Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE O3LAHA. DAILY BEHB. SATURDAY , Lr 12 , 181)0. )
Tlio roruIpU of the clearing house yos-
, tordny wcro $ fOoWJ..10.
* In the county court yesterday West < te
FrlttH'hiT commenced suit to recover
tfcOO from S. SlniH'or nml John A. Frcy-
linn , tlio ninount bulnfj duo on two
iiromlsBory notoH given January" ! , I88o.
YeUi'rdny n bill of Biilo was filed in
tlio county clerk's ofllco conveying nil
of tlio properly of tlio Oiuiilm union
grain company , the Oinnha elevator
grain company and Ilimebatijjh & Mor-
rhnnii to tlio Omitlin clovutor company.
The consideration was tlio sum of Si.
Ai tides of Incorporation wcro fllctl
yesterday by the Union Soldlura' and
Bailors' liiirlnl corps o ( Douglas county.
TJio lncorpornlor.4 nro 1) . 0. lUiodos and
John H. .Sawlilll of George A. Custor
I'ont , No. 7 ; Champion S. Chase , Jnmes
8. Franco and David M. Tluvorly of U.
S. Grunt Post , No. 110 , anil L. P.
Muglnn , U. It. Hull and .f. H. West of
Gcorgo Crook 1'cwt , No. 12C2. The nsso-
elation Is of a buiiovolont nature , and
comsufjuuiitly IneorjMiratoH without show-
inir up any cash capital. Its object Is to
IOIIMO or wm'hiiHo ground : ! where do-
coaled union Huldlcrs and sailors may bo
Merit win1 * , fts the mirvolous Mlccru of
IIooil's ' S.inmpirllln shows. It poaicisca true
medicinal merit. Sold by all druggists.
tl < Jot ( Jay.
Gottfried SIcKunthnlcr , a merchant of Col-
umlmi , was brought in by 11 United States
marshal yesterday morning , charged with
tending nn obscene letter through the nvills ,
The letter win written to n young lady in
Bcliuylor , but it was Intercepted by her
fattier , who at nnco brought tlio matter to
the attention ot District Atto uoy Dnkor , with
tliu above result.
The Il-illriKUl tn Superior.
A delegation from south wont Nebraska wns
In the city Thur.-jtl.iy In the interest of tlio
much-talked of railroad from Omaha to Su
perior ami on Into Kansas. The members of
the iloletntion wcro C. 15. Adams , l1 * .
Uoncec , K. J. Mnrfln , J. G. Meek of Super
ior , R S. Granger , K , Ilmvlcy and II. T.
Frank of Kdpir nu-1 D. II. filler of Dlllei- .
'I'ho gcntlomen report that the people of
southwest Nebraska hnvo by no means ( -lvcii
np the Idea of scouiing the road , but will ROte
to work on the pwlltnlnu-ystopjiis soon as
thu political ll htM tliit ai'O now domaiuUiiK
r.o niuehof thopeoiilu'a tliuo have been set
To XPI-VOUH Dolillltatcd Jlon.
If you will semi us your address w > tvill
send you Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt
mid Appliances on trial , They \vlll quickly
restore you to vigor , manhood untl health.
Pamphlet free. Voi.fAiu ilti.i Co. , Mai-shall ,
Concert nt IlniiHcoin 1'nrlc.
A grand concert will bo given nt Ilanscom
pnrk this afternoon by tlio Seventh
ward , silver cornet band. The coneert will
licKlu nt y : ! ' ( ) . Tlio following programme
will bo rendered :
Mnvoh City of Homo Bute
. Overture 'Iho Kneliuntross Uiilbey
W.iltzAn f (1 ( rieniT Fwr Mcr/dorf
J Polka Dl Concert I nm flcro I mvi v
1 Cornet Solo by Mr. Campbell , f iroo'CIJ
] 'otpouriSucroitArr. ( ) by Pettteo
Deriiiiinl'atrol Tlio Guard mount..Eileiibci'K
KruhliniMUud ( SpriiitfSoiifr ) . . . Mendelssohn
Mcdloy Selection -Arr. by L. Uoustorno. .
Overture Impromptu Dulboy
llccolli'ctlous of War ( Medley ) Beyer
Caledonian lluuutlus Arr. by Kiploy
Sturm Auf Le llourgos Gallop Shlrnier
Tickets at lowest rates nml superior
accommodations viti the pi-cut Roelc Is-
Ijuul route- Ticket olrtco , 1002 Slx-
teontli und lAn-mim streets , Omului.
The coroner's jury began Investigating the
Ilnmcneok jaso nt 4 o'clock , and five wit
nesses wcro examined. They were
O , L. Keep , Sergeant Whulen , Dctec-
tlvo Frank Potage and Joe
1'otiiRO. the two latter being in KromoncU's
company when ho was shut. Keep's testi
mony did not amount to much , as ho did neb
BCO tlie body until after it was taken to the
undertakers , and Ills knowledge of tUo nltair
was con lined to what ho had heard.
