THE OMAHA DAIM BBBfnTffTJRSDAT , , JUIY 10 , 1890. NOTICES , rJVEIlTIJEMESTsrolinsocoluinjwIlJ , -tVbc Ultonuntll 12'n : p. in. , fur thtercnlnn ; c < JKIon find until Sirio p. in. , for Ihe morning edition and BUNtUr llrt. nEKMS Cmh InaclTanco , , J-iehnrgeflfor ntlhomto of U4r ntporword ! r the first lnf < Mtlon nn l Icent PPT word for ca.'h subsequent Insertion. RiidlLfiOpor line pir month , No ndvertlneiuont tuVcn for wrt Mian 2IcflMt for tl.u lint Insertion. "TS'ITIA I..S , figures , nyiiilwU , etc. , count each J ono word , rpllIISI * advertisements must runconsocii- J. tlYtly and under no circumstances sill tlity betaken ordlsrontlnuoil bj tolcphoni ) . IAHTIKSsilvcrlMin In tlipnerolumnsfirul having tlielr nnswern udilmsscd ton "IIIHII- bcr-tl lott r"ln euro ol Tun ll . will rocclvo n nil lube rod chock to enable tliciu to got their Icttcra. . Answers will bo delivered onlyon rinse nlAtlon of this eheek. Unclose answers In PI i vclnpi'i properly add recoil , nclvrrtNcmoiiK under Iho head of Aliti Notions" urn pnnllnlird iti'.iotlitlio morn In * nnd o vrnliiR fill t tons of Tn ii HK > : . tlio circulation of whluli nscurczates more IliftJi auxrt papo.ri'dallr ' , and ( tlrei the m vnrtlsor tliD benefit lint only of llm larijo circulation of Tut : IIIK InOiualia , but also In Council IJlufTs. lilncoln ntiilotlicrultli" ! ami towns Intho vest HUNUAY HAIil'1 ' ICATI5S. A mtllTWK.MKNT. ! for situations or for -A limit ) or fcinaln licl | > , not rxceoillns 21 vnnl.Mnru Imortcd In Tin : SUNDAY HKK at. Imlf rntrM diirlnKthp months of July nnd Augiut- Tlin rrciilarrutca will ho charged for im-li n il l 1 1. Inn nl word nliovo1 Morels as well as for connociitivii Insertions. "BH ANT CH"OF F I GJ&T , Advertising for tlio. uolnmm will bo taken oiUiqkUuvoconilltlons. utllin following busi ness bouses who are authorlieeltntakospcclril notle ' . .ttho sumo rate * as can him ut the main ofllro. aomir oMivyimASoit OFFIOE-NO. to H6SIN Street , Iilntcr Hloek. _ TOI1N W.llErI/l'hariniKlst , , SWSouth Tenth V' ' strict. II-APE A KnnV" . fltntloners and Printers , 0 113 Bonth 10th trc t. 0S / , Pharmacist , 8115 Curu- S , Inn street. WJ , IMiarmticlst. 024 North l th ' Btroct , KG. W. I'Amt , Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven- worth ktreot TUOIIES'l'UAHMACV.SIth and 1'arnnm. B1TUAT1OXS WAM'IOI ) . FeY rfiltt , eltptcclop /cxroliimn ! ( onlMs J > 1 1 all nitr on ' liyiiyuutiK in nn , u thoroiiKlily oxjiorl . ti'iiinfiiDlior.vl Ki lias been tufmlttod to the liar , Atlilrcw , .1 40 , Hrc. an 11 * _ _ TtTJSlf YtJif iisTwok-TcopiT ornny kind oof- ( J flee work. Can furnish Kood icfi'rrnces. Add rcss , .1 40 , Iru olllce. SIO U * piVINTKU A first I'luss job and IICWH man ' jualtlon in tbo countryAddrcsa , Urn. it 9' " \\7"'ASTKI > Tmltlon by young man 10 years M old towork.around , house and ya-uhas a.uiotliiii'unil . llt\lo \ lirotbiir to support and Is tryttutto pay torn Iltlln homo , liuat of r r- Ajdrtw.I IC , Uec. 11)3 10' QITUA.T1UN ni stcnoprapbcr niul typc- kj .wrllur. orforolllco ) _ work , by yc ( ? lady ; cbnipcletit , A < ldri'ss , J20 , lieu olllco. lliO-tt * \\MXTKDr3Jy MIIddlo nuett lady , free , posl- i' tloti "Ui'iiuiiiislii ; boiisukt'i'por la coiitli'iiliiii of means or In bulol. 1'mfcr to Kiixvust : A'hiress.1. ' i" ) , Uee. 1:18-10 : * to morehiint tallors-I'osltlon wantodby llrst-olns * cutler ; rrfoi-cnrcs ii. Acldrcaill. CiOllf ootlleiGilJyS * XVANU.'Kl > - - . > I'orrctta , ctc.ff.elHi > nffli-Ktef > linan oiil/ifs / jiaoe. Half nttdi on Sunday , - D-A first class waller. JUKI Cnni- lllj-Hf. ' . ' 01-11' TUI ) a niei'Kctlc youiijl men fordls- tilct maiuixcrs , eood ri'ferencosaiul ' .small cash capital ruQiilrcd. ICooni "C , Cliamber of Cuinnicrcu , H42-10 * ANTED Assistant lihoto printnrs at Hey M'H , 313 Sir > t list. 222 It * " \\7"ANTI'I > A young man or woman for .IT posltlonof trust ! mustlvo cah secur ity ; ' smilglitHalary. A < ldics3 J 38 , Heo. 211 10' \\7A.VTKn-Ono or twotlnsinlthsfor Insldo IVnork. . On 11 corner 15thstrcet und Ilmacl- vay. Council Uluirs. ' . ' 11-10 " \\7 ASTKD 1'or Koclc Island work at Soutli H ( Ji'inba ' , 2)0 ) moil nml i.00 teams ; wugcs , teamsK1.2.-I. W. P , Oallabnn. 080 fl I' ANTKD Ahroud maker utBS3 Main st. . iAmnollltiiiira. Irtl-lt ) KM-t : > | ) crlencert broad nalceiH.stcady \IT work ailiL good \vacos. Apply nt the Jos. ( lariu'aii OraekcrCo .lilthand Mason. Ml 11 ° \Y7 ANTED Salesman on specialties , paying II frofu Mi ) to fc > 0 per month. Allison & Co. . ai'ino.-irhornst. Chleaso. 177-D * TVrjNU1ElKlO ( men for railroad work in t * \Vynnilng. Dakota , Utah and Nuvauu ; ti'aRosl.7.tJ(62.M ( : steady work. Albright's Labor AKency > ID ) Fariiam st. ! 9a7 TI'ill itifl men for Hock Island rall- mad work tit I'apllllon , Neb , DlcOormlck llrotbcrs. 1B2-1I , GTKsT.KAbstnto URCtitvantcil to open oflleo liuaiUluartei-sliisoiiio prhu-Ipal city , asMimo exelnslyo control of our Lnsliicss and appoint local and sub-agents Inovcry oily In this Mate : poods well Known , staple tulloiir. In universal clemund- rind iiay u nut profit of lOOpor cunt. Address U'ho Union Coinimny , No. < l Ilruacl- Vtirk. 30 ! ) Thrco tlrst class mon to rcpro- "scnt. tliaOniahn Hco In ami out of tboclty , Call nitbOspoolalotllco ofOmulm Dee , comer 17th mill Kariiain. ground lloor. 077 T\7"ANT1-D ! Non" to travel foronrOnn nillai. i T niir.sorles.StonoA\V'elllnstoaMaillson\V'ls 770 AGiN'r.S-rnoiitllton : : iidays' ) tlmo. 41W.OO IMOUtlulve ks or no pay. Aild. wltb ltam | ) : JnrvIsS ; Uouipany , liaclnc , H'ls. 771 WANTK1) ) Salesmen nt$75por iiwutli sa l- nry anitoxiiciisosto sell a llnonf sllver- jilatoo'\vriii' , \rritchos.otc. , by sample only. Iiorsoaiul.tenui'furntshotl frcoi write utnaco fur full partletilirs and sninplu easeof cood.s frvv. Stundard3llver\vaioUo.lostaii ! , i-nj IDnuw spucl.'ill Us. allfusi . 'no e.xperlenco necosiary ; Ills non y.siUiploreu. ; ! ( Address li C. llruwter Holly.-Mlch. . filUJyl'J ' * SAJ.ESMKK toscll speelaltlos to nierclnnts bysauiple ; hnlury iialil to good men : sim- : p1c. 4 fumlxhed : ( toady situation ; Mmlol Jlnn- ' laborers for extra rosid ; . Apply to IMI , Johnson , li. & M , passeuperdopot , Uinnha. _ ; 3 " " ' DTONKMASONS""wan'ted at Norfolk ant' ' iplleaj-rlce OIXK ! , wages paid. SI. T , Murphy J 1 D Vij ANrii ; ) int : > rKCtlo men nnd women for i .1 . i tc lbnkliios.sniyliii ; ; J < M weekly tirotlt iffislurUiuii ICO monthly otliarxilso ; oxporlencu unnoeebsnry ; pennancnt < position nnd cxelu- klvo territory nituruili * Jsamples free : Invos tkntoour money-nialdnx hnslnoss. Address nil. ftlcrrlll HaiiufacturlnjiCo. . 11 53 , Chk-nco. Ill : n K , fie , , * ( < > n l Vila pitye. I Jttilf nttu on W _ Vlalnknvliig. J'-JS ith : st _ _ > T ADIKSwnntod for profltnbla ninploymcut , .UA laro oppoiluiilty. 1'or f iirtbor Inforinu- IIOii call or address V.O. IJ.O K.llltligt.IIO.iaj ' VXANI'KD An liili'llluont yiiiinit wonian " > t'oinpctOiit to tiiln euro of n baby ami as- fist vlth second work. Mrs. Halpn K. Uay- NloHl. 