Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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\ ADVEIITIBFMEM'S for these roluinn will
lrf > liikrn until 1230 p. m. , fur the orcninij
trillion nnd until 87) ) p m. , for the inornlcjt
edition nnd HU.NDAT HIE f
rpEHMS-Cnju In advance
TATKS-Adrortl PtnrTit onthlipaKo trill bfl
JuVeharirrd for at llio rnln of l'4 ' cent per word
for the ilritl Imcrtlon nnd 1 cent per word for
each Hiili c < | .unt ( Insertion. and Cl'A.per line
per month No advertisement taken for
lrs tluinil cents for tlm llrst Insertion.
3MTIM \ , figure * , ay iiiuuUUo. , count ouch
mono word
Mil SI ! ndtertl'ernpnM mint run conipou *
a lively and under no circumstances will
they bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
ID A KT IKS ndrertMntt In thc < o column * nnd
J iiavlnjt their answers add riwd to a , 'mini *
bor-d Inller" In euro of Tim Hrr. will rcrclto
a niimliri d clu ck to r-nublo them to Ret Ihelr
letters AnsncrMivlII Iw delivered only on
iiretcntritlnn nf Uikulirck Kncloso unswors
in ontelori s projierly nddressed
AM. ndtortl omontH nndtr thn licnd nf
' .special lllcl ) s"nrnlulll h lllll both thn
inninltiKimd evenlnc cdltlomof Mm' Un the
circulation of tThkli njureitites inoro than
ai.CXH | > : iieiH | dilly , nnd Kites the advertiser
thclrnollt not only of tlio Inrjn clnnlidlon nf
Tnr IlKrln UnmhaImtiilsu Int'otlnoU IllutTs ,
Llnioln and other cltltn and tonnsln the we t
ADViiiriSFMKNrS : fdr filtuntlons or tor ) or fcnmlH bdp. not e cevdlne 21
woriNiirolnsirtcd In TIII'M-MDAYIIKK at half
rntct dnrliiK tlio month * of .Inly nnd AilRinl.
The regular rails will Im chirked for cMch
luldllliiiiul word ubotu l'i ' word 1 as neil as fur
consoi ntlti in i rtlons.
AiH ertliliiR for tlioso columns will be liken
on Ihe nbovo rniidllloim at tliofolldirlng busl-
ncMhfiuKis who am nitliorlnl totnkoipocHl
iiotlrrH. ui tlie siinia rutiH us can hadut tlio
main olllon. _ _
I Strcol , LUlcr lllock
JOHN V ! , I'liuriiiiiuUt.ttW ' South Tcnlh
riIY. Btntlonors ami Printers ,
v1U South IGth Btrcet.
KAUNSW'OItTII , I'lmrm.iclut ' , 2115Cum-
. iiii ; > treut
\\T J Illjaiins , I'liarmaeUt , ffi4 North 10th
VV . Btrcut.
GTO W I'AKU , 1'harmaoliit , 1718
worth strict.
y. Slth and rurnam.
J'ormlcx , rtc. , tfc tnpnf fit ciiltiiniiontlitt
ttilot im Huivlay.
"V\rANIl'l-l'osltlon liy yoimjj man 10years
i old In work nioinul housii anil yaid , has
n mothei-andllltli hrotlier to Hunpoitnuil Is
trlnc to pat for a llttlo homo llist of ret-
ti.nies Address J W , ) le . 1W 1U
SHI AI ION us stennKrnpher and typo-
nrlld oi for olllio voik. h ) MIIIIIK rj
loiiilii'U nl Aildnss .1 S1) ) Uu nlllic
" \"OI NO lady of bnslniss .ihlllly woiilil HKu
J P isillon tr cu'llnc : cm finnlshbc' ' ! of itf-
rrenres. AddtrssJ II. Hie _ _ _ 171 S _
SlU'AriON wanted b ) a wdl cdncatnl
yoini Inly ( ( MTMI in ) us luiiispki'iiici In
kin. ill fniidly { nufeirud. KefireiiLCs ivcn and
luuiiliod Address L O , 1 timont , Nub1V.S
1V.-S *
\V \N " " " y > nl'l ' l l""aRellil)7Trui'ri ( ) sl-
> ' lion as inannelnK Jinuiuki c | r forilnulo
Ronlh Minn of menus or In hotel rn'Ciirto
po yi st. Nil- i ssj ! T Hie _ 1H-1I ) '
N O I II I/ lo UK roluiiit t itlors1'osltlon
lidbir first ulnss ontlt i , refdonets
Aildnii IMiO , HB ollliu U-,1J ) : > *
Fonuteiiilc.ttcttij > nf jtiet rnfiimu un tlilt JKIQC.
Half 7iilM on Sunlaii.
\ \ > -A llrst 22aH'um-
hi. 2U1-U *
" \VAN1 LD-Ono or t o tinsmiths foi Inbide
Tt woik Cull coinui 15th stieot and llroad-
tta ) Council UlulTs. . 11 10
"VITANI I'D A JOUIIK man to solicitndter-
tlslnn fora popnliir medium ; loninotisi-
tlon Hin ial Apply pornonull ) at loom "i. Ar-
llnKtini lilnclc. l&s-H
\VAXIii-rorli : ! > uk Ihl.ind ttork . . .
> i Oiuiilm , Sin Tinn iind ilW teams ;
1mns.l ! . W. K. Cullnlian. IM ) li *
'AN'lii-A : bnad in ikoi il 5jt : Mala st ,
Coiilinlt IllnIs. lnl-10
" \\T M ILD-l.ipcrloncdl bind inkois steady
V T work and Rood waKs. Apiilv at the Jos.
OnrncauI'nukm Co. liitli and Miisnn. 981 11
\V , A VI l'I > Salesman on spcclultles. niyliu
T > f i nni f 100 to $ J. > 0 in r month. Allison ft
Co lit llnirborn si. Oliliago 177-U *
"V\7AMrl-lnoo men for rnllroid work in
T I U \ onilnc , Dnkotii , Utah and Nuvada ;
wants Jl 71 to J- r > 0 : stonily work. Albright's
Jj.'ibor Ai'iiey. | ! H2orainain st. _ SOOiT
V ANl il-,100 : iiiiin for Hook Maud railroad -
V i road work ut I'imlllloii ' , hob. McCormlck
* Hi.M t
Gl'N PltA I. slat o Agent tt tinted to open nfllio
ln'iuliiiiu'li | iriliisomcprliulpulilty. assume
OMlnsltuiontiol of out business and appoint
loc il and subiRonts In ot ory illy In thlsstut o ;
poods mil Icncmn. staplons Hour. In nnlvoisil
demand , and pay u not prolltof UK ) tier icnt.
Adilress Iliolnlon Conip.iuj , No 711
iMi ) . Now York. 101) 11'
AVAN11.1) I brio llrstclas'i men to ropio-
' sent tbo Omab i Hcoln iind outof thoolty.
Call at tlio special oflicoor Umahii lloo. eorncr
171 h anil I'm n un. uroiind lloor. 077
i ITU Man to Intel ( or our ( . ' .mail Inn
' 'ulfMnon ' on silnr ) oreommls-
T > RIIIII tohandlo tbo now patent Chein'cal
Kiaslni ; Pencil , 'llio H'i ' atcst .selllnjr novelty
et ii-pioiliiecd T > .iseslnk tlioronshly In two
BCI omls , no nbraslon ofpipir ; 2UD to KK ) per
cent piiillt. One UKont's Hales unidiintcd to
tOLOln six ilnjs ; niiotliorf.K In tuobourse
viuit OIHI eiKiKotlo ccniial aKunt for nuih
Htnto anil toiillory. > .iinplii by mall .lo els.
Toi lei ins and full p.utluiilnrs iidilrtss tlie
Jlonroo 1'ras.or ManufucturiiiB Co , Ln. t'rotsc ,
JVls _ 1 1 t-s * _
_ , ) ) ( . ) ' time. IIV ) 00
pliilll In I we i ki or no liiAdd with
Etainp. JartU w. Compiii ) , lliolneVI >
, _ . _ _ 771
\ irArs Mil * ( Mli'sinon at tT'ipei moiilh s iP
' ar ) and ixjiciiiis to sell i linn of bllvcr-
w uu. vntc'hus , olc , by saniplo only ,
MUM' mid team furnished frin ; tvnlo nt omo
foi lull put l ( iilniN and simple case of foods
finM inilind bllterttaiu Co , ItiHton , Muss
A OI.r Ih wanted , Id IK Npwliilllos , all fust
solUrs ; no ( ixpuilcnco neepss.irj ! bis
IIIOIUi i ) . Himplo fiie. Addrc's li I' llniwster ,
llolly Mich. _ 5101)11) ) "
"CJALI ftMKN lohtll spiel iltlis moriliunts
) 'h ) siiiipU < ; salmy paid tosood men , sun-
plcs furnlsbdlj sti idy sllii.illuii ; Mndi I
nf.ii'tinin ; C'o onlh Hind , bid. 4Slijy'0
TX'ANTl.D-'O ' ) I iboii > is fiTr 7)\Tr ) i > Md
i l KHIII.S Appl ) lo 1' U. Joliiibim. 11 A. M.
i nui r i 'i'i ' t.JJini in _ 4ss
wTiTitiMt il Norfolk nnd
lliatiUc. tioodanisp.ild \ Jl T. Mnrpli )
\\fArs ll.T ) KniTRUtlo men uiul women fora
' centcul business p.iylncfOooUly pro lit
pnsltr tlnin JW monthly otherwise ; o\pcnenio
j perm inent position and uxclu-
) to territory assnrid : * l sampler frco : lutes-
tic. iio our iiHMioy-iiuil.bii bnslnest. Aililrim
tNttlibt imp. Jleriill AlunufucturliiK Co. li W ,
Chliniro 111. Ks-ilvlt *
ii , etc. , * rc tojinf } li t rotiimu mi thii
Half nitre on
TAD1KS win ted fir piotltnhlo einplouncnt.