The two l * > itao boys repeated substnn-
tlally the story told above. They said they
lad not mentioned the matter oailicr be
cause thov were afraid of a whipping or
ecoldinir. The older boy , who Is thirteen
years of ago. told clearly which hammer was
raised by Auiiir , and explained how tlio wcn-
jioti was held when it was discharged , lie
showed how Hamenclc wns ijlng on the
ground when tlio fatal shot was 11 red. IIo
viw resting hia heftd on his hand , which
uccounted for the shot found in ono hiind.
The olllcers repeated the story told by
Adah- when ho first went to the sta'ion and
KIIVO himself up , The jury examined the gun
with which the killing was done , mid satis-
lied themselves that ono hammer was very
easy on tlio trigger. It was then suggested
that Ail air bo i > ut on the btnnd , but Assistant
County Attorney Morinrty , vibe was con
ducting the examination , stated that this
would bo taking an unfair advantage of tlio
defendant la the absence of his attorney , and
mlviscd an adjournment until this itftonioou
\l \ nt 1 o'clock sharp , when Adah- will bo ex
amined , mid his halt brother , Uooch , will
ulso be on baud.
A. euro VoiDIonlKon. .
Mr. J. A. Burnlson , of Colburg , Montgom
ery Co. , Iowa , has found out how ho can euro
nny case of dlarrluua. Two of his children
had the disease ; for about six weeks ho tried
four different intent medicines without benc-
llt , but holllnnlly got hold of of abottlo of
Cliamberl.iln'sColii1 , Ciioleni nmi Duu-rluua
Itemedyvlilch ho au > s completely cured
Ilioni , mull * conlldcnt It will euro nny ease
when the nlalnly printed dlrcttlons uio fol
lowed. 1 or sale by nil druggists.
A Niinilici' of IntoroHting I'ctUloiis
Filed in Ui Courts.
Quito a grist of petitions was filed in the
district court yesterday.
Lucy \V. Townscnd boRlns proceedings
ngalnst Jefferson W. O'Noilnnd ten other
parties to socnro an accounting of Interest on
two Lombard invostmcnt company bonds of
$ oOO each and the foreclosure of certain
mortgages In connection with snmo.
'I'ho is discern-
now county hospital ghost -
nblo In nn action commenced by Fred W.
Gray against Contractors Ryan & WnUU to
recover i,5lW.OJ ! , claimed to bo duo him for
lumber put into that structure.
Joseph II. Mlllnnl becks to foreclose n
moitffago on four lots in 1'addook Place ,
given to secure the payment of four notes of
fittXl nntcco given byUhurles A. and Frunlc M ,
liobertV. . nnlnmn asks for nn injunction
restraining tlio city by John Hush , its treas
urer , from collecting ceitiiin t.ixes.tUu amount
of which Is not stilted.
Proceedings to secure an accounting , In
volving' some $ . ' 100 lit all. wow commenced by
O. F. Davis ugulust 1'ivd L. Johnson null
AnuloDwyer commcncos forcdosuro pro
ceedings ugrtlnst 1/iwroncu Cusoy on it molt-
Kixgo , given to secure tbo payment of notes
uggtcguting ? ICOO.
On the 20th of last January Joseph Sher
lock was in the employ of the Crystal ice
company and on the morning of that day ,
while ho was up nlontj the chute , twenty foot
from the ground , pushing ut some ice that
was being hnudod into tlio house , ono of the
chunks broke loose nml ( n sliding do\\u
tsaught Joseph's leg. bwaklni ; H JustbelQW
tlio Unco. Yesterday lu > c-omnienccd suit
ngalnst the ice company to recover fJ.WS ,
which ninount ho dnlim will repay hint for
the suffer ! tigs ho has experienced.
Charles N. Uoltz tiled n petition to foreclose
n mortengo on the rent property owned by
Kubort McCounoll and wife , and also to col
lect the sum of $ IX , ( > 0 that has been duo und
utmaid slaco DoccinborW. 1SJS.
, Tlio Nebraska Havings bank has brought
suit against Kudolph AYlntcn'nml wlfo to re
cover & 07 duo on u note , together with inter
est slnco last April. *
A Ilutllu of IMntt'fl ChlorliU'B
should now bo in every house ,
AT linijtjUVOK \NOI- - : .
Compctlton will report nt the Bellevno
rlllo riingts on July iiS for the tenth nn-
nxinl rifle < 5otnpetltlon of the Department of
the Plitto , ( ind the second nnnual cavalry
competition for the departments of Dakota
and the I'lattc. Firing in preliminary prac
tice will bcfiln on July 31.
Major D'Uilel W" . llcnhnm , Inspector of
small arms practice , will bo the ofik'or In
charge. Captain Cyrus A , Knrnest of the
Klghlh Infantry will command the camp.
