Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1890, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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soon nn ash idle. It was covered with Sl.nOO
insurant f nml valued nt * 0 , X ) . It wns lately
filled with new rye , nnd It is thought by
sonio tlmt the rjo healing caused the lire.
( linrKrd vlth Hoodllng.
rAiiintnr , Neb , July 1'J. [ Special Tclo-
pram to TUB llrB.-Hcnry ] St Martin and
W. C. Wllor. county commissioners , nnd
George McDonald , architect , nro under nr-
rest tonight , 71io architect li under urrorft
for bribing the county cotnmUslonors , nnd
the commissioners for receiving1 bribes from
McDonald. Seventeen architects had sub
mitted plain , nnd McDonald's were adopted ,
nppnnutly In great bnsto John "W. Hcrron ,
the other commissioner , swore out the war-
lants. John Converse , county clerk , Is the
principal witness forlho state , S. M. Bailey ,
lountj tierstircr , nnd George Tollcth over
heard certain convers.itions which nro said to
criminate all thouccuscd , Much excitement
prevails. .
An 111 cut ton Hoy.
A IMO , Neb. , July 1 ! ! . [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Hi r. ] This forenoon Landlord
Harris' only son , Klca , nliout eight years of
ago , captured his mother's pistol , bought
some cartridges nnd In rompiny v.lththrco
or four other youngsters adjourned to the
suburbs tobnyosoino fun , which resulted in
nBcycro wound. 'Iho bill pissed through
the fleshy p.ittof the light hand , entered the
right side nnd Is thought to bo lodged bo-
tuecn the ribs.
Dentil of nn Agc-cI Ij.idy.
BPATIIIU' , yob. , July r.-Spctial [ Tolo-
grnm to Tun liiu. ] Mrs. Hester Manner ,
an old nnd highly esteemed resident of this
city , dlod ut S o'clock this morning of bilious
fever , aged BPvntiteight \cars. She was
tbo stcpinnthoi ot nlno nnd own mother of
fourteen children , all of whom are living but
live , prosperous cltl/cns of Olilo and No-
Itlt on His Thumb.
Ltveoiv , Neb , July 12 [ Special Telegram
to THIS I3rr' ] JIin Daly , uu athletic tough ,
attempted to lob J. ICltchon this evening mid
In the terrible struggle tint followed the
thief bit off Kitchen's ' thumb lie succeeded
ulso In robbing ICittlion Dily yvai arrested
later on the dual cliargo of in i > hem and roo-
beiy. _
A lintikor'H Demise ,
Brmutr , Neb , July 12. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Hun. ] Wai wn Cole , vice presi
dent of the Nebraska Natlon-il bank , died at
his homo near this illy at midnight lastnlght.
The funeral occurs nt H o'clock ' tomorrow af-
tornooi . The cause of his deitli was strangu
lated hciniii , caused by ovct exertions
Kicked In tlio Head liy a Iforso.
rAiitiuuv , Nub. , July 12. [ Special to Tun
Bir. : ] List , night about S o'cloult James
Flngel was kicked In the he-id by a hoiso ho
wni leading to water , sustaining n sovcro
frnctui oof the skull rlho attending physi-
( iuuiepoiLs his condition in extremely clan-
gcuous fiom concussion of the briin.
Impaled on a I'llohforlc.
) , Nob. , July [ ' . ' . [ Special to TUB
J Piiifny evening Mr Albert Kcitcl ,
living lUo and one-half miles south of Ashland -
land , yvhllo coining down from a staclc of
grain , Jumped on a fork handle , malting an
ugly gash two Inches long and six Inches
deep. Uho wound is not eonsldeiod faUl.
I'arni Kcsldcnue llurnrd.
riir.Movr , Neb. , July U. [ Spec ! il Telegram
toTin : Ii'i.J ) Tlio largo losidcneo on the
farm of Ocorgo Godfrey , eight miles cast
of ricmout , burned to the ground. Loss
about SJ.WO , with $1,500 insuianto.
\ lltlof Strike.
LBVINOTOV , Neb , July 12 [ Special to TUB
Bur. ] A ntilko among the laborers of the
hotel Coiiilund occnried ycstordiy , owing to
the employment of n colored tiainp. It was
promptly settled by the discharge of the
negro nnd work resumed.
Kkl < ( ! ( l liy a Mule.
On VNT , Neb. , July 12. [ Telegram
toTiiKllKK. ] Ason of William I5vuns was
thrown fiom a mule today and kicked. Hia
nnn was broken and ho was otherwise In
Dodge Count )
riiBMOvr , Neh , July U [ Sp = ci-.l Tele
gram to Tin BIF.J : The Dodge county allr-
nnco held a meeting tit North Bend jcsterday
afternoon. There were present only twenty
representatives from the county alliance.
UNO delegates \\oro elected to the congres
sional convention at Columbus und resolu
tions wcro adopted.
Hull Count } H.
O'Nnu , , Neb. , July U [ Spcclil Tclo-
giain to TUB BIT. ] The deinociatlo county
convention , which was held hero today , suc-
cccded uftcr a , long nnd spirited straggle in
endorsing the representative ticket tecently
nominated by the farmers' alliance
Tills UcicVt will probably ho endorsee :
by the lopublicans without opposl
tlon. The republican primaries held hero to-
diy instructed the delegates to the county
convention to oiidorsathem. The democrats
ulso nominated Hon. I } . F , Roberts as county
Will niccttltily 18.
Pr.Mirit , Neb , July It ! [ Special to Tun
Ilun.l The Thutston county republican con
vention to elect delegates to the state con
vention will moot in Ponder on Fiiday.
July IS. _
ICcltli County AUIanuo.
Gitcvr , Neb , July 1U. [ Special Tolcgmm
toTiiL Bi r. ] The county alliance met today
nnil decided to put a ticket in the field Inde
pendent of the ia \i \ u tics. It favors Pow era
for govei nor. _
lU-onii 0 tinty ItVpnlil loans.
AiNsnniiTii , Neb , July 1'J. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK Bn : . ] At the republican county
rouvintloii todjy n dnlLvation headed by Joseph -
soph II. Holers was selected to the state con-
\entlon The dolcgatea ai-o instuieted for
Cuininu County ItopnMlcaiiN.
BASCIIOIT , Nob. , July 1 . [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BitAt the republican
county eomentlon tod.iy u delegation headed
by J , u. Uo\vej was solc-cted to the state con-
\cntlon. It is a lllchnrds delegation. Tha
follouingix'solutlons weioadopted :
AVhorons A majority of the proicnt bonrd
of truispoitiitlon IIIIMI failed In usuthopouor
ile'le't'iltMl t tliom liy luw to jirotoet the iico-
lilo of Isuliraihn aKahistllKi cv.u'tliin l > j uill-
rontl oorporatloiis of < < \irlltant rut < * und
cspe-clull ) upon the products of our
bolt ; nnd ,
Wheicas , Porno of thc o sulcl bonrd arecan-
dliliilcH for riMiomlimtlnn ; tlirri'fnru bo It
IfMiolviil , That Ills UIOMMIEO or the repuli-
llc.uindf OiiniliiK vonntu In I'cmu'Mtlou us-
kuiullt ) > d.tliiitiuuhi'aiidilates ! should lioroln-
patod In thu roar , inul the dilo ilos tu the
state ( ' ( Munition urn liuruhy lustniotod to usu
tholr be-st nlTorts toRcenro tlio iioiiilnatlnn of
suchIIUMIfor nii'iulii'rs of Mild bond as will
honestly and fcurli-- > ly lulKir for the a < l-
Justiiioiituf > " iiixiii 11 fair and ujual basis ,
Holt County Uopiihlicnns.
ATMVSOV , Neb , July It ! . [ S | < eclol Tele
gram to THE Bn : . ] The republican prl-
mailcs in w'ostcrn Holt county today rolled
up peed majorities for anti-lor ) > e > y dt-legatcs ,
and the Klchards outlook is good ,
Itcimhllcim Cations nt IMudlsou.
