THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY * 13 , ISDO-BIXTUBNT PAGE& THE BEST PEOPLE ON EARTH , First Fijian of the Grand Lodge OuUido of dew York. I tit NLW YORK LODGE MEETS ALONE , the AVcnlc In Iho VnrloitH Or- i Tin ; llHtial Mldsu minor i'rcvallH on all S NulCH. The prnnd lodge met nt Cleveland , O. , on flio bth Irist , , In nccordnnco with the decision of the pranil Icdttu nt itu last session. Kcw York ledge No. 1 took exception to tlio action * In Itn nicctltiB ont- 0 the ( irand lotlgo holding HidoofNew York Hlnto and vvithlicld the records , tlio sccretnry , Arthur C. Morelnnd , rcfusliif ; to attend. Hcprcscntnttvos were present from every loilBO excejit No. 1. The session was held and nn acting secre tary nppointc'd , Aftcrwnrds the lodfjo ox- iMjllcd riofrctaryMorcliiniland tlio Is'ow York lodge for Insuhordlnntlon. This mnttcr occu pied oon.sldenihlo time , nn entire- day helnjr devoted to the discussion. The vote to exi > ol \viis unaninioiiM. The election of ofllccrs for the enstiluK yenr resulted us follows : Hlmon Qiilnllaof Chicago cage lodge , exulted ( 'i-niidrulur ; Kmil lloui- ller of Loulirtllo lodL-o , leading grnnd knight : Fntnk K. WrlRhtof Toledo lodfte , loyal grand loilght ; 13. ( J. Uowerof Dallas lodge , lectur ing irrond kniglit ; Allen O. Myers of CInciii- jiatl lodge , grand secretary : J. 0 , Gray of lloston lodcc , grand treasurer. Onoof tliu most enloyr.ulo features in con nection with thu session was tliu icunion held In the Euclid avenuu openi house tlio evening of the 7th lust. The stiiKOvas lieautifnll.v decorated with the emblems nuil mottoes of the order. An address of welcome WHS deliv ered by tlio tmiyor nnd short speeches wore inudo by a nuniucr of prominent IClkn , ainoiiK them buhiK Edward Lurliln of Omahn. The pnrado during the aftenioon of the 8th Inst was n largo one and attracted conbldera- hie attention. In tlio evening the Cleveland lodge gave n grand banquet and social session to thu visiting Klks In the armory of the Cleveland grays. More tlma ono thousand Klks and Iholr wives wcro present. During the time the other lodges were holding their Hussion in Cleveland , Now York lodge No. 1 held n session nil by itself in New York city and elected grand ledge ofllcers. Kesolutions were adopted dculnringthuClovc- land body clandestine and not 11 part of thu order. This action Is very amusing in view of the fact that the Cleveland body represents over ono hundred nnd sovcnty-ilvo lodges from all parts of the country and the New York grand lodge Is simply tno representa tives of ono lone and solitary lodge. Tlio hist day of the session a committee was appointed to secure an injunction against the New York rebels , and the constitution was changed providing that cucli lodge shall not elect more than ono representative , who must ho a past exalted ruler , The use of liquor nt social sessions was prohibited. The grand lodge will hold meetings wherever It sees lit. A Polyglot lntuiict. | Recently nt Lnporo , In India , a largo meet ing for Installation purposes , nftor which a banquet , was given attended hy twenty-two brothers , at which the toasts were proposed in six European and seven Oriental lan guages French , Gorman. Lntln , Italian , Hebrew , Urdu , Persian , Ueniall , S.iiisltrlt , Hindi , Dutih , U7.crati , and the district grand master wound up with an amusing Kpeelmen of the "lingua franca" spoken by the Punjaubl picadors before the chief courts , says the Now York Mercury. Although wo suspect that few of the dead in our own time , save Cardinal Me/7ofunti , IClilm Bun-it , the learned blacksmith ; lr. Nordheimer of our university , and Dr. James G. Porcival , the actual author of "Webster's Unabridged,1 would have enjoyed the postrprandial luxury Of Unit are morally rcrtuln that no onoof our living grand misters could under- Ktimd , much less respond to any ono toast ou tbo programme whence plain English had hcen maliciously banished , still Itwould np- ] > car that twenty-two East India Masons in a Hlnglo city wevo enabled to accomplish the feat. This Ignorance of the living languages forcibly Illustrates the ill effects of n corresponding pending ignorance in Masonic ritual compul- nory on Americans through grand loilgo dicta tion. Kngim enumerates the names of no less than seventy-one seperato mid distinct Jlasonlo rites , of which wo have practical Imowlcdgo of but u solitary ono. which our learned wisencrcs proclaim hy lav to bo the only Masonry and IntcUlt'cnt Mason should bo allowed to learn and labor at. Tlio lisa of Hebrew In MaHoiiry. A correspondent mitlccs Inquiry as to whether nkuowlcdgoof Hebrew would prove of service to a Mason nnxlous to go through the higher grades , says the New York Mor- ciirv , mill requests us to account for tlio use of Hebrew words in all the degrees from the Ilrst to the lust. Accordingly , a knowledge of Hebrew Is essential to any ono particularly desirous of mastering the mysteries of the Scottish rite , as without it he will never learn tlio correct pronunciation , figurative slgnlllcnnco or even literal meaning of the nmncrors pass nnd sncrcd words committed to the memory of the neophyte during his long Journey from Alpha to Omega In Ma- fconry. Wo ran only account for the employ ment of Hebrew words exclusively in thn various grades of the various Masonic svs- tcins now in vogue from the presumption that , as very few general scholars are fa miliar with the language and are unable to deelpncr their meanlni , ' , they were deemed the better suited to bo used In connection with it mystic institution. lU'lng a primitive tdiiKua , whoso alphabet is comjiosed wholly of consonants , the Hebrew Is essentially figurative and symbolic , as tlio words are capabloof inaiit fold interpretations , and con sequently peculiarly adupatcil to concealment of a latent signification. Tnmglno the difll- ttulty an ordinary iiei-son would experience to rend or understand our vernacular were Iho vowels to ho dropped , as was nnd still ls the case with tlio primitive Hebrew , the vowel nnd other points not being component of the nlplmbct , mid you will perceive why Masons , for their own security , employed words capable of being written wholly hy cense nants. _ K. oI'V. Comrade Will 1C. Jacohs tendered n