Ills staff \\lll consist of First Llcutcnnnt
.Intncs II. Jncksouf Seventh infantry , adju
tant and signal ofncer ; Hrst Lieutcnnnt
\Vllllam A. Miinco , Seventeenth infantry ,
( luartenniistcr nnd ordnance oftlcorj Plrst
lieutenant Ktchard 11. Htcedmnn , Slxteeiith
infantry , commissary of snlislstenco ; Second
Lieutenant ( h-ato Hutchexon , Ninth cavalry ,
statistical mid flmmclal olllccri Assistant
Surgeon Alfied K. Bradley , U. S. A.medical
The executive ofllecr for the cavnlrv com-
pctlon will bo Cnptuln Joseph Garrnnl of the
Ninth cavulrv. The r.mpo ofllccrs will bo
First LloutcunntHiarlcs H. Tyler of the Six
teenth Infantry ; TirstLieutenant Uobert \ .
Mowdy , Seventeenth Infantry ; Second Lieutenant -
tenant Muury Nichols , SUtx'enth infantry ;
Second Lieutcnnnt Frederick V. KrnftKIjihth
infantry ; Second Lieutenant I'hllllpA. IJIt-
tcns , jr. . Ninth cavilry ; Second Lieutenant
Kilmund S. U'rk'ht , Ninth cuvnlry ; Second
rjeuteiiant James W McAndicw , Twenty-
fin t infantry. The senior ranga ofllcer will
have charge of the r.mgo ofllccrs , scorers ,
markers nnd range party.
The nroirratnnio of Hrlng contemplates the
beginning of practice on the last day this
month , On Thursday , July ill , the liniig
will bo nt known distances , ' . ' 00 and : M ) yntds
In tlio morning and MO nnd GOO In tlio after
noon. On the next day the morning will bo
given over to skirmish JlrttiK nnd the after
noon -will bo devoted to llrlng nt 200nnd3X ( )
yards. The third day of nruetlcouillboat
skirmish llilng in the morning nnd utCOO and
tJOl ) yards In the afternoon ,
On Monday , August I , the rifle nnd carbine
competition begins. Firing at the known dis
tances , 'JOO , , 'JOO. , Wt ) and (100 ( yards , nnd skir
mish llrlnir with alternate for four days.
On l''ridiv , August 8 , the revolver match
begins. The forenoon will be devoted to dis
mounted firing nt twenty-live yards and the
afternoon to the snmo style nt 11 tty.ynrds.
On Saturday foienoon it will bo mounted fir
ing to right and left nnd in the afternoon
mounted Tiring to the front. Hack of these Is
to be preceded by the llrlng of ten blank iar-
trlilgcs by sach trooper.
The presentation of medals will tnho place
after the afternoon Hi Ings on Siturd.iy. The
hours of practice will bo 8 a. in. and a p. in.
with iissiMiibly llftcen minutes before.
IJuillngton trains may bo stopped nt the
range by requestor by being ( lagged. They
will run from Omaha at SI.S3 and 0:4' : ) p. m.
and from Ucllovifb at 7 ; 10 a. in. nnd .r > : M p.
m. Tickets should bo bought before gettinf ?
on the cars. At the camp they can bo bought
fiom the quartermaster lor ono way 25 cents ,
lound trip 33 cents.
"Hunger IM tlie licst Snuce. "
As a rule , a person who hns a good appo-
tlto IMS good health. But how innny there
are who enjoy nothing they ent , nnd sit down
to me.ils only 113 an unpleasant duty. Na
ture's antidotes for this condition are so hap
pily conbined in Hood's Sarsaparilla that it
teen restores good digestion , creates an anpo-
tlte , and renovates nnd vitalizes the blood so
that the beneficial effect of good food is Im
parted to the whole body. Truly hunger is
the bwt sauce , nud Hood's ' Sitrsaparilla in
duces hunger.
Sirs , aiartiii Complied ivitli the Ue-
inost | tr > Her Cliiigrlu.
A lady who said her name was alary Mar
tin called on County Poor Mister Muhonoy
nt the eourt house yesterday morning bringing
n babe which she desired him to take hi charge ,
Her story was this : .
She was going from Union Station , Nob. ,
ivhcro she mid boon visiting n sister , to Sioux
City , In. , her homo. After getting upon the
train a bhort , medium sized , heavy set , dark
complexloncdvioinutulressed in black and with
the baby In her arms , engaged her In conver
sation. Later the stranger asked her to hold
the child for her awhllo nnd she did so.
While she was holding the baby the train
stopped at "WeepingVatcr. . When it had
passed there airs. Jlnrtln discovered that the
woman had loft the train and baby , She con
cluded that although the baby had been
served an evil turn once she should not re
peat the shumo and so brought tlio child to
The strange woman left no bapgago what
ever upon tlio train. Upon arriving hero
Mrs. Mai tin bought a necessary change of
clothing for the child and then visited Mr.
