Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THE OMAHA DAIM , TUESDAY , UJ/Y 8 , 1800 ,
\7hat is Going on at Orete aud Council
The Inti-iiNc- lent Cannes tlio At-
trniliuH-r-nt Coinioil IllnHVi to
Diinlnlsli ( ioM-lp nmlevs
I'IDIII Doth I'ulnls.
Omrr. Neb , July " . [ Special to Tilt !
/Ii K Now that the Nebraska Uhnntauaua
itt' einll > Is In full Mast , a gl.inco at some of
Iholsitors mav luvo something of iimuso-
ineni in It Kir t , of course , xxo might con
sider the smill boy. lie is omnipresent.
Tills individual probably does mote talking
nnd less sln-plncj limn ntiyono else on the
rronnds Ho moots you as jou 1 mil from a
boat ilde ultli your biwt girl , imdsulutos ) ou
with " .S i } , mister , can 1 borrow your oars
If \ id and j our ghl are thniigh wltli 'oml"
Of i-oursi'joudccllno to part with your prop
An as .i-tnbly xvotild not seem natural wltti-
out the evillc-ge student. IIo vu-.irsablirer
nnd tarrifs a tennis racket. Should you wish
ntlii'r diHtingiilshlng nmrln you vill ( Ind
tin in In n new stiaw hat uiidi piomini'iit
> elt I'pi n e ery available occasion makes
Vse > of hit "college jell , " and wheiever ho
llnds listening cars lie tills them v 1th long
lUssutatmns on the merits of his institution.
lie It Is xho bids Ids ladylove farewell In
the moonlight nnil thin seeks his tent , and
with the assistance of tils cumpinions mikes
night hideous nml sloop a hollow mockery.
Tin1 fellinxxlio li.cs nexe-r Dofoio attended
nn aiseinbly Is leadily "ingled out. This
M'lf roiiMlousne-ss betravs him , nml his un-
Umltid knowledge of the gtoimds mikes
Aim an easy mark for the obsenor.
Tlio ilrsl ( Jhautauqu utr.iln brought In the
' 'sxxee-t e-iil Kiaduate" fiom tbeiiiliiud town.
Multitude's of he-rspecles h ivo been arrhlng
ever slnreShe Unts near the college
fitudcnt IIo appreciates the situation , mid
until tbo small hours ( if the night they ad
monish each otlicr to "bo utiil' ' beiuusu they
"xviuit to sleep " At last tlmatchmun re
quests them to " shut up , because peo-
jdola tliat row of tents nlut undo of iron. "
Thus cautioned , the culprits sink Into slum-
lx > r at tor indulging in sundry half-suppru.sed
liut i \ < rjiino must hnvo his eccentricities ,
nnd although assembly life in ij pro\o favor-
nlile to thi'irdovcloin | < 'iit , lniiplur ) days than
those SK nt on the banks of the Blue xvill
never bo found.
\ \ In n tin- old farmer builds a fire nud pro-
paies ulTiH' for his evening meal by the load-
Hide xvc niter Into sympathy vith him. The
fniiiihii' ' man smiles as In ice-eivi-sa reiiiest |
foi u liunk'1 butsecmes the deshvd aiticle
Afoiin \ t , to a gieat de-giee , the little
prlev. n cs ( if life , and | i.uss by unheeded
wliai v.iinld otdln.irily call loith a lic.irty
huiirh f amusement or mi utuoinpllmentary
'Iln sulijoit of the morning blblo reading
XIls Ihi1'roillgal Sou , " Lulto ,1.11 , 2-i
l > r llurlbut dealt with his coinrrelii-nsivo
Hubji'e t in a very thorough manner. Tbo at-
tiMidiime xvns , asusuil , laigu
lr ) IJui.xi.i s blblo student's class met in
the C oiif. relational building at thu usual
timei'lie subject of consideration xvas tbo
gospel of Mattheiv.
Airs Kennedy's children's nnd joung people
ple s e lisses eoiisidoicd the mission of Chi ! ' ,
nnd tlir lunacies perfoiined by Him. The
little people nroory bright , and luivo
nlicndj gained a knowledge of biblical
gcocrraphx \ \ nleh would shame many of their
uldur eiimpmiioiH A permanent iinpivssion
is iiuule upon the mind through the medium
oi ilie > i \i- , and object ! "ssons are accordingly
fni'lj usi-el The geogiaphy of Palestine Is
delineated by means of .sand , while
tlio blackboard contains a man \vliieh
is uexxlj i-oiistmcted by the cliildic-n each
At 10 o'clock the Normal class met ns usual.
The > subje'ct xx as'ilio Year of Popularity"
IJr llurlbut consielcicd very thoroughly the
year of Cluist's ' mlnlstiy in wl-l.h Ho en-
lou-el Ills gieatest populailty
The Woman's Christian Temperance union
tempcnmco tnilnhig class elevoted its morn
ing houi to"Jallmidl'risouVork"
At 11 o clock I'rof. .T G. Kteciimn of the
" \Visconsln Unixersity leetuied on 'SMfied ,
the Si hnliu King " This was the Hist of u
si i lea of addresses on English lltoratuie.
The spuilur uttered the lelloxvlng things ,
iniiong others : "Tho literatuio of a nation
Bhous Its life Poetiy always piecedes
jimse in thollteraturoot a pi'oplo The llret
Kieat poouis of uhnost all nations luuo been
ul llrst preserved b.x xxoid of mouth "
From : > " ) ! ) to 1150 pioso predominates In
.Anglo-Savon lltenituiv. Alfred is u pi line
Mho has become a hero of lonuinco , but to
his i hnai 'or roumnco has done no moio than
justice. 1'exv kings have been as great and
good us he From Ids boyhood up ho xvas n
Bihohu. At the ago of sexen Alfred
ivturni-d to his homo from Home , xxhltlier
ho hid gone with his father xvhen
hut four years of age.
Allied appealed on the vxorld's stage it
the middle of the ninth century. IIo oe-cn-
pled niritleal position , belli } , ' forced to light
lor hU liitherlaiul frotii the heginnhig. On
C hristimis nf the year 870 Alficel , thouRh but
axouth of iJ JCMI-S , conqueiid Kthelreil , the
3) ) me , and dulded the fate of Knghind
Duriiig his entire life ho uevir shoxvcd cow-
mdii e I 'i om S7S onward Alfred s kingdom
was pnu-tliallj at pe.ii'e , as regarded the
Isorthmon IIo ivorgnnUed inid refornu'il
tlio aimx and created a mxy. lie e-oin-
iimiuled bis olllcors te > learn the lav orro-
Mgn their oftic-es. lie m ide the llrst sunev
of the kingdom. His ability -xuis
uaii8imll > good. A change In the men-ils .uul
miinnei-s ol tbo church was brought about
All i ed xx as a man of action moro than a in in
of it-tiers , x e t Ids liteiary nccomplisliiiients
xvere in.un IIo found his eountiy In a con
dition of llti-r.iiy decay , ox-en lojalty having
me-vioush been unletteied , and founded
Kngland s school system. Ho was theilrst
projei tor of Arctic exploration. The books
tinnslate-d by Alfred make up the round of
KnoxUedgo of the ninth cc'iitiirj . . His relig
ious ch.irictei xxasuiie-xeellid.
At Jo'eloikUev r. W CiuiiMiiiluslc-c-tuie-d
on "Jeninio Sivon.nola" in the taln-riini Io.
After brictly outlining the position and power
of tlio t'atliolie chinch at the tiino of bavona-
lola , the sppalii-r pioeeicleel to a eousldei Jtlon
of tlio man himself. Ho placed befoiolus
hoaixrs the niilu poinU la the lifo of Sax'ona-
lolaand his pliilosophiial death , with tlm mo <
lives xvhlth actuated thogieut Italian heio.
The subject of this afternoon's normal
class xvas "Tho Year of Oppodtlon " The
C. L S C * round table tousidc-K-d the loea
.lohn Do Witt Jliller of Philadelphia do
llx'eied tlio e\onliig Iciture ; subject. ' 'The
Sti anger ut Our Gate" Mr. Miller deal
with tlio Immigration problem and handled
the causes , ox Us of , and the lemedlos for
cxcessix o foieign liumhjratlim
Hex T DoU'ilt I'almago ill uositively ap
peurVediiehdiiy iifteiuoon and leetuw on
! 'Blg Blunders"
Uecent visitors are as folloxx'8. 1'roir
Lincoln , Jiimes , CJarrv L . Hurry C. and I'aii
S. Itlvett , Hose Collins , Fred Tjlor anil Mrs
Ciunptleld , Alice Huitgi-one- . A. Bnell , II
11. Duiieauson , JIV. . ITolsom , Mrs. L. U
Stowait , Mualo lluwlo > , Unto Stoddiird
Auglo i : C.oodxxln , K H Hums Tron
Omaha -Uinmn J uixte-r. , 11 A. Klnncv. .1 ,
B. Durham. Fi-om .Mllfoiii-\V 0. Sillily ,
Mi-s Mnmlo n.ivUon , Adil M. Woodwnid , A
F. 1'orel und wife O K Comstoik and wife ,
Tlioobo ScholT. Kt-lHo Stoxxe , M JI nnd B
1' . Davison l ixun boward Voiuon \ lilt
ing , C. 11' Ixr.issnmn , J J Tlioinus , Mit ,
Huitgiove 1'i-oin Hastlntrs-Mrs . V
Klngliiiiil , Fiom H. O.i3sol Fwm linrvaid
C. K ( laddis , JI. W Bradly , Uoy Howell ,
Albert Carbon , llliineho Dillon.
