Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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    ) JM
Prosecutor Mahoney Dismisses the Obarje of
Murder Against Him.
Pruioentltijc Attorney Slicn
AVants Ids Salary TmpnjcrH on
ii Strike Adiilr' * Victim
The yount ; tnnn Shormin , luspocted o (
liavlngbeon Implicated vlth Kd Nca ) In the
murder of old Mr anil MM .Tones on thePln-
ney Tnrm , wan yeitcrdny afternoon \IMtcJ
\lth probably the bnpplestsurprlscof hlsllfo
Honn called Into court before Judfo
Clnrk'oii nt'J : rio'cloclr , nnd County Attor
ney Mnlirniey pot up niul iiiinoiinefd to the
court Hint ho hiid Jlimlly coruludal the evl
donco nvainst him , Shornmn , was insulllclotit
to corivk t , nnd ha then moved that ho bo dls
The rourt niado fta entry In ncronlance
vlth the county uttoniey's declaMtlon , anil
the prisoner of w horn uoliiinns niul columns
Imvo bi'on uTltten walked out of the court
room n free man.
Siu'irniiii at once rotumpd tothoall ] , where
lie shook hnnds with Jailer Joe Miller and
Deputy r oiils Orobe , gathered up his clothes
und \\cnt clown the street ,
As lie rcMched the outer door of the Jnll hh
eyes tilled with tears us lie remarked to "Toe
Miller. ' My God , this i s to bo Rood to be true.
hut 1 never did have ai.y fears , asl knew all
the time I was Innocent. '
Sherman hud boon conl ncil In the county
Jill sinceM.irch 21 , mid wbilo the Imprison
monthad bleached him it I ad not told nn hii
constitution. Ho looked as hale and kurty
69 the thij when hon.s nrrcsled.
As \\allccil down Kirnnm street ho saw
to a Hii' i eportcr , " "V\ hew , but this Is a
ecorc-hcr. I tclle\o It Is fully'JOO In the
"J dippy' "Well , I should say so ; and rl ht
liore I want to tell jou tint \\hllo I never hml
any fears of thooutcomu , I e.m nssiiro 5011 It
( leas not help ft mill's fuolins ( to Imvo a
iiiunler huiKlni ; o ur bis head.
" \Vluii they called 1110 up before Judtjo
Clnrltsrin my Ifiice-s knocked tncrcther nnd I
thought T should sink throiiRh tbolloor , for I
cxpcck-d 1 wus to bo putou tilal lor the kill-
Inp < if old Mr and Mrs. , louoi. "
when nsltod wheio hu wus going , Sherman
rein in Ur-d
"I am ( 'oitiK to Lincoln , where I hive a
wife und u Hucet little b.ibj , a jeiir old , but
howtoui't there Is the question , for I hn\o
not K ° t a c'lit , but I will Kit tin to tonight ,
nnd toinnnow moniliiR there will bo the hap
piest woman in the world. "
Ijiitcr in thonftcinoonthoirifoimntlon tint
Rhenium had been iiileiw d from custody n is
hnp.ntedto ICil Nwil. Neal was us imlltrcr-
cnt ns usual , nnd simply icinmked , "I am
not surprised , for lovixited It , us I
isliedall the time that lie knew nuthliigiibout
the lillllni , ' of those two old peoile. "
T'rom'Ciitor Slicu AV'anls Ills
Mcmoy Conn .NoU-s.
Assistant County Attorney Shea eotn-
inuneed iiiiniUnmsprocecdinRS in the district
couitycstcrdny npainst Chairman Andersonof
the boAfilof countj commissioners to compel
him to sign tvo $75 vouchers for his , &tie.i's ,
Bfdaiy Anderson will give no reason for his
I ite-r Mr. Shea filed n motion attaching-
Aiulcison for contempt , Tlio latter plead for
time to consult Attorney T ccsu nnd
the coin t p.ivo him until Wednesday mom-
ArRuinents for a now trial in Iho TA Ncal
murder nvso will hohe.ird by Judge CUrksou
OH Wednesday morning.
Jiid o CUirksoti nnnounced several very dry
equity dtclsions of minor iniporUnco jestcr-
il.iymoriilnu simply imolviiiR the disposal of
motions. Tbo only ono nortliv of pub
lic notice was his om-nillng the motion
to dismiss iu the ease of the state against
Uiivid Vim ntten , vshloli a loiiMr-siillenug
public probably by this time lias by heart.
Laur i Johnson , n poor littlotem-j ear-old
Kirl whoso pirents nro ileiul , was ordered
taken to tlio state Industtial. school.
Judge t'larksoii also heard arguments on n
motion for a new tilal In the case of the
btato against Charles Cuiiimhigs. convicted
of disposing of mortgaBed property. 'Iho
motion \\.is dually o\erruloa nnd the pns-
oncr tvns ndinltted to hill peiidlnu actlou by
thosiipnMiio lourt ,
ludKoClaiksoii'scouithns adourncd ) , until
Wednesday inomiiiir at 10 o'eloc-k.
< 'oiintj Attorney Mnhonoy yestonhy filed
thenllldiNltsof Henry Kiikpatilck , James
( lOdfroy nnd Otlsllajnes.tlireoof tliojuroi-s
in the Ni , il ( Mso. The men swcirthit they
i ciiicin her \vlicn the county attorney inoMid
the coutt tor an order directing the Jury to
visit thol'lnnoy farm , the facenoof the homi
cide , defendant's counsel stated they had no
obli ctlon and that thoj waived the light of
prisoner to bo present.
a ho CMSO of V. 0 Hiiin tn vs Trod Paikor
hold the boarils in Judge \V'aloloy's ( eourt
yesterday and proved of much interest to the
people of Florence , who were down in largo
'Jlils case Isonotlmtbi'loiiRS to ancient Ills-
toty mid involves tha tltlo to the acres of
land In Dm lienrt of thocftyor re'sorvolrs.