Mmisov , Nob. , Only 1'J. [ S | > oclal Tele
gram to Tuu Huu. ] The republican caucus
passed off quietly liero today , delegates being
Yorlc County Comoiitloii.
YOIIK , Neb , July lil. [ SiieclalTelegram to
TnnBii'.l The people's convention , called
nt 1 o'clock , drew a largo crowd. J. AV. Gun-
iiottnudJ. B , Stewart were nominated for
representatives nnd T. C. Powers for at-
toinoy. The delegates elected totliOHtnto
senatorial and judicial conventions wcro uu-
Madison County ItepuMlutiii.
KouroiK , Neb , July T.1. fSiwclal Telo-
grum toTuulU'K. ] At the i-opublican prl-
inarvlcttlou today a dclogatlou hoaJoel by
O. T. KUlcy was selected to tha rounty con-
vuntlon , to bo held at Madison , July It ) .
Though divided tu to state ofUciub , thu dclo
gatlou is uniiulinout as to Dorvicy for con-
Cotil'orcnco 3Icptln nt Hastings.
IhsTixos , Neb , July -Special [ Tele
gram to Tim BBE j The conference meet
ing held In thU city this afternoon was com
posed of all the labor organizations In the
ounty. The meeting was called to order by
. Hubbardof Junlatn II. H. SleOuw wai
Iccted chairman and II. J , Strait of Junlntn
_ ecrotary. A motion was made nnd unani
mously carried that the InduHrlal climes bo
consolidated into ono political party , to bo
Milled Iho people's pirty. It was recom-
nrndod that primaries bo held on Thursday ,
uly 21 , at 1 p. m. , nnd that the
ounty convention bo held at Hast-
ngs on Saturday , July i-'O , at 10 n.
n , for the purpose of placing In nomina-
.ionafull county nnd leglslatho ticket nnd
iloctliiKdclcirUes to the state and congay-
ional conventions.
Mc'ICelghnn nnd John Pen era , projldent of
.hoNebmskiHtatoalllince , wore in tbo city
odiiv nnd nro apparently nnxlous over the
ItuiUlon. Powers is iinnounccd today IM a
: nndldato for congress in the Second con
fessional district. This move would Indl-
nto that the light Is on between Powers and
> IcIC 'iKhan. Kcpubllc.m alliance men Insist
li it they will seeedo if MtlCelglnn is foisted
upon them. _
Sruaid Count } Alliance Coinontlon
Br.wuin. Nob. , July 12. [ Special Telegiam
n Tim IJnn ] About seventy delugntes , rep-
rcsentlng the alllanc o of Scward county , met
ncon\entlon in this city this nftornoon and
) lacedl ) D Ilomlngton of U township and J.
M. Itohei ts , Just outside the city of Seward.
Mr. Komington has boon an independ
ent republican for jears. with strong
anti-monopoly tendencies. Ho is n bright ,
clear cut young man with plenty of courigo
ind intepiity , wldlo Iilr. Roberts has been a
ifo long democrat , highly respected and
lonoicd by all \vlio know * him. The org.ini-
lattoii has a membership in this county of
net1 sU hundred , nnd there is no knowing
, vliit effect it will luuoon local politics. A in my Ocrnnn democrats
ere In town today nnd they vero
outspoken in their opposition to
any combination of the democratic party
v , 1th the alliance , and the sentiment gener
ally expressed by prominent democrats waste
to tbo end tint should the republican pirty
lot endorse uuy of the alliance nominees they
A ou Id counsel llko action by the democritlo
convention The republican county conven
tion will take pluco next Thursday , und every
movement they uuy make will bo closely
ivatched by the democrats 'Iho resolutions
pissed by the convention were the satnoas
thuso pissed by the' KnUhts of Labor con
vention in St. Louis In IbSJ A plank favorIng -
Ing prohibition was sought to bo introduced
by the fi lends of that movement , but it was
summirily s it down upon nnd bianded as
the scheme of some old puty polltlcims ,
whereby dissension might bo created ,
The democratic county central committee
ic'ld n meeting in Seward today for the pur-
lese of Issuing a u.ill for a county coin cntlon ,
to bo held In this citj on Saturday , August SI ,
lo elect delegates to the state , congressional ,
judicial and senatorial conventions Ihcio a grcit deal of nnimitcil discussion , but
iiormouy was ivjiehed before adjouinmcnt.
I illninro Count } Alliance.
GFNBV \ , Neb , July 1'J. [ Special Telegram
to Tins Bi n.lTho rillmoro county alliance
ud Knights of Labor held their county con
vention with cightsoen delegates , and
nominated C A Winner for senator , K Dob-
son and 13 Stevens fof representatives , nnd
J. J. Uggenbojcr for surveyor. . A delegation
headed by U. A Warner was chosen to the
state convention. Delegates woio also ap
pointed for the senatorial convention.
NViimlm County Itopiiblluaiis ,
IsTr\miv Gnr , Neb. , July 13. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Hurl The republican
pri m iries were hold this evening and pissed
oft quietly with little or no contest. The
county convention will bo held at Syracuse
next Tuesday ,
TO 1HII\1 { .
A. ailntstc'r ImtolyofNebrnhka Goes on
a Ijoiifj Spree.
LINCOIV , 111. , July 12 [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Urn. ] A profound sensation was cre
ated hero by the report that Hov. Olhcr J.
Booth , lector of Trinity Episcopal church ,
ono of tbo wealthy aud fashionable congrega
tions of this section , had been taken by friends
to n hospital m Chicago to recover from the
effects of er-lndulgenco in liquor. The
clcigyinau went to Chicago some days ago to
effect n reconciliation with his wife , who had
refused to li\o with him. Ills mission was
futllo and ho returned to this city July 4 In. u
noi vous and utisti ung cond itlon. Morose und
melancholy over tbo loss of his wife's love ,
the unfoitunato rector began to drown his
sonow in deep potations. Close to his lodg
inghouso wns n saloon , lo which ho paid fie-
ciuent risits o\ory day. Ho bought liquor by
the quart and consumed it In the solitude of
his loom. When bis ready money -was gone ,
ho asked the saloonkeeper for credit. It was
then discovered that ho was a clergy
man nnd some of his piuish-
loners weio at once informed of his
actions. Alarmed at his eccentric conduct
his congregation bununoned the bishop of the
dioecso. w ho demanded Mr. Hooth's ' resigna
tion. 'J ho rector refused to resign , nnd only
when nerved with papers making him defend
ant in n divorce suit brought in Cook countv
bj his -wife did ho obey his sux ] > rior. Bv di
rection of the bishop ho was sent to an Kpls-
copd retreat In Chicago , wheio ho now Is.
Mr. Booth , four months ngo , cinno hero from
Ncbnilvibc.ning good credentials. By his
polish and brilliancy bo quickly attracted
mm ked attention. When ho came ho was suf
fering from a biokon aim , which ho claimed
was caused by a sand-bagger who rohhol him
ofasumol money. Tholnjiuics iccp\cd | nnd
bis family cllnicultics undoubtedly caused his
downfall. He is about thhty-sovon jcars of
n go nnd is n nut is o of St. Catherines , Canada.
It is OncoMoio the Kuhjcut of an In
vestigation ,
VVNKTOV , S. D , July fj [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bin ] Tlio Vuulcton hospital
for the Insaiio has not been fico from .scm-
cLds , and moio than ono name lus been
smhched both lltianelally aud morally by
connection w ItU It , and the thought some
times occurs that it would have boon bottei
for Ynmktou had the institution been lo
cated In the Wessmgtou hills. Two or three
years ago there w. is along iincstigationol
the financial management , the result o ;
which was never satisfactory to many people
\\liothliilcalargasumofmouey was iio\er
satisfactorily accounted for.
The last sonsiition , the investigation o
which closed last night , woa an accusation ol
immorality against the superintendent , Dr
\V , II. Livingston , ho uclng accused of crlm
inal lutimncy with some of the fenmloat
tendiiiits , it being charged that ho was caught
locked In n room w ith ono of them.
