Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1890, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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Uxbo taken until 12'n : . for thorcnlng
trillion Und until 8w : p. in. , for the morning
edition and HUNDAY lliiE ,
niOMS-Cash In advance.
hATHS Advcrtlnrmenlion thlspni ; * will bo
ILXclinrcril forat liorut < inf IMcnnt pnr word
fur tlio first ln-orton ! and 1 eenl txir word for
* acli RUhgequcnt linelt Inn. untl ll-V ) | > ur line
ror month , No advertisement taken ( or
lens than 21 cent * for thw lint ln rtlon.
3 NIT IA 1,9 , llKures , syi.ihoU , tic , , count each
( mono word.
niHErltt advrrtltrninnts must runcomceu-
'JL llvisly ntid under no clretUiiHtances will
Ihry b < tnkcn or discontinued by telephone.
* rjAHTir.HaiUcrtIslnj ; In those columns nnd
uL linvltiRtlinlr answers wldri'siod ton "nnni-
| ) or d h'ttnr" In n re of TUB llir. : will rrcolvo
at numbered cheek to Pliable tlii'tn to Rot their
letters. Aimwois ulll 1m dollvnriil onlyon
Jirrwitallon of thlschrok. Kncloso unsworn
Jn envelopes properly addrcsied.
A MJ iidvortliPnioiitH under the liond of
TX"Hpecltil Notices" are published Iti liolli the
triotiilns nnd evening editions nf TtlF.TtKK.tliu
circulation of which iinnmtr t more than
0,000 papers dally , imd gives the advertiser
Ihnljpni'llt not only of thnlarsn circulation of
D'IIK lieu In Utnnhii , hut iilso In Council ItlnlTs ,
Lincoln nnd other cities und towns In the west
; for situations or for
main or fcninlo hull ) , not oxceedlne 21
words itioliiBcrtuil In Tiih.Si'NtiAY llK.r. at half
ruin during UIQ months of .Inly and August
Thorosiihir r.iles will Im charged for eti'-li
nrlilltlonnl word ulmvo 21 wordi ua neil as for
Advertising for those columns will ho tnkpn
on the above conditions , nt the following busl-
scss houses who nro nuthorlrod to take special
notices. t the name rate * as can had at the
mnlii office.
O 5y.vt ( N atrcnl. Lister Hlock.
OlilNV. \ . HELL , l'lmrmaclst,823 South Tenths
Btri-ct. i
TlASH ft. KDDV , Btattoncra nnd Printers ,
o 11.1 South lilth street.
Tl" rAllNSWOUTlI , riiarmuclst , 2115 Gum-
s InZhtrout.
J.IItTGlinS , Pharmacist , 024 North 16th
> street.
HO. W. FAIUt , riiurmaclst , 171S Leaven-
vorth struct.
rUGIIES' 1'HAKMAaY. 'Jlth and Karnum.
_ _
For Hitcs , etc. , rcr dtp of Jirrt column on this paue.
Half rutcn on Sunday , _
' \ \f A N irii-SI ; ) itintlon by llremnii. Onn ru n
IT steiim eiislnu too. 8 yean' oxpciloniu.
Andreis.T ( II , lleo , : ao-14
SITUATION Wanted by experienced busi
ness r.iuUshmnn ; Rood falesinniit hook-
keeper ! English , 1'reneli eiirrespondent ; lit ,
willing for nny liosltlon. .Ttf , lite. IP ) Kl
N as bnoklceepor or any kind of of-
lice woik. Unn furnish Kood lefrrunces.
AddiessJ-IO , ilonullleu. : 7 13 *
WANTflD Sltiinlloii by two jounK'ncn to
Uiirn hteam lilting , onuyoar'nexjiuilonco.
Addicss.1 47 lleo olllee. ' 'Mi 13 *
" \\7ANTnn Position ns Jnulloi1. wutuhinan ;
M rcforoncc , Klv l)0lid if lequlrud. O. II.
ONoii WID rurnyi'Lht. ' _ ) ! ) 1G
WANTED Employment us collector , city
and country. Furnish own conveyance.
Hilary SI a day anil expenses. Kefeionces.
Addtiss M.caro rniiiU Slllwell , timtli Oinali.i.
g71-i : > *
to merelmnt lalliirs 1'osltlon
want nil by flist-elnss ciitluri refeieneea
given , Adilrrasll. ( > 0 , lleo olllce. UilJySj *
Fur rates , etc. , ttr ( op nf fltet cahtinn on l/ifj /
Half inlet on
AQIiNTS Onohuiulred and thlitv-slxonlers
seuuicd In LlukliiK enmity , Ohio , by one
nqent In tun dayH finMaik Twain's latest
hook , "A Yankee In King Aithnr'n Court. " If
you wuiilu fast selling book , oxclusho con-
iiolof tc > iltory.amt nil trnnsportatloiioharKea
iiald , nddiess Charles L. Webster & Co. , nub-
llHliers , U Kast Fourteen 111 atrtot , New YoiU
city. Kit. 11
_ _
' \\7ANTnD On II. k O. railroad conVtruetloii
i ' at I-oill , 0. , scraper foiemon , semper
loanisund outllts and contructois for light
woi k. AmlruyM , Warner & L'o. _ ! B > 1 14 *
WANTED Snlesiiion on salary or coinmls-
hlon to hniidlo the new patent chemical
Ink ornslui ? pencil. The jreatust HolHnwnov-
rlty ever ptoduued. Krasps Ink thorouglily li
IwoBoeonils ; no ubriiHlon of paper , L'OOtoNX
imrecnt piollt. OnoiiKniit'HHulflsniiiouritca tt
( > SO hi nl.xduysj nnothof m In two IIOUI-H. W <
want one oncrRutlo irenural nccnt forcacl
utato mid territory. H.unplo by until HJctH
1'or terms and full partlculnrs address the
Jlonroo EniborMfj ; Co. , Iu Uio > soVlj , .
a.VS 11 *
"V7ANTnD A Rood baker utonco ,
T > at 1515 llnrnoy HI root. 1180-lj *
" \\TANTED A few experienced nolleltors
T > lady or gentleman , for something new. nc
books. Apply at room COIN. Y. Life. 250-15 *
ANTIIO-lIend cook , ? 00 , koeond. * r , foi
Ablllne. Must. ; 3d eoolc for Wyo. $ CO ; gardeners
donors , fmni hands , laborers , cte. Mrs. llregn
J1I41JS. 15th Ht. 3.19-ia *
VVANTIID A llrst class man to milk , mar
T lied man prnforicdj must glvn best of ref
fMcncCH fiom mlliililo patties. ( Jail on li.V
Wight , I'lnreneo. Neb. JHl-lJ *
A OKNTS owuntud To take orders for th
-rXbest tuning specialty nn thomarkot. Appl1
at lliol'J-C'enl ' Storo. l.lll ) I'm mini tt. ifJO-lll
SAM''ifjlXN wanted , innn to sell line o
cigars ; uulary nnd expenses paid. Address
vltliHtamp , lilooo Cigar Co. , SI. Louis , nio.
Itil 15
A\ /"ANTKO / Kxpcrloncod canvasser in o.icl
I county us permanent representallvo t
our latest popular nnd Mnndaid publication
Vlold I'lllillhliliig CoM Omnlin , Neb , ai'l-lU *
\\7 ANTIID Agents and dpalprs. Ever
TI ( 'athollo household uantb an altar. On
liomo nnd family altar sells at sight. Home
thing new , bamplonltnr fice. Address man
nfiictiirers for Illustrated description , llosto
JMjK.JJo. , WO Waslist. . llnston. Muss. ilfj-ll
* \A7 AfjTKD-Uomputent snlesnien to hell Ira
' ported enanielod waio. superior
nrKranlte. Only those ncqii.iintod with tb
trndo nnd llnu need apply , llormnn Aleh. 4
Mm my St. . Now Vork. : ill-13 *
\\iTANTKI ) Salesman travelltiR In INeurnski
T and Iowa to cniry tldu line todnin trade
btuplu urtlclc , no . .ainples. Addiesa .1 43. lice
201 ia
) Yoiini ; man with some knowl
edie | of boolc-KeopliiK to assist In olllci
, J. > per month. Address , J 5UIeo olllce
. _ _ ui ia * _
W'ANTiD--Soinooiioto ; build t oooltase.
and tiiliPKOixl lots In p.ut pay. Colhetli
.Toluison & . Lovgrvii , room 1) ) , Chamber of Com
incrco. _ W.i 10
" \\rANTni-Sovoral ) coed city cauMi&ser
' ' I'or ' partloulnm addmsslliox'.M ? Oniahn
0b. . OT.X9
. . 'ly. ' lliht-clnss
' ' iiermaneiittdtnatlon Jit per ucck , Liu
llck'n lukery. Miifoln. Noli. s l
" \\rAXTKH-A good talUerto sell tnieillulno
f ' on thu btreut , C/'ull at 017 S. 10th nt
ntanio *
* \\rAM'KI-l,000 ) men for woflTTi
Wjomjng. Dakota , Utah nnd Nevada
vrngfut (1,75 to ti.IiO : steady work , AHirlghl'i
l.ahor Agenoy. 11M Karimin Bt. 'JOilj"
\\7ANTUD-SOO men for Hocli island mil
M load work at I'upllllou , Nob. McOormlcl
llrothers. * lia-m
" \\7ANTniT Three tlrst class men to "ropr ?
