THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , MONDAY , JULY 7 , isoo. THE CITY. Tlcfiry .Tolinson rvttemplcd to work up his muscle yesterday by hca-vltifr chnlra through whitlow. It pleased him im mensely , but the owner o ( the building' was exceedingly dissatisfied nnd llonry was gathered In. For tlio first tlrao physicanB ! yostor- duy oxprcHped the opinion that tlio con dition oIL , . 0. Secrcst was somewhat Improved , timl Hlntodthitl ho might llvo a month or two , Ilorotoforo tlioy Imil dally announced the belief that the patient could no ! llvo over forty-eight hours. /vfso.\Vi/y ; tZi MAGMAixs. J J Iliimi of Denver IB In tlio city. < J , II Johmon of W.ihoo Is tit Ute Oa oy. I ; II , Louts of Cincinnati Is aMuirny fjucst. I1 , A > Hiu-mon , rreinont , U nt Iho Milhril today. II If. Downs of Lincoln Sundiyod at the Murray , 0,1C. Umwy of Boston Is a guest at the Mlllurd. .1 II. 1'ortlof Denver is registered nt the Murray. S. N. ICulin of Norfolk Is In town , nt the Murrny. 8. II. Jones of Hnrrlson la registered nt the CJisoy. Geoi-fc'o , T. Clordo of St. Edwards Is nt tlio Mirchaiits. W Cliamlicrlnln of Clarta languost at the Mcrcliiints. It. "W Day of Topolta , Kan. , la a guest nt the I'tixton. W. L Cook of Kcarnoy Is in tlio city nt the i'nxton. 1) . II. IMnmondof Sioux City is in the city , at the Murray. Miss ( ! eornic Llndscy has gone to Chicago to visit relatives. It.A , Krnwn of Ilnrtington Is In the city , a puest nt I lott'l Cusey. rrcdt'ntnnboll , Genoa , Suntl.iycil in the city ut the McrchnnU. D. "W Frost o ( St. Louis spent Sunday in llio city nt Iho Murray. J.V ICertiH nnd Dr. D. A. Wcclw wore replstciccl utthoMcichnnts yesterday , llotli Btntlmncii IHD fioin .Aubiiin. II. 1' . Mason , the editor of the Kearney , Suiiduycd In tlio city. John H. Nelson nnd Harry Miller , Hold- Tfgo , are stopping at the Mlllaid. ' J. .A Cumins ? , n stockman from Storm Xnl < c , In. , Is lu the city , stopping at the Casey MissLottlo Pclrioot Sacramento has ro tuincil liorno after u lluns.iiitislL ) with Mrs , 'A. Ty Llndsey. Major O , I. . . Given ot Kearney passed through the city last nlfjlit on his way to the Milwaukee encampment. I0 , Dlmorlcr , Julius Thomas anil J. .7 , Mnlcnuioyof lliibrun , wcro In tlio city yes- tcidny en route to the Knights of l itfilus ciinunptiicnt nt Milwaultto. . Mr. Mnlowncy etonpcd over night al his bathing beach ut Ulannwa. A Ur.-nlc In tlio Circuit. There was n break in tlio ehvult at tlio lectric light works last night , nnd us n , re sult c\cry street In the city running unst nnd vest uaa in total daikucsa. A Victim oi'tlio Knltli Cure. Another victim of Cliristian sdcnco died yesterday afternoon nt her- homo at Omnha View Mrs.V. . "W. Lemon wna pcnundrd to try the science cure , but itvns not effectIve - Ivo , anil when it win too Into a physician was BUininoneil. The vital spailc was oxtin- puislictl before ho arrived. The funeral will ho held fioin the icbidcucc , No. 3107 Miami ttreut. An Out ins ' 'or tlio llluo Coals. Chief 'of Detectives Ilazo nnd Sergeant Bhvjjart returned last evening ; from Weeping Water , -where they wont to look foxa suit- Ohio place for holding tlio ilrst'annual plcnlo of the rnutroi > ulltnn police. They will visit Wntcrloo today for the sumo purpose , mid will then ho ready to submit reports on the fournhicfs visited Lincoln , Ncbruslta City , Weeping Witter and Waterloo , The iluto has not jot been determined upon , but It will bo between the UOth nnd the yoth of tills month. The cluto will bo fixed at the sumo time Unit the nlueo Is ngrecd upon. .All of thdr filcndswill bo Invited to accompany the blue coats and their fuinillcs. Our store closes nt 0:1)0 : ) p. in. CLOTHINO Co. A Motor Cniiiluctoi * Assnullcil. .7. A. Kecder , n conductor on the Shorimn avenue motor line , will carry Ills eye on crutches for several clajs to eomo. A couple of individuals with noisy jags boarded his cur List evening nnd grow so boisterous be tween Douglas uml Doago streets that the lady pnstetiKers wcro annoyed. They re belled npiliibt Healer's loinonstrances , but bo o.illccln policeman and they quieted down. The car went on. hut no booncris tlio policeninn loft behind than one of the follows tilruck the conductor over the eye with some weapon , InlllcttnK u painful wound. A cut fully mi Inch and n uuinong was made , lay ing bare the bono. The assailant was ar rested nnd said ho was C. M. Trolber. Keeder bled very freely nud had to bo re lieved , hut will DO able to resume his lun toduy , Urn tli ol1 HI Ilo < . Wilson. A disp.itch received yesterday morning ? conveyed the sad intelligence of the death of MiloC. Wilson , who was Wiled In n railroad collision at Shoshone , Idaho. Mr. Wilson wns removing with his family to Seattle nnd was en route for that city when ho mot his death. His wife loftlast Tuesday with the family of AVillhunll. llruner , nnd Mr. Wilson went by freight to look after his horse nnd household goods. U'lio deceased was fer some tlmo clorlt In the frolRht claim department of tlio Union 1'ndllo In this nnd also city was very promi nent in Mnsonlo circles. Ilo was for two terms master of Capitol lodge , A. F. & A. M. , and wasseeietnry of tlio Corn can bodies. Ho was well known here , and the news of his death will como nsusad suiprisu to his mnny friends uud .Masonic brethren m this city. , Miuquctto 8 Van AVjolc in the proat railway rate dokvto , Tuea- ilny , July 8 , on the Chuuliuinua nssonibly grounds , Crate , Nob. T. ioAVltt ) Tnl- mage on "Big Blmitlciw" July 0. Ono fnro for round trip. nuuNii : > TO DEATH. A. Monkey niitln Sijuirrol SnlTor Tcrrl- lilo Tort lire. Two totalities were reported last evening ns directly nttributnblo to jostenlny's scorch ing sun , Max Golsler , taxidermist nnd pro prietor of the bird store nt No. 417 South Fif teenth street , forgot to lower his awning yes- teiduy morning to protect the monlcoynnd squirrels displayed in the window. The hot rays injuring through the glass wcro nlmost sunk-lent to hnvo blistered the poor tortured nnlmnls , nnd their sufferings attracted the attention or nearly every passer-by. Them was no water in the cages , mid what llttlo then ) was to out wits linked as hard as a rook early in the day. M'lio poor creatures were choking \\ltu thirst nd wcro literally beliijj coolced nllvo. Lnto in the afternoon ono of the sulrruU died and the monkey shared the same into soon after , U'ho bird CIIKCS were ainminxl along the wall out of the sun , but the temperature of the room was tiOhiRh that the feathered songsters suf fered terribly.Vhou the place was opened last evening the stench that poured out was overpowering. When water was Riven the sulTurlnu animals In the window they drunk until their slilna seemed ready to burst. Hundreds of passers-by who witnessed the scene during the afternoon would gladly hnvo lowered the nwniiiL' , but it was n patent roller affair and could not bo moved. J'rco. Samples of Dr. Miles' Hestoratlvo Ncrvlno at ICulin & Co.'s ' , 1Mb. and Douglas , cures lie.iduehe , nervousness , sleeplessness , uuu- s , etc. Ill 13 SLOCUMtl Ij.VW. . The following IsnsynopsUof the ilRhllccnse , local option law ! Section 1 provides that the county hoard of each county may grant license for thosnloot mnlt , spirituous and vinous liquors , if deemed expedient upon the application by petition of .hilly of the resident fa-co holders of the town , if the county is under townihlp organi zation. Thu county board shall not have nu- Lhoilty to issue any license for the sale of liquors In any city or Incorporated village , or within two miles of the snino. Sections provide * for the filing" of thcap- pllcallon and for publication oj the applica tion for at leait tv.o vccks before the grantIng - Ing of the license. Section ft provides for the hearing of Iho cnsolf n remonstrance is filed against tlio granting of nllccMO to tliontipllcnnt. 1'iirthcr sections provide for the nppeillng of the remonstrance to tlio district court ; the form of tlio license : the ( jiving of u $ . " > , UOO bond by tno sticcessfal applicant for the li cense. .Sections 3 , 9 and 10 make It nn offense , tiitnlshnbtu by n fine of S2."i , for any licensed liquor dealer to soil Intoilcutlng liquor to minors or Indlnns. Section 1 1 provides that any person selling liquor without u license shall bo lined not Irs ! than $1 < U nor more than $ ' > ( )0 ) for each offense ; and section 13 piovldcs for tlio trial of sueh offenders. Section lilmakw itan offense , punishable by a line of felOOnndn forfelturo of license for any licensed liquor vender to soli adul terated liquor. Section 14 innltes it nn offcnso punishable by n line of SUM for any person to sell or KivoiiMiiy any liquor on Sunday , or on the dnv of any general or special election. Sections 15 to 'JJ inclusive , define tlio lia bility of snloonUcepois for damages sustained by anyone In consequence of the tiafllcand provldo the steps necessary to collect such cLiinis. Section 21 relates to the Issuance oE drug gists' permits. Tho'locnJ option feature of the Inw is con tained In section 2o , the salient part of which reads : "Tho corporate authorities of all cities nnd villages shall hnvo power to license , regulate nnd prohibit the soiling or giving away of iiny intoxicating , malt , spirituous mill vinous liquors , within the limits of such city or vil lage , This section also fixes the amount of the license fee , which Hhnll not bo less than SoOO in villages nnd cities having le-ss than 10.000 Inhabitants nor less than ? t,000 in cities having a population of more thnu 10.000. Sections 20 and 27 relate to druggists' ' registers nnd penalties for violation of the rules ( jovcrmnytho same. Section 'J3 makes drunkenness nn offense punishable by a Iliioot § 10 and costs or im- pilsonimmt not exceeding thlity days. Section ! M piovldes that the doors nnd windows of saloons shall bo kept free from screens or blinds. Mrs \Vinslou's Sootblnn Syrup for Chit- dieii Teething cures wind colic , diarrhoea , etc. 25 cents u bottlo. OFF rrou i Three nitlsloiiK of KnlKlita of Pytlilns The Knights of Pjlhin ? of the Second regi ment left last night for Milwaukee , Tliiw dhIsiona , Onuili.i , No. 12 ; Lily , No.8 , and I3Uuk 11 lyle , No. 17 , assoinblctl at tlio nnnoryoENo. U , comer Twenty-second uml CumlnR streets , about S o'clock. The wives and sweethearts of the sir kiiiqlits aho as- hcmblcd to assist tboui in yctling ready for dotmitiiro , Oimhn division mustered twonty-thrco men , Incluilliis the oRlccrs , Lily dlx'lslou bud sixteen men mid Dlaclc llnilobiiil nbout sk- tepu mon. Tlio battalion was under com mand of Ciptnln iTohn Havxvard. Headed by the Union 1'acillu bund , with nineteen men , under the leadership of ISIr. rrcdUhjner , the battalion inarched through the pilaclpal stiech altmctiiiK attention all along the loutc. 