OMAHA ' DAILY BEE. TWENTIETH : YEAR , OMAHA , KQNDAY rOR I2STG ( lULY 7 , NUMBER JO. THE GREiVT DEBATE , Oontlnuatlonof tbo Prohibition-High Licewo Discussion at Beatrice. SAM SMALL GREETED WITH CHEERS , Ho Responds "With an Address Full of Generalities and Wit. HARD WORDS AGAINST HIGH LICENSE. IU Advocates Characterized as Eed-No3ecl Emissaries of the Devil. WEBSTER REPLIES WITH SOLID FACTS. llo QuolcM ICIcotion Figure * to Slum' IJow the I'e < > i > lo of the' Older StntCH Have Repudiated ' Prohibition. Ihc pi-oat prohibition-high licence dclnto ttas continued nt the Beitrico chnatnuiiun Situid.iy afternoon hy Ittv. Sain Sin ill and lion. John L Webster of Oiimlii. Ah. Sinill milved on the fjioutuU while Mr. lioscwitci. vas spcaklnK nnd uns rceehcd with np- plnusc. At the iloso of Mr. Kosowutcr'a ad dress , Chnhinan Oinldson introduced Mr. Small to tlio vast nudlciice , and ug-aln the np plauso brolco forth. lion John L > . Webster follov cd Mr Smill ' \Vhiluhou.iH not Kii-otedwitli the cnthua limn which marked the Introduction of the ro\orond piohlbltlonUt , holioldthoattcntlot of the iiudlcnec until the close of his nddicss Pull stcnosraplilc icpoits of both speeches oto uhcn kloxv. lie tlio Audience from tlio Standpoint ol * i'lolilbltitiii. Ladles nnd gcntloinen , my fellow country men of the state of Nobi.ujhi : I am sorry that the exigencies of travel kept mo fiom being present with you this morning , though I am s itlsflod that you sulfcrcd nothing by my absence , but I nmgr.itlliod that I was nblo torc.ieh you oven nslnto In tbo day as this nnd to bo npu-tlclpant on this most au spicious occasion : nn occasion which , I am satisfied , Is of gient Importance to ovcrjoiie of you , or else it could not have drawn so magnificent mi audicnc-o of the intelligence \nnd Christianity of th great stito of No- Imi'iliii to this plaeo lu this binning licit of the summer. I know thnt you are intensely Interested when j'ou at o willing to come and listen to us as wo stiitd here and attempt , to dehato the proa and eons of the proposition l which has been submitted from this pint- foi in. I did not have the honor nnd the pleasure of he irlng the speech In full which has Just been concluded ; but I got hoio in tlmo to wit ness some of the gentleman's approaches to ward the main question. ! * am J i > orrykho..did1 not getinl'tiitr WAJP.W tAppnusoItwould' ! ] ' / Imvo been gratified if ho could have reiched tbo point boloio they called''time" on him [ L.nughtci ] . 1 did get in In time , however , to hem- him as ho brought foith the holy Son of God and sot Him up ns ono of the co part- noi s with tbo lion. Mtor Her , McGooloj' , Mnttlnnls A ; Co fL-nighter nnd applause ] . And I want right here , In the of the Chlstiinilt ] > of the countiy , and of tbo apostles , nnd the blood-washed throng who mo following In the loots tups of the meek und humble Jesus , to protest against Ills muno being diaggcd iu ns thodcfcndorof the liquor tvalllc In anj shape , iiunncr or form. [ ' 1 lemcndons niipluuso. ] Ills incicdiblo to think thnt the man who stands fulrlnhls fame befoio ids follow citi zens m.d oecuplcs the exalted position of an nllc-gccl putiliu educator , would in this noon tldo blaze of the nineteenth ccntuiv liavo to speak of the Son of God , who came to earth to nu\o men from thoirslns , being tlio origi- natoi and the defender and the exemplar of the breweries mid dlstillci ici , the dodgeries nnd claiiinnblo hell holes ot America J Ap plause. ] U Is true , ns recorded In holy writ , that Jesus took the occasion of tbo mmrlago feast , according to the ceiemonlals which then wcie in vogue upon earth , mid In the Jcwlshhousc- hold where Ho WHS thoguost , when the wine thut had been prepared foi the feast had failed llo took occasion to turn to the waters of pin { Mention thnt had been provided , and , bidding the servants to draw tlienco and bear to the governor of the plnco w hat turned out to bo wlno when U came into the hands of the govemor. And to sny that the Son of God tinned Htm&clf into a distiller nnd worked the Hist miracle of creation in the picscnui of the people Ho came to sayo , nnd turned thowntus of pin Iflcntlon , ninety-six gallons , into the wateis of damnation , is n blasphemy upon the Savior of thuwoild. [ Applause. | And I bay it to the gentleman liuw , nnd to the people who biek him , that ho cannot pro\o from holy writer unv other wilt out- tddo of tlio saloon or tbo distllloiy , that .losus CluKt ever nude any wlno except thnt widen was In tno cup when it c-nuio to the goxornor. [ Applause ] I rather believe with Milton that It was fiiinply u ease of "tho conscious water hltfeh- ingas HixM-ognl/ed its Lonl. " And If He hud deliberately provided the me.ins of dunv nation to the guests wltli whom Ho hid as bcmhlod , and destroyed the waters of pud- tlc.itiou , It would hnvo boon n violation of the JewIsh law subjecting Him to punishment Himself , and Is , 1 lopcat , an Incudlble tiling. It Is not onlv Inc-tcdllile , but it nu\ei' hap pened , nnd It Is not to bo sought hero ns a de fense of the old Willow Spring sewer gas inmufaetory down hero on the limits of the Mlssoml rimnt Oiimtui. | Luught < ! up- planse.J Why , ho sajs they were gathered nroiuul the tiiblo nt the tlmo of the lust supper niK : bcciimo"iiic.unnted In wlno. " | Lnufe'hter. ] " \Vliy , I have recently been elected president , of n university ; I think he ought to ewno nml 5"l . [ Laughter. ] ICegot "liic.unatel In the wlno. " [ r-.nuphter.J Well , Unit is too gooe' to bo lost. Nevertheless , vvlintovor Ho may liuo : nude nt Ciinii , when lie sat tlieio ci that aw fill occasion , pri'saalng the gloom ol tbo fatal Li'ilduy when lie filing upon the ac cursed tioo. and when. Kitlicriug His be loved disci juts about Him , lie Instituted thu most blessed und hoautiful siuianient that his como down the ngos , there wns ono ills olplo who was ntmitor to bis Lord , and the liioodtins not vlled out jet , [ Laughter and npplnuso. ] descend nits nro still scoldnf , tot.t-11 ills followers for less thnn thliu itlecesot silver. Hut , when lie sit there 01 : ocuaslnn , whatever Ho may lu\o iloiu with wine befoi-othat time , nu that bolemt pei-.i-.Ion , In the presence of the romliig pralon and death u'wu the rross , and ( Oiisecmtcil it tc holv uses , nml said , ' As oft as vo take of It , do it Iniviiie-mbnincoof me' , " from thnt day to ibis wlno hat bc'caino n consecrated thhg from the hnmls ) of the blessed Clulst of the norld , And now , when wo dopirtako of it , those vt ho are faithful to his \\oiils\\lll pir- KvUo of it only In remembrance ) of Him , and thereby they do show forth Ills death. Hut , llo you mean to tell nio that the crowd that is iiitronlzlng the high llcciuo saloons of Omul n drink In remembrance of the Lord ! [ Applause and laughter.J ' ! . 11 mo all those places that the gentleman has by Implication eulogized ns ooiitilbutory ta the decency , good order und respectability of the great clt v of Onmha uro places of sac- rlnieiit.iry association ! [ Laughter. ] Out with such bosh. Irepoatlt Is nn Insult to the majesty of ( ted mid His a bla.spl.csmy on the holy mission of the Sou of God. [ A. voice : "Amen. " ] AVe have a sheriff down lu Hard , In Qcor- gh , nnd I remeinhcr asking him how they vcro getting along ltli local optlondovn in lurdcounty. "Well , " ho sajs , everything s gutting afonp well excel t mo. mv business sncirly busted. " [ Lnughtcr.l Audi thlnlc f n man \\ant.s a treed nrguinont ngilnst pro- ilbltloii tlio best follow ho can go teen ( tod's rrcvn earth is nslierllf or a & "i cownii'l calf ustlco of the po.ico lawyer. [ Laughter. ] They nro the great s\\eethcirts of the sn < oori | Koplo nnd nonfl of the police court law- jcrs want to sco prohibition como In , boc/msc , when.