Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Mnr h. John Peterson , Nela Lanon. Fred
, j South Oinnhn Daniel 1i , JicQuckon ,
rOeorgo W. MuVepc-ace , NeK Peterson. John
Condon. Kun ( llhson. Joseph ICunzol , John
0 , Bo\vloy , John D. Koblnson.
1'CllOCH llC till ) Klltllt. '
The greatest excitement prevailed when the
result of the contest \MM generally known.
Mercer clelegntlons walked the streets che < sr-
ing nnd giving vent to \vlldcstcxprcsslom
of enthusiasm. Over a hundred Seventh
ward republicans inarched In a body to THE
UKK office , ciuiylng a Mercer broom. They
mngrcgnUxl In the rcportorlal tx > ems , heard
the return * wad , nnd gave tlueo cheers for
Mcr rr , the Seventh ward and Tim BrE.
.Snylngs of Grout Jfon.
The whhligli ; of tltno brings its iDVengcs.
Lin Inge r.
The blocks of fifty Bfemod lo go to siunds
of loss than five. .John T. Cl.irko ,
If ono of them was In Jerusalem and tlio
other In hull , \towould have won the battle ,
Paul Vnmleivoort.
Fling away nmbltlon. Hy that sin fell tlio
nngcls. Jou Hedmond.
Oil , what an ass om 1 1 ( J. 31 , II. In Cooloy's '
We're nil undone , Shrlver ,
Tills Is the suite of man. Today ho puts
forth the loader leaves of hope , tomorrow
blosspmn and bears his blushing honors thick
upon him The third day comes a frost , n
killing frost , nnd when ho thinks , good easy
mini , full surely his greatness is n-ripenlng ,
nips bis root , mid then bo falls as I do.
I did not think to shed n tear in all my mlv
cries ; but thou linst forced mo out of thy hon
est truth to play the woman , Let's dry our
eyes , 1) in Wheeler.
Spurious reform is not u winner in Ornuha
I hnvo ventured lllto little wanton boys that
swim on blnddeis , these nmiiv summers inn
sea of glory. Hut fur bcjond my depth my
high blcHUi pride at length broke under me ,
and now has left mo. wc.iry and old \v\l\\ \ \ ser
vice , to tin ) mercy or n mdo stream tint mutt
forever hide me. Vain jiomp nnd glory ot
this world , I hate jo. W. J. llroatuli.
Tlio 1 Jolt on Wool Market.
BOSTON' , Mass. , July 31. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : nr.i : . ] There has been a f.ilr volume
Of Uade In wool , nnd the sales nmount to
U,113KOt , ) i > ouiids 01 all kinds. Snmll lots only
are selling , the largest ale being 150 , ( XX )
pounds of spring Tcxus at U0@i5o. There
have also lieun small salcs of line Texas at
i o. 'J'enltorj * woids nro quiet with small
sales on the scoured basis of iXlc for line. 5C@
Me for line medium nnd B'Jf Vie for medium.
California and Oregon wools have been dull
and no sales of Importance hnvo boon re
ported. Pine washed lleecet are in Inigo
supply nnd selling most freely ; Ohio X sells
nttlifj-Jcnnd : ( : XX at : ix ltf : for Michigan
X not over U3c Is paid , unless for a very
cholco lot. No. 1 combing Is firm at 30 ( < ? > lOc ,
and delnlno suloitlonssell at B'io for Ohio
nmllUi'for Jillehlitan. Unwiished combing
wools dull at lS ! ( . ! ! io for threo-ciglitha and
25f < iiic ; ) for ono-ciuiirter. Pulled wools con
tinue quiet , Australian wools nro In fair de
mand. Torclgn c.niKJtwoohdull.
'Ihty AViuit Kcolprocliy.
Los'oov , July 11 In the commons this
evening Mr. Howard "Vincent asked the gov
ernment if in view of the fact of the free
market afforded to American products In
Great llrltalu while the heavy duties Im
posed on British goods had nearly cx-
tlngiiUhcd the national debt of Iho United
States , the government would imlto Amnnca
to icfmln fioin enforcing the prohibitory
tnillTs now before congress , hut Instead give
a Inir commercial reciprocity. Secretary
Ferguson said that no such representations
"were likely to bo successful.
Painfully Iiiiirod In n Idtiunvay.
1'erro Munn , tbo iiiuc-ycar-old bpy of
Frank Ahum , mot with n vorj- painful acci
dent yesteniay afternoon. The llttlo fellow
was riding up Blonde on a coal wagon , and at
Twenty-fourth sheet was loft in charge of
the team while tlio driver vent Into a house
t o collect n bill. The horses became fright
ened ntu passing motor ami suddenly turned ,
upsetting the wagon and tin owing the boy to
the ground. Ho was picked up and taken to
his home , when medical aid was summoned.
Tliu injuries consisted of a dislocated shoulder
nnd n badly finetured ankle.
Death Ilooiird.
HEUUV , July 11 , [ Special Cablegram to
THE BH : . ] Herr Stcffcck , director of the
JCoenlcsberg academy of ait , died today from
liOi'isviM.i' , Ky. , July 11. Ex-Senator
TliomasJJ."McCraiy died at his homo near
Owensboi-o , Ivy. , yesterday In the seventy-
fourth lear of his age. lie hud been a par-
aljtlu for years.
Olsii l'iiisitied. ( .
Kilns GIsbvho worlcs for Drexel & Maul ,
ivhllo returning from the Crcighton hotel
yesterday afternoon , was overcome by the
heat and lay in n very critical condition .for
several hours. Lnto last night ho began to
recover uudls now considered out of danger.
Tlu Clonkinnknrs' Strike.
Nnw VOIIK , July 11 , The situation among
the lockcd-out cloahmukcrs Is unchanged.
About forty-flvo Polish Jews wore detained
at the barge olllco this morning ns coming
under contiact to tnko the places of the
locked-out Uo.ikmahcrs , They were held for
Approved \ > y ttio President.
\VAHitiXdTON- , July 11. The" president to'day
approved the legislative , Juillcia * and e.xccu-
tivo appropiintioii bill ; niiaet to provide nn
additional n sociato Justice of the snnicmo
court of tlio territory of New Tklcxico , and nn
act to provide for the disposal of ceitaln
abandoned milltaiy reservations in Wyoming.
Cotton Seed Oil Destroyed.
ATLANTA , Gn , July 11. The refinery of
the Southciu cotton seed oil mills near hero
burned yesterday. Moro than two hundred
thousand gallons of oil uero lot > tby t the
bursting or tank * . Lois , $100,000.
Killed and Ate JIls Jtother.
Drm is- , July 11. Intelligence has reached
here that a man named John Hart , living at
Ballync.d , murdered his mother and then
chopped her body to pieces. Wicn the mine
\\as discovered Hurt was found lying beside
the remains eating a part of them.
Canada's Itlic Surplus ,
Omwv , Out , , July 11. The statement of
tl.o revenue received nnd disbursed by the
dominion of Canada for thollse.d year to June
SO , shows n surplus of $7,90U,000 , , the laigest
since the confederation.
ol'TlioIr L- .
. . N. V. , July ll.-Thomns
JJeauau and Mis , Henry Vnnduson , injured
in lust night's railroad accident ncir Owciro ,
uy wlilc-h thrco women were instantly lillled ,
died utter nn hour's sutTeilncj.
