Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1890, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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Ihera is & Fair Demand for Monoji But
Uo ( Stringency.
1'rotlucc nrnrkcls Mlioxv Ktit
Mttlo ClmiiRC , anil tlio City
Uct.ill Trmla IsVcrjr
veok , us teporlcd by
Mr. HiiKhcH , manager of thu clonrlnR house ,
foot up WIOI, , Increases.percent. . Ilal-
aiifriai ? rnxated ! JKVJ775I. Hankers my de-
liostliarnllbunl , nnd that while thrro Isa
fair ili-iii nnd for moimy-somi' Instltutloas reporting -
porting ( | iilto an actlvo cill--tlioro are no
BlfftiHof strlnRmeyapparent.tlio.iiipplylicln ? ,
If unythSirf , in excess of the dctnind. Hates
lire flrm at ft percent for choice piur | : , wltli 10
per ( tn t liskcd foranjtliliiit but that. I'A-
chanso In In ; pretty ooJ supply nt the usual
prleo ,
Tim ( -astern money miirkets are quiet
considering the activity of general
liuHlnt'ss anil the fact Unit tlio past
wcok hw icon such heavy dMbursu-
incntsof Interest nnd dividends from funds
wlilih htitd I > u' n nciminidatdl fortho purpose
In the siih-trwsury and In thn colters of cor-
] ) oratli > ni < liirlnK tlio put thirty days. Htnek
Hioeulatliin has iintbtrn aetlvu anil conm-
iiur > nlly lln calls from this 1)riinehof )
hiivi'hci'ii ' llulit-
That thoeoiiatrylsIiiKoodslia
It I'lldonoed by the showliiK of fallnieH for
thollrst and M'eond ( | iiirt rs of the > ear as
compared wltli tlivmimi ) periods In previous
years ,
ITll.'T Ql'AltTtll.
NaPallures. I.lnhlllllcs.
lass. : i.nrs 71,121.0.- , !
a,2oi : ffl.twi.wn
: i.oo7 : B.IISI.IB
- . .
181)0 , 8,223 S7fC'JWS , !
Bi : ( ) Vl > qDARTItt.
No. I'alUucs. Llahllltles.
L'ui : (
IKKfl. 1.1KVI
1M7 , l.tHW
1SHS. L',241 18).2 ) ± rrO
Ib'JO. St 3 ! ! 7,4W,4IO , ,
y\nd III exninliiliiR tlioso flRiires It must bo
homo liiiiilnd that tliehiisliiess of the county
fortho past lx moiittis hashoiMi onormomly
In Mi-ess of any linllnr period In Itshlstory.
a'l'Jhank clearings for the past six months
UKxri'Kiili'd t'ooWKiHn ( ) , t ) Ti-10 per cent. Inex-
cuxsof Iho liXKr < % 'ato for tlio saino six months
In 1W . nnil nearly half of the whole Increase ,
or ll.-iriJKiO.OM dollars , Is In the country out-
Hldcof IfowYork , where t bo Increase Is iipor :
cent , wldfli hacry MrllcliiK evldciico ot the
Krmvth and pro iess oltraih * .
lii'poiUof railway eiiriilns't nsa rule sliow
very fnvorahly , nnil urn mldltloinil proof of
tl 10 piwit'roiiH condition of atl'nlM throiisliDiit
the nalliin. In general trade business Is
locally \oryjtood \ , far butter at this time than
iiiiuiy pievlous .season , amltlioro tsioallyno
coinplaliits In liny if the various lines. In
fact , hmlnoss Is MI brMi that some
Is c\- ] > i-i'ss ( ! < lthatlt d < ics not letup
hot wuatliur , Collections are llkoulso UIHM.
and It liasheon a IOIIK llnio Klnee thunlt-
untloii has li'Vii ' m thnroiiKlily comfortable In
the wholeNiiliidl. > lrlcl ,
In prices thei-o has lit't-n biitlltt Icehanso.
Tn canned goods peaches arc Him , with a
tendency to advance , and California coxls
n in lOe to ! uo III ; : ! i rr thnii nt tlieopiMilu '
Aprh.os | , prars and berries are alsohlKher If
unythlDK. 'J'oinnlocs lire. low. Corn Is steady.
Collres art * iiiK-baimcn , with the market no
fttminrcr thnii 11 week slnci' . Of Hiiitarstho
New 'irk Com more Iai IJnllet.ln says : "Tho
KWiernlcxpressloii of vle s IIIIIIIIIK liolders of
rnw sizars runs In inuoli thoiiiovloos form
und an Itidiiiallim tn cliccrfiilnos.s jiruMills
t lirouulioiit. Killing com para lively low rates
nnil a lu'lU'f tliatno tarllV inoasuio Mill nITeot
tlio | ) f ( "nt cropcouiilt'd , vlth an Idea that ro
il tiers' nantsariH'radiiall.vlncn'asliiir , " 11 lend
toludtico aiiattdiiiitntcarrylnestoi'ks IIIIDII u
hteady line and keeping the orcrliiKvlthln
jurioHioinpas. Theiu Is some unxlotyro-
Kardlni ! the spi'culallvo holdliiKs In Culm ,
tliouKlulancor of iiiiloadla ? thought to bo
soinnulint , ri' ' Knuouni onicntiias ; been
found tuc'iiy In iv fuller volume ol local de
mand nml : i really Koodbiislm-Maccoiapllshnd
ntfornrr roles. wltn homii ovIdcmM'thatcus-
tinii Is also iiiti'tt-sloil and pivliably a little
( I'laPiKilntod over failure to eenre some f
tlio pan'olst'iathavochaiu'ed ' hands. Ho far
us reported the deiil ciubraecs 2.800 hhds. 4,000
laxs iniiscovadoc.v sliln nnrl to arrlro at 4i ; < i
for8 ! ) nudIMHufor rttosii 't.lHObiun ecntrl-
fuital ex shl | ) al.5So for till test , anUr > OOIaa )
clout 5'je ( Into nirlve all to tlio trust. The
( stock of misnr In foilr parts of united kin ; -
clout Islll.ini tons , l.'AOOO tons siuiin
tlinu last. year.
KclliiL'il were only inodoratoly actlvo and In
some ciisostlicrowas an Inclination to com-
) lalii of < [ iilto a dull market. The market ,
} uiweMTvns held steadily and former valua-
tloim nre riluliinl ulluloir ; the llnu ,
Andnf dried fruits : 'J'lioiivrlino xpcclnl ao-
tlvlty Is noticed In the market , yet johhhix
crilersarocomlni ; toliandwItlilucii'iiKeilfreo-
< ! om , nnd thi'lr cxocntloii puts a llltlo morn
llfn Into trade. Turkish prunes , though not
Mllliiilii nlarpo way. are nevertheless iiu s-
Jnsoiil In asteiuly , ro alar IIUIIIUT , and the
htocUlhi'itby underwies npradual reduction ,
1'nr ' casks ( ! e Isllm prlcequoted by thu hold
er's ' , with ml urcenuy to rrnll/o at anylhlnx
Tn'liv , us full t.breo luonts will elaiso | ni'fore
> io\v crup will become available , llefurrlnsr ti\ \
now crop , cablt'd f rom primary sources ( Kioto
the nrmilniil prlco for for.vard Mhliiiiiunts as
cnulviileiitlo . * > ; , o Inlil down , but In no In-
-iJancols iillrniolVorof stock made. llaKseor-
tlnuuto sell at , VTf.V.c. ( nnd are find-
liiK ninorullbuiBl outlet lit 7)ie ) f'jr the four
sizes. Kri'nch nro also niovliiK more freely ,
mid thoTiiarkotstri'intthi'iis ' niid < * r tholullii'
( tice , Ihoiiiih iniutntliiiis are without uliiuiKf ,
Currniils uro c.xeei'dlimly dull , the coneos-
hlon upon the iiail of seine holders to 4 0
liavlni ; no speelal Intlnom'o upon thu sale ,
llalslns are taken only In jobbing quantities.
but tliuru Is nopresaiiro to renll/.u below pro-
vIoiisuuotiitlonH. Citron , iiuul , dates anil lls
nre without chan i < . I'llherls continue In
Mroni ! iiosltlon. bales liavo be < Mi made of
Miialllotsloday at VJic , nnd for clinllariman-
lltlosa lllo llKiire niUlityut bo aeceptcil , but
for riHliul lots HVJc Is Hiked , TnrraKona ill-
nioiuls eunllnui' held at 12. ' it' , notwltli.itandtn :
tlio " ( Irniu'lseDll" Ims ntrlvcd with an "nddl-
Iliiii tn thCHtoeK of J,000 bass ; sales out of this
lossclto iirrlvo were undo ul ISIJc. Other
lines remain ipdot atunchaiiitcd prices.
Thoo.xflU'iiimt Inlholeaf tobairo niiirkel
continues , undon 1'ilday and Saturday last
therO word sold at .Amsterdam 20 , U ! ! bales o (
Suiniitra. KnoriuoiM pilees were paid. All
Iho tlist sites vero lieu lit by American buy
ers. TlitiM ) Roods \veio bought at mi u\eraKO \
of $1,01)11 pound , aiidwllleost.tald down hero
fromt'.V.'Olo&UO. The next luscrllitlou will
take | ilacooii July IT , when 13,000 kales will lie.
forsalo ,
Tlii'ltnrortsof ' ( liyKomls at Now York for
tin ) luiHt iH'okitiid oliicu Jniituiry 1. 1HUO , com-
part's us ( illoun ) wllli thi'Siinio iit'iloil ut tlio
lust two yours ;
Kortliuftfuk. 1WX ) . 1PSO , 1SS8 ,
Knti'ivil UL tlio
neil $3XSltS3 ! $ ! ,032MI $ *
Tnrwvii on inar-
i < ot. . . ° . > aauctj , 1,003,077 S.SO.V.T.-I
Slnco .Taiinnry 1.
rntcnul ut tliu
port JV H. < 83 WSl.ttH CWST.JW
Thrown on mar
ket. . . . TOP')1,5I7 70.KO.M1 OLSVI.IIH
Tim HlorkH of llrui'.ll uolti'u In atoro niul
nlloat K U4 follown :
Tcitglhtiwk hiNiiw Vork SSl.fltf
Total HUvk Inlliillli.ioru -S.4IH
Total sttick lnNm > Urlciins _ > x' , 'l
Tutnlsttvk I not Iier potts ,
Tot nl stock In Unit oil Stud's : UW,577
* ' * * * > vinoit ; fniiu lili ) norstoiuu toJulyli 4(00 ( (
Atloiit fniiu lib pLTHiiIlto July 5 LM.OUO
Aliijiit from Hauto.Hnor stuaniiiiidsail to
A-lloat fivin Victoria , per sail , Juno IK ) . , . 111,000
Totiil . : iSOri77
nn Instyi'iir , , . . . . , r ( SW ,
TJio iulHc iUilt ) tins ilivronspil almost u
tlioiMiinl million ilollurn during tlio juiHt ilo-
oatlo. Tim followliiK stult'inent fiuin llio
UiiltiMi Matoilrciuury ri'iitirtH iHKlvoni
tiliuwtii ; from llio ln < t tn'iisinr ' report the
ummint ot iinbllo il l > t IO.-.H ni hln tliotruus-
urjiMielij-iMir Hlnco AuuiiHtlll , JNB. vhoa tlio
niii\lniitiii win ruiicliiul , ami nlsotlu'jiiiouiit
of imiiuul liiti-roht t'hiirso. I'roni tlio * tiili > -
nu'iill rorJiiljr 1 , KH ) . It will unnoticed. Iho
1'iiclllo riitlnail iHuitlH and Interest tin-nun
uriido < liitiuliis , Ihuy nro nut Incliulcil ill tlio
ioci > r < t for thuiiroiloiiMyciirs.
ulillo Dfbt. Inter < st.
i Aufiist 31 " .A4tl.571 : ! ! fi7
, .Jill ) 1. . „ . . . . . ,
is ? ; - , ,511 ( W itsKt.4.- : ! | ! )
184V )
Wl lS\H.MiWi ;
1N7I ) .
