Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Suspect Sherman Again Behind tLo
Ban in Lincoln.
pirn. IlulliiK'H ' llrlof Drcntii of Afllu *
cnoc ( V I'lvc Cent Suit A floury
Jlrudi'il iioirr : | Jlnrk *
cnetl City.
LIXCOI.V , Neb. , July 11. [ Special to TUB
tlEE. ] Whipplo Sherman , who so narrowly
escaped thu golloirs I or suspected Implication
In the munlcr of Mr. nnd Mrs. Allnu Jones
near Omiihn Mtirch ) , is again boliind the
bars , tlil tlmo on tlio ilmrgo of liorso steal
ing. 1 ho alleged tlioft occurred March ! ) , the
day before the murJcr , the liorso taken bo-
lont'ltitf to Mr. S. P. Wtoliov of thU city.
The i > oilto hero ln < l inaclo nmmccomcnta ivltli
tlio Orrwlirx oniccit to have the next uhackat
Slicrinau in case of his lolcvso. Hut the l ln-
colu tmrauitl wiw iistoundcd Tuesday morn-
lug by itudliiff In Tun HUB the rolcaso of
Shcrnim Shicctlicn the police hn\o boon
on the lookout for Sherman here , nnd although -
though u guird ; v.i supposed to bo wntch-
IDR for the cunning follow ntlils home , ho
came Uioro'i'uesJiiy ' evening nnd passed the
tolght , leaving "Wednesday morning with his
vlfo mill ihlld In a bonmvcd vehlolo for
"Walton , eight miles cast of Lincoln , \\heio \ iv
friend twined Vincent lives Thciohowas cnp-
turcd lost night by Mimhal Wollel : and lo- )
tcctlvo Mnlono and was brought to Lincoln
about II o'clock.
About this tlmo the guards Avatclihijj
Sherman's house htid grown tliod of pinning
Wgh llvo nnd tried the door of thoplnco. They
found It locked nnd hurriedly sent for a aquad
of polli'o to arrest the ex-murder Biispoet , as
they dwl.ucd they had him corralled nt last.
The nqimd hurried to the spot in a pntrol
V.igon , but hud no sooner reached the spot \a-
cated by Slicrtmu the day bcforo than they
vciv i.illoil back with the nimoancemcnt that
Iho fcllou-Imd just been brought In by the
; nu'sn il ficiri "Walton.
Shot mini looks vtry natural behind the
Jirlson buiN , lie laughs at the police Tor nl-
lowinff hinito Ic.ivo the city in the open man
ner tint ho did. IIo dei-hroi that lie is nome
mo re guilty of stealing llltchcy's ' horse thin
lie WAS of the murder of .Alien Joaes IIo ttd-
mlt-s that ho hud the horse In his possession
nt PhtUinouth , but suya that ho borrowed
the nnlmnlfroni Uitchoy's son.
nut DIICVM SOT KiAtt7in : ,
Last October two ( iroy-headcd lo\ors , both
ever old anil both having ijnmil-
chiklu'ii , decided to renew the happiness of
joiuh by Kcttliifj mtirilcil. 'Jbo old lady ,
\\liouus hi nlinost Indigentclroutnitancos ,
liocnmo Alis. Kdinund Duliiifc' and i everted
the cniiKratulations of nil her Irlondt for
imin > liiKiiricli fumicr. Hut the dtcuin of
uniucnco cnmoto n sudden tciniiintlon nnd
two davs ugo Airs. Duliiij , ' loft her husband
nnd tins morning nua a petition foi a dnotro
from Mm She dcchres that although above
nil llibltitlus Uuling is worth upwards of
fJO.OW , she * has had to llvo llko a bc ffaron
account of his miserly and pcnuilous conduct.
SIiuo they hn\o been married slio dcelarrs
thatlio hni given hcronh 33 with which to
buy clothing and the only w.iy in which she
mnniiKod to clothe hcrsulf and daughter was
by taklnflii ! sewing llko the wlfo of apoor
man , Alls. Duliug says that she has
n daughter who U an Invalid and a uldow
I * * * - ' . with tvo small children. In addition
to attending to the want ) of these nnd her
liUElnnd besides , Jtlrs. IJuling nays thataho
has also hid : to slave her life out cooking for
an mmv of fifteen men employed on liorhus-
band's laiuo fnim , nnd ho was too stingy to
employ any help for her. As n result she
wustiikcnsieknnd while bedfast her cruel
liUsb.mdiofused to call for u physician. IIo
also abused and tnuntcd her and applied
hcnrrilnus languaen to her and abused her in
other vvns tint cannot bo published. Ho la
alson conlirnu'd drunkard , slio BIVJS , and eii-
couriRo < i the regiment of men bo keeps about
him to also K ° tdruak andeai-ouso about her
home , transforming it into a pandemonium.
Shu nskH for a divorce and StUO per mouth
from him with which to support herself ami
bTitLstwiNoovrn mi : CENTS.
Just uoar ago Henry Brodky recovciod 5
cents judgment a iiliist John llainmson in a
suit In tlio dlstilct court of Douglas county ,
Ilakiinson objects to pajlng the nickel and
lllcd a petition toduv in the supreme court.
nlUslngcirors m the dpllbcrations in tho"
lo\\cr court nud asking a reversal of the judg
TUB Kiovr.w nmuiiv.
SanmclQ. Owens , the wealthy nnd hoary
headed ox-banker nhosoolopcmont with Mrs.
Desch , nieceutly divorced woman , c.iused
such constenmtlon umoup his licii-s und a
profound sensation in society circles , 1m returned
turned and flourishes u marriage
certificate as evidence of having
cownioied all opposition. The rela
tives feel sere o\cr their unavailing of
1 forts to In eak the match ami the old man
laughs nt them in hi Kit * f > leo. Shortly after
the Ilinht from hcio tlio heirs learned that the
couple \\avo headed for Council lUulfs and
they telegraphed to tbo eouuty clerk there
not to nl\o the old man a inarriago license ,
claiming that ho was insane. The aKOd
loier was vciy much put out over the affair ,
but Hecrotly loft Council lilutls thonaino
night and lltially reached a point the follow
ing day where ho secured n licence nud the
blushing i-ouplo MILS married.
