THE OMAHA DAII . -ML. TWENTIETH YEAH. OMAHA , TUESDAY , , JULY 8 , 1890 , NUMBER 20. PACTS ASD FIGURES , They Prove Beyond a Donlit that Prohibi tion 'n a Failure. VESTERDAY'S ' DEBATE AT BEATRICE. Dickio Oonflncs Himself to Generalities and Gross Misrepresentations WHILE SMALL DODGES THE ISSUE. Hosewatcr and Webster Provo Tbcir State ments by Indisputable Authorities. A CONVINCING ARRAY OF STATISTICS. Tlio IncDiiip.imhli * Hl li Opt Ion Ij.ixv < if Nulifiiflka Slioun to be HIM Only .Means ol1 llt'Kii- Intiun anil I'lolilhitlon. BrATiucr , Neb , July 7.-fKpoclnl toTnr. Oil ] In the opinion of the oldest citizen of tlio beautiful city of Ho itrico It never haforo situ oils Incorporation umtiiued such u vast tonroursa of pconlo nq xx'eto gntlicruil hero jcstcrdny. 1'coplo llotkcd In from uolfjhbor- In towns and inoto dUtuut points until Iho hotels , restaurants and other places of uccoin - nioilation foi Iho visitors \xero lllleil to ovor- iloxvliiK nnd the Into corners hud to put up with wh itevor titty could get. At the ing botch croxx'ds of ImitKiy prohibitionists - \x-.iltcd fathoms ninl nntl-pi-ohibltlonibts patientlyx.iltcd hems for tin opportunity to tofiosh the iniior /nan livery bed lu the hole's ' ami ro-jtiu- lantHis occupied and In mtitiy cvses the prolilhltlouists and the mills found that fate hud xvlllod it that they should JHSS at least otto night together In close i > to\lmity. The lingo gathciing of people were all very Eood-uutuied and disposed lo inako the best of the situation. Quito u number found it nciessiuy'to sleep ouUido vith the starrj canopy of he iven us their only toof. In spite of Beveral other big uttr.ictlons in the Uty thogtetttoplo of eonxotsition overyxvlteru , In the lobbies of the hotels , on the streets and on the grounds , vas the noxx * iclobtated pro hibition xcrsiis hlli ! liicnso dcbitc1. Tills moinintf i't uii caily hour > eh ides of cvciy desuiptioiteio seen \xending thtirvuy to the grounds and long befoio the hour announced for the deb ito to uonimcni-o every tiv.illublo bpu e in the tabetniiclo XXMS occupied As the deu.ito piocecded the enormous onnxd Incixased until It numbcicd fullv 7,000 The uudtoiito x\us niiteh bettor - tor ixhux'cd tliiut on Siturday , although Ptof Davidson found It neccssaiy to again loinhid them lliut intctniiitlons could not bo pciiuIUed during the pto ros of the do- bate. 'Jho It i epresslblo Mrs. Gouijar could not keep nulut for t\\o coitsccutlvo liouu juil hud to put In u. uord now and , iD'aiu. I'UOK. DIOltlK. JIo aiakos Htroin : Cliiiins null Pro- POSOH lo Itaolc Tlx-iii Up. Entiles a'ud Gentlemen I dcsiro nt the out set to tall attention Jo Iho eiltieism pissed upon uiioiutin my opouing address In whiuli 11 ild down the proposition that cfvili/atioi \\U3 inuKcil bj no ono thing more tlearl > thin bj the transferor concession of the pet- wonul libortks of the IitdivWuul that ho ml ht onjoj sonielliingiichef and better the civil llbeiti s of orgimiyi'dsociety. Uut I taunot i-estiuln the ox press ion of my sutpriao tint these irontlettieit so uttetly failed to dis tinguish bctxx'ecu the personal libeity of tlio snvago and the civil liberty of the cultivated citizen Prohibition docs not intrench upon nny iniui's tlxilllbcttles , hut prohibition , so fnt us it docs debar the dtitililuir tunii frou the practice of his former hublts , is a per- feitly proper and altogether icubomiulo nnd nit untiixly dofctisiblo inlreiiehtuent iiiion the iibstintt pei-sonal libeilx of the in- dfIduul tint the : tclf-.suno liidhldual inty have his civil Ifbcitlts ottlnrged. I \vtuit to addtvss tujself this morning to the unswoiiiiK of ouoor t o < iue&tious. rtrit , does jitohlbltiou piohtbltl Nox\ ' , this is a qui'stuin of fuel , not a nutter of thcoty. It is to be uusxxeied not by falsely Juggling AX 1th statistics , hut by the presentation of the ft nth and by revolving the testimony of those persons most inialiliod to spcnkilh imthotily. I um Hcio to aQlnn thnt if hum in tistlmony is capable of proving nnj tiling It tan boprnxcd to the satisfaction of thi3 Juiy that ptohlbitlon does ptohthit TIIOLMSC is on ttial 1 am not hero to uddioss you , but simply to call the xvltncbbcs and let them tpealc In jour heailiiK , uinl I call tlfst lit this case the Hon. John A. Miiilln , fjoveinor of thobtute of Kansas. Hear him. "Fully iilue-tiulhs of the dtlnUIng and lUnnlicnnObS iirevilent in Knnsas uin-lit jeius ugo 1ms been obliterated , not\xlthsl.uiillug the fiu-t that the . populition of the uUto la sttadllj Iiicieiising. the nunihtr of tilni- Inals loniliipd in our penitentiary Is steadily ileu-easlne , ninny of oui Juilsaio oinptj , anil nil Hhoxx a utaikiul fulling off lu the number of liilsoncis conllned tsomo ofon have licnul of the gontlrmin fioin Multu * . the ( jentloinait x\ho defoaloil St John in l&l-Mr 111 line In a de- llx't'ied in raimiiiRlou on September H , 1HSS , Mr Dlainouses tht'iO xxords' "Mainefor tlio last Ihiiti-sexen bus been ttndei n pro- lilhltoiy liuv The sUite his deilved ftreit ndv.iut4i o from it 1 think the state is far richir uinl fur better beeuuso of that law than it would hnxo been \\lthout it. " I AX under if thoho gcntleniPiiill UII vou that Mr lllulno is tin untruslxvoithyltuess iu this tase. lion Chillies D.uifoith of August i , Mo. , Judyo ot the supreme couit ot that state , snys - these \\ouls : " 1 can vcty xx't-11 itmenibor the condition of the eoinntunity in rep'ard to tenipor.iiau before utid at thu time the pro hibitory Inxv xx'iis p.isscd. Kin iticlal o\ils AxoromonlioslMl , hut sofar as ean bo iwr- eeix-til none of them huvo como to pass. It Is evidently tutu that more xvholesomo business is dene no\v , mid it is Into that t.i\es nro less under prohibition than they xvtio for- wctlj " JIou Wlllhm Lirrnbee , ov governor of IOAMI , next tiikrs the stand and ti-stlltes as follow a "Thousands of the o who \ oted tifr.ilnst the constitutional amendment and bi'lltxed thatsurhalaxv xxouhl prove a dead letter are uoxx com iucod th it It i an bo en- fouul and doniand its ivteution. Sioux Citj , Urs Mohus , Cedar Kaplda .mil Ot- tunnxu have banished the saloon anil } elate iiutong the most prospcro'is titles of Iho btate. The benellts xxhle'h haxo vo- bitltcd to the btato fioin the utforioiuent of this Inxv are far le tchlng indeed. Hlsnell rcio - nlzi'd fin t thnt ot line is on the Increase in thu United States , but ioxxa does not ntrlbitlo to that im rease. While the number of con- Alctn in the countij iitlarKOXXiu in ls5Uouo to ! l-H-i It wt s iu isso in the country at Imgo ono to Nil ) , but In lovui it xx'asonoto tt.1.10. Thojullbof itiituy loiinlles nro noxv ( > niity ) iliiiliig agood poitloii of tlio year , nnd the number of coavifts in our uoniteiili irh\s has been reduced fioiuTNIltt Afuivlt , IbN ) , to MM in July , IbVJ. It is the Usthnoiti of the judges of our con its that n Imhial business has been mluivd fronrw to 75 per tent. The poorer rlawea hnvo hetti.'r fare , hettir elothlnj ; , bet ter sihoollni ; nnd hotter houses. Umx cries Imxo IKVII convetted Into oat meal mills iiiul caunlnpr factories and lire oiH'rated as such by their oxx tiers " How AYUO kuosinoro about this question in loxx-n , tboex-KOVt.norof loxvaor the edi tor of Tin , Oxmi x HKI.I JApplauso ] I glvo jou nnother. Goxeinor I.irrabco nlsomiysi "It is info to say thnt not ono- tcnth nnd prob ibly not one-txventtcth of the HijUor iscotisumeitln the state noxv as was tonsutned live cnrs ndo. " Lirmbco snys that probably not oic-txvcntluth , and jet jou will