Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1890, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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    300 , H3IXT PAGEW.
Yrindervoort Van Fired Out of the Oounly
Committco Meeting.
A I.llllc KHiotiie to Work Iho Proxy
Itacktt IniioiiilnloiiHlj Kfpictchutl
Itcpnbtican U'nrd I'rl-
Ycslcnhy afternoon wlitn the Uroateh
forexs nnd the members of the Twenty-
ilgbt club nut with the members of thcio-
publlcan eounty central commlttto in the llt-
tlo i-ooin tit tbo rear of the rotunda lu the
Millnrd hotel they \scrc the proudest and the
most confident set of men in tlio city , but an
hourlatcrthelr prlilj had taken a. fall and
their bright banner wo.s trailing In the dust ,
BO to spcalt.
They bad wined , dined nnd loglolledvvlth
the members of the eoinmlttco until victoiy
seemed luiuroj ,
TholJnnehltes bad falleel to capture the
committee , but they were Hlntp , so they sent
Paul Vmiilcrvotirt out to bunt pioxics , and
Paul by being Industrious hud induced John
i'aul , a coinniittecinaii from rioicnce , to glvo
up bis proxy.
Aimed \vitli \ this , and hacked tip by Allen ,
Uedinan and lulf iiscoie of tbo other mem
bers of tbo Twdity-clght club , Vandcr-
\ooitgitineelafrontseataud uwaitcd elc\cl-
Will Ouiloy , the chairman of the cominlt-
Ice.VIIH absent , and Moao OlJrien v\.is
Hilled to All the position
13 O. hyllilef , the rcimlnr secretary , VMIS
excused limit actiiiuuiiii Herb Leitvltt vuis
eli'led. .
VV I Klcrstend , nothing Vttinlcrvoort m-
tltiKWelliip at tbo fi-ont , e-oneelNCd the idea
tliathis pi-oacnco leieledno ( joodnnel to find
out vilio wore the eommltteeincn niifc'gestcd
the pioptluty of calling : the roll.
"His not ncecssiuy , " icnuihod Joe 1 { 1-
man , "as no mm In this room would attempt
to paitie-lp.ty In the proceedings If ho ivas not
entitled totliollooi "
This 1 ttlo speech did not cut nnv flniU'O , as
there wasa inianiiiious donmnel for the fill
ing : of Uic roll. KvuijtliliiB vent smooth
enough until riorenio pre'cinetMIH leached ,
uhcn Paul Vandenooit stopped up to the
table , and pteseiitlng asllp of paper , said ,
"This is the plow of John "Paul and Iain
hero to represent lilm. " 'Can't do It , " rc-
miirkeel iido/cn membtis who wcie on their In a moment , slinking tbtlr Jl'ts and
cluinoiliiK fern cofiiltlon. "Tho man Is not
a rusteluntoC 1'loieneo and it Is the ( 'ieatest
display of gall over exhibited forldnitooomo
hero and try to woilc himself in from that
pioclnct , " said Mi ICieistcid
"Ho bas no right to ict la here for the
puriioso of woikingupoiiu of bis schemes , "
Biiidhalf a do/on of the nieinbuts , as they
gatbereel about Vandoi\ooit \
"Don't jou weaken , Paul , " snld Jim Allen ,
us ho worked bis waj to the front and
vvbispcred In the 'ir of his ditof , Hut
wits shovvliitf signs of dlspliijhiK the white
feather , nnel ( 'ainins bis fett.hosald "CJen-
tluncii I . " but the sentence v\as not
finished , as the cries of "Hit down , "
"Gctemt" and "Hits , " drowned the volco of
tlio speaker anil ho w as forced to take his
teat vv ithout a chiince to argue his side of tno
There was a lull In the pioceedliiKs nnel in
Ihe meantime ICiorstcid elided among the
members ami ns hcretuincd to Ids seat bo
iciiinke'il. "U'o me it'.iel ) to vote upon the
prox } held by Mr. Vaiulervoort.
Tbo vote w is soon taken and tlio result
Bhoweel that nineteen of the members vveio
in favoi of onstliiLC him. wbllo eighteen
wanted him toiepresent Floieneo.
As soon as tlio vote was amioimceel by Iho
f tecietai' } Vtuulorvoort picked tip his hat anel
slunk out , follovvoil by the Broaeihites , who
Intel duipcd | ) In to see the fun.
.John T Clnike picscnted the proxy of .T.
IJ. Jlorrel liitas the wind dclcpitioudeslicd
to 1111 itsownvticancies the proxy was rc-
Isaac Ilascall of the first vvaid bad tbo
ptoxy of John Hoslky of the sumo ward. The
pi-oxy was accepted and Mn Ilascall admit
James A. 7 < nlBht of the Fifth waul held
the pioxtv of OcorjO W , Kins anel was ad
The committee then got down to business
and llxod the iduccs foi holding the primaries ,
whleh areas follows :
First Win d Zimmcimau's block , Eleventh
anel I'liciliu streets
Sei end \Vnul Weap's ' feed store , Sixteenth
and Will ! ima streets.
Thhd Ward 110 South Twelfth Htreot.
Fourth Waul . ' 110 South Sixteenth street.
Fifth Wnril EiflliiB's liall , Shcriimn ave
nue and Ohio Btrcct.
Slxtli Ward BarheishopatTivent-fourth
nnd Litlio strccUs.