The inso is ono of peculiar Interest to the
iittotncjs heic , ns Jlrs , Desch at the tlmo of
lici iiiuninrro lnul been dl\orced from her
foiniorliUHbiud only twvlvoveoks. j\c.eoid-
ing to the Nebraska statutes , after u person
noniti siidi\nrce. the defendant In the suit
lias six months in which to lllo papers for
tliosotthiK nsldo of the decree. Ihta then- )
aoioputsa slv months' bar upon divorced
jjcoplo ccttlng mnuled apalu , Jn case Air ,
.Ditch should lllo papers in the district couit
insldo of the next threi ) months
and secure iv reversal of the ilecieo
of dhorco granted bis wlfo from
lilm It is ilalmed by lawyers of high legal
liMtning that the piesint Aln. Owen would
lie Mrs. Disch , although , she \\as legally
uwiried to Owen acoordingto tliolnvsof
3o\ra. Otlier attorneys of cqunll ) ' good
JudBinent deilaro that although Mrs. Dt-sih
committed un act that \\onld send her to the
pculton'.liiry ' If lomtnlttcd in thU stiito , still
ui It \ \ H committed in Io\vi slio U umouubto
only to tlio la\v.s of thntst.ito.
. . IS > AI.
On nccountof tliacltj's ovcrlnnln expenses
far llluinluutlnii , the dty couticil luus ilecldod
toea.o \ all tlio K lumps in Iho city unlit ( or
'a mouth , oxcoptint ; n tlozcii in the lioart of
the eltjr. 'Jhotx > nro : > 0i ) irns Umpi iu Lincoln
' 'iiiiil iN ) paaollno liiinns , 'J'ho unnuiil PApcnso
ot llhiinliiiitluii Isnbout $ iX)0 : ) ( ) and lost ywr
tliL-ixj vixs nn overlap otl IXK , ( ) . Thow seems
to ho no redaction in thoilcllclt this jo-ir nnil
tliolso city futhora dotentifneil to
jimKo up tlio dollcloiuy paitlully by shutting
oil the gas entirely for four uroln. Last
cvcalni ; the economic il ciliit went liitn ofTcct ,
nmlvitli thaoxccptioiiof Ix llickuriiiglainiH
onO nud tlio saino number on P the O.ipitil
tityMW owhrouiled In ihitkiie s. As n roof -
of dNannrornlcnt up
r. , irum nu n.iris 011no illy , nnd belated citizens
f larked tfielr shins by wandering oft the side-
\uilka. or CAIIIO near luciilclng tielr necks by
tumbling Into atrccts iH-lng grmlod , and ho-
twcon iiiish.ipi cimlng n sp isinodlcally
economical council. H is cxneotutl now that
thu tliiih'H niul hldiwii ) IIICMI will got In t licit-
\\ork aud the jxillco uiv c pcctiug n rich lur-
ctTVsr.wsANo xorra.
\Vultcr lil. Woodward wanted f25 for nt-
totncj's fees from S. A. Siuiiison , vliloh tlio
Inttor tlmuglit too much for u few uiliiutcs'
work. Woodward suotl nnd rccovoivd linlg-
incnt lu Justice Coclimn's omrU Today
y wiiusoii took an apiioal to tlio district court.
Maji lo Vuul nnd Juclcsoii Moutroso uiudo u.
tindnof hind otiMnrch \vhroby Miif lo
pivo Jnckson her lots in Lincoln mid the hit
ter turned ever to her an ullopotl raluab'o
farm In Dundy county. Mu io doclarea tlio
iunu worthless and aslcs the district court to
makoMr. Moutroso Undo back.
The \ > \K \ Wiuo In the unMcrn i > art of the city
about I o'llock this inornliiK vas caused by
tlio burniui ; of two ourua on Kluotcciith
ttreut. botnouull und J stivcts. They bo-
loiiKOil to Cluirlo4 Uolelloldt uud the uggro-
kitUxldiunugo lll uoluxccoj $ , ' < X ) .
'j.omllowci-3 lookabadl ; bruised , but dc ?
chrcslhat Iho rwwonof ltl th t lie would
not lend n cortuin follow 91 , Ho snys tlmt the
iMDiiHlUo borrower cot so mad at hla
lliit ho knocked him scnsoloii. When ho
cam o to ho went to the nctvnpapor men with
n grcit cock and Inill story , but the alzo of
1'owerV breath gave probably the ttuo cause
of thonssnult.
The nnncnl exhibition Of the Xobrwka
state ( air oecuw In this city from September
Mo 12 , nnd the uunnffers are making active
rircpnmtlons to make It a grand suocii.
jNIivrtUa .1 , Wright , whosa husband recently
iwluidcJ , hroURlit suit ntnlnstUltvit > [ on-
troic , proirlctoi3 of the Windsor , ( or $5,000
duo her.
Stclln. Johnson , n votnnn of the town , got
Ml out of N'cll Kobcrts under ( also pretenses
and then lit out for tlio depot. She hid until
the triln stirlcd nnd then nmdo n run for it.
Uotcctlvo Mnlono hnd Ixieu % vnlting for her
nnd hoc-might , her Just iu she was about to
stop on the cur utop.
WANT1) ) TO IIP. rWVtfD.
Mrs. Goorfjo 1'lcrcc , after n wcdJlng ox-
pcricnco o ( six jcarslllcdiciisntlonalcharges
ngainst her husband Into this nftcrnoon in
the dlitrlct court nnd nskod for a release
Iroinwedlock. 1'lorco woundup hli course
ot mistreatment , she alleged , by deserting
TOM cooKr. KtcKis'o untsntf.
Tom Cooltc , tlio poitly census supcnUor ,
han Uj * ti Inilulijlnt ; In the acrobatic feut
todnj of Mckiiijhliniolf. Tom , in conunc ] <
\vlth01uiiloy Mlllor , Is tha owner of n
ri'markablo youiiff tfottitiB horse kno\\n as
TornJnuob * , tint hcietotoro ha1 ! hcen. trot
tin Kin the tlnw inlnuto class , although it
u us evident tlut the horse had a foituno be
fore him Yeitcidav at tlio matinee trot
Tom foolishly allowed tlio young courser to
bo put on tlio track to trot
against tlmo , nnd Iho twiner ,
knouliiR the speed of the horso.
let him out unicstrnlnod and ho astonished
ovoijboily by mnldnK' n nnlo inS.UT Al-
thouuh this is not exactly a record still It Is a
liar to the IIQI-.O taMnp jnrt in the races of
the clnii in which ho formerly trotted nnd
tlio Ualom ot wealth of which Cooke has
been dreaming his steed would brltip the
coming season liiive vanished lute thin air.