'I'ho fiietulsof the incinbcrs brought up the rear in carriages , followed , by several wagons loaded with baggage. At the depot the Onulia contingent was Joined by Colonel Hnriy Downs , Adjutant Hlchard O'Nell and Lieutenant Colonel Douglas of the "First regiment , Major 0. L. Green ot Kearney , A. D. 0. of the Nebraska hiljiidoj Adjutant \V. L. Cook oE tlio Third regiment , of ICeninov. and Colonel Allan Jamitsoii of Canon City , Col. , A. D. C. on the stall of the major general. Seven start ollicors of the Oiniilia regiment accompanied the p.uty. A iM-fio nunibor of Indies were in the party , and they wcio di'coratcd with distinctive badges snowing their relation to the order. The patty occupied two sleepers and two chair cms 011 the Is'ortlmcstern train. It had boon decided to repudiate the suggestion of Daytontliat 11 the Knights Rovln thp HurlliiKton rouU' , nnd n number of criticisms woio heard on the action of the general in allowing himself to bo used as u tool by tlio Burlington people. 'Colonel Downs of the First regiment stated that four divisions of that icgimcnt , number ing about eighty mon , left via the Noitti- westcra jc&tcnhiy morning , These divisions were Hebron , Fulls City , A. U , Marshall , nnd a composite division made up of members from Ashland , Dcatiico and neighboring towns. The members of Omaha division No. 12 wcro decorated with n handsome badge , the design of Captain Iliiywanl , It was hand- painted on celluloid , and bora nt the top two crossed guidons , under which were the words , "Omaha Division , No. 12. " At the bottom was a lily , the symbol of the order. These badges wcwbound with red cora and formed very pretty decorations. As the train pulled out the baud plajccl "Tito Girl I Loft Behind Me , " Mhllo the numerous wifoi and sweethearts of the pal- lant sir knights waved their hands and wished thorn ( Jo Jspeed. The boys vlll at rive In Milwaukee at noon today nnd will tnko a prominent patt In Iho proceedings. Omaha division will enter the lists for n prio. nnd there Is every Indication that the division , under tha able command of Captain Hajward , will return crowned with laurels and u pilze. Our store closes at 0:30 : p. m. NKIIUAbKA CLOTHINO CO. JOHN HUSS. Aiinropriiiln Sei-vlues In Memory of tliu Bohemian Martyr. With the llohcniluns , yesterday was a na tional holiday. It wns the day sacred to the memory of John Htiss , their potion saint , and from eaily morning until night the Bohemian settlement in the ( .outlier portion of the city was bright nnd gay vltli thousands of Hags nnd yards of bunting Hint floated from store fronts nnd residences , In the evening a largo audience gathered ntMeU' hall on South Thiitccnth street , where speeches lauding the character of John IIuss were delivered by a jimnbcr of the prominent llohcmluiu of the city. The songs of Doliomia were sung in the national tongue and iilliwent .is merry as 11 mnrrlago bell until nearly midnight. Tholnloilor of the hall was artistically m ranged , plants and hot house Mowers being everywhere. Thostaso was n peifcct bower of roses , while suspended from tlio columns amlsupports.wrought In llowers , surrounded bywreaths of evergreens , were Bohemian mottoes inscribed to tlio memory of the depirtcd saint , John Hess , the man whom the Bohemians revere , wns born In tlio * llttlo town of Itassl. iictz , Southern liolicinlu. in the ycnrUIT ; ) . After completing hia education in his native town ho lectured on theology , and In HOI became - came provident of the faculty of theology at the university ot Prague. \Vhllo them ho reeved nn old ordinance of Charles IV , and by doing so and preaching its doctrines , caused a rupture lu the uni versity which resulted In the Polish Saxon nnd Bamvlin ftudenta , to the number of 5,000 , , withdrawing from the institution. Ho then became the Idol of the Ion or classes nt l > r.iiuo , and uniting with them , a church \\lth aa Immense inciuhorsulp uus estab lished , where tlio religion Of Christ was preached. Archbishop Sbynks , becoming frightened nt tlio commotion caused by the preaching of Jlus.4 , ordered his boo' . burnt , accusing him of heresy and instructing him to appear be fore the pope. This ho refused to do , and at once ho was condemned uud 6xconuuunicatcd , oud au or der wns Issued that no city In Bohemia should receive Huss within its wnlU. IIuss then removed from I'r.iguo , but nfto r a few weeks returned nnd commenced do louncingtho pope in the loudest ntid most emphatic terms. Again the ire of the arch- ilshop was aroused nnd IIuss wns arrested and thrown Into the prison In the basement of the cathedral , nnd nftor remaining there n few weeks wns removed to the Dominican convent on the island of Constance. The icoplo clnmoi-cd loudly for the re- cnso of IIuss , and fearing that .10 . might bo taken out by force , the pope ordered him taken to the castlaof Ootteueu , where ho was put hi chains und cast into the dungeon. On .Inly 0 , Ills , ho vns taken from the orison , chained to n stnko nnd burnt , nftor which his nshes wore thrown Into the lihlnc , During the tlmo IIuss was in prison n number of attempts \\cro made to persuade lilni to iccniit , but ho refused , and died slng- ingtho "ICyn-Klclsoii , " the favorite song of nnclon Dohcmla. A. IIOI1SI3 AN'I ) IJUCJGV. Tohii Wallers Appropriate * n Valua ble Outfit nitil Ijnnils In Jail , J. P. Viers made up his mind Friday morn