Mahonoy. The little victim of faithlessness
Is about four mouths old , a pretty brown-eyed
All join in praising the flno finish and
accurate Hkonoss of our specuil SI a
dozen photos. 1'root showed , satisfac
tion tmuruiitecd. Kolm & MolU.
1312 Fariuun bt.
Tlioy AVIII IIo Examined by Odlcers of
tlio Uoui-d of Traile.
President Uuclld Maitin , of the board of
trade left yesterday for Hot Springs. S. D ,
with his family. Secretary Nason will fol
low the president's footsteps and will leave
today for the Swings accompanied by hU
Mr. ainrtin and Mr. Nason have an object
in their visit that may result in material ben-
ellt for Omaha. On Monday these gentlemen ,
leaving their families at the Springs , -will
start on a trip to the tin mines of South Da
kota und will spend a week making a c.ireful
personal Investigation of the resources and
prospects of this great Industry. The object
is to .secure for Omaha , if the examination
convinces them of the feasibility of their
plans , the headquarters for the innnufaeUiro
of the product of mines. A vcportof
their investigations will be nude to the board
of traiio on their rotuin.
Where Slilps and llnllxvnys Meet ,
An old nnd successful merchant and In-
\-cstor from the cast , on visiting Portland ,
Oregon , for the llrst tlmo this summer , aftet
seeing the vDcnlnsula located boUeoii the Col
umbia and Wlllamoeto rivers , piedlctcd that
hem whore ocean ships and railways meet on
18 miles of deep xvator front , the future
merchants nnd manufacturers of Portland
would drf business , ana the mass of the people
pleduull , advancing real estate values i
thousand fold In tea years. On this penin
sula Hon. Charles Francis Adams of Uostou
made u largo purchase.
This evening the German societies o
Omaha will give an entertainment at ( ! er
mania hull , the proceeds of which will bo
donated to the fund for the benefit of the
sufferers fiom the Br.tdshaw cyclone. The
following programme will bo presented :
( horturo . Orchestra
The I lull ten's Farewell .
. . .I'lattilcntscho ( li
la a blenny Night : . Oiuiilm
In tin ) Spring . Swiss SlniMiiK Society
Tlio beuroso . X.iihur C'lul
The Mglit . Omahu Sliuuuurcho
K\ oiling Pmyur .
. Mhi' < l Chorus of Oiaulm LK'
Thi ) Slid I e rat i\un : ! „ Hells .
. Soaili Side Onartclto Clu1
Pong . Turnur ( Juartctto Club
'Ihu Iningeof the Koio .
. . . . . .riitttilouucho Uusan
Pears' is the parojt and bait soap orortnilo
The follotvlng U a synopsU of the XobiMika
high license , local option law :
Section 1 provides that the county board of
each county may grant license for the sulo of
milt , spirituous and vinous liquors. It doomed
expedient upon the application by pjtltloi of
thirty of the resident free holdon of the
town , If the county is under township organi
zation. The county board shall not have au
thority to issua any license for the s-ilo of
liquors in nay city or Incorporated village , or
within two mile * of the same- .
Section 2 provides for the llllngf of the ap
plication mid for publication ot' the applica
tion for at loost two weeks bcforo the grant
ing ot the llcouso.
Section 'A provides for the hearing of the
cosolf a remonstrance Is Jllcd npnust the
grunting of u license to the aiH'llcant. ' *
Further sections nrovUo for the appealing
f the remonstrance1 to the district ccart :
ho form of the license ; the giving of a00t )
wnd by the successful applicant for the li
Sections 8. 0 nnd 10 make It nn offcnsq.
lunlshabloby n flno of $23 , for any licensed
Inuor dealer to sell intoxicating liquor to
minors or Indians.
Section It provides that nny person selling
iquor without a licvnso shall bo lined not
ess than 3100 nor more than WOO for each
ffc'nsoj nnd section l9 ! provide * for the trial
f such offenders.
Section 1H makes It nn offense , punishable
) } a fine of $100 and a forfeiture of license
or nny licensed liquor vender to sell ndul-
orated liquor.
Section 14 makes It an offense pimlstinblo
lyallno of § 100 for any person to sell or
give away nnylhiuor on Sunday , or on the
! nv of any general or special election.
Sections 15 to iW Inclnslvu , deflno the Ha-
dlltyof saloonkeepci-3 for damages sustained
> y iinvono in consc < iuciico of the trafllonnd
n-ovlilo the steps necessary to collect such
latins ,
Section21 relates to the Issuance of drug-
; lsts' ' permits.
The local option feature of the law Is con-
atned In section 23 , the salient part of vuiuu
rends :
"Tho corporate authorities of all cities and
Illmjes shall have power to license , regulate
md prohibit the selling or giving away of
any Intoxlc.ttlng. malt , spirituous and vlnona
Iquors.-within the limits of such city or vil-
nge , This section else fixes the amount of
ho license fee , which slmll not bcs less than
r > 00 In Ullages and cities hiving loss than
0,000 inhabitants nor IMS than * lOiK ) in
cities hnvlng a population of moro thati
0,0 * ) .