I'lUilnrolml tlrulo Olllcjcr.s.
WukKsiit , "Wis. , July 11. The supreme
toinblo of the Patriarchal clYcle today elected
( iflleers us follows : Alexnnder Dounhl of
Mliuic.iiKlU , supreme counsel ; T. T. Ander
son of lilooiniugton , 111. , supreme marshal. ,
. WAiiu.s-iiToxJuly 11. The following eon-
flnnntlonvio made today : A. I1. Dixon to
lx > Indian wont nt Orow Ureck titul Lower
llrulo agency , liouth Dakota.
A Die Hrewc-i-y Ituriiod.
Piur.VKiU'iiiA , July II. The bi-ewery of
the Henry Mullet : lu-cnlng company wus
diimnfred liv lliv this inomiiifr to tlio exteut of
tlOO,000. Two men were h.idly injured.
A TrnvolliiK Mnn SIIVOH n Woinun's
A ( rnvolliif ; man , Mopping nt the Leo houao
Ciiinpbellsbtivg , hul. , on k'.u-ulnp thut aliuly
in the village was sulTcilntr terribly wltii
crump cello , RIIVO the land-lady a bottle of
medicine , which lie hail \\ltlulilm nnd ro-
nuo.-iU'd her te tulio it to the sick woman ,
.The medicine relieved lior promptly and slio
bellnyea navod her life : it was Chauiberlaln'3
Cello , Cholera and Dlnrrhcva liamcdy , tlio
promptest and most rollnbla nicdlclno In use
lor bowel ccuijilaluU.
Jacob Bidei , a Dakota City Farmer , round
In a Dying Condition ,
.Soldiers' Iteimlon at A" lon Sporting
Toiiriuniiciil nt Prcmittit A Sonsa-
tlonal Clitirch Tilnl at
North 1'lnttr.
DAKOTA CITT , Neb. , July 11 , [ Special
Telegram to Tun Ben. ] Jncob A , Sides , a
fanner living about thrco mites fi'orn this
place , was found nbout two miles from his
homo In atttwonear John dribble's , shot
through the chest and nn old army rlilo lying
by his side.
Sides liai been d rlnklng very hard for a
long time , and It Is thought
ho had become slightly demented.
Knrly this morning ho borrowed his
brothel's rifle and left homo without telling
nny ono where ho was going. Ills neighbor
became alarmed at Ills auicnconnd stinted u
search for him at noon.
About 4 o'clock ho was found Ivlnf in a
Krovn la the condition described. The doc
tors say tint there is little hope for him , as
they cannot truce the bullet. Sides has
a xvlfo and fotirsinull children nnd Is the pos
sessor of one of the nnost farms in the county ,
No vauso tun bo assigned for the rash , act ox-
ccpt hard driulilng.
A Sensational Onu-jli Trial ,
Noiirir I'/\.TTK , Nob. , July U. [ Special
to Tin : Bra ] A .sensational church trial 1m
been underway in this city for the past three
days , chaises luvinj ; been piefcrrod by cer-
tiln members of the Jlethodlst Eplaeopil
church against Hon. J. T. Ncsbltt. A court
has boea organized for the purpose of ascer
taining the facts. . The prosecution , however ,
seems to lie malignant and tlio olllcers of the
court are determined to convict , regardless of
truth or justice
Tim court sits with closed doors , ovcirules
nil legal precedents established for the pur
pose of obtaining tiuthful evidence , admits
hearsay testimony , and refuses to allow the
impeachment of the witnesses who have tcs-
tlilcd for the prosecution. .
The court is dubbed "tho cat nnd parrot
show" on the streets nnd the belief Is preva
lent that the result will be a division of tlio
Klncl-Hcnrted Hnllrond Ofllulals.
UAVCNXA , Web. , JulyS. To the Editor of
THK Ben : On the afternoon of July \Vllliani
Clinton , abrakonmnon the B. & M. , had both
of his legs cut oft by being run over by n
switch engine. No sooner had the accident
happened than telegrams went llj ing to Lin
coln la regard to it. It was but a few min
utes until nn order came from Lincoln to s > end
a special lo Grand Island fora doctor to as
sist m uuipuluting the llrubs , In the mean
time. Ti-.ilnmaiter Belnup got an cnirino and
roach rer.dy and made the run of H.3 miles ,
from Lincoln to Kavemm , in two hours und
thirty-five minutes , Since then other specials
have ln-f i sent for assistance , nnd now the
patent. Is doirtf finely. No more prompt nt-
teallcn co'ilcl hum boon given to the pre l-
Jentof the United Stares than hns been
c.hown to the sulTeier by the B. As M. olllclnls.
A Brute la Human Form.
GrSKVA , Neb. , July 11. [ Special to Tins
Br.i ! , ] A brute In human form named Kuslcr
last night undertook to rid himself of his
third wife. Ho whipped pounded and beat
beat her until she was more dead than alive.
She managed to let the neighbors know of
her precarious condition and by help went before
fore the magistrate nnd swore out a warrant
for the uiiestof her biutnl husband , but by
the thno the ofllccr pot to the scene of notion
her husband had lied. A strict search will bo
made for him. The cause of ull this Inhuman
treatment-is that lie professed to bo Jealous
of her actions and heiic o the above row. The
woman's oho is virtuous
neighbors say a good ,
ous woman. The west end Is all tore up over
the affair. Thu f uturo will toll tlio oatcomo
of this affair.
A. Nnvr liimirnnuo Company.
K , Neb , July 11. [ Special to Inn
BEK. ] An Insurance company has been or
ganized la this city and articles of incorpora
tion filed with the state auditor. They will
do business under thonninoof the Modern
Woodmen accident Insur.mco company. The
oflUerg nro : Dr. A. O. Faulkner , president ;
It. J. Coles , vice president ; lion , N. M. Fer
guson , ticnsurer ; A. D. Hicks , secretary , and
N. W. Goblo , general agent. The company
will start out strong and the prospects nro
bright lor a good business. Thu object of Iho
company is , not to mnito money , but to give
the thousands of Woodmen in the state a
cheap accident insurance.
1lo\v in tlio Alliance.
JUsTixas , Nob. , July 11. [ Special Tele
gram to Tins BRL.J From a gentleman who
seems to bo on the inside of alliance-union
labor affairs In this county your coi res pond-
eat learns that a storm is brew
ing trial tlueatens to cast asunder the ties
existing between the several labor and alli
ance organisations. The trouble arose over
the call for the Independent congressional
convention In this city on the tilth Inst. ,
which -was changed to suit McKelghan. The
republican allmnco men don't fancy Mc-
Kelghan dictation nnd threaten to lep'uclluto
MclteighUii and his ttriUcrs und shako the
alliance. *
Sporting Tournament.
, Nob. , July U. [ Special to Tun
BVB. ] The Fremont gnu club has just do-
teunhicd to hold a sportsman's tournament of
thico dujs on August 13 , 13 and 1-1 , A lib-
end llbtof piizcs is being arranged nnd it is
expected will attract the best shooters of the
state. One of the features of tlio occasion
will bo a match between V , B. Nolhawnv of
the Fremont club turn Charles 0. Ilarrolil of
Lincoln , 100 Hvo birds eifh for f-200 a side
and the championship of Nebraska.