ing that ho could spare enough tlmo from his grocery business to attend the circus , Inns- much as It was a holiday and trade wns dull , Ilo refused to 'patronize the motor , nnd ac cording to nn information now on file In the police court ho drove out to tlio grounds with n. horse valued nt SIM , nnd n buggy nnd har ness that ho would not willingly part with lor less thnn$175. Unfortunately for Mr. Vlers , n fellow of a nolens volcns nuke-up happened alone , nnd tlio rig that the owner -would not willingly have sold for loss than § ; ) W was started tow- aid Iowa without the payment of n dollar or the execution of a chattel moitgnRO. It so happened that a friend of Mr. Viers saw the thief as ho was driving mvay with the property , nnd when ho learned that It had been stolen ho wns able to give a very correct description of the fellow who hud taken It. The erstwhile owner went over to Council Bluffs Saturday to see if he could not find some trace of it , and nlmost the first man ho ran ncrossas the thief hitnsnlf. who wns working in Iho chain gang to Ihiuidato a line for drunkenness. lie had been airestcd Fri day nights , and the horseand buggy was then in his potscssion. Ho consented to come back without a requisition and Detective Savage went after him ycstcidiiy. lie says lie remembers diivlng tno team , but has no idea where ho found It or how ho caino by It. lie gave his name as John AVnlteis nnd will ho required to answer to tlio charge of horse stealing. Fits , spasms , St. Vitus dnnro. nervousness nnd hystctia , tire soon cured by Dr. Miles' ' Nervine. Free samplcss at Kuhn & Co , 15th. and Douglas. The Teiiipoi-aneo Camp. Thcro is a temperance camp in the woods at Twenty-eighth and Jlnson streets. Dodg ers announce that it will continue for thirty days , every afternoon nnd evening. A crude amphitheatre has been arranged with seats for a hundred or more auditors and a canopied lostrum lias been erected for the speakers. Good music , good water nnd mosquitoes are also promised during the hot weather. Yesterday afteinoon the Gotipir woman was turned loose in the forest. She had just como up from Btatrico und seemed to ho smarting under the poignant shafts which had been directed nt her Saturday. Slio gave ono of her lambllng tirades upon the ruin power mid every ilfth sentence was burdened with senseless references toTuiBiiundits : editor. She couldn't ' forget him , nppaicntly. Slio admonished everybody to "Stop TUB HIE" nnd take the Republican. The former , sha said , was subsidized by "the rum power , " but she forgot to mention the inducement hold out by the other paper to belle its con victions and cspouso fanaticism. It was throughout aenk , mediocre haiangue , deal- lug In disgusting personalities and alleged argument. In the evening- . " \V. Bcauchnmp of Ohio spoke to a fair audience. His address was argumentative , interesting and highly ap preciated by his licarcrs. Our store closes atC:3Tp. : ( m. NlSIlItASKA OLO'l'IIINO CO. CON TE JsTM IIX T. Prince nismarck Says it Cannot nntl Should Not lio. As at a leisurely pace wo were stroll- ln , ' down hill by another tortuous wood land path , the labor question cropped up , apropos of the recent Elinors' congress in llulgium , says.a writer in the London Telegraph. After fwinkly recognizing- nnd praising tlio moderation of Mr. Burns' address " to the delegates , Prince Uismitrck ab ruptly broke out with : "Tell mo , did you over know a banker with n million who wus cpnlonted , or a scientist , poli tician , artist , lawyer , satisfied with his gains and position ? I will go further and ask you , Ilavo you over known a epntonted man ? I mean among the rich , the successful , the highly born , the highly placed. How then shall the working-man ho content , whoso life is necessarily ono of few pleasures and mnujr troubles , ot frequent privation and rare indulgence. Suppose jou give him 11 pound a day ; in a fortnight's time his wife will want nn extra shilling or two per diem for her children's adorn ment of her own dross , and will por- Boveriiigly inoculate the husband with her own dissatisfaction. You know how enormously , how amazingly their life conditions have beeiuimolioratcdduring the past lUty years. Ilavo they over achieved contentment for ono single day ? ELot what giiovnnccs they still hnvo right themselves by natural processes , its they will gradually and in duo time. Above nil , lot them continue to improve their position without statointorforenco , which cm only do them more harm than good , besides inflicting iriotrtovablo injury upon uuinbbrs of other people , quite as worthy ' of consideration us artisans. 