A ( Ire occunod nt Denton list cvoninp in
which a lioiiscnndbarn and their couteiiti
U'oioatitlrely consumed. Thollrowas caused
by n hey carelessly ilroppln pa llRlitcd match
In the barn. Ono horse , two buggies mul a
full set of farming : tools were also consumed ,
all tlio property oC J , G. Holllett. The ( limes
woio communicated to the fnltuo dwell
Ing near by occupied by Homy
Hontlor ami owned by I. Friend of
Nebraska City. Mho crowd thct pathoi-cd
stared btolidly at the vork of the llrollond
without llftiiig n fliiK'er cither to cxtlnpuish
thullninc oriavo tlio furniture. IJothwero
onthelynnnlhllutedaud Bentlor lostoverj-
thltiR ho owned.
ClmrlciPoHlessen , tlio counterfeiter , who
was arrested jostcrdny on liiirotnin to tlio
city , was nnaigncd hcforo United States
Commissioner Uillliitfsloy , but as ho asked
for a continuance until ho could hrins his
friends from ( Jreston , In , and Bushncll , 111 ,
thoheailng vn * set for July JO. The main wit-
ncsnagalnst I'owlcioiihhlsmotlicr. . Ills said
that her testimony nlono Is sulllciwt to
send the countor/cltor to the iwnitcntlary.
Tlio fict ( hut Lancaster county las nc-
eoiillng to the census o\cr \ seventy-li\c thou
sand population gives the county the uphtto
llvo coiumlssloners IiistenO of three us for
merly , and the following division of the
poimtv Into districts lias boon inado bv the
coinmissloucis : '
1'irst Distiitt Sixth ward , Se\enth \ ward
and precincts Lancaster , North IJluff , Koclc
Ci-cek. Mill and AVaverly. Population of dis
trict , 12.UUJ.
Second DIstiict irhitvard | and precincts
Onrlleld , West Lincoln , iik , Oalt , Llttlo Silt
and West Oak. Population of the district ,
IhlrxlDIstilrt Third ward , Fourth ward.
Population ofthodistilct , 18,717.
Tourth District-Fifth vnrd nnd Second
waul. Population of the district , 10 , > 440.
Fifth District Denton , Yankee Hill. High
land , C'cntcivllle , Ncm.iha , Olive liranch ,
BuJu , South Pass , Panaini , Middle Crock ,
Grant , Stocliton nnd Stcvoni precincts. Pop
ulation of tlio district , I,22J. ! !
A. Contilbiitlon From U'ovns.
Mr. J. It Uoswell , ono of the be U known
citizens of IJroivnwooJ , Tov , contributes the
followiii ) ; Item as hla onnlexpcrienco > :
"j\fter hnvlntr sulTcred fioni diarrhoea for
bomo tlmo mid having tried different modi
cincsllh no good results , I tried u bottle of
Cbnmbeiluin's Colic Choleia and IJIirrhoe.i
Hcinody , which rclle\ed mo nt once , and I
recommend It to all who may bo suffering
fjom this troublesomecompl ilut
iTud o Ilitndy Has a lIciiiImlRr of AVnr
Judge Dundy heard a cafio yesterday which
brouglitto mind a Hood of recollections. It
\ as entitled Alexander H liolwrt-son , trus
tee , vs S. M. Chapman , ct al lioberUon Is a
Baltimore lawyer und Is trustee , or executor ,
of the estate of ono Uarly , n lawyer who
formerly Ihed in Plattsmouth , but who was
n nutbo o Maryland , Tlio suit was brought
to sot nslclo the title to a parcel of l.iml In
Flattsniouthou tlio gioundof inisrcprcacnta-
tion and fraud , it being claimed by the
phlntllt that the defendants hud misrepre
sented the vuluoof the land and had ob
tained It for much less than Its real valuo. It
was admitted on both sides that Judge Clup-
in.ui ns not concoriial hi the case , ullhougU
inado a party ciefi'
Koboruson tcstlllcd Hint he vent out to 100
the PlattsinouthproiKHty nnd chimed that ho
\\assjbtonnticnliydccoived as to Hi valuo.
Ho sold the land , but discovered afterwards it was mow vulunblo than liad bean
leprpsiontcd , and brought the suit to recover
the titlu. 'Iho land was sold to Judge Chap
man's partner , Polk , and Kolwrtson said ho
liad retained Chapman us his attorney be-
nusotho latter claimed to bo a relnthaof
Itoboit 1C. Leo.
In speaking of the matter jcstcrday
inormnir , Judge Dundy said this CUM brought
to mind the time when ho was holding court
lu Plnttsuiouth In Ainl ) , 15.
Kaily , of whoao estate lioboitson U trustee ,
nndlio vn adistaut ieliti\oof \ Genera )
JubulA. Huly , thn confX'der.itootlicer a
jouiicl.iwjor In Plattsntouth , hu > l g como
tliorofioni M aijlandson.o tlmo before. IIo
was UJOUIIK mnu of splendid iihysiquo and a
penial , lianiKoino fellow. On the morn ing of
April 1(1. ( wliilo court \yJ5ln sosa Ion , Uarly
hurst into the loom , his face p.ilo nnd his
whole forniiul\cring\vithoxcltoment. Judge
Dundy noticed at once the great excitement
undci whkh ho was laboring and really cave
him iH-Tiiitsslou to interrupt the iiivcccdlnga
them iroiiiL-in. .
With irtremWIng oico Karly gasped forth
the terrible news of the asiaislnat ion of
Abraham Lincoln , vhlchho hail Just heard at
the tclogriph ollco. Couit IMS nt once ad
journed and thoilirvful news bocumothe solo
topic of conversation ,
Knily soon nftonvnrds removed to St.
Joseph , Mowhere ho was killed by another
lawyer named Green. The two had some
dlflitultj' und met on the street. Early tlnow
nwayhis levoher to go Into ufuir light , but
Urcen shot hint.
Milrs' Nerve and Ijiv r rills.
An hniwitant discovery. They act on the
liver , btoniacli und bowola through the
nerves. A now principle. They speedily
c-ui-o bllllousuess , had taste , toqild liver ,
piles and const ! nation. Splendid for men ,
women and ihildicn. Smallest , mildest ,
surost. ! WdOres fov 25 cents. S.implca free
ot Kuliu A , Co.'a 15th and Douglas.
