Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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. _
A IVr.IlTI8i : > lKNTS forTbroTo column will
J\\n \ > tukcti until IS'.TO ji. in. , for tbtorcnlng
rdlllonnnil until 8 : 'M p. in. , ( or lue morning
rt.ltlon and Btr.iDAT HKK
In adrnnco
T7ATF.P AdYortlsprnontiion tliHpnice trill bo
iVchnrerrt for nl ( ho rut out l t rent per won !
for tbo first Irifoltlim iiml 1 cent per word for
eni'h unhscquonl Insertion , iitul tl < 0 pnr line
JKT month. No ndvcrtlMment taken for
Irvi than SI cent * for tin ! first Insertion.
TNITIAI.8 , figures , ( tymlxds , eta. , count each
J ns ono word.
rillll SK ndvortlgptnonln mint run conircu-
J lively nnil under no olreiinntnncos will
tlicy bo taken ordlscnntliiiiod by telephone.
In tlicsn column * and
PAUTIKHndvtrtUIng mldrcMpd to a " 1111111-
hcr-d liUtnr'Mnearu of Tun HUE will recelvo
u ntiiiiborrd chock tncnahlo thorn to Ret Jnolr
Ittti'M. Answers will l > a delivered only on
nri'Nnntntlon of thin chrelt. Kncloso answers
In envelopes property nddroised.
ndvr-rtUcinpnts tiuilcr thn lionrt of
Atjtj Notices ' 'rim published In both the
morning nnd nvcnlilgrdltlons of TlIK IlKK. the
rlri'iilntlon of willed nuitroxati'S inoro than
sn.noo p-ipem dally , nnil Rivet the advertiser
ilni bi'noAt not only of the largo circulation of
TUB IU.K In Omaha , but also In Council IlltiiTH ,
Lincoln nnd other cities uiid towns In the west
for Kltiiftttons or lor
main or fenialo help. not uxcccdlnc 21
worilmtru Inserted InTiintiiiNiur IIKK rit half
thins ( Inrliis th months of July nnd AuRiist.
The regular rates will lie charged for caoh
additional word above 31 words aa well as for
i Insertions.
Advertising for these colnmni will bo taken
en t ho nbo\o conditions , nl thn folIovririRliu si-
ness houses who are authorised to take special
tiotliMd. nt the name rates us can had ut tbo
naln olllc'i1.
O BtMIN Btroot , Lister Illook.
JOHN W.llGLL , l'liariiiaolstB2J South Tenth
IIA8K k niDY ) , Htatloners and Printers ,
11J Konth IGth Htrcet.
* II
II rAIINSWOKTU , I'harniaclst , 2113 Cum-
lug Btteot.
J. MUdlinS , Pharmacist , 624 North 10th
i Rtroct.
"mo. W. I'Aim , I'uarnmulet , 1713 Leaven-
J \\ortliBtrcct.
H U01IE3' I'HAUMACV.SItli and Karnatn.
J'i r i idea , etc. , ifc lop o/ flat ivilumu on 1/ifn ixifl .
/ / ! / rale * on
f "V\7"AIsTT.I > Hltuntton liy tun young men to
; r * . ' lent it titoain lit tlnu , ono yoar'Hoxporleneo ,
; vAddiest.HT Hoe olllco. ! NJ 111 *
" \\7ANTr.I ) 1'osltlon as .salosiniin orbook-
i i Keeper. Speak Merman. Ueforeiiecs
Rlvcji. .1 4JJleeoniei > . StS 11 *
\\rANTIil ) Position us janitor , wiituliniiin ;
' ' rcfeierice , Klvo Ixind if tcqulrcd. ( . ' . II.
ONiiiKjUU ) 1'nriiani Bl. _ - l < 5 _
\V AN I'IlD A position of trust hy a No. 1
liuslnuis tniiii In thohunl\rnrotrnlc. \ ( Hcst
of refcrcneo and boctirlly. Address , .1 4' ' ) . Heo.
\ \ ' ANTI'.I ) A situation us book-krepor In
MiiiioKoodhoiiMj. Can Klvo K < Kil lecom-
incndiitlon , Address , 1C. U. Springer , Auburn ,
Neb. | KM U-
_ _ _
WANTlll ) Kniplin'meiit as colleetor , city
nnd eoniilry. l-'urnlsli own conveyance.
Palnry f 1 a day and cxpense.s. Itt-foienves.
Addiess iM.uuru 1'riiiik Stllwull , South Umaha.
tt7I-ii :
\\fANTKD Position ( law ollloo prefeirod )
' liyaynuiie man. n thoiouKhly experi
enced Ntenoiraplivrwlnlias been admitted to
the bir. _ Address. J l _ . llee. 213 11' _
NOTII'I. to merchnlit tailors I'oiltton
.intedby tlrst-elnss rnltbr ; rcfeienecs
plvon. Address 11. ( A ) , Heo olllco. iaiyi.V | !
\v ANT- : oiTv GIJiiTi ; TIN
I'ur into , ( fc. , fee tup nf J\\sl \ \ rnliimu on f/ite / page.
llalf latM on iiiiitt/ ( | .
) Two net lo l)03s'fonM'ich : tiuii-
' day school In the city to cull at room 100.1
N. YMZ. blflK.jitl o'clock Satiuday. l.r'-l' > . . ,
\\/"AN'l , / ii--ltToUllnder : ) , a No. 1 man us pcn-
T > i > nd foiHinderon ningiizliionnd hlnnk
book work. Address JCcmibllcnu PilntliiK Cn. ,
t'ednrltniilds , Iowa. IIIO 11
$7. > .00 to $ J.U.UO a month unii ho iniido work
lull for us. I'OI-HOIIS preferred who ean fur-
liotso and Ktvo Iholrholo tlino to the
iisnehs. Hpnto mnmonts may bo piofltnhly
employed also. A few vacnnolos In touns and
cities II. 1' . .lobnson & Co. , 1001) ) Alain bt. , Ulcli-
inonil Va. _
XXMN'I 111) Mnn as nuont of our patent
> * naff. ; sl7ntH.xl8xl8Ini.lioViiotall. ; . All
BUes as low. Newstylofl ; now iiattorns ; now
look ; now fnctoiy. Not Roveinod hv safe
pool , Voiy ; Bafu wniianted. Hiiro chance ,
I'eimiinont business. Our terms and enta-
IORIW will ronvlneo you Agents clear JIJOO to
f.ViOutr month. Write foroxeluslvo territory.
AJpmo Hi fo Co. . Oliio nnntl.O. _
"VA/'ANTIlD / iTxTTe ill- need . In each
> ' county as poimnnunt lepresentnllvo of
ourlntesl popularand stnndaid publications.
Hold J ililJbliliiKjiO.Oeiitilui , Nek _ ! : - :
M/ANTHD-AKcnts / Tinil dealers. KvrTy
Cnthollo lioti'ehoUl wnnt.s nn nltnr. Our
homo nnd family altar bells at filKht. Sonio-
thlnitiiinv. Sample altar free. Address imin-
nfaetnicis fur Illustrated description. Huston
M f K.0 _ , ) . , Wli Wash St. . lloston. ilins. ! H2-ir )
. .l-toinpetent ! salesmen tnsoli im
ported einimoled vato , superior to agate
Only these aciiualntedlth the
t'ailo and line nceil apply. Herman Aledi , 4't
J'ii'iL1 ' ' bt. . Now York. _ ; ill-l'J'
\\rANTii : ) t'nsh boy not hsstliantt yours
r x J > oldjit Iis , lleison's. ant 11
> 3 \ rANTKD Hnlesiii
> and Iowa to carry side Hue to drns trade ,
fctnplo aitlclu , no samples , . Address .1 4ti. Hue.
| ail ia
_ _ _ _ _
\\fANTKD VOIIIIK man with ponio knowl-
' wlKfi of book-kiiiiplm ; to nssNt In otlleo.
ages , $ js per month. Addiess , J DO.lluu otlleo.
_ _ IliU ii ; * _
\\rAN I'llD-i-oiiu ) ono to build two coftiues
t and take Rood lots In part pay. Colsotli ,
Johnson Lovgreu , rtMim U , Uhumuor of Com-
morco. -
/ANTIlD-Koveral ftawl city unnvnsscrs.
I'or paitloulais a 'M > Omaha ,
\\MN , I'KD Mairlod man to noikln horne
Tl power elevator. To n good man wo can
plvo wink ilio year round. Must have e.\pur-
lenco l In lliork , noun other need apply. Ad
dress lock box 01. Jlliulon. Neb _ ail-11 *
\ \ / ANTlTD Two nutlrb yottiiK men to repro-
i T sent ua ; niuut bo able to furnish reference
niidkounrlty If required. Will pay small
nry to start. Address lock box iKl ! , Uolumbus.
Nob. SEMI *
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
. llist-clnsiTjaker
MrANTP.D-lminedlutely. -
iieiinanoiitsltuatlnn ill jierveok. . liii-
llck'ti bakery , Lincoln. Neb.
irAN TKll-A Kood talker to hell tinodlelno
1 on the utreot. Uall at Cl" S. 10th st
\VANTin-rorUoclc : Island vrork
i OmahnM inoii and SOO teams ! wni > os ,
teams W.aJV. JVUiiaifthuii. ! > sdjl'
\V , A - Apcrlencetl biend naKeix.stoady
it . 'orlc and good wnues , Aluily atthoJoM.
Oarneau 'i aolcer Co _ , Mlh and Jlusnn , 081 11
\ \VANTl'if- ( men for rallroa"Twork Jn
i I Wyoinlin. . Dukot.i , Utah nnd Nevada ;
IVJIROS * l,7. 11 ft..rx ) : steady work. Alln lulu's
Lubor Agciiey.llM ! l-'niiiiini M. S0la7 )
V roiul work ati'apllllon , Nob. MCornilck
2jf ) > . .NlLAIistutii : iiKunt wonted to opoiTolllue
exclusive control of our litislnes and appoint
local iindKub-aRents Ineveryelty lu thlsstnto :
poods well known , stnplo as Hour , In universal
demand , nnd pay a not profit of 100 nor cent.