AV'ay li.ick In the year IKTi'Jvlieti ' the Mor
mons settled upon tlio town site , John Taj lor ,
the president of the colony , deeded this par-
ticulr tiac't to ono of liU followers , and by n
chain of tltlo the property llnallj eimo Into
possession of LuiiLrtiy Seine twmty-llvo
yean ago Piiikor entered n tract of land
IfloioiHoiind , us the Iho JUIL-S adjoined his
faun , lionddc'il ittn hU tract , nnd by pajiiiR
the taxes HiidliolilliiR' potscssin binco tlnit
datcho now claims itiis hit o\ui. 'Iho suit
non IniniRhtis to sot I'ai'KC'r'ti tltlo nsldoinul
cstulilihh tlio validity of the tiausfer from
lor , the Morniou eldor.
United Stall's Coiut.
The Uunilco inortgnito nnd trust oompiny
hna commenced suit In forodojtiio lutho
United States court a ilnat Lottlo ' Smith ,
.Tnincs AVood Smith , T H. Shcivooil , John
"W Mooio and llussol J Stmiglit to iccovor
on notes forfJ.OOO sccuiod by mortpiLjo ou a
hnlf boitiou of luiul in blieiuian county.
To Tick ol Holders !
This IB to octtify that wo , thoundor-
Bignud committee , In tlio presence of
hundreds of ticket holders , have tills
ovotiiiig suporintoiuk'tl tlio giving away
of the eight prosorit.s yltmocl in our
oliiirjiohy Xtindor A IlniTih 'incl the fol
lowing inimboiD nro entitled to their ro-
fi)7 ; ! ( Sowing machine.
tlKIO-Mmitol ( 'look uiui ornament ,
1(502 ( I'onrl opera jjln os ,
1IM7 I'iano lama
lUo/j-Geiitleimmspold watch.
lOOO-Silvoi-plixtoil tea Hot.
JtiVS-Miblu lio\- .
13157 Liullos" " gold \vt.iuh.
. .T.T. . C'A IIMIWM. ,
MltS. A. R KALMN'f. .
MllS. ClIAb. UOCKtr.lll.OW ,
Tlio uhflvo piot-onts nro at our btoro
nnd ojiu boseeurod upon prcsoiitatioa of
tickets eorrosiiotidlnij A\lth \ ubovo num
15L'0 Dotifrlas st. ,
Onuiha's I.o\\'o t Price Uellublo Shoo
I'cnnlti to bullcl isiucjcl
wow as fol
lows by the sui > crlutonduiit of bulldiuirs yos-
I ) IU Mmnnoii , two-story MokdwolllnB ,
(5,000 (
1) U. Minumiii. t o-Btiry )
'I lilillrtli unit I'.mum HtiooU & .000
J. N. rilinl > i < i. niut-blory friinic
1'iU , uiiil'llilitletli Htrctls . . 1,000
John IliK'lk , fr.uiio aildlllou to Morn ,
Military iiml frliorUlui ammo . . . . . . . GOO
IS. d lto > noliln , unu-Mory fruuiecottigo ,
Moii.uiil I'otvlir iiMiiuc . . . . 1,000
TuUry.V. Alli-n.uuo-Ktury ( ruiiu'cuttugo ,
I'llfton Illll. . . . , . . 1.400
113,001 }
Dr.Itlrnoyprnctlco limited tocntnrrh-
nl dlbcoscd of uobo aud throat. Boo lid"- .
At tlio NeRlfct , rvot tJio Action oT the
County Dojifil.
"It Is without precedent ! "
"Evidently a very mysterious hen U on I"
"They could certainly do a llttto some-
These nml n score of other very similar
commonU nuro heard from dtlzcns vho
called at the county cotiimlHslonori' room
ycstordiiy expecting togetat le-ist some little
satisfaction as to Iho allcgiil InccnHistoncies
bad breaks of the woist sort on the part of
thi ] assessor ) .
And these rcmar'xi were directed point
blank at the commluloncrs. The occasion
M the fuel that the board lnu fjono ouaiul
on , noglectlns virtually to lift a linger In the
imtter of examining into the merits or
demerits of theao claims.
S.iUlono in-ornlnenttavpiyer !
"Tho members of tlio boaid luvo seemed to
shun iw , avoid us , keep out o ( our rcich ,
when , as a matter of fact , the hiv stys that
they should have boon sitting a ? a hoard of
cqualizitlontohear anil cx.xmlno into coin-
pl lints during m.uiy days now ptwt. Why
should they liuvo asked us to lilo eomplnliit-s
Ifthoydldn't intend tOKlvousii hearing on
them. Up to tlio present tlnio thcro hive
Uca more than MX ) of these complaints filed.
And thcro they ure pigeonholed , never
opened or looked at.
"How of ton slncothl1 * boird oquillzutlon /
1m suppos'd to bo In session could u tnx-
piycrhnd more than one ( oniinlisioner iires-
entl Not ndny , so as I lia\o been able to
dlscoMT , and 1 hwo boon up hero every dav.
And what saiUructlon could one eoinmlH-
sloiierulvcto a crowd of from live toUvcnty-
llvo citt/cMis ,
"No sir , It h nothlnpinoro or less thin n
shame. 1111 out raw of tlio vorst order that the
board Imsn't ' at least extended the courtesy
ot Its piTsenco to tix.ajc'l's | * who have lieun
tnmlni ; up hero riilnly In .searchof relluf fiom
the liluiulerior i ireles * imessors.