i' sent thoOniahn lleo In and out of the city
Call at the special otllcoof Uniaba lire , eoinei
3ilh and Kimiiin. ground lloor. 1177
\ \ T A N T121) ) Men to travel for our Can adlni
i nurseries.Stone \Vellln'tHiMadUoii.\YI [ _
WA rKl > Tlioioughly rellabhi. uiii'ijeotlr
pushlns man , who Is willing to noik , du
fires to inuKe money und will travel , ran line
opening by adUrc ing Jewell , IfcM-ies Dcnrbnii
jl Oj3tJL3hlcago. Ml-ll *
\VTANTC1) Two cnorgetlo young men li
truvoli must bo wilting to work on mini
s'darv at rust. Address , with btamp , Lock
llox UJI , ColiimbiiB. Neb. ; tuv-14 *
\\7"ANTKD A few BIMW ! saletmen , onVulori
ii i > r commission , to sell our goods to biibf
tires men , 1'ilccn nro low , goods Ilibt class HIK
the line complete. Dig money and periniinrn
jiosltloim tor live vroikors who ean
jnosperlty.Vrllo at once. Leincii Jlfg. Co ,
. ' 8 tuCi : Dcniborn Htrcot , Uhleaio ; , 111. iiui.U
WANTKD-A good Rounral blacksmith. J
I1 , Poster , I'lillertoii , Neb. aul-10 *
' '
A UllN'fJ't&OoiitfU'oiiiudays' time , trw.oi
prollt In 4 weeks or no pay. Add , wltli
ip : JnrrUXOompuny , liucluoVU. .
ut75 pur month uT
Rry nnd expenses to sell a linn of bllver
jilntcil wure , wulchr.s , etc. , by > umplo only
liorettniul tonm furnlOicd fruo ; write ut onei
tor full nnrtlculnrs und sniiinlo au u of peed
btunilnrtl SHverfturo Co. , lloston , Mass
AGKNT.S wiintcd. lit IIP" apcelnltlcx. nil fns
nellerst no oxporlnnce neeos-iry ; hit
iiioneyi bainplo frep. AililiTSs E. O. llrow t r
iloliy. Mich. _ Btajyioy
OAIiKSMKN Iu neil sprehiltlea lo niprohiint
KJby tamplu ; s.ilnrjf puld to uooil nirn ; sum
iilcs furnished ; gtuuily aituutlont Moclrl Mnn
tifuclurlnn Co. , boutli Ueud , lud ,
WAMUJ-STO Juborcps for oxlrn road |
( tntiRi. Apply lo I' , II , Johnson , H , k M ,
cpii Uiimlin , _ < M
wntitod nt NnrfnlK anil
Diicutrlco. Oootl Tingcipnld. M.T. Murphy.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 118
W ANTKD Knrriictlampn nnd women fora
eunteol biKlnuis payhnttO ) wrjkly prollt
cBHler than iu ) monthly otherwNoi expcrlonco
nnnrccNsary ; iii'rmnt.i'iit position and oxoln-
nlvo territory nssurcd : llBaiiipli'sfrpo ! Inves-
tltriitoour mnni-y-miiklnx bmlnex. Audroti
wltliHtamn. .Merrill MuniifacUirlii/ . II Kl ,
" . III. '
I 01 Kilr , etc. , iff tup nf fint column- Mil *
Jtalf rate * on " '
\ rANTii--A : c otl womnncooU. Oall at 310 !
V > N | M.h. IhiyLM.t Co.drugstore. ! ! IS1
-rour liidk-s. not unili-r L'O , for
pii-ll Idiii ifijiilrlnK Intelllcoiit Ii.du-trv
and piTMiniu'in. ' nlth Ineteaseil mlnry If
mil Isfai'tory. .1 .I. Hoc. _ ! lll-ii :
" \\TANf KO-A Rlrl for Koneral hnnsuwork In
> t fiimlly of two ; lefuiunco required , Apply
- ' * l 13
A I.AHV AOP.NTS Oiin mnko $1 to J.1 a diiy
- \iit homo Ki'lllnxan uitleluof true morll , tu
liullrs. H'tiilSHtiinips ( lo ) to pay poituco for
frruNaimil'j. .Muyllowvr JIcil. Co , , 8 > i ; , l.aKo
Htri'ol. C'hlcngo. ilM-n *
\\7ANTKI-i\erlenced ) : | Klrl for Ronerul
hoiiHowork. Sirs. Jos. J < evlllp. l"JOJ
M. 'Ml 1' ) '
GIKli Warned for housework In prlvalo
family of three. Mrs. I ! . K. William * . ' . ' 105
SjiltlMit , iili-ia
WANTHD-A good gill for second woricand
" plajn Hp Jig.K'JH 17th st JJ41 _ _ _
"Allitf : wanted"for piolllablu eniplovnient.
'A ' mi o opportunity. Per further Informa-
tloncnUqrwldni ! _ 0. _ . I.IK NJ'Jlli si. IW-ll *
Wllili jmy ladles a salary of } IO per wiolc
to work for mo In thclrlocallty nt liome.llnht
work , good pnv for p.irt time. Write -\vllh
ntnmp , Mrs. II. P. I'm rlngton , Inn 70U Chicago
WANTHD An Intc'IllRcnt ' younx woman
eompoti'iit to talio euio of n baby niul as
sist with second woik. Mrs. Kalpli K. Oay-
loid. JIHtl fc'oullij."Jtlijl. KM
VV7ANTKI ) K.xpeilenced Klrl for
V I huusuwoik. t\i In family. 1112 Sontli ICtli.
\VANTEl-Ilulns-rooin ) gli'.s ut Windsor
jVjhitel. 1 _ _ _ 'llL
V\7 ANT13D A slrl fur general housowoiU at
TT 1711 DoUgo nt. IMP lh *
ANTKD Olrl for liniiHouorlt ; niust ho
good vook , washer nnd Iionei'l best of
wages. UuUS.TulifomlnBt. ( ) SSI 13 *
ANTED A nurse gill. Good wages. 408
WA ?
- ' td i4. LTfl
WANTKD Tlireo cxporlcncd ( lining room
phlsnt the Itarker hnUd. 774
rurrattt , etc. , net top of flnl column on Wifs pane
to do dressmaking In families
lies solicited. MNsatuiily,5'r > H. L'tb avu
KS 1v2l *
FOll UKNT 110US13S.
For totes , ( te. , xet'topuf ftnlcolumn on thin pane.
T71OU KENT Two 2 story lirlolc houses ; 0
JL IIIOIIIH and hatli ; all inoUuin inipiovo-
munis. Apply M lleo building. : tx-ia : )
FOK UKNT first class deslrahlo 0 loom
eottat-e , ' "Jnil and Callfornln , JfU ) . Apply
loom005 N. V. Llfu hld > ? . or C07N. lath st.
TTIOU UKNT House with furniture. Fnnilly
JL1 out of town for summer. Also 4 unfur
nished looms. Ul.VJ Karniim. 677-ia * .
ITiOll KENT fi-rooin house , cellar city water ,
JL ! sewer , lixtl N ! i'ith bt. ; l-u > oni honso
Woolwortli live. ; ! : ! ( ) IS *
9-UOOMbilok house , lent rally located , full
of rooiiiviri and boinleis ; icnt ica'.oiiahlei
prlco of fiirnltuie , JVK ) . $1011 cash and balance
r i per niontli. Co-Operative Land and hot
( 'o..i.05 Nllltli si. ! 145-14
FOH UHNT l.l-room modern brick. Fnrnain
motor line , very cheap. Wnlshuns & Mc-
Uullooli , west end imposition bld'j , ' . 317 10 *
1710K UKNT A nlne-iooiii hnuso In good rc-
JL.1 | ialr , all modern eiinvnnlences , at 3JOO
Karnain nt. Apply to W. O. Dounc , ni"i N. Y ,
Life building. 310 II
IflOK UHNT-Nleo cottauo , 17.K ) N. 10th st.
liKiuliu of II. llurdy , IIJI'J I'miiani sticot.
310 ia
T710H UKNT 7-ioom house , UOII1 Lenven-
JL ; worth , modern Improvunicnts. Inqutronoxt
door east. H.J114 *
T4-HOOM house In peed location , furnished
complete , ient.V ) JILT month , price of furnl-
turo $ .UX ) , $100 cash , balance to suit. Also a ! I
room hotel , line location for hoarders , newly
pnperod throughout , rent 37f > per month , price
of furniture $1,000 , $ .100 cnsh , balance on month-
aymontH. Uo-Oporatlvo Lund und Lot Uo.
' lOthst. : W8 13
FOU.HKNT Those olcRiint stone rosldonccs
on ( itorRln live. , H. ' "Jtli Ht. , hot. Mason
and 1'nclllo nts. See owner for long ttnio lease.
11. II. HonderMm , ioom400. I'axton blk. 771
"IJlOU KENT A double building. ! ) rooms ouch
JD 10th nnd Mason , tlO per month. --.I
TjlOK UKNT 5-rooni liouso , city water tint
JL1 nercens , nt a barcaln to responslhlo parties
nnOTl'arker si. Apply 510.1'uxton block. ISO
FOU UI3NT 8 loom house , iCIrd and Cumins
stn. , JJ5 per month. U. F. Harrison , Oil N.V
Life. _ Pis
T7IOU UKNT 2 Him piessed In lek houses , east
JL1 fionls on Ooorclu ave. . Just north of Ijoav-
unwortli St. . 9 rooms , bath , furnace , sewer con
nections , nil conveniences ; will lent torespon
slblo pni ties for SJO. M. A. Upton f/o. , 10th uiu
Knrnam. _ 777
"filOU KENT House. 10 rooms , all modern Im
JL1 provements , larjio ynni , $ .15 nor month.
Commission to ugent.s. Dexter L. Thomas.
_ _ _ 778
IK YOU wish to rout a honr.0 or store see H
i : . Colo. Oontlncntal block. _ 77U _
T71OII ItKNT Outshlo flat In Llnton block
JL No. 3J | B , llth st. eorncrMabon st. , 0 rooms
newly papered and In teed repair. Kent $ ?
per nionth. Inquire at No. 1)17 ) in the blouk
John llainllm 249
8-UOOM Hnt with stpntii heat. 10th st. ncn
Jones. Tliomua K. Hall , Ull l > a\ton block.