/.NM'nuioM 07 nilimiiKiiiw
1872 ,1W,7MMO JJS
18TI ' ) ,80 | IH )
1S7 ( .IfUJlMM IXJ
1875. ' .ou.oii.iro 1:1 :
lr 70
1H sioivirHIm ar tKl.inO.III.IM )
18 ' Di/ no
luiO.4t4M ! IU Kirr ; .TwYiU
1K.HO , l.tH'KtlWn ' 75HI
1SH3 57JUO,11075
ISM . i l.fl .7HIK 15 r > ii : i,7w ) no B & 0
lSSl.n ! ! , ' L'l Ut 47OI4.i : ( K )
iilV.M4S,1IO 41 4.VMO.OW 00
IM' 1" I ili' 1' i.ijn ; , f,7s 43 4IM'V.0 { ' 00
l&vi . . . „ 1.01UMO.IW4 TJ 38,80 l.UB 25
isrt , , . . DB.USn.JM 2 ! . . . . .
18s . . ttlniXIMiil ! OJ Jll7.Uil , 1.1
Tliiirtlt IH ai'un tlmt 111 tlihdccailo iiioro tlmn
liuUlhoJolJtliiialiuon nulu , whllo Iholntori'bt
fharfrohnslw-ortrrdiifpcl lirsclf l > y refit n'lhiKi '
< tom l'i.0onnoi , , KI J2U.000.oo ) yearly , Orutnfy
no otlior lullon lias over made such a rreord
fur a tingle ten ynar . nnd yet it entinot l > o
5idd tliat the prinpvrlty of tlio country Inn
lii'vn rvturilod IT the rapidity of < loht rulne-
Within ten years , can
le ntimliittlr out ol dobl. hut It riinnut If If
fran tn ha lifts luininil rt'\onnf ID pctiHton anil
iii'Msluu tiui'ots.or If It ( Mpn nd.1 Itx npproprlii-
HOIIHA It lias < lonn ntlato or Kit ln > litiupoi :
ID tal nine n national ilt'bt to siijiply a clrciilnt-
In'iiii'dliiin. .
I.oenl plodtici ) innrkch sho\T hut llttlo
iliiinti' . t'allftirnia frtilu are In iilcntlfnl
mi | > i > lf anil lirl-ilt ( tcmiintl at n < ry rtMiHonahli )
lUnrtH. lloiao uanlrns supply the visr.rtahln
ana Imtter arudnlland low In
Ultjr retail trailo invoryqulct.
; / i ; M L / § -i :
Saturday , July 12. .
Estimated rotolptJ of cutllol.M ) ! , oaniparol
with l.Wl yi .t'rd r and ' .T ' } Satunhy of
lust wok , Tlinioutlptrt ilitrliif thowoek w ; ro
ll.lhn , i-otiipnrt'il ' wltli ( JM2 tlio wi'ok ' jitlor. a
gain of n.liil. The tniirkcl otKiiiMl nctlru , tlio
mint ilcslniblo tsrnik'M of licof n'ld export
slutjrf ad vaiu'lns r > 7),10o. ) , whllo tlio morn coin *
nioii and Ics.s deslrahli ! lot.s may bo quolvil
steady. Ilutclit-rs sliitTrt N nioiloralulyaetiio
nnd iinehniiKtxI. Nc.irly uverylliln ? cnniK : il
linniliniawinnbly uarly on a pixxl. oneoorail-
Injt inarki't.i usual diii-ln llio dose of tlio
wrok Htockurs anil focdurs are Iow ami
Ksllniatpd rocnlpU of hos. . 1.101 , cotnnarM
with 0,474 vvitordny and 1,070 y.itiiriliiy ot
last iroolf. The recefptsdurlns the work worn
fl,20l , i-onipaml with S,072 the wotk prior , a
iralnnf ll- J , Tim market oponcd Mondy ,
HOonlxM-nnilnilai'tlro anil Ht.riiiRi > r , advanei'il
u nickel and closed Qrni at the aflviiaeo wllli
all Mid. The raiijw cifprlen win J-JOfyi-Vi ,
nnaily every tlilnw sollliuat HtVcMfiO. l.lRlit ,
W.iorvi.47',1 ' ; mixed , * . ) lvaiW ; licavy , $ : ) . 1.V3
II.B3M ,
RMhnalod roL'olpt ) of sliL-PiiM'J , ( hipped dl-
inutlo panUert. Tliu deinanil for Hue muttons
continues < > oJ.
I'rloc.s ,
Tlio following Isatsiblo < i ( prices jinld In
tlilHinurkct for thoznuli ) ot stock montlnnoil :
1'rlinostcor.s. IWO tollWO 5H 11.20 Cil.tO
Corolxlorrx , IS ) toll.VJIM 4.0. ' > dSl.'Jl )
tJoodmocr.H. low toit)0 : tn > CAI.IO
Common , 1000 10 llfXIlbrt 3'i't ( VtJVI
Common cuii iinurs 1,00 < f ( .0) )
Ordliiurjto fair oows l.i' ( ) { 4'J.10
Kulrto Rood town 1.1)0 PA'.W
t ooil to I'hnluiicowl 2.7. " 5 : t.H
Ciliolco toiiiic/co\v ( 2.05
Pair to Rood linlln 1.7. >
Uholvo toftlncX IJiills a.W ) . .
IitKlit HtockoMiinclfuoatr.2..V ) 0i.a : )
l'Vi ' < dersir > 0 tollOOIb-l 2.03 Cr.'t.-t' ' ]
KnlrtiiclioloallKlithogi : i.40
Kulrto cliolcahuavy ho ; II.4. >
I''ilr to'il ' IIOH U.45 ® J. . " > iJ
Ki ! Cost of
Tlio following ttililo Klvoi tlio avoraio cost
of lioss on thodiitn innntlonrd , liiclit'llnK tliu
cost toil ay. asbasol upon sulus rvuortcJ :
.Inno.'ID : t l7JolyT. . I C3V4
.Inly I : ti : { , Iuly8. .
July J : ; ( Hi July . . J ( Vila
July : ! : i r.u July 10. I .M
asm July u. I 4W
ai ) .Tuii-uj. J 47
Comparative 'T
Tlio following tublo sho-.H t.lio r.inso In
prlcm on liognliirliig this uml last wtn'k :
Days. Thin Weak. InstVcck. .
Momlny \ j.t M ( .1:1 : ! . ; > .
Tnwlay , 3 S2Vs.'J 70
Wc-diinsilajr , J ri7hitt.l 70 'A IS ( ' ' --t 17 ! . ;
ThiirJtliif. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3H ) wi : I .t II 3 1)1 )
KrM.iy j : pi : : t ' "
tilt turUa > ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4U 0.3 .
nnil Lowest .Siilcsof
Today. Voatorday.
Illjhest ? aK > a Hlfiliest 8350
Stock Ilcuclpts.
sti'rday. Hitltnated Today ,
Uattlo. . . . 71 Kirs , 1,7:11 : Oatllo. . , , IX ) ears. l.ROO .
H H. . . . Ill cars , 0,870 lloxi 82 ears. f.-tiW
Horses.lear.s , M llorcs. . . , , 2 ears. 4. >
shin'l ) . . , , 2 cars , SOS
No. A.V.
8 ! 519 M art l&i it no
G3 , . . .in 10 : i < 3
ra , . . . .ai7 - : i(3 ( M..a > 3 ! 00 3.V )
ro. . . . ! ! - a is ' ' " 3 no
' . as - : i 45 w. . . iron 3M
10 , . n : . . . .am 10 3 no
: u. . . . .Ml 19) a 4."i O0..2 ! < 7 80 3 W
no. . ' : i r. Oi..3V4 JW1
: t7. . . i'.isnij IM n f r.rjo : 3 so
, . .ws w a is 6 ? : ai 3 >
, . si a is " ' 3 W
TO. . . . .SM - : ir > ti".Iato ! ! 40 3m )
' 0. . . . ,2 W BO : l 15 n : 27 350
M. . . , . .240 40 3 IS 4' ' ) aio : ire
ni . 9X ) H 15 M 287 80 JIM
71. . . im : i4S 67 ! WJ lt ) SK )
01. . M ) 3 IS 35' ' )
SI. . . 343 3M
01. . . , . ,5'ft ' 80 34S JSO
. . . . . . 34S 4J. . . . . . .an 60 350
( tl. . . . . . .74 IM 34S . . , . , .21)0 40 350
ffl. . . , .S I 80 3 IS . . , 40 3 5
70 . . . . .arr imi 3 4S , , .3SJ 200 3 50
W. . . . . .a la ) 347W W . . .2si ino 3 50
l. . . 317'-i 13.ft . . . .211 120 ! l 50
in. . t.Ts * ) I'M ' ) 347ti ft ) . . . . : t.M 80 350
' ' 4' ) 3 47 i. M. . . . .SOU 40 350
P. ; . ! . . . , SSI 3 47 Vi CO. . , , . : rj sio 3 50
. . .an Ml 3 4TV4 51.
UJ. . . . .21 ! 347J4
ainrkrt Mention.
, T. IM-'alrmamontln a cur of cattle from
.lohii Borland of Statitonsont down u car ol
1C. F ttolurtuof A-rllnstimseat i'n two carl
of ciittli.1.
li. Cl , Louis of 1'uRlo hud a cnrof lioss on t.lio
ICavton It Kacrottof Stralm , la. , inarkoloil
I KORITH & O11U had a. car of cattle on tlio
market f rum UrJ.
I. A , Matllok ot Loivoll hid a car of cattle
on tlio market.
Tliumus Fox of David City hail a car of oa t-
llo on tlio innrkot.