Address The IHiloa Compiiuy. No. 7J1 Hroad-
vrny. Now York. 10J 11 *
" \\7 < VN'rKl ) Three tlrst class men to repro-
I 1 bent llyiOinuliu Itcoln and out of thoelty.
Cull nttlin hpeclnlollleuof Dmalia Heo. eornor
17th and I'uiiiani , uioiind Iliuir. H77
"V\rAM'lIl-.Meii"liiTrnvol : for our Oiitt adlan
T I nuf > erIes.SlonuJtWllliigtoiiMudl-
tlino. * f\,00 )
- V jnollt In wookH or no tiuy. Add. with
Btninp : JnivU Uuinimiiy , lluclnoVK. .
_ 7J1
\\TANTI. U-SHlMmrn iitt7. > ] wrinuitth s.vT
tiry uiilo\M | > ii ostn soil u linn of bllvur-
plated ttnio , Wttti'lius. etc. . uy taiuplo only ;
IIOIYO mid team turnUhod frou ; writuut oncu
for full | iiftluuhiM : and tmmplo ease of iiood.-
fixo. Muuilurd MlvurwuroCu. , llostun , Muss ,
' tlKNTS wanted , 10 now bpoolnlllcH , ullfrisl
solloi-s ; no oxpcrlnnco nccostnryi blu
y nuiniilo frt-o. A U dross K. U. llrnwstor
. MU'li.
: toHoll specliilttcs tn riicrolmnti
by hnniiilo ! Mtliiry pntd toccod mcii ; sani'
tiles fiirnlslit'd ; stonily Hit uatloni Modul Man-
ufacturhi a Co. . South I lend. Ind. 4V1J ) go *
\T7 AM'1.D ! XM laborers for oitrtv IWK
. gniiKt. Apply to 1 * . II , Johnson , 11. f M
V ' ftisengcr ( If pot. Cliniilin. 4S.S
Q wiuited at Norfolk nut
KJll catrluo. Good wngua paid. M , T , Murphy
_ _ IIP
"l\7 A NTII > KnorKOtlo men nnd wonioii for t
Tl iiaylnntOI wc-olcly proll
cutler Hum lt nmntlily othorwli- ! cxiiorloiioi
u\ii ( > co ryi porniHiicnt ponltlnn nnil oxolu
Blvo territory unsurodi fJiatniilfi fiec : Inves
tlcntoour iiinnoy-iiiaKluK , A ( It ! res
vltti stamp. Merrill Muuufucturhiit Co. . ll < W
u , ill , '
t'vfratff. ct.cnKf f j ) nffr t column on Uit
Half rates on
TTlMNT'KlT. 'rtiii to Vuic on Indes' Yhoo
Tl UHTH. ) | These Imrlni ? oxpcrl nco on sew
ing iiiiu-liliiret preferred. W. V , Mow ft t'o. ,
lltliand lloilitliirt. _ 807 13
\ \TANTKI \ ) A girl for Bcncrnlliotifowork In
family at tMUt roforuncu ic iulrcd , Apply
S.-.IOC'lildiK.Mt. _ _ g > l J3
" \\7ANTKD-K.xpcrlonccd Rlrl tor
> * housework. Mw. Jos. Novllln. IWJ
DodKOKt. U01 1U *
\\TA'STpTi-i'iir ) Indies , not untfor so , for
T pnsllloiiHroiulrlii8 | Intelligence , Industry
nnd ixniianoiicyvlth Increased salary U
milUtaclory. J 31 , Hoc. _ 3U-M *
\\7"AN'fnn-A few experienced Milloltor- ) ,
TI ladyoreontlotiinn. for something new. no
books. Apply at room C01 N. Y , I.lfc. ! i"Xi 12 *
\ \ T A N'T H I \ itood'ef rrtnr sceoTid'worFaiiit
IT plain sewing. _ la ! a 17th st Sit _
LA IilI'S vrnntcdlfor profltnblo omplovmcnt.
A rare opportunity , Knr furthdr Informa
tion enll or iuldn < a 0 , tl.T3. \ . ' > y , lutli t. JW-W
\yAXTii > .Unod clrl for ( romTial honsu
Tl work ; must furnish rofeicncen C'.ill nt
fid Bo.liiltli st ST4 12
\\T ANT KD ( Ur I or woman for Kcnoral
IT housework. nOTtioutliSUtliHt. VW'J ' li. *
J\VII < T/ pay ImllenrsnT.iry orsiTTter week
to work fur inn In tlictrlocallt ) ' ut lniiiio.lliilit
work , ( tiiod pav for tin it tlino. Wrlto with
fitaiiip , Mrs. II. r , l'arrlmtiii , 1)0 ) x 70J Chicago
" \\7"ANTRI > An Inti'lllRpnt yo uu vromnn
I ' ciiiiipi'tviit to tuku cmn of a buliy nnil us-
tNt with second work. Mrs. Kulpli K. Gny-
Inrd.JOIQ i-outliJDtli ! st. _ _ _ _ - L _ _ _
\\rANThi ) HtpuilenrpJ lrl for Kencnil
l > houhoworlc. t o In funilly.U12 Sontli lUlli ,
_ Itt !
_ _
WAN . ) IJInlng-riMim girls nt Windsor
Hiit _ _ _
\\f ANTI-.D An uxpt'it pill In sew on awn-
i IIIKS ; Kixxl wiiKoitmlil. Apply by mull to
J , M. Luiiicku , 1111 1'cail Hticut , Council Illntl'd.
VANTKD A Rlrl lor seneral housowmk at
1711 1 toil go St. ( W 18 *
J ) Girlfor hoiismuirkj must Fie
cook , washer and Ironcr ; best of
27CalifntnU Ht. ' . ' 51 n *
" \\7 ASTKD A nurse girl. Oood wn cs. 408
VV N. Eld nt. UVS
\ \ ANTI ) -'Jlireooxpcrloned dining room
_ L'plt.l nt the llnrker hotiil. _ 7T4
I'nr itilf _ < ' , _ r ff. , ' ytt tnj > < if Jtnl i ofiimit on t/ih / page
lies bollcltod. JlKn Still dy , 5'r S. 'i-.tli uvo
. Han ome , ( ill S. ICth , fashlonablu
llulloysyHtem taiiclit.
rou Kic.vr IIOUSKS.
I'or ( dim , elf. , ktc to ) > of Jtiit rTiIumn on tlid
1 I-UOOM liotisolnKOtMl location , furnished
Leomplotp , renlt.V ) per month. ] irlco of fnrnl-
tnro J. 0 , $100 cash , balance toHiill. AUoaJ I 2
loom hotel , line location for boarders , newly
pnpered tliniiiKliont. tout J7. > per month , iirlco
of furnlttiio $ I.IH > 0 , $ M ) cash , balance on month
ly puuncnls. Oo-Operatlvo Lind and Lot Co.
lU'iN. ICtlist. JS 1J
r MSVO flats of1 rooms ouch , together or separ-
J ate , very i-ontral. rent tStt each. Co-opura-
IIvo Land and Lot Co. , 'JU'i N. loth at. SI7 11
UENT Dcslrablt ) 0-i-oom imuso , with
barn , 1910Vlrt H ( . , KounUo placoi south
front , lur oviinl. Inqiilio of owner. 01 1'ax-
lon block. Telephone 7lU iiOS 11
FOU KKNT-3 cottagea cheap. % : ! 7 Capitol
a\o. 100 11
I71OU KENT Thosooloenntatono lesldonces
L1 on Georgia live. , S. OJth St. , bet. Mason
and I'aolllcHts. 8ce owner for longtime lease.
H. II. HenilerMin , loom 400. I'axton blk. 77D
FOU HUNT A double bulldlnsr.firooinsi'acli ,
Hllh nnd Mason. IIP per month. "J
171OH RUNT .Viooin house , city water nnd
Jhcieens , at a hnrjialn to responsible part les ,
Sun I'nrkor st. Apply fill ) , I'axton block. IL'il
ITlOll KENT 3 room house , fflrd and Cuinlni ;
J2 sts. , $ Jj per month. ( J. F. Harrison , 911 N.V.
Life. Pir.
.L1 floor , A rooms , 1317 Chicago M. , city
water and clstoin. 10111 *
T7UJ11 KENT 2 line pressed lirlelt houses , oust.
-L ! fronts on Ccoi la avo. , Just noith of I.iinv-
cnworth St. . 0 rooms , bath , furnace , sewer con
nections all conveniences ; will renttoicspon-
Hlbloilarllcs forjjfl. il. A. Upton Op. , 10th and
rariiiiin. ' 777
TTIOIt UTINT Houro. 10 looms , all modern 1m-
JL1 provemcnts , larso ynrcl , $ tt nor month.
Commission to agents. Dexter L.Thomas.
IK YOU wish to rent a house or stoco see II.
1C. Coin. Continental block. 77'J '
FOU KKNTr-Outsldo Hat In I.lnton block ,
No. : > iiS. ; jith : st. corner Mason st. , < \ looms ,
newly papered and In Kood repair. liont S27
per month. ItKiulio nt No. U17 in the block ,
John Iliunlln , " 41) )
J-ltOOM flat with steam heat. ICth st. near
3Jones. Thomas P. Hull , illl PaMon block.
