Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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f Too Many Longs and No Shorts Was What
Ailed the Wheat Market.
a he Monotony of ths I'rovMouTraila
Ity On < ! or lo Iil.tlo
Aullto SprllH Cut lo
CIIICACIO , July Jl.-tf | toTnr.
Ill r.1 Onlictit HIP fiOM'rnmPiit crop tcport
wuiMlslitly biillliii. iMittho elTict wusury
liisluiilflcniit In llils market. In ( net , this
innrknt nctt IIH If nntlilnz will lift It St. I.nuK
with receipts of 1IOCOO bushels f now vthont ,
not n1j mlMinccil prices nt lionio lint Kent
buying ( mhmhurc. Tlio quotation liorowns
tomdy ckpriwdby u tnombcron 'cliiitiKO to-
iltiy : "TiK ) in my IOIIKS anil no short * . " Tlicro
t not Hint lictivy trailing mill wide rnn o
of prlits which usually follows tliu
tnontlily npoit. Tmdo tippcirM tote
1) at M > a as to wlnt to < lo
Continental raliKH liltiK nil sort1) of now *
Poino sny cn 'or or HttUil neither , olhun
Buy 1'arMs uxcltnl oiortho < 1 iina o to crept
niul ficiulliiK linyIIIKotdors oory where. JjU ur-
pool ( ) tiotLl spot mid futures firm mid higher
curly , mid cIcHliigcitliks vno pot who it HO
orlictUr hlplicr Now Vorlc dun red aiO.COO
biiilnliotcom. Xotlilim stMncil to "top the
iituVidliiK niul pounding In Hilt tmirliol. Tlioin
\Misut-liow or Htrcngtli at tlio npcnliiK , witn
prices ( loin U to ' { cent lilpliT. 'Ilieso
were tlio best fiKuri'Mof tlio day I'prhaps tlio
Muhhorn corn inurlol caily Iieltxd to hold
wlicul for u time. Adimis anil Siiinuol wuro
cooil Injors K'liliirts look wlieit for n
turn. Ilnotli bought frioly lit DUO time
llnlilwIn anil I'lirniitii mill , lire s < < ni wu.ilc *
oneil In his linldlii.pi. ( lllTnrd and TiiUleutc'li
iniiilo iiNhowof 'illliid H Itlimil losing much
he-it Itlcoiii , Ciidaliy mid I'lirtlrldgu IIH
1 > < irs lulpcd to lircnk tlio mtiikot. July \uii
at Wilicpiiply nnd oirtohT'ii' ' at noon ; Ausn t
sold at r'i'it' loS'i'.c toPS'JcjHupU'nilx'r < > | icMiul
uii'io ' with Wio bid ; soldtfl'jo lit mi'iu ' tolxi'ic ,
to Me , Inh'lXPj Jhcumhi'i 00\fo elf to .Kl'/iC ' , to
to'c. ( Wlii'it wni ftirttxr < lopros id lioforo
thncloH1. Inly clrscil ut87t ! nominal ; August
Hold olT toMi'nC. ' ( loslnz nt 8b'tr ' : Scntdiilier
touched HS' o , UoshiK .it fa'l'.oi Duccinbir
It w us u IIII//HIIK ( luy In eorn Tim crnn rc-
jxirt Is fiuniiiiH for ] > u7llii ) ; tlio trade nf tlio
roiintiv. 1 IKIIH 4 ntul roiuiiidit fioin Wash'
lllKlllII lllBt Ill hl , UCIO C < ) ll ll'IC'll ( iM.lllsll. Kilt
nhiiluM'i thuy tuny IIP they did not co\pr tlio
prisunt fondltloiit Corn has bcciuuhiuu'id
< le In this iniirki t tlic lnst uoek on no s friini
the corn lull not lncluili'il In llui IliulKustatu-
mint. Tim farmers mill oiitsldi < ! s\v ho Know
most iibonl Iho ciojn vlionril their \lcusfiuly
by buyliiK May eoin In this , and nut-
tfnK tin ) piho for tlnit nionlli up KBI'if. 'I hen
Kpntcinburopi'iuil lit a c nusaRri'iit
1)1 In nf corn for Rilu nt tint figure.
Init tlio innrkil moved up tlio Ili-st Inlf
hour lolisijc to.H u. Then si.llliiK on nlli'Hcil
InilHOMil iirosiHPtH furred tlio iniirkctoir to
Wo and still later to I73 o for Sopteiulx r , with
n rally to .Kc. llefom tlio day closed them
was n pretty Koncral solllns In coin on newsof
rnln In HOiitliwcMcrn states. Ht. IAIUS ! nld In
tlilH nun kct and the cotinliy sold uNo .Many
local loiiKH took tin ) opportunity lo unloa ,
The TiniKunf pikcslnMny win explained liy
tlio fact that lint taw operator arc In tint
inontli , and tlnit luni rs nnd sellers v.llli nr-
dus to oMeutu 1110 HUuly to li iu to o to tlio
cvtrinu1 bifore'i trido Is 111:1110. : Points out-
tldo of HID uoHviro | on Ilio bullNH
( inlcr. I.heipool ipKitul t-p it corn 'ill '
up Julj-Kild for tlio day nt : i7'cf ' tnan'ic. '
dosliu at : .n' { < < ; August tiutlird , ! 7o anil
closed ut .17'no ' ; ScpU'inlior tonoliid .I7jto and
i Ittt-oil it t. 1T fTi , M/i < * ( - 1 lj n iinMitt * 1 nt.r.
nllflit ; Slnv raiiued from 41 < J to Uljo. closing
ut 4I" e. Tlii'to was n llttli ) stiiro ( iirly on thu
KoxuiiiiiRiit lljturi's hlniits liuirlo 1 tocoier
anil prices \\ent lly ID ; for n few niliiiitis.
Unit thoilM noic | ) iottU'l , tlit-ic w is llttlo
siippnit , niul wlion tlio otliir nun Ki'tstcilc -
i mill ( VUHcnt - olT also .Inly wild l"/jc ) to
Z Uc. elmlnK lit'J ! ' ! Aueilit.11) ! ) ! ! elf to''S'io lit
tint'lu L > ; fcu'iiloiiiliir ' .olil'J'-i ! to 2S' oto 2h' ' c
totliuckso ; May bold aj'io ' to'E
Tlio iirovlnlon tr : lo \\i\t \ dlsturbrd
ly one or t\\o littln uell\o Htiells
today. In n W4tj pi Ices were u llttlo
cliutiKcd. Lnu'i' rtcclpls of lie s mill stocks
of iiinihictH luid u < U pressing ulTcot onrly ,
\vhllo a four thnl corn nuy in lUo a sli up iiil-
viincn on iinfuvoriililo ne. s held thu market
about steidy. Iliv's nuiiilii led : i7)00 ( ) , wltli
jiili-n lllclouir. Jless imrk for . Inly inov iliti
nnd iluunii trlllo fioin SILMto JU.IOto SII.'H )
lit tliu close , bcuti mber pork was lOc lowoi nt
tliu ihi nal III. ir > . l.uiilasu sludo cuslt-r nt
f.lU7'j ' afUr s ( lllim at J-101 mill SilOO. July rll > s
\v4 > io < | tiotcil ut$5.U ) and Scptcinbci
tlio close.
CiiiCAflo , July 11. [ Special Tolojruni to Tun
Ilnt'l CHTTI.K Tlic demand was fair and
inkci a sliadestroiiKoroa deslrablo aiiilsulta-
blu native steers such as tlio ( Itossed uout
and export tr.ulo usually buy. The loininoii
and medium class of steers , that h.ivu ruled
dull all ucukinid eiuh day suoiuhiKly Helling
lower , shouoil llttlo or no Improvement today.
Klrst class butchers' stoolfvhleli me ins fat
hclfirs and prlmo dry cows , sold a shade
higher. IIH did also nil rlnsxus ot To : .ins.
Thorn vas llttlo or nothing iloln , { In stockois
and froclers nnd no HIIIIIKC In prices. Clinlco
to extra I > CI\CM. ft ] : ) Offlu M ) ; nieilitini 10 peed
Rtou . 1 Wl to 1,501 Ibs. , * 4 ( MIQ4.10 ; 1,2110 tol.'KiO
Ills. $ JVJ < a4.010 ) ; lo I..U ) Ibs. , } .I5..I'MI ;
stockers and fi'edirs , . ' . ) ( © . ! . . ; onus , bulls
and inixeil. ll.'Virl.Ki : bull , , fx'ooa ; r > ; SOD- |
fudMi'i'm. 4-4 IKiW ( 00 ; Tc.Mi3bti.eis , , ' . : :
cows , ? l.fiS2a ( ) .
> lions Wo aunln clironklo nnotlier down
turiiof IDc Id IV , making iiileullno o(2.1 ( to.ioo
for the wt'ok so far. fiood lo iliolto mixed
diotipedtoWl * . the bulk selling at tlnit iirlco ,
with odds and ends anil an occasional load
M > HIIK | at WWO-ISl AhMitod litnvy sohl
larci'lvat JKJVi tn&Ki ! , ; a ( nw lots ouily at
f UJVi to S.1.71 ; > . < .iirtit ( ll'tlit sold early at
f.0 ) , u few us low as tltfl to $ . ! . , llxl't , * J50.