"To my mind It wm well and very timely
aAecl 'Aio the cominlisloncrs of Douglas
count } beiiiK ptld to neglect their . - * om
diitv , to nesjlect the Intcrestt of taxp.uers
and to stubbornly stay IMV.IV from their post
of dutv ut a time the most \ltal of all others
in thoentire ye.irl'
"AiilnvestiS'itloii of the conductor these
men In connection with this \\holo \ aseess-
mcat matter voulil , I doubt not , in
seine verjme } ventilations. And such an
bodonnneled' ' "
Investigation niiv
Kopoitcu for Tin lii'B have repeatedly
sought to learn the why and wJicroforo of
the things ivfoirod to above , .bub have
never been alilo to obtain any satisfaction
Ono and another ( oininlsjloncr will * ay
Hint ho las iiKirtid | at the ioom % "ubout
cvoi'i < laj , " but JlndniK iiono of the other
commissioners thcro has gene awiy. And
that's ull tliatiioi-blstent inquiry \vlll \ hiliiK
JJut yesterday the klclta of taxpajera
ind imioiiKothits thn hcivlest in tlio city
resounded as never before In the history of
tlio count ) amlprmotl tliuonofuatuio of the
day , at the couit house.
Tlio lloiimlns IdcMitIlh-d as Those ot
Totniiilu H.inioncok lliii liunicst.
Deputy Coroner Ahrtin ompinclletl a Jury
jcsterdayinornlnij toholdnii liuiuost over the
remains of the bov vho shot by U F1.
Aelair on Sundiy night
The Jmymca were H E Allen , D. T.
Mount , C K. Perkins , C S. nitrons , J W
McClcnin ? and D. J. bmlth They viewed
the itniiilns , and tlioc.isovv.ia then postimncd
mitiltho two witnesses , the boys
who wore with the dead Ud. aid found.
.losiph ll.iuer , who lives at Sixth and Ban-
cioftbticots , s.uv the bojs and says ho vould
lecogiii/o thora easily. Ills house Is opposite
the lavino in wlilcli shooting occurixid and
faces It.
Ho hc.ud n shot nnd saw two small boys
running ntliaidas they lould towirds lan- !
ei oft street 'llie-y pissed neir him but lie
thought nothing iU > out itus itwasac'oininon
thuiR for tlio Uovs to ho in the r.ivlno Mioot-
iiiLr rabbits , 'iheso ' bovs were \cryjsiiiull ,
ono being about eight years old and thoothei
about ten. They had the uppiarnnco of Bo-
liciiiiau boys. Mr. Uuncr thoupit , from the
general n [ > [ > enr.meoof the doid boy , that his
naino was Patac , nnd that he Ihcd onFif-
tconth stuot near Williams.
Miss Kmnia Kellii , who lives nt Gibson sta
tion and Is cmplojecl in the Model steam
laundry , suld she ) was vonflngup town Sun
day about noon with her sistc'r nnd pissed
three bojssittiiiLT on the grass in the nvlno
iieai Sixtli and Bancroft streets. Two jouiif
men , ouo of them carrying a gun , vvero ivallt-
Ing along behind Miss ICcll.i and her com-
paiiion , but they paid no particular attention
to them or to the smaller boys Alter the la
dles had passed , they hoard n shot , but still
paid no attention to it , as they thought the
\ OUIIR imu with the RUII was shooting at rab
bits 13y this time thoj had readied Ban ,
ciolt street and the two sin all bojs who bad
boon sitting on the grass came rushing past
them and ran west on Bancroft street to
Elo\enth , where they turned north and when
ast sion wore still running.
The body of the bov was identified jcsterdny
afternoon by 0. L. ICcotas being that of his
brother-in-law , Jolmnio Tlaineneck , who
lives at the corner of Fifteenth nnd Williams
streets \\lth his father uiui mother.
Kcot is employed on the cable line
and went to his work ns usual
thismoridiiK without kiiowlngof tlio traKcdy.
Ho heard at dinner timothathis brother-ill-
iwhad bec'ii missing since Sunday and later
icaid of the shoothiR lie went to tbo
noin'uo und idontilled the remdiisus those of
Johnny Hiinitiiock ,
IIo was permitted to talk with Adair who
: old practlcallj the sanio story as lie told tlio
ofllcers at lint. Adair did not suom to bo
nucli perturbed diiilat ? tlio interview. Keet
trie'd to learn front him \\lio tlio t\\obo.vs
weno accompanied Hanieneck.but Adair
claimed ho didn't Know who Ihov wore
Adair Is assisting the police in tbo search ,
It Watt AiiothorM'tin ,
E C. StrieMor and II. D. Khodes called at
the iwlioo station hst evening to scojoung
Adair , \vlio killed tbo llamcneclc boy Sun
day noon , to see whether or not bo was
known , to them. Tlio two gentlemen nbovo
naineel nro conducting a mission Sunday
school nt Tenth and Haticroft , four
hlooks fiom ivhoro the shooting occurred.
It hid been reported totlu-inthnt Adnlr
been an attendant at tluir mission school , and
If such should prove to lie the they
wanted to imestifiato the shooting afTuir niul
ascertain for themselves whether or not It
was aecldeiithl or Intention il. They failed
to reconil/e Adair , and ho stated tint
lie had novur attended their school ,
but had attended nnutlnrof tlio s.imo e-har-
ncteronUastellarstreet IIo said ho lived
at tlio corner of KUhthaud Caste-liar.
Ir. SUii-Ulei-bt.ited that the lixulitywnsn
very tough ono \vhon they first opened their
mission there ) n jear ago last November , hut
since that time it lus trivutly iiiipiovcd
On sovenil ocuasions their nicetiiiLjs liavo
been dUtiirbed by a trang of voun > ' tonglis of
about Adalr'a apebut both Messrs Stiickler
andHliodes VVOIM positive that Adair had
never been there in their company.
Simples of Dr. Miles' Kestor.itlvo Ner\-Ino
atlCuhiu'c ' Co..s , 15th and Douglas , cures
headache , nervousness , sleeplessness , neu
ralgia , flta , etc.
S of tlio City Council.
After sitting all weelt as aboard of equali
zation the city council , with all iiiciubeis
present , hold a session Saturday evening.
Bids for sloping baulca were opened as fol
lows :
Junes Daw son , per cubic yard , 13 cents.