Sections 20 and 27 relate to druggists' '
egistersand penalties for \lolatlou of tbo
ales governing the same.
Section US rmkes drunkenness nn offense
lunlslmblo by a line of JIO and costs or im-
irlsonment not exceeding thittv days.
Section 'J'J provides that tlio doors and
vlndows of saloons shall bo kept free from
crecus or blinds.
Hot AVcatlicr nnd Accidents ,
Take no chances on headaches orsunstroko
rhishot weather is fearfulbut If yon willttko
a fcivof Krauso's Hcailacho Capsule ) each
ay you will Jlntl tlio tcrnporatui-owlllbo re-
uced nnd the likelihood of suiisti-oko or
prostration absolutely counteracted. For
ale by nil druggists.
Tlie Solid South
rf solid on the gro-xt "German Ucrocdy. "
'olcgranw and letters nio received every day
luring this heated term for ICniuso's Head
ache Capsules , The people from that section
ay they reduce trio temperature nnd prevent
unstrokcs nnd headaches. For sale by till
Sun Slrolcc ,
Is'ow Is the time , the accepted time , to pre
vent sunstrokes , headaches , etc. lly reducing
tbo temperature all those distressing evils
will be in-evented. Iviauso's Headache Cap
sules arc the thing.
Ono or two ICrauso's Ilcadacha Capsule
-alien during the day will prevent any head
tche , also attacks of sunstroke. All druggists
What Is moro attractive thnii n pretty fnco
with a fresh , bright complexion. ) For it use
Pozzoui's ' Powder.
lietl lotions ofWIint Slny OruiiviVbunt
An HUH t 1 IlaiU-Oiul News ,
Kumors of moro changes soon to bo made
ai-o flying around at a lively rate in Union
Paciliu circles. It is said that another batch
of heads has been marked for decapi
tation and they will conic off about August I.
All eyes seem to ba turned towa'rd the trallc
and operating departments , yicc-Prcsidcnt
Holcomb is not , according to general report ,
entirely satisfied us yet with the staff organi
zation nnd proposes to keep on making
changes until everything has been brought to
perfection nnd In tbo right kind of working
order. A vest-end conductor who Is in the
city suys that Dickinson's discharge had a
wonderful ett'ect on the trainmen. They
don't iiko U and have no hesitation about
openly aswell ns forcibly expressing their
sentiments on nny und all Decisions. This
condition of affairs , ho claims , Is very detri
mental nnd may result in serious trouble.
' The very first opportunity , " ho continued ,
"that Is offered /or an outbreak , It's bound to
come. "
A iMnchl.y Agitated
Marcus IMnycrnnd the .London Gaiety com
pany passed through OniahaThursdayeveuing
en route , from San Francisco to New York. A
madder man could not have been found In
seven statcu than Marcus Muyec was. The
company , composed of sixty psoplo nnd nn
immense let of luggage , occupied four cars ,
enough forabpcclal train , nwr ho wanted the
llurliiigtonto run them special from hero to
Chicago , but It refusal. . They cnmo in over
the Union Pacific attached to the fast mail ,
nnd nude good tlmo. Being under contract
on bets inndo hy some of his friends of a
champagne supper to bo In London July 3 1 ,
the loss of a few hours time in this vicinity ,
naturally throw the oveiUblo Mnicub Into
a high state of fren/y.
What the Shipper * Want.
The tlub of Omaha Is already
entering complaints agnlmt an advance in
freight rsites between Chicago and ; Missouri
river points unless Nebraska ro.vls raise
their loeal tariffs proportionately. President
Wellcr says : "So long as wo can get a rate
equal to thosiiraof the two locils It makes
no difference to us what the tirift is. But
wo do pictest against being forced to com
pete with Interior points that have the nd-
Viintago of n through rate lower than the sum
of the two locals. This matter ! ; > now under
consideration among the Union Padtlc , Bur
lington and Hllthorn Valley freight men ,
Tlio Wcnk ofTai-KCt Slinof rs.
The broken telegraph wires near Sidney ,
repotted to have been shot in two by a hand
of sporty cowboys , tvere quickly repaired nnt
nro sigalii In successful oixn-.ttton. Tlio depre
dation was not committed by cowboys , but
by acompiny of United States soldiers whc
nro practicing at target shooting nnd line"
thelvrango located on a line -with the vires
Tcoci\lit ! I'.his.
Bids for excavating and putting in the
foundation of the new union depot nro leltif ,
received and contracts vlll bo let within let
days. President Klmball of the depot com
pany said this morning thataforcoof work
men would maUo im attack upon the old St
James hotel , tear it away and bring all tbo
ground in that vicinity down to grade.Vorl
was begun this morning on the Tenth strcc
Notes and I'erionals.