A. It. Clnrlc ot I'nollllon brought up four
cars of oattlu.
MI1U& lo ! ) > orli of Angus liart two cars ot
hoxsim tlio innrkot.
A. T. Nlcltolslmd acurof hojs on the mar
ket from Lltutilluld.
It. Thompson ciitno In from Crovor , Col. ,
with near ( if ciittlu.
The KarmorV ( Jo-opcratlvc imsocliitlon of
Codnr llltilfttsunt lni : uarot lio-.s.
, T. 1' . Herryniaii , of Horrymnn .fc Littler , Cor-
dom , brought In twouunot Ciittlo.
Iloraco I'utmm ' ami Cliarlo ; Tulbottvuro
In fruin Htronisburs wltli cattle.
/.acliarhh Pollard , the well known Aurora
shipper , vas on thuinarkut vlth acurof cut-
I ) . 0. Itolil ) , tlio heavy dealer ot Emllcott ,
was nn tlio market \vlth \ a car uauli of cnttlo
und hogs ,
O. W. McOiilloucli. llio veil known Blue
Springs stoukiiiiin. had near of cattle on the
John IIastlotho Atoll ImownsouthNebraska
ililnior | , iva.s licro with olovcn can of untllo
nnd llvo of lio.jj. Ho loaded nt Aiiliurii.llroclc ,
Ka 'lo and 1'aniima ,
.1. M. JoliiiHOn , of the firm nt 7.uliul. Dotman
& CoVabiiHli , wiiHhoruwltlia cur of IIORS.
HoKorHJ : Ko or.s of St. Paul , Minn. , lull tivo
carsuf Mlnnivsiita fcuduHoti tlio market.
Dnllln it IColly otGurrlson had two cars of
liosson tliu niarkut. Mr , Kelly came In with
Matthew Spears of DoiiRhcrty & Spears , ov-
toiiMlvu di'iiluri ' of Hawthorne , la. , was over
thl.s morning vlth near of oaths.
M.M. MaKon , secretary and treasurer of the
Wyoming llvo Ktoolc company , ivas In from
Clicycnim with four cam of rniiKocattli. .
JV. II. llarr , Koncrul aRcnt of the Street
Htalilo cur coiupanyrSt. Ioul4 , IK at. the yarils
In tlio of Ills llnu. ueoiV. | . Jones ,
tlio local aKi'iit , will Icavu for tlio western
country tliurtl/ ,
At a HiH'ClalnieotiiiR of tlio Kxchatijco held
Satin-day afternoon , with Vleo I'resldriit Mur-
l > liy In tlio chnlr , Ab Wnioiior was elected to
thoolllcoof direct or to lill tliu vacancy caused
by the rolgnallonof J.M. IJoud.
Tisn I'or Hi : L'crch.'o ; ImlTalo , 7ci perch ,
7c ; jilulccrol , foi pllte. Do ; trout , DC ; white , lluj
croilo. ) ) | Ilks ; cat llsh. tic ; cod HtoaldUct tloiin-
dursl''c ; Oregon halincin , Ifjc ; black baas , I'M ;
loliterslSc. (
.ItM.iis--iMaic : : per 11) ) ,
DuiissKi ) VEAL Uholcoincdliiin , OS'oi light
SiQ'.ltiij ; lioavy , IIWo.
IJINSKII : ) Oii. Kaw. ( Mo ; bollod.lile.
CiiiKu-l'crblil , rolliHid , $ < ! .0l ( : half bbl , KISS ;
haul cider , iniro. iior 1 > 1)1. ) * .MIO ; oranito elder ,
halfbbl.iT.iMJi puur older , Imlf Ubl , t7.W. (
CiiKKHi--Extni : fancy cream twin * . MR ;
fancy full cream twins , Diic ; choice full
oroaiu twins , Do ; Rood full cream twins , fcuj
fancy hklms , TffiT e ; choice sltlms. 0lio ( ! ;
ruir 10 see < i.m. > .ic ; cnoieo loiiue America ,
lOo ; fancy lluiliiirffor. tie ; fancy brick. Mo ;
domoritlcnwM , Ir ® t7c.
HUTTKII Creanuty , fnncy rolU , print , 18 ®
lUiiCi cicamtry. fancy , solid packed , iv'(3llu : ;
ei'oamory , oholen , JfiH'2a ( ; dairy , fancy rolls
and prlnls , lasillu ; dairy , fanoy solid pacltod ,
10 < 3lx'u ; dairy , cliolco. OOlOo ; country roll ,
fancy. Sil'Jo ' ; choice , 7@W ; Inforlor , ' © ' 10.
lines Wo for strictly fruslii tale not sale
1'oui/riiv Per dozen , choice lions , 93tiM8asnt
oholco mixed , W.VZ't.Ol ) ; roo.stt'rs , Sa.r > 02.T5 ;
sprlns clilelcons. * ! ,0ixa > 2.i ! > f or small : JJ.2.VZ > H.OO
foriiH'dliini : tl.503l.5U ( ur largo ; llvo turkeys ,
per Hi.
. . .
M 1 M.STU F f-t 12.010 14.00.
HONKV Stnilnod , iiO-llcnns , pcrlb.Oc. Kow-
comb honey , \\YtOv. \ \ (
KUANS llnnd-iilckednavy. Jl.W.S.ft ) ; hniid-
pleked iiavy.nmdliim. U.iKXai.T.'i : haiid-plekud
country , J1.4DJM.00 ; good clt'im , Sllla)1.2 ) : ) , > .
riciti.KH Jludluin , per bllfo.r)0 ; small SOiO ;
untKS jn.5091.00 per Sl-nt caso.
iniATED An-i.Krt-Kanuy , MJigjjIlcperlb ,
1'er bu. $ r > . ( W.
. . .
d , t.0X ! ( iir > o jier 21-qt case ;
blauk. tl.OtKtU.-iO ] iitr2l-it ) csun.
OoosmiKniitKS Two-lHisliul stand , $1.0023.00.
C'OCOtNUTS 1'cr 100 , tt.UO.
OANTH.OUI'K t'cr dW , $ 'I.II-5.W. ) ( ) (
OAI.II'OHNH ClICUIlIES I'll1 ! JO-lb 1)OX ) , $1,50 ®
1.7'i ; southern , per bushel. ( . ' .rXI.OO ; Orojon ,
. . . .
I'UACiiKs ' Arkansas , Vt-lnmhcl box , $1.002 *
l.M ; O.-illfornlii , pur \ > m , * i. * > a-.W.
OilAMlKS-l'er box. llodl. JO.W ) .
IiKMO.vs I'or ' hot , Mi'sslna , fancy. J3.00.
TOM Arois-l-basl < ot crates , ttsyftsio.
Osioss Kew southern , iior bid , $4.01.
I'oT.ATOEH-Newsoutliorii.norbbl. JI.25.
WOOL Klnn umvashei ) . Il5li'j ( ; nioillunuin-
wnshed , JSiiMle ; coarw ) iiiivuhhitl , JWiMc.
I'KI.TS ANI TAM.OW Urom salted
hides , 5'iflft ' ! tlry suited hides , fie ; dry dint
lililcH. t itotic : caU hides , < ! 4a7ie. ( ! Damaged ,
hldiH "c less , Shoi'p polls , croon , I''j ;
sheep | ielts , Urv , per lb. , Wlllc.
TAI.I.OW A. fJo , 1I'Jo ; No. L . MWHo ; prciise ,
) . ; ( © ; yellow , i'.t ' < ! ? ) 'lu ; stearhio , lIMi1.
HONE * ( ( JuoiulloiiMnrefordollvpry In uhl-
caso. ) Dry buiralo. per ton. * W.OO < JtlS.O { ) ; dry
country , bleached. iKMi'Milll.OO ' ; dry country ,
damp and ineatv ,
> tBAtH VBolcor > 'j lcon Smoked liams Ift-Ih
nveragi' , lOSlll'.ic ; smoked hums , L'O to 1TJ 11)H ) ,
. ' , . , Uiio ; simiUolianiVia ( | to 14 Ibs , 10'io ' : extra
licavy InniH-tt to25 lln average , llJte : skinned
sUclns , is to20 llu avi'ras ' , U3H(3IOu ( ; I'allfurnln '
liiiins. 7'ic ; luvakf list bacon , clear , 7lftHc ! ; rib ,
TV 'io ; haul sausage. 8u | iilcnlu hams , 7-i i
< lrlod Ooof hams , SSiiSio ; beef tonsuos , per
tloz. , Jd.00 ; ] i rlli. , HSic : drj'siilt moats , & } { &iio ;
tni'ss wirk , | iur 1)1)1. ) , * I1.WS12.5 ; extra moss
lii'cf , W.M ) ; kiinsiiKO. PIT II ) . bologna , 4u ; slur ,
iua . .
half Mil $1,75 ; nimrter bbl | > .G5elihlli ; bbltl.lM
llta. lisll.lh : pl < fot. half libls. t'.7r. :
quartrr bbls , J1..V ) ; olhth bllriK'O ; kits. U Iba
i'auh.rr > ulioncli' ; ! > bicakfast bacon , lOo ; boneless -
less ham , 8c.
l > iiMSKiillKir-Stcers. JW to COO His average ,
native , iVi ! ? c ; tci'rs.4 ( ) to JX ) lln uvrrasu ,
lutlvo , ( irt.ii e ; anvsaiul liolfers. 4t)0 ) to oOO Ibi
, .
liu ) : < sii : ) MUTTON Choice dressed mutton
9'io ' : raok.sDf mutton , lie ; saddles ot mutton
Ite ; broastiof jniitton.Ilci leciof nmtton , lee
( 'A > 'SP.i > MIATK t'orm-d brof. 1 Ib. tl.'Oi
corned hoof. 2 II ) , JJ.10 ; lunch tongue , I lb ,
( J. ( > 0 ; lunch tongue. 2 lb , 1.7. ; brawn , 1 Hi ,
oxtongues , : ! Hi. * < ' .W ; cMpped beef , I1' lb ,
round cam , sfl.SO ; roast beer. Sib , roiiiidcnns.
) . ' . ( K ) ; petted limn , Mlb.round ciins. Mo ; ixitted I b , round cans. SliU ; deviled ham , ? i
Hi , round cans.rrx ; ; ikn-IU'd ham. H lb , round potted oxtoiiKiic , U lb. rouiidnans |
C"m ; potted ox tonguii \ lb , round cans , H.-l ) ;
compressed ham , 1 lliKiuaru CUIIH. 11.7. , ; com-
lirosM > d hiiin. f > II ) . siiuai-Hcans , J.7. : trljioA' lli ,
round cauif 1.60 ; mmeodcolloiis. 3lh , round
CIIH : , j .Ju ; boneless pl s ( cut , "lb , uareeuns ,
JJ. >
HosKvcOMii TnirK-Hnlfbarrol.s.t.'l,75nuar' ;
( or Imrroli , 12,10 ; eighth barrels , 41,15 ; Uu,5
Ibs ouch , t > 'o. '
I'OIIK TOSOUKS 1'iicookecl MIM cured
Half harroU , lUllbstr.r > 0quiirtur | bunds , so
Ibs. jl.UO.
