Martin nml James Mcduiro ,
Tlio A. O. II. band of Omaha and the Magic
City band of South Omaha -\vlll furnish the
The following contests will take place ;
Beef skinning , $ . " 50 and Sio : sheep skinning ,
$25 and $13 ; ham sewing , 810 nnd $ .1 ; waltzing -
ing , the best lady wiltzcr a toilet set , the
best gentleman \vnltzcr a slllc um
brella ; three standing Jumps ! 100
yard running race ; sack race ; girls'race ;
potato race , fat men's race , nmatcur basobnll
club , greased pig , three-logged race , prettiest
baby , and tup of war composed of men from
iho Arinour-Cudahy nnd Omaha packing
companies on one side ngnlnst n team from
thou. II. Hammond company and S\vift &
Co. The train will leave the Union Pacific
depot atOmaha at9:30 and will stop at all
way stations. Tickets will bo for sale on tlio
T ) . C. McTlypi1 Hiis a Narrow ISsenpo
J'rom Instant 1) utJi ,
The Farnara street motor drew Its first
blood last night.
D. C. Mcllycr was walking nlong Pnrnam
stKct nnd when near Eighteenth lie stopped
aside to allow a couple of ladles to pass.
Train No. 2. was approaching from
the cast. Uoforo the moiormim could
shut off the current andupply the
brake Mcllycr was knocked down
and drjfgcd alons the stone pavement for a
suvoi-iil viirils. HAvn. . < * nfc nncn
II .OI..U W * .JV. * J * t J U > .
picked up and taken to Ills homo , near the
O am can cracker factory. Ills Injuries con
sisted of n severe scalp vound and several
bud bruises about the body , all of wliich are
painful but not ncccssarilv fatal.
Jfb f GOQC
To him who waits amid the world's apnlnuso
His sharn ofJustice , tolling day by day" ,
All things will coino now dim and far away ,
To him who waits.
To him who waits beyond the darkness drear ,
The morning coincth with refulgent llcht ;
Bringing assurance of a any moro bright ;
To him who waits.
To him who waits , though tears may often
fall ,
J\M\ knees to bowed In sorrow and In prayer ,
A\\ \ grief will end nnd everything bo fair
To him who waits.
To him who waits and reaches out Ills hands
To aid a toiler up life's beetling crags ,
Surcease will como from every 111 that flags ,
To him who waits.
To him who wait ? , ami strupglcs not in vain
To overcome the evils that abound
Within his brent , sweet will the victory
To him who waits.
To him who waits , tliere comes a wily throng.
Who sneer and scoff , and look with baleful
oycs ,
Hut what of them ? They are but gnatsand
files ,
To him who waits.
To him who waits , there must ho recompense
Tor useful work , whatever may betide ,
A compensation reaching far and wide ,
To him who waits.
Tohim who wait * thostarsaro always friends ,
The restless ocean , and the nznro sky ,
All things In nature speak and prophesy.
To him wlio waits.
To him who wulU , true love will some day
como ,
And lay an offering nt hia blameless shrine ,
Llfo will bo love , and love will be divine ;
To him wlio wults.
To him who walls tlo world will some day
cheer ,
And sing his praises ; Fiuno's mysterious
Wlllopen for Idin ; heaven seem more near ,
To him wlig waits.
The Oanso cf Onnha'a Defeat nt Dos lloints
Yesterday ,
UK tine flint Field I n t Averages of
\Vo8tern Amoclittlon dubs ami
Mayors Interesting Turf
Dliiinuinl Gossip.
Standing of tlic Club < ! .
IliHtOII ( 41 27
rhleiwi 61 : > l .Kll
.Now York IVS 20 40 .4 IS
CluvfUnil Kl 10 41DO
PiltHbiirg 6J 10 DO
1'layeil. ' W'im. 1'erCt.
' '
llostffll C'l ' 40 111
( Jlilc-sipo Ki ! r > Nr
Hrooklyn 70 y ;
NVw York Kt : M 3t
I'lltslnirjr ( H Mn , nee
l'lillu'lol ' | > 1ilu OS : n , . ' 00
Oli'vdftiul 01 .41:1
lluirulo f'U 42
I'lnyi'il. ' Won. Io- PcrCt.