Tlio state bonrd of Umrltlcs has been en
paged all the week in healing testimony and
listening to arguments of leaincd eouiibol
Attorney General Dollard appealing foi tin
prosecution , and John li. Gambia for the do
lenso. The charge's were niuciabv discharged
e'mplo > os and abetted by Dr. J. A. Potter
the steward of the institution nnc
a Norwegian doctor of the city
who wa-s formerly jissistint at the
hospital. The fcmalo members of the state
board tooltn deep interestin the investigation
and , it is charged , bad much to do with In
nuguratlnglt. After a patient Investigation
tlio board last night dismissed the clunges
and declared Dr. Lhlngston innocent. The
superintendent Is an old resident and hlghl )
esteemed , und the people generally comldo'
thn voniictn lightoous ono. Dr. Potter , the
stewanl , nt once tendered his icblgnatlon to
the board , whieli was aci-cpUid , und Hon. K
U. Kdgoi ton , member of the lust logUlaturo
and who Is , a bon of Judge ledger ton , was m > -
pointed in his place.
AVImluin's \o.\v AsNlstiint.
WisiiiMiTOV , July K. General A. B
Ncttlcton of MliuicisoU has been selected na
assistant sccrotaiy of the treasury under th
provision : ) of the legislative , Judicial nnc
executive npproprlutlon bill Increasing the
number to three , nnd his nomination wll
probably bo Rout to the senate Monday. Th
vacancy ouisevl by the transfer of Asslstan
Secretary Tie-honor to tbo board of customs
appToIscra w ill nrolnbly bo tilled by the ap
poiiitmontof SiHxIal Agent Spauldlng , bu
110 action will ba taken until alter the scnat
has acted upon Tlchouor's uoiuluution.
The Republicans' Will Hold Ono With a
View to Changing the Hules.
Seine Opposition Dot doping to tlio
Measure Conslderntloii or
Ncbrnslia Ijnncl Ccintcst Cases
Mined Intiooii.s.
513 PoCIITKKNTIt Still' ! T ,
V/VSIIINOTOV , D. C. , July 12.
iVnothcr caucus of the republican senators
vlllbo held the llrst of next week , at which
ho caucus committee appointed onThuisday
veiling to consider the proposition of modi-
ying the rules so as topoimltutmjorlty vote
o llx a time for llnilly disposing of n cities-
Ion w ill make n ropoi t. Thcro weio but Iho
otcs In the caucus In opposition to tlio desig
nation of a committco for the putposo of con-
hiding a modification of the rules , vvhilo
hirty-ono votes were cist in fa\or \ of
ho proposition. Tlicro arc many senators
vho consider the yoto n test of the nctlon
vhich w 111 bo taken upon the flnnl piopo-
ition to nmend the rules. Thus it would np-
icrar that lliero is a largo majority in favor of
mending the rules so that unnecessary . clo-
mto might at any time be cut oft by a mi-
orlty vote unit llnal action tilten upon qucs-
: lens under consideration. If such nctlon is
vholesomo and necessary in the house , why
not In the senile ? Not even the most ardent
'rlends of the federal elections bill claim
.hat nil the republicans in tbo senate
nro in favor of tbo measure.
There are anuinbur of yvestcrn scnntois
vho cither bcllovo that the iiuostion should
; o over until the next session or a'substitnto
.o the house bill bo adopted Senator Shcr-
niiii ii among these yyho take soiiouscxocp-
ions to provisions of tha house bill. Senator
lear docs not like some of the details of the
reuse measure nnd says tlmt the bill thu
committee on piivlieges nnd elections forrrm-
"tiled earlier In the session is piobablo bc-
; nuso it coutains nemo of what ho termed
"olfenslvo fedeial intcrfcrcnco at thu
> olls. " Inteifereneo In tire sense of
stuto rights ideas in tlio south
10 and Senator Sherman fear might cause
iloodslicd , unnecessarily of eour-so , in the en
ticement of the Lodge-Uowcll bill In certain
jlack states belovv Mason and Dixon's line ,
ind thov believe the Hoar bill would bring
ibout the same results ns the house bdl with-
outengcndoiiiig local opposition In certiln
sections Other bcnatois dcelnro an inten
sion of absenting themselves from VVnshing-
Lon as soon us the bill is taltcn up and exert
ing an Indifferent nttltudo towards the
adoption of the ineasiuo unless something -
thing Is done to amend tlio rules In
advance of it being taken up , BO
that when thcro has been nsufllcicnt amount
of considcration a llnal y ote imij ho promptly
taken Senator Pcttlgi-oyy of South Dakot i ,
who is ono of the most influential hustlers
among the new men , made a vciy strong
speech on tlio subject in the caucus on Thurs
day evening. IIo said that it was well
enough for senators to talk about the
adoption of a bill securing a f ceo elcc'ion and
a fair count In the south , c imp la the c
and bitting up in their night shirts evciy
night this .summer und fall If nec
essary in order to secuio the
adoption of the mevsure , and nil
that sort of thing , hut rt was llurnmorv to
nntieipito the p.issago of n bill under the
piosent rules. IIo gave notice Mint ho did
not piopobo and ho knew of others who
yvcrc in the same fiamo of mind to cntwr
into the discussion along about September
\vlthout some provrsroii being rnado whereby
u vote rould bo reached , as > the dcmocints
would vvith , a small mlnorlt } belt the laige
majority at thcii own ganro He said that in
1111 } event thu rules should bo nrnendod so
that theio could bo legislation lu tlio face of a
factious minority , as tbo constitution nnd the
general scheme of the goveinment
piovldcd tint the majoiity should lulo. Ho
thought that the minority should bo given
full consideration and have n fair chance in
all debate , but ho was opposed to a minority
defeating Just legislation in the face of ail
overwhelming majority. Ho also criticised
the senate for not having takca up the ques
tion of federal elections ntnn early day in the
session. Senator Pcttigrevv's speech bad a
veiy profound Impression nnd the appoint-
riieirt of n committee } to consider' the rnodill-
cation of tbo rules followed the conclusion of
what ho bad to say. There is not much
doubt Urn t the rule's will he modrflcdso ILS to
bring about a vote at the end of sufliiiout
debate , and tbo federal elections bill will betaken
taken up after the tariff.
ion iMi'iioviNci rim Mi'souw.
Editor Atlee Ilaitof the Eagle , Dakota
City , Neb , spent last night and todiy in
Washington and left for his homo tonight.
IIo cnmo hero for tire purpose of endeavoring
to secure Improvements of the Missouri rlvor
on the Ncbraslti sldo opposite Sioux City.
Ho told Tin : Bun correspondent today that
tbo crovasscs which yvcio constructed
on the Iowa Mdo of the Mis
souri at Sioux City bv means
of driving piles nnd filling thorn
In with tree branches had proven quite suc
cessful nnd had checked the migrating in
clination of the channel on ono aide ot the
river , and that if such Inipiovemcnts could
bo placed upon the other sliki opposite Coy-
iiigton and in the region of Nebraska City
tbo channel yvould bo confined to what should
bo the center pait of the river and theio
could bo llrbt rate navigation all they cm
mound except In the severe portion of the
winter. Ho thinks Irom $30,000 to $ M,000
would do this work , and sajs that since
tbo river and harbor bill gives S'WO.OOO ' for
thu impiovoinentof the Jllssouii between the
mouth and Sioux City and % W > 0,000 from
Sioux City to Oioat Falls , there should bo
no trouble about tbo sin ill itnpiovements , es
pecially in viovv tf ) the fact that there Is an
unexpended bahncoiir thu hands of the com
mission from hist jeir's appropriation. Tno
confining of tbo river nt this point , Mr Hart
says , would affoid quito as much advantage
tv Sum * ( Jity as it would to Covlngton and
tlio upper portion of tbo river iiumocliitely
adjoining , and there should bo no objection
from Sioux City Itself. Mr. Hart camohcio
upon the request of the trustees of Coving <
ton and South Sioux City , nnd with Mi
Uorsey nilled upon the secretary of war and
( iencml Casey , chief of eiigineurs , and Chuii-
man Henderson of the house committee on
livcis mid harbors. All of them said they
would be glad to extend w hutever assistance
they could In bringing about the irn.