llndsotnoon this platforni before the day Is done triiiie to mnUojou believe that loxva drinks more liquor todny tlmn she did before the passage of the prohibitory luxv. Another , lion Mr Hiinilircy. ] ) the present govei nor of Kansas ! "Piohlbltlon Is neither a fnrco nor a fatluii' . The oiien saloon la out- hix\cd , the uxoeatlon. of thu barkeeper lu gone. Since prohibition emitted in tlio state it hus Incteased In xxcalth , in population and in jiro x't'lty , and trittto has greatly dimin ished. " lion. ,1 , T Ingiills , Unlttd States scnntor from ICntisas I ntn too KOOI ! an altornej to stou nnd iinpi'iclt the testimony of my oxvn xvltncssts or 1 might siy something to him , but heto Is the testimony "ICunsiw 1ms nhollshod the saloon ; the open diain shop Is 113 oxtlnetas the sale of indulgences A dtxinlcuril is n phenomenon , the bat Ueopir has Joined the crusaders anil the inotinu builders. The broxx-or uinl the distiller , nnd the bonded A/arehousos nro known only to the at theologist An ucchcol- Ofrlsl Aery likely edits Tin : OMUIA BLU. " [ Aiiphiuso ] . fcjomomoiox'ciy speelllo II MeClure , cleik of Osngo counl ) : "i'hcie is no saloon In the tounty , drimhonuess has befit enthely done aAxny xxlth , the population of Iho tount ) has doubled since prohibition bognn , business his Itept jnco with the popu lation and capital can bo hnd from the east AX itlt Kiculcr case ami at about txvo thitds of the former into of Intctcst" M. I1.Vood , treasurer of Montgomery county , Independence , ICau : "Tho law Is a gttat success 1 hero Is not ono barrel of xxhlslcy or ono keg of beer sold In Iho county for ten of each sold bJfoie prohibition. " I xvtint you to note the icpiewntitivo chat- neter of tncso men. County deilts , county trotsuicrs. Judges mid public men Clutilcs M llovey , tuicasuicr otThomtis county ! "Prohibition has hi en cnforted as Avtll as nny other laxx In the state There Is not a saloon or dtu ? stoic in the toiinty Avhcro liquor ean bo bought for drinking put- poses I do not bi'luno prohibition has dtlven iixxiiy asinglo capltilist mid I luiow that much mone\ has beott spent lu the p vymeut ofdobtb that A\ould ha\o been spent for liquor xvithout piolilbillon Our nsoplu Avould be IIOPIOI xvote it not forpiohlbltion " Tlie uoxtls.r A. Iloninin , tteasurerot Oi- homo eountv. "i'lohlbltlon is a glorious suc- ecss and is enforced us Avell as any other stitut' . AVe Invo no saloons or Joints The illsippcnranco of dtimlcenness and diinkins ; for hex et.tgo put posts is almost tot.illv abel ished. The tax tate has been decieiscd 'J per i cut. Our propel ty Is assossul at about one- lifth In value I'auperlsinhasboiMideeieised \Vo hax'o a bettei clitss of people Itundieds that u < ud to spoml their ntonov foi liquor ate now sober , homst and itulusttious" W II. Sinitb , tuMsuier of Marshall count } "Our cxpoilencexvltli prohibition Is tit it It ( It IACS out the men xx o do iiotAX'imt and biiitgsln those xxo do xvant" [ Appliuse ] Hear this : "Tl sends our AX'otst citizens to iM'liraska nnd btIngs us their best people" [ Appliusu ] li 1Ailatnson , trcisuivr of Jackson countj. "Our business intetosts nro on a Ilrmor basis Captt il li coming uninvited Mono ) Ui.Husol toilud Its vxay to the saloon tills is employed to ftcd , tlotbo and educate Iho children " I hive not tlmo to icad all the extracts along this Hue , but I vmh to call jour atten tion in pasi.nifto tlu testimony that comes lo us from unfriendly source3 Let mo a litter from Sol Millet , editor of the Tioy. Kan. , Chief , xxho AX.IS axlolent opponent ot prohibition IIosiixs : "if AAOhnu thopOAxer AVO Avould not tepcal the prohibitory law. It bus tlono great pootl E\en with the dtlnk- 1111 ( linl. Kllll i Yi * t > l\rt IMII S.PA tliu iTnml nf. fects of prohibition. " PoiclValM. Loxve , n democratlo member of the Btato sen ito in Kansas , n violent op ponent of tuohlbitlon at tlio beginning , sujs : "I opposed prohibition nnd X'otcd against the amendment. I ndA'ocated resuhmlssion The sentiment , hoxxavcr , is gio\vingovety dax Deinagoguts miy sneer at the luxv , but 1 tell jou it Is as lived as the huv of the Modes and the I'ctslaiis. Hundicda of men xxho be lieved this IIIAV Avould piOAQ impractlcablo and AxoikmoiocA'ilthnn good Axould not noxv xoto for mi open s iloon fet anj thing under the sun , nnd 1 um ono of those nun " I noticed in Tun OM vui ULI : of Fcbruaiy 21 a paiagtaph that leafls as folloxxs : "Tho sentiment of the judges of the coints of Iowa on pi ohibltion has undergone a radical change In tAX 03 curs , n change no less loinirknblo than Uniti-cgistcrcj nt the billet box last November A nnjority of the Judges con- eeilo that the eufoicement of the la\v is im- posslblo and mgo the siibstllutlou of high llconso us the only uffectlx o me ins to sup- pi ess the hidtous Joints xvlth their hordes of tree sharks " NoxxIxxiintto boiespcctfitl. Ishill Imp - p ach no man's votaulty. No\x spapuis somo- tlmes malto tnlstnkis , and llut statement is utterly lulso In ox'ciy pirtkahn , and I hax-o no doubt thnt on the niuiuiiigaftcr that state ment suxv daylight that Ananiastuitied oxer In hU giwo and giexv greeu. xx ith CIIA ) ' . [ Ap- plati'n 1 \\'o took gt cat i > lias to got at the facts in the caao and so soul out from New York , to exery onoof the jiulgesln the sttito of loxx.i asking the truthlulnessot this patagriph and giving them a copy of the same. Wo 10- leU'cd i-ojponscs Jtom tXAOitty-four persons. Out of the txventy-foiu' ju-lges of the dlsttii t louils nllof them mo iu tax or of retaitiint ; ptohlbition In IOXAM [ Applause. ] Of llietit- tlro number but thiuo fux'or repeal , and of tltosoAX'ho have changed tlielt bentitnents theio seems to bo only ono , and ho formerly opposed but noxv sustains ptohibltlon. [ Ap- plllUbO 1 1 AX ant * to nsk a sucoint question : Does pto- hlbitlon injure huslnessl It ib said that pto- hlbilioti has mined Iowa. On Juno.iO , l' > 7 , Iheto xx'eto tl hty-sox en sax Ings banks , xx Ith total assets of Sl.WO.OOO. . In two \oars of prohibition tiny hax-o incro.ised to Jlfty sa\- tngs banks , Aviih n sets of * > l.7l V OJ. Dining the sintopi'ilod slate bmlcs imteascd ftom ai.xtx HA'o to eipihtx one nnd theit assels from 51iJiO,000 ) to $ IJ,1TOOOJ In other Ax-otds. the lasttxxo ) e irs , \x hllo piohlbitlon bus been mining loxva xxo h.u'o had an imreasoof tAA'entjuino banks and an incicasoin their abbots of f , ' < OJiWU [ Applause | Governor Lirrabeo sijh fuithor : "Moro moitgag's haxo bivn lifted lu loxxu list jear than haxo been pUtedn f ittxvhieli uinnotbo staled of any pioxious je iriu tlio cntlro hls- lorx of the state. " I Atipliiuse ] . The Topoki Capital , AX-IIOSO editor at the outsit AX as unfi loudly , on Januiry 2 , IbO' uses this language. "ICiutsas h'.s a popula tion todit ) four times as givnt as It had in IbTO. The population of the state InlbbUxxas UlHM' ' " * ' , todux , I. H.IXX ) , auliicieiso In nlno ) cars of a titllo oxer M i > tr cent. TIIOII.S- bossed Aiiluutlon of all piopcrty inlbtOxxas SUI.OJO.UOO , iitul for Ibbl ) , f 1WVK,000. ) ( ) nn in- ctviso in ten jearj of " ( i per cent , lint fioin 1SWJ to isss U mounted up to $ J3lo.KX ! ( ) , an Incioase in eljjht yc.iH under prohibition of I'iO per icitt. " ( AppluusoJ Ilnivoheiothoixxoin statement of Thomas II Deiiton , uudiloi uf Nohmbkn , and of Tim- oth ) MiCarl ) , auditor of Ktinsis. I xx'nut to giAoyou thetlgmos in IS.M ) Tito total xnlu- atlon of Kulmibk t xvas SX,499KK ! ( ) , ot Kansas ? lUOi70OtH , ) , In isV.i , of Nobmslu $133,7(1.1,000 ( , of luuists $ .ii > Jsixoo I , thnt Is an inucauc iu ICansas under prohibition of S300U.HKJ ( ) , nnd tin htfieiso lit Xcbr.iska und r high llienso of t',0 , ' 11,000 , a dlflcitnce lit favor of Knnsas ovirNcbiuslti of ? 