Tlio clilldrcn of Mrs Ke-nnedj's class
Bomotimcs return sonio ve-rv stiange nnsxxers
to questions which are asked them. To thu
question "why can \xu notvo tlshing on the
De-ad sea"1 the following i-oplles xvow
rooelvod"Cause the tlsh alnt got no cyos. "
"Saltnteralut good for 'em. " uTUe water's
too reel , " ete-
The colors of Doano college , oraugo nnd
black , aio prominently displujed in front of
the , Congi igatlonul headquarters.
Di' Uiiryt-ft re-turned this morning after
his Sunday's absence. I ID arrived In tiino to
conduct his blblo student's class.
The chorus still continues iu good work ,
New selections are maston-d dally ,
Air. Hoard's drawiiiK classes are progress-
IfiK ttiiely. The number of members is
'ihoso who are dtulroui of heanuff ouu of
the ablest disrusslons ex r occurring in Ne-
linvikii should not fall to attend the grand
debate which oce-urs on the grounds to-
moiroxv The speakers xvlll be Hon. I M.
Marquetteoftho B , t M , and vx-lTnltetl
States Senator VmiVke. . The nuestlon I
ono concerning thu local and intorstatu
freight nit * s of our railroads Mr Jlar-
quctlevlfl of course nrjnio in favor oflhe
nwratlons , xvhllc Mr \ 'nnVyke xvlll sup
port the liOKillve Iloth gcntlenii-n
will positively appear nnd u vtrin foreu lo
urteumentmay IxjexpectiHl
Visitors from tbo trrnunds to thoolncrx'u-
torj' of Douio ciilliffo have been quite :
iiuincrous thus fardunmr the session.
Besides to-ninnxiw'a dobito , the following
programme xUH take place :
EUhtli daj/l'iii'sda ) .Inlyfi. I.iwyers'dny.
R ( rt IK-x'otlonal set vlco nnd hlblo -adlng. .
Up .1. K. Mill-Unit , . "The Uleli Jlan ( ind ! , i/n-
rii-i ' I.nkij HI I'.HI. ' 'liitii-rnac-lo. C'lilhlit'iiS
iln . Mrs M ( ! . Kennedy.
U 4 > c'liorm training. Dr. II. 71 I'abnur.
Taltern ii'IeNormal 11 i n l > r f. I , llurlbut.
"Tlii'Vie > k of Passion " Voting I'eoplo's e'luss
XIr < Ki-nti'Kl )
K ih-ll ix > -lrixvnij ) : ! olis . I'rank Ile'ird.
liioi-iilbli utiidi-iii'i cl-m Dr. J T. Dur-
} i-a Tciniiir.iiuo trilnliu cluns ot tbo
xVunii-n < i hihil.iii tempermcu union.
11 0) ) Mornliu Ucluro. 1'ieif. J C. I'lucniuu ,
" . . "
"Din C li.uiccr.
200 Afternoon | i > tutc .
nm > nrmnl ol is * . Hr .1 L. Hurllmt. "Tho
D.I ) of Crucifixion " I'rltmry ' tcae-hers' class
Mn M ti. Kciiiieily I'linnis tralnlns. Dr ,
II. It. I'almir. Druxilni ; clnsj for eblldrun
I' Heard
r > i -\niiiiil moe'lliiBof tlinNi'brnska ( him-
tuiiiiiiaiiuliin K idli-s' missioniir ciiiiferi'iici-
( it ) ( Ins pi I mei'tliu of Ihi" \ onus Men's
Christian IISSIK intloii. Meeting of tlio Olill.s-
linn llii'li'iivir ' six'li-tles.
M IX ) ( \eiilnx Itetun Ilr FV. . Ounsilus
"Tho Anieirliaiilsiiiof U asliliiglon. "
Tlio HlnfTH ( .liaulaiiiua. |
Corxcn. Ili.i its , la. , July 7 [ Si > cclal to
TIIK. ! 3fF. ] The iatenso heat cause some
falling oil in the nttcndanro at the Council
Bluff.s nnd Omih.i Chuutnuqua jastcrday
The shady nooks are more comfoitablo tliuu
a housing In between brick xvulls of city life ,
nml yet tlio groves are by no menus chilling
The grounds are very cool comparative ! ) , but
it Is a hot , dusty trip by carriages la order to
reach them If ono goes by rill during the
dny there Is a hot walk , besides the swelter
ing waits about depots and motor lines. Those
who U-nt upon the grounds are fortunate , for
the nights .uo so cool us to give refreshing
slumber and the tedious journey to and from
the grounds is done away with.
Yesterday was cold xx'ater day , more
properly , howe\cr. temperance day , for such
a thing as real colel xvntor was not to ho
found There is a water supply on the
giounds , but it Is not the cohlcst or the clear
est Ihe diy \\.is spent rather In u theo
retical than u prnctkal demonstration of the
benefits of cold water.
Leon II. Vincent delix-cied another of his
seliolnrly , smoothly finished lettures , bis sub
ject being "Kmersoii "
In the afternoon the address of the day xVas
bv J Sterling Moiton , his subject being
"i'lees. " Thoiobt of thonfunioou xvis de
voted to the theino of the duv There was a
jilitfoim , atxx'hich Mrs. Aldiieh of
the "xA'oimn's Christian Tempoiauco union
and others snokc- .
In the exening the Rogers band gax'oa half
hour inusiiale , nftei-wliieh Mr . .1V Oi-igir
ileliveieil a lecture onOur Box i and Their
Ssisteis " Ho used the stercoptieon to illus-
tiato his talk.
Todiy there will doubtless ho n largo at
tendance to hoarI aim Dexvitt Miller , \\hoso
hounnii on Sunday caused such enthusiastic
ndiniiition on the ) pait of tliosohohiid
ncxei lii-aid this gifted orator before Tlio
Chaut.uniu i folks lm-o had nuie-li trouble in
securing addresses from him Last season
ho xvas del ix eel m his icturn tup from Ku-
lopc , and did not miKe eoiiiieetions in time to
fulfill his engagi'inent hero This jcar ho
came he-re ) In very poor voice , having ex
hausted it In trying to meet the miinv de
mands upon him. Ho was obliged to disap
point ono audience , lint ho teems inclined Io
inoro than iiiulw up for all the past The
momUo is gixeu that ho will dollver two
lietines heio this \\eek.
The folloxving is the progiamme for today :
11:0) : ) a. in. "Tbo lele-a of God In Modern
Thought , " by llov. P. N. Uials , Ph. I ) .
! MU ) p. in Mnsltulo Kosoisliand
'J.U'Jji. ' m Li-c'tiiro by John Doxxltt Miller on
"riiousesof LlKllniss.
4H ( ) ] ) in First session of el isslntliorinsllsh
hllilo , Dunn A. A. Wilght , I ) 1) ) . . lo-ton , Muss.
BdU | ) . in U. I ; . S. 0 loiinil liblu.
7:001 : > . in , Clioinsrlass
R:00j : ) . -I'tudo lie us bind.
6:20j ) . in Conceit by the L/on regitlonal
church choir of Um ilia ,
zioiei : HOT irji.iT/irie.
Chicago and ( ho NorlliMCut fllnst Pre
pare lor Another Ilukliifj.
Ciiicxnc , July 7. Accoriling to the predic
tions of local signal service ofllciils and In
xiexvof all the surrounding conditions , Chicago
cage mid the noitliwest ni-o in for another
spell of hot \ve.ither xx'hlch Is likely to sur
pass the onu of a few el ays ago.not only in ex
tent but In duration and Intensity
This prediction bids fair to bu fulfilled to the
letter. J'urly thismornlng the .signal sorxlso
thoimometf-r mnrltcd 70 ° and the tcmpcra-
tuiobas been rapidly climbing ex'er since.
At 10 o'clock it stood at Si0. A hot , dry
xv'nd ' from the southwest has been bloxx ing
since this morning , No prostrations by tbo
heat have been repoi ted to the police so far
I'e-nsliins ( irnntcd.
