8 THIS OMAHA DAILY FRIDAY , JULY 11 , 1890. THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES , Thej Will Be Held Today to Select Oountjr Convention Delegate ! , LOCATION OF THE POLLING PLACES , ami ClrrkH or Klection Iho HroAloli II odors < \ ualii Kriinui- illy 3 < | iiclcit'il ! ItithcSco oiul AVnrtl , The republican primaries will bohclilnttho various votlngprec'lnctsof the county and city todiiy to sulcct dctpjrntes to the county con- vcntlnn which wlllimmoslxty-nino dolomites to tlio republican st to convention to bo liold at Lincoln , Nob. , on Wednesday , July 33 , and Bcvcnty-onu tic-legates to tlio republican coti- greviloml convention for the tflrst coiiRres- sloiinl district , to bohultlut I'lattsmouth , Neb. , on .September ! ij : , IM)0. ) 'J'ho rein-osculation In tlio convention will be us follows : From each want In the city of Omaha and South Omaha , uifjlit uelOKiiUjs , mid from each of the country precincts live delegates , I'rliiiiirlus under the primary liuv will beheld hold In the cities of Omnlitiniid south Omaha from 1 a o'clock ( noon ) to 7 p. in. on I'YIiliry , July 1 1 , ntid the iirlinnrlc.i In the country pre cincts \vlll bo hold thosamo duy from 7 p , m. to 1) ) p. in. The voting places in the wards of the city arc iii follows ! First ward Zimmerman's block , Eleventh Mid 1'iiclllc streets. Second ward Food ctoro at 1C8 Williams. Third ward Not yd named. J'onrthvnrd -1110 South Sixteenth street. Fifth wnrd-ErllhiK's hull , North Sixteenth treot , near Nlclioliis. Sixth \viiril 13irbcr shop , Twonty-fourth > : A Luke streets , Savor.th ward 1212 Park avrnuo. 1'Jghlh ward 2KKI Cumins street. Ninth ward Lowe avenue and Cuming BtlVl't. The South Omaha iwllliiB plnces will bo as usunl. The polling pliicesln the country pre- ainets will bo thosnino : w 1 ist year. A IjtilmriiiK.Man'rt Vlowfl. OMAHA , July 0 , IS'.H ) . To thoKditor ofTiir BBK : A year ago last winter Dr. Mercer Tvantod to Ueep some of the laboring men of Omaha at , work putting down noles unil lay- ITIR trucks. How did Muyor IJroiitch help the laboring inenof Omaha that winter } Sim ply by sending a iwllccinaii to watch the men and when lie found them ( Hawing holes tlio pollcunian made them stop work or bo ar rested , I thlnlca jjood many of the lutwrint ? men of Omaha out-lit to remember Broatch for keeping them from work that \vlntcr. Dr , Mercer KIIVO us the best street ear snrvico In the United States. No one can deny the credit duo lr. ) Alcrccr. jV LAUOUI.XO IIHI'UATISKS K-\VAIII3. OL'lie Imv CovcrnliiK I'rlmnry Elections in Metropolitan CllioH. An net to protect primary elections and convention" " ) of political parties and ininish offenses coininltied tlicreat : Section 1. If nt any political primary elec tion held bv any political party , orgaiiirntion or nsaocliitloii in the state , tiny individual shall f.dsolv pcrsomito and votu under tlio naniu oC any other person or shall intuntlonal- ly vote without the right to do so. or shall willfully obstruct and prevent others Ironi voting who tiavo the right to do so at such primary , or shall fraudulently and wrongful ly deposit ballots in the ballot box or talw thorn therefrom , or shall commit any other fraud or wrong tending to defc.it or alTcct tlio result of the election , lie slmll bo deemed guilty of umlsdcmciuior. Sec. ii. Political parties , organizations or associations in tills state may adopt such rules and regulations mid appoint presiding oflleors and inspectors of election thul tlicy deem Just and woper. Provided , That in all cities of the metro politan , llrst nnd second class the polls at such primary elections shnll bo opened at 13 o'clock noon and closed at 7 o'clock In the afternoon , stunilard time , on the day oa which such elections arc held. Sec. ! ! . The vote or ballot of any person offered at any Mich election shall upon chal lenge by any lavfiil voter thereat lie re jected unless ho bo sworn as to his qualifica tions as such voter and the presiding ollk'cr or any inspector of such primary Is hereby empowered and it shall bo his duty to admin ister an outh to such pencil and to any other person offering to vote , as ho may decia ad visable , which onth * shall bo as follows : "You do solemnly swear ( or uHirin ) that you will tmo answers make to such tniestlohs as shall be put to you by the presiding ofllcer or cither of the inspectors of this ptimnry election , touching your name and rosldonco and your quallllcatloiiB as a votorin tlilsdistrict , ward , or precinct , and whether you