Athletic or M .CI5
l.ou Invlllo 03 M .00:1 :
' . ' 8 .fiKl
SI. I/HUM ( ti
ltoclie tor Co 'M .f > M
I'olumlnts 00 III .MIO
Syracuse rci IIIs .444
Toledo 01 s ; .44:1 :
Brooklyn Kl IT 40
lies Jloiiios f > , Oinnlui .
nxr.s , la. , July U. [ Special Telc-
Kram to Tim BKD , ] 'Ilio Omnhacluh lost
the iccoiid gaino to Uca Jloines today through
Inability to get moro than ono hitln nn in
ning , their six hits oft Hurt bolnp scattered.
On the other band , the locals did not hnvo
the usual dlfllitilty In llndiiiK Clarlw , nnd by
buiu'hingliltsln ' thosccoad Inninggot agooil
load nnd kept It. Tlio llclalng of tlio visitors
in the main \vns good , four double plays
belli ? mndc. Moran made a couple of bad
throws to second , ono ot which cost n run ,
Cleveland's error in the last inning and a
l > as'uil lull , together vlth a triple by llriin-
blecoinv ro rosiionsiblo for two runs ,
Otnahu scored first In the tilth iiiulnj ; by a
base on balls to Cunavnn anil a. triple by
Walsh. The latter tried to tmko It a homo
run , but was caught at the plate. The run
hi tlio sixth ws oUaincd by Cleveland's hit
for three bags midawiM pitch. The score ;
u n < ) U II 0 A
I'ntton 3b..O I S Caimvnn , lf.,1 O 1 O
TruBlcy. r..O 1 7 8 1
KluimRiinlb..O 1 I'J ' ' ' ' I 0 0
Stoi' 1 1 Ck'VUln'nt.Vh''l 1 1 1
IMithn , 21) . . . . ! 0 O llaiiralian. b.O 5 : i 0
Clnre , rf 1 1 2 Anilrt'n < , lb..U 111 0 0
Ilrlia'cuin , If.l .1 2I II \\llllH.m 0 o p
MncnUnr.sJ. .1 0 1 I Jloriui , c 0 0 4
Unit , p 1 1 1 3 Clurlc , | i 0 0002
Tolnls .1 ! > 27 11 1 Totals S OH II <
lllf IXNl.Mlrf.
IX" ! Molnes 0 II 0 00 00 02 5
Oiuulin. 0 0 2
linns farni'd DMMolni'sa.Onialia 1. Two-
bsMu hits llanriiJian. Andrc\vn. \ Threc-baf.0 .
lillu lti < lmlili.i > < itii.Vn 14)1. ) ( Mi < vi > litiil. Kncrilti'Q
II 11 . 1 t lllll LJll'lUlllf I , .
lilts Willis. Double plays Omaha 4. Stolen
bines Jlus MoliiosXOnialia . IlnMonbalIs-
Hyllaitri ; ItyUlark. 4. Struck out Ily Hurt.
4 ; by 1'ns ed Jjalls-Moian 1. Wild
iiltcbes-llnitl. Cliirlc 1. Tlmo one hour awl
rorty-llveniliiiitcs. Umpire llauswlno.
JHUvaulceo , Slum City .
MiLVAUiccrVh. . , July 12. [ Special Telo-
{ jrain to THE BEE. ] Following Is the result
of today's game :
Totals 811 27 0 l | Totula 3 827 11 2
Milwaukee 4'0 0320000-8
Hluu.x City 0 0002000 1-U
Earned runs llllwnukeo 4 , Sioux City 2.
Two-liaso lills Wulcli , AllicrtH. Tliico-hnno
lilts I'uorinan , KrluK. Huses on hulU 3111-
vauUuoT. Slnux C'lty 2. Struck out lly Thorn
ton , 2 ; by Iluvlla , ! ( . Tlmo Ono liour and
forty-flvo inliiiitcs. Umpire Uoughcity.