recep tion nt his residence , 14-11 South Sixteenth street , Tuesday evening to the dclegiitcs from Oneriil George Crook camp , No. 1 , to the division encampment nt Lincoln , About thirty-live members of Crook camp \\ero present with their ladles nud a large delega tion from Oust or post W. H. C. An exceed ingly pleasant evening was passed and n dn- llclous supper was served , Comrade Jacobs welcomed the quests of the evening , a re sponse being made hy Colonel K. J , Coatcs , commander of the Nebraska division. Post Colonel Moses O'llricu made a short talk and read nn original poem by Ed Crowell on the G. A. H. , S. of V. nnd W. K. C. The speeches were followed by sinking and tlio remainder of the evening was passed In dancing. I.nst Monday night Post Colonel Cogllzcr ot Weeping Water , was mustered into Camp Crook. This gives the cnmp another vote In the division encampment , making seven in nil , nnd nlso gives the division another vote in the dlvlslon-lo-clilef. Colonel Coglizcr is ono of the oldest members of the order in the state , having been associated with Colonel Moso.s O'llriea In organizing the Nebraska division in 1S&J. At the last Insjwction General George Crook camp stood nt tlio head when the ro- eult was announced. This is the largest camp In the stuto nnd its membership is rap. idly increasing. K. of P. No Tno knights of Alnsworth , Spring Valley , Long Pine nnd the surrounding country as sembled at Alnsworth on tlio 3d fust , nnd pro ceeded wltti a rood old-fashioned celebration. Grand Chancellor Macfurland was present ns the honored guest. A banquet was given on the night of the Mil and on tlio 4th the typical celebration was had , with parades , music , speeches , etc. , the ennui chancellor deliver ing the oration of the day. Applications have been received for the formation of lodges at Valentino and Atkin son and G. M. of E. Alton of Alnsworth will soon Institute lodges ut these places. A. O. U. W. Omaha ledge No. IS installed the following ofllcers Thursday night : William J. Crozlcr , M.t. . \ A. Inglcdcn , F. ; A. E.Shockloy , O.j C. H. Collier , recorder ; N. W , Charles , financier : C. AV. Eiison , receiver ! ' William Hllkcr , d , : L , . A. ricslicr. I. W.iV. . H. Drain , O. W. The ledge U In n flourishing condition , having a membership of-15. 1MPO11TANCI2 OK PAItlta. Knglnecr Cleveland Advocates a Com plete I'nrk .System fir Omaha. Misxiui'oi.i" , Minn. , July ! > . lr. ) George L. Miller My Sir : My mind hns been of late much occupied with a subject which seems to mo ought at this tlmo to possess peculiar Interest for every western city , ntnl , as H mny not have occurred to you , I vcntura to address you In regard to it , leav ing It with you to decide whether it It Is worthy of consideration , and within thopowcr of the park board to take action upon It. "World's Fair" 1 allude to tbo approaching of 1SI3. ! Probably no one has nny Just con ception of tlio vast number of foreign visi tors who will then IK > attracted to our shores , or of the inhabitants of the Atlantic states ho will then make their first trip to the west. Now , the point to which I wish to call your attention U the obvious fact , that , although Chicago will bo the central focus of attractive Interest , yet the whole country will Do on exhibition and It U for the Interest nnd should ha a matter of prlilo for every city to put herself In trim for examination , Countless thousands of pleasure seekers , of men of business and of sclontists , scholars and artists will Uiko the opportunity to ex tend their Journey to the I'acitlc const , and European visitors will study with special In- tcivst the ( to them ) amazing spectacle of magnificent cities provided with every npiili- nnco of modern luxury where but yesterday was n wilderness. Kxpcrlenco has taught mo that no evidence of advanced civilization mid refinement is so impressive upon the mind of an Intelligent observer as that of wlso forethought In the mailer or pants. No amount of expenditure In public or pri vate buildings is BO effective in creating a conviction of future gr.imlour as an ample provision for future wants In the scope of the park systems of a city. Pretentious build ings nro matters , of course , from "tho titno that a new and growing town begins to aspire to civic honors , and becomes ambitious of displaying Its wealth but comparatively few cities exhibit such forethought or such con- liilenco of future importance ns Is proved by the creation of parks , or the appropriation nt nn curly day of sufilcicnt men for an ex tended system of parks and connecting park ways. The vnluo of such n system ai n means of health and recreation to the citizens , and of lidding to the city revenue by Increasing the taxable value of real estate , Is too well known to need explanation --but few people have any Just conception of Its importance in es tablishing the character of the city in the mind of the world nt large , or of the vital importance to every city of attaining such a reputation. My attention was first called to the subject more than thirty years ago by tbo prestige which New York derived from the construction of Central park nnd I have slnco seen it repeated notably in Chicago and Minneapolis , with such unmis takable effect that I feel entirely confident there is nether form of public improvements that has equal weight in the minds of sa gacious and rellecting men , There is yet tlmo for a good deal of work of preparation and I venture the suggestion that energetic action mny accomplish results of incalculable Importance nnd perhaps pre vent future keen regret. when you llnd nn armv of strangers invading your streets nnd studying the aspect of your city as compared with others , which go to make up the great show they have crossed the ocean to seo. 1 do not , of course , presume to make sug gestions , but hope you will accept this re minder ns nu evidence of my interest In the work you have so much-nt heart , and of my earnest wish that Omaha may bo ready to prove her own confidence in her future grandeur. Very truly yours , H. W. S. CI.CVUI.AND. WAR KAGIjH HIS OWN MONUMENT Petrifaction Docs for a Kickapoo Wliut Posterity Han Neglected. There is great excitement among the Kickapoos over the discovery of ti pet- rifled body supposed