have buforo voted in this district , ward , or precinct , and whether you have before voted at this prim ary election. " And It shall bo the duty of the presiding officer , or one of the inspectors at Bucli primary election ( If required by the per son clmlU'iigiiig ) to keep a correct record of the Interrogatories propounded by said pre siding ofilcer or inspector to any person who shall have boon duly sworn as provided by this act , and also a correct record of the answer to all such interrogatories , which record shall bo forthcoming. deposited hv him or them with the clerk of the county In which said primary election Is held. Sec.I. . In case the person so swearing Bhnll Intentionally nuilco false answers to any miestioii so put to him by the presiding of- licer , or any Inspector , or either oE them , at such primary election , ho shall upon convic tion bu adjudged guilty of perjury , ami shall bo punished by imprisonment m the peniten tiary for a term not loss than ouo year , nor inovo than three years. See. 5. If any person acting ns nu ofllccr , inspector , teller or canvas ser , at any such primary election , shall knowingly receive tlio vote of any individual who shall have been chal lenged or who is known to him not to bo entitled - titled by tlio rules and regulations of tlio as sociation or organization or polltic.il party holding the primary election , to vote at such primary , unless the sumo shall first bo sworn in as aforesaid , or shall in any manner fraud ulently -wrongfully deposit , or put any ballots Into or talto any from the ballot Uoxof any primary election , or shall fraudulently or wrongfully mix any ballots with those cast at any primary election or shall knowingly make nny false count , canvass , statement , ccrtltl- cato or return of the ballot castor vote taken lit said primary election , ho shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. See. 0. 3t any person who is entitled to vote or Is elected a clelogato at any such primary or convention , shall accept or recelvo nny money or valuable thing as a considera- ntlon for his vote , ho shall bo deemed guilty of misdemeanor. See. 7. The words "primary election" as used hi this act , shall bo construed so ns to embrace all elections held by any political party , convention , organization or associa tion , or delegate therefrom for the imrnoso of choosing candidates fo olllco or the election of delegates to other conventions , or for the purpose of nny political party , 'organization , convolution or association. Sec. 8. Ko person shall bo entitled to vote at any primary election unless of the ago of twenty-oao years and a duly inialltied voter under the laws of this sttito and the pre scribed rules and regulations of the political party , organization or association holding the primary election. Sec. { ) , That the punishment of nny of the offenses in thlu net declared to bo misdemean ors shall bo a line not exceeding & 00 or Im prisonment not exceeding ouo year , or both , such line and imprisonment. See. 10 , .All acts and parts of acts inconsis tent with the provUlous of this act are hereby repealed. _ IUUS tJUltlNG UKPKATIJIIS. a'ho Twnnty-ICIghters Marshal In - City IinborcrM irortlio Hrniitoh IViomlct. Uoports reach Tin : Dcu from various parts of the city that the Twenty-Ki'htors ! and Broatch henchmen generally lire hustling up all tlio busy and Idle laborers they can Had in oiiler to vote them for Broatch in the prima ries today , Special uttentloa is being paid to the graders and mou ut work on pub- y morning ChnfTeo was out In IlailSCom varknustMngupthomen engaged us laborers there. Ho will nttoinpt to vow them nil In the Seventh ward , and jiosslbly in other wards , irreipcctlvo of their place of real- tVnco , . , 'ltf scwcr laborers on Lcavcmrorth turn Fnrnatn strocU have been approached by the combine and It Is expected that they will bo turned loose and run across lots all over town nnd voted for Ilrontcli nt the primaries In Bpito of the law against repeating. J3ro.iU'h tins approached a man by the nnnio of Stophcnson , an old bricKtnukcr , who has a son In the pen , with a promise to par don the latter In case Stcphcnson will turn In nnd help elect Ilroatoh with the men ho employs and can control. Stephenson , however , will probably not bo deceived , as Governor Thavor Is said to have the matter of iKirdonltiK Stephcnson's son under favor- nblo consideration. oiii'cror ' ! iiiection. The Judges nnd clerks selected by there- jnihllcan county ecu I ral cotntnlttco