Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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    - M MlVl 41 I * ( V l * < tl u mm . .I > * i
The tonic clearing yesterday were
4305.117 CO.
root-muster Mahoiioy did not report
lor dill ) nt hiH ollk'o yeslorday. Sick
ness coiilhind liiin to Ills room ,
.A 1 ii d owned by llrlo Hrukson nnd
filtuaU d IK jir TMcntysovtnt h nnd Cum-
ing ftru-ts , wii8burned jcatcidiiymorii-
liif ; I. . ( * nominal.
JU mbcr"of tlio Ncbrs ka 1'rcss nf-f.o-
cliitionuliohavo hwn i jo\liifj tliuin-
tc'hi-H mi tlip nnnmil oxrufHina , imsfinl
throuyh Omaha Hurdiiy nife'lit ciirouto
The ro\onuo collections yc.slordny
ninounli'd ' to'fl ' Olil.lO. The upeclul tax
stump Miles timmmtcil to WiUH , < ov < n-
c ! | > hthiof which cuino fiom tlio t o 1U-
OHlc'pp r'lilloiithoiiL'hlho li imlbure-
Inis In tlio lliuniro biiilcliiitf Sunday nifjht
but an Invixlitrnlionby SiirjtMint Mm-
tyn ii ml a. M | iulor inon fnilod toroveiil
amthlnir f > ( the kind.
Dim \V. \ Kiiiniy of I2x lcr wis liioiiRlit
Snjfstcrdiij Tufiininj , ' by Deputy Murslml
.Tiii-kbon. t'lmrtfod with culling liquor
without a lic-uiHO. TIorn iclcawd
uml > r liontN to appear sittho Noicmlwr
term of court.
Mihs A nut Tlimson , daughter of Olof
Unn-iMi , died Sunday ut Iho family
rc"ldnc < 3 102J ( Locust street , of pncu-
inoniu.ngril III jonn. Tlio lunciiu vlll
bo In-Ill tnilny at 'I o'clock from the
rcslilfm-c. Interment at Forest J/iwii.
Mr . C'ulhurn , n pti4-on < , 'or on the
Coum-il HliilTs dummy , alighted fumi
the train uliiloitvm in motion Satur-
dn > niffhtiituluis \ thrown tolhojfi-ound ,
dlslovatingherriK'iitHhmildci' . hho uus
taken to hit JoHfM > h'8 htMpital wliuro she
will rnnain until able to loaunio her
journey toCohurn.
J5y leqttcit tliu entertainment given at
3)ot\Yl ) s opini liousohy the pupils of St.
Calhi'i'iiio's Academy , on Wutlne diy ,
July 2 , will bo repo.ilod on Urcilnotiday
iiltc-moon nt 2o'clock. .luly ' . ) , as a
imititico for the vpuHil iiilviinlajyo of
clnldiim. Tk'Uoti , Uuntj-livo cents ,
be piocimi.1 at the npuiu house.
"I'lllVOPIVslHJJ tllO ItlllU I'OMLT. "
Chnilcs Kitten \VIH iiriMtodSuiidiy
clmijrnlitli cntcrljiir the bnc'c ' door of II.
You s saloon near Movulh and Fiuiium
itrui timid &tc.illii ? l . " from tlio till.
lrcniiIVanl IScpuDllunim.
The republicans oftho Second viril will
mcr-f ut ICaspar's hall on Soulli I'll lr teen tU
itpj'iim Wedneiiliiv evening. All members
of tl < i lubim > urged to altond the mooting as
luiliuiUmt matters are to bu considued.
Ooni'K1 T : lk Ml Too homl.
CSonico S MIHTvhowas \ af-quittcd at the
lavt tirm ofcouit of tlio ch ir o of liavhiK
mmfa \ < 1 -.I'l.inteon , was lioforctbo jiollc-o
court .n'.iin yu'toidJV inoiuhic , r liaised \\itli
usitiir IT. f.ino . mill olmcdio l.iiipu.yo on the
jtu ct I In was lined and locturud.
r Inrciii 'Up vs Van AVyt-lc
In tintscnt iiiilxvay rate ik-balo , Tuos-
d \ Jul\H , on thiJlrmtawiia ( | iscmbly
Kroimd Crete , Xob. T. J3u\Vltt Tal-
inn " ( tni "Ulj ; liluiulortj * ' AVoclucahiy ,
Jul ( i. One faro for loiuid trip.
Ilohoit I'laston'H Chniig ( > .
I { > in rt H.issoii of the Hun of Paxton , Cnl- !
In lii f > Sc Co. Inis solil out hia Intoicsts hero
tmdnill Minn movolo Simlcano Kalli , liivliig
boiti'Kt i nlii tlio wliulisulitrroipi'y housotlioro
of . .11 II.ilo. The ncflpin \vill bo liiiown
us Huhv'v ' l iifsnn. II. 1) ) . l stiliroolclim pui-
Mr ISassoii's line rcsldcuco on West
l itrcot.
> Inrri < iu !
wtro IssuoJ to tlia following
partlos ynt onlay :
mi I ii'l Ircss. Atjo.
.Tihn M Hcnson , South Omaha
Unr.i C 13. Thompson , lomi . 19
\\illi.iml. Alton , Elldiorn . 21
N Clcniae , IMkliora . , . SI
SI UPH * Xor\o anil Ijl\or I'llli ,
> \n iiiipurtnnt clisL'ovory. They act on tlic
llvir , btom.uh nnd bowels through tlio
none1 } . A now iirhiclple. They speedily
emu billioiifiiicbH , bail taste , torpid liver ,
jiiUs and constliiitlon , Splendid for men ,
women nnd chudic-n. Smallest , nil
biinst 90 doses for 5 ten ts Sampled
at luihu it Co 's IMh nml
Tlio S iiini nor Svluinl , ,
The summer bchool for pit pits of the seventh
aiidel lith Armies opencil at Ilia hitch school
yoMopil.iymomltirutulertUo direction of Mis.
Cnilisle Tlieie veto tin pupils of thoolKhtli
pratlo lursuatniidfoitfof the sevnUi pmilc.
This iiumlior will uiuloubtully lw Inueahi'il
nstlicroiri impllshi tlnso Kiade.lio tllil
not pass a butUfaitory ixaiiiiiiiition.
niljlor thf Yliitliipt.
