Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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ffhcat Eccentric , Marked Bj a Vide Range
of Prices.
In UK : Visible Supply oCOats
A Kali * Advance In tlio
1'rleoH ol" lloff Via-
CllirAfiO. .Inly ' . [ Special Tclrsriiin toTllR
flnn. ] The wheat murlct wn nn crcontrlo
otiolodiiy. ItwasinarKLMl liy avldo ratiKoof
prlcfn , sonic lioiivy tnullnB. sumo tniylng liy
frlf-htof uliorU.isi-llliij ; by bears on artviiiico
aiidwiiHiilto otliurii roiihlnK niiukot. Tlicro
wdsnshnrp uiirnln wllli prices wuy tip from
lustffuok. Tin ; reasons were niiincroua for lliu
ttri'iiKtli. 4lrst , tlm firol n Hliunllnncotitlti-
iK-d us .HtioiiKiis It wai last wcolt , with uublui
lil hrr nnil roportsgc'iirral on too nuu'li wut
wcnllicr. Si'i'onil , the Hist dispatches from llio
f" norlliwott and lil liiT tnnpcruliiiovcro cn-
( liiiiCt'i-ln iprliiK crops , Third , dlspaloliuson
visible sili | | ly liiiil'itti'it u vi'ry libcrul ilr-
cri-nso for tliu wi-il ( . 1'oiirth , the lilRhur iiuli-
llc rallies Inter In tliu day , and Hiidik-n buying
by Iliitclilnsmi , Hli ttcalptM on
tlu > run. Thrro wns a nil 'lit
( Imp ( rmii first prices on tin'
frt'c selling ( if Ultimii , I'ardtldKC , Kciitn mid
lixmy fnllowcii , but till ) wui nioic that olTict
b f rt' IKIOII liy llio M'Msnlliiiinl "hot" dls-
pitti'hfH from lliu inn tliiH'Ht , nil VIM ! ulth tales
( if urt'atdrslriict Inn nnd lo s of life from u
tornado "aid ty linvo wiped out Parco. Tlio
% Npiiu supply proved illiiiiiiuiliitlnit wllli < ndy
5.Ti.lxiO IjiislitMidi'cii asc , but this caused ( inly
temporary t > aso. Tinavlloa of tlio niaikut
wasiiH follows : July c'ld ' f ' .c toWicloKr'io '
to ( "aO to W ii1 ! AnsilHl MI'iC td H C lolUolo
H ) ,1'lnOUr ; Si'plciulii'rUI'lc lo NJ'ic to Ulc to
lX\i ) ; to lll'icj Ilui'pniljcr Ul'ii ' ! lo Illc to lli'ic '
toiil'jc lotC'ic. Hocks In tliw I'linnli-y t'ltiva-
toisnf tin' ' noiibkU'st ( livri-iiscd''UMllUbiislicl.H ,
leaving l.iWH.O'ii ' ) liuslicls. 'J'liu wliout market
tiiiicliodtlit' lililii"-l. prlrcs uliorlly before ( be
i1 1 onIIH folliiwn : .Inly Mil1 , Aiinust UO'nihVp ' -
t ( nilicr ! h 'ic ' nnd Dei-ember fJV. Tlio lust
prices were : JulyM'se , Aiixust Wiji ! , Sei > t < 'iii-
m'rW'ai1 nnd Dect'inlierifJ1 if.
wns a wiiitopi-niiiK m mencr IIIICOH in
coin tod.iy nnil u fiirtlirrscnsattniiul udvaii''c
bi-foru llio i-losci. Tlio Interest at first was
equal to Hint In u'liciit , Curl ) was lilidicron
oulildi' iii'W.sSnMiriUi v nnd tills muimiiK tin1
feelniK was Mill more btilll-di. Tbc dry Midi
In Ilic Mititlinust continues tmliiuketi aiioHt.
J.OII.H iniiilc' a Ki'iisatlonal jump of - cents
uurly. Tills inarKul star 01 ! lo iii | for curly
months and ! JnO up for Si'iitcnilicr ut ilTe.
Tlirrn was tnino fieo hclllir. on I lie liuluo
wlili'h tool * Hopti'inbor loMV ! ) < lliu bottom for
tliciluv. _ Moilerale buying uarrled tlio price
toi7'si'ut : , iiiniii. Later HI. l.imls bought nirn
heie , tlid I'oiuitry bought. Now York boiielit
and lliusliortH took frlnlit nnd little oll't rlnj ;
run the pi-K'u up to a&ie ' at 1 o'clock , with llio
close ul Ifo.
In oalH , as In oilier ccreali , llioro wns a duP -
P I''IKO 111 Vlsllllo Sllpflly II IllllUlllltl'll tl ) III-
OdObiiHlielH. Hut Kin-fin fact as a small'do-
CIVIM ; > In stoi'ks of tluii'oiintry Imd little elfei'l
nnywliuio today. Tlio Inlluunco uhlch oau-tv
I > ilis ! In move tip wasotithlilo buying and tin
riiiinlint of shorlH , In no pit wu-.tbe ollorln
of cruln llbeinl 11 f lor llio flist hiilf liour IIIH
Ibis helped llio uilvancu. .Inly outs sold at
" " ' .e and y5 ? i1 , closlni ; at .Vie , or 34i' lilnbot
t bun Insl u i eU ; August solil ulTito UT'ir ;
Htitt | > mlor W'BOloWi-toa'Xc to'7'jC ' Tliori
WIH itery hliiii-i | advance In May t a's near
1 bucloselien tliu pilio , which cloM'd las
'J'liiirhiliiy at'.ll'Bi' , wunt t-juO'.iO and closed ul
Tl OIPMisa fair ndviince In llio prlcei o
hoc products airly to.lny. It iiinoiiiiti'd f
T'lV ' fur rll.s nnil laid and fx ! In poll ; . I'oi'l '
\\ns\eiy ilull. lioucvor , wit Ii July lit aboil
I3. : and Sejitiunlier liulwcen SII.7H mill ill.MI
Klhs sold * . - . | for.luly aiiU. " > . 'JT1 ® . ' > . : ! oforSi'p
U'liilicr. lardJ'l.IWifi.ViS'i ' for July and J.WJ
for S-upM'inl'or. Tlio llltlo strength WHS
fiislly Iniced to two KIIIISCH : Klisl. prices of
litigs ut HIM yard * iruii ) up lOo to Wo on an
iii'tlvninnrKi't : second , com was up nearly tu !
and had llHi'llVc'l on provisions. Tlu'io was
iioiiiiiisinil triifllnit and tlio niiukot wns dull
bi'forti ' tlio fluau , The last prlc.cs on provisions
fur September \vrro : Sliorl ribs , f.'i.ll.'i , a ( .llK
uildllloinil tulvanccd ; lard , { U.OU ; pork , SI 1.70.
Cnioxflo.Tuly 7. [ Hpeclnl Tolosram toTiin
HKB. ] TATTM : lliisliiois was falily uctlvo ,
xvltb pilccs ktoudy to a shade slroiiKoron sult-
alilo stimU , .sitih as tlio export an 1 dressed
btef trade wanted. It was llio same old story
concoinlnK medium and common steers sloxv
and dllllcult to soil. TO.MUIS bold a shade
hlroiiKt'r , and there xvcro about 4,00) ) on the
market Natlx-o uittchors' stock sold stroiiKor
than at Ilioclosoof last xvcek. Mule or notli-
Ing Is KDliiiina In the htoclcer and fcedorllno.
Itccolpts Il 'hl. and doiuand limited. ( ; holuc to
fxtrii beeves , tl. . " > ( vyi.7. > ! medliiin to coed
sleery , l.IH ) to 1,503 Ibs. , tl.O.KfJMllj
lilK ) to l.i" : 0 . Ihs. , $ 'l.7uai.l. > : OJO to
J..W Ihs. , H.r > ( l@lnO ; btookora and
feedi'rst-.aR-1.2.'i ) ! CIIHK. hulls and mixed , $1.10
< & : i III ; bulk W.OQi..a ( , ) ; Kh ) | ) fed stem. KJ.iK ®
4.10 ; TexnuKteors , 8i.- > ® ; i.OJ ! cows , tl.iX&.IO. ! ( !
Moos active , with an niitnrn of
iiliont a nickel all around , TheKical. hulk of
MixiMlMild nt $ ; i.S.vaii.V : ! ) , n. fexv til $ ' 1.80 anil a
few ntKMKi. Asserted boavy sold atSi.8.VTci.lCi : :
n sortcd IlKlit and Unlit mixed. UKfti.K ) : > , a fitw
ntiUiUil.Ol : ) ; ! ( ) . AboutovcrythbiK s = old at the
Nnvr YOUR. July 7. fSpcolal Telegram to
TnK llnn.l--STOCKS Thorowiis no cncouras-
I UK feiiluioto llio stock market at tlio opening
Mutiny. 'L'lio conditions were lltllo changed hi
nny way a nil the ntrcot was still wondering
over Iho reiuarkablo bank stalonu'iit of Sat
urday. Tlicro was llltlo liieunllvo lo trade.
1'Irst prices were Irregular , but Kon'erally
lower declines from Thursday's Dual figures
liehiK from 'S lo"i | > ercent , und while lliero
uiis iiiiiiiientnry periods of steadiness , Iho
licavluossnf tluinpcnlii ; ; soon au'alu beeamo
apparent awl fiautloiial losses wore tbo rule
on very limited trudliii ? . Now Kngliiiiil , St.
raiiluud AtohIson showed conslder.iblo ani
mation ami Iho ll"st named dUplayod some
MH'iislh In early dealings rising ? per cent ,
which , himover , was ufclvrn'ards all lost.