\VISIIIVQTOV , I ) C , July 7. Pensions
have been granted loxvans as follows :
Original James Ij D.ivton , Iliverhlll ; Kd-
xx-aid H. Ilutehins , DCS Molnes ; Miehicl
Callighim , Votm-wii ; IliiMin Jfcll , Slbley ;
Mai tin V IlmTord , Mirsha'ltoxxn ' ; Cornelius
: .i. Dunham , Griimoll , Henry Lee , Buttle
3icek ; Henry G. Tinell , Kilelulf ;
Ilt'iiry W Taylor , Noxv Virginia ;
Bemy S. Ilubbanl , BloonilUW ;
( Jldeon J WileCambrldgoj Pierson L'oun-
taln , Kerknuin : Pavld Williams , Knlo. In-
cieiLie 1'eriT Moses , Sullx , John ( Adams
Huini , .loci M' . IJic-kson , Ionia ; Wlh.un J.
iUislev , Iieton ; AVillmiu IVnix - , Livings
ton , \Villis Likellssex ; Augustus Hi oacher ,
Buller ; George B "Wait1'iiirilld , ;
AVilliani Solomon Yiiuplit , Libeitv\llle ;
.le .sso Hlavnns , Colfnv , David S Bixby ,
Luther , Henrv Khoeles , Manlj , Hnrldn II.
Britton , CcdirRnnids , Wesley Allen , iilch-
land ; AudivwL. Smith , I'idrlield ; William
1Waiv , LiIngston ; John U. Smith , Tabor ;
Caesar Dcnhirt , Mt. Ayr. Heissuo .lolmP.
Bxci-s , Monte/.uma , William Sachneldor ,
Boilston Oilgind xvldows , ete Ilaniot
mothi-rof Me-lviuU 1'r tt , Brushloy ; Jlury
H , xvidoxv of Henry S. Arnold , Malcolm ;
Kinmii r Uobr , former widow of
Demurs , Lonetrco.
Nebraska Oiiginal Inx-alld Thomas II
Tiacy , Norfolk ; lill Cllovir , Dennett ; John
Mara , Ce-resra ; Jiie-ob K. Shugnit , Ciiiulo
Hoc-k ; Joseph Moody , Aubnin ; Wil
liam K. Uohoit-son , Illllsdulc. In-
ctcaso Xiichen.s Story , Scotia ; Chester
G Beuls , Sheumn ; M.OSCS Hoberts ,
Te'cumsuh ; John O Noxvinnn , North Platte ;
Uowls II Smith , Blair , IVaucis RI Benie ,
StomViuigh , Laiides Itovcr Urawfoi-d ; Harvey -
ve-y Foa-ninn , Onuihn , Ira J. Hurleson , At
kins ; Loxvis B. Smith , Illair Hoissues
William 1) . Pei-sell , Hloomlugton : Joseph A
Jennings , Children Hoissuoand Ine-i-ei iso
Gllbeu H. Mite-hell , IIistins. Original
widoxvs , etc Minors of James Oullughor ,
South Dakota : Original Charles O. Sea
man. Increase James II Brooks , IMunkon-
ton , Charles C ! . Meeker , rianderail ; James
N Hull , Clark ; Homy Wlllams , St. Law-
re'iico. OilginalfdoxvJ , etc. Mlnois of
Isaac M. Wlnsein , High move.
l mpcrnr William'
CunisTi.xvx , July ( ) , [ Si > ociil Cablegram to
Tin : BKK. ] The eniporor of CJeimauy has
staitcd on a tour of the N'orwoglau coast.
King Oseair of Sweden and Norxvay 1ms op.
ixdnted his majesty honorary admiral hi the
Norwegian na\y.
( JiuusrusA , July 7. [ Spoelal CableRiiwi
to Tin BEE , ] The ( Jerruan war ship , War-
zcr , with r.mperor AVlllinm on board , nrrlx'ed
hero today. As the xveathori is rough the
emperor is 111. Hu Mill delay pi-ocecdlngs'
lilstilp. It has not ) et been decided when
the vojugo xvlll bo resumed.
ftcrxlu nnd Hungary ,
CBTTIXJI' , July 7 , ISpocnl Cahlognun to
Tun Unit. ] The olUclut Journal of Moato-
negro , referring to the quarrels behvecn
Servla and Hungary , expresses th'o hope that
the dangers threatening Iho Servians vl \ \ lead
to Intornatlonnl unity und the formation of
an alliance xvitU kindred people against the
Olstropcrous Eeinocrats in Both Ilousea
Show Tboir Ilaucla.
Hlinrji Hliootcrs arc to Hocclvo nerds
rds Ail Unfounded ,
Itiniiur U'antH of tin ; Illiiulc
Bun ,
Rl.'l I'ofllTUIiNril StltllKT ,
\VASIIIMITOV , 1) ) C. , July 7.
An cxhlbltlonof pure cussodnoas was ( rfven
in tlio house this afternoon when Mr. Dorscy
of Nebraska nski'il for the eonilderatlon of
i-csolutlon rpqnestinif the in-eildcntto icturn
touongrwis 11 bill p.isied a fort dajs rigo ox-
toinlinK tlio tliau Inliluh pun.hiuii'ra of
lauds on the Oin.ilu ; Inilian rc-servution in
Nobraskn may tnulto paymont. Tlio bill M
fliifillviidopti'd iloos not fully protect the pov
eminent , mid it for the pnrposoof ntnetid *
inu it so as to guard federal inturests tint the
president wislnil to return It to the house.
Under the rule the president must either
sliju n bill or permit It to bccoino luw with
out his siKiiiituro or vote after it luus boon
sent to him by eontfrcsi. .Mr" Uorsoy ap
pealed to the democrats to permit the
Milop * on of the leaolutlon , siyinu it w.ts in no respect u paitlsan mevmre ,
that it not the fuult ot the lopubllcans
in the house or of any person that an error
vius nmile , but shnplv an ovcrslKbt , and that
there could bo no capital made liy
tlio dcmociata In doklluinK to urant the rc-
cjucst for the rctmnof the bill in order to
make Iho lorrcitluti , as this MOS always done
upon rc < itiost. IIo reminded the democrats
that novel In the history of Iho government
bad such n loqucst heeii lofnscd boithcr po-
lltieal p.irt > , but Herbert of Alab.iin.i , Itog-
cis of Ark uisas and otlicr hot headed demo
crats declared Unit the prc&identvouldeithir
b.ivo to vtto tlio bill or lit it become a 1 i\v ns
it stood , us they "did not pmpaso to
help him out of n lioh1" They
ockiian ledscd that their purpose In rofusiiih'
to permit the adoption of the icsolutlon waste
to nuke enemies for tlio president in No-
lrasT ) < , i ifpoj.slblo. Thtroos nol a quorum
of the housu piebiuit when aoto was taken ,
the demoiiatsiefuslnt ; to pass between tlio
tellers mid a inlsed the point of
'no quorum" and the resolution filled Mr.
Doraiy intends to go to the president tonior-
low and suBgc'st that ho penult the bill to
bccoino : i law and that the \\ealt points In
the ineiLsuio shall bo provided for by tlio
adoption of another bill. It was ii pure iti-
staiuoof. cnasi'ilness suih as has piobauly
bofoiv h id no parallel , in there could bo no interest ntsUko. 'Iho only object
m refusing to peirait the resolution to bo
adopted vas to inako an Imaginary pcrbonil
attack upon the president and spill u litllo
bitter spleen upon him. It seems thtt the
democrats in both br.nuhes of congress have
thi'lr warpaint on uov and intend to do
cvefjtliitii ; they can to cmbairass the ad-
From the s > eniito coinmitteo on military af-
f.disbenatorIiiiuteison toiliy reported ad-
\crselytliesenatojoint resol'ntiou diiectiiiff
that the n.imes of sharpshooters and inllitarj
servlio institution medalists shall l > o In
scribed in tlio at my resistor and authorizing
tlioeailiifr of the decotatinns by suili
medalists In the lepoit the senate'1 .says for
tbo rominltteo that there is aheady sub
stantial nnd piobablv sufllrlont iceo nitloi
of these ti unod in this resolution wlio nny
ImvodUtingruhliedtliomschos bojond their
fellows , and the coin\nittco is of the
opinion tint the suggestion is in
the line of che.ipenhitf the toward of merit
for distinguished service , the better policy
bclnj ? to leiouo fuither iccognition for these
u ho may bccoino entitled toil. "The coveiu-
ment has been widely llberd , " says the 10-
iwrt. "iiiiiwaidhifiineilals anu mwauls for
sprvicc , and additional extensions of its favor
to tlioso alreuJy roiv.irJcd cm in no bcnse In
tensify the appreci ition which the nation has
of tlio vnluo of thoicrilous and patriotic ef
forts of those who ask for tlio passage of the
ivsolution. "
AV uxiouvncn JIUMOII.