Tlio ciblo cars run only as fur as Hnriicy
nndTonth stieotsnow , owin , ' to the fat't tint
Tenth stteotls is to bo torn up for tlio vli-
dint Passengers coininir ii | > tona are train-
feneil fiom the Klovenlh sticot Hue to any of
tlic other lines.
'Ihero wns conslilcrablo confusion this
rnoinini ; ovei this nuittop. I'HSSCIIKCH oli.K
to the ilcjuit icltioil to transfer \\hon le-
qiiistcil by Iho I'ondui-toi-t nml In conso-
qutnco man ) of thtin missed their triilns.
Onuihii rl'jiiotlicto ,
At tlio nnnual mcctitiK of the Omaha
tjpothctro lulil last Kiturihy c\cning at tlio
l avtun hotel tlio following oAlccrs wire
elect cul for the eiibiiiiiR year. Henry Gibson ,
pivsMi'iit ; C. 11. Klopp , vko pieslilont ;
Julius roblnor , siTiitur.v ami tivasun-r ;
Samuelllooa , M.H. Uoaticld amlC.IHClopp ,
cxocutl\o ivinnultteo.
The rollovlnfr ilelcKiitos wore rtccteil to the
nimualmuMiitinii ol the United t\pothti ( >
ntlkisti'ii ' , SoptemVjcr .i , 4 and.I : SiuniiU
licis , HI-HIv < ; ibson , John Campbell , Julius
IV'lwr an ill' . 11 Klojip.
It wiis UMI lU'ddi-d to iiultoall cmplojlnp
inluttu of Xubmskn nml western Iowa to
jniet tlio Oinalni t\pothctuj on Siturihy ,
-August ! i , at thol'axtoii hotel , and oi .miu a
etato or western ns > soiUtiou.
TJO now otllcoa of the preat Itoclc Is-
Innd louto , 100J , Sutoonlli nnd i'.irnim
elroot , Onului.iirotho tlncbtiu the city.
Cull mid M > O tliom. Tickotato all points
ciibt at lo\\ebt \ uitos
" ? - , " > iit a"Soim'tor. "
Major.V. \ . 1'iuUloolf , v.lio V.MS erroneously
calk-d "Scimtor" I'aihloclt hi Tin : HiiN ac
count of tlio plonoormVuls at llollevue ,
took exception to tills ycstenl.i ) ami lukln ly
snul ton nporter :
"I have b cn e.xlloil A. S. 1'aadwlc , and
( Jovoiuor I'.uldoolc nnd luvobornolt with
out ninuriuur. I hiuo tuolxul tiMilesnuMi's
nnd other bills xvhen thus iirosdited nnd
luivo somcllinos i > alit thorn with thnpatlonoo
mid equanimity of n innotons roliiivciuul
Clirlstlanilti/in , but I dmvtho line at the
"fccniitor" p.irt of the ii.meiuhonunt. I inn
not now nor never luivo i > ocn a lepuWle.ui
fi'tiator , nnd 1 ppiyerfully I ucor
may bo
"furthonnoii1 , 1 do not ll'io to bo
tnkon for an old niuii who lib t > rowii
gliiv in the dcbauililuK seivieo o (
modem ivpublliMiibin.vhilo I luivo ro-
mainul youthful and buoyant hi the vluriil
nnd imritjiiiR ocouiution of ilomoomtlo ia-
dustiy And vhllulio for whom 1 IVIIH tiUon
on that ooiislon Is , in hlsoulrhl onpaeltj nuil
1 bellovo faithfully unit zialouslv ho , toeg \ \ -
late 'ho nii | Iciiltnrul nlTnlri of thonntlon , on
1'aix.r ' , I nin oniMgoit In leKltimato n riiultu
ml imi'sults onmv firui.enrlihluK my blooJ
thoiifh iiiiiwvcrUhtiii ; mv pooket tlu-oiu-li the
li.iiieful eltoitsof nivpnblk > aiiprotei'ti\ot.ii1-
ills \\olia\i ! ' bulb till lioplii , ' tu
- tlioi.0iO Ituow not of.1
l'O"\VKT..I. - July -4 nt 0 p. m , Clement W
1 * nu'llof jiir.iljsls o ( tlio lio.irl
Funeral service at Op. m Tucjiluy at tin
Iiiiilty catUedrol ,
Nil 'Jriitli I" the Humored Strllcomt ,
Hook SirliiOthor | Notes.
Vice Pmldont llolcomh said jestcnlay
that there \v.ix \ absolutely no truth In tlio rc-
im-t of n strlUo at tbo Hock Springs eoal
mlnos , Seine thno ago an agreement \vns
entered Into provldioi ; thit ocliungo should
to inada la the sjstcin of piymtnts.aud
until that matter ean bo settled work baa
.boon partlilly suspended But , if Mr. Hol-
cotnb Is correctly Informed , the mines have
not been shut down nor arc the miners cre-
ntluy nnytrouldo. Heretofoio vases h.ivo
Ron palil on tlio coal as It caino out of
the inliiM. and as a oon'cqueneo
mtiPliiHseutUfjaloiilnis existul both ainoiif , '
the innn and on the jurt of thocompiny ,
Now it is ( iropmca to cliinpo Unit plan and
p.iy nltor Iho t-oiil bin hem scuuin'd rs'ices-
li'ilyn nciv aihedulo of prices must bo ar
ranged. A connnitteo of minors wui up-
poliitcil toarranffi' jurhnlulc iviiicb will bo
lompircdvitb \ one mudeout bv Uioi'oiiip.iny
nml doiii thusotwoltla tbouiit | n sutHfao-
lory n roinioiiti'ini bo leaclinl. That com-
mltt < o win to Invo held u nie < 'tiiit ( Sunday
U'tuit it did his not as jut Ixun npottcd to
Mr. llolconib.
The list of appointments and promotions In
Union Padllc fieiubt cinlus Ins llniilly been
eomiilutcd Tlio ilvll service jiolley an
nounced sonio thno ajjo by Piesldint Alains
luiM bsciiory ilosely obiorveil throuqli the
entire list It coiiinu'iu'oil with Fred B
\\Millnoy , who succesds J. S TtbtotLs , as fici litnseutof the Missouri dvor
diviilon nnd inrluduMr B. Campbell. J. O
\Vooihvoilli , I1 S. Jliller. FralYlld , Jr , II
W. Adam ? , 10. V. Mo/o , J. V Paikor , 0V
Kccles an I II. A. Joliason. 1'urkcr , wliowm
tin nssistint at Salt l.iko , takes thoplato
inadovaciat by MrVliltucj 's transfer from
Kansas City , and JIcclcs , who used to repre
sent tlio loiujiitiy ntSan Franeiscowa-sin.i < lo
KPiier.d fielKbt ORont of the
mountain division This caused tlio
tnimfer of Johnson from Denver to 1'iisco.
eleitedVIlil \ to Johnson's olu place and
brought Ailanw from LJutto to succeed Wild
as imlstaut fulh'htiijrent of the Clulf dUI-
sioii " E V. Mot ; i.s theicforo npimlutcd
Adams' tuccoisor us Koneral iitont at llutte.