Nrw YOIIK , July II. [ Special TYlegr.ini to
Tut III i ,1 blocks 'J Iio nun kcl Is In a sousl-
the coiiillt Urn. I'rleusmoltod away josterday
when gold was tiiKcri for o\j > urt , but recov
ered slim ply tills morning when thu llrst ,
ulTcct of tlio gold sciro hud p-issod .iwity.
l'h < < t prices , notwithstanding that London
x\as rntliur low , woio almost all liUlitr , tlio
adMUitot'xtciidtnx to 'i per rant ( tuner illy ,
\\lillo Ts'nrtlivm Paul tlo pi oforrul unit lliu Load
trust \\tro c\copllonal , with v'.itnsot fit icli.
Tlieru H.isMry llttlo Intcnst In tlio in irlcet ,
hover > , nnil tluit wus toiiccntiitod upo.i
LiicKiiHiinii.i , St. Paul tint' Atchlson. The
Htrt'iigth lusted o\tr c.irly doalliiKi nntl
tlio Hist iiic'iitlonc'd stock scoroil n
further rain or } pur cent , but
tlio changes In tlio nst ot thu list \\uro con-
11 in d 1o the MII illest fraction1) . Sllxoriortl-
llcMitosuuruhlKlior ntul more ) actlxo , touching
107J. ( Tliu market fulled tnpruseiitiiiiy further
ft'.ituii1. lint the ail vani'es nuiilo \ \ e-r well htilil
ut II o'clockMill It wns \ cry il nil. tlioninr-
Ui > t uat 111 in : it Ilin lust in lees. It nnsihulne
tliu hoioiul hour's tindlng tlmt steels all
tli ion cli tie lift bt'onino bnoyiint und uindo
gnod gains. Supur tiust ro oi' points DM r lust
nlRht tn4V > Ixiils > IIIo wns up 1 per tent to
Mii. ) I-rlo S to I0t.i , Now I'liglanil and I'.iolllo '
innll iMi'H ' 4. Not them 1'iu'illo led wcit-
crn blue Us , rlslni ; an additional ' to
SJ'i , \\lih a drop of \ , ' boforn U
_ mliie'k , Granger stocks showed Knliis of 3j
to'i.lth S-t. Paul must act I von ml iidv.inctil
n full point to 71V I.iiolu'iuiiiiuii riisu in or 1
t > or t'tnt to llsi ) , Mlil'o ' Itoadlii } ; wontupij.
llii'imviih no reaction iinyu IIITO In tliu list at
noon. The inott'incnt In cold took an uiio\ '
peeled tttrn todavhllo only WXi.uoo worn
taUenlioru fur bhtpiiient , Lirgo slilpiucnls
from 1'arlsto London iillu\eil ) tlio situation.
In \ teiof tills relief , nnil llmoutlook for t > ll-
xr , buylni ; waskupt up to HID elo > o. taugir
Hindu anotlier iciuarkatilo moM' . volng up to
vii'i , or.l1 per cent higher. ljtitiUlliiNew
l.iiK'liiml. St. 1'aul , Dillon I'ue-lllo nnd l.uok.i-
wiuum led ainoiu the rallro.ul stocks , with
INilimcit 1 to 1' * per tent. Total t.ilus. 110.WO
tliiuts ,
Thu following wore the closing quotation * ;
MONBV Kiicy itt.'W'i | ie > r cent.
I'ttlWB MutciMTiiB I' '
i'Kii AA7 per cent.
bTiia.iMi i\eiiA\ni : : Dull Imt Jinn : bl.xty-
day oliu , Jl.W'ti clcniiiiKl , ,
K SlookH.
YOIIK , July 11. [ bpecliil Tolcsnun to
TUB HbK. ] Tlio follow Ins uro the mluliiRbtoolc
mlciionla Illl. . . . I'.O Horn Oliver Ml
Con til A Vn . . . . HI ) Mutu > IM 4 tiCo. . . | U
( ouiiuonncullU. . . . . . SU N Commonwealth , . SJO
lielmunte . , IU il'hiuuli 1. }
KurokaCon 300 I Butter Creek 1CU
lloiutitnke 100
, .Inly 1I < lilt p. tn. clone Wheat
torn btondys cash , 'M'4 < n Mpt jnibcrS7J.i3
Oats-Stonily : cash , 27c | September , ! 8mJ
lijp Stonily nt ISo.
MhlskIOO. .
Vnrk-lollcai | > li , ! 1I67H ( Soutembcr Ill.iVS
' '
1 loiir-ririn niul winter wheat ,
tLINK ? IM. springJl.Nr'il.H'i !'ifJ.riitfUI.'iO.
l'ro\ ' Wont Shoulder * . 'JTJtXftV.Jj
.IW > 'fl ; short ribs. iUM&V1U.
Ihittir I'alrly active ; creamery ,
dnli-y , ( "Silo.
t'liecsiJiilot ) fullcM-am ebrddars , " ® Uc ;
Iliijs niul , on tig A T' iT'ic.
' '
Ilklc- , ' ; ' iHtht grcon salted , r > 1 < ®
OtM ltdl hulls. V ; Kiceii"iilti-d culf. C' IO'c ;
dry Hint , trU'c ; dry silted lililuj , tr dry calf ,
r.Tiit1 ; dtutums. lllo uacli.
I'allow hlcadys aOlld , 131'ic ' ; Xo. 2 , H'Jc !
Ctllit1 , 4'.i'ttl'C. '
Ueci'IpK Slilpm'ti.
rioiir 4,0(10 14UOO
niieat o.tioo itr.oou
' ' " ' ' ' ' ' '
Outs . . . . . . . . . . 'iTlicKX ) SIS000
SKW YOIIK. July II AVIicat-ItL-cclpts ! t4IOO ,
biiiliulit u > port . ll)7VX ) , ) btubels ; siiot elo-eel
ui'il < ; No. ' 'redlUSc In clonlor ; HI'iiMilloit :
tt"iS < rtl" ! ' c f. o. b | options cloat-cl Muuk ) No. -
ml , July , closliij atul'io.
Corn l { < _ ccljtsMI.Hi1) ( ) liudiels ! exports , 151,100
busheli ! spot lower ; No. 'J , llUftilKe In elevator -
vator ; ll'ibllltu ' nlloit ; uii riuled nilxoil , tili
( Ql' > 'ivi options lower , July uloilngat 4l'4u.
OdtH-KutulpK 14,000 , liiHhcls ; uxporls. 11JO
buihuli ; spot flrmir ; No - white. : i7'i'l7liti ;
mixed western. fl44-(0c ( ; vhltu wesloi n , .d/iil-'o ;
options Hi NUT ; July I'loiliu titlll'ie.
CulUe 'Jiton4 | ! ste tdy nnil iliiuli mtjcil to 10
points down : mlffl , u.TV ) hiRtj July. J10W ) ;
t , Jiiti.Vi2iii.70i HpotUlustuuily ; fiilr cir-
It'w flnn ; cpiitrlfuv'ils. CO test > 5\cs
, h'l lc"-t tJ4c' ; nfliiud , llrniurioll
"A , " AUOetlt-liii i puwilurid , ( Ac.
I'utiuluvini L'nltiJ closeitl for August lit
K4t5sK y for all but fuicy ; western , 14
{ ' > ' i < H
I'oi ktcitli ! i tin w , JU.2r 51 1.71.
l.aril Knlcr.iiiilctuf ; wciteiiistotiint0.1li :
llutier i\tt.i : , flrrn ; others rnsy ; HUli
IT' e ; vM'sli'in ilaliy Oltllo ; < loatiinry , ttfilTi ! ,
Oliteso Unsi tttcil , Hltlins , ItWio.
ST. IOUIP , July 11.huat \ , cash , 80Jic ; Sep
tember , Sf'ic. '
Corn Cash , Wo ; "opteinbor , ! ! G'ic.
O.its-C'uh.iB'ici-ciptei '
Puik ftomliiil nt til.19.
Lnnl Komlnil utiVJ )
WhlsUcv-/ ( ! .
Ilultor Stonily , uncluiiBCilj creamery , 1156
Iso : dairy , S Uc. , July tlVlioat RocolpK " > 0
cirs ; Hlilpiiiciit" , fllcnrs ; cash , marlict stiotiK
and net ivu until tin ) liioalt In futures , aftt-r
ulilch IL us r.itlicrilull. Cliwlno. , : . lliird ,
AiiKiist , 6s = acr-oiiloiilcr. , ) h"'ic ; on tr.ick , IciiO
' ( IcNo. : . I nortlioin , July , Hw-i AnsiHt. 88 * cj
on tr.iclc , SSftM'jCi ' No iiortlicm , July and
Au iitl , 8lo ; on tr.ick. 8ft8lu. !
Mn.u-AL'KKi .Julyll. Whuit Irrcsulurj Xo
Ssnrlni ; , cush.sTo ; No. 1 norlliuru , ( lOo ,
Corn 1 Iriut No .1. IH :
Outs I Inn ; N'o. . ' , w hltc , < l.'c.
K > o-KlrmNo. I , 4'J'Sc.
lliirlcy-Qulil ; iiotiiuoled ,
1'rotlsloun Kasy.
1'ork 111.00.
Li\uitroor. , Inly U. Wheat firms demand
fulr , holders offer sparingly ! California No. I ,
? t : ul7s J'id ' per centals reel wuslttii winter , 79
'id. '
'id.Coin rirm. deintiml fair ! now mixed
western , : is834il percental.
CJNCI NXATI , July 11. Wheat MarVet firmer ;
No. J rod Mks.
Corn MroiiRer ; No 2 mixed. 40o.
Oats fction ; ; No. - , uil\ed , oUo.
KANHAsUrn , July 11 Wheat Weaker ; No 1
liatil , cnsli , July , TGe : N'o. a red. easli , ri'Jt ' ! .