to servo at tod.iy's primary election In the various wards of ( lib city and South Omalu are as follows i First ward -Peter Beck ami U. M. Smith , Judges ; K. K. Long , cleric. Second ward John Schrocder nnd Antono Koinont , Juilgcs ; I ) . D. O'CuiinclI , clerk. Third ward Moso Sturinnii nnd 1' . J. Will- lams , Judges ; O. A. Decker , clerk. Fourth ward 0. M , O'llrlen nnd P. E. Uoblnson Judges ; E. Wlittehorn , clerk , Fifth Ward John Walbor nnd P. O. Brophv , ludgcs ; Harry Ilaiholl. elcrlc. Sixth \ VardJohn F. Pngo and T. II. I'lat- ner , judges : R K , Munn , clerk. SevontliVardP. . J. Quealcy nnd Samuel MeLeod , Ju lcs ; Charles L. Thomas , clerk. Klghth Wanl-It. 0. Vanness and S. T. Hayes , judges ; C. it. McNnmco , clerk. Ninth \Vard-H. D. Ncclev and Otto L.rgeson ) , Judges ; M. AI. Van Horn , cleric. South Omaha James 1" . Hayes and II. Warrick , Judges j II. B. Hale , clerk. - % Tli < llnltui'i Scinulohed. The dissatisfied I'ummnnyitcs who wci\do featcd at tlio preliminary caucus in the Second end ward "Wednesday evening decided to try it again last night , and they gave it out dis tinctly tint It was to bo a "bolters meeting. " They hud been fairly beaten in a square , open fight , but as it was contrary to Tammany rules to submit grace fully to defeat , they would not glvo It up nnd therefore planned this meeting of their own deepest sympathizers in order to spring a slnto of Broatch delegates to bo presented at the regular \vnrd caucus tills evening , as against the delegates selected nt tiie open caucus held under the auspices of the Second Ward lcmibllcan { club. But subsequent events showed that tlicy had again reckoned without their host. It was apparently a meeting of the most devoted Ui'oatchltes wlicn the meeting was called to order and I. N. IcCoy elected chairman. As soon as the lirst step was taken , however , toward de claring against tlio regularly nominated delegates in favor of a crew of Broiitch Iliinlcicj , it suddenly transpired that Dr , Mercer'- ' ) supporters had not forgotten him , and the air was again and again frac tured with cries of "Mercer , " Mercer , " "Tho Into friend of the Second ward. " 'J'ho Ih'oatch adherents wore surprised at the outbreak , mid disgusted with themselves , .A number of them realized that Broatch had 110 inorcshovv in the Second ward than a cake of ice in a sweltering furnace , and hastened to got away from such an unfriendly atmosphere , but some of them stayed and re-enacted their moblilco proceedings of Wednesday night. They raved and yelled , and grossly insulted tbo Mercer nicn who hud shown the neces sary oouragu to oppose them. Somoof them even ; \ anted to light to ease their perturbed spirits , and cavorted madly up and down , Imt it was all useless , nnd the exhibition was ilnally brought to a close , It was a terribly bitter pill for thoTaininanyites , but it had to fo down. Firut Wixril Republicans. The First ward caucus , held at Eleventh and Piorcu streets last night , was rather n quiet affair and was decidedly of a fiercer complexion. The hall waj crowded and after being called to order the caucus nominated E. K. Long as chairman and C. S. Elgutter as sec retary. J. II. Butler moved that the chair appoint a committee of live to select the names of eight delegates to lie voted upon at the primaries today. J. II. Butler , Ernest Stuht , Tee Kstnlle , John Mnttieson and J. W. Honza were se lected as such committee. The caucus took a recess of ilvo minutes , and upon reassembling the committee re ported the following delegates and alternates : Delegates Isaac Hascall , KrncstStuht , K. 1C. Long , John Mnttieson , Milco Ford , .loo Kent , Ciotlcib Zimmerman and John Uoslchv. Alternates Lee Kstello , John Butler , K M. Halk , Ham Bnrgstrom , W. A. Kelly , F , Unndhauser , L. . F. Nelson nnd F. Ilerzlco. Thcro were three Dnmtch men present , Pete DoUon , Judge Lytlo and E. C. Kperson , and they at. once set up a howl , claiming that they were not represented on the ticket , but woru promptly shut on * by a motion to ad journ being put and earned. U'lie Sevontli Ward itcpuulluniii. The republicans of the Seventh ward held a mass meeting at l'J12 Park avenue lust night to complete arrangements for the primary elections today. President MUte Leo presided - sided , und In a happy speech deplored the lack of opposition la tlio coming contest , lie wondered whcro all , the llruatch men had gone , he said. If any Broatch men showed up at the polls they should be watched , as Ull'.V I'UL IUM11.V