_ 78l _
T71OHUCNT ID-room house , 2107 Douglas. In
JUjlulroglU Doiilgni. 7M
PINP. icjsldcnce , modorti IniprovQinonts , 'M :
St. tlnry'H ave. . ij5 per month. Inquire a
preinljcs or at A. Heller's. 1111 rnrnain. 7 1
TT10U U15ST 5-iooiu hoimc. peed repair , nlci
JL' yard , cistern water , tent fir. . Apply to UO1
boutli 7th a\eor to Jno.V. . Itoll , dt tiKglst. 10U
_ 7h7
"Ij OU ItHiNT 7-ioom house with barn : noin
JL' Inal rent to good party. O. V. llunlaon , 01
N. V. Life , 111
UUNISI1KD house on rariiam st , for rent
inquire Ueiman-Amerlcan savings li.uilc
IjlOU ULNT ( ! uod 10 mom house , sewer
JL' witter , Km , bith , b.ini. furnaco. In elesnn
sluipe , cheap. 1) ) . V. Bholes Co. , Sia I'lrst Nat *
bante. ! B1
J'or rate * , etc. , nee lop nf flivt column on Wifs page
E r
family. iKlS IliirtHtreet. ir >
"ITIUHNISHnU room for guntlomiMi or nun
JL' and wlfo In pilvUtu family , nlthlmth loom
S. SStluivu. 3 ii-U *
1)I T'ASANT rooms , modern lmuro\amcnts ;
IH'jl Furiuiiu street. a03
rpWO nicely furnished lingo fiont IIIOIIIH.
JL with Ili-at-clua * hoard ; lu7l . 17th st. 311 Ib *
GKNTLOIAN and wlfo or two gentlemen
can obtain loom and hoard nt reasonable
price In ] > il\ato family. No other hoarders.
liTI Ularlt st , 375-H'
rp\VO I.adlos can ho nceommodaled with
J- loom and bonrd In prlvntu funilly. pleas
nut home and location ! terms luasonable. Ad ,
dross J fd , Unialiu lleo. : t" > % ll *
OK dKNTU'.MKN Vlnt'p nleoly fuinWit-i
rooms In the most dealrublc Hat In city. 71"
H. lUth Btreet , third lloor. ItoT-l.T
IflOU KENT-NIco furulshed rooms , \\itj
1 board , 11)21 ) DodKust. SS'MO *
"VT10KLY furnished rooms ; most pleasun
-l- > locution Iu thu city. 1811 Capital UVUIIUL
: t.SI-14 *
"VTlonLY furiilbhed rooms , 1631 Fariiiun.
IN 317
rp\VO nicely furnUhcd looms for two Kontlo-
-L men or man nnd wlfo ; hoard If desired. b.'TS
Kind , ono-lmir blouk fiom l.oaen\vprthiuotor ,
A1A1UK f rout room for'rent" aIS llarnoy st
iii 17 ; c = t _
TIWH front rooms , elegantly furnished , with
ull modern Improvements , at 7U\H. Ilitli tit.
y > OOM for single ctnllomun'Jl''ft Dodge.
ST. fl.AIK f.nroicuii hotelwithdlnlngroom ,
Uth-Dodgc. bpeclal rutes by week or nio ,
T71UHN1SHK1) roomx , hoiuokeeplng , 20aj
t. bt. Mary's avo. au5 ! )
LA HOP. front nnd i ear room , half block from
motor , to t3 , 717 a IDth at. SHSU
nnWO nlci'ly furnlbhed reemit , modern con-
JL vciilcncuswlthor without board , l''il Da > -
cuport- iwia *
NICK rooms , all eomonU'ticot , 1710 Davpn-
| M > rt < t
[ OOMS to rent , furnished and iinftmiUlicd.
1A at thuMcrrlflin for particular , 'rith
TirilSIMIKTi rooms , nltlibourJi newly fur-
nlslicd throughout , with hot mid cold water
itli. lIllTDodge. _ U"-17 * _
T\I-SniA.III.B nKitnt with Iward. IKB
L/xt , _ KSt-lV
moil HKN I' KumlRlied rooms. 1COO Dnuwlas
I ] _ 7tfM _ _
IlKNT riirnliliud ruoms > gns.batli nnd
strain. ll ! l mwnjril. _ TK-J
lilOHHnNT Nicely fitrnlilied itxiuall mod-
ui'rn _ toinpnlenees. (113 ( H 17th m. _ 71K )
VKflru nfiTicil room * und board foi-inv-
L.1 oral imrllpt at soil llnrney M.I two inln-
IICH' walk fiom center of liuin ! < < i < t. nnd pool
dueefor bummer. Miss Cnvlnts Wnlbrlilgo.
Fin talc * , etc. , nee lop nftrft cciiinm ! onlfifn puif.
yr The 4-story brlokbulldhitc.wllti
-L1 01 within pan or. formerly occupied lj Ilio
lice Pnl > ! MiliiK Co. . l Knrmim st. Tlio bulld-
Ing 1ms a llreproof cement ImsiMiient.coniplelo
.steam hentlni ; fixtures , water on nil tlio Hours ,
pas. etc. Apply ii I tlionlllcgof 'IliqUi'ii ni. >
" iTHKH ( nt "tin iTlOtli. UOximJaT'li. largo show
O wlndouH , .Mtc.un heat furnished. Thos. P.
I I'axton hlock. 71U
171OH llt'NT Pine corner Htoie. ICtli and
JJ Jones IH ) ; low rent , KOOI ! location niul cet-
tlnK better every dny. Ueoigo Cloaspr,701 y.Ulth
( Uii-Jyai
HOTiii-28 noinsiiH convonlenees , brick , S
blUs from 1' . O. H. I ) . Irey , N. V. Lire.
11)--a7 )
ur.ST I'mo storeroom in Norfolk , Neb.
- ghoUed miltnhln for clothlnc biislmns ;
ilectrle llslits. steam heat , etc. . Addioss O.A.
Jl-iht , r > 7H
1711NK olllee in iiunll llsnres > n Krouncl lloor ,
JL1 In Hoyd's ' opera IIOIIHO. liuiulro of Ameri
can Pui'fi'o. , ans. nth t , HH
171OH UKNT IIHOK warehouse , two htorms
JU and b'lHcment. i',000 ununiu feel , wltliioa
cotof dmiblo track on r. I' , railway , south
JOthand I'lurcu btreets. Address 0. Oskam ) ) ,
cb. 513
POiniT.NT Mniill store room. Jj. Ninth
Tenth. Pour doors fiom depot. Hultahlo
for fruit orelgar store. Apply ticket olllce ,
bOTSoutn 10th. 8i ) .
r rmfi , etc. , ue top nf first co/imm / on this paue.
Gio. : .1.1'AUli , KWJ Furnani , houses , stores
and Hats for lent , tents collected , reliable
lie Insurance. Money tnloan , 217
j\TOUTON'SrentuluBO'ey ' , 017 I'axtou block.
HH. COLr , rental agent. Continental bile.
WELSHANb & M'Cullocb , W. end Exposl-
tltinlddK. KCI-a'J
EJ. IllUV. rental agent , L'lWN. Y. Llfo.
For raten , etc. , tec top of fmt column on this page.
SAUNDHUS stioot restauiaut now opened
for roomers mid boarders , onMill st.
motor ; iood hoard and lodging ntlM.OOper
\\eek ; snlts of rooms , furnished or unfur
nished , to lent. 1'Hl Saunduisst. i8MU ! *
M'OPIKE'SllnliiR hall , newly fitted up. nt
'lilt No. l.Mli. llest tnealH In thoclty nt low
rates. I'urnMied rooms up stairs. 1'eterMc-
Oulie , prop. IC.M 18 *
CALL on Mnv Meyer k Ilio. , ICtli and Pnr-
nnm.hofore buying a piano or organ ; laig-
esl stock and lowest prices. : t5l Kl
ALL parties knowing themselves to be In
debted to.M. II. l'ooil , druggist , will plcaso
call and settle thosaino with thu .Mead Invest-
inent Co .44' . ' lieu building. 'M" 15 _ 1
1 AIM Mork.roollng.spouttiigvalleys , utc..good
woikunulow prices. II. tiuvagu.l'JlS Cnnilng.
C.SU a4
7'or rales , etc. , etc ( ji of firnt column nn tlitt jxigc.
"Xyf AN I'D ) Tolmy a good , elieaji homo ami
T light a-spilug wagon Address J U , lleo ,
ao7-ia *
ANTKl ) Tobuy ( list class fnim ; must bo
cheap for cash. Addicts Western K.x-
change companyColumbus , Nub. : i < ; "i-ll *
WANTED To buy a nuiglo lantern. Ad-
dress U. J. N. , Kort Omaha. WO 13'
WANTED A noun ) 4 to ! ) rooms tomo\c.
Oolsoth , Johnson & Lovgrcn. room 0
Chamber of Commerce. S43 II *
WANTED Good cotnmorclnl paper. Ne
braska Mortgagu I.ouu Co.,510 1'u.xton blk.
T7IU11NITUKE , hoimeliolil goods , etc. Highest
JE ctiHli prlco. U17 3. 18th. 71M
Far rates , etc. , nee tup of first column on thlt JWQC.
TTJIHKELLAS rejtnlrcd ; expert locksmith
U l < ey tlttlng atllullla's gun shop ,110 N. Kith.
_ 4TiJylU )
T > AHASOLB , umbrella-j nnd xIROII umbrol-
JL lascovcicd and repaired. M'nlklng canes
lepalrcd. 1) ) . lialor , 1313 Douglas ; basement
_ _
Fiir rates , etc. , see tup of Jlist rolumii on Hit * jmc.