Corn Jjuwn ; No. " , cash , WiQJIUc ; July ,
( J ts Stronger : No. V'.ciisli S
Ciuc\no , Inly 11. O.ittlo Itpcolptt , 1.00(1' (
mill-lift troiut < r inrt lOo hU'hoi , Imeto < tl.'i0 ®
4.t ) ! stters , f.l.lUScl.10 : stoeUcrs und focdeis
U. iKtikt .vi ; oliu- , hulls .iiid iiiUcd. Jl.'Jjii.l 10 ;
TOMIS e ittlo. il.'VJtJ. ! 10.
llo s Ui-cilplH , J4..1H ) ; minuet slow nnd lie
lower ; mlMil , WityiHTtl : llxlit , tJ.30tta.Mj
ho i\y , } ! 4.73,1.7.1 ; slclps , j.10 ( tiri5. )
blicup-ltptclpti , Ci.WK ) ; niitUiit slroiin'j ni-
tl\cs. $ . > J3.1.10j ! Tux ins , 4J.loa48l ) ; lambs ,
f 5.0U&0. 10.
hi Louii , Julj ll.-C.ittln llocolpts , lWOs :
slilpmcnts , I'OO ; nuiikut higher : fall to fancy
nutho stcets , $ IS1I II ) ; bloukcrs iinct feeders ,
llous-Itocclnts 4.400 , shipments. 200 ; inar-
Icntlouti ; lieuvy , $ .JUiJ ,0j iiaoliliig , M.OO ®
U.70 ; llglit , J7L > SWW ) .
KANSAS CITV , July 11 , O.iltlo Hccolpts ,
n,000 ; hlilpincnts , IJ.IOO ; in.irket hl lier
sttcrsiaviiri. > ico\vs , ll.'JSW.tXj ' ) btocKcrs und
. '
llo3H-itectlpt , t'i,50il : BlilpinciitM , l.riOOj mar
ket lo rr ; all KriidosJ.4Ji55W5'l .
, Tlio CofTco Market.
Nu\v VOIIK. July 11 fpccl il Telegram to
Tliu lliK.-UolIce options steady und un-
10 points dow n ; s.ilcP,7V ) h IK = , JH-
oliiillii , ' July. tlfiM ; AiiKHSt , SlU.tjVaiOTO ;
Scptenilior , ltl2j ; October , $1.7" ; Deooia-
bor. HI 4lK3r V Kehruary. II5.S.1 . Spot Itlo
stc'idy und falrlj nctlvu ; fair cargoes , $ JOIX ) .
No 7 Hut bean , 1S'C.
O 31 A 11 A LIfJl A ) TO CK.
1'ria.iy. July 1' ' .
Fstlinii ted rorolpts of cattle 1.0IK ) , compared
nllh 1,0.17 ic'-tTduy und 17 Friday of inst
\\uik. Iho m.itkut oponul nctl\o und slronter
on thobe-st Rr.idoo ( stcirs and steady on .ill
t bu commoner itradui and on hutchersaUKk.
I'lftcen louiN of lit ill focdors , to.'ethtr with
tlio itutUts r.itliisr ovt-i stocked the market
and tlio maikot us slow iiiulpilccs lowor.
Kstlniatoil receipts of hos. 7,103 , compared
\\lth C.'vi jL-slur.lay and S.IS'I rililiiy of
lu \Muk. . HID market opened lOo lower and
dniKKi'il alnii nei.nlysUlday iincli inxod triini
tin ) opunlii. ! . Tlio i.nun of prices
ins Wt-VJUV ) . llm liullcspllliu "t ? I4iJ ! < ? Ur .
llKlit.rt.-r l.41i mlvod. Sia. ' Taiir'iihoavv.
8iM > T4lr > 0. The a\cr.i < ri ) of thapilccs pild
\MIS SI 1'inil ) . LOIIIJI iroillth 8J.1J yestoiduy
and SI.M'J 1'ildiy ofl.isUvocL
niul ljii\vcst silos of llo'
1'od-iy. Vosloiilay.
HUhest MM JIUihiHt
J.oucst : t .11 U60
Slouk Il
Ofllolal YiHterd.iy. nstlmtita 1 Tel vy
Oittlo . . ? tc.irs , I.HI7 Oiittlo . , 7(1 ( cirs. l.fiOO
lilies . , 0SS Ho s. . .13S oirs , 7,100
Horace . . 2 CUM , M IIorei. . . 4 cars. 07
I'rovalllni ; Piluoi.
The following Is u t-iblo of pncos p i M In
this in irkct for tlio r.uloof stojl ; tutmtlpnod :
I'rlinostours. IDJ to mi Ibs . . .
( Ijodstoon , UiilU > IIVn > s . . . . 4.1H l.11
UnodttouM. 10W to 11)0 ) Itu . . ilrtl ID
Common. WO J till IM Ibs : i.li1
Coniinoii cinniiors 1.00 ( fWOO
Oidlniry to fair cows 1.01 ( ? 6.10
I'aI r to good cows l. U
Uood to clnlcucowi U.71 © i 1' )
Cholcotof mcyeow i'tt (70.1 ( i'i
I'ulrtOKOiil bull * 1.71 < ron }
t'hnlco tof inoy bulls 2.11
I.lghtstoslttirt md fuodtts L'.IO < ai5) )
IVeders , Uii ) to 110'Jttn S'Jl ( fait , )
I'.itrk ) elioleo lUht lioxs I.HI
I'utrtooliolculioavy hojs . . ,141 ( faivi
1'ulrto choiceml\cil luus . . . . U.U
uo Co t of I IDS' * .
TliefoIUm liu tnhlo K\\a \ * the uvoriao cost
of ho ; ; ] on tluulalos nientloiiod. liulinllii , ' thu
costtoduj , usb.isol upon sahw ruporlud
JunoIiO July7 no2'j
Julyl Julys a d7'i
.lulyj : IHi July 0 I 0.1 } ,
.Iuly.1 : 4iy July It ) ,1 ; M
Jill. ) 4 : i 'il'i July 11 . J 44.4
Julys : iM
Coiiipnrntixu Tablos.
The following t iblo shuvs the nno In
prices on liciKi'luring ' this and last vrcolc ;
Thl > WookVccK
Monilijr. . , , 11 M ( tl (17H M VS ( M i,7'i
TIUH' ' | iy. . 85JS 1 7i ) ctl U )
3 W iM IU'1 ' J 11 ( M & 7 > i
Tlmniliiy , H 35 U J 50 .141
( rlilur .1 I.
Baturittiy. . JM lit ! 4T > <
\vernKO 1'rluo ol"
S'.iou I in tlio avjrj'ji ] prloo pill ( or l-i i U nt
liUJi on tliu lUyi luJlo UoJ In Hit , 133) ) , 133J
iintl l M ;
ol' I'rK-cs.
Tlio folloMlni ; table shows the r.ino of
r rices inld for li. . . .
ulr to cholie light hojs M.15 iI 4 %
1 air to dioleo howy. IHTViKI no (
Fuirto choke mhod U ( J
Prlmo fatslKcp , , , , , , , i ) 01 80
( loot ! fntslioep . , . . . . .I BO { * 11
Common to medium shrtp . 2 SO ® J M
Disposition or Block ,
"howlns the number ofo& purehMo.1 by
the different buyer * on todays market !
PfflftJlCo. . , (31 (
The ( I. H , Hammond Co 1I -
The Armour Cndaliy L'acktiu Uo. . . .
llotlnehlld (121 (
1 obm inn A. Traucrmutin , (121WJ
Nel MorrU IKI1
. . . . . .
llenton & Underwood . ii :
Otlur Hujers . IW )
HOT ! .
TlioArmoiir-Ciidaliy Puck I tig Co . 2,027
Ontnlin IMcklng Co . .M'-O
IwlfUtCii . f..1J
Tlu ; ( I. II. Hammond Co . iUO
.1. I'.houlics.VCo . : iT
KlngnnXCo . .
DitK rt > ntrr STEKH' .
No. Av. Pr.
Ibsteers , shipping 1171 1400
Market Mention.
HOK < ! 10c lower.
Hcoessti oilier
Smith & . Mulicr bent lit : i car of lie s from
A.M. Miller of Da-vcnpoit maiketcd near
of lie s.
Stevenson llrotliers of Anslcy markctid a
car of ho s.
Titus & , T4 > rliuiii ( markeUd a car of hozs
It S. Kuilerhad a cur of hogs ovir fioin
.Sidney , la.
Tamils llocdocker caino up from Lou'svlllo
u 1th a cir of 1 OK . '
T. A. Tlkul Uy X , Co sent hi a car of IIOKS
fioin VcrillRils.
\Yoodil Oinntliini < ; ent In a cur of inhcd
cattle from Uutirloo.
II. It. St.intoii of Valpiralsoliad ac.irof hogs
on the in.uket.
Thcodoiolduiniui scut In t\\ocaisof cattle
fioin t'lillllp.1
M'llllnni Stlnmici' up fioin DoWlttwIlli
tlirto cars otiattle.
riM'i-Morrlsof lloatrlco was up wlthacar
eaih of iat tlu anil ho i.
.1 W. Iliunutnin bid tlirco ciriof fuulois
on the mill kit finin I'tndoi.
.lames Cuiniiilii s caino don fioin ralniajjo
u llh tu oca is of cattle ,
.1 A. ( lllclirUt eimo oor from Hod O.ili , la. ,
\\lth a car of eattle ,
Com. id Sthnelilur hid of hogs on the
minUet fioin bn > dor.