Hani ami Horses Burned.
Aunov , Kob. , July ll.-Special | to Tim
Bn.J : Two barns and a granary belonging
to T. 51. Cowloy near town burned to the
ground last evening. Two horses and a
binder wore consumed with the bams. Ono
horse , n largo four-year-old colt , ho had Just
brought In fiom the pastuio that afternoon.
Tlio origin of the tire is not known , There
was bomo insurance on tbo bains and horses.
Disappointed at ( ho Voto.
Pnxnrri , Neb. , July -Special [ to Tun
BIT. ] The few farmers who have been In
tovui thiil Ijvo on the Omaha reservation ,
feel quite .soro o\cr the action of President
Harrison in vetoing tbo land extension bill.
Tiny all felt Jubilant when it pissed the t\vci
houses nnd looked for no further delay.
Itoimioii nt Albion.
AI.HIONNob. . , July ll-Special [ toTirr
BIT. ] Thc soldlet-a1 reunion is running in
full blast. The town Is 'decorated with Hags ,
The citizens nro doing all they can to muko
the soldjou hnppy. The buiincts houses
hiuo made n line ; display. Judge 1B ,
Tiffany gmo an ubjo address at the c.inip lire ,
A Mvely Streor Fhht.
1'i.A.TTSMOUru , Neb , July U. [ Special
Tclegnin toTiiRBuE. ] .V lively ustlo encounter -
counter took place on Main street this evenIng -
Ing between John Askins ot ( Jtilcajo , secre
tary of the motor enr eo-iip-my , and John A.
Davies. a lawyer. The nffnli was the out-
conio of a previous encounter caused by some
tvcmble over u contract , Asltlns was arrested
ui.d thn unsif will bo trlctd by Jury tomorrow
morning. _ _ _
Thp Ilaby Colts AVon.
AwJi , Nob. , July H. [ Special Telegram
txi Tim BrE.-An intercstlng game of ball
was phyed hero today uotxveen the Alma
lint and second nines , known M the Old
ots und the .Baby Colts , resulting in u vic
tory for the B aby Colts by a score of S to : J.
riiKMovr , NoV , July ll.-Si [ > eclulTulo0'
to TUB BUK. ] Itym learned today from reliable -
liable sources that the populatlou of the lurco
larger cities of. Ihls census dlslrict ,
loccmu returns which are nearly completed ,
is approximately as follows : Fremont 7,031 ,
Urand Island 7,835 nnd Kearney 8-HH. , It
was recently nnnounccd tliit frcinoiit lind
nboutO,500. This was n great disappoint
ment , buttho latorllffurcs conio near "hat
the population Is honestly supposed to l > a.
Ilro % < or 1'olntn.
Biinwsint , Neb. , July 11. [ Special tolirn
Bin. : ] Some villain got ( it the docket of ono
of our Justices nnd cut out and dostrojocl the
entire records of an Important case of o-ssnult
lth Intesl to kill. No clue lo the icrpetw-
tor of the net.
The weather Is hot nnd nliuly , lut corn
nnd other crops properly cultlvabd nro lookIng -
Ing veil.
Tbo most exciting republican primary
elections over held In JllninorauityLMiiicoiT
today , The contention meets toiiorrow.
The tiunstlon Is clcnrly dcilncu1 hiph license
or prohibition , Both paitiw will bring out
their full strength and there U 110
the icsult ,
Knot County Ton-Hero ,
IS'eb. , July 11. [ Special to Titr.
Bin : . ] The Knox county touchers' ' Institute
began its two weeks' session hero ouKouday
and Is now nudor excellent headwnv , sixty-
live teaclu'rs having been already riiTOllcd.
The Instructors ate I'rof , A. ( J. Ong , late
iirincipnl of the high school at Cieigliton , and
Prof T. J Hunt , late ot the hlj-h school at
1'lerco , but now principal of the Niobrara
A Itrntal Ficncl.
IIr Srnixa' , Neb. , July 11. [ Spaclnl Tel
egram to THK Uin.J A most villainous at
tempt nt assault was perpetrated on the peiv
son of Mrs. Neil Peterson , living a. short
distance south of town , by P. A. Peters of
this pln > c Peters went to the house of Mrs.
Peterson and finding lien , alone nskixt for n
drink of water. When she brought the
wntcr lie seUcd her and drugged hup to the
hod , Where ho brutally tried to accomplish
his desires
Her cries for help aroused tno neighbors.
Peters is now under uvrcst. This is his
third attempt of this kind'i * the neighbor
hood : uid the citizens aru thoroughly
Ni r.sox , Neb. , July 11. [ Special Telegram
to Tn K Bin. ] The alliance convention , with
an uttendinco of ninety-lire , nominated for
representative George Kclton ; commissioner ,
Jacob F. Dei pi ; clerk of court , John Uuad ;
county attorney , 11. U. Sutherland. Dele-
Bates were sent to the state congressional
and senatorial convention uninatruclccl.
Glrard fc Nicholas shipped nine cars of
cattle from Uualau todaj over tlio Itock
Island to Kansas City , Mr Tlioiniw Hewitt
of Lincoln added a ear of hos to tlio train.
Henry "Wehrmun shipped thrco caraoC cattle
to Omaha over the B. & M.
Hairy 0. llltoiiio Jcail. )
PiATTSMocTit , Is'eb. , Julj' 11. [ SjceialTel
egram to Tun BBK.I Hurry C. nitchie ,
seeu'tnry of the city fire department and the
residence about 3 o'clock this aftciioon after
a lingering illness of six \\eeks. canscd by
bi-alu fetcr. Mr. Ritchie \wis nlsosucrctary
of the ilmucn's state tournament lonnnlttx.'o
nnd a republican politician of seine prom
The funeral will bo hold Sunday moinhig
at 0 o'clock mid will be concluctel by tbo
Royal Arcanum nnd lire depaitment , T > 6lh of
Which oiganlzatlons hoviu a uieiiiK'r.
A Cloio Call.
PIATTSMOL-TII , Xoh , July 11. [ Special
Telegram to THR Bnu. ] S. W. Httt had a
narrow escape from beinff bulled nlivo at
Holland's gravel pit , north of the cJty. last
night. He vas loading gravel nnd tlie bank
caved in. lie saw his danger just in time
andbircly escaped The falling sand caught
the team und partially buried onoof the ani
mals , but they wcro gotten out wtlliout seri
ous injury.
Kcpiihllcnu CiuicuM's nt Lincoln.
Ivivcoi.s % Kob. . July 11. [ SpcclalTclesmm
to Tim BIK. ] Large and enthuslnstla repub
lican caucukes were held in ths various
wards of the city this evening , The pri
maries will beheld tomorrow and from the
present outlook It is probiblo that the f ol-
ls\\lng will bo nominated : H. B. Moore ,
senator ; H. H. Lnkely , JJ. . Gilltland , A. J ,
Cornish , representatives ; John Frost , county
commissioner , ana D. G. Courtney , county
attorney. _
Knocked tlio 1/crnlimiKjns.
Ir.Kiioiix , Neb , July 11. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bi.n. ] At the lepubllcnn pi-1-
niary held hero tonight very llttlo iiitsrost
was manifested , Tliero wore djjhb candi
dates in the field , three Broatcli and five
Mercer , Tlio fiercer men Imociwd the per
simmons. They uro Jonas A , Try , II. Donkcer ,
Andrew McKcliiion , Henry Uolfs mid Kleho-
las Uclkcn.