M'ASSAQE treat inent.uloctio.tliorinnl. baths.
sculpt hair treatment , manlcniOiV chirop
odist. Mis. 1'ost , r 2021ltlmcll blk.
ASHAOE and ningnotle treatment , Ilia I'a
clilc , halt block fiom motor line.
_ CIC-13 *
ri IIK Indian doctor gunr.mtces to cure all
JL kinds of piles in ten ( lays ; also nil diseases
of the throat and lungs In the same time. Tape
worms taken out In nix : bout.s without luaxlng
ollleo : nnd all diseases that are curable. 017
B. IQIh st. Call and see him. _
REMOVAL Mrs. Dr. Diyhus fitted up ele
gant bath looms , No. 1403 Dodgcst. , the
ground floor , nnd Is now. prepaid ! to glvu Hot
Springs baths with electricity. All bullerlng
fiom rheumatism. la gilppe , paralysis or
dtopsy will do well to call upon her. Iilljyl3 !
Forialef , etc. , tee top nf ftivl column on thtu j 7/c. (
T3KNS IONS Now pension law ; over li ( ye us'
J experlcneoln the pi oscuutlon of pensions
and goxcrnmrut claims ; ba > oseuurel over
11,000 pensions for soldleis In NMirasIca and
Iowa , their \\ldows and heirs ; 1 itcst decisions ;
latest laws ; no advance fee ; new blanks and
clieiilnis free ; consultation always ftee.
Hiram A. St urges , H1 } Ciolghtoa block , nc.\t
south of 1' . O. Omaha. _ SbialU *
" \rn\V law ; pensions for almost all soldleis ;
J > fathers , mothers , widows and minor ehll-
iliou of solilluiH. Olalias pushed by T ) . N.
Cllngman , ! ! ) nndUl Truii/ci blk. 15 years expo-
rleneo. Only pension olllce lit Omaha. 1"
I T. I'ATCII , e.xeliislvo pension anil claim
* J attorney ; ovurlSyoais' oxporicnee ; have
all thu latest laws und decisions. Otlleo ru-
ino\cd fiom I'renzer hlock to Chamber of Com-
nieree. . mom fil. Oinalin. 700 lyi ? ) *
Formtft , etc. , ifttopof Jtnt column nnltit *
STOUAOE 1'or nierclniidlso and furniture ,
mill storage nnd freu/lug ; trnukago. lUvlc !
Cole , bl3-bl" Ilowurdst. m
rilHACK'AOKKtorago nt lowest rates. W. BI
-1. Iliishmun , Ull Loavunworth. 71W
STOKAOE-llranch & Co. , 1211 Howard. 800
/ 'or iata , etc. , tee top of frft column o
T OST-.luly 12 a small black and tan dog
-Ml'mnch ) , had on a leather collar wltl
nickel platu. The Under will plcaso letun
bumn to M. ( ioldenolJ Jonusbt. , anil receive
STHAVK1) or stolen , from tlio residence o
.1. A. Smiley , 0110 light-roan Durham cow
f > years oM : no bnuuU ; tinco strap iirouni
her head with simp and ring ; a liberal roviari
will be imlil for the recovery ot cow and thlof
J. A. bmllcr , Sherman avo. ami Bolt Line
bridge. _ : i2 lit *
LOST-A bar docket of the district court ,
Douglas county , for 1'obntary torni. I ( < b8 ,
with thunaiuoof win. H , IJatiiH appearing 01
memorandum Ittsldo of book. The Under will
ho suitably rewarded by leaving came with
Krnnlt II. Monroi clerk district court
3' OsT Hold watch , plain case with diamond
Vitur Mitt Ini attached to fob. Howard If re
turned to 11. P. Drexel. Mh nnd Jones. lutl
IOST l'ockotbook on Lowe in c. between
Jl'arjiam and HauilUon. 1'luder ruwurdud
ut'ap. ) mo. iJO
rorrattt , etc. , tee top of fnt column on Mil * jxwe.
fllAKR IQth st. motor to Lake st. nnd sea
JU tlufoa ulcRunt brick h-nwm houses with
uviiry modorii convenience fur runt to ycuily
tcnanU ut Millionth , limuhul. ' ! ! l.uU' . ' .
Fiir nttti etc. , we top of fnt column nn Hid
IDKH r I'louso write or wire , till else i ;
1 lo * t to me , XX. 18W *
von SAUC < { tf > utus8iWAGONS mo.
I'ar raltt , rle * te fuji of flrtt column on l/ito / jnu * .
FOH PA IiH Horse , bugcy nnd harness. her o
Is kind nnd gentle ami broken tocltv use.
A bargain , oiff Muring city.10 S. jUth st
Of ) head nmk" < , neHy termsI'ait light clrlv-
'JliiR muIiMsuitable for nil delivery business ,
llulancu vork mules.V. . L. faelby , r 'a , IMI ird
OH SALi : I'lrst clu-ss light road wngon.
llolhrool. . 2ffl H. 17th st. . llee building. Wp
InOHSAliK Upod iiinn work in rsi . harness
mill > \ agon tr eight l.&Oi cuili or time. CIS
I'll \ t unjilki , ; , _ 1)71 )
'pfi3fSl work liorrtrji , will tnko buggy us jvirt
Jliny. . K. IIUM IMl nf trulo. : _ _ 71
HOUSES-IjIgUt Vlrlvoinarginn. . Thohito
llro liiniinuio them clic.ip. II , 1 Colu. ( tm-
tlntiiitul Ijluulc _ Bit !
'pr.AM Jlcdliiin xod ] lioni'i chonii. Sound
JL nnd Komi \ in k team. $130. W. li , Si > lliy , r
1,1. iKMlti tl.uU'.j _ 22 ?
FOK SALK Span yinin ? inill > ' . owt. tibnut
1'M oiicli , KIHuiton } ( \ . .ml IIUIIIL S , t'uih ur
tlnio .1. .1. WIIKIii'ioii , iilH I'nvton bllt. d7l
rp\VO SPAN lii'uvyand tno ll lit niuU's
JL forsulp. on two jcnis' tlino ut7 pur eonl In-
torcst with Hist or sceond niortKUXo Oinnhn
rt'Hlc'tutesiMMirlty , or otlior nppro\cd wms-
lly. i < lliy , room 13. Hoard Trnilu. till
POH BAM. 1 iiinfrorin Miritu ? icathur tup
ruiilHRu nlniost m-\v , 1 InieUlm.uil new.
1 clniililn IniKKy or cnrrlnKi ) liarness. Apply
lit ail.'iVolistt'r strrcl. ( ) iiiuliu. r jJ ,
GOUDwoilc Iciini for * ! : nlso ono slnjjlo
driver for fa. u. \Vllllanis , a N ICtli.
rni.AM i\trn : IIHRU heavy
JL i-elhy. i 11. board trade.
B .IC A irtVxl lihick horse , voll biokun
othuulty. ISJ & , 17th nt. 'M
HOitSia JoO and up. II. E. Cole.
Formic * , etc. , KC tojjojlnl column on tlit * pui/e.
f ) YOUNG Indies wish board In private futn-
'lly ' Hlii'io Itttlll bo homelike , ut reasonable
ratus. AddictsJ railuu. 3I0.1.I *
Two c-ool rooms > > lth board ,
niotlinr nnd daughter , near car line. Ail-
dress J M Hoe otllcc. : tn
A GENTLEMAN wants u nrwt class fur-
nlshcd room In : L house with nil inoaoin
convenience. ) ! will pay u good tent. Address
J 61 Heoolllce. MM )
\\7ANrED Two houses , 7 or 8 rooms each ,
T T conveniently located , vlth inodorn 1m-
proxomcnts. Apply ut l'ieyliui ; und Kulin. 503
tj. mh st. TO4
For ratcf , etc , , tec top n/ first column on IM $ page.
TjToIT'SA I.r PifrTdshlng of IS-room hotel ,
J-1 } oo. Terms easy , l'iop. must go onsi on
business' Address A , South Umahn , Neb.
iVM-11 *
" \\7ILbsoll Chlcliorliig plnno , nlmost now ,
for.100 , costWX ) . Part on time. Keith
employment agency , 018 S. l.'th st. MO-HI *
] ? SALli A ( Ino nlnuo mid n few pieces of
furniture ; at u baigaln. 131G lodgn st ,
lilOH SALK-On ntcoimt offulllns hoatt
JL1 the now and elesnnt furntturo of a 21-
room house , occupants llrst-olnss , iticonio
neaily $1,000 per month , Illicit locution In the
city. Addtc&s.l HO. HeoolHce. 07--at :
l'nr rates , etc. , sec tt/pof flml column on ttila i > nur.
' .
porccntpapcii Nohiokers. .1. L. Itico.
lleobnlldlni ; . j _ : i7Mi : : *
IJluK faALi ; A-cluilou llbrniy. WO vols. , hls-
J- toy ; , lilosniphj. lletlonNOJtry ] , oto. Oood
nsnov. Will triiuo for Kood upright piano.
Also , a Dtirglur-iiroof safe with thno louk. In
good order. Will soil cheap , llox 1)5. Uolum-
1ms , Nub. ; r.n-l.'i *
T71OU HAM' at liberal discount. Pomeeholeo
X1 R percent. " , L'nd mdituacQ papor. No
hrokers. J. L. Kce. | 41J Hen building. .M-W
II. HUSS , llio'pnimiin.
Decorated dinner tet §
In blue , brownjiucl pencil.
112 pieces. JI2.
.Stylo and di-slKii now.
Alsodueoiatedtelt sot
And toilet sets' ' , '
Water sots , beirynets ,
In cut and piebsud class.
Tumblers and Kil > < ots ,
Jolly tumblers , fruit jars.