J , Vosborjr , i > or ( ubloyard. HI ic-nts ,
K Kusbart & Co , , per cubic ) ard , 19 4-5
] [ . D fitch , per cubic yard. 239-10 cents ,
SuuuUV. . Dennis , per cubic jard. S4 51-
J , O'Drien , per cubic yard , 23o ,
The recommendation nf the eoimnltteo oa
streets nnd ulH)3 ) that the contiivet bo
awarded to J. Vosberg was concurred in.
Onllnimcti Ko. ! 0 , granting the rlght-of-
way through the cltv to the ChicagoKoik
Islmd & Paoitln railroad rompany , passed
the second icatllnff after bolii ( [ referred to
the counell an a eoimnltteo of the whole.
The city attorney wm authorized to con
fess Judgment forlf > 00 in favorof the South
Omaha leo company iu full settlement of Its
flood claim.
Petitions vrcni referred i > rotc > Ua against
trrantlnR certain rltfliU in Albrlghl to the
L'blfiigo , Uock Island A Pacific rail ro id com
The txrsonal nsieasmcnU of the Kotith
Onnha sMni \ ; bank was redticctlto Wlt5 , 1 15 ,
nnd the Soulh Oinnhi national buik nt
$1. . i' . I leek nil ! nnd.lW lue'lnilvo.k-loai-
Ingto thofnlon stuck jardi eorapany , were
redui-eet I-J.UIO , llernard Hughes Avlll piy
taxes on an assoswioiit of only f5s)0 ! ) , nnd
Bultluv.s Jettcr's nwssment on loti 2 and 3 ,
block 2 , Jctter's addition , AMI ivducci ) SSTI.
Spring Like tarkas \ reduced from $15,000
to $10,000. _
iti > i > iKii aiio 'i it i.
At [ t o'clock Sundiy night Captain MeMahon
and Ofllecr hooncy found the till out of
Frank Petellu's saloon In the alloy cast ot
Mr Potelka's bulKUiw On searching for
thoowncr thcoftlcer * soon found that some
sncik tlilef had fjoiio in the back door while
Mr i'ctelka vvw standliiR nttho front door
nn d had curried ol ! the till containing bo-
tweeii $10andU. When found thcro vas
onlvjy 05 In cunmro left. The thief tnust
ha\e been scared nnd dropped the box before
ho was ahle toritlo if of Its contents. * No
traioof the porpotmtor htxs been found.
I'ostolllco Itfocliits I'or the "Vear.
Postmaster CocKroll las coniiiletcdhls re
ports and is able to furnish the following
gratifying showing and interesting inforini-
tlonof the buslncsiof the postofllco for the
fiscal year ending JuticUO , H90 :
Stamps sold . IIO.Oi'M
I'o-lnl cirdssolcl . . . . SU' '
l'o l I IMIU | > * lnnirt | " nM . 11I4'J ) ) < r ami Periodical stimpmnld TOS7S
Knvefopcj anil papof-wrapiicrs t > olil. . , "
lloxroiit . . .
Ooneralcvponio nceount . . I 4. .11 M
rrccdullveryexpenso uicuuut . L'.Vi'OJ '
Total . $7,511,00
.Not InCDliio . U ,
N'unilicrof letters registered . 530
Nunibuiof ic lstcrocl litters received . . .IUW , !
Total . 3,601 ,
Weight , 35H tons or 70.ST8 ponndi.
T ol tors sent to dcid letter oHlec . Ht2
Ijollersri'tn rued to writer . 2,7'1 '
L.eltorsrctiiiied toolllco by currier . 41
Total . 1,707 ,
Sl'KCrVI. liFl.lMRV.
Sprclnlsrppelved - , . . Sir.
Totnl . .W71
MONKVOIlUlll lU < 4INr 3.
Kiad-Doiiie-tLle. Nuiabtr. Amount.
Issued ' 'I'jil81 ;
. -VX ) } ,
! ' < { - ( . - 19) ) ( K'C
Mimcy onleiipnlil . 1,411 10r.'S : 0-J
litpafil . 113 &i , t
I' nuloslisiiuil . l.dU 2a. III )
IVMulnnteswiliI l.l 2,74)17 )
l oiulKiiuiclcis Killed DJ8 U , | ir > ! J
' ' ' * ' ' ' '
i KoielKiiordcrt p'ald. . . , , . . . . . ! l 2J 5'iii , iT
Totiltr-msaetlons G.301 fVJ.Oj ; 17
ini.ivmv ni'MM-SS.
Keillstcrcd litloisdelhe-red RI5
letters ( k'lltcrfil 4ill S
INiital cards ilclhoioil 4ii , < ) M
scu > ndtliitU Hid foirtliolajnutter
dolHiiod 2-B.aKJ
Tjiicnl letter * Colin-tod I'.WW
MalllotlorseolIiHtod 4S,07j
LocMlptstaleardj collectevl 1I.J7S
Mull ] nnt\.l eirdsoollu'ted & ! ,
bcinnd , thlid and ( ouilh-chiH tor
lolleetud 70i,3U
Totilnuniborof ploccsh nulled. . I.IMH.OI
Total IUHI.IXOOII ill Ini'd niottcr col-
Iwtudby iinlcis. ami on all local
mattir thposltecl In the ollloe. In-
eluding st'ioiul , Child and fourth-
clus matUr i 85.33
Gun Club Kliool ,
At the gun club -shoot Sunday C. M.
Smford , by a score of 20 out of " 5 , won the
medal and gold pen gheti bv Herman Kohert.
The scoio is : C. M Sanford,20 , ; Honiarcl
Blum. 1 : rreclBowloy , 10 , A V M'ler ' and
Ij Ulanchaid , eieh Ii ; Ilcrmim Kobert , 11 ;
Gus Scidler , III , and SinionS. Kcmcrll.
Notes About tlio City.
Danlol li-iffertj hns settled -with the insur
ance companies for tlio daniacroby lire to the
City hotel. Mr Hulrorty reioivcd $1,525. ,
Landlord Tinkle hassottleellth all except
ono of his companies and expects to settle the
last ono todav.