107'JTO,000. [ Applause ] , I liuvocaiefull ) gone over the ta\ figures I want to ro.ui to ) ou the repoit on the st ito tuxes for n number of 3earn In these txvo st'itea. 1 btvln xxlth iSbUnmtglvo vou llrs > t Nebraska mid secondly Kunsw : Nobraaka nil1 , cents , Kansas 51 cents ( notlcj Kansas hlKtier Iu li O than NVuraska ) ; 1 81 , Nebraska - braska 01 cents , ICansas ISO , lt > vj , Nobiiiska 117 cents ICiinaus-Ci ; ISN } , Nebmalta 7t > , Ivan , MIS 4..1 , Ibs' " ' - Nebraska 11 has HO , ti ICaiistu : , , _ . _ , _ , txvoboinj ; for Is-iU. ( li-atiplii } , ' the last live } cars In men state , vvoUma an avoiago into of luxation upon the tdOJ assessed for sttito put poses to bo ns folloxxa : In Nobraskti , 74 li-lO cents , In Kansas , at , 0-10 cents , n tutlo moro th m ono-h tlf. I road again , from the Phllndelphli Press of Muy 10 : "A Kniikus company Avhlch Inn negotiated $7,000OJO of loans slnco Ihs7 has foiiclos il Icsa than ono per cent of its loans. A solid fact llko this b wor th toils of blather nlojt the debt ridden farmer. " That is Avhut the Philadelphia Press sa > s noxv , but It talked about the debt ridden far mer during the I'cnmvlviinln iimpdgn I UUAo nnother fioin that romirknblo shoot , TUB OMAIU 131 u. [ Laughter I On the 7th city of last Am 11 Tin OMUIA Btn published an unsigned letter fiom LXete-r , Neb , A\hlch aimed to show that duiinp tA\o years of no liiense the toxvn had suffered gieallj. business xxas piraljzed ; property declined and Industry xvns prostrated. The nnonyinous Icttt r flojed xxlth these Axoids "Our business men nnd all dependent on county trudo hue bo"ii solid for hluli li cense " A number of leputablc gentlemen propareil a lengthy reply and banded It up to mo to read , irlxlng the lie to the mioiiinou3 letter of Amll 7 in TUB Omi x Hii' , und closing ultli this hiiifruuge' "llmttho fnlso statements mny be cortectcd and the truth knoxxit xve. the elti/mts of 1-v- eler , Axould lespectfully ink ) ou lo publixh the above. II. G. Smith , president I'list National bank. C \Vullurnndt , pcneril inctchandise. C A. Songsler , tonl and lum- bet\V IIVnllnco. . cashier 1'xeter National bank ; Sanfoid Willianis , hardxxaro and im- pltmenls ; Jacob Pllug , imple ments " As n rule xvhen you find an nnon.x mous loiter In Tiir OMXII x HIM. or miyv here else , .thcro U some seoundtel nt the hack of it th it knows he Is not telling tlio truth [ Applause | The Omaha \Vorld-IIcrald lells us tint the taxes in Oimhuhist xear xvero SW1HX ) , and futthor than that , the said tac his tlietc- fete Incieascil , siys that paper , ! iO per cent oxer the year befoio. Is it not time to tall a halt ? I haxo another : I rather like to quota fiom TUB OMXIIA Bir. [ Laughter ] I wnnt jou to hear all this because the repoitets AX ill reprint it : "Peter Kuhlimn AX anted to start a saloon ntNo 117 Not Hi Ninth street , nc\t door to nn evening paper 'Iho business men In th it iiclghboihood piotestcd , and the fuss came up xvlicti tlioprotestants xxeio plA'cn o heir- ing. CA'ciy business man In the block , c\- tcpt the owner of the building xvhcre the pioposcd saloon XXMS to bo located tcstllled tbe saloon xxould kill their tiade Tlio 11- ecusoxvasiefused. " I nm astonished tlmt this paiagiaph found its Avay into the eol- umtis of Tin : OMUIX. BII. [ Ltughter and applause ] And I can only account for It on the theor ) that Mr Hosexvater xxas out that afternoon having his phologtaph talvcn for "Dab. " [ Laughter. Uencxx'ed laughter J Don t consume my tlmo On the loth diy of lastrobittai ) lion WllliumLauaboe , ex goxernor of loAva , in n length A lettir , uses this language : "As to the doiircriation In A .due of i-eal estate , oetasioncd bv ptohibi- " bltlon , It Is sheer nonsense" Noxv , Axho knoxxs best , cx-Uox'crnor Larrnbee ; or the cdltot of a ttoxxsp ix | > r Axllling to sell its space to public falsehoods concocted iu LoulsATille , Ky. I [ Applause loud and ptolonged ] A'nl- ucshiA'o , 1 btliex'o , been sustained In Iowa r.s AA'cll as uiljolning states Axhery prohibition is not Iho nile ilono ) Is noxv sicnt [ for the nccos'iiiics of life and for " .egillnuitc uses in- sle.ul of belni , ' spent at the -baloon The bulking business of tlio state is afun biuom- eter. "Tho number of banks In the state has greatlv increased , nad Iholr capital tapidly multip'icd ' I think mote thm half the Juls of the state aio entltely omptj ut the ptesctit tlmo There ate ninetA' eight less coin lots in ouopeiiittntian thaa theio xxcrothito yeaib ngo n\pensts in criminal eomts IUIAO do- cte.i ed xiry hrgtly during the last foxx" joais" And all this fioml'oveinoi Lnini- bee , xvho dechues tint the talk about the de- cicased A'idues of ttal estate in Ioxxa is the sheen st nonsense. I h IA o not tlmo to take up the nc\t item no\A' I dcsite to c ill jour attention to a te- mark made by my filend , Mr. ljosexvatcrx\ho nlUrmed that In the btato of Nebraska thoio uro 51 Jalld or lather , ito said , Bl counties that haxo no prlsoncis hi their ] tils And Mr Hosexvatcr Is a A ery forgetful man nnd ho does not rcnlenibdr lo tell jou that of these 51 counties .11 of them haA'o no Jail nt all. [ Loud laughter. ] Ho foigot to remind ) ou thai Adams county , AX Ith Ilasti.iga us its chief city , is vet entirely xxithout a Jail. It has prisoners , but itbouda them out la the jails ot surrounding tountlcs. Butler county , of gtcat prominence in jour state , has no jail , but scuds its prisottcis to ndjatriittounties. Noxx * , giMitlcmcn , I call jour attention to these facts the testimony of the most ixlla- blo and the most competent xvitnesbts in Maine , Kansas aadloxxn. nnd I haxo them lioiofiotn Now Huiipslnro and tiom Ver mont , mill in the judgment of these poisons piohibitton is prolitiblo and in no place has probibltlon depreri values or Infringed upon business interests. I sh ill this after noon present irimln d statistics show Ing the utter und confessed failure of high license and pioye it by testimony as conclusho as the testimony presented heio this moiuing. HON. EU\VAIU > UOSUU'ATKIt. Tlio OpcrnltoiiH of thu Nebraska and IllAA'il IjaU'H Colllpjll'fill. Edxvnrd Hojoxvater spDko as folloxx-s : Mr. Chairi'iin , Ladies and Geiitlomon : Itunmes mo that the gcntluinin xvho has scaitcly touched the soil of Nobraski , who husseireely been hero mete thun IXAO or tlircodajs , undertikoi to quoitlon thosta- tistlrs that I proio-itol hero on Situtvliy about the ] ill Inmates of the stito of No br.iska. Ho tells jou that tlioro nro thhty- JiA'ccounties la this state In AA'hlch there nro no Jr.lls. If that xx'oro true , It is the highest testimonial that hin'ti llcanss could got There ai j not thirty-live counties in the state of IO.XM , that got along xvithoat a jail. Tlioro aronot thirtj-llA'otountles in the state of Kansas that cvi sttoxv th it they are xvithout a jail llut the Uath is tint there are about slc counties In this state tint have no jail , and 0110 county tint has a Jill his novel had tin Inmuto In It That Is J31 mer county , AVe haxo hoard so mieh hero as to the lion cc Ooveiuof Lirribjj anj his testi mony AX ith repaid to tin opjratioaj of prohibition in lowi ; bit GoA'oiuor Lirr.ibce , llko Hen Bjtlor , sees both xvajsnt the same time , and ho sees A or ) remarkably out of line when ho looks at ilg- lire * 1 have heio the ofililul publltiitlon by the secretary of state of Iho slate of loxvi roptesenllng the criminal stutlstits of that btute , and the e.