Pnt Humphrey , operating genius of th
West Shore nt Kansas City , is in town , Jolly
ing up the street ticket agents ,
The Chicago , St. I'aul , Minneapolis A ,
Omaha's Splut Lake sleeper Is doing an im
mouse bushier.
The Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Vnllcj
people report a great influx of bummer toui
ists to Hot Springs , D.u ,
Ill nirtrlor cicollcnco prarcn In inllllotifi ot home
fnrmiTiitli'iM mii irlt'r ot u contucy Ittiunodhr
tlio I'nltoil hint > a ( lovornmont KnilorsBd by 111
lu'nd' o ( tlio cront iinlvcmiiU'i an Ihu hlroniruit
I'utrni nml Moit Ilotltliful. Ur I'ricoi C'rcim Jlik
Inn I'orvili'r ( | OM notconUtn nvuraonln.lliiio or aluui ,
b < . < l4onlr In c-nui ,
Ctilcnfn , bJU iaacUCD. t. Loull.
Both the method and results -when
Syrup of Pigs is taken ; it ia pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and nets
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver nnd Hovels , cleanses the sys
tem cflbctually , di'pcla colds , headaches -
' aches und fevers and cnrea hulitunl
constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the
only remedy ot its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the tnsto nud ac
ceptable to tlio stomach , yronijit in
its action and truly beneficial m its
ellccts , prepared only from the most
hcaltLy nnd agreeable substances , its
ninny excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the tuoct
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figa is for sale in 50o
and 31 bottles by nil leading drug
gists. .Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on Land will pro
cure it promptly for aiiy one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
lOUISUIllt , Kt. HEW YORK , N.Y.
rRAOC MARK Til K < Jni\T ; TRADE Wl/HK ,
luv An inilnll-
lag ctl ro for Sein-
InalVcnknc99 \ ,
Inpotracy. nml
nil < ll ciius tlia'
( ullow as ii -
( Hienco of Sclf-
nttimoi ns 1,033
" "
I'll In In the Hick. Dlmiicisur Union , rroinaturoOUl
/no , nml nnmy oilier < il < ensc9 that lend to Insanity
crcunMimptlon nut a prematuroKriiTu ,
577 Hill iwrtloulari In our lumphlet , wHchwc ilo-
( Ire toicnil ( roe bmiilllo ovcry one. C-iT'lhoSpo-
illlc ineillclne Is HuMat It per pnckmso , ornK II CK-
HKOS forf.-i , or llllio sunt frooby mall oil tlia ruielpt
ol thQnioncjr. Ijy mldrcsjlnff
On accutint of coiintcrfoltH no IUTO adopted tlio
rclluwwrni < | icr ,
G OlCi\RPENTEira \
lay SjircliU Attention to tbo
Minuracluro ot * -
1'or Itotite or Store. Wcliiivelho
In U.I * city.
202 to 203 ScuthYaier Street ,
'Torypaml l n\o l > ccn nilllctuilullli ImO
Digestion. CanHth-atiun aixl 1'lli'S. JL have
trivil nil tltciucdlcliicgl could ijotliold < > r ,
Jjut iillln vuln. Xti-u my pliyttScliim rattle ]
not rcllcvo my c < ntl vonrns. In the menu.
tliiioi-itrupriilcd MicU-rgioatpaln ,
nlinixltn. 1ni > XMoksi o Itiuv tlip
4'lliiic , " i > 'lii ' > .Vf > o fill on u rtcl
iiiPiitoCTiitt'al'llU. Idcnlilpcl to try them.
'Jlicy ImvoMOIHCM ! wondorfiilly. Ilipylu-cii
i nc rcaiilur , ilon' t um l < u niu Klclc , clvc mo un
ttppctilo nml fire vuiiiip : my i > ! lcs. I inn
HtrniiKnnd can \vnlk liny distance , ifl Iinil
Iiail these pill * Iho yrars ago they ironlcl
luiva nmcd nio S10.0IOlmttli | < > y luivo lVf < l
inylirc , Lottlionllllctoil oicry\-.ln'r lno
tliuiraliiu , hich id licjoiid expression. "
TIIKUALU JLVNJi.SprliiBlieli ! , O.