THOU Hl'.NT-lO-room house,2107Douslua. tn-
il n Ire 2111 Doillitas. 'ifl.l '
'T711NK leshknce , modern lnipro\ciniiits 'JIO-5
J H. Mniy'dnvo , . CCSpor mnntli. Inqulto at
priMiilsesorjit A. Heller'a , lilt I'liniain. 781
POK HliNT5rooin house , need repair , nice
yard , clHtern water , rent2. Apply to 1100
south 7th avo.ur to Jno. W. Hell , duiK lit , 10th
"inolt KP.NT 7-iMia lioiiho nlth burn ; noin-
V bial rent to good paity. 0. K. HnrrUon.UU
N. Y. .
FIIHNISHKI ) house on 1'iiriiani st , for rent.
liMlutro Oermun-Aiiietlean tiivln ; j bank.
I710K ItKNT Good II ) loom house , sower.
JJ vatcr , Kits , bath , barn , furnace. In ule ant
shape , choap. 1) . V. Slioles Co. , 'JU Klist Nat'l
haiiK. US1
171INR 7-room dwellln wlth vanl , * ' .
-L ? Also , B-iixini dnolllriR \ > lth j-ard , J.IO.
0 and 10-rann dnolllinis , $ i" > to JOI.
Snicaton t Allen , ItCWi-J rnrnnni st ,
IV ! .1 v 12
roil 3iiNTiiooMS
t' rntattf , , ice fojioJinl column on tht $
ALAHUn front iwiin for u'ut. S01S Ilnrnoyst
ass 17 *
_ trg.
LA . pleasant front room for two senile-
men , nil couvonlenuis. 1'JJl '
TJ OOM for slnglo gentleman , SISi
. ( UjAlH nuroiioanhotol.wUlidlnlnRiooni . ,
ST. ! ! th-Dodge , fapcelul rates by week or mo.
3NIPK furnished rooms , all conveniences ,
Oil N.lSth at. 2aO-ia *
171UKNISKKD rooms. housoKeopInz. OJO
JJ St. Maiy'a avo. an 17 *
LAKGi ; float and rcnr room , half block from
motor , t3 lotl. % . 717 ailUlmt. ! il'lJ '
ri"\\VO nicely furnished rooms , inodern con-
\L'iiltnooswllhor without bouid , 1 ? 1 D.iv-
omiort. 173 lit *
room's ' , all coincidences , ITJ'J ' Di\'n- : (
jiortjU i UT-ia *
'I JOOMS to lout , fnrnbhed nndnnfiirnlslird.
JLVAppIy at the Mcrrlam for particulars , aiili
nmlJlodKe. 101 lig
"ITlUHNISllliri rooms , with board ; newly fur-
X1 nlshed tbnniKhout , with hot nnd cold water
bath. 1C17 lol e. i < i7-17'
Dis : I-E rooms with board. liAChicago !
TAKOK front room , Jlu. EoOS.Knd _ .
TTIOU linNT-Kurniaiiwl rooms , at 1TSS Caiil-
JL' tel avo. , 15i-U
rooms. IW ) Douslaa
10H IlKNT FurnUliod rooinsi insbathaiid
TT10K liKNT-NIcely furnished rooni.ull nmd-
JJ 01 a conveniences. Cisai'thst. 7UO _ _
TVjr.WlTy furnished rooms and board forsov-
JL > er : l partle at ! M13 Hniney St. ; two mln-
tues' walk from center of business , and tool
place for buimuor. Miss CuvInU & Walbrldgu.
T50OMS , with board If doilrcd , 1K ! Oh } ) , avo.
Xtt jyll *
For nilt , tic. , ue top of firtit coin/ml on this jwjt.
I' nlCQ large rooms , with all modern
A conveniences for light housekeeping. JOO
1 urnnni Bt. 'l 11'
Kor rat't , etc. , tee fop nf flist rvliimn on tfttiaae. \ .
T71OK UiNT llrlck ktoro room , 83x50. nnd
J- ' Hat of U rooms upstairs , Ibo7 St. Mary's
u\u. very cheap , linjulro Bum'l Hums , itllS
Karnaiii. LMJ u
VJTOHES at 700 B 16th. 0\KO ach. largoihow
tonlndowu , steam heat furnUued. Tbos. V.
Hall , ail I'axton Mock. 7U1
TOU KKM'-rho 4-story brick bulldlnjc.wlth
Ju' or without po ur , formerly occupied lj ) the
lire I'uhllshliiK Co. , Did fitriminit. The bulld-
liiKhaHii (1 ( icproof coiucnt basement.eompleto
Hteum lieutlnK 11 it n ic . wutor on all thu lluora ,
K.I , etc , Apply at the olllcu of Ilio lloo U13
"TTIOU HKNT rino corner store , Idtti ntul
JJ Jonrn , Wfl ! low rent , Kooil locution ana uot-
tlng bettor orory dayUeorsoC'louscT.7
HOTEIr-M rooms , nil conrrnlenccJ , hrlcif , 2
blM from r. U. II. II. Irey , V. Y , i.lTo.
T71OU IIRNT Kmo stororootn in Norfolk. Neb.
JL' Shelved suitable for clothing uuslno 'is
olrctrlo lights , stcatu licat , etc. . AddrosH U. A.
Must. 57(1 (
"TJMNKofllconi smalinsurc1 * on nrounil floor ,
JIn lloyrt's OJHTA houso. Inquire of Aiacrl-
cnn Kiiel Co. gtr.g. ifilli su _ 1'H
TJUJItTtlTN 1' HncK wnrchonsi' , two MOCIPS
JU and bnscm 'nt,27Xit | ( ) mimrc froN with 100
foot of donhlo track on u. P. rallwav. couth
! Wth nnd I'lcrcu streets. Address C , Oikamp ,
Omaha , Nob. 012
iJlOlfKRNT Small store room. IJ.
JL1 Tenth. Pour doors from dt pot. Sultiblo
for f rnlt orclgar store. Apply ticket olllco ,
KI7 Soiitli toth. K.V.
l-'ur rnttf , fte , , n elo | > < flralcotnmii on Hits | Ui/f.
GKO.J. PAUUinoo rarnnm. houses , stores
and Hats for rent , rciiH collected , reliable
tlio Insurance. Mom. ) ' to loan. " 17
TirOlTToK'S rental agency , 5171'tixton liloclc.
r. ! ! , COM , ifiitnl agvut , Oontlnentnl blk.
. TO
was ANS It M'Culloch , V. oud
EJ. 1HKV , rcntul agent , L'OO N
lr \ > rule * , dr. , fceloi > of flrtt column on//if / * \x\ae \ ,
ALTi pnrllcn knoMluc Ilicriiiclvi-flto 1m in-
( li > lilctl In M.ll. l'intlldrii itlst.wlll plcnso
call nnil Hctllo tlit ; siiiiio vlth tho.Mi'iid Invest-
im'iit CD . - ) ! ' . ' lloubulMliiK , ! J87 15 -i
rpIN wofkirHilln . ' , | ) iiiitliisvnlloy , L'tc.Kood
1 work mid lowurlcvs. K.tava u.l'JlSt'niiiln . '
7' r itilfc , clt. , xfClnp of flnl fnliimii nn Ultoiuc.
WANTED To buy a inaslu lantern. Ad-
chess 0. J. N. , Fort Uniaba. IIOO lit *
WANTEIOno ) two lioiso Rrooory delivery
wagon , second li'indlsut slimlo hniness ,
lopon Inmu'y for onler ivn ou. shelving aiid
conntoi-s Hiilliiblo for grocery storo. Address
11.Kill I'nikHt. . city , L'GH 11
\V7"ANTii ; > A house 4 to fi rooms to move.
IT Colscth , Johnson & Lovgren. 101)111 0
L'h.'unbur of Comnieiee. " 48 II *
\ TANTJM ) Oooil conimorL' jniior. No-
I > bii Ui Mortcuxo l.ojn Co.'illi 1'uxton bU ,
TTItitNlTl1Urhou 'liolilR < wid' . otc.
I1 cash price. : il7S.13th.
for Jiilcn , etc. , Kte t < > ] > < > J Jlnt ruftmm < in tHts } > < i < ic.
SnmELL M7ivl i " " \ r t locfctmlth
key titling at Uulllii'Hgim slop , I1U > . mtli.
TDAHASOI.H. tinibrollns atul wnfjon umbrol-
J Inscoverotl nrul lopnlii-d. WulUiiK cani'i
lopalrud. It. Dalor , 151.1 Doujlus ; basement
J'orrn/fx. / elf. , teetojinf finl column nn tilts ; > a f.
MASS All n troiittncnt , elect io.tlioimiLl.liith ) < < .
.NC.ilpA liulr t real mo nt , niaiilcino & chlioii-
odlst. Jhs. 1'oU , r 01-21 , Wltlinoll tile.WKaT
WK-aT *
fASSAOK and magnetic treatment , 1113 I'a.
L villc , halt block from motor line.
r.l-lP. ! *
f | " > llK Indian doetor giiuraiituosto CHIO all
J- kinds of piles in ten diy * ; lsoall tllse-iiMS
of the throat and lun H In tliosainotlme. Tape
norms taken out Inslv liourswithout leavliu
olllcc ; ami all diseases that are rur.ihlc. 01 ?
S. IQIIiH t .Call and sen lilin. li'i41)Sl *
KKMOVAI > > li3. Dr. Diylias fitted up elo-
Kiinthiith rooms , No. tlW Poilue st. , tlio
ground lloor , nnil Is now iiiepaiod to R\O ! lint
SprliiKS bnthswlth electricity. All sulVerln ?
fiom iheiimatlsin. la L'llppe. luralj-ils or
diopiy will do well lo call upon her. ! 4JJyH
J-'or idles , rip. , * ff tnjtiif Jlttl column nn this iiwit.