.SAV AiK'A8ixnOattlo Tlorca * and bar
rels , middle , per lb , RV > o | round , Il'ic ; ImiiKS ,
to ; liog casings , ISo per lb , IIOK bungs. No. 1 ,
( ! ; o each ! rounds , per hot , 100 feet , UJto ! set
middles. ir t-H & 7 feet , aiio ; woavvuclj. ion
than 1.000'iloeolot > iawceao lit small bladders ,
less limiiMO-doz loK ISO per doz ; liirijo blad
ders , loss than tno-doz lots Wu per doz.
IJAIIII Oii. llblrt , Extra lard oil. vfs , 4c ;
extra No. Hard oil. On ; No. lliird oil , a'w ; No.
21ardoll,31e ; | iuro uoatsf < Hit oil. Mo ; U pil ,
ran. Vta Bui , extra ncatifoot oil , 4& > ; No 1
Iieat > footnlla7i ; tallowpll , l.'e.
aiMCKP Tins' ToNflUES-Ilalf barrels. fll.OO ;
nuarlor bnrroli , W.75 ; eighth barrels , * JWl < lts ,
15 Ibs each , 2.29.
TAI.I.OW-A. No. l.lUei stf > arlno,8ic. !
I'lCKLKlillKtrToNOiriM Half bnrrols , J3JO ;
nuarler barrels , W.l'J ' ; olthth barrels , Si , * ) .
I iu > Tierce * lieUiivdlnrdcoiiiunund.SUot
puruleufDUcknttlo ; , Uio. Add ) iotoiojer ;
lb for miiallor packaxox.
I'lCKi.KiiTiiirK Half barrels , * S,50 : quartfr
barrels. 11,33 } dxhtli burrela , bOo | kits , 13 Ibs
oucli , OSo.
Oroccrrc ? .
ftTOAit Cut lond.Tlifo ifnbo * . 7kjo : standard
IM > wilore < 1.7'icj ' XXXAiilowih'riil , H ' | ir nu-
Inled. C'fj ' ( cimfi'cUonoj ' . . \ , o jt ; climax XI1.
r. < ct Nebraska Sid , OHr luitbvr , 6' c | I'anary
'liiiKME flrcpii-rniu-yt. juldcn Hlo. 2.4c :
fimoy old penborry. 2lUoi lllo. choicelo fancy.
22'ie ' ; Itlo. irlnii'J.V-W } ] , jrtod. Sl'ies 5nnto
anil coiiiinuii KIo , Iwjjlo ; Mocha. 2'Vt ' Juvii ,
irciuihH'o. 0. , sscj Java , good Interior , 25c :
Slotlc-nn.s : * . . . * '
I'oi-tn : lloaitcd ArloHi , "vjc ; Hiinola.
ffii'fiMcl.iiujjlilhi ' .VXX , avii'j Oeriiiaii ,
2-Vio : | ill\T ) rtn'MS. | ? ai'l ' ijlon , 25'jc ! MalliKiiich ,
" "VAitixAi'MU'S uooiis .natioy/avicl farlnn.
Be i pcao , : : c ! ptitinoiil,1 ? < * U'4o j iinic'iironl , lorTo
lies vermicelli. MSMln rlcfcholoer 'jo ' ; fni.ny ,
( V' | head , SSi'i : IRO nnd tiilocn. ! | tV5"c : lima
bfiins.i'w : split iwas. ikv juglttl , lie ,
t'ANMin uoii > s-l"riils | , t'lillfornlaHtandard
rands Sii-lb. mr ; jlifr , Alirlcott. IMW31. !
Boldon drop. # l. ' ) i 1iluiiis.groen anc" . Jl.liVfJ
t.W ; peuehes with plllln. ( l.iHi ; ciirraiitn.r.ti ; ) |
, . ' ii , * - ' . 10 ; riKpberrles ,
S..SO ' ; utrawborrlo.s , tlM ; po.iehos , l-lb cast-
om ttandards , * I.M | ! l-flj jile , ll.Si ; gallons
lens , pin , SJI.O1) ; apples lilgli Huuidnids Cl.iri1 ,
2-11) Roosoberrle.s , We ; i.-lb strawburrles ,
' ' - , * ! , ) a-lb
iWiUKViHi raHiilMjrrli-s ; - bluoborrlfs ,
rtiWci ) ! 2-llMuckhiMrlps. ) tVijTOc ; 2-lb straw
lierrU'i , pit.serveil , W.N ) ; 2-lb riM > herrles , preserved -
served , Jl.SOrJ-lliblackborrle.s. iiroservedn.20 |
eaiiplert , llitliania P hopped , ( -.ooi 2-11) ) Hit.
mii.gratcd , * J."SJ 2-1 b Uihatnn , . .
S-lb stiindnid , HlleedH.2.Vii.rpj | uhurrleH , 2-11)
it'll. ll.iltliiiore.K.VWMc [ : pears. 2-lb. SUIO.
VK < itTA > ius : l'oniatoo.--a-llu\tr , ai.Oi ) ; n-
Hi standard veateru brands , w | sallons ,
Mrletiy suiiilnul , 33.90. t'erit-Klnrst Kmwn ,
SI.OO ; flit cilKod susareorn. very line , H. . " > 0 !
I'hoteoS-lliHtiirnr corn , 91,10 ; s-lb ettra went-
cia brands , Kiu&tl.UOi 2-lb standard western
brands , ( > - - --4"- . Mmlirooins l-lb 1'rencli , ex
tra line , 2W.K ! ; l-lb I ivncli , line , iw.i2 | l-lb
I'tuntli , oiillnnry , IwlSo , L'eas Tros , line ,
pur can. 2.V ; duiul-lhiu.percan.ico ; Mb sifted ,
Jl.00 ; 2-lb curly Juno , * l.2Vi6i. , ; ; 2-lb Marrow ,
standard liraiuK M.Wi 2lbonkcd. . 5'e. Strlnii
lioans-2-lb lilffi grade , Refugee , ao ; 2-lb
( iolden wnt boiins , 7flc ; 2-lb trlnKloaiu , CiOe ,
Llmabeam 2-lb soaked , 73o. lloaton bakud
teuin-j-llil.o ; ls. JI.TO ; Crown brand ! ) , $ l.r > 0 ,
Sweet potatoe3lli No w Jersey , ? lM. I'ump-
klsu-J-lb . . Okra. and
- - , ijl.10. tomatoos-tl.OO
okra.ll.nni succotash. $1.20.
KIIUITS Onrratiti , now , GXtC ! vostlj-.zn.
Wo ; prunes , calks , lioo-lbs ; , fl'io ' ; prunes , blil
or Dax , nuci Uosnlapruws , 7)io ) ; citron peel ,
drums. 20lbso ; lemon pool , drums , 2W ; ap-
tiles , choice evaporated , Mo ; Michigan HS. Ot't
1'urslaii latos,7c ; ulacKborrlcs , evaporated ,
W-lb boxes , 5Hc : clicrrles pitted , dry cured ,
now. l"io ; raspticrrle < , cxajoratoa , N. V. , now ,
) o ; prunes , 1C. 0. , 00-70 , 1 jJ > 12io ! ; orntiKeiioel ,
no ; ralslna , California , London crop lH'.WJ-i'j , :
California , looio inuHcatols , crop 18)0f2.00i ! ,
Valenolns , old.Cunlenclus. ; . now. Oo ; Califor
nia heedless sultanas imsentels , He ; slw , 8jC. !
IlASKETH-l'urdoz , 1 bushel , nairow band
stave , oliu , fl.80 ; UJ bushel , narrow band
slave , elm , W.fW ; 1 liushcl , stave broadband ,
elm , { . ' . - " > ; 1(5 ( bushel , stave urnail band , el in ,
W.75 ; 1 bushel elm stave , bale hanulu , ;
bushel , onk stave , K.OO ; Ibushol , IlrlRRs , 12.73 ;
5dozW.OSUi : Inwhcl , BrlBKH , M.35 ! 1 bushel.
oak , splint , W.30 ; I'lbiiHliul , oak .splint , J < > . .r)0 ;
1 bushel , bamboo , (100 ( ; ! ' , bushel , hntnhoo ,
17.00 1 laundry , willow , laruo , J7.50 ! laundry ,
willow , ineilluia , $ ! I.M ; laundry , willow small ,
! . " > . .r > Ojimirkot , elm , split , 4 > e ; niarket.elin , rivet
hanilloUOii ; mnrkotelni , , covered , IpccMi.CO !
willow , market , larjo. SJ.50 ; vlllow , niirkot,2
In nest. ( Ismail , 1 medium ) , per nest. ( Vie ; ash ,
satulielbnsket.ciiverod , din licit , i > vrncstl.lO ;
small bamboo delivery , ? ! . - " > ; niedlam bambiio
delivery , $ l.7r > ; large bum boo delivery , (5.SO ;
waste uancr baskets. { 2.40. |
1'isii Coilllsh , eMra lleorgct. new , r ' . { c ;
grand hank , new , 4Vie ; Hllver , 2-lb blooksUHc ;
hiiovr wlilti * , 2-lb bricks , new. 8'c ' ; Turkey cod ,
lari emUldlo brleks , Ooi snow white , crates
12-5-11) boxes , S'ic ' ; medium scales liorrlnn. 2.- ;
No. 1 scaled herring 20e ; domestic Holland
liorrlti - 19o : llamliiirK spiced hcrrlnii. IWo ;
Uusilan hardlncs.siilved.Kic ; liusslan sardines
plain , r > ( ) u ; Imported Holland herring , crovu
brand , bOc : do fnney ntllker , tJt ) | mackerel ,
No. 1 shore , half libls , t2.00i blciutors , half
bbls.JIH.OO ; whltotlsli , hnlf bbls , } ; ,00 ; trout ,
half bbls , } j.00 | family whltelMi , K.M ) ) ; yiilinon ,
8S..r > 0.
l I-lb maekerelhorrhiK ( ) ? l.CO ;
l-lb flnnnii baddies , JIITO ; l-lb lolnlerH. .t.W.