\Vhen In ttio sciiato toihy lossrj. Allen ,
Mitihell , Plumb , Squires , Stowiut aud Tel
ler , free coinage icpubllcans , voted nith the
democrats to not take up the tanff ahead of
the silver , rivers and harbors , and other
measures , it was whispered around that the
ropoit some time ago to thoufloit that there
bud boon a tiado on the pait of the tieo coin-
a o republicans and the democrats , whereby
the latter were to help the former
for fieo coinage and the former
weio to help tlio latter against
the tariff and the elections bill wcro truo.
estigation , however , eiovcloped the fact
that the vote on the ttulil bill todiy indi
cated nothing more than that some republi
can senators desired llnal notion. ' upon the
silver question and the others the disposition
of the river and Imiborbill before the tat iff
got the lloor Thou * is no truth in the Inti
mation that the fieo eoinafwiopnbllcans luvo
been tralllcUiag and dickering with the dem-
ociats in the mtciest of free culiiagoor in op
position to the tuiifl or the elections bill.
While the republicans are divided on the sil
ver question , they stand together on the Reu-
cral tariff question , and It is believed they
will vote together ono way or tbo other on
the question ot tLo early consideration of the
elections bill.
Df MO < K VTIC orroimo'f.
The demounts showed today that they
fully meant \\hat they said when they
thieatcned to block legislation hereafter ns
nnieli as lay In tbeir power The blind chap
lain had scatLolj linislied his ptnyci , and tbu
eltik had not yet tend the Jlrst line of the
Jouinal when Mr Kpjjers of aioso
and made tbo point of no quorum. Mr.
Itoed's count disclosed the preaenco of only
ninety moinljoi-s. A call of tbo house brought
in a quoruni , but not until an hour and a hill f
had hem waited It must bo confessed that
tlioujpublicnns were too lestless , for waiting
an lioui after the quoruni had been obtnini'd
itiis gone again. It bad been intended to
inako this suspension of inles
dny , but the speaker seeing that
in the piesent temper of the
hoiuo no ICLrislatinn icquliiui ; a two-thirds
majority vote could succeed , lecogni/ed Ir
P.ijsoiiof Illinois to call up the senate land
grant forfeiluiu livery request for uniini
inous consent objecti-d to by the demo-
eiats Their opposition was carried so Jnr
tint A\hen Mr. [ 'ajson , on the house croin
Into committco of the whole on the housosub
stltute , linked a unanimous consent to ills-
peiiho with the leading , General Hooker of
AllssUilppl objettod , though Iho substitute
had been reid only flvo minutes before. The
dctc'rndmitlon of the democrats to block
e\erythliig wnssho n ] ut as cleaily inovory
stop attempted.
Prof , niotte , H. C Wicker and .Tamos Wil
son of the Hnrncy Peak tin company of the
lililck Hills , S. I ) , nro hero looking after the
protection of the inteicsts of the tin iadiistiy
in the tariff bill They s dd to your corre
spondent toduytlmt If proper protection was
given the Illack Hills mines of South IXdcoti
could bo put Into the condition of supplying
more tiu vlttiintho next two j-oars than \vas
iipcesiary for the manufacturing interests of
this country , and tint after the mines weie
developed tin could l > o produced to
consumers nt n less price than
AMIS paid at present for tlio
imported aiticlo. When they were reminded
that it had been argued against nn Inei-easoof
the duty on tin plato that tin in the lihick
H1113 was not of a good quality and was
mixed with mica , the gentlemen stated that
mica ami tin 010 grew together and that hi 110
part of the old woild could tin ere bo found
without mica. They stated that the article
In South Dakota was of a purer quality
than In any of the old uoild niiiicj and tint
It could bo produced In hrger quantities nnd
better qu dlty thsin clbovhore , but that Inns-
much as Iibor was higher hern nnd inichln-
cry liad not been provided It would cost'moio
than the imported uitlde until the minei
wcro dovplopeil.
The agreement uixin the silver bill Is ct-
actly tliat preJIcteil in the o dlsp.itchiN ten
days ago. The bill consists In short of three
propositions ; First That 4MMimX , ) ounns
of silver shall bo purvlinsod monthly , Sfc-
O.UI That the rertitloates issued blmll bo
legal tender. Third Uliot bllvcr is recog
nized as money and not as men hand Isn by
the government of tlm United Suites.
These uro the points that the silver men hnvo
for aud tholr victory U coui-
Icto. The bill U jiwtono step from free
olnago and rvhiv tnts the very extreme
Imlt to which the p-ft-sident Is willing to go.
'Ie will approveIV. , | Tlio assurances received
rora him iiro snld io bo of the most positive
liiiriicter. oven more iwsitlvo tliiin arc
isuiilly given byiputlNcs. : . Hut thoaltua-
ion wns erlllean\tift \ tliosllvet1 men were so
IroiiR that eonceiJloiis had to bo made and
tssuruneea itiv cit ,
Both sides of the nui tlou are nntlelpatlng
he operation oftUu national election bill In
sections of Virginia , , . Alcicnndrlii , a city of
1XX ( ) people , loruuil ( .even miles below
tVnsbliigton on the Old Diinilnlon side of the
I'otoniic , Is ono of tlio first to nntli'lpnto iv-
slstamo to the iiioas\ire. \ Last Friday night
icro was a tnerrv r % iinmng a lot of colored
ughs , nnJ dutluir iii | eflort on the purl of a
counloof A\hitopoliccineii to arrest , the col
ored individuals ono of the ortlcers futnlly
shot tivo of tlm blurk men. One of thi-m dleil
ilinost iniinodlnlelv and was burled jester-
hy. The see'ond one w.w sciiously Injured
ind has been expected to die hourly
o\or siiicolho shooting. A telegram was
sent bj the poliic anthorltlas hero yesterday
-xi thi'innyor of Aluxnndriii stating Hint n
largo body of t'oloml men was about to cm-
buk for tint c-llj to attend the colored man's '
'uiierd , tint thev Ind u brass band and in-
: eiideil to r.ilsoa riot This inillemUlon of
.lio Alovandrhibouibonsngnliist the federal
) ill and their pout up feelings ngainut the
Hack man put them in proper disposition to
leeeiM- this nous The mayor immedlatclv
orderi'd out a company of militia nnil directed
each man tocairv tncntj rounds of ammu
nition. Ho oidoml the militia toseo tint
hero was "no fun ny business" on the pirt of
.ho visit nn ? nonroi-s' and when the funeral
processionnrriu-d at the Alovnndrla whaif
: hey were recclvod by mlliturv ' oats nnd
men In arms. It wis claimed by the Alexan-
Iria people tint tlio negroes intended to
m.iko n ilfinonstritlon for the pmposoof
: > recipttatng ! a riot when the city
Uiis to ho set on lire. As
one of the negroes on 1'ildny night , Iinino-
dlntclr ' after the shooting , made a speech
'ionitho pubho sqinro and announced tliat
ihieo "nuire-rs in Virginia b.ivo no lights
ivhich white men are bound to respect they
ihould prep.iroto defend themselves even by
, ho U'o oltho torch" A clash bntweou thoraces
races In A'lrginln , it h thought by the opposi
tion to the elections bill , would have a sooth
ing effect on congress Just nt this time.
Mr and Mrs J S Ijc-wls ot Ogden , Utah ,
and F. O Bulecockof Ida drove , In , are at
hO LbbittS. Pl.llUT S. llKVTIL
K of ( lit * Chilli.
1'laycid , Won. Iiost. Per or.
tlnncinotls . . . . . - . , ,17
Jllwi ikcn 5" ,17TO
"linsisOllv Vt ,11 ,
.11 at .M4
loin Oltv fid 17 .118
mull i. . . M .n 7
) e-s Mollies M 21 .vxt
t. Paul M 18 J7
o IV ! , JMinncapoliii t.
MIIAVVIKCP , Wis , .Tuly 7. [ Special Telo-
rain to Tin : IJi.i : j rolloiilugls the result
f toilay'sgamo :
It II OAK it n o A
. 'oornnn. in 2 2 1 10 ( iirrnll m .
laltiui > lo , It ' - . ' 1 1 II 0 IliiBilHlc. e-Airu 1 11 0 0
VltlLrf t 1 3 0 0 Mlimetmn. ir.O 0100
ilmrk M . Hiiil-n i , rf . 0 1 3 0 0
ilorrlisoy lb.1 .1 \r 0 p Hjn , II ) . 3 3 10 1 0
KrulKc. . U 0 1 1) ) U KlltT'lH'Ht ' | till )
Mlx-tts : ib . I ) 1 3 5 1 Mjors , I ) i 6 2
| \ohli 21) .21 < ( > . . . 1 U t 2i
hornton , p Miller. . 0 2i 1 0 3
ln ) ko , p . . .0 2 010
Totnli. . , 12 11 27 IS 1
Totnl < 4 II ) 27 10
111' l.N'MMH
Illxvailkeo " 1120202 0-12
"InneapolK 0 4
Earned runs Milwaukee , " \ Minneapolis 2.