\rense Inturred in prosecut ing criminals In etch of the sex oral counties for Iho list four years , an 1 I xvlll show by them tint the expenses of pro ocullng trimi- mils hi loxva have Increased by moro than $ 0)OJO ) Avlthln the list txA-o ycirs. The county of Polk , in xvhith the governor llx'cd so long , in Axbich DCS Moines , tun capital city is located , spoilt oxer < 5lX)3 ) ) last jciir in the prosecution of s.tato cilminils , and JU,000 for thopioseeutlon of police eouit offenses over * ? OMJOO In ono count } xvhtn the AA'holo state of Nobiiusku spent only ? 10"OOiJ for niexecut ing crimlniilj. Hut I suppose that an ex gox- ornor is no hotter thin a goxernor. I suppose - pose that the gox et nor of loxva xvho has been male the successor of Ltrrabeo by the people of \\hoiescnteil the hypocrisy and the niraat Unaxcry xxhith these ptohlbitloulsls haxo sought to hnposo upon tno pcoplo uf their oxx H state and states gtnerallx I say that his testimony ought to bo consldeied as good us that of Mr Larinbeiviiidxvhon Iprovo Mr Lutmbeo to have fnVsifled thoiocotd In r vird to criminal courts , all his statements full to Iho gtotind , Lot mo call your attention to last fall , \x hen Governor Lurabeo x\a.s leli\-erliig a ktluto or im address lauding prohibition in the toxxn of OttuuiAvn , In whith ho , I suppose , AAMS oleetioneoring ; and xx hllo ho AX as tillclngthat prohibition xxas a great success a xxagon load of hay stood xvlthln twenty yntds of him full of bottles of beer and boer AXMS btlug dealt out to the croxvd That is a fact. I xvas la loxx'ii nt the tlmo injsulf [ Long and loud Inughttt ] Itisnot necessaiy fin mo lo hiy that 1 XXMS In Sioux City when this happened [ Umghtor. ] And Mr Lurnibeo xvas therj on the occasion of the reception of the Pan- American congrtss , and men camoovtr from Ottunux'a to receive thq I'lin-Amei leans ejo AXItacsses , that wore pmcnt ut that A'ery time. Noxv heio is n loiter from floA'crnor Doles : DKsMoiMH. li . .Iline "is , IsMl K. lotxvutcr ! , KHIJ , Hear hlr : The prautU'iil oieiatl | < > u if prolilbltlon In this Mute v-i nn to In ) in noid- In to the pmltle il stiiilMlnt | front xx liloli the iiui'siloii Ux exxtd ; our iipubllftin frlemtb In- flil It U a success , tha deniut rats thnt It Is u fid I urn. The fonscrtntlvo elcmtnt In both Dartlcs rcath thu exuct truth whcu thuy dt- clare thai In tlio rural clfclrlet * thn law Is fnlrl ) xxell CMtfor.'crtnrd tint In the hrga cities It Isopenly nnd totally Ignorvd , or coti- tnntly Alolutcd by sowt nles umiily iiif- llelent to meet the dOii nd. TlilshiiHlmon the trim situation In loxvajlneotho I nv us en- ii'-toil. Occii luimllyome of tliu cltk's will make a tunpoiary t'lroit to enforce the I txx , Imt Ufh ( 'Hurts nrg pn'fuodlp. nnd lu i little while tlio business 19 lenuxx til olthui oponl ) or seeutly. I fitl certain that moro dUtlllcd spirits nrc tuedns abe-MtiiKoln Iowa umUrtlio lirc cnt laxx thutiixer Iinxolietitorcxei xvoultl bo un- tltra llecnse ssteui. but on thu othir hind llierols ICK unit UniioMistd i am pqmllv Hire-that the spirits UHtd UM tlin xxoist Kind , fukliu I lie slntu together there Is no doubt but that iiroltlliltlon hiisfiiilid to Usson tlio cxllsnf IntcMiiponinee , h is rttnnltd ImmUta- tlon Into and Ifisti ntd i-inUritlon from tlio sinuMinil lit it It lias destiovoil most ( if the capital Inxi'sicd iiiliiowirl.s and distilleries , kieit l.uiL-hK r ] , nlliu'il t lnsn tntlustiles niul Is constantly ilr.Unlntc the ituUi of Itiininisu Miiiiiof money se-ntto nth' MtaUs for tliu imr- iluiM ! of Intoxicating Unit > i Let us s ly ono Arord hero My predecessor 1ms stated that all the brtix erics In loxxn have been com cried or rath Mpei hips Uovcrnor Ltirtnbeo said It Ihfitnll the biexveties Invo boon com 01 led into oil meal fnctotles , nud they tire tun by the men xxho oxxn them I for one xxill say thtif 1 knoxv iitleastono pat tv that xvent from Count 11 HlulTs nnd lo- uitcd in Chlttiinoogi and is rtmniiiK' u bi-cxxery theie , mid the Council ttluffs btoxA'- try lias not been conxcrt 1 Into ninthim ? in pirlieulir , so far as I knoxx [ Cries of "Good , " "Good " 1 It Is a pretty dinieult thine toconxeit ubielxeryIsuppohO , [ Orcat laiifihtcr ] 1 xxill it.ulhorc ! I do not ht'lloAo thnt crlmo hii boon dimin ished 01 criminal cxpuns s by tills law , ort'int ' e'rlniln ile'oin let Ions nn li is now thin they xxero hofoio the law xx'clit Intoolltct liisload then oC. If xx < ! count piou i-'itlons eonx Ictlons nnd exp lists Inttiricd tpdet Ibis lixv they hiiAcbuen im ttly lnoiensi l The c ) that our jails atul p'Millonthrlcsaro lioltui inpllrtl Is tilolnsloniincxcituiileil butonopenltcntltry In this state , md xvhen v.e biillttxvoinoic xvn liadiiiioinoiothtin xvns iictu illy noidod Thlix\ii9sobefuroiiihlbt | ( * tlon xxasenactedand l < s > .till ion lirjio ox- tent. \ihc3andthllilrt nhaAobfoii tin- puxulsslitd by FAOibltnnt lints Imposed by this laxv thin uxer Xfi ru ruined In this sttito b > all the evils of Inli'inpiMiinco loiiiblnuil , IliitiKhtir ] and thtoush tlmsaino minus mom tnimllesliiiAO liotn Hip ir.ili d uiil illsurieud by tlio Imprisonment i > T liiisb.iiidH uinl liiiith- tis Tlio sttito Is full of c iii s of siuheMtimo lutrdslilp that in ) ptinltti ss ii M.IS ( oiislintly euniiitllid tn oMettd e\i ( ntlvi iliinciuj to RIIAO xliulo fumlllcs frini ill poir house , anil I can ( In nothln , ' less th in fo'linx ' In his foot steps llio moio I knou of the x\jkltiS | ) ! ( > f this laxv Iliu uiciru thutoiulily conxlnced I ma that Its eiiictmint w is , i slupeniloiis blunder tlmt loxv i \ > 111 not recover - cover from Inye-ais. VeT ) ttnlj jours. Hint xd Hoirs. " \VhiiolAxasslttlugoiithls platform n lot- tei xx'as handed to mo this moinlngxohiutat- ily , signed bv a b inker fiom tlio toxxa of I-Tor'ati , and I AX ill read it to ) on. It Is dl- iccted fiom Logan dllOttto Btituco : IorA\.In July 7 , Malion 15 lese ! atcr , e < i , Hintilce , Nib l"ii ) tlrVllltvi p.u- donn sujKcstlontu ru'iinlto in ) Uii i of 'pto- hlbltlonr" \\oulil I like to li ixu j ui uslt the teniperincn folks xxlmt they uu Kolng to < lo xx Ith the "lillll.iid halls1 niul ' tempi r nice pool rooms" attei they Ket a innliltilliiiy 1 ix\ \ . Oure\i | ) tli n 'e Is that tlun > so-called tcnipci- iini ti lilllunil hulls are its bid us thuoicn si- loon A piohlbltorv 1 i\v xxill not elo-.d . the loalln nltlees Axboru t 'inn rineo drinks tiio Mild , and It h my opinion that a pi iln s iloon , xxltbont 1giiinus"ot liny kind. Is better tb in blllliinl saloons or "pn Inis' xxhoto ttmpci- nmii dilnKs are alone - 11 As xnu em sio tin Idci lt ) ttoi than 11 ui i\ilain"L | [ I iiigli- tet ] \\lllnotbothcrjoiixltlitt lung letter. Yours , CilAiut * , 1 J itl1 , Pronrietdr l.d ' in llinlf. NOAA * , I want to say right hero that so much has betn said about tLc wondtrful increase of banks and baibcr bli.iviu ? shops In the state of Iowa , j-ou will boxer ) much re joiced to heir that the atite of loxvi lias got moio money llian the state of Nebraska , but that is not true , foi % all that. Theto lias been tAAtco as intith incre iso in bank capital in the stnto otNobiiiska dmii'g the same pcilod as there has btcii in thu jstato of loxvix. As I expect to talk on thi } state of loAvumoro fully , Ixvill dexoto myself to the stnto of Ivansns. * „ # n. ICtin'os business ineri favdfed rrotiibltiori" , not from n moral but from a business stand point , beliex ing that the moiid phtifeoofllio question Avoald nttiaet the most desirable character of emigration. At lirst this AMIS tiue , hut stxenor cUht jcars of actual c\- pcnemo ha.s knocked all the sentiment out of CACII the piohlbltloinsts themsr-lxcs xvhtn they see tlio s iloon supplemoiued bj' tlio joint , x.hicli is the most dtminiblo foim jet assumed bx the demon of intemperance. 