Afjcnt Cnpturod ,
Alfred B.Pcnfold , agent ofVolls \ , Far o &
Co.'s cxpioss and the B. ft W. rnllroad
at Unadilli , Neb. , vho nbsconded with funds
and money orders from that place on July 2 ,
\vaa captured at Lockpott , 111 , on the 8th in
stant while trjing to liaio cashed ono of the
money orders which ho hid taken. IIo now
laiiKulshesin the county jail atJollet.
Go to the only first class gallery in
the city. Our line cabinets only $1 n
dozen. Ivoiui & MolU. 1312 Farnam si
Hair Dressing.
S. M. Moore , wlio has liocn for'a
nuiuborof years In business in Chicago ,
him recently opened n fancy hulr bazatir
at 1522 Douglas street lu the nloro with
F. M. Shadell & Co.
Wlsrt Mooiu makes n speelnlty ot cut
ting children's hair , fimeyluiirilrosslng ,
HluimjKwlny , and ban ? cutting will bo
done in the inostiirtifitio inuuuor by Miss
Muoru and licr assistants
A. Lnrfio Inercnso Bhowtt liy tlio llo-
tnriifl ol * ( ho Ijiiiimcrntom.
The school census has boon completed in
this city and the result shows an Increase in
the number of children between six mid
twenty-one jcnrs of 4,277 , as compared with
last year. The First nnd Second wiirds show
the largest increase , nnd all wards oiccpt the
Tlilrd nnd Fourth show an Increase. These
tvownrds show a slight decrease.
Dnrlni ? previous years considerable dim -
culty IIM been experienced in Rottlntr the re
quired data from the foreigners.Imtthlsyear
they seemed to grasp the situation and
readily nnsvcrcd nil questions. .
The full returns , as nmdo to the secretary
of the board of education , are as follows )
Mrs.Vlnslow1 \ ! SoothliiR Sjmp for chtl-
cluMi trcthltiir produces tntut-al , qulot sleep.
2o con Is a bottle.
v , si. c. A.
Dltocturs nisousiVnyH and
Tor Itn i\tlnmilslunciit. :
Tlio prhiclpal subject of discussion nt tlio
regular monthly meeting of tUo board of
tllicctors of the Young Men's Chrlsllun asso-
chtion lust ovcnlnHwas the llriulilutloa of
the Indebtedness or the association. John L ,
AlcCuguo , vhoii9 rcecntlj * elected a member
of the board , \vai present for tUo first , tlmo
nnd cUticcd great Interest In placing the
association on a bolter llii.iuclal footing. The
coinmllteo rppolntod nt the list meeting to
submit a report of tbo Intlobtednoss nslcetl for
noio time , nnd the request wna Bi-intcd.
Ow ing to the long illness of Trenauror liar-
ilson , the tooks were not complete ,
und n Httlo moro tiino will bo
necessary In order to accomplish this
.As soon as this Is done the report vlll bo
made out mid published Adthout vaitliiff un
til another ncotltiff of thoboarJ.
The board dediled to go ahead nnd rnlso
the necessary nmonnt of money , nnd n can
vass of the members will bo inudout u meet-
inf ( to bo held next Saturday evening' . At
tlmt tlmo arningomoiits ho nwdo for n
RCiioral canvass of the business rnen of the
ilty nnd tlio quistlon of the ilnnncos ot the
association will bo considered , State Secre
tary Kush111 \ bo in os cut on that Decision
nnd render such assutanco asinaybo possl-
The i-oslgiiritlon of lcA. ! . " \V. \ Lnmar
of tlio First llaptlst chuich ns n moiii-
herof the lio.ird VM accepted
Mr. I/unur llnds tliat ho cannot spam the
iicc'Oasiry tlmo froni hla chuicb. vork to do-
\oto to thonssoclution.
The rosi'natloa ) of Treasurer Harrison.
whoso 111 licidtli will not peunlt him to ; nt
longer la that omacltjvas , neccptod , totalw
effect as soon ai his successor Is appointed.
It Is stated that there Is no question but
that tlio amount of money iieccsinry to ox-
tlngulih the debt will boiaistd within a very
short tlmo.
How to Counteract the ElTccts of Im
pure \V.iter.
Mr. Li. M. Mart In , suijorliitcndcnt of tlio
St. Louis , DCS Moines & Northern H. R ,
snys : "On niy return from a recent trip
south , whcio the water was very Impure , 1
wis attacked with a violent cuso of eholora
morbus. IlnviiiR hoaid a proat deal of
CUatnberhln's Colic , Cholera nnd Dinrrhcoa
lomedy- concluded Jto try It , and with tlio
most results , " No household
should over bo without n bottle of this rein
ody. _
A Census-Taker llutighly Ilniullcil liy
Oospor toiint1'oople. .
Lobou and Leonard Lydlotteio brought
m f win Gospcr county by n United States
marshal jcbtciday for assaulting a census
enumerator named CouitwrlgHt. The latter
was in the store kept by the Lvdiott biothcrs
and was falloiilnir his instriuUnm In
tjucstlons , which they refused to answer.
The enumerator Insisted on nnswcrj bclup
made , and in his argument leaned iu' oor
the counter to linpicss his reasoning on Ids
hearers. One of them slipped up behind him
with a largo boirdand fjnvohlm u whickon
the elbow of Ills pantaloons ivhicli shook the
bulldinp. The enumerator was then sum
marily ejected from the build ing and filed a
commaint against the offenders. The latter
were released on' their own recognizance to
itppoitr at the next term of court.
Change of life , backache , monthly Irregularities
larities , hot Uashos are cured by Dr. Miles'
Norvlno. Free samples nt Kuhu & Co , 15th
and Douglas.
"Will 7nvcstl ate the Caso.
A burial occurred about throe months ago
at Omaha View under very suspicious cir
cumstances , but nothing was generally
knouu about It at the time , Tlio story has
leaked out , and jcstcrday Otto Scbnelde-
winger , ] uiitorot the Oniah.i Tlow school ,
stated tlmt n newly born Infant had been
bulled In the back yard nt No. 3020 Pmeknoy
street. It was claimed that a man burled the
body there at2 o'clock In the mominjf , and
this fact otcitcd suspicion. The attention of
thoioroner vas called to itaud hocnt out
yesterday afternoon and oxhumcd tlio body ,
wtileli taken to Ue.ifoy & Ileafoj's.