M. if. Ttllss. tJUlLVrilHlii ht.
4 GOOD sowliiK tniiChlneH nt half pi Ice at Mux
Meyer & llro.'s , IQtJ' aiul I'arnnin. 54 1J
GOOD lake Ice for silo hi largo quantl-
tlcs. The Nebraska Ice Co. , Koiirnuv , o-
Inaskn. ! tt7all
SIDIVBOAUD , hat raek and extension table ,
.sllshtly used ! Brcat bargain. Adolph
Meyer , IQtli and I'arimm. _ 85 1 ii :
OK SAIn A fresh milch cow. Apply , 3114
WolMtcr st. Jill ! 14 *
ELKTKnTII-Geiiuliip ; ill cents ; select 59
cents. A. O.Shaw. Valentine , Neb.
> -
I ! VoMi & Son's pianos befniu pur-
. Max JIuyor & lira. , Kith nnd
Fariiiun. u.t K
FOR SALE A Rood young cow , fresh , half
Jersey niul Half Holbtolnat2U14 Charles st.
.TQ-i : ! *
_ _ _
T71OU SALH Now Stelnwnv & Son plnno ; best
L make ; party leaving city ; part cash , Iml-
ttnco time If desired. Inquire ntOlB I'axtDiibllc
A GOOD oman only flO. on pnyinonts tosult ,
at Mux Mover & Ilio.S , lUth and rarnam.a
FOU SALE-Ono new Dlobold lire and
hiirKlnr-nrnof three-ton safe with Sargent
k Grccnleaf tlmu lock , bank counter nnd ( K-
. _ ' . _ & _ ' ) % . ! 'll-l4 ' *
| [ > | | - | > > -i
For into , etc. , c ( oj > nf Jntt column _ on tlii j iac.
PIANOH slightly used nt tfieat bargains ut
Max Meyer ,1 Ilro.'s , ICtli and Parniiin.
BnFOHK ImyliiR n piano examine the now
scale Kiinb.ill piano. A. IIosp , l.tJ Douglas
; bOi
G F.O.K.OKLLENHEUK. tuacherof the hinjo ,
with llospo , ISIil Douglas. -M1) )
. "If ? ? ! 51 1f. . _ " " ' "
rl\ITNTY ; tI"io"iin"ii"r"n7iy nnibunt fiom < ld"to"
lilJlo.OOO for nny tlmo fiom I toOinonlh * . Loans
made on housoliolilgooilsplaiioshoiscsmules ,
wagons , houses. le i > e.s. etc. . In f.ict on nny
available bocurlty hi nny nmount at the low
est possible rates without removal of pi oiieity.
1'iiyineilts eim be mndent anyttmu loduelng
both principal und Intelest.oi \ p ly Interest
only for the time you UNO the money. If yon
owe a halancoonour , property I will take It
up und entry It foiou. .
Money always on hand Xodiday. No pub
licity. No removal. Lowest r.ito-i.
H. K. Mastnrs.
Uoom 4 Wlthncll block , l.Hh and lluinuy sts.
T OANb Oily and farm loans , moitgagu pa-
JJpor bought. MeUnguo Invealment > 'o. 80fi
. ' loans miiilniit lowest intes.v"
BHIMII.N'U , loom ! W , 1'ienzer blk. , opu. I' . O.
' . ' "
EHAIj ESTATK Loiins C'ash on hand. ( Hobo
l.oiui Trust-Co JW7 H. 10th s.t No dulay ,
Nooxtiu charset * . HfAit-e.s for icntgood ; Hit.
TVfONFA To Iniur1 on Oinahn , und S.jiith
J-'tOmnha icul estate. No ilohiys or cvpen-
Kes. Monuy on liun'd at all times. Hates ,
Smith & Uo. , C'omihurclal National bank hldg ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lOO-all _
TlfONKV loaiii-o nt kiwst rnti'S , IOIIK tlmo on
J-i-LlmprovudOnmli/ifenl untate , no"oxtras , "
no deluy. Globe J iu , A. Trust Co..W S. Kith.
U1LDING loaiw , II to 7 peret'iiti no luldl-
tlonnl fhnrBi'sfritiomnil-.slonor iittorney's
fees. W. II. JIutMtf.'Kirht ' National bank bids ,
< i : " bOB
_ _ _ _
"CIlHriV and second mortsaci's on vacant and
-L Improved cltyriroperty. County wurrunts
bnuKht. Money yu Hand. 1' . M. llleliatilhon ,
hia N. V. Mfu. f _ iml
EAS'riIHN ] irl\atuinioiioy to loan icasona-
_ hie. AclilrosM.'Sa ' ; . ' lice olllue. _ L'lH
T\rONEV 30VoMioduysonfiiinlliiroiilanos. (
-ULhorses. hou&od , etu. J. J. Wllkliibon , CIS
1'nx ton blk. tM
/"IIIAITKIjloans at lowt'st rates : huslnoss
V eonllluntlal,510 1'uxton blk. J. II. KmhiRur.
/ 1OMMiUMAl/uiil : Kcnorul short tlmo paper
V liouKht ; also rcKiilar Hve-vear loans made
on Impnivud property. Ueo. P , lllust A ; Co. , &u
KumioJld , _ bit
SI'.CONl ) niortKago fc'eeond niirliu es
houghU Loans on vacant lots. Hood & ,
Si lhy. room 1.1. Hoard 1 Traoe. _ 813
"I/TJYSTGNK Mor < RUK < ) do. Loans of 110 to
J11,000 ; Ki'tourrntoH before borrowhiB and
save money | loan on horse * , furniture or any
approved hrcurlty without nnhllcltyi nolas
bmiKht , for new loan , renewal of old and low- rules , call H 'M , bheely Ilk , 15th . "c Howard.
Pit _
171 1 1 1ST mnrtgngn loans at low ratea and no
J.1 delay. 1) ) . V. bholcs Uo. . ' . ' 1U 1st Nat.l hank.
nlt >
FfiU L'KNT rmldoneu loiuis , } ) , m i tuiio.oua
HulliltiiK loans at bncolal rates. The Mead
Invcilinuut Lo. , lice bliij. S10
MOMJY lo loan on horses , wrtKom , mule's
liousclioUl Koodpilrino | < , oraaim.illniniiiuN ,
ut InwoHt rutos. Tlm llrst orRiinlzod loan of-
llco In tlio city , Slake loiint from 30 to ik'J
dnyn.wlilch can ho p.ild in parlor whole nt any
tlmo , thus lowering the principal and InlorcHt.
Call nnd see us when you waul money. M'ooan
UHstuyuti promptly and lo your advantage
without rcnumil of property or publicity.
Money iitnnyn on luuid. No dolayla maklim
oaiiv C , I * . Iteert & Co. , III ! ) a. lllth ot. , over
low rates
LJ Of Inteteston first inortRagps of Imvirovcd
real citato for the uc\t IMdajsby the Kansas
City Investment Co. , ICoom IW Hoard of Trade.
,1. II , I'c'iso , malinger. fis1)
1IV loToaifoii any seeurlty
for short time allow
rates. Lowest rate *
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com-
_ jMiiy , room 400. I'uxton blk. sis
\VANT1U ) Pliflt-clnsHlUiklii loans. Lowest
'rates , fall and see us. Mutual Invest-
incut Co , 1304 Pariiam. 810
iiMtern money--
I'lill.ulclplila ' Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
always lemly to loan ami pnv promptly ! llrst
moitgaues wanted , ( leorgoV. . P. Coutcs. rep-
ri'vontutlvi' . room 7. llonril of Trailo. b-'l
' ' lo loin on elty properiyi
er bought. 11.11.liey.N.V.Mfe.
( O IIUHT time lounson vaoiint lots ,
O & Heed. Kl. Hoard of Trade.
PIUVATK money lo loan eliuap. 0. 1' . Har-
rlson.llll N. Y.l.lfo. 81
PltlV : funds lo loan on choice ulty piop-
crty at lo ist rates. Klmlmll , rhamp
lljuii i , ISoS rnmainat. 703-Jy .7
j ll'ink,111 ! ) S. istlist , will jo-in you
v money on rlinttelsjit liiiukrii os.CBll _ _ _ Jli )
LOANS Jloney on hand , low rates. Omnlin
Heal Hstato & Trust Co. , ' 'JO f. 17tb si. , llco
bulldjiit- 1)05 )
i"ijriifc. < , fte. , tec f ] i of fiisl colimin on f/ifs / | in tic.
"VTOTlOl ! The special Hummer version of tlio
J- > classes In ponmanslilp nnd shorthand will
eommunco Jhmdny , July 14. ( .Musses will beheld
held In the mornfiiK , afternoon and even Ins : .
dill on or address for Information , Standard
Shorthand lluslness College , New Vork l lfo
build hit ; , _ Onmlui.N _ oh. _ IHS
SHC'ONI ) llANM-t'alUrailis ) ] , Hammond and
HemliiRtons. John II. Comes Co. Let lei-
Ulos and olllfo .specialties. ItaiiiKol'hlg. K.7
Ferrates , etc. . , fee lop < of first rolunui nn this
M gjnn-TioisMnm
clairvoyant. Into of Host on. While en
tranced will reveal in ory hidden mystery In
llfo. 1'rupares Egyptian talisman wiiluh will
oMjrcniuo your uncmh's , lemovo family
trouble ? , restore lost directions , unites the
separated , helps nil la triilleetu. I'ee , Jl
and upwards. N. 11. Perfect satisfaction
Kiiarantoed liy mall. Send btamp Tor Illus
trated clrotdar. Jlis. Dr. Lddy , 311 N. 13th bt. ,
TlOOrAH--Miis < nRu--Mnlnmo Dolrlor , the
J youni ; ni.iKnetist , Is aolenced In the celo-
hr.ited Indian loofah masbngu. 1'arlois over
Old S.Jth. _ _ _ _ _ 104-14
TAK. ANN : V. WAUKKN. clulrvoyant ,
J- > medical and business mcdhim. I'emalo
diseases UHpefliUty. liaN'.lOth st.iooms"uiidi. :
TorialM , etc. , ecetop of Jlrst codirim n thtt
ITIOS SALi ; 5C50 , 00 Invcstmuiit p.iylni : 8 po
J-1 cent. Address , J..UO , Hec. U71-1 : , *
BUSINHPS Opportunity The pi InthiK nnrl
booUblndlng establishment , together with
the dally nnd weekly German Nebraska Ttlb-
UIIQ newspaper , nt Omuhu , Neb. , beloncln ? to
thu estntu of l-'O. restnur , deceased , Is hereby
ollcred forsalo nt a fair valuation , vlth peed
will ; cither htiHlness sepaiately or together.