Twit's Liver Pills
"Hy n tlioroiifh hnonlcileo of the Inwi
whkn eoTcrn tlmopcratlcinsof illjestlon and nutri
tion , nnd bf n cirerul i > | illcatlnn of tliuono iiropor-
tics of well eclcck'il Cvcuii. Mr. Kpin Imspruvlilcd out
breakfast lublcjwltlmlollcatfly ( liivnreil IICVCTHKO
wlikhiuar BUTOU9 IUIQ7 heavy tloctord' bills It li
by Uio Juiilcloiii usu ( f nucli nrtlclcs of diet tlmt
comtltutlon mt\j bo craduallf built up until strong
eiiouxli toronlst ovarr tunilcncv to dlicniu. llun-
rtrcilsof ( ubtlomnlndliisarotluntlnEuroimdiiiruiiIr
to iittackuhercrer tliero H wcnlc point. Wo may
eiicnpo innny a litnl chnft bf kcepInK ourselves well
lortllleu ! th pure bloixl anil n. pruuorly nourlslicJ
trnnio. " Civil bDrrlteinzetta. (
Miulo simply with bollliiRirutorormllk. Sold enl ;
In hilf potmrl tins , byirorfr9 , lutelcd thus :
1 AMI'S KIM'S ' it ( I ) lli n < JOpitlilqOhwnl : t8 ,
JflJILO tl 1 Oa tU. , LonUotj. EtigUna.
For improved and economic
coolccry. use it for Soup ? , Saucfj
nuil .Mndo DNics. In ilnvor in-
rompmiblt , and tliasolvcs perfectly
clonr in water. Makes delicious
llcofToaand Keeps in all tUmules
for any lenjtliof { time. 1
to 401bsof iciiit teof. Only sort
{ juarnnteodgetuiino
b Justus von Lie-
thus :
Perkins , Catch
LaUman ,
\Vc have the finest as O
sortmcnt \Yarcs in
lhcrwcst , and
See Us Before You Buy.
Crockery and Glassware.
Farnam Street.
' MI ITori n ; from otToot
( if iJst M mi liuod
anil Di-c.isi-sof Mm onii bu
cured iicnnnnontlrnna | iruntflr byoiir > c uuli ! | > o-
llltc bflil liy mill r rll I' " " * > ont ( iraluill fur
Itnuip. lluaton .Veillcitl Uoiupjuy , 157
lUccI , Uomgn , Mm.
Is interested in our cfcaringsalc of Boys' Clothing , which we commenced last week. We have
done a very large business this season in our Boys' Department , curried an immense stock' , and
n consequence have more odcls and ends left than usual. We propose to wind up this most
successful * spring season with a grand sweeping sale , and no matter how lo\v the prices wcro
before , they \vill be cut still more in order to accomplish our object. What \YC offer this week
ire the remnants of our best grades. Suits made from the finest qualities of cloths and finished
is careful as the most expensive garments in the market. In the early part of the season only
he rich can afford to buy such suits , but no\v the prices arc cut so that they are within the reach
of everybody. You can have now the finest suit for your boy , providing you can find a fit , for
is little money as you paid early in the season for a medium grade suit.
In our Shoe Department have opened to-day anotlicr invoice of 25 dozen fine Patent
Leather Shocs. of same quality as we advertised a few weeks ago at $2.50. $ The first lot of these
hoes -went off like hot cakes , and was sold out in a fe\v clays. Y/c wcie at first reluctant to
landle them , as the manufacturer does not guarantee patent leather , consequently could
lot guarantee them to our customers. But \ve have not heard of a single complaint about them ,
hough we have made it our business to find out how they wear. They seem to give good satis-
action in fact , some customers told us they arc as good shoes as those for which they formerly
xiid $6. oo and $7.00. Try a pair,1 and indulge for $2.50 $ in the luxury of a patent leather shoe.
Hicy are a nice thing for the summer , do not need blacking , and always look dressy and neat.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets ,
Our store closes at 6 :3O : P. M. : : : Saturday at 10 P. M.
Ll I1
The. Omaha Daily
THE OMA.HA BEE offers a year's sub
scription of the dull y pa per1 including tli o Sun
day issues delivered at your address nnd a
complete set of THE AMERICANIZED EN-
month. Tlie fifst five volumes delivered on
payment of $2.PO and. the balance payalole
$2.BO per month. The other five volumes to
be delivered , within four months.
are entitled to all the advantages of tills
great offer.
People living outside of Omaha can avail
tlien-S2lves of above liberal offer by having
the monthly payments guaranteed by some
responsible banker or merchant in their
town.Send for descri pti ve circulnr.
If you haven't tlmo to call and examine
the books telephone number 208 or send a
postal card to TH EDEE and our icpresent-
ntivo will call on you.
TO , L E. McfiREW ,
Tlio Doctor Is ntisurpnisNl
In the trraliuiut of nil
fonmof I'tlvnlcDlscii'rg. '
No Ircatnitiil liwcvor ken
i more eucfifof ill anil none
luiahad HtrotiKcr endorse
ment , A cnrelspimrnntcc-d In ilio\cry \ Morst caeca
In frnmS toSdiiMwlthonttliflloaacf nn Iionr'otlinc.
Thofo wlio | ia\o W'cn
under Inn trtatmunt for
Slrlcti.rcor dllUcnliy In
relieving tlio bln'liler. fronounco Itn nio t wonder
ful Eaccusn. A compute cure In acw cloys wlihout
pnln Inatmnipuljor lo 8of _ time.
tlmiitltr orncrvourncii , In their or t furmgaud
mn t arvmlf it result * nro ilmolntdy cured.