to ho tlmt of War Enulo , a lending chiel of the tribe , who died many years ago , Hhortly after the tribes returned from old Mexico , suys a Sliawneotown , I. T. , dispatch to the Globe-Democrat. Instead of the remains being deposited In the ground in a collln they wore plnccd in nn upright position in a largo hollow tree , tlioi-o to await the coming of the happy hunting days , us the Indians bollovo. Yesterday during the rage of a fierce forest tire tno trunk of the tree wns con sumed by the llaines. A party of Indi ans who were ju.sslng through tlio woods stopped to lignt thai i * pipes , when tlio imago of an Indian warrior , with a tom- ahnwk in hnnd , wus discovered under neath the ashes of the burning tree. Tliu Hceno which followed is described us being most rumnrkablo. The Indians wore scared so badly tlmt they lost all self-control , and a regular panic uiiHiied , tlio Indians rushing madly through the woods mid yelling at the top of their voices. As soon us word could bo communicated to the remaining members of the tribe , some 200 in number , a hurried consultation wiw holi ) . tit which it WHS decided that the reservation should bo Immediately abandoned. Luckily some of the nioro civilized members of the tribe had in- lluunco enough to allay the feeling of fear , and the nluii wus not carried out. The place ot fright was visited later in the day , when , sure enough , the jiotri- lled body of War Englo was exhumed and placed on exhibition. The petrili- cation was perfect. The war co-stumo was us natural as llfo , there being a por- feet imprint on the stone of both gun and tomahawkwhich wore buried along side tlio body. The peculiar formation of stone proMmts an imposing appear ance , and but for the occasional creases ciiutcd by Insects would bo clear of any imperfections. This evening a large , hollow oak was selected , the top sawed off about fourteen - teen fcot from the ground , and the pot- rilled body placed upright thereon , to remain forever. A two-inch plno slab bearing the following Inscription murks the putriilcd remains of this tribo's greatest warrior : "War Englo , great fighter , turned Into rock. Indians afraid Great Spirit. Lot him sloop on in his beauty forever. " In view of the proposed visit of the Cherokee commission for the purpose of buying the Kickapoo reservation , the Indians consider as a bad omen the burn ing of tlio trco where their chief htid been laid to rest , mid say they cannot now glvo up tholr lands. A Journey Fmstlnii Nearly Two Yearn , 111 Saratov an Interesting traveler on foot arrived recently , Ho was a peas ant , Nikoluy Audukln by name , and over seventy years of ngo. Ho had been a serf , and In 182 his master hail accused him of theft , and had caused him to be exiled to Okhotsk , In eastern Slborla. As thucrimo of which ho had been ac cused could not bo established ho vitis sent olt as a "froo exile , " that is , howas not kept a prisoner or liound to penal service in the plneo of his destination. For thirty-eight years ho worked In Okhotsk ns a tanner , and saved some money. Having attained his seventieth year ho conceived a desire to return to his native land , and as he said "to put away his little bones among Ills own people when his tlmo is up In this world , " Hut he was still halo nnd hearty , nnd traveled nil the way from Okhotsk on foot. Ho was on the road twenty-two montliH , and hud many a narrow cscapo from encounters -with bears and wolves. At his old homo ho has a largo family of children nnd grand children awaiting him with ojKm arms. . t Dr. Blrnoy positively euros catarrh and hay lovor. Ik'O building. PASTORS AND THEIR PEOPLE , The Events of the Past Week in local Religious - ligious Circles. A SUCCESSOR TO BISHOP O'CONNOR. Ilourlto : > Iay Not lie tlic Sinn A Ijtithcrnn Church A I'coplo't ) Church A Oulhollc Ififitluilc. It has been announced from Kotno Hint the niinouiicciiicnt of tlio apiolntmcntof Bishop Maurlco llurko to the consolidated districts of Onmhu nnd Choycnno was premature , us it was imnoimccd from Homo on Friday tluxt the appointment hud novcr bcun Ihmlly nmdo mid in nil probability would not bo imulo. It was considered by the news paper correspon dents In Homo that the nppolutmcntof Bishop Burho would certainly bo made as tlicy hud received every Intimation to that effect , inul Just why u change In the programme was inado is known to the propoganda only. Bishop Uurko hud charge of the diocese of Cheyenne , but hovunt to Home in the spring anil resigned the chiii-go of tlmt diocese iitul asked the holy father for n larger district and nioro work. It Is understood thut the archbishop of the province of St , Louis will convene a meeting of the bishops of the province In the near fu ture and three more names will bo sent to Homo. This will probably be the sanio as the llrstimd If Bishop IhirlcoU not appointed to this diocese Vicar General Brady probably will be. A Fourth Itiiilioraii Cliuroli. Slnco the dissension among the metnhcrs of Kountze Memorial Lutheran , church , which resulted In the resignation of Kov. J. S. Uct- wiler , for a number of years Its pastor , the friends of that , gentleman who have been as sociated with him In the church work during his pastorate and who stood on his side when trouble arose , are anxious to retain Air. Dct- wiler in On/aha. / meetings have been held to devise ways and means of doing this and dually it has ahout hecn decided to establish a fourth Lutheran parish hi Omaha and install Mr. DeUvller as p.istor. It Is proposed to erect a handsome church building in Kountzo place to cnual , if not sur pass , any other church cdillco In the city. Those Lutherans who are opposed to Dr. Detwller insist that tills move will bo detri mental to the interests of the Lutheran so ciety in Omahn. while the doctor's friords assert that the opposite would bo the result. as an energetic clergyman would be retained in the city. Since his resignation the doctor has re ceived a number of calls to other parishes , the most flattering coming from Brooklyn. Ho prefers , however to remain la Omaha. Sonic Good Any number of people have expressed re gret at the abandonment of the People's church conducted during the winter months by Uov. C. W. Savidgc , assisted by many energetic workers. Some