11)13 ) Km th ' 'Jib * l. _ SSA "l\7"ANTii-HaleslndIes : ) , Koom COIN. Y. hlfo ISt10' WANTKIU-A Rlrl for Jionsawork , Kl'i Ki.l'tli , 1C8 t ) ' S D Kjiiorleneod irlri for jroneral ' i family. 1US South 10th , 102 7.\NTV.n Blr ! ut Windsor I'.PJ , > iiultl ind iiliiuinlressut City Hotel. cor , JOtb und llirm-J'stH. aw 10 * 17 ANTKD A competent laundress by Mrs , T > llorman Kountie. lStl > iB.ltthj.t. _ 1U010 * i\\7' < Nr'l'K | ) llTrT to do gonetal hniistntork. ' _ A'11 llt"Pavcnpongu _ an io TVrASThTJ All o.Tpcrt Klrl to KOW oiiawn- . li iugwv too * ! waui'spalJ. Apply b null to J , fJ , Liinivko , 131 1'uarl street. Council lllutrs , „ , 215.11 W ANTKDThree oxperlcncd dining room Klll .SitlitjlnrU'r liotul. _ 774 . ' I'or IM ( ( . ttt. , fee lop tif jlift totuiiiu on Uiti ptiut ll famllluu : aoq < Uuvenport. 'JM 1U ENOAOKSIKTITS tnilodressinaklnitln laml- llci solicited. MU * Sturdy , 6 H th ave CM jyS | E- \\lti. U. C. Sniisoii\e , OU B. Idlh. fashionable - l'lru 3iiiiUiii. Ualloy lyutuni tauiibu 1S7JV11 roti FVw ratfs , ( ft. , trf lofof jlntetilumn < mlhinut. \ . f M WtTTraR' f I rooms \-n'A , t fT ctlT'ct oVw-f > or . * 'iln. vi < ry i-Mitrnl. tvntW ) csrli. Uo-ntii ra- tivcl.aivl nnd Lot Co. , 'MX. Illth st. l ? 11 inoil IlKST > cottages cheap. SOU Caliltol ' nvo. 190 ll 1/1011 lUNT-Tlio ; oolc ant < tone roslclonces 1 nn f.rorRla nvo. , H. Ultli t. , bet. Jlason niicll'ni'lllr sts , Seoowner forlotiK ( line lca e. II. II , H < 'iidrrs"M. nioin 4M. I'intoii blk. 77i > IpOIt KKNT J-room house , city itator and noreoni , tit a brirfiilii torespnaslMo nurllos , lilnefc. _ l t IpOH ItKN'T l'imiUlivctlioiisrtwclvo rooiuq. barn and Allocation , for two inontlm. For illeuliirsHeoO. V , bbolcsJl ] First Nation til hunk , HI-10 771011 UKNT-Ily July U to W , sl.vrootn cot- - * - tajtcMtoodcollar , city and cistern Mater , price $ > .8M mstbislrect.Iiiiulru8 iioutliti < tli _ mt 9 TTlOIt TIKNT-S roon : hoii > .uf 'llnl and CiinilnK JL ? H8. , & ! 5ht > rmouth. CM * . Harrison , DUN. V. Lite , 9IJ , ! ) rooms , 1217 Chlcugost. . city . 11 * POIt KKNTX ! ( Innprosed brick hmisos.east ( rontsoii fleiintla nve. , Just north of I.eav. en vorth it. , i' fKMi ( > , balli , f u rnneo , M > wcr con- nccllonsnH convDiilctuH'Si will i-i nttorc pon- Hlhleparlies for$50. M. A. Upton Co. , lUthnntl 1710111JKT } ( llouwnf fourrooiusi'lieaprent , - 11)12 ) Howard si. near 10th. i % I7IOH UKN'T-IO-rcmift bonso , all nioaern con- tJ vciiloiiMjH. SUt'O Hurt. Dr. i'aul. ' 91.1-0 TlllNT lloiuo. 10n > oins.nU'inodorn tin- provvniciiti , Iar y yard. H > jior niontb. Couiinlsslun touKuiits. Dexter L , . flioiiias. 778 "I'VOUwlslilo rent n liousoor store sco 11 , . K. Cole , Continental block. 770 2-HOO JI flat with rtomn hunt , HHIi st. near JJuuos. Thoiiitia K Uall.uil 1'uxton ' bloe ! > . FOR ItKN'T-Duslrable 0-rooni lionso , with liarii , 1IO\Vlrtst. ! ) \ , Kotiiitzo place : south front , lar 'i ! yard. Inquire of owner. ( X)4 1'u.v ton block ? W3 11 171011 HKN'P-IO-room bouso.2107 Uougliu. Ti O ? ( inlruiilll IKiiiitfni. 7KI FINK resilience , nmdnrn lniprivemcnt , 210S H. iMnry's ave. . ( c > . * > per month. Ituitilro at prcmisesor atA. llcllor's , 11111'lirnain. 73J FOH lirN'I'-5-rooni house , coed repair , nice yar < lcistern wider , rout ? ' , " . ! . Apply to 1400 tiouth 7th aveor , toJno.W , Hell , Uiugglst.lOth . W7 T7I011 ltF.NT-7-room house with liariij norii .1 huil rent to good parly. O , I' . Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life. Ill Poll IlKNT-A cloublubiilldlng.droonisencli , I'Jtb ' and Mason. 'M TjMJUNISIIEI ) honso on Farnam st. for rent -L ? liKiuIro ticrmuu-Aiucrlcun tiuvluss hank , 7W T7\OH \ HENT-At moderate rent , the three- JU storviiml 1'auoineiit brlclc biillillni ; situated ut No. illO Doniflasstrucl , snltablofur niaiiu- fatturlii ) . ' , wl.olessdo or warehousepurposes ) , iilMionostorvaiKl biiHeniunt No. 10S. ? Dili st , Aiinly toL'bns. ICaiifiiiaiin , 1TO Douiilasst. )4 ) Jytl' I710U IIENT CJotxl 10 room liouso , scwor , JL1 vsiiter , KIIShath , harn , fitrnaco. In clesant nliapo , e-lieap , U. V. Sbolca Co.'la First N'ut'l bank. mi 171INf'77-rXJtalwilllni'wltIi ! yard , W . J3 AIsp,8-riiom < livollins with yard , J3H S ) and 10-ifioiii dvulllniti ) , SLHo $80. { moalon Je Allen , IGOWi Kninanist. 12 KOlt HI3NT JtOOMS FUllXISIIKD. , itrtrc topnf Jlnt rolimin onthtsKifjt. \ . lK front n till JLJmotor , IS to$15. ? I7 ij 19th st. flWO nicely fiirulsho.d rooms , inodorn eon- JLvfiiileneoH.wlthor without board , 1721 Dav enport. 172 ID * " | DUIVATE family , sltuntod la inodorn i-esl- - 1ilciice , with olioleo rooms and pleasant home. Mill aci'OiiuiiOdaU'U few boardurs. "I.1) ) lliirnoy. 840-10 * "VTIOIC rooms , nil couvcnlcuu'cs , lilO Duvon- -1 ! > "IDOOMSto imt. furnished and iiiifiirnUlioil. XI Apply nt thu Mirrlam for partkHtlari , 2 , ' tli and Dodge. _ 104 19 * 1710U ltKNT-2 f uinlshcu rooms. 19I lions- JJ las st. Ififl 10 * rooms , vlth board ! newly fur- JL ? nlsbcJ tlirnii bout , with bet and col < l water bath. ICiriJmlgo. ' ' ' 037-10 * with board. IfiB Chicago JJst. j-rta-l ) ' T AHGE front room , SID. 800 S. 22nd. JU 810-12 * 10K ItKNT-l'uriiUhcd rooms , at 1722 Cap- ! tel uve. IJWli * largo rooms , wltb all inodorn J-eonvenluiucs. . for 1'sht bousoUcepliiK. 2200 Fuinnnist. ' ' 22411 * TD10H ItKNT-I'll rnlbhcd rooms. 1000 73S TCTOIl llENU'-l'iirnlsbcclrooms ; gatjbntliand JD stoum , 1" 10 llowiircl. 7S ! ) " 1710U liKNT.-Nlcdy furntslipd roomall mod- JU trn conveniences , CIS S 17lh Ht. 'DO ST. OIAIlt Kuropcunhotelcorner , 13th anJ Pudge. Special rates by week ormonllif 71)1 ) "VJE\VLY ftirnlslieil rooms nnd board forsev -L.icrul | > nrt ics'nt"OKI llnrney St. ; two inlii- tues1 walk fioui center of buslnos. * , und cool place forsuinmer. Sllsst'avlnla'all \ > rldgo. - * EOOftlS.Avlth Board ' If desired , 1003 Cap. avc . 2B jyll * HUNT STOIilJS AXD OFl IOKS Formcretc.tcc , tofof Jirst cdlumrion T710R ItKNT-Small brick store,116 > ' , S 10th st , JL3 roiit low. ' 15 COTOlir.S at TOO Slfitli.JOxCOenuh.larsesliow Oivlndows , steam hojit furnlshud. Tlios. F , Hall. 3111'axtim block. Wl "Ol'K HKN'l'-llest located ground lloorolllcc , JU 2i S.Kit list. 141-10 * THIUU lBNT-Tho4-story ( brick bnlldlm.wlth JU or without power , fornterlyocuiuiledb ) the Heo I'ubllhbliiK Co. , I ) Hi I'lirnnm st. Tbolmild- usa Ilieprnof cenu'iit ' bnseinent , eomploto Htc.ini . Iwatlni ; fixtures , waturon all tbolloors , Xiis , etc. Apply 'lit thu olllco ofTbolleo _ 1)13 ) Mil ltENT--l'ln9 corner store , lOtn anil jncs , JCO | low lent , toot ! locution niul ting better o\cry day. Ui'orBOt'lousrr.TfllH.l Hli-Jj'ii "TjTOK IlI'lNivVincstorortxini in NiirfbTSTNoh. JU Shelved suitable ( or clothing business ; nlcctrlollglit * , slClin boat , otc , . AJdresU..A , M 'ist. 570 "JJlINEotlleonv small H'UireHou groundIloor , JU In Jtoyit's opera house , Jncmiroof Aiaurl- can l-'ucfC6.l3 M.l.'itb kt , 1W TjlOIl HRNT Itriclc warobouse. two stones JU aiiillniHenU'iit , 27,000 syuaro feet , with 100 foot of dotibli ) track on II. I1 , railway , smith 20th and Plorco btrect-3. Address 0 , Oskaiup , ' pOH KRNT-Sjtiall store room. $ . " > . South JU TenthKouriloOrafronidopot. . Sultablo for fruit or cbiir7 htord. Apply ticket olllco , K)7SoutnlOtli. KO. AGKNOV. Fur mtft , ftc.tee top nf Jlrcd folniiui oil thti pno , -\UKrSIIA.N3 & M'Cullooh , W. cuil _ Kxposl- tlon bid ; . TAIOIlTON'Srontal ugoiu-y , 517 Pnxtou block , J-'L > ? > J Til E.COLE , rental agent , Continental bile , JL 1 _ , ' 7TU EJ. 1UEV , rental tiucnt. 