JIlnnenpoHs 1O , DDIITCP U ,
MINSEAPOUM , Mliin. , July 12. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BCB. ] Following is the
result of today's giune :
Mlimeiipolli 0 5 11 03 01 5-1G
Denver 0 1 00 OU 01 0-2
Rum earned Minneapolis fl , Two-liaso
lilts MIiiiiclniii.Trviiilwsiy , Homo runs llyn.
Houlilo plays .Mlniiehun to Ityn , MeUlolliui to
Uuynulds. Stolen b.ihcs Mlnnchnn - . An-
( Iriis , t'orroll , Curtis. Ilasos on linllH-Hy
Klllcn 4. uy.MeJiubbl Struclc cut Hy Klllon
S , by JU'Subb S. I'asscd ' balls I olibcck L' ,
Myuri. Time of inino Ouo hour and forty
imiiuti. ' ! ) . Uiuplio CusleU ,
R City 7 , St. I'aul 5.
ST. PAUL , Allnn. , July 12. [ Special Tcle-
prani to'I'm : BEE. ] Following is the result
of to-day'sgnino :
Total * 5 10JI 22 B Totnls 7 10 2712 3
St. Paul 1 00000023 5
Kansas C'lty 3 ' 1 0 0 t 11 0 7
Runs oarncd-St. I'aulSJCnmas City n.Two-
basu hlts-SwecnoyUarprntor , Homo runs
Hoover , lluscbon ImllH Off Hliravui ! . Struck
out by Sluovol , ( Jonwify 1. Uiuplro Hoover ,
UlttloVlll Pltoli Totluy.
Tliero will bo a yf lV feMme nt the ball park
this afternoon between Omaha and Denver.
In response to a pretty general dcslro to sco
what the young mnn can do in thobox , Klttlo
will pitch for the IllacJc Sox and Urquahart
catch. The Denver * are a alu playing food
andstronir , and liowo says he oust hnvo the
Baino , whllo .Andrews says ho "slma't , " In
any event , both teams will strujfe'o ' bard , and
an InterestingKlllno nmy bo expected.
Fonnil Kxoluslvoly In tlio Uce.
The loverj of the national game will flnd a
rich treat in the ofilelal averages cf the West
ern association up to July 5 , which appear ex
clusively In THE B KB , nnd which uro pub
lished rcjmlnrly every month. It will bo no
ticed that Joe "Walsh has smashed out
enough hits during the past four weeks
to put him at the head of Omaha's
buttliifr list , with ICcarns second , Camivan
third , Unjuhart fourth , Clarke tilth , Clove-
laml sixth , Andersen seventh , " \YUU3 eighth
and Moran ninth.
As catcher Urquhnrt leads thocntlro asso
ciation , with the splen.dld average of .O'JO.
whllo Hilly Jloran Is tenth on the list , An
drews hu tie with Powell for second plaio
osllrstbasoinon ; Cunuvnn fourthu > cucoud ;
Clcvcla&d tenth u third ; Walsh tot as
hortt Itenrns swoiidai loft ; Willis sixth as
inlddlo nnd Illnes ninth as right , Oltlio
jiltchcm Cliirko stnmli ninth.
Omaha , M a team , mulct Ilfth Inbutllnp ,
vlth in uvcruKOof .S-'iO ; and third In Holding
with in uveniKOof , WS.
nnd Kidding iVvcrnjco of
Clubs nnd Plnyors.
The records of the Western msoelntlou
clubsluid jilaycrs nro hero shown In detail ,
cotniirlslngthoworlfdonoup to .Inly 5. An
average id given to nil who hu\o played In lit
least ton ( ; , uncs.
CEXTKIl lir.
N'utloiial Ito.lguc ,
Ilo ton 0 01 00 01 02
Chicago 000 'JO ( I C 18
Itita-lJoitou (1 ( , Chicago 8. Krrors llos-
ton 7 , Chti'iiKO fi. l.ittorles ) Ulurkson nail
llennelt ; Ihitelilason and ICltteridgo. Um-
iiliv McQimld.