Inso lilts I'o irninti Morrlssoy , Pupil lie. Itvn.
) uke. llimiornn Hyn. llasos luli > n I'oor-
niiii'J ; Jlilryinple , ' hnek , Wi > leli , Morrls-ey ,
illllir.p Daj. Kvh Ihseson bills -Mlh\m-
National fjciiguo.
Boston 3 1' 300 0201 8
Mttsburg 1 00000011-3
Hits Boston 1" , Pittsbnrg 0. Urrors
Joston 8 , Pittsbuiif 9 13itU - icslarkson (
, nel Bennett ; Heckes anil Berger. Umplro
'Uiiii'lclpliln.0 1
Cincinnati 0 3
IIIls Philadelphia 3 , Cincinnati 0 Errors
1'hilaile plilu , Cincinnati 3. Battoiies
Ihlncs mid Harrington ; Gleoson and Cle-
ncnts. Umplro Lynch.
AT NIWionic. :
York 0 00000010 1
Chicago 3 0000030 * 4
Hits New Yoik-1 , Chicago 0. Hrrors
ew York 1 , Chicago 11. IJ.itterics Hnssio
ind Buckley ; Iliitcblnsou and KItttldgo.
Jinplro POH era.
Brooklyn 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 4
"lev-eland 0 2
Hits Brooklyn 7 , Cleveland 7. Brrors
irookl n 1 , Cleveland . Bittenes
'nrnitncrs mid Daly ; Beattiu and Xlmmor.
Umpire McDcnnott. '
I'lujers" Iji-.i' uc.
Boston 1 5
love-land 0 * 9
Hits Boston 7 , Cleveland 1'J. Errors-
Boston l.'t , Cleveland 11 Huttories Daloy
ind Muiphv ; Bakcly , Sutellffoaud Brenimn.
Jinpircs jMatthcws anil Leaeh.
AT pirn iniii'iit \ ,
Phlladelphh . . .0 U 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 5
Plltsburg * 11
Hits-Phil idclphia 10 , Pittsburg 11. Errors -
rors I'llilnili-1 phi i 4 , PlttxbiUK 5. Battei ics
Sunders and Jlilligan ; Morns ana Carioll
Jmplres Knight and Jones.
Noxv York 1 0 IS
Buffalo I 0
Hits-New Yoik 18 , Buffalo 0. Eirors-
Ne-xv York I , llulfalo 8 Batteries O'Day
and Kx\hifr \ ; Haddock and Mack. Umplies
Oaftiicy and Shciidan
AT 1I11OOM.1V.
Biooklvn 0 0420003 1 0
Chicago 0 00000000 0
Hits Brooklyn 0 , Chicago 0. Krrors
Biooklvn UChicago 9. Ilattcilos Wcjhlng
and Kinslow ; Bildxxin ami .Kinroll. Umpires
Ilolbert and Ferguson.
Amateur < iiunes.
Miscount VAIMSV , la , July 7.- [ Special to
TIIK UBI : 1 The homo team defeated thes
VnionPacifies jestcnlny by a scoiu of 20 toO.
n. . . . > n Ifonuli Uncos.
BiuoiiToxBunf , Tuly 7. [ Special Telo-
; iam to TIIK Huts ] -Summary of todnj's '
Six furlongs BuileV-d xx'on , Rafter second ,
Pi Incj ) Howard thiid Tiino 1:16' : ' .
Ono mile Insignia1 xvon , Uopont second ,
John Atxvood third , Tiino 1U. :
Fi\ofuilongs Jijrly Ulossoin xxon , Bello-
xue becond , < ) tnird. Tliiuil lOI .
One and oniMpmter inlles Badge won ,
I'ordhani second , ' Barrister third. Tiino
Onoinile Gcndnrm won. Bronzomirt second
end , Koyal Oartor thjrd 'i'lino 1:50 : > f.
Cross country , rtn\val \ sUike\s , full course
Oho won , Dissuno second , ychoolmaaier
third Tlne-5aM : , ' .
Kacos ,
iluly 7 ( Special Telegram
to TIIK BEK } . Summary of today's races !
Fi\o furlongs Uoiniineo won , Carlosecond ,
Llllio D third. Time J .O.'J.
Fiio Furlongs Homaiico Orlcloon , Ingo
second , -Austc-rllU thli-d. Time 1:11'-J. : '
Ono Mlle Jennlo MeFailaiid won. Clay
Stockton second , I'all Mall third. Tiiuo
Flvo furlongs Jim Orayxon , Bahmco
second , Lonnix third. Tune 1 .u. ' ) , ' .
Flvo furlongs Shotover xxon , Bertha
Campbell faeeoud , Uiiuullty third. Tiino
Flxo furlongs Lowly xxon , Count Lura !
second , Illacktliorn third. Time 1 : 'JV.
" \VASHI IVOTON , July 7. [ Special Tolognun
to TUB BIE ] JJonds offoroJ ; JJ50 at
11.21 ; $700 , at $1.03.
A Sabethft , Kan. , Man Killed Whllo Eo'
turulng from tbo Jeatiice .Assembly.
A Knimai I'urty on a SHII Hunt for
a Hot-so Uliief-InttM-rst at
Hastings Over the
Great Debate.
Cur , Js'cb , , Iuly 7 [ Special Tele-
Tin : llin. : ] Ayounjr nun from Su-
botha , Kim. , by thonnino of Me-dlll , while on
nn excursion train ret inning fro m the Beatrice
assembly , wai killed here" lait night as the
train neared the Hock Itlnml depot. It is sup
posed he HUH cither laming out of a car win
dow or f loin n platform mid was struck hy n ehnte. How allvo when found , but
died sonn after. J\'o bl.unols ntuiched to the
railioad coiiipiny.
An Hdllm-liil Opinion.
II\5TiNo , 7e'b. ( , Julj 7 [ Special Teleprani
to TIIK Hir : | Unusuil interest Ins been
manifested by the citizens of this city hi the
Joint de-hito Just ended at lleatilee. The
Daily NobrivOmti thlt u\oning \ olltorlilly
voices the seiitlinent ot the people ) In the elty
regard ing the dhcnsslon. "Iho difTuivneo
nuel dlstiuetlou between prohibition nnd
license and regulation was ileaily shown Hy
Mr. Itosowntor , ana .iny uiiprojudlced
mind eould see that he hud
by nil odds the \ery best
ot the luguinent. Mr ltose\\ator'9 ' record
and cffotti in bull ilf of ti-uo U'lnpcraneo is
unexcelled by nnj prohibitionist
' raeiiif ; nn unfriendly audience , Jeered
and hissed iu his .statements , tlio moral
coui-ago of tlio nun wis in stiong contiast
with the disgraceful lonilwt of tnoso who
ire blinded by tliosplut oflntoljr.iueo in the
natter of .stitlstlcs. Prohibition got none
ho best of it It has been n proat iliseus-
sion and its effect will bo app.nont through
hocntiio campaign iu fa\or \ of a nutkmal
iewoflhls inonienteus ciuestbn. "
ftukoj Crook /Ylllnnco / ItoonlittloiiM.
The follo\\Ing resolutions were passed at n
ecent meeting of the Turkey deck , l-'illmore
county , fanners' alliance :
Mlicri'is , Tlio old parties have failed toglvo
ii'tslod tellefto the av'rli' el ses but
nuu onictod l.ixvsdotrliuiMital to our xxolfato
ind pnnporlty. and lux-o ptoven tliitni-olvos
o Im sj corrupt JH not to inerltany support
Mhorens , Totlslitlonha bojii In faxor of
ciiiitallsts | nnd ngilnst the laboring el isses ,
In ii'foro liell
lii'sol\ed. Hy Turkcj Creek nlllaiuo No 700
lint wti w III not siipimrt tbo old tiulioibiit
s ill \M > r' < "u Ith : tll our might for tlio Peoples'
nilcpiMiili'itt p irty.