2W N. Y. LIfo. too Ferratectc.wt fjoJinl ( ] ) ccliiuuioii this TI1IN worlc.rwilliii'i ( * > c'iiB\iilloys ' ' , etc.Kooil JL work and | ovr prices. tliuvugol918CiiiiilnK , - , 1 -v . ' t > 0 Ii4 * TO Forrattittc. ue lojio/ /i > J column on ( Jib jxio ? , \\rAM'KD-l CMxl commercial paper , No bruska ; Jlortjjage loanCo.,51 Jl'axtonjjlk , ' illKTSIVUltK. ! household Kuodn , tie. HUhes cush prlee , U17 S. jjth. : I'M ' - > . nita , ( ujiufirtt c'Auinn on tliii ] > < i < j ( TTJiniini LAS ropalrod ! export loclisnilth vJ key tlttlnj nt Helllii'i gun chop ,11 ! > N , lilth W JylU P\HAOI.S , unibrolln ) and wacon umbrol < ln eovort'd mid rojulrcd , H'mkliiK ciin " ropalrud. U. llulor , 1511 Uoujlus ; basement Kor mt , rtr. , > f < topiJr t ciiliimri 011 ( hfa , , , -l-'lRoiilit | hnlr trratiitvnt. inanIunrnAclilrop. odlst. Mrs. 1'ost , iM l.WlUiucllUk. T\fASSAOEand tnaRneiln trratiutnt , 1111 L'a J-'l ciBo , half block from motor line. 610-13 * aillK Indian doctor .imarttil' ! * 'itrt euro nil klmhnf jillrw in ton dt y ! jnlj oall ONoaxn of Iho tlinmtniiil lutiRslii thMnnii'tlniP. Tape worms taken out In M.x hours wlthnut leiiyln ; olllce : nud nil diseases Hint are curable , tilt S.10thst. Call a nd ooo him. WJJJJI * E EMOVAI , Mrs. Dr. Pay hoTlttrfl nrTciT- Knnt bath rooms. No. 1IM { Jlivlfio t. . the ground lloornrul Unovr proparcd hi Klvo Hot HirliiRt < bnthi with electricity. Alt sunVrliU from rliciitiiatlsni , la irrlppe. parulysU , or d ropsy w'lii"iio'wo'lT to cnfftVpoii 1 ler" SISJy 13 1'KNHION AGIJXOY , FerratatteKt tnyiif frrt fuliimnon ( Jid Gr.O.J , PAL'L. ifiCO rarnnin. luniHOrt , stores niul flatH fur rx'iit , rents collected , rcllublu fltrjln umncf. il" TVTEW law ; pensions for utmost all soldiers ) JL > father * . inotbcM. widow * and ntlnor ebll- dren ol Roldlort * . flixlwt pushed by K. X , Cllnsjiniin.IOand 2irren 'r Mk. l.lycurs expo- rlencu. OiilyiiuiKlon olllco InOnialiu. ivtT T T. 1'ATCII. o.xeluslvo pension iiml claim I i nttoniDyi over ! . " > years'exporicnces have alltlm latest laws and ili-eUlom. ; Olllce re- inovetl ( mm Kreti7crblock toCliand.or o ( Com- inerco. room .11. Omaha , 7Qi > .iy'- . ' * 1)KNtilNS-No\tls ( \ the tlmo to uppty under new law. Circular pluming nho urc en titled sent ttfc. All Soldiers , their widows und dependent parents shoulil addresi Toll- niaditt ; & Tallinailge , attorneys. C'hlenco. III. andWnihliiKlon , P.O.7 < 7-l2 * l'"ivr > itttetc.tre topnf fist roliim " n on _ -Hiislniiiui. lilll l.uavcijvvortli. 0' OKU ' storage. David Cole , 815-817 Howard , vronAGE-llrancb &Co. , till Ilowaitl. 3 . _ see "TTltJUNlTUlIK Moriigc , separate compart- JL1 moiiK 815-817 Howard. 7W > rrUACK'AOE Htor.-iiKC , Uavld Cole , 8I.VS1 ? JL Howard. 71)0 For rata , etc. , fee foj > o/ first column on tltlt jtagt , T OST-Tbocliibmednlof the Goto City Gun JJcliili , 1'li'iiso return to Collins Gun Co. , Douglas st. and receive toward. U3HO * TOST llcjtweon Council Illuira and I'nxton t hotel , pocketlinok rontalnlii1blllnnnd ua- pars. Itolurii tol'14 ' Faruuin,83 reward , ' * JO'J-IO IOST-Oold watch , plain case with diamond Market t.lnt ? tittaulied to fob. Howard if re turned to H.l' . Urcxul.Stk nnd Jonea. JOO "T OST-1'ocketboolc on I < un nvo. bctwcpn JUrurnam and Ihiuilltou. i'ludcr rewarded ntKKOCap. nvo. 4w : FOUND. c. , see ( on of first cofiminou tMspuiic. J ) Hay stud , llraiiilon left shoulder 'Call at Buckeye stable. 4'ii So. 1'Jth ' st. S43-11 * "ITOUNli U water spaniels , SOth and Leaven- JL1 worth. C.ill 1W.SJd ) st , nfter7 p. m. 185-1) ) ' I'KUSON'AIj. Fornitartc.ficctopofjlntcolitmnim this jxw , IJ viincil toknow f nny porsoi JL knows Ulnirlesl ; . llenoy , a younjr man I1) ) yours old. llplit complexionsear on forehead , walks u Hull-mini' ; last board ftoin was la Toiiokn , Kansas. vorkliiR In It. Il.kbops. Send hitoriniitloiili ) hU mother , .Mi's. Lizzie Ifuney , aitadvlllo , IDKHSONAIi I'lcaso write or wire , ullelsos .lost to me. XX. 173-1I1' FOR SAlji : JI01ISBS1U AGpNBliM'C. l''oniitc , ttr.ttr. Inj ) < tf Jlrxt ciihiinnoii tM Ill ) head mules , easy terms , I'urt light tlrlv- 'liiK iiiulosmiltalilo for all delivery business. llaliiiii'u work mules.V. . L. Solty , r ' 3 , board trade. 227 - ' _ 3AT..K KIrst class light road wagon , II olliro k , ! * 'Q S. 17th St. . lloe building. IBO T71OH SAIjE-Good siinn work lioises. hnriust JL' nnd'wiiKOii ; wolglit 1 , 00 ; casb or time. CIS 1'axtoiibll : . _ UTTt oik horses , -\vlll take Luggy us.purt .pay. li. ii. : board blcbt drbors , nai-KJiin. The Into HO11SKS llruhiiH iniiiio thani cheap. 11. E. Cole. Con- tlncntiil Dloclt. _ BOJ TCTOIl SAI > K A pair of nudes , 7 years old , JL wolht ) MX ) Ibs. each , Rood workers , kind , for hale cheap. Also dray and harness ! to bo Keen at Cunlleld's stable , foot of I'arnumbt. U.S.Vlnd Engine. & I'uinp Co. Old Jones st. _ _ _ | _ 05 1) rPEAM iMfdluin sized horses cheap. Sound J. and itood work team , $100. W. ii. Sclby.r Uboaid ti-iiile.a _ 227 _ T71OH FAI E-Span yoimp mnlcs , cwt. about -L'l.SOlrach , cotxl wtiBOii and harness , cash or tlino. J.J. AYIlklnson. (113 ( 1'nxtoii bllf. U71 riWO SPAN heavy and t wo span light nmlc'i ' J-for sale , on two years' t line at 7 portent. Interest - torest wltb llrst or second mortgage Omnhii real estate soourlty , or other iijiprovedccurs- Ity , tjelby. room 13. Hoard Trade. Gl'.l platform bnrini : leather top cnrrliiKO almost now , 1 buckhoard now , 1 douhln bug y or carriage harness , Apply nt 2215 Webstur street. Omaha. r > T > U. rPEAM T3xtru largo heavy horses.V. . L. J-bolby , r 13 , board t rade. 227 "TOOK SALE A Eood hlaokliorse , wall broken JU to thu city. 12-JS. 17th st. WW H O11S12S * M and up. II. 11 Cole , 120 AViYNTKn-TO HIC.NT. I'ur ratts , etc. , ste lop of first column on l/ils / itagc. boarders Address J 'M , Heo olllce. J 1SMO * V\7"ANTKI-Unfiirnlshod room with closet. AildrossM. 1I..2U03 NVobstor st. 1S10 * ' " \\r AN rUD Tvo bouses , 7or S rooms each , ii conveniently located , with modem Im provements. Apply at Freyhuii and Kahn. Wl b. Kith st. } Ni KOlt SAIjlj-PUUXlTUitn KTC. Fur rntt , etc. , KC lop of fimt column on ( Ms ITlOj SAnn-caccoimt of fallnfT'lioalt JL1 tbnne.wuiul elegant fiirnttiiro of a 21- rooin house , oecnpnnts lirst-class , lacomo nearly fl.OOi ) per mouth , finest locution In the city. AddiTss.I .U Hce olllce. 07--at : | FOR SAManscnijLiAxiaous. . t'ur rain , etc. , tec lap of first column OH this i > a\ic \ , "IjlOHSATjl ! An antlqiio oak chamber set , JL1 kitchen furniture , stoves , ( itc.ail71''arnaiu. za u T7\OUSAT.E-Tvro \ pool tables- and bar flx- J- lures , Fied Thompson , 20th st , Koilth Oir.a- lia. 