'l cull it intrusive and impertinent to dietato to a laborer how many hours ho shall or nlwll not work , und to usurp his rightful authority over his children in respect to brontl-eurnliig occupations. To mnko vorkmon contented by legal regulations is a more exag geration of the fancy a phantom , evad ing the grasp whenever approached , It human contentment could bo obtained it would bo n misfortune. "What would bo nioro dinastrpus than a dead level , n mil- Ionium ot universal satisfaction , blight , ing ambition , paralyzing progress , and leading to moral btugnatiou'i1 I'oiiwlo 1'aKSpiigers. Wo had nbout twonty-llvo miles to go by stage in Missouri , bays tlio Now York Sun man , and it was early bpring and tlio roads wcro very bad. The stugo started about half an hour before day light , nnd there wore five men of us and two women. Tlieso lust Imd the back seat , and talked only to tl omsolves. We wore not over two miles out when Iho stugo got stuck , and down every man had to got and lift , and pull , and pry. Three miles further ono were stuck again. In iroing fourteen miles wo were fatuck ( Ivo times , and ingoing the twenty- live wo lifted that old Htngo out of tlio ruts , and holes , and ditches almost a dozen times. Tito live of us wcro wet , flphiHiiod , muddy , and hungry when wd Ilnally drove up to tlio terminus , and you can imagine our feelings when those two womou got do\ui , romo\cd their bluiwls and bonnets , and t > teed revealed ns two hourly und robust mon. "Wo \\aro \ looking nt tliom with open nioutlu when ono of them remarked : ' Thanks for your labors , gonllomon Wo know the road and prepared for it Will you imbibe * " 13ut wo were too Indignant to accept. TIII : a.ittcii : ) UattenfoerK's < ! ! t-\vcotlioiirt About toJSe Mitrrlud , Tlio authoratlwo announcement of the engagement ofithu Princess Victoria of Prussia to Prlncu Artolphtts of Selrnmn- bcrg-Llppo is received vrlth n general sigh of relief vrhbraver that young lady is well known , and the fooling of relief will ho deeper still when she is married to Him , wi s a cable to the Philadelphia. TlincH , lor yomo years tlio royal fami lies of Prussia mid of England have been most anxious to marry her to somebody. Ilor exceedingly ardent and Impassion- able nature inudo It most desirable that dho should bo quickly provided with a husband upon whom she could lavish her exuberant iill'ectlons , and the family -were constantly In a stuto of dread lost lu nn unguarded moment she should give five rein to her impulses and rush Into some scandalous mesalll- nneo. Her love niTulr with Prince Alexander of Bnllonberg uml Bulgaria was entirely of hot- own zoning , and innny of her relatives were in favor of her marrying him simply on the score of propriety , and to avoid any further worry about lior. Whoa 1'rlnco Alexander forsook her and married Mdllo. Lolslnger , she \MIS beside herself with disappointment nnd nige , so that for n time the question of putting her under forcible restraint was considered. Her relatives redoubled their guardianship of her , und also their clforts to find her a husband , in which latter they hnvo now succeeded. Prince Adolphus is , it is true , only the youngest son of a vary petty nnd insig- nillcant Gorman princolot. Tlio realm of Schaumborg-Lippo only comprises nbout ono hundred nnd thlrtythrco square miles and loss than forty thou sand inhabitants. And Prince Adolphus has no prospect of coming oven to this potty thronesinco helms three brothers older than himself and thooldest of them has several children. But the prince Is a rather fine and spirited young boldier , of good address , who will , as ono of the members of tlio court bluntly expressed It , "bo able to stand all the love-making Victoria wants to give him. " It is likely that the couple will go to Kngland to live. Not long ago , in de spair of finding a husband for her , It was arranged that the princess should go to London nnd occupy n suite of rooms in Kensington Pnlnco , where she would bo under i'owatchful eye of her grand mother , the queen. Tlio Empress Fred erick and Emperor "William , the mother and brother ot tlio young lady , agreed to provide her with a sullicioiit income to keep up her household in proper stylo. To this she agreed , and wns about to go to London ulion Prince Adolphus was hit upon as a bridegroom. The apart ments tire still engaged for her. however - over , and she _ and her husband will prob ably fly thither after their honeymoon. Tlio date of the wedding is not yet fixed , but it certainly wilt bo very soon. A Boy Congress. After the homo adjourned Congress man Beldon of Now York brought tlio gavel down with great dignity , and called the pages to order , writes' Amos J. Cummings. A page three feet high moved that the house go into committee of the whole on the state of the union for the consideration of n bill increasing the salaries of tlio employes of the houso. Boldonput the question with the most profound gravity , and it was carried. Thereupon the genial congressman called the smallest page on the lloor to tlio chair , retired to his scat , and en joyed the fun for an hour or more. Then u tow-headed page moved that the committee riho nnd report the bill favorably to the house. The motion was carried , and Me. Uolden again re sumed the chair. The throe-foot page descended and appeared at the bar. Ho reported the proceedings of the commit tee with precision and despatch. Then the previous question vtns ordered , the bill received its thud reading and was put upon its filial p.isbiigo. It was car ried. The little page gravely moved to reconsider it and lay that motion upon the table. ' 'There being no objection , " said Beldon , "It issoordered. " Young Ilnlford , a nephew of "Whistling Elijah , then moved that the hoiibo ad journ. This was carried , nd Mr. Bel- don gave the desk a parting whack , and received thocongrutulatlonsof the pages. Itiinpertorotcolloncoprovcn In nlllloni of hnmot formoretlinniiquarterofii canturr. It Is used liy tno United ShUM Dovcrnmont. llndorse.1 hy the licnds of the t' tmlversltb ) , IM the Stronaoit , rurostnnd.Mint llealllifnl. Dr. I'rlco'i Cream link- Innl'owiler. doe's not contain ammonia , llmo or nluiu. bohl only Incnns I'llICK IHICl.N'fl I'OWUKU CO , New York Uilauo. San I raiiclsco. SLLouls Perkins , Catch LaUman , Crockery/ Glassware. PERKINS , ' G ATCH & LAUMAN , i5i4Farnam Street. . . . 