provcmonts desired ; that If the commis
sion yvas unwilling to apply the funds
at their dlsposil and the appi opri.ition made bv
the river and harbor billcouut not ho implied
to this work , although thoywero confluent It
could bo easily so applied"they would assist
In seeming- independent appropriation , II
not at this session then at tbo next session ol
congress. Mr Dorsoy nnd Mr. Hint also
called upon the president. Mr. Dorsey in
tends to lay before the piopcr authorities
hoion laigo number of petitions tilling for
Iho Improvement which Mr Hart and his
friends are working for and there aio pros
pects of success ,
At the Interior department toclav sovorr
contests Involving land entiles In Nebraska
were taken up for consideration by the secru-
tiuy and assistant secretary , In the npjxn !
of George \V. Buiton the bectotary revc-rscs
the land commissioner's decision and directs
that the patent Isstio to him. Untiy
contested by Prancls 0. .Sampson , and in
volves a timber culture entry for the southeast -
east } of section ; i , tow ushlp a north , rungo
U > west , Hloomlngton district.
Secretary Noble ) dismissed the motion for a
i-ov low of the decision of the lind commis
sioner in the case of Timothy MoriUsoyvs
EdvvinT. Cameron , iuvolylng a homestead
entry for the southeast 14 of section V. town
ship ! M , rungo-t's wot. . Valentino land distrlit.
Assistant Secntary Chandler dimU Unit
Homer C. Stobblns be allowed to iiniko
a homestead entry for thci southeast
quarter of section 'Jo , township north ,
laugo 43 vvet.also In the Valentino district ,
nftcr cancelling l.U pro-i'inptlon riling ,
Secretary Noblualllrms the coinralsaloncr'a
dtxlion In dbmlsaiug the contort of Udvvh
C. Jacob * nKoliibt tlio entiy of Armstcai
Balinger for the noithwost qunrtor of sec
tion 1 , township 1. riiugo 7 , I'a t Linctiln ,
Neb. This land U u portion of the Otoo nnc !
Missouri Indian rosurvatlon in Nebraska ,
which watt sold under tbo ucts of
1670 liT'.i ' and '
, . Ih'jl ,
ruusi : or rniTox
If Uditor rcikius , of tboBloux City Jour
nnl , could have hru-d the comment made in
congress today l western inembfrs ixii
iM nomlnntlon to succceil Oongivssnmn
Struble. ho would have been greatJy pratt
led. ' 1 ho lown dt rogation and these of the
Nebraska dclcx'.U.inii who are acquainted
with Mr. I'crklns wcro unanimous anil on-
Imsliwtlc In thi'lff pmUc of the noinlnntloti.
They ny that ho will bring to congress u
vide range ol - leglslatlvo and politi
cal cxpeilcnict , nnd n standard
of character wlifui" will nnko him n useful
member from the ntnrt , nnd that his sterling
character und congenial and cordial person
ality will make him popular and Rive him
great advantages In his work. Iho Iowa
dclegjulon anticfp'nto for Air. 1'erhiiu u
jrigbt career in i-onzross This morning's
1'ostlm nn uiUtorial , ovldetitly from the
iicn of Udltor rVnnk Ilatton , who Is an
lowan , in which Perldiis In eulogized for his
republican rer-onl and pTsonil chanictcr.
ItuntklpAtos for him n billliant future In
Iowa as well as congicvisional politics.
A niu7.iiiTtMi'T AT nuiiicur ,
Tlicro is ev cry reason to believe that Pay
master Luther'd Billing * , a vciy prominent
oflieer of tbo Isorth Atlmtlo squnlron ou
boird the lligshlp Baltimore , it Implicated In
i disgraceful scandal , which may lead
: o his prompt summons bofoio n court of
Inquiry A prominent member of congress
the leading domociat of the Kow York
city dclegalion , Amos J. Cuminliigs-chargos
that ho has received n letter from n youiiB
clerk m Noiv Yoik. the ? nenhovv of the ofllcor
In question , in which the plain , open offer is
made that If tha congressman will himself
appoint or will induce some other number of
congress to appoint the son of this ofilcoras a
cndotto the naval acndamy a check for WOO
will ho forthcoming on the day the appoint
ment Is announced In pliln English ,
Iho nephew wants to buy
for his cousin a cadetsbip at Annapolis nnd
Iho boy's father will my $500 for it. The
hey lives In Philadelphia , but his father's
ollorti to get him appointed from any ono of
Iho Pciinsvlvnnl i members have been fruit
less. IIo Jluallj turned to President Haul-
ton , who had at the time ono c.idctshlp at
.irgc ut ills disposal The bo's ' npplicitlon
was endorsed by Postmaster General AVann
maker and Senators Quav and Cameron , but
ns the c.ulctship had already beerr promised
away by the piesldent ho of course could
lo nothing Then , It seem ? , the ncphovv put
: n IIo told his uncle of the. intimate
lOlatlons existing between himself and the
S'owVorh member' nnd voluntocicd to llx
mattcis. IIo vsiotatho congressman In al
most Inn til fimkness , saying that the ap
inlntrncnt was w or th $ T > 00 to bo p.iid Into the
Jlstrlct cump rigii for elections. Ho author-
7cd the cfliiKrcssmnii to multo this offer to
my other man and suggested in eltect that ho
had letter trs some1 of the western members.
evidently buliev ing tlmt a $500 check would
provuun iiicsistablobrlbofoiMi westerner. The
congressman was white with nige. IIo
cnuw tbo writer hold such a menial oflico
.hat ho would never own S-WO in tiii life , nnd ,
as it could not bo doubted the letter n is in
; oed earnest , bo at oiii'o came to the incvltn-
do eonchisloti that the btn's f ithei , whom ho
inuw to ho a man of wealth , was the paj
master in the ease lie wrote Ilio joung
clerk a letter , in which bo icfused to have
mj thing to do In thobcj's ' case nnd pledged
dtnself to see that no othei congivssmun
would inletcst himself. Ho nlso stated Unit
10 would miilco it his especial business
.0 see Unit tbo boy would never enter the
nival ncadeinj as long as ho lived. As for
the boy's father , hcwrotothat ho would in a
day or two my the disgraceful letter hcfoio
: ho sccietiry of tnemivj or bring the matter
up on tliolloorof th house ns n question of
i > n\ilcgoaiul domain ! an iiKjuiry , either of
ivlilch course- * will bo most enibuiiasslng to
the olllcor Nival olllecrs as n lule have a
labit of looking down on members and treatIng -
Ing them with a deit'iee of contempt which
homcof the congressmen would dcarlj lo\o
lopiythcm for , and thev would Jump at
such a chance as this llagrmt attempt to
liribo ono of their Ixxly. As for the writer of
the letter , Congressman Cummings h is In
liis response cited the i-evUcci statutes on the
subjects of attempting to bnbo members of
uongicssand has told him that only a most
Inimblo nnd abject apology can save him from
i somewhat piolomrcd retreat from the outer
world. " '
Tin : xi w HILVKU COINAOK ixw.
A now silver Coinage luv will bo ushered
Into oxisttyico next week. The liouso took
linal iietion upon tlift confeienco agreement
thUaftcinoon ltias ) already been adopted
by the senate As aliticipatod , the demo
crats did not offer factious opposition , und
although the lopu'dtc-ms ' were without a
quorum within themselves , the report and
the bill vvero adopted by IS. ! ayes to DO nays
Every republican voted for the bill and every
democrat against It. iloat , of the debate on
the bill and the conference icpoib this
afternoon consisted on the democratic
side of an arraignment of the authority given
the secretary of the trcisury , Mr Bland , the
leader of the democratic side , contending Uiat
the now law would leave it discretionary with
the secretary whether ho should continue to
puichaso and coin 4,500OJO , ounces per month
at all times , ns the law * provided tlmt ho
should puichiso this amount in tbo event ho
could get It at maiket prices Tlio democrats
claimed that the sccretaiv of tno tioasury
should stretch his authority , so tint
ho could suspend coinage nt any
time when In his opinion theiowas
being put into circulation too much silver.