AT riHUlir.l.lMIIA
. . ,
l'hlladelphll..lO ' 02 01 001 1-15
CloveUiul 0 00 04 000 0-t
Hits-Phlludclnhla 17 , Cleveland 9. Hr-
rors-Philadelphia , Clevclanil U. Hatlcr-
los ( Uciiaoii iiiulUleniciitsVadswortbaud ;
Xlninicr. Umpire Lynch.
AT NtW YOltlC.
New York 2 0 0 (1 ( 1 4 03 2-18
1'ittsbunr 0 01 00000 0-1
Hits New York 17 , Plttsburg it. Er
rors N'ow York 1 , Vittsb'arjj 8. BattcrlM
WelehundHucldoy ; Uownuti ami Decker.
Umpire 1'owcrs.
AT lltlOOKI.YM' .
Clnclimutl I I
llrooMyii 0 00 1 U ! i 10 * - 7
Hilt Cincinnati " > , Brooklyn 8. Errors
Cincinnati I , Brooklyn 1. lliittorlos lllilnes
and Harrington ; CamithcH and Daly. Uni-
idro McDennott.
I'laycru' IJCHJ UO.
Boston 0 ,121 02 14 2 1.1
I'ittsburg t 10000 00 1 II
Illti lloston ! - > 0 , I'ltlsburg 4. Errors
Uostun S , Pittsbtirn 0. ll.ittcrles D.dy
autl Swott ; AIiul and Quinu. Umpires
Ciiillnoy and Sheridan.
AT lMIIM [ > iil'IIIA. :
PhiMelptiln I 0 1 1 0 0 H 0 0- t )
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 a 0 1 0 0 y
lilts VlilladolphU 7 , Cleveland rt. Errors
Philadelphia it. Cleveland ! > . H.itterie.i
Sunders nnd oMilligan ; Ilukoly and Sutdlffo ,
LJiiiinrcs-Forguson and Holk-rt.
New York 3 030 00000 n
Chicago I 001 3
lilts Xew Yurie 10 , Cbicno 0. Krrora
Now York a , Olilcaao 1. Batteries tiwitu ;
and Ewlug ; Iviii ' , Barston and Fan-oil.
Uiiiiilrcs-l'icrco and Le.ioh.
nrooklyn 0 080 1530 0 23
nufmlo . . .4. 0 10 3 0 ! 1 4 111
lilts Brooklyn S3 , Buffalo 18. Erroi-s-
Brooklyn 7 , IlutTulo 5. Uatteries Sowdors ,
Murphy nnd Dally ; Lewis , lleeoher and Hal-
ligan. Umpires Jones and Knight.
Columbus . 0 0 00 003 00 3
Rochester . \ 0 00 000 00 3
lilts Colximbus ? , Rochester 0. Errrors
Columbus 1 , llocbcsteri Batteries Kruuss
niidO'c-onnor ; Cnliihaii and MeGulrc. Urn-
pii-cs Uoesclier and Peoples.
Louisville . 40 3 0 0 1 0 0 * 8
Athletic , _ 3 1001000 0 !
Elllts Louisville 10 , Athletic 13. Errors-
Eoulsvillo 3 , Athletic : ) . Batteries Goodsell
and Wcckbeclcer ; Seivard aud Itobinson.
Uinpiro-lCcrlns. _
The Toledo-Brooklyn game was postponed
on account of rain ,
St. Louis . : i 1 12
Syracuse . 2 0 000 U 0 00 4
lilts St. LouisUSyraouio7. Errors St.
Louis 0 , Syracuse 1. Batteries Kanisoy and
"Wells ; ICeofo anJIlrigus. Umpire ISms-
lie ,
\Yiish liiKtoti 1'ai'lc Ilneos.
CiiicAno , July 12. Summary of "Washing
ton Park races :
Quo mile Dr. Nnvo won , Jnck Murray
second , Tinio 1W. :
Milo and one furloiiB Kuloolah voll ,
LoiiKovlty second , Winning Ways third
Time 3:03. :
I'lvo furlonps Pin fax won , Ilaincrsceond ,
KhiRinan third. Tlino-1 : > .