'isa 11 * _ _ * 1OH SALK 200 cords of extra nlferTvood1 ; -L wllldellver ontracklii Omaha. Vo have soiiio very duo icildenpo propeitj' fur farm lands , fa 11 and sec. ] tobcrts& AYutcrmuii.ta ) Piixton li ! ) < . _ * an10 * _ "lAoihAhK"NiWtft ] ; lnway.1 : Son piano ; liest. Jtnnku : party Iruvlng city ; part cash , bnl- anco time Kduslicd. lniiilieat | ti\t \ 1'axtoti blk WJ TT1O11 SALK Ono now Dlobold flro nnii biirRlar-iiroof three-ton safe wltb Sargent ACirocnleaftliiiolock , hank counter and llx- tnres. Ultl/ciia * bank.Sliolby. la , SHU * "TJ1OIJ SAI.K , chuap-8O-horso power steel J- holler , Rood nsnow , with llttlngb complete ; beater , iiiiid-drum , pliniKo tmnilis , and No , : i hnnwlFNt will sell for ouo-half original cost , JultV. . lledford. btKJ MUHiO vm' AND InVNGUAOral J'ur rtita , ct ? . , see tup of fmt codunn mi this " /luU . . ? ( | ulra2iilUSt. > liiri''i.ave. _ a1) 11 * lKl' OUR htiylntf a piano oxamluo Iho new JJoculo Klmball piano. A. HoHpe.1513 Douglas 8UT > riEO.K. GKILKNIIEOK' , tcjcberof thobanjoi V wltlillo > po , J5B Douglun. 2 < U TO I.OAX For rcitn , etc , * rt lop ttf first tofiminim thl * 1 Mil VAT K money to lou.ii , chcip , O.r. lln risen HI IN. V.LU . - , _ _ _ _ _ _ isu-u _ f OANS City and farm loans , mortyago pu- J per bought. li'ltagiiBl nvestnient Oo. _ M l > KAIiKSTATI-liians--Ca' ! ' > h onhaiiil , Olobo Jl Loan & Tniht , l ! < > : T y. 10th at No delay. > 'o ox Ira eliarpo * . llouys for rent ; good ll.t. . "JIIONEY To loan on Onmba and South J'lUinaliu real estate. Noilularn or expen ses. Slonoy ou hand at all tlmuH. llaten , Hmltli & Co. , Commercial National bank bldg. _ _ _ _ * -t' ? * _ T\IONKV loiiiuMl ut lowest rates , lone tlinci on Jii-lniprovrdUinalia real tutono " " - o , "extras , no delay. Globe : Trust Co.'JO ? 8 , llltli. _ . _ _ _ _ , _ _ "I" ) it I Ul ) NO loans , Oto 7 iwrvcntl no iiddl J'tlninl cliireuaforcommUsloiinr attorney1 ! fees. W. 11. JlolUle , first Natloii l bank bldg. IflHSTninlwconil Tnnrtanes on meant nnd T Improved elty properly . I'ounty wnrrntit.n Ixiuulit , Money on luinUi 1' M. Ulch.'mlwn , M1N. _ V T.lfn. _ v ( KX1 CMO.tijOnpt'i'ltiT Mini tii loan itiiniMllAtclyoii 'Pvaeaiit city properly , K.M. lllcbanNon.SW NV" . Ifcv _ _ _ 6 NK Y J , noor W I y s imfuriiltim'iiiuio | , linrseH. houses uk. J , J. Ullklmnli. CIS I'.utonblknu ' . -nu _ 8WI _ rtllATTKirionn * nl fowcn rnto ; biistne Vconfllciitlalni5 ( ruiton blk. J , It. Kmlnxei. _ _ Ml ) noal.MKHOIATdind'Kefioral ' abort tlmo pnper ; also n'Unliy live-rear loans nuiiln on bnpnived jiropcrty. Oeo. P. lllimt i Co. . Ml Uiiiiimi hhlg. i' _ 811 Sl' ( ONlUnortsaKO lyfins. Second itinrtKnito-t I > oii3lit. Loans Oil Vncnnt lots. Itced Si SeUiy. room lil , JloartI Tnioe , _ SI2 " KKVf'TtlSTT" Iortua'o lU-l i.ins nt * 1U to fl.OJO ; get our rates before borrowing nml nave money ; loan on horses , furniture or any approved set'tirlty without nubllolty ; notes boiiKlit , for now loan , renewal of olil nnd low est rules call KS . Slieoly blk.Ulli A : llownrd. _ _ _ HU _ IIIIIIST niortRiiso ItMiis nt low rates nnd no I1 delay. 1) ) . V.Slioles Co. . 210 1st Nat.l bank. L _ _ _ _ HIS _ GI'KK CENT retldenee loans , JI,0)O ) loSin.OOO. millilltiRlonii9 t hPeclalutes. The. Mead hivestiiionU/o. . Heo lililif. _ sir , _ _ AfONRV to loan on horses wnitons , iiuilea , 111 hoiHebold Rooda. pianos at lowest rates. The llrst orgunl/ucl lounof- llco In tlio city. Make loans from 'M to M5 ( hys.whlclicati bo paid In pnrtoruhnlont nny time , thus lowering the principal and Interest , Call nnd see. us when you want money. Woean assist you promptly and to your ndvuntntro without removal of property or publicity. Money always on hand. No delay in making loans. U. 1' . Keen & Co. , 310 S , mint. , over Illiiirhani ASons. . _ _ _ H17 TTNUSUAMAMow rates U Of Inteiest on llrst luortRnges of Improved real r.itntu for thq noU 00 days by tbo Kaunas Ulrv Inveslmentt'o. . lloomau Uoard of U'rado. J , IT. I'onse. nianagor. 8SO to loan on finy socurlty for short time nt loir rates. I.oe trate oniiorsonnl inoperty. Tlio Henderson HorlRnui ) Investment Com- liany , room 400.1'axton blk. 8I VXrANTUD First-class Insldo loans. Lowest 'V rules. Ciilliind scu us , Mutual Invest- in cut , Co. , 1V)1 ) l''nniain , 8 lit OIIKAI * eastern money I'lilladclpblii MortKaRO and Trust Co. , always ready to loan nnd yay promptly ; first mortgitKPHWntitcd. ( Jcoofow. 1' . Uoatos. rep- rt'seiitatlve. room 7. Hoard ot Trade. 8S1 jlAhTKHN monny tolnanon city jirimi-rty ; tiiortKtigolinger bought , ll.U.lroyNV.Tlfu. 3HOUT tlmo loans on vacant lots. Sell > y& & lieccl.O. Itoai-d ofTrnde. 8 ) MOSBV to loan til any amount from $10 to UM.WO for anytime ! mm 1 too months. Loans innduoa household goods.ilan ) < > sliorscsmulS ( , wagons , bouses , loaspn , etc , , In fact on nny available security In any amount at the low est possible rates without removal of property. I'aymuiitscanuo m.'ide atanytlmu retlucliiK liotli principal nnd Interest. \ ou pay Interest only for the tlmo you MSP the money. If yon ewe alialnnco on your property 1 wllltaltoit up und cairy It tor you. Alonoy ulvrnyson hand. No delay. No pub licity. No removal. Lowest rates. II. V. JlastoM , lloom 4 With noli block , 15th and Harnoy sts. IJUIVATK money to loan cheap. C. F. Har- 1 rlsou. 1)11 N. V. Life. 1J ' | > KIVATK funds to loan on cliolro eltjprop - I erty at. lowest rntos. Klmball. Champ & llyan , 1205 rarnam sti 703-Jy 7 nfl ATTIIliMank , (9 ( H. 15th st. win lonTTyou wruimey on cliattelsiit liank rales. Call 4411 lJ C > A"NS""Sioiiiy on jia'iid. U\v rates. Umiilia JJKoat ISsttttoi Trust C'o.'iWS. ITthst. , lieu liiilldlnf 105 BIIOHTJIANU ANI > Tl'l K\VJtITIXO. Hurmfw , etc. , xretop oj Jln < t ctilttinn on Hits VTOT1OK The special Kummor session of the 1 > cliisse-sln pcninuii5lil | ) und shortlianu vflll coiiuiicneo Monday , July 14. Classes will beheld hold In the morning , afternoon and cvenlnjr. Cull on or nddrefr ! foe Information. Standard fhorlliand liuslness L'dllego , Now York l/lfo buIldliiK. Onmliu. Nud. IWit SECONDHAND CnllKrnplis , Ilamiiioiid nnd Itcniinstoiis. John II. Cornos Co. Lettur flies nnd olllce specialties , UHHIRO bldg. 82T CIjAlllYOVANT. I'or rates , etc. , /np / iii'm / t coT u ni n on this page. LO01 Vll--SloisiiKo-ladiuiioIloizlor , the yoniiK niasnetlst. Is sclcnccd lu the cele- hrntvd Indian loofah lassago. 1'ariors over til ) S. 13th. ' 11H-14' T OUISK HENNKTT. from OhlciiKO. tbo fn- U inoiis iniss ; ur iinii iiKignotlcinuriipulntor. 1'arlors. U1C N. ICtli st. liM 10 * KliS.DIl.EDDVlmsreturned. The renowned clairvoyant Is the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter , horn with voll and Krc.