> AJLLi Jb3EJ $ , MONDA.Y. ] JULY 7 , 1890. DAILY BB _ . BOSEWA'IER. Editor. " " KVLUY TFUMS Ol1 Dillt find Hunilay , One Year . tlOO Mr inonlln . SM 1'liuc Inniitln , . . . . . . . . . Sw fnntliiy Iliu , Ono Your . ! W Weekly lice , Ono Yc-ir . „ . . 1 on ICKS. Oinntia. Tin * flee nnllillmr. KUmiliti Corner NnndJOtli Street * . Council IHnJTs , 12 I'onrl Strool. Chlcneo ( Wli'c.317 C'lminbrr ' of Oommorcf ; . NnivViirMtooni * .3,11 , and l5Trll > uno wu lili > iloi ) il ) Fourteenth itrcct. AH foMrniinlcntlon * tplntlne to nfw ml nlliciliil miller ulioiild l > o addressed to the LdlturlulDcpirtmcnt. HtlSINF.83 LETTERS. . , , Alllii lnrslott < ? r * nnil rrmlttanorMhoilla to mid rcMCtl toTlio lU'cl'iiMhlilne Oompnny. Orniilm. tlruftn. olipek * and ixjstomcp orders to Ijonuido i > .iyablo to the iinlor of tlio Com- piinjr. Tlicllcc Publishing Company , Proprietors. TliolloMI'lillnB. rarntiini.il Pa\int ccnth St < BWOHN STATBSinNT Ol ? CUMULATION btulcof N'oliriika , ! „ . . County of loimln ) . l"1 OrnrKo 11. TzHrliilck , secretary of Tlio llco rulillKhliiR Company , docs # nUiiuiljr H cir ttintthniwliial circulation of THE mir.r Ira for the \n.ek ending July 5 , IS'Mwus aa fol lows : umny.n . Mowliiv.Ii.no.n . . 2178. , l" WfiliipMrlny. July 2 . M'-W TluirMliiy.Jiily a. . 11 111 1'ildnv. fillvl. . ' "I25 BatiirduVi Jill ) ' 0 . 111840 Avcrnpo . "n , ttt : aroitnn ll.TVscnucic. Prnrn Inorc / me ntid mliscrllioil In my jiro'cnci , UiliT > tl > diy of July. A.H. . liW. [ Scnl.l N. I" . I'KII , Notary I'ubllo. Btnlnof XeliraiiUa , l _ _ Ciiiiniy o ( DoiiRlui * " ll. Tzst'linclc. bulnjt duly sworn , rtn- tioios inifi snji Unit lie N secretary of Tim llco J'ulillslilnz Company. thit tlm nctnalnvoriRo ilalh rlrnilallon nf IIIB JiAirr Hf.r for tlio nmnlh of July , W ) , 18,7-H conliiN , for Aupust , 1RH-I IH.KI copli'V , for Soiiloinljor. IIOT , I 710 ( oilm | ; for Oclolirr , ISM , 1H"J7 rnpli-dl for No- viMiihiM- ! . 1U.I10 : copies ; for December , ISRO , 20,01 * copies ! for January , 1RX1 ! 10.r > Tt1coili"i | ; forl'chru irylh')0 ) , lli.Ttilroiilps ; for Maroli.lNJO. "n.nricoplos ; for April. IS'W Sli.fiftl cojilos : for MiV : , IH'D0,180 ' copious for Jnnn. 1MO , 2V.01 coiilcs. OFOiiHK IJ.'IVsrillTCK. rlwirn In lioforo mo iniliulimilbid In my proiLiicc thllSiicl ( I ly of Jill ) . A I ) . 1SW. LM'.ilQ _ N. I' riiii. Notiryl'ulille. irinr/sTiullnnsibooin hat Tjcon tenderly placed OH ice to prevent nunf.tifole. Tin : Inauguration of the starch tiust was very propoily followed -v\ith astillen- Ing of pi-ices. Tun comiiosttlon of tlio new Ilim'nilan rublii' t indicates tliat Amciican nerves , us usual , iaguttliig to Ihu front with both peiluls. _ _ 11ix : the wool Kro\voi'.s nvo iled with tlio MeKinloy tariff 1)111. For oiico tlioy juo in accord with the senti ment of the country , i it the oporatloii of lilffh license the numhurof arrests in I'hiliulelphiu hns decreased llvo thousand in ono j car. Such f.ictH invariably ] ) iovoko a prohibi tion glOilll. TliKprolitbitinnlsts at Dealrlco cotn- plliumitud the liiRh ilion&o advocated wlioa tlioy vented thoii1 pciturbcd fcol- Ingt in ffioans , The chunks of cold truth hurled at them with the force of a hall-storm struck a tender spot. AT a recent ineotlnK' of ox-confodcr.ito veterans the stars and stripes wore con spicuous and expressions of loyalty wore common. Such "tioason" must bo sup- picsscd. It endangers the political war rior's supply of campaign thundor. Tin : prohibitionists of Knnsu uix not content with Iwving tliolr theories om- boJilod In the constitution. Thov want all tboolliccs insight and hwoplaced a btutu ticket in the Held. The non-partisan doilgo 1mslost its usefulness ! ! ! the blooding - ing communwoiltli. the fact that the Union P.iciticluwbaen inroatl atod scorps of times by government ollluials , the senate proposes to inslltuto another inquisition , Tho.se inrfuirios are useful as a means of Hummer recreation nt the expense of the commissary department of the rond. Tnosi : innocent spurring : matches for "points" nro pointing with melancholy regularity to the giaveyard. Two recent deaths lesultlnfj from "sciontlllc" louts show that the safety of the slusK'in'r profession lies In confinlnj : thuir oiToits to regular fights. They hie the least injurious. A CilANon has come over the harmonl- &is dtoiiins of the domoaraey in South Carolina. Instead of turning' their ar tillery on the enemy they nro training tlioir guns on each other. At alato mooting of the factions "one hundred pistols Hashed in the toichlight and a "terrible riot was momentarily expected. " paua's advice , "get together , " is vlsoly ignored. All ofloils aiodiiectod toward Ucoping npait and saving funeral expenses. - Tin : revolt against boss rule In Fenn- ejlvanla scorcil a sipnlllcantictory in the congressional distiict vrhoro Sonn- tor Quay lives. The first convention mot Juno 17 and after one hundred bal lots without result , adjourned to pitch up a truce. On reassembling List week Senator Quay's candidate was defeated , i'ho action of the convention is accepted , even by the republican press of Phila delphia , as an emphatic protest against one nun lulo. TIIC Bearing sea promUes to become the theater of International activity this Benson , The determination of the United States to protect the seal Interests has piovokcd warlike mutterings from Brit ish lishormon , and the tor ) prosa isaheil- ding- oceans of rod Ink four thousand miles away. Meanwhile the rovoauo cruisers Ueur and Hush are on the ground -ulth strict ordeid to oxcluilo ] > oaeliord , and should the British naval vessels invade the closed sea , as is now threatened , to assist her majesty's flsn- criiien , it is not improbable that u fmcas ensue. THE BKK'S illapitehos from Washing ton eon 11 uiivlnxt is an open secret in tills section , that tlio people ofN'otraslta nto confronted with a iueiconary horde gathered from the highways and by- nays of fanaticism , determined to losort to miy means to wreck the prosperity of ( ho state , Dvory owner of a foot of ground and every person who lias the volfuro of thqstuto at heart must unite in a solid jihnlan j to buttlo against tlio debasing Iniluonco of prohibition bood- tors. ir or rnot'7j/K. / , The report that the Hrlthlt govern ment contemplates tending war vessels IntoBelirlngBcato protect scaling ves sels from sr izuro by United Slates cruln- orn Is notaltOgcthoi * IncicdiWo , though It isnotprobiblo that any such formid able demonstration , will bo mndo as the dlhpatck-s icpicsorit. The Canadian vessels that have been fitled oat for s > e,1l fishing' ilurliig the season now close at hnnd wcro not prepared for this service without the full knowlcdgo of the Camdian govei-nmont , nntl thcro luvvo boon inllimttons from Ot- ln\\a fiom time to time which justify the belief tint tlio govetmncnt intended to socuio for them whatever protection it could , Of course It can < lo nothlnjr vvlthouttho nppiovaland nssltnnco of the imperial government , but it would Imidly ask for this In vain If it could show a'rcnsonable g-iound for requesting It. In vlcwof the fact that -popular sen timent In Canada is gradually drifting awAy. from alley lance to tlio im- pcilal governmentIn a matter of this kind ICnjlish statesman would bo very apt to consider it expedient to pay some attention to a Cmmltan appeal for the protection of Canadian -vessels In waters the jurisdiction over which h in contio- veisy. The British government might reitdll.v regard as sound the argument , hnt if the United Stales government coups ( misers In the disputed vvnteiH , with Bpccifiolnstrucllonsto scixo vessels bund taking sc.vl theie , a proper 10- gaid for liritlsh Interests icquiios -hat that govorinnent shall also nalntaln war vessels thcio whosoiluty It shall he to tee that no injustice is clone to British vessels , and our government would have some dllllcully in ( hiding a toiublo ground of objection to ouch an arianjjcmont. Iut ! it is rat nt all probable that any thing very serious would icsult fiom budi attioh. Tlio Uritlsh govcinmont would not encourage a promiscuous slaughter of faeal , und Canadian vessels engaged in an indiscriminate killing of Ihoaiiiinalsan whcio in the tea would undoubtedly bo tofused. protection. If It Is proposed to do anything- Lho natter' it is likely that noth ing moro is intended tlnn to fee that the nival rcprosentattves of the United States in IJohiing'&oa are not poinutlod toaetlooarhllranly , but that wliitover is done there shall bo good caiibo for. Possibly ono good effect of this would , bo to ha- > ton a sottlemcnt of the controvert , which ought to Invo been reached long- ago , and might hive been but for the halting and nerveless course of the pu'ceiling administration , which tended to lompllcatu the issue and weaken tlio position of tliib govorn- mcnt. THE 1SUSIX/1SS SITUATION. The second hilf of the year JS'JO ' opens with no diminution in the volume of business , -which continues pliqnomonally huge , and crop prospccti are -very bright , promising1 a larger j'ield than tint of ISM. We had the usual spring1 scare about the wheat ciopbut thresh ing is now in progress in nnny parts of the west , and tollable rcpotts show that the damage in the aggregate v is tri fling. Coin has boon greatly benofittcd by tlio hot -weather of the past two weok8andtho , ] ciopin this statcjpronilscs to bo uiipicccdentedly largo , and liow- ever much croikers may complain that heavy crops make low prices , it Is a fact that in heavy crop yoais trade is good and failures few. Flour made fiom new wheat will soon boon the maiketand then tlio quality of the crop can bo judged. The export demand promises to bo good , and England is reported in special cable advices tobo likely to need all the coioalswo canspaio this jcnr , and while the demand from thcro may not bo as lu&vyas Is now anticipated , it is certain that her crops are in bad con dition from wet and told weather , and she must buy largely fiom this country. The outlook for a heavy trade in mer chandise is most excellent , and our mer chants are making extensive prepara tions to moot it. They aio extending their connections and have taken pos session by their army of travoleis of territory which a. few jcais since they looked upon as bojond their reach , and are determined to hold their acquibitions in this respect , C'BA'T/UZi / iMKWCAK A short time ago there seemed the most favorable piomlso that the pro jected union of the states of Central Aineilca would bo consummated. "With in a few \veoks the situation has under gone a complete change , and now the proposed union appears less probable than at any other time slnio it began to be agitated. The ( evolution in San Salvador vader is icsponsiblo for this altered con dition of affairs , and the complications which have arisen , and which necoiding to Into devices threaten to become moro serious , may not bo ad justed without a coulllct Involving all the states , The attitude of Guatemala Is now the disturbing1 and dangerous in fluence in the situttion. That country is nearly equal to all the others In popu lation and wealth , and slio Is suspected of trying1 to dictate the feucce oi-to the late Salvador - Hun- prosldentof , havingHun - duras in fympithj , with her. In tlio exi gent1) ) Salvador , it is sold , is appealing to Nicaragua and Costa Ttlea to aid her in repelling the latoiforcnco of Guate mala in her Internal affairs. Guatonula's affairs have uniformly been In the hinds of military dictators. The llbetty of the press , the right of free speech , and the tnfot.v of life and ji'opcrtydo not o < ci.st there. The plan of a fedoiationof the Cential Ameilcan states originated with onoot these mill- tiry rulers , Goneial Birrioswho sought to olTect it In ISSoby force of arms , luiv ing the support of the then presidents of Stlvuilor and Honduras. Barrios lost his llfo in this undertaking ing- , but it , was taken up by his successor , Geneial IJnriilas , who succeeded so fur as to place one