The Sou th O mahn Turm crein hns arranged.
for a fete and midsummer night festival in
Turner pardons , Sunday evonlnp , July I" .
Tlio festivities will close with a ball iuGer-
111 mill hall.
The Kev Georfjo II. Vibbcrt of Boston
IVliqs. , next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock
will begin , n series of amendment lectures in
tlio AVo'iiaus Uhristlaii Temperance TJnloi
The Aluriih } ' league mectlnp ; Iu the Mctho
dUt Episeoiial church was well attended. In
tcrcsting addixjibos were made by sovora
I'crsonal l'
Editor A.C. Dwonport of tbo Stocltman
\vlll take his wife to spend a fortnight llshlug
and bathing in Carroll county , Iowa
Prof , G. A Oslnpcrand wife of Otscogo
licb. , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs
George W. Mnason.
Mrs Joscpa llumpt ) anu son Joseph and
claugliter I.uzio huvo i-oturued from \tkiu
Nathan C. Hart , ono of the old Franklin
county editors of Campbell Is visiting hi
Ills brother , Captain John 13. Hart.
Miss Aiwa .Francis is visiting filends 11
Dinilap , la
Miss Kittle RIcCmthy of Tlattsmouth , i
the cbarmlng yuebt of Jlrs. Mrs W. Pot
linger , _
I\airi etto\s A'nu AVyck
Inthopreit niilvay r.ito debute , Tues
ilay , Julys , oiithoUhiiutniniimiwsombl
giounds , Crcto , Neb. T. DoAWtt Till
IIUIKO on "Blp lllunilors" WcdiiCbduj
July 9. Ono furolor
A naneo Mall A Iitliii.
Madgo Smith , aircstcd Saturday
ivldlolj ing drunk in an alley , told Judir
Helslcy yesterday morulnir that slieovvedht
downfall toaSundaydaticohalloii SouthThii
teen th street. Sbe went there , \vns iiiilucei
to drink too much beer , ivas ofteied a fre
rhle boinohy aliaokmaii known as " &no\\
hxll , " ana when she recovered shofouudhci
self in a house of prostitution mined.
Shois ajountnitl and the iiuirlc ot sin
does not yet rest veij heavily upon her An
attempt will bo made to save her though the
Open Door , _
ChanRO of life , backache , monthly irrefru
hrities , hot mislies uio eured hy Dr. Miles' '
Nervine , i'reo samples at ICuhu A Co. , 15th
Anotlirr Clinr n AjjalnHt
C. l > Blazer of Don Carlos lumber coin-
| nny fame is sinking deeper and deeper into
the sea of U on bio.
( jYestordi ) CouatyAttornej-Mahonoyfllcd a
complaint against him iliaritiiiK- him with
uttonnu ana publLshlng a faUo bill of OS-
The complaint sot * forth that on 1 Jth day
of liistApiil , upon a blllof cxehango drawn
hv tbo Don Carlos luiaber companv uiwa G
Jl GrifHiutCo forM.fiW ) , thit niazer forpej
uixjntlio hick , "Accepted , April II , 1SW , G
M. Orituu.t Co. "
Tickets ut lo\vevtt rates nnd Bujwrior
nceomnioilations Ala the sretit Rock Is
land route- Ticket olTiio , li)2-Sis- ( ( )
tuunth and Fariuim btreots , Oimilia ,
Is ThiMVuiir Iforsc ?
Aslujjular acting nmn left a liorso atllecs'
stable , Ivventy-fourth and Claiko btreeti ,
Sundiy ulD'htaud with the remark that ho hnil
driven the horbo soventjMlvo miles atulvvould
leave it In the stable tlueo days , departed ,
The jiolico think that the horse was stolen ,
and the nian , Miuvlng himself hard pressed ,
took that method to relieve himself of undo-
slrablo propeity.
The I-JiiKllsh Tnrr.
Lovnov , July 7. [ Spc'cJnl CaMe ram to
THK BIB : ] Tlio race for the Zetland pinto
nt Leicester to lay was won by AV. Urodiek
Cloito's bay lllly Cereza
VH Van \Vyclc
In the sieat i.ilhvay : .ito doktto , Tues
day , Julv 8 , on tlioClmutimquaa.HBUinbly
trrounds , Crete , Neh. T. DoWilt Till-
imio ( on "Ills' Ulumlort"Veducbdiiy ,
July 0. Quo ( are ( or lound trip.
The Work House at the Eeamey Mora
School Ooinploted ,
'lie Ilistorj of 'colored Jlaii Wlio
Itlnkct * Application 4 or n
Lisccm , Ueb. , July 7 ( Special to THE
: : air. John II Sllvemnll , ono of
lie tc.iclicnt at the ICenmoy roforiu school ,
eportedto Land Commissioner Slcen todav
luittho iiexv building onttu- grounds of Uio
nsttlutlon ho represents was lotniiletoJ Tills
trudurels tobo used in a work house nnil
ConiinlsslonerSteenrepirts that at far as in-
peeled the i\ork \ on the eJlllcols sails f no
ory. The building is To\-70 feet ami live
lories Ugh. It rest kKMM ) nnd nil but
3,011 has already been jnid the contractors ,
'nttcrson & McLine. In idditlau to tnU
bul ! < lltiiafullsteuni ucjUiiKpluut tins been
nit In that in magnitude is unsurpassed In
ho state Mr. jallvoriml M.IS architect of
he now building mi i | 'riiitended both the
vork on It and the i -.inn. . tloti o ( the steaui
limiting ( hint
" \VhlloM. Colduator vas testing u reveler -
or on Ninth near P strict , ho llml n bullet
nto the composing room of the morning
ournul and barely nibsod a. lonipositor
mined J ID Stephens Ooldiv.itcr pro-
Cbtnt tint liodld not pi p vely s > lioot at tlio
ypo , butaddcd that if had hit u reporter
of piper instead no would not hnvo
oven apologized. Neuithcless Goldvvuter
vusarrested and tried In polleo court this
afternoon on tlio cliirgo of dlsebarging lire-
irmsvitliln the city limits. Ho was fluid
y and costs.