IIisi > l\eMl. ' i fiivortbo Aiistrillansy--
em of vntln0'und deMiiand Its adoption Io thu
| { i < iol\o \ > l. That xvo faxor Iho dri'tlon of
'nlli'il ' 'lulos sonitiirullii'i't liv til" p ' ( ) | ) le. Hint o demand tlio usloritlon
of silver to Its full and lesral temlor. nn an
il u illt ) n lib colil. and the free an < lu n limit eil
eolii.iKi'iif tlio siinic.
liiscihcil. That xvn fa\or Iho gntori innnt
conlrolif ( ralliii.ids. tl * > --'ini'1 tiiliorun at tbo iii-t of iiinliitiMriii-iMind fortho Leiiollt
of the lie p o
Hi1 o'uiu. Hint \vi > heirlllv onilorso the
irop sitloii nriclo by > ii'iiiitir Stanford In the
'niteil ' t lies ic'iintoln Inin inoiioj onfitiin
iiortgagp nt 1 or J pflro'iit p v.iiiiumi.
Itrsohfd , Iliata copy of tho-u rc olullons
) cscnt to Ibo I'm HUTS'AllLinou and THE
( JMAIIA HIK for public it ion
Dakota Cit InoidciitH.
DAKOTX CITV , Nob. , .lulv 7 [ Speclnl
Telegiiuu toTur Bu 1 The Pacllic1 Slioit
.tlno a few nights uo ran into u had of
lorses and killed four mid maimed three
others so badlj tint they Imdto be shot
? } \o of the belonged to Jlilton
oi-shoe nnd the other tvso to Jolin Cilbble ,
joth fanners lUIng near this place
A floitorwas found on tlio band barsome
lilies below this plaio this morning and the
body sinrt face badly dccomjwsed that it
; nu haidly be idcntllled , but from the cloth-
ng it Is supposed to bo tbo body of nn old man
who was diownedihilo attimpting to cross
the Missouri , bctxvocn CovingUm and Sioux
City , about two xvecks ago. A. postmortem
CMiinination will bo held today or tomorrow ,
Uo AVill Not linn.
O'Nrn.T , , Nob.luly " . [ Special Telegram
to Tin , BnE.l It has seemed piobablo for
some time that Judge ICinkade would not enter
the - for nild Tun IJm
i-aeo congress : corros-
[ jondent called on him todannd leirned
Lhat ho had fully determined toadviso his
many fiionds riot to exert themselves In his
behalf nt ho would not boa omdidi'o. This
causes his friends regret as they had be
lieved bis chances for the nomination to bo
Ljood Tills conclusion Is not the result of
iiny eompromibC.
Trailing a ITorso Tlilef. .
BHATinti , Neb , July 7 [ SpochlTelegram
toTur BKK. ] A party of SinninerfloldICnn , ,
ofllcials were in the city this morning In
search of ahoraothiof vho liul been operating -
ing in tliat vicinity They learned tliat he
had been hero during the night and had nut
up his teun at rooster's bun lie disap
peared before the iirrlxnlof the oDlcials.
County DciuueralK : Commit tees.
BKVTitiiir , Kob. , .Tuly 7.-Speciul [ Telegram -
gram to TUB JJiH.l The county democratic
cotninittfH ) met this afternoon nnd named
August as the d.Uo of the county lonvcn-
tlon to nominate delegates to thodistiiet and
Tlie Heat nt Nebi-nNka City.
Ni'.iuiASKV OITV , Neb , July 7. [ Spec-Ill
Tolegnnn to Tin : ] ! n : . ] The mercuij todnv
icglbte-reil 105 In the shade against 101 x'estfi-
day. Sexeral eases of sunstroke , u e icpoi'ted
today , but none have re.sult.ed fatallv. fll-
thon'gli. ono or two are In a sei loin < oiulltion
It is the hottstoier kno\Mi in this section.
Hot soutlioilylnils uro diylngup ecru at a
fcurful rate.
Tlicy Dlstinlie-il Mod ing.
NnntMCCirv , Nib , July 7. [ Special
TcUvr.ini to TUB Bin ] Hurry Woodrin ; , ' ,
Allen Parker and John Linglo vero ai rested
this morning for dhtuibiag a religion inict-
Ing and ussimlting liev. Mr. Taj lor list
night at a Fieo Methodist tout nuotlngln
the southern pirt of thocitj. They Mill have
a tiial tomoriow.
Terrible injury to Ji Hey ,
GIUNT , Nub , July -Spec-Ill [ Telegram
to Tin : lli.i : . ] D.uld MOI-.IC , n joungfaonof
Jesse K. Morse , a farmer , vas nm o er bj a
hoaxlly-louled wagon at this pluro to-iliy ,
The wheels passed over his head nnd lire lit.
laccmtlng the llesh and producing \ery
serious injuries. _
i i A nn u ill Ti-auliPi"1
GIUNT , Neb , July 7 [ Spochl Tclogmn
to Tun JlKi : . ] Tbo third annual meeting of
the I'orWns County Toiehcrs' assorlntloa con-
vcncil at this place today. The Institute will
bo under the special tutorship ql Prof , t ) G.
t ol'tho Season.
PUVNTI : Cirr , Nob. , July" . [ Special Telo-
grnm to TIIK UKI ; ] This liii been the hottest -
test day of the season. The tlu-imonieler
ranged .romin to 100 | j.-txxeeii 2 mull o'clock
and httioVlutlc stands tit < I7. 'J ho hot \xlnds
foru few dajs have greaf 1) ) d.miagid
Tlio Count ] Ahii-Ksor'w Ili-tnriiH ,
DIIATIHOOII , S. I ) . , July 7. [ Soeiial Tele
gram to Tin. Brr J Tliciounty msessor'h
llgiues show the total valuation to lie $ JWt- (
Oin , or about f.'Ofl.OOO In excess of list jenr.
The books show l0jichool ! polls and l,7Jl ,
road polli , at Deadwood. Total valuation of
Sl.hOM'iU.tUYiiludlnto ' Heul est itc , * , ) ,
personal property , I'W..iso Otlu r Itenm at o
Meichnndlso , * i : . : c 0 , inanufmturos , fHX ! ( ) ( ) ;
toll roads , , ( )00. ) livestock , * flJU , ! ) , vehld.'s ,
* : t.7IO ; road polla , * J."J ; fichool pollsy. $ | .
Deadwood's value vll ! reach , \0XJUOO. ,
( toullii tlio llcail.
Lovnov , July 7. [ SiH'dal Cablegram to
Tin : Ilfp. ] Itov. Hontv 1'arry ' heddon ,
canon of St 1'aul'a cathedral , i sulTirlng
from an attack of goat in the head Ills con
dition U dangerous.
rtrt : icxn.'iiTs or
Iluhl lluMr Ilii-niilal Cone-lave nt
Jlllxxankor , AMi.
, Wis. , .Inly 7.- 1 Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Ih'r.J-Oeneral . I * Lhytoti ,
e-onuniinder of the N'ebri'ka hrlgnlc' , nirlvoil
this evening nndxent dhx-ct into e-nmp nt
the great city of tents noxv oivupied
by tlio uniform r.-vnk of Ixnlghts of
I'ythlnsat their llrst ciu-.iinpmeut.
Oenen-alDajton said to1 Tim Bun ivpieson-
tat ho tonight that there xvlll not bo mow
than ' . ' 50 or rtOO persons from his st lie , owing
to the dllUctilty which bus aiiseu with i-.ill-
roadi-oinp.iiiks regirdlng thoi-atoor fuiv. A
few divisions , ho slid , luvo e-oiuolna bjvly on
that account , but there are n laigo nnn'ilier
of detached representations of the MIIIOIU
divisions , besides u eoinl < ier.iblu nuinbor of
theMiienilior.s of thn order xvho do not belong
to tlu * uniform
Those ot C5ene-ral D.n ton's st-ilT xvho in--
e-oinpinx him m : Assistant Adjutant ( Jon
i-ralll. U Iloti'hklis of Khu-olu , Colonel II
IXDocasttoof Sydiiin-.t'lilefof Un-St.itl , 1I..I
\\VllsofOin.iliii , iiiiartinntuter Kuioral , lr )
C5.V. . .Meredith of Ashland , surgeon genenil ,
Mnjor O l.i. ( liven of Ki\irnej and Colonel 1 !
It. Si/.en of tbo innjor general t Mitt
Uho ivglnu-ntal coniiiianders present nm
Coloue-1 F II Doxuis , of the Piist remmcnt
of Lincoln , nnd Colonel II Ii. Combs , of
thoThiid reglinont of Uciicxn. Ainonp the
divisions ropiosonted iui > tlio Illack Kngio
DiUsion of Omaha , ( 'oloiiel 11 \V. Ciagir.
coinu.aiullag , Omaha dlvislnns cominiiuled
by Captiln John IIuxud ; Murshall division
of Llue-oln , coiumiiiidi'd bv Captain \V. II
Hurge'r , Ijlnoolii division No 1. lominnidod
by Cautain .1 \ \ * . Perceval and Lieutenant
Ctiifllth , L'liited States nrmy of Lincoln.