\ournlii the saloon keeper's business jou ruin his. Thu sheriff don't want prolil- Liltiou to conic in , because whenever you tnlngln piohUiltlonand bicnlcup the nloon keoncrs' business , why , the Inwjor loses business Ioes fees. The gentlemen sn\s tint there nro llfty-ono rountlos In this stnto that hn\o \ no prisoner * IntlioJalU I will gunrantoo to you now , if ho will reid over his list , thnt \\lllllinloiil Unit neatly ovcrv ono of thosollftj ono ioun- ties nro the rural counties , run by the consci entious , honest , sober farmers of this coun try , who nro K ° l'iU ' to vote for prohibition tliisfnll. [ Oroit andlonif apulmsa ] Ithitik I canKuarintcoit to you futthcr that the counties of this state tint furnish the most prisoners aio the ones who hnvo got the most saloons , nnd mo milking n light to keep them 1'roof 01 the pudding Is In chewing the bag sometimes ( Laughter | Tno gentleman sajs that all of this Is the condition of the people or the stite , nnd ho does not wniitnow to run the saloons out for fear ho might disturb Iho beautiful cquilib- liuin. And yet it stares jou In tlio face , rind he knows It ; ho dnni not deny it. Tor up- wnrds of ten jeni-s of patient , faithful trial of the high license scheme , originating it , scud- lug it out through the country , ho says , with fjiv it eclat , that the people owe what they are to it. I deny that the Women's Christian Tom- petal co union ever endorsed any high IIi - i enso tnlk. Hut , if It has been tiled lor the length of tlmo Hint It his been in 'N'cbi.isln , 1ant to say this much for It ; that high li cense , th principle of high license , the prac tice nf high license , the promise of high ll < cense iic\cr got n grentcr defeat , a more fi- tiilstab any where In Amoilcn , Irorii ft lender or foe , from prohibitionist , finntlo or crank , thnn It got when the peopleof the state of Ntbiaski , nftcr ten yc.ns of tihl , nfter nn cxpericmollh it , marclicdup tothodoors of jondcr capltolnt Lincoln and snidVo , are tiled of fruid nnd Intonincmncc , and wo want n elmnco tooto forpioulbitlon straight out" fAnolmsol Anil they cojrcod n legislature thit was not In fiver of prohibition to submit the question [ Avoice : "Hint'sso" ' ] 'Ihov ab solutely forced n crowd thit was dulling with the stdooii to put the question out into the open nir whcio the people could t.rct nt it , mid It is out here now. By whoio demand I 'Iho gcntlcnuii cort.ilnly will not stand up hero and contend tlmttho loglshtuioof the state of Nehiaslca submitted the prohibition amendment at thodeimnd of the th ltd pait } cianks. Ccitimly not.V'o arc too inslg- [ LauBhter.l So be It I icpeat th it he cannot say that iulmuttcd at om deinmd and to please nud placate us. llyhosodc niiinuwisitsubulttcd ? Hy thodonnnd of the honest pooploof this state who had trusted to the promises m.ido hy the lilendsand piojcctorsof it , who hadghcn it a fair and nnd faithful , nnd foune It n fraud consummate fiomlts hi id to Its tiecls , and they said that they wanted no more ol It. Wo wanted the plain question submitted of prohibition or no pioldhitloii arid the len'is- Intnru forced to submit it and they did notdnrogo homo "with their tails behind them" without submitting it [ Lniglitor and npiihtuso. ] They thought they hid bttorget a little tall and put it oil them. A little old high license nmciHlni"nt. [ Laughter. ] High license and the { rentlo- nun conies out in his piper this inoinlng and says that this debnto is to fuuiitth a most comprcUmslto understanding of the squeatiou whlchciJjinow submitted tohela- 'uillprciiiM'bf 'tliVp OplaorWrtlfttP.U , * sn to" whether local option or high Hccnso shill" prevail , or whether piohlbihitlon sliall pre vail. vail.And And It is nn n false footing for tao ques tion , nosuch question is herotndiu , and no such question is before tlio pcoplu of this stato. Why docs ho go and lopublish a sjnopsls of the Slocumb law this inoriilugr i Bees hq want to say that It is thoblocmnb law , \\hon thcro U nothing of that KinJ In the controveny I Not a hit of It You \ \ mt jour Slocumb law with a high license nnund- imiit , and it Is kneeling nt tno block of exe cution this minute , uith the guillotine r.iUcd above It , as soon IH that high Ihonso amend ment caincs , to cut It off , nnd to put liquor into every county and community of this state , whether the people watitlt or not ; and I reoent , there H 110 local ontloii about it , thcro It no local option high license about It. it is a simple device of the dovll foisted through the legislature anil put ns in alter native , nnd the devil overstepped himself , nnd tlio host thing that pro'dbitioii ' ever done In this state was the support of such a thing us thnt , I tell jou right now that is It. Clot suggestions enough from ovcry hero and o\ \ < iOhcie , and defeat prohibition in this state , jou will never ctrrj the high license amendment , 1 tell jou tint right now. We will tilumph on top of It. or wo will die to- [ Appliuse. ] Ulio intelligent , or derly , nnd decent people of the st.ite of Ne- buisluaroiiot going to voluntadly put them selves In nnj suih yolto ns that "YOU cm't scare them or hulldozothemnvayfjom pwhi- bltlon , and sell them out , bodies , boots nnd breeches , to the distilleries , nud the brewer ies , mid the doggeries But that is not nil. They liavo seen through the dream , and they nro repudiating it. " 1 bring you gooJ tidings of gieit joy" tills nflornoon , that the three weeks that 1 have spent In thu western portion of this state among tluno communities whore the people ate thinking and reading and studying this subject , the enthusiasm of the ciowds th it hive gathciiHl , with the consecution of \\oiucnnndwiththo devotion ofthemuu , with the courage and the grit that Is being displajed upon this subjiwt , hi community aftui community , I stand hero today niul sny the c.iuso of prohibition mmks a higher tide In Ncbr.islui this far fiom elec tion d iv th iu It has ever miikol in any othci suite befoio they \\ent to battle. [ Ap plause , ] Yes , you can talk about prohibition being n hobby foi longhmrod men nnd shoiL haired women to get up oil iiiul go mound llniiRhtor ] but the old hobov his turned into nv.u horse , [ Luughtor. ] And ho is iiiwlng up the cirth. AnU tint's what's tliomittor That's ' what's lansing the nltation [ ; In the camp [ Laughter. ] That Is the reason why those gentlemen art ) w illlng to go back on the ndUc'o nnd counsel , of their more NMIIV friends of Pennsylvania and othei states , .who told them " 0oii't ' you go out nnd clebito this question ; don't you get up nnd tnlk about It" [ Appliuso and lauRhterJ , Yes , they told you not to do it , and If you deliberately go and rushlnwhero nngds feirtotiead , why you must take the consequent cs. f Laughter ! . Now , 4 know the thing is n-axlng hot , my countrymen. The signs are in thu slty , the voice of the people Is In the air , there Is n burning of brush all around the hoiizon ; the