Mr. Canipbull , who\vasieiuial fioifrhtUKent
of the Piidtic ill vision sit Poitlnnd , is raised
to the position of nsshtant troncnil trafllo
nianiKoihlsold , aisistinit , .1 U. U'oodnortli ,
hecome.sKcticiil freiKht ui ent. P S. Miller
steps into the position A leatul by him ,
.Not All H. oil
If thov.irioiB tcproiciitatlvosof tlio four
catling ro.uls beUveonOinilia nnd Cliii"io
Aim in coru-et icports-111 t'itliiam IIUMS
ono to attonj coiiehvo at Alii-
ivaulteo from Uiiseity. Tlio Xortlnvojtcrn
VKeuts say tlioy linvo sold 117 round tup
tickets , llio liouk Island HfU-thicc , the Mil-
ivnukco forty and the lliirlington Unity. The
liyuies pU'onout by each line me , however ,
Jispntol nt the other ofllecs Captain Iliy-
ivooil snkl bo thought Omaha's lepresot.itlon
[ it \ IilmUoe niiyht nunibir ainwbcio from
liftv to sixtj-lle knights Tlieso silos 10-
poitod-by iincloaliteilly stand for
nil tlio ( 'liic.uf ' ) and Milwaukee business they
ilidSunl.vy and jest Mil.iy inormiif ; . llioono
faio is opun to p\'c nbodanil nattu-.illj a in my people U.iIn occasion to ( jo east
lei .1 fov uujs taka adiaata u oflt.
'Will Issue S'jilentq.
The Union 1'acitic land dojiirtinent las
ba-n iiotillfdthat Sccicturv Xoblo of tboln-
tciior ik'ii.irtment will , unless othcriviso In-
btiuctod by eoiiKress , prooted atoncoto issiio
patents tliatlinvo been withheld on hud sold
bylluituoinpiay to settlcii nloiur.itsllaos . in
jN'ebruikn and Kansi < . Ills s.iid they will
cover iliout two million acres ! Mr. Noble
iliclnvis in iiioiniiiniiiiiitinii toiousicss Unit
f Hither doliy in Kuiujr tlioso spttlers full
title tohn < Jith"y liu\e fully i > aid foiaiullin-
piovoucannot bu Hibtllled
Mill 1'asli the \\'ork.
The MtlvauUeo and Itxlc Island roadscx-
l ct to liavo tbckiimposed joint passenger
depot In this city erected anil ready foruso
\\lthin the next sl\.ty days I twill probibly
bo a similar stiucturo to Hint built by tlio
"Union I'.ieillo and Ciii'llm'tun. Seventeenth
btrpctoppultoVraUelleld's \ lumber yard , is
tlic site selected.
Alnnit Kc.iiiy ( o 3Iovc.
The old li & M. trade across Tenth street
vas tilcoti up ) cstcrthiy audit , isctpoctoil
tint the Union P.iciflo will bo ready to move
into the tomporiry dpot this week , Uivi-
fclon Siipoimtomlent liair will tra-isfcrbi.s
olllco to tbohoiid < iuaiters buililiujj today
7 < itos ami
Etl Dlekluson left for Chicago Kimday to
enter upon tlio dittiosof hli itorposltlounith
the Ballnnoro A , Ohio ronl.
It. K UIUhto' ( nontof the North
western , \vint llirounh with the Knights of
1'lithlnolHiial train" toMllttaultcu.
Pr.iiU ) I\napp , assistant tietet agent of tlio
I ! . icil atLincolu , was In towii today.
FrclVliItuoy i-anio lip from Kansas City
n' In indurated i oiieMl freight n cut of
tlio Missouri ri\er \ division of the Union Pa-
CeorioVst ! \ \ , city pissenscr apciit ; of tlio
Northwestern , lias gone
AVIiy It ih I'opular.
Bci.inso it has proven its absolute merit
overanii over iipiin , because It has an un
equalled iveordof I'uies , bocaii-io its business
Is conducted in a thoroughly honest mninior.
and because It loiubliies economy nnu
strength , being : tlio only niulicino of which
"Kio One Dollar" Is true these slioug
points have iiiiulo IIooil's Mi'snpirilh the
jdainc'st food Ith unexpected relish.
Tlio followin , ! Is nsynopjlscf tlioN'otuaslca
hl h license , loeal option l.uv :
Seitioiil provides that the county boiril of
cnch county nuy Riant lu-onsofor the silo of
malt , spiiltuoui mid vinous lliinors , If deemed
cxpcUcntupouthonpplii itioi bypatltloa of
thirty of the roidont freeholilirs of Iho
town , if tljo county Is under township organi
zation. Hie count } bo'itd slnll not hmo au-
tboilty to issue any llcoiiso for the silo of
liquors iniiay city or incorporated illltije , or
within U\o miles of Iho same ,
Section ! ! provides for the lillnpof the np-
plicition inJ for pjblicntiou of the applica
tion for at least two weeks k'foiethogruut-
InKof tlio license.
Section ! ) pro\ldca for the h carl tig of the
case If nromoiistrauco is tiled n anist tlio
Ki-Jintinfrof allceiito to tlio r.nplicant.
Fiutbir scclloii3pro\Ulo for the appealing
of Iho reinotistraue.0 to the dibtilct court ;
the form of the license ; the riving of n iOM
bond by tao biictetisfal aiipllcant for the li
Sections 8,0 and 10 ninko Hnn offense ,
puulshablo by a Una of ? ' . " > , for any
lUjuor Oeilerto sell intoxtutiii ) , ' liquor to
minors or Indians
Section It provides that nnv poison selling
liquor vlthout a Hceiim shall bo lined not
loss than SUM nor IIIUIM thin jJ'nK ) for cadi
otTinso ; mid seetioa 11 ! provides for tlio trill
of siieli olTunilei-s.
hivtion it nuikoi It m offense , punMiaUo
by a line ot iluO and a forfiliuwof llcemu
foi any licensed llijiior vculer to sell adul-
tenteil liquor ,
hcetion 1 1 makes it an offense punlsliallo
by a 11 no of * HU for any pur--oi to sell or
prlM ) nAMiy any liquor on feundiu , oren the
d.iyof any nenor.uor special election.