J > \ i.iioopportnnll ) . I'nrfinthcr Infill mil-
tloneiilloi uildli > ss ( < O.JU5NllMhst _ , *
"YVAVlIIO-balcslidlis Hoom C01 N. V Life
1MHO *
\VANTin-Hnllnlilo : and cnonretlo hdlei
v ' nnd centli mon asaKont ln all Auctions of
tboi'ouiilrj to hit million anil sell an entirely
nuwnitlilu of niiiiiiestloncd merit , 1oi 1 ) -
bed ) ncdls It 1'iisUtillor. TibtlinonlnN fur-
\ nlslnd of Iho lilchtst * oliaructcr. olll 4o in
htnnips fur 11 u tlciilars. Address. Cnitvn
Uln ml < al Uti. , \Vator st , IMttslitins , I'a Huf-
Union Nalloiialb ink , I'ltHbur , ' .
\ \ ' - girl for geiiiml housework.
T > i * * o. nth. lus u *
\ \ TAN 1 I'DA. . few ( iiKxl Inily eantassirs fur
T I so'iiilliliiK new "no books. " unlv UIOMI
M llh O\IK ilenie ncid apply al Koom Mil , N. Y
Life. I'M- * ! *
n A few o\pcilcmed lady solicit-
crs In C.IIIMISS this ilty with an tirtlclj
Unit soils iil tdKht , good piotlts , Alinlv ' ut
llodiii UU .N. V l.Uo. l' > U
Illrl for concrnl honsa tiorlv In
family t > f J. Apply "XlOl'arKir 1.1. UsO i >
17AN'I Kl l-At No. ! iM8 lUut , oed Bin cook
i and laundress. $5 pir ttick. 115-h *
T\/ / ii'd sl
' > > huiuuttork. tttolnii'd lllJboutli 10th
TTS rKD Onod clil for gcnirul IIOUMJ
5V uork. 21'IS l.envunwoi th "I.I
TV .rANTKD-Dlnlni'-rooiu . girls \\lmUor
" \ \7ANTKD- Klrl , auhiimbcr
' iiutlil andii lannUiiis ii C'lly llolil cor
JOlli nnil Iliirmi sts _ 'MO 10 *
* \\7AN1KI"A coinpclinl liundri'ss by Mrs ,
it llorui u KounUe , 1.W S.lUlUst.
\VTANTKn-Olrl to do general linunevrork ,
VV Cnll ntailDavcnporlBt. att 10 *
l\7"ANTLT-An expert clrl to new on tiwn-
n > lints ! rood trncttipnlil. Apply by mall to
J M. I.uiiickc , UI I'oari street , Council lilnrrn
" \\rANTKD Two mi-niello yotni ! ? ttomcn to
> > tMirk In this city. Wages , JJ purduy Cull
iiHI4. licfly building. ' -ol M
" \\rANTI D-Thrcocxptfleiictl dining room
J > ( 'Ills nt the Marker hotel. _ 774 _
1'iirnitu.etc. . , trt"I'D/J\n ( \ ( ! ijrtiiinii un(7it ( < p < i < j <
JO .N tAUl'Mi7fl ( ) ( < ) ilressniiil lnp In faiid-
illicit hollcllcd MIsibturd ) : > - > i2 * > th lite.
' C"J J ) i _
; \l US K. U SMIIMMOI. OH S. llth , fash limn bfo
J'l ilrcsini ikliu li.uloy 9) stun tnimht ,
. 1-71 > 12
l' r rati * . dr. , trftiipiif nirlculiunn out/id
I /OH UTNT- Those elccant stone re-.liloners'
onflioi ln me , H ' "lib i < t bet Mason
nnd I'.iolUpsts s ( iMUMior rorlontr time least
II II. lli'iiileison nxiiii 41X1 I'axloii hlk. TTi )
Ii OH UKM' 'i-rooni house , cllv nater and
CK ens at jib iri : dn toiespniwllilo inrtlei ,
: )7J'.iiker Ht Ajipl ) fill ) Paxliin lilocc _ IM _
iriOlt UKNTI nriilohed lioiiM-.ttvult c roomi ,
1b'irn nnd Al location , fur two month * Tor
pirlIiulai4M-ul > V bliok'i , all 1'lrst ntlonnl
limit Ill-ln
"VJIf\V \ ri-room IIOIHC , rlty water , burn if
- lwantcdt nisi ) J-ioom house , l.KiiN. 11 Lb.
un-s *
I71OU KKNT U'-iootn lirli-U IIOUM. with all
L modetn Impiot ( mi tils III'Ml list cheap
Al < * ii nnlcul'rootii uutliiKuun > 17tliHt .Ind e
Anderson. f-'l.
liiul Hr.S r lly .lid ) 11 to 91. hlvroo-n cot-
J tniie , Kood K llnr.cltv and clsli'ru water.
priedsjot ! , isthstioel
_ _ _ _ > _
jjWJH IMNT : Srnom lionse. 'Clrd and I'limlns
I1 stsr ! > per mouth. 0. 1' . Harrison. Oil N \
I.lfo. _ _ _ n _
1 1 ItS T Hour. f > rooms. 1317 tlilcugo Ht , city
-L1 tvntoi and clstorii 10.111 *
TJIOIttnv' Bflni'prcssid brick holies , e ist
A f rontH on Reor la ate , Just ninth of Leut-
i ntrorth st , U rooms , bath furnace , MI win on-
iii cl Ions , all coiiteulinces : w ill ix-nl lo nspon-
Hlhlc pirtlis fortoO. JL A Upton f'o , ICth and
1 urn am. 777
lilOlt KKNT Ifl-room house , all modern con-
i ? t L'liloncm arJOllurl. lr. ) I'.iul. ' 1)11) ) ( )
171OK UKNT House 10 rooin all modern Im-
J proteminlM , liiruu yird , MTi per moiilh
Cou.inlssloii lo nguiits. JJoxlcr L 'Ihoinas
TP YOU wish to renln house or utoro we II
H. Colo. Continent il blo"k. 770
B ItlKr SLOttigca Idle. Votf 1'at "Ilocky. "
1UU-I1 *
I7IOU ltiM 'I woof the tines ! resldonie tints
J' on ' oiith inth stiiet with -ill modern eon
M'nlenccM. hot and mid wiler oloso to llrmvn
rll hall I'lrstihiMs snrroiindlims. Ajipl ) lo
thus KuiltinuiiM \ Dougl is l _ TbUjy 8
HOOM flat with ste un he it , Kith st. neir
Joins. , 'llioiiiuH P. Hall , Jll I'aMoa blocU
TrioTninN7 T rs"liiiblc O-roma linuse with
L burn J'llii ' \\lit st , Kimntro place , tnuth
flout Iiijo ) nl liKiuliuot dniior tiH ( l'a\-
loa Ijlotk. ' . 'OS 11
T Knoiin ( house , JI07 Dotl l is In
quire " 111 DOIIIK
' . resldcinc , inodorn Inipnn ements , iMOs
Mur ) s , i\u. fu"i pin month Inqulie it
preinSisoi at A Ilillui's 1111 Pain nn. Tst
I71OH HKNT 1-room hotisr. ROIII ! repair nice
J-1 > aid , cistern ttliter , mil t ' Aipl | > to Uli'l '
fcoulli7tli ateor to Jno. ) \ . Hell , ( linguist , 10th
rH ?
I7U > I HI2NJ' 7-ioom hnnso wllhliiin iiom-
J-1 In d rent to good parly. C. I * . II niUon. UU
N. Y. I.I to 111
IjTUltMMIKI ) house an r.irnini si foriint
J.1 Inriulio ( Jeimaii-Amiilunii but Ings Ji ink
ITlOKHnST--At mndcriti * rint , the lluei-
J story nnd basement brick biilldbu sltimt4il
al No 1110 Dou his street , snltiblnfot iiinnii-
fa ( turhiK , tt holis iio or ttuihouse piirpibet , 1) in'iiunt ( ) 107 ri. 1 lib bt.
Apply to Clius Kaufmann , l.S DoiiRiiisst
JjlOU 111 NT-Good 10 riKim house , sewer ,
tvntir , BUS , bith , luin fiiiiuce. In chcuiit
lnpe , ibc.ip. 1) . V. fcholis Co , ' . ' 1J I Irst N ut'l
h in k . : 1
| I1lM.7-room ditcllliiR ttltli turd. * J."i.
X1 Also , 8-room dttclllin ; Ithyard , 1.0.
O and 10-ioom dttclllnit * . t-Oto $ li ) .
bniciiton A Allnn , 100UH rurnam st.