A Texas IJattle.
DnxTrn , Col. , July 11. A telegram Just re
ceived from \'s > lcta , Tex. , says a pHchcVl bat
tle is in prepress there between two local
factions , both of which claim to control the
ton n government.
In the election last April each pirtv chimed
the victory nnd the town , bus iiad tvio
'governments ever since. Several fights re
sulted nnd it was expected tlio trouble would
culminate in the cotitllct which took place to
Later The fljmt hns ceased hut both sides
hold their ground , nnd It is impossible for
anyone to venture out to discover tlio number
of dead nnd wounded. The telegraph operator
there litres ho can count six dead todies from
his window ,
Tlio President tt the Alliance.
CHICAGO , July U. The Journal this even
ing publishes a telegram under tlio date of
Carlisle , Pntgi\iiiB tlio text of n letter writ
ten by President Harrison in response to an
imitation to attend the national granger ex
hibition. In it ho says , In pait , "tho tariff
question is the most Important of the day ,
and jx-ople should bo thpioughly oJuc-nted on
it. As there is no doubt the fnrmliiR element
is the backbone ot tlib or nay other frco gov
ernment. it is necessity that they stionhl un
derstand this question so that tho- can dU-
tinqulsh between free trade , and protection ,
Fieo trade Is difficult to handle and if it
blionlcl win in IS1) ) . ! itwould cause great "dis
tress throughout the Innd "
AVorlcl's ' Fair Heurotary.
Crncino , July 11. Cougrcssimiu Hutter-
worth of Ohio A\as \ tonight elected secrotmy
by the boaul of directors of tlio World's Co
lumbian exposition. Ilo was opposed hy
lion. Adllebtemis of Illinois , lint ussUtant
post master general under Cleveland. Three
ballots weio taken , the llrst , 20 to"8 , thu t > ec-
oucl 31 to 7 , nnd third 24 to I. Tivcntjthree
vero necobsury for n choice.
iJesti'H Ciuod
L'OXUONJuly 11. Among the numbers of
wedding gifts presented to Stanley Is ono
from the queen of amlnnturo of herself sot
vlth diamonds. AtcompanjIiiR the gift Is a
letter from her majesty pr.iiilnjtlu the high-
esttcims the work ot exploration esiriled on
by Stanley and wishing Mm inncli liapplness
in his wedded life. Stanley , ia s6iawliat ( bet
ter this evening.
Taken n Jlojrcp. *
BKIIHK , July 11. [ Spoelql piblepmm to
Tim HKB. ] Albert Lincoln Bmttliraif Ameri
can , 1ms taken the degree of 4&Mrof ( chem
istry at Berlin university , * . ,
The V7np Dcl'o.ils Qaliii , ] .
SnATTLr , Wash. July 11. It g , wrestling
match last night between Maltosadtt , the
.lap , chnniploii hcavyMelght , and W. II ,
Quinn , champion heavvwi'ifihtol t liel'acllic
toast , the Jap was declared the \riaiiei- ,
- 1 ,
IjettciCjiulcr.s at AVorlc.
LOMIOX , July 11 , Affaira uro becoming
nioroiju Jot among thelettorcarii rs and.tlioy
uro pciformlngtholr duties ns Ujunl today ,
' '
Tn IjnnKcil Cur Main. '
1CA3s CITV , Mo , July Il-Dl8 | > atcho3
from various polutaln Kansivi licnj com has
h > ou jufferlnghy drouth state that copious
i a ns fell today greatly henulltthig tin ) crop.
1C02. Six teen tli arid Farnnn streets la
the now Hook Island tlokot ofilcc. Tick
ets to ull jiolnta east at lo\\ oil rutoa
Hniulrcils t\ft \ Women nnil Clillilrcn
l3ieo)3iUa.tea ) Inlo the "Water. , ftiffll. A. terrible ncc Idcnt oc
curred. ntDnHmouth , bjr wlilchnnunibor of
people -\vcro drt ncd , buttho exnct number
\lctlrns nlll ot bo known till tomorrow.
The disaster baiipcncd by reason of n ehnln
attached to t ) Wtry-ljoat whlcli sliiipeclout of
plnco , Allovlniftho ! front end of the bridge
to sluU nnd iliii-lpltdto a crowd of COO or 7W
\YOinoujtui3chtldrcnluiho , water.
The peoploworo crowded there vailing- for
thoncw foirrs uQr , Annex Jmt nriivcd
from -N\-w York to the oodc. When the
stenmcrgotllttiln \ tvo foot of tlio landing a
numhcrof pcpinH jumped o boird , and nt
that taoment the iicclicnt cccurroil. The
outer cinl of the bridge went down suddenly
and the terror Stricken tiowil slipped oil into
thoharbor ns though they wow uescenJIiig a
ollde , pllluff on top of eiich other ,
shrieking for help and scrambling
for means ofsntcty. Foc oincnilmitesthc > n )
wns n ( * onfu cd innss. of wotnen and children
struggling in tliowiiter , but the accident luul
hnrdlj. hnijK'iedbetoiouiIoji'ii ) ( men leaped
to the icsc-ue. ThediwnliiR i > eoi > loveio
liipldlj- passed up to the nion itandluc above
on tlica-\thnrt09 , and thoupUlity with Which
the i-escuers performed tlieir-\\orlc \ lesultedIn
a gixsat majority of those who fell
in Ivolng saved from death. When
the crowd slipped ctT the Inndlng-
stiujo the peojilo around , nuinbcritig seine
humh-cds , cio\\iled to the sides of the wharf
and tlitx'\v utleksand boirds tothostruirfrllng
maw iu the water vlillo a number of lifo pw-
seivccs Merc ihrowi to them from the
steamer , Many-people A\orestvutk \ nnd in
jured bv Hying Iwaiui nnd all tlio bodies re-
co el ed bear cuts and bruises. The state
ments , of the spectators show that moat of
those \\lio Cell in wore \vcrovoincn and ehil-
dren. and the scenes immediately following
the disaster were frightful.
Wlnsn all the c in sight had been brought
to lanj. the woilt of grappllnjr for the d rowncd
ones coimiienccd. "Within two hours four
bodies " \vero recovered , but up to midnight no
other victims \\cro found. It is believed nt least
fout others areIostTjut the exact number can
not bo told nt present. Intense excitement
prevailed in Dartmouth and Halifax when
the news of tlio dis.istff spread and thou
sands flocked to the seme , where they re
mained until a late hour wntchlug those
worldlier la the water. Owing1 to the con
fusion It is Impossible to tell-who nro missing ,
but tbo number cannot bo largo. The names
of those vrlioso bodies liavo been recovered
uro :
Mi 3 Bisiir. 1'osTF.ri.
Pcriu : BOVI.K.
JOHN Bc.\ii ( colored ) ,
A TJIJltl TltlVA I , SKX&A Tl OX.
Flop > cniciit of an A-ctr ssulili n Bt.