'Jho on ! ) ' consistent temperance state olllccr in ofllco in Katibas today Is Attorney General L , P. ICcllOo'g. All the rest fiom the gov- oinoruoAVii aio consuincts ot iutojiie.itlng liquois 'this is a fact , nnd can. bo vcnlied The piescnt goxernor disgraced himself and slnlo list summer Axhilo In Coloiado and Axas advertised as iidiunkcnbumln Colorado. About tltieo xxc 'ksag that Avonuctful at- touiey geiieuil of ICansas. Avho IITS slid so much upon tlio piohtblt'on ' mtastlon , and made a living out of It by lc < hiring in other stntcs ttlbo. hlivd a iilumber lo look after some tiouble or leak In his house , and the plumber struck lAA'o ot the boxes of aio nnd beer lying In his cellar , and ptesentlv the xxholo town bceanio uxxuro of it. This is xxhata gieat nnnyotheis 1110 tint adx'ocato prohibition on ono da ) and do their Ji inking on thu next d iv. It is said hero npaln that prohibition 1ms ubsolutclj tliininat d the liipior business in thu state of Kuusis. 1 stsut a miin by the name of lliompson , n tboioughly bobor , icliable man , outof tboctty of Oniihti und ho spent three \\oeks in ICatibas and got luck only last \\etk IhaA'oa gteat niitiy of the icpoi ts that I pioposo to read noxv , "in many loxxns in Kansas llio expiess coin panics have built additions to their AV.IKS- housesfoilhoc\ putposo of caring for tlio Jug trade , and li ix o put on cUra xvugons of a pceullatly loxv build in xxhlch these beverages tuo do-Hi prod at night to joints , elubsand ptiva'o liuuscs. "Abrcwtiy In MIlxvuuUco ships tlitco car loads of bottled beet into Kansas ovciy day , Axhlch alone xAOiildnmoiint tomoio than Axlint the piohibltionists claim is the total con sumption in the state. "Tho Anhcusci-Ilusch bottling company Well , I xx-on't go further , because It is not necessary to detail nil [ Liughlor.V11 ] , It simply refers to other biewei les , and I an not going to adxeitlso them. [ Liuuhtcr.J It costb money. [ Iti ncxveil laughter.7 "Tho dtug business is pmstiluiffl so that the good men nro out and poor ones in Some dtuggists sell ox'cr tineo gallons of the ox- liact or cssonte of Janialii ginger , three ounces n dose , Thodingglsts buy ono bir- rel of alcohol nud n " iairel of xvhtsky , 01 rather txx'cntj-Uiicc "of alcohol to one 01 whisky. Bnyiumls rxiportontnlcoliol The sales tire to po n lo of prohibition protliA'ltlcs xxho cannot gtt .ic os to i lubs. "A tin * load of beer AVas closed out botAxeon 12 m until ) p. m of the same day bj at oiiglnal ptckago man ( In Topclci. The OK ptessconipinles of Toppka earn dm Ing some months of the A cm " ? Ji"K ) per month oteli ( There mo tlnoo of them , or * 7rK ( ) per month ) Supposing th6 oxpioss chuges to represent SO per cent of the test of goods , xvo xxouldlnuo not far from ? ln)0) , ( ) spent for In- toxitatiiij ; liquor * , , or aboutfl caca per jeir for ox cry man , xvomm md thlld In Tope'cn ' , Kus , population about forty thousand. * Topekiiis fullof e ubhoutcs , xvhichinclude among their members boys from fifteen jeirs up to gr.ix liuiicd men , AVhotito suiipliod by the jug houses of Kansas City. Drinking to c < cosb Is common , hundreds of young men are becomiilgdfinor.iltzea and lost. In Men- moatb township , thisrount ) [ KhmcocoimlyJ foui xoutig bojs. rnv'ng fioui tx.clvo to lif- tccncars , cntoicila church duilng bctxlco reeling diunUandspoxxvd nil oxtr the fluor , seats , etc , of course supplied from 1Cuiibas Cltj ' "llio boys hnx o caught on ' A tiumbor of ivs > poctablo Hxxcdlsh yomg menxxhoin the piohibltionists had doniul or depiixodof beer , tonic to moio iwitablo xxlns- koj-and are today ei nfiimed iiuinkntds In SToith Topeki the b > } s und mon chip in " > cents to Kansas C Itytet n keg of bici * xxhlch Is s oto I In a stable < > r IniUhor shop and al nUht drank by tills emhio club. About llitton kega per AXtuk Is the UA'ctaKO from the North s > lw " .Shmice county , ICansas. Is r.allod Iho ban ner prohibition i untv of tlia Unltol States A careful inxestlg-tti'inoi the giound pwvos that prohibition is notnffoiting llio mortis of ICansas a ptutlclo , theio bcitit , ' us much If not iiosltlvely moro tilmo noxv than fornwily btnco the iidoptlon of the prohibit Ion nniend mint in l M the cnmlnal coses huxc more than doubled. This statomi'iitls Acrllltd by i the coutt records , The coat of criailuul 1 prosecution hns been kept n. nrofouncl secret AAlth nprohlbltion nudltoi'sniiibyncoininlttcts ' on suppression during the present cmnpilL'ti. Iloxvoxer , ho will bo compelled to cither nuke ncotjeet statement or refuse to. either of whlohAOUlt1 bo nn admission of guilt. Aboutono jeiirnfjo HAAIW ptibUshel in the prohibition papers of the I mil , Including Voice , Noxv Ymk , that In Sluuito tounty , Kim ns , In other voruX iu Toiwlm , theio wno no crimln th for tl lu "I'lio naked truth xvas that the oU county nttorncy wu going out and the nexv county nttornu ) AXIS going in. The out going nt- torno } lld not haxo the cases iloekctcd. TheriMxus the usual munbor road ) for ttltl. At Ihehisl termof lourt In 1SVJ thci-o Axero ulghtj nlno cilmlnal ctses on the dotket , sexerul of whith rcpicseatcd mow ttiim ono ptlsoncr , inalcliigoAer onohimdrid i > ilsonera reidy for tiinl. Of these oxer forty Axoro ' felonies and at least txvo xvcto inurdo'r cases. Since .laiuinry 1 , isvi , there line UenJIO cases on the docket of the dlsttlit ciuu-t in Slmnco county , IC-insas , and at letst , thhty- iixo luxe been sent to the penitential * ) " U'o IUA'O bctn told that piohlbitimt does not injure business. I xxlll lead the folloxxlug upon that subjett : 'The ' folloxving capitalists and prominent business men In the state , after hiving al most luincd tilth * homo town of Topeki , lux o Itft for moro coiijcniil climes nnd hive sought mom piomlslng opportunities for In- A'tstlng their xxcalth : 11. M. Dnics.lcc - prcsideiit bmli of I'opcknone ( to Chicago because of the dcpicsslon in business in Topolt t caused by mohibitlon ; lr ) Mulvimo , violent piohlbillonlst , xxealthv , gene to Ctti- cage : e\-Miyor Mcligiir of Topekn , gone to Hedtiili , Mo. bamotvason ; John Morse , llmo , cement and bildc business gone to Denxor , Cole , stimo rcison ; on Runs is nvoiuio , lopolti , oxer o'io imlo long , live out of six. buslntos men and clurus dteluro lot resub- tnlssion "Tho old topublioati prohibition party held noonxciition Juno 10 foi the putposo of send ing den-gules to the concessional convention ut 12111101 ia June 21 , next iutroduccjil n i-eso- lutlonfivoring prohibition and against the oilginil pu'kago business The vxild ojcd piotiihition repitblltaiis tabled It ptomptly , not dating to discuss the subject hi open tott- Aeiition. " Noxx , Avhllo Mr. 