1'oit IUNT : KOOMS
For > alts , cle , net ( oj > of first inlitmn on tills
rp\VO nliuly fnrnlshnd rooms , modern eon-
1. venlcnics , with or without bo.nil , 17211 H.i\-
inport. 17311 *
"l ltlVATi : family , situated in inndoin itsl-
L donee , with cnokn looms and pic
homo wlllaeeomniodutoa , fowboaidcrt 2110
llai noy. 840-10 *
: rooms , nil convcnliiiccs , 1719 Duen-
jiort st. 1 7-1't *
, A1UE ! finuUlicd loom , 717 bo. 10th st
J iri-8 *
1JOOMS to rent , fiirnKliid nnd uiifiirnlsbeil
J Apply at the .Murrlam for lurtlculnn 2011
nnd llnilKe. 101 10 *
" 1T1OU ItiNT ; 2furnIshil looms. 101.1 Don-
.Tjn sr. _ ion 10 *
1iltIKNIRIlir : roomi , with boird ; newly fur
nished tliiuushout , uilh hot and colil .u < .r
Inth. 11117 loUe ) 1)57-10 ) *
T1 \ istltAlU ) : looms \ \ 1th bo ird. ] s Chicago
1/ nt. bat r > *
171OU unVT ,1 nice far- died rooms- for llKht
1 housckdiplns If necussuy , und 1 fuinlshrd
front room for 101 2 Kontlimcn. 111. S. lllli tt ,
SVi S *
AI'MIASA N P f u rnlshcd ft out room , in h ate
famll ) IMb. Jlilh ; ue. 121-S *
XT I OKIiY furnished rooms for rent , $ J Id J1
1 > on motor line , SOS bo. i'lst. r > l-8 *
AliUn front room , til ) MIOb. 22nd.
J hlO-12 *
l/lOll HOT I'urnlJIifd looms ut 1W3 Ciipl-
X1 tolato. rill. *
1OU KKVr-Very handsome fimilshcd
-I'rooms with board , all modern imptoti-
nioiiu. . tin \ -'Uli st. l.rSh *
L1OU Ui NT-riiiiiMiud looms HffJ
I71OH HPN l'"l in iilshi'd looms , , isbath.inil
X1 steam. IM'I ' llimnid. 71' ;
inOUliiM--Mel : > furnlsliul lonm.ullmod-
I1 eiiiioii\llliiiecs ( tlhh ITlbst. 7'JO
P ( I.AIH 1 mopoin hotel , inrnn l.ith and
Dodne hiioclal i.ilis wdkoi month , 71U
\T\\1.V \ \ fin nlslied moms and Iio ird forso\-
-L > oi il pintles it 2lt ) llainoy HI , two mln-
lues1 walk fiom center of Implicit anil cool
nliiL'o fur hiimmi r .Ml&s tin InU & W'alhrldgo
- '
. ( O1) ) nnd lit N flh ) St. : tert deslriblo rooms
Tttjtljhoiid _ .Mis. I bun hills DID h *
1 > UUM * ? , villli Una id If ( lusliid , 1'KH fail ate
Jl Zti jyll *
rou ui.vr : bTimi > > AM )
for rti/m / , fir , > ( ( ( DJ > nf Jit it coliimii on thtt ji
UTOIillS at 7W ) t > lOlli. a\Uinch ) , lame show
kJwlndows , ktiiini In ut furnlahed Thos. I1
Hull. ,111 I'uxtoii blink. 7'i.l
Ijll'Il HKN P llcst locatid ground Iloorolllce ,
i.1 IWiS. llth si Ill-It ) '
Tr\01t \ KKNT Uio J-stor ) brick llll
Jor without pOHor.iformuil ) ixtMlntid bj tlio
lleo 1'iibllshlimlo , Dili nmitnn si. Thobiillri-
InK" a llrcjiroof ciiacnt b.isi men ) , complete
htLiun hcatbii ; tlxlinis , t\ater on till the lluoi >
jus. etc. Apply at llu otllto of I'liu lleo Hlj
L1UK HL.NT I'lno lornor stoio , Ibth nnd
.1. Jones , M ; Ion lent , Kood lei illon and Ret
ting bittorotur ) dtiJiorBO < ; ioiibt'r.701t < loth
Clb-J ) JTi
\rn\V building hannsomcly Hnlsnou Mores
- lnnd lints , nil modern hnurotunii'iils : steam
In-lit In season ; cor. LeivctiHorth and I'JIhsts.
Imiulro Kidkcnny A. lira ) , blk.
"jjloll Ul r I'mo s.loreriKiii ) in Norfolk , 4Ne"ll
J hhelvul Hidtubln for clothing liuslness ;
i Icctrlo lights , stuain liuut , ute , Address U.A
> l isi. fi7
I I K olllco nt small flKuti'son ground lloor ,
I In Itovd's opera bouso. liumlro of Ainurl-
c in Knot I'D . un S nth st , 1 %
Ti On Ul'NT linen tvnrohoiiio. two storii'i
Jand biM > innt.SiOUU ( siiuarc fett , ttlth 300
fiolof doulilo irnck on II. I' , railway , south
Jith nnd 1'Inrcu bltuiU Address 0. U.skamp ,
Omiihii. Nib , 613
1OIt KKNT-Small stnro nvmr. i Fouth
JTrnlh 1'our doors from depot , hiiltnblo
for fnitt orclgur &lore. Apply llcket ottlci1 ,
. 10th. f.U
rntftc ( f. , ret ( op of Jlnt co/iimn / on thii ixigt. .
\ \ nUSIIANS : i M'Oullouh , W. end Kxposl-
lion _ lildic. _ _ UKu !
" \l OUTO.Y3 nnlal ugoiu-y , ail'iuton Week ,
J" _ 7i/4
III F. COLL , i en Ud UKinl , Continent il blk
I 1
_ _ _ 77U
jTuiy. : nutai uuuut , aw N. Y.
Tor nif . tie. , fte topof J\nt \ column on tht IXI < K.
WANTKD--A yoimu Indy to room and board
lit trot cllntf man's liotiic no compiii ) ' for
lfoi half block from Kurt si motor ; pleasant
liomufor somuono. Call 018 North ' slli n\e.
lu' 8 *
_ _ _
\\7ANTKI ) A few more children to board.
i > ( lood home , special care nit en to Infants.
Address Mr .M J tltur.l'apllllou , > eb
fPIN work , rood iiK.ipoutniB.tnlli't' . etc..irood
JL tvorUandlowprlcis K Savage 1919 ( 'timing
ftsO ul
I'm r < itrt , etc. , Kftnjinf flitt column onliti _ [ [ xigt
A Vf 1. l" ( Vood" o m ni10 ri la I paper Ne
braska Mortgage I.oiiK.'o.BKil'utton.blk
'KMTI l < r. luiUHcliolilKixKlo. ttc. ! Illebest
price. 317 ! ? I Ith. Tl !
for j-5/CH , tlr . Ktt ( ojjnflitl column nil tilt * IXHK
U"MIIUri/I.A rT'tulroiU "oxticrTToci liiIth
lny Ilttlnj ; at IltlllirsKini f.lopIH > N ll > th
1JAHA5-OI.H. iinibr < lias nmt wiij-nn unibrcl-
J IntCdMrud mid repaired.nlkluKcaiics
niialrcil. II llilor. Til'i Douglas , bailment
ratm. de , t flnjutf flitt column nn tjit *
rA Air mid mi.-nclle troitnunt. 11H 1'u-
I'ltle , half block from motor line.filtJIT
rpIIP. Inillati ildLtor ttunninUesto cure all
L kbnls of pllis in ion iiin" : iNo nil ilhc isoi
nf tbc thru it anil lunizs In llioMini llnu JL'.ipi'
win ins tnliPii out lii'-K hours without li'ivlng
nlllee and ill diseases 111 it uro citritile M ?
s lot list , tall and > io him ( 'tjj.'l *
l , Mrs Or Vi\m ) ! tilted up cli--
J4 ) int b lib HKIIIIS. l ) IKW' Poilge si tlio
Cioiinil lloor. niul Is mitt prep , ued to gho Hot
Spiliu's litlis llh electricity All Ntilurliut
fiuni ilicinaatlsin , li uilppi1 , piralsls or
dropsy u 111 do well to cull upon her > Hjll
hii nitfK , ctf , xrefojiri/ < t column uii till * JKIOC.
N'HU law ixnslons for almost ill soldiers
fiitlu rs mothois willows and minor cbll-
ilren nf soldltrs ( lalnn i > uslied by I' h
( lliDfiiiiiii.l'iaiiiiai ' Iroii7crblk 15 > e irs p\pi-
rleiMv. Unl > ptiislonollkoJiiOmali i. _ h87 _
JT. 1'AU ll.exelnslxo punslon and ilabn
ittonii' ) ; o\ci I'yuirs' oxpoiipnce , Inno
all MK > luted Iu s and iliclslnna. Ulllco u-
iiinvctl from rrin/crblocl to Chamber of ( "oni-
mereo. room r > l. Oiualii. _ itflj ) . " > *
I'm i-nlcf , ftr , x < f ( op itf flitl rolumn ml I/lit
rp\'I\ | > iit lowest rule. . \ \ il
_ Ijliiiliiimn. 1.1IM.I ixoimoitli. Ws
COLD BtOMKO La\ll ) lolc.81'-S17 llouaiil
UTOUAtin lliancliA. to , 1JI1 Howaid
IjU'llNI'lMM stjii 1 0 bcpjiato comp iil- i
-t mints , JlVhl7 Howard 7'U ' )
rpllVCKAOE olorasc , 1) ) ivld. Cole , 8I-817
1 Howaid 7 )
/ DI nttri , etc , sic ( ; ) nf nift roliiiiiii OTI tills
LOSTIlct \MCII Counell Illiiirs Mild I'.ixlon
hotel. pocKi tbonk eont lining bills and n.i-
Iiors. Kcturn lu M I'uiu un , * i rewind
I ( ) sr--Sin ill illUitoi iiiiisoiotituliiliiR old
J Jforelsn iolin Kitiiin to 116 S. 1'ith st and
TOST OrMoli'ti. aiiiunt ldlo pra > mare ,
JalHiiit 'd ) Mis string lull both liinil Ie0's ,
li ft cjo blind. $ r > icwaid If iitumul to laeob
Kocai Mb and drum sis 17S (
OST l , old 'Milcli plain euso ulth dlanionil
sellln illaibed In fob Kiwaid If ro-
( J 11 P Uroxcl. Oth and _ Joiu s. _ 1W > _
TOST 111 iclcslllc pinisol IK irlGd nnil Cuin-
J Inu'stiiels Itetnrn to.tIJOhio ! blieit for
roitnrfl. Mrs. .M T Mos. IVs
TO&T I'ocketlMiok on I.owo n\o. Ixtwein
- JKnrntim and Hamilton. 1'lndcr rownrdid
at HSJOUap avu 411
l' r rate * , etc , vet ( oj > of finl column on tliti pant.