people who have just skimmed over tno surface of the matter nnd have not taken the titno or trouble to Investigate mom closely have been prone to criticise , those who were engaged in the work for abandoning what was considered such a promising nnd productive field. "If these people , " said a minister of the city while discussing this matter a few days ago , ' 'hail been as liberal with the me of their money as they arc in the use of tholr tongues , the People's church , which they claim to have loved so much , might still bo nourishing and converting sinners , "Churches Hlto the one conducted by Mr. SavIdRO last winter , " he continued , "are the most dlfllcult in the world to conduct. It must bo done nearly entirely by subscrip tion. There can bo no denying the fact thut of the 1,500 people that attended Mr. Sav- Idgo's sermons on Sundav mornings , many were Idlers who , passing by the door of the opera , fell In with the crowd nnd followed it. Oncu inside the music attracted them nnd they would stay through the service , but when the col lection boxes were passed many hands would remain without the pockets. These men were after free entertainment. They were not will ing to pay for religion. "A people's church is a good thing and therefore desirable. It attracts u class cf people ple that the ordinary churches cannot ntr tr.ict. Mr. Snvidgo did well la his attempt to redeem men in th is direction and by super human efforts managed , I understand , to keep evenon financial matters. But the strain was too great for one mun. Ho couldn't ' stand it and had to glvo up the church. "Now wo want n people's church In Omaha nnd wo should have one , but the only way wo could carry such an Institution along success fully is for all the churches to unltoand carry their relative snares of the financial load. I think this matter should bo taken up liy the ministers , but I would give the people a chunco to think of it for a few weeks nnd then begin work in the fall. " An Institution to Tie Dcslr ( I. A movement w.xs Inaugurated at the Millard - lard hotel last Thuwduy evening which will probably result In the establishment In Omulia of n branch of the Young Men's Catholic In stitute of America. Judge J. L. Sullivan , president of the insti tute , arrived In the city early Thursday even ing and was received at the depot by Mayor Gushing , member * of the Catholic Young Men's society of this city , and others. Ho was taken to the Milliard hotsl , wlioro mi In formal banquet was tendered him , Father Carroll acting as master of ccromonlcs. A most delight ful social hour was spent in this way and then Judge Sullivan explained to these present In detail the object of his visit. Ho was hero to establish a branch of the insti tute of which ho Is president and thought no more promising field than this could bo found anywhere. The object of the Institute is to educate the young men of the church in the higher branches of study and to prepare such as should desire for the priesthood. Speeches wore nuido by Mayor Gushing , T. J. Aluhonoy , C. J. Smytho and others , all of whom favored the location of the branch. Judge Sullivan remained In the city Friday and talked the matter over with the resident priests and the societies of the churches and there Is no doubt but that the branch will bo established In Omaha. CHVllVJl KOTICES. At the Newman M. E. church there will bo preaching by the pastor , Kov. Charles SV. Savidgo , at 10 o'clock a. in. Subject , "Divino Guidance. " Evening service at 7 p. in. , especially for members of the church. Kov. A. J. Kynott , D.D. , Lli.D. , secretary of the Church Extension society of the M. E. church , will ho In the cltv over Sunday and Is expected to preach In First M. E. church , Twentieth and Davenport streotu. Ho Isono of the great men of the Methodist church , and all uro Invited to hour him. Kountzo Memorial Lutheran church , reg ular church scrulco at 10:30a. : in. ; Sunday school at noon ; young people's prayer meetIng - Ing nt 7 p. m. Kov. C. Huber , traveling state secretary , will occupy the pulpit in the mornIng - Ing ; no preaching service In the evening. First Congregational church , corner Dav enport ami Nineteenth streets. Dr. J. 1 , Duryea , pastor. Sunday morning services at 10:80 : , immediately followed by Sunday school. Y. P. S. C , E. nt 0 : ! * ) p. m. Prayer nuil praise meetings Wednesday evening at 7:45. : All arc welcome. First M. E. church , corner Tweatieth and Davenport , Rev. P. S. Merrill , pastor. Mora- lug service , eOjHO a. m. Subject : "Witnesses of the Faith or the Faithful Which I" EvenIng - Ing service , 8 p. m. Subject : "Con I Ho Saved Without the Church J" Sunday school ! iHO ; p. m. Y. P. H , C. E. Monday 8:00 : p. in. All services open to the public , all scats are free and a cordial welcome to everyone , Young Men's Christian association build ing , corner Sixteenth and Douglas. Frco reading room open daily 8 a. ni. to 10 p. m. Sunday from ii to ti p.m. Strangers nnd visitors always welcome. Meeting for men only Sunday 4 p. m. , addressed by Kov. Meredith of St. Louis , Subject ; "The Only o ( True Greatness. " Meeting Satur 8JOp. ; ! rn.i to which traveling men stop * over the Sabbath In the city are cor dially invited. Noonday1 prayer meeting dally 12:3U : p. m. Second Presbyterian church , Satindcrs and Nicholas streets. Prcwchtng at 10:1)0 : ) a. in , and 8 p. in. by the ncjS' pastor , Uov. S. M. Ware. Sunday school nt noon. Young pco- plc's meeting at 7 p. In. Strangers welcome to nil services. At the Southwestef'n Lutheran church , be tween I'opple.ton and.Voolvorth avenues , Hcv. Luther M. ICuhns will preach at 11 a.m. on "Tho Law Not Mode for the Righteous , " and at 8 p. in. on" "A Sympathetic High Priest.1 . Castcllnr Street Preioytcriaa church , Slx- 1 tecnlh and Castcllivr streets , Itov. J. M , Wil son , pastor. Services'10.TO ' ; a.m. mid 8p. in. Young people's mcctlng7l5. : Hcv. Fnmels S. Hlarnoy will preach in the morning and in the evening thu p.istor will deliver the third sermon of the scries on the Book of He brews. Hov. .1. H. IMcrcdlth , D.T ) . , of St. Louis , Mo. , will occupy the pulpit of the ICnox Presbyterian church tomorrow morning and evening. Subject , morning , "Tho Immortal ity of the Soul ; " evening , "U'ho EiiomyThut is Nearest nnd Strongest. " Trinity cathedral , Cupltol nvctnio and Eighteenth street , "Very Hov. C. II. Gardner , ( .lean. Holy communion 8 a. m. , morning prayer , lltimy and sermon , 11 a. in. ; evening praver and sermon , 7:15 : p. in. Thodeaa will preach morning and evening. Trinity M. 13. church , corner Twenly-flnt nnd Blnney streets , Kountzo place. In the ab sence of the pastor , Iov. ! .1. II , Presson will in-each at 1UJO : ; a.m. , and Hov. .loba Dale at 8 p.m. Sunday school at 12 in. J , T. Uoblu- son , superintendent , Upworth lenpnoatp. in. 