This provision was made to thwart a "cor
' bullion ' Mr. Bland
ner bj speculator's conr-
plalnea bitterly that ho had rrot had an op-
nortunity to parttcipito as ono ; of the con-
fciees in thoproccedlngs of tin conference
committee ) , although ho had to acknowledge
when questioned that ho hud received notice
of tbo time the confeienco committee met
and should hwo been pie- > cut 1ml ho shown
sufficient interest The engrossed hill will
probablv go to the president on Monday
und of course will have its natu
ral reference to the secretary of
the treasury for examination as to technical
correctness and then the attorney general for
legal construction. Tborc la no doubt thit
the eaident will ntt'icli his
pi pro nptly signi-
tuto to thu bill after these ofHehls hwo ex
amined nnd approved It There was not
much interest shown In the llnal considera
tion of the measure in the house this after
noon , and the duluto was delivered mostly to
empty scau > .
wiM.ounniA. IHTH nr.mrnov ,
It is stated , as anticipate ! In thcso dls-
pitches ton daj s ngo , tb it tuo interstate )
commote a commission will issno an oidcr dl-
ix'ctinxthrqugh western railroads to reduce
their lates for ci-aln to points west of and to
Chicago and from Chicago to the seaboard to
the rates demanded by the western peti
tioners who have this vvcelc appeared before
the commibsiouuM.
l'Ell OV\I.
W J Carroll nnd Sir and Airs AI W. Col-
biugh of Omaha nro at tire Ebbitt.
1'Bitiir S. IlE\.m
Nnbraxkaimtl lowu 1'ensionn.
WVSIIINOTOV , July 13. [ Special Telegiam
toTiiKBEE. ] 1'ciihions giantcd to Nebraskans -
kans : Original Thomas J. Alatheny , Pen-
bioolc , Jamas Dunbnr , Uuslivillo , Kobcrt H.
Walker , Omaha ; , Gwgo P. Iluycrs , Talr-
huryPatiiok ; II.Sjddaith ) , AVavoiIy ; John
1' . Planter , OiniUa ; Hugh Uorkeloy , Ohlovva.
Increase Henry jjjijwmaa , Alma ; Abel 13.
Campbell , Madison ; , Homy Wllber , Toka-
inah ; Alonzu H , lv Icev , Loxlugton ; James
A. Staloy , McCool Junction , John II. Davis ,
Weeping Water ? . .Andrew Hoo\cr , Tort
UodgoVwloy Hunt , Hhorton ; Alfred A.
1'iti'ison , Stromsbivrg ; Jonathan U run To-
cumhch , i" '
Iowa : OiiginttJ.Tohn Ivollcr , Gilbert Sta
tlon ; William 1 , ( daddcn , Mceluchiiiook ;
( jcoi'KO Alongor , iotvi FulU ; Andrew Alcln-
tosh , Sioux City fGiJorgobior \Yoodwatdj
lames K. Haucrtyp Ficderlcksbutg ; Isaac
Kustlock , Stiorman's Isaac N Woods , Charl-
tea ; Jacob Koinli' , Toledo , AiuhovvJ Cook ,
Council niuffe : ' John I' . Ljmon ,
Dos Moincs ; slcjiifioii Ooidon , Nashua ,
Willlani Iloennau , ? DCS Jloincs ; John
Snyder , DmllURton , Fied S faeauian , At
lantic ; James Mc-ICamnra , Mltchelt , li.Mar-
tin Hombiker. Uonanaito ; James Havens ,
Dos ilolnos ; TliomasVaslc > , 1'uvctto , Jacoli
( Siirvor , Mlg Mound , Hdwainl Jones , Simon ,
Thomas HursUxl , Unst Pc-iu ; Samuel L
Smith , Bcwno ; Alex PcrJdn. Cambiia ; Ilcnrj
( irammer , Whltllcld ; Fiedcilek Itomctsch ,
Dngbv ; Jacob 11. Moon , Indlanola ,
Uavlu Dt'voio , DCS Molncn ; Jiunes A. Scar
lett , ' Uentnnpoil ; Uivld U. Tirster , Knox.
villoV. ; . H. Diwtiiif , CiIviimChiiilos ; J Cut
ler , Modnlo ; KetibunS 1'alinor. Holt ; David
S. Williams , Sioux HapldsVilllam II. Miller -
lor , Swan ; Henry C'umdnj , ' , DC * AInlnos ,
Hcnjiinin 1Siott. . Ume\lllei \ Ua\lil ,1 , .lot-
feryfronton ; Acnluuld Kreshwuteivralinold ,
JohnM. Dais , Contldonco ; Kudolph Hull
mas tor , Aluscatluo ; John \V. AU'lilson , 1'ul-
myiMVllliam ; Frana , Cono\er ; Henry
rnnvll , livvin. Uclisuo John H Slievrer ,
DCS Moincs , ( JcorgoW. Jit own. hlouxClt >
Ke-Ujuo and liuieasuVilltamS Wilkinson ,
Winlei-sct. Otigimd widows Mary O ,
widow of Samuel b. bu.llh , Iloonu.
Till' ICMKllTti OF 1'1'THJ.IS.
A. War Itptnocn tlio Snproiuo
and MllwKMkur'x L'ostimiNt
MuwjtiKrr , U'ls. , ,1'ily l. ' .
gram to Titr Bit. [ A vnr of words is In
progress bi-twe'cn the supixnno lodge of Iho
Knights of I'ythlas and \V. A. Newell , iwst-
master of this city. The row was precipitated
over n personal misunderstanding of Post
master N'owell and Supreme Outer Guard
John W. Thompson of Washington , D. C. ,
c-oiicrning the delivery of mill at the supreme
ledge hall. Jlr Thompson , In complaining at
the postoflleo of some dereliction in the mill
delivery , olTended the government official ,
who wrote a letter to the supreme lodge do-
dining to ha\o au > thing to do wlthThompsoii ,
complaining of Ills abuse of postoflleo officials
and asking the detail of some ono with wnom
he might negotiate concerning tlio delivery of
mull The supreme lodge , Instead of acced
ing to the postmaster's request , pissed very
caustic icsoliitlons concerning Unit offlclu ,
and informed him that tbo only person
tluough whom he might hold communication
with the supreme ledge w is Air Thompson.
The resolutions nlso provided for the iclin-
bursemcnt of Postimstor Newell foro.xtia
expense , which ho stated hid Ken liicmrcd
in piepuingfor tlio mull dellvciy
At this morning's supreme lodge session
the right of grind lodges to presci Ibo n llxod
length of icsldeneo In u Jurisdiction us a
qmililcitlon for meiiibeishli ) was uphold
upon nn appeal fiom Tennessee. The
Pjthlan sisters , who mo sacking recognition
nt the hands of the supiomo lodge , received a
blow by the refusil to confer the title of
past grand chancellor upon .1 A Hill , the
author of the rltinl used b.\ the sisters Iho
important questioushnvo "nil been deferred
until next week , when tlieio will bo much
lively discussion over the IColromo division
trouble , with the chance In favor of over
ruling Supreme Chancellor Ward ; over tbo
opposition to local Pvthim Insurance so
cieties as opposed to tlio endow meat rank ,
nnd the chums of Iho unifoim innlc for rep-
i dentation. In the supiemo ledge
3'IIdOll'A < 'It ' < H'S.
Gialii IH in Knlr Condition and Corn IH
Very 1'roinNlni ; .