I > KNSIONS Now pension Ian ; o\er lOjeari'
oxperlcncolu the piosoenUonof pensions
and iover-iuni'iit claims ; hum Hceurcd over
. ' 1,030 pensions for siildhis In Nt Ira SUM anil
Iowa , their widows mid holr jlntestdoelslonsj
latest linis ; no advance fee ; nowlilnnks mil
eliciilars free ; consullntlon nhvays fiec ,
Hiram A. Stuwcs , ! > ' t'lolgbton block , nixt
south of P. O. Oinnlin. Sh'iixlO *
N law ; pensions for almostall soldiers ;
* fathers , mothers , widows and minor chil
dren of soldiers. ( Maims pushed by H. X.
Ullngman , ! ! ! and-I I'renrer blk. 1.1 years expe-
rlL'iico. Only i enslon ollk'o In Oinulia. rti"
JT. l'ATJHexdus-\c | pension and clulni
attorney ; overISye.nV cvporionee ; lui\o
all the Intost laws and decisions. Onleo ic-
moved from Kren/.er block to Cliainhor of foin-
ineieo. room r > l , Umaha. 700 3y'- " . ' *
IJENSTONS Now Is th tlino to appiy-unaer
J new l'iw. Circular tliowlns ; who mo en
titled Kent fiee. All soldlon , their wldottj
and dependent patents should address Tall-
mndgo& Tallmadce , attoriu-j-s. Chlcaso. 111.
and Washhmton , I ) . 0. 747-1'J *
For \i\tfa \ \ , etc. . uetiipnfitl \ rohminim till * 7 io\
STOHAdK I'or mcrehindlso and fuinlture.
col < l stont uuiid fri-ozlii ! ? ; traeka o , David
Cole , 815-817 1 Iowa id st. iiTti
rpllAOKAOIlstoraRO nt lowest , rates. \ \ * . M.
JHiishinan. . Ull Loavenwoith , 70S
311 llowaid.
For mtn < , etc. , tec topiif .flint column on t/il < _ payc.
LOST A bar docket of the dlsti let court ,
eotintv. for relirnary tuim ,
n tth thonnnioof Win. II. 1 lams appearing on
nieiiioranilumliisldoof book. The tinder II I
bo suitably icwanled liv leivlnxsamo with
1'rank E. Moores elerlc irMilct c iurt Ml l.'l
OST Ono nm n pony , black mane and tall
- four wliltuieet and sore on ono fiont
foot : toward. Lumber yinl,4 111 and Nluholnsst.
iUB U *
_ _ _
O.ST HiacK Kiitln fnuTuondiiy nluht. lliv
turn tu N.ll. 1'alconer'a and reucjvo reward.
17 11 *
J" OfeT ( iold pliln c'iso vlth diamond
-'star volt I nc attached lo foil. Kowaul If ro-
tuined to II. 1' . Dmol.jilh and Jones. inn _
. I'oeKctliook on Louo avc. let ween
and Hamilton. 1'lndcr ren.irdud
ut lUMC'ap. me. 4
1'orKUw , ttc. , fft topofrst c ! im oii lUi jwuf ,
AKKN Ul'-Ono hay horse aleut 10 years
old , weighs ahont i.UV ) Ins. , over on both
front knees , small wldte hunt on the back , a
llttloonrlsht hind futlouk. Military Hildco
Burn , Cumliuat. _ M It
TTUlUND-Hiir stud , llrandonlcft shoulder
J3 Call at Hueueyo stable , Ji ) So. lath st.
J4.J-11 *
For nitet ( if. , tee top nf Jlnt column nil f/it / ) ] IQC.
lUIIHSONAli 1'leaso wrltoor wlie , allolsois
L loit to me , X.X. lJs-134
Kurai ( , etc. , tee top of frst tolumn i i tli
" 171011 PAIjK-Horso , biiffcyanil luirnuss , hon (
JN Ulnil and Kontlu mid broken to city u > o
A. burguln , ownerluavlug city. 'J10 S. ftnhst
"TT10II SALI'-FIiiOHudillo liiy horso. 13hands
JL' high , clieap. Addruv , J U Itoo olllro.
OOliouil milk's , easy terms , I'ut lliditdrtv-
'JhiK unties biiltnlilo fur nil ilc'lluTy business
Itnluiioo work mules. W. L. b'olliy , r < U , hourc
trade. iXT
SAU ; Klr t P.IM | lU'ht rend wugou
imo k.gjo s. iTtliat. . llco liulldlng. um
TI10II SALE Uoixl span work tiorsos.
J nnil wiisou ; volihlloOC | cubbur time. CIS
I'axtoulilk. _ l > 7a
ri1K < VJI work horses , will tnl-o bnijsy us i
_ J-Day. It. U Ixinril ottrmlo. 710
T-OIISES lclit ( lrluTsiarKani. Ihohto
J Itlreluis Mudotliuiiulieii | ) . 11 , K. Cole , ton
tliiciitntj > Uu'k btti
FlnA3I-MedluiunloI ( hoH04 choun. Soimi
-I mid i ; < > od work teuni. iKa. W. L. Bolliy , r
it.bouid ; triuloj SSI
T71OK PAI T. Spnn younp inules , o\\l. nhout
JU 1'jOOeacli , peed wagon und liurnoM , caxlior
time. J.J. Wirklmoii , Us 1'antonblic. 071
rilWO SPAN heavy nnd two span light mules
JLfor Bale , on two yours'tlmo at7 percent lu-
torest with first or becond inortgtiKO Onmlni
real pstato security , or other approved eeiir-
Ity , Sclby , room 13. Hoard Trade. OU
"iiUK S A I < V , 1 pliitforin nirius le.ithor top
Jenrilago ulrno-st new , 1 liuckbourd new ,
1 ( louliln buiruy or enrrluso harnusj. Anuly
nt ! ! 15 WuUslur Btroot , Omaha. K > U.
riTEAM-Extru larso heavy liorscs. W. L.
Jtolly , r U board trado. 'M
S\IiK-A. a ? y.\ Walk horse , wolllirokca
tothooltr. 1238. mbslrf aoo
LI OUSfiS SxTonJ up. J ] _ IlCol
"or ratct , etc. , tee top effMbdumn on fM *
. or 8 roe i < upnclf
convoiilontly loontwl. with modern Im
provements. Apply at Uityliau and Kahti. W3
H. 13th st. IVt
"ar mttt , etc , , tee top of finf tilutnn un tMt
| 70rt"sAIJT-On ! necovnjj.of fixlflnB licalt
JJ thu now and rlcKnnc fiirnlturo of u 51-
room lionso , ocoiipnnl nllMt-cas ! , income
ic.irljll.OOO per nioti th , Illicit locution In tlio
Ity. AdUm-M J a ) . Iteaonicii. aj-aa
"vr tnta , tte , , tectapojfrvt _ _ fotiunii on ( Hi jia < jt.
iriOKUj ; or rxuliuho-Oiio No.
LA ton typowrltcrntulcu-x ? . peed ns new ;
inotwolior.-ocxtcii'tloii toiifiinucarrliiKo. 0.
. ' . Ilarilson.Dll > , V. Llfu building. J.IJQ U
UCTniTri OciuiliiftTari-onti : w-Ieot 69
E cents. A , O. Shaw , \aloiitlnc , Neb.
furniture1 of in room
- brick house. I'lirtilltiruHuUl ni 11 liol nr
n Iilocps. MX ( old I lilt bwls jllano , coiiL-hes.
umy eluilrs , vcl vet and liritshols cnrpoM.
ln-np torn fn > v days. KJ1 tuss ! > t. 'M 13 _
ilJ A Kooilyonii 'ow. rrmh. lialf
L' Jut-bi-y and Half lluUlolii.iaaill Clurlosst.
' ai-it ) : *
_ _
| jlUSAI. ( } < An antlquo oik rliainlior not ,
- ' kitchen ( urintuiu , Htuvcs iitc. , ' . ' ! IT I'a mam.
; : u 1 1
T o pool tiililo * * nnd liar flv-
1 tiuvt , Kli'd Thompson. 'Mh ht. South Oniii-
hu. anil
_ _
Ncw Stoliiwny .C ijiTtTiiino ; liost
inako ; pirt ylt-ailiiK city ; pirt cnsli. Inl-
mco lluie Ifdeslicd. Iiiquhunt M I'uxtoiiblk
SAM' Ono now Dlclxild fire nnil
-1 lidrslar-iiroof throe-ton mifo wltliSmwiiL
A.roi'nloni ( time look , brink conn tor inul flx-
. ( ' Irons' li.iiik. liolhy. la. ill 14 *
7Vr raltt , rtt. , crcloii o/ flint column on IhU
iii | lie 'JUHl St. Miiry'a uvo , _ 1UO U | _
" 1 > KI"IIK ( ) liiiytnit n lilann oxainliiiitlio now
JJscale Klmball pin no. A , IIosie,1513 ) 1)oir'lis ;
N- )
fiKQ r-anLLKNUKOIC , tiMchcrof tlio banjo.
\JwItli lliyipc , Tilll DrtUKlm. .M'J '
l'nr rain , etc , , PCS lop of flrxt column on tilt * iwe.
'i OANS City "ami fanu lo iVrsTmol tiiiijo pa-
Mt'Utiauq Iinestnient Cn. NOtf
. 'iDlMl loa'is iniiile at lowest rates.V. .
. Ilarils , roon CC , Frcn/ur blk. , opu. J1. O.
Loans-- Cash on hand. Olobo
Uo in ft Trust , Co : tJ7 ( S lGtbs.t .No delay.
Ko estia cluirjii'b. llousen foi real ; good list.
_ ltt ! _
" ] \fOM3Y-To loan oil Omalia uiid Sjuth
i'-tOinab a teal estate. No delays or oxion- |
ses. .Monoon hand at all time1 ! . lialos ,
je Co , Coiuniurelal National bunk bids.
| VIOXiV : loaned at lowest lates , loiiit tl me on
ill Improved Omalinreal estate. no"oxtia3 , "
nodolay. Ulobol.oan& Trust Co.oO"b. Kith.