171OUNU-2 wilier spinlols , 20th and Loa\cu-
JL1 uoi-th. CallJLTJOs 2kl st. lifter 7 p. in
VorialMctc , KCftoi > of finl column on
] ) iite ( > NAIj W.anttd tn Know If liny
knoWH < li.ulfs 1 > . lleiH-y , u jouii/ man 1 ! )
juarsdlo. llibtioiiiple\liin , sc ir oa forehead ,
walks a llltm I mm ; last hennl fiom was In
'lopcki , Kiinsai uoiklu 'lii U It shop- . Send
Infoim it Ion to Ills mutuir , Mia. Liz/In llunej ,
ilendvllle I'.i. L'00-10 *
If tbopartv who took a watch
and other propuly fiom my lesldcnrn
MondiN inoriiln vslll lotiiin lluinti'li I ulll
pa > Him $ "iO and ask no qiiestlons. Pud W.
Ulii.M-4 DiiilKlas st J21.1 10
\ \ 111 the put ) wholaseitcd an
advert ISOIIK nt alunit Iidy'scolil ( jnameliil
watch , pic iso cdl at the lloo ollice. l'J7 8 *
. , IMe iso wrlto or wire , allilseis
J lost to inc. XX. 171.J *
roii sAijio noiHisi\\A : oxsiTc.
I'm nidi * . < li , KCC loj > / yunl (11(1111111 ( on t7i/ / * | xiu < .
IJ1OI ! &AU'llorsoand phaeloiiJiO , also Iho
J-1 olinr lolsln lli.imoioy I'.irk lo tr.ulo for
Mic.nit lot m lioase mil lot Inornoiu KonnUo
l'i lec. .1. I' . D , isi)7 ) not th 17th st 1SI-6 *
TnUTTVAll. I lrs7 eT.issTh7hrTrml tuiKOi.
-T Ilolbiook. ttJ17lhsl ) IteebulldhiK I'X )
JjlOll * \ I.I' to > d simn tvoik IIOIMS hiriuss
iinil tt ion ) , ttulglit 1M ) , i.isb oi time dls
Ijatoiil > ll IC1
rpn\M ttnik hoist t. will fil-o biiKo ) as pail
1 pnIt _ it liiiidoftride. ) _ _ _ 71i )
I.riJItsl.-j hU'ht dilt eis nnicum 'I ho Inle
I I the hasmado thim irlu.ip II KLoli.lon-
boi U
" ] jOK f- \l < r. \ pall of mules , 7)narsoM ,
1 Hil lil 'HID ' UH end i. cool I noikirs , kind ,
for s.ijo th ( ip AlMMlr.i } and Iminoss ; to bu
i I'll it Ciinlield's st tblu. foot of I'lini until
L b \ \ Ind KiiKlno & rump Co I'l'i ' ' Jones st.
I/UJK SAI.I' A pub of dnpiilo cm ) work
IIOI IN aNowiiKOii and lei box ihe ip foi
tjsh A W. . 1 )7 ) I.III.IIM h'H '
FCHt sIl. . spin ) oiini ; iiniles , iwt nboiit
1..KK1 ( ai h , mniilu'nn and Inn niss , i.ish in
tlmn J J Wllkbi-.ojijilshiUiiii blk 071
rp\VO SP\N licaAj inidtwo spin Unlit mulu
J forsah on two > inr * < 'tliiiti at 7 JH r cint In-
t ne-t with Illst 01 sieond limits uo Om ill i
rial ( stati hd'iirllv 01 othei inpiviutl ( cuis-
ltSelbv , loom 11. ItoaidTi iile. lilt
r. 1 iilatforin siirm pilhcr top
cinlaRO almost new , 1 huiKbo-id new
1 double \i\\JX \ \ ) or uuitiKO Imrniss. Appl >
lit ' 15 Wibstui htieot. Onmlia V.J
IjlOIthAI.i : A eooil bliuk horse , wollbroUen
J ? tothoilty. lJ3b. 171)181. ) .ml
On and up. II T. . Cola.
> atu > , dc , fc top of flnt roliiiiiii on
\ \ 7\\NTrn toltPiit A illnliiR-room. 20 too
) > boartlurs. AUdios.s J , CJ , lltu olllio.
1S7-10 *
BOAItt ) and room wanted. Not to exceed
Mi i or mini th. lUtttun icth and 20th and
llarnoy mid Da\i uport. bo other Ixinrdorb
11 , U. T. , unx 4VUIty 1' O. 11U-S *
Unfurnished loom with cIoseT
II. . IW.tb.Kr bt J&J-10 *
\\7ANTKI ) Two houses , 7 or 8 roomicacli ,
' ' cpm enlontly located , with imxlorn 1m-
proMjmi'iiIa. Applyut I'ruyhun anil ICalui
> l.lthst. Wt
" " '
"FOII SAIJ : I'UJi.MTuuu irm
1rales , tic , , * e loj ) of flnt column on Hi to jxiyc.
iriblt bALK rurnltnro of 10 or 20 rooms with
V h'jiso of building , centrally located. Address -
dress J ' . ' 4 llco olllco. 1U8 8 *
On nccount of fulling hoalt
the now and elegant furnlliiro of a til-
ror in bnuse , ocdlpinls llrat-o'.as . inioino
m-nrly 11,000 per month , finest looutlon In tlio
city. AdUe - J Lo. Hio ollli-d. a--ul
J'or niM ( , < le , tee loji of flitt column
lO tAll ) : ow btelnway A .Sin piano ; bent
-L iiiakot party leaving ully ; purl itisli , bill-
unco tlmu ItdoanuU , Iiuiulru at. Ols 1'uxtnn blk
| 1Q
_ _
-17IOU HAL- ] : full blooded Eniuitii nuh
J-1 ri7 Ohio U 1J1-B'
17IOU PAir Ono n w DlilHild nro nnil
JL ! Intrglnr-liroof thny-Aon mifo with nrtfont
A Grtcnlcif time lo < ! , ( , / ] ink connlir nnd tlx *
turcs. C'lllicnVJjiiiik. bhi'lby , la 211 U * > Z3
IIIOU SAIiK , chc i MVhor o ix\7cr " "loci
-L1 boiler , ( tiHKl is now , with llttlnm i-otnilct i
hentiT. ininl-dnini. ulnn o pumps find fo.
Kno lrs ; will sell fur one-half original cost.
JcIT \ \ Ucdford P.lT MI )
SAM * SoniP 20i I
-I . tnniidi cheap HI Masters , room 4 , W ° lth
neil block. _ m _ _ _ _ N ) | _
fl'ltr famous WarrNislMirj ; wiiTTii nndlilno
J land HtoiiPi will stuuii In any cllmiito , N Urn
nnd frost umof nnd M sultaMe for all purpose <
where stone IH prefctuJile to other materl il. 1
am prcpand tofaruWi thh stoao on short no
tice In an ) itiantlty | itntKh sawed or dris eil
read ) for n . 1 or fuilln-r Informatlnn nd >
dress Jacob 1'lcki'I , \ > irrrfii jbuii ; ( Qnari lesOIo
oil. J *
_ _ _ _
cc ( . Kt ( "l of i > itt ro/iimti / on this ) xw
T > T7r < ) 111 , li u ) In K "ir pi ii 111 i ii iiinl he I hi' now
JJscaloKlliibidllilailo A llospu.lMl DniuMas
tPiK'ln roltbohinjo
Xttllh llospc. 1MI Itnnulis SI i
J'or mtn , flc , of ( "P f t 't I'uhnnn OH thin jxtuf
1 1H1A I K money tn loan clu ip. ( . ' . P Hat-
J rUm. IUt > V 1'lfo. _ _ _ _ lm _
I OAN. Clt ) nnil farm loin * nmrtmiKo pa-
J-/p-rlioiUlit / _ krii5iie | lii\i tiuciit t'd. N ,
OHAIj'A'lh Loans- t isli nn liuiid ( Hobo
JV I , om A I'lilsl. Co OT s IdUiMt .No til III )
No extra tlmrpcs. lluusis foi rtiiljgnod list.