Krloilrollned ? t , St. I'aul , Atelilson and Now
Knulnnil lllio iiinoiiiits , ulilln Siiitar Itt'tluei'Ies
lieojiiiu ) specially weak Into In t lie hour ami
lost nearly i per eenl. . Tlinra was no ehanno
la llio tfinpor of the speculation and at II
o'elock thu inarkol was dull and weak al
( bout the lowest prices reached , lliifore noon
the weakness was oven inoro noticeable
tliroiiKb the list nml prices riileil loner. Atch-
l onVIIH oil' to 4lt , lliirlliiKtim to 1C.I , Hoek
Island toW'j. ' SI. r.iul to l'a. Union 1'aelllu to
( U iindCoiil stocks In proportion. SiiKiir Win
al71i ! iiKnliiHt Til u t the olnso lust week. Tliero
was no advanee und no KOOI ! Hiipport anv-
wbure. blocks wcni dull to the eloso and llio
IntiilwilCH for lliu day ' .uiro a little short nf
100,000 sluires. Now , Knglanil was thu only
stoek lo recover fioni the depression and milil
up lo.'il'a. Imt lo t 'i before tlio elosu. Tru > t
Hocks wo'o dull anil lower. AloliUm. Norlli-
e.stern und liouk Island nucli eloseil I point
lower than DM TliiirMlay , St. I'aul lost lU per
cent on w ( Morn selling and poor May eain-
IUKS. Hurlliislou and L'nlon 1'aolllo encli loxt
lint ! i per cent. Tl.o niarkot eloaed foaluro-
The following wuro the closlni ; quotations :
II S. u rt-jniliir. . . .NoitlitTii I'lirltlu ' , ' . (
II. S. l eniii'oii ' . . ilo ptcferreil b'i'i '
U S. IH * ri'iinlnr. 10.1 I' . * . N. W Hill ,
U. s. < 4 CUUIHIII. 1U.1 iln pri'ferreil Hl :
I I.I N. V. CVutriil IIH
IViurnl i'nrlUu . . . " I1. , I ) . A K Bin ,
fUU'iilin X Allun 131 Iluck Ulanil UP
I'lilenito , lliirllnijloii 0. . M. Aft. I' W
\giilncy I0 tin pri-forrnl 118
I ) . , UV 1I5.U St. I'll u I A : Unmliii. . . . . !
llliiu'ljr.Mitml ' ill ! ilo pri'forrej X <
1. , II. , V W. Union rucllli' illlH
Knimaii .V Texan . 18I \V. , St. U A. I1 l''i (
Uikii Miurii . 1WM ilo preferinl ' "ii'i
Michigan Ct'iitrnl . wC \Vealeru Union bJ ? (
Mo.\KV-Kiisy ut IKtTi per conl.
I'IIIMK MKIICANTII.K l'Ai'iu : , vft7 per cent
KTIKI.IMI : IIxi'itAMiK-yuIot unit steudy ;
ilMy-iluy blll > , l.iil'i ' ; doiuiiiiil ,
Stool ; * ,
N w VOHIC. July 7. IBpoolal Tolosrain to
Tun Ilii-Tliu ] following urotliu niluliiKstock
Cnip.\no , July T. lsl5 p. in. cliwo Win-lit
rirni ; oiiili.N 'il'i All5UatW | i' ! Suiiluiubus , W'l
t'orn Slomlyi cusli , i August , UT'tc ;
, SS0 ! | August , 37Jio :
KVH Stnnily ut4UV >
Barloy-'iiuct '
I'rliuo Tiniotliy J1.30.
riaai. .
I'orkilull : i'nsitl2.00j ] St-utuinbor , III.TS.
Iviird Dull ; cash , tXTU : t < oiilemler ) , I.W3
Uiillur-Quli'l ' ; crcuinury , Tt < 315'Joj iluiry
wool and clover easy , bat not uneUunctul ,
Kloiu UiiuliniiKt'ill whitur wheat , ll.Wiil.W
rye ,
Phoitli1pr' . ! .VOO < ( lVK.iiliorlclcar ! ,
i.4/.V.Vj ; ) Miort rllti , f.Vi.vVi.ifi.
' Innellvri full cream rlicildur" ,
lints , 'U'iT'iCi ' YUIIIIS Ainurlcin , * S |
Irosli , .
llluM-l'iiclinnsctli HiililKrccn oaltcili F-'l < < b
at s.illal litill.s.V ; ; jirct'ii tulti'il calf , GUl&H'i
Iry Illnir I' tTci ili-y sullnl lililos , 0 : ; dryouK ,
frBi'ci iluticnu1 * . Wo encli.
Tulluw UncliAiiiti'ili paoUuil l'4l'ici ' No. 2 ,
Rrcnlpt . Slilpin'C.
'lour . IS.IHH : II. ( K )
Wlu'iit . 4T.IK ) ) 5III.IW )
; orn . l.iivwo
Oats . CT.OuO aXi.OOO
Iloaril ailjoiiriiRil over until Tuovlny.
NKW VOIIK. July -Wliuat-lti-colpts 212.100
iimliuU ; ( 'XitDrti. 4.V > . * > 0 Ini'-l'cN ; < > | ) ot ( Inn ;
S'o. Sri'tl.UIUulu olfvulor ; UiH 'J'Uo :
TiVi jUTc f. o. li | uplloiis uloMi'il sK'iidyi 'o. '
H'd , July. clOMlng at U"i * c' .
Cum -lli'ciliit ! . lnl.Woliilwlicli ; rxports , 21"-
f.'iOljus ! H'li ; M not linn ; No. ' . ' . 4'J'itS4'"io ' In do va
lor ; I' " .if n II out ; itiiKniilud niUoil , 4IUii : < 4i3
optlnntli'nily ; July clnsln at 4rtu. :
Oals Itc'CcliiN.llH.ii'jO liuslu'ls ; u\ort | ) , none !
spot llrinur ; No. 'i white , iriHIfr o ; nil.\uii
wusiiTii. ius&'ic ; wiiiio wcsic'in , aytfiicj
ujit Inns llrniir.liily ; c-IoiliiK nlUI'iC.
Colfi o Jjitluns rlosvil Mt-aily . " to 10
lOlnH up ; siilu , ' 'T..Vl : | bi s ; July ,
iir.O.ViilSu ( ) ; AIIKIKI. tlU.7OBIO.bU ! spot Ho
limn fiilrciirgnos. tJi.OO ,
Siunr Uiw : llrtn ; rulliiud stciidy ,
I'ulruluiini Unlteil ulutud for August at
O.U- .
O.UKitgi I'liiu-yllnii ! wosk-rii prltnc , Hi1JllSc. ! !
I'nikSluiitlyi inc s , l.l.ri-31.l.7.'i.
I.aiil Stroiii'r ; iooil ? axpurt ; Imslnrns In-
ik'ilnliiij ttuutii ) chulua i.uoii July cloioil at
tlUU Illll.
lltilter 1'nncy firm ; ollicricak ; I-.l ln ,
17'jcj ' wtslL'in ilulry , Ojillc , ori'iiuit'ry ,
tt 1 Ic.
UliuL'SR-Slriinsor ; part sUlnis , MiOHe.
Mii.\VAt'KiiJuly7. : : Wliisut Unsuttlcil : No.
Ssprliitr. c'islihl'8'ii'7c ; No. 1 nurthuru , IMu.
( 'urn ( Jiiivt i No. : i. .1ii'i'ijl-Jle. ) '
Ityu Qiili't ; No. I , ; 4S'U. '
IlnrlDV-riniij No. - ' . IJo.
I'tuvNIiinsrliliier. .
1'iilkIli''iO. ' .
Mis.vBAi'oi.ti.JulyT. Wheat Itccolpts slnco
Tlnii'sduy , IS l ciif.-i ! shlpniuiits , TO ours ; saiii-
pli's MUl wollii.'irlv , but not so nctlvu lulor.
L-'losIn : No. 1 liintl , July. 8'i'i AiijriHt , NM ;
mi track , uiA&'il'iciXo. ' ' Inortliffii , July , h.'i'jc ' ;
August , 7c ; on track , biO ( > r'ji. ' ' ; No. M norlh-
frii , July , We ; August , Ski ; niixu < l,8.3 < le.
ST. LOIMH , July \Vlioul-Ulosuil lilshur ;
cusli and Auiiiit , tieScpli'inliur. \ . Mlj.
Coin lllelivricasli , : iPic ; Scpii'inbor , ! 17ic. !
Oats lliKlu < riciiili. J ! i. ' ; July.i'J.'tu. '
I'urk-lliill UIJI1..V ) .
Kuril Nominal ut { . " > . 53.
CINCINNATI , July 7. Wheat rirnicr ; No.
' . ' rcil , KV.
I'di'n I'lriiU'r ; No.2 inhcd. W.jc.
Oats -Stroiii ! ; No. , inlxud , oJu ,
KANSAS UITV , July " . -Wheat HlKlii-r ; Nn. 2
lianl , uusli , TUc bid ; July , 7lio bid ; No. - led ,
cash , t-Uu bid.
Oats-Shindy ; No.2 cash , 20 : bhl ; July , 'Jfl'ic. '
Livi'.ui'oor. , July 7. Whunt linn , ilcinand
P'.iur ; liolili'M ntVur sparingly ; C.illfoi'iiln No.
1 , 7s l'/jiiai7s 1 percontiil.
Coin ituiiily , bill iiulut.
ClllOAdO , July 7.-C'.iltlo-ItcPulpts. 14.000 :
mm kul slcudy to iiihiulu lilvhur ; bi'ovus. il.M
( ibl.i.'i ; steers , H.5' > ! il. U ) ; slocla-rsiind feeders ,
J2.'JOi.l.5i cows bulls and nilxeil , il.H > iiJ.lU ;
TOMIS uiitlle , f I 5 iU'l.OU.
UDJ.S Itecollits , ' . ' 1.000 ; inn rliot troiii ; tnlvod ,
ji.73iti. : : < .ii ) ; heavy , ji.7UJn.lO : ; light , rJ.7oSI.UJ ;
, C.OOO ; market stpaily ; nil-
lives. W.riX&'UH ! ) ; wuslcrn , $ ) .7Jiil.iJ ; Tox.tns ,
itt.-i.f,4.'J.V : ' . , lanilis , f4.1Kl > Jl.IJ. (
Tlio Drovi'i-s' Jimruars sppctal cabU'Krain
from London quiiteM lop Aniurluaii cnltloat
i.3r' ! . ' o lilnher per poiuul ut l"ar..v ! o pur
pound , esllmatuU ile.idvulglit. ; .