1,4 ALL THc ViOKLU IHttlt Ib BUT UNt CURE DR , HADES' G01UEN SPECIFIC , It f n l > o gl % fit In u i u i uf i * < Jfn * ir tci4 or In ar * Uelf4 ttf CujJ , wiiboui l 10 kn wictico ot itierntlcBt if noooi arf. It I * Abjlutclharulivi ana wmettect a permaneut and pely cure , wheUn-r lh p&tirnt is raoderatadriafterar-ui aiaoUoliomreck. \K\K1C FAIl.v It operate * to guatty udfitb * uth ctr- limiy thai the juiioni uudrrsoci no incouTcaieace , ftud era hj IB awurf , lit * cumplote r < foroi4tlon ! ett ecieti 43 pc book of paritcuitn free To bo Ud o ( KU11N ft CO. . l&tti iPoucl"-i lMbACmnlinctlt . -lrado lupulted H1VAK.E , UHUUfi A : CO. . ana ii UUUQ C II ? not remedied in season , is llnb'lo to bucomo habltiml ami clironlc. Drag- tie purgatives , by wuakunltijr the bowels , cotillrin , rnthor thnii euro , the evil , Ayer's Pills , bcliiR mild , effective , and jtii'iiKtlicnlni ; in thulr uctlon , nro gunur- ally recommended by the faculty as the bust of aperients. "Having been subject , for yenrs , to constipation , without bolnc nblo to Und much relief , 1 at lust trlwl Ajcr's 1'llls. I deem it both n duty uml u plcnstiru to testify Unit I have dorlvetl Riunt ben efit from their nio. 1'or over two yimri past I Imvo taken utiu of these pills every night boforoictlrhitf , J would not willingly boltliout tliein. " 0. \ \ ' . liuwuiuu , 20 East Main at. , Carlisle , 1'a , "I Imvo Iieon tnldiiR Aycr's Tills nnd using them In my family sluco ISA" , nud cliuorfiilly ruooiniiicnil them to nil lu nerd of n . < nft > hut elTci-tiinl cnthnrtic , " Juhn M. llivt , , Loulsvlllu , Ky. "For ol it ycnrs I wns nfilletcd with constipation , \\lilcb nt Inst liccninc so Imd tint tlio doctors couhl do no nioro for me , Tlion \\tgnn \ \ to take Aycr'n 1'llh , nnd soon the bowels recovered tlielr Tiiturnl and roqnlar not Inn , so tlmt now T nm lu excellent health. " S : L. LoiiRlihrldi'e , llryan , Toxns. " ITnvtrn * nsod Aycr'H 1'llls , with Rood results , I fully lndorm > them for the pur poses for which they nro ri'i'onmiomleil. " T. Conucrs , JI , D. , Contio llrltlije , 1'a. Ayer's Pills , n ? Dr. J. C. Ayer Si Co. , Lowell , Mass. Bold by til DruBgttti nud Dealers lu Medicine. DRINK ROOT HIRES'BEER. . Tlio Purest nnd Best Drlnlc In the World. Ajipetlzlzlnc , Doliclous , Sparkling and the Uest Blood Purltter and Tonic. A Package [ liquid ] 2. > c , mokes 5 tallo ; s. EVERY BOTTLE Guaranteed , No Trouble. KaMly Made. Try It Abk your Druggist or Grocer for It and take uo other , i-'eo that you get HIKES' . THE ONLY GENUINE. Made by O.K. Itllire. Philadelphia , Pcnn. ! To euro nillousncss Sick ncndaclio , Constipation , Multrln. Uvor Coiiii'lnluu ' , tnkn the cmlo nnd certain remedy , SMITH'S UsothoSMALT.SIZEMO llttlo boansto flioliot- tie ) . 'Jlipy nro thoumetconvenient : suit ullages. 1'rlcoof cither Biro , 25 cent * per bottlo. KSSDS\Jf \ ( nt 7l 1770 ! 1'linto-cravuro , < IXIOOHI 4u imnolBlzoof tlih pluuro for 4 cunta ( cvppers or ctaiuim ) . J F. SMITH k CO . Mnliers of "llllollumia. St. Louis. Mo. T. . The quickest way to get p good new thing into use is to take the risk of it. You can get the corset that , more than any other , gives a woman a happy face , you can \vear it two or three weeks and return it if not satisfactory. Ask at your store. The corset is Ball's. The store has a primer on Corsets also. That is worth your reading. Caiciao COBSIT Co. , Chicago and New Yorlr. 1 409 DOUGLAS-STREET. J MA On nccouct o our Inrpo "iv5Vi W W. nnd incrciisinfT Prnntipn. \\ohmo UEMOVED to nioro Bpncioua nnd con venient ollicos. Drs. Betts & Setts , 1409 Douglas St. Omaha , Neb. Drs. Merrill & Merrill IN Chronic , NcrvoiH , lllood nnd Surclcnl dl ea o % find dlsemcs of llio JIe , Kar , Nose , Thro it niiU Cliest. Mpculnl Att nriNii to Dnnrno.s ol' Wo- nifin 'and Cliililron , Tliodocton have lial yours of exporlonro In the hntijillnls of llroiiklyn nml New Viirk , nml nro nmuni ; Iho must successful and \fldoly LnoMn apcclnlUtii lu llils country. To Yotnifj nnil M Id ( Ilo-A cod Men , Lot.t Jtnnliood , Nervous llolilllty , Sporrantorrhm Boinliml Ijusso" , I'livdcal Di'U'y. inlsliiK from linlls- crutlon , li ( iduclnt ; HlcepluyaiuMH , ( Iojiunitvnoy [ , plni- lik'sun tlio fiico , inorslim Ui iioclcty. taally illncour- nct'tl , Iitlc uf conllilciui' iliill , unlit furstuily or Inul- neis.unil llndn lllou bunlL'n.snfcl ) , iieruinui.utlyuuU ( l > c'c < JI1y cured. Illuoll mill Pic n llMo < p l. RyphllH , a ( tlio'i'n most dreadful In 111 results , * comiiletiilyerndli'iitel ( JiMiilo-Urlnnry ' uruTV , Gonorrhio , ( Hoot. Sji'hHN ' , Hydrocdo , Vnrlcorclo niul Mr let uro riidlc.illr ) nrnl mifoly cured wlihuiit l > aln or ilotantlon from Imslnum. Allbuvuul Dufur- niUlu3nnUliiiioilliiicntii | to miirrlaeo ucoo fully ro- UKIVd All llertil ll pn oa iifL'ly nnd permanently cured. lluuraUn. ni. , till 8 p in. Sund.iyi , 10 till U. N. II , 1'crnaiu iinnMo to Unit ui nny bo trc.itn I nt tlinlr hoinoi liy cornuiiondimco , .Mo.llelnuj nnd lu- trutlotisi..ntliy oxiircsi , Coiuullnllon Iruu. bond 4 cintu In ntunipi to liisuro reply. li1H l-'lfiucnth bt. , Uninxito IIoyd'H Opcrii House , Uinalin , N > I ) MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO , " tLu AVunilrrf ul Siinnltli inudr , li > mildultti li-o to turn nil JUT\- die llli < ca iiBucliaa Hji Weak Mi'mory , Lota ' ' \ titUruliiPiiwcr.lleml' A , , l/ . Alter Uso. / , icd fiuui UK. ( iinnem , I.nanltiulo , nil dr.iliii ) mid luhe of power dl iho UonerutlvuOr ganln cither textciiuHeiiliy ovur-ciertlMi , youlU- ful liicUtcictlmif , or thu cxceprlro life of tmiatco , opliri , or i-llmulniite , which ultimately lend K > IiiCnult ) ' , CoiiiHiin ; > tlm nitd lucunlly. 