'I'lie people welcome to these services. HKJ.KJHUJS. There nro l.OTO.tXX ) Sunday school children nnd teachers in New York state. The Homnn Catholic authorities In the diocese of Montreal have prohibited political meetings on Sundays. A vcasel maimed wholly by monks arrived nt Odessa lately. They belonged to the mon astery of Mount Athol. A Protestant .Kplbeopal church costing MOO.OOO I ? to bo built at 1'hlladelphla ns a memorial of the Into George W. South. Miss Abigail Dodge ( Gail Hamilton ) touches a Sunday school class that meets every Sim- day at Secretary Elaine's residence. A curious inscription placed over the door of a church in Leeds is as follows : "Pray for the sinners who built this church. " A Philadelphia minister thinks tlmt a foe should uo puld clergymen who conduct funeral services , as It takes up their time. Miss Mary Coddington of Now Yorlt city has given the city mission -10,000 , for the building and endowment of a boys' club house for the poor boys of the city. AMaino minister , who has Just retired , during his pastorate of nearly hulf acoiitary married 407 couples and preached 757 funeral sermons , of which 30D were for members of his own society. In New Zealand a Mormon convention has just closed its sittings , at which it was of ficially reported that tliore lire : i,000 , Mormons in that colony and that 600 converts were made during the last year. Klght years ago the American bible society of New York began the work of placing a bible , by sale or gift , In every homo in the land where It would bo received. Uut now the society proposes a work of still greater magnitude and Importance a bible of its own for ovcry child who can road , with special reference to Sunday school use. Whore there are no auxiliaries , utict when neither the parents nor the Sunday school can afford to glvo each child a bible , the American bible society , for the present , will in such eases supply bibles at half price , but the expense of transportation must bo borne by these receiving tills favor. Hov. A. Orr ICwing , who has spent the past four years In missionary work in northern China , delivered nn. address in San Fran cisco recently on the progress of the Christian work In that empire. A ver.y pa thetic picture was drawn of the evil effects of the opium habit on the Chinese , and nil Christians wore urged to join In praying that Great Britain \vould prevent the sale of In dian opium to the Chinese. The spivad of Christianity , though not rapid , was still making headway , and a good beginning had been made which should bo followed up by vigorous work. The matches that are made In heaven are safety matches. Members of Episcopalian churches have a great deal of response ability. Adam What kind of mi apple was that you gave mo\ \ Eve An early fall. When angels are entertained unawares the entertainment Is nothing to brag of. Charity may cover n multitude of sins , hut women at a charity ball really need some other covering. Little Girl ( during a thunderstorm ) JIamma , do they have music In heaven } Yes , my dear. Little Girl Well , I guess Wagner must be leading the orchestra. Aunt Theo Tommy ! I am surprised you forget your bible so quickly 1 Now , when the rain descended and smote the earth for forty days , what was It billed ) Tommy ( promptly ) Mud. "I listened to your famous oratorio last night , " said the president to his private sec retary. "My oratorio 1" exclaimed Halford , mystified. "Certainly , the oratorio of Elijah. Fine pleco too. " Rev. Rounder I feel as if mysornions had had great effect. The ballet has hardly a leg loft to stand on. Parishioner Well , do.ctor , you want to get rid of that one. As long as there's a leg left the ballet will nourish. 'Glad to see you , " said the tunnibil. "Thank you for your kind reception , " re turned the missionary. "I think wo shall get on famously together. "I hope so , " observed the cannibal. "Your predecessor disagreed with me. " Briggs What an eloquently sermon Mr. Longwiml preached in favor of a belief In future llfo. There can bo no doubt that ho is 11 rin believer In an eternity , liragg.n Yes ; ho thinks that when eternity begins ho will have a chance to preach as long a sermon us he likes. "Awnko ! arise ! " the parson said , In thunderous , rolling tones. "Which startled from his slumbers deep The pious Deacon Jones. "All right , all right , my dear Mariar , " Said bo between his snores. "I'll bo down direct to build ( ho lire And do the mornln1 cliorcs. " Kew York Herald. "Ha , ha , " cried Oftlccr Mulhollan , exultingly - ingly , rushing upon four unsuspecting tramps , who were bathing tholr tired limbs In n nark pond. "Bgomw , Ol've got ycz follys. at lasht , in shwlminln' on Sunday. Klin on wld yezl" "My good man , " said one of the tramps , "havo you no respect for the church that you act sal" The churchl Fwhat's thot to do wid tholoikcs o'yezl" "A great deal , " replied the tramp , piously folding his hands. "This Is n baptism , and the minister bas just stepped up to the near est farm house to borrow a prayer book. " Where All are DlnlioiiCHt. A coiTespondont'writlng from Siberia Buys : "Living is , absurdly dear in this country. Everything IB IIvo or six times dearer than in Russia. Tlio people uro wicked nnd depraved , given to gossiping , slandering , spyingand , secret denuncia tions ) . Everything .which is good nnd honest is mercilessly persecuted , nnd buBonens Is triumphant. In order to live in tlio wny in wliich-I have been accus tomed in lUissiii 1 bhould require 3,000 rubles per annum , but my salary is only JGOO. "A wretched apartment costs COO to 700 rubles. The servants nro nil bad characters anil thieves. They are pron- ernlly lodged in a