of his tools at the head of the government of Salvador , -.After a time the piojcctof a union was revived , with ? oed promise of ultimate success , but the revolution ia Salvador , In which Monendez , the. In strument of Guatemala , lo t his life , hns given the scheme a sovorobot-baek , and it is now predicted by those most fn- mllinr with the public bontlmeut in Cen tral Auicrlcu , and particu larly in Salvador , Nicaragua find Cosla IUw , thnt Itwill fall. In those three stale * thopcoplo enjoy a free , llboutl government. There U freedom odpocch nnd of the press. These people are opiwscil to a federal union became they believe it would mean the domination of Guatemala. As matters no\\ \ look , events of a very serious nittuio nro possible In Contial Anierlcubefore the close of the year , and the situation Is not without interest lor the people of lhs : United States. The sympathy of tills country is with the praposetlunUin , from the belief that it would remit in political and imtorlal ad vantages to the Central American states , but-\\liatover % the outcome as to this , It will bo the duty , as It inaybo- coino the prU ilcgcof , tliiscountryto oxorl its friendly concern for all thoao states for averting1 nay serious consequences quences from existing complications. OA' .VKK/C.UV The French senate has voted in favor of nduty of three francs on corn and six francs on corn meal. According1 to the dispvteh It vas distinctly avowed that this action AMIS to boconsldeictl only as n continuation of the policy toward American 7)ork. It vuvs argicd that the tmiwrtitllonof Ameilcan poilc was only anollier moilo of iinpoiting American corn , ami that I'icncli fanneis could not maintain themselves iignimt It. The policy of prohibiting the impoilo tion of porkvuts defended as right , and the action of the senate showed that this vas the ptodominant opinion. The unfriendly attiludo to ward Ameilcan products thus mani fested -will hardly bo allowed to escape the attention of congress , which has already had before it a bill proposingre- tollation in the event of Euiopenn gov ernments refusing1 to remove or modify thoiestrictlentj Imposed upon American liog products. Tlieio is a piospect that Goimany will take fuvorablo action in this matter , her largest pork packers having found that the tariff prohibition does network to their advantage , but tlioro Is evidently nothing1 to bo hoped for from France , The pJttcy of retaliation is , therefore , likely to bo moro seriously eomldeied. 'j'lio unfriendly disposition of Mexico toward our products is quite as marked , and certainly with no bottur justifica tion. Ameilcan Hour imported into Mcvico must piy a duty of eleven dollars lars a barrel , and the duties on corn , bacon , and some other pro ducts are iclativcly us high. Pei haps wu ha\o little ilgKt to lomplaiuof this policy , in view of ourowncouiio in proposing to "build higher the vvailof piotettion , but it does not indicate any ovonnasteiliig desiio on thopaitof the noighboiing republic to cultivate oelosor commercial lolatlons with Uio United States. It may not bo the fact that our example is to any con- sidoraUo extent responsible for this dis crimination agninstour products , but it is not unreasonable to suppose that if wo wcio less illiberal \\ith icgaul to the pro ducts of other nations a better disposi tion would bo shown respecting1 our pro ducts. CLEVELAND'S latest lottcr is not cal culated to elevate him to a very high pinnacle in the wigwam of Now York's Tammany. Thosvveot andfaolcful har mony which marked their relations in dajs gone by was touchlngly shown In a peifumod invititionto the ox-prosldont to bring hia firecrackers to the wigwam atid touch them off with the assembled braves , "But Giover's wounds were not sullleicntly hoilod to indulge in the Tammany frolic. He tendered some raw chunks of advice , however , and in setted the knife under the fifth rib in the following forcible fashion : "Tho celebration will , it seems to mo , fall short of the impressions duo the occa sion if it does not persistently present and emphasize the Idea that the Declaration of Independence was the piotcbtof hon est and sturdy men against tlio wrongs and oppressions of government. " Amore moro striking instance of "casting pearls before swino" can not bo imagined. It was a pointed thrust at the notorious organisationwhich gave the country a Tweed and a Barnard , a Sweeny and Flack , and whoso manipulation of the government of Now York is a succession gfinfamies without a parallel. Even while celebrating1 the national annl- versaly the bettor elements of the Em pire city \vore organizing to thiow ovot- boird the Tammany gang , which Cleveland - land pointedly describes as "ins > ultiiiif the people with piofesiioti ! ) of dislntoi- osted eolicltudo while It cats out their subbtnnce. " AN Important decision lias boon ren dered by the Polk county district court of Iowa , involving the validity of the alien land lawa of the state. The law prohibits non-roaidont aliens from ac quiring1 title to , or taking or holding any lands or real estate by descent , devise , purchase or otherwise. Hut aa alien may acquire and hold real piopcrty to the extent of three hundred and twenty acres , or city property to the amount of ten thousand dollais in value , providing that , within fivo'yoars , the purchaser be comes a cltl/.onof the United States. In the case decided by the court , the ques tion Involved was whether alien heirs , citizens and residents of Great Britain , could acquire title by Inheritance. The court decided in the negative. The de cision cstablibhc * a precedent for tlio courts of other western states which have legislated agnhibt alien ownership of land. A DIC : > KOA.TIOX of poieoful Americans have gone abioad to hob-nob with the 1 > owois and point out the lolly of main taining largo armies. Tlioy will elo quently -vvhoreab and resolve and flirt with the peace of Europe ) , but the only tesult'vvill bo a sharp Incioaao in mili