Paul 'Vcmth ,
ST. PAUL , Minn. , July H.-tSiwcInl Tcle-
gfam to Tin ; UEB ] There was a lluttcrof
excitccincnt nniong the Japanese maiJensut
Harris1 tUcntcr tonight. Cioups of these
quulutly clad ( lowers of Jlio "Jllltado"were
\vhisieringhct-o nnd tbero below the stn o ,
while in front ot the house there vero similar
m\st \ < erlous demonstrations , nvidciitly there
was something in : the ivlnd , and It proved on
estimation to l > o > nothing more or less tlinn
tlio n.iarrUeofnno ( ! of the chorus girls to a
wc'lllcnonynwiic man of this city , the dis
covery of which had but Just occurred , and
tbe w lilspcrlngr groups were commenting on
tbo event.
Little Aunlo Smith , a ultietcen-joar-old
brunette , than -ulioin a more fascinating
maiden ne\er ueered coqiicttishly ironi ho-
hlnd the folds of ii. .Tapanoso fun , joined the
\VIlbur oi > ciii company in Columbus , 0. , last
January. Soon after her arrival In St. Paul
she niadothonopiaiutnnco of A.rchio Mathcl" ,
n youth of hei own ajjo and younpest son of
the wealthy carpeC merchant of that name ,
doing- business , otr'riiinl ' street.
They be-cAino cnVagccl ami Thursday ovcn-
liit ? clopetl to Hudson.Vis. . , the "Aberdeen"
of this section , and were man-led by a Jus
tice of tlio pcaco. Mis. Mathels is the
daughter of a fashion able Columbus modiste
and in rolnt Of education mut appcarauco is
fully a match lor her husband.
He 35111s His ITntiierniid Brutally As-
si nits. Hit Mother ,
NASHUA , N. II. , July 11. This morning at
" \Viu-L-en Holt's farm ho-uso jiearVest \ Wilton
Dd\vin Holt , a millamn , bratally assaulted
his mother , crushing her face with tei-rlble
Wows. Ho next dragged hlasick father from
his bed to tlio nreplncovhero , ho
pounded his hcud to a jelly , killing1 lilm ,
In the meantime nclgtibois arrived and u
desperate buttle ensued bjCoi-o Holt ivns
finally captured. Two of the neighbors \\ero
badly wounUcMl in the flRht , Had help not
arrived , It was the Intention of Uoltto.iur-
derlils uiotheTiimlnuut.
AVhon the coroner nirlvcStho slclcroompre
sented a toriiblo sight , tlio premlfes Iwlng
covered with Tjlood while his body lay on the
floor almostimrqcognlzablo from the terrible
pounding- had received. Xast Sunday
llolt called his inotlici to ono side , said ho
felt strange nni thought something should be
doiio with him before lie haimed some mem-
Iwr of the family ; He has been pronounced
rnmeU's Miulcrntlnn.
x , July 11 , Mr. P.irnell in the com
mons this evening made the cloblng-speech on
the debate 611 the vote for 13alfour's salaiy as ,
chief secretary for Ireland. After remarlc-
ing that lie va ? anxious tlio - 33,000,000 , , pro
posed under the land purchase hill should be >
usc l to the best advtiiitngc' , Pai-
nelL supgested that the constabulary bn
emjjloyeil ia the autumn in obtaining
ictunis iroire the estates , in Munster and
Coutiauglit , sliouin ? the rents paid rtopec-
tlvcly by occupy ing and hy noii-occupUuc
tcnsints. If that coui--o was taken Balfour
would find the inngnltudo of tlio problem ho
hail uinlertnlicn to bolvo enormously re
duced. Ha would bo cimbletl to so
modify the1)111 that the avaihblo
fuiLfl would g-oa gicnt deal further than ho
hail nny present idea of It must still bo
Insisted , however , that local money must not
ho liypothcc.ited without the consent of the
local authorities.
Bnlfour thunkcd Pnniell for the moderation
of his speech nnfl pioiulsed to consider the
Tli v ( JOMSOOII \Vlniie > \
u > , Mass , July 11. The llttlo
SccJteh cuttei Jtllnorra hns beca beaten for
the ih-st tirro in these waters. It vtas a
signal vlctoiy for Burgess to defeat last
year's cliainpion and ho nlunys vlns over
tha Scnfox with Jth ( Merlin. It was a per-
fecrt ynclitlng day. , tin the start the first class
scbooner Se-nfojffivna away fiom the line ,
being thereby Tb.Ally ha.ndicjippcd , After
lonndlng the ] jachts bcpanMind -
work jjintf hero the Merlin
shoved her speed. She toolc the leading
windward position , jwlilch ho held to the
Ihdsh. Thu Majfiimcr fe-11 to the last plnc-e ,
LH the fortV'footri : wco , In ivhlfh all the In-
tcpest hcttled , thoPnpiiooscwustiiodrKtover
tha line and nrtxvr Her tlicOossoon , Mlnervi )
aiul Ventura. On the heal homo thoGotsoon
shovedlho Minerva her old tricks , leading
tlio procession , the Minorca maneuvering al
ways , but f-iilint-to-iloaotlio gap. The Cen
tura fell hchlnd < fl < lid the Pappoose. The
Gossoon , finished an twyltincr. .
1 1 1
A Myhtcry K\il | lnp 1.
TOUT " \VoisTir \ , 'I'eic. ' ' , July 11. [ Special Tele
gram to TUG IlcBj-TjJMayor . S. I'ondlcton
was on July 5 mm led to Adcllo G.C'jllen , n
telephone g-lrl Iiif the employ of the Port
\Voith tuleiiliono'eKfhunxo. When this
now \\n made public hero today It cicatc-d
a sPiisntlou , ns it wai supjoacd IVInyor Pen-
illetcu hnd a wlfunudi intuastliiK funilly In
tlus city. It tiai t > iilro thut last August
M -\or L\'ndlotou went to Chicago nnd jjot a
dlvoree from Ida llrat wife on the ( jiound of
inooinpitlbly of tciniicr , butte ull
ances tlio fujolly rolutlons. were uicnt coidiul ,
At London SlKlited- : The Kansas , from
Boston ; the FieslnnO , the LyiUun Monarch ,
th i City of Choitcrnml the Maasdain , from
New Yorlc.
At ( JuconstoxMi The Kovoda , from * > e\v
At Hamburg The f oniii niiln , froniKoiT
At Now York The Sruile. fiom Drcmenj
the \VIclanJ , from
All Departments of the Toacltera' Conven
tion Got Together Agatu.
ttia l resotit ISocly Onnnnt 1)0 < 3ov.
silty tlin Original rvs An
Able Inpnr on iho .Itnce
3r. PAir. , July 11. At toilny's ' praslon of
Iho National Educational nssoclntlon li * .
Howctt of Ohio nro o ton question of privi
lege to deny the published statement reg.ird-
liiK lila ciiiulUUivf for the presidency.
.Alcxnnilnr Torbos of Illinois then got the
flooi'on acuo.itton ] of pii'llego untl from
the constitution of the association to prove
that , the method of election of onieors jcUer-
dny had boon illegal nnil was therefore null
nnd-iold. He ofTi-recl i sciies of resolutions
setting forth this statement and moved tlnit
the election of ofllcers bo now hold , His
motion AMIS Immediately seconded nnd ho
spoke In support of It. Ho snld the consti
tution provided for tin election , by billet
lot , which huil not boon granted , nor
was there any record of any elec
tion nor of tlio announcement of
one by the president. Ills speech
im heartily applauded.