KANrt WClTV , July7.-0ntlle lieci'lpls , 5fipn ;
slilpiniMils , ii.lll ; market lower ; stiM'is , i'l.l.VJd
4.4(1 ( ; eows , l.2t'uJ.stockers \ ; and foudors ,
. ' . . . .
llois-licuelpts , l.nnn ; shlpmoiits , 700 ; niarkot
. , . ' . . .
ttiflu.tA ! tl .rriiiloQ f't.rillrri t.Sl )
ST. I < oiit ! , July 7.--Cattlo Ilec'clpts. . " , . " ' 00 ;
hlilpiiK'nts II.MIO ; fulr lofunuy nalure steurs ,
$ . | .NKi.4.ill ( ; MiK'krisaiicl fuuilern t. ' . 10 < i f 1. IU.
Hdirs-lCi'oelDls. II.OH ) ; shipments K20I ;
hlulii'i- and heavy. $ l.iiV&K.liliafkliig ( ! ;
! . ; , > ; Us lit , i.l.7l > - si.h.-t. _
OJIA.I I ; 1 1 'K ti TO L'/f.
Monday , July 7.
Ksllinatpd reenlpts of catllo 1.1IK ) . coiiip.irod
vllhIT ) Satnrdav and 1,172 Jloudiiv of last
veck. Tlio iniirkut opeueil ticlhc al hleudy
triecs on both steurs and oo\vi. liy llio inlildln
if tlio forunnnii tlio market booiiino we akjind
lion brokiMle.i'llniir.j.vaiOi' . Tlic receipts of
loekuisniiil fiiuiluis worollboial hut of poor
luallty. Tliu iiiarUot was nlow and lower.
Estimated rt'celpls of lio' s 4,700. compared
vltli llKl ! b'altirday und 4 , Ito Monilay of :
veck. The market oncned active at a shado's
idvaiicL' , ( iloshiK firm nt tlio advance , ilh all
old. Light IIOKS wcio sioudy whllo huiivy
n s were $ ) tn > iiKur. Tlio raiiKu of prleus was
lUvaiLO'ii ; llKhti.rwg : ; mixed , Si.OJJKJ.iiri ;
leavy , Jt.VJ' : ( ® ; ) . ( J7ii. Tlm touriifiu of Iho
irlees paid for lioxs was J/1 : ! ; . compared wltli
f.l.Mi tutuiilay anu { : i.4li ) ! ilond ly of lasl
Estlmat rd receipts nf.lieop , 1.421. Tlic do-
man (1 for prod muttons cont.iiucs in excess of
the receipts.
Prevail iuir Priues.
The following Is u tahlu of prices paid In
this uiurkol for the ruili * of slojlc inuntlniiPd :
'rlniostuors. llMKito | i tbs . if-l.'O 6JI.1" '
liood steers , li" > U to I4vi : Ihs . -l.dTi
Hood slecrs , 10. > U to IIM : Ibs . Qtl.lO
Coiiimon , llNlMoll.V ) ) . Sl.i'i < f/a.ri3 /
'onimon eaniiuers . I.IK )
Oidiiiary tnfnlr eows . I.U ) ( ft .Ml )
I'aliHo peed CMJWH . l.W 2i.l" (
Uooil lo eholco cows . 2.7.'i C-l.l. !
I'hnlcu lo fancy cows . " . . ! i.l ! ! >
li'ulr tuKood bulls . 1.75 © ' . ' .i ! . ' .
Chi'leolrf ranuy bulls . _ ' .M < gi.25 ;
I.lKhtslockers nnd feeders . 2.'i ) ( ft 1.20
IVeders. II.VIID 1 IK ) Ibs . 2.9,1 ( -H..V ( )
i..iirtiichoi.'o iiKht IIOKS . : iv >
I'alr toeholcn heavy li ss . ll.W
1'alr to uholco mixed hos ; . 3.GO
i' Prices.
The follow Inn table shows the ranjo of
nrlci-s paid for ! ! ) . ; * :
Inlr tucholcu llulit hogs J.'l K © 'I en
Till ! lot'liolco he'ivy It W-Gtn ( iTlJ
Killr lo uholco niKcd U 00 Wl GJ
Hiinr.r ,
I'flllio fat pin-op -440 ® . ' > 10
; iool f.itslieop - ' . " > dS'M \
Common to medium slun < p. . . . " . . . . - J'J ' < &l IU
IllKhnsi null Uoivost ali ! < < of llo s.
Today. S.iturdaj- .
Highest W 074 Illshost ei M
Lowest > l " > Lowest 3 53
Sloulc Itcoolpli.
oniclal Saturday. INtlinato 1 Today.
Cattle. . . . iluar'f , 171 Catllo. . . . Ill cars. 1000
Ho ; ; * : ears , l , ri ) llous 71 curs , 1703
Hot-sea. . . . luar , ' - " Slicop licura , lli'l
lloisL's. . . 1 ear , l
Avorngo Cost ut' HOJJS.
The folloivhiK table gives the avi-raso cost
of lions on the dales mentioned , Including tbo
cost today , as b-i i'il upon sales leported :
Juno 30. il I7' { July 1 3fili !
July I i ! 411'i .luljTi II .VI
July 'j ; ; 4i'i ' July 7 a G-JIJ
July U U4.V4
Coiuparativn Tallies ,
The following table shows the ranso In
prices on IIO B ( lui-iii,1 tliUand lust week :
I'rico of
Showlnutlio nvoraso prloo pilil forlouls of
lie s on llio days Imllc.kloU In Isi7. isss , ibi )
anil bi < U ;
Hay. J uly "JO July'SV ) . July ' 63. July ' 17.
, ' 14 ! H 71
8 4(18 ( Su inlay , Sii inlay ,
3 llul. & HI Hoi.
33.VJ 4 13 Hcl. 4 tvl
4 II 6 4t 4 84
Sii nila y & il 4 hi
Disposition ol * Stoolc.
Pliowlnv ; HID iiiuiibor of luvs pnrchnscd by
llio illfforciit Uuyi'rsou toihiyt > iuiirkel :
Rwlft&Co .
The ( I. Il.lluininoiiilCo .
The Armour Ciuluhy I'lu'liln ; , ' Co . Ill )
lluiitnii it Uiulvrwuml . 'M
Ni'luMonls . Ul
l.obiiiuiin.V Tnuicrimtmi .
( Hlier lluura ) . 41
110(13 ,
The Armour-Cwluliy I'ucklngjCo . . 1,009
Uinnlin 1'iiokliiiCo . j.ein
SwIflA : C.'o . . 570
Tliot ) . II. IliiiiinioiiilCu . ; . . . iso
llrlttulti & Co . , . jfcs
Tin ) 'Week ,
Iluyers. No.
Swlfi.t Co . . . 1P67 ,
The ( H'orgo ll.llanimimj company . HU
Armour-Ouclaby 1'uokltiK Oo . 4'4
Unialia i'nckln * Oo . „ yj
Other buyers . . ,
Total ,
Armmir-Cmlnhy Packing Co 0 , ! l
Umnlin Packing C'o G.207
Swift & ( 'n H.5II1
Tint lleoree II. llaiiitiiond eotnpiny. : 1,010
J. P.-iiilres ( * Co I'M '
Kliurilii A To J..M1I
llrlttalu A-Co ' . ' 41
Total 23,305
Ariniiiir-Ciululiy I'uoklnx Co
,1.11111 . , 1'J
1) . Sinllli UK )
Tolul _ . . . . . . . . . . . 1,004
.Market Mention.
lloss stronjlcr.
Call le closed lo\vi r ,
Andiew Haas lias pine to Chicago.
John I'rlineof KdUun niarla'tcd : i car of
lianliln llros. sent In a car of boss from Cum-
.lames Mttipliy of Wlsuur wns In with a car
of IKI.U-S.
C. M. Mover of Tbayer , bad a car of entile.
I'axton t Ilcrsboy maikoled l\vo cars of
huh'fioni llcrhhey.
Modi-oil llros. of Hay Springs marketed a
cur of cuttle.
A. T. N'lcliols bad two cars of hogs In from
IiniJuctor Howard condemned onu lump jaw
A. I * . Carlton bad acarof hogs on llio mar
ket from ClarltMin.
A. i ) . Moorehead brouglit In acarof cattle
from IiOiiKinoiit , C'olo.
A. ,1. Wcarln brousbt over live cars of cattle
from sllvurUlty , la.
R A. Albeo of Aranhoo was on the market
\vlth near ofn \ > H.
J.V. . Watson and M. Liancrt bad cattle hero
from llancioft.
/ . Itobliison came down from Sioux City with
a car of ml.sed e.itlle.
A. \ \ ' . lwniy ( of Aurora , was on llio market
\\llh acar
O.T/.IH.l tl'Jinj.KSALK Jl.lHKKTS.
FISH IVrlb : IVicb , 7c ; buffalo , 7e ; percb ,
7c ; pickerel , PCI pike , lie ; ironl , He ; while. lcj )
cropple. loci cat 1Kb , lie ; cod steak I2e ; lloiin-
deis 12u ; Ore un bulinon , 15c ; black bas , IJe ;
lobitvrs , IM.
.iKi.i.iK.s a'J'SIc ' peril ) .
IIIHSMD : : ViAi--Cholco : medium , 6Q7cj light
fyi-i'ic ? | heavy. 4i45e.
IiN-iii : : ) UH.-Kaw , fioci boiled. ( V'lc.
L'liiKUPer bbl , rullned , tii.Od ; halfbbl , n.5 > !
haul elder , pure , per bbl , { 5.,0j ( oian e cider ,
half 1)1)1. ) 47.00 : pear cldor , bait bbl , J7.W ) .