IUU HUU UUlUllg 1(1 ( IIHI WllFU. Holes were adopted governing today's elec tion. Samuel iMcLeod will bo judge of clee- .lon , Charles Thomas clerk , and P. J. Qucalev Inspector , Tlio following ticket was placed In nom ina- tlon for doleatc3 ; and alternates to the county convention ; Delegates M. L. Koeder , J. W. ICllcr , AI. Loc , 1) . J. Collins , F. Crawford , E. Walsh , Cicorgo W. Sablno , AI. I ) , Petei--on. Alternates-Cioorgo A. Jopllu , John T. Bell , E. Gibson , Dr. R. U. Moore , V. Ilormonsky , F. W. Taylor , 1. li. Oochran , Ed R Dunio. Pi urlliVard The Fourth \\-tird republicans held their caucus in Justice Anderson's onli-a lust evenIng - Ing , It was Mercer , Mercer , everywhere. Qulot , strong , uunnlmou * fur Mercer. II. D. Dunchati was In the chair , and the followlc were elected : IJelogatcs-Frcd Gray , Elijah Dunn , n. G. O1 Donahue , E , Uosowater , Robert D , Dun can' , Moso P. O'Urltu ' , It. Smith , MoriU Meyer. Alternates John S. Wood , Ed Crowell , J. D. Pilcher , George Smith. It. S. Berlin , Charles Hannon , T. 1C. Sudborroiifb , Gust Anderson. Announcement. G. B. Alooro&Co. , have been appointed wholesale aeentsfor the eolebrateJ waters of Kxcelsior Springs Alissourl. Jlr. Kru-ln Very Naturally Protests. Tin : Dr.i : Wednesday contained a paragraph to the effect Unit Air. Blazer of Don Carlos lumber fame hud handed In for publication afildavlts going to the discredit of Mr. It. S. Krwin , Information waa also given that a suit was soon to bo filed. Blazer was told that the affidavits could not be used until the suit materialized. Yesterday Mr.Erwln called and made n statement which has satisfied the managing editor that Blazer has attempted to use Tun UBK to subserve an ulterior purpose of his own. Mr. Erwln , xnion request , wrote the following curd for publication : OM AH t , Rob. , July 10. To the Editor of TimUcii : Uc-nr Sir By your permission I have read the afUdavit of C , T. Blazer , re ferred to in T UK Bur. , nnd have mndo to your nwmigmg editor a full statement of my busi ness relations with Mr , Blazer and the facts wntoh led up to the arrest of Blazer and Hal- lard for forgery. Moro arrests will follow in time. It Is unnecessary for mo to make any state ment for publication , only to say that from what you now know I tldnk that you must realize that Blazer has attempted tousovour paper to break the foivo of what I hnvudoiiQ and am still doing In assisting County Attor ney Alahoiicy In prosecuting these par ties. VOUM truly , U. S. EUVI.N. Nerve niul Liver Tills. An Important discovery. They net on the liver , btomach and bowels through tbo nerves. A now principle. They speedily euro bUllousncss , hail taste , torpid liver , piles and constlnatlon. Splendid for men , women and children. Smallest , mildest , surest. JW doses for M cents. Samples free utlvtitm < &Co.'s 1Mb inul Douglas. Drluk Excelsior Springs Missouri water * IlAIMtOAl ) GOSSIP. Tng llnt ; with the Kl in row. The Western freight association has given notlco that rates between Chicago and Mis souri river points will bo advanced August 1 to nearly the same schedule that existed bo- ore the war that reduced fl t and second lassos to IX ) and -JO cents. The 3) . it AI. re- clved Instructions yesterday to make out a sheet in accordance with the following fig ures which compared with the rates now * in effect show what the advance will be ! 1st 2d 3d 4th Stli A T ) 0 T ) H Now rate . 70 58 fl 2i 21 SS 21 18 M 15 old rate . co M ; n ! . - > is y > ai n u 1:1 : The original rate w-ns 75 cent first class nnd CO cents second class. Oa the fourth , fifth nnd A classes , which include thebulkof ship- nents nnd all heavy poods the rates are ' „ ' , 4 and 7 per cent lower under this ndvnnco linn they were a year ago. There are existing doubts , however , among nilrond men about this proposed advnnco over going into effect. Merchants nroso well satisfied with the present condition of things hut they will enter vigorous protests against naklng any disturbances , and 1 f necessary go > eforo the intor-shito commerce commission. rtio Commercial club of Omaha will do all It can to prevent the abolishment of present rules for others 23 per cent higher. A Western Reduction. The rate clerks of nil roads are holding their quarterly meeting , nnd In compliance with an order issued by tlio general pnssen- gcr ngcnts have made qulto a sweeping re duction In passenger rates bet-ween St , 1'iuil nnd Alissourl river points and Helena , Mont. The Omaha lines received notice this nornhitf that hereafter the first class rate from hero to Helena , which Is now $ -18.75. will bo 10 , second class Si" , both ways , nnd round trip tickets , liitcrchnngablcGO. This is nn advance of 51 on the old rate going nnd coming on the same road and of ? 