Sections loto'JJ incmsive , dctlno the lia
bility ofsulooukeepors.for ihmuiei ; snst.iined
bynnyuuo in ooiiseiinenco of tlio trallle and
provide iho stops aeicsbaiy to collect such
beotlnn 24 relates to Iho Issuance of drug-
Kists1 periniti.
Thu option fo.iture of the law Is con-
tnlnod hiHOclloa ' . ' % tlio sallmt pirt ofvhleb
' The corporate. authorities of all cities mid
llages shall ha\o pouor to license , ipgulate
and j iMhlbittho sellliii , ' or givlnt ; im-ay of
anj mtoxUMtliiji , malt , spirituous and vinous
liiiuons , within the limits olsuch city or Ul
lne. , { ' [ fils icvtlon also tixcs tba amount of
llii ! llcuiso \\MehiluiUnut. . bo Uss than
. M in v Hlii 'os mill cities having- less than
llXX ( , ( ) lnh.ihit.inti nor le = = j than § 1OOO , In
i illes having a population ol more than
10,000. ,
Sections SO awl 5J ? rcU *
roRlstorsaiid point tics for violation of the
rules Kwcriiliifrtho same.
Hootioii asmnkis driinkonna s an offeino
punlsbablo by n fine of $10und costs or iiu-
prison incut not oxceodliifj tlilrtvilavs.
.SeotUin ltl jirorldos Unit tuo tlooi-s nnd
\ vlndoof tslooin shnll In ) kept free from
screens or blinds.
How the Kxrnyor IH I'laj-liiK Dotihlo
( nlIiMO.iic < t orV ti"4.
A rumor his been current for some llmo
that \V. J. UroaUh was In ninoaniroat least ,
rcsponslhlo for the ( lop mndo by tlio llopub-
cmontho prohibition questioni tint ho Is
oniloiivoiIiiKto opposotlioorkoftho \ Bank
ers and rtusinoss Glen's association , und
liuIdeiiUlly lllillniltli tbo pi-oldbitlon
vote. An elToifc wtis innilo ut tlio
time the Hojublicin did its went
lllpllaii act to dlsiovor tbo extent of
I3roatch'3 conncclloii with the deal , but noth-
iiiirdolliilto\vas \ le.irnul of It. Iatordovcloi > -
nidits.howivur. Indieato Unit the Timirnmy
chlof H Itiiliistrionsly ut work , In his most
"fiscinitlni1 ! inannorjii an otfort tncuttturo
the prohibition \oto lnsiiiortof | , ) Iiu indpi-
ont booinlet , lOaliiK tbo fodas \ \ it
hns bcroiiioa iniitt x-of general knowledges
tint tlio ex-mayor is vuliicrhls "law andorder' '
record to wbip prohibition politicians Into
Spo.ikiiiK on lids point , ex Counoiliuaii
IMiko Leo salit : " 1'vo liprtid the report that
llroatdi vvai after the prohibition vote , and
I've also homl the i\portdonicd. If bo can
pet thcvoto by m.iklnt ; piomisM ho cim bo
rilled upon to capture ) it. But then I thlnlc
his prom is o record is fully w ll known , and I
leu illy think he'll e.itch many suckers so
cheap , llli opposition to tbo Banltersand
lliisincis MoirMiissoclation is all buncombe ,
lie is simply talking for prohibition votes
vvhen ho lefusos to aid the worli that the
lie-it business men of Iho state nro urging"
S.itiiulav afternoon \V T. Hroateh and
John T Uliiilco siuiitei-edluto tbo saloon of
JIontiinioiy ; it Adams , at thcsouthetvstcor-
ner of Pouiteenth and Dod o .street-s , ami
called for bier.Vlillo thuyovo \ sljiplns it
they uiKa 'ul JIis Puniuel .r. Montgomery ,
ono oftbo uropiioton. in lonveisation.
In nRoiitlvinsinuating ininnerMr Hroitch
Intimated that ho woJlcl like Mr. Moiitgom-
eiy'sassi.stinco In the coining olectlon , and
vuis on tbovcrjjoof pt'escntiii ) ? the many ad-
van tae-4 Avldclitho latterini rht oxiwct In re
turn for bliiisulstiitiio when Mr. Montgom
ery called a bait and blandly informed the
ivprcsontiitlvcsof tlw'L'vventy-cltrht elubthnt
they were on tliuvroiiR tack , as lie wns a
good and Mould have nothing to do
v\ith their tilth ) woilc.
Thodisiippohited workers slunk out and in
aiioutli.ilfan hour Juir ) ( Irecn , Hel
lamy and another coloieil man .sauatoiod in
nnd stood around fora few minutes llsteniiii , '
to Avlmt was coingoii nncl tiinto ) jet Mr
Montgomery into convursation Ho refused
to Invo nuj tliinij tosaybo\vQVci'andtlieyi | |
nlso , dlsajipcaixi )
Air Montgomery felt greatly Insulted at
bciiiR tlus appio.ulicd and sail bo fell
strongly tcmptul to luck tbor.ibcils out for
daruij'tofttoicpt to buy him. Ho declared
vi-lK'inetitl ) tint , bo vyas not for silo and did
not piopv-jj to train vvitb such n disreputable
cio\vd ,
Itvras also reported thit Sinidiv BioaV-li
Closed a deal with Bellamy for tuo colored
vote of the Third Mird.
TVIrs. "VVInslovv'a Pootldn ; ; Syrup for Chil
dren Tottbiiii , ' cuiei vvlnil colic , dianhuji ) ,
etc. 1J5 cents a boWlo.
ili'iit I'olltios ,
Tlcnresentutlves of nil the industrial or-
iT.inizations in tbo citv heU n meeting , it ,
Puller's hall , I'ouitccntli iiiidDoiiglas streets ,
Saturdayni rlit , totalco stojis to organize for
the liulopenilt nt political movement.