CIIKI > K KMra finiuy cream twins JOc- ;
fimcy full cieam Iwins. U'ji'i ' eboleo lull
eicaii twins , ! 'e ' ; oed full cicam twins Sej
fiiney hklnis , ' ( ( j,7'-jC'j c'liolcu sUhns. IViMl4i- ;
fair to Kood , .Vt-'i'sci chotco Young America ,
Ilic ; f.'inoy llnibnr ir , I'.Vj fancy Uriel ; , lie ;
doini'blle mvl.-s. 15Hltc ,
HliTTiai Cri'iimery , fanev rolls print. 111 ©
Ki'si" ' croaiui'ry , fancy , Mill.l paekcd , IK > il4c :
c'luainery , eholco , 10ilSci ( dairy , fancy rolls
and print- , l-'iilU" dairy , fancy solid packed ,
WulM ; dairy , ehoiee , wruilie ; count ly roll ,
fancy , sfM'oi ' choice , 7 < ? ' > c ! Inferior , ; @ "ic.
KidS lOc foi htrictly fjcsli' blalu not sale-
I'ot'i.THY I'er dozen , cliolco hens , Kl.lOifYI..V ( ( > ;
cbolce mixed , J2.50iia.0i ) ! rooiter , J2.5IVa.j ! ;
sprlnj ; chk'ki'iis. fc'.tWH'-'ifor tiiinll.i2.2.VCl.uO ;
for medium ; TJ.50t l.50 for large ; live
iior 11) , Wli toe.
COII.N -j.-i/aoc ,
O vrs 2i > iiaoc.
HAVKyiOll.OO. ( .
lloXKV Strained. ( K-lbcans ) pcrlb , Oc , New
comb honey , invaic.
HKAXS lland-plcKed navy. fl.75IM.00 ; hnnd-
lilckod nary , medium , $ l.ul'M.75 :
coniilry , il.4lfl.l.j ( ( ; ; KIMK ! eli-an. ' ' . '
, porbbl , J5.50 ; small , itO.59 ;
gherkins , 17.5U.
Hl.\CKIiBltlllis : f.ViOtJW.OO per24-nl easo.
KvAi'OitATKii Ai'i'i.ns r.-ui"y , lOiiiiSllcperlb.
lli.i'Kiiiiuiiisivr : : bu.
l'lltllA.srs'-l'er24-iit case. 12.00.
HAsi-iiKiiitiKS--li'd ' . . ' .
- - { , J-.otKii..50 ncr 54-qt case ;
black , Kl.uo'&l.'i' ' ' ) por2i-nt cii'-c.
( ] oosiiiKiiitis : : Two-hiisbel stand , J4.00Ii5tiO. (
CocoANiirs-l'er IW ) , i.'i.oo.
WATIII.MBI.O.NS : loo. i2.-i.OOJjili.OO. (
L'ASTCI.OUI'K-I'lTlloZ , fl.lWif.Vlin.
CAI.IFOII.NIA riiKiiuus-lVr : lolbhofl.MtS
1.75 ; southern , per bushel. i..MUJ.O'J ; UIUKUII ,
ri.unrsArkansas : : , 'i-busliol box , 51.00 ®
1.50 ; California , purliox. WWii'MY ) .
( ) HANlisPer ( : boItodl , iM..Vj.
I.KMO.NS 1'ci'b ix , Mi'Silnn. fancy , fO.Cfl.
ToMATor.s l-baskel crali-s i2.2.V A'.VJ ,
ONIONH-Xoxy boiilbern , purbbl , < I.H. *
I'OTATOKS New sniilhem. per bbl , $ 1.25.
WODI , rino unwashed , llftlUc ; medium un
washed , l- ! ' 1lli < ! comsc iinwanbi'd , MnVc ,
11 iocs , 1'nirAMI TAM.IIW ( jret'ii Milled
hides , fi Wile ; dry snlli'd lilite . bv ; dry Hint
hides , li'.dvu ' : calf hldos , 4 < 't1t. ' > , ' c. Dumajred
bides So less , t-liei'ppolls , irioen , each SOcfcf 1.25 ;
Sliet-p pelts , iliv , per 11) . ,
TAI.I.OW-A So. l,4'.ic ; No. 2 , MJ.TJe ; ( nonse ,
while. 3' © le ; yidlow , ' , " , f''lc ; slcarlno , ( i'4c.
HONKS ( ( jiiotat Ions a icfor delivery In Ubl-
caso. ) Dry butValo. per ton. flil.wi'Ij.lS.oo ' ; dry
country , lileacbcd. Jlo.d'i'rf.ia.OO ' ' ; dry country ,
dump and inealv. f .lXKBIo.w ) .
MEATS I'ackci's' prices Smoked liums 10-lb
nx'uniKO. Kxa.KlUe ; unoked hams , 20 lo ' . " . ' | bs
! iViilV ; ; binoked hams 12 to II ihs , lo'to : c.Mrn
heavy huniH , 2ato2."ilbs iiverasi1. O' e ; skinned
sllcIiiR. is to 2 libs average , O' ilie ; Callfornbi
liiiius , 7lke ; breakfast bacon , clear , 7'aStSe ; rib ,
7 ? & "Uo ; ham saus.i e , Sc ; nlcnlo hams , 7'tc ;
dried bt-cf hums , Kt'Oa'ie ; lieof tonguejier
doz. , W.OOi peril ) , , fl'ic ' : dry salt meals , fl'4(0lk. ( ( ' ;
mess pork , per bbl , , ( ll.AOi > l2.7.'i ; extra nic > > ! >
beef , 15.50 ; wiusase , per Ib. bologna , 4 ? ; star ,
4'ci liver , 4'ic ; blood , 4liObeadche"C ! , 4 > ic.
Add ) la perlb for lots less Hum .V ) Ibs. I'IK
jiork , boneless , jier bbl fUl.Mi half bbl $7.2.'i ;
quitilor lhl ) W.7.i ; ulKlith bbl $3.10 ; plK hocks.
half bbl (1.75 ; mmrlor bbl f-.M ; eighth bbl il.10
kits , H IK tl.Kii plL-s feet , half bbU , $2.75 ;
quarter bbls , tl.M ; elslilli bbla , bV ; kits , lAlbs
each , ( V.o ; boneless lireukfasl bacon , lOc ; bonu-
luest < ti : ) IIKEP Steers , WX ) to COO Ibs uvurnpe ,
native , H0 > 4ui uteors , 400 to 600 Ibs average ,
native , Uini'tc ; eo\v and holfeis , 4WJ to dee Ibs
uvuraKc , 5'jo ,
1'oitn I'orlc loins , S c ; tenderloins ,
tlbi , < cj ihouldcri , 5c | hoc I * , twi
. 4ci1i ckbonci. | Jo , dn > s ert lions ,
Sot cleaned plus ft. ! , per d > i/'ii , , , wci rotiRli 1111-
clcnncd piss feet , | K > r do > ( n. 2iV.
DIIK.4SKH Ml'TTitS l/hoice1 dr ' < ed inutlon ,
O'jci ' racks of mutton , I4c , s.iddlc < i of nuitlon.
ini'i liri'ii t-.iif iiiulloii.ifoi li 'sot miitton. loo.
CAN.NWI MKATS I'ornwl bci-i. i n ) ( ji.-jo ;
corned In of. 2 II ) , luiieh tonu'Ue. 1 Ib ,
W.fflt liliicb tonitue , 2 Ib. ( ) . ; : > ; biawn , lib ,
JI/JU ; brawn. 211) . W.wij ox toiiKiie , | i Ib , } Vno ;
o.tonitiK's , a Ib. H.IKI ; I'liippfd iieof , p , Ib ,
round ciin.s ! I.2H : roast ict-f. ) s Ib , round cans
J.MW ; polled ham. 'l Ib.rouiid ciin . Ot polled
ham. 'i ' Ib. loiind cans , } | .20 ; deviled hiiin. U
Ib , loiiinl CMIH , riSct deviled ham. i , ih. riund
eaipt , tl.SJi potlt'dox toiiKUe. Ib. round canv.
R'.ejpotleil ox tonitiio. 'i ' Hi. round cuu , il.2dt
compics-ed bam. 1 Ib , * | tltue eutis , tl.75 | compressed -
pressed ham , 5 11) ) . siiuaro.cuui. . i ; .7- , . trlpo.'lb ,
round onus. fl.S ) ; minced c.ollnp < . u > , round
CUIH , t..2o ; boneless pigs feet , 2 Ib , s-quaro cans ,
" '
"iTi'iNKvroMiiTitiri : HnlfbarieN. * 1.75 ; quar
ter biinels , } . ' .IOclhlli ; ) birrt'N , J1.13 ; kits. 15
Ibs each. We.
Point ToNOiK3-riifoolod Mild cured
Half batrels , luo lb , J7.J3 ; iiuuricr ban els W
Ib * . Jl.oo.
. r. r.k iNn -r'att1p Tleroes and barrel -
rel . mlddlo , per Ib , ll'ii" ' round. : | ( ( . liuii s.
4c ; bo'jcasliuts , IS.1 per II ) , boj blinds , No. I ,
1'ic each ; rounds , l-or MM , Ion fi-nt , | 2i4e set
mlildu'i , per set .17 feet. ; > > ; oismd.s. : less
Ihan l.oil.i-plci'e lols ; niio iciu small bladileis.
ItMs IhiinW.I-.lo/.lols , ISe" " '
- / pei'tliK ; laitfo blad
ders It-is thiin . 'nodolols. . , ; o , ' | H'i' do/ .
I , MIII Qii.s Itlils Kitra lard oil , wsl'c ;
t'Mru Nn. I lard oil. Ho ! No. I laid oil , : ! 5t" , No.
" laid oil , . 'lie ; puio ncatsfmt oil. 50c ; 5 Kill.
can , 5" > o irul , extra iieatsf.ini . nil , 4 . . \o i
neal.sfoot oll'l"i' ! lullow nil. I' . ' , . ,
Sl'li'lili I'KH' TosHtflW-ll.ilf liairels Sll.Oil ;
( liiiirlerbartels. j. " > .75 ; elghtb barrels , fJ.OOklls ,
15 Ibs ouch. 2,25.
TALLOW A. No. I. 41e ( ; Monrlne , fi'4e ,
riCKi.ini llKKr Tosnuus Half Imriels Js.50 ;
iiuartfi' bands , I.Vft ) ; eluhili bnriel.s , ji.O ; ) .