Milo anil one-half Ornilo won , Hamlet
second , Prlnuo Fortuuatus third. Tiino
348. ;
348.Milo heats First beat : Wary won , Lottie
a second , l.onlKO third. Tlmo 1 : ! > < ' % . Second
end heat : Wary won , Lottlo S second.
'J'lme-1 :50Jf. :
nroniiioatti I'ark KIICOH.
MOXSIOUTII PARK , July 12 , Summary of to-
diy's races :
Three-quarters of nmllo Blue Ilock von ,
Jladstono second , Stately third. Tlma
Julystaltcs , two-year-olds , tlirec-n.unrtera
cf a mile-Bolero won , Nullio Bly second ,
llcekon third. Timo-1 : j.f.
Moninouth cup , milo anil threo-quartera
balvntor walked over the course , wing tlio
only starter. .
Milo and onc-qunrtor Eurus won , Stock
ton second. . Cynosure thin ) . Tlmo 8 :03. :
MaUen two-ycar-ohls , ilrefurloiiKS-Flavlta
won , \Vostchester second , Turmoil third.
Tlino-1 : 2'J ,
Tbreo-ycar-olds anil upward , threc-fmnrtors
of a inllo Bradford v/on , Arab second , Hay-
mend third. Time 1:14 : ,
Elhcrson stakes , seven furlongs Niagara
won. 1'tman second. Brussels third. Tlmo
iao. :
iao.Fiveeighths of a milo Hands-Oftwon , Ad
venture tcconil , Bougbi'uin third. Time
Sivliiiiiiliitc Itcunrdn.
Will you Iclndly Inform mo in Sunday's
B IK the usual dlstunco for swimming races
aud tlio record ! IN the Btart inudo from n
platform or in the water J Jeeins Stuart ,
V'ouiit' Min'a Christian ussoeUtion , Omaha ,
Am. Iherols iiouminl distance. Mntehcs
are made for any distance. " The start la
niado generally from a platform. The pro
fessional record for 100 yards U 1USJ : < ? , hy 13.
T. Jones , London , Kngland. For ono mile ,
28:19Y , J , J. Collin , HolHnKworth Lake.
Amateur , 100 yards , 111-5H , J. L , Mayger ,
London. Ono mile , . ' 15 : 145 ! ) , Alexander ef
fort , Locust Orovo , L. I ,
to DtvlNo i\ Il n.
X , July 12 , The senate caucus
committee spent the tlnw till noon trying to
ilovlso a plan to carry out the instruction of
the caucus to report a practicable method of
procedure by which the majority of the sen
ate may reach u vote upon the national elec
tion bill or any other pending memuro within
u reasoimhlo tlmo. ThcdinVrcntjiropo'iltlons '
advanced In tlio caucus were crmually dis
cussed. The committee did not reach a con
clusion , hut hopes to beubloto report to thu
caucus early next week ,
y DlHoIosuros at I'resnnt.
OTTAVA , Ont. , July 12.-C. II. Tuppcr
that ho does not think nnyono conversant -
ant with the Buhring sea negutiatloiiH at
WiishhiKton would make any dlKdosurcs ] ust
now. liovoilheloss , tlwro bu tone of disap
pointment in Ottawa's Inner circle over the
unsatisfactory t.utu
The Into That Utis Boon Dccrooil for Mur
derer E. D. Nonl.
JU IKO Clnrk'itn Overrules Noal's3o
tlon for n New Trial nnil Hon
OH llllll (0 111 !
October 1 ! . .
"Hanged until dcmlt"
Never before tu the history of ortml nn\ \
court mutters In nil Ainerlon have tlio tor-
Ihlovorls lioon pronounced \\\m\ \ union )
rnly lovely inliUn miner inovalii thunviu
lie ease yesterday when tlioy foil from tlio
Ips * of .liulRO Joseph K. Clnrluon.