It was decided to hoi I the county conven
tion on July 2Cnt Jp. in , to elect twenty -flvo
ilclt'n''itej to iittenil tlu stito convention nt
Lincoln , July 'l ) . Tlio piim irics will bo held
In the vailow wards at 5p in , Thaisclny ,
JulyH , tl-o Insis of representation to be ono
delctfiitofor cich Industrial organization and
ono for every ton incnihorj theieof , und ono
delegate for every ten outside of iiidustihl
orgiiiilxutiotis who shall lla o signed the call
for tbo independent convention.
.At tbo piimaries only tlioso vvhoslfii ( tbo
deiliratlon of piinciplus anil e.ilL will lie
allowed to participate , and tliu roll so la-pt
shall on tbo day follovniK the primaries bo
sent to the rhufiiimnof
coininittee , and tlio coiinnittcovlll I'cport tlio
samototlie. rounty convention or the coin-
mittco on erodentnls.
'Iho followhitrvvcra selected M temporary
central lominlttecniotii C. W. Miller , South
Oinilin , chnlrinnn ; J , U. Tieinoy , Oinnha ;
. .T.V. \ . IMooro , Waterloo ; .1.11. Blake , Omnhi ;
.1. W. lUdijorton , SontliOmiha. Tlio call fur
the county convention will bo issued In a few
dnjs. _
Tor beantv , for comfort , for Improvement
of ( lie completion , nsoonly I'o//oui's Powder ;
there is nothing equal to it ,
For tlio Itrnelit o
The conceit to bo fjhea for the U-nefltof
Btadsliuv by tlio German societies will tnko
l > hco next Saturday ovcnlnfj , July Ii2 , ut
Ocnnanla lull , Htirnoy and Klsbtecnth
streets , Tbo several biiifinjc societies will
endeavor to make the evening na enjoyable
nnd pleasant ono and. a Iai0'o attendance is
expected. _ . .
II. T Clailo ia about to build a ? 20,000
frame residence nt the corner of Twenty-
Fifth stieet and Capitol avenue. Ho made
application for permit yesterday.
1) . U Shannon Is commencing a two and
fi'.mio reblJciiea at
one-half story Twcnty-
Klghtlinudl'uni'itii structs and another on
Spring Street C.iss. 'JThoy will cost
$ .1OUO , each.
Itwnpcrlorevccllonroprovim Inmlllloni of hnnioi
fi > rtiion > tlinn n qmrtcrof ii cantury It la inol I'X
thu Llnlteil StiiUM Covirninent. I'mlunn't liy tin
himrlHOf tlm uruit unlioralllH. ot tlifl ritronunit
l'iiro tniut Moil llualthfnl. llr 1'rlco't Cre.nn Ilivk-
ln J'oirilur , ilin-s not contiln umiio nin , llmo or
alum , bolilonlr In i > am
11111 KIIAIilM * nUVDUIl CO ,
Now enc Clikiii ) . Sim Francisco SI I.o
BOVI.t ) U.\VXi ; < Mnn.-orj.
Jlonday and Tiwday , July 7 anil 8 ,
Blatchford Kauanagh
Assisrni n Y
The Wonderful Violin nml Mandolin Soloist ,
Si-'vcinl olhur ( ViitiircK till lolntroduccJ ,
furinlni ; n no t InU'ri'sMnn iroKrnininu
lU'i' griioa Beali to uii nli > ti UurJa ; morn-
On nccount of our lurgo
nntl inc"reusing Prnctico ,
\NO \ Imvo ItKMOVUD to
moro Bpncioiis uml con-
\onimt ojlleos.
Brs. Eotts 55 Betts ,
1409 Douglas St. Omolia , Neb ,
Insect , Stings
Sore ? Tyes
Sore Feeti
Mosquito Bites
. ( ( AWL I. . „ ! , . . 'llli : nit\T IKMUt. Ill AUK
i\oi.iiiii : IIIM-
nil Aniinfiill-
Inncurofui Sun-
In il Woikniss ,
Hpornntorrli u i.
npotcnry , and
nil ill'iM i'i Unit
fnlUivv n1 * n * < >
< | ncnc-o tolf -
. . - , , n
IMIn InlUc Ihck Dlninrsi of NMon I'romnturo Old
J\IK , tin I iniiny otlur IUHMMCS Hint lo Insmlty
urri > n nuii > ilon iinlii | ireniulinciri\u. !
Jr"lnll nnrtlciilirMii our inmphlet , lilrliwo cle-
ulretonpiul fri'O bvnuillto o\ory one CiT"rii * * po
clllo intdlclno Is mil lut M per inckiao , or Hlvp.M'k
HIT * firfr > . ornllllii'xont fii < oby nulloutho ri'culpt
of tlio inmioy , b > ml li uatliiu
1110 PAux.v"\iSritiiT : , - OMAHA , Nun
On IK count "f ( mmtorfulti wo luvo udoptoJ llio
jcllow raiper | , llieonly K
"For jcarsl linvolu'di nflllotoilAritli l > ntl
r > lRi" t Ion. C DIH tip.ul I on and i'lli'4. I liuvc
ti-liil nil Hit nioillclnvHl could Kit liohl of ,
l > nt ll In M.'i.fii my tihjslil.iiis rniilil
notrrlici my ciitlx cne i. In llio nil-mi.
tliun I t > tniKKl < < 1 tiiiiorrontpiilii. ! | Ijlf.vm
li liiill < 'ii. 'inii viiiUH K < > lRav. tlioCMrax'i
Tlin > H"niiliuycjo felt MI mi mlviitls. * .
unit of I'm t1'llN. . Iilcoldrd to try tliniu
'A'lu'y ' lxi\o AiurU1 ! ! woiidox'inlly. llioyltt'C'ii
iiorc iiLii * , doii't inn lie muflclc , Ko me tin
npprtiln littil arc fiiilii ) ; my jillcs. I nin
t iiintriiiKl cnt wnllc mi ) < llidm i. Il'I liml
liiultlitMi ] > llk < lie yinrn IIK Ilicyould
IiiuiiHnied mo fi 11)l.di ) ( lintlln'j linvoi.ix < il
mj life. I.ctlli nlll ( ted -icrj n1ii > rol > iui
tlielr valuu , hicli ! lrj iiiil Dx rcsslim. "
TIILK tJ. ! ) .VNtbi > iliiBMtlJ , O.
Watt's Liver Pills
lt irV * r AVf/i/r/ .
The wcll-ktiffim Yellow Labels of
ike Apollincais Company , Limited , are
prolecfcdby Perpetual Injunctions of 'the
Supreme Court.