'lliompson xvas In the city of Topeka , ho xxoiit to xxork and iitssod up and doxvn the in lin street of the fit ) of To- pcku xx ith this proposition : A billet hex xvas lirescntod to om-y person , nnd eicli business man was nskod tt > drop Into thatbo < c a ballot , xx hither it xvas lor or ngaimt itsubniisslon , and xxo b.uo heio the ntUdtxlt of thu man xxho took that hallos. And ho makes this tciliilt.ito ( reading ) : St aloof Kauris , bit ixxneo county , ss \\r. II Ktmij , bonii duly sworn , ik poses nnd says. 1 AAiis ont'ilftrid to take the vote of Iviinsni uxoiiue. In 1 opok i , Kan , on the ( uitstloa of pntlillilt Ion mill lusiibini-iskiii. On the 1 Ui and lltli il ix s iif .Tuno , 3W ) , 1 x Is- llul all tlio sloies .mil uliii't'H on tliu ground Hoot oil luuiiis uxtMino fiom | hi > rlxu to r.lKhlh strti t.ultlt tbi't'M'iptlonof tlio Kock Island duput and < ino liu < I\\ntu \ mil one jrio- ctty si OIL , anil pitsontid tliu b illiit lo\ to tlio cinpliii > is ihi-o nethely mi u-eil In btisl- nis. . andtlii'h oniployis , and iiii'Mt'd | tlu-in lodi posit n billet , i ill K" foi pi ohlUll Inn in iiilislon Iho lnxsus ) - - ( niul i I b id Hniiliuil 1 ou neil tlio saini ) In t lit pus n ! > of Hun I H t'nmcli nf lloiinet , Kun , Mi C. L ) Thmiilison of Uiiiuli I , Net ) , Mi. Ilihliuil of 'lonilii Air llitvliii Stiiitu md A. I , Alh'ii. and thu billets \mo til > c i ( toiii s ltd bu\ nut lanfullj counted uiult.vl- jllll Of tllUb.lIlie 111 lilt ) III till ) pICSLIItll Of til' ! su l guiitleintii. L'liu u suit is as fuUuus Ttiri n .lull t hlmot.o ; fni K iihnils- son undone linnilied and sixty foi pro hibition. Onl ) about twent ) to \ ote , and I ( , ' ire all the < niptiit et H mil uni- plox cs til the pi le'cs x tsiteil the fitlloimoitim- Itj ludeiHMlt tlio liillulut thulr clic Ice. A11. \ . ICr.NSA- . Sxxoin to btfoio me and stibscilluil In in ) picstncctliUlltlicl.iv of June. V t ) . I-t ) I. O I' MCH.W. Vcrtiuvl'iilille * . "tVo come noxv to the opoi.itions ol piulubl tlon as found hi thu dlfleienb titles in Kan sas : "I/iAvicncp , Kau ' Is a tollo 'o mil church town of 17.00J population , chiefly from Now nnghiul. rrolnbltlon his been fostered Wltlfuc ] tlom caro. In IbM tlioro xvoro ten or txxeho open saloons and there xvcro no holes in the AX ill or boot-lcggon * , noxv theio nro fullx tvxenty places Avhcio Hunou mo clniulestlncly sold. Ex-Governor Chtrios Itoblnsou , the AAMI' gov cruor of Knnsas , an able man and bavins laigo interests heie , stated to Mr. Thompson that ho knew that liquor AVIS sold in fiom soxcntecii to tAACtit- llvophxets lnL AAxionca , for , stld lie , 'loxvn n liittfo farm Just near this city , I employ a number of men ; .unon ? them Is u man , a capiblo felloxx , Avbotn I dmo not send to Ltux- * ho xvill get diiink. Todti ) , Juno IU. I sent him to toxx a xvitli txxo lotds of wheat ; It Is noxv near 5 p in. and I have not found him yet. lie is In some hnlo In tlio Avail drunk. He has a family and is totally dependent on mo for xxork to support them llut I will bo obliged to tum him out of clouts on account of rum holes in the city ofLtixv- rcuco. When this mm iliuls ono of these plates , nnd they are not haul to llnil , lie scorns to bo aft iltl ho nuy not gel In ig.iln and drinks to drunkenness Yes , theio mo clubs toiuiu the bjs and they mo miking use of their oppottunlties I have not use for liquor ; I nm n tototlar , but I hnx o no use for Knns is iiieiliibitiou , It Is a filto , breed ing hypocrits ' "flic negroes and the least self-respecting the the 'bloods' young men pitronizo Joints , Imxe fotmccl elubs where liquors of till kinds aiokept Each moinber oxvnsa hex and gova nt xxill to thocoiniiton stock Hols cnthcly withoutlodtiaint , hisiuin.Ia only u , inutttr of time "A younger cliss cf hos pioemea flask ot Avhlsky xx liith they tarr ) In their pockets They meet in binis and dark allots ami drinlc it , and thus acquit e nn appetite for the stiong bevctago Prohibition in ICansas is Minply supplanting beei with whlskx , thu mote poittitilo. It is causing men to diink to drunkciinoss ix ho xvcio satisfied vxitb a glass of beer bo foil } . "riiopropttetor of the nidildpe house , the hotel in Lnxuence , uMr Uohii , inns tin open Joint in bis house , piesldotl OVOL by his coloiud porter. Hu bold to miiitid , to mi'roes , to drunkaiJs , to ox'orxbody EIo xvua at- icstcd , tonxietodaiid sentenced to pay n line of JlUOatid iinptisomnent , but Justus s onns sontcnto AVMS passed his ftionels , piohlbltion- isls , AAho AXtio In tcltv'raphiccommunication xvlth Cioveiiior Iltiiiiphrynt Topoln , received a ptrdon for him. The poor negio. AX ho xxas his still ' in bo- only hiiellufr , lnnr'tiisho > Jail - e.iubo tuisooth his innstti Avlll uot pay the line vvhleli iis not remitted. ' Business is stiigmnt and xxholo roxvs of business pi tees can bo found empty Infjiixv- renco It should bo boruo in mind tlmt Lnw- ronte is poinlo 1 lo us a place xvheio prohibi tion is iisnitcss H Is mitutallv n quiet town and the conditions mo peed for Its suc cess , but in propoilion to population nnd Its class of tltUuib taken into consideration thtio is as much llmior tmimmoj in L-\\-- rento iw In any city In ICiuii is. I counted ciylit cases of beer and four ke s before the exptc-ss olllco on the sidewalk nnd xxas told tint entire xx agon loads of bcei came thtougti tliooxiuessoHlte " Xo\AT , her is Lcax'eiiAXorth. Wicu 1 Axas in I euxcnxxorth In 1MJ il xxas also piohlbl- tion time. Theio x\cro l.r 0 , und probably moio , btioons running Avldo open. There AXIIS noelToit undo to enfoieo piotiihition. At tint time , If I lomct'ibor right , thu city of LcaA'enxvoith AX as quoted xvith u population , of over , ! eVK ) , ( ) , In lbS7. H ) the election of u ncxx ell ) government they got itt sumo very rigid ivulations and they cluicd tlio s ilootts to all Intents and putpo- > ( < > [ Applause J IN' Is the rejultl The proiunt popu- lullon of Lenvcinvoith He'r ) > s , a falling oil of ox-ct 10U)0 ) fiorn th , > census of IhbO , I want mix prohibitionist tuoxp'nln ' that tome mo and shoxv why the city of LeiAenxvorlli h.ts dcileased 10,001 In her population. In IfiS * this cllv hid a population of : II10. , ! It AX as dui Ins that ) car th it the saloons AX ere t-los 'd up at the fiont door and business diixon lo the JolutH , xviuro it liai since boon going on xxitti much SUCC.M.S for tlio benelltof those engaged m the tralllc , bat to the Injury of bubinoss nud the rovoiiuen of the eity. Thuelloct of prohlbitlun on buslnus nnd propeit ) vduos has beta very d "Jttuotivo. Ued lutato Is n drug on Iho miikel. At no time in the hUtory of the tit1.1 liuxo there boon so iniuy ( inpt ) stoto hnuhusm the busl. ness btteots of the city. Such n conilltlon of uiridi-a did not exist prior to lk7 , be-foro any attempt xx iw midei In the cnfoit.unuiil of the Invx AViilchls not enfnrud. f met Mi n.xcrs of Ltavenxvoitli tx1odays ago at Omiha II' ' ) OXXIIH H'iiiiiiJ ( In real citatonnd has been n K > Hint of Lt.ixtu- Axorth for m ire tt an txvnt } ) IMIS Mr i fought lot inoUiuiUui ! , aiitl lau void mo the thing AXIIS vet only a tl mil nn Impo sition , but It bad been u it to his oily , and hiudo.strujcil moro pr ( < t , y values than if the i Ity had been drink cu-lono. Now , hoxv Is It In ICaiiiaj jul breweries ? In the county of Atchls hivxxery his been In oivtiitlon xxltbou or hlndraiico sliioo the operation of the . In 1iCn\cn- wotthnll tlmt class of ness lias Ixcu stonped [ Appliuse 1 i'rotn .Tiiniuity 1 lo .1 1 , 2s ° 0 , for fix o months , the arrests for druitltoimorts lu the city of l.tMXeiiAXOith xvero till , b ) llieoniilul report of the public touit Ami noxv AXO oomu to Atchlsoit In the city of Atihlvm the poliiooouit shoxvs that um lug thiiyetr ISV.i , 1,171 itmsts AACIO mule , of xxhlcli J7S AVtto for diunlait- HCSS mid ( llstiirbincis , Atchison has been Just llko T cavonxvorth. It h is been n diad toxvn , jutulxzed by pto- hlbllioii llitsiness is languishing , aiitl all improvements uro at a standstill 1 touiited txxtnt ) Ih'o cnity stow liousts on Coiu- inetclal strict , and stxx- out one bull ling In thecourso of constiuetiim. 