M ONKlo loin on Dinalm and Sniitli
Oinali.'i real ( stain > di < li > s or evpcu-
MH Money on liunit at all tlmos lili ! ; ,
SiallhtV ( Jo , National UinU lildR
_ _ _ _ _ _ av ) . 1 1 _
\I ONlJV lo i licit nt lowest i.itei , loiie Mine on
i'l IniproMil Oiiialu fdil i st tie. iio"e\tr is , "
nidli ) ( Hobo I.oatuV Fiusi Lo . WT tKith. .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
HI'lI.DIMi loili-i. d to T neriL'iitj no aildl-
tlniml ( li ir pHfoiionunUsldiioi attoinej ' 1
fies. W. II Molklo , ilr.,1 .Viihmil Link lilR )
1.11 Its i' nnd seiond mm 11 lu'e-i on tacnnt and
Impiotedelt ) projiort ) I oauty unrrnits
bought. Monc ) on hind 1 M. Itlihiirdson ,
MS N. V. Ilfe. l > ni _ _
spu'lal fund to loin Ininiidlatel ) on
> P\uiniit ill ) property 1' M Hlchardson.BtS
" _
horses houses , etc J .1 M , Ilkliison , 018
I'lMonblk ' N
/ 1II A PTnTlo ins nl lowest rites , luHnesi
'ii I'axtonblk. J. It l.inl
i \i' ii u i.iil'IAI. and com i il short time p ipcr
V.boiiKht ; also refill ir llte-t i n loins miido
on In piotsl ptoiurt | ) . Gin 1. Blast A. Co , ' MJ
Knnixojjlidj : Ml
SK ( OMHnoitK.iKi * loans Siennd nioiti : 11103
hoiiBht. Loins on tnuint lots Iteul A.
sillij mom II lliMidTriun HIJ
LI IIKKAl. ronl esl ito loans m ulu b ) \ \ M
II itrls , rdiun'.O , I'lt'iuii lilo u , oim I' U
JL' ' .
Kr.\--l'M : Moit ' .ise lii I.O.IIH of llll to
flllO ; uet om rates In foruboriowliiB nnd
siti * inonin : loiiion boisos finiiltiire or any
ippmted seeurlty nlthoat niihlldtv : notes
boii hl , for new loan nninalofold indlow-
islialcs. nil HJOS. Mnelj blk.nthA. Howard
1711 HsT iiiortmBe loins at ] o\t r.ites and no
J-1 deliy D. V MioliM ( . o 'ioist Nut.l I ) ink
( ii IM U ( l.M" n sldi m c loins , * .l.00il to JID O'Jl.
lulldliiRlo inat sin el il r itis the Mead
int hMbldir MU
'ATOM'Y to loin on ihorses , \\tioiis. mules ,
-l'i lioiiscliohl Kooilspl mos oi- ins diamonds
at lowest i iks I'lie llrst oin'iin/eil ! lo in of-
llce In the illy MnkC loins ftom .10 to : " '
d isuhlchean bo p ild In p trtor ttholoat an )
time , thus lowirim ? tlio pilneipil and Int ( test
Call nnd sie us when you w ml mom ) \\e < an
asslHttou pi-omptl ) and to tour adt ant ijro
without leinotiil of property or piiblltlt )
Mime ) ulttnjh on hind. No debit In m tkliiK
loans C 1' . IteiU A , Co , .It'l b. iJth ht , ot or
lllntrh uu & ons , ' _ HI7
Of Interest on llrst mortgiigps of lmpincd ( state fur the mt IKKhiys by tlio Kansas
( Ity Imcstmcnt Co , Koum.k ! lloinl of 1 ra (
.1 II. 1'e ' iso , manascr B8'l '
MONEY to loan on nny security
for short time .it low
jail's. Lbwi t rates
on personal piopi-ty.
The Ilcndcrhon Mortx.iRO linestmont Coni'
p int. iXHim 41)0 ) , 1'axton blk. U1B
WANTKO rirHt-eliisx hihldn loans Lowest
intcs. Call mid M > O us. Mutual Intest-
ment Co . IVU I'ariiain. BID
CUTA ! I' eastern money
I'hlladolphl i .Mortf ; i o nnd Trust Co ,
nlttiiR ready to loan and p iy promptly ; first
inoiteaKcswaiitid. ( ieorn'eV. . I' . Co itos. rep-
risenl illt e. room 7. Hoard of Trade. S.'l
N money In loan on city properly ;
japager boiiKht. II.lI.IrcNY.I.Ifc.
JIIOHT tlmo loans on vacant lots belby ,
J&lteed. II. llo n dot Trnde. Ml
MOXHV to loan In any iinioiint from SIO to
fioixxiforanytlmcfiom I todmonths. Loans
mud eon household coeds planoNhoiMS.mulus
\saKons.housus leasi > . etc , , In fait on an )
HMilliiblo socuill ) in my amount at the low-
Lsl possible i ties wltlioutroinotnl of pi oiint )
I'll ) ments can be in ulo it any tlmo reducing
lioth prlnclpil and Inierest.ou p ly Interest
only lor tbo time ) on use the money. If ) on
ewe ab ilanie ononr proyorty 1 wllltakolt
up aiidciiiiy It for \on.
.Mono ) alwaysdn hand riodnlay. iSopul-
llclty. Noruiiuitiil Lowest tales.
II P. M-nMnrs ,
Hoom 4 Wltlmell block , nth nnd llurnoy sis
5PntciMit monc ) to loin on osfite to-
cuilt > Loans i in bo paid olT In tnstal-
niL'iiU JuoV. . Itobliins , y N Y. Mfo blilR.Ki'i
iKoTATK mom y to loan chetp. 0. 1llar -
X iKo . 1)11 ) N. V. Life SI.
llltlVATl'f mills lo loan on choice city prop-
1 ( ut ) at louisf r. ill's. Klmball. ( hinnp \ .
H ) an , 12u"i I'm nam si 7W--jy J7
rUIArrjj lnnk , .IIO S nth st. win ionn ) ou
vViiHim yonjJiitl ( Is ntbmk _ rUus Call J-U
JDANS Moiuy'on h mil , low i.iloi. Umaha
Jlleal IMuto i 1'nibt Co , 220 S. Kill st , lleo
bulldliif _ 1W3
) in t < urn , ilr , wi li > i > < > f flixl mlunni < m till * i > jc
\"OllL'n 1 ho spiMliilhinmni r session of thn
i. el is-es In pininanihlp and slu.rlhnnd w 111
loinini me Moml.i ) . InU 14 ( lassis will beheld
held In Ihe nioinlni ! . ufti riuxiii and i Miilns
( ill on 01 iddiisa for Infomillion ! Standard
Mioillnuitl Iliisjiiess Cell rfc , Now \ ork Llfo
InilldliiK Om ilia Neb H'H
KC ( OM ) HAM ) -1 dlraplis ) llanimonil and
ItimliiKtoiis lolm II ( ( lines ( o. Litter
files nnd olllu'hpiM l.dtle * Kimnu bldtf. K.7
i nili n , tie , fie lni > nl lifl rolnmn on f/ifx ] ) ' ( / <
OOl'A 11 Mass 1 1 - \ \ id.inio Di-l/lor , the
) oim inasni list. Is HLleniid In thoelc- (
brited Indian loofah ninssii o I'.ulois in or
nth. I'M-ii ' *
I OI isn linNNKTl' , fiom Chlc.iKO. the fa-
I ' moils mnssLin and majiietli inanlpul itoi
I'nilois ' .lIliN Idtlist 'liH ' 10 *
_ _
\1 HS DH ii : > l > \ h.nretuinod Tberenownoil
-ill chili toviiut N the hi\enth ) dau hloi of
thesoM ntlidaiuhtorl > orii with Miilund Kioal
pinphitic Klfl of hUi'uuUt > Uht. \ \ lilloi ntr nn oil
wllli-otcalliilierpalipUsexen IdddtiimjstLry
In life , llasloiu been pionouniid la nuiopu
nnd America thocie IH'st llvlns wonder of the
present IIKC. I'mlerstands the solenco of llio
. ' l'i rslnn and Illndw ) nn in'lc. " or anUonl
charm \\orkltmMind jnojdriH Egyptian I ills-
m ins whlili will oti comu jour enemies ,
rcmoM-s fimlly tiOlJlos ) ) , icstoros lost
uirietlons , makis ih'irjliu'ii with tbo ono
ton Into no ftillifrn * Hemoves evil In-
lliiL'tiotM , bid habltR. inns wltcni'iy ,
fits , nnd nil Ions sUuuillii nnd mj.sliirloii-i
dlbi r. "s 1 1 o JI tJ aiJ | f. ) , hoiiia u n m. to 8 p
in . Htrlit N ml stninp f u1 Illiihtiatdl elrciihn
I'arlors J21 Noith I'ltll t. Always athoini ! .