The Ni'lmiska camp Isattheextremexvcst-
ern end of the grounds and Is veil located ,
altlioiigh the foxv .N'obraska men xvtio ha\o \
been in Iho c-Itj dining the list day 01 t\\o \
liino had Houunvlut of n IOIICIDIUO time xx'uit-
ini ! the niriMil of their eonnados
( Jenc-ral Cuniuhan today issued ortlers for
the grand parade , which xvill stall piximptly
at4o'e-Ioik tomotivxv nfternoon. The major
general unil his start xxlll hev 1 thopriKi'ssion
and xvill be escorted by lluss ir mounted di
vision of Sioux ritv , la , and luiunur Hussar
mounted division of ( biengo
Tlio biigudcs will follow in the order
named' Indian , i , ( iencral Jiimes U Ho < s
eoniin.indlng , mid divisions of Virginia mid
West Virginia assigned to the Indiana
migmlo , 1'cimsylxanUk brigade , ( loiieuil S.
S. binionds eomnniuling , JSlissoml bilgnde ,
General Frank I'arsons coimniiiding ; do-
ttichmi'iit regiments aud dlxisions of Texas ;
rCcw Yoik biigadiM Severamo coiniiiand-
ing , detached reglmentsanddlx-i onsuf Ne\v \
.le ny and California , Miihigm Inigade ,
GenoralY T Hastings cninuiiii'lingNibiMska
biigudo , Uoneial W fj U.i.xtoiieommindlng ;
KentiuUv bilgadi' , Cii-neral ( Ji > oigo Fuless
commanding ; detached regiments nnd ill-
visions of iluryland. IJistiiit of Columbii ,
South Carolina nnd Ooorgia , Ohio Inigmle ,
General .1 W Green conini Hiding ,
.MissachllbOtts , ( J. 11 Abbott
commanding , detached regiments nnd
diUsionsot Connecticut , New Hunipshiie ,
AIniuo , liliodc Island and Veimout' Iowa
biigiide , J. O Lopi-r eomnniiitiiu ;
delite-htd dixisioiis of Colorado , \V\oiulng
and Washington , Illinois biigaile , Coloiu-1 J.
II BiuKlny eonimaiullng ; Fir it I oalslanu
regiment ; Miniiesntii brigade , Ciu- !
e-nil J , Iv. Shuxx' eoniiinniliii ;
illusions of North mid South Dikoti ;
Timie'-soe-.dotii'ral I ) Ii Ande-r-ou eomiimnd-
ing ; detiicbetl n-giments of Aikansas nnd
Florida The \Viuonsin Inlg.ulexill Inixo
the loft of the column , under cominind of
Cicneiiil LV \ 1 telsi .x .
i , jwocr.KJHa .
Sciuiioiloirlll \VaiKi-d to Take Up
Ihi-Tiulir IliU.
\ VMIIVOIOV , July 7 In the senate od it
the oniigrcssltinnl reput of the diploiuitlo
and consular uppiopilation bill was a reoil
Morull moved to take up the tailff bill ,
t-ajing It could bo then laid aside inform illy
"until tlio shipping bills were dispjsed of.
Uho senile it-fused. Yuaa " 0 , ua..s "t , as fol
lows :
Yeas Aldrich , Allison , Divis , Dixon ,
Dolph , ndinunds , F.iuxell , Faulknir , Frje ,
Hide , Hawley , Hiscoik , Alaticli-r > .oii , Moulll ,
Platt , I'ugb , Quay , Sawjei , , Stoek-
Nays Allen , Bate , Bony , Cirlisle , Cock ,
icll , Gibson , Gorman , U.msoin , IlunpUm-
Ilarris , Jones ( Aik ) . Mitchell , 1'asco , Sam- ,
Plumb , Reagan , Seniiic , Ktew.ut , Teller , 'iur-
p'e ' , Vest , Voorhecs , M'althall M.
The senate bill to pi oxide for a elnlleil
States land touit and to piovido ioi tlicwt-
tlciiioiit of puvuto land claims In Is'nv MC--C-
iio. AVjoining , Aii/onu , Utah and Xox'.uln
and Colorado xvas until Jo'e-loik ,
when it was laid aside ithout action and the
shipping bills resumed He ig.uis > poliOagainst
the bills.
At the e-loso of his lemniks the election hill
XVHS received fiom the housj and xvni ( on
motion of l'iyo ) ordeied to lie on the tame
until the return to Washington of the i-hair-
raan of the committee on puvilejjes aud elec
tions , ( Ilo.u ) .
Moigan opi > osol ( the shipping hills unil
l'iyo undo some i umarhs In their
Sheiimin presented the conference report
on tlio bilvcr bill After It xvas lead ho g.iv s
notice hexonld cill It up foi action tomor-
iou' niorniiig.
W.x < niNiros' ( , July 7. In the house to-
dav Illainl. using to a question of
inivilege , had rend a dlspitch stating
lie \xas nliii-nt from the silxur eonfoicnce l
ine-oting Saturday. Iln also iciil a note iioin
Chiliriniin Conger stating that there u ould bo
no meeting Saturday liedlel not desiiu to
bo advertised as not attending to elntx' xUic-ii
hoas notilieel his piosenco xvas not ru-
Do-soy of Nebraska moved to suspend the
lilies .nut pass the eoiu-unt-nt lesolutlon K--
qiiestinir tlio piesidont to ii'ttnn Ui the house
tlio bill extending tlio timu of in.Miicat tn tbo
puivhiserof the Oindia tribe of Indians in
IJuckenridgoof Kentucky mule u point of
oidi-i XMIS not In thupoucroftho luniso
imde-rlhocoiislitution toie-c-al1 a bill \xhicb
had been passed and through the senate to
the piesldunt. ThosiKMker deijuud to pass
upon the constitution d question' 'lliatviis
for the house to decide Doisey , , ud the
only objcd in asking tlio return of the bill
Nas to C-OIK ct nn eiror.
Itogoi-s of Alkansai said ho undcistool the
fear was tlio pusidint xumld veto the bill
unless it wcro ilmngid in cert iln pailie-ulais
The spLMlversiildsimilir tiitlon had besi'ii
taken by both houses so inanj time's It x\ould
ho a singular thing for nn\ one to donj tlio
lightncjw He ovi-irulrd thu point ot uider
DOuthxvalto ( Ohio ) demanded a second , nnd
tlio dcinoeiath tcfuslng to vote loft the house
without a quotum. Doraoy thereupon with
drew the motion
The spcakoi submitted requests for leave
of absence , and Dunnull ( Mmncsoti ) nikud
If thcao Avmild not leivo the house without u
quotum. IIo suggi'jted the time would soon
lomoxvheii thesu icqiiusts must bu ilinied
After fuither dob.itu the IIMVOS wciogr.mti'd
On motion of I'.ijson the house ivent Into
rominltteo of the xxliolo for consideration of
the senate bill to forfeit lortiin Imds lumv
tofoio gianted fur the nuiposoof aiding tbo
eonstiuction ot railroads xUth house sub
stltuto therefor. P.iyson explained the bill
In it win piopusid Ui forfeit and
restoiito the publics domain all public- 1 mds
xvheioversituik'd lil < h hud been granted it.
uul of constriieilonxliuu the raiho.nh
notbooncompletodat tins time , 'llioio had
bc cathlrt > u\un raids aided by nits of congress -
gross which Imil not hem c'omdctcd ] xuthin
thotlmolUedby congreis. TneUo ofthuso
roaiUhul been foife-ited , compri Ing mvirly
( ifty million aeios ' 1 tiat left Iwen-
ty-fixo io uls which hid not befn
ai'toil on Nine had hem fully com
pleted. That loft sixteen leads now
niutimplcti-d and thu house substitute ) recom
mended the fuifoltuio of all limit. lUngoppo-
si to .ill Kiiuti poitionj of the mad as weiu not
non c'omti acted It xvas his opinion nn bill
of abroadur ehar.ictor than this eould over
puss the di'iiato and bofoinc u luxx * A laioful
ostlinuto w.m that thu bill \vould lostoru
' lO.eHHj acres to the public diunain
Sliino of Mlssnuii took the position that
forfeltuto should bo made of all Imdswhieli
hud not bi-en earned by rallroiids at the time
ilxed in granting nils for the completion of
the roads 'Iho Northern I'aelilo
road , ho siid ; , vas most xilally InteionUid
lit tlilt * inoiihinu. IIo iiioted | fiom spicchcw
by 1'aj'bon iu Iho Twontxeighth und Twen
ty ninth congr 4xoi , upholding tlio light of
congroki to foifeit thu lands inii-lalinnd ut
the ti ma ilxuil by the granting acts nml nt-
tacked that gentleman for what ho dtcluiul
change of flout.
pmistipaiion ,
IV not roinoillod In scuon , la liable to
liiM-imio Imbitvul mid chronic. UrM-
Uopurtitlvti byttruki'iiinsfthobowoU
; | ,
conllrin , minor tluvn euro , tlio evil.