An Inquest is to bo held at 10 o'clock this
mornitiK The llnd cicated comldeiiblo ex
citement am oii the residents In Unit ucigh-
boihood It was learned that tlio deceased
wui the child of Jlr. and ftlis. Siachari ih 1'ar-
sons , who until recently ll\ed \ at I\'o. 302J
Pinckiioy street , but aio now resldim ? in an
other part of the city. Their preaontlocatlou
Is known to the coroner and they may be re
quired to appc.u- this morning nt the inquest.
Jtlmaboon ascertained that-Dr. Lanjoa
wai the alUmuingphysUUn and ho states
that the chl'd was stlll-boin. The coroner
said last ovenlnff that If such was the c.iso ho
would luvo the doctor testify to tliat cilcct
this inonihiK and there would bo no necessity
for nu intiuest ,
_ _
Mcrclmuts' hotol,0mnha. $2 to $3 per
day. Kut.33i'o\viiproprIia P.I
Bli nsky's Swindlers.
Yesterday afternoon the man Momkyvho
was swindled out of ahoisoand tuKgy by
n man named Bush nud others traced his
horse to Council lllufls , and finding i
hitcucdln fiont of the court house , tool
possession of the ilg and brought It back to
Omaha ,
A warrant was sworn out for his arrest for
this net nnd ofllccrs from Council Bluffs uuno
after him , but ho refused to gi > across the
rhcr without a requisition. The Connel
JilulTa olllcera endeavored to unvo Chto
Scavoy hold him ns n fupitlvo from Justice
nntll reouisltlon pipers could bo secured , bn
upon the advice of County Attorney Mahouoy
tlio chief refused to do this.
Iiupro > liiK i lie P.irks ,
The pirk commlssionei-ayostordayawnrdec
tlio contract for lading a slilowallc on th
cast and south sides of Jefferson square-
national flag atone to J.V. \ . l < "urniu & Son n
10 ! cents per square foot , the btono to bo th u
and one-half Inches thick.
James Archibald was awarded the contrac
for constructing the culvert and dam In
Hanscora park lake.
The committee on supplies was outhorizoc
to provide 200 lawn chain for Hanscom park.
Licenses wore Issued to the following par
ties yesterday Judge Shields :
Uamomid addreis. At J
( Honier Johnson. Omalm. . . , , . 2
( Dadlo Trobie , Omaha . 1
i Paul fcirk , Omahn . 30
( Ida Ualdcupofcr , Oinaba . 23
Original I'acltnRCs for Unkota ,
CiiAiHiov , Neb , July 11. [ Special toTn
DEK. ] Tbo signal manner InwhUh prohlb !
tlon falls to prohibit bos been amply lllus
tratod in the Illuck IlilU towns during tb
past few vroks. About Juno 1 tvo bottlln
uad ori aal package wholosalj house
voro cponnl la this city.
hnvo started o er slxljr origlnn
pnekngo bouses In the 11I1U towns ,
all of vhtcb nro meeting with remarkable
ucccs < . One agent scot- the homo hero o r
' 1,500 in thrco weeks , mid another sold $3,000
vottli of bottled good ) in four weolu. rrho
botllliiB works hero cinplor nlwnt fourteen
nea nnd their businpaj Jg rapidly Increasing.
iJorcnl of the Hills tovns nro collecting
icensos from tlie ontinnl pacViiga houses.
VtCustcr tliU tax Is phecd at $ : .0 . per month.
n lcad\vood \ the bai-ssro niuniiij ( wldo open
vith noi-etenso | of selling orlffiual package * .
1'rohlbltion" in South Dakota has brought
a great boom to Cliadrou wholesale liquor
_ _ _ _ _
I'JlltSOVA J < _ Z'Uf .1G It .11'JIS.
A. Allen was InSUlrtulsou Thursday.
H. II. ICldil , Almar , Is at the lercliints.
John J.Hnlllgan of Ogallalla Is at the Ciuoy.
Jl. M Mason ofChcjennols otthol'axtoa.
J. G. Kllcjof 1'hllndelplila h at tlio .Mur
ray.W. . A , Akin of Columbus , 0. , Is at the Mll-
ard ,
C. W , Scnrff of Grand Island Is In the
city.S .
S , W. Orr of Lawrence , Ivan , Is aMlllard
.T.Jones of "York was nt the Casey last
W. 13 Purchase or Waterloo li atthoalcr-
H , E , Dlcltcnsoa of New York is at the
Murray ,
0. K. Urongof St. Joe Is registered at the
M. L Wells of Wheeling , . Va. , Is at the
W. C , Prlco of. Oakland , Cal. , Is n guest at
the 1'nxton.
0. S. I'enfield of Fremont Is in the city , at
J. .T. Vlcklloy of Denver is rcdlstorcd at
the Pnxtou.
Uoy Shephard of Osceola la nt the Caisy
Ills moniiug.
1. .T. Huctson of Philadelphia Is In the city ,
at the 1'axton.
B. E , Butler of Cincinnati was at the Mll-
ard last night.
U. If. Graves of Adrian , Mich. , Is stopping
nttho Mlllnid.
MnttBlnehamtt. , W. Clarke nnd II. D.
Smith of Chicago are at the Paxton.
D. \ \ . Frost and F. J. Foster of St. Louis
are in the city , at thoMumy.
C. H , Washbum nnd II D Uoblnson of
Chicago are gucats at the Muriay.
D. R. Pomoroy of Grocley Center Is stop
ping at the Casey.
D.xvld Sidney of IIoltonKnn. , Is In the city ,
at the Merchants.
II. II Jackson and 0. "W Irving of Lincoln
am at the Jlorchnnts ,
F. DoamsandB. 'JT. Uerick of Cook are
stopping nttho Merchants
Trcd Ftedrlcksoii of North Platte was
registered nt tho.Casey last night.
0. J Isenseo of Ihydon. Brother has re
turned from a short business trip toChiugo.
J.V. . Caitright , who hai hadchareo of the
State Journal of Lincoln for sonic time past ,
leaves todw for the Capital citv to take the
city editorship of the paper. Jlr. Cartilght
las niado many wnrin friends during tils stay
in this city u ho will wish him all possible
success in his new capacity.
Dr.Birnoyprat5tlco limited tocatnrrh-
nl diseases of nose nnd throat. Boo bids' .
Adnir Dl chnrgcil from Custody.
Noah N. Adnir , through whoso carelessness
jouug James Hamcnek met his death , was
taken before Judge llelsey yesterday after
noon on the ohnrgo of run rder. In vlow of the
fact that the coroner's Jury found that the
shot -was not flicdith malicious intent , the
court discharged the defendant after repri
manding him severely for pointing the gun at
tbo deceased , nnd telling aim that hoould
got into serious trouble It ho continued in
that course. Adalr's parents wcio present
and eiineed deep feillng over the affair.