1'ut up In convenient form to tatry In llnnctt pocket , 1'rlco Si npacknco , ornfir S"i \\lthe\rry ? 5inUr o l ! l tea trrlttcn ( fi iruntc In euro or refuwl tlio minify , ht-iitliy mull In Buy mlilnmi. CM- cnlnr fur. Jliutloii till * | inr. | Aildii'M MADRID CHEMICAl CO. lirai'th ' Onico for U.S. A 4i7 T > xrn Sin 11. ( 111 ( Ml.O , IliLfe IOK8M.I- OMMM Ml. Jll Kulin iVPo. , Tor. mil mill Ioii > rlnS8trrcts. .1. A. I'ullorX Co.Cor. luliunil Dniixlns bis. A. D. i'ostir . ' . Co. , I'oiini-tl 11 hi IN. Koil l. lilii ( IM.V-Dr loilucn I'frlodlcul I'llll the r ri'iKh rfiniHly. n ( t nn Iho uiuiislrtinl lyvteinnnfl ruru miiiprvmiloii trmu wluturvr inn o I'ruinolo inenilriinlliiti Thuiiiiillloliould nut lei takun ilnr- Init pri-iinaiicy AMI I'll ! Cu , llnyiilly I'rmn hpan * cur ItiMiuluuUy yhennun A. .McConuull , 1' C Uniilia , L' A .Mulihor MliltU a ; M , 1 * . Lllis , ( .yuucll UluOj. H , ur i < ur I ) . The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute For the troittupnt of nil CltKONIO AND Bl'nniCAIi IHSKASK9. lirnre . A | > | .llniic8 for Dtforndtlpi , nnd Trusses , llgtl I'acltltloi Amiirnttisnnil llpmcdle. for mippo ful Ironlmont of i-fory form of illnonsuro. ijulrliiuMiMltoiliT'Jiirmeil'lrontiiiont. ' Nl.NIM'V IIOOMS roll I'VllK.NIs llonr.l nnd nltoiirtrtnoo. llcsl \ \ \VrlloforclroiihiBon Dofc-mltlot mul llricnt Trun i-s I Inli Toct , Cimnturo ol ? VI" V I'mTumor. . , Coiii-.r. I itirrh , lironrliltli , Inlmlatlon , rir.tileltT. l > nrnhK lM : ci" , Kltlncr. lllnililor , i : > a , , inr : bkln nml llhioil. nnd niliirKlpn oiiuriitloni. DISKASKS OPO.MKX n upci'inllr llooV of lll cp ri of Wciacn I'ree. Wo Imvo htolrnddcila l.jliitf-n | IVpirttucnt for W iiii'iirlurln Cnnlliicmcnl ( Blilctly I'rlMilol Only HollnMo Modlcnl lu.tltuto ninkliiK nupctfliiltr f I'UIVA'll ! lxi ) | : VSKS All llloHllllni > o Miiiicri > 9f fully trpiitPit Snilillltlo pulion removed from tlio TMcm without mprcurr. New ItpMornllruTiiatiiipnt for I.tmof Mini I'nncr. IMrtlctunnbln tiMlnltm nny l > o Ironlcd nt hnin b < corropmdpiicp. All commiinlcntlon * cniilldcnllnl Mvdlilno or Insirnnienti HUM ! by mall nr timrp"i in cur l ) pnrkcd , no irnrks lu Indlc-itoronlontaor iiomlpr. ( ) iiior | oml lnpr\li | < w iin-fi-rri'd Cull nid ponVull uiurBcni ! history of your cnn ) nnd wo nlll Bond In iililn rrrnpi-or our 1IUOIC ' 10 MIIN Mtlili , unon Urlvutu BpeelnlorNcrvoinlllMca'ci , Impotency , 8yplillls , lllectnndarlcocclo , MtliqunMlon Hit , Aildrcii Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , CornerOth nnd Hnrncy Sts. , Omnhn , Nob. Grand Lottery of Juarez. Under the Management of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Conoesslonarlo % INCORPORATE : ) BY THE STATE OF CHIHUAHUA , MEXICO , FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING Will lulto place In tmlillo nt the CITY OP .HTA11R7 ; ( formerly t\no tlol Norto ) , lloilo * \AAEDNESDAY , JULY 23d , ' ' 1S90. Under the iiorsonal suiiurvisfon ol GEN. JOHN S. MOSI1Y , thoformuraRcntlcinan of such prominence In the Unllt'il Slito1) that Ills lirosouea nloiio 1 suinclont Bunrnntcc t < i tlio putjllu Hint tliu ilr.iwlnits will bo hulil with slrlut lionoity and 'ulr- ness to nil , uml the KiUurtho ( buporvlaur of Uiu Aluxloaa Uovuriiniony U of ciiaal itautUuj and lutogrlty. CAPITAL PRIZE , $6OOOO. Only 6OOOO TicketsI Only 60OOO TicketsI WHOLE TICKETS. . $4 ; HALF TICKETS , $2 ; QUARTER TICKETS , $1 , 1 Prize of $60,000 $60,000 , 100 PrUoi of Approxtmitlon } 60 rnch Prlzoi. 1 . 'rlioof 10.0110 10,0(10 ( 1U ) 1'rlioJ of sa c.ieli 1 1'rlmof 6UUJ li.O'lO ' 1UO t'rltos of 25 eioli 8 I'lUc. of 1UM ccch 8WJ ( Tormlml Prlios. lorrlH'sofjxi each 2i l RMTcr 1'rlto of $10 Ml'rliciof 100 catli 60U ) ! > ' . To rail ii lU to f lll.OJj I'rtio of f U ) cacti llfll'rltciof ( C rath ( > UUO U ) f.iclj , , M ) 1014 Prizes amotmtlns to $1125,070 Wo Iho undprslcned hereby cprtlfy thit the Ilnnco If nny ticket drawing n prlio I' cnt to ttin un lor- Knplonil of Mexico In Chlhualiun has on deposit nlxnect , 111 fncovnluo will bo cnlloctod nnj rcmlctol rotii Iho Mexican Intcrnntlonnl llankliitf Compiny , to thu owner thereof free of olnrKO. Iho necessary funds to minrintoo the payment of all KIMMIlll. HllONSOV. tlio prizes drawn In the ( iinnd Ixjtloryof Juiroz. rresMont Kl I'n'o Nntlcmil llank , 1C1 1'mo. Ton Wofurtlierceitlfy that wu will sufcrtlno all tlioar- rnnffpmenti , nnd In person innnnKn and control nil Fnrelubnitoi , or nny other Informatlnn , wrlio to tli ( ! < lriwln s of this lottery , nn < l Hint tlio nnnio uro the uiuli'rilicinMt. atnllnu your ndJro < cloirly. with conduclcil nlth lionestr. fairness mid lu good faltU SUnte County , Htroet anil Kutnbor. Morfl rnpU mill towards nil pirtle * . < l"llvury will bo niiitruil by your enclosing tin onrol- JOHN B. BJOSniT. CommUsloncr. O | > u hwirlnn your full ml Iroii. UAMII.O AIKIUKI.I.KS , MKXICA.N iNruii.s-ATioNU , HANKINO Co , Oupcr\lsorfor tlio Government. Olty of Ju.iroz , Moiluo. S'l ( ' remittances for tlclcots by ordlnnry li'tlcr , cnntaliilnif Money Order , , Issued by nil i\pri-ss : Companies , Now York lixcluii o , llaulc Druftor Postal Note. Addrasa nil ruKlsturud letters to ME1XIOAN 1NTH1RMA.TIONAIA BA.NKINC. CO. , Oity of Juaroz. Mexico , via Ell Paso. Tox. DH. J , H , McfiEEW , THSUPECBALIST. The Doctor In nnpurpaord In the trniumiit of nil formi of 1'rlvnlo DUeii-es. BlSEflSE ! nioro Kolrcatnidithiiscverhein tiitcd'Hf ul anil none In * hid Btrouj-cr endorse ment. A enrols rjunramud In i IIP i cry unrdtcnPes In from "I tpDdnvn iltli < > uttho IOPS of an hour's time. Tlioto who Imvo IK en in dcr Inn trtalmtnt for Strlcturoor tlilllculiy in relieving Ihc hlaldrr , prnnounro itn ninxtnmlcr - fuUucccM > . A conipltlucuruln n few Unjawhhout pnln. Ins-riimenls or lose if timo. tlmldltyor Turvonpnfsa , In tliclr wont furmii uud niii't ilre.nlfil rr uln ! nro nhsoliitcly curcil. And all l'i.VAIK DISIJARCa cnnil nt Instmmmls. A wonili-rful mnuly. JIOUHS for InilUs : roiu 2 to 4 ( ) Niy. mid nil Dler.wsnf the SMn mood , Ik-nit. , Khl ticjH nnil llhiililir uirccl B f * t'urcilin 3JtotOiIi\ The SVPUIUIBB . G Iji l c'"t Miiul , ctfo null trtiri a HUHu ai itotriulmcut knnun to HIP incdlcnl profoselon K\iry Irnco uf llio ic- niiniil from llm I blood : nrnmiilttoruro guaranteed , SSffiffi W 8J J ° r " " ' " " r " " . , ; " . .ncl , itv IOKS ( itnniiii ) . Trptiiniint liy corrt- sp'indonro Sl.imi for reply N K t'nri HIM AND KAMVAM ST ' Open from II A M lo II I' M 11 Entrance on I'nrnimor lltbbt. NERVE AND BRAIN TREnTRlENT , . . . . , . . . , . llfc.1111. ITl in HUTU * 'l'l ' * .lv. no' In tlllior f ex. ln > oluntiry I.oiff , nnd HJH r. CAUIUU liy ovir-oxorllu t or iho lirain , n-'lr-r liuio or over Induiffenco. inch box ronnlnionoinuniL'ii treat , nicnt. ( I al"i , or > lx lor S ) . lent liy rulln | iml.l. \Vltli onfli urder for l bom , will > en I | iurluer l-iniranf n ' > " " ' 'I " > ni tt Hi f Unrnt falia tu ' ' ' GOODMAN DHUG CO. 1110 rarnum tjtrcct Omaha , Nob. . _ _ /HEHTOU ° UtUlLITYi Wjiluifiaof \ nodyandltlcd , rfftcli ' llJofErroriorEicesiinlnO'.dorVcunr. , , unallt lloaK ! lbolilli > TltUTJIKkT-lirixDli loader n.a I . .111/ from 1U SIM. . . J < , ntCD Lwcltlrl.Trlltlb CticrlptliV lloob , rl.r lljo on.l I roof , | ( . , , , uj.-c FRIP. MeniOAi , CO. . niicBAi o ri " . JOSEPH GILLOTT'S" ' STEEL PEGU3. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS , A Wrlllcn Guarantee lo CURE EVEHY CASE or MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro Is permanent nnd not n pitLhlnitp , I'ft5ca ln.ntuliUe > ( ara OEO lv\\v inner ncnu fnii > ton\ ft'nrr. ' Jly difcrllilni ; cate fully wo can licnt 5011 liy iimll , nud v o R ) i e the pnme rtrcni puarnntco IOCUIOOD ufuMil nil money. Tlioio vhoiirifcrtocunohcrofo v.lll jmyinlliond fu vn ) iiuillioul lillU wlillo ) iuoltofnlltotuic. . W CliallenRO thoWuild for& ( a-otlmtourIAJIO IIKSI. > .lVvlll not cine. Writ * fur full pftrllciilai nnd Ret thoetllrnco. Wel.nnwth t } uunioikvptlcnl , junllyia Inn , ns tha mm-t rinlncnl liliynltlaniiliaiaimtr bieo able lo gUciiioio than tnn- jioraiy relief. Jn our fl > o jcnrtt * prnrllco vllh tld * ilAOIO li-Ml ( : IY It has tun most dMlluilttu > crt - t oino Iho | il ijjdleiH ngaliut all ro cfllU'ilri * clllcf. ! liu % iinilerourptron iruarnidco > " "l'c"1'1 not hVMtnlu to liy tlilit unuily. lull tnko lie thaneu ot lo 'ntf > uur Wo runoiilco t chl baktt | , , f ' * ' Ijperftctly tnfuto nil vho will try tliotre.tlimnt. Hereto. foio ) milin\o tun jn.tllri up null | mint , ' out jour inuneyfor ( llirnuut trc.ttmciita , ami nU 1 1iaiizh } ou ui o not j ct cm cd no ono haa pild bniltjourinoncy. Ilo not wablo any IIUHO niuuey until joii tiyus. Olddironlr deciviientetl cnficudiKilIn 30 to todays. Imntlirnt-i ur llnau- dal flniidlnp , ouruiiutatlon B busluMH men. Viliu im for mined nnda < ldreF-i of thono\v ln\ocuri'd hi > lia\c i : ' cn per- in ! Flon to icfir lo tlHin. Ik > U > uu only pontai o to da thUi It will mvi.'juu imorlilot rulTcrlii ? from mental utiiiln , nnd If juu are limiilcil whatinyjiinr olfipiliu ? mifcr IhiiiUKli } u\\t \ \ uiclU ii nc ( 1 1 f uurpjinptoniHniettololliltintgiiniftiulpnttlk. ta In noutli , l luumntliin In l.'inr ami jolnlii , hnfr fall. lt ; { oi t , ciuptjiiim ounny jail t of llio lyndyf'illn or CUKinl dtpu * * lon , paliu In licnd or IMIIKK , } oti Iiav liut.inolounHlo , Tlnp liaiiiiironktniitlt tnkiiiKinrr * tui-ypnil | tnfh phoiild dlhiotitliiiiu It. Ct n tunt ut f Tic oiliuifii will mrtlylnlnrfwirw In Iho nd. | inn' fallowrllo. All nn ro jionh nc'if'nt lei nl IU.I-IKI. , lxlo ] > t . WolnTltollio nm t il.ld InMMifatlonniicV i iJI i'o nil In nrr IH V u In nld } ou lull. Addidi , CVOIC itrjll > Y > „ Omnlia , .Vtlirashtu \VK ABO I'ltl'.rAHK A MAGIC REMEDY For Nervous Debility and Lost Manhood A upccdy and iiTiiiniicm ciira Tlioii in It of citsel ruruil Hltliuiit a lalliiro tlaiull ) Lotuj. il uurua mild talus : II curun ouitln ttu cn ua. / UOK ) UKMKI > y CO. . Omilii , Nei. - lath tuitl Uod 'u StrcotH. I Denver , Colo. , Capital Prize $7,500. TICKICT.S , no < ; I\TH i\un. : $26,370 PAID KACII MONTH. BANK OF COMMERCE PAYS ALL PRIZES. Address II. Is K1IODUS , N DENVER , - COLORADO. < ' l' curi'iJinSOlo ( iluvHliy uiuof Ilii'iniir- VDllMIS MllKlO Hl'IIICllV. .VKHI ) ( fill u CHSO It Will i. nottuii ) CAPTION lnot | tliu ui'iiuliiu tdy Wi Ituur unit on 1' , t' . Ju lyn , 'JUl'J llur < uuy btivut , OniaUu , Nubrasku ,