'Ihoiltyot ' St. Joseph , Mo , has heoncn- Jojmg uiuliio mospoiit ) at the e\peuso of AU'liisoti and lA'aAtiiAAortli There nro sK- tcen ding stores in Atchison count ) , and fouitein of Ihosoaro in tin * city of Atchisoii. Their ropotts of sales shoxv all the AA i ) fiom . ' ( Ho 4tH ) foi each stoto per mouth Tin-re me clexcn plates on Common lul stteot xx beio llinioi is solil On oiillinry dus ) , nloiiil of beer is distilbuted on this stteot , nnd on S itutday night four wugim loids tire left at dives along Ibis stittt. There Is one bulohor , who sells about txxo pounds ot meat a iliv , has a Joint in the rear irom Axltich he gain Ins tovciiuo. Ktiitlicr up the street Iheto is n largo cnxo xxhie'h is utlll/nl as a saloon. Theio Is u bet11 gaideii Axith shade tiees nnd a iiiciij-gn ruimd. It Is said tlmt two wagon lo uls of becraro disposed of there almif. Dow n alongtho tail- iciil ttacks there lire dlxes xxhotii muidoilm-s been tommltttd fiviiucntl ) , und , of i-omst * , b ) reison of Ihoro being no ix iilutlvu 10- ( nilremetit by tlio police , the xvoist ilass ot > moil aio doiling out the deadly jiolson. Noxx 1 xxant to it id jou borne testimonials : 0 II Ilontlnx. siniilor of the Twenty - ninth dlsttitt of ICansas , icsldiiiKiit WiclilUx , sas : "I li lA'o experienced nlno ) CIUM of piohlbitlon in Kanns. 11 isa ( Illusion nnd a sntrc It IticitHivi taxes and ruts of ! eii- titely the n ittttal iinmiufatiim of a nexx st ito. Hid Kiinsns nrvcr been nlllUttd Axltli | iro- hlbilioit M'ubtta to lay would have 11X1,000 , Isolde I'tobibition dialnstnostatoof rcail > cish. It has ilrixin 100.0H ) people outof Knnsas and has lost scxeial liumlitil thou sand m itmnigtatioit to the Httto. It is n greater turso to the sttito than hot winds 01 gi isshapptrs It is only a question of tlmo till Kansas i ids heisolf of piohibitloii In my judgment no grottor cilainity 1,111 hip pui toNohtabka thin to adopt lonstltutlimiil piohihitloii 1't ohibltion his cost Sedgwlek county diirinj niuo ) oais of prohibition $0110,000. " 11 the state of Nebiiska xvishes to lose [ loptilitUin , to ( KMioA' her iminlgi ition , to [ m'.iluu her pie > ont city and faun AMltius , lot tur adopt prohibition U'ho ciy tint pro liibttlou is lite moi il siJo of the question is till humbug , piolubllion inoitii liee Kin ill und U'c'Iistcr. The licv Sam S mil followed Mr. Ilooxv.i tcr in a rambling dLssett ition on Mr Itoboxxw wr and A'ery llltlo ivfotencoto thoinilii Nsuo III * . Webster closed the mo alngdoimo with umisterl ) arguiiient ajstilnin , ' bib si lo of tlio qwiition. Ilo stiel he hid huril nothing ftom Mr Dttkio evcept his ivading liom a little puuphlot pronirol to further ono sulu of a politic d ctmpil'ti hi Ixms is Ilo QUOS llotied the value ! of BUI h lestlinonlils. The uuditnca xvas enthusiastic. In its npplause at cxorviiutiiiuattil point tint .Mr Uifklo or bm ill made In ono inst itii'o a Mr. ( Jroen in tot nipted 0110 oC the lilvjh license spoikors and xxiia dhccted to kov'p ( julot by I'raf. Dav idson , Avhlohflra did verv reluctantly , ' * - IT UK Arri'llNOON JinUATK. Hcv. t > mtll bpcalcs JI1 t'looo and is TolloAAcd h ) Sir. l&osexvalcr. & The deb ito xxas tesumod at 2 o'clock in the nftcinooii Some ( picstion arose us to xvho should speak first. Tlio m it tor AVU lln illy settled nnd UOA * Sam Sm ill nscendod the lostitim. Ho xx'tis greeted w Ith applausoanl upon Its subsidencohoxvacl'd Into his subjuct xxith Ids usual volicmeuco. Ho stilted that ho hid hitherto pail the most attention to Mr llosovx ilor , but Uils ttfleinoon ho xvould m ikj Mi. Wcbstor the gentril subjett of his luftionccs. "Uiotbcr DlcUio and I did not impoit this question of piohlbition into Nohrnslca , neither xxero con- sldet itinns of pnnly , homo nnd piospcrity impotlcd Into Nobiaski b ) mo " Ileelahor.ited on the McNicltlo iicident in the list Is'obi.wlcii ItvLslature , xvlieie-in that geiitlemtm concluded to betray his constitu ents because of his bo ) 's blue e ) es ITii then doA'otud toaslderablo tlmo to MrVebjtcr in an clTott to impcich his evUeneo by plant denials Ttio cloigy knoxA' tint the blblo toithcs piiihtbitloii lie did not blmidei Omnlia nnd Nebt.iski , ho enl ) held nsido tlio cuitnin and shoxxed the photogitiph lie denied si nideriii , , ' some of tht o publle speakeis nud repicscntatlvos of Nobiaskn ' In all duo iNSpeet to Senator I'mlJoi k , who bus lopiesented jour state In Washington lor ) car-t , I i > ay thoreis no rollectlon in tlio east xvbich xxould Inilieato tint , hou \ --et the Potoai'io ' oil nrc. and yet Scnitoi Paddock permits to bo sold In hi , building in this city the diunimblo stuff th tt makes ilritnktinls. " Mr. Hosoxxntor , folloxving Ml. bmiill , snlil "A fexv } eirs agothcto appealed in this country a gteat lee tutor f mm Ore it Hrltiiln , xxhoso theino was ' \Vliy Don't ' God Kill the Doxll ? ' and Ihaxobetn almost coumolltd to ask la the ji.i t fexv d ) s , xdiy does he permit a cloxvnto boa ptciicheri" The levcrond gt-ntleimn Axas 10 scvenlv scoied thnt the andicneo xxas conn died to ap plaud a little ills iiigiunent AVIIS ublo niul oonxtnclng , nnd ho AXIIS In turn folloAXtd by Mr UiOtlo and hob } Mr Webster. 'iho general vi rdict of llio publio OAcr Iho deb ito tonight is that Musi's Kostxvalti and Webster aio tlio imstou of the sittiitlon. This fccntiniuit does not , ol loutso , ptovall among the ptoliihs , but U largely tliu senti ment among tlu ; fur minded of this commun ity and of all who bond the mguiiituts. Till ! IHUlIsIi'S I'.tUt. Governor Klfer Calls on Vleo I'reol- dent Ili'xan , Cmcwo , July 7. [ Special Ttlograin lo Tun Hi i. ] Goxoinor Fifer xx is a caller on Vice Piusldeiib Ur.m at thu world's f dr headquarter * this inoiiiiii . Ho Axill not take his /ncatlon until afIjr t'io special inujtliig of the ICo'lslatuio on July ! i ) . Thoiiillona ; comtulbsloticrs' houltiuaiter-iln tlio I'nllimu building are not is yet ioidy foi oecjup.iuey and nothing will bo demo In the nutter of ap pointing the standing conumlUsts foi tlihty d.ts at least. Colonel O 13 ( ! ordon , secretary of the do paittuent of animal iiidustiy , Is In cones pondciieo AX Ith about thhty agricultural hta tions locitcilall ovtt the Avotld , It being his intention to secure fiom them , If possihlo exhibits of oiiglnal xxork for the cxpodtmn Mr. Cieirdon IH cultivating DrVollt o f'minniiy , i'tof. Inxv of Un liiiiel and .Mr Tousdnlo all men of uatloniil rtputation on thosublect-xvlth rospoetto Iho in tuul stalls thai illation of tattle-fudiiiB mollt. 1'iof Iltnry of % Vlseoiisin , lie sa)8 is walking haul lo orgin l/o bomt complete pi m for the educational features o live stock m IU , lelation to ngrkiiltmal nil li'L-eit. and schools Ho bus had u long inter vli'xv xx ith the secrttary o UUu AVUionsoi Dairy men's ussoeiatlon xxlth it vicxto luiAlnc , them irmkoalhst diss dairy ex bibit. The bout iluliy miiihlnerx , .Mr. ( ioi don sas , comes from Sxxodin , Xorway nm Mr ( Jordon express-id persona srtlsfnctlon xvith the piogiess tlitiH far do A'tlopol In his dtipartmcnt unit duos not hesi tate to state th it when the exposition optitH the department of the animal Industry will piescnt nn exhibit In evtry icape t uompluto , Avblch xv111 not In thMcnit sufter fiom tuin- partbon xvith any other. Cuitl ( "Jot * It. I HoMi1 , Jul ) 7 [ hpoclil CiibU ( ? i.iin toTiiK | Hi u -Slim 1 r Cortl has been appointed Jtal- . lau consul ut > i\\v Otle-aua , SEVES CHILDREN ARE KILLED Deadly Work of the Storm King at tht City of largo , THE MOTHER ALSO SERIOUSLY INJURED , I'lio IMiirlpnl l.ullltMjs ( ill Untoolcd " 'rains Illimii IVoiu the Track Damages la Other Tcxx us. , S I ) , ilulj T. Thli i-ltx AVIS AS- ! ted thb morning h > the severest \\tinlstoiia vet1 known here It bogm ut : i : < tO and con- limed for liUf uii hour. I'nily In the ulghk luio xxoro some Imlic'ttlons of uiln , and ibmt midnight It eommuieod to thuiulor uud ghtning. 