JCJmnlcs from tlio Hinpcrar.
BEIILIN , July 11. [ Special Cablegram to
Tan Dnn , ] Hermann Weber , president of
the German-American rillemen nov here , has
receded- letter from Emperor William
thanking the rlllomon for tlio resolutions
adopted l > y them at tholr bailiuet lu Uerlin
on July ! cpngntulntlng1 his majesty.
With your name and address , mailed to
tho.Swift Sncciflo Co. , Atlanta , Ga.ia
necessary to obtain an Interesting treat
ise on tlio blood and tbo diseases incident
to it.
Erution Cured.
ODD omr oatomcra , a Mgbl ; respected nod
Intacntlal citizen , but who lx DOIT absent from
the city , boo nscJ Sw Ift'B Specific with excellent
result , lie eujs It cured liln of t eLlncruptlon
tiat bo hail b ca tormented with for thirty years ,
onload resisted tbo curative qualities of corny
other medicines.
ItoniliT Ctioo. Dm-'Hi * T-- * " ' > tTrh.
Drs. Merrill & Merrill
Clironlc , Xorvoni , Ulnod unit Surclcnl JHcnm , nnd
dlsoi9O3 of UioKjru , Kir , IMIMO , Throat nml CliUDt
Upcoint < Vttnri n to IJuo.-xsea ofVo -
niBii an < t Chililron ,
The doctors have 1ml yoir ot cxrorl > nf In the
liospltulror ISruokljaiuulNow lork , unil uronmoriK
tlio moitiucocisful und wMuly kuownopuclallaulu
thti cuiuitry.
'In "VounK nnd IMklcIlc-A-sca Mot ) ,
It'SI nlioiiJ , Ncrvoui Debility , SpommtorrliiB
Samlniil , I'lijslcnl Ucrny , arlaln from trulli-
crotlun , f odudiiK Hliei > lUflno < < , cloxpomlency , plui-
1 > lcion tlio face , nvorslun t ) uclrty. onilly UUcvur-
n i l , lurk of coiitldcniH. Unll , unlit for study or busl-
iiusi , onil Unils Ilia u burden , gufUjr , pnuiuucutly aud
BlKCdlly cured ,
Illooil nild Slclii DlMnnnnx.
Sjptilll ! , a ( llsonM molt drcidful la Ui results ,
Ultimo- Urinary
Gonorrhfo , Olcot. Srphllli , Iljdrocelo , Yarlcocf lo
and Htrlfturo mdtcjlly ami unfelr rurctl wlilmut
pnln or tletiintlan from buMnoin AllSorunl Ixifur-
uiltlos aiulliuiioilluienU toiuurrla o luccuxfullyru-
uiojeil . i
M KrctAl niicaxe ) anfolf nnd purraanonttr curol.
Iloura9a. in , till 8 P til Hunilnys.lO till 12.
K. II. Persona unable torUltua 11137 bo trontnj nt
tlitlr homes bj corri' i > oiiiliiiico. Muilklnui anil ln-
otriictlons Benlby uiprusi. Coniultntluu froo.
tu'nd 4ceutaluataiiipa tutunura roiilf.
21 rUtcoiitli SI , , OnpuMto lloyd's
Opern HOUHH. Oiunlin. N'cli
\M \ and
For Moil Improved inJ Rillabli StylMI
PI < ? UA , OHIO.
A OOODIUCll , I.awyer,12 Dcarltoru 8t.
J - Chi cm go , IM yoara luuooisfu ) ( iritclco
Ailvtcol'ruol nopubllclty. Hpcdal ( aollltieu
There is nothing Its equal for relieving the SORENESS , ITCHING
or BURN ING , reducing the INFLAMMATION , taking out REDNESS ,
and quickly bringing 1ho skin to its natural colori T >
BEWAREof Imposition. Take POND'S EXTRACT only. Soolandicnpo
trado-tnark on buff wrapper. Sold only In our own bottles. All druggists.
Rich. Digestible. Stimulating. Nourishing.
Having a peculiarly delicious flavor a food and drink
combined at a half cent a cup and / / Jor a prince.
IIOUTTVS COCOA , ( "onco trjoil , iilnnyi u.cil" ) tita Inrcnteil in& . Ilollnml , It it acknoivlodgcil tir tlio moiit eminent iloctorn
anil aiinsts ! that bytho i > cclnl li-ontniciit VAN HuuTLN'sGocoi hni uiiilcrsune , llio
n.ilul.lllty vt tlio au li.riirmltiBt ccuiillliiful li lucioiueil Itfty JILIcent. . .
wlillo tin whole of the Hbros BPO softonna ml ion lorod moro palstablo and dlcostiblo.
" Wsott oalo la tLo world" Ask for VAI Uom.N'aiuiil tnUu ni oilier. 67
HAlWAYs I'll r.S are a our. ) fortlili oinplalnt. rimy tone up tlio Intertill eocretlani to hoalthjr no-
tlon , nistoro lrunttli to tha Btaninoli nnil enable It to i > orform Its lunctlom.
lTic.250 , * box SOM bra.1 . ar , UU
HADWAY & CO. . Now Yort
Sreat Silnnner Bargain
Jewelers and Silversmiths ,
Bargains in Bargains in Watches.
Nltkol'wali lies from I3.51) ) upnrnrJa.
Klhcr wntchcs from S' > iiimnrdi
Diamonds. Ijudlos * Kohl vrHtcluu fiOLl $15 upwards
Ucntlouioii's golil uiitchcifrom fiO upwnrJj.
Dlnmonil rlnea from fSM upiforcli Bargains in Jewelcry.
Dlnmonil collar luttoin frotnf.1 upwnrd )
Diamond ? ciirf pins from $5 tipwiirili Wocnrry a full line o ( Jonrclcry Inclmllnu
Dlnuiulul cull button * from $1 ujivrardj. liothsolldioll niul line rollol iilnlo rlnxi ,
Dlnmond Ktuils from ST.'i ) iii ) iir < H plim , carrlniid. locVotM ( chains , brncolDts ,
Dlamonil Inro plcj from til ) iipivurd ) nccklncei , cull .uul collar buttuu , eto. Ar-
lllniiionil car rliw fromflS wpwunij tlclci nitually noithfl wo nollitt Mo to 7JC.