I'lvsldeut Canlidd c pl-ilncd that the proa-
cnt constitution hid been adopted Tor a small
body tuid was In ninny ways unfit for the
greatly augmented mimborof the picscnt or-
giuilMtlon. Tlio very inplcl growth of the
assoclution lincl compelled tlio waiving of
unitiy constitutional provisions and would
now'bo physically Impossible to curry out all
the exact provisions ofthoronstltutlon. lie
sironirly In favor of the advisability
of tlio action tnken , suhi ) ( ; tlnitlt better
to mnko ono mistake Limn to make nthousund
In ti.vlng to obey the letter of ttto l.nv. 1'or
the reasons given he deelnied the motion nnd
resolutions out of order.
Mr. HarloyofVLscousin , \vlio had seconded
Mr. Foibes' motion , appealed from the
decision of tlio chulr. but President
Canllcld refused to lioar nu appoul
anil his decision vas Elected \\ltU comhlued
applause anil hisses.
The chair railed immediately for the report
of the president of the educational council
and the mntter ivai dropped for the session
and probably for the ineetinjr.
( Jeorg-oF. Hi-own of Illinois offered a reso
lution on the Columbian exposition at Chicago
recommending the appointment of Trof. 0V ,
Tousloyof ailnnoapolis as
education at the exposition ,
The ilret paper or the inoruinRva ? on "Or-
panlzntion nnd System versus Oiipiiulity and
Individuality in Teacher and Pupil , " by
Henry S.ibluoC DCS Moincs.
The coneludi tig paper of in o niornlnpasim
explanation of the work and scope of tlio uni
versity nnd school extension system ot rcicl-
111 g and lectures by United States Commis
sioner of Education W. 'JL' . Harris.
During the afternoon the various depart
ments met for tlio hist thno this year. The
kinilorifiitten dep irtinciit elected as presi
dent for the j ear Mrs. Kudora Hallnum of
Ln i'oite , Incl. II. S. Jones of Pennsylvania
was elected president of the ch'paitinent on
elementary schools.
The general topic of the hlt-h
ns n linUhlng school was
considered by Iho socomUi-y
educ.itlon department II. Leo Sellers of
Toias ana .rmncsll. Halter of Coloiado read
papers on the ireiioral topic and others fol
low ed on the special divisions.
The eollcgcdcinrtinent considered thoqups
tionof college nuinitiistr.itlon of the manner
of raising the standard of colleges in general.
Committee reports \\aio heard by the de
partment on Industrial education and manual
Dr. Lwia McClouth of BrooUllngs , S. D. ,
was elected president.
Hon. Aaron Oovo of Denver read a paper
before the music depaitinen' , advocating
music ns a regular part of requited school
work and the placingof It on the snmo
ground with nrthmitic nnd all other branches.
Judpo Gumby of the Louisiana supreme
court delivered an inteiesthiff address to
night on the nice problem , \viilch ho said
concerns not only the south , but the whole
country , It will not settle Itself. It mus > t
not bo lot aluno. It dommdi brave thought
nnd determined action if ve would
solve It by n bloodless i evolution. All
tlio trouble in the south arises from
the political jealousy of the negroes and from
tno fear of the whites that negro rule will bo
restored and utterly destroy tlio now-born
progress of tlio south , The true solution of
the nice problem on n justbasii lies In the re-
sti lotion of tlio suffrage and tlio only just ro-
utrlctton is an educational qualification. If
tli e negro was enabled to exercise the right
of suflrago Intelligently all tlanger and appre
hension of race trouble would conso.
This qualification should bo ndoptcd hy
tlio general government nnd the same
KO\ \ eminent should give the negroes tlio
ilicjiis of educatlqii to qualify for the liuidens
and rcspoiiblbilltlcs of citizenship which the
government plnccd on them to bubiervo Its
own ends. Public education is the peculiar
nnd grandest distinction ot the Arncilcnn
nation and it oughtto bo put Into the national
constitution. The press should cense to bo
paitisnn in tlio presence of this grave Issue.
Statesmen should throw nsidonll tomporaiy
cxpcdlcuco and adjust the question on a basis
just and fair nnd safe to botli races ,
President J. C. Piico of Livingstone col
lege , Salisbury , N. C , , next delivered un ad-
dic'ss on "Education nnd the Problem , "
President Price is a negro , nnd an eloquent
ono. Ho argued that the negio freedom
would never be complete until the negro
becomes educated. The solution of the
problem Is the granting to tlio negro
of nil civil Tights towhich ho
i * entitled as a member of tlio human family.
The race pioblem is the nntuitil outcome of
environment nnd a change must bo uvula in
the character of that environment. AYliilo
educating the poor negiocs the poor wliltes of
the south should not bo neglected.
President Canflold of liritoii In a closing
talk turned over tlio gavel to the new presi
dent , " \V. \ H Giurot , who spolco for n moment
and then tlio thirty-fourth annual convention
of the National Udncatlonul association was
adjourned. At the last session I'rof.
Baker of Colorado presented a report of the
committee on resolutions , They favor
training in the public schools nnd recommend
investigation of the \Vhlto Cioss League hi-
oiaturo ; endorse the American humane so
ciety ; advocate the touching of the ethics of
polities ; approve of compulsory education tea
a limited extent ; commend United Ktntcs
Commissioner Morgan's plans for Indian
school lands ; endorse laud grants for colleges -
legos and demand the repeal of all lm
poit duties on books. A resolution re-
gardin ; spelling reform was referred to a
special committee to report next jenr.
> lore Gold flip Knrnpc * .
Nr.YOHK , July 1 1 Foreign bankers to
dnyo'idcrcd if 1,000,000 , moro gold to Kurope ,
making so far * . ' , ( MX.000 ) In geld bars to go to
morrow. There was considerable dl.scuislon
as to the reasons for the sliliinicnt. ICIddcr
& Penhody say their export is simply an ex
change transaction. Some bankers fatnto the
gold Is .intended for tlio Hank of England ,
whoso reserve has decreased to n low figure ,
and Others * tate It Mill go ultimately to
LJuonoj Ajrea.
lM Hxvi'ou.Tuly , 11 , President Ingalls
of the Big Fpur met the men with the griov-
nnces from the several In-.uiches today , hcnid
their demands nnil icpHcd witli Idndlj- argu
ments until they Intimated that if their terms
wore not compiled with the federation will
toke a hnnd in It. Then ho promptly lepllid
that no ouHidcru can tUtlo clIlTuroncos he-
tween the Big- Four uiul its eniplojes. IIo
said tonight that tin ) ( lomundH of the men
vero'iensonablo gniiornlly , mid iio felt thcio
would bo no difllculty In leuchlng a settle
ToiiiuiyVnul KiuxiUcd Out.
NKVOiiiBANii \ , La. , July 11. Charlie "VVIt-
BOH , the nngllHli kid , ItiiockedoutToininj-
AVnrUIn ( iwlit rounds tonight before the
Olympic club for u purse of f 100.
Through coaches l'uHmaii ] ) ilnco
cara , ( feoroc'Iliilnir chulr
cirri to Chlciio | and Intorvonlu ji
via tlio fjroutlt'Hk Island routo. Tlukot
olllco 101TJ , blxtocntli und Furiuuu.
of the Clubs.
o . Won , P6f Of.