Cliiiinbrr X , lluiillclc had two c.irs of lie js
ontiidajS in 11 kit frjin lliriiian ,
T. S. Camplmll , a piomlnent stoeKmnn of
Niola , la. , Has o\ur ltli acarof ritllt1.
. ) . II. L'tinii ion , a pioiiiinunt Hi" mm fudor ,
\\asdown with Hvo ears of fat i vle.
tnoivu Iloi tel. formeib of Mlilanl , nun of
I.tUh. uas Inltli a eat of hogs , Mr. llnotel
sas fnt cattle me suaico lust now , hut tiioto
Nioiisldciahlo summer fudln liehiK done.
Tlicio aio liliiiti of lie s. All imps at o look-
In ; ui'll. llio torn esptelallylille a tilth )
Miiall for this tlmoof a good stand and
color anil piomlsis a lilt ; 3 Icld.
rfii-I'erlb : 1'ercli , 7o ; hulfilo. To ; poreh ,
Tui pickerel , his : pike , ! ) > . ; : while. to ;
ctopple. 1 He ; oat lish , Ho ; ted sleak U'c ; llonn-
< liis 1LV ; Orison salmon , 15u ; black b.ib-i , I5c ;
lolisteis , Itfc.
. - . - .
itKhsro VK\i-Cliolue medium , bS7cs light
, < . 'ji ) , hon\y. 4aio.
li.s.-hii : ) Uii4"lnwna ( ) ; bolhd. file.
UtliKit- Per 1)1)1 ) , rellnL'dfii.OJ ; Inilfbbl , fl.21 ;
biird eldi'r , pure , per lill , (100 : oi.miio elder.
hilf lbl. JTini ; pear chler , Inilfbljl , tTixi.
UiutsK Kxtin faney crtiiim twins lot :
fincy full eitain twins D'-c ; iliolce full
eic.iin twins , IkKOO ; < | full cieani tIns K ;
fancy skims , 'H'Hci cliolco skims. OUtlHv :
filr tOKOod , .ViiU'te ; cliolco Vnuii Ainirlci.
I0c ; finov llinbuiKir , 12c ; fancy bilck , 12e ;
doinosllo bnl-ariQl7e (
Hi'iTui L'teiinioii , fanev rolls , print , id ®
10'Jo ' ; creamery , fancy , solid tuckul , Il4014c ;
cretiini'iy , choice , iunii2o ; dairy , fiinoi lolls
and prints l-Xiillj ; daily , fancy Holld pickiil ,
IW-'c ; dilri. uhoiii' , IKiolOc' ! lountiy loll ,
finuy , 82,1(0 ( ! choice. 75tv < c'i Inftr'oiit&lc ' ,
lidos lOc forsttlctly ficsh ; stalu not sale-
I'uui.Titi-I'i'r do/en , cliolco liens , t\jK\j/\i \ \ \
choice nilxid , f.'no iuui roosters. Jjjsodts.Ti
fclirlnehlcKens.MWiW.2.1for Miiall ; * j.il7i.l 00
foi niLillum ; WiJiCI5o for Iar0-e ; Iho tinkers ,
per Hi , fJjflnc.
Cotiv 2
Hms flluo.
HoNfcV ht rained , 00-1U cans pcrlb , Oe , Ntw
comb honey ,
and-plokcd ni\y. tl.niUot ) ; hand-
plekfd niuy. nuitliini , tlukffii 71 ; liiind-iilckid
lountrv , iJI.JO'/ll i > 0 ; good ilcan , Jl.i | > iil.ii.
I'lLKl.KH-.MtuIliiin , per bbl. WWi biaall $0.50 ;
gherkins , (7..VJ. (
per2l-nt caso.
KvjUOiHTUDAi'iT.ts ranci.
lll.fl lirilKIKI I'CT Illl. V > 00.
HirilltAMii rir2l.iil ea-o. 4JOO.
UAM'liKiiitiKH-Ked , f . ' . ( KKtti.V ) pur 21-iitcase ;
bluoK , M tmaj-lO purSi-nt case.
l'oio\M"TS I'er 1W , J.1UO.
\VATKiiJin.o > 8 I'cr lop , il 00a > 1000.
fAMKLout't : I'or doH tiOii.1 00
1 7.1 ; Miuthcrn , per bushel. , ' 503fclOO ; Orogun ,
I'mciips Arkansas , ' 4-bunliol box , Sl.OOffi
1W ; L < , illfoinla1perboxr..oOiU.53 ( ,
OIIIMUS I'er lox , Kodl , WV ) .
I.I.IIONH I'ur box , Mfhilna , fancy , fO.OO.
TDHATDW l-btthliOt Or.ltfS , ( _ ' .2.Vfi-'JW.
. -New soutbern , per
ruiA.TUM Now fcoiitburu , pur bbl , * 125.
\Voor , 1'lnu mi wuslioil , lISiHk ) ; mudlum un-
waahcd , KWIcicottrao un wushcd , Ibit.'Oc.
Uiucs , 1'ti.ia ' AMI TiiAow Orccu suited
hldci , 6 > iOfic : ilry fttpa h3ui ! 1 V | dry flint
hldci 0 4'iWccnlf ! ldde , 4 \ : ' , 'te. Pimncrd
hides2e Iiss. "liceppolts.Brvi'n , cich50i.tMl.2J'
sheep pelti , dry , per Ib , V < n\V \
. . . , ,
TAl.t.OW * * ' tvi > ! * * u4i : j
white. .I'iftlej yellow , 2'i'ift ' ' ict vtoiirlnv , , , .
H < -Quotations ( nrofordi Ihcrv In llil-
cnsn ) Dry ImlTiilo , per tomlloooifilSOOs dry
countrylili'iiched MO.jjyai.iWj dry counlry ,
dump nnd mcut v. M OlMllO.wJ. -
, Vrovlaltmi.
MEATs-l'ncfcerV prices Smoked lmni < i liV-lb
tnrrine , lOIMn ei smoked hunm , vo to 22 Ibs
Omil)4o ) | oinoked hunts 12 U ) II ih , lO'u" oitm
lit'ny Iniins.SI toll llnnincpitc ( | : Ulnnrd
Kllclnc. lsto.vJllHivi'niRp ! , Wiioc ; Oallrornla
IIIIIIK. 7Ut' ! bacon , clear , 7mi ! < o : tilt ,
TViS'iciliatiisiiusiiBPi ft" J > le"lo hiiint , 7'4f :
dried hcct litnm , MW'jo ' ; btof toiiKtic , jicr
do70iO ( ! pirlb.ft"geidry alt incut,6 > 4t :
ine * pork , per bbl , lllwan.75 ! extra mess
bcof , WW | H.WWKC. perln. liolo nn , IDS tiir ,
4 > ic ! liter , 4'fot ' olood , 4'itihondchopio , 4ie. !
Add 1(0 ( tier IbforloU less tliini M | | JH , | ( |
- * ' - ' ' * * | ,1)7 , ) \ , . - , ;
. . pl9 llOCko ,
_ , - - , Jithllt bbl fl ( a
K Us. 1511)0. ) Jl.11 ; jilffM feet hnlf lili | , J.'Toj
quiirter bills } l.50olshth ; bills , Vic ; kits , lllbi
ciich , G.ICI lioiioless brciikfujt hacon , lOc ; bonu-
Ie f hum , f e > .
IHiv-wt ) llrr.r-Stecr' . 500 to GOO Ibs nvoniRO ,
native , bU AUus stcors 400 to 500 Ibs uveriiu'c ,
n itlveKMl'iu ; cotts anil heifers , 400 to 50i ) Ibs
5 < i i * MUTTON Choice dro cd mutton
. racks of mutton , 14cs ; Mdillisof mutton
Bl brcattxof Jiiutton , le ; Icijsof mutton lOo
CAN > H > MKAT8'ornod lieef , 1 Ib , 1120 ;
pornedbcef , 2 Ib , S-MO ; lunch tonsue , 1 Ib ,
* - ' ( < ) ; Iiiiicbtoiiiiie , 2 II ) , JI 7.1 | binnti. 1 Ib ,
51'M : tirawti , ! ! lb.00otimKue ! ; , I'.lb. UtiOs
iixtoiiBlli's,2 II ) , M.X ( ) | chipped beef , 1'i Ib ,
t mind cans 11.20 ! roa t betf , 2 Ib , loiiad cans ,
iJOU ; potted limn , ' 4 lbroiiiiil , ciins Kic ; puttcil
linm , 4 II ) , rmiiul unn . 41TJ ; doxllul ham , U
Ib , round cans. UV ! < louloil liam , ' , Ib , lound
CTIH , JI.20 : pnttulov. tiuiKiii' , ' 4 Hi , rnundcans ,
O.'ic'i potted ov toiiRiie , ' 4 Ib , lonnil i-uis , (1,20 ;
n'o-od bam. 1 Ib , squ no cans $1 7.1 ; cnni-
picss id ham , 5 11) ) . siiuiito cutis , t..T.i ; trine. Jib ,
lomidc mi. fl.MJ ; tiifmod u > llun ] , 2 Ib , round
cans , } , " , ' 0 ; boneless pigs fcit , 2lb , sciuaiocMtis ,
"fldNFtcoMii Titirn-llalf barrels. $ t.T. : quar
ter biru-lsSJ.lO , olslithbiirttls , $1.11 ; kits , 5
His each , We.