Dtamonft braculctd frouif5 upwiirJj. nrlall otlior coodanru nolilat tlm fanio pro
Dlnmond iHiidniiU frorafJ" . upwuril * . portion , heo our show \rludowa. Beu uur
Ulaiuuml iiocVlacei from $ oO upwards bargain prices
Watches , Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
at Reasonable Prices.
Greatly Reduced Prices on Silverware , Clocks , Lamps ,
Umbrellas , Optical Goods , Etc.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
For Uo trrntmerl of allCJTHONIO ANB BURQIOAL DI1EA8ES ri PO5 , Appllnncei for Hoformltlsn , nn
Irune * . Heat Vncllltlos , Avparntui nni llomeilKi for uoeoofultruitmcnt of ovorr form of ilUtain re-
qutrlnK Mclloilor SutjlonlTreatment. HIMKTY HOOJI3 KOU IM'llKMS llunnl nndnttonilnnoo IIoil
Acronitnodutloiii Wrlta for circular * on Utronnltlon anil Jlrnces , Trunci , Clul ) Itft , Curvnturo ol
Kplno 1'lloj , Tuinnrt , Canrcr , Catartb , Uruncliltlf , Inlmlnllcn , K.loitrlclty. rurnljnln , l-'plUpsy. Kidney
lllnddor. Jre. Kir , Skin nnil Wood , nnd nil nuritloal oporallonj UISKASI'-S OK WOMKN a specialty lloo
or Dlienstiof Momon Free v/ulavoliti'ljnllf : ( j a Jjjlng-ln Defiirtiiient for Wnuipn ( lurlfiKCnnUnomool
( Btrktly 1'tlvntci. Only ItellAblflMeillral Itiitltuto inuklnK a tpcolnlty of I'HIVA'I'l ! DISHAHKB
M Illooil Ulicnapifuorfiafullrtreated , Briihllltlu polnon leniOTCd from tlie nyntctu wltliout mercury
NowlloitoratlvoTmiiiif nt for Ixiin nl VIU11'owor. f'nrtloi unnblo lu vlnlt uimny bu Ireulcd at homo bj
corretpon < lenc < ] AllrnramjiilcntlonR ontldcntlal McJlclne or In'trumcnti eent by mall or eiprem ,
curvljr packpil , noinniks loliutlo.ito rontentior candor. Interview ( irefprroil Cull nndoonxull
ui ononUhistory of TO'ir < < " > , nml nenlll mnil Innlnln wrawor uur 1IOOIC ' 10 MKN KHUH , ujion 1'ilvuta
BpecltlorKorvous Dlieaaci , laipotancBrpl > lll % Oloutana Varlcocelo , fllli question Hit AdJresi
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Corner 0th and HnrneySts. , Omaha , Neb.
Boyd's Opera House Block.
ji"i llurnlilnti Ilnbll
Kop 7tllle tld.JJ& J
Inrnllrt Wlilon'n or Minor's , or are
tr.m I13.W per luoutlJ
ll yo you a claim pondlna but wnnt relief
Wrlto u < and rocolTO I'T return mall n | > | iruiirlitt < >
blank anil full Instructluni tot Vocit cam , vrllli
COD ; of tbo DO und litmrtl IJIM.
Iteieroocoi ! TBO. Dux it ! , Wajblnutgn , U 0
Luaa uitAHK3 , IMMIIIK lli.oou.
ED k > rMf ru.
U OVI'H k Mitt 10 ! I)19tllllUITP. .
l.ouisana State Lottery Company
Incorporated l > r tlie t-rnl Intutr fnf rduritlonnl
iul Mitrllnlilo | > ri p' H < fr\nihl o mailo *
| nrt of thoirc < otit nt ilo c mitilutluii , In tij , by in
OTcrnliolmlnii | > opular > ole nml
To continue until
January M , 1805.
Its MAMMOTH URAVi'IlMd t Uo place
Bomt-Anwrnlly ( Juno nnd Di > rewbo land its
Qrniul Slnglo Number Brnwlngi tVi ! > i > lnco
In each of the other ton months of th > year ,
nnd are nil drawn In public , at the Ata.lomy
ofMustc , Now Orleans , LT.
For Intcorlty of Its Drnwlngsamj
Prompt Pnymontof Pflzes.
Attc t l n fultonm
'W > 1o lifrobycortlfy Hint wo ititirrrlso the ( lf
K fur nil tlm monthly nil I npiiil-utintiitt
of th LoiiI'Min Mnte I/wltcrr ( uinpnnri
nifil In IOMUM mnniiiin und ( vulrol the ilrn
Ilictn'i'lvoJ , nnil Hint the miuo nro ronilurlul ltl >
liono'tr. lnlnu > * nnJ In giiort Inllli limnrl nil i > >
IIo , ntiit nonutliorltn the compitiy t.MHo llil < ccr
llllcnlo with ( iii'-tlnillm of uur tliituitiircs
In IttMlTUtlllt'lUCIltl. "
/f/ f
Wollio vnilpr'lgned bnn > mulliitiilors will pnrnll
prln'1 ilrtivrn Intlio nnn Stnto l.otlcrlo * iilcti
iuiibo iiro'pnlcl nt our countori
U.'M.VAMfii.V. : . 1'K-H LouNinn Nnl Untile.
I'lr.ltttni.ANAX'.Y I'IIM Slitd > ut I Hunk
A. IIAI.DWIN I'u'i NiiwDilotiiis Nut litmlt
OAlilj KOI1N. I'rc-s. Union .Niitlonul IlinU.
At thd Aoadomy of Music , Now Orleans ,
. Tuesday , July 15. 1800.
IM.fflO TU'l.pts nt Twoiily Dullnn nach.
lliilM < > > . $10 ; Qunitcis , M ; 'Icntlis , * -'i T ou-
tlullis. il.
LIST or rui7i:3. :
i ritizn OP MU.UO M . tnioooo
i rui/.i ; OP iuuojji . imuu
1 I'ltl/.K UK MIIMOH . MOM
i riit/.i ! or"iCWis
lo.w ) nro aitwo
fi rui/.i a OK r.ux ) nro sumo
23 I'lll/.H OK l.UWnru SS.W
IW ) 1IIIXM 1111 MO aio MIXO
ax ) I'ltl/ls err JiUOnro MIXX1
r ) 20l ) nro llW.OOO
100 I'rlrcs of f .MW urn . Mono
1UO rrliosof SCO nro
1k.ltMt.V.M. I'HIZIM.