15 on the in- orchangablo plan , that is for tlio privilege of going out ono way and returning by any > ther route. The round trip to Spokane Pulls s placed nt ? 75 llrst class , but the second class remains unchanged. To all Interniedl- ito points between 1'ocatcllo nnd Umntcila Juuctlou llrst class lares are reduced about $ J. lii Mud Kalth. Enemies of the Union Pacific and Burllng- .011 roads have discovered that tickets Issued > y them on account of the national teachers' convention nt St. Paul , as well ns to the knights of Pythias conclave nt Milwaukee ire in the hands of scalpers and n great big ow 1ms been made. It is charged that these tickets were thus issued -with n view to cat- .ing the regular rates and ns proof thereof , ho claim is imido that they do not contain , ho signatures of the original purchasers , ns required by the i ivcmciit. This of course enables the scalpers to fill in the names of lartles to whom they make sales. A Oliantaiiiia ' 1 rain. The Milwaukee yesterday put on what it calls aChnutauqua train , which runs making .rips every few minutes between the transfer depot , Council Bluffs nnd the Cliautauqun grounds. It will bo operated continuously to the 18th , and leaves the depot as follows : 0:10 : , 7:50 : , Oi.'O a , m. ; 1 : r.O ! M , " , 0-)5 ) , 7-10 : p. in. He-turning it leaves the grounds at 0:40 : , 8:20 : , 11:20 u. m. ; 2:20 , 5:15 : , 7Ui : , 10:1G : p. m. Notes ana" Personals. The Chicago , St. Paul \-Kansas City road lias established an npency in Denver , with iiYanlt I. Smith as the representative. Air , Smith was formerly connected with the Union Pacific. Vice President Ilolcomh , General AInnager Brinliherhoft and Ccn6ril Passenger Agent Lomax have gene out on a tour "of inspection over the Missouri Hivcr division. S. S.Jones , who resigned the chairmanship yesterday of the Western car service associa tion , becomes chief clerk to Car Accountant Buckingham. "Jnstns Gootl , " Say some dealers who try to sell n. substitute preparation when u customer calls for Hood's aarsaparilla. Do not ullo.\y any such fnlso statements as this Induce you to buy what you do not want. Remember that the only reason for malting it Is that n few cents moio profit will bo inailo on the substitute. Insist upon having the best medicine Hood's Sar- saparilla. It is peculiar to itself. TIIK at I'ropei-ty Owners Drcldo Vpon tlio Kind of ruvoincnt They Want. These streets on which n majority of the property owners have agreed ns to the -kind of pavement to bo used are ns follows : Puelflc in paving district No. 3S3 , Thirty- first in paving district No. 2SO , Davenport In 201 , drove in 2tH , Thirty-first nvcnuo In No. 203 ) Twenty-ninth nvcnuo in 207 , Lowe tvvc- nuo lu ! i'.X ) , ntnuoy In 2SO. PmiiWlr In 231 , WolMtorlit 200 , Eighteenth in STS , with sheet nsplialtuin ; Twentieth in Kill , shoot iisphaltum ] ; Twcnty-scconil in 200. Sherman aveiuio In 2.VJ , Jones in 140. with red Colorado sandstone ; Twcutiotli in'SO , Furnniu in 24' ' and Fif- teotith inSTO , with vitrided brick. Tlioso streets ooiistituteil the body of the adopted report of the council commlttro on paving , eurbins nnd fnitteritig , which closed with the statement that an ordiimnro hail been proposed in accordance therewith and the rRcoinmcndntion that it p.iss. . A special mcotinpr of the council will lie hold tonight forihondoptioix of tbo ordinance. Quinsy troubled mo for twenty years. Since I started UBlng Ur. 'J.'ltoinas1 Electric Oil , have not Imd anattaclr. 'I'ho Oil cures sore tlirotit at oncu. Mrs. L ua Conrad. Staiidlsh , Mich. , Oct. 21 , 'SJ. : The following pormlts were issued by the buildintr Inspector yes terday : A. Sovcnsoti.one-storv fraiiiiiilivclllng , Orchard anil Forty- first streets . tl.OOO . T. J. Holland , ono mid one-half story frame awellint , ' . T\\ent.y-Ufth ui'd Siililcr streets. . . . 1,500 Jacob Ilendls , iidilition to dwclllDi ; , 1803 and Thirteenth btrect . 