building dotaohcd from the house occupied by the master , otherwise ono would risk bolng plun dered or murdered. "Wo go to bed nt 0 o'clock In the evening , nnd nftor 10 nobody dnros to ( jo out without iv revolver. The Government ollleos nro in tlio samedisnonrtonlnff condition. Every ofileijil , whatever his powers may bo , Ill-treats his subordi nates , interferes with tholr private affairs nnd inlltcts ovary humiliation nn them. The small oIllclalH who receive ilivily wages are recruited from criminals awaiting judgment or already con demned , They arc nil thieves nnd drunkards. The high cost of Hvlnp and the Inadequate mlarlos make it almost Impossible to find uu honest mail ho re. " fMH ? IV 1) \ fl ? ArMlYWP TlHr UlEAl RAIE AGAINST TIHE. . Marcus Major Trying to Reach lam from Trisco in Fifteen Elys. A PECULIAR BET ON THE RESULT , Jlo "Was Delayed In Omahn , "Wliluh IMiulo Illiu Very .AiiKry , Hut llo to AVI n JliHt the Same. Marcus Mayer , chief lieutenant to tlio famous theatrical nuiingcr , Henry E. Abby , pisseil , through Omnhu Thursday ovcnlng la t cnrouto from Satx Francisco to New York with the London Gaiety company , The outfit had four cars-two bagtfagOi ono ciniKMiit sleeper anil a I'ullniau. The Union i'acillc brought them from O'ilcnon ( Its fast mail train nt tlio rate of forty miles nn hour. It win expected by Mayor that upon their arrival hero they would ho attached to the Burlington flyer , which leaves nt 4:15 , nuil go on through to Chicago nt lightning speed. Hut Iho flyer failed to wait nnd consequently when Mayer learned that ho must stay In Omaha nearly two hours and po ou tlio slow 0 o'clock train he fjreiv very angry , ami It h said , turned the transfer ile- pot into nscenoof pandlinonluni , lAirthcr- morc , none of the Burlington olllcLils had considered It imperative upon they part to show him any personal attention , and this Insult helped to fan his rage into a. hotter heat , Marcus is racing against tine on a hot to ho la Paris on the iidth , consequently the tons of tiino on tiecount of Inattention from n railroad inhl- way between the two oceans ng- gravaUid the Impetuous Kcntlcmnn beyond thu llmitof his osi'ltaUo patience. Having four cars , ho wanted the Burlington to run him a through special , but there was nobody la sl'ht ( for liim to talk with having author ity to malco such arrangements. As u consequence quence ho was compelled to lay at tlio trans fer until the regular train vent out. IiiortUT to win the bet referred to , Marcus must sail from Now Vorlc tlio Ititb , This is the way the wiger canio about : Six weeks ugo Jim Williamson , who used to ho the juvenile comi'dlaii ' of AVallacit's just after the war , and Is now the principal niaii- ii cr of Australia , with a bank account of at least half a million , sat in a San ITranchco elub room with Mayer , Their talk ran upon their plans for the summer just on them. "I can't leave ' 'Frisco , " quoth Marcus , "until .luly 'J , but I expect to lo in Paris on July 'J4.1 ' "That's rather a bold expectation on your part , " said Williamson. "I know things have chaiiKod a Kood deal since my day , hut I can't s\vallo\v \ tlut. From 'ITrisco to Paris in llftocu days 1 No , rfr ; you'll never dolt. " JIaycr rubbed his moustache with his lin ger and thumb , his usual expression of con- tidcucc. "I'll uot you anything you like , " ho said , "that 1 do ft. " Outsiders , hearing the debate , \vcro drawn into it , and when the wager was registered and mutually accepted all around , it took this shape : Williamson nnd twenty-three friends many of them theatrical celebrities nnd nil of them amply able to redeem their obligations were to take a fortnight's law of Mayer. Only July JJi , precisely at 5 o'clock p. m. , the twenty-four Kiuncstcrtr are to bo in a private room at thoUafoAiiylalsoln Paris , awaiting dinner , the service of which is to bOKln at 5:110. : The cost of the dinner is to bo at the rate of 150 francs a cover , and there are to bo twenty-live covers , ono held In reserve for Way or. Uotuecn 5 and 5 : . ' 10 Aluyer Is to appear at the Cafe Anglais nnd take the place reserved for him. Should ho do this "Williamson must pay for tlmt particular dinner , and on follow- ins days the twenty-three other bettors must each in turn foot an equivalent bill. Thut is to say , if Naycr reaches the Cafe Anglais in time Williamsonimdhis twenty-three brother skeptics -will have to provide , one after an other , twenty-four dinners for twenty-four diners , nt a cost for each dinner of } 7-0. On the other hand , If Marcus should fall to inakohls entrance into the Cafe AiiRlals be tween 5 and 5 : 'IO p. m. on July 21 ho will have to give twenty-four dinners to twenty-four people nt an aKcrcgato tiost of $720x24 , which , ns everybody luiows , will ho $17,280. Although it was nut so stipulated in the protocol , ilayer has declared his intention to rely absolutely upon ordinary modes of travel , and not employ special trains or bouts or any other extraordinary device. By general consent his movements are to bo kept secret , and until ho shall have arrived In Paris nobody will know the precise mo- meiitof his departure from San l < Vinchco , , or the inimoof the steamer on which ho will sail from Nnw York. Some of the party arc already quartered In Paris , and a largo number of Americans , actors and business men , aware of the bet. will undoubtedly swell Mayer's triumph If ho maka' his connections all right. Nat Gopdwiu , Donnelly and Qirnrd and other the atrical people hit otm , if they can discover1 the place of Ids arrival in Paris , to whoop him along in a four-in-hand to thu Cafe Anglais , nnd celebrate his victory with a special Jolli fication of their own. A good deal of money will change hands on the event , the friends of the audacious cosmopolitan being willing to give long odds. odds.Tho The hero of the venture h a good looking young man of about thlity-elght , of the middle nelL'ht , well developed , a need dresser , arid a genial companion. Ho has a keen aquiline face with UufjliluFC dark eyes , and a chin suggestive of indomitable resolution. His father is an iinmcnselvvcnltiiv man and onoof the ofllccrsof the Alaska seal company , under the ii is of which Marcus was for a little while pun-ailed upon to