2.2Ti ; l-lb Alaska salmon , Aleut , * l.r : > . 2-lb
oysters , 10 oz , l.ti5 : 1-11) oysters , 5 or. . * l,13 ; 2-lb
selects. 13 oz. fj.t3 : ; l-lb | clams , IIUlo neoks ,
tl.a-i2-llicliiiin. ; llttlo .Jieeks , n.734lb ; sar
dines , linporteu , pur ; iiJe , 10s ( ) , llS.uoi&OO.V ) ;
K-ll ) Imported boneless "Jsnrdlnos , key , ? 2 ? > .W ;
Ji-lb sardines , Amcrlcaiiiporciiso.WOs. 1'rnnclt
style , St.-WiW.U1) ) ; H-lb parulius. American , per
case , 100s , Krcncli style , $7..r > J8.OOi Vi-lb bar-
dines , mustard , perfuse , r > ' ) s. J.I.7.'V3).00. )
1JHOO.M8 -tle , i > arhjr KioO4-tU ! , * 2.7.i ; 3-tlo
$ 'J.2.i-tIo ) : , plain , $ L < i { nareliouse , SJ.UO ; toy
jt.2 : > i whijlc , * i.ooffii.a > . ' '
OOCOA JJ-lbtln. We per lb.
u i3i2.T perlb ; Oornian chicory ,
KOPK Iasls-Manlllvropcl."c ] | ( ; sisal rope ,
12o : cotton roiiu lUci nevTproci.'KH , 8io. [
K lllbb.'voryllne. ' 3 or 4 ply.
23oflno , 20o ; dulsJy.lSo : candle " \vlck .SSc.
OLt\T-s-Quarts , per d , J4.00 ; plats , poraoz ,
} 2..r > ( ) : bulk , per gal,05o.
ViNKO/tt Mgr. cldor.lOo ; good , 12c | white
wine. lci fancy , fruit , c.
lUas Am , iier 11)0 ) , S17.W ) ; lowlston. per 100 ,
OILS 130 prime ttliltc , lie ; ISO water white ,
13c175headlljht. ll o7l ; gasoline , 13o ,
SALSODA Bbls. , IHo ; granulated , 2ci Iccgs ,
17 < Jo.
SODA rkgaCO Ibs to bo.x , fyfS&Mc ; kojs ,
IUc ,
Nura Almonds. l. " > o Rraylls , lie ; fllborts ,
ItH-io ; pecans , llo ; vnlnuts , TJ o ; jieanuteoots ,
'Jy-u ; roasted , lie ; Teniiesseo peanuts , 8e.
IMor.AMKS ItblH , N Ofuney.per anl.Xi&Xa ! ;
choice , - > .VJ&J7c ; Rood , yo ® oCubabal ; < lntr , 2S ®
UOuiMiiukDtrflu , SOWSe.
\YiiAi-riNO I'Ai'Kit Straw , per lb , liQ ! > 2He ;
rnK,3V4o ; Manilla II , fiUto : No. 1. Sc.
ItAOS Union Hntiare , SKSS-'iTipor tent otf list.
S tT Dairy , 2SO Ibs In bbl , bulk , S2.IO ; licst
prade , 505sJillO : best nmd i , 100 , 8s. $2.10 ; liest
Krndo. JJ , 10s , J2.20 ; reek salt , crushed , 31.8'J ' ;
eonimon , bbl. tl.2. > ,
SOAI Oastllo , mottled , per lb , OQlOo ; do ,
while , per lb , llu _
Teroz , . I' . \V..4ro ; Oornian , T > o ;
Indigo , per 11) , 7ue ; hiheet powder , 2Uo | opium.
$1.00 ; morphine , per o / , { . ] . ! ( ) ; hojis perlb , : lo ;
Bl.vcerhie , 20c : dextrine , lOcj cuttloloiio : i5o ;
cream tarter , pure , JBui comniorclnl , Ho ; caia-
) ) her , 48c ; nm , curb , Uo ; blue vltrl l , 7 u.
Acids Carbolic. : vS42oi eltrlo. 4.va47o ; tiir-
tarlc. n7'ilc ) ; sulpliurlo , iierlb , 2e. Siorni ] nil ,
81.10 ; turpentine , 4Sc ; Tonka beans , *
2.Si : balsam tolii. JJSSlOo ; calonu'l. IMV37 0
uantha radios.'Mcasein : \ buds , nxomo !
chloroform , ) > iW2c ; 0 01,473.120 ] RiimariblQ ,
rvVQUic : Rlyccrlne,205Mli ! ; lycouoIluin,42Slio ;
iiiireury , b7c , _
llr.ocK Tin-Small pte , 3tot per lb ; bar , 20c
\wt \ lb.
Ooi'rrii 1'lanlxlipil boiler sl/.n. ftrto perlb ;
cold rolled , 2lu peril ) ; iheatlnt , ' Ulc purlo ; pltts
and llatsitlopor U ) ,
( IALVANIZUIJ h-imr.T TIIOX niscDiint 50-10por
ei-nt , pat. plan. Iron , Nos. 21 and S7 , A , lO'.ic ; H.
K' .
TINPtATKI. . O , , 10x54 , 233 , $7.03 ; I. X. , 10x14 ,
KoorixG Charcoal , I. C. , 11x19 , 112,15.00 , ; I.
X , , W.73 ,
KKT Innx-No. 2(5 ( , J.WO ; Ko. 27 , U ) .
PDI.UKII Strictly half anil half , lOo.
S-TKKI , KAILS ihsc , ( . ' .20.
.STUEL WHIR KAII.S llase , 13.05 ,
Wine-Jap , bail ) . Sa.'q ; galr. tJ.ST .
Weekly Hank Slatomont.
NKW Voitx , July 12. Lfpi'clal Telegram to
TIIK IIK. : ] The weekly bank statement slowsj |
tlio following changes :
IJMcrvc , Inereaso . (20,4T ( ,1.1o
J-oans , Increase . . " . I.IIK.IKHI
Kpi'ole , deoreaso . afW.40t )
l.v al lenders , Inereaso . r > .70ll
1 ) eposlls. liierease . > . , . 1 , raM'l ; ! (
Ulroulatloti , Ineicase. . . . . . . 10Wfl
The banks now hold -2u8,07.r , In excess of the
at nor cent lulo. '
The export of siicofo i f rom the port ol Now
York diirlnj ( ) r > 19,2SO ( not
Including tlio shlpmeut.J > y today's stuami-rs )
of which $ T 7tklO ( wiis Kola and ! jlliV ( ) .sllvor/riio
Iniporlsof spec1 1 o for Mioi week ainniinled to
WI7.27A of wliIcliKUKJ,3W\fiis In gold and W.OU3
silver. ' ' '
The Uott'e'oi'TMarltnt.
N'r.wVoiiK. July , L peclal Tvlosram to
THIS llKK.l-Coflco tlytlrins opened dull , un-
clian ed to5 ] > olnts up ) closed tlnn.r.aio points
up. Sale 1),5Mnn ) \ * , 'incliidln ' ? July , Sli.OOQ
. , Soplcmhcr.
1O ) ; October , * l5.7. > ! iir > .Wi Docomlicr , < 1S.IO |
.lanunry. SI5.MX3l.vriiJiv'uar/ : : ! [ ! . Spot
lllo dull , Kteady ) falrcnrtjoes , IA.00 ) | No. 7 flat
bean , JIK.23 ,
Dry ( Joodh flai-kot.
NRVT VOIIK , July iSg It lncu was light In
dry poods. Aside from th'oexctllentcondltlon
of thomnrlut mid If ) htron imdoitono there
vus no new fcutuio or Incident worthy of
Smokeless I'owdor.
So fnr jwrfcctlon hixs not boon reached
with any of tlio suiolcoless powders ,
writcn Coinmtuu'lor V , M. Harbor In the
July Forum. They Uo not l op well
nnd liavo a tendency to absorb inoisturo.
the result boiiif { a clutn o In the rnta ot
Turiiinp and conbcquent pressure In the
gun. In Iho course of oxporimoiitlng ,
however , mnvvolous results arc boini :
obtained. In Frnnco n povdor for small
annshasboondlbcovored which bohtivcs
In oxnctly tlio reverse manner from or
dinary rillo powder , the pfeshuru being
Creator itt the muzzle of the rlllo than
nt the hrcueh , nd velocities of over
four thousand foot par second have boon
obtained with UiobulloU.
Wheat Starli Oat Auspidouslf , "With Seine
Fresh Nowa on Hand.
Tlio Oils Mixrknt Vorjr IinlK lllcaut
I'l'Dvlnloiis lit tlio Sninc Old
It nt Cut tin Dcrelups im
New Ventured ,
CitrcAno. July 11. TelpRrnm toTnr
IliK.l The whcnt market Htiirted out well
tcxlnv with luinefrertli novn on liuiiil. Tlioro
was some Rood uiiylng hy conniilisloii house * ,
some covering bjr hort sellers of ye.stcnlny
nml some pleklnii U ] > of \ > keat In Anoint by
sellers of Inter nuint In. This win early nnd
on the o traiKiicthmiprices niDved up qulto
freely , until the top points were IftlVloover
tlm otoso yntord.iy. . The bulge , brought out
plenty of buyerii , ami before lulddny fully
linlf ufthomlvnnco vns loU. Augmt sold tit
r > Sic ! nml 80jo ! niul oT to SDcj September ut
80je ! toK ! ) > ioto OOifio mill nsulii up to WAC |
Uoccnihur , ( U''e to 01j'o ? ami alt to dUSo , The
upward movement was slow nt tlrst bccauso
recutpts hero weru 8S cars , I'J ' curs more than
\u < t estimated , nud receipts contahu-il Uj
ears of new wheat. Then came
tliu usual hitch oC crop dUpiitcho , ' .
Jo an had ndilces of riibt In Minnesota )
Dunham had accounHof ( ORM und utifivor-
nble emidltlonsi ICaiKus reports RHVO aylolil
twin thresliorrt of 8 hnshoN poraci-i1 , where l' ' , )
husheU were o.\iecti'il. | Thoi-oworo reports of
tirueutiiiiei'tof llour ubrojil at a M advance )
nil this and a llrni anil higher closing. I'uulul
' ' lovi'ldiiod . - imirlctt
nt LlM'i'inwl ( a hlff. sti-enj ;
fur a time. Hro Mouii , GlfTord , S\vea/.oy uiul a
few otherswcretho nttrnctlonl > utothereoni *
mission houses nonerally bouslit ul < o. Illooni
nud L'nrdrldKo Mere tiedltod vlth eovorliiK In
liilHto , HutvliIiKon toiiKlit AiiRiist , but later
sold St'ptomberfrcoly , The liattle was over
In whrat utl ' o'clock. It win then seen that
llutclilnson'a selllnnliatl carried the iiiiirket.
nud that IJlDoniiuul othurbuyerx wcreknoukod
out. ThewaliiliiK fraternity turned In anil
.sold , and Kith poor support , tlio
decline which was stnrtcil early ,
ent on till Amust wheat
touched RSMo ; fopti'inherSD'-ic uiiilDeceni bcr
Die. ileforo 1 o'clock a little rally tarried An-
gust tobSJii ; , September to HO e , nnd Deeoin-
iier loOlKic. Tills was helpul byareimrtof
twelve boat lends tnkon for oxpurt , nt New
York and fourteen boatloads at Ilaltltitoro
for the omit Incut , llrndstreet iiuido tlio
avallablomipply In Kuropo iiml America , anil
nfloatfor Europe July 1 , ( JUKu.tMO ! biisholi ,
nualnst Q1,000,000 , a yeiir ngo. The elolnxprloes
for the day were : July 87iSc , bAniutt ; faSJie ,
SontcmberSUJsC , and UeccinbirKUSc.