DFB MOIM'S , li. , July 12. Tills week's
Iowa weather crop bulletin shows an nvei igo
temperature of ill3 nbova noriml. The rain
fall is gonerallj delkient Tclcgrapliic re
ports of show ox-son the evening oftholltlr
give piorniso that thcexe-csslvodrouth in the
soutlicrn and .southeastern counties Is mltl
gated. The week was fmoiablo to hajlng
and harvesting aud niatutcd crops are being
becuied In cvcullent condition.
The extreme he it has linsteMicd the ripen
ing of spring cereals and caused n sluinkigo
ofgrnln irr some localities , but the general
condition is fair. Corn is very promising nnd
as jet uninjured by the diougbt except - within
in a limited area \Vith fuorables conditions
tlio crop will ncitly if not qulto equal list
j car's big jicld.
Justices Out of n. Job.
Dns MOISI 3 , hi , July 12. [ Special Tele
gram toTitF Bi-h ] The cise ot Frank Plerco
vs the DOS Moines Leadoi ertitois on a chirgo
of criminal lioel , came up toJiy in tlrodis-
* iict court on n petition for a v.rrt of habeas
coipus Under a hvv enacted by
the last Ipgislatuio the bond
of supervisors on July 8 extended
the boundaiios of DCS Monies and T > eo town
ships to couprrso nil teuitoij within tbo
new city limits , whieli resulted in vacating
and destroying sovcial of the townships.
Iho pollution foi habeas corpus was bised
on this fact , claiming that tbo destruction of
these townships ulso destroyed the oflico of
justice of the pen co before whom
Iho warrants for arrest weio svvoin
out. The court agreed in this viovv nnd re
leased tbo prisoners on their own rocon'ni/-
anc-o , pending further proceedings. This de
cision afTocts several other Justices and con
stables now within the city limits.
' I'luuH Remitted.
AlARSiiILTOVVV , la. , July 12. [ Special
to TUB BLP ] Soon nftei the prohibition luw
was pissed the Bowman brewery in this city
was closed , and the proprietor's began ship
ping their beer and lighting against the en
forcement of the law until lines to the aggie-
gating S-J.OOO and costs wcro piled up against
them. Governor Boies has Just remitted
theli lines on the ground that thoj wcro im
posed for acts which were not n violation of
tbo law as rntcrpreted by the supreme court.
A Inhy ' 1 c'li'ilily Scalded.
Altsc1 vmi : , la. , July 12. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tnr. Brn. ] The one year old son of
Dr. W. C. Bontty , residing six : miles cast of
Muscitinc , was horribly scalded today. Ills
elder sister was stirring a kettle of lice pud
ding , when the little follow pulled it oft the
health of tbo steve and scilded his sldo terri
bly. Skin nnd flesh pulled off the arm ,
lingers and shoulder and the fnco wns badly
scalded. The sister's hand was also badly
Fined lle.ivlly for Contempt.
DFS MOIXIS , la , July 12 [ Special Tel
egram to THE BLB.J Judge Bishop today
fined J. O. Cole WOO atrd ordered his commit
ment in tlio county jail for sixty days for con
tempt of court in violating an. . Injunction 10-
stralnlng him from selling Intoxicating liq
International Monetary Confoioiicc.
WASHINGTON , .fiily 12. The president today
sent to congress the following endorsement :
"I icconruicnd tlio suggestions and hope they
will meet with the prompt approval of con
gress " A letter from Secretary Blalno on
the subject of nn inter national monetary
union accompanied thoondoiscmcnt. In the
nccompanjing letter Soeictury of State
niulno ( juoted from tbo icport of
the International Ainciican conference on
the subject. Their recommendations wore In
substance that as abnsls for union nn intei-
iinttoiml coin or coins bo Issued uniform In
weight nnd lincness and which may bo used
in all countries represented la thoconfoience
It was fuitberrccomincndod that thcio slull
meet In Washington within n j our n commis
sion composed of delogitcs fiorn each mtion ,
to consider the quantity , kind of currene ) ,
the uses it shall have nnd the value
and proportion of an International silver
coin or coins and their lelations to gold
Seciotnry Bldno says It Is hoped that n
meeting will bo held on the first Wednesday
In ne-xt January ; that three delegates bo ap
pointed on tbo pait of the United btutcs , and
that an appropriation bo made to incut nuccs-
siny expenses.
Ttoulilo in Sight- .
Cntc\oo , July 12. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEK J The unceitulnty in regird to
western ias9enger rates Is still prevalent.
Chicago and Milwaukee scalpers have oceans
of unused portions ot Knights of Pythias
tickets , with which latos to all points are
being demoializcJ. Chntrimn Goddard of
the Western iiassengci association this morn
ing attempted to secuio tlio co-oporatioh of
till lines in redeeming the tickets In the hands
of scalpers , but the attempt was n failure
lnoortv\oof ) the lines llatly refused , and
none of them would Join the movement if not
unanimous. Muiuitlino runiora of icdueed
rules nro rife , but none lime been mado.
. *
Sales atMoiiniontli I'arlc.
MovMomi PARK , N J. , July 12. The an
nouncement that the Woodbum jcarlings
aijd ten yearling fillies from Hclmont's
uutscij stud weio to bo bold at the paddock
at Monmouth Park diow n largo crowd to the
tiaek today A brother of Tioubaclor caused
much competition Croon 11 Morris iinully
seemed him for 10,100 These biinglng over
ftiXX ( ) vv 01 o Woodbum tolls -llrovvii colt ,
by r.iUctto. J. nnd A II. .Morris , $3,51X1 ; biy
colt , by L.sbon , Green B Mauls , f | 0lx ( ) ;
black colt , by PovvhatUn , DwvoiHiotbiis ,
Mnoobayorbiwvu , colt , by Falsetto , John
Iluntci , > , ! ) JO.
Hit ; riroiii fiiiihtantlnoplo.
CON TVNTINOI-IP , July U. A great llro is
raging In the Stamboul quarter of the city.
The oonllngratlon began In a timber ) ard and
spiead rapldlv toaciJolnliiB property Fully
ono thousand houses and hop < bavo ulrendy
bevu ilwtrojud ,
OiinrdNJn. .
The Otnnhn Ouarch and thoX.'iiinoco'riipany
teams inc't jesterdny afteinoon , tbo Guard *
yvluuing b u bcoru of 17 to 7.
Two Railroad Corporations Appeal Against
Awards of Damages.
Co\oriiorTIinyoi'Onioliilly ! Announces
Ills Caiulidnuy for Kcnonihmtum
Cenoial NUXVH Notes About
Tlio Cllj- .
LISTOI.V , Neb. , July 12. ( Special to Tun
DDK. ) Two wealthy railroad corporations
today ashed the supreme court to aid them In
tholr attempts to bent persons , damaged
physically nnd financially by them , out of
duimgcs awarded by lower courts In both
cases the damnges awnidetl were lossthnu
half tlio amount asked for , nnd j ot tbo rail
road attorneys east aspcisioiH on the Juries
in both cases by declaring that their veidlcts
w ere the result only of passion and preju
dice , and allege further tlmt no attention
whatsoever was pnld to tbo evidence.
The llrst case was tried in Omaha nnd
Glaus Matthias wns the plaintiff. Mr
Mntthlns owned n splendid garden farm neir
Oinnha bat the hij lug of the Fremont , Elk-
born & Missouri Valley lallroid tracks
through It almost completely mined It. A
ch-cp cut was inndo for the tiitclc almost
through the middle of the farm and a line
crop of vegetables \ ruined. Ho sued the
compiny for $111,000 damages and the Juij ,
after carefully w editing the ov idcnccnwardcd
Mr Miittlila3fri.HOdatna res The company
is trying to get out of pi.vlng the amount mid
resorted to the old trick of appealing the case
to the upper courts
The Omaha .t Republican Valley railway
corup iny Is tinothei coipor.itlon that attempts
to evade the pij inent of danmgi"lyvnided In
a loivcr court 'Ihe plaluti/i / in ' 10 suit was
Uoinard Clarke , and ho sued 10 company
for10JX)0 ) damages on account 01 Injuries ro-
coivrcl itia runaway caused bj n locomotive
blowIIIKoff Htcain Tlio case was tuod in
Madison county , and Clarke was awarded
M,8J3 dnmages.