people nro getting le.ady to bittlo this ques tion and settle It right. Whj , j ou are situ ated la the very heart of the great prohibi tion territory of the country : with the grand old state. } of the South and North UakoU to the northwnul of you ; with the grand old state of Iowa to the eastward ; with Kms.w nnd the Indian toriltory to the south ; \\ith an hninsanblo line of prairlo don'holes between jou and the west why , ) ou arc the best sit uated people on the fa oof the cuilli for pro hibition and I thlnlc you nro equally intelli gent , equally cultured , equnlly rcijardful of jour family and jour homes , and for tlio safety of j our sons nnd the coinfoit of your daughters , and mindful of their future and of tlelr fulfilling jour hopes and the destiny thnt Clo.l tins wilttoii for them , us well us your neighbors thu Dultotas , and Iowa , nnd Kansas , and I believe that you can Justtn'to this whole bcoi > o of coutitrj" , carrying No- uraskn lu the lap of the prohibitionists of the gruit west aiid on the fourth day of Is'ovom- l > erl umiiitU.'iod ho will wheel grandly into Una nnd hou a solid front from the Canada border to tlio lines of Tuxns for prohibit ion. f Applause ] . And 3011 gentlemen that love birs so well , wo w 111 put a bar of prohibition across thli continent thut jou will have to wade the Gulf of Mexico to get around. [ Applause ] , Hut tnoy will never get around [ t , for they don't tuko water that easy. [ Laughter und applause ] No. lr ; jou better get your crowd iu marchliigoruGr , Things uro coiuln ? tonpnssln thin state where Iho people nro sntlstled that simply because Oimha wanUto get some high license inoticyln order to help her to run her schooh , the bahmco of the people do not propose to bo taxed to Iceep those 38 } criminals | n the pinltcutlnry In order to contilbuto to" its popu'ntlon. ' [ Laughter. ] Yes , Omnhn gets S-iM,000 n year for the privilege of allowing the saloon dealers to stay there , and then you ha vo to support the criminals In the penitentiary by taxes on you ? property out lu the countij * . Say , why don't ' > ou get Dunlin her own p'nl- tt'iithuyl Jl/nightor.j She ouijht , to hive one nnhiiwlduil , consolidate I , sjndlcatcd Omiha penlteiitlaty with Peter llor for presl lent. [ Ureit laughter. ] I tell jou. if jouant ono , vlicrc-j-oucati llnd ono. Hie stito of IO\MI used to have two penitentiaries \\heii they hnd the whisky Uciiorsln that stitc , but now they luvo only one , anil they hu\o \ absolutely got apuiiiten- tlary for sale [ Laughter J That's a fiet. Iho governor nt the 1 ut scwloiiof the legis lature recommended to the committee on legislature that they enter Into negotiations \\lth the national govern incut to sell it fora ; o\oriimentpurpose. And If jou folks pto- losotokeep thu liquor trifliom this stite , \\lij' , jou wiUneedanr.thcr jiilsou pretty boon , nnd I thought 1 would tell you whcro jou could get onoreadj * made , [ daughter. ] If you want loud option whj don1' you say local option ! The llniior dealers lu Omiha vnnt lliiuorbecause Omnhicannot run with out liquor. If jou nro built ( llffcrcntly from the bilatno of the people of Nebraska , : if the cltiretis of Onmhi u.inuot "live and bivathoand mo\e \ , nnd ha\o tholr being , " and tun their flnunecs and their mor- iMntllo business , nnd tlu'lr transposition in terests , without swill butts lu convenient place4,1 think they oughtto hn\o locil option enough to inn their own coiicinis-penlteii- tlincj. paupers and all and not tax them on the balance of the people who want to stay sober and hoop ltd of these things that are Incubus nftcr incubus piled upon them by the saloons I picked up n New YorK "World nnd 1 looked to see how it was , nnd I saw thnt the people of the state of Iowa the poor , inupeiUed , impover ished state of Iowa wore paving J3 ! cents on the i > ltX ) ta\cs. 1 wcnty-il\o cents on trio { 1001 I say 1 want to see how Nebraska is getting along She has so much money from high , license , she bus such nu elcgmt time , hoi tteasury is so full nnd ovcillo\Ung , and they nw getting nlong so nicely financially ; I wntitto hoc1 how muih buideii It his taken on * the people. And ! looked doA\n toward Nubrislcnnnd I s.iwthnt shew-as p lying 0.1 cents on the 8100. 'lliat was all. [ Applause and laughter ] Poor , impoverished , pauperised Iowa , 25 cents on the SIUOI Gicit , splendid , high- licensed Nebraska , 05 cents on the tlCW ! In nthoi woids , 'SJOO worth of propeity in No- bi.iskii it. pivingmoie taxes for the support of the state than $3Jtoith ) of propeity is p lying in the stnto of Iowa How Is tint foi high license ! [ Laughter [ Don't jou lliiult I am light about it if I any high llucnso is nothing hut a big lie ( LI ) without atij benzol [ AppLiuso nnd gicat laughter , j Ias talking to n in incoming clown on the ti.ilnhowl had thing photographed , but I have not got .inj * of the photogiaphs lic-ic , stilll thlnlc lean dosuiibo it to jou High licensemv touutivmen , from the in \estlij.itionth.itl ha\o been able togivoit all over this country , und esiKiciallj in No braslti , is nothing uudci God's sun but nn Invcntionof thoele\ll , ootnincd b\ the poll tlcian , and tun In the slito as , isort of a minting machine to giiud out old buz ntd dimes to Iij * on thoej'e.3 of the dead to maito tbo coip o loolc rcspectalilo. [ A.olco \ , "Tint's It" AVby , they said they ruined Iowa on ac count of inohlbttlon I passes Cos Tilolues j cstcidaj and I saw that in.i0'iiillccnt capitol of theirs , w hich u few yeau ngo % a3 un- tliiished , and they did not have money in their treasury to finish it ; that is , under .tlujirjjquorjrcgimo , Ipaspcl thcro jestct p * up Into the sunlight on th it glorious rourtii of Julj * , n gre it monument to the culture , the enterprise and the tiuo dignity of the people of the piohlbltloii state of Iowa. Your little old cheese box of nn affair heie at Lincoln U busted hilf in two now in order to admit the intelligence that you h.uop.uked iito itlrom time to time. [ Laughter nnd npplnuse ] I was up there the other day niicl thcj hiuo nctually got it bolted together to-Keep it from falling clown. [ Laughter. J 1 wishtliat I had time now to speak of other things , but 1 would like to tell you how prohibition don't prohibit. I suppose you tune heard of It. [ Laughter J I hav. Everywhere I go , as I told &omo of my fellow eiti/ens a fe\v wcclts ngo , Z would come acioss some indhldual of that kind , and ho would go "Yawhce , yn\\hco , jn\\hce , jiiwhee. [ Imitating l > t-av- Ing. ] I nm not ono of that kind of animals , and thnt is as near as I can get to It [ Laughter. ] And the doctrlno of all Is 'Prohibition won't ' ' prohiblf'-prohlbit- prohlbit [ Laughter. } I bin o heard It until I am sick nnd tire 1 of it i\ery : thnon fellow brings it up at mo now I tell him it reminds nio of the storj of the Irishman who vent to a hotel am' ' AVU brought a dish of hash lie had never seen It before and ho \ \ is cautions about t rjiug It. After cxpcimiontlng with it ho called the waiter nnd said : "Tnko that hack to the gentlom in that ch iwed it , and toll him , bed id , that ho can swallow it , lor I "won't do it. " [ Laughter. ] And so I tell him about tills thing that pro hibition won't prohibit I want to tell 3011 that I luvo been all o\cr this country ami I have seen piohlbltloii In < ncry shupothntlt hasc-oinoup ; I have soon