< * "
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ M7
BUlLDIiNO loans , C to" "per lent ; no uddl-
tlniml clinrKi'sforconi mission or altormiy's
fees. W. 11. Mollilo. 1'lwt National tlUR.
i 808
_ _
I/U US I' and hivoiul moi'tx.iKi'Son vacant and
linpiovcd eity piopurty. County ttarriuta ,
bouulit. Hloney on lianU. 1' . 31. Klchiird-ion ,
mis' . Y ? Life. , 01 *
d10Wl spu'lat ( nnd to j ( oun Immediately on
Tviicnnt tltj' vrouurty. . . 1" . M. lilcliurdson.blS
N. Y.Ufe. \ B'VS 11
N prhntt ! nwjjioy to Umnrcusnnu-
Audrey J : 1,11/jo olllce. ! 1S
MONEY U.nOiirlVldiiyaon furnlture.pianos ,
boisesliouics , tic. J , J. Wilkinson , 013
Pax ton blk. i i 809
rill ATTIUi loans nt hjiu-st lates ; business
WcoiiUdontltiI,518 Vision blk. J. ILDnlnger.
n O JIM . KHC'I AL and tto' short time piper
bought ; also rosular ) loans iniido
on Improved iiroporty. Gcu. f. lllust.Sc . Co < , yaj
Kamyo hldv. _ * * ' ' fell
l'"CONUmortK.'iKe loans. Second mortgages
I , onus on vacint lota. Hoed &
_ _ HIJ
' _ _ _
K'ISYSTONTJ MortiaKfCii : Loans of * ll ) to
SI.OX ) ; Ret our rates before lorrovrliimiiid
sivo money ; loan on hoivos , fiirnltiuo 01 any
apprised security without iinbllolty ; notes
lioiiK'it ' , for now loan , KMiownl of old and low
est rates , c.iU UMi , bheoly blk.lJtli ti Howard.
_ _ pit _
inortuugo lo.ins at loir rates and no
dcluy. 1) ) . V. Sliolcs Co. . L'lOlst Nut.l bank.
_ _
OlM'.tt CKNT rcaldencoloinsCJOWtoID.Ol ) i ) .
Hnlldliip ; loans at sjieolul rates. The Mead
Iiivi'sliniMit ( . 'o ij > oo oldg. _ 8K _
M ONEY to loan on borios , wagons , mules ,
household Roods , pianos , orjans.illiunoiHls ,
nt lowest rates. The Ili-st oryinlzca loan of-
llco In thoelty. Mnko loans from M ) to BUS
dayswhlchcanlu p.ild Inpurtor whole nt any
lime , tliuslotrvrhiK tlio prlnclpd anil Interest.
Call and M > OIIH when you want money. Wcciin
assist you promptly and to jour advantage
without. renu .il of proinrty | or mibllolty ,
Money aUsa > s on hind. No delay In maklns
loans , t' . I' , lieeu & Co , ai'J S. lath st..ovor
Hlnnham k Pont. _ BI7
U Of Intcieston tlrstmortKagesof Improved
ronl estate for the next 11J days by the Kansas
Cltv hivuatinonlCo. , Itoom M Hoard of Trndo ,
J. II. 1'onso , inniniKcr , _ KS'I '
\rONCV to loan on any socinlty
llL for short tlmo at low
r.itos. Lowest r.itca
on personal | iropetty.
The Ilondorxin MorUnpe. Imestinent Com
pany , room 4.M. Pint on lillc. 818
7'ANTTiTlrirt 'lussliisIdo lonns. "Lowest
\\7'ANTTiTl > --rirt- <
IT rut us. Onll mid MJO us. Mtituul Invest
ment ( 'o. . l.VH rnriiinn. tl'.l '
' eastern inimoy
01IKAI' . Mint jingo and Trust Co. ,
always ready to loiin andpnv promptly ! first
mortuatrfs wanted. ( ieoro\V. I' . Co.itorep -
rcsontathc. rx > m 7 , lioanlot Trade , 9.1
loan city propcrtvi
money to on
" v- ' " -
uouglit. r
'I1DUT tlmoloaiison vacant lot * bclby &
J5 > : Itec'd , 111 , lloarilllf Trinlo. KM
MONKVlo loan in any amount fiom JIO to
$ n.K ( ) < ) foriiiytIiiiofixiiil : toainontlm. Loans
mndooii household Roods pi a nos.lioiM'S.iiiuIos ,
wagons , lionsc's. leasi'- , , etc , , In fact on any
aviillahlosoeuilty In any amount nt the low
est possible rates wlthoutrenioval nt property ,
I'aymonth can hn mnduat any t line rcdticliii :
both principal and Interest , 'Vou piy Inloiost
only for the tlmo you use the money. If yon
owoabalancoon vour ptopurty I will tuUo It
up and carry It for vou
Money iilwuj son hand. Nodolay. No pub
licity. No removal , Lowest rates.
It. K.Masters.
fioom 4 AYItlincH block , 15th nnd llainuj' sts.
DP *
I > 1IVATH money to loa1 ! ! cheap. 0. l-Mlur-
rUon. Oil N. Y. Wfo. 842
PKlVATi : funds to loan on tholccclty piop-
orty at lowest tfttos. Ivtmball , Champ &
Kyan , ISiOKiiinam st. u 7QS-Jy:7
lATTHlf lUikT IlIl 1'tlist. will loin yon
01 y on diatteH at tank rates , ( . "nil 4
LOANyloiicy on liviiillow : riites. Ouinlni KulutuA Trubt.l'oKOS. . 17th st , co
bulldlnr [ . " . _ _ \m ,
, fc. . trc lojioJMeolumn on tlitiiny ) ( .
N'OTICK The special viimncr susslonot the
classes In iienniaii'.lilnjanil .shcntiand will
eommciu'o Monday , JiilfH. Clashes will beheld
hold In the niornfisitiemoun ) and menlii- : .
t'allonor address for Citormillion , Standaid
Bhorthaiid liusliiess CoeoNow | | Yoik l lfe
buildingOmaha. Kob-j , , . I'M '
SIX'ONI ) IIANU Callsrapbi , Hammond and
Homlnztons. John U * Conies Co. Lot tor
Illos nnd olllcu kpocl.iltliriAtaiiiKO ; bids. K.T
teHiilet , , etopiif flf c umiioj itipa it ,
T COKAH Mnssnw JlwliMno IteUler , tlio
- lyoiinsiniiKiietUt. . In ulouced In the cele
brated Indian loofah manage , 1'arloisovcr
010 S. 13th. 1SH-U *
MU . DH.KDI ) V mis rolnriiod. ThoroniinriuM
- elnlrvoyant N the seventh daughter of
the seventh daughter , Ixirn vrlth vill and great
prophotloglftof necoiiUIht , Whllucntranfod
wlllroveal toher patronwcry hidden niybtury
In life. Has long been pronounced In Kitrono
and Anierluatho croatojt living wnndc'rof the
present ago. L"iiierituiiils the uuluncuof the
' I'i'rsliui and Hindoo nuisli' . " or anulent
charm working , and prcp.iroj Hsyptlan tnlU-
inuns which will overtime your eneinlcs ,
ruinavcs family troubles , restores lost
ntfoctlom , inukos munlatfo with the one
you love no failure , Kcmovoi ovll ln >
lliitnoos , bad Imblts , euros wllcli ( ry ,
fits , and all long utitndlnir and myfitorloui
( lUeasvs. IVo ! I. i ! and M ; hours U a. in. to 8 p.
ni.strict. M-nci-tump for Illustrated circular ,
I'urlors 1 North lltii at. Always ut homo.
Dll. NANNIE V.VAUHKN. . clnlrvoyunt ,
medical and Imsliifss mualiim , reinnlo u specialty. UUNlUthst.ioonisSanda.
I'or'rale * , tit. , Mttop of flrtt rofuiim onthh t > io ,
\\7 ANTKD-A ninn nit li good refercnrciand
I > MO cash vrbo understands the grocery
mulnes * to start a * it partner la a peed locu
tion.and no rent to pay. For Information , ad-
: m , iieoofiicc , ' 'to 11 *
inoH BALK The oldest bakery In Wnhoo
J. Nob. , county 4oat , about 4.00) Inhabitant * ,
H'nsytcriiH. JW. Jolitison , 'VVftlioo , NoTi. _
Oti KAN i took of Renoral merchandise. con *
.slit IIIK lit dry noods. groceries. boots and
shoe.i , will lnvolco nbout $3V ! > 0. will take
Ko In choice Nebraska la ml , bulnnco eiisti.
Address Dux f 03. Itluo Hill. Nub , 210 H *
SAIiKA Rood Unnbor yuril at Curasao
Noli. : ouly ynid there ) excellent territory
tributary ! good prospects for trade , but other
business Interests ewwpol tbo silo ! however ,
will not sell the stock without tlio real estate
And Improvement , * . Addtcss . .1. Miller &
Co. , Ccrcsco , orO. 'Y , l-yumi , Lincoln , Noli.
277 13
LtVnuV for . nlo a complete liven' stock ,
coin p i l ln ir buildings. horse * . harness , car-
rlngcs , tito. , nil In Jlrst-el.Tn condtltnti , licit In
cut Ion In town.sood trade ah o.uly ostabllHhed ,
price and tonns reasonable. Address Hot ll > 5 ,
Uotlienbnu. Neb. I'lT-l'i ' *
13ANIv I'artlcs wlslilnjtn ell countryImnk
-IJ or Increase cnpltnl. Adclros Loot ; llo.x
1S.-J. Skill\ City Iowa ITlMI *
DTlUCJ slnrc * , widow Indy wishes to jeTTnt
( incohcr late husbands half Interest In
peed paying drug business. Invoicing about
JT.OOl ) , In l.amlorVyo. . . as she wishes In go
east , .Mrs. J.Y. . Sullivan , UaudorWyo
ITlOi ; y.\IiK-Uii easy teniH. Hist cltisj
Jirstnxir.nit and flUniiMimd No. 1 location ,
Knqtilro ntlilS I'uxton block. 1I.M
IJDl'Kli -t < moms , all uumt'iileneoH , niv ,
Llirlck a bluckrt from I1. O. II. U. tiey.N' . Y.