Tiivvrii IN TIIU ni'.i.n.
This morning ( Joveinor Thnjor for the
flrst time oftlcinllj announced litmsolf a can-
didito for re election to the gubernatorial
chair Tire govcinor had Just icluined from
a trip totlro vvcwtetn put of the state nnd
sccniod to bo In u.vclient spirits Ho said in
announcing himself us a candidate to tlio
newspaper men tint he felt his eh inees yveio
gciod and that bo never felt better in his life
over the outlook. IIo said ho yvas In the con
test to st ly. IIo did nut think the thiid turn
argument that would probably bo advanced
by his enemies would cut any Ilgurc , us a
governor should hive as much right to seive
his ai\ ji'.u-uis a , United St lies senntor haste
to servo his state that length of time , nnd
fuithormoru thoio are senators In congress
wholmvo served for twelve and eighteen
yells conseciitlvtlj.
'Ilio governor c\piei.sed himself ns satis-
fled with the uunilillitlon of lUoitch In
Onnhu vosterdny , and declared tlmt tlio c < c-
major brought it on himself by his tieachery
to his puty.
The republican prinnries occurred todiv
nnd the 1'irst , Third , Tiftb and Sixth wards' ,
\yhicti mo usuallj the scerrcs of led-hot poli
tical lights , were very quiet. The Pouitli
wnid , which is enistomatilj staid and sober
on election d iv , was nil torn up over tbo con
test be-tivecu Hull and Oakley. The Oaltlej
boidesvvcrcsplendicilv org.inl/ed and with
their thirty vehicles chummed up voters all
over-tho crtj. Hall's friends were not so
noisy and demonstrative ) its the Oakloj-
Coititncv ciowd , but Hall's having voted for
submission last him a good many y otcs. Tlio
contest lesultcd in a \ictorj for the Oaldoy
delegates , they hiving icceivedii nrajoritj of
170 votes.
Ur.A Mmme , formerly pastor of St Paul's
M D. church , died at'la. ' in today with sott-
cnlng of the brain , nftcr an illness of two
years. IIo lias lived In Lincoln since 1SVT
and during his pastorate over St Paul's ' church
ho attracted a large cirelo of friends and ad-
miiors. IIo leaves nvvito and two children.
The deceased yvas aged lifty-four years.
Ofllcer Crick and wife have been called to
Smdwlch , Ontaiio , by the sudden death of
.Mrs. Longlcy , mother of Mrs. Click , 'llroy
vill bo absent ten dajs.
Another suit has been brought against
Hess Stout for non-payment of money bor
rowed 1 his time Diey & Kalin are after
him. They want .flTO
Suspect Sherman yin ho tried ne\t Tues
day on the charge of horse stealing
Detective Malone loft for Omiha this
oftoriioon to tiiKo into custody John nronmin ,
vv ho h being held by tbo ofllcers tlicro for a
burglaiy committed In Lincoln over a joar
Martin IvIeCooler was arrostcd list night
for brutally knocking clew n his wife , kicking
her and dragging hci about the loom by her
hair. This moiningho yvas airaigiied on the
charge of wife boating and lined for it
Hither than sco him bond it out in the
count } jail , Mrs McCoolcr paid the line her
Colonel Iiirr > F. Downs returned today
fiom the session of the supreme ledge of the
Knights of Pythias at Milwaukee , and re
ports that at the time no loft the prospects
wcr-o good for Nebraska securing the next
nnnuil session.
Polltlc-H at Klltchnll.
M-uncir , S. D. , July 12. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bru. ] At the republican county
convention hoio todny the following dolegitcs
vvero elected to lepiescnt Dnvison county In
the icpubllcau state convention : It. Dwy-
aid , II. C. Piescnt , Geoigo A Sllscy , J. II
Licravpn , D A Misencr , J. W. Ottinnn , M
0 Belts , P. C Gates , L. C. Miihnsbuiy and
JohrrCook A icsolutlon was p.vscd Instiuct-
mg for Hon George A Johnson foi governor.
Ulior-o was no contest for iho delegation
A meeting of the count ) lopubliian league
was held and thu following ofllccrs elected
Evenlt Smith , president ; \V. A. Hogmssee-
ictarj ; G C. Urns , treasurer A vlco presi
dent for eich tow nshlp was elected
AVonthor Ciop Hiilletln.
WASHI > OTON , July 12. The wcitiier crop
bulletin says , * The weather duiing the
past week was fuvorablo to all
groyvlm ? crops In Minnesota , but
it was unfavoiabloln South Dakota , Kansas ,
Nebraska , Missouri and soutlicrn Illinois ,
owing to continued dionght , and in some
sec'tmns tlio recent hot weather forced the
lipenlug of grain , causing shrinkage. Coin
and hay am suffer Ing for rain in Nolnaski
and southern Illinois. All crops nro Im
proved in Michigan , where harvesting Is In
progiuss. Drought tins continued In Ken
tucky aud Tonnossc'o , vvhoro dry , hot
w cathcr resulted in sonio injuiy to crop * .
Urgent DoHcliMioy Hill.
\VA HINUTOV , July lii.-Tho house committee -
tee on appropriations todny roiwrtecl to the
house the uigcnt dollclency bill , innklnga
gross appropriation of (010,200 ( to defray the
expense of employing 1W addition d cleiks in
the pension bureau , JO-'Jln the iccoid and pen
sion division of the war deputment nnd ten
in the second auditor's olllee1 'J ho object Is
to ptovidou , SIM.CCIV adjudication of the claims
to bo tlleu under tno depencU'iit pension act.
AVisiiisoTON , July Id Tlio following yvoio
the conllrinatloim today G'/loncl Alexander
Mc-l ) McCoolc , Sixth itifantiy , bilgadler gen
eral Postmasters-David D. Ileulochl ,
Lonov , In , ; John 11 Iltiiitor , Webster Olty ,
la. ; Otis S Lj man , Lugrnnue , IH ; Finnic .M
( 'builoHWortli , South ICuukiikuann , Wis ,
Willlnin W. Hal/or , Outlulo Center , la ,
( loorgo II I'ovvler , WauwoHtoan , U'la ,
Ilemj Gloher.Clintonvillo .
'I he Oinnt I'an-AiiKirlc'Jiii Itnllvvay.
IliioWNViME , Tyv. , July 1'J , The Jli-st
practical stoptoyvards gi'011' ' ' Piui-Aiuorlcau
luihvay fiom North to South America has
been taken hero , around wiw bioken for
thoCoipus CbrUtlifc South Aimrlnon rail
way , a ho llrst division Is IV ) mlles long and
oxtcnds from the Hlo Grondo to Corpus
CurUU , at wbleh point It connects
yylth n rMlvvny In the t.ttcd , , | .
The Hlo Ornndci Is to bo brldgod
from hero toMntiunorai mid thollnoextoiidecl
lltst t < ) the flty of Mexico oyer a rotitoROV-
cral hundn-d miles sboiter from St IAMI | to
Chicago or Now York tlinn nnv e < xlstlnglliut.
rrotn Movlco City It oontluuw south to the
CJuntcmulan line and beyond.
( loan Out n
Street llinliioxs Illoc-lc ,
The house breakers were abroad In tha
lind I'tidnv night and nuulo n rich hnul.
U. rly lastspilng U A. Troulnmn of Phlln-
delphh conmicticecl the erection of a four-
story , cold storage , brick warehouse at 810
nnd SI2 Lewemvoith street. TUo building
1 roinplcto , with the exception of fomo In-
lei lor Mulshing.