I.Alili-Tlerees Kellned hud compound , f > V' ;
nure leaf , ( i'le : kettle. ( l ? o. Add ! 8o lo ,7 c per
Ib for siniiiiiT packages.
I'K'KUio ' 'ruil'K-llalf barrels. $2.5fli qunrlor
barrels , fl.IU ; uljthth barrels , bUu ; kils , 15 Ibs
oath , Wo ,
SunAiiCutloaf.7Jq { ; I'nbes , 7'o ( ; statidnr.l
tioHdi'ivil , 7'ie ' ; X.N'XX. pnHdored , Sc ; granu
lated. ( Pie ; cnnfectloni'r.s' A.d'tc ' ; ellinu.x XI' ,
d'-ii" Nebraska . 0e ! ; umber , 5' c ; Cuiiury
C. il'ie. '
' 'Kr.n Ot-ei'ii Fnncy pdilcn llio , 2J' '
faney old peabt'i-rv , 'Jl'ic ; lilo. eboleu lo fancy ,
22'jOj ' lilo , prime , 2.V ; Kb ) , imul. 2l' c ; Santos
and common Ulo , 11 > ; 'IL" , Mocha. 2.t' ) ; Java ,
Kcmilno U. U. , - > c ; Java , Kood Interior , 25c ;
i'oi-ni : : Koasted , 2Vc ; Ilnnola ,
25'ii'i ' Mol.aimhllnXX. \ , 'JTi'jc ' ; ( Jertiniii ,
2.Vt' ( : Dllwortb's , 'J.'iVc ; Mini , 25'ici ' .Mallpouoh ,
2.Vc : Moehn , ICic ; O. ll. .Ilivn , 'f.V.
rAiilNACKOli.s ( luiDS ISailey , Il e ; farlnii ,
fie : peas , : ie ; oatmeal , P { ( .T j < -j macaroni , 1 ( > 59
lie ; vermicelli. Italic ; rlciM-bnleu , f > ' , r ; tni.ey ,
( ' ; bead , 5' H'i Mfo and 1'iploca , w < s , ' < i\ \ lima
beans , ( Ic ; snlil peas , ae ; spitfilll. lie.
CASMi ; > 'tloji.i ( I'rnlts , Ciillfiunla stniidard
biatlds'J1 j-lb , per doAprlcols. . ;
Billions , $ l..Vl ; blekbeiriis , fj.25 ; cherries ,
black. K.urii' cherilt's. xvlille , JJ..V i'.W ) ;
Krapi'S , il.liViM.Ni ; pearllarllult , W.liKiW.'fi ;
peaehes , yellow , tfi.VXiii.'S < \ peaches , lemon
cllirj , W.40j plums , vff , $ I.H5ii.sO | ; plums
ifolden drop , ft. sli ; plums , KICCII jia''es , } l.Yr& ( !
l.b ) ; pe.iehes with pits In. tl.ilii ; currants , f.0i
Koosoberrles , $ f..25 ; tiiihiRes W 111 ; raspberries
$ J.SJ ; strawburi'les , f..5j ; mviehos. Il-lbensl-
ein standnriU , $1.H5 ; : i-lb pie. { 1.25 ; tral-
Ions , plu , * : i.OJ ; apples , hlgb stamlnrds f.15 : ;
2-lb ( ioosoliurrles , IKlcj 2-lb htiawbeirlos ,
OKtlCie ; 2-lb rasiberi | les , Jl.iKl ; ' . ' -Ibbliiebeirles ,
sOHe ( ) ; 2-lb blnckboiiles. r.VnIDc ; 2-11) ) straw-
bt'i Mi's , piescrvcd , tl.soj 2-lb raspberries , preserved -
served , Jl.h -Ibblackbenles. I ; . preserved , f 1. 20 ;
lilneaiiples , Kabaina chopped , 4W : ( ; 2-lb Ita-
Iiama , sratc.l , $2.75 ; 2-lb ll.iliaina , sliced , K.O.I ;
2-lbMundaid , sliced , M.25" I. . " > i ; eheiiles , 2-lb
led , liUliiiori'.HYi ! ! ! I.K ! ; ptMi-s. 2-11) , fl. : l.
VIII.TAIII.IM : : Tomiitoes l-Ibe\tra , 11.00 ; 'I-
II ) stniiduid western brands , H0i > ; Dillons ,
strictly hiundard , iJ.'K ' ) . ( .irn 1'inest KI-O\MI ,
* l.(10 ( ; 'llt cdHCd suxar curn. very line. * 1.50 ;
i'liolcu2-llisiiiiir ; 2-lb extra west-
fin lir.iiids , S5c.i .fl.dO ; 2-lb - - lunilaiilestern
brands , li.vij.75i. ' . Muslnooins--l-lli rrcnch , e\-
tia line , 2. 6.15. ' | 1-Ib rreneh , lino. ls'A2xV ; 1-lb
I'lencb , oiillnary , KH ljto. 1'eas Tres , line.
per can , 25c ; di'iiil-llne.pi.r Hie ; 2-lb slf led ,
tMlti ; 2-Ib early June , jl.IiV' ' I. 0 ; 2-lb Jlarron ,
si imlaul brandtl.lOj 2-lli soaked , ,17o. Slrini ;
beans-2-lb hlcli uratle , Kcftivtcu , S5c ; 2-11)
tiidden wabeans. . 7iv ; 2-In s.i-lni ; beans , ( iOo.
I , bna beans -2-lb soaked , 7. " > i * . lloston baked
beiins : i-lb f.cHN , { 1.115 ; I'niwn hi and * , $1.50.
S 0it | ) otnloos i-lb ! New JerMsy , $1.11) ) . I'nmp-
klnsilh : , okra and tomatot.S"il.)0. ( )
okra , if l.ll i ; succolnwli , 41.Jo. :
IIMIII ) : KIIIIITS ( Jurninls , now , S'jcostlzza ; ,
(1'ic ( ' ; priincn , casks , ] , : KK'-lhs , H'tc ' ; prunes , bid
or tiiiK , d'ac ; llosnla pruni" * , 7'ic ' ; cllron peel ,
ill urns. 20-lbs , r ; lemon peel , drum ' , U'Oc ; ap-
lues. choice evaporalcd , lliu , Michigan > 4s. tic ;
I'cr.slan dales , ic ; blacklieriles , cvaporaled ,
M-lb boxes , fi'/jc ; cherries , pilled , div cuiod ,
new. 25c ; raspberries , o aunrutod , N. V. , new ,
: ) c ; priuu'N 1 ( . I1. , UJ-70. liMiil2'iu ' ; orao/e peel ,
l.'ic ; rnlslns , California , London crop IMKl.f J.LI : ;
California , loose iniiMCalel.s , orop 1MI$2.0J ) ;
Valencia , old , He ; Valonclns , now , lu ) ; Uallfoi-
nla heedless sultunas iniiMeatel.s , So ; sl < s , 8'ic.
llASKivrs 1'crdoi , 1 biishel , narrow band
.stave , elm , $ l.t < 0 ; li ! bu.shol , narrow band
slave , olin , * . ' .50 ; 1 bushel , stave broadband ,
elm. $ . ' . - ' . " > ; 14 bushel , slave broad band , elm ,
$ , ' .75 ; I bushel elm stave , bale handle , 81.80 ; I
bushel , oak .stave , $2.W ( ; 1 bushel , llrlnn" . fc'.7. > ;
fido/1f2.(15i ( I'i biishol. llrixcs , M.2.1 ; t bushel.
oak , splint , tt. . " ) ; 1'i bushel , oak splint , &i.50 ;
1 bushel , bamboo , fl.UD ; l" , bushel , bamboo ,
$7.00 ; laundry , wHIoiv , laive , $7.5'i ; laundry ,
willow , medium. f.i.5'j ; laundry , willow .small ,
$ V > 0 ; niurkot , elm , spill , 4.1c ; market , oliu , rivet
handle , UOc ; marnet , idm. covered , I peck , JJ.lMi
.willow , market , law , Kl.V ) ; willow , niarkot , 2
In nest. ( Ismail , 1 mediumi , per nest. ( > > ; ash ,
satchel basket , coveied.filn , perne't$1.10 ! ;
small bamboo delivery. $1.25 ; medium bumbo , ]
delivery , Ji.75 ; liirso bamboo dulh'ury , $5.5'J ' ;
waste naner baskets , f J.4' ' ) .
I'lHii Codfish , e.\lra ( Icorxcs , now , 5' ' c ;
grand bank , now , 4'ic ; silver. 2-lb blocks , 0'ii'i
hiioxv while , 2-11) bricks , now. S'Je ; Turkey cod ,
liriu : middle bricks , ! > . ; MIOW while , crates ,
12-5-lb hoses , ; 4c ; medium scales herring , 25i"
No. 1 scaled heirlnu' . 20c ; tloiiiesllo Holland
hcirlii , ' . 4Ui- : Hamburg spired linrrln . UJc ;
Itiihilan sardinesspli'edH5c. ; Itusslans iidlncs ,
plain. , VJu ; Imported Holland herring , crown
brand , sou ; do fancy mllkois , Die ; mnckorel.
No. 1 shore , half bids , JI2.00 ; bloaters , half
bbls , ilH.'JO ; wldtellsh , half hols , K.OJ ; trout ,
half bbls , 15.00 ; family whllolMi , W.M ; salmon ,
CANSIHI Ti'mi I-lb innckt'rcl ( herring ) $1 00 ;
1-lb llnnau baddies , il.fHi ; I-lb lobsters , W.I.Vlft
2.25 ; 1-lb Alaska salmon , Aleut , # I.5. : | 2-lb
oyslcis , 10 oJI.H5 ; 1-lb oysters , 5 u41.15 ; 2-lb
selects. 12 o/ , t.i5 : ; 1-lb cliims , little necks ,
f 1.25 ; 2-lb clnins , llllle necks , 81.7,1 , ; 'i-lb sardine
dineImporlod . , ] ier ease , lOils , J15.Uv2'l.O.I ;
! i-lb Imported boneless sardines , key. i2."i.OO ;
H-lb sardines , American , pel-case , 100s. Trencb
style. &I.4J45.1M ; 'i-lb sardines , American , per
c.ise , 100s , Krciich style , t7.W'TS.O ' ) ; 'i-lb .sar
dines' , miistaid , | ) erc.ise,5HJ.7. > TI.OO.