500 Total thrco permits . $3,000 , ICntltlcd td tlien < ; fit. .All nro entitled to the best that their money will buy. so every family should have , .it oni'c , a bottle of tbo best family remedy , Syrup of Wigs , to cleatisu the system when costlvu or bllioufl. For stile lu 5Uo and $1.00 botllcs by all leading druggists. It 'iiporlor collcn"orrovpnln millionothnmoi for moro llmti n quarter ot n rcninry. ItHii'clby Iho unlloil Htntua Ouvorninont , Kn < lor ! > l by tlio hcnas of tlip ri nt itnlvcrnltlf' H Ilio Mroniioil , I'litc't Mini .Mott llotllliful. Ur l'rno > Cream link. Inirl'otrciorclo't ' tiotcintaln niunmnln , lliuo or nlum. SolJonlj Iri rnni I'KK'i ; ItAKINI ! I'OlVUKIl CO. , .NowVori. Chicago , S.m rrnnclscu. St. I/iuIs. To euro nillciisncM. Sick Itcmlaclic , Consllpntlon. Malaria. Urnr Cumi'blnts. tnko tlio sail ) ana certain remedy , tJOtlio85IALIJSI7.R(40 ( llltlp boons to fhobot- tlo ) . They tire tlioinoEtconTCnlcnt ! eult all ages. I'rlcoutoltlicr size , UO cent * per iK'tllO. KISSDMf nt ? ' 17 < 70 : I'lioto-pravuro. 7 . " imnelslioof this jilaura tor 4 cents ( cuppers or ' - - J. P. SMITH , * ; CO. . Mnfccra of "Ullo Ilonns , ( it. l juls. Jto. ESTABLISHED 1878 BY THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT , OF IKE PUBU8 OH/miTY. / Operated under n twenty year's contract by the Mexican Intcrnutloiml Improvement Coiupiiiiy. * ( Irani Monthly drawing held In thn Morefqtio I'nvlllim In thi ) Alnmodn I'nrk , C'lty of Mexico , iitul publicly coiiductoilby government olllolnls ni > i > olnt- u > l for Ilio luiii-otjuty tliu bucretury uf tlio Interior uuJtbaTrcatury. LOTTERY OF THE BEHEnCENCU PUBLICft. THE NEXT MONTHLY DRAWINC Vflll bo held la the CITV OK M1UCICU , OH'THUFJSDAY ' , AUGUST 7th , 1800 CAPITAL PRIZE , 60,000. SOiOO ( Tloljcts at $4. $ : HO,000. I'rlcoof Tlclffts , AiiiL'i'Icuii Money. MTholos 9'i : IlalvooS' : Q S,370 l'rl7Ps . Amonntlrii ; lo . J1TS..T.O All I'rlicsfloUl In Hie United ttatos fully paid In U. B. CurrcDty. AGENTS WANTED. { iToii Cl.un HATTS , or nny other Informntlcn desired , write lexllily in Ihn nderncd | , clvitrly ttntlni ; your resilience , ultlittutc , count- , street nnil number. 3loru rapid return mall dolUury will bo imanrcd by your crjcloalUet nn envclupu tearing your full niltlrusa. IMPORA.NT. A.ddrc.s3 , U. HAPSETTI. CtTVOl' AlUXICO , Jlcxico. Or to Cii.xs. Tl. MANir.r.ti k Co. , Ilooiu 401 N. V. LUu DulldltiX. Oinalia , Xil : > . lly ordinary letter , contalnlnu JIONF.V Oltnuil mied by till U.xori > si Companies. New York Us- change , Urali orl' < ln ) Note. SPKCI.M- Brtormiof cotitrnel t'JO romimnjr must deposit tlio Bum ot nil i > rl/u Incluilcd Intlio sclionio bcroio foilIng - Ing u sltiKlo tlokct , und rooelvu Ilia fol .owing olliclal in-i-inlt : CitiTit'iCATn"lliorchy certify that the Il.ink of l.uiKloti nml .Mexico lim cm doposlt tlio necessary ( urulsto eimrnntco tlio pnymcnt of nil prize ) drawn ly the l.otcrl.i do la lienotlci'ticla Pitlillca. Ai'oi iNAiiCAHitr.i.o , Intorfcnor. Further , the trompun ) Is required In distribute lltty- > U percent , of the vnlnu "full the tickets Inprlzo a Inrfcr nortloii than Ii nlvt'n by nny other lottery , Klnally , tha nuiuborill tickets Is limited tobO.OOO- SO.OOO less than aittolJ by cither lotteries uslntfthu . Tills Is in certify tluit tlio Il.ink of Commerce , Niialivlllu , Tuuii. . will pay all prl/ca 111 above. CIIJLS. U. UUNCA.V , Cushlcr. "THIS is AM AGE OF APOLUNARIS WATER. " Walter Jlesant. is THf QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS , " MOT1CE. THE WELL-KXOVW YELLOW LABELS OF THE APOLLIXARIS COMPANF LIM ITED , -ARE PROTECTED JJY PERPETUAL INJUNCTIONS OF THE SUPREME COURT. BEWARE OF IMITATZOKS. jjft e o scourin sea - Even the little pig in the picture is a more agreeable companion than a man with a dirty collar or a woman who presides > over a tawdry house. But nobody wants the reputation of being a pig under any circumstances. / IN NHBRASK/V SHOULD INVESTIGATE TIIE MERITS 01J THE AMRRIOANIZELD ENCYCLOPEDIA BR1TANNICA NOW DE1NG OFFERED BY The Omaha Daily Bee. HERE IS THE PROPOSITION : THE OMAHA BEE offers n year's sub scription oftho dally paper including the Sun day Issues dell vet-eel at your address and n complete set of THE A.MEHICAN IZED EN CYCLOPAEDIA. BRlTA.NNICA.ror$2.BO per nionth. The first five volumes delivered on payment of $2.60 and the balance payable $2.BO per nionth. The other five volumes to be delivered within four months. ALL OUR PRESENT SUBSCRIBERS nro entitled to all the advantages of this great , offer. People living outside of Omahn can avail theiv solves of above liberal offer by having the monthly payments guaranteed by some responsible banker or merchant in their town. Send for descriptive circular. If you haven't time to call and examine the books telephone number 238 or send a i-ostal card to THE BEE and our represent ative will call on you. 