Llfohulldlnsr. _ . ' 7V. (
HOTRL for ' le. Two-story lirluki Is oao of
tlio best botels. iloliu uti rxuellotit Rood
liiisliioas.on 0110 of ilio bostcoriior.s In the city ,
Address Commercial Hotel , Itntkon How. Nou.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j _
"l > lTTOllRU slio | > fnr siltllrst fluss trndu
' -'and location. ii'itl. ] > ; mioil reasons for soil-
JIT Apply roomJilO N' V. hHo bliln. y.J W
POIl SALK Astookofilruai. store tlxlurol
mill iv line .soda fountain. louatuil In npros *
icnms county bout In Nelinial > j. KvorythltiK
toftliubosl. Thn town Is alt. H. division
titlon nnd tlio 1C. It. shopi nro locitcd tlioro ,
'orfull pTrtleiiliirscaUor nddressll. II.IIuu *
lurson , room 400 , 1'axtou block , Uninhu , Nnb.
* > rinteH , rtr. , ( tefojinjinl column tin ( lib jHiue ,
\\rKSTKUN Nobiaska liuiu to otehanz for
T > nstuck of merchandise , llox 07. North
Miilte , Neb. SJ7 14 *
rAICOK roomy lionso with Rood kit near
< \Vi \ > sL I'amani St. , will takvnno or two Rood
ots In part exchange. 0. V. Harrison. Oil N ,
V. llf < > . LVJ 12
) To trudo for good buggy. II. E.
Cole. C'ontlnontiil bloclc H7-11 *
I71DU : l.irnl . In Ioiv nnd
JL1 Nebraska to oxcliaiiia ; for Umnlm or South
) inilia ; vaonnl lots : will assiiino snnll cnuum-
irnneo. M. ti. Sturgeon , Kooni U Hoard of
Trailo. 17J
POHKXCIIANon-Ciooil farms , city proper
ty nnil wild lauds In Nob. and forgooil
pen'linM'so ' : priiperty tltlo perfect. A.U-
otii. " > . Kionn.nt. . Nol ) . 8'9
l-'OIl S.Vr < K-JlK/VCi KS'J'ATJI.
Konnfc.s , etc. tectopof Jlitt columu oil tlili jxioii
"ITWU SAI.KOr trade , good limber olalin In
-I ? Nulirasku.VI11 Koohuap. AUdiess , I'rnnlc
Itllne , Lal'lalte. Noli. yn 1U
POIC SALK A bargain , now l-room house ,
( iirnvr lot , -th ! ) nnd aliliiiMlty wntiM1 ,
JI.SOi ) , trims icasonalilo. Inquire IIIH I'.iriiuin.
? ain'l Hums. iini 11
CHOICE hits at California and Pleasant or
Ctith M. Cannot ha Improved for < > l htly lo
cation. J830eucli. Ur. Harrison , till N. V.
Mfo , _ _ _ i.'li.V12
AN aero Jot In I'nlrvlew , onlj"iOO. . \ fiw
acres In Solomon , cnch J < WO. ( itlier ucro
iropurty coru'tpondliiHly low In price.
A house , r > rooms and corner lot with oust
Trout , not far from business , on easy tenns :
SJ.9X ) . Colsotli , .lolinson & Lovgicn , loom U ,
- liinnbcr nf ( . 'onmicrot' . _ 272 14 _
JjliriFtiAliK-rtiufKotKl lots \Viili7iiTll 111.
Jr } > ' ) \lf)0 iaeli , on griidp. I'rltoViODciioh , worth
dontilo ll-u inomiv. St ringer A , 1'einiv. DoiiRluS
lilpck.jjth and noilgo. _ Nl 11
BKAUTIKt'L building Hito fiiL-lns mjnth on
llaiisconi p'lilc , 01X100 , 52..VU. U.I' . 1 1 an Ison ,
OllN. Y. l.lfu. _ t'OJ-12
AhMAljLi payment douii and $13 purmontli
will buy ; i4-ioiiM house nnd lot on Kith , 2
l > loi'ktt from motor ; ilrst-ulass chanue to nc-
iiulro a honieon easy terms. Apply to 11.11.
Cole , ( Joiitliu'iitiil bloelf. _ S.U
LINCOLN 1'laeo and Carthaco lots , nrlco
( l.OCO , M ilown.hnlnnco } I.'i monthly , U'.Ij
3elliy. loom 11. Honrd of Trade. _ fil :
OXiri < ) east front wlili ri-niom eottann In
e bloukin. llanseom I'laeo , il,530. < ' . ! ' , Hur-
rlHon. OllN' . V. I lfc. _ ! . ' ( > . - . li !
HfjIOU EXUIlANClK-Korioii ( > ril niprehaiulKo
JLorliurdwiro , ICJI acres of farinlnc land In
[ tack Co , Nub. , with 2(1 ( head of unttlo and 10
licad of horses and Ilio fanning tools. Homer
Miinrt.JloltCo..Nol > , _ 21 0-1" _
* | 71INK liotno near HnnscoM paik. Jlodorn
JL ? house of cluht room ; , . $4,3CO. U. 1'MIuiil-
son , OU X. Y. Life. " _ Hi'-J ! ' . _
"V\rAIvUupiinl"hiiy nliomoon inonthly iny-
Vl munts. Clinlroof. seven dlfferiMit houses ,
south fronts on Knrnainst , Einryconvnnioiiee ,
Including fiiinnuonml gas. 1' ho scon
at my olllcc. U.illln. 1) ) . Y.Sholcs Oo.Slam
N allonal hank. _ Kl."i
best , tiling I ollor Is a MmcR-room
so. nil modern and now. noir : Ilonils"
Park. * ) , OOU , easy terms. G. lHatilson. . 1)11 ) N.
V. Llfo. _ air 13
fjlOH SAIjH A line new "i-ioonieottuse near
-Uclectrlo car line on N. 27th st. Will keas
parl of e.ish payment u good homo or horio
nnd phaeton. I' . I'M ti'iiiiiiiin st. _ KI2 _
riM'l 13 elect i'lc linn will nfaVoVest I'arnam
JLproncitv good. llaNoonoeliolco lotto otter
cheap. 0. V. Mm ilaon. nil K. V. llfi- . ' 'o.V13
pr-l OOM cottiiKCs ll.HIt ) eaeli. S100 cash down ,
Jlmlunco $ H per month. Tlioa. IHall. . 311
I'nKtoii blot'lt. _ Si. : '
> > Ktli
COTTAGKliomes In most nuy add Illoii for
tiiluut from 11COup.ou easy inontlily pay
ment s.T. _ K. Jajrthi J MJarkorJiIJt. _ SIU _
"IJ1OU i A 1 1. Nlco 7 ro ) iii IIOIHO reniy to
JL1 nio\o Into with full lot , SS.SJO , fM3 cash. 0.
K.Hriril-oii.lHINL > 'JLJlfi . _ _ _ IICJ _
1r VOl' have nnythlni ; to sell or o.\chnngo
call ut CIS I'avton block _ 8 IS _
TAJ l ) . T bo sold to close nn cstnto ii ht
-1'L cbolce lots lii t-aiHidt'rs & Illmeh mxh'x
addition at less Ilion tliolr woi-tli , If sold soon.
Omaha Itoal INtatu & Trubt Co. , WO So. 17th t.
1 li'o Imljilliig. _ _ ri8J
"IjlOR SAW -rsow business bloc-lc on 1Mb
J strott , rents aio 10 per cent of prloo asked
$20,000 cash. Imlancolon tltno.III \ \ boon the
iiurketonly a few days. Address 11 7. , Heo.
A vcliool lor the hiKher education of Wonrw. in
unusually nnecorin of l'rofns ( < ir for 189O-S1 Lltcrn-
turo. Art and lauila lijr rpucl > ll > ti Lootlon Col
umbln.Mo. , In a 20 ncro purk juit north of ell/ limits ,
farottrrosabounil.bluu tcri , tnaliiinilanciiu ( i co
for out-door cicrdre. Iland omft UulldlnKi Murat
tone nt dcliuol exrfllfnt. A Chrlotlan home with all
the f rccdnni and nil Oiii nsfe eturdt of a vrell 01 dtre4
iiomo. Write for r tMoprn . Addronii.
\V.A OLD11AM. I'reslatnt , C01.UMHU. Mo.
monthDili , bJO. Thirty mlr.utoi tinm
Ilrouil St. MtiiUon. 1'nllii. Un < Ur c. < n of I'rh.Mnli.
l''ull ' collOKlulo cuiirjus for butli' loullnif to
Clm lcul , Knulnnurln ; , Sclontllla cull l.ltcrnry ile-
uri'f . lluiillliful locntloii , oitnmlvo Kn > inUi ,
liulMlnj' , innchtiio iliop ) , laborutorloi iiuJ libra
ries , for fullpartlotiliirs ntldruss
WM. II. A IM'lilITO.N , I'll II. I'roildont.
tel , , Muru'B Soliool. luio.NVlllo , II. , (1608) ( )
A. Clmicli School for Olrli ,
8t. JMbun'tt School. Kno.Nvllle , 111. (130D (
\ Church irehool for Hoys.