The business Is now kept In successful opera
tion. cleaihiK a weekly net profit of from two
hundred to two hundred and fifty dollars.
1'or nartleiilars write to Jehu II. 1' . Lohmnnn ,
cxeuiltor. Omaha. Noli. ( M4-K1
BUSINESS Ohnnce-ror Sale-Tlio stock and
least ) of the Windsor hotel bar , with or
without fixtures rtolns a peed business ; rea
son for hulling , hotel proprietors cannot ulvo
their tlmu to same. S'M 14
store In llrst-elass location , lent $ .15
per month , prleu of fnrnltinc , f. > 00 ; stock
will invoice about $1.200 ; part cash. Allist-
chi'-s restaurant for $ ! " > 0. Also a G.2-tooin betel ,
eentinllv loeated , prlco tl,000. Co-Oporatlvo
Land & Lot Ooa'i ) N. llith t-t. ai4J4
rilO EXOHANOE A lluo 5-nioiii east fiont
JLcottBKOon N-ithst forcood clear lot , will
nay some cash Itcleshucl , a. H. I'ayno , 1501
I'arimm st. aatlQ :
WANTED--A man with Rood roferenccsand
IJOO enih who understands the Kiocory
business lOHturt as a paitnor hi a good loca
tion , and no rent to pay. For Information , ud-
drcs9..l W , Uocolllco. 240 l , *
Foil SALE The oldest bakery In Wahoo
Neb , , county seat , about 1,000 inhabitants ,
tusy terms. J , W. Johnson , 'Wahoo , Nob.
281-17 *
CLEAN stock of general mcichandlso , con-
sIstliiBOf dry Boods , groceries , boots and
shoos , will Invoice about * ) ,500. will take
$2,01X1 In choice Nebraska land , balance eusn ,
Address llox HB. Hlno lllll. Nob. 210 14 *
171DU hALII A nice clean stock of dry goods ,
JL1 clonks nnd notions belonging to the late It.
LnvUnr. I'lne location and a Rood tiade
already established. Lawlor , lO 'S ' 1' street ,
Lincoln. Nab. UKM )
"I71OU HALT2 A nlco clean stock of dry good * ,
JL1 bootH , Hhoos and notions about iSlOJ ) : half
cash , balance iiiilncnmbcrcd land , Addiosu
lock box "I , " Contial City , Neb. ) | -15 *
FOIl SALI3 A Rood lumboryardat Oorosco
Neb. ; only yard there ; excellent tuirltory
tributary ; good prospects for tri : < lc , but other
business Intciests compel the sale ; however ,
will not s-oll the stock without the loal eslato
and Impiovcinents. Addiuss W. ,1. Allllorfc
Co. , Coieaco , orO. llLyinan , Lincoln , Neb.
LIVKHV for sale a complete livery stock ,
comprising bulldhiBs , horses , harness , car
riages , etc. , all hi llr > t-class condition , best lo
cation In tow n.goodtrado already established ,
price and terms reasonable. Address llux 103 ,
Uotlmiilmri ; . Neb. l)17-l. ) > *
BANK 1'artles vlsblngto sell country bank
orlnuieaso cuiiltal , Address Look Box
1K1 , Sioux Ulty Iowa. 170-14 *
.TtUG . stoie , widow lady wishes tosollat
onceber lute husband s half intoiest In
pond paying drug business , invoicing about
ifT.OOU , In Lander , Wvo. . as she wishes to go
east. Addtess Jlrs. J.V. . Sullivan , Lander Wyo
TjTOU bALI < On easy tennx. first olnss
JL ; restiiurant and ! xturo and No. 1 location ,
Enquire ut CIS I'axton block. & ' ( )
TJ OTKIat rooms , all convoiilunees , now ,
il brick , S blocks from 1' , O. 11. II. liey. N. V.
Llfn bullillni. . _ 701) )
HOTIILforsale , Two-story brick ; Isononf
thu best hotels , ( loin ? an excellent good
business , on one of the bust corners In tlio city ,
Addtebd Commercial Hotel , lliokon Bow. Net ) .
1 > " >
"ITIOU SALh-A Htixsk of drugs , store llxturos
JL' nnd a fine soda fountain , located In a pros
perous county neat In Nebraska. Kvorythhu
Hot tlio best. The town la n II , U. division
Atntton and the U. H , shops nn > located there.
I'orfull particulars call or address II. ll.Ilcn-
dersoi , , room 400. 1'axtou block , Omaha , Neb.
11:1 :
Fui ratct , itc , . Me tup of flint rohiinn on IM *
nTlTlfWTgcn TrrtiiereTraiViiiVer
-1 f7UOaiiUD,000-lo ) exchange foriunlty nnd
easli. .1 , 11. 1'arrotte , liouiu ' 'I , louglis : block ,
Oinalin. 1118 ii :
T710U SALKor tiado for hoisonnd rurlngo.
JL' ,100 shares of non-nsso iblo Htoek of the
CJnsporOrook Oil and .Mineral Co. Will stnnd
IiiNestlgatlon. Address , ft ) , llee. , ' 170-H *
" \\71LLtjiulonew niodurn 0 ronm hilek for
unlncumbeicd lots. 1A. . hnittb , .Milieu
bulldlni ; . _ aTli-l. )
" \\rESTEHN Nebraska Innd toexcliangfor
' ' ustocltof merchumllso. Hot 07 ; Ninth
1'lntte. Xeb. _ ai7 II *
T710U KXUlIANOi : laud la Iowa nnd
JL' Nebraska to exchange for Omaha or tfoutb
Omaha vacant lots ; will assumu Hiuatl cncum-
hrance. M. si. titurgcon , llooia 13 , Hoard of
Trade. _ 17J
T17 ANTED IIorsoH , mules , merchandise or
1 1 western lands for good Omuha properly.
1ICJ1 Haiindeiaht. js.i-ii : *
TTlOlt nXCH A NOH Ocxxl farmi"cTty n ro"per
JL' ty nnd wild lands In Nob. and Iowa for good
gcn'l m'd'so ; property clour , title perfuut. Ad-
uress Look llox to , Krcmout. Nub. HJO
For ratct , etc , sec tup of Jtiet column on l/i/i / / j i/c. (
"VTHAT cnttiiRe , H lot. S7lh and Douglas ,
1 > fc'.ooo , } JOO ivitli , bnlanco J20 IHT month.
Dnnblo front on rarnam.cast of Lowe nvo. ,
J.l)0. ) llutehluwn .t Wcad , 1321 Douglas.
Tel. IVhl. _ 27 J3 _
AN nuru lot hi I'lilrvlow , only tVX ) . A few
ncies In t-olomon. oiidi * < > X > . Ollior aero
property correspondingly low in prlco.
A hoiiBi ) , Brooms and corner lot vltli east
front , not far from business , on easy terms ;
I.VJUU. Colfeth , Johnson A. Lovgren , room 0 ,
CliaiiihorofjL'oiiimerci ) . _ SiH _
payment down Tandil. ' > pur month
AhilALL u 4-room liouso nnd lot on Kith , U
blockn from motor ; ( Irst-dass chunru to ae-
nulrua home on easy turins. Apply to 11 L.
Cole , Cun tin on tnl J ) look. _ Ml _
LINCOLN I'lnco and rartlinto lots , prlco
(1,0(10 ( , tJiCflouii. Imlaneii ( lf > montblyV. . L
s'olby , loom U , Hoard of Trudu , ill
l * up nnd buy ft homo on monthly piy-
infills Cliolcti of Hoven tlllToroiit hoiiien.
mm th frotiUon I'limum st , livary I'Uitrnntciice ,
Includlmt furnace and Rus. I'l.m unit bo een
nl my tiillcc. Call In. 1) . V , Sholes tan 1st
NntloimHinnk. _ Mt
"IflOH HATjK A line now A-rooin cottnso nonr
JL1 electrlo ear line on N. i-ltli st , Will U ) im
part of I'tuli imyniont a good or horse
'H'iLl'l1 ' m'ton. 1' , lVl i'ariiiini si. _ Kci
rt-UO ( l iiit t OKI'S. tlN > ) each. tllX ) oanh down.
'lmlaiieo ! 1J per month. Thos. r , Hull , Ull
_ _ an
" \\rAUUlKt WcstornellrenloilatoS.Onuha. ( ,
OTTAOi : homes In mint any ndillllon for
dale at from II.UOJ up , oil easy monthly imy-
" mentu K.JiirHiiB.4jilliirJ < c lilk. _ Ktj _
"ijlOH hAhl Men 7 ftwiii House reatfy to
.l\inovo Into with full lot , W.'JJ.f.'JJ cash. O.
1' . Harrison. on .N. Y.l.lfo. 1 B
_ _
Jl' YOU hnx'o anylhlni ? to seller uxehnnso
_ ciill at _ Q18 1'aMon block _ f
MUST bo sold to close nn p tute--ii : ht
I'liolce lots In Snunders & ItliiielmtuhN
nddltlon ill lussthentlielrwoilh. Ifsohl noon.