Seventh Waul 1212 Park avenue.
lilirhtli Wuul 'J-KK1 CuinliiB stix'ot.
Ninth vV'atJ Lowe avenue and Cuinlug
South Omaha Juelpo L.ov's oflice , Twen
ty-sixth , near N htree-t
" \Vest Omaha Uenson hehool house , mili
tary roiul. A
DoiiBlas Precinct School house In dishict
v No. 85.
jMeArillo Piccinct The PetcCilandt school
Floieneo Precinct Vlorcneo school house.
Union Precinct At the old Lovl Thomas
\Vntoiloo 1'rccinct Masonic hall.
Chicago Precinct Is'olto's ofllce.
A'alloy i'rcduct-School house , District 33.
ISIllhinl Ptvoinet Sehool houso.
.Jefferson I'roelnct-ScMiiionsoii lumber
Uni Ing the solcellngof the plans for hold
ing the ] irimmles , the Hroitch forees made
an attempt to imain run the meeting , but
they wcio qulc'lclj squelched.
.lexi Uedinan and one or two others wanted
the place for holding the Ulffhthnid pro-
rinel Iheel at Lowe avenue mid Fainam
street , Kitingns theirreitsons that It should
bo located as far fiom Ur. Mercer's residence
as possible , but again Mr. Kloi-stcod and tlio
other members pot in their work , and the
proposition to relocate was snowed under ,
after wblch the eoinmlttco wont Into execu
tive session.
A bibulous Indlv Idual bent on propcTly cel-
cbiatlngtlie rouitb called on Judge ( lustavo
Aniloi-sou Fildny night , Flnelinj ? the family
hudiotlred , ho thoujjhtfully refrained from
dibturblii tliein , bat \\ent \ mound to the b.ick
A comfortable nun chair uttucteA his at
tention and ho sit down to S on bis
ovofoll upon an liebox of generous propot-
tlons anil lie Immediately inv e-.tlKiiteil. Aery
of Jeiy eseapcilhiinius Ids oas fe.tsted upon
the array of boor aael porter ncitling around
thu Ice. IIo quickly transferred thoeonti'iits
, fll " 'U bottles to the region of his belt , tlirovv-
mJJtho bottles away todlveit suspicion.
Ily thotiniohehiiel absoibed the two dozen
bottles of German sod i water and about half
that number of portorhu felt tlio ncei'sbityof
ROIIIO support for his uncettaln le's. ( CasthiR
his eye nlKittt bo espied tbo line Rohlhoadoel
cttiio which the Judge hud Inadvertently loft
( ititsldo. Tills was sol/ed nnd the visitor took
bis departure without leaving- his card.
An lOiuly n.iutr
i The shoe stores of the city will inaugurate
the curl ) closing movement Monday , July 7.
The followins dcalen have agi-ecd to close
at fl.'M ) p m. except Satiuihiys , unel will co-
oi > onttoln tliomovomcnt.uiulor .1 llanls ,
Ilnvwaid Una. , J. W.Se-hoelpley , M , Weber ,
J. L. Braudcls , A , C. Stexkain , Cieorgo S.
Miller , J. J. Donahue , Nonis V WlkoII. .
HarpeMit , M. J. Fullrie'ilo , IMwsirel Anelefton ,
AVilllitniM. Whitney , A. H. LJowman , James
Coniiollv , Henry Dohle , C5 , W. Cook. Siieeht
& Co , and A , T. Austin.
'Jho clothing cleiks have not jot filled out
their iwtltlon , but , as many prominent linns
will voluntarily iloso , they liopo soon to have
this it Beneriil closing movement.
The Illazor Combination Surd ,
A bull vvns Illed In the district court yester
day , In which Nels O , Brown and wife are
V'plalntiffmiiidChailes L. lllazer , Hattlo Ula-
4 tor , bis wife , Frank II. Klnpnun aud Jacob
l tvvcettnro defendants. The petition sots
forlli tb t on May 4 the defendants entered
hitoun lyreciaoul with the plaintiffs to ex
change pioix-ity In Holt eemnly , tlds state ,
for two lots In Kountto place , beloiiplng to
JJrovvn. Aa a purl or the triuisacUon Uliucr
was to deliver luinbor to llrovvd folhovaluo
of fl.i)0 ( ) ) , Tbo hiiiitivr was not tk llvt-r l no
conllnp In contract , and Investigation prnvrd
tlintlliu hind In Holt lounty vuis vvorthk's * .
On IJcet'inlwr isilla/tr itnd Pnwcclt of-
furc'd t < i irlvca bond for the faithful poifonn-
ancoof tlip contriut on the jiatt of Illtrcr ,
Tiny offered n bond signed by Frank Uartmiil
M surety , and reprise nU-d that tbo latter
vv as worth ? IODX ( ) , nlthniiirh ilrovvn cbarms
that Unrnitnl was vvholh Insolvent. This
bond was to bo given provided Hrovvn would
ftlvo niazorlho deeds for tbo two lots In
iiueUInn Urovvn alleges that this action on
the pirtof Din/or , Fowcott and Harnard vviis
n conspiracy to defraud the plaintiff out of
the pro petty.
Hrovvn states th it ho relied upon the repre
sentations of lili/er and Favvcett and ac
cepted the boml offered , nnd delivered tbo
deeds to