'Iho Sxlnd Hist begin to blow roiti the south , but suddenly hlftoilto tlio noithxxestaml In a xorx shoit .line AAIIS blowing a. liurilcntu1. I'liree olco- rlc light towers xxero soon blown ilo\\n \ , oaxing Ihoiil } hi inky darlmi-ss Unit AXIIS ellovtd only b ) xhid ( lashes of lightning. Ihoftightemed inhabitants AAUO iirmi ctl rom their sloop and lights AAew shining from vhnloxxs nil ovtr the fit ) , but outside tlioro \is nothing hut iliiiknow mill tempest nntl lotliiiiK could bo heaid but Iho angry otr of llioxxinilaiiil the ermhini , ' of lllttff kbris 13) I 01 look people woio linn.\lnj- ninety dhtvtlon toascutiiln tho.iiiioiiul o liuiiagodono. bomo iippilllng Mhti ( AAOIO eon met , the saddest bolng tlio dtalh o exoii ihllilroii of the lito Caiituin James MtCaillty , xvho died only u fexx xveehs igo Tlio children xxoro at. home AxltU licit * inotliir , and sought safct ) in u coil bin , vherotho.x xvuro all finished to iluitli I ha nothoiVIH also biliously injuiiil , but it la bought bho will tecoxii. V fi"\v \ other poi-MUis sustained slight timits. L'lio Noithciii 1'aeillo innlH- jound piusengor ttuin AAIIS iilnun fimn .net ; md mini ) of the pisstMiKtrs MX only ml not dan erousl ) Injmed. Tlio "Nnriluin 'leillo mtithino shops ami the fiiiilit ili-piita if tlio Noitboni and MihxuuU'o madsno lemollshod Sevcial ihuiilu s xx n badly and nunioious othoi buildings \\i 10 note 01 loss damaged. The total ilum igo iu the fit ) Avas about * 7T > , ( WO. Si. 1'vt i.Minn , .lul.A . A ooiiospimdi ut of the 1'ioni or I'u-ss te'li'jrraphs is 1. iiuxx s A stmight xxlud fioin the n.iitlixxtstl shuck HIIRO at XJ .ID this muuilnjj- ( , i lib Inmvo v\as done the tit ) i'lio i lo. an .Iglit toxvcis xxero bloAMi down an I u li do H liltlOOfc-d lersil'S XXigXXlll I Lilt XL'o s AAait'houso'i. tlioopc'i.i Ii"ttsi > Hi IJu- publlt 111 Olllc'O , tllO KtcMI ) blutk , tin lllUlO- iiL'ut on the bmlc of Xoith Ual < it 110 Jhipm lihUc , the IXch uijM hotel im l nu- .inoiiUl block and the iii'iitjh.i Civif. life louse wcw imio ifod and tue Miliuilvoo depot \ \ as blown ilon IJuzi-ns of rtin ill liousisiiv riKiil mill at- ino-it o\t'i\ pliitu Khiss x\lii < lmmi Punb itioutiuid Uioidwuwisbinlti u Tlio.lavCoo'cohotol ' mid Ui mid 1'n il at I\ \ wxio uuioofiil. 1'lu i < Ml u. < of the lilu C'upt.iin MtCaithy , lorm i I iitti uud l illtllbllLL'U ) , XXMSStfUlk l > ) the HtollUUlld No 1 ins'icjin'orttaiiion the N'ortliorn Piv- illlir. Roing wist , bid Just milkd out of the } &rU9nnrtstonpud ut llio iMil\\anlcco ciosa- iii . The truiii wits nmdo nu of tlnoo b njgiiKQ mra , uino coiihu3 anil HUuill > rs. u pii'ij of Ohicj o NorthxxiHtuiu oniiiuh In a pi'ivuta car and buporlntcndcnt RkCiibo'a iar. All of tlio coiuhos and tlio UmtiM wi'ie blo\xn ftojn the track , but no lives xx'oro lost ami no ono xvii fitally huit. The lights hail la-ou put out , sothitij is nolli'onorstonin f Supufiiitoinli'iit Mi'Uibo anil tin. londiiL brahontan anil IIOI-ILI-S aotod \ on imPj ami taliped the frin'litoned pissuiffOH uuo xioro scut back to tlio clt > insiii'ii il co u-iu-j War ren 0 Pnrdy , x'ico iiioshUnt of llio Hucls Isl.nul iiilho.ul , hud ininilj , aecoinpuiluil by Colonel 1 { S.Tlionpson and \\lff , uiuo In I'urdj's pilvnlo Out1 , but notioMMO si'iinitsly injuivd. Uulonol 'Llioninon | anillfo \\ciia sllffhtly huit. Fiul Piudy xxas sliybtlj out , but the others wont unhurt * GtneiMl 1'nsMoiiffor Afjotit C B I'm of the Northoru I'aiillu lailxmy lias thu rulloixiiitf tclORiani froiii.lainoatown.N U "About a this inoiiihif , ' a soxoio storm stt uik the DuKotu illvision No. 1 vus bloxvn ftoiu the tuick at Iho I'III-KO shopi I'lio tool ; \as blo\\n off nt Muplrtnii Ono of the olcvitora ut U > ilixniilovns | moved oft its foundation The ilovnlor at l > liiiiinils on the Jiunosloxvii is Northcttiasitriukby \ lifflitnliiKiuid bun.ed. C.irsoit * bloxui oft thu main tnujc at lutts\illi' ! Jliuo sent xxorkltiK outilt lo FIIIKO It xxilltaiwsix bouis to in.lUo thu track pissablo. 'ihoinaiu ' line Is cli tr aside fioin tins Tour Knights Killed mid SlInjiitcd on the ILJInoN Luiitrnl. KAMCIKKI : , 111 , Julj 7 , An excursion tuiin of fourttctt cars fiom TOMS AXUS dualled oil the Illinois Central ut Muiitcio , 111 , this moinhig , Dottorslmxo btcn sent fiom hero tothositnoof tlio accident. Tln < ti.iin xvos thu fou i th section of a train fiom Culio , 111 , on boat d of xxhith xxcto Knights of I thlas fion' the Honthcinpitt of Illinois on their xvti ) to the conflux o to bo hi Id In Milwaukee. It Axas duo in ( 'bit igo , it 7 this moinhig , butt xxill probabl ) notieath thtie until this uftui * no'in some tlmo Mnxvxiivir , .Inly 7 ( toncial ( "nrinlinn ( Oinmaiuler of the unlliumtd Ixmghts o ( 1'v thins , lectlxott a clhpnlih fiom Mi'ntaiio. Ills , at noon todny , niniuum lug tint four of thokiiiglils xxoiokillul and six Injiiicd lu the xvruk on the Jlllnuis ( Vnti il spei lal train inntiiliiing the blxlh regiment of IllluoU kniKhts , Cmc xiio , .fitly 7 A ICnnkakco , 111 . special HIIAI J'ho most siMioiis xx red. tint the Illi nois Central bis i'x | > cileiicil ( foi several ) o.ns oeeun-ed at Maiileio. tins moiuing at b o'tlock A spi ( ml exclusion train ( f four teen cars , ( irixing 1100 mombcis of the Ivnlifhts of I'ythlas and bullos to the bicnj uinl tiiipieino ledge nt JSlilxv.iukci , AA is do- rtnltil ata sxvltch Avhllo enU'iingllu village at a speed of tliiit-ilxo miles per h > ur Thu font loixxatd cars 1 > pt thu indii tun Ic , and the toinilinlcr of. thu ti mi stood ui m tha siding.Vhen Ihu Itain brolio the i bull1 cat ? occupied b ) Iho 1'ast St L-ouls toiillngiMit tuiiH-d UIIDII its sidu and the OLVupmti , numbcilng fifty , xxoro huthd xxithgtcit vlo It nco tifjiilnst tfiti side of the car The HtiJ. den sUjpping of the Irnlit pixixonttd a loni } lisl of casualties J II Croxxdor of Wato , 'JVx , ntreil txvunlv , AX is standing on tlio pint * foim of onuof tlm curs nnd ivas lulled 'J'ho wounded pisseiigersxxcioalliu the Kitst St. L-ouis < ir. Tito ) me. WII.IIXM ,1. Units. Jliss Ni 1 1 u : Dooiu. T \V Ti'Kii-i- Ciptalu W. H. SVSDUICY , Central CItjr , and Ouvitii B LXVTShelbyxillo , 111 ' 111' ) ( XCUlnlnlllitS XVIUO tl Ilisfi I'tt'll to a Ktlal tiuin ami sent on to their devit inatiou. I iilloxvH Ci.nisji' , July D CuloiKl Islnrtlnovics , commander of tlio body giiiud of 1'ilnuj Nichols , rulei of Monlontgro un < l cousin ot the pilnco , xvas inuidoted lu the marketi place this morning. 'Ibomuid rtr xxas Im- inullately sti/ul b } the ptopk in the market ! plate iinu 1) nulled on thu spot. HllniilK Di'iniii'nits , Ciiirino , July 7. At today's im ding of tlio democratic nt ito uxnutixo comniiltca it Avaa reholved th il the dcmociats ild nomU unto txxu rojirostnt itlxosln nil duubtful tils" tiltU In Ihoioinlnircampili'ii 'I'lio dt ntocraU of Iho 'I hilt ) tlfllt.uiiitoiial ih-tri t lAdumi < nuiit } ) xxi'ui ic'ijijt t > d lo noinlvi.iio a tMiidl- il.iu to I ) . \oi < dlor at the spulal elcetlou tt > succecel A , b , McDonald ,