, nt _ _ _ 220-U *
D lt. KANMK V. \ \ AItlticlilrxoyant. .
mi ilk. il and business nn ilium I'mialo
dleu * > i ! > ubpiclalt ) . 11DN Ibthht , rooms2and.l
J'oi rate * , ctt , sit ( op of fli l _ column on Hit * VHIf
" " "
Interest In un L tiblUlnd bnslniss lull
aal. lhO-9 *
"V\7IIOLr.SAI.K Imkcrv. shop ilxtmos , nten-
ii hlls , hoiso , dclttuiy.IKOII , lU. Low
terms lo cash cilstuniui Hoom Cl' ' ) , I'aMon
blk. l'11-IO ' *
nOTKI < 2i rooms , all ci > n\ciiU > ni L.S , brick. 2
blks from 1' . O. II. II Iroy , N. Y. Llfo.
rooms , rent low to a
Rood hotil nun. Apply 1H11 Cats ht.hi1
hi1 ! 8
TJAMC 1'nrtUs wishing to soil count ryh mk
I ' or Incru iso capltul. Aildrisi LueK H < > \
lb.1. bluux City Iowa. _ 17D-1I *
77IOII HALK-lIiiy priHS pliint.S P K. Dedrlek
-L' pi rpiluiil hay prs c4 allaclied to Atlas
engine and botlir. sltiiuted on 2 acn s adjoln-
InH luun pint , tou'clliir uth | nil Inillilinns mid
tools , A J-ioll tied mill and S-burrul nndci-
Inx tank Insainn bullillims. All properly p iy-
Ini ? nnd In need ripfilr. Turnis riasoiiiblo
1'ressid lasl ) iir 4i"l curs. Adduts A II
Cumpboll , fcllcr t'rcik , I ib. JJ1 10 *
L1VKHY for sale u complete livery Block ,
coinprHnir tinlldliiBx , horse * , liirnos * . cn.r-
rliuo , etc. , all In llr t-cln condition , Ix'U lo
cation In town.Rood trade ntrviiily oMiihlMiod ,
price and terms reasonably. Address HOKUM ,
uothenbnril , Neb. UI7-n *
I VUI'O ' store , widow Indsf wl he tooellnt
l-Mincohor Into limb mil 4 half IntoreU In
peed pilnir drin ; Ivisliuft. intolchn ; about
$7,01)0 ) , In LunerWo. . . 114 nho wishes to go
cuit. Address Mrs. J W. , Lander\\
C1.K\N stock of general iiicrelmndlsc. con-
slstlnn of dr ) ijoods. itrooi rles , boot * and
s-hoi" , ttlll Intntco nlHint ? U * > 0. will tuko
Jin 10 In choice Nebn'Ua land , biilnnce eusn
Address Hot US. Hluo Uill , Neb ' 'ID II *
TIJTKI ( < SS r < xMi till ( oiifonUacoi , now ,
1 1 lirkk. 2 liloeks from 1' . O. II JJ Iroj . N. Y
Llfo bulltlliik' . fM
HOlKlj for sale. 'Iwo-itory lirlcki Is one of
HiubusllioUK ilolnx mi excellent K < > oil
1' . otioucof HIP lt sl oorni'rs In thn clt\ ,
Hold , lirukun Hou Nub
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
TT A stock of ilniu-s MOIO UMUUM
mill u tluu " ili : fouiil'iln liM'iitcil In a tiros-
proiH.ounl\ in Xnlir I3k i IverIhlni ;
hnflliebe t Ilio IIIVMI Is it U U illusion
station niul Hit * It K. * 1inpi nro Incited tlinro
J'nr full pnrtlciilnrt i ill or aililrexs II U lien-
Uir on loom 400 , Pn\Um block , Uninli i. Seb
Few rule , ftr , crc l ( ) otiivl riifiiMii mi l/if < |
rpo HAMin-Kounot ; tints , tent Ins for
I f 10 pet month clear , foi lioniu In Oinnba
< . 1' . Harrison. UU X V I.lfo 1-0
AVrAM'i-Hu : | ) lniss piopeih for funit In
i > Nil ) will add tin lo lltlimi thousand
cnsh I1 I' Iliirrlsoii.Ull .N \ . I.lfo Js.ju .
"lilOU 1'IJItl * Kflneiesln Ken me ) count ) ,
JL'Neh foi f null ) horsonnd eatilaKu Ilon-
$ flllW ) to Jin.lxx ) dry piods , elothlm ; heels ,
shod fnriilshliis KooiiM must sell fin e.ish ,
birKiiln , bos SiO , l'i. ink fort , 1 ml looon *
"AXT'ANTKI ) To trade for coed bin ; ) ; ) . II II
Cole , ( .ontlnental block 117-11 *
" \\rAYI'l -Nlie homo \ihaiiKe foi some
Kdod MI Omaha propul ) and mone ) . L
1' lluiiIson.Oll X. Y Life. 1SI1)
"IjlOIv KKCIIAMiIl I'lear land In Iowa unit
Jt Nchr.isK i to cvchanxo for Umah i or soulh
Om ilia,10mt lots , \\lll assumiism ill isiiiiiiu-
liinneu M. b bturgiuu , Itoiini 1,1 Hoaid ot
Tiado. 17J
1f1OKixcllANin : ( Good farms city proper
ty and tvlhl lands In Nth. and low i forgood
Kin'l m'd'so , pi opcrl ) ele ir , tltlo perfect. Ad-
dnss lock leD ! ) . I' Nd ) S"9
1'Olt HAI.n-HIOMj IN'l'ATH.
I'ui mttt , ctt ecc ( j > of Juvt uilitmit mil
3.1OU f-Al.n t holco home neir Kemls I'arK
tl WK ) J isyteims I'innol be dilplle'ited
foi the mono ) . U I' ll.inlson , Oil N Y Life.
4MM ( ai leseliolie land In Nebrask i mil Da-
kot-i ttiuit * l' > oi)0. ) 7 p < r icnt , fiji its lr
U I. Hintl.JbieiilKNVl ! > 101 H *
T1OUAl , ! : Corner next t > e-t of Milton
J Itoj.MM's' inopeilv. faeliiK e ist and ninth ,
lUxlVi. K.OOU 0 1' Harrison , Ull N. \ I.lfo
IsO i )
" 171OIJ " "A 1.1. H room house ttlth all model 11
I Imimit ( monts , nen II insiom I'arlv. jl , " > 00
C 1' . Ihiirlsun llll N } I.lfo 1st ) ! )
A MAhl. ) ! ijiiiciit down a n d tl'i JILT inmitli
wllllin > u-t-iDuin IIOIIM ! niul Un on litli. J
lildi Us friini motoi ; lli t-eluss I'll uu i > ( n ai-
cjillii * ,1 liDinron ( is\ HIIIIApmy to II I"
dlc. ( bloil. Ml
T1NII. > I'liiuand Cirth ice lots , price
JM.DIO Jiidown. ) Ird nicefl'i niontld ) . AI. I.
Sell ) ) . loom 11 , Ho ud of ll.ule * ll
\\f AKK up and buy a home on month I v p i ) -
f' mints Choleo of sot in dlllerint houses ,
Biiilth ( rontson K.itnnm st liter ) roiivnli ncc.
Ineliidhu finnnie mil ( , ' ' " i' ! ms i in beseon
nt in ) nltlce Call In L > Y. faholL'a Co. , , ! l I 1st
National bank sB
irOlt SAI.l' A line new Viooni cott
1 ' - " ' ' lliieon N. Jith nt \\lll ik < as
lurl of insh pijnicnt.i Rood horse oi her
nndphicton 1' , K/01 r.irnani st
rC-KOOM oottiROS , ? 1100 iirb. $ ina eisb dintn ,
'Jhiilnnin il'i pit mouth. HUM 1' Hall .111
1'ixton bloik W )
12 pm i cut hit estment In rual estate. 0 1'
llnrrlsim.Ull Y. I.lfo. IM'J
Oin i ha
roitbAIiK Kour Rood lots In \ \ iilnut I1III ,
on uradc. for $ ( ) , half c.i-li balance to
suit , btilngur i. 1'einiy , Dougl is blk , IGlli .mil
/OTTAOE ( homes In most an ) addition for
Win lo nl fiom tl.UOJnp.on cast monthlv l > i ) -
infills T. 1C. D iilln,4.l II n kcr blk "hC )
"niOU SA1LMen 7 room nouso ix-ady to
J1 moil ) Into with full lot J-,200 , * JOJ c.ish O.
1' . Ilairlson Oil N V. Life. IB
IT YOU liavo anything to sell orexch ingo
mil nt MS l'u\tnn blook bli
\ \ OPT be sold to close an cst itoHcht
-U1 choice lots In bamidds A. llbncb.iu irs
nddltlim al less tbcntlicir worth , if sold soon
Utn.ili l Heal Kbt ito XTrust Co,1-- , ! ) So 17th st
Hep Ijidjdliu. fSJ
FOll * > A I.I. r ow hiislni'ss hlocK on Idl h
stucl nuts are JO per nut of pi Iio nsk ( d
$ . ' 0)0i ( ) ) i ish I ) il.incn lonr ; llmo.S III bo on tlio
iiiinlvLliml ) u few dnjs Addresi II 7. , bee
$ Vi foi like bulldliu lot neai e.n line , school
nndihuiih. U. 1' . Hal rlsun , 1)11 ) N V Life I
Notice ,
JIattcr of application nf Hobert Tilford
for tinnofur.
Notice Is hen by Kit on that Hobert Tol-
ford , did upon the ' 'Jilb tliv of luno A 1) )
Is'HI ' fill his ipplliatliin to llui llo.nil of I'no
mid I'ollcu t iinnnlslonors of Om ilia foi poi-
mlsilon to miIda saloon fiom No l > lUi.'l- ! )
tir ltiit. Id > , o. 151Jibslir Slriit , biiuo
wind. Umahn. rsib.
If llicre Iio no objection remonstrance or
ptotcst filed ultliln two \\i eks fiom Juno Utb ) ,
A I ) 1W , the b.ild permission in iy bucriintod
; w-C itoni nr J'n Kini ApDllcant.
Notice to Conti.iclois It. 11 , Wo k to Let
.ll X.iJUcnliIo ) ) ) ards earthwork , 2.MW.OOO feet
It M llmbir woik. IVI.OUO IIniul fiot plllm : ,
2."il'i)00cioslies. ' ) . 1,1)0 ) aciis eliiiln s. 1'hls
work Is local ! d In the western put of Louis ,
limn , hetwiun ( oliiiiibln on HID Ou.uhlti
ihi i. and Ale\indi 11 Tl Is llm inns through
u high , ( lit .health ) , mill u plnn loimti t No
hwaniiis , uMullent spilm : u.ilrr .mil de-ir
limning stiL.inu. fne fiom all in il ulil oi
sw.imp liilluciic i , Hjndt , bum ) soil , ll/ht
ilinlliu , oil , first t luss scr ipu tint I , ton-
Nlinetlon tales fiom any point on Mlssimil
PicIlK rallio id to tht HOI ! . I'mllli s , s | > iel-
Iliatlons and other Information ean bo KOCH
al mi milieu , Hoom M , Ua ) Knlldin loinui
I'lne and 'Jblid slid Is. st. Louis , Mo. , oi , it
ollb e on woik , ut ( olnmbln , L i
JlllOtp HI MIY lOltltrsT & , CO.