Ajcr's 1'IIU , beiing inllil. ortoctho , anil *
jtienftlioiiiii | ! In Iholr notion , arc goner-
nlly ro'-omincnded by tlio faculty an the
best of aporlfiitH.
"llnxliiR l > eon imbjeet , for jours , to
constipitlon , w Uliont Mii | ! nulitto ttnd
much relief , I ut lust tilutl Ajor'H 1 > HN.
1 ilcoin It both : i dun utiil u pleasure
to tcstif ) Hint 1 Imo duUi'd guilt ben
efit from tholr use , For over txu > ywira
pnst I Imvo titkili ono o ( UUMH pill *
cxiry night tifoietotlrlng. 1 xvimhlnot
\ \ llll'iiKly l o xxitlmut them"V. ! .
Bu\s nuiu , 20 l Mt. Mutual .Carlisle , 1'a.
"I 1 > M > n taking Ayer's Tills nml
using tlit'lii In nij famll ) Mime 1S.17 , nnil
cheerfully riconiimmd limn to nil In
lion ! of u . < aii ( litit nffu'tmil cathartic. "
JuhtiM. HOBBS , Louisville , K > .
"For el 'hl years Tn * nflllctrtllth
consttpitloii , xx lilrli nt last becatno so
bail Unit tlio ilorlnia could < lo no iiinro
for mo Tlii n T Ix-gui t i take Ayor's
1MII . nnil soon tint bowels icrox'orcd
tlnlr iintiirnlauil regular notion , so that
now 1 nm in ( xi'i-lh-nt hi-nlth. " S. h.
L > uiililiriilfi'i | Hrjftti , Toxivt
"Itatliiir mod Ajur's I'lllsxlth peed
results , 1 fnlh iivlo'rHr them for Iho pitr-
l ms forxrlitih tlui } are ri-mmniindid "
T COIIIIOH , M I ) , Centra Hrldgo , I'.i.
Ayer's Pills ,
Dr. J. C. Ay or & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Bold by til Drupglull niul Honlite in Mullclne.
llfll ) > \ 1U V I ? \T\II V O'lMDDPH
riuJbAbLi huALLl olAulihl ) ,
Lee Heinicnliofor Terribly Wouiuled in a
Saloon Row Lost Night.
Coiifllolliiir Stories iiNto ( lip I
tor of Hie Dci-il l ! > i U'lti
UeliiHeto Talk I lieliiJmiMl
M.III'H Statement.
A slnbltlng1 alTrn.x at the1 c-oinor of Twenty
fouith tiuil 1 I.unlUoii about 10 oMnck last
night mn.x losiilt inllie death of I oIIciim n-
liofcr , n eiu pouter , x\uo ic'ldes lit JvM I'uUt r
street , 'iho injured iiin is u pouoifulh
builtcarpi'iitc-r , about lift ) yeirs of am-an I
has iplito a reputation m u Jir'liti'i- lie IHH
frequently been uiicsted its tlio lesult ol
soiuoof his pugilistic oniountcrs
T ast exeiilngho bei-.une engaged In n r v >
\\itlilIc-iiijOMei-iiiiii In M Ntw's tilnmi
nonr the coiiicrof T\voiit.\-fouitb uul llnnul
ton. Duilns the s < iu.ibblu tlicy i\illoil in tln <
Kiittur. Avcuuling to tlio stoiof tlm
wonniluil nun , ho was Just raising OKloi
man to his foci , tilling him Unit ln <
ill ( I not.viint to ( l 'litMtli linn , uh > ii
Ncv rusliid out anil plunged .1 bioiul Knifi'
intoliis slilo. Xowileiilcs thit ho lame nut
ronibehind liU OUonliuii dccliuos to
tall ;
Ilcniionlioroi u-astilron homo in thopitril
\vafron. Itvn noioss.u-y tosuppoit him in
nn uiuicrht position , as his .uul numtu
111 led with bluoilhiMiuor \ lie \\--\t nllnxv il
to ivillnoon the stietchi'i'llio ui-.ipon hml
lioiutratoil hli luni5 , mul the iihjmrnm
stated tint tlioouiul \\as u vi'ii nious
ll tli JCow anil Oliloiiliatn woio aticst. I
iind locki'il upon a cluirt'O of assault \Mh in
tuntto 1:111
Alike JliiKii'ra. ' a I ithorhn llvoi at 1117
S.iundors strict , nnil Morks ut 'llnt'h lirnt
nniil'iicillc , stitcd Unit hosiuv tlio wholi-af
fair , lint uouM sav nothing further , cxi-opt
that lio-\\oiihl toll lih htoiy when the nn > j i
tiinciMine. Jlo vofuscd to b.iy ivhoulil tin
stablilnt ;
An examination of Tlciinonliofcr's votuuli
ihoui'il thuin In bo ovun inoro sirloin than
at ilist siipposwl , ami lili phusuiiiiis stated
this mommy that thoiowasiio hope for liU
1 lie Custom Honso I'lootlcil and
Ki \ \ OKM : \ \ ' - , Li , July A stonn of
comliloi ililo po\\ci' tills forenoon did quito
1111 amount of daniaj-o to buildings , telegraph
unil tulcplionu poles ami trci's in Uiis uit\
Tulcphono poles \\eie vieclcul tOHiioliiin ex
tent Hint days will liu icqulicil togetthcin
In ouloi 'J'liero u'oro lliullvcllttst Idndof
tiii'O ? in the ctiitom house and the Intnior of
the btanch old ImilJInjr no.u. pin- "
sonts u verj ik'ploublo nppi-.u-
iina' It Is literally drowned out
WoilcnieiHifubuiMlii n nov obsnv.itory on
the ioof of thn old buililiiif , ' , while muitliir
KIIIIR of Ciupontois is ivpilrlii ) , ' . Watt r
> ouu'il in thiMUfjh.m oiH'iilnK In the roof lik'
a iiiiinntuii' Tsii au 'Jho vntorioso to siv
in < lies in the lortnlors on tlio sei'oml llunr
and then soaked tlnoiiKli , lloodliiK the pu t
olllie and ruining tlio walls. An unusuui
trust of wind striulc tlio s < iffolilliu ; aioun 1
tin new obsointoM. . It fell \\ltli a i-rasli
neivj ri\es llriit (
to tlio iniirblo lull. Thi ) iniiis fill ini >
iinotliorliycM of ilito ( 'luss and the i-ntnn
in. hivciiL ilo\vii\\ii'd \ and stiuc-lt tlio inaililit
hall with n llmiulitliit ; uoiso Seu-i.d yui
tluui'ii inrrotilv esi-apixl liein stinuU li\
fallinic t'lass The daini o foots uji to many
thousand doll us. ,
A Notice ul Aii ] ) < 'iil.
AiiiLMiv , N V , .Inly 7 [ Spool il Tclo
Krun to Tin Tin ] Warden Durstiin Ins
been Kcnod witn anotleo of appeal uliuli
scnes as nnnrilci to stay the iiiocoediiit's in
thoiusoof 1'r.iiik Pish , the C'anandalen i
munluicrxlio is under bcntenoo of duitbliv
oliitridtv , unil tlio tiino lor whoso execuliiui
was oriKtliullv lived for tbuvock foiuinciii <
Inr.lulM. : ) \ . I'lio motion for a in tv ttnl
wliiuh was ilcnleJbv the supreme muituli
again coiiio up anj proLCoilliigs nil ! nut lie
in the tiH'in of a test of Ihu eoastn utiuaulny
of tlio luv.
Hi'i-viix ; ilnllctiii.
\Vv-illlviiToV , July 7. A pu lul t'nlti I
States slund sirvleo bulletin su t 'Jlio '
\ viiin.ivoU c < iitrul today in the ceutruJU .
Mississippi tallu ) leKlun. J'olloivliij ; is the
inixliniiui tfinpeiitnroipporluil toilnv IOHII ,
1IIJ degrees , I Hi noli. ' .Hto'J * , In Ohio valli-j ,
111 to ! K > ; hwor Mississippi \alley , un
\Variinr watbir will pio\.ill in all distilit-i
eistoftho Misslisippl rivir Tuesday nml
lyinllnulnir warm \\eitlicr onVcdiu > sda >
'J'hd tcmpoutiiionill piobalily fall KldOKi
in tlio tippei Mississippi valli'j Tuesday.
X * , n. i | - > r "N.
Absolutely Puro.
A rri-ii'i ! of t irl ir hiking p iwlor lllicu
ofle-m nliu Htnnulli U. H , Ciovornmciil U *
port Aut' 17 ,