tary forces. L3oaBci conventions ate harmless diversions for gentlemen of moans and leisure , und an imposition on the groaning taxpiyors of the old world. town Little drops of Bourbon Captured by a wlak , Make the tocln waUr Eailor to ilrlnlc. Tlio lllolici 1 Ionian ( , Mic , Wyoming is evidently about to odd another star to tlio Hag of tli United Statea , Excci > t- , she It the youngest of tlio tor- llorles nntl ) ipr jiopuliitioii Is nboutono to the iiuuro mlle pi hpr tim , -vvhlch * covers 07,575 < iwro miles l ls undoubtedly destined to rapid growth , & # lts inluiiiR ami asfrleultural resources nrojmjnenso nnd the bonutlful Ycl- owstono park Hiwltliln it boiJors , ra nnd Oro\vTlili . f-/i/oi/ri / tiitcr-Ofcnn , Ifex-PrcslJeut , Cleveland bail como west vlth Governor. Hill ho would hive ot clear C some df his surplus fat. The tclcRram rom Iniltiuiipolb saj ! "Tho governor met vith a wnrm reception. " Cleveland can sco vbit elisnccs ho has missed. nuil ( lie I'uliilt. tfiinnnnah Xcw * . "That Un sensible -view the Ilev. Thomas Mxon of Nc\v \ "Vork Ukcsof tlio mission of ho Sunday newspaper. Ho thinks thnt tlio lowspnper nils tlio phco which the pulpit in ourilay Is incapable of filling' . This isnuin- onlroNcrtlllo truth. Tliono\\spaiiers preach o nil tlio iwoplo people whom the pulpit docs not rcaih and they exorcise over ttio nasses generally a moral and healthful in- luenec , XKWti J. ' TJIK NVliraska. II. H , Campliell. cdltorof the Oceoh Rcc- orJ , was mairicd last week to JIlss Anna Teal. The republicans ofOtoontid Cw countlci will uomhiato a lloat rciircscntutlvo nt No- braaka City July 'M. The Oiccola creamery Is rutinlnpr seven Injs In the week , night and diy , and is turn- lie out ! JOOO pounds of butter a day. The towmltoof Md'hcrsou , the new county sent of Mcl'herson county , was surveyed last week by the county commissioners. The UestDnw son County Sunday School xssociutlotivvill liold a mooting In a grove tear Qothcnbuig on Sunday , the lilthlust. 1M. . Ivnox of Broken Bow thlaks ho Is la -ho rate for the congressional nomination In thoBigTbird aud Is out rustling for dele gates. The prohibitionists of Cozail bad combined with tlio only saloonkeeper in tlio town to ill-event moro saloons from being opened thcro. While clcroratltiR the tower of bis wind mill , C. M. Dinsmoro of Stnnton lost his bal- inco nnd fell to the ground , lirealtti ! Ills left leg and badly spr.vininp the oilier. During tlio month of Juno the Fuirmount cicainciy purclascd U0,000 paugos of ueain for wlilcli lt,000 was paid. It cost 61,000 , to trinsfoini the cream into butter. The DunnliiR Register Is the latest neus- liaper to bo stalled in Ulnino county. .Tames 1D , Ouuiilj is pi-opiietor , while Clousofc Douglas coiulutt ttiocilitorinl department. In tlio following aildltloiuil counties the re publicans will liohl their nominating conven tions on July Ifl , Butler , Filliuou1 , Neinalu , Dikoti and Dnwson. Burtand PI itto county rcpublic.itM willeonvcneou thoiilst. Mutt Bastli of Bellwooil concluded to with- Onvv from church membership the other day much to tlio disgust of Jake Denuith , a ro- liKious brother , Tliooulcomo was n scrap , in which Mittcmpliasi/id Ills right to ic- ligiouslibcity by blackening both of Jalto's OJC3. rremontcrs nro kicking nt the result of their cltv'suiiisusiucoinpiroil with the show ing msidobyBeitrieoauclNelnaskiClt } . Tlio li'iDinont'Inbuno asserts tint "either the duties of the census enumeiiitors of these cities h.ivo boon excessively overdone or those of the Fremont enumerators liavo been ter ribly underdone" Boys wliORoln swimming within the city limits nro compelled to wo.iranrcms , says tlio York limes. Every boy in Ycik between tlioagei of four nnd tlilrty-llvo canles one of theao dainty little lun ? protoctors. lu Mb inside pockot. Glpthed lu these and tlio lu- nocotuo oyoutU tlioy Olvo and float like the fabled mermaids of the sen , and the strong arm of tholawls paralyzed. J. D McCorO , vMio li\es a few miles south of Fiilrbmy , icporis hjdroiihobla UUIOIIR his stooic. Some two veoksshitu n dog which exhibited symptoms of hydrophobia went to his farm nnd bit a number of hogs boloio heltig killed. Thursday hyilronhobLi de- veloiicd in two of his hogs , which caused iimuh excitement in the community , as ills thought thnt the cur bit other stock , in vhieb Uydrophobials liable to develop at any thno. Seine Norfolk small boys caught a large Ifewfoundlaiiddogon the night of the 3d and tied a tin can to his tail. I'ho ' dog ran down tlio street In Its fright and struck Pntsy Dolan , an old gentleman , thiowing him lie.ivily on the sidewalk , breaking one of his legs in two places. The limb was sotnud the old jjcntlcmunls doing-as well as could bo expected from one ol hla ago. Dolan Is poor and the county will bo compelled to help him till ho recovers. Joseph Bucliman has brought In a sample of wjtor from his well , savs the North Platte Tribuno. Mr. Buchmun lives on section 33 , 10-3O , throa nnd a half miles northwest of AVollfcot. About one year ago ho hod awell dug , striking1 w.iterat about one hundred and t\v only-ll\o \ feet. The water was so Impreg nated with coil oil that at first it was almost impossible to use it , but by allowing the oil torisoto the top and skimming it off , the family hns managed to got along very veil , and now they have become so used to it that tlioy don't mind either tlio smell or the taste. The watorshoivn us was quite oily and had a stiong uuniistakablo coal oil smell. lova. The Illinois Central will build a depot at Waterloo , Cedar liapids talks of pulling In an electric railwiy. A dose o ! gasoline proved fatal to the four- tcon-moiiths-old daughter ofV , A. Grecr of Osknloosa Will Hkkey. a tcii-vear-old Villlsca boy , has liecii sent to tlio reform school for burg- laii ing the residence of thomujor. Patrick Ilngnn , a Cedar county farmer , committed tuicido hv sliootlng himself through the heart. Hovas an ohlsolilior and iccently llio pension