-it prouhctlu nlft of second slKlit. While entranced wllfrovual to her patrons every hidden mystery In life. Has Ions been pronounced In Eurono and America tbo greatest living wonder of the present age. Undoritaiids the sclouca of the "I'urslan nnd Hindoo majlc. " or ancient charm working , and prepares Egyptian talls- inuns which will overcome your enonites , removes family troubles , restores lost affections , makes marrlaeo with the ono you lovo-no fallnro , Hcmovcs evil in- iluonces , bad habits , ciircn witchery. Ills , und nil Inn ? btandln ? and mysterious illaeas''s. Fee HI , inud J3j hours U a. in. to 8 p. m. , strict. iM'nd stamp for Illustrated circular. I'urlors am North 15tu st. Always at home. Dlt. NANNIE \VAltltEN. \ . cliilrvoynnt. medical and business medium , Konmlo diseases a bpcclalty. HDN.U > lli > t.rooins2aml3. ' 11USI.V12SS OIIAXG12S. Foe rate * , rtt. , xtctn ] ) nf first cofumu onthtu \A7"ANTKIl A niaiiwItliKood roforencesund l V $ : ioo cinh vvlio understands tbo grocery Inmlness tostart as upartnor Ina KOMI loca tion , und no runl to pay. For Information , ad dress. J III ) , lleo ollleo , iIO ! Hi * U7 ANTED A party with ir 0 cash to taUo y Interest In an established business , full 1721 C'niiiliiu'.st. IbO-O * A\7"ANTi:0 : To sell , cl arand toljaceo store , I V best , location in Iho city. Address ,117 ! Hco. K baltcry. shop fixture's , niea- slU. horse , delivery waijoii , etc. Low id to euub cuitomcr. Room ( Jl'.i , 1'aMori blk. Wi-10' HOTKr rooms , nil conveniences , briclr , 2 blks from 1' . O. H. U. Iroy , X. V. Life. 1'J-J-a ' ? BANK 1'n r tics wlalilnsto Fell country liank orlncicabo eapltal. Add i ess Lode llox IS3 , Sioux City Iowa. 170-11 * FOll SALi : liny press plant.1. ! ! K , Dodrlcle Iierput.nal buy presses nttncheil to Atlas ciiKlno and boiler , Hltuiitiilon 2 acres udjoln- ln-t ; town plat , to itthcr with all buildings and tools , A ,1-uill fi'fd mill and 5-barrel ruiuler- Ins tank bibiiine biilldiiKS. | All property pny- liiK nnd In good repair. Terms reasonable , I'l-usscil ' lust year JiiO oars. Add rets A. II UiimphnU.SIIyVrJ.'rcek. Neb. U)7 ! 10 * TlS'EliV for s.lo-iv : complete livery stock , coinprhliiK liulhlliiBH , byrses , harness , car- ilu esete. , ull la II condition , host lo cal lonhi town.KOixl trailo already ustalillshed , prluuanu termsruusorMble. Addrcta Itoxl0. > , Uotlieiibiif8 , Neb. . „ . , ? iili ' ! DUUO store , widow oludy wishes to sell at oiicolicr Into bush.inds hnlf Interest In Rood paying dru ? biliillcvi. Invoicing about (7,000 ( , la Lander , hho wishes to go cast. Address Mrs. J. w. ulllvan , Laiulur\V'yo _ _ I HAN itoulruf Kenufu inurehundlM ) , con- sisting of dry ( ! Is.iiBi-ocorle'i : , boots and shoes , will liivnlco about $ , ! < , will tiilio fJ.o iCIri cliolco Nobraslvfi lancl.balnnco casn. Add less llov MB , niuejlltl , Neb , aiD 14 * 171OU SAI.I-i aiO c : .hT wll | buy ono of the J. beitclKar and iiowji iinds InVlty. Gallon or address before thiuiJjlh , us thli offer won't last Ions , to 5188. latlfcff ; sci 10' . . . . -I On i' ljv terms , first claf.3 i-i"tuirant : nnd flxgurcsund No. 1 locution , Kniiuliu iitlilH ravtoiiiJtAp''k. ' . r-M HOTKI * M rooms,1 rVIl coiivenlonees , now , brick. J blocks n-uiirP. 0. H , 1J. Irey. N. V. Life bnlldliiK. nl . 70D for snl . TSo"'stnry brloki is one of - the best hotels , dot us an uxcellent Rood buslnesM. tmonoof the liest enrners Iiitho elty , Address Cuiiiiittrclul llulvl , Krokcu Haw. Nob. iBTi _ friOll SAM'Astockof drugs , utoro llxtnrm X' and it tlnu soda fountain , UH-atud In a iiros- poitnis county M''it in Nebraska. ICvcry tiling liof the best. Tlio totvn Is all. U. ill vision elation and the U. K. shops am located tliere. I'or full purlluulars tftl | or address II , U. Hen derson , room 100 , 1'aituu block. Onialn , Neb. KOH KXClIAXOIi. For rain , fit , , net hi\t \ of flrxt cotumii ui\th ( * fjlO EXcTlANdk- Kearney Huts , " "rcntinKfor J. WO p r month , elear , for homo In Uinuhu. . UF.Hur lsoii. I'll ' N. V. Lltu. 1MJ 1) ) AV ANTIIO IliiHliiMS. property forfnrins la ' Neb. , will add ten to tlfleou thousand cash. U. 1' . Harflsoii.lUt K.Y. UCu. 1801) ) TT'OH ' THAIR-1CO ucrus In Kcarnoy county , iNeb. . , for family tiorsu nnd carriage , lleu- uwa It Co. , ojiiRijIto poitolllco. : UJ-1I ) $ n fio.nno dry poods , clotlilns bootn , Alim'o . furnlKlihur KiMxln ; nunt for mull | biirxalii : Ixi.x iW , I-'rankfort , Ind. \\7ANTKD--Tn trade for R I'oliM-unllnotital block II7-II * \\7ANTK.ll Moo homo ItioM-lmnjjo forsomo i i RiHMl So. Omnbaproperty and noncy , K. Harrison.Oil N. Y. Mfc. 18 JO 1710U I\TIIAN' K--Cloar bind In Iowa nnd .L Nebraska In exchange for Omnba or South Omaha yum lit lots twill assume small enoilni- braneo. M.S. Sturgeon , Uoom 13. Hoard of Trade. l _ _ _ _ 173 'iTtoilKXOirANOR-CJood ' farms , city pniper- JL ; tvand wlltl lands In Neb. and Iowa formxm KIMI'I m'd'.ii" proiiorty elimr. tltlo perfect. Ad- dretvshook lloxlX > , rremdiiU Nub. K.V KOH IISTATIC. / ' ( ! ra ( < * . f ( < " . fa toitof flat column homo near llcmls Park. * 4. < XX1. Knsy terins. Caiinot hn duplicated for the money , U. P. llurrUon , Ull N. V. lilfo. ISO 1) ) ttWV neres eholcn land In Nohruska nnd Da kota : want 113.00(1 ( , 7 per cent , 5 years. Dr. K. lj. lU'iilly. l.lm-oln. Neb. JOJJ 17IOH SAIjK Corner next west of Milton J. Itozfrs' property , faelnc east , nml south , IxlSJ , $7OW , 0. V.llarrlsoii , Ull N. V. Mfo. ISO 0 POU PALK 8-rooni house with nil modem linlirbvcrnonlR. _ ncnr Jjanscoia 1'nrk. { 1,500. K.lltlrrlion.911 N. V. Llfo. 18011 A P JlAhl.pnynient down and * I5 porinnntb v\vlll buy a 4-rooin house nnd lot on lllth , 2 locks from motors llrst-class chtinoo to nc- itlron Hoinuon cany terms. Apply to 11 , E , ' " ' ; ; Uontliicntal block. KH T 1SCOI.X Place and Cnrtlumo lots , nrlco Uil.OCO , iV ) down.balance monthly. .IV. L elby , room lit. Hoard ot Trade , Ml WAKE up nnd buy a liomo on monthly pay- menu Uhnlcoof seven dllToreiit houses , lOtith fronts on I'urnatn st , K very conv nlcnee , noludlngfurimco and pas. 1'lrms can bo soon it my olllce. ( Jail Id. D. V. Sholos Co. , SIS 1st National Imnk. M. > T710H SAli > 2 A fine nowfi-rooni cottage near - clcet rlo ear line on N. 27th st. Will tko as part nf cash payment a peed liorso or liorao and pliaetou. I' . IMI Farnam st. KM K-KOOM cottncos. $1,500 eacb. $100 casli down , Mbnlanco $15 pur month. Thos. F. Unit , 311 "iixton block. KK 1 2 per cent Investment In real estate. 0. If , 1 Harrison , Oil N. Y. Mfc. 1801) WAUG1I & Wusteriluld.rcalostntc.S.Omuba. . KH > / 10TTA(1K homes in most any addition for Wsalo at from 11,000 up. on easy monthly nay- ments. F. 1C. Darllnit.-Killnrkpr blk. Ktt FSSSAbE Nlco 7 room house roiuly to move Into with fall lot , 4 ,200 , fJOO cash. O. llarrlwm. till N. Y. Life. IB 'If YOU have anything to soil or exchange -call ut CIS I'axton block 8l.'i MUST bo sold to clo o nn estate Kljrbt cbotco lots In blunders & llliiiobuURir.s addltlon-nt loss then their worth. If sold soon. Omaha Itcal Kstato& Trust Co. , 2 0 So. I'th ut. ' : luu bulldhuj. 