I'ropo-nlM for Scliool hnpplU's.
PC ill d pniposils will lie rcielte by the
Hu ret in of the Iloird of rdm.itlon until 4
oMnekp in AlU 4th Is'HJ for fill illblnm'li'Xt
books , st.itloni iy , print * d 1)1.inks , supplies ,
fin I. iiimbi r and siiib other iillihs as are
no did by tlio bihoulb ( luring HID on.iiilng
'lo li dih'ri on books , Btatloneiy , printed
Id inKsand ioil ; ( silmale of iiMiiiiiinentaiid
hi ink piopo-.nls will he furnished.
I inpoit s for furnWiliu' roil slionld name
tin priio pir ton for hiipplylnu eaih of thu
t nloiiHhcniml biilldhiKS with either haul oi
soft ( oil , as Iho boird maj e\ , < ii Iso the ilclit
loconliait sepal itoly for fuinlsbliu' I'llliei
h nil oi Foftcoal to nn ) onooi inoiolmlldln H
' 1 ho bo nd usenui Iho li ht toiojo t any and
li ) oidei of Iho Hoard of rducntlnn.
J. II , I'IPLII , Siciel iry.
July 1 , IsM. ) da
Notice u < olid-actors' .
( losid bids will ! ) ( > rctnltid In tlieolllcnof
the Inind of paik commisiiiuii rs , Ml I'liMon
Iniild 114 until 1'rlday noun July llth Is'hi ,
foi tb < i on-,1 ruction of a dam and < ise , ulo In
llunscom I ink Speillh .iilons.iiiil plunsmay
be M'i'ii In thoollliu. Utv It UOAM , Sic.
Importers aad AS liolcsjlo Dcilcra la
WatdicsJiM clrjCiilli'rj
.Notions , jViMi'ltlcslliiins ) ,
Coat-lollar Sprites ,
I'nncy lioods , Ar ,
I.aiviBt UMiirtiiiint fir
lllc variety of Jc , lOcuml 25c counter
OurlirHi anil fully llliiKlraliil
milli < l fn n In ill nlm ( inly ,
St. Louis , fVlo.
Jos.RMcQEAtH ,
ST :
+ OMAHA.-f-
- - .
On nccomil of our largo
niul Ineronalnn T'rnetleo ,
\\ohn\o UKMO\rl3I ) to
inoro Bimcions anil con
Muiiont ulllcoa.
Dig. Betta & Betts ,
1409 Douglas St. Omnlm , Nob.
ONIV pr Ix-i1ne Porlodlcnl IMH
llio French nuuHljr. net on the iiienilrunl tjr l.iin nnu
euro Miiiprefslim from Hhatuter innm' I'roiuoto
iiieiiMruntlon 'I lip o | illl sliiniM mil bInkon dnr-
Ins | ire imnr ) Am rillt\i , lto > nHr 1'roix , Spen
rir , n j lo In. ( leniilmi IIJT slu'riium \ MelVImoll ,
IKHleiinl.imr I * I Dmalin. I' A Mrirhpr sOutli
Umjlm tl l > Kill' Oounell lllulTit K. ' "
Tim uoimiu.
Hut K AVns llio IhonKlit of Itnnncr
Unit \cr\od Him. *
Oiioda.N "the IJ.inK , " its wo culled It ,
icni'liert iri'lbliilo ! . , HHJH a writ 01 * in
slu < Isctv York Sun. It MIIH a Sail lYun-
dseo InoUei1 , ocoiteil by four men. Ho
jjolil coin mill him , jnul bo
tools up our nnufjets anil tlusl and nalil
usinjollow bo\H. 1 biinposo lie iiitiik < u
juottj f.rowl tiling out of it , 1ml us it was
a nci'ommoduUon to imo hail no
OdiupHdnt to make. Only hto or three
ilay previously one of our inon , know n
to us as IVnccful Sum , had made u Ilnd
if ) a thuiiipiiifi bl { * mifjKot , and this , ad-
dud to his ) wiiuli , { jiuo him ovort,000 ! in
Immlsimio coin. n man of forty-
IHu , liumblo nml jw.uv lowng , and ho
had u wife b.iok in Illinois. He had no\or
Haul nti ) thing about { { oiiitf hoino , ill-
tlioiif-b ho wns wiiltitif , ' , HKu tlio rosl of
us , forluclc , but no Humor wiw the coin
passed over to him than his bonus aohod
to tuko tlio i Ml ( for homo , llo must { jo
o\oi' to JolniM ) ! ! * ! * canip , n dislanco of
bi.xtccn niilos , ulono , and ftoni thoio o
down tlio uillcyliyu stnjjo lino. The
clmncesoro that ho would be hold up
at the trail , and wo argued and coaxed
for him to staj. Next moming , how-
o\oi % ho wasoll , hiuinjjiKiOOln hini > ooket
and tlio rest of his inouuy in his bmiiKot
on his back , llo never carried a
vu'apon of any soil and bo blurted on
this tiip without ono.Vo never o.\-
peeled to si u him aaiii ; , but ho was
hick at night mid had iv story to toll.
llo had { jot about three miles fiotn camp
vlipii'i sti.injfcr joined him , cumins1 in
on tlio ] Jcer Kivur trail. I'eacoful .Sum
was no cliicKcii and ho wasn't lonjj in
bi/ing the fall an or up .11 bad.
"Hound for Johnson's ? ' ' nshetl the man
us lhc\ % wall ed alonjr.
"For , Johnson V. and home. "
"Mado'jour ] ) ilonad going back to the
old woman , ohv '
"M.ulo $ .100 and li i vo roncludod to liyht
out while it Itibts. J limner lias boon
vri iling for mo to ioimand if I cati eon
lay a hundred in her lap it will bo
inoi'o'n hho over snbcfoio. . Landw !
but when 1 think of homo and Ilannor
I can't walk fast 'until' '
The sti.injjcr didn't show his hand
until afternoon. Then , when thoj
reached a luitlcularly lonesome plnce ,
ho suddenly halted , pulled a gun , and
siirt :
"Cihc me them S300 or I'll fill you
with lead ! "
"What ! Gwino to rob mo ! ' ' r ( > plied
Peaceful , looking as innocent as an old
cat."Come down ! "
"P.ut think o' Hivnnor ! She s boon
waitin' and waitin' , and noif you take
my money I may never nee her. "
"D n llannorl Shell out or I'll pop
jou ! "
"Hain't \ou no boul ? "
"Narv soul. "
"And"I'to Kot to sliell out ? "
"You have. "
Peaceful passed him out the $300 and
then Bat down on a stone and motonded
to cry. The sitonger counted the coins ,
chopped them into his pooket and started
ofl , saying :
"You sot right there for an hour , and
then take any road you want to. If jou
follow mo I'll pop jou. "
llo was no hoonur around the bond
than Peaceful began bcr.unbllng up the
mountain-side. By miking n bboiI cut
bo stiuek the trail again and was just in
time to heave a rock , which sttuck the
sli anger's head and killed him stone
dead on the trail ; then Peaceful de
scended , took $750 oil the body and
btartul back for our c.unp. No\t morn
ing half n do/on of us wont to the spot
with him , and Ihoro lay the body.
When wo asked Peaceful why ho had
o\\ned \ up to having $ .100 with him ho re
plied :
"L.-iw , me ! but if I hadn't ho'd luivo
suspected I had heap inoro and fahot mo
without warning. That's what I cal-
KcrlaU'd on when 1 put that bum in mv
pocket. "
"Hilt what posseted jou to follow on
aad kill him ? You no\or oven struck a
inin in all > our hfo. "
" I dunne " ho
dunne , gontlomcn , ,
pleaded , his lips tiombling and his chin
quivonng with emotion. "I just 10-
member that i thought of Ilamu'r , and
how them &H ) ( ) would put now hhingles
on tht > old bain and bin rag carpets foi
all o\or the hoiihO , and fuht thing I know
ho.ii \ing 1 dead. Loinmo git alone
and witli tlio Lord and boo if llo
won't kindur exciiso it oil on Ilunnor'b
account. ' '
A CHIP Tor Dlnrrlnun.
Mr J A Kuniison , of Colbmn , Montgom
ery Co , luu.i , has fouuil out how ho tan 11110
anN c.iiunf ( liitrilutM Two of hU ihililica
liuil tlio disease , for about sK ncvn ] ho tiled
four d llorciit patent ini'dli inos without hcne-
m , but liu iiiimllv cot hold of of u bottle of
Cliambcilniii s Colic , Choloui aad DmiiliuM
lomodwliii'h { ho s.ns rompletclv tilled
tlicm , and is confident it will cm o any case
% \licn tlie pliinU punted diic < tioii3 aio fol
lowed. I'oi bale by all diUKljUts. .
* Tlio MjMoih'HoJ Amber.