ItiiooMti 5-tle , pnilor J' . )0 ) ; 4-tle , $ . ' . .7.Uc ; ; ! ,
f..VMii : > . plain.-H.-5 ; warehoiihc , $ i.OO ; toy ,
41.25 ; whisk , .flX ( ) < iil.2' ' > .
( . 'oroA--lbtln. ' 4.ic . per Ib.
( ! iloi'OLATU-22lu > a"C perlb ; German chicory ,
red. s'jC-
Ktii'i : Iliisls Manilla rope , 15e ; ulsal rope ,
12c ; cotton rope Kle ; new process , s'ic ' ,
COTTON TXVINK lllbb , xory line , : i or 4 ply.
22c ; line , 20c ; daisy , l.-o : candle wick , ' . " 'c.
Oi.tvis-Juaits. : ( per dm , if 1.00 ; iiluts , per do ? ,
} 2.r > 0 ; bulk , per KiU.O'ic.
VINKHAIIiWisr. . cldor , lOc ; good , 12c ; while
wine , 1.Vfancy ; , fruit , sc.
HTOVI : I'oi.iHil J2.oO'if5H7par cross.
HAOS Am , per 11,0 , $17.tO ; l.ewihton. per 100 ,
OILS 150 prime xklilto , lie ; 150 water while ,
iit" : 175 heiidllKht. II' : < ; 71 gasoline , 1 Jo.
SAIAOIK llbls. , l.l c ; ( 'ranulato.l , 2c ; kens ,
1 Tri c ,
SODA 1'kgs. CO Ibi to box , SMQSiio ; kegs ,
4 ! < c.
c.Nt'TS Almonds , ; Itraxlls , llo ; fllberls ,
12'sei pojuns , lie ; walnuts , I2'ie ' ; iieannlcoeks ,
J'4c ; loasted. Ho ; Ti'imessoo peanuts , So.
MOIASMS : llbls. N O fancy , per Kalf > 5,17e ;
choice. 4.V3.I7C1 Kood. lioWKu ; Cuba baking , 2 > ( id
aoc : blackstrnp.V .
WiHi'i'ivu rAi'Bit-riir.iw. p r Ib , W&S'io ' ;
inir. ! J'Jo ' ; Manilla II. SUBi ) ; No. I. 8c.
UAd.s Union 8iini'c | , IWift-Vi per cent olT list.
SAP D.ilry , S8J Ibs la bbl , bulk , f2.IO ; best
Crude , GOjs , * - , ' . : l ; b-sl : ( 'rkU , i , 10J , as , J.MO ; best
itrutle. IS , Ids , f2..M ; rook salt , eruiliod , il.SJ ;
common , bbl , fl.25 , : ,
( ( ) * ! ' Castile , motllcd , per Ib , OQICc ; do ,
ublte , perlb , llo
QrisiNK 1'ero1' . A W..4ilo ; ( Herman , n.lo !
ImllRo , peril ) . 7 e ; InM-et ponder. 2. o ; opiiini ,
JUKI ; morphine. ) > .T dfl.lOi hops peril ) , iVio ;
plyeerlne.'JOe ; ( k'Mrlne , IOC ! utiuluhoiiu itV-j
ereiun tnrter , pure , 'f.'e ! eoniinerelal , Isiu ; cun-
pliiir. 4Se ; am , call ) , lie ; lilncj vllrlnl , 7'ji1. '
Ai-ldi ravbulle. ao-U'ct ; ollrle. 4Viil7oj lar-
tnrie. : i75liliej ; sulpliur o , per II ) , Se. Sperm oil ,
Jl.ldj turpentine. 4'-e ; Tonka litmus , W.5'ift
2.r : > ; halsuni toln , iiVrdUv" ealoiuul , I V)7 ! ) ;
( iinlliniadles. * l.aoiil.iJ5 : uastla InnU , yaisiv
ehliiiofuiiii. 4'.tii-V.'e ' ! ( TKol , ITQ.'V.'o ; KUIII ur ilik' ,
.VxTWi" i'lyeeiliie,20'loi lyeouoJluni,42BIGoj !
. \IutalH.
U.ncic [ TIN Small pig , Wj ) par Ibj bar , 30o
peril ) .
Cori'Kn Planished nnller sl/.os. ! CJo peril ) ;
eold lolled. Sle pur Ib ; hlii' aic per Ib ; pllts
and lliitN ate per II ) .
li.u.VANmaifiiKKT IKON Discount Ml-0per |
enui , put. plan. Iron , Nos. 21 and 27 , A. lOJie ; II.
" ; ivi\ PIATE-I. c. , io.\2i , a-K , : .ooi i. x. , ioxn ,
. . : > . _ .
. .jixso. . jiJ , . ; . . .
ItooKiNG-Clmrcoal , I. O. , 14x20 , 112 , J5.50 ; I.
X. , W.75.
SlIEBT IllO.N-No. 91. 11.50 ; .Vo. 27 , S3.CO
SOLIICII Strictly half and half , lOc.
STUEL XAii.s-liase. 12.20.
\Yliin-Jap. barb. U25 ; jalv. ; 3,65.
Througli coaches I'ullman palnco
bloopers , dining cars , free redlnliitf chuir
earn to Chicago untl intorvcning polnta
via the ( 'rent Rock Island route. Ticket
olllco 1G02 , Sixteenth and Furuuiu ,
TNSTKt'MBSTS pla-ed on rvcorU duibu
1. } terda\ \ ' !
AlbrlRbt Loan and Tru l company lot *
A Hart , lol 111 , blk I. lloppe's llotianta
subdlv , \ > d I 435
.los Kiivnii and wife to I Hl'arl oii , lot
lt. : Konsliiitlon lidd iretllo ) , w d 3,500
Howard Uanck and wife to Jacob /.Itn-
L.tnernian . , o'k ' lot lit , blk 1 , Hcdfiml
I'liice.wtl 300
Alhrlnht l.ona and Trust eonipatiy to II
lllllouny. lol f , blk : K , Albrhilil'a
Choice , w d 500
J II Ambito ; ) ! el : il to llcnrv NeuhaiH.
w ! f sv 5 and e ' s e 0-15-12. xv d n,500
I. II Carrier to I I. lUemln ; , w 'i ' lol : ) ,
blk 17 , lltinseoni I'lace , w d 1,500
U A Connelly and husband to Louis
Crmible. lol 0 , blk n , Carthase , w d. . . . l.'JOO
I'elcrCockiell lo.lW ( ireeif.w 40ftlols 1
and 2 , blk 12.1. South Omaha. xd 1,000
0 iCrossle ; and husbund to Mrs t'
Inimnn , lot IS , blk S , Clo\erdale add ,
Wwd 1,000
Daulsh I.iind and Itulldlim association
T to lli'oritt' AtinstroiiKi lot 4 , Arm-
riStloin's2d add , w d f > ,500
M A Klllutl. el alloJ II Lawrence , lols PJ
SB'ii.d-'i , bllill. Shiill's''d add. wd 050
\V U lloniun et nl to C M ( Itilnoy , lol 111 ,
blk 5 , North Omaha , w d 400
1. 11 l.iir oii lo.I I' Kelln , lot 5 , blk 2.
\Vcst ( 'HinliiK. d 700
A ( ' I.chihlon lo IC smith , lots , blk 11 ,
\Vnlimt 11111. xv d 2
U T Mnuvcll and wife to S U Olynn , lot
4 , blk IIH ) . South Omabti. w d HOO
llenrv Newhaus and wlfo to Herman
Ne\\hiiii . w ' , sw ft-15-12 , w d 2,700
Henry Xoulmus and wife to 1'red Ltiiiu-
inann , n'0 feet sc'i ' , seO-15-12 , w d . . C50
Sontli Uninha land eomp.iii.v to b N
Coekiell. lol 10 , blk 121 , .south Omaha ,
wtl MO
Copv of oidliia'ice vaeallm ! Stale slieet
In'l'loreiu'e from xv line of Main street
west tocity limits ( ictlle )
TliuoUNen nnd xklfo to I'rank Chilst-
liian. lols II and 15 , TlintTlnee. w d. . . . COO
M.I Kennard nnd wife lo It A Morris , w
ICIIot',1. bll.4. I'enl'-e's ' add. xv d O.fOD
llei'iiiird Devln and xvlfo to I' K llcmpey ,
lot 15 , blk 2 , Mount Donvliii. w ( I f > 50
\VUThoniusnntlxMfe lo 1) I/l'homif. :
lot 1 , blk .ill , rioienee , xvd 1,253
liate City 1'ind Coin W I , Moiuoo lots 1
to I' . ' , blk 4. Hnxvlln ; ; ( Iri't'ii. x\d 4,200
C ,1 Colby mid xIfo lo ( ilolio l.nnn and
Tiilst ( 'o , w'.j ' 'i lol 47. ( Jlse's add , xxd 4,000
' I , Moll roe and wife toiloho Loan and
Trust Co , lot : t , blk 11 , Kcdlok's sub of
Hcdlck'sadd.d 8,500
C h Hart nnd wife to I' l.aMotte Coppln-
Ker. lot : ( ! . Hart's sub , xxd l.JW
Mercer Avenue liulldhrj association lo
imosieneVbltiiey , lot I , blk 2 , Wnlmit
Hill ( iclllc ) wd WO
Txvcnty-olghl transfers $ 50,117
ol' I'vdilan Hlonnal Coticlavo
nt 'MllxvutiKcc , VVI . , .Inly , IH I > .