580 ITIOU SALlC-Mow business block on 16th street , rents tire 10 pereentof prlco asked ; a,000 cash , balance lonj ; time. Will be on tbo marketunly a few days. Address 11 ? J , lloo. 701 for nlc bulldliiff lot near ear line , school $ andcburch. 0. 1' . Harrison , 911 K. V. Mfo.j Notice to Contractors K. It. Wo. k to Let 3 , Were cubic yards earthwork. 2,500,000 foot II. M. timber work , 130.000 llnnul fcut pllluc , 0OUO cross tics. l.SOO acres clcarhiRs. This work IH loeuted In the western part of Imiii , bctwuun Oolnmbtn , on the Oiiachttn river , and Alexandria. This Hue runs through a hlKli , dry , healthy , rolling ptno country , No swamps ; excellent spring wntnr and clear running strentns , fren from all malarial or swump influences , sandy , loamy soil , llKb clearing , uto. ; llrstcluhShcriipi'r work. Con struetloli rates from any point on Missouri 1'aelllo railroad to the work. I'rolllcs , speci fications , nnd other laforiiuilloa can bu seen at , ourolllee. Itoom 51 , ( Jay lliilldlnu. corner Pine and Third streets , St. . Iouls , Mo. , or at olllcixm work , ut Coliimliln , La. jH10t : | > IIKN'UY KOItUKST & TO. I'ropoxnls Tor School SupplloM. Sealed proposals will bo receive by the Secretary of the Hoard ot Kdiieatlonmtll4 o'clock p. ni. Aus. 4th , IH'X ' ) , for furiilslilni ? text book' , tttatlonury , prluti'd blanks , Hiipplles , fuel , lumber , and such other articles ns are needed by tbo schools during the ensuing To'b cldors on books , stationary , printed bliinks : nnd coal , ostlniatcsof requirement und Ijlrnik proposalsSvlirim'furnlshod. ' ' L'roposals for furnishing coal should imino tlmprleo per ton for sxipplyliiR each of tbo various s-cboolbiilldlmts with cither hard or Miftcoal ; us the board may exerelso the rlcbt to contract separately for furnishing cither bard or soft coal to any onoormorobulldliiKS. Tbo board reserves thu right to reject any und nil bids. By order of the Hoard of Kducatlon. J. U. Pii-Eit , Secretary Julyfi. im 13d.H Notice. The firm "heretofore doing buslnops unio the iiiinio and style of Kelkoeney & llray liavQ this fifth tiny of July , 1SO ( ) . by mutual consent dissolved. ICelltconoy & Co. , to eon- dujt thobusliii'.ss In thu future. , T. It , KRr.Knr.NKr. t * CUA3.T. llltAY. Nutlet ! to Contractors. Closed bids will bo received in the office of the hoard of park commissioners , Ml 1'uxton Dulld UK. until Friday noon , July llth , IS'JO , for thr construction of a dam and cascade In IhuHCom 1'itrk. Spcoltlcatlonsand plans may bo soon 111 tlieoOlco. Guv U. DOANB , Soo. 14O9 DOUGLAS---STREET. - - . On account of our Inrpo nnd incroasitiR Practice , wo hnvo UBMOVEU to moro spacious and con venient olllcc3. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 Douglas St. Omaha , Nob. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT- EXCHANGE- FOR SALE- JOS.RMEQEATH , ST ! The figure 0 in our dates will make A long > tny , No man or womnn now living will over datu t document without u lng the. fyurn 0 , It stand ] In Urn third place In ISOO , whore it will remain ten years nnd then inova up to second place ID 1000 , where It will rest for onu hundred years. There k ) another " 9" which luis nlho come to Btrvy. It Is hnilko the figure 0 In our dutos In the rc p > ct that It has already moved up to first place , when It will iwrmancnUy remain. It l called the "No. 9" High Arm Whucler & Wilson Sewing Machine , The "No. 0" was endorsed for first phco by th experts ot Kuroi'u at thu I'urU I'\i > f Hlou of 1689 , where , after nteverocoiitcst with the lending mar chinos of tbo worM , It wns nwanlcd the onlj Grand Vrizc filven to family sewing machines , all Dthcrs on exhibit having received lower awnrtlj of gold mcdii'is , etc. The French Government nlM recognized Its superiority by thadccor.itlon of Wr , Nathaniel Whei'Ier , I'rc&idcutof the compauy , with tbo Cross of the Lcglou of Honor , The "Hd. 9" Is not nn old machine Improved uron , bit is an entirely new machine ) , and the Grand Prize r.t 1'aru wun awarded It as thu grand' fit advance In uiwmu machine nieclmnUm of the age 'JliOHO who buy it cun rest asturuil , there. foroof ; buying the very latest anil butt. WHEELEtt & WILSON M'F'O CO. , 1K5 nnd 167 V/nbanh / Avo. , Chicago P. E. FLODMAN & CO. 220 North Sixteenth Street. HOW THE CITY WAS ROBBED ! Testimony Proving nn Outrageous Assault Upon the Ballot Box , BROATCH AND HIS HIRED REPEATERS , ( low ( ho Iialinrerfi Hired Tor Street Work \\oro llnulctl from \Vnrtl to XVnrcl Ami Voted Unrly niul Oft IMI. Two weeks ape depositions \vcro t niton be fore Judge -Anderson in the famous Hbol ov o of Wheeler vs TUB II nif Publishing company. Among other witnesses \VM W. J. Droutoh. After n number of questions hail been ankcd the qucstlou rntnotip iis to whether ho had boon instrumental In pcttltif ! the street commis sioner to hiron very larpeiiilmhcrof men niul tciims for the ncci-fct purpoho of voting them at the prlninrlos lust full whun llroatch rn s nniuint ' , for tllo oflloo of tiinyoi1 , Followlntr is nn uiktmct from his testimony us reported by the stenographer : O. Jld you hiivo nnythlnir to do with the mtiK of tlioso menl A. These ineii ivero ix-il uiulor n resolution passed Itf the city counvil , tliivctliiRcortnlu work to Go ilono. Q. Do you know whether they illd that world A. Thcv'dlil work. Q. "U'lmt kind of work ? A. On the stivcts , iis the resolution will show. ( J , Dou'tyou know thtit tliov woivnlsont the primnrics , votliiu ( or your ticket at the timof A. I don't know. Q. Did you request Mr. .Coo Kent to look after them and sco that they voted ! A. 1 decline to answer ; you can ask him that n.ucs- tlon when you get him here. Q. Did you or did. you , noU A. I decline to nnswcr. Tuesday afternoon the testimony of two deputy city treasurers , Messrs. Gridloy nnd IJrexcl , was taken In the satuo cuso. It da- vcloped the following stuto of fact-s In ivjjard to the engagement by Uroateh nnd hi * .subor dinates of over ono hundred men and teams ostensibly for the street Ranp lust Novutubor lit the expense of the city. Mr. Qndloy's testimony proves conclusively that tlicsu men m'ro paid at the direction Of Broatch upon eortltlcatcs of alleged service rendered the city , signed by II. L. Soward. oy also ulllrins that many of the declared that they had ilono no services on the streets , nnd coinplninnl bit terly that they had been discharged rtesplto the promised of llroatch before the day of the primaries that steady employment would bo Kivcn them. Ho testified that between $ vIOO ! and $3MX ) were paid these allowed laborers. Mr. Droxcl's vorcnls testimony very sensa tional faets with rofeix'iico to roneuliug done with these men underdiroctiou of Urantch's hirelings. On the whole It furnishes soiuo very nicy reading : r. I1 , ( IKIULKT'B ' TMTIMOXT. Q. What ! j j-our occupation nnd rcslilcuro ? A. . I ix-sidoln Omaha ; nut a deputy city treasurer. Q. Were you in this city in December lust ? A. T VMS. Q. And you held the same position that you nowholui A. I did. Q. Have you any recollection of paying n largo number of men who hud been employed by the street commissioner prior to the re publican primary election ? A.T-Tho prima ries were in November if I rcmcniDcr right , and a few days utter that n largo numburof men who had been employed on the street force , I remember paying. Q. Upon whew orders wore they paid that is , who signed the orders under which tlioy were paid. A. Tlioy were paid upon tlio ceitltieato of the street commissioner , Joseph Kent , his iiinno being sijjnCd by Ids clrrlc , and the nccouut luivlng been certilicd to by the comptroller , Mr. ( ioodneh. Q. What was the slcnuturo of the clerk ? A. It was that of Mr. Soward. Q. H , TJ. Seward } A. That is the gen tleman , I thintc. Q. Have you any recollection of. the amount of money paid to these workinumenl A. I could not say cxaqtly , but it was in the neigh borhood of $ . ' ,100 or S.