1'oiiK 'losr.ius Iincookod-Mlld cured
Half barrels , 100 Ibs , (7,53 ; ( juartut ban els , 00
Ibs. floo.
hAUAii : CASINOS Cattle.Tierces and bar-
tels , middle , pel Ib , G'to ' ; immd , , jic ; Iniu s ,
4u ; bojcalnjis , 183 tier Ibtctj \ huius. No. 1 ,
4'o ' each ; rounds , per tet , WO feet , 12'o { set
middles , per n.t .17 feet , .Idu1 ; Hcasmds , less
tb in l.OOj-plceo lot s.Uliccieli ; small bladders ,
le"s tliiin wio-diw lols , Ibc pot do/ ; largo bind-
( IITs , less thin VX-do/loK Uann iloz.
L\ltn Ons llhls h\tr.i Iiinl oil , ws,4c !
r\lra.\o 1 laid oil , 41c ; No 11 ud oil , : aaNo. \ .
"laid oil , .lie ; pure ncatsfoot oil. Mo ; 5 u'al ,
can. VKI tal , extra neatstool oil , 4Jo : No 1
matsfootil.i7c ( | : , tallow oil 4Je.
I'KIS' loNOUKS-IIalt b.xrrels , { U. OD ;
( inarlir banols , W.7o ; elghtli birt els , fj.OO kits ,
nibse.ieh , 2.2.1.
TAirow A. Xo l,4Uc ; tcarlno , 0'c. ' {
I'llKI.KDllKKF rONOUKfl-IIllIf b.UILls , H.50 ;
qnatttr ban els , t.l B3 ; uUlith bin els , J.1.0J
Ijnn 'I lerecs Hellned lard compound , ft'tic ;
pure leaf , fi'jc ' ; kcttlt. b u Add > , o lo ' u per
Ib foi smaller packages.
I'ltM.iuiTaii't Half lnrrol , JJ.lfl ; qturtcr
birnls $ U1 ; eighth barrels , We ; kllw , 13 Ibs
each , C3o. _
SUOAH Cittloif. 7'4e ; cubes "Uc ; standard
powdered , 7'4ci XXXX , pouilucil , te ; grunu-
lati d.d e ; confi ctloners1 A , ( j'ic ; climax XO ,
( l'4c ; Nebiaska XO , O'BC ' ; iiinVicT , O'ic ; Canary
C , .Vic
Ci > mK-Grccn : I'lincy golden Hlo , S2Vio ;
fancyold po.iberry , 24'ieiUlo i holco tof nicy ,
2J4c ! ; Klo , piltne , iJc1 ! Uln , cond. 2l'ic ; bantos
and common Hlo , I'JiWIc ' , Mucli.i. .lie ; Java ,
ccunlne U U , 2tic ; Ja\a , guod Interior , 2oc ;
t'om.r Kon'itcd Arlosa , 2-HsCi lliinoh ,
2.1'it ; McliiiiiRlilIu XX\\ . 'il'Je ; Giriiiitn ,
21" " ie ; Dllwoi tii's 21'c ; Uon. 5.1'ic ; ,
2,1'ic ; Mocha , .He ; O ( J. Java. Uc.
llniliy , .l'o ' ( ; farlin ,
r > c : peas , oc ; o , it mill , I'adjII'H' , mic.ironl , lOC'j
lie ; \ernilcelll , IcVTJlIc ; rliuuioleell > i > , fiii.iy ,
in1 ; IK. id , V.c ; sauo nnd tnplnea , ( fitVc , lima
bonus. ( , ! ! snllL ncns. lie : sD.iL'lttl. He.
CANS Kli ( ! ooiis 1'rnlts t'allfoiiili stand aril
In anils , S't-lb , per iloy , Apricots $1.0jl.b.lj
callous. { I W , liluCkbcrrles , $2.5 ; cherries ,
black. KMKtf..r. ; chenlc , white , S-'r2/ > ;
Kiupes. UiuKiiiKO ; pcan. Itattlott , S.MUit.'J.Jl :
peaches , } ello\\ , W.loTiS.Vl ; peaches , lemon
cllns , S-MO ; plums , ej. % JH131W ; plums
cohlen ( hop , ( I.MI , plums , j-'riiMi KIIKOS , Jl. ( ' 4&
l.bO , peacbcs wlthpltH In , ; li > ( l ; cuiiantB.i..U ) ;
cooseborrlcs , $ . ' .2.1 ; quliiucs , SJ 10 ; i.ispbei i Ics ,
fr-.M ; stiawbtirles. JJ.V ) ; peiohcs , : < Ib c-ast-
i-in stnnilaiJs , } 1H1 ; .l-lb pie , fl.Sl , KII- !
lens plo , M.OJ ; apples , high BtaiidanU Mil ;
2-11) ) KoosubLrrles , lKc ; 2-lb strawboirles ,
OJta.'iVs . ' ; 2-lb rispbtitles , $1.002-lbblnthi'rilcs ! ,
HKiJ'iOc ' ; .Mb Mackbirrlcs. ( IMTOc ; 2-11) stran-
boirles , mcsmed , Jl.SOiS Ibi.ispbcrrlcs , jiro-
sercd.Ul SO ; 'J-lb hlnekhcrrlc picsorxcil. tl'JO ;
plncaiiiilts , llnliaiiia clipped , ' 'Ql ; 2-lb Hn-
hama , Krated , W.71 | 2-lb Huliamii , Uleed. f200 ;
2-Ib standard , slleid. 81.5ltl 11) ) : chunks , x'-lb
rod , Haltimoie , B.V&VKJ ; pears , 2-lb , * l.j ( )
Viai.TAiit.ts Tomatoes 3-lb extra , Jl.OO ; 3-
Ib stand ltd western brand" , IWo ; gallons ,
strictly standard , J2.9) ) . Corn Plnost gionn , ) ; KlltodRCd rueiirioinery line , fl'ii ) ;
choice 2-11) sii' corn , H. 10 ; 2-lb extra \\tst-
ein brands. KtoSMlOO ; S-lb stand ird western
hi anils , ( Mi'le. Mnshiooms l-lb Krcncb , ex
tra line , iX&Xet l-lb I'li'iich , tine , Ihti--'c ; l-lb
ricnoh , ordln.irj , Ip ( < 3l8e : . 1' Tres , lino.
per can , 2xj ; deml-flne.pcr can. lOe ; 2-lbslftid ,
Sl.wi ; 2-lb early June , il 2.131 n ; 2-lb.lIano\v.
staiiilaidbi.imls. $1.10 ; 2-lbso.iked. S7c. Strlns ;
bcins J-lb hlKli sradc , Kofujcco , 6. > t ) ; Mb
Oojden wu\ beans , ,0o ; 2-lb strliu beans , Wo.
I4m i beans 2-lb so.ilad , 75 : . Huston baked
beans ,1-lb Lewis , fl.Ulj Crown brands , ill W.
Sueet | ) otatoos J-lh New Jcisoy , Jl.OJ. I'utnp-
klsu H-lb. JI.10. Ukia and tomatoes $1 00
okrii. tl u ) ; succotash , $1.20.
DIIIEH ruuiTt ? t'urr ints , now , V c ; > ostlza ,
O'/ic ; piuiies , c.isks , J.'ICJ-lbs.d'ic ; piunes , bbl
or DiK.O'sc ; HuMil.i prunes , 7"-c ; eltton peel ,
drums. 20-lbs,22u ; lemon pec ) , drums , sue ; ap-
pies choleo ( naporatcd , Ic'e ; Mlcbls m 'is. ( KJ ;
1'dslaii datis , , c ; blieklnnlcs , evapoiated ,
.I'J-lb ' boxes , Vo' clienlcs , pitted , ( by onrod ,
ninv. 2.1oi rasplieiries. ex'apiiraticl. Is' v. , new ,
CiUc ! piniieH , It. C.GJ-'O , HtJUHe ; oranso iiiel ,
lie , iiilslns , O.ilitoinli , London ciop b'.W , } . ' Ci ;
Callfoinln , loose musc.iuls. CHIP IbOJ00 ;
Valenclas , old , dc , Valcaelus , now. Ocj t'allfoi-
nl i heidless sultanas miisuitoKfco ; bks,8cc. .
lUsiti.TS 1'cr do ? , 1 bushel , lumow band
sti\e , elm , $ ; l' bushel , nanow hind
slii\\ elm , $ . ' 1J ; 1 bushel , staxo broidbind ,
din JJ-V P , luislii'l , sl.ivu hroid band , elm ,
8J71 ; 1 bushel islm sta\e. bale li indie , $ ISil ;
bushel , oikstii\e , * - ! ( ) ! 1 bilsliel. ItiU' s , f.'i" ;
5 do/ , < 'u" ' ; l'i biishol. lltl .s , $ .12.1 ; 1 bushel.
0 ik , splint , fl.V ) ; I1 : bushd.oak splint , $ ! . " ( ) ;
1 b isbcl , bunlxio , flOO ; 1'4 bushel , liainhoo ,
Si'ni ; laundry , willow , larire , $710 ; Intimity ,
willow , iiit'ilmni. U/iJ ; linndiy , willow snufl ,
$110 ; inaikLt , elm , split , t * > cinailietelm.rlM't ;
li iiidln , lUe ) ; niarlitt , dm. coxeied , 1 peek , tJ 00 ;
willow , maiket , I.IIKC , W.50 ; willow , maiket,2
In nest.d smill , 1 inedliinii , poi nest Olc ; ash ,
satchel basket , cm ered , din nest , pei nc t , tl 10 ;
sin ill bitnhoo dclhery , t-t.i'i ; iiuilliiiii bamboo
dcllveri , S471 ; lu e bamboo doll\ery , } 3. > J ;
waste p inei bisiLts. { ; .40.