Tlioyvcio for Kilwunl U. Noul , convicted
of the horrlhly revolting imil atrociously
old-blooili'il imirdor of All.iti ami Dorothy
IOHOS , a Kray-lmlivil , iiRed. conplo iv.ildlntf
ilono on farm a few miles west of this city
on February 5 lust ,
Ailtlofrom n very largo miniU'r of mem
bersof tlio burthen ) wow not mow than llfty'
) tlicr sptctntom present. Among
thojo other fpeetntoracro t\\o
vow swell-dressed , black-eyed Boelety belles ,
1'hntH.TOiicil by n richly nltlred matron. Tim
iinincs of ull three of tlio Indies huvo up-
poured In the ninvsimriei' reports of social
events n score ot times. Thli trio wni
the ( mo feiiture in wniiivt Ion with the uudl
ciH'O curious to see and hoar Hum sonteuccil
to tleuth upon the scutVold.
Tlio iirlsi.iier ww brought tu the saina
tron-uoi'veil , eiiroU' ' aiulllii'N'cnl ( that ho has
hoeii so fii4tieutly ! | dosenbed , llesuterret ,
coinposeil , i-lear-oyeil and easy us over u per
son did In a public place.
The rourt imidn several nnnouneoiurnts ot
doelslons in matt em of I'oniparutlvoly iidnof
iiiiiortuneo | , and then sutd :
"hi the case of llu > stilt o n alust Neal the
motion for a new trial will bo overruled , "
To eyes that fastened upon tlio pris
oner's fitee not Uu'slinlitostliidieatloiiof siir-
priso wns visible. Hut ho ttld neb
sniiic. That was u feature in connection
with the result oftlio doiith-profiiciiii ; words
xiliDii him. I'oi' , iiivuri.ibly upon all oceasioim
\vhcii Meal lias heard the court tunko a rullne
unfiworabloto him , his face bus ovv.raprc.ul
\vith a smile , oftt-n of blltorsarcasm.
Juil o Clarksou proceeded ;
"Thoiu'ijumontsut , the tlmo of the motion
I hnd eonslilcrocl , both during the trial mill
at tlio tlmo of the motion fora uc\v \ trial , uiul
liavo slneo wliivestlpatcd them , and I
sto notldiiL' to c.mso the court to
clmngoltH mind upon tlio propositions of luiv.
"I tlilulc the defendant had a perfectly fair
trial , and If there aw any tx > ehnlenl errors
tlwt oconrrcil I pwfor to leave thuni to the
court of lustrosoit.
"If the defendant Is ready for sentence I
\vlll sentenceliiinnow. "
Mr. Kstollofo would lllto to notonn ex
ception to the overruling of tlio motion for n
new trial , and ask for forty days from the
rising of the court in which to propaie a bill
of exceptions.
Tliolourt Yes , sir.
Mr. Kstolle Iseo the statute provides that
on the Jllliii ; of the proper tilllilnvlt wo
Kc't nn order for tnuiseript , Wo
have most of thotrameriptsof the testlinotiy
hut there are some tiling" la this testimony
which wo may ile.slre , anO wo will hereafter
Hy the Court-Yes , sir , Do yon desire to
inovo In urrcst of Judgment , or anything of
that sort )
Mr. Kstello No.
The Court Or shall I pronounce the scn-
Mr. Kstclle I do not see that wo have any
statutory ground for arrest of JudKineut.
The Court to the Prisoner Mr. Jfcul you
may como for\varl.
Nenl stepped forward and loolted .Tiiilgo
OlarUsoii straight in the eye , us the latter
proceeded :
" You huvo been found entity by a Jury of
Douplas county of the erlino of mur
der In tlio llrst deerco. Have you any-
thhiK to suy why scntcnco of tba
court sliould not bo pronounced on you ! "
Noiil No , sir.
The Court You have nothtngto say ?
Ncal No , sir.