'JJB. J. E , HcftBEW , THE SiPECIALBST. The Doctor IB unsurpassed lu tlio treatment of nil forma of I'rivwo DlM'iiso. Nolreotnicnthasovu been mote nicu'futul nnd Jiono - - - - lint hull stronger endorse * ment. A euro Is guaranteed In ilKMeryworelcuBcs In from 3 toSilnve without tlio lots of nn hour' * time. vB Da n- T10c | , yho ( , mvJ | , ) ccn ui' < lfrlu treatment for - - - ' Strictureorillfllcnliy In rcUcvlne tlio tilaliler. pronouncolt a nins-t unnilcr- till success. A complete euro In nfcw days Mliliout i > aln. Instruments or lo. -jftimo. . llmlillty omcrvmipiicss , In their wortl forms aud mnpt urcnilf'jl re nlt nro nbsolnk'ly cttreil. JHSDASEa cnrvd At licnio vltlinut Instrument ! . A wonderful rcnudy. HOUItb for Indies from 2 to 4 ON'LV. i ( inilnllDlfcnJcsof tlicSUin , Illood , Heart , l.lvcr , Kid- 1 neys and Ilhiddcr cured , i C'urcil In 30 to W diiye. Tlio i inoftniplil , biifc nnd elfeiM. Ivo trratnicnt Immvnto tlic racdlc.il prnfesslon. Eu-ry Irnccof Ilie cliscasu re- mo veil from tliu blood ! ncomplclc cure guaranteed. IfB ( ft ffiH ? ff ? For"nmn"or "niunnn" . nch JOc BflftStLBKiRi ( stnmris ) . Treatment by rnrrc- "Uttft0ri& * " Hpiiniience Stumper reply. * N. E. Con. HTM AND PAIIMIK ST. 1 Open fnim 8 A. M. to fi I' . 31. Entrance on rurmnnor Htli at. , OP.UHA. NFC DPS. Merrill & Merrill Sl'BCIA.IjlS'18 I.V Chronic. Ncrvoiii , Illood nnrt Snrzleal dlKoniei , nnd UU'o.ises or tlio Eye , Ear , Note. Thiont unU Chctt. Special Alt -urlon to I > KOII < ICH ! ' \Vo- innn nnd ChililrRii , Tim doctors lm > o liivl years cf oxporlcnce In Ilio ) lO | l\lnH \ of llruoklyii ami N'uw Vnrk , anil tire niiiuni ; the ino.-t Biicccislul and Nvldcly knoitn pcilullBl In llils couulrf. Jo YniiiiR nnd MI(1 < lp-Acol | Mon. Lost Slnnlinmt , Norvoui DoliUlty , Spornmtorrhin Bomlniil I/io ti , I'liyilcnl Ducny , nrlihiK from In.lU- crcllon , p mincing Hlt'eplomiuaa , ( losi > undcncy , | iin- | plf on tlio face , iivurnluu to society , easily illsconr- QMtHl , luck ot conHdcnco , dull , unlit forstuily or Imjl- nesi. nnd rinds lite a burden , safely , I'trmuiitnU ' j and ijpccdlly curud , lilOOll 1111(1 ( SlC1 ! ! DiHMUKIlH. Syphllli , n dl'caso must drcailful ID Its results , couijluli ) > ly urnJIcntel. U . to-llritinry knripr.v. Cionurrl'in , Gleet. Syphilis , llrdrocclo , Vnrlcorolo nnd btrlctiiro i.ullcully im > l cufuly cured wltlinut imlaor iletontlon from bmlnoti. AllSuxuul Defur- tnlllut unj liaitiliinciUb | to ui'inlugo luccuiifulljrru- inuvotl /til ItucUil DlJca oi tnfcly nnd purminontlr cured. llonrs'Jii. ' m , IIIISp. in. MnmluyH , 1U till U. .N , II. rcu-auns unnblu tovlsllii" nny butrentn.I nt their lioiuo by corie i > onileiico. .Mcillclnci iinU lu- Btructlutu mint by U > | > IC > HI , Cunr.iHution frcu. foinl tents In Htuni | > 3 to Insure rc ] < ly. uis Kiiicuiitii fct , , Ontiomo Oiuru | Mouse. Uainlin , Ni'l ) . * M KJ MU h w iw U O * - Y1 HJ i Kcr LOSrorSAUJNO KilOIOOD | OcitralinJMiHVtlUrt JJlUIXlIVi UtMrlutli * ItoeJ. fiti'.ailloai ' d v > rot > r oi.llpj UKM * CRIS MtSDICAU CO , , OlfFFA NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. , . .jdiusri'iictf. i. cb Ijox contains . , . . . . . . , , . , . _ mint. (1 alix , or > tc lor 81 , itntliy lnlll | > rr | > alil. Wlili r U oiler ( IT > li boxHII it-ncl imr'lia r r . . t ' I n T . n i f inii 3 to tt ' i GOODMAN DHUG CO. , 1110 Turuum strctt , . OmuUu , Neb Sreat i Jewelers and Silversmiths , SIXTEENTH AND F.ARNAM STREETS , - - OMAHA , NEB Bargains in Bargains in Watches. Nickel Kiilcliei from f.W ) upwnrils. Hllvrr wnlclnM from f. > npwiinls. Diamonds. . Ladlus'ttold nntuliei from M.1 upwards. Uetdlumen'Hold | wutuhcsfroiu (2& upwnrdi. Diamond rlnEs from J2.50 upwards. Bargains in Jewclcry. Diamond collar buttons from ft ! upwards. Diamond rrarf pins from S5upnnnl9. \Vecnrrynfull line of jewelory hielinlln ; Diamond cult buttons from M upwards. both aollil itol.l nml line rolled pinto rlim , Dlanioad Mints fiom H.U ) upward * . | ilin , eurrlriiii , luckota , olnilai , bnu'ek'H , Dlauiond laro tilns frumflOiipn'nrili. ni'rklncos riiirnnd rnllnr buttons , etc. Ar- llfumoml parrluiftifrom ? 