bo.ird hiul locoin- mouded th.it bis pension bo Increased * The Albion ilty council 1ms passed an or dinance making It an offense to bo on the streets nfter 10 o'clodc at night , and two young men have boon arrested for being out nt that unseemly bour and are now in Jail , At Hepburn , Page county , Jumcs Williams and James Daiuoll quarrelled about a dollar the former owed the litter , when Williams dro\v u revolver and shot D.uncll through both thighs , making a wound that may prove serious. Fai mcrlCauffmin , the Pnlrflcld man who was buncoed out of $ ly > 0 by fakirs with the WulUeo sho\v a few weeks ngo , employed Detective Norris nf Springfield , O , to run down the bunco men. Norns succeeded in finding the men nnd recovering the money , but he charged the nncieiit granger fSOO for the Job. ) Tlio olght-j ear-old daughter of "Dr. Edgar of Holstein , was stricken with paralysis of the stomicli on W.iy 21 and fiom that date untilIuno2Sn jwilod of tblrty-scvcn days , abstiinoil n-oui liking nourishment of. my kind On tlio tlilrty-elghtb day tlio child manifested a tT&Iro for food , which the slouiacli rotxilncdj und although still in a voryweak condition , It Is thought she will fully recover A new post hns hiade Its appearance in the vicinity of CediujHapKH , savs the Gazette , but It Is yet j 9 eurly in Its history to toll whether its work'vUll provosoilous. A black ana white worm' , ntnilnr In size and shupo to that found on rtfip cars of coin in the milk stage , isuttncklufrtboBrowliigioniplmit. It stalls in at the topi leaves , burro\\ Its way do\Miwnrd and uiuliits woik by eating the stalk oiitliolyoft i p.u'tliu ground. Durlfig a Severn electrteil storm that passed over Sao county the other night the wife nnd little daugh tor of Prod Mou. living lu Levey township , wcio Instantly kllloil by lightning , Mr. Jitou was atnmllngJuKtout- sldo tlio iloor about 7 o'clock vv hun the holt struck nnd fell to the ground uiuonsclous. When l > o recovered his senses the liousovvos hi llnincs inul his \vlfo \ and u little glil , a ed four years , .vera lyiii'duuilon ( the Iloor. 1IH three other clilldrcn.oicapcd und hu miungiid to cat ry out tlio bodicitof bisifa and dilld , but the tiouso and contents were entirely cousumcil. 7he Two Dnkotnu. The asscsted vuludtlon of Uapld City is - Two niul nhiilftonsof butt-el wore shipped from Fhndixautthu other day. The North D.ikota democratic convention will ronvciiuat ( Irani ) Forks July ( I The Green Mountain association of Spinlt county will hold n reunion at Itodllcld July It tokes lo.ooo poumM of fresh meat yor month to supply the South bukotn. limnno asylum. A mure bolonglnj ton fittmer nntiied Do Imrt , living imr Ulimt , guvo blHli last week to u colt -Hith six legs. * The bnss drum plnjcr of the Snlvntlon army nt Mitchell win ukcu In by the police- und lined ( JO niul costs. At Sioux Falls Al Davenport was -\vaylntd by footpadjlio dcnmndcd his money at the muzrlo ofa i-ovolvcr. DivouKrtgriib'bed | the uci\i > oii to take it away f rum his assailant , when Itwas dUcharged , the bullet pvsslng clear through Ids hand nnd narrowly missing hU he.id. The robbers becoming frightened at the rumpus then made tuclr wcapo with out securing any bitoty. Mrs. John Parker , vvlfo of n Bavlson comity f nrmer , has started n now industry and ono tlat proml os to bo aiKsrfect SUCCCM. She lias about six thousand silkworms , which she lia1 * carefully tended thli sumnior nnd which nrono\vsto\vliiB thcmsolvcs a iiy into poldcn cocoons Thcso worms hnvo for some thno jiost required half n dozen baskets fullof mulberry leaves n day to satisfy their ap petites. Mrs. 1'n.rkcr v\\l \ \ enjoy the distinc tion of being tlio first woman to wear u silk dress made of South Dakota silk. A now town site scheme is on foot In Sar gent county , which Is tbo removal of the towns of Snrgcnt nnd Harlem , most of Milnor nnd part of Formati to the crossing of the See and Mil\uiuuco roiils. which is about four and ouo-lnlf miles south of Harlein nnd two and one-half miles north of Sargent. It Is Intended that this town slull lie tholargcst In tlio county nnd soon slnll bo the county scat. It Is said that most of tliapromli.cnt moil in the county , ns wellus the rallronls , are interested In the scheme. Tlio now town will probably bo named Truleo. A correspondent of the Jitncstown Alert tells a hnrd story of a turkey gobbler hi his town The aforesild bird , without any regard - gard for his scr , has for u year been pos sessed of a desire to raise a family , nnd none of the usual arguments npnllcublo to hens In like utscs could pcrsunilo lili pobblcrshipto the coutriry. So his ownercomludcd to let him set. hi duo time n do/en chickens re warded his euro. The chicks were taken away as soon as bhntched u'llio gobbler was disconsolate nnd was given n second batch of eggs to operate upon. Another brood Is due soon and the gobbler will boal- lovvcd to have full control of their bringing up. up.The The speed programme for the suto filr which takes place at Aberdeen September 15 , Id , 17,18 mid 1(1 ( , hits been arranged as fol lows ! On Tuesday , September 10 , the second day , horses tint never started in a race , puno M < )0 ) ; ! l:00 : trot. puisoXO ; ono-half iniio mid lopcit , pursoHOO. On WednusOay , the thlid day.thoro will bo a 2:3Ti : trot , purse Jl ) ) ; p.iuing , a 30 class , purse ? i50 , and a novtlty dasb On Thursday , u tvvoearold trot , purse S200 ; stallion trot , purse fJOO ; novelty lace , j > urso $ . " 0 : ono milo running , puno SJOO. On 1 rid ly , the 11 fth div , pacing , ii : iS i cluss , pui o&)0 ; ono milo running und ropeatpui . trot , puiso fJOO , pony race , one- half mile dash , Keel clts > f Jupiter. The planet Jupiter is now in good ) for observation utter 10 o'clock , Kbition s position reveals manj interesting1 ap- pcaianccs on tlio { jieit planet's disk , says tlio Hoclicstor JJcinocrat , Tlio two well known parjillel copper-colored belts are quite bioucl und ragpcd , and the SIKICU btlwccn tliom. appcirs to bo darker than usual. Pauillol with each of the well known copper-colored Iwlts is another wall dcllncd belt of tlio same , color. Tlio bolt on the north is nest de fined. Ikst-Hoon this belt and the old one is a , 7.0110 of intense brightness. A Himllar zone separates the southerly bolt from the old. ono of copper color. The additional copper-colored belts nro of unequal breadth. Atone observation the northern belt appealed to bo wodfro shaped. The southerly bolt Is in about tholntituduof tbo f amous red spot which was first observed tvliout 1878 , und which. poislstcd for faOAoralyeai't ! . 