KowliiiUdtnginow fiimlliiro , nowuppara-
tim. The liitoit nietliocN odnonliil und phys-
lci ; ! viillvire. l'\orvllilim up to thu limns
lluuiucdiiiforls und linino raio f or o very ] iiiill |
, KCY.O w , i.rrinNowir.ri : ) . u
Koctur nnd Foil ml or.
well n < la oil , will riiil ) < i > < * tl ilKpitrlniunu of Me.
tliiililciilmuIL'Irll KiiBlnnTilitft Kleclrlctly.UliuinU.
try , Itrtniui. KxlemlvoSlicini l.ulwr.iloilcs/ . .
K '
nil olfer oicallnnlopportimliloa lor tlio llucljot
ilunln , Art , hhurt llmia mul Tjpowrlllnir ant ] Klo.
cutlon ISullilnif lif'niod by Atf'uiu. i'ur catalogs ad *
dros , Ito r C. U. U1VUJOV , A. M. . Aurora , 111.
All department * nf Mini I Initmriiuii. Motlvrn Twin *
B , Vtno Aru , etc. L F Ulu .iuJjLCkttvavllle,2ll. ,
MnrzuuViirUinoarClilcaKQ ) ,
SchoutlorOlrlaina Voun
cataloeuoiiiMrciKl. iti. . .
Moron I'a Ht.lll..or7Ulacllioiie eet.'lilcuMOli :
Circular of UUNltV J , UTKVKN3 , A. II , 1'rla ,
Nollco to Contrnrtoi-s It , IU Work to Lot
nnoo.o:0oublo : yitrN 0\rtlnTork.2.VWKW ! ( loot
i. M. tlmhor work , 1W.OOO lltiuol foot ptllnir.
-0OCM oroHH tie * . lrVK > ncrci clu.irlnR , This
trotk Nlocntpd In tlio wontcm part of I.oul -
nno , between Cohuubln , on tlia Ouiioliit\
Ivor , nnd Alormnlrlii. TlilillnoriinstliroiiKh
i hUh.drv. healthrulUtiRidna ) country. No
\vsinpM oxccllont sptlint trntvr nnd
tinning streams , frvo from nil mnlnrlnt or
\vaiui > Inltiii'iu'o' . aniuly , loiiiny soil , lljtht
Iciirlnt , otc.l II Mt oliiMHcrnjicr work. Con-
> ttnotlm ( rnlo from any point un Missouri
' .icltlo r.illni.ul to thu work. 1'rollles spool-
lcitloin.aniliit.licr Inforiiintlaii cnu bo rcun
xt our olllco , lloom r > ) , liny Hiillilliiv. corner
Mno and Third ilrouK t-l LouU , JIo. , or ut
otllce on work , at ( < oliinililul < : i.
jJJIOtp _ UKNUV 1'OlCUr.ST.V- .
Tlio firm heretofore dolnl bmlnpjH inAo
ho name und style nf Kclkoonov & llrny
uivo till * llftli tiny of July , 1 > W , by titutniil
( inioiitdlHsiilvod , Kclkecnor A Co. , to con-
liut tlto biuliii'sslit tlio fdturo.
J.H. Ivrt.KitiSKr.
July Od .it * _ ciuT , mr.
Mitt(5iiil ) ilio Blllinc ( il tliu ity Ooim-
oilnH n tlonrd ori < iuiillz.ati < m.
To tlioownor.i of loti mul liuuU abutting nn
oriuljnconi tnstroots , allcj , * or nvoiiti ( > 4nlt-
inli'd Inwhnloor In inirt within tiuy of the
Vou and ouch of you mo licrphynotlflod tint
liooltr eounollillHliim itboartl of rqtiallzii-
lon ut the ollU" ) of tlto city eli < rk , ut tlio
) mitllMuouiily cimrthmiscoii Tlniivlnydlin
7tlidnyof July , H'K ' ) , fronil ) o'clock u. in. to fi
oVlnok p. in. , for tlio piirpimi cquull > liiK tlio
! < > > of spoeliil IIVYCH uu > l n-tji
, nnd corroding Riiy error * I heroin , uud
ifhuarlni : nil comtilalnts Hint tlio ownuriof
thii pnipurtyso to hotiixutl nnd a < u > u > oil may
nnko. Siild wpcolal IIIXIM and asii'ssnionts
bchiR lovlodncuurdltiRtu law tocovurthovust
und o.xioiiHo | of
8lh treot from rnrnnni to Douglas streoK In
I'uvliiit ilMi-ksl No. ' .V.1.
I'opploUm iivoiiuo fiiiiu 2Jlh street to ' . " .Hli
moniio. liiii.tvln dlitrlct No i.'H.
Sllli httcol fniiu Vinlon street lo "A" blioct
In i > .i\IiiKilI tili > t NoVC ! ) .
r t'li in NO
Slhstrcot from I'arnMin lo Douglas street' , In
paving district No. Sfl.
2 < llistioi't from Vliiton street ti "A" street ,
In pnvliiKdlstilct No. S.VI ,
CCIh stioot fiom Vinlon slioot In Ann Camp
nvonnc , In pavliiR dKtrlct No. SSI.
JOlli street fniia ifnaiilillnir stioot to Amosnvo-
niic. In piivlii illstilct No. U.M.
llth stiTut from NU'liolas to Clark sticots. In
p.ivliiR ( list ) lot No , : 'h.
COlli street from llrlstal lo.ciiiilillngstiuct | ) , lu
tin \MiiK ( llitrlotNo.Sl'i. '
2ilh ) street from.luoUMou to Hickory street , In
Having ( llbtrlctNo. iil.
( lllUMNIl
Illnnoy street f rom Killi lo2lth itreoti.
Luthnip street from IStli to lilt li streets.
11th street fiom Wlrlto nminotittroct.
JOlli .stroot from Wlrt to Kniinot street.
-1st street from Wlrt to Ktnniut strooH.
Kinnu'l treot from Shornum u\onuu toJtth
btruot , j
Spoiiorr street from Shortiuu avenue toSlth
Oifhnrd street from Unvoavcimo to Pleasant
Ixiwo nvoimo from Hanllton to Johnson
Oarllchi sticet from Low o iivenno tol'lcnsaut
III sewer dlitrlct No. Ii7.
In sever district No. 101.
In so\\or district No. ID1. ' .
InsewordlstilctNo. 104.
1'ark u\unnu fiom uvonuo tu Siirlng
itioot. ,
S.'nd htioot fiom 1'nitl trcet to Bouth llnoE.
V. Smith' * addition.
10th strout from noilli Una Ilnrtman's addi
tion to Center stioot.
13th sliootfromolU county road to south city
Callfoinla street from I ewe nvcnuo to Bt.
Hurt ntKM'tln lllllsldo addition N'n.S.
lltli street throuih ta\ lots , see. 15-13-13.
Xlhsliuct i
iSth slioot J-KoillcUl'ttrlitn Ilrlstol street.
-Nth IIH'MUO )
\Vnlnut \ hticot thrniigh T. I13 , sec. W-1S-H.
21th slroct fiom llrlstol strout to N. L. lliuvos'
ailh avenue from Unit Howard street to rar
nam street.
And Do It further ro olved. That the city
clerk clvo notlt'o of such slttlns ut least hl.x
dnys prior thereto lu three daily papers of
the cllv.
And lin It further resolved. That unlosf for
Rood nnd Hiilllclent cause It may lie nlhcrwlso
oiikniMl iiiKldotrrinlucd tlmt said dinl orpart
cost bo so assessed imirata , accordlns to fool
frontnKO upon all tlio lots and rual estate in
sild ( IM rlcls loipcullvoly , or ndjncont to or
abutting thn linn of said Improvvincnli , ac-
lOHltnu totlio usual Buiilln ; ; u.ick process us
heretofore adopted und followed hy said
council In tin ? assessment of spcclul taxes to
cover tlio cost olsildwoik , to-wlt :
Oiio-llilnl of said pro ratn cost upon the
niib-Hlxtli p'irt of whole amount of ciounil to
ho n9iC ! U'd , tlrst ahull ln { upon thu stiuet
line nloita > , ild Iniprovomoiits.
One-lift n pint of auoh pro ruta cost upon the
second one-sixth part of the uholo amount of
suld ground adjoining thvroto.
One-sixth part of such pro ntn cost upon
tlio tlilul ono-slxth part of whole amount of
said ground next ad j icon t , nnd
Throc-tiMithsof such pro rata cost upon tl.o
adjacent or remaining one-halt pirt of the
wlioloof said uround.
You and cauli of yon are hcohy noticed to
appear hoforo said hoard of couiillr.itloa nt
the tlmo nnd plaeo ub ( o hpecltlcd tomako
any coiiinlnlnt. statement or objection , you
may deslro oonoornlni ? said proposed levy
and assessment of spwlul taxua.
Cinnlia , JulyOlh , lbM. !
Jlddct JOHN Gnovra , City Clerk.
Imporlcra and Wholesale Dealers In
Watches , Jewelry , Cutlery
Notions , Noicltics , Alliums ,
Coat-Col larSiirliiKS ,
Fancy ( leeds , Ac.
Luiirrst iiBortnicnt for
BlKTarlntyof 5c , lOc ami S5i- counter
fond ! . Our lai-Rii Rinl fully lllinitr > tcd
calnlopiio inalluil free tnitvnlr r only.
Aooorilinft to
I heard a pretty proml story nbout a
certain ignorant justice who docs busi
ness up in Fulton county , nays it writer
in the Amsterdam Democrat. The jus
tice wns elected over mi able but very
unpopular lawyer , and Ida fli-at cuso was
that of n prisoner charged with violat
ing the fishery law. The complaint and
warrant were defective , and this the do-
fondftnt'a nttornoy tool ; exceptions to in
u iniiHtorly nrsrumont , winding up by
moving tlio prisoner's discharge.