The bcnr prophets in corn wcro dlMiiayeil
today , U'liey have niaile nil sorts of iircttlc-
tlonsnhoiit whnt would happen vhen It l > o-
fui : to rulnoti ICaiMiH and \utr.iiki lleldi.
It rained vthero most needed iinlto freely last
iilK-Ht , President I'ublo of the liock Lslanil
rallrnad had ( ! reports from alonf ? hU Hue ,
Hoard of triide hoiiics liml the mine nevs.
The ivsultoii llio iiiarUotJwjH not ntartlliiR.
I'lrstprlces weie olISJc fiom the close yester
day. Tht'lo\ve t pilco oltho day for Septem
ber win ! u lunlor the opentiiK
nnd thocloso vns 9 ffi o lower than jester-
day. There was -Mime solllns out by IOIIBS
nnd Vine selilnK for tlio country , lint lie-
lleveis I n corn stood by It. Sept emhu mold ut
JTHo to : ; 7\c toi7-Vitoi75c : : ! at IhecloM.1 ; .Inly
vns atUit'io toWUclo , ( ! > > lnR at IWi'li1 ' ; Ancnst
told nt 'M\a and : M > cclo-lii nt 'M'ii' ; Octolior
and December cloned tojrotlior at ItSci May
ranccd 4U'iu ' nnd 41) ) c , cloSlns t 40'e. ; On
en rbiirlvlIcKOi ) on September corn sold ut
KHofor putH mid KJ o for I'lilln.
The outs market was a small uirutc toany.
Thacxtri'ind riuiKauf prlcctt ' ! 's ! ic. Thi-io
was no iiunorlaiit news and little outnldo
business. Ihitclilnsoii support oil the market
by tallnSepteiiiberoatsoaily. On tills tfi'ii-
tetnlior sold aU'TjBUtoL'.S'io ' , nnil closed there ;
July touched ? ) liO early ami cliMUd at t.k ! ;
AtiKii t 2 a toSJiut ; December oats kohl at
SSi-Sci Maylilctn.'Ulie. elosln at : ilfic.
1'rovlslims uppenr to IKI In Hie nit. wfnras
chance of prleoKOcs. Short ribs and lard did
not vary to exceed ! ! ! all day. und the trad-
Ini ? MIIS purely local. July imrk sold np'JOcto
M'J.10 , with Hoiiteinlior sltehtly lower. Septem
ber lard lioldscloseuroiind WH ) . Holoson sold
lard and rlbsearly. but them was llttlo con
spicuous tnullMR. Itei-elpts of hogs were far
below oxiieotatlonsut 14,01)0 , ) , mid prices at tlio
yardnvcii ) lOcup with all partleHbuylus ; .
CHICAGO , July 12.-SpocIal [ Telegram to TUB
linn. ] OATTI.E Ilcculpti of Tc.\ans for tlio
week , 10'Hl cattle , and :5I73 : calves , which
Includes2,000 , enttlu fortodny anil SOOcalvi's ,
nattru cattlo. The market this morning de
veloped no noir features. There wai a fair
demand and whllosti'cn , as U frequently the
ease , on Saturday had to work hard to Und an
outlet anil squeeze the provlous day's prices ,
they maiiiisod to pretty well clean thcpciiint
yesterday's strong ciuotiitlons on ulcers.
Cows sold Htronstcr ami nil grades wuroln
Kood demand , Hulls received lint llttloat-
teiitlon and several lieayy lots had
to IO curried over. 1'ho stoclier
and feeder trade rcinulnod In
iioul ! Uie saiiiO "shigKl'li" runaltlon notodof
lato. Tlio Texas branch of the market wason
a bnoiii with iirlcos generally luolil licr than
yesterday. Compared with the lowest' prlcutt
last woik transactions today hlioir ail ad viinuo
of 2.40oon Iwtli'JVxascoxvsiindstoci''i. Olmlfo
to extra boeu's , JI.WVJU.SO : meaniiii to C'uid '
steers. I.CT toi, ® .40 | 1,200 to ino
Ibs. , J.Sa < a4.1r > ; WO to 1.2IK ) UK. 8a.KCM.HO ;
Kloekers and feeders. t.S.V I.r > 0 ; cows , bulls
and mlAPil , JI.20t23.lU ; fclop-fcd stoorii , t.KXJ ? !
4.rj ( ) [ To.xas Ri-at-s stoors. _ SJB. > < 3 > I.10 ; eorn-fcd ,
K.o''i ) ' ) ' * i.tJO ! cows. $ i.r > o , i , ' > .
lions About 28,000 IIORS were on snlo today ,
counting "fresh" and "stain" supnlyi nuvur-
hdlorshad nerve onoufjlito , di'inuml a
blimp advaiu'i ' ) . ile plte the fact thattlils vas
tliu closing day oflthoweolt and thewealhur
decidedly nnfiivorablo for carrying over until
Moiiilay. Ituyersdld not seem to taUo kindly
to tills demand and for a whllo kicked so
vlf-oronsly that nboiitonu-lmlf of tlio supply
changed hands atoalyyestorday's prleos , or
Kl.nwi.i3forKod'lioiity ) : ( and choice Imtoliers'
mixed. Hndileiilyandwltlmut any iijipiuunL
reason , packers lcvcloiud ) a craze to nbiorb
nil the IIORS In slxlit and they commenced put-
tine the market up oiithenmnlvei until utthe
tinUli valueswerofully lOQI.Vj higher.
KKW YORK , July 12 , [ Special to
TUB IlKB.1 STOCK * The market started with
considerable form ami with lilshcr ; ! prices.
This , with hl'ih liopesof aflnalactlon on the
slhcr 1)111 ) , led tn a lively bull innrkot for n ,
little time. l'orelin Inlliiencevas nialiisttho ;
market , however , nnd both activity and
strength dIsaTicarcd | before the end ot the
short session. AYcstom buying had much to
do with the early advance , There was llltlo
hi the market ouUldoof Sugar Kollncrles and
n few hpouinltlcs , which have lately developed
a marked Hlrencth , and tliuso advances were
continued , while prices In the Kcneral list
failed to inove nioro than slight fraetlons.
Bufar Hi'lliierii'M wiis a { treat feature , und
after openlne iinchaniod nt TC'.i ' It rosorap-
Ully toM on largo hiiijla > ssaftcr ; a slight reac
tion It reached still hlKhcr llKuri-s , but then
dropped back to 77 and ncaln advaneed frac
tionally , lIpulciiiK Valley rose 1 per cent to
Lli'i and DAIotille & Ohio ; n frac
tion , but whllo tliuro was homo
animation In Oregon Transcontinental
and AliihlHon. tliotr inovoinont , like those of
tlio reit of the list , wcro Insixnlflcnnt. At 11
o'clooktlie market was asaln extremely dull
but llnu ntlicstprlcM. Ordinarily the bank
statement would liuio caused good buying
and a stroni ; close not so today. The htate-
meat vus much better thnii nxpcctoil with an
Incromu liuesourcoHof J..l.TO.DOO ; la Hpecle ,
flmm ) ; lndoxisItsH.fK3,000. and ndeeuiaso
In loans of II.UKVUO. nviMithls did not hold
rsaar dropped back to Tilii and
riilliouil stocks hhinvi'd slight not lei > es , wltli
liock Island otri percent from the openliii ;
The follovyhiK were the closing riuotutlons )
U.H. r.ictic 'w
U.K. 4HCuiiiun . . . tin preferred. , . .
U.S. 4Ki ruKular. , 101 C. * N. W
U.S. 4Micoupon , 10.1 ( In preferred. , . . ,
Ccnlrnll'aclllo 1 N.V. Contrnl
Cllen ) u& Alton.luU l'l ) . ScK
Chlcniji ) . U tlli ! tJli Hcct iHliiid ,
iQulncy KM C..M. ft St. I1
IU A W 14 ! ) do pr 'furre < t , , . .
Illliiultrontril Ill ril.l'iiuli Uiuatui
l.ll. AW da prvfurrod , . . .
Kiniiiii&TciitH. . , , . . 1C Union rucltlo
l.rko Mioro KM W.Bt. I'
Mlclil jri Central. , , . . UT
ailinoutl rnilllu 73 ! WwloruUnlon. . .
rVortlmn t'm'lttc ! M
MOMV : llunywith no IOIUIH.
I'liisu : MnirASTii.Kl'AriEU A&7 per eent.
KTKIIUN < I RxciiAsnn Dull hat ( Inn ; ilxty-
day hills , Hl.bdjj demand. H.HI.
VOBK , July 12. ISpoelal Tolosratn to
Tim llEK.l-Thufollowlna are llio inliihiKstock
quotations ;
J'lt < H > Ul'K J/a MKKT.
OiiiCAnoJuly 12.-1:15 : p. in , close \Vlioat-
r.asyicash , b7Mc ; Scntonitor,8'Jyc ) ,
Cora Steady ) cash , ; Wiu ! ; Septeuibor , 37\tC.
Oats-Stoailys fanh , 2iol Soiitoniber , 53o.
Itye-Htonrty at 4'J .
IliirliijrMloady ,
1'rliin Tliniilhj-Eaiy nt (1.32)1.31.
Hiix-Katr nt IUI2
Whlskr < i.on.
1'nrl < -'liillun | li. f ll.R7BculMnbcr | 811.00.
l.iird-l'lrm ! cnnh. 3.1.M ) ; foptonit > r , ttkin.
I'loiir-l'ltni : Mlntorwhett , Sl.WKUOjnprli
. - . . . .
rrovldonn-ShiiiildrN , i.1JOiavlUl short clour , : nliortHbH. lUXVOUO.
lluttrr Uneliungi'il ; creamery , Ilt5c ;
dnlry. fOUo ,
llliii'i ITnohantcd ! llRhtirofn sailed. SWffl
Oo | siillctl hulls , fcj preen saltotl calt , ( IViiiol
dry Hint , v7o : ilry s.dteil hides , Ou | dry vulf ,
&Jfi'c : dt'neon * . 20t'ea 'li.
Tallow XJuohaiiKedi sollil , 43I14C | No. 2 ,
3i' ! | : cake. < Wt4So.
t'ieo | < --giilotj fnllcronm ohfddnN , 701le !
nuts. 7H 7'et ( Y < mnRAnifrloiLS,7tt , < 3&o.
ltBBriMifnsli. ; . liaise.
KocclptBhlimi'ts. .