The following notarial appointments wcro
made by the governor todty II C. Klein-
selimlelt of York. Nutliau M. IJ.xudiia of
Uuldo Itock. Isaac Fountain of Osco. Will-
iiniH. Westovor ot Lincoln D. T.Veltj of
( Jninbridgo. A. U. ttead of Omaln. AYllli.iin
U. Wesley of Jshiul lltnry U. llltt
of Omaln. CSoorgo M. Cooper of Omaha.
Mi. O C. Hell , asslstitit secretary of state ,
oturnodycstcrcla ) fronui tivo vcolts' ja\int
n the west. He was aocompunlcd by hli
wife niulamoiiK the places tliov visited \vtro
Shmboiic , Ogdcu and bill Like City.
Uho only distillled in the supieino eouit
iliismoiiilngwus of D S. llartlitt and
H. 'I' , 'Uimston . Musts Oheo.sbio. A.
promissory note causes the suit The enso
wus appealed from Vullcy eoiinty.
vvcston jonnson , n coinrou mnn oversixiy
yours old , inado application today fet a pen
sion Air. Johnson was a imvato In company
13 of the i ifty-llfth uvinunt of Massachu
setts in the latutar and swv a great deal of
iiaiilsenico In a bajouet c-tiiitfo lie fill
over n parapet and MifJViml hcinia , wlitih
has greatly interfered \\itlihis \ use
fulness ever since In spcMliinj-ot the mil-
tcrtodaj he said In his quaint \v y :
"I win onlj too plael , sah , to get my llbulty
nn'ncvali 'sposcdl would have to tall on
Unolo Sim fe'bclp Hut I do.iti' wr.nt to rate
to the i > oo'house and If tbepuvibineut
gno me 'nuft to pnj the rent 1 think I c.m
rustle around and pot 'nufE ti > live on. I dona1
think Uncles SamvvauU any of the bojs who
wo' ' thobluoto beiouioa paupah , sail. "
The police nro looking for n youns man
named Keen , who is charted with having
jumped a hoard bill nt Ward's hotel nt Weip-
itig water. Mr. Ward Is determined to have
the fellow punished if lie can find him
Tlio latest candidate for county commis
sioner Is Captain Curdor of the police fono.
His candidacy was announced today for the
llii > t time and his friends nro tnldug off their
coats prciuuatoryto making a big light for
Mr. V. H. Djcr , sealer of weights and
measures , says that the telegrams in the
puncrs concerning his Icing u brother of the
man niuned Dyer vvhotommltteil suicide at
Ogden must bo n mistake , as ho has only ono
brother ana tlmt ono ifFrnnlt Dyer , n con-
duitor on the Hock Island load iu Kansas.
Todaj has been the hottest day of the
season. The various thermometers Jiavo leg-
istcrodfi-ouiOS to 103 in the shauo nnd the
heat has been intolerable. Business has been
out of the question. SU-ango to say no cases
of sunstroke were repoitcd up to 4.J3 this
The members o ( the polleo foreo nro very
indignant over the alleged Inactivity of
County Attorney K. I ) Stums , in bringing
thohunin devils to Justice who flrstdrufjRCd
and then mined fourteen-year-old Ivlary
Titus. Although the Identity of the three
scoundrels Is known , It is asserted that the
county attorney will not canso their arixst.
Also that notwithstanding the facttbat Burns
pleaded guilty to the tcrriblo crime , hoaa \
lined only (100 ( , -recommendation of the
countv attorney , Instead of being held as a
candidate for the penitentiary.
iiurns is auiu 10 uu suiirruiK winiii
some disease , and It is declared that his un
fortunate \lctlin is not only morally but
physically ruined The ixjllco have hceii 'NCry
ncllvo in ferrotinR out the fiends who perpe
trated the tcrriblo crime , but ouo of them
sais :
' 'What further can MO del The countyat-
torneyiviU not probocuto the case. "
Last evening Mr. Titus took his daughter
batk to her home.
Dr. Slominski of Omala cntno to Lincoln
vuth agreatllouilbU of trumpets a few \vceks
since , clniinlng to bo the healer ofullills-
e.ise . His career " \va suddenly stoppedby
the J3\eniiu' \ Kcws , that published sonic
choi"o selections from his career. Slominski
sued the Nc\\ for libel , but ( jot left. IIo
then sued the nunngiuK idltqrof tint piper
for criminal libel and the trial was sot for
tomorrow. Mr. blonilnskl. however , Uasdis-
nppoaivd , and veil hu mli-ht , as the News
\\w prepuiiui ; to c.iusohis arrest foiporjuiy ,
asho Mvoroln the lihil suit heio that ho hud
neor been arrested In Onuha.
A Giir\T nuiHTi : .
Vesterdavnndtodaj'thcro has hcen nn un-
pivoedenteddoinind for copies of 'Inn Ihn
containing icpoits of the peat debate oil the
prohibition question at Doutiico hetveen
Messrs Dickie nnd Small on ono side and
Messrs Hosomtur and Webster on the
other. Thodebito has ulsohecn thoooinmon
topic of conrersatlon and for the nonce poll-
tiis hive almost been forgotten. The ro-
inarkablo speech of Mr. linso\MtercroMled (
\\ithninileniahlo facts and llgu res , ha ? elicited
I'Oinpllnioiits oven from prohibitionists , and
Uickios speech piecedlnglt is spoken of only
iu tones of ioiui > iBsioa _ .
/V / Feimilo Counloifi'lter ; Ai-restcd.
I'AimmMiiiio , W.ra. . , .Tuly 7. | Special
TVlegrim toTnpIlni'l In the federal court
an indlctnieiit nns returned against Alt a.