"Is tlio motion seconded ? " ablced the
"It in , " replied the prisoner.
"Gentlemen , " continued the justice ,
"it is regularly moved nnd seconded
that tlio prisoner bo discharged , All
those in favor of the motion say aye. "
"Aye , " from the prisoner and his
"Oppoied , no. "
Silence followed , and after a short
pause the scale-holder said : "Tho mo-
tlon is curried and the prisoner Is dis
charged. " Whereupon , to the surprise
and amusement ol all , court was declared
I do not know of a cnso that was lost dur
ing our cpldumlo of bloody llux , in thin county
where Chamberlain's Colic. Cliolcr.i nnil In-
nrrhcnn icmcdy w.w used. One of my filcnds ,
ubout six milei from hero , had n child tlmt
Wiia Riven up by the two dot-tors who at
tended it. He then used Clminbutlaln's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Hornedy nnd the
child recovered. All who have used It hpc.ik
of It In the highest tormi. i' . K Lavender ,
1 * . SI. , Clicatnut Amhyrat Co. , Va.
A llulo of the 1'lalnn.
I saw a girlish-looking woman holding
lior Inifiband's arm ta both were enjoying -
ing the ( roi-Reous upcAtuclo on the plat
form in the Mudlbon Square-irarden the
other nljfht , says a vritor in Uliattor. I
could not help conjecturing1 what u Hood
of memories would have rlncti to her
mind had faomo ono rushed into the urn-
] > hllhontur and fihouted the blnglo word
' 'Injuns ! " The couple were an army
otllvor and Ills wife , and though you imy
not all know it , that means that inoro
than once ho htis hccn pledged to shoot
horut nn instant's notice.
It IH tlio rule the humane law on our
plains that when the suvugos are on the
warpath and u husband and wlfo tire
traveling in their country the liitHband
shall Ulll the wio ( thomomont it become *
ovlilont that lie must otherwise Ml into
tlio hands of the roilskina. Torrlblo it a
It is to think of Blueing your wlfo ( nnd
only fancy \vlmtnoblo women UicwvvlvM
out there must bo ) , no itmn would hcsl-
tate If he know that hy doing so ho could
save her from Indignities that uiiiko
tlonth nt once n trlllo und a joy.
l-'iinoy the situation , if yoxicnn mtt
yonrvolf in stichn placo.A you rldo
through the wilderness , perhaps with u
gunrd of cavalry , ortmlv as part of u
wagon train , the docmrutlon ofivr
uomos with a rttttlo nf rlllo shols from
some rocks or giovo ahead , livery spur
is prosced homo , every horsoleap ? , every
gun is won too , and your wlfo reins In
I > o9ldo you nnd Buys ! ' 'Ifow , reiuomborl
I rely on you. "
After that ono would Itnnglno a ballot
in Now York \\ouUlseom _ quite ttiiuo.
Coloilduo writes : "SScnil jno llftccii
( loicii Cook's Kxtni Ury Wlno , I
rlcd it while how nnd uml It superior. "
Tlio Voting Xcwsp.ipor Jinn's
atto liovo I'm1 nriilliilcl | > lila
The nnnounccmont of Stanley's en
gagement will recall to the memory of
older working journalists of this city his
eaillosl known dretnn of domosllo bliss ,
says the New York CVwinorclal Adver
tiser. Ilislnainoralaasatrulysweot
rhiladelphlii girl , daughter of n veil-
known family of that city. It wast n
wonderful love mutch , llnmlng glorious
ly nlong through 18H7 , KS08 and ISO ! ) ,
while Stanley was simply nn ordinary
sort of corrertpondont and utility man oil
the Now York Hornld. Ho vas a furious
and ardent lover ; kent the railway ear
monts vnrtnhoU'coii Now York and Phil
adelphia vlilting his betrothed , nnd thu
balance of the tltno drove Felix Dol'on-
taino and the rest of his companions
among the old-time 1 Jura Id boys wild
with his rosy bchctnos for future do
mestic joys.
The greatest sonroo of their dlscnm-
Iltnro was in hit ] > orunnlal and gorgeous
architectural fabrics. Ito drew hun
dreds upon hundreds of plans , each ono
for u residence to cost anywhere from
$100,0(10 ( to $500,000 , though the gonoiotiH
and improvident follow seldom had
more than money enough on hand for
"a bowl" ut "Cobweb hull , " and
before ho would mull thoao to
his IMillndolphla sweetheart , as ho al
most dully did , his sot iiniong the Ilor.dd
boys must invariably examine nnd pass
judgment upon them. "Going over to
discuss the ehnngos in our future home , "
came to be the explanatory remark as
the party wont Into council.
This was something fearful on the
other fellows , till forghen , however , for
Stanley had a big heart for the frater
nity , and ho would never forgot his fol-
IOWH , not ho ; nor his lovely wife to bo ,
not she. Ono great , grand room was to
bo theirs for evermore. Indeed , the won
derful mansion was to bo built all around
this grand room. It was to be tilled with
broad , cool leather lounges. A great 1 i-
brary was to cover its vails. It should
have half ado/on llroplaeos nnd nt least
u do/on iw.y corners. Tables and all
materials for writing should bo every
where , vet nothing "shop-like" In sight.
There should bo lo.uls 01 splendid rugs.
A sideboard , provided with such galore
of Inspiration and wealth of cigars a-s
never wits in any other mini's homo ,
should bo tluro for his newspaper
friends. Uy Goorgol they should eat ,
drink , sleep nnd work there if they
liked. Jn a word , it was to bo nnd bo
called their "Soul's Rest. " Tills dream
wan broken in uponby his African search
for JjtvingHtono. On his return , the
most famous man of his time , in 1872 , he
found his betrothed married and already
u mother.
The "Soul's Rest" dream was done.
The heads of the old Herald hovs are ul-
ready well silvered. The Philadelphia
lady Is the mother of young men looldny
about foe wives themselves. And Stan
ley , still halo and hourly , realizing his
dream in another Vttiy , with ono woman
who could work and wait , Is to ho a. sort
of king in the vast Congo free state.
A Choice List 01' Summer Uosorts'
In the lake regions of Wisconsin , Min
nesota , lowu nnd the two Dakotus , there
are hundreds of charming localities pro-
omptorily fitted for summer homes ,
Among the following selected list are
names familiar to many of our readers
as the perfection of northern summer re-
borts. Nearly all of the Wisconsin points
of interest are within a short dl&tnnco
from Chicago or Milwaukee , and none
of them nro BO faraway from the "busy
marts of civilization" that they cannot
lu ) reached in a few hours of travel ,
by frequent trains , over the ilnostroad
in the northwest the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. lDatil railway :
Oconomowoo.Vls. . Clear Lnke , , Iowa.
ivlinoajim , WMs. Italic Okohojl , lowu.
Waukcshn , Wis , Spirit Lake , Iowa.
I'ohnjia , Wis. Frontennc , Mian.
Tatnnlmwk Lakes , Lake Mlnnetonkn.
Wis. Minn.
Lakeside , Wis. Ortonvlllo , Minn ,
Kllbourn City , Wis , , Prior Lake , Minn.
( Dells of the Wls- White Bear Lake ,
cousin. ) Minn.
Heaver DmnVis. . Bltf Stone Lake , Da-
MaJiscm , Wis. Itotu.
For detailed information , npplyat ticket
ofllce , 1501 Kurnnin street , Barker Block.
F. A. NASH , Gun. Agent.
J. E. PunsiOK , Pass. Agent.
Itced lto\v.s IJol'ciro Jolin 1i.
John L. Sullivan was in toxvnlnslweclc
on his way to MLssiHsippi , writes a
Wuhhlnpton correspondent of the Hoot/on
Globe , lie blnppcu in Washington one
night , and there was a rumor that ho
was coming up to the oapltol to obtain
the aid of the Mihsinslppl delegation to
Induce ilio governor lo uonl llglillv witli
liini for his slitiro in the famous Klh-alii
price light. Roprp&entntlvo O'Noill ,
who loves a qulot joke as well IIH any
man , hciifd ot this , nnd lie went to tlio
spanker und paid :
"Hit1. Spculcor , that diHlingulahcd
Miibsnchuhotts mugwump , John L. Sulll-
van , is in to\\n , inul I understand that ho
Is coming' up here to watch faomo of. your
rulings. As u friend of yours nnd a Now
England mnn. I ask you to bo careful , ui
Mr. Sullivan 18 Bald to have congro&sioii-
al aspirations. "
"Present ray coinplimcnlB to Mr Sul
livan , " said Mr. Uootl , "mid toll hlia
that It lie should over como to eongrosa
while I nni sponkor I Bhnll fool It my
duty to rule that liny motion lie may care
to 'mnlvo will iilway ) bo in order , and
while 1 da i in to Icnow something about
pnrllnmonlnry practlco I inn porfuotly
willing to conccuo tlmt Mr. Sullivan is
my supotlor. "
A Vchsol CnllciMl by it KiHli.
A fowduys ngo schooner Charleston ,
hnnb or laden , euino In lioro Icnltlny uon-
Bidor.iblo , sttyn tlio Portland Proas. Af
ter ongiigingtv bTth on the marine mil-
way the leak btidilonly btoppcd , hut thu
captain concluded to haul on , as ho hud
ongugod'tlio berth. When the vc-nscl
was docked It was discovered that thcro
wasquitu u hole In Ilio larboard senm.
nnd a iloundur had hcun bucked In and
Bloipol the leak ,
When Ilnby nan sick , vre gava her Caatcrla ,
\Yhon die UM a Clilld , ilio cried Iorduilorla ,
Vhen the became Mlwi , slio clung to Ciutorla ,
Vilta tlioluiJC1illlrunihoca'o , thcinCutorU ,