Flour . . . MXK ) 5,003
Wheat . , . SUMO 1VOOO
fora . IW.OOO
NKW Voni. July lS.-Whnit Ut-oolnt , 131,400
iisheli ; ox | irt-s , 7'-.OJl lii.iht'ls ! pot Irrt'xuliir ,
! No , " . ' rod , tw'jo In olovatnri
nlloatt | > il attn7i o f. o. h ; optlona stoadyi
i ) . 2 ml. July , do * I in ntlOUe.
Oorn-Uecolpti , l J. liii hohexpirU.5l,805 |
rashoU ! si it stcadyi No.a , 42U564WC liii'lo-
viiltrll | > . | IVJc nlliul ; tniKrniliMl inlxotl ,
Gl'iUt-'l options woalior , July clmliiiL | { : 4'lio. !
( ) ats-Ki'n < lpt.i , 2tJK ; ( ) hiiHhulM e.xpnrt .
n-thohl si t unohaiiRuili No. 2 wlilto. 'J7J n |
iiilxodwuHtorn. il > aWci ; oiitloiu Hteailyj July
cliiHlnjat : nie. ;
CotVfo OitloM | oloiod flrm to 10 point * up |
silos. II.23O bill ? ! ) July , } ir.OJ8l7.0Ai Aumisl ,
* lil.7.Vii.80 { ! | Hixil Itli ) steady ; fair ourgoe. * ,
rotlneil linn : oxtr.i"O , "
fill-hioi cul-loaf. 07jc ! criishnl , : iO-7ej now
drrvd.nuui Rrnnuliitcd , OJ-IOe.
IVtroleum United eloicd for Ausnst nt
Vuncy linn , othcn weak ; vcstcrn , II
I'ork Steadyiiiosi ) , .
Iiiinl Steady i closing
Hutler Ktisy , except , fur extra , quiet : Tlscli
It'iu ' ; wi'strrn miry , 631 lei ere.imury. sftl'o.
I'lKM'to AboutMtumly : | nirL kklnn , II6Vfc.
MiiitrAUKBK ; July 12. Wlieat Unsctlludl
Ko. 2 iprliu , caMi , 8so : No. I northern , tlu. )
Corn l''liin ; So. II.XiViQKKIu.
Oats-Qiilct ; No. a , white , : ! io.
Kyo-Qulet ; ? iii. 1. ( IHie.
llarloy I'lrnii No. ' . ' , 54o ,
1'rodsloin Kasy.
Pork Oinli. 511.00 : AuRiHt , ? II.St ) .
ST. Loins , July 12. tJlodntrt Wheat closed
lirmot ! oaMi , Kle ) ; : Jjeitenihor8S.Je | } ,
Ooni l.ofterjeiiMh , IKKJI September , IJO'ie. '
Oati Lower ; cash , tile ) oelitcinbor , i-SJ O
1'ork Oulot : eashHI.0031 l.M.
hard Nominal alM.05 ,
WhhUoy-FIrm nttf.tU.
llnttor Host llrni , low Krado'i dull ;
uiieli.ingod ; urcaiaery , 1 K&lSe j tlalry , 8 < ii2o.
MlNNKAroi.IO , J illy 12. Whout lloooIptH. M
CHTH ; shipments. 81 ears ! doinaiKl early VfM
( alrlyRood ; ( > oed \\hfiit soltl at full iirteoi ;
futures WITO somewhat exulted. tJloslni ; ! N .
llianl , July , SSc ; .AiiRiist , 8IK' | on trade , 111 ®
tlio ; No. 2 nortluTii , .Inly , Hi'ilio ; August , 87o ;
oa track. HSi-icj No. 2 nortliorn , July , Btlci
Aujjust , tHoi on track , 8iiJi'O.
ST. Louts. July 12. Cntllf RerolpH < X i
shlpiiicntH , l.tiOO ; niarkntsti'iidy : fair to fancy
natlvv steers , ( H.80QI.40 ; stookers and fectier. * ,
. ,
i UccolliN , 3,000 ; slilpnieutH. .1,0)0 ( ) | inar-
Lct sti-ady , cld'i'd hlnhi'r ; huavy , Sa.iKQi.U ) : ( ;
paeUIni ; and Unlit , ( Uioci ) .70.
Ol c N TI , July 12. Wheat Market easy ;
No. M rod. 85t ; .
Corn Klrni ; Ko. ! J mixed. HO'iaiOo. '
OiH : Klrni : N'o. " , mlxi'il , lilii ) .
Wliblcy-tl.lO ,
ICAM AMOiTVJulvl3. tt' heal Weaker : No.2
luirduasli , July , 7io ; No. ted , eu.ili , 803
Higher ! Xo. 2 , cash , ! 15U'iik : ; July ,
i ati Steady ! No. ! , c-ash , 2S'io ' bid ; No , 2 of-
July , -Tiiu lild.
July I. . Vlit'alstroiiK ; dcniaml
noon holders oiror .sparhiKly i I'alKoriiln No. I ,
N : il'IT67Mltl ( PIT fental ; red \\estern sprlon , 7s
8dfii7' ' rod western vlater. 7s IJ&7.S I' e.
Coin Doiuaml fair : now inUotl western ,
3s 83,1 ! percental.
i ; U'KHJIt.
OIIICAOO , .Tilly 1 ! . CJattlo Koei'lpt.i , S.rM\ \
m uric I steady ! heovus , < l..r > OJil.W ) ; Ktt'eis.&l.jO
Sit.40 : .stiiukt-rs and ft't'dors.J2.2.Vii.OJ : ! ii > M4 ,
bull * and mixed. ( I.'O 'IIO ; 'I'oxassteers,42.W
5/.a.W ( ! euws , Sl.r > V2.2.i : > .
lloih llceoliits , t.'Ml.K ) : marlrat HtroiiRanil lOo
higher ; inIxod , Sslr)5J : i.75 ! heavy , $ U I.IUi
HjhtjCt.rv ( > T .H ) ! sUljis , SUXXfilW.
tilu'i'p Ui'Ct'liits , i.OOO ; tnaikiit stuatly ; 11:1- :
tlvos , KI.Vxat3.Wj Texans -fl.5U3l.SU ; laiiiK
K.WSAH Citr. July IS. Oatt.Ie Itcculpts.
2.200i hlpiiionK230iiiarla ! tstrnii'ti)10olilBliei' ) :
Htoew , ) : cows , 9I.OOaiJ.UJ ; btiiukcru and
fuodcrs , tiOl.fiO. ! (
Urns liuoeliilH. l..SOO hlpinonts , 7,00) ) ; mar-
Uit-str.iis ; all Annies. JJ.4Uv ) < il.52li. .
Knmx ( Jnv , July 12-Ho4 Keuolpta.
I.IKW , Market r > o lower hut elo.-t'd ovi-n , hi'll-
. . , . .
Uattlo-Ueci > lnts,3ii. Miirkvt dull , nothing
The VlnliiKU In I'ranuo.
Ills siitisfaotory to note that In
of the unfavorable weather which prevailed -
vailed during May mid in the beginning
of Juno , ti good -vintage ! is niitluimted in
thobpulh of Franco. In the Boriloaux
district tliunlcs to tlio ivoont iinprovo-
mont it ) the sttito ottho wcitthur the
the vines liavo iiutdo steady progress ,
sny3 the Loinlon Standard , lit Uhur-
ontCH , hovvcvof , ami the country round
mutton ) tire not uttnidontly nilvsincod to
tidinlt of the expression of ; i rto-
cidcd opinion ; but in Iiowor Uur-
{ juinly tlio outlook is not inrtkulnrly
runssuritiff. Many of the vinud hnvo
boon attitulcctl l y insects. In Burgundy
nropof , lio\YOVcr , the crop , as ru'anls
hoth qiinlity tind quuntity , in oxpuutod to
bo excellent. In Auvorgno only , ino-
dinin vintnyo ia nnlicintcd , iNoiwith-
utimdiitj , ' the violent thundof-
Btot'ins , noconipanicd by hail ,
wliloh luivo broken over the
champagne country , the condition
of tlio vines in uitibfuctory , very little
dtinuiKO hstviujf been siwtiiinod by tlio
plants. The reports from Algeria are
tilw very favornlilo , and the accouuta ro-
celvcd ( fora Spain nhovv that tlio liall-
Btormsluivo been conlineil to onlv n , few
aiblricts. llucli wino is'now 130111 } ; im-
pot'tod into Franco from Old und
Ciwtilcf in short , thu vititiiKu prou
nil ) furmoro sutltifitctory than wiis the
case seine weeks ago , and , taken all
round , the outlook IH dvuldodly ruaHsur-
It iulutcrosting to note , by the wiy ,
that the Hhoinis ohiiinlwi' o ( coinmoivo
recently uhtimitlcd the valuoof tliocham-
pina ; { annually Hold at the avonitfo 6f
7fi,0M,00 , ( < ) francs to 80,000,000 , friincH.
The niuditnn produce ol tha district
tlio chief towns of which ro KhcimB ,
C'lialonii-Hur-Marnc1. l ] ioriinr , Ay and
and Avixo is r > 0,00 ( ) ItcctolltrcH , nioro
than 17,000,000 bottles o [ tlio uttarklliiK'
wluo Lolngyonrly exported , Including
tlio bottles icoiit for homo eonhiimption
tlio total is estimated nt 20U.K)0 ( ) ( ) ( ) ,
though in ISSSthiallguro was oxooodud
considerably , the numbjf tuniotl outbo-
iiij ; over twenty-two millions and a half.
Coiit'iiHlon t\n to Divlno fiulilnncc.
In the early days of Mulno Mothod-
imu it was the custom for younjf minis
ters tocomulttholi' presiding clilor bu > .
fore talcing a wlfo. Bays the Sail IVan--
cisco Argonaut , Once , during n camp
mooting In custom Maine , a young
Dilatator tipproaeht'il tlio presidinguldur
and said hu wished to Iw married.
"Whom do you propose to marry ? "
asked the older.
"Well , " said tlio young man , "tho
Lord has made known to mo very
clearly that I should mirry ; Sister Jlary
Turner. "
"I know her well , " Bald tlio older.
'Shols ' aflnoplrl , I will BOO you again
Iwforo the mcclhif , ' closes. "
During the wool ; four other young
inliilhtors consulted tlio presiding elder
on the Htibjcet ol miirriao. ) ; Each of
thorn gave the name ot thoyoung wiiinan
to whom ho proposed to otTer iiinibolf ,
They had nil prayed ever the matter a
( 'rcatdcal and each was certain tliat 11
wts tlio Lord's dcslro that lie Hhould
inrrry the person nnmod , Neither of
the llvo young men knew that any ono
clao had consulted the older onthntHuli-
lout. On the last day of the camp moot
ing , at noon , the elder culled the llvo
younjf ministers to hla tout to recclvo
Ilia opinion. Ho aid :
"Now , hrothron , It maylxj tliu will ot
fled for you to innrry. hut it is not Ills
will tliat llvo Methodbt ministers hhould
marry little JIury Turner. "
The Hot "Wave's ' Dcprcssiug Efloot on the
llonl EstAte Market.