It us stitutory piohlbltloii , as vonstltutionil piohlbltloii , iu communities through the south and other sections ot the country ; I luvo seen it where isno lltcubo , ! luvo scon It with Iho foui mile limitation , with tlio two mlle limi tation ; I have seen all the forms that it is In. I want to say no\\ , and say It with confidence in Its truth , as I expat to stand bofou the Judgment b.n of God , that prohibition does prohibit uvujwlicio in this country whcio theio am honest men and conscientious men in ehargo of the execution of the law. [ Applause. ] Prohibition Is no f.tlluro any\\horo \ except in thoao places wliero the officer. ) of the liw nio either a set of pusil ! minions puppies or n. set of porjuicd scoundrels vho nw net lit to bo ollleerj for a pen full of hogs. [ L lURhter ] If you think that j'ou hmo wisdom , intellt- gcneo and pitriotisni enough ; If you think you are able to select ofllecrs v ho have not only clear consciences nnd honest counte nances , but aio those \\ho will onfoicothe law , wo will go on advancing and then wo will let these fellows iind out whctherwo will prohibit or not. [ Mrs Cougar i "Glvo omen fi eo suffrage and they will cufoico l w o moil know how to keep the devil stltied up and the women know how to keep the men stirred up.Vo nio going to ] < cop this i\oik up until wo got this thing settled. You nro like Josh Hillings' Ittllo steer that uas tied to a stake ; ho Hild ho noticed him because ho pawed light nndloftbutlia , never noticed that ho got iinj' futthcr iiw.ay from the stake. If you want to hnvo some fun hi this stito you bettor luvo It now \\hllo the joint debater are goin , ' on horo. Wo will luvo the fun now. or wo miy bollUotho Irishiaui \\lio sawn su-or in a Held and ho thought It \\ould bo great fun to Jump over the fence , grab the little steer by thohorm and rub his nose in the dirt. Ho thought it so funny that ho bat down nnd laughed and hughoJ nboat It , Well , then ho jumped over the fence , took the steer bj the horns mid W.H thrown cloir ovcr'tlio fence , and it ncadj- broke him in two Ho picked himself up and said , "IJe- d.ulwhat n good thing It was I had my laugh first. " [ Laughter. ] 1 thank jou , ladles and gentleaiou , for jour attention. HOX. aoilMj.VI3IISTIUl. \ . A Hlg ! MCJOIISO iVp/niifnt Hcplcto AVItli Sinllstieil liirDimiitlou. Hon. John L. Webstar of Omihabelnsiii- troducod by the chairman , ndiliosbCj the as sembly as follows ; Mr. Chairman , Ladles and ( iciitlemcn ; I nm bsfoi-o jou today , not by nny solicitation of my own , I nm not hero hlroJ by anybody or by any soclotj' , I am not hew representing any class or nny Interest except thut which I bello\o to bo honest , I am not hero under salary from this society or any other , I have coiuo to speak to this people be w use the oftlcors ofthls assembly hnfo luvltctt mo to como. lam here to toll thU people what I bolicvo to bo tbo truth nnfl I nra here to de nounce that which 1 bcllovelo bountruo. For twenty ono yean I luvo lived In tlio stntoof Nobrukafor , twenty yoirs have I soon It grow fion l0,000t ! I.X'o.OiK . ) , Increas ing mor ) rapidly In ite population unJor Its present liquorllccnio njitt'tnthaii any other state inlhlsunloa anl BOJpor cent prenter thnunnv prohibition stntti in this union tint hnd prohibition Torn pirle-J of fifteen ye.iw. [ Apphwe.J fc ihavoseenltincreaaoln-wealth nnd prosperity - perity ntsuclift rapid riW nsshoulcl nitonUh any tnnn living in thoproldbition slaters of Maine , Vermont 01 N"etv Ilainpslili-o. Wliy , think a moment , rfio 07.0OJ stiual-o miles of tenitory In the state of 2'ebrnnkn , nalco It sixly-ilvo tinws as largo as tlio state ofilhodo Island , nnd capnblo of h dliig ten times as ninny pcopio ns the state of Massachusetts. nnd jet If itiontlnues to froon lu its present rate of prosperity until it shall bo- coino as thickly populated as Iho state of Massachusetts , j our state of Kebruslm will have 10MOOJl , , ) of pcopio within licr ior- AVhcn this Hate of j-ours slmll h-ivo become populated no Is Italy , jouill ha\o \ 19tXX,000 , of pcopio within , jottr state ; when it becomes populated as U Austri i\ou wllllinvoii.'i.OOO- , ( Ku of pcopio w ithln your stite ; If it ever becomes - comes i densely populated ns Jlnglnnd , jou will lm\o hi the stnto of Kcbraslta , 05.01)0,030 of people one-half the outlio inosenl popu lation of the United Stites. Uo further. If you wcro to allot ono-half ncro of ground thiough this stnto usu block fora , dwelling house nml ujt in It one family of flvo persons , you would have tcrritoiy enough In this stito to accommodate 4bl > ,000)00 { of pcopio moro than the en tire Umpiroof China moro than nil of JUiropo , and how many times tlio ptcsciitpopulitiou of the "UnitedStates ? I stand beio after twenty jeirs of rcsl- dcaco in thU state \\atertilng its growth and proapciity in a nun vbo loies this stato. It is food ciioURh for me I expect to ll\o \ hero. I would nehlso ray friends who como hero from nbioinl that if Xoouska Is not gooel cnougnfor tlicina" it Is they should staj at homo. [ Applause ] - llieiols smother very nstonisliing proposi tion when I look over this question " \\lth your more than a million of people lu this state -who Imo vltncucil its piospeiltj- , who huogathorcd vlmt jou ln\o \ In this state , who luvo earned > our money hero , who raised vour cliildren liero , liavo wedded jour wives here , bulldccl your homcj hero has It coiuo to this , tint this great state of ours docs not love It self well enough to 1m o a man stand within its own borders who has bi.ilm enough and chiracter enough to stand up anil tnlk for this fnnaticildoc'tiinoof ' prohibitionbutjou , have to import them frotn from other st-i tea , whcro they have bicn repudiated by the votes of their own pcoplcl CApplnuso.J \V'hy , inj friend here from th ? stnto of Ilchigan talks to tills erc iid as If ho hnd for gotten that down in tbcijstato of Michigan only a , little wliilo ago they proposed a prohi bition amendment jiibt as .they are proposing I tin tlio stito of ! Ncbra iki. I suppose my frlcpdwas the chnlraionof the prohibition committee of that Slavs nudvontallovor tint stito talkins piohlbitlou and hying to induce thnt people to accept theduotrlncs vhlehho istilkihg toyox people of my state of Nchr.isla. Did ho Jorgetor , why Is it tint ho did not toll this audience tint when the people of thostito ol' Michigan voted on th it question they sno\vt.