Mlnnenpolft . . . ( U : w .001
Mlhvnkoo . , , ( VI .00 ,
Kumas Oily. . . M
l > enror . fit in 27
Hloinc city. . . . ( V ) Hi r.ii
Dos nloliiM. . . . ai 77 .4
Oiunlni. . ( 37 . .4.40i
Bt. I'aui . D'J ' 41
Dos 9roliic < t 11 , Oiiinhn 2 ,
Brs Mom : , In , July 11. [ Spochl Telegram -
gram to Tin : 31ui : . ] Omulmwns easily do-
limtcd lodnj in tlioopenlnggiiinoof the BCrlc *
with Des Molnos. Young Mnrtln was put in
by the visitors to do the twirling nnd proved
to bo so criattc that ho wa < substltucd by
AVlllis nftcp'tho futril Inning , Honclihnd
the Omahii Lwtsinen nthls morxy , only being-
lilt for fourBcntteilng singles Thrco scores
wore made l y Des Molnea in the llrst Inning ,
a baao on balls , n base on being lilt by a.
pitched hull , and three singles Omnliagot
ono by Koan-m being hit l y n pitched Uall , it
steal of second , nndi single by Cleveland ,
The second started also by n bate on ball *
and biuso for being 'hit by n pitched ,
bull , but : i ne.\t trlplu lilay bv An-
urws to 3taniiluiu on "Jninic/'a lly
ended the innlinj in shoit ordor. IIL
thotliln ] a single , 1111 error , two biuct on
bulls mid n Holder's i-lioloo ( rave les ) Molno *
two tnoro i-utis. Two inora were made in the
third by n base on bulli , ti triple and itsaeri-
ileo. Dos Moines pot niiother in thosevintli.
on lulouhlo tnid n tiiple , and Oinah.i K < > t on
on n single liy Andreivs , n stolen base , a waeri-
lice nnil \vtld pitch. Thrcoero \ nbtuluod.
by Dos Mollies in the eighth , nfter two ere
out on two vlngloi , two ba-es on bulli , a huso
on being hit by a pitched b.UI , four stolen
bivsoa nnd n couple of unora The score :
Kuiibab Ulty . . . . . . .1 0300230 b
Ttuiiscnrne'cl St.l > uutllCati' > isClty4. Two-
buso lilts 3Iin n luff. Hums Hoover. Homo
runs famltli il. ll.iscson lills OIT Mcnlilii i ,
oil I'carsa. StrncUoiit Dytlec'UluS.byJ'enis
2. Uuipliu liouvor.
Slonv City IS , IVIiln-anlcpo D.
MILWAUKEE , " \Vls. , July 11. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BP.E. ] Following la the result
of todaj'sgnmo ' :
111" 1 > 'MS03.
Milwaukee . . . . . . .i 00001070 0
SlonxUlty . 0 0202003 13
817)1 UA.I1Y.
"Earned itms 1Illwanl < eo 7 , Sloiu City 1.
Two luso hi ts Ptittlt , Jiuit/cn , Glenn. Thno
l > a e lilts-l'oonnun , Diivls. liases stolen
I'l-ttltft Cllno , Olonn 2. nouhlo play Slioclc.
\\clohiiiul Moirlssoy. lliisos on lulls Mlt-
\v iil < oo9.Moux C'lty ( I. btrnHcoiit Hv Orlf-
lltli lbj-lliirdtcki. : Iiyl > o\lln2 T'issuil bulti
Jantzon L. buhulIhassQ 1 , VI Id pltchus
Rurclk'lt. Tlmo of damn Two liouid and
t-nonty inlnules. ITmplro llriulersua.
O , Denver I.
Minn , July 11. [ Special
Telegram to TIIU Bus. ] Following is the
rc-iiilt of today's
Minneapolis . 2 2 0 0 02-30 0
IJemor. , , , . . 00 0 0 10 00 I
Uunioninod Jllunenpolh 2. Two-ba ; ri lilts
Aiirirm. Ityn. Tliifp-bnin lilN Mliinuhiiii.
Uoublo phiTM O'lu ) > - to Uvn. McUlono mid
Hoynnlds llimo oiilmlls Ity DuUoS.-l'lood : i.
Struck nut Hy Iliikol , ' , liy KJnod II. I'as-iud '
lulls Diiraliilu y. J ohbook 1. Wild | > l clicM
Hoodl. Tluio ot giiiuo Tivo houis , Umplio
Huniiett ,
Nation nl
AT nosro.v.
Doston . 4 0
Chicago . 0
lilts-Boston 8 , Clilcnso II. KiTor - Boston -
ton ! ) , ClilaiRO 13. Butteries GcUcln nnil
I3ouuctt ; Ilutchltison nnd Klttcrldgo. Utn-
PhilailelpMn . 0 a 0 I 3 5 0 0 0 1Q
Clovelaml . 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
nits-Plillndclptila in , Cleveland ft Kr-
rora-Phllaclolphiii 0 , Clevelnticl I. Hatter-
Ics Sniltli ami Clonicnts ; Dwitlii and
Xltnmcr. Umpho Lynch ,
Now Voilr . 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 L 1 H
rittsuurp : . i a 00 o 2 i o i r
Hits Now Yorlc 14. Plttiburt ? 13. Kr-
low-Now York U , 1'ittslmvgV. lliutcrioi
Husilo und Clnite ; Uilferuinl Deeltor. Uin-
plro-l'orcrs. _
Cincinnati , . . . . . . ! ) 00003000 2
llrookljn . t 022 103 L * 0
lliti Cincinnati 8 , llroililyn 13. Jirmtt
CinclnnaHO , Urooldiii 0. Tlattuiiei luiyci )
mid Kecnau , Lovcitt and Ualy. Uinplra
JlcUermotr. .
Doator. . 2 ( I 0 0 0 : t 0 3 5 13
J'ittsbuii ? . 0 0 0 0 'J I a 0 0-5
JIlts-Hostou l' , I'ltUslmrij 10. IZrroia-
llc > 3lnn n I'lttshiiiK 5. llattorios-fhiinlJert
mid bwiLt ; ' iloy and Quliin. ITiaiilro *
( .laffno } und Hherldnn.
Plillnileliinln . 2 004 000 00 0
Uovchiml . 0 0 0 a1 0 4 0 * 11
JliU-l'-hll.idelpIiliir , Clevclutidlt. Hr-ioro
I'hllndolphlii I , Clovehud 1. lliitterli
HusUiU uuil Halluiaii ; Ilikolv nnil ButultfTo.
Uanpiros LA'ryuiOu anil llolhci't.