I'lsii-Codflsb , e\tia GeorKes , now , ,1'ic ' ;
Brand linik , iiov,4'iesll\ei. 2-lb blocks , dVtc"
snow whlte.J Ibbilcks , new. 8'ic" Turkoi cod ,
Inuo inlddlobiliks Oe : snow white , crates ,
lj-1-lb bo\t s , S3jc ! midluni scales hLrrln ' . :
50 1 sealed heirlm ; , 20c ; domestic IIolliiul
liuiliu' . We : lliimbur spleed hcnlnc. UJc ;
Itnsslan sardlnLsspteeiVi. ! ( ; Uusslairs u dines ,
plain. Mu ; Imported Holland lionlns , uonn
tirand , 80edo ; fancy mllkeis , IDc ; macki rol ,
r\o 1 sliote , half bills , itl.MHJ ; bloatei.s , halt
bbls , iw oo ; whltellsb , half bills , $70) ) ; trout ,
Inlf bb'.s , iJtX ) ; family \\hltellsli , t.l 50i salmon ,
O\NNH rmii-l-lbmncleiol ( horrliiK ) $1 00 |
l-lli llnii.iu biddies , tlUI ; 1-11) lobsleis , ( J l.VJi
2J.1 ; l-lb Alaska s Union , Aleut , : , 2-lb
( listers , 10 oz , * 1U > ; 1-11) o > steis , ,1 oJI. . 15 ; 2-lb
selects. 12 o/ , $ . ' 1.1 ; l-lb el a IMS , llttlo nicks ,
51 21 ; 2-lb clams llttlo necks , $17.1 ; 'i-lb ' sat-
dlnes. 'Imported , per case , 100s , 811 00M OJ ;
' , -Ib Imported Iwneliss sirdlnos , key , $ J.100 ,
'i-lb sndlnts , AIIIOI lean , poreaso , 100s. L"nneh
style , tl.l'Jitl.00 , ! j-lb s.irillues , Amerleau , per
eise , 100s. I'leneii Htjle , JTStMWOo ; 'i-lb ' h.u-
dines , mustaid , portahe.SJs , $ K5400.
llilODMs 5- tie , parlor SlUO ; 4-tIo , $ . ' .73 ! ,1-tlo
J.'LM ; l-tie , plain , * ! . ! ; > > , irchoube , Jl.OO ; toy
J1J1 ; whisk , $ l.K ( ll.2J
\ 'i-lb ' tin. lie ) peril ) .
iu & ( ti.iuiierlb : ; German oblcory ,
h Ilasls Manlllft. rope , llo ; sisal rope ,
l.'o : cotton lope l ( > u ; now proctbs , b'Jc. '
COTTON T\VIM \ : lllhb. Aery lino. : i or 4 ply.
SJof line , 20o ; daisy , Iso : candlu wick ,22o.
Or.tvKs Quarts , per dozI.OO ; pints , pordoz ,
} . > . ' .0 : bulk , per tallXlc. ?
VIM iAi < - : ) Kr. elder. JOcj gojd , Uo ; whlto
wine , IV- ; fancy , fmlt. o ,
STOU : l > ot.tsii-$2.00Q-l.(7per | (
lUns Am , pcrlOO fl7.00i I.cwlston. per 100 ,
Otis l.V ) pi line while , lie ; IV ) water white ,
Itu ; KlheadllKlit. l i"i "iKiisolInu , Uo.
. " \isou \ llbls , l'iu ; fc'r.inulateil , 2c ; kegs ,
HODA 1'kgs , CO lb < to box , S'iSW'ic ; kegs ,
4' o.
NUTH Almonds lla ; lira/Us , lie ; filberts ,
IJ'so ; pecans , lie ; \\alnuls , I2'ic ' ; pt iiiutcoeks ,
'J'tc ; roasti (1 ( , lie ; Teuiiessoo peanuts , HO.
MoiAssts llbls N O fancy , per cat , ViiJWTo ,
elioloe. 4i@)7cFiMd ) ; , .WQJ-'c ; ( Juba baklnu , 2 a
aon : black hlraii/.txaJic.
1'M'Fii .straw , per II ) .
in- . Pie ; Manilla II , .V'ai ; Xo. I , 8e.
lUns Union square , IWii-ti mr CM nt off list ,
H\I.T Dairy , SKcl Ibs In bbl , hulk , * 2.10j IHSI
Kiade.CiO 'isi , * . ' 10 ; best Xlade. Km , ; is , * , ' .40 ; bst
t ; rail e. 1H , lUs , $ . > .20j rock salt , orusliod , tl.Wj
eoiiiiaiin , bbl , (12.1. ( ,
houiiistlle , niottkil , per Ib. WtlCc ; do ,
white , per Ib , Ho
Qt'lNiNn-Prroz. . I' . A W. , 4to ; German , .lie ,
liifllro , peril ) , "Jo ; Insect powder , l o ; opliim ,
( I 00) ) niorphlne , P"r / , M.10 ; Imps per Ib , 'me ;
Chierlno , JOe ; doxtrlno , lOo ; uuttlubonn : ile ;
creiuii tarter , pure.C.V ; cotnmurclal , Itta ; cam
phor , 4.VJ am , curb. Ho ; lilno vitriol , 7'ii'- '
Acids ( . 'arbollc. tol-'o ; citric. I'/itlToi tur-
tnrlo. < ; ; sulphuric , iiorlb , 2o , tiperm oil ,
ll.ldl turpcutluo , ibu ; Touka Lcaua , fj yit
5.n ; i bnl atn tolu , ftfvfllOo ; cnlomol ,
canthixrnilles fl.nrrtl : tr > ; eiix'la buds , .
cblorofotnl , 4 ! > jl > 2oi ergot , 47 { 'C'oj cum arable ,
Bc . < rej tlcuriiio ) ) , VOuJici Iycoooilluiu,4 , i0c'i
mere'tiry , 6"c.
pig , ! o per lb | Inr , Me
Cori'rn Ili\nl \ li ( il Ixiller slrc , ! CU ) pcrlb :
cold rolled. Sieportbt slieatlnRilloporlb ; pltts
and flats JIe > per Ib ,
OAtVAM/Kii ! < iinT liiov Discount M-lOjmr
rout , pat. plan , li-on , Noi. 24 nnd ' . ' 7 , A. lOUol It.
ooTlN Pj.ruI. . C. , 10x21. 23.1 , (7.00 | I. X. , 10\U ,
, I. O. , 11x20 , 112 , ( .1.50 ; I.
HliKTllloNo.M , WV ) ; Xu.S7.ra.OD.
Sot.nilli-btile'tly half and Imlf , IGo.
STI KI , N MI - l a c , I.VJO.
Stu- , \ \ ntr X.MIS llase. ( . ' < V > .
\\iitr.-Jiip. ! | Hah. * .I.M.
Ollli U13A1/CV
TNSTIUntRNt'd ptacoU on record dtulnn
i } esterilavi
ii\lila Johnson and husband to Onitilia
Hell Line r.illua.vcompaii ) , lot 17 , blk
1Vi l rumlnn add. w d $ COO
Ti ink Dlsen and wife to Omaha licit
Mne rillwny company , lut lit , blk 1 ,
\\istUuiiilni \ ! add , wd . . . . COO
A TMerrlam to Omalia elevator com-
puiy. It jit lot 8. blk SOI. ( i (1 ( . . . . 1
A OlflinclmiiRli etui toDinnlia cknutor
tompuny. n pilot 8. blk sol. w d , . . 1
lluiry Ambler and wile to Job lutlilll ,
lot I2blki : , Kckeinianrinie. w d . CM
Otto I.obeek and wife to I < 11 rosier , lot
10 , MnrsliiiH.t I.oliocK's dlu il . . 503
Otto I.obeck and wife to 1'iank Cat ruth ,
lott > , Miir hall .vrl.obeck's dlv w d . . 600
Unionstnckjaids company to Vov -
alek. lots 7 and f. blk 17 , 1'ltst add to
south Omaha , wd . . . 1,100
lloscs .V 11 111 to 0II Spray , lot : i , blk 18 ,
Omaha View , vr d 1,100 ,
Arthur lEoinlninon ct al to U U Spray ,
lot 4.blk 18 , Uiiiiha View , w d . . . . 1,000
Ol.WrlitlittoO \ \ 1 lawsuit , lot 12 , blk
51. South Omalin , w d . 11,000
Jilt Hcrirerto KKIIiuco , lot 4 , bll { 5 ,
I'orest Hill add , w d . . . 3,250
M H MinnflVr mid liusbind lo IIV
Yntw , lotlO , blk2 , Hlllsldo add No. 1 ,
w (1 3,000
AS Pntilckto .lohn Howyci , lots 8 and
0 , A a Patrick's add , u d 1,000
U U lliirbanlc , spoclil master , toMT
1'atrlck. ' pirt lots U , 7 , 8 and U , blk. 1 ,
1'opo 1'laie , deed . . . . 2,700
J ritojd , sherlir , to 1' Chrlstlnn'-oii , lot
0 , blk "IV Lowe's first add. dud. . . 1,100
Oil Kord and wlfo to Milimcrtl Penny.
lot HI. blk U , Ambler Plnie , pirt lots 21
and ' UIKO uii'iiarii 11111. < -ow
. . , , . ien . . ,
It.l bttlngtr and biisband toll I ) \\fll \ ,
lot 1C , blk 10. Urchin (1 ( Hill , ud . . 1.200
Strltujei t Penny to D K Well , lots 21
and. , ' , blkii. Orchard Hill , und lot 111 ,
blkl ) . Ambler I'laee , w d . 3,200
J 0 Itnrntinl and n Ifo to 1) ) H Well , lots
17 to-JO. blk 10 , lots 20 und . ' 1 , blk I ) ,
Mil tli Omaha , w d . 3,000
II K Miixivill , special muster , to J W
Squlio , trustee , lot II , blk I.1 , Ambler
I'laeu . . .