Amber has only recently come to bo
undnistood , snjs tlio AVitbhlngton E\en
ing Star. The ancients n-gaided it as
injsterious ami o\on. magical. Thoj
found that It was londoied electrical bj
filotion boas to attiai-t light substances ,
and our word ' 'electricity' comes fiom
the Greek name amber , which was
"cloftion. " A fnvonto ] ) u/lo with them
was how the injects BO frocjuently found
inclosed in amber cainolo bo sosituated
I luivo myholf seen a chunk oferj
tiaiibjiarcnt uinltor in whicli a binall li/-
aid witli live loga was incahod , looking
as if it might base boon alive jestoiday ,
though doubtlebs it had boon dead for
thousandbof cars. The mjHtory ro-
gat ding this bert of phonoinenon is
easily enough oxplalncd when it is un
dcibtood that amber li acluall > the fos
ail gum of an extinct kind of cone-hoar
ing tioo. In the nroLOhs of hatUunlng
it impi'Knned the llb'.s and ether eioa-
tares prc sci xod in the chunks of it Unit
aio found today.
Tlio finest specimen of amber in I'u-
tope l u cup made of that matoilal now
at the Ih'ighton museum , nngland.
Amber now is worth from $2 to JW
pound , mcording to its * quality. The
most ini)0itanl ] use nmdo of it Id for
uicerchtium and other [ ( ' .pub ,
The quallt ; of Uio blood dupi'inlb much upon
fronil or but digestion and asslinllatloii to
iiialio the blood rich la lift ami sticnulh ul
Inn ctinstUucnts , use ir ) .1 li Mil.cuii
htri'iiKtbenliiK Cordial and Dlood J'uiUl r , It
will nuurish tbo propeillcs of the blooj from
wlm h the cltfiutnls of \ lUbty are diaw 11
1'All ) I'OU Till : MUM ! .
How n Cracker not $ < iri Tor n $ ! ( > Anl-
a little railroad stiitlon about
llvo miles below ilaoltHon , Mlm. ,
was iiilonM thicket , and on ono of the
bushes hung a wli lie rag. su\n a wrltor
in the Now York bun. A do/en of us
nut with our feet hanging oil the plat
form , and , while every man had a ro-
\ol\er on his hip , no uno had thought of
shooting at that rjig. It win a hot day ,
and wo weio smoking and talking , wbon
a natl\o eamo up the track and sat down
with the test of us. Picsoiitl.ho . out
with a big revolver and nlmod at the
rag and pulled trigger. The cartildgo
didn't ovplode , and there was u general
laugh over the failure.
"It wax Moll a blamed nice mink to
Khuto lit that I couldn't icsist , ' ho ex
plained , M'omlnglj much chagrined.
"Perhaps M > mo of jou 'uns > kin dup that
rag. "
Hvorjluxly out with his gun ami began
bhuing awij , HOIIIO shooting high and
wmio low , ami no had fuslladed for Iho
minutes when a second natl\o apivoarod ,
crawling out of the brush on hands ami
knooH , and as ho stood bcfoio us ho mid :
" \ \Vliatlievldonothat all wimta
to kill 11101- - "
"Good gracious , man , \\oro jou in
thcio ? ' ' exclaimed ono of the cunul
"Klgbt In thai1 vtrangiM' , and seemed
to mo then \ \ had conic hiuk 1 dtdn t
get u hit , lijit jou ho\ done killed my
imih * . I roikon "
\\'o ran o\cr with him. and t-uro
iMiough tin 10 was his undo , down on his
Ivick and kicking his last , with four or
the bullets in him.
"You dun didn't mean to of co'se , "
said the owner , "hut this ar'mowl\\as
nil I had. I don't sin ho was wutb what
n prime mewl ortci fetch , but I could
hev Mild him fur $ . " > ( ) . "
iio was infoimed that we would nriko
up a to pay the damages , ando
chipped in and made it $ ( ! 5. llo took
the inonov and disappeared soon after ,
followed bj the Hint arrival , and the >
had got a long btuit , when a third mi
ti\o api > oaieil and asked :
"Hin anj slnitin hero ? "
"Yes "
"Shnto at that ar' rag ? "
"Yo- . "
"ICilln mewl ? "
"Yes. "
"I'aj fur him ? "
"Yes. Doou know an\ thing about
it ? "
"JsTo. not much. I sold the animal to
"Whoc/on 'bout an hour ago fur $10 , and
1 boiler roikoned ho wanted him to pla\
the old dodge with. Uow imiLh did jou
"Si\t\-lhe dollais. "
" \ V.ilthat's purtv moderate Ho
glnorallj strikes 'om fora bundled , and
jou got oil easy. Ucckon III look hi'ii
u ] ) and sou if ho can't work in a couple
of moio this week ! "
A roiitriluilioii I'ldiu 'l'c\w.
Mr J 1 { Hoswoll , nuooC the best known
citizens of Drowiiwooil , Toiimtilliutu < i tint
following item as Ills ] Hronul exiictunci
"After IniMiiK1 sulTi-ivd fiom ib.uihoo.i f > i
some tlino anil liiivin tiled ilinVtvnt inedi
cincs with 1io K ° od rds'ulUs , 1 tiled a Imttli of
Cliamlicilaiii's Colic C'holcia and Dlanlinc.i
lit mod ) , \\liiih itllcvcd mo t onic , and I
leionunend it to all \\lio nmj bo
from this tiwiblcsomo comiilaint
it A HI I : s IN MKWH.
Diinjrcr of lljilroplioblii tVtiiii Cat
Does death fiom hjdiophobia link in
a cat's bite ?
This is the serious question that um-
fioats No\v \ Yorkois and porhapH tlu >
life of the great feline population of tbu
citv , bays tlie New York Morning Jour
Dr. Paul Gibior , the famoiiH hydro
phobia expoit , has just concluded a long
and intricate btudy of the possibilitj of
cats becoming afllicted w itli rablen , and
hnsairived at the btartling conclusion
that tlio feline is just as apt to fall a \ io-
tim to tbo dread malady us her natural
enemy , the dog.
"Cats , " ho baid to the Journal man ,
"should not Iw allorted to llvo and in-
ciciiboin the gicnt profusion that thoj-
do at present. "
"Tboro bhould bo Homo law go\ ruing
the animal just as well as that icHtiict-
ing the existence of dogrt. Thoio is as
much danger to the community at largo
in the one lib there is in the othor. "
Tow people , accoiding to the physi
cian , know that n cat suirord f i om rallies
at all. 'Almost o\cry ono who has c\or
owned a felt no pot has seen the latter in
the throes of what is popularj ! wipposed
to bo a lit.
Ab a matter of fact , this fit is an in-
oipli nl attack of the i uhlcs. People in o
frequently bitten by cats BUlTonng in
this wny , but as thoj' no\or expect to
hino lij'diopliobia only few fatal losults
aio known to have occurred ,
Not long ago a ludj living uptown
called ujioii Ur Gibior and displayed an
ugly wound upon her right wrist which
iiail been caused by Iho bite of a pot
cat.Tho ladj explained to tbo physician
that the cat had what bhc Mipposod to
bo a lit , and when bho tiled to oaie for it
the animal bit her. The ladj H hush uul
at once killed the oil.
Dr. CJibici inoculated the ivitiont and
undo an examination n ( the bodj of tbo
oat , which proved conclusi\ol\ that the
animal wasbiilloiing with rabies.
Owing to the prompt medical attend
ance no ill lOHidtH oecunod to theladj - .
"Thoro is gnat dangur in the cats of
Now York- , ' ' mild Dr. Uibier , "and they
ought to bu killed oil.
Kntltlctl to tlio Item.
All nro entitled to tlio bi st that tilth inoaoy
will buy , so i-Miy fmnlj bboiild have , ut
emu , a liottlo of the bust laiallj icinitdj ,
Sviup ot I'iKS , to elf.msu tbosjstim ; when
( osthbor liiiioun ror .salo in Wi and 1 OJ
bottlob by all
Test iiiK Uul n < at
Prom o\ cry fiesh lot of bilver dollars
made a few iwo bout to the govoiiimcnt
asbiij or at Washington for tohting saya
the Washington blur. Weighing is but
a matter of hcales , hut it ia doeici d that
the dollar , for instance , miiHt bo ox-
adly nine-tenths Hilver , the ro-
malning tenth huing coii [ > or , and a ,
variation of not moio than ono
and one half giains in the quaiility of
the noble metal is allowed. First , the
BlUur dollar hub to bo tolled out thin in
a machine , bccaut-o when the coin it )
in ido the silver in it has a tendency to
go toward tbo middle , ho that the inotal
on llio outside is not M linn us within.
Hut the abwijor must diM-oier the
. norago lincnebs of thu plcci inoidcr to
ascort.iin just how inudi bilvi r tbuio In
altiigothur in It , and ho dues this in a ,
vorj curious way.
P j pihbcs the thin btilp of inotal Into
which the dollar lias been i oiled tin ough
a llttlo contrivance opuatrd by a oinnlc
that h tuinod by the hand The strip
coniosout inniched as full of holes HB it
cnn bo , while liundrcdrtof Hinall ciicuuir
disks about the si/o of a gold quurlei'
fall out o' ' the holes thus made into u
tiny box bolow. Next the dlBka tire
taken out of tlio drawer and mixed up ; a ,
few of them are taken fiom the lot , and
they , loproscnting tbo average of Hllvor ,
uio Mibjuilcd to chemical aTe
To NVivoim DeliilllaU'd Mnn.
If j on will fcciul u your adilress wo will
simljuuDr Dye's fVlubutcd Voltalo licit
and Aiiplnnicioa trlil They will oulckly
ict to 10 jou to viKi'i , m inhood ami bvultb.
IMiimlilut fiwj. VOITAIO IlLi.r Co , Mauhull ,