-r)00. Q. Have you any knowledge whether any of these workiiigmon or all or thuru had ren dered service OH the streets or done'any labor on the streets for the tlmo that they had drawn checks forl A , I would Imvo no way of knowing no personal knowledge that they actually worked. Q. Uid any of them state to you , or In your presence , whether tlioy worked or not } A , 1 don't know that I heard that they did worK for tlio city. Q. Did you hear them say that they did not work for the city ? A. les.slr. Q. What did they soy'I A. I remember ono instance I don't remember the man's name ho was n consideniblo larger man than the majority of them , and the way it came about was thq crowd was standing around and making a good deal of fuss and were excited and ho made the remark that he got so much money and that ho Hover done a , day's work for the city in Ids life. CHO33-KXAUI N AT1OX. Q. Now , you have testified with regard to paying out some money to laboring men com- hiK to your oftico , can you state when that was done ? A. It was in the latter part of November , I should think about the Sttli.tBth orSUth ; along that tln.o soriiewhcro ; I don't ' remember positively. Q. And you say about $3,400 or ja.noo ? A. In that neighborhood , I think , yes sir. Q. On what kind of statements wus that money paidoutl A. On order drawn by the street commissioner certified as oeing cor rect , thatna to the amount , and that It would bo allowed in the next appropriation by the comptroller of the city. Q Is the treasurer In the habit of paying out mono3' except upon warrants drawn upon tlio comptroller t A. Ho does sometimes , as I say , as a matter of accommodation. Q. Isn't It a fact , Mr. Grldloy , that this Im-BO number of men worn there before the treasurer was. and didn't you mid the other deputies hold them until ho came that Is , re fused to pay them until ho sanctioned It. A I did for a tlnm , yes. sir ; I told them I could not pass upon it ; I didn'tl < no\v that ho would tie there that day , nnd I told them I did not cam to advance the money. Q Did you pay it out until you had seen him ) A Yes , sir. Q 'I'O'1 the assurance from whom ? A Upon the assurance and upon the request of Mayor llroatch. Q. That it was perfectly pro'per to pay tlicin and it would bo in the next appropria tion } A. Yes , sir. Q. How marly of 'theso men were thcro ? A. I don't remember ; something over a hun dred of them. Q. Did these tlmo checks certify the num ber of days they had worked ) . ' A. I don't remember exactly now , because' that is some thing I don't have to Investigate , Q. Did they look like laboring men ? A. Some did ana some looked moro Ilka vaga bonds. Q. Tlioy would not bo considered ns he- IontliiK ! to the genteel olass of citizens } A.-Hardly. Q , You had DO believe but what they were laboring men from thulr conversa tion ) A. No sir. Q. Did they themselves give any reason why they wanted their money nhciid of the time ? A. Yes ; they acted more Hko n hnwl- inpmob than anything else. Tliuy snld that they had been , put on the street force and kept until after tlio primaries and then dis charged. CIIAIII.1 ! ? F. TlKRXni/.l TUVriMOXr. Q. State your naino and ofllcial position ? A. Charles P. Droxcl ; ' 1 nih one of Mr. Kush's deputies. < v > . Wore you there last November ! A. Yes , sir. Q. State whether a largo number of men were paid at that time ) A. 1 ivmembc'r about the latter part of November , about tlio of the month , thcro was'fjultu a number of men came in with thnochuekH from the strcqfc commissioner and they were paid money. . . Q. Do you know how'rainy thcro were ? A. There were over ono hundred , ono hun dred und ten I should Judge. ( i. Anil they nil had thuso tlmo checks' A. Yen , sir. Q. Can you state for what length of tlmo the checks called for wprkl A. They varioi ; us to lii'th ) of time perhaps , I think some of them wiui'us low iw one-half day and others ran up us high as ninu and eleven clays. 0- What work did these men do so far ns you know from what they said , at thu tlmoi A. As to what they did the tlmo checks silli they were employed for street , work , These inon came Into the olllco In batches ; thcro were at times as many as ten or fifteen nt i time and uomo times an ninny asthrcoor four They wuro pretty noisy und raised consldera bio hubbub about their monoy. Q. Why did tUoy raise auch" hubbubi A. They did not export lo gH their inohoy until after the Appropriation tmllnmioe , Q.Uo on nnd Mntovhutr they did ) A. There were some of thorn snld llmt what they Imd done they had IHVII onmloyed nnd were cnrtlntr men around with their Uviun , Q. For whnl purpose * I A . - Voting ; them. Some of them said tlioy voted In crtch ward nnd then they said they iwt a Imlf day's pnv for their whole day's work , and they sivimxl to bo ( luarivlllm ; among thcm c-lvo * . That wns the gist of the conversation iu .front of the whvcounter. . Q. Did they say for whom they h.ul voted I A. Yea , sir ; some of them did , Q. What did they say I A. Some of them said they voted for llroatch. Q. That was for the primary elect Ion for the delegates to the city convention ) . A. Yea , sir. Q. Do yon know who employed them ? A. I don't kmnv that only from thotlnm checks : the tlmo cheeks were signed by Joseph ICcnt , iwr S , Q.-\Vlio is this "SI" A.-t should thlute /Mr. / Soward. Q.Judglm ; from the handwriting ) A. I don't ' know his Initials -Just , signed "S. " Q. Do you know the nninesuf any ot the men that wore thi-ro with these tiino cheeks ) A. Well , I hardly remember any of them ; I might remember one , n man by iiiuiio of Jack son ; I think hoMmicd only one. Q.