Gcrtrudo Itusscllof Lau-rcuco county , Ohio ,
for counterfeiting. The case Is a noteworthy
one. Tor months a hige number otcountor-
filt $ M gold piecea hud been put la cirmla-
tlon inlluntington. The counterfeits were
llnully traced to Mrs llussull.uUoLs young ,
landsome , and a incntherof ouo of the host
families of Ohio. She was arrested , and
when ordered hold at her preliminary hear
ing she fainted In tha.court room. Thoovi-
clmce ngalast her U flioru helming The
makers of the coin ara still unknown and
Jlrs. Itusbdl refuses ti ) tnako any dlscloaui-os.
ICausas Corn la
ATCIIISON , Kan. , July 7 [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BBK.J Hot winds prevailed in
the Solomon vnlleyt"U ! miles west of hero yes-
terdaj and the thermometer registered 105 ° .
Iho corn is in dinner ami unless the country
pets nlu soon the cronvlll boa failure. In
the eastern part of itio stuto thiro is also
need of rain. Count } Commissioner "Wilcox
cf this county says the corn will perish unless
rain ( alls this \uelc.
1'rc'ftMTitl Dvuiliio Capture. SnuNof. . Ya , July 7
[ bpcdul Tolgerani to Tun Ici-Durlng ) a
dance the night of the Tourth nt ( Joshcii's
pi eve , live miles from hero , James \Vcst , a
jouiigTexan vho rcYtntlj came here , became
Invoked in a quarrel with \Vllllnin TrltajKXS.
1'roinrrds they cumo to hlowH , and \\lion \
they closed \Yest drew a rovo'vM" ' f-iui his
boot nnd pnisliift It npilnsl Trltnixw's loft
sldo fired. The \\rnlstrulghttlirough
the body and came out at the right si Jo.
M'o t I miiuxl lately lied , with n posse hi jwr-
sult. Aftorn lonit soari'h ha u.w dlnwerod
today Id llnff In the wools near hHiimo.
Vlipnho found ttmt hl capturowiv-srortaln ,
holujat full length ca Unwound , nnd pl.ic-
Inff the barrel of his rlflu against his loft
temile blow outhls brnlin
Krult ItnliKMl I > y Divntglit.
HinctoM , Mo , Jtily 7-Spoclal [ to TUB
lKi-Tho ] drought In ncrthwcst Missouri
lias almost completely deitrojed the fruit
crop. This Is cno of the best fruit lountlea
and has foi many seasons p.vst supplied the
Omaha , Council Hlult * nnd Sioux City iiur-
kcts vlth n large portion of their fruit. The
fruit rdsors hero all report n lurno nmnbero
orders from the above mnikets , hut sny they
ulll nnt boablo to till thorn The , npberry
( iop dried Ufcry fast lust week , and the
loss ls\orj larKO to Holt lovinty. Thow Is
not onoimli fiult loft to suppltUohainoilo -
iii.tnd The fruit growoM snj that unless
not thwcst Missouri gets lain In the near
future the Mac-Merry crop will also IK' an en
tire. fiiiluio There \\ill \ be 110 poacher ami
the uiiple cinplll boverj light. The potato
ciop is u failure.
HcaNkln Sacqfies Mil ) lie Clipapor.
Sv > Fjtisc tsco , July T. Iho Chronlclo
slates that the laslnCominetilal eotnpmy ,
vhlch until leccntly had Iho excluslvo right
tocatituro seals In the Americ.ui valors of
llchring sei , has now secured acontniot vlth
the Kuss Ian pro vfrn moat gmntini ; thorn the
excluslvo rlsnt to c'upturo'eiilson the Slber-
Inn coist. Tliocoiniietltion of the Alaskan
Commercial company will bo sc\uro for the
North Amciic-anCoimnofflil company which
\uisvecoutlju-\urdeilhylho \ United St.ites
Ee.iUnij'prUllogis In the llelirlnf se.i , and it
Is helieved the cltectwlll be to gieatly reduce
the price ol. skins.
DENMuColo , July 7.-A familj of four ,
consisting of Jlr. " \ Yltheivlllfo and two
children , uero poisoned list nlwhthy eating
pickled toiiKiie. i'lnslcinns worked oor the
four nil nipt unit dlscovcied strouu Indica
tions of ui'seniealpoisonini , ' 'Ilioroaivlioppi
that nil will recoer cceptVitherell , who Is
i. cry low.
N , July 7. [ Spouul CableKr.iin to
Tun Hii-Mi : ] P.irke , editor of the North
London 1'iess , who In .lanuarj last was coa-
\ietodof riiinind libel in dunging that the
lUrl of I2uston wus iinplii'.tted in the \Vest
llnd se.indil and sentenced to ono jiar's Im
prisonment , his bet'n lele.iM'd fiom Jail
owing to tbo bad condition of bib health.
To Paint Vktorh' Tamil } .
LONDON , Jul ) 7. [ Sixclal CabUxnim to
Tun lli'.i : | The qmcii has invited llerr
SwolKxla , thf j\ustnm inlist , aiut his sister ,
nho isalboaii iutit > t , tolslt Whidior c-.istlu
for the putnoso of ] idiitni' ! the poitraits of
members of thi'ioyallainily.
Kns inn llnm-st l > rosport' .
Sr. Piniiixiuun , July -jSpceial Tele
gram to I'm : Ilhi" . ] The prospects for hur-
\est \ throughout the whole of Kussia arc'
food In the' Ihltii- provinces the piospects
are cxceptlonall ) good
Backache *
Martinez , tat. , October ! , 1883
I could hardly wallc orllc down from lnme >
luck . lalTercd several cekB St. Jacobs Oil
tierm.inentli cured inc. oilier remedies IUT-
icgfalleatodoso. HtlCD 1111TMAN.
Clourclnlc , Ind , Fcb B , 1SS7.
FrOTBnbnd cold pains Bcttlnl In my buck
nod I mliercJ urealljconllnul ; to bud mid
could h.rillyinoveor turn. I tried Et Jacobs
CUrhiit \ cured me I do not fiar recurrence.