For this frrctit oui'iiHiou cxoiirsiontlok-
ols will bo I'old from till principal points
in the United States and Camilla to Mil-
wiiukuo and return via tlio Chicago ,
Mllwtuilcuu & St. Paul railway at half
As its name indicates thodhicnpo , '
Milwuiikuo tSi St. Paul railway ia tlio
direct route to Milxv.vukoo , anil us the
iv.unii jji'ounil for tlio Unifonnud IxInightH
( to wlneli point cars and trains will ho
run thnnijjh without transfur ) is located
dirootly on this line , it will ho seen Unit
tlio Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way lins grout , advantage over other
roiitos which tire iintihle to furnish such
facilities , and visiting Knights , their
families and friends should hoar this
in mind when purchasing excursion
A circular giving detailed information
will ho mailed freu upon application to
A. V. IT. Ciirpontof , general passenger
agent , Milwaukee , \Vis.
PIIAS. Agent. Oon'l Agont.
Ifi'tl Farnain Street ( Uarkor liloek ) ,
Provisions and Stocks.
Basement First Xalioual lianK ,
3OB South 13th Street , Omah
13O2 Fnrnnm SKroot.
Cl y Pussongor und Tlckoo Agent
Arrtnii lli'hllllr ,
Voudilul linllnrrelloai
' , , I.iwt Mnntiiiod.
Do Your Own Physician 1 :
mmm.mmm \ \ummmmmtm\ttim \ \ 't '
1Any men , from the t-tfecti of youthful j
f impnidencH , hao lnouyht ul uut a otatu of i
i wt-akncis Umt hnt i dncnl tlic Kinoinl yitj j
! torn HO inucli IIA lo Itnlucu almost every 3
! other (11 cease , and thu nml caut > ' of the J
\ trouble scarcely ever U'lut ? u iK-cti'i1t they ;
Ate doctoral for overthlni ; ( nil ttit >
I ' ono. NotwlthstnndlnK the many valuable \.t
rpmedks that medical science IIUH produced ? ?
fur thu relief * f thUclaw of luilitMits. nonu > / * .
of tlio ordinary muded of trtntinnttttiVctn p
{ euro. .
I j-ltn.1 practice wo liavii I'ipvilJiienk'd with
> iiml dJucovi'ied nuwnndconcintmtud mno-
[ dies. The aceonipnnylnir prescription i of- ,
; Cured as a rcrtnln nnd mwrily euro. a O
Immjrtil8of ca c iiiour nnicllpt ) liave LK'ti 1A.
rostoi-wl to p'-rftrt lunllh tiT Us UBO after > >
all other ivnu-iUintalU'il. IVifcctly puro'ng
It ErytMroiyJon rnra , 1 J drachm.
Jlulonl.n I'Hulcn , iSdiachm.
( lel f inin , 8 if rain * ,
Kit. itptandru , 4 K. _ , . , _
( lljcerlno , ci . ) Hi.
, Maku GO Milt. Take 1 pill nt S p. m. , Mid an *
otlior on Kolnx to l l. Iiisomacactait will <
i bom cHBaryfortlioiMitlenttotaUctwoiillI * i
vrcmodr ( lulaptccl t i every condition uf '
I nnd especially fn the j caseu resulting froiu '
i ImpruiltMice. The rfcniwrntlvn j towers of (
i thlarustoratlroarotnilyajtMilshlnff.amllta Clue
luo continual for n short timochnn rs the ; >
Un utd , debllitflt4Hl , iicrvflcra condition to '
> ono of re now iU lifo nnd Tl ror. i
t As we arc constantly In rectipt of 1tiers of ;
; Inquiry rvlatlvo to this remedy , we uould '
I say tolhoiH who would prefer to oMnlnit of !
! us by rvmltthiff $1 aflpcuttiljr noulc < l park-
> n o rontatnliitj CO pills , rarufully cow
[ poundt-d. will ho rent by ifltirn n ll from ,
; our private laboratory , or wo will furnlnh 0 '
lAekKRfK , which will cure uiojt COCUB , for $5.
AddrcMiorcall oa < <
Hew England Medical Institute ,
21 Tremont Itnir , Iloilon.Maii ,
n Coojrinlit.lW. lij F. ll. lliu IK.
Deni/erae / Lottery
Denver , Colo. ,
Capital Prize $7,500.
Address B. F , RIIODUS ,
jb'amlm. ' Vhipol Mlii nmiMn'Vi'nMri < ol .J _
4 50 if m Clilcncn kx | > ri's . . .
IMJ in ClilciMTO K | > reM
tfl P mi flilen/u KjproKS
JJ.MIp nii riilcnito ! .ocnl
'l-cnvus iticiinNin'oN A MO. IllVUIt. ; Arrives
Uinali.i. | iK-iKit lotlijiml Mn on structy I Omaha. .
Denver II.IJT Htiru | < . . . 41X1 p m
10.IS n ni Denver Htirv | < II. I i p m
6.19 p ill Denver S'kht ( JtiirMf ' .I..I5 n in
JUS n in . . . . j Lincoln Irfieal V (0 ( p in
" K. f , MP. J. A i' . ll. Arrlvoi"
Oimilin. I Ik'pot lOlli nmlMa _ < im lrc t _ . _ Omili.i
P.,1.1 n ml . . .Knn "ii < ( 'Itjr liar K'xTirens .7
Jill p ill IK. C. Nliilit i : > | i. vln It. Is. Trntu
U > imi I I'MOJJ ' I'AClKIt' ,
Omnlm. | Depot IDlli nml Mnrer ln.ft .
SA ) p in oTerlnful T'j [ er
7.W | i in
tU.'JU n in IViiviT Kxiresi |
tM p ni til mil liliuiil Kxp. u.'xiu'iil Sun. '
in . . \ires | .
lu.lj n ni tniitli'M Kui.
"I.VKVUS i , it. r. * ratrivt-r
Uinnhn. | lt. l\ ili > | Hit. loth ninl Mnrejr
I'.l.'i p in . . .7 . NlBht Ktin | > 4
V.I5 u in . Atlantic Ktiri | > .
J 13 p 111 Vo tlliiila Limited .
rU'iiviM j SlolIX ( MTV .v I'ACIKKT. I Arrival
_ ( ) iimliii | U. 1 * . ili > : int , lutli nivl M reySt _ ! Onnln.
" .IS it ml Slum I'llf rn"enner j
_ f > J5piii ! . . . . ( .t Pniil i\ire : | ! „ .1100.1 nm
T'nve j ! iOV\ ! i'lllAriM < V " "rArrlvi"j" "
_ Ouialin. | Ili'jHil IMh ntul Webster SK , | ( Iliniln.
_ ( ! ( ) p inj . si. I'.iul l.linlti',1. . . _ . _ „ . _ . | W.2.1 nni
Omnlm. | U. I' . tliMuil , Ulh iin.l Murer Sti.l Uiirilm.
4 : p m Ve ( lliiilu lainltixl
0.15 p in luwii AeeoiiitnnilatlLiii
MO P m I'nMerti I'lrer
I'llll'Alid , Mlu , , V ST. 1'Al I.
Jlinnlm. 'Ul' _ . ileiml , lillli ami Mnrey l
V.l.'i n m ' " 'x" ' ' " " ' " "y'
( ' . .in p m . ! .Vtt'ii !
VM p 111
"IAJIIVCS U.MAHA , \ yr. i.oiiiri.
Oinaliii. U. P. ilvput , loth nml Mnrey SI
tl'-a p m 77.St. ! I.OUH rannnii Hull . . ' . .
I . .K AM ) V Vli'jOV.
Diiiali ! ! . li'i it I1t'iiiu _ I W lliI irS'.i.
iTSl n liTT 7 llliiek Illlli Kxpro" .
1U n m
MO p in . . \Viilini \ ) \ l.lnci'ln I'lioenuiT
6.10 p ml . .York A Nurfiilk il\ ! . Sn
"J.raven I " " " 0 , , rT. I' . . M. .vi ) .
Omnlm. | Depot UHli niul Weliiti1
1.W n m n.Slunt I'lly Aeeiinitiiiulntliin. .
l.UI pin . .Sloiixl'lty llTpre" ii : . Sun. ) . .
p 111 .St. I'niil l.hnllc.l
5.15 p in . ll.ini'ott Pa r i hit. Sniil. )
Depot ( Mil nml Woliifr Sti.
lO.IHI n int. . .SI. Lonl * \ IC. I' . lnr. l . . . .
y.15 p . . . . l < ui
ItNlON l'A'll'U'-SUIirilllA.\ NM
Tlirnn trnlin iil o flop al liltli , Kill. 'JUIh nml''ttli
itri'oti , Siimiiilt nml Snvlilito I'ruanlniVorkliu -
Lien's tralm ih not run S'.i.ul.'i * ' .
Mrimn- Trans
way fer ( lik- South jAlbrl't
Clllllll.4 Depot. Iliin. Oninlin I Depot.
K >
? 0 ,1.W
ll 111 H.I7 ' KM
" . ( ) Ci.1,1 11.10 7..It S.M
711 i * ) 7..vd . ! . ' ! Sw''j " .U'l
en SUi S.U7 . 'O
11.41 Witt HIS HUT H.W 8..MJ
1' M I'M IM I'M
II 11.1
( U.1 i5l ! !