Dining the eirly part of the season n
watchman was emploj ed about the promises , .
but a few days ngo his sot vices were dis
pensed with , nail at night the building ,
while It bus been locke-d , has been wholly
tingtuudwl Fildnynight , wlion the vvctik-
men ilulslnd their daj's labor , the vvlndows
wore fnstetioil and the doors looked , as
had been the usual custom ,
ostoiitay morning when they rctuincd to
woilc It Is hind to Imagine their dismay
wlienthovdlsc'ovc'rod the building had boon
gutted The lead plnoscross lutings nnd
oilier plumbing mirtei ml Inul nil beet turn out
and cMuiediivv.iv 'I ho dour Intl bevn brokeni
u dm ing the night mil the trucks about thn
building cleatly indIcited that two loads of
pliimlor bad been hauled away
with tvvoltorso trains. The wagon tiachs
could bo follow id ns fur us Douglas slice-t ,
but theio nil trace of the direction thewe'ut
Tliinunotint of property stolen amount * to
about 3400. mid tbo cliimagei to thu building
w 111 bo fully as much inoio. ' 1 ho pollc-o hay o
ncluc , nnd If His coiieot , soy cud mi ests will
bo undo before night.
Contests ol' AVIiei'lnion.
ST Lous duly 12. Tlio fouitli distilct
championship r.uo of the League of Amcrioan
wheelmen for the states of Kentucky , Michi
gan , Wisconsin , Mlssouii , Illinois , Indiana
and Ohio came off toclav Iho tiack was
fair , but there was a high wind.
The one- mile tandem safety championship
was won bj Liimsden and NYlnshlp of Uhl-
nigo Time 'J 111 ' {
Tbo two mlle ordinary handicap was won
by 0. L. lliilo of St. Louis Time of
hcat-tl : J I
The llve-milo safely championship wns won
bv G K. Can ett , Hurt Moycis second P J
raniilng third Time 17. l.t 1-5.
mile ordiniry ehamnlonsblp Van
Slcklcn of Chicago won , Lutnsclcn of Chicago
second , Hauling of St. Louis third. Mlino
Ono milo sifety elianipionship
ranning of Chicago won , Untic-tt of ( hicago
second , Bert Movers of IVorln tlilul. I'lmo
Tim three mlle tandem safety champion
bhip , the IliiiU event , wiw woa b tire C In
rage tandem. Time 1001 l-"i
In Iho llvo mill ) race , in thoiio\t lo tlio lust
lap , K Huic'k tiled to cut thiongtion the in
tier side und fell over , dragging Fanning mul
Mojeis with him , but it undo no diilcic-uco
in the result.
Hollcl ) Ills Mother and Aunt.
BOSTON , Mass , July 12. [ Special Tele-
giamto rui. Hi r.j William Viiinl Hint , a
son of tlio lite evpostnmstorVilllim L
IJurtof Ilobton , was indicted for foigc'iv
todnj by the giand Jury , his mother finnlsh
ing thu ovidcMico upon whlc'li the indictment
was founded Ho had been negotiat
ing notes beaiiug his own and
his inothei's nnmo nnd emloisul
in some instances by bis aunt , Mr-s C H
Twitchell , fora > eii and a half , and is uild to
have laised on them about > 1 ltM)0 ) The mini
vvhodisrounteii the notes , Samuel Thompson ,
still believes them genuine Steps will nt
once be tuUen to llnd Buit and bung him tu
< Iulge YaiiKhnu AClcr u Itniik.
\V. li. Vuuglmn of this city commenced a
big damage suit in tlio United States court at
Council IMulTs jcsteiday iigainst the Iowa
State savings bank of Civs ton , In Tlio peti
tion alleges that John Gibson , an olllrcr of
tlio bank , loaned J. C. KcMgiin , a parlor of
Mr Vaughun , $ l.bOU on a poison d note , nnd
then , to recover the amount , attached all the
propel ty of Vaughan , comprising * Ji5OOi )
woitli of stock In the Cteston vviitoiworks
company nnd a half Inlore'st in * 8JK)0 ( ) bonds
voted bj tbo city of Creston In aid of the
yvorks. Mr. Vaugban ll\e bis daimigunt
$ > 0OUO , , for which umouiitbohus broughtsult.
Clothing Cut oi"4 Ijockod Oat.
KIJW YOIIK , Jul ) 1- . Over t\vo thousand
clotUlng cuttcn mid othcis of the Knight * of
Labor wcro locked out at noon In the shops
of clghtclothing nianufnctureis. 'J'hlscouiso
was decided upon by the clothing minufac-
tuiei-s to comply with tlio by-livvs of thu
association , piovidlng that the associatiun
shall uphold any mc'inbor in trouble The
men yy ill pi obiblj return to work Monday.
Arbitration with the striking men Is still
- t
Itiirlnl ol'Oi'iii'i'al li'NIc.
CoMH V.TI ii , Mich. , July U. In splto of a
licivy rain this evening yvhcn tbo train
bcrrlng the wmalns of General Flsk
r cached this city a luigo ciowd of citizens
yviH Dresentto piy their icspects to thcli
foiinc'r fuliuw-tovviisni in. The prohibition
dull mid Woman's Cbristlan Tuiriporiiiico
Union ttiuied out In a bodv. Hutti ivvoith
] ) oit , ( Jiaiicl Aimy of the licpublic. vin-s
repiescnte'd. The pioccsslon jnocculed to
O.ilc Giovo ceincteii , whoio the build
scrv Ices yvuro held. .Memorial suivlccs will
bo lieldtomorrownt the Methodist KpNcopd
Drtiolr Hall < lull
Di rnoiT , Midi , July U1 [ Spoclnl Tclo-
giamtoTiiK J3ri ] The Dotiolt basebill
club today liloil with the county cloik a vol-
unUry assignment to Wlliiim .r ( ! raj The
debts of thu club are blatod to bo 7,1 , VS , to
gether with the rent of tlio ball grounds to
elate. The asscU at u tlio oilico fuinituro and
llxtures , valued at $ . ! „ ' " )
t'ici Private OKcotlvos.
Chief Scavoy has Issued nn order , and to
morrow moiningChief Iln/oyvlll b glu U-.1-
Ing the private dotcttlvosof the cltj 'Iho
object is to know wliothoi nro , In ordot that
tlioy in iv bu iniido to comply with the pic >
visions of nn ordinaneo pissed by the cltj
council last Tuesday night , legiiliitlng their
powers and duties.
HloiiniHliip ArrivalH.
At Quccnstovyn The Bothnia , fivm N
At Antwerp The Illinois , from Now Yoik
At London 'Iho Jodiau Aloiiuiih , fiom
Now York
At Now Voile The ntiurla , from Liver
pool ; thu 1'cn.lan Momiich , liom London
AMoidli'Ht Slaiifhti > r ,
'J'vNnu it , July 12. News bus been received
of a raid ly the /ominour trllio on the camp
of thosulUm's eon , near S.Ueo. The camp
yvas taken completely by surprise Troop.J
uitd blavos w01 o ineullOHsly eUughtcrud by
the raiders and lifUiuipriwiiorswciobuinuu
Aicniino ( Itoimlillo Aflaltv.
AMU 3 , July I' , ' . COIIRKSS has
passed the bill providing for the IHSUO < > t
inortKago notes The wlthdriivvul of tliuici-
Ignatlon cftho minister of llnunco hiwririU-il
n favorable te-actlon und a bc-tte-r ftlllngino-
yulls , The run on the bunks liua cciwed
A HinnllpciArrival. .
NKW YOIIK , July 13-rJbo stoanshlp Wlo-
1nnd was dUnlnod utcjuuiiintlno this morning
l > ecaiiso of n cnto of smallpox on board. Tlio
patient win removed UiSvvc'inbuiiio Inland
The yc'Rhel will bo fumigated und the
gers vuccinatud
llovt'ium Ij
Ilt'i.ov , K. U , July 13.-.Si | eltil Telccrram
to THIS Iln-C. ] P. Van Tassc-l of thu
Unlt a StatcH Intcimil loyenuo department
took ixssosslon of tbo Ileutn biowety today
hy dlroetlon of Iho governmc nt , Tbu violat
ing of i-ovenue laws b alleged ,