( TO I'rljps ot f 100 BI o ttlWM
tWl'ilicauf IWnto Vt\W \
a,13'V Prlzn3 nmountlnri to $1OC-J,800
Xotr Ticket * tlrmlnif Cnpltil IMUet tito iHHcu-
lltlcJto tcmilual l'ilu < 9.
'ii ItTIS. . ornny ftirtlior Infonnnllon
ilo < lrcil , wrlto loulbly to Iho niuU'MUnpl oh irly
ftnlltiK your roshlunou , with ntnlo , county i > trt > tiliiiul
number More tiiill | toturii mull ilrlivtrj \\lll im
nxmirod liy your ern.K)3lniiiii ; cii > clOi | ) bouilne your
lull tuldrc1 * .
AdilrossM V. DAUPHIN.
Nun Uric'ins , l/u ;
OrM. A. nAUrillN.
. W.iililncton,1) 0
Hyonllnnry letter , coiitnlnliiK Mii > kr OIIDKII , li-
fltiut by all uTprt'iH tuiiiiiuiluii , r u\v Vutk l.xclmn o ,
Urnltor | > oitultiuto
Aclilrcss Uoclstorocl Letters Containing Cnr-
oncy to
NowOilcuns , I.v.
Ill Mi'.MiU'li. lint the imrinontuf | > tltra I < UMUAN
Tl.rilllHlirilNATION.M , IIAMIH lit NoiT OrleilllM ,
and thn llckoti nroslKnort by the | rpiMeiil of nil In-
Bilttitlonwlioo rluirtinud rlKliti uru roroKiil'nl tti
tMililnln.itcourts , Ihoii'fori' , bovruro nil u ( liultii-
llon' or nnniinrinoui solicmiM
HKMKMIllilt Unit the WUl'Ur.MF COURT Ok'
THU IIMTKII SrATKSImi dprhlnl Hint tlio I/niln-
ImmStiili' 1 ollory Co lin * n OON'lllAL" ! with tlio
HlntonriinulMiiiu , vhlrh UO1S NOT n.M'IlllS UN-
TlIiJANUAUr 1st , IM'5 '
jVrrrnui DeMllty ,
YculliCul lnJI crellcn ,
Jo t Manhood.
Be Your Own Physician 1 j
Many mon , from th effects of youthful
. Imprudence , tare brought nbuut antato of
! wtAkiiMitlutlm * nnlticidtlio cenurnlaya-
> tern BO much iu l < i Induce almost ervry
; oilier dlwme , ami tbo it at cauc of the
' tire doctored for ovcrytlilntf but thn'rJaht
' , ono. ftotwtthitundlnK the umny valuable
1 remedies tlmt motile * ! science ha * produced
; f > rtherrllff o ( tbinlas of | * illenUinono
of the onllnnrj inodn of treatment oHfrta
euro. IinInifourcitciiilrotnlUROUitdhos- )
| lAl ( proctlc-gwe JIA.VO cip < rtiiuntftt with
an 1 ducurure'l ' nowcnit i > ont.eiitrfituil ff UK-
rilDf Tbe actoaipanjlny prvarrli linn Is of-
ferud AI a rvrtnliinnrl riiro ,
lurulrtils of ruie-a lu our t tactlro liavun \ eu
rmtnrvl to i rfo < .t hcttlih hv Its use after
attnthtrrorrmllufl fnileil Perfectly puroln-
; HnHllents mutt bo uiod In tlio i > ro.arall'ju [ of
II ErytSroijIon rnr/i , 11 clruhm.
Jcruphin , 1 8 drnrhin
Iletonlni JHolra. 1 s drachm ,
fidsornln. B ( fr lns.
Kit. Iff m tlm timarra fcolioUc,3 ! ) fralnJ
Olycirffiar ! ! ' * Bcrui'lufc ' vir.
, . akeWpllli , TnkelptlUtSp m.nml n-
; nthur on j olnffto i c < | Ioitomoca t nlt will I
, DttudtimA.maklnfrthoniimberthrioariar. j
> 1blreineUylsailatel [ ( toev rycondlUuuof 1
' nrrTOuatlftljIllty nn 1 woukneMluelttiersrx , i
an 1 itjitccl&lljr in thoM * tu * multlnpfrum I
\ luipruflanc * . The rt-cuiieratlffl iKjwtni of J
! ttiti retoratlf nr truly Mtonlihfnp.antl IU j
> Ota continual for A short ttinctiAiicra Iho .
; laiivull.dehllltAtcvl.iirrrfeleficonaiUuii to |
> onoof rt-nuwwl Iircuml rlnor. ;
I A ws ar ronttatitlr 1nr < > c 'li tof Utters of J
t Imulrr relallrtt to thU rfinctljf , we woiilil j
> y tothosnwho wouVl | refer to obtain It of <
; ui. bjretnlttlntf fl nmrmely irated pack * '
* containing C9 plllt. carefully com-
, . , . .jiiltJ , will be wnt hyt lurn * nallfrom I
; ourpiUaU khorMory. or wo IU furnish fl ;
AddreM or call on
Hew England Medical Institute ,
21 Tremont Hon. Iloilnn. .Mo ,
t. 1W. bjj lj. j In i .
We ! tnei of BodyinilMInd , KIT.
_ u-u * i - < uuU of Errori or Eiciuen in Olo1 or Yonf
Ucboit , ( loll , UilHflODr.llr Ulil.r.l.
n"fAH.t.iit > Km < jr r > oiUi ! 8iiinfttfi )
ib.ciiwir urtiifir nun tiiciTniir-un.ion a t ,
Itilllyfrcra lOrtt Unni3 tir > laCe liln. TTrlHlbtu.
Utt rlvtl0 Boo . ripluiktlon l d prteU tu ll < dfitil dfrct. )
. . .
4t. ITfrnwiureym nttv itv * vi 'iinor
tnrllliur lei. InrolunUr/ , i , nil 8v rin torrlat
rauteiljf overoxortloi of thb train , etlliljufto or
ovtr liidtilirenR4 Aarh boi couttln on9innntl ' trnat *
m nt tlAl > < > ( , oriU tor 9 > . rent liy mallprrpill.
With c iti orilsr for rlx loir , will > na ( urchuer
rutrin' c lo iifiinil uonry 1C Iliw litatnimt lalli u >
cu a. U ja"a t r ikiut t ndcenuiiia t ltl oolyby
1110 riinmin Street. - 0/nulrn , Noli