'I'lio lour copper-colored belts are now veiy marked featuies of the planet's disk and will bo - , very ob jects of study. Astionomora can only conjecture ns to the changes wlilch are poing oa in Jupiter. It is presumed thnt tbo body of the planet is visible , and that tlio disk is but a Hold of dense cloud ovorhminj { aplobo not > et post the heated btato. Richard A. Proctor was inclined to bollovo that the pinna t gjuo out light of its own. The details of its bolts change from 3ear to year , but the meaning of the chsuiges cannot bo fathomed. If the various appear ances hid been preserved in colors since the first observations with tlio telescope , it is possible that some periodicity might bo noted. Astronomers should civo the plunot very careful study during mo coming opposition. It has been sus pected that the changes on Jupiter boar bomo relation to solar changes and solar conditions. Long obseivation will bo necessary to determine fully this ques tion. PEPPERMINT DKOPS. PcoriaTranscript : A brand of sausaptohas been named after Explorer Stanley. This is a dog-gone good compliment. Chicago Inter Occam ' 'One kind of money accepted In courts is testimony , " remarked ICccdiclc , "Andyet It is not legal tender , " replied Dimviddle Kow Yoflf Sun ; "I wish you wore like Mr. Bunting , " complained Mrs Lnrkiij ; "he's so considerate of his -vvifo. " "That's so 1" re plied Wr. Larkln. "You ought tosootho niea light weight axe ho bought today for her to split kindling wood with" Philadelphia Ledger : A philosophical and calculating man rises to remark what a sinRii- hivtliliifr it is that tbo simple utterance oftho woid "Yes" at tbo altar gives a woman the light to "No" so much nfter marriage. Tcrro Haute Express : It Is a good thing for a man to have fricnJs. If it wcro not for your friends you would never bo nwaro of the many times jou have nado a fool of vour- self. self.Now Now York Commercial : Thokmdittt , Hen rietta , wcro Mghwnjmoii , In this country band ditties are played by highwaymen , Ger mans cliieOy , who may ho musicians at heart , but ne\cr sonnynhovt else. Lawrence American : Editor of Agricult ural Paper "Look hero ; hcio's the man who asks tlio silliest questions ! " Assistant "Howabout it ! " "why , ho asks mo the best way to euro hams , anil ho doesn't state in liis note \vlint's the matter -with them , " Now York Weekly : Caller-I have ? 10,000 to put into u homo nnd I wish to select u design. Honest Aichitcct Yes , sir. John ! Show the gentleman the plans of oui'S.i.000 houses. Detroit Free Press ! 'Jho jouth who in tends todovoto Ills attentions exclusively to ono girl this summer will nsk , if he "knows for the season ) " And she -will answer sweetly , "Aly inclina tions tvvlno that way. " Now York Sun : Obdunto pircnt ( wrathfully - fully ) I know what these painter fellows are. "Why , that yoini ( ? 1'alettowould i-un thiough your money m a je.ir's time. Ills diuglitcr Yes , papi ; but ho would spend It with such exquisite tuite. Mr. Hansom My dear , I think jou must bo mistaken In join-opinion that young Slchn- gullet Is n college Vuvd man. Airs. Hansom-Why ? Mr. Daiisom I drew him tnttconvorsitton nliout football und ho doesn't Ituoiv an lota about U. Harper's Bayar : "My Twncflt Is to como off next weeli Friday. Can't vou nssiat me , Miss "Vnldinll" " 1 can't possibly bo there , but you may imnounro mo , and I will send n doctor's certilliato to satisfy Iho iiuilicnco. " Cliicitro Tribune : "Why nro there-so m.my divorces ! " "IJecausotho hridodoesn't marry the best maul" "No , Because they aie do- crocd. " Chatter : Mrs Wiseman Isn't vour hus- bimd u little haldJ Mrs. Humricks ] ( Indig nantly ) -Them Isn't n bald hair in his head ChfciiKo Inter-Ocean : Mrs Ulnwlddlo "VVhorois the scene of 'Married In llasto" Inldl ninv\lddlo \ I don't know , cicopt thut it cant ho hid in Philadelphia \VushIiiKtoitrost \ : Time isu fltld for scl- eiitltluliuiulry lu tlm fu.t thut the moro bruins a man hnt the larger his heal Isn't. ' Italtlmoii ) Herald : The woiithor may lie tea warm to omourato churih going on Sunday , but neither heat uor biuiclay Interferes with baseball. FROM THE STATE CAPITAL Matters beginning to Got JIather Warm la lancaster Oounty Politics. * SOME OF THE PROBABLE CANDIDATES , t A. C'rnzjr Man Arrcntctl for Slnrlntf nt the bun llio Olnntltnll Club City N M& nnd Notes. Neb. , July 0. [ Special to Tim ni : . ] If thora wm a lei * attcndnnco than usual at the chuuhcs todny it need not bo credited wholly to the \veathcr , but partially duo to ttio fact that quite n number of pri vate political caucuses wcro hclng hold In various puts of the city. On next Saturday occurs the republican prlnniles , aud Uioro Is no luclt ot activity , pnitleuhulynnioni ; can didates for county nud state positions. The candidates to bo nominated nro tvvo senators , llvo ropicsentativcs , possibly three county commissioners and a county Attorney. The elty nomlnco for senator is practically agreed upon , nud Is none other than U. U. Moooro , vvuo liold the position of senator four years ago The country dIUrlcts , however , nro far from nunlt , and tlioy offtr llvo cinull- dates. Uliesomo 0. 1' ' . Heardsloy of Stoik- ton , O. M. IJrninon of Yonko Hill , O. W. I'loreoolWaveily.G. W. IVglcsUm of So malia and T.f. . \VoodsofGiaut. Ainou < { the tandldatu for repre sentative m-o A. J. Cornish of the l lrst ward , I. . . Li. Llndsoy n colored saloonkeeper of the Ulilrd , C. lj. Hull an tilt. II Oakley of the Fomth. Oakley is aniivoHcd niilroid man , -while llnll Is oi > - postd to tlio dcsK ] > tlc rule oftho railway coin- panics. Ono 11. S Uttlulield , who is known us the Lincoln Judpo Cooley , also dcclnics himself ns u candid ite , nnd hu claims to hold the hboi vote In hi * podtet , but some vciy sensitloml developments nio promised in c.isohe persists in belli'n ) ciiullifato. J.l. ( jlllllun andL. 0. Pine nre also city cmidldaUs , while from the countiy piccititts the names of ITiank Suvcihiy and 1 . U. Spencer lire heard , II D. Steams nolonRCr tlcslrcs the position of tountvattornoj aiulthosoanxious for his shoes are B. i1. Johnson , J. II Strade. I > . 0. Courtney , "W , S. Hamilton mid J. U. John son. Sl.NT TO JAII. Chnrlcs Burns , otio of the four rnllroid mon chmgotl with ruining' Mniy 13 Titus , the Innocent country pil , Ins been sent to the county Jail to await the session of the distiict court , whin he will bo tried on the charge of rape. Mr Titus heard of the min of Ills daughter and caino to tlio city lost ovcnliiR fiom Sdtillo. lie convened with his daughter , who had by that timoie- eovered from tlio effects ot the Illinois with whidi she had been intoxicated , und she re counted to him thctcriiblo stoiy of how she had boon dccocd \ Into tlio vviuo room. Mr. Titus is gricfstilcltcn over the uffnir nud vlll do .ill In his power to king the nilscicants to Justice. HTVUINO Tim su\ OUT or rotr\Tis-4\oi : . August Auburn , a Swedish lunatic , -was found by Ofllccr Rhlonotodiy ntSovcnteenth uud O streets tryliifj to stiro tlio sun out of countenance. Ills antics had attiactcd a largo crowd. Ho declined to the spectators Ihuthoivas Joshua aud thnt ho could neb only look at the sun without vvhihlnp for hours , hut that ho could also compel itto standstill if ho so wished. The fellow vas taitcn to a dirk cell In the police station where ho would bo protected fiom ruining bis oycsl0'bt by his dangerous capers. TnB ( HANTS DIsmXDIiD. Last cvonlntr the Lincoln baioball club Iniown la tholilnnts ceased to cxistnnd the bojsuro now willing to accoptft jobat any thing thnt will keep the wolf from tbo door. Outside ot the professional baseball club at Omaha the Lincoln club was the best nine lu the state , and the boys vv ere nev or beaten by any amateur club in this portion of the coun try. Every week saw n maikcd improve ment in tlio pluvors aud tlioy bognn to reach a degree of perfection that attiocted tr o at tention of piofessional clubs. All that the club lacked -was clllcicnt immigemcnt. U'tiu men who attempted to inauago the iiino neither understood the value of newspapers nor know how to treat newspaper men. No cntcipriso thatdcpendsupoiiputilio pntronago for Its existence can afford to snub news papers or newspaper men , nnd M the imn- ngcrs of the Lincoln Uiseball club were Ig norant of this axiom , lallurc has been the In evitable result. In addition to Incompetent1) ' , the members of the club charge the manage ment with gobbling moro than a fair proportion tion of the gate receipts. CITV i\nvvs A\n NOTIS. .About 10 o'clock this morning a cottage near the Hub saloon In West Lincoln was partially consumed by llio. the cfllciont scrv- IcoofthohObO company being all that saved It. About $30 will repair the damage doiio to house aud turuituro. "Work on the Lincoln belt line Is slowly progressing. Tlio proposed line Is now graded from West Lincoln to Thiitccntb. street. It Is rumored that tlio Korth Lincoln mil- way company , which Is mainly owned by Onmha capitalists , is soon to bo converted into an electric railway bystcm. OA.UI > IN/VIj MANNINGS. A Visit to tlio Venerable Prelate In Ilfn Study. The venerable Cardinal Manning- has just celebrated his jubilee , the comple tion oftho twenty-fifth joir : of his aicli- bishopiic , mid ho has recohcd tlio con gratulations of a gricat throng of cele brated persons of nil r < lli'ious denomina tions nnd phases of political belief , writes a London , eoriospomlent of tlio Now Yorlc Jlonilny Jouinul. I'ow man in Jliiylnud nro so popular ns this nged cardinal , who will reach his eijrhty-third jenr on the 35th of July. Ilia activity , mental and phvsi- cal , appears to bo as great now as when ho was Hist installed archbishop of Westminster. His eminence is himself very fond of tolling the following anecdote : On the day of his consecration in Moorllold ca thedral ho ovorheatd , as lie vvu passing' through the building- giving Ins lirst opiseopal blosslnf1 , an old Irishwoman remark : "Mnko him an nrchbiohop , in deed I Why , he has one foot in tlio grave already. " His grace turned to tlio vicar penerol , who was beside him , and rcnmrKcdwith a smile : "I think tlioro nro twelve yours' work inmoyot. " Sincothatilaytvventy- Iho eventful years have rolled by full notinetolvof work In the oidinarv scnso of opihtopal labor , but full lilso of polit ical work wliieh will hand down to hiH- tory tlio iniino of Manning , together with thosoof 1'ltt , O'C'onnell , 1'eol nnd Glndstono , as the naino of ono % vho has done much to adorn tlio annals of liis country. The Bunctura sanctorum of his emi nence Is a very litter of confusion to the o.ves of the visitors admitted within Its Haciod prccincN , "but to tlio 030 of the cnrdlnil It in far otherwise. To him jvui-ytlilnjihoems in Its place ] The caidimil slta in the center of a rampmt of looks , ptpcia and mngd-vlnes heaped ujall arouiul IIH ! chair. Vou cannot liolp thlnlcing that this IH confu sion \vorso confounded , hut wait until tlioro Is need for reference to any vol ume or arllelo heaiiiiff on tlio subject under dimisslon. Down BWOOJIH tlio hand of the cardinal upon the very thing- that Iswanted , und the extract in reached and read before you would have tlmo to goto the bookshelf. lint it lu not hero that the cardinal generally rceolves his guonh. The vlni- tor is received at the door by Mr. Is'ow- inm : ( a faithful , quaint old lotainor , who has the lionor of being the much trusted frlond nnd norvnnt of both Cardi nal \ and Cardinal Manning ) and uuliorud into a small vvaltlng-iooni lend Ing out of the novercly hare and spacious hull , built in Homouhnt old lloiuiui fashion , short vshltomurblo stops leading to the first floor niul rccopllo n booms. "Ills eminence will BOO ) < m nt once. " Up tlio stalrrt , through u largo niito- cliainher , and you find 3 cm wolf in the cardinal's oidlnary reocptlon lighted by four largo vviiulowf. A quick , llglit slop Is heard : a door on tlio right opens and with a Blight rust * ling of Ills scarlet soutane , over which U thrown a black clo.ik , ills omlnonoo enters - tors , thin white luxnil , adorned with rcsyr archoplscopal ring , hold out In conllur salutation , or to receive the icspcctful kiss , if his visitor be ono oftho falthfiil. On first Boeing the cardinal people mo generally struck with hit ) look of fiagil * Hy niul dolicncv. Ills cxtroinoly thin finnio appeai-B tno more inongro by ron- son of his liolght ; the shnrp , ( .lenr-ouk features , ovoifiaimiug forchoadaud doop- tot oj'os , covered by the stnnll scarlet eknll cap , at once gho the Impression that jou are before a rocliibJ who is tlio voiy embodiment of auster ity. Yet tills would bo an utter mistake. Tlioto is no man in London moio oiiRorly intoicsted hi all that is going on and butter up to date In all political , philan thropic nnd lollpious movements than the archbishop of Westminster. The question of loniporaneo seems tov him ono of the most vital questions af- footing the England of today nnd to morrow. It Is recorded of him thnt tvvlco , > % hen supposed to bo in artlenlo moi Us , ho absolutely refused to drink brandy , evidently eonsldci-lug cxuiuplu tlio host half of jn caching , Ills daily lontino is the same as thatof inon not half his ycai'ei. Ho Uses at 7 , says mass at 8 , bicakfnstsat 8:15. : spends liis moinlngs in hearing cnnfo slons or ncciv Ing- visitors , dines at IilJO.drlves to some mibslon u-qulring his prLs-emo or to seine place vvliere ho luu busluosu , takes tea at 7 and rotlics to ciurv on his vastroriespondonco , Intonuptod by the duties of the day until 11:30 : , when ho socks well-earned rope o. Cardinal Wiseman was noted in tlio Catholic vv 01 Id for the excellent , though plain , luncheons tovhlch \ ho occasion ally invited both Indies mid gentlemen. Cardinal Manning , vvlio o own diet ls almost cntiiely composed of eggs and toast , has never given a luncheon party in his life. His rccoptlons , however , count among the functions which , once attended , aiu never forgotten. Tlio uii'llonco cham ber in which the cuttliiwl arehblaluip rooolvcs on tlioso otc.iblims ice-alls , in-- * general coloring and npncauncc the apnilinent occupied by l/yrcllnal Rjun- polln , the pono's bcerotaryof slate at the Vatican. Tlio note of color struck is a dark full red and dull gold. Ando\er the crowd that the caidinal occasional ! } gathers about him Iiovvns the lingo pic tured ! Savonarola asbiiting at tlio death hod of Loron/o dl Moilici. 1'oor Hrtilos KnMowcd. Among the various charity sodelies of Moscow thoio is ono for the oiulovv- mcnt of poor brides. The funds of tlio society aio constantly increased by tlio gifts or be < iuesls of benouilont persons , but only tlio interest of the money Is used for tlio designated purpose. Tills year the distribution was the first Mon day in Juno. Tlio managers had previ ously designated the sum to bo given and the number of bonoliciarlod among whom it should bo distributed. On the appointed day leliglous services woio hold and speeches mndo in honor of the society , and then the applicants draw lots for the pi-ires. Twenty-live poof brides dicw lucky chances and tliolr dowries will bo liundcd to them as Roorr as they present their marriage certill catcs. Convention. Tlio republican cleotoH of the itntn of Nn linisl.a nro requested to soml dolcffutci f r-oni tliolrsovoiftlcoiintlcstoiiiootln cimvciitlon In tlio clly of Lincoln , Wediiestliy. July 2.1 , atS o'cloik p m. , for tlio imrpofo of placing In noinliiatloii uaudldutuii for tlio following st.it olllccs : Governor. IKut ( > nuit ; Oovornor. Secretary of State. AmUtorof I'ubllo < Vccoutits State Treasurer. Attorney Oi-nornl. Coiiiiiilsiloncrot I'ubllo Limln nnd llullil- Suporlntonclpnt of Public Instruction And tlio trnimctlon of such otlior busluen ib iiuiy come bcforu tliucoii\ciitlon. The wvernlcounties nro oiitllhiil to repre sentation as lOllows. bolus b.iacil uixm tlio \otooastfor Hon. fleort'o II. llastlnics , uresl- dontlixl cipctorln 1688. dvliignno iloloHiito-al- nu-go to cacli county , anil one for c-ueh IV ) \otisaiul thum.ijoi f i.ictloiillionof : 111 * rocommi'iHlnl tli.it ito punlos bo nil- inltlod l ( ) tliiiuuiivciitlon. und Unit thodolc- Biites proscntbo nullioilzod tu Liut the lull vote of tlio dUogiitlon. II I ) . ItlCiruiiH , Chairman \VAiT.M. Hrri.KY Booietury. 1409 < * H DOUGlAS--STIlEET. - - . On nccount of our inrfio and InerciiflinK Pruutico , vvolmvo 11BMOVW ) to tnoro Bpaclona nnd con venient ofllcofl. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 Douglas St. Omaha , Kob. / OMAHA. LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY.f.VXV Subscribed mid Guaranteed 0ipluil. : f.VXV I'uld lu Capltnl . lluyn niul sells Htooks nnil bon < l < | non'otlutoH caiiiniorcl.il pilii'tl locnlvoH and CJXOOIIICH trimlH ; aotw im trans f 4ni oiit niul trintuo ( if coriornlloiiri | , tukts cluirgo of i > rol > orty , col- letu tuxuu. . OmatiaLoan & TrustCo SAVINGS BANK. S.E. Cornop 10th nnd Douglas Sis i'nia In Capital . . - . sami Sulmorllioil nnit niiiiruntaed Capital . 100001 Liability of btuuhlioltlunt . . . . i.'OO.OOO . It l'ir Coat Intercut I'uld on IiupoilU. OIHcorsiA. II. Wyiniin , iiruHlilunt , .1. J , llroivii. vlco-invniiloiil \ . T , wyiii.in. troumiror. Dlrnotoru . U. Wyuiuii. J. II. lllllaril , J , J llrown. tiny O. llurton. K.V. \ . Nu > li , Tliouiif J , Kliuua I , duorgu U. I-alf *