Omaha Heal Estate X Tl uU Co. , SJO So. 17th sU
lieu i liulldlnit. r o
"IJIOK BAM -Npw business block on lilili
J- street , tents nio 10 per eent uf tit leu nsked
fJO.OOO ensh. halnnco long tlmo. Will IMS on tlio
mat he t only a few Unys. Address 1 | 7. , lice.
_ 7111
FOK HAM ! Now modern 8 room brick nn . 0
foot lot on uasy terms ] will nell > eiy cheap.
1'rank A. Smith , 'Jll lleo building. : iT3-l. >
\ \ 71IIAVK for iilo cheap and on easy
terms se\eral very desltalilo houses ,
rnngliiR Insl/o fioinT to ' ) looms. They me In
all respocls modern nit liusunl eoiiNeiilcnees.
Lots IOU\iti. : I'lleos ratigo f loin * 5TO to fS.OCAI.
The Patrick Land Co. . lleo building. : i7i-IS )
" T OM 1 'I fv'Kb.irgaln In Onrilm , Inside Imsl-
ness property. Don't fall to investigate.
J. L. Ulcu , 4IJ llee building. Ut/J-U *
A 1IAUOAIN KourloonoloR.tnt. lots jn < t op.
poslto Huso's hotel add sumtuui gulden in
Covciod with a bciiltlful prove.
Pet feet ly smooth .md lev el.
Hell lilmiHliitlim right on property ,
( loud cottage mid burn on pictures.
Cull and got pilees and terms.
Ten aeres especially Miltablo for market-
gardLMiliigltfi nice little collage. Una oiler
fornfowdays nt * ? , WU ; $1.500 eush , balimeo 1 ,
- , I ) , 4 and S years.
Uall ami sen tholMof choice residence prop
erly wo olTer In llanscom Place.
lleio aiu a few of our baignlns In nero prop
ertys .
10 acres In West Omaha 8 7,000
10 neies near Missouri P.iellle llelt lino. , ( lni)0 )
10 iioies choleolovoltrackasooa railroad 12.0JO
5 aeics In West Omaha : i,70rt
10 acres ) close to oily limits 1S.OOO
7 acies only tluen miles fiom postolllco . 7,500
Tea aeios hi West Omaha , near Junction of
P. . n. & Jl. V. H. H. and M.I' , llelt Line rail
way , splendidly adapted for plat ting , will sub
divide into r > 0 nlco lots that , with tlio rapid
growth or tboelty will sell fortlOOtoKUMeucli.
There Is twclxu to fifteen thousand dollars'
piolll In lids trnctultliliithnnu\tthreeyeui3.
Uull und got prices nnd terms.
uuoijon N. HICKS.
PlistPloor ! Now York LlfoHulldluit ,
Notice lo Contractors K. U. Viorli to lot
3,000,000 oiiblo yards cat thworU. S.TOO.OOO feet
H. M. timber work. 1M.OOO Iliiaul feotplllnir ,
'j : > 0,000 cross tics. l.WO neto-4 cluarhiK.s. This
\\orklslocatnilti the western part of Louis
iana , between Columbia , on tlio Oimehltn
rlxcr , ami Alcxandila. This llnu runs tlirouih
a high , dry , healthy , rolling plnu unintry. No
swamps ; oxeellent spring water and clear
running at teams , free fiom nil muHthil or
swamp Inllneiices , sandy , loamy soil , light
clearing , etc. ; first class seiupcr nork. Con-
striietlon rates from any point on .Missouri
1'aclllc rallroid to the work. 1'rollles , sped-
llcatlon * . and other liiforiuntlon can bo seen
at our olllce , Uoom 5J , Ouy Itulldlng. corner
1'lne and Thhd treuls , bi. Louis , Mo. , 01 at
ollleo on work , at ColumbiaLa.
jjaiotp iiuNitv rouiinsT. & co ,
rsoticoot the bitting ol'tlio Cl y Conn
cil na a Board or
To thoownois of lots and lanils abutting on
orndlncent tostteots , alK'i" or nvonues , slt-
iinteu In whole or In patt within any of the
dlstiletsherolnaflornnmuil :
You and unch of you nio hereby notlflod Hint
the city council wMlsllus aboatd of rqnall/a-
tlon at the ollleo of the city cluili , at tlio
Douglas county court house , on Thursday , the
nthdavof .luly , b'K ' ) , fiomOo'cloolc a. m. to n
o'clock p. m. , for the purposu equali/lng the
proposed levy of special taxes anJ nssess-
meats , und eorrei'Mngany nnoi > tlieieln , and
of healing all complaints that tlio owners of
the property so to ho taxnd and nssossod may
make , bald special taxes and assessments
bulng levied nocording to law to cover tlio cost
and expense of
8th street from I'arnumto Douglas streets In
I'avlngcJlstrlotNo. aa.
1'opplclon axonuo from 3H1i streol to 29th
avenue. In paving district No i-'O.
SUli street from VTnton street to "A" stioot
in paving district No. A
8th street from rnrnam to Douglas sheets , in
paving district No. 20' . ' .
21th street finm Vlnton street lo "A" street ,
In paving district No. 235.
20th street fiom Vlnton street lo Van Camp
avenue. In paving district No.2.11.
80th Htrcot from Spnuldlnz street to Ames nv/ > -
nuo , in paving illstilct No. " ' > ! .
llth struct , fi oni Nicholas to Clark btroots. in
paving district No , 218.
COlh street from Hrlstol to Spauldlng street , In
paving district No. 219.
20th street from Jaukson to Hickory struct , In
paving district No. SSI.
Ilmncy street from Kith toSlth streets.
Lathropstrectfrom loth to inthstreuts.
19th sticot from Wlrt to ICmmot struct ,
! Mth streut from Wlrt lo Kminet street.
U'lst stieotfiom Wlrt to Kmmot strceli.
Lmmet street from Sliurmau luenuu toSlth
Spencer street from Sherman avenue toSlth
Orchard strcot from Lowoavonuu tol'lcnsunt
sticut ,
Louu avenue from Hamilton to Johnson
Oarllehs street from Lowe avenue to Pleasant
In sewer district No. 1)7.
In suwer district No. 101.
In sener district No. 10L' .
In sewer district No. 104.
Park avunuo from Hast nx'cnuu to Opting
stt eel.
Knil htieutfiom I'aul street to south line 1C.
V.Hinith'x addition.
19th street fiom noilli line Ilarttuan's addi
tion to Center stt eel.
Kith street from old county load to smith city
California street fiom Lotto avenue to St.
Lawience avenue.
Hut t stt cot In Hillside nddltlon No. J.
lltli street through tax loU1 , sec. 15-13-13.
2th ; street I
1Mb stioot VHcdlckl'ark to Hrlstol strcot.
Uh uvoiiiie )
Walnut stieot through T. L. in.gcc.S8-l.Vll.
STth street fiom Hrlatol Htrcot lo N. L. llawes1
20th nvuniio from Half Ilowaul street to I'ar-
nam street.
And Dolt f ni tnor rcsolx-od , Tint the city
eloik give notice of such sitting at least six
dayH prior thereto In tlircu dally papers of
the city.
And bolt further resolved. That unless for
good nndsullklent eauso It may bo otherwise
01 dered ami determined that said cost or part
cost be soilssts-ied pro rnta , according to foot
frontngo upon all tliu lots and ical estate In
sild : districts lospeotlvely , or adjuceut to or
abutting thu llnu of salu linpiovumunts , no-
eonllng to thu usual sunllng hack process ns
heretofore nilup.ted and followed by said
council In the assessment of special taxes to
cover tlm cost of mild wmk , to-wlt :
One-third of said pro rnta cost upon tlm
one-sixth pnitot whole amount of gtoiind to
hu usso3 cd , first ubultlng upon tlio street
line along said Improvements ,
One-llfth part of such nio rnta eostiipon the
second ono-slxth part of thu whole amount of
suid ground adjoining thoioto ,
One-sixth part of such pro rnta cost upon
the third onu-sUth part of whole amount of
saldgroiind nnxt adjacent , and
Tlirou-tenthsof such pro iata cost upon tl o
adjacent or lemalnhiK onu-lialf part of the
wlmluof said giounil. ,
You and each of you are hcroby notinod to
appear before mild hoard of cfjinllzatlon nt
lliotlmunnd plnco abo\ii kpeolllod taninku
nny complaint , stateiiiuit or objeotloii , you
may deslru coiiuuriilnv said piopo-sud lu > y
amlnssissmimt of npnolal taxes.
Cnmlii , JiilytitliiJ. , ) ! „ , , , , ,
jioddt Joimaiiovus , City Clerk.
' . ' Till : INTiilOK-Wuhli- !
Dri'AIlTMr.NTOl' . t-enlid propos-ils for
fiirnlshliu ull UKI niiitoiliil and labor niptliid
in the completion of tlio United Mates ponl-
tuntlary nt ivill Lake City , Ulah
well as Intlioconntriietlon of a Htnckado wnll
( provided with entrance anil sentry boxes ) lo
enclose nhout twoaoresof Innd of the peni
tentiary reservation , will hut oculvcd at this
depaitinont until 1 o'clock p. m. , Thursday ,
July III , W' ' > when they will bo opened , lllds
on the wholii work only lll bo considered ,
I'lnnu umlwpocllleatlons , Instinotloas to bidders -
dors , iito. , may bu seen at this dep irtmunt niul
at the ollleo of the governor of the territory ,
at bait Lake City , John W. Noble , heorulnrv ,
ii-l5-17-10-Sl :
JIII.IMUHJ.Ij. . Artlro * ,
Oinnhn. | ilMnsun .streets , lunmbn. .f
* 4 : J nil o Ktprosi.7 HUi ) m f
ti S n ni .t'hlcnito Kti.roM. . , , , . . . . , n.20 p m * *
U 111 p ni
O.Wp til . .Uilengn l Mfil „ KOlrvin
lx > aroi QfUIiMNnroy 5 > ( J. HIVKllI ArrUm 4
Umnlm. | lU'i'Qt loih nn.lMnion < troi't . JjJnmhn.
fo IS n iu 11 lent or llnjr Kt | > rom . iu
10.1 . Prnror K .
n m rnror d.U p iu
0.49 l > 111 . Darner NUlit U..U n m
H It n in .i..Unonlii l , < > fi\I . . , , , . , , U ( JO f m
'K u.'S'tfj. sc ; n. " Arrlroi"
Onmlin. | Depot IQlli anJMinon Ktnu'U. ( Jiimlin.