NowVoik . 0 1 0 3 S 3 0 0 0-7
Chicago . 0 000 1 0 0 0 1 2
Hits -Chicago 10 , New VoiK 1 1 , nrroiH
Chicago 1 , New Vork U , Dallorlos Uildnln
and I-'turall ; O'Day and Uiowu. urmi.ilr 'fl '
Atnttho s nnd Koofo ,
Ili-oolilyii . 4 0 0 8 0 1 3 'i 0 15
Hutfaio . i o a u o o a o o r >
liltsUrooklyu 30 , Uuffulo a. Errors
Be Sure
If you Imo maito up your mlml to buy S *
Hood's ap.ulllitlo not lie Induced to tnk - Can
an ; other A Iioston lady , \.tioso cxniniilo Is
\ \ ctthjlinttntlon. . tells tier csrorlenco holoxri
" In ono store uhtro 1 went to hujr Jlood'i
Btrsnpaillla tlio clerk tried loInditeo inobujr jfj
tliclrownliistcadotllooil's ; licloliliiiothelr'a Ji
would last longer ; that I might take It on icnJ
To Get
days'triad tlmtif Idtd not llko It I need not
pir anjtiling , etc. Hut ho could not prevail
on me to cli.ingo. I tolil him I had taken
Hood's SiMnii.-irlll.-i , knciv whit It was , wai
satisfied vltli It , nnd did not \\iut any other.
When I IICK.III takliiR llood'i ' Birs.ipirllh
I wm feclltiK real jiilsorablo vltli dj sjifpsla ,
and o weak that nt times I could hardly
Hood s
stind. I looked like a rewon In constniip.
tlon. Hood's Sarsipnrlll.a 1M me BO mtu-li
good tliat I votulcr at myself ionicllntc %
nnd my fili'iiHifrefiticntlypiieak ofit. " JIiis.
ULtA A. ( loi-F , 01 Terrace Stiect , Dostoii.
. rrepircJonl/
lij C. 1. 1IOOU , VCO , ApolliecarlM. Lowell , Ma. . .
iOO Doses Ono Dollar
Urooklyn , IJuiTido 4. IlntteitcsVflvhlni ;
mid ICinslow ; Koefuand Made. Umplics
Jones nnd Knight.
American Assuulatl jn ,
'lolcdo . 2 I 0 1 1 0 1 t 1 8
Urookljn . 'J 1420000' 1) )
Hits Toledo 15 , Brooklyn n. Hirers -
Toledo 2 , IlrooWvn S. litt ) < ? ilo-i Utislmui'i '
and Welch ; Mttjullougliaiid LeU Umpl. i
TII j ; sj'X
( ititlniibnrK UIILTS.
, N. J.Jul.\ U.-SiM3cinlTole [ . , .
Ri-ain to Tun HUB , ] Suiiiiiiary of today's '
mccs :
Thrco-rourtlis of n , mile-Ktuiallty won ,
Marty 11 second , Little Bill third. Tluio-
Half mlle Julo O won , Mntngorda illly
second , Uinnnii thhd Tltnc 10.
Ono mile Giiiiluei won , .lennio Mc-Patlaud
second , Itudolpli tblnl. 'liino l:4lk.
Tlirco-fourtlis of a mlle Soinenlor won ,
Count Luna second , 1'aroliim thlid. Time -
Tliroc-fourtlii of a mile Hunroeat won ,
Iltistecd second , Austialltz ttiini. Tune
Sevcn-oightliaof n mile Dliekthorn won ,
Lonely second , lloyal Gutter third. Tiniu -
f , July 1 1. [ Special Tele-
to Tim Hun , ] Summary of todays
laces :
Fho-elghths of n mile TZushIIht | won ,
Itosallno Tolly second , Hannibal third.
Time 1:0 : %
Soven-clghths of a mile Bcsslek won ,
Jlaithn bccond , Slgnatuio third. Time
rive-eighths of n inilo Prince Howard
von , Autocrat second , Houston tblrd. Tlmo
" " "Ono mlle Fordhamwon , King Cinh second
end , Glory third. Tlmo I : 2.
Ono and one-eighth inilo.s 1'ocatollo won ,
Caststcol second , Klevo third. Time -5TK. I .
Ono und one-half miles , , huidloIClllarnov
won , Hcporter tecond , Schoolmaster thlul.
Time HrlBJtf. "
Waslilngtoii Pnrlt Unvon.
CinrAoo , July 11 , Summary of Washing
ton Park races :
five Ida Pickwick
Tno-year-olds , furlongs
n on , Allen Buno second , Annie It i own third.
Tune 1 :01J/ .
Mlle nnd one-sixteenth , threo-yenr-olds Al
Furrow won , Hagcago t.ecoad , Saiitalono
tlih-d. Tune 1:4' : %
One mile , three-yoor-olds Himlnl won ,
Arundcl second , Tnttul third. U'line J : lit.
Ono mllu. all uges PntSheedy won , Hornpipe -
pipe bocond , Kraf tun third. Time 1 :4 < f.
1'lm Predicted
E , S. I ) . , July 11Tlio llnnl outbreak
predicted between the hostile Indians at
Chcjcnnoiigoiiry viith their tlilof Big Foot
and the Indian ngent occurred yesterday.
Dig Foot refused to take beef rations unless
dcliveied ns ho wanted , nnd took Ills follow
ers to their Chciry i reek camp , where they
iiovr oio without rations. Chief Hump , \\ho
is chief of the Indian police and between
tthoni nnd Big 1'oot o.xibts a bitter hatred ,
stilled for the lattci's camp to nrrctt liim.
A flfilit la predicted before Uly Poet will sui1-
rcndcr ,
In Hard Linen.
LONDON , July 11. Intelligence has boon re- .
cchcdtliat the British baripio Lnncelloltl
Captain Burns , from Now Yoik Mnrcli T , for
[ long IConp. on Juno Ui2 met the ImrkonUno
julding Star from Mauritius for Hobuit
Town , with the captain , mate , Stewart and
ono dead and three moio blek ,
lgli Kcliool Alumni.
The regular aununj mcethiK of the High
School Alumni association took plnco at the
high uchool building last evening. As hut a
small roprosentatlon of the various classes
\MU piesunt the meeting was postponed until
next Friday evcninir , when the annual elec
tion of ofllcers will bo held.
"Tlio now olTlcca of the piotit Rouk ( fl-
lancl route , 1002 , Sixteenth and Furnniti
Btreot , Oimilui , tu-o tlioilnot In the city.
Call and buo thoin , Tlulcots to iillpoln'ta
cnet at lowest rates
Could iHlii II.
Is'mv YOHK , July 11. An Evening Post St.
Xouis , Mo , special says Jay Gould nnd the
A\'l'glus \ ( ferry compiiny have nn ulllaneo to
control the freight coming ncross tlio river at
this point with n view to tin ottliug the now
raciclmnU' bridge company.
Tli Forvlcjoq AVill UnCurtallncl.
LONDON , July U. [ Special Cablegram to
Tin : Ilii : . ] Stanloj's s c-rctiry hits begK1' ' !
the dean of "Westminster to ciulcll the v/ccl-
ding services us iiincli n jioviib'o ' nnd to t'O'-- '
mil Mr. Stanley to lie hcatc-d uuilng Iho ccio-
m on y , *
y\n liixnne _
TKOT , N. Y , , July 11.Mrs. . JiunrsVil \ -
llsiiii.s , ITdhbnien , Yt. , this morning or
dered her two clilldicn , iiRlil of stientcdi
nnd a boy of sKto set llrolotlm house mid
tut her throat , .She was umloubtcdly lusune.
MADHID , July 11. A choletn bulletin from
Vulonela shon'H a steady decienso of the epi
Abuolutolv Pure.
A cream of tnrtar linldiis iiowdor. Illtlifib " *
of loin onliiKfltroiixtli U.S. UoMMumetit lt -
port Aus , 17 ,