The Court 'J'ho Jiulgincnt and the scntcnco
of the court , will bo that you lie taken bcneo
to the Jail of Douglas county and there kept
in solitary confinement until the Twcnty-
11 fth day of October , 1800 , onwhich duy you
shall bo taken theneo by the sheriff of
Uout-'las county to the place of execution ,
which shiill belli the immediate vicinity or
the jail and within nil enclosure provided
under the direction of the sheriff
for the purpose of execution , which
enclosure shall bo higher than tlio gallows
and so constructed as to exclude the view of
persons outside thereof ; and thuro between
the hours of i ) u. in. and f > p. in , of said day to
bo hung by the neck until you are dead ,
ByGurlcy Wo talco exception to the scn
tcnco ,
LJy tlio Court- The exception Is allowed ,
By the Court The prisoner will bo ro-
And it was all over.
Tlio spectators noticed that all this wnssaiil
mutdonoliMW few words as possible ; that
there was no disposition upon the part of
Judge Clarksou to do any lecturing , and that
10 did not usurp the oflleo of rollglous
counsel by calling upon God to huvo
norcy upon the prisoner's soul. All
of features wore much com-
noniou upon by several ot the most eminent
noinbers of tlio bar present ns ovlncliiK a
liKh order of very excellent taste and pro *
iricty upon tlio part of .liulgoCluikson ,
Ncal is the srcoiul man to bo sentenced to
loath in the present county court house. The
ither occurred live years ago , and Tom Hal-
ard , who killed Henry Vorpoortcn , was the
nan. Something of a coincidence hi connec
tion with tills faut H that Mallard was prose
cuted by Leo Kstello , esq. , then district at-
; orncy , ando \ \ Is now counsel for Neal.
IJallard pot anew trial and was given peni
tentiary for life.
After tlio Hccno of Neal's sentence was con
cluded ho and his counsel told a Dun reporter
ihnt they bud nothing to say , literally speak
ing. Thocasowillbo luld before the supreme
court Just as soon as transcripts of the pro
ceedings can bo made.
Sheriff IJoyd will put n death watch ovcf
the doomed prisoner Immediately , day and
ninht , in Neal'H cell.
Jly referring to tlio calendar It will bo
noticed that Oetolier ! comes on Saturday
Instead of Krlday , the usually selected duy of
death for criminals.
A straw which xecmsto indicate something
of a chungo In Noiil's ' antlciputions other thari
that ho will finally got Into the pcnitcnltnry
for life Is noticed In the fact that the nno
picture In his steel ciigo hwhto for months
fins been that of n female circus rider , lias
been removed unit In its place ho has put U
picture of the Christ crowned with thorns.
I'arnoll Offei-H a New Plan ,
LONDON , July 12. [ Special Cablegram to
Tnu Bin.l : During his roinurlcs In thohouso
cf commons lust night , 1'arncll proposed a
measure providing for thu appointment of
a hoard of arbitration for the kettlemcnt of
disputes between landlords and tenants la
Ireland , Such n measure , ho said , could bo
quickly passed nnd the board could make In *
qmrlcsund effect cnultablobcttlcmcuts in tha
ciiso ofti.'iuuit.H on thirteen or fourteen estates
where the plan of campaign Is btill in opera
tion.The Chronicle says that the logical outcome
como of L'nriiull's suggestion would bo to
create n municipal tenantry with the llximf
of their tenure of land for life.
The Times says that the tenants refused to
bo bound by Kir Charles Kussell'H arbitra
tion , mid asks If 1h y wouM show mora
respect for n board of arbitration created by
parliament ,
The Standard says that It Is pretty cloas
that 1'arnell's remarks were offered as ahasl3
for a compromise , ll.ilfour , the paiicr nays ,
appeared to be Inclined to talco the saiua
Dm I'reHldoiit and tlio Queen.
Loxnox , July lU. lSiK'elal Cablegmm to
Tin : HKK. ] Atabamiuotgiven by thcoflN
cers of the Honorable Artillery company last )
night , at which ex-Governor Amca of MassrU
chusctts , and Mr. Allen , post commander ot
Ancient and Honorable aitlllery company of
lloHton were present. Toasts were drank to
1'rubldent Harrison nncl Qiiwn Vlclurla
Kindly and feeling speeches wcrtf ini'Uo.Ujt ,
MtitH. Auca and Alloiu