-WhcrodldhollVol A.In the Fiflh ward , I think , but 1 could nnt ( ell. Q. Did you talk with any of thmo > men I A. Yes , I talked with them , as 1 had their checks , Q. And they told you what you testified to horol A. Yes , sir. What Does It Monn. OMUt.v , July 9. To the Kdllor of THIS HKK : Last full John A. McShnno spent , all the after noon and nearly hnlf the night at the republi can city convention working the delegates for the nomination of Uroateh. The nrraugo- mcnt between McShano nnd Hronlch was to trade oft Hush for .Tim MrShuno in exchange for democratic votes for llroatch. Now Uroatch Is working hand In glove with Ulrk- hnuscr iiiula lot of Charley mxnvn nud Jim Crolgliton democrats to capture thorcpubll- can primaries Friday. Iluhlnd the SCIIWM is Charley Hrown's vorv cunning and very slippery brother , .T. ,1. Brown , who has beca Ilrontch's backer in nearly every political scheme. , What does It mean ? To n man upn tree it looks as if Uroateh and his gang of rono- Kiules nro to bo used next fall to help Charley lirown into Connoll's sluxss. It's a very cunning game Indeed , but It is n most despic able pleco of organized treachery upon the part of republicans. llKi1. Homo Kauy AHUlnvltH. TUB HKK is in possession of some very racy aflldavita touching the connection of It. S. Krvln , the Ninth ward lieutenant of Uroatoh and D.ivis , with the Don Carlos lumber com pany affair which has ; attracted so much at- nttcntlon In the papers and In the court.s dur ing the past week. If necessary these nnl- diiviU will bo published for the Linollt of the citizens of the Ninth ward , ' \viiero Levin la helm : groomed by the combine aa a eundldato for council honors. Hrnat"h inoiitli Oniiiba. llroatch spent the day in South Omaha Tuesday guzzling lasjer with the saloon sup- portcra while bis lloutommts were milking nrrnnscmonta for his appcat-.inco ho fora the next ministerial association to outer his plea for their support of his "law and onlor" record. Dr. Mercer Kmplint Icmlly Thcra wasalargosathcrlngof Dr. Mercer's friends at his residence , corner of Lowe and lercer avenues , Tuesday cveuhig. More bun fifty representative men of the Ninth vnrd were present nnd all pledged them- elves to do all in 'their power to elect a loreor delegation next Friday , The meeting vas a surprise to Itho doctor , ns ho only ox- icctcd a few of his intimate friends. After vandoriiiR through his spacious grounds and : iiciihouscs the meeting was organl/ed , William I. Kicrstcad being called to preside , vith G. S. lienuwn ns secretary. Short pccchcs were nnido by those present and all of them were to the effect that the ward vould go almost unanimously for the * doctor. In HHJ course of Mr. ' Kler- stcwrl's remark ho said that in look- ng over the room ho could BOO nirdly n man present who had not been a strong supporter of Mr. 13 roa tch nnoycur ago. 'If as has been stated by previous speakers , " 10 said , " after Uroateh had IHJ&M fairly and iqnorably defeated In tlio convention , ho had wheeled Into line nnd helped to elect the republican ticket ho would bo thb' strongest man in tbo cpuuty today. But this meeting : onicht speaks stronger than words that true republicans will not support a man who will .In up with the democratic party the nomcnt ho is defeated In a republican con- , rcntlon. Wo have amongst us hero lion. B. [ J , ICnight , who was ono 6f the famous Aventy-elght who stood by Mr. Broatch till .ho last , and he has agreed to go upon thu : Ickct and help defeat the man who was iv traitor to Ida party. Now , gcntlenWn , I do not doubt that Mr. Mercer will carry the Ninth ward. I do not doubt ho will carry it two to ono , but I want him to carry It by the ireatcst possible majority , as a compliment to the man who has done more than nny ten others to build up uud inako the western part of our city what it is today , Ho is the man who lias given to Omahu the splendid system of electric street railroads ; a system superior to that enjoyed by any other city of eiinal size on earth , and 1 say a man who can by his l > n- orgy nnd business ability carry to suc cessful completion such a vast undertaking is fully comopctontto bo at tlio bond of the s'ovcniment of tlio state of Nnbiiulku. If ho ijoes to Lincoln with a solid Douglas rountv [ toleration I think his nomination is roil , lu conclusion I will say lot every ono present constitute himself n committu of ono to work from no\v until Friday night for the success of the Mercer ticket and with such men as you , who are all volunteers , coming as you do from all parts of the waul , there 'can ' ho no such thing as fall. " It was nearly I'J o'clock before they adjourned , after all agree ing to put in the whole of Friday working for the Mercer ticket. 1'ho now offices of the pf roat Itoclc Is land route , 1002 , Sixteenth and Iftirnum Btreot , Omaha , iiro the finest In the city. Cull ami BOO them. Tickets to nil points eiiHt lit lowest rates THK TNSTUUMKNTd uliiood oa ruoonl duriiu .L ycstnrdav : P K It Sill ft nl to I I. . ' Hatter , lotH 10 , 11 and IL > , lilk .1 , W L Solby's 1st add to foiith Omaha , w d . . i 1,500 J W Smith und wlfotnOrrim . \VlllianiH. . , liils.r > , ( land 7. blk 1 , Woods' I'lacu , a cil 1 li I' I' nnd wife to A II Havlilgc : t ! f t lot II , lilk 7 , 1'atrli'k's ' . ' < l add , w < l. . , 2,730 K A llc'iivin nnd wlf toM 1 Kutulmiir , Ioin ; ) . lilk K , Itrlgut' I'lacp , wil . 700 8 ri I'luKUiind wlfo In A K 1'liiKK , lot lit , blk4 , Irc < r 1'arK. iud . . 1 S K Itoscrt und wife to I'lilllpMiitlorn. lols.'lunil I , blkiKi , Uiedll I'unclor add , w < l . 500 P It llnnnlo Uma Loxnmnreoiio , lot ! , blk ! ! , WcHt ( > iiuilm , wtl . , . 10,000 Charles l.oiMiiicini ; ( ) lo I' It llcnn , lul I , lilk ! ! „ ' , West Oniiiha , w d . , . 10,000 ! ' I' I'lcoinan and wlfiitoMU'lIuanio , lot 1. I' I' J riMMiinirti Hub. wd . 750 T.I liiirson to bars Alson , lot 7OnU Hill , wd . 600 Philip Mnttern and wlfuln I'rril Itaulmr , K'I UlHiuiJ : : J , blk t'J ' , ( 'n.'dli 1'onelor iKliI , wd . 2,000 Oniiiha nnd Klnri'iic'u loan and tnihtc'om- pany to. I I. llulcor , Jut 1 , 1j1k U7. llor- ciicc , w < l . 4T3 M It I'loitnn ' ami liiHliand l < i ( J | i't'or- nlsli ut al. , invi ) lol J , I'loison ij mil ) , w d . . - . . . - 400 n II I'liv-noot al. to.l M Iliimllton , lots. . lilkl.'flnlford Place , wd . 1,000 J II I'ni-rtitt and wUtfto I'alrlcind Invest- iiicnl ciMii-iiiy ( | , d l.V lot f , bill 7 , Cole llrllllantejidd. wd . . . . . . , , . . ,430 J K Hyan to 1 * S titoiiu , lot 2. blii 7 , Ktm- dallHiidd ( , wd . 1,000 K 1' ' Illnucraiid wlfo to W 11 Unroll , lot l.blk I. rortlauil I'liiee. wd . - . 800 \Y II ItiixMill mid wlfo to K A ( iiird , lot , J , , , lilk I. I'urtliiii'l 1'Uc'O . KM 0 KKitvuKi' ami wlfu to J Q ( iastoii , lot I'J. bll < :1 : , Ili-bKH l'lai : < > . q ( id . 1 I. .VHncIu'lt nnd wlfi ) to.lohnJolnuoii , lot ( I , lilk , .McCormaeU'asd mlil.wd. . 1)500 ) Houlli Omaha hind coniiiniiy to I)7Zu ) | Hook. lot : ' . , blk O.Bimtli Uniiihii.w ( I. . 513 1' Hhloul and wlfoluK II HiKir , lot ' . ' , 1UU 7 , KuiidairHiiild. w d . , . . . . , . . i Grovur Muvens to .hum's b'eott , lots'JO , uml'JI. I'ottoi'sadd. wd . 0,000 M .1 Kllli to Jens Jensen , lotlU' . blk : . ' , . Illllslduadd , wd . 3,500 M .1 Klil.H til .luim Jmihi'ii , l < ) t l.'l , blk 2 , Hlllhldoiidd , w d . ; ! . . 7,500 M J iills : to Jcim Jeiisi-n , lot It , blk 'A Hillside udd , wd . .3,500 Twoiily-hlx trnn fni4 . . . . . I 'l'J.507 ' I'lntt'M ClilorldcM l''re.ut | ntly LUeil will prevout much slckuuss.