1 upwurils. tlcle.sacluallr MorlhM nu nollnt Mo lu 'jo , Diamond lirnculctH froml.pitipwnnls. ami all otlifir KOod.s are Hold nt the Hniao pro- Dlnuionil peiidiintH tmni J'J.'iupwiinli. portion. Sou our show wlndowa. Hue our Diamond neeklktcx from f.VJ upwunU bnriMlaprluos. Watches , Clocks and Jewelry Repaired at Reasonable Prices. Greatly Reduced Prices on Silverware , Clocks , Lamps , "Umbrellas , Optical Goods , Etc. Grand Lottery of Juarez. Under the MantiEeinont of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Concessionaries. INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF CHIHUAHUA , MEXICO , FOR CHARITABLE T GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING Will tnUc nlnon In nnMiit t.hn nTTY " .T''AUK7 , ( formorlv i'aso del Norto ) , WEDNESDAY , JULY 23d , 1890. Under the personalsupcrvtsfnn ot GEN. JOHiS S , MOSI5Y , and MR.OAMII..O < the former a KeiitH'tnau of Hiich prominences In the United States th.it lila nrosotico alptio la sufficient KimiantcoU ) the publlo that the drawing will bo hold with strict liotiuity nnd 'idr- ness to all , mid tlio latter ( tlio Supervisor of tlio Moxloan Oovornmeu'j In of equal ittiuulajr and Intuifrlty. CAPITAL PRIZE , $6OOOO. Only 60OOO Tickets ! Only 6OOOO , Tickets ! , E TICKETS , $4 $ ; HALF TICKETS J2 ; QUARTER TICKETS , SI. LxIS-T OP 1 Prize of $60,000.$60,009 $ 100 I'rli ; of Approximation ( Munch Prizes. I B,0 i . 'rlreof lO.OC X 10,000 IW I'rUoi of 30 ouch 8,0 1 I'rltecf 1'iu ' , fi.OO 1W 1'rlioi of 23 until 2 , & n I'liidwof l.UUU I'l.rh. . . , . H.UUI . Tnrmlnal Priy.es. 10 I'rliosut 0)0 ) uocli 2JM ) MSTorinlnnli to ( Jii ) I'rUoof t' ? > each fll.O V. I'rltuiot 1UO each & , ( ' I'JJ ' TiTmln.ili to llll.UJJ I'rlzo uf ill liuoU 6'J 1UO 1'rlzuaof K onch fjtIW 'aa 1'rliosof j 1014 Prizes amounting to $125,070 , \Vc the unrtpnlKncd liorchr corllfjr thit tlin Hnnco If any ticket rtrowlnRn prlzo M sent to tlionn'lorj Nnclonnl nf Moijto In Clilhualnm lim on dcnoilt utitneil , IU f co vnlnu will lie rollfctud and fromlliu Moxlran Internntlutml llnnkln < { Company , to tbo owner tliuwof freu at clinr/J. tinni'coajury fiunN to Kiinnntcotho pnymentof all II. Hitu.ssoM , tlioprlzuiilrnKn In the ( ! land I.otU'ryot Juurai. President Il l'i o Niitlonil Honk , lIlP \Vcfnrtherccttlfy Iliat e wlllsiif/orvlno nil tlio r- AOBNTB WANTS IJ. rniiBdniint.i , ntnl In person innnaiin nml control nil Korclub rato/t , or nny other Information , wrllo to tliu > lr'i\rlni { > of this lxtt rr , and that tlio tame nru Iliu unJemliinoit. itntln/ your u < tdrcn clonrlr , "lit ) conducted nltli lioncity , falrnou und la uaaJ faltli hlnto , County , Btreot mil Numhor. MorornpM raall tuwnrda All iiarllen. U llvurr will uo iisiuroil l > y your cncloslnu nnoarul' iiarllen.B. . MO9OY , Commlssltlnor. ouo lienrln yonr full nldro . OAMM.O AIKIUKI.I.KS , SUXIOAN lBrKllK.iT10NAT < JUNKINO CO. , Buporvlborfor the Uovorumont. Oltyof Jutirci , Motlua. TsJO'TTP.'R' Bond roinlltanooa for tickets hy nnllnary letter , coiitaInnxMoniy ! , Order , Ti * -LV-/l-J' Issiicrtliy nil ExpreMitJoiiiMuiilos. New York KxulmiiBO.UauU Draft or 1'oaUl NoVo. Address nil ruKlnurud lottui-H to MBXIO-A.N INTHLRNA.TIONJVIJ. BA.NICITsTG OO. . l Oittj of Juarez. Mexico , via 1511 : Paso , Tox. The Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute rcrthotroiMrncnt of Ml CIIHONIO AHD SOrtOIOAIj D19EABKB. Ill ! i , Aiillmifei | [ tot J ) formltl , nnt Truiici. H il Iviellltlnii , Apparatus and llemoillai for Buecomrul trc-aimcnl of overr fnrnior illieoinr * qtilrliiK.Mnlloil r SurBloalTmlmunt. NINKTV ' ROOMS KOH I'ATIKNTrt , llunrl nnd uttcniliinca. iloil ccuiuniuilittlona Writ \Vrltolor rlrcularton Dofc' 'mltlm and Ilrur i , Tru > i- > , Chili Kent. Cnrvnliirv'vj Milne , 1'llci , Tiiinorf , ( inerr , I'utnrrli , HrondiltlB , Jnbulatlon , IllcUrlcllr , l'itriilr li. 1'1'llrin.r. ' KiaueJV. Ulaililor , Kro , I'nr Skin anil Illnod , iintl nil ituruloal Ol' riiiiuui * iliaHAHHS Ol' WOMIS.Vn siieelultr , Ilool of Iilx-mci of Wiiiifn Kree , Wo liarslntelr mlilcil lrlne-ln Department for WoninnriurlnKUuiillneaitai iBltlrllf rrlvnl i. Duly Ilcllatile MoJIcnl liitlltuta ranking nipocUltr of I'lUVATK DISHAHKH. Ah llloocl lilscnipj luceninfullr trculfil. Hhlllllc | uulion rcniorei ] from Ilio uili-ra nltliunt mcraufK Nenr Ili'itoratlTu Trektinrnt fur Ix io ( Vltnl I'oiter I'nrllci uniiblo to vliltiu rosy ba trcnted at hnuoli ] corrtikp n'lt'nro. VMIfcniniiiilmtlonu contldanllnl. Mcillclne or Irntriunenti tent by iiifill cr uxpren , le. cuidy paeknil , no unikslo Imllcatn ( ontonli orlunili-r. Ono penonnl lntcTVlcw preferred. Cull mi uior lonil lil.torr . ' 7 I'lrcano and no wlllioinlln iihlri wmppar our IIOOIC 'IO MK.V IfllKli , upon I'rlvili Sfeclnlor Ncrvom ll ) coie > Impolcncr , Urpbllli , O.cctaml Varuocelu , wllUqunstlon Hit. Aildtmi r Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , CornerOth and Harney Sts. , OmahgvNgb. . ,