4.4.1 6U.1 IS too
0.1(1 (
6.4.1 0.6.1 J Ht
7.H1 IS I.M
l.uikv < "t i ClIK'At.u. It. I. .V 1'AUlMu. lArrlvui'
Trnnifer I Unlini lt'mt. ) | Coiinell lllult * . iTrnmfur
Ii.i0 : p nil -Nlnlit Kxprc'im li.:4S : n iii
9.'tl n in Atlintlo rxpri i 'i.i'j p in
6.1 * ) | i in i Vti ( llinlo l.linlleil 10 M u 111
lA-nM-H il'llir.M.o , \ NOIU'IlWl'IS'l r.UN.I Arrives"
TrnnifiTl I'lilc.u . Depol. CoiiiielMIhiiN. ,1'rnniler ,
"l'.4U ' n in.r. | . . . .niliiilni"Kxprb K.IW l > in
r , . ) p m Veytlliulo l.liiillu.l IW ) n in
ID.ilu | i .11 K-vlorn Klyi-r 1M r in
Allniitli' Mull. . . . . . . . . . 7.'HI n m
'Ixjmes illlli'.Vlii ) , Mil , . \ ST. I'AUU Arrives
Tran ler | I'nlon lienot. Ciiiinell lllull < . Transfer
'v.'M if nn . . .Clilnix"Hull ( exeepfsimiliiy ) . . 'W P in
I'l.'M p in t'lilenKu llnpru'il II. 1,1 ll 111
lO.tUpin ! . . . . . .nileimo ixpri"i' : > . . _ ' . ' . ( W p m
"Leinex I " K. l' . , T. JOI'J'.v'l' . II. fArrlvei"
Trnn ( er | JTnlon Depot. I'uniiclMlliiiTa JTrniufc-r
10ir. u ml . . .liim-iin CUy Uiy : KMirusiT. . . ! : p in
lll''Sp nil..l < nn ai City Nlaht K prmi. . . | ! 9J a in
" "
Lonvoi I OMAIlA A. ST. Jll8. ) ) | AlrlTl'
Tniintei'l Unldii IK' | H , _ r _ niii'll _ IHulTi. | Tiiin fer
" " " "
f'7 ( 7 in.M. | ionHThiiTm Tlnli. lli.l.'i p in
ljUiivu jCrl'\UiO. | IIUItr.'N A'Ql'I.N'l'Y.I Arilvei"
TrniKlerl Union lonilJ' ) | iiiH'll Illinta. jTrninfer
1I.4U a ml T.rnleiiKo r.tpn i p'iri
lO.K ) p 1:1 Khlriiuu Kxpims U.1I ) 11 m
7.K : ) p m [ i region Uieil. : . . . . . . . II.'JII iijn
Union JK'iot. | Council llliilN. [ Tramfor
7. 5n rTnTTTaioiix City Acciniiiiioilnllun . . ,1 ! i.'l5"a m
6.W | ) in : _ . . ' lixprna \ ' H.S5 p m
iiissoum I'A ir. . uiMii uitAN THA'IKS.
n.m n.m. p.m.
Portal B.IVI 1.34
Suymour 1'ark. 8.IW 4 0.42 1,45
Mnnrot 8.42 4 9.47 l.W
l.nwil . 4 B. 49 l.U
West MM 6.M 7.20 8.W 4 6.40H.4S II. . ' ,4 1.57
Dilluleu I'lnco. 7 Jl 8.f. ' 4 5.41 (1.4 ( U.M l.W
Wnlmit Hill. . . G.24 24 6,44 G.49 V.M ) 2.03
tu Street. . . . fl.IB 7 2 < l 8.MMI 6.4G 10.01 2.0,1
Druid Illll 8.31 7 ill S.Wll.S 5.490.M lo.m 2.Ui
OikkClmthnm. . ( S.a | 7 35 n in r. MX ) 10.07 2.10
t n . .4.7 | 4. ' , ! l IIIIS 7. Ill 10.15 2.20
Pastanolo and from Crest Brllaln and afl
nails ol Europe. Monttenl-LUcrpool route , by lha
W3tori > o ! SI. Lawrence , sliortcsl ol all. OlRdcow to
DtMtun , to riillnilolpliiu , I.lvcrpnol to anil from
Italtlmorc. Thirty Sloamurs. Claco excelsior.
AccommudntloiiR iiiinurpasHc'il Weekly sailings.
AM VH1 & : > . .Ocn Went. Ay'tfl.
C. J , Sundell , Mmacr. 11IM XMa til. , Chicago , It
The l.uru-i' " ! , I'li-tol nml I'liimf. In Ihn World.
' " * " *
H E W YOff K"l 0 HD OHDER R Y AND 01 A S 0 0 W ,
CIIICASSU , .Inly 12. I r.TIIOI'IA. ! Jnly20.
AM'IIOUIA , July 19. I ITUMKBSIA , Auii.2.
New York , CJiicciistoivn and Liverpool.
Tlio Cpli-lirntpil I lulyWth.
CITY OK ItO.MH. I Anir 2nl. tet \ 20th.
ralt-ion Jowi tttrrinBto uii'l ' frtnnth * princli-nl
Kxcurtlun tickitu rt-Uucnl , inailo uinllnbio tn return
I * ) i'Uh'rtln < | > ii'tureMuo'lyir | ( Itivcrilt-rreyNorth or
( South rif lrHan < l Nnph-n urdltunllur
at louvel current rntfK Apply I , , any uf our lornl
Ioral ni'inlH at Oiuuliu llatrv 1C Monre.
C'liarli's M..II-S \ RVuill , II. 1' Uoaol.Ultl
zi'ii'ti llanu. ( Jlli ) Wolf
KllfW NK\V yoilK nVliltVTHOUSDAV.
Cabin Passage $35 to $50 , according to location ol
itateroom. Excursion $65 to $95.
Btoornire tonml trnm Kuropoat Ixinput Itatei.
AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO. , General Agenti.
63 Orcddway. NEW YORK.
Jno. Nlogon. Ocuonil Wt-storu Aeunt , 1201
Itiindiiluli MtruL'l. Clilua o. Hurry K. Moore ,
Tims , t'unno. '
- - .
On nccour.t of our Inr o
niul incronHJiiK 1'rautiuc ,
wo huvo 11KMO\TKI ) to
inoro HpncioiiH und con-
vonicnt olllues.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
1109 Douglas SL Omaha , Neb-
National Bank
Cnpltnl , - $ AOOOOO
Surplus , - 4OOOO
Oiflccr ntul lilroolori' I ! . M. MoMcmnn , " Jt.
Itltoliiock , .lo oili | ( JiuiH'.in. Jr , A. llpnry , K. .M.
Aii.lorjcMi . , William o. .Mini ) , vlco-i'rofhli'iili U 1) ) .
\ VllllninA. . I * . llopkliK. | TcM > lflil : A. .Militant.
rnsliliT ; K. II. llrrnni. niMMnnl rn liler.
National Bank
Cnpltnl , - $ -'iOOOOO
Surplus Jnn. 1st , 180O , - C7.BOO
Ollkor * nml llroilorIti'nry \V. Vnto , uroMilonlt
U'ivl ) i. Hci'il , riri'ilrixMonl : , liitnoV Snvnm'V ; \ ,
.Morp , Jolin S. CollliKi II. T. CUftliliiXi J. N. It.
I'ntrlci.V ; 11. H. Hiinlio' , i-.ulilor.
Corner IJtli ntul rnrimm Street' .
A Ocni-ral llaiiklnK lIiisliii'ssTrunsnctfil.
Omaha ManilfaotilrBrs.
Mnotw and Shoes.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Hoots & Shoes
Aneiitt fur lld'l.ui Unl'bor Slinn Co , 111. . ' ' , 1101 mill 1IW
lliirnoy Mifot.Oinnliii. Noli
Lager llecr Brewers ,
1MI Ncrlli l.'tli Street , Oninlin , Noli.
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window rni4 ] ntul nu'lnllPftkytlulit * . Jolin Kponotort
prnprli'tur. lUjnihl llOSuutli lutli Mrei'l.
Arllit * ' AlatiM'tiilM.
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' Materials , 1'lanos ' and Organs ,
151.1 Doimlin Street. Omnlm , Nob.
Coal , Coke , MU- .
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
8. H. Cor IGtli nnil DouKlus Stircla. Oinulin. Nob.
Shippers of Coal and CoKc ,
SU Sinitli IStliStroct , Oninlin Net ) .
Wholesale Cigars ,
403 N liitliStrwt. "Hello ! " 1ITO.
Dry OooilN niul Notions.
" " '
if. E."SMITH ssco. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
Corner lltliiinil llowiml Htrecli.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
Gfnta'rurnl lilimrooil ! . Corner lllli mid llnriiay
titiui'ttf. Oinulin , Ni'li.
Wholesale Dealers in Fiirnitiirc ,
Kariinin Street , Omahn , Nulirnnhn.
Furniture ,
Omnlm , Nobrn'kn.
.Wholesale Grocers ,
i nnrl f.nn vnntvnrttt Ktrnnta ( tuinlin. Vfi
Ijiinilier ,
Dealers in Hardwood Lumber ,
Yard 1310 N. ( Cm Si. . Omnlm.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc , , Elc ,
Imported nnd American Porlluinl Comrmt. Htnt4B
agcutfur .Mllwiiiikcn llvilruiillu Cuiuunt , uuj
Quliicy Wldta 1.1 ino.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wood carpets nnd paranctnoorliie. Dili and Douglat
Htrcuti , omiilia , Nebrnikii.
Lumber Lime Cement Etc. Etc
, , , . , ,
Corner I'll ' ! nml Dnnnliis Struct , Onmlin.
IMIllliicry and N'otlonn.
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
209 , 210 iiml i12 ! Soiltli lltli vtrciit.
Notions :
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
1121 llnrncy strcnt. Om.'dm ,
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle itrcnso , etc. , Omnlm. A. II. nislioii , ur.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry n nlco Flock nl prlnlliiK. wrnppliiK nnil wrltlni
pnper. Hpeclul iiltuiitlun tivun to cai
-H , Kto.
A. L. DEANE Ae CO. ,
( Jcncrnl Aucnti lot
Halls' ' Safes ,
821 and Zl'l Boutli 10th St. Omaha.
j-w , Htc.
Jobbcru ut
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
IIOU3U i'urnlihliiK ( looilii , riillclrnri'i Carrliik't's. 1
riirnitui Klrcut , Uinnlin , Nub ,
Steam and Water Supplies ,
llalllilay wind 111111.1. CIS and WO Joncii it. , Omatia.
0. K. It a9 , Acting Miiniiuur.
Iron \Vorkn.
and Cast Iron Iluildlng Work ,
liioi , hrn' work , cenfrnl fiinnilry iimrlilnu uu4
'bluckainllli work. Olllco nml win ki. U 1 * . .
Itr. unil 17th > Ufi't , Omalm. I
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Viuilli" , Jail work. Iron Miullprit nnd Bro funipcu
U. Anari'uri.iuou'r. Cor. lull amlJiickionhtu.
HUHI | , Uooi'N , IClo.
Wlioloalo iiiuiHifnctiircrH of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
llrnntli olllco , 12th ami Iinril utrcftn , Omaha , Nub ,
OrnrT '
01 Soulb Omalia ,