Samoto samelotir , llk ) l.l.Amblur I'luco ' ,
deed . . . ! . . . 1.000
. $ H,7C2
Building Permits.
The following permits wore Issued by tlio
bullduiir Inspector jeatetday !
J. H. Van Aostcr. two-stoiy lirlck jrsl-
donee , Twentj nlntliatid JIn oti sticets 1 1 , WO
One minor penult . 71
Two permits . 14,571
Provisions and Stocks.
Basement First National BanX ,
8OB South 13th Strest , Onxh
Accounts of IlnnkB , U.iuLers ami Corporations so
Ourfnclllllosfor COLI.1ICTIONS rirocxccront.nml
wo re discount for limt-s when balnncoi wurrnntlt
liotton U n llciurro Cily , niul tinlinces with UH
from bunks ( not located In other Kcsurvo Cities )
count an n reserve.
Wo ilrnw our own evchanco en T-ondon nntttlio
Continent , and innkocalilo Irnn forH nnil pluco money
by tclct'raiib tlirougliuut tlio United btatoiunU lan-
Mchnvoa ninrkct for prlmo Hr8t-clns Investment
Sccurltlonndln\ltc | iioi > osals from yt.uts , Cuun-
tloinnd Cities when Imilnu bond.i.
M'odo nKcneral bniiklnK bimlnessnnd Inrltocor-
1302 Farnam Street- .
Oily Passenger and Ticket Agont.
Denver1 , Colo. ,
Capital Prize $7,500' .
Address D.F.RIIODUS ,
Permanent Alignment
General Agouti Nebraska unel Iowa. -
31OS. 10th St. , - - Omaha
Farlr Dnij ao4 ik u * , InpoUo.
k IUi luoriinilliealtl.full
trttw. Titl'orrUrnrxi , 1'urlicnlirutil MrrnirlhiMiciI ,
&cw ! ! Trr ll feu ( treoauileralwj IHIrliltdal * .
ujr.M LteuNciit t.Nbi-rn.s uo * IIH vumm bi. , xt ,
" "
Pufrfruii fmrii tlie flints of juuuiful i rrora , tirlf
decajr , wiutliix veakiuti , lol iiiaiilKHxI.cto , lwlil
wucl a > uluuLil trtatlMi ( ualcill containing [ ull
partlrulnn for liomu curv. Fit IJ | or rliar e. A
iplciullit innllcal work i should lift i < nil by eirrr
mnn who U arnon * mil drlilliutnl.
National Bank
Cnpltnl , - $ 'iOOOOO'
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1800 , - 07,000
Officers iiml Directors llcnrjr Y lc , r > rcli1ijntt
Inl t < Itcol , lro > 1ro lilcnt , Jnmes SitntrolV. .
V-Morup , tolm * ( Vlllni ; H C Cuililn | J. , 11
Tatrlck ; \\.H.S lluclicsrnshlcr.
Corner I2thnnil I'arnnm Streets.
A General llunldiiK Ilitslncs Traintotcil.
National Bank
Cnpltnl , - $40OOOO
Surplus , - 4OOOO
nnd DlrrrtnM-K. M StorKPniiui , (1 M
Illtrhcock , .Iincpli liiiriionii , Jr , A llonrr , I' M
AnilcrKdii , Wllllniu ( I .Muni , ' Tloi'-pri'slJont : U II
Wllllnui ! A. I' llt'i'klm ' , ( iroliliMit A .Mllllaril
ciulilur ; 1 II llrvunt n > slstnntc.i hlor.
Omaha ManilfailUrers.
ItdOtH llllll SllDI'H.
Wholesale Manofiicturcis of Boots & Shoes
Atciitnfor llo ton Itiiliticr Slioo Co lib ? , 1104 nuilllOl
llnriur iStrtet , Onmlm , Null
llrew ors.
Lager Deer Brewers ,
1M1 Ncrtli Ifth Street , Oinnlin , Neb.
Jlaniifaclurcrs of ( lalvanizcil Iron Cornice
Vliulovrcnpiniul motnllcnkvlltilits Joint Kponctcr ,
irnprlclor lUHnml lltjymilli HHIi rlrctt
A. IIOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1. > U Doiiclm fctrc'ol , Oinnlin , Neb
Con I , Coke1 ,
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
B K Cor ICth nnil Douulns Struets , Onmlm , Neb.
Shippers ol Coal and Coke ,
_ 811 S iiilli 1111i Street , Onmlm. Neb
Wholesale Cigars.
403 N Iiilli Street , "llcllol" 1IV .
Dry GooiU ntul NotloiiH.
Dry Goods , Furnisliing Goods and Notions
Coiiicrllthnuil lluniinl Streets.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
dents' KurnlsliliiBfJood' ! Corner lltu und Humor
blrecls , Onnlm , Neb
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
larmim Street , OimlinNotiraskn.
rurnlfure ,
Oninlm , Ncbrn'kn.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Jothnncl Iciiven orth Streets , Onmlm , NcbrnakA.
, ito. ;
Dealers in Hardwood Lumber , 1410 N ICtli Bt ,
Wholesale Lumber , lite. , Etc ,
Imported anil Aincrlcnn Portland Coiucnt. 8tato
( joutfur Mllnuukcu Hiilnuillo Commit , anil
( julncy Ulilto I.liuo.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood carpets nml pnnitivtllooilnc lith und Douglij
Strout ! , Oiunlii , Ntbrnsk u
Lumber Lime Cement Etc. Etc
, , , . , ,
Corner I'lli ' nnil UoueliiB Etrocti , Onnlm.
IVIIlIincry niul Notions.
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
203 , 210 UI1J21J Bon til llth struct
Notions :
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
1121 Humor itrout , Oniilia.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils
Axle grease , etc , Omalia AH Dlshop , Malinger.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Curry n nice itock of printing , wrniiln ; | mut writlni
pit ) > er. Bpoclul attontleiu tlvun to c ud paper.
Halts , itc. :
A. L. DKANE < k CO. ,
O'cncrnl Agcnla for
Halls' ' Safes ,
821 inrt 121 Soillli Kill bt , Omilia.
ToyH ,
.Tobbcri of
Dolls Albums Goods
Toys , , , Fancy ,
UoiueiturnlMilncCoudi , Clillilrcn'n Cnrrlnuci 12n (
tniniun Ktrcel , Ounilin , Neb
" \VntcrHupitllcH.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
IlalUdny nlntl ii.llli D1S anrt ! ) Jono > iit , Omaha.
U F Unas , Actlnf Mauak'er
Iron " \ViirIcs.
\Yrouglit \ and Cast Iron Building Work ,
UnKlnei , bm work , Koncrnl foundry raiirhlno unJ
tilackimlth worlc Ulllco und works , U , 1' .
Itr iinl lith alrcu , Omaha
SlanCrs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vuult * , jnll work , Iron aliuttori and tire cicnpei.
U Anilceon.i'rop r. Cur llth und JackaonSU. .
KilHli , Doorw , IUc.
M. A. DI8BKOW & CO ,
Vi hultsnlo manufacturer ! ! ot
Sisb , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Ilrnncl ) oOlco , 12th iiml Iioril strccti , Omnlia , Neb
So it tli
01 South Omilia , Limited
itniMiil M on i
4 M tl m DilcKRO Iliprcn . , , , . . f > l rri
V 4) in ClilcnKO Ktprfii | 0 M p ra
1' 111 p m OI'CIRO Ktpro I''flnm
C.Wn HI Ihlrngt ) Loral U5 m
ItlVIIll Arrl t
DopuMOtlinml Mi vHJHrcot' OiiMhi .
_ _
lo lin in . . .Doini'r IHr Kjn | i 4Up lii
10 n n in . , , IH'iivor Ktpri" MS p m
IVM 11 in . . .IK'ntir Nlulit ktiirci * . J M n m
ti n n 111 . llnctiln I ionl . , U tx ) ji ni
l nvot I KTP , S'f J . * I H. " Arrl o
Onnlm. | npHit | UUli niullnvin _ tr t
Oil ft nil . liaii niritirlir ) l l > r < > M , . m
IMS p mK [ O MulilKxp Tin I ! \ \ 1mn " \
I Jnlr
1) pollom _ n n I M B rcr _ I ( .n h
S SO i > in .OTorlnrulT-ljcr. volp m
7. W p m , Pnclllol.i 13 45 p in
10 Al n ni , Denver K i > rc s. .1 M p m
5 ID n in , . , Kniifns lllr Ki | < rrs , IJ evTft m
K ) 11 n in InlrtlcMKxp ( in < | it r I ' . ' 1 p nt
Irfnves [ { 'IIiraTlO. II1 .V I' . MV'IO .Urlti-r
Unmhit | tT.l'dt't'OI _ _ , lOlh i iul Mnrcy SI Uninbn.