-il him anil his pro- liibltioa doUrincs under foot by more than Jho thousand inaloritvl fAnnlausel My other fi lend hero.who hails from the state of Gogrgi.i , but who has nou gone out to live among thoMonnons in Utah ( laugh ter ] , had n little to we dovji in hh > sUtothey call Atlanta a beautiful cltj a city , marls jou , old patilots , over yvljwo state capital tlio Mars and shines have * tiovpr floated to the present duj own that J wn has rcpudiatod Irtbo doctriiio olipwfi TrnvnS5 Iartlo towmof.t Atl.inta nnd thestato of Geou'la siloous are open , and that within the last three mouths , to my per onal lcno\\ledgi U'iij , wo nro told hero In opwing this d is- cusbioii that prohibition is n. guictal law of intuiothat clevolopcs with tlio progress of clvili/atioa , and the moro wo are ci\illzed and the gicttet nd\anco wo have tnaJo in civilisation , thogro.itor bccornes thedoctiino of prohibition .lad you find wipol out the doc trine of peisotinlllbcitj * . Well , now , that is an astonishing statement for buy sensible man to make to an audlc'iico. An astonishing statement \Vliy , I would like to ttll inj worthy fiknd that with the pi ogress of civ- ill/atlon has corao personal liberty , and with tlio prog-rcsa of ciMlUntlon luvo wo done away with laws thnt lostialncd man of Ills personal llbertj. Gohickto old Russia , if jou plenso , go bicltto thotinwof Peter tnaOrcat , go back to the tltno of Tiodcrlck the Great , go back tothocnily hUtorj of' Austuu , go whoio kings and emperors swayed tlulr power Their history was ono coiitlnuod soiieb ot edicts against the perjional liberty of the subject. As civilization iid\ \ anted lilghlj cultured peopled osse i th ? Athntic ocean and established a icpubllc , nnd with it. cstoi ) llshcd personal liberty and abandoned the doctiino that a man vis subject to seine order or pcunlcodo at tlo dictation of any man or set of men. Why , not Ion , ' since it was my privilege to wander through some of the national ceme teries of tills union , through the states of Tennessee nnd of Georgia , where I walked to see tlio little tombbtonea that ninik the rent ing places of thousmds upon tbousnnds of jour fellow soldiers \vlo died that thcli countiylnlghtllvornd. Hint personal llbcrt ; should bo achieved for four millions of people the last grand result of nd\anclng \ civilian- tloii [ Applsiuso. ] \Vlij' , when you propose to set your foot upon the proposition of personal liboityasn thing of the past , nul to warn out the ad vance tide of. clvili/aticn , I tell jou jou are putting foith the Hist Jootnuo that leads to uniuchv and dcspothiu in the United States I would Just us willingly sco n nun twinplo upon the stars and stripes at once as to tell mo thnt ho lo\es his country an din the same breath tells rno that Iwvnnts to stamp out the theoij or the doctrine of personal llbertj. ( Applause. ) \\ordmoio \ with reference toonoor tvo of the adi.mclng thoughts which uro simply , I suppose , the pivcursory i-emarks of tlio debate - bate which is to follow lierenflor , as adianccd by 1'rof. Dieliio on the doctilnoof prohibi tion Iblnipl ) want to answer u suggestion , inyniisttor proiiosi- tionat su.U tlmo us ho sees lit tondvauec It. Lint so far us it his been euggestedto tliU pcopio that prohibition Un law of ouruaturo and a law of our ch llintlon ho proposed to Illustrate It. A\hy , ho gave two or thrco illustrations of what ho said wereicstnintsof our person d llbcity , but I want to toll this audience If j'oulookat any illustrutlpn that hogmc you , that Is but nn illustration of ndocliitiuof regulation , nnd diametric-ally opposed to the doitiino of prohibition , ) Why. my frici.d sajs that ho could noi build a house in tlio eitvof Oinalii four stories hih ( : i frame building I want to toll my friend thut wo do not prohibit tlio building of houses In Omaha , UJti wo regulate it. It Is not beciuso wo bu\a < pot piohlbltloii up there.'v \ inviteI'rofDicklo toconiothcie , wolnvitohiinto put upn building. All HO say to Prof. Dleklols ye will do with Jinn Justas wo do with the saloon Interest , that whlth is best for tlio wiufnto of the entire connnunltjtind wo will rcjjulato tbo thing. [ Applause. ] Sow , my other fi lend hon > from "Utilifor Georgia , I do not kuo\v whcro to locate mm todajI I luno notgotoulteusoJ to lilni jet. llosuggcstodthothouifht tint wo could not saj an j thing nbout the Savior in this ease bc- cnu o wowero Hulling him with the snloon interest I want to any to him that I am not hoio to ndvocato the saloon Intoicst. Has ho never found out jet anj" dlf- ferenco between prohibition und tbo question of rcgulatliisn s it of evil tint cannot bo wlpod out of existence ! If lie has not learned that distinction Iwlllidvo Win tlmo to think It over until next Monday morning , but until then I want to call his uttentiou to the fact that when ho was talking nbojt the vine mlracloAt C'ma tLat ifKov Sum Small bid been there , ho would hu\o taken up thu water and instead i of transforming It Into wlno ho would bare slid , "Wutor Is good , enough for this fcaattakothntand\otofor \ prohibition. " When Paul put forth that little statement to Timothy , "Driulc no longer water , hut take a little wlno for thy itonucli'i sake , " Kev. Small would huM ) utiauged thu bible , bo \vouM \ Unto lad Paul n prohibltlonUt , ho nouldlimokiiill'iul say t ) Timothy "You nro an old drunkard , don't drink imy more wlno , hut drink \vntor nnd vote for prohibition , " In other words ho would hnro transformed thnt biblenndiundon new ono for his own pur- posonndput prohibition In it Everywhere thnt the bible spolto about thou u o of wlno , I do not eaio whether created by mlrjiclo or handed out by the npo.tles , the fact remains that to would haveprohlliltlon Instead. YesI , defy any 111111 tocoiitrdlctlt from the bible , thnt the doctiino of prohibi tion 1 $ not found with in the lids of thoblblo [ Hisses , npplauso .mil laughter ami cries of order ] . 1 wnnt simply to say tomy filcMids whoseotnto hwo dUsentedfi-oni my stnte- mouttlinlvounniyloolt It tip If jou vaut to You mny furnish jour repixwoiititlvcs hcio the nuthoilty If jou wIMi. ThoblbloIs not nn unfamiliar book and 1 pnlty nearh know u hat I nra talking about when I uialto that statement [ Applause ] " \Vhoii a man stands on thlsplntforniunder- tnhlnff to show mo that my stateraontli fnlso I wnnt tosfty to lilm right now and hero I am ready to answer itand meet it from the Ihla of the blblo whenever you proilaco It , 1 do not care who you are [ .Applnuso ] . I am not hero as a coward tobo oiled down bcciiuso men do not tbhilc m I do. but I am right hew to represent vhnt 1 bellovo anil to tell this audleiieowhut I think and \vlicuo\cr jou want to disagree with mo the platform Is tlio placOtodolt. [ Applause ] . I wantto cull tbo attention of this nudlcnco to ono Kcneial proposition I must admit thntso far wohuAOuot got very far Into the realdlscassion of this question because , nslt weioo ha\o been skirmUhlng around on the outskli ts. It began It that way nnd I hnvo been obliged to follow It , but the time is getting pie tty tieir at hand when Jwant to begin to toll this people Something ubout the fuels touching the real question In loiitroveisj * . which is simply this , whether tie pcopio of this stntourojustlllcdln prohibition Into your conttitutlpn as u political doctrlno , not a religious doctrine , AUienjou put It into your state constitu tion youm.ilfoIt pirt of the stito constitu tion Ills n ciucstion of polltle-s. Thnt is what I want to talk nbout And when 1 be gin to branch out on tint subject It is not un becoming that I should tell this Mist audieneo of people f toni tlio Ktato of Nebraska what the pcopio of other states have thought of this saino subject whoio thej * luvo hid It debated and considered. ( ! o bielc , If jou please , as thollov Samuel Small would Invitojou , to the state of 1'ennsjlvanla where ho has mot with the people ho aio opposed to prohibi tion and we roufi aid to get out and clcbntoit with him. lot nio tell you that In tlisstnleof I'ennijl- viuda they otod down prohibition without thcneecs' itj of any speeches on tbo otlior side. "With nil the prohibition tidkcrs they could Iinpoit Into the state of Pennsylvania through a whole campaign thoj" could not coin or t the people of thut stnto to votoln fa\or of that