O.lin ml . . .KnnxnK'ttr llnv HvnrflM.,7 f.10 p m
I'.li p in ! 1C ( ' NlHliI Kit , rln U I' . Train HIS n m
f Artlv
hn. | Depot IQIIi nml.Miucy Mrpota. I Oiunli
in illTorljinil Kir or
7.HO j < m . . . . . . . . . .iMci no Kitm > s. ; ; ; „ ; ; ; ; 13.(1 p iu
10 .M n in Ill-liver Kxpress H.M p iu
ft 00 n m Knn ns Cllj Kiprox U.U1 n iu
10.13 n in . rnlrljcl.l KTP. ( oxrrpt Sun ) . I VI p.i .
lA'imis ' "
Unmhn. JNT.j4ojwt. iuthjtnil Sliucj SH.I Utii.ihn.
ll.l'i p m i .Nlitbt Kxpr II ) ( tt n in
I'.U ' n in . .Atlimtlo Kxprnai n .10 p in
4.II p in , , Vcilllnilo l.linltoil 10.15 n in
( UdlK 011'V ' * i ArrltuT
Oinnlm | W.r. _ ' luj itiIOtlinnilMiirojr Hli
7 . . . 'Slout Cllf l'n OMK r..r , , |
Ii 1.1 p tu j. . j. . .St. I'niil Kxpnxft fllOWn in
I > nvi Affirm *
Onmlin I liopet litli nmt WttotiirilM. Onmliii.
jioo p in | . „ . > t.j'iiuTT.Tinfuii7TT ! Hi SI ii ni
- | l'UI'A ( ( > U.t Noltl'mVICSl'HU.N I
Onmtin | trilcMiit. ; _ _ ( loili mil Oiinlni.
PIS iui UilrtiKi ) Kxpross It .11 1 > iu
* ? > P m \o lt > ulo I.lmlUM t ) ! i ) n tu
. "I * I' ni Iowa Acnimtiuiitntlim 7.01 | > m
JMOji m rnMcrn Hyor 3 Hi p in
ct Hu , A S.T. 1'AUU Arrivua
_ Onmh _ jU I' iliyiot , 10li mid .Mnror SH Onmliii.
"Uti u m .llilcniraMiillnxrcpt ( Sumtiiy ) ( IW p m
COO | > m . ( lilenio IdproM . l < I ) n in
2 ) ; > in
lionvei O.MAI IA A SI' I.OUIM Arrive !
OnintiA : M' . iIoputMOtli mil Mnrcjr Ft * Onmlia
tHt \ m . . .st. ixjnis ciiiiiioii inn ,7. i 12 J ) p m
Lciivos K , I ! A Mi > V'VIl.iV : I Arrival
Oinnhn PopntlUh \VititirSt . I
UIU n in Illick IIIIN tifj p ni
Kip. ( Kr. V.X ) | , m
i A Mneoln l'n ciiKor 1UA ) n m
. \iirk A.Norfolk ( ICv. Siiniln } ) . . II ) JO ii m
- . . - I Arrives
llopollStli nndcbsioi ats. | Oni'ilin
i Hloni City AccominndniTon. . . ) Ultt p m
. . .blou.xClty KtpreiMUx.ami ) . . 1.0 p in
OIK ) p m HI. 1'iuil l.linileil ui'i in
615 u inl.Ilincott I'nimpiiKur ( l' ) . . ) 8 ( 1111
Thoia trnlns nlo rlop nt IStli , IJth , ! 0th units US
itreeli , Mnmiiilt mut bnvlduo Crosllug. 'Wor lni-
men'struliudo not runSuiiilnr.
TTroiid' Trn ii li Bliool'y
wny fer Oiimhn ( Mil South AHirl't
Clllnni Depot. Dtipot. lion. _ Ojimlm.K . Deiiut.
, K
& .4J .M5M
010 (105 ( G.I ! BIU : ' ( i.rxi
040 H 47 fi.27 7.1 it'io 7.20 r. 00 7 ! tt
745 7. : > S 7 : t2 8115 7U B.'J 7 03 8 JO
8.M 8 27 li W > HUT 7.M .V )
II ! ' ! H.6S l > .27 1005 U.I A U07 ' ew
I'M I'M I'M I'M I'M I'M I'M r'si
HIV ) - ' 8.21
4 27 4 in 4-15 U. ' i.'iii
4 ii 5.27 60. ) S 15 & 07 4.M 5
> S ft ) . . .
' ' '
6.'f > 'b'oi | VJ7 | U.1'1 B.W 0 30
G4S B.W . . . . 7.0i 7.15 7.07
Luare * i ' ' ' . "TTjf . . . „ . ' ' Arilun
Trnnifor 'Un'lon' ileJHiti Conncii'iiiri'n'iL Trmmfer
O.SO p ml Nluht CTi5 : ii m
' .i U ) it ml Atlnntlo Kxpross. . S.Vi ii m
' " ) p ml . . . V silbMlu i.JmHuil. 10 ' 10 a in
-.tll TClllCATlO A N'OUl'ilNN KM'rnltN. Arrives
Trnmferl Union Depot. Council lllulti.
11.40 niul ( 'lilciiKU ICxprun kdO V in
fiWp in Vunllbulo I.linHoil tl M n m
HIOU p nil Kn < lurn Klycr 200 p tu
8 00 | > m I Atlantic Mull. . . . 7 30 n m
" " " ' '
Union" reooV."l'oiincll 'llliilfj. Tinnifer
.KXJ a ml .Chluico .Vnll ( etiuiu Sunday ) . . I 5 'ill p ill
' ) ! ! 0p m . ClilcHKo Kiiro 9 . ' .M5 n m
10 00 p m | , . . . . . . . .Clilcngo _ Kxirf . . _ . . . _ . . . ] ad ) p m
TfvonTuT T K. trTbi'rjinr&uni : nirrTver
Trfimtorl Union Depot. Coundl lllull [ Trniufer
. . . . ; it in nnnH City liny Kxirnsi. | . . . | A 111 p m
10 23t \ ois C\ly \ Night J < Xiro _ . . . [ OZO n in
IAJIIYOJ T "ONlAlITV iV - . . . . . .v.u.u. : Crruo <
Trnnafcrj Union Depot , Council Hliilfs. [ Trn mfor
yiXIi ] in | . . . . .st. liiiiiln jiTionJInli 1I1.IS.L' '
A H Iberian City Dostroycd.
Since about the middle ot May Ilio
city of Tomsk In Siberia hits boon under
wntor. The river Tomu boynn ovor-
llowiug its bunlcH us soon IIH tlio ice
broke , nnd the inundation continued in-
cronsinpr until inoro Hum throo-fimrtors ]
of the city was'destroyed. Many IIOUHOH
were destroyed by the uurront and tlio
drifting of ice blocks , und many lives
were loat. Tlio churclios , the school
buildings , the miu-kots were inundated
und the rapid inoroiiHo of water crontod
u panio luiionp tbo cltl/oiiH BO that they
were entirely holplcHy , nnd many of thorn
ruahcd to certain duutli. The llro do-
purtinonl. and military postH of tbo
plitco could do llttlu to help tlio imnic-
utiiokon cltl/.ena , nnd they had to muko
glgantlu oil'orts to save tbo fjovormnont
property and tbo important city ar
chives. A dinpatch dated Juno 11 re
ports that In bovoral htrcols of the in
undated pliico the pee ilo are still row
ing in heats ainong tbo ruiiiH. Tbo au
thorities of all tbo neighboring mtinii'i-
. ulltiqH were convoked to doviuu iiuann
of holiiing tbo unfortunate cltl/onB , \ \ lie
luivo lost ovorying.
i Unlit In Trccfl.
People who live in trees or employ
thonuir ) placui ) of rofugu uro apt to bo
iiarticularly inibornblo HpcoiinoiiH of the
human family , for their choice of , ho :
invariably implies tliut they are not
strong enough to moot their onomles on
the level , wiyit tbo Now Vork Kim. The
tree rillugo rot'ontly dincovored 1 > y Sir
William Alacgroyor in Now G iilnoa la I ho
most rojimrkublo that luih boon roportwl
in a long while. Some \\uys Inland ho
found a wrotobod. half-starved remnant
of the Volburl triuo. In ono of their HO- !
tlomontHiill the villagers live In aslnylo
onormoiiH tree , on whoso wldo-hprciiding
branchoH four hou&os , with two Htork-s t
ouch , bad boon constructed. Wide plat
forms are built Jn front of the houses on
which are piles of stones , kept to hurl at
intrusive porhons. This wretched people
are in process of extermination by iv
powerful and warlike neighbor.
The most Humorous trco villtiKos that
liavo boon found are along the Una
branch of the Mangalu river , north of
the Congo. Tlio explorer who dis
covered them last year hays the natives
are the poorest and most wretched people
plo ho has hcon In Africa ,
and 'i'liolr Itovi'H.
It is outmuted ! that ever 20,000,000
cigurs are manufactured every day in
the Unituil StMtos nlono , and Ibid enor
mous mini nor requires in the neighbor
hood of 120H)0 ( ) boxes for their kuoplng ,
As a result there are ever UOO fnctorlod
In the country turning those boxes out.
Tbo wood of which these hoxonaro mii'lo '
conitto from M ox I co , Central Amurlm t s
and UioVebt Iiullcu.