A Hotter Oonmiul Kor Aero Property
Hnllillnn nml AcHcnllttrnl N ( o
Tlio Hotel Scliunto Oo mmni-
tire Statistics. *
On urcotint of excessively hot weather the
real citnto market has been rnthor ilonnnnt
during this month unit from invsont npponv-
nncc nothliiR but n cool wnvo will place new
llfo In renl Mtnto nfjent * , Investors nud speculators -
ulators , Quito n number of tnulei nro t-0'
ported about to bo closed , but out nud out
sales OH n eash basin nro fu\v.
It is rmtliomtntlvely stated tlmt N. n , Fal
coner 1ms about closed n deal with Uwton
capitalists for tlio saloot hhstonu > ropcrty
on Uotiglns BtrexJt. Whllo the papori luivo
not yvt bcoti tiinili' , yd tlta n ontA are posl-
tlvo the sale will K through sixtUfiictorlly ,
islr. Faloonirvlll roiorvu the bullcllng niul
tnko n lonj ; lease on the KWunil.
Them soeins to ho a Kroater iminlry for
ncres than for itny ether elassof pi'oportv ,
nml fjrouiid In the sotitlixvest , west nad imrtli *
vest outaldrtM of the eltv run bo roitdlly dls-
iwsed of In one , tnivo otnl llvo niw
tracts at fair prices.
ItoKitttllnft tlio proposed now hotel nt llio
corner of NlneUx'iiUuiiidr'iminin stteoti , Mr ,
.Andrew Hosewatei' states that the publica
tion in another paper a few days dlnco that
tliu hotel was mi assured fuel \viis n trlllu
premature , Ho and other oipltallsts liuvo
Ktvon the matter serlouHcxtiisiderotloti , littt
in yet no dcllnlto plan of uutloii has boon de-
teriulnod on. Mr. Hoscwater bin mani
fested u dm Ire to build , niul if ndjolnitiK
property ewaers will mivi a bonus of $ . ' 0.000
tlio Keittlonmn will build tlio hotel lilni.iclr.
koul estnto dealers ami property owner *
nro gmilunlly awakeninif to the fact that
business uroporty values nro lower In Omiilin
than In nny other city of eijital wlzo In tlio
country. Kansas City with tlio same popula
tion mlvs iloublo what deiilors offer property
for hero , relatively situated In the
district. Thu only way the dllToiviu-o can ho
in-counted for ! ) in Iho fai-t tlmt Onmlm'ii
growth bus been so rapid during the past
iivo years thnt It Is dillloult , for owners to
realize how fint tlioy iiro ' 'ttinc rich ami
liavonililllik'nee Is iisklng what their hold
ings uro worth.
HulldiiiK Is fairly ni'llvf.
Thonius Ilronuan's beautiful row of brick
tenements. Nineteenth nml California , avenue ,
Is well under wiy.
'Pho Jiyei-s biiHJInp on Douglas , near
Fifteenth htrcK't , is up to the second storv.
ChadosJ. Karhat'h , K'U ) . , has notllleil hl.s
tenants occupying the storo-s at theMor ol
Fifteenth and Dou > , 'liw str ( s , that
they will liavo to vacate nt th ex-
iiiratlotiof their leases. 1\ . /Car-
liaek will erect a live-story btilhllnir , rtlxlMJ
feet for stores nnd iifllccs la the same location
next year.
The American National hank will bo built
completely of brown Biiiiilstoiio Instead of
brick und sandstone as originally Intended.
Work will bo coimneiu'ed tomorrow on a
flvo-story nud'inent brick nml terra cottu
block for \Mllium \ F. Sivoosy at tlio northeast
rornorof Sixteenth mill Jackson streota. The
lltvit lloor will bo iiheil for stores nml the four
upper ones for n ICuropeau hotel. The build-
\t\K \ \ will bo one of the linnilsoiiiost la tliu city.
Architects stnto tlmt many linulrlos | are
made for cstiinatus on business houses nnd It
Is beliovcd that a lurgo nuinber of haiidsomo
stnuiurca will bo coinmcueod this fall ,
Till- : l''IGUIl09 FOIl IT.
iV Itrfiiinn ol' tlio vVoi'k'H Improve-
niDiit mill Itunlly lmsliit-nn ,
Tlio following lij'ures show tbo totals In
real estutu transfers , bulldluK pormlts utiil
bank clearings for tbo week compared
with thocorrospondiiiKporioJ oClust year :
Day. issa , IfttM.
Mondav . $ 2S.457 t WUI7
TnoMlay . 51,011 7IB5 !
Woilnesilny . im.tni 41)Vi7
Thurnday . Ol.arJ r > .Vi-l )
Krlclay . KiflW 4i,7l : i
Saturilay . SiiKH
IIUll.lllNd 1'EHiIlTS.
nay. ifiSJ. 1800.
Monday . $ 1..VII ) JtjtltK : )
Tuesday . US.'KM : ) ,40il
Wednesday . S. itG)0 : )
Thursday . . n.lO'J ; i,0X )
Friday. . . ! > , < . ' . " > 4r,73
Uuiunluy . , . 40bO ) 12,100
Totals . .V 03,775 " 83,575
Monday . 8 1 , WOSI.2.'I )
Tueiday . J.OTil.lO'J.M
Wi hi ( > Hday . rn'l.iM.M : :
ThuiMlny . WW,7IS.5t
Pi-May . wn.fKW. i
Katnrday . H8.li70.K ! ( )
Total . M.WM70.8I
An incroiisoovcr tbo oorrospomtina : period
of last year of ( > ,5 per cent.
Dallas ( Texas ) News It Is n melancholy
fact and much to bo regretted tlmt jjood people
ple who want only . Is right often ( jot
what is loft. j
'JVrro Ilauto KxprPss : Wlbblo U'hoy nro
now limiting policemen's clubs out of po.por.
Wabble Hoping paper , I presume.
Somervlllo .lournul : The worst tbiiiL' uliout
the woman who .says "I told you ho" Is that
she generally tells the truth.
Furnisher ; Hazzlo How much did you pay
for that dress suit you had the othur evening <
Dn7lu Fifty cents 1111 liotir. _
IMSTKHMKNTd plaooJ on ruourJ duiln *
yiuiti'idav !
O 11 and K < J llnllou ami wives to J W
Williamsonlot ; , 1 > 1U , Collier Place ,
wd..t J7.500 .
K A Moftiuhrim to U A Morili , < > n t 'M ft ,
lot 1 , bill 0 , Is'iae. .t Bulilun's add , w d 5,00 ! )
O II Ivountzound wlfo to 13 h.layciix , lot
If , hi IcSS , Kmiiiltii I'lueo. wil 2,003
Matlldatlaiillnurti ) KI , .lavnus , lot ii : ,
till ; - ! . " > , Kmint/o 1'lacc , w d 2,000
U AMoirl- toll AMcKaolmw. lol 5 , lillc
7 , mt. mid to South Umiihn , w (1 2,503 ,
1C A MurilH to K A MuDichi'on , lots f7
nnd IH , bll < l"i. Illlelicock's 1st ndd , wd 1,500
II It Humes nnd vflfu t i W TSfwimui , lot.
Jl. Ill k : > . Kendall's a < l < ) , wil 2,500
A \V \ ,1 ones nnil hiNinim to. ) M titvotnuni ,
lot r > . blk : i. llattfoi'd | > Jucn. w d 00
J JI dxvotmiui anil wlfn to K M Doi-Miy.
lot r. , blk : i , Hartford HINT , w d COO
J It Harris and wlfo to < 'lileiiKD , Knck
MnniUV I'nlellurallroiid coin puny , lots
1,2 , : i.5.2.1'Jl. 2U nnd : u. blk ; i , lots 1,2.
4 , II. 10 , 20 , 21 , 22 , S2I , 2H , 27. IW ami 21 . hlk
4,11 ail-It A I'lilterson'o annex to .South
Oiiiiilin , wd 1I.TOO
I1 * M Smith and \vlfo toficiir 'o Horonsou ,
nil outlo''JI , I'loreiicc , wd 1.000
AV I , Solby ul al to A J I.owry , lot 5 , bile
! B.Ourtlmgi' . wil 1,000
T I Uiiih'rwiKiil nnd hnsliand to II K I'ol-
nini. cxiiuntor. lots 7 , to. 1' . ' , blk lit. lot
10 , blk22.1othiimdn : , hlkKI. lot 7hlk
21 , loin I and 2. blk 2'i , CailliaKc , wd . . 1
1ST MiiKwollaiid trtfo to Oniulia IJIHII
nnd Tiuitniiiiiny | : , lot 4 , hlkl , Hiiutli
Onialin , wd 4,000
SMIIU Oinalia Lnnd company to William
Mulholjiilin , lot r. anil l ) , blk IX ) , South
Oinnliu , w ( I GOO
Ell forhotlmid wlfo to M 10 Hopkins ,
und WsVi lot 10 , blUl8 , Iliiiibeom I'liicn ,
oo d 1
Oil llniiHcl and wlfo to llounrd Mo-
darthy , o27ftof w 57t lol 7 , hlk 2iK ) ,
Omnlin , wd 1,200
Lmils C'roniblo to Niilson Olurlf , 200xl't5
fl so , MI .1-I.1-1II , w d 15,000
II fl liiirkanlc ami wlfn to M K Hopkins ,
und Vt s VJlot ltlblllH , Iliinscom 1'Iace ,
ou d 30
Gfii-hroedur , triistet ) . to Heldnu ( jllburt ,
Iofj.blk7. llrowii I'ark.w d 3.V )
Cluioiini tvdvln to J \i \ 1'Yakp.s , lot 12 , blk
5. Ini-ir.-ir , , wd 1,20) )
.loliii I.uobboandvlfuto U ICuehl , lot 8 ,
lU lllllKHUb , W (1 ( XX )
Ol' Uluklmon and wlfo to 'I' I I'mlur-
ooil , lolHil iinilft , bll < 2:1 : , lot 7 , blk 21 ,
lots 1 und 2 , hlk 25 , Carthage , q o d 4,00)
Twoiitthrcu tranfora , nsxrejatlii . l,7oj
IliillilliiU' I'crinlts.
The following permits wcro lisuoJ by Iba
liulldimr Inspector ycitonlay :
1) ) . V. Shell's , uvo-story frame dwelling ,
Coonfla and Duwuy hlreots . f Si > 00
ltobort'hiiipoll | , one-story frame cot-
taico , Military unit \Viilnut \ a vunui'.s. . . 1,00)
A. I'oii'innii , two-story frame dwellliiK ,
Thlrty-bouoml and Woolworth ave
nues. . . . . . 8,000
Threw minor permits . . , . 000
Blx penults . tl2,10)