" 1' ' nl ) KKMAI/R
n , honn ul10t | | ,
A wonderful rtnudy. 110UJIS for
Iniliwi from 2 to 4 ONJ.Y.
I nml ll Dlfwipcetf the Skin ,
Illood , llnrt. lUor. Kid-
'neysnnd Illnildtr cured
Curul In SJIo to tin\B The
muktrnpld , cafa mm ( ffi-rt-
l\o Ircntnunt Ucim n t < > tlio
nieulral rirnfceMnn. EM-rylrncocf lliodlscnio re-
ino\M \ frrai tlio bloods ncomplrtocuro guaranteed.
" - l I or "jnnn" or Mnmnn" , fuch lOo
i ( tninn ) . Trcirtrnvnt tiy torro-
H | > nileiico Stmni for reply
" N K fon.HTiunn KUJ JHIST.
Open from B A M to i ) 1' M.
1 Coiranrn on Ftnminnr UtliSt. ,
, . - *
Grand Lottery of Ju irez.
Under thoManageraent of the Mexican Intonutloml Bjnltlng Co. , ConcosstonarlM.
Will tal < " iilneo Li nni.lln nt the PITY O" TTTAKPJV ( rormnrlv IVisrt lnl Nnrto ) . MoxlOO
WEDiSTESDAY , JULY 23d , 189O.
Dnilor tlio porsoimlsiipcrvisfnn ol GEN , JOil.1 S , MOS11Y , and Mil. O.VMILO AKOUr EJ ,
thoforrncr a coiitlcinEiii of such prominence ) In tlio United Slatm UlH nrosonoo alonoti
BU/flcliMitt'iuimntceto / tlio public tlmt tlio clnwlno will bo liold with slrlut noiiesty and 'ulr- _
ncMtu till , u nil the latter ( the Supervisor of Um Aloxlcju GovoruiuouVi U ul equal 8luiuHne
andlutcurlty ,
Only 60OOO TiclietsI Only 60OOO , TiclcetsI
1 Prize of Approximation Prlzei.
$60,000 $ $60,008
, , 100 Prim of l&Qencli 8 5,009 ,
j jjriioof loooo , 10an 100 I'rlni of iKJoach aiXK )
ll'rliocf 1IU I'rtin of . . 9,500
ai'ilru.of iliu cicii. . . , . . . . , . . . . . . „ . , . . . ulwH Terminal Prlzoi. , . *
lUl'rlrciof ZOO ouch. . . , j , ttl ) & Terraln liter fli W 1'rlio of W erh STptT
Ml'rlzoiof 100 each fc.un tWTarulualitoriO.WJ I'rlmudlU meli. . . , . tVO >
1001-rlzciof K each 6JUO *
Ul cacb 7 , & 1UM , Prizojamounting to . $125,070
Wo thannflerilenci ! hcrehr certify that thjllnnco If nn/ticket ilrnwlnz nprlio tinontto thounilor-
Nntlonnl of Mexico In Clilhimliua JIM on deposit Hliinnd , Its face vnliio will bo ralloctol unJ rorulimt
from tlio Mexlcnti Ir.lernalluiml Ilanklnt Comi > unr. tollio cituur llieroof fruoof rlnrua.
thenecciiarr funrtilo ttiinrtntcxithu inrinontof all KlKlAKll. IIUIISHClY ,
tlieprlzci drarIn thnCJimil I | tury of Junroi. President HI I "mo Nnttnnnl IHnk.Kl Pnio , Tot.
Mofurlher certify llmt < ( a wllliur-urilionlltlin nr. - . vr.iawra WAN'rwu.
rnnitenitnts , anil In porsjn mnntifn mil control nil Kor club rntoj , omny olhur ladtnuatlnn , wrlu to.
tlieilrHWliiKu o ( tliU lottery , mil tlmt tlio tiinia ma tlio niiili'rslwnoil. Htiilnz ynur oildroii flmrlr. vltri
uondiicttd with honoity , ( tlrntui and In jwi faltU lato. ( kiuntrHtrootnn.l N'umliitr. Muro riylil mall
rdmll p.vtlps. il"IUerf will boujiiirotl liy your uncl'jilnu nu unraU
JOLIH B. MOSnY , Coinmlsslonor. opo h nrln your full ml Iran. .
BtipcrvlKorfur the Uoturumunt. City ot Juarez , Muxluo.
1 Poml romlttnnoco foj tlcVet ? hjr ordlnnry letter , < -oiita1iilni : Money Ordor.
' ishiicd liynll KxprfMUouipuiild , New York Eichaiiu , llanU Urufturl'oitaJ
Note. Adcltesa alln-fjlsturod letters to
Oitu ofJuarez , Moxloo. via mi Paso. Tore.