I" in Mulit UTIHO" . . HHl'iii m
li 15 n ni Allnntlo Kxpro < ! > . i it.t ) p in
jt li p in Vc lltuilo Limited . llO 4) it m
"ix'iiTOi I IDtlCITl A I'ACIHC. Arrives
Oiimlm U > . 1' ile-iHit lUlh unit Mnrer Sl
7 1J i in | Slum rilv I'noi'nKer |
SI I'mil Kxrro . (1001 ( ; am
_ . . . . _ . . . . imnTi A I'SiTHiX | , . \rriv.-jj
JUnmlm | IK'i'ot l.'itli \\fbnter8K. " " . j
JlliO p m | . . SI Ijiuil I.Unllrd . , I D U nm
irfnvoslT'lllLAtlOA NUHl'llNM rkUN I Arrives
Uinnlin III I' iluiuit , lotli nut Many * * t < Oiuih v.
t'l n m . . . ( lilniKi ) Kt | > ro < 9 i it'.V p m
4 HI p m . . . Yr'tltiiilo I.linllml P : > H in
ClSpni . . . lowii Aoioiiuiioilitlon , TIU p ui
_ IMO p m . „ rn torn Hyor . . I i { " > p m
ln rvt | eilttTAl : ( , MIU , A ST I'Al U
_ 0miilin | IT r ilri > t , lUlli nnl Mnrcr ft" Oinnlin.
1'IS ' nml UilrnKO Mnll ( it W p n !
OUI j > m ! tblcnkO " i 1' l'i n ui
JI W j ) ln | ( lilriiitu I 2 IM' uj
leivci I OMAHA \S > r Arrlvoi
_ 0iimlin. It' I I1 ili'iwt , luih j > ni OniitiK.
4 HI 1 > in M UmU ( nnnnii llnll l..IJ p lu
Ua\t-i I ! , K , V M ) V i Arrlvui
Uniahn | tlU'i , iJ I I ) n l'i . _ _
" '
"liiu'n in. ITiack ifillT if f > Hi p til
( MI ) n ml lln tlnm Kit | ( lx ! .S .M p m
( II ) pm \\ftluio V I Inrolii l'ni uiiL > r 110 .11 u m
ilUpml llrW A Nnrfulk ( ri Siimlii ) t ID M li m
1 lines I ( V. l' I' . M VO Arrl01
Oinnlin Io ) > otl5tli nmlchitnr St < Onnlm.
T U ) n in " Umx I Ity Acttimmniliitloii DOS p m
1 W p in Muiixllty iiVroi ! > tKx Hun ) 1 U p m
OKI p m st. I'nul Limited . ti i. , n in
_ M'i u m .Ilnnrnlt I'liiii'inter ( K * "mil i | t (3 ( im
\U3HOlllil I'ATIPU' . 'Arrhoi '
Depot I Mh nml\Mb _ _ tir Sin | elniilm
lT < ) n mf M TouTs K 1lUpruss "i 4 VI p m
tlli pjn | M Iinl < A K C KXIMVHS I (110 ( n in
_ _ - . _ *
Tliujo trnlni nlna utop nt Mlh , ITlli , .Illli nml 2111
itrc'ctn , hiiuiiult niul SnUilim I'runlnit 'Wor'tiK *
roen'n Inilimlo nut run biiinlnir.
I.OHTM 1 CI1IOAOO. K 1 .V 1'AUli I Arrives
Triunfer | liiUm ) Depot , rounell Minn | Tnuinfer
10 p III ' . II a iii
tl 10 n in' ' Atliintlo Kipro 111 5 p m
600 p ml \ostlhnlo I.lniltcil 10 > U n n\
Leave s IClllOAdO A . . ArrlvilT"
Trnmfi'rl Unlin ltut | , ( .iiiincll Hindi iTriin fcr
II 411 n m ( lilrniio Lipruvi 1)10 | > iiT
t > U ) p in VOHlltiiilo I InilU'il ' ( i Ji a nt
lOmj p , n . Kniturn l.lj er . 1 UO p m
H ( XI p min All intlc Mull . 7 10 n jn
Arrive ! "
'lrmi fur | riilun Depot. Council ltlult < _ Unn ( cj
in tlilcnito Mull ( enepi Mindly ) 11 ) p m
' p m . . . ' . 'If , n n (
10 IM pm . _ . riiloniJii KkjirnM. 2 IK ) p n\
' ' ' ! * "
Triuntorl tlnliiii Uypnt. ( 'oin'ull'miiBi TArrfM
10u ; n ml Kr.inTi tltjr liny i : < prii < T S 41 p ra
U)25p ) m | KIHUIH ( Ity NUlit Ji'ru | ! L j I.'JJ H 111
Ionvc T" oMAllXx'tir.lJOUItf.
[ Iriunlurj [ Unlpn Depot. Ciiiintll lllnira llrnixror
ilKJp ni L M.Jtrt > > ( iiiioii Unll tl IS p iq
'rniHforl ' Union Dcput , ( ininoll lllull < , I Irnnsfcr
V 41) ) a in ChlcnKO Kxprcu . .I I.iPpm
I ) 00 p 1 1 CtilcitKO KYpru a. . . li 41) ) a m
Cif'lon locnl . Ill M m
Union lippot , Cuiiiicll llliiff.i.
.Blour Cltr Arcomiuoilatlon
. . . . St. I'nul hrprcn
\ Veitwird."n S-p
p m I'm
VebiterBt. . . . 6 M AM 7 & 0 S. 45 1)4 !
Oak Chntbam. 6.58 CM 7 67 H.U 5.21 0.24 8 45 12 & !
Uruld lllll. . . . 6.00 700 7W 1.M 5.35 6.27 8 47 II U
j Street. . . fl.OJ 70.4 801 3.6i , 8 M \ttt \
Walnut Hill. . 6.00 700 8.11)p . 81 ( .34 8 M i.a
Dundee I'litoe , 0 OH 7 OH 8 05 4.0) 6.113W 8 & 4 l.K
Vent Bide . . . . 6.10 1.10 807 4.W 5.J5 8.tO 8 M
8VJ 4.04 8.58
it moot 8.11 4.00 9 01
iojraour 1'ark 8.11) 4.11 005
orlii ! 4/Al 0 15
R m p a p m p m n.m. pm ,
Portal 8 'U 4.10 B.XU 1.3J
KM 4 J9 11.42 l.ll
Mnicot a 4.44 9.47 1.60
I.imri 45 4.44 tl.4'J 1.63
Weil Rldo 8.W7 50 8 V ) 4 U U M 1.6 *
Duinlcfl 1'lnce. 721 6 M 4,49 5.41 9..Ml i.yj
Walnut Hill. B. 247 24 8 61 4 62 6.41 0.4'J 9 M 1 OJ
Lake Strcot. . B.fl. . ,267 , 24JO < 51 * . is B.61 10 01 '
Druid Hill. . . . 6.31 7 11 4 57 S.I90.M 10 03 z.'oa
Ouk Chnlhrvm O..V ) 7. 6.M 7.UU 10 07 9 , lit
Wolnter Hired (1.417 ( 41 t ID a ( HIT.10 10 16 tM
t\SDAt'QNrj ' I
nil Mnc f In ( lie \VoilJ.
rjimnilatti n un ( scellitl
CIKCABHIA , .Tiilrl ! ! I r.TlllOl'IA , JnljrZrt.
ANCIIOIHA , July 10. | rL'KNKSSIA , Aiiir.2.
NewYoilc , Qncciisto\\n utulLlvorixiol.
Tlio Celilirntoil I lulyjah.
C11V Olf UOMH. I Autr. 2Jil bopt ( SOttu
rntpnoii town ttrniiii tu undfr iutti * print Innl
hxcurMon ticktts rulucfd , mule avallahlo to it-tuni
I ) } ( Itlx-rtlmi tun-hriuul.lvlol\trlI.r ) { iyNorth or
hunlh of Ireland NnnenorUlhialtnr. ]
nt louut current rnten Apply to any of our local
ngrnu.or to HENDERSON BROS. , Chicago.
Locil iistintH at Omaha. Harry } ' . Moor *
Ch.uIPS Mams. W. P Valll , II. 1' . llauol.UIll
zea s llanlf , Ottxi Wolf
Cabin Patsage $35 to $50. accordlnu to location ol
stateroom. Excursion $66 lo $95.
EtccroRo tnunit trnm Kuropoat I/iwont Itntci.
AUSTIII DALDWIH & . GO. , General Aecnlt.
63 Broadway , NEW YORK.
Jim IllcgGii. ( lonornl Wotliiru AKUIII , 1'J )
ItuiKlolnhhtrocl , Clilcugo. Harry 1 ; .Mo rd
'Ihos , UuntiU. \
Pmaocto and from Great Britain ind ad
partt ol Europe ! Montreal Liverpool route , by the
waton ol St. Lawrence , shotted dill. UltiHizow to
llonton , tol'lillailwlplila , Liverpool to ami from
Baltimore. Thirty btenracrg. Clan oxcflalor ,
Accommod&tlniii uniurpasred. Weekly salllnrjt.
AI I.A.S' A < : O..Uin Weau AK ' .
C.J.Sundcll , ii.n.icr.112 LnHnlloHt. . Ublca o , 111.
QVOWH IQ Oan Iio cured InSOtoCO
O I r n 11 1 J iliiyHliy iihoof tliiiiiiiir
\ulnuti Muirlo Ki iniily. , ) ) . ( ) fniMiuuhult will
nntciliii. CAU'I'ION td ia the Kdlilhio rim < 4
rdyVrltuorvalI ( in 1' . t' . Joslyn , SOU
nuy fctrc't 1 , Uniiihu. Nubrutiku ,
d ( lull Tllr ; *
Iti Oni i/r niori * ( 1 ol U i rlr irbl
L , 0. I ) dn.cKtom L. U Hp.rr'iliJ
lort , 211 W M 4 MB VU , tl.if.iu. 13
IIOi4i J K > i > 4 ! < . limp for n > w i
Ui u/i n ( Mtigf la li *