remain. But having a will of his own as well a * : i nrlvato and personal fortune , ho soon turned bis baolc upon Bearing's se.i and Its furry Inmates , and took to theatrical management as naturally as a full grown seal takes to deep water , Associating himself with Mr , Henry E. Abbey , Marcus had charge at various times of the professional tours of Adellna I .itti , Cliristluo NlUson , Sarah Bornhardt , Jlrs. Langtvy , Mary Anderson , Ellen Terry , Hcnrv Irving and Josef IIolTmiin. Ko much traveling had ho to do at the shortest con ceivable notice that ho grow to bo a living ; time table of the ontlro American railroad svstem , andean at this day tell vou the precise - ciso second the express leaves Kalamazoo for Oshltosh as easily as ho can spot the steamer which L > duo at Vera Cruz on tno 21st of. next October. Learning , as bo docs , ovcry spoken language with lightning rapidity , his intimates when themselves abroad are not n particle sur prised to hear him chattering French in Cairo n few weeks after they know him to bo delivering ; speeches of tlmnlcs to Brazilian students in the purest Portuguese. Mine , Ptitti declares that Marcus is her ideal of a cosmopolite , nnd Henry Irving vows that If ho were dropped out of a balloon cur la the smallest town In Thibet , Miycr would at once recognize an old friend in the head man and Mow by instinct where to get the Ijcst dinner for the most money. For it U ono of Marcus1 accomplishments that ho can order an expensive breakfast In nny extant tongue as well as puy for it afterward with out deigning to look ut tno bill , Such is his unfailing good naturothatho Is willing to glvo the most tremendous odds tea a friend , while such Is his luck that ho never loses a bet , But tlio latest exploit of this polyglot nomad , erst of San Francisco and now of the universe at large , easily places him atthohcadof American camcstcra when one considers the character of his wager and Its dimensions , _ A Volatile He port. "For disordered menstuntlon , nnarmla nnd sterility , it may properly bo termed a specific. " Extract Iron Dr.V. . P. Mason's report on the waters of Excelsior Springs Missouri. Tin ; How of Princely Dirt. Anronos of tlio incotinjf between the queen and tlio Empress Frederick nt Darmstadt , I am reminded of the follow ing story , wlilohls elmrnctorlsUc of her mujortty'tf oldest daughter's notions and practice of discipline , sayn a writer In the London Figaro. Prince Homy , the brother of the present emperor , hiul when a smnll boy tlio greatest objection to his dully bath , und the nursery lo- cuino every morning thoEConool u vigor Otis nml fearful struggle on hla part ngaimt tubbing. His mother IHetl in vnln to pcnundo him tint bathsworoln- ovltaMo jind that ho must submit to tliom , but she finally gnvo tlio nurse or ders ono morning to lot him liavohisown way. Prince lluiu-y , confident that ho had gained a romnrkublo vlctorv , wus exultant , nnd when ho sot out for his morning valk took no mlns to conceal his triumph. Uo Indulged In sundry taunting remarks to his attendants , but on returning homo ho was mirm-lsou1 to notice that the bonllnolnt tlio gate did not jirusont arms an ho passed. On reaching the mlace ho found n second bcntinol equally remiss , ami , knowing as won as any of hit * piindilioim nu-o what wist duo his rank , the little follow wulkod up to the man and asked sovorolv : "Do you Imow who I aiiiV" "Yes. llohelt , " Mia the sentinel , utaiuUn motionless. " \Vlio am IP "Princo Ileinrlch. " "Why don't you salute then ? " "Bo- musowoilo not present arras to an un washed prince , " replied thcsontlnol , who had received his order * from the pi-Info's mother. The little fellow salil not a word , hut walked on , bravely winking hack the two big tears ) which Illluii his eyes , Next morning , however , ho took his hath with perfect docility , and wjis never known lo complain of It again , AVOMIiV IN 1'OMTICS. Jli-s , Tom I litt , Tal1(4 of Strs. lllniiio and ! \Ir > t. lliu-t-lsoiii "Do tlio woniomvhogo \Vashinpton finely ] ) olltics'i" ' asked a roiiortor oi the ivifoof Doss 1'lattof NowVork. "ICot to any notlcuablo ex tout. Amer ican women ha vc not the Piiiiio intoro t In the ulfalrsof statotbatdistinyulHhes Iho Kngllsh or Russian lady. In thoM countries society tincl iiolitfus jiro united , HUM they are distinctly separated. The woman who It rocogni/.od us anablu politician docs nut bolonglo tlio fashion able class , whllo the woman \vlio has a social position shows an indifference to politics amounting to aversion. ' Why this Is so f don't know. Oiu- women nro very bright , and every now- corner from school or college suvpasMCa thopi'ovlouHfjrjiduato. They should bo able to ninke good politicians In u woman's way , I mean but tlio interest Is ladcim , ' . This is too bid : , for tlio sub ject is admirably adapted to quiolten the \vitancloxoroisotho reasoniiir | fnculties of a woman , and it is so much better than gossip , " "Is .Mrs. Harrison much of a politi cian ? " "I hurdly know , for T have seen her only on formal oecasioiw. She is very domestic , dovotcd to her husband , andvhat interests him I think would naturally claim her attention. Mrs. JIuKco is n sweet , pretty little woman , and like all young mothers , wrapped up in her beautiful babies. " " \Vns Mrs. Cleveland political ! In clined ? " "I never mot hor. She went from col- lese totho capital , you know , and would hardly bo expected to know much about allaii'sof government. " "Mrs. Lojan ? Yes ; but she divides her altqntion botvcoii the army niul navy. " "AIiii. Scerotary lllaino is perhaps the gifted of any lady In Washington. Sim is a woman of great intellectual strength , calm judgment nnd intense pride ; her mind is masculine in Its grasi ) . She is a brilliant conversation alist , and must bo a great liolp to her husband. Naturally retiring in disposi tion , and superior to the more caprices of society , she has by nuiolly maintain ing her dignity allowed herself to bo misunderstood , Society lias not appre ciated her for tlio reason that it lias iioverboen able to roiioh her mental height. No ono who has o\cr known Mrs. Blalno could foil to recoeiitee her superior worth and ability. "Whom do you consider Iho most bril liant woman of theadminislrationV" "Intellectually , Mrs. Blalno. Socially , Mrs. Merion , who has all the polish , Avit , beauty and finesse of the women who made the Prenohsalon Immortal. Jester : Walter nooking In on noisyrard party In hotel bcdroom-I'vo been sent to ask .vou to nml < o less noise , Bcatlemoii. The gentleman in Iho next room says lie can't read. Host Tell him ho ought to bo iislMincil of himself. "Wliy , I could read when I was five years old. Drink Excelsior Spring ) Missouri waters The I'lustercrH. At n regular meotiiiK of tlio Plasterers union ol Omahn Friday evening the following olllccrsvcro elected : Edward Moiialian , president ; J. AVtirner. vlco president ; .Tolm Nlitchen , financial secretary ; N. ( Jarit , recording secretary ; James \velcli , tiler. Tlio Stiitcn Island carpenters , -who vent on a strike far thoei ht-hoiir day , returned to work lust Tuesday , after liavlnit si nc'd aa agreement which holds uooil until Way 1 , 181)1 ) , that they will work nine hours per day and a half day on Saturday. Ledgers , Day Books , Cheap Counter Books , Order Books , Pass Books. CICASIO A RUDY , ijMans ANI > KTATIO.VKIIS , KN'tillAVISUB AX1 > I'llIN'riSllS , 11JI South 101 Ii Street. Drs. 'Merrill & Merrill BlrUIAjIHTB IN Chronlt , NorfoiiH , IllooUnnil SurKlcM dlitn o % nnd dlseuaeiof the Ky , Bar , None , Tlircil ana Uh t. Special Att-ntlon to DUanvca of Wo man and Clilltirnii. Tlio iloctorilmvelmd ; eun of cipnrlcnce In tlio lifiMiltili of llrookl/ii nml Now Vork , anOnro nuoiu the moil Kiucesstiifumlwlilol ; known B | > cclullit > IB thl country , To V'oiiiiK1 ntul Mlc1illc-/V / ( Ol ( Men. Jxjut Mnntioocl. Norvoun DcMlltj , Hptrmntorrhu ) Eenilral Ixiiiut. I'liynlcil Dear , nrlilnw from India crotlon , p oilucliitnlcuiilcdmrii , denioiiilencT , plm tics on the ( Jce , morxlon to uclc > ty , unelldlicuur tiiod , lack oconttJciicefclullunltorHlulr ( ( orliual ness.anJ tlnl llfta b\jnleniareypernitnoiillraud ) , ipocdily cured. lllooil mill Slc'n DlntnHox. Byi > MII , a dlefaio moat dreadful In Ita rtiulti cuiuiilelnly cmcllate.l. Clciiito-lJrliinrjr Oororrlur , ( ilctl , Hrpbtlla , Hydrocule , Vurlrocoli did Hlrlctuio rniJlcnllr unit infeli cured vlthou fain or detention ( com biiilrien. All Hoiiiol Dafur- mltloiand ImpodlinoiitiUi imrrlm ) Kuaeimfullr re moved. AllllcctulDUoiios mfuly ind pcrmunently cured. Hours ti a.m. . 1IIIH nn > . Himdiiri , IUIIII II. N. II. I'tTiona uimblo to vlilt inruny liu treitnd l Iholr hoinoiby rurruainndonce , Jloillrliion nij In- Itrurllurm lent bjiexiitcm. Coimultutlun fret , Bond 4 comi Initnmi'i ' to Iniuruirply , 218 Klttecutli HU , OSMIUUIIO Boyd'a Opera Jlouio , Omixln , IS > 1 . Drs. Physicians , Surgeons and 14OO DOTJOLA.9 OMAHA , M- : x. Thomostwidely ami fiivnrulilv loinwiinuoo * InllHtslu Iho Unltoil . States. Tliolr lonir ux IIITUMICO , iriimrlitilili'sUtll uiid universal NUO- I'oss ' In tlif tiTiitiiunt nnd euro ol Norton * , t'lironc , ami SurKlcnl DVusri , cnlltlolheMJ eminent , iilivsli'liins lo lln > full otmflcU'iiuo v ! tlio ullllutt'il ovcry whore. They Ktui-iinleo : A mUTATN AM ) rOSITIVTC CUIIP. for tlio at fill elfooHof v rl VVlcoillKl Iliu OHM otlls linn , followIii ititrnln , 1'UH'ATIC , 111.001) ) y\M ) yidNIILS spi'oillly. rum plot < > lv iii'tl pornian-'iitlv enroll , NKIIVtH'S ' ( ) KUI MTV A Nil SUMIAI , D1S- OIUJKKS yli'lcl icadliy tothulr skillful treat- incut. I'll-KS , riPTllLAAXI ) KKl'TAI , U1.PKUS ciiurnntiM'd ouri'iltltliuut | iiiln ordctcntlun from liiiHliii' s. ii YKKOCKM : AM ) VAKTOOOKMC iwrmii. nt'HtU'mid Hticcosxtullv iMiroil InI'voivi ii > c , SVl'llll/IH. ' ( iONOUUlllIA , ( ! lKi'r. : Spi-r- nititiirrhon , Soinlnit \Vcnkncs 1 \ * , I.ovt.AIiinliooil , NlKht KinNsloim , DiTiiytil l-'ncii 11IOH , I'l'inuli ' ) \Voiiknos8iiiilnil \ ilollL-nlu illiDt-tlcri im'iillnr Id elllior MIX iiiisltlu'ly ourt'il ' , us tvulliiH nil f u I id lo 11 itl ill sortl tM'8 tfiiit t-C8illt. fioni jouth * ( ill folllosur tlivo.xci-Hs ii ( iiiiitnroyouii , 'P RIPTIT Kl' Uiiiiriintcoil iioriniiiiiiii t. ly o i. IMV IO I\N onrecl , I't'iimval ooiiiiileli1. \vltliout \ oiittliii , ' , ouiistlonr ( llliitnlliii. Curi.i alVudud nt liuinu liy iintluut without u mo- nient's ] > nln or annoyaiia' . TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED WtN. of weakness , ilrst r.iylnit holh lulml and , wllli all Its ilruiulud ills , po cil. TIPTT Address tlioso fllO luvo Im- 1)1 ) L Id palroil thraixolvi-s hy im- ire | < cr IiiilulKCiicu nnd Milltnry luliltn , whlcli iiinliot liiiilnil anil hoily , iiiiflt tliifr tln'in fur ) iisln ! Si , utiulr or nuil riiiKo. MAKKIKl ) URN or tliuxn ontcrlnnon iiitiiiy life , ituiirouphj ( sloalilul llityiii | lolly isslslod. CUE SUOOBSS s Uised upon fuels , Klrst Practical e.\i > l- incc. Hi'CHiicl-Kvj'ry cji o iHkpuohlly lu Ilnl , Inn st.'irtlnp rlKlit. ThlnlMoillelnus urn irepiretl In our lalioratory o.Mii'tly to suit oaocaw , th us o fleet I tig \vlllioutlnj\iry. . Drs. Bctts & Betts , 409 DOUGLAS STREET , - OMAHA. NEB. Jas , Morton & Son 1511 Dodge St , AGENTS FOR Wm. T. Wood Go's Ice Tools , Frescott sliding Door Hangers. Washburn & Moen Mnfg. Go's'Wire Rope. Yale & Twne ( Mnfg1 , Co/s / Fine Locks. COODM-AN DRUG CO. , 11101'n run in Slrocl , - Oiiiiilin.Vel > JencrU anilNKSVOOB BlLlX ? w kBc ncf B&iyoijdHlncl , Etfeoti liobottt JkoblA fl A SHOO DfrtllT Htttnrut , lion In rulirr * Anl BlrfnilbniltEAK.l.lUKTlLOI'Kununnaxt-JUTMdrfioDt. ' b l | tlr t r lk | , MOIt THUrHmT-II,3l. Ii. On llv * Dftoh. 1 tiplatnUaQ AD ! proo cms frigoic/vt. / co. . PER V/EEK. / Agents Wanted ! rortralts EnlnrKCil to uy Bin. W > lu ! < .rfr ! < < ! tlT r > iii l rn > ! ou > . CUcagtEloctileUglt Esll'ZIiB C ) . S15I02&3E. Ilnn < lolii | | St. tliloaso , Illl. W LATFSf LUHllHEOlMBSftAHEflS Piltaaela andiron Qreal Biltiln and aft pirts ol Europe. Montnal-Llrerpool roulo , byllia lilersclSt.tiwrtnee. ihortcitolall. CUscono Boston , to I'lilladelphU. Liverpool to mil Irom Mtlinorn. Thirty Btt rneri. < ' ! oxcelilor. Acconmodtlloni unsnrpaawd. We kl ! sailing * . AI.I < AN * JOOen.\V \ il AB'U. U. Simdllu.nHcr. ll . . OhlcaxotJU , CHICHCSTtR'S ENGLISH .PENNYROYAL PILLS. HO C OBB DIAMOND IB A NO. _ ci l . " ' ' ' * " " "J.'j'Ji' , ; ! , , ! Y1 flltortd. t.tU l li/Kl. r k > lint TnilU * HDt rrf udK J J III fll a < f iUCL cui < i < ariTiTV. iif * l nuiw ,