Beware of botlles tearing the genuine
Apollinaris labels lint te-JtHcd with a
spurious article.
which , if genuine , is branded with ihe
name of the Apollinaris Company ,
Z.ii/iifeJ , anil ihe words "Apollinaris
Briinncn " around an anchor.
On nccount ot our
anil increasing Practice ,
\MjlmvoRT2MOVED to
inoro Biinoions nnd con-
\ onicnt olliccs.
Drs. Setts & Betts ,
.1.409 Douglas St. OmaLa , Neb.
'I'T ' n thorough knonltnluo of the nntunl hvri
wllili KOUTiilliO oicnitluntc.raittostlon nnrl nutrl-
tlri ) iindlijr nc-nruliil ii | > i'lk'uHon of iliu line PIUIHT-
ttisol veil HclcitoilCutun Mr Lpps lusinovliledoiir
bn lUfnH Uiblea lih u itolknuljr rinrnruil huviruia
wlilch niiiy t > a\on \ < < unny licuvy ilixturt' till ! . It la
by Iho juillcUiim ustitif tiuili inlli lei of diet that n
cunstiliillun may I'C i-nuliinUj Inillt up until eliunx
fiiuiiKhto rc-Mft e cry temlontT to clUc-ino. llmi-
ilrcda of subtle mnlvlli-3 are tloitlnjnroiinjiis rcvlr
toottiuk v , liirOMr llioro U n noik point Woiuur
cfrai'O mai ) > nfiitnlslmtiby hoipuiK oniaelvoa well
fiirtlllcdwllliimroliloi ) I anj u piui > crlr uourlihud
ftunie. " CivilbuivlcH dnntto
MiKlniliuiilrwltliliollniK wutcr or mlllc. Sold only
Inlnlf iHinnil tii ! , by r , crt i , lnbuliJ tlnui
JAMES lil'l'SK ' CO. lluniu'opatlitol'lu-rnlats ,
. , London , l.u luuil.
. SaHi - -
.iinjtite :
IILII ! Ill AT HI Hituiili l > .
pf S %
5 7,1i " - - " -
, , iJ"i-tia-t"7H- , -
rllKHM > --i-TT ' . tlllM.T. lor lliliir el pur
pete , rurr < il ( iTtir ll , MciLn , lltlDI > rrrl ) , HIM , koolh ;
InT , tnnllou , Cumili of Klcftrltliv IhroUin ill KA K
PAlfl S n .t.rlm thnntn IIMI.nUn.l II Olllll HHTIOMI11 ! ,
ll&rtile tnritil Felt h tin ll ) . or wo forfeit t&UX ) In eaah
IIKI.1 inj .iins.ra | .lrlf * i , mil up. W nl raml > r >
ntnrailt ( urf.l In tVrc uii > ulh . bnIM ramihltt lre .
Fpcclflo for 'Iri-i-i-rln. Dljslnofn.f Is liuuralTln.WAho.
lulnrti , Hcntftl 1 > . iirrRtio i t > oftonln it thu Innlii , ru *
tultlmr in lvanllj .lil Inullni' U > mltPij dixar , al J
ileHi I runumnt 014 A : > ' . Uinciinci i of l'oit
laoltlmr hoi , luvoluntiry ! < > < en , on I Hi | imi\torrl.-n >
uus.'l by oTiriolioi or Iho linln. idnLuio or
ovur-tiidultfeiTO. tacli U > T contains one rnontt 'uncut *
merit tl ahox. or nit for ti , rent liv mall nrcini. | | .
Ullli cm li iiriK-r ( or i-'t box > , MI ! | iuithari < r
I , urn"i , . i ' i , . . , . / | > i r > m > nt u lu
ooomtAN DHUO ro.
1110 faiiuuibtroot Oiuulm , IS'cb.
Vakr. . s cf Bodyanaiilnd , Eflccli . . ind > r ,
Eta liltlfy hoa ( U IIUil d ttftlju Cuull Vfrllllk.u ,
l > - crlU < R o . fiplufalldti r 1 vroc'Eiall'd'ildUro '
. . . . . _
M L * Vk. .4 A. f JMlh. > ! * * - - -
Is interested in our clearing sale of Boys' Clothing , which we commenced last week , We
done a very large business ttiis season in our Boys' Department , carried an immense stock , and
in consequence have more odds and ends left than usual. We propose to wind up this most
successful spring season with a grand sweeping sale , and no matter how low the prices were
before , they will he cut still more in order to accomplish our object. What we olTcr this -week
arc the remnants of our best grades. Suits made ( roni the finest qualities of cloths and finished
as careful as the most expensive garments in the' market. In the early part of the season only
the rich can afford to buy such suits , but now the prices arc cut so that they arc within the roach
of everybody. You can have now the finest suit for your hey , providing you can find a fit , for
as little money as you paid early in the season for a medium grade suit.
In our Shoe Department \\-'c \ have opened to-day another invoice of 25 dozen fine Patent
Leather Shoes , of same quality as we advertised a few weeks ago at $ .2.50. The first lot of these
shoes went elf like hot cakes , and \vas sold out in a few clays. We were at first reluctant to
handle them , as the manufacturer docs not guarantee patent leather , consequently we could
not guarantee them to our customers. But \ve have not heard of a single compl.iint about them ,
though we have made it our business to find out how they wear. They seem to give good satis
faction in fact , some customers told us .they are as good shoes as those for which they formerly
paid < 6.oo and $7.00. Try a pair , and indulge for $2.50 in the luxury of a patent leather shoe.
They are a nice thing for the summer , do not need blacking , and ah\ays \ look dressy and lu-at
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets.
Our store closes at 6SO : P. M. Saturday at 1O P. M.
J. 3S HcflBEW
, . , ,
" Doctor IB nrPiirpn8 = c < l
In tilt In .tun ul of all
foi I 111' Of I'rlMllll I.'UI 13
f * K IIKIIIKIul Ini6crlniii
, mmi'MiLc. t-fful and mme
Irish. ' ! stronger ciulorFc
mcnt A enrols piarnutci (1 in tlit'Mjry worn ! ciPt'8
In from 1 t 5iluwjlliont Uie losaof an hour i > Unie.
Iliocho huto In en
uidrrhiM tinittnir.t for
Mrictnri'ordimciilt ) In
relieving tholilnlilor. pronounce it a ninst vnmlor.
lul Kiicct" " A cnriililoeiireln | nfcw ila e v.Lhoul
Haiti , liu'riiini'ntsor lutf * > f tnno.
Amlnlh\.lx. \
OffTlFft ,8 , y0f thj
tlmlillty oriu"-vmipin'3 ! , In tlielr worst forms and
nn ) t ariMilf Jlrc _ iiltiijiroiiioliti'ly [ cured.
sj nirtd
nli A wonderful remedy. 110UKS for
nil 2 to 4 ONLY.
1 nml oil Dlfoif OB of the Skin ,
Illood , Ilc.rt. U\ir , Kid
' IIOVH nml Illnililcr cured
JH 3 JJ t'liudln UtotOdtitt The
j 9 B 3l Hi'J-tnil'Iil , fiifc ami ( ffc < I
iti2 > k 7 | u > Iri.itniont ) .nn\\nti > llio
mcillrnl profpsslon E\cry Inn oof tlic ilisetso re-
mr _ > \ 11 r era . . llio hlood. acoiipU tcearn nuannlccd ,
„ ior"mnn' r oninn" . each ITc
i ( iiiuiiin ) Tri'itmc'iit by rnric-
Binnienco | ( Mnmp foi rtplj
aK I ! ( . on llTiiANnKAUNAU Sr.
i ! Tl ' O | n Horn fi A M ti > 111' M.
0 liutrano.i on r rn > itn or llth fat ,
Xiit , J lUbltL ' > ! . "
TheflcurcO inourditcsnlll imko i lonf
Mo miu or uonun uow Ihlngill over cluto
document nllliout ii'iny tlio t > ; urn 0. It ctaud ]
In the thlta plnoo In ISOO , vhcrolt will tcrnnln tea
years and then moM ! up to hcconil place In 1000 ,
v.licto It ; U11 rest for ono hundred yam.
There isLiiothcr " \\hlchlmsnlsocomotostnj' ,
H is unlike thtfljiiroO Inoiir djtos li ; the respect
that It lias alrcldy mo\cd up to f.rst place , where
Itlll permanently remuin. His called tho"I'o.
B" lllsh Arm Wieclu A. MllaonSowIni ; Machine.
The "No. 0" wns cmlortid tor first place by Ik
experts ol Uuroi ! nltlio l'.irls Kximsltloiiof IfePO ,
\\lure , after iitucrtcontcstvilli tlioli'mllne ma
chines uf the norlJ , ItMIS awarded tl.o . only
Orand ] rlze pl\en \ to fninlly sewing mnohlnos , nil
ctlicri on exhibit havlnit tvcchvd loner award )
of gold mcdms , etc , The Frincli Government
ttlt o recopnlzcd Its surerlotlly lij thodecoratioii ol
Mr. NuilnnielWheilir , I'nsliUntof llio uomimny ,
with ( he Crosscf the Legion of Honor.
Tto "Ko. 0" U * ot nil old mnclilno Improved
uj cu , but is an entirely w\v m lelilim , nnd tha
Grand Vr\u \ ntrnrsnsnvnrdcil ) \ Hns tliciruud'
cstodvcDcc liuouinimncliltic.Mieolniiisii of tlie
ago. Tlwo vho buy It cm riht nwutud , ILirc.
toreof La\iuithaM'ry ; Inkstimcl but.
185 rm < l 187 V'abwh Avo. , Chiorgo.
ii O N ctlhllilh blrcct.
orplilno llnlill
_ dmroioai.Oiri
Nf.l rtlUcnri4 U" J LPUEN8l. > tftMoa O.
Al oltilcly n IlibU , I * rf illy Hate. ino t iiowrrful ftnialo
nriiIuMrkii n ncn r fM.ti 1 i. j i.Muil | onubox
, , ,1 , ' ' 1 ; iY-
. t iii f l * I adit * r-1 *
if ! " "Vri * - ufn it a *
I / " /Tf DruirffUKirlMHtnor * ! IliuiMir1nrrdv
I U. j / bnieal < lt U t ui r ' n Twite not
.a „ . . f-r , .mieuur , . , . llr
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Jnstiluto
Tor tliotrontircntof nllCIinoVll ! AND'-T'lnirvi , IllliS : ! q I'ra ci Anpllnirrn for ! ' ' . i mlllc' . nnd >
Iriu n re t hndi'tlc' . ApiiiratiM unl lluini < lln < f. . * up ( - fiil tr < > itiu ill ul miv f.irin . f niii'ma ro. '
niilrlns M ( Icil-rS nsionl rro.ilun nt NIM'l \ U > s lull I'lrU'SI" 11 r I a il ntti-ndi no , llcnl
Atroinnmil .tini.oU. at Wilto fin rlrtul ir un Ih finnliui nnd Hni ci rnn-t" . i l > il < I i I ( MI luioul
tplno rili" , I'mii'irx , ( ancrr , ( uUrrh llroiicliltn , Inlinlnilon , l'li < tlrtriiinhiK , 1'i ' li > i > > Ividncr
lUmlrlcr. j\o , Kirkin ; nml Illond unit nil iir lo l opiiniloni ll'SI. ' .91 s or \ \ > Ml V i -i' " nit. llur k
of DKCII | < lot \ \ u MI I ice Woliavolntc IrmUluJc. \liiK-ln Pojiinini nt fui \ \ mi-lului Ini. I onllQuaical
( Slrlrllr 1'rliiils' Only lli < IIMil , > Mi > < ll n ! Institute ) MI/I Is njt ri pcolnlt } < if I llA | i f H ! > < | : AM.S
Alllllood lilainscsjuroi'ofiill ) ttt-itcd Mpimiili ; pi Kim r jinovetl fr.iiu the < > ntm with ut inprcnrr.
New ItoitoratlvuTiPHtmi'iit fur In of Vltnl rower I'm 1101 uniihlo to Mklt iii ninj Iiu trpniril ni li. rno 1)1
corro'panilonco All cuinmmli nllont ronlliMitlnl Mt'.llclno or lastriimunti acut bj nrill nr u > rc ii fnT
enrol } pnrkt'd , no n n Li to Imllcntn cortentoor Beiulor. Onoj orMonnl lntrr\ preroni1. . ! ( nil f nil ion.nil-
if uricnd lil torr r yuiir oniu and o will send in 11 iln wmp.icr . nin IIIIOIC IO MKN MtUK iinou l'ri\utk >
BptcS llo l'rvOlll ! DiMnsua , iinpiitency brinllla , ( l.uctainl > uili.o ilj , vlth iiii | < Hti > u Hit Addruei
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Come. 9th and Harney Sts. , Omnhn , Neb.
Grand Lottery of Juarez.
Under the Mtinagomont of the Mexican Intcrnntloinl Banlilnj Co. , Concesslcirurloi
Will tnlio place In miMIn it tlio CITV O" nTA-Ury ( formnrly Paw < lol Norto ) . iloxloa
WEDNESDAY , JULY 23d , 1390.
Under the porionnlsuporvtsfnn ol GE ! { . JOH * S. 1IOS1IY , nmT Mil. ( 'AMII.O AUC.t iLfE3 ; ! ,
thoforinera contlcnian of such iirotnlnoii.n In tlio United Status tint hU nrp uiio alone Is
cufricluntBunmiiUutn tlio pulillo tint tlio ilri lncs will bolic'l'l with btrlot lionusly nnil 'iilr-
not ! ) to all , anil tku Utter ( iho Supurvlaoruf ilia AluxloAii Uovui uiauu'j U ut uiuul stauuluj
uncllnlu rlty.
Only 60OOO Tickets ! Only 60OOO TicketsI
31x1 S'iN OK
1 Wzc of $60,000 $ , $60,000 $ , 100 Prlrni of Approxlmitlon t M mull
" '
' . 'rlicof lOrilx ) . . . . " , . . 100HI 101 Prl/ni of IOcn-1
1 I'ruecf tUM K/X ) KM 1'rliai of
rnri'.nf 10UJ oi.cli . . ' , . . . . ' . ' . ' . ' " . . ' ( Tornilml Prizes.
10 I'rI/ujof 5UI l umli . " . ) f/i'iTormlnils toMJIIW I'rUo of HI inch. .
( / : 1 rlzonof 1UU vnrli M' tW rirmln ill lo 1IWJ ) I'rUU ut SU cash 6.VJ1
KO TrUi'iof K eiicll
ZiO 1'rlruaol tu inch I.wu , lUTi Prlzoa amounting to . $120,070
WethenndpritBitrl horchjr c"rllfy that Iho llnneo [ If any llrkntitrinlnj a prlra 11 * enl to Iho unilnrj
s'ncloii'il tit Mexico In ( hlliu iliun IIHH on dupiult i > l n'"l , It * f ic-OMilun will lie rollcclcJ IU.J ruomlo *
fronithi ) Mcxlrnn I"lernattonnl II inkln ; Coinpinr , tu tliti owner thermit rri" > nf Phnrire
the nucc'sinrj ( nniU lo Bnamtilca thupiyincnt of all HlHI.MllI I1III > N.OS ,
tlm prlzus ilrnvn In lliu ( iiitnil lyjltnrrof .lunroz , I'rcMJenl ri r.i o N'alloniil Ilink. Kl I'a < o. Tar.
\\efurllier cttllfy ( lint no wlllmir crilsu ill llio ir- AUKNTS3 WAMTK.I 1.
rnntcmcnli , iinl In person unn.i/o ml control nil FcrrliilirnlCJ. or any otlior Infii'inaimn wrllo tu
tliuilr'twInKir < if thin Ixittcrjr , ami tint Iliu ii'tio im tli iimlt > l"uel "Inline > mir luMri'H rlu'irlr nlm
I'onductoil Hitli liiinioty , lalrneti und In Kuod Iillli stuli1 PotintT Str < "Hrn I Number M ro mjill mMl
lovtiriln all | > irlliM il.'livcry will uoiis uruil liy your uncluiliu' '
SB. SlOSnv. rnininlutoner. r yuur full udlrjn
CAMiio AHHUII.I.ES : , , \TIONAI , rUMltS'll CO ,
Gupcrvlhor for the ( jo % oinmunt. City of J mireMnxloo. .
P"inl remittanoi-sfor tlcltrt ? hvordliriry lotlor , rmit-ilnliig M > m y Orilur,1 *
| KSUf(1 ( ) iv an i\urniaCuiiiDanloa : , Now YorU Uiuli.uirfu , H.uiUDrutlor TosttJ
NoW. AclclrcsM all n m'LsUTul U'ttcistu
IMTLilRl\'A.TIOr A.lA B VNlvlNG CO. .
OlLy of Juarez. Mexico. vlu bllPaao. Tox.
Great Su'mmer
Jewelers and Silversmiths ,
Bargains in Bargains in Watches.
NIcXol niitclini from 1 ° VI npwnrclt
" * " ' ' l''liui from K
' ' 'r
T"li - tl > uiiwnnls
IY-I n
-l-'J tl 111Jl I Lio. J.uulot K"l'i ' nriiti-lii.i Irnin fli iipnnnl
Ci.'lilluiiieii siioM Hatclit'-i fioin tJS uiman
Bargains in ' Jcwelcry.
Woonrry nfiill linn fif'jnwclnry ln < ludl
tiutli rtullil uolil nii'l ' line inlli'il ( iliiu nn
pint , tuirlnv * , InclmlH , diulni br.iul
iiiiklinix , rniTunii illir liuiioni < ti '
lliliix iiitinilly worth > | HO mil ut Mxi lu
nml nil other KOO'lj nil ) mill at llm tiiiiiu pi
Iilninoiul ixnilaiilt f rum t'jfiupH urd * . Muu our allow > VIIIOHI &cu
JilnniuudneiliUcK TIOIU tUJ upiTjriJi
Watches , Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
at Reasonable Prices.
Greatly Reduced Prices on Silverware , Clocks , Lamps ,
Umbrellas , Optical Goods , Etc.
hllllciins ? frnrn ciri--t
( if l.tlht .M ( I II llllDll
ifiil Km H liniiutoney QD HI I [ C *
IM tM s uf Mm i an lie Ijy UHI ( f Iiu iiiiil-
curoJ nrriunnciillyr ndirnun | y iiy < urhvu l Hic. | vi Inui MmioIi / mi ily 'i ' fin ii i fit. It will
clllc bent by mall t Til llui k to t nv.ilnl tur nut i uii' , t A I 1 ION topt t llio I'liiuliie ruu
tlaiup llcic n MtJkil Coiujnitj ; . Ijf iily Wr tt oruull mi 1' I . Jotlyn , Ml lUr
lUikt , uvy , UtiuUa. .NcbiuakA. '