Drs. Merrill & Merrill
Chronlo , Norvou ! , Illood nmlSurolcil < 1len * i , nnl
dlMCMOs oflhu l'/o , Kar , Noio , Tlirout niut Clii'H.
8pc'Cial t nt Ion to Dlsensos ol"Vo -
mnn and Llilltlron.
Tlio doctors linvo had years of ctporlenco In th
ho rllnl. " cf lrooklrii 'iil ( W York , nml nrunnioni )
tlio most nuccusiful unJ wldily known ipcclallita In
tlilH counlrr
'Jn V'dtni si nnd 31 lildlc-Airril Rlon.
I oit atnnhoo < l Nonou Uohllltjr , Hiormtitorrlin | )
Foinlnnl Ijci9soi , rhvHloil Dwny , nrlslni ; from India
crotlon , iiKKlucln Hleeiiluhflni's * . do pondoncr , pint
pluson tlio luce , avur lun totoclc-lj , i-iidly illirour
DKeil , 1 u'kof c'omuiunco , ( lull , until fur sluily ur bual
nous nnd tiniN 11(0:1 ( buriloiiarulMOruianuntlr ) , nnJ
upocdlly cured.
Illood and Slcla Dlsnnxnx.
Syphilis , a cllJciHo moat ilroiidful In Its results ,
coiulot | lrcrinllaitoil
( Jciiiio-tJrln.-iry surtjpry.
OonorrhM , Glict. Hyiilillis , IFydrocolo , Vnrlr-acolo
nnd Slrli lure rn llc-iiilf iiml Hiifcly oiunlllhniil \
pulnor flokntlonfioiiibiiHliiois. AllBivual Dufor
milk's : inilluin.'illiiuiitj | ] to li'.irrliifo HiucuBsfully 10-
irnoH unfnlynml rormnnfntlycnroil
JIdirs in 1111 8 | ) MI Siciuliyi. 1UII1I U
N 11. I'eriiinsuiiiiblii to Nlt usuiaybo tri'ilnil nt
tiiolr hotniH l v ( arresic | ncloiit ( ! Mmllctnci iiud In
Btmrtloii'i'i'nt ly OT | rcss L < insnltitlon : froo.
yoiul i intt liitmii : | to Iinururi'iily
U1S I Utofiitfi St. , Oi > ) io 4itfi Unycl'8
HIMISIOniulin , Nil )
Boyd's Opera House Block.
S I inelliainnml I 10 H. liooln.
Wallhr * I nm I III 'I . lirhcrj ,
In Art Devi I Nl'rofi..on
& * % & & & * & * Uno crnumU nii.lln
f XwSrii Inr. llc - , lr l.Uli. . . .
iSlviiiu llcutcrt , utc 1'JliiYuiir 3 t\ICO,3I l.
Opens Dili ninntli , I'lli , IbUJ Thirty mlntito ) from
llrond HI Htutlon I'ul'.i ' I Mili-r euro of trlomh
Full uolliKlaturourwH fur Ixitli nu < loulliiK to
Claieluiil KiiKlntorlnK Silinttllu and I.ltttnrjr < to-
Kri'n , llenlthful luciillun titun le KruuiMi ,
UulldliiKM , iniulilnn nhopH , lattoralorlui uiiil libra *
rlui l-if ) full imrtlruUra nllroti
AVM 11 Ari'UTON.l'li II I > roililonl
llrculiruf IliNllV J. iilUVhNS. A. H. , 1'rln ,
Eilibllihea U60.
i ncliuul for liin liuliur education ot Wo i An
nf l'roftf ( trs fur
lm , Art andMuilcbj ipeclntlitm. Location Col *
iimbta. Uo , in ftXO iM.repurk Ju t north o ( citj llml ti
Korctt trr snboimd. blue crrita , unibuniUncocf ipae *
for out-door eifrcin HnndnnrnQ bulMlnKi Moril
tone of chool ticfllint A Lhrlitltn liome with all
tbi f rnedom anil all the afetrunrdi of t well orilr l
aome. W rite for rn tilotrne AtlUrr < < s.
lor fllils anil Vonri ; I. iHr | > o. u
cuB II 'l IIAVi It.l.r. . I ) ,
KO. Ill
_ - -OFMUSIC -
All < i > i < irtni nt ul Muricil Ii itrurtion K > lrrn T v
( uojci , tluu jLru , K. l.fUiauiu > , JicluuiirlllellL
Fair wMtc
Soft licaltliful skin.
"PBRS'-TlieGreat Enjlish CimplcxionSOftP.-SilJ Evcrjiihae. "
Cocoa is of supreme importance as an article of diet.
| Van I-Iouten's lias fifty for etnt more flesh-forming proper-
* tics than exist in the best of other cocoas.
The tissue of the cocoa bean is so softened as to render
it easy of digestion , nnd , at the same tunethe aroma is
highly developed.
tilfM' < > c < > nliMriitvil , | > iicntiMlim | < limiili'lu lliillnnil , nnl In t o Jay Irtinr iul inn J
> ' .iWMlmnniiy ft thonumcrnua Imllntlout. In fuelA oampnrilUa irtt uill i-nnlly pro\ , 2
Ihit no olltr Cocoa cijuala Ihlt Inmlor'i In dclulillilr , OBtOfat > l tn ln nil nulrltito qiiill. J
tip "l.nrsnt Mlo lullio wciM " Ask lor VAX HoCTKN janit lain i oollicr M s
'Nvw * * J\
Be-ore"yo"U ) buy anyl-hingAskbwo queslionsu
1 e&lv ! > i ! < feCaLn 1 do - *
these q'ue'sbior S BiTjay'rndheyou rich :
JD ur th cy v/i 11 n ever .c p reven b y o u f r o m
buying SAPO LI O & gss = - >
Its uses arc jnciinj ciinl so arc Us friends ;
for ivhere it is OUCG used ib is alivays used. To
clecvri ILOWS& Tviblioul ib is sheer folly , s'uic& ib does
ivorli iwico as fast cmd twice as ivell.
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