proposition. They did not need am nnsn or. I use a little memorandum , because when I state iigures to nn nudlciito I want to know that I state them correctly nnd thnt I stito them fiom authoilty , so that if uiiy toiniilc that I in ike on this subject Is contradicted by anybody I ahill bo piopared to fur nish the proof to suppoit of what X sny. In the state ot Connecticut , ono of your old Ifow Uiiglmcl states with Its most highly advanced civillmtion.ll \ \ Vnlo e'ollege , and Its higbljcivili/ed people , with its long experience wfth the liquor business , when In 1 ! ) the people pro posed , as they did in thut state , tooto pro hibition into the lOtislitutlon of the suite , it was beaten bj * a \ oto or a majority o'f o\er tvcntj seven thousand of the oting popula tion of the state , or In other woiJs tliero wcro moro th in tn icons iinnyotcs in that stito last year against prohibition than were ciat in Its fiver "Well , pci linns that i worth , soinclhiiig , I do not know whclb6r pmyJTrieads OiiJlip ojt.licr sidg will taka .a kia- sea frotil that rhot.1 * T6"mo ItnioiuAisouio-i thing. It is the Judgment of a great i > eoplo upon this identici ! polltieil question. Uo down to Massachusetts vlth Its gient laivycis and Its ireut ; doctors and its minis ters anil its protosois , its follogos and its schools , its manufacturing industries audits gieat population , and jet in Massachusetts in IbS1) ) ( now , mark , only last fall ) thoiyj wore cast for prohibition b'i.OOO vets as against l.Jl.tMVJ , or in other words In the state of Mus- snuiusctts out ola total \oto on the prohibi tion ciiiestion of 210OK ) thcro vas a miijoiity of45sJOagaInstlho doettino of jxohi billon. I alluded a while ngo to tbo vote in the state of Michigan , the state from which my ftlend I'rof Dickies cuno. Wo will now KO to Now Ilninpslilio , where thoj' have had statutory prohibition longer than I have llu'd in the state of Nobmlta , hnd longox thin any of thoao pcopio have boon lectuilng from piblicplutforms yet , nevertheless. Intho prohibition state of Haw Iliunmhirowith it fcscuator Blair , who wiitos books in favor of prohibition , who Is the great champion of piohibltion throughout the United Stiles , jot in that state after mcro thnn twenty jc.irsof osporicnco of stitutorj- prohibition tlio state ofNcw Ilnmpbblie inlSb'J defeitod ] ) "ohibltlonln its constitution by a inajoiity of5ltK ) votes. Go over to Oregon , a new state which has lately staitod out in the west , where they wcro considering this tame ijucs- tlon , and in Oregon In 1&37 prohibition was defeated hj " , 'J5J votes. Go down to tlio great state of Pennsyl vania In 16S9 when they voted on that ones tlon tliero wore 29(5,000 votes for iiiohibltion iind161,000 against prohibition , or in other words 188,000 majority ngdnstproiilbltion in tlio constitutlonof the great ttutc of 1'euii- sylvnnhi. Go down to Tcxns , around Mliichmy filond Itov. bmnll wns going to build tbnterout pro lilbitlon bar , so we could not get to it oxeopt to go through tlio Gulf of Mexico. I suppose ho lectured down tliero. They voted tlieio for prohibition In 1&7 anl ttioy enoucd it under by 01 , : 37 unijoi Ity. Goto Tennessee , through which ho must tiavclbeforo ho can get to his old state of ( ioorgli. riroj voted on piohibltion down therein 1SS7 and they , defeated it by 7,01)1 ) How about "West Virginia ? Why last fall they defeated it thcro by a niajoritj of JlbS" \otos Now , go over to little Rholo Island , that otlior sttito wliero tboy had prohibition The stito of llhodo Ishniil put prohibit ion In their constitution InlbStl Thoj oted on it ngalu In I'-s'J ' , after three years of piohibltion life , and when they voted on the ( liie-stloii lu lib'J they snowed It under by 1.7J majority I wmt to toll the uood people of this audi ence of tbo state of Xobrmka that the Judg ment of all these stiles whcro they h. o de bated this question , MUCID they hnio con- sldeud ths ( luistion , they hnio voted Itdo\\n as a pernicious doctiino , destructive of the welfare and prosperity of these states. I made my closing statement inthoclobingscn- tencoof ray remark Just inn do In rcfeicneoto the wto of thcso respective Mates that It win ( otoj down bccaiibo In the judgment of tlio puoplo it wns des tructU oof tlio welfare and prosperity of the stiles I think I um pre pared to prove that proposition. Undcistuuil what I sny , I do not mean to tell this audieneo , nnd I am not hero advocating the doctrine tint the use of stimulants loan excess Is n benefit to the people , 'ihutlsnot the proposition. It Is not that. I nm as much opposed to that M jou are. Hut the question Is , when you cmutasapnrt law of jour state the doctriiio of prohibition whatts Its goncial effect i Of course In deciding that question you must tnko into consideration the results whluh necessni ilj grow out of It. What are they I Just nfewof them -\moan nounecd by my friend In opcnlngthls discus. slon They assert tbo proposition tint the saloons ( I suppose they menu under hUh license ) flllcdourttatowlth pau | > ers.Vcll , befoio 1 get done I will bhow thoao people , if the time e\er happens to bo long enough to gut through with this discussion , tint instat's wlnio jou hmo got prohibition you luno got moio people ple In jour uhni houses , proportionate to your population , than jou have got In tbo good and glorious state of 'ihruikn. Tlioy say H lllls. your penitent ! iry. I will toll Iheso people oftlgnres copied from oltlclil ropoitt. that tnoy huvo moro people In the uoJiltontUrleiln piopoitlonto tbo population in Maine , Vermont nnd Now Hampshire than wocverhud in thostutoof Nobioskn. I will show you furtlitMinoro , If jou want to k low It , that wldlultov Samuel Small talks about thopeoplo Intho iwnlU'utlary of this btato , that one of tlio i uouj rcalnftiou lu that penitenttnrv wai u -ta.Ationlstby I profcs- tloa and n minister of S''Vsl1-1l ( by occupa tion. [ Laughter. ] " \ Why , they sav fun e V ono of lltolr jiroposlt ions that the lui , \ saloons under high license pnxlncoJ il\ V , nnd 1 ran provotoou , nnd I slut \rolnindoiie , thnt In the state of Mult \ luvo got as iniiny people ocr sixteen J Vf ngo Unit faiuiotvilto tis hi almost n , \or stulo in the union , and fiiithcrmorolghlUenso stntoof Kcbrask.i there is iv , . tler percent age of pcopio umibloto read and wilto thin in nny otlior state In the eiitlm union. aiullAlo not ciro wlie'i-ojoti goto llnd It. [ A'/plnute. ] ketmo tell jou a few things that this doc- tihiuof piohlbllloii has done for HOIIIO of these states. Let , nw go buck to the state of Maine , the father of prohibition stnto-s I real the other cliy that Genual Nonl Uow , In the city of Km- York , inalo a speech to a prohibition n iotnbiy lus hlcb ho made the statement thnt the ) hnd prohibi tion In the state of Maine thlity four jeurs , and In each of the -four thirtyfour jonn ot prohi bition the ) him sacd te the people $ i 1,000- , OlX ) . Well , T went and turned over some of the recouts to Hnd out nbout the wealth the ) had down In the state of Maine , ami L thought if Ncnl Doff h ut told the tiuth about It it would boone of tho\vcilthicat states In the union , but lo ami behold , from the tlmo of the hud ing on Plymouth rock down to the picscnt time the entho accumulation of the state of Miiino , according the nsse < scd \nluatlonof propoily. is but $ JiTKX)00 ) ( ( ) all told. Neal Don'vould hnvo saved nil th it in Just ten jours , mid It took that poor little state of Jlaliio Uvocoiitutiosto neeuinnlnto what Neil Dow tdd It wiw sued lu ten jears Let usseo wJiat they h.i'o Thosuggosthn is thrown out tint If wo would niako Nebraska n piohiblllon state oven prohibition Dickie would como over hero nnd build n house. Whj don't hogo to Maine and build nhmiio where they have what you want prohibition I In 1SK ( ) Intho stiitoof laliiothey had IJSKX ) pcopio. They had prohibition then , In IbTO they still hnd prohibition ami they hud hut 018,000 , ami In it > 90 , thopiesent jrar , undoi the census just taken , tlicv have simply got tlio snino OliH)0 ! ( ) paolo | , or in otlior words your stnto of Mnino under your prohibition law engrafted in jour ( onstltutlon , with Dow at the he id nnd the father of It , the state of Maine bus be-on as stagnant iu the gro.Uh of Its population as that inuddj stivim tint runs byyoin ulty 1 do not moan an ) reflection on tno watci down heie , either , becnuso islalno uses poor water I apprehend the water they dilnk lit prohibition Alalno must bo as ditty as thnt Htreiin 01 else they would ha\o \ some kind of pro porit ) and pngress clown there. The question comes to jou people with thnt kind of niccord of Iholac'rmto in population In the slate of Alimo If there is a man In this audieneo thnt wants to stop the giowth and population of the scute of Nebraska and brine her to n standstill that man Is willing to vote for piohlbitlou. Go over to Vermont , another of tbo pie hihilloii states , whcro they have stntutoij prohibition. Uown in thnt little stito of voiinoiitthc hnd 115,000 pcopioOAVIIY back lit ISM ) , they hid .110,000 in IbTO , ; J.OJc , ) in ISSOnnd HJ.OJO in lids ye.u of our Loid IbO ) Itdoosnot grow a bit Goovci to Now llampsliiiv. with statutory prohibition , ion have precisely the siiino stnto of affuiis , except they have got , UO , ( ) tJO in ls70 , JIOOiWiii , ISM ) und : HOOOOIn IbDO , or , in otlior words , letino tell iou , people ot Ne braska , there are the only tnieo old piohlbl tion states in the cntho union , niul thoiu Unco states line , not gtown in nopulnt ion from thuttimoihcj adopted piohlbltiou down to mo prosem voting iiour. INOW , thofucoof tint fact , every other state In N'on ICiiL'l.uidsui-rouuding them , that did not lime prohibition , iiiereabccl in population at a \vondctful ruto ofspuul Is'oIn , thofacoof nil that , look what T'so- ' brnilca did in the same period of time. In 170 wo had UJ.tXM people , in IbbO wo had nj.OOO , or. In olhcr words wo grow at the rate of about ffftjhundruil per cent. Viom ISS'Jo ' litiui aled froinit3JWO'toil1J:5COU ! In 1S90 , or , In" other vvb'rdS ' * tliroo'htinui'bHtC ( ) ? ccntt\Maj added tothopopuhtlon of this stito la thcso ton joais , when joUr little piohlbltloii states down in that corner of the continent did not grow at nil. Now , tint is but one jihusoof thoquestioii. fAtthiH point there wcro cilcs from the audience culling for the condition of alTili-s In Kansas. ] bdiiebodyviuiu \ to ndtl Kansas. I will gi\o them a little on ICnnsjs I ctns pa down to ICUims. Von had pioliibltion In ICiuisis flt-ftln isSl. cnfone'd piobably In Ibs'J , BO thnt mark you , for the liist year of tlioicseut | census decaJo piohibitloii did not intorfeio with ICunsnsnjid , jot the fact is that Iu the sUtooflCansis todiy they havogotbtit l.OTJ- 111 pcopio ; in other words they hnvo Just got 450,000 , moro people In the state of Kansas than you ha\o got In the st tto of Ntbmslc i , while in IbTO they had 111010 than four time * your population. I onU hn\o left Just four minutes of Ciiae , but ! want toshojv In that connection that the stnto of Kimsjs. us shown bj the vote for pmidont of the United States in ISSIniul In lbi > 3 , as compared with Jfobraskn , and as comp.iicd with Mlniiowta. nndlikowlso the state of IO\M as roinpircd with Kcbrnskii and Mlnnesotn. did not increase in popula tion at one-half the per cent ngo of lucre uo found inoithcrtho st.ito of Nobiosltior the state of Minnesota , and j'ctlowanndlCansis wcro both piohibltion states and Mlnncsoti nnd KobrasKa wars both high license states. Tliero is a met I give that to you fiom two data Icaiigivo that to jou fiom thorcioid of the \ ote cast nt the picsl- dcntlalelection. I can give the saiiiofiic-ts to you from a vuitton letter signed bv Judge Postal , a man whom I poisoiully know , of the highest clnir.icter md integrity , the fcd- oril juiUo of the state of ICaims , who tells precisely the same story and a deal more toil. The f mt is I want to tell my pnoplo that \\hcii they tilk about the incrousooC wealth , ussoincbodj did , In the stnto of Kansas as computed with the iiuitnsoof wealth lu Iho state of Nclnasln that I will show these pco pie when I ( omolo my next aigiiiucnt that the iiKienso In wealth In the stntn of No- biaskals greater thin that of mi ) other Mute In thonaion , nnd I do not CMrj whcio voii hunt to Iind It between the Atlantic and I'leUlc oceans. Or in other words the ptop- osltlon eoiftw back to this , and lomunbcr it until Mondiy , nnd Iwill Miow jou that in Koht-.uka , under your high license low , ) on Invo hnl gie.iter Inciea'ioln population , ) on luvo hnd gicater incre.iso in wealth , ) ou luvo had the least number of poaploin jour pflidtentinr ) , in join-pool houses , in joui In sane asylum , and a less iiumberof idiots pio- portion ito lo your population thin they hnvo iiul in their pVohlbitloii shies ubout which they talk that the milluiiinni is just holding Its shadow ) wings o cr them. When I hear wmie of tboso prohibitionists tilk it makes mo think that nil wo will luvo to do to roach the inilloniuin is to vrito pio- hlbltion on a cat 1 , pin it to jour coat tidls. ( lap > our wings and ( ly to kciucn. When I como to look over the hlstoiy of this country politic illy , look at it fiom Its actual growth from statistics th it 1110 oilldal , I want to nay to this people tint the doctrlnoof prohibition at it exists in this countiy is dostiuetivo of the \\clfnro and prosperity of every stnto that adopts It , nnd if j-oundoptit In the stntoof Nebraska it will blight jour prosperity as bad us the gr.whoppors which took away jour ciops within the memory of thopeoplo who sit fhthis audieneo. [ Applause J The president Just announced to nio tint I hnvo but ono minute more In this discussion , nnd for thopinposo of using o-io minute 1 can not cuter upon the next topic In the line of inv argument against prohibition , but 1 will stito it. If tlmo penults mo , hereafter , I will refer this audlcncoto the proof of the huts. I will prove to you that in the Mates whoio they hn\o adopted prohibition , that in one-half of them , they have more people pro portionate to their population soiling liquor than 1 on linvoln tno state of Nebraska or over mid. [ Applause ] , . \viiy , m/ friends here , the Rev. Samuel Small said ho had got tired of healing people tallc.abouttlio question that prohibition did not prohibit. I do not cue ) how tired ho is , I want to tell him tbnt before thU debute slitillnid , If this nudlcncolll glvomotho tlmo nnd listen to it , I will provo to hln by tlio Hcordu which can not bo answered that piohibltion In Mu'iie ' , IsTc\v llinnpshlro. Voi- inont , ICnnsus , Iowa iind the two. Dakotns , the onlv places you have It on this continent , Unit It has never prohibited , and I will show ) ou that more jwoulo huvo been licensed by the govutninoiitof the United States to sell liquor In Iho ktutoof Iowa than wore over licensed to sell it lu tUcj state of SHOT THROUGH THE HEAD. W , F. Adtilr's Carolessuoss Results iu the leatL of ( i Little Boy , NO CLUE TO THE VICTIM'S ' IDENTITY. Some Stirtngo ClroiimstiuiCTS Con * iieou-d AVItdtluAlVnh 'Hie Slayer Giles II tumuli' Up--A Drown- lit riou'iicc. The pence nnd iwlet of nn olhci who ordci ly Sabbath was rudely brokqn In upon ycsler- dny noon by u shocking ti.igvdy that wns on- ruled ncir the coiner of SjKth nml Hnmrofb streets , us the result of which the body of u boy scarcely hi his teens lies nt Iliafoy & lleifoj's nioiguo , n horribly iimtiliitcil niul dhllgutcd corpse1 , nuil another boy , but nfow years Ills senior , la hold nt the police station to answer to the aw fulch.n go of muidor. Just Ho\\ the lortlblo nlTiilr happened hns not yet been deteimlnod , ns rchiiblo detail : * concerning the oc-euireneo nro vorj inc.iuro. The only witnesses were boys , nml thcj lit once Imtcucil homo iind apparently rciunlnod without. loavlng any clue us to tlieiu iiUntlty. lvon ! the Identity of tlio murdered boy is ni yttiv injstuiy , niul nbout nil tint la thus fiu- known of tliu nlTulr Is the stoiy told by the prisoncrw ho acknowledged tint ho did the hilling. Thoscenoof tlio tingedj * was near the grove , nboiit t\\o miles south of the center of the city on a high blulT , nbout half u niilo back from the river. Aciindliig to the story of thcpri onor , W. l < \ Atlulr , hu anil his linlr Giollut hud been out hunting , and hail Just emerged from the grove when they saw the dccensed niul luo of hU > oung coin- pillions boated tindoi a trio oii0)lng ] u feast of green appleswhich tluy hud Kiithi'iul in that immediate nclghboi hood. Thu hunters stopped to Inqulio whore tlity hid Cotton them , and nftcr u short lomcrsntion wcro nboiit to p us on .Adulr hnd his gun In fiont of him holding It down at arm's length , and Iho that thing ho knew It was dischmgod , the lout of No. It shut talcing ( flc-cl in the of one of the tlirco bojs who wore sit ting umlortbo tree. Adulr nnd his brother dlil not stop , bnt , sceingtho boy fall over nt oiuo. pissed on. niul the tvo companions of tliu immluod boy , liorrilled at the terrlblo sight the , ) lind witnessed , nm as fast us they posslbl } lould from the scene of tlio ti.igody , and did not stop until thuy woresufu ut homo. Adalr vent homo mid told his mother of what hud occurred , and was sent 1 > \ her to the police station to notify the authorities. Ho reached the station Just ns n u < lei > Uoiio niessiiifo was i-C'Tivcd ' thcio , inking Unit the ( oroiur bo sent ntoneo to thoscuio of the ti igedy. Aduh was plated tuidor iinost , and after telling his stoiv of thi ) aliiih in full , was conducted to a cell. 1'ho patrol w.igcm was ut once sent out hut b ) tlio tinio it lonchud the scene the plueo was ciowded with iiunilous throng , who el bowed each otlior right and left In n dcslio to tab : ilook ut the bleeding and inntllatul 10- miiins of the unloituiiitoictiin Iso ono could identify them , mid they wore placed in the undeitnkci's w.igoiinnd lomovul to the morguo. Deputy Coroner Martin viewed the body , and nnido n rather hnsty c'.Miniiiiitloii , H wm nppirent thnt the victim hnd Ix'tn but nshoit dlsUnt-o from the muzzle of thu gun , .is tlio shot hnd sontteu'd but very little be foio entering the hold of thodccuaicHl , 'i' 10 entiiiSrac.0 anil forohond nbovo the | O\M r Jaw wuaUbitt ftvyay , tearing open , tlio skull nnd ul l&lVuv.tha bttlMlraattoi'to.oo.ja out Death had , of course , been" lustintnneons. Tlio coroner nus umibloto find hut thrco of .ho shot , the bilaueo hiving gone entirely thion0'h the head. The Inquest will bo held at the morgue at 10 o'clock this morning. The pollco last evening ni rested N. I { , jooch , the lidf biothcr of Adalr , who was with tlio littei when the shooting oecuiiod. and will hold him ns a witness llo told iractically thosamohtoiy ns Adnlr nnd do * lured th it neither ho nor his brother knew ,110 , dead boy 01-either of bis compinions. 3 Oil AOCllH'.Vr ? Tlio Head Hod ) of Clmrlcs Slianil 1'ound ina Ii'lorenuu HcHcrvolr. Was itsuicidu or accidental drowning ) Tint was the education tint agitated tbo clti/cns of Florence j'ostorday morning mid a coionei's ' Jury wai llnnlly enipanolled to clo- eldolt. The body of Clurles Stiand , night watchman nt the w uorworku.had . bion found .11 reservoir .No f > . nud Iho Inquest \\iii held' .0 determine la what inannei he bud come to ns death Strand visited Omaha on the Tom-th nnd In Intoxicants to soina extent , but not under the inlhienco to any great .0 when ho entered the engine loom of ; ho pumping station at a late hour.Tiiday night. About U o'clock that night ho took a cup and wont into the cellar to got some oil for his Untcm. Thnt was the last tlmo he ) was seen nlive. Siturdny morning his lint wns found floating In icscnvoir No fi. and It wns nt once divined thnt hu had either Hul- tided or fallen Into the watt r. IMcneiosetat woikhugging ( the rosor- voii. but their ofloits wcio unsuccessful un til about ! ) o'cloc-lnostoidnj inoiiiing. when they suueoled in grappling the holy ancl i.iislug it to the survaco. 'Iho coionei's ' jmy , consisting of J TVylor , T JI. Herein ; , A'i'uttlo ' , Henry I'lmt , M. 1'ottor nnd C ! Hupp , after healing the ovl- ilenio ictuinou nordlct of diowning , and the holy wiw biought to the citj by Undritiker IJurkc-t. Ills bellou'd that Strand nttoinptiul to cross the wall between the lesorvolrsnnd fell Into the water , which Is twcntv-llvo feet deep , and owing to the steep inclliio of the smooth teinent wall was un ihlo to get out oc obtain ahold , even if he ininiiged to reicn , Iho wall Tlio body was in the water about ; thirty hours , and was badly swollen nnd ills- coloiod. Mho deceased was thirty five ) curs of ngo nndiminiriiej. Ho has two brothcis living at rioienuo , und another nt borne point lu ccntial Nobriska Ho had resided nt llor - enco for thiuo yeirs , nud boarded with the family of GUI Anderson , 'Iho funornl will take plnco at2 o'clock to- dnv from tbo undurtnklng pailors of II 1C. Unrkot , 11 North Hhtecntb attc-ot Inttr mcnt ut Torest Lawn. TlioVonilriK . n-n IJoruso In WoiIC Unilisr Ilio Scri'ciilnfc Sjhtcin. h LiniMiu , Wyo , July ( ) -Hpoonl [ Telc- gr.nn to Tun I3ii ] Uvuiy Union Putlfla coal mlno nt Koclt Spilngs b Idle on nccount of the lefusnlof the mlnoH to woik undec the serceniii ! ; system ; that Is , not toieeclvd Iiay for the they mlno until utter in haa beta scix'ontil Tlio company his been pro- pmed for this emergency for several months , nnJ claim tint It will not interfile with the ! Aiuuomla contratt , ns Its twins innvlda fou sniti oxl cncles. The company dec-hues that itwlll not resume optfi.itloiis ( xi-c-pt undov the scrocnlmf system The inluorH tuko tliu giDimd Hint the sHUinlll ! ndac-o wuges , \\lillu the r.illi-oal maintains the contrary , TlioVcnl lit-r Tore-cant , Tor Omaha and vicinity Fair weather. Tor Nuljnisku iiiut lown rnlr , followed by ahowors ; southerly winds ; cooler , < xccpt I eastern IO\MI ; warmer Tor Kouth DakotaShomra ; vmlablo colder Monday nljht. StcaiiiHli ] | At rivals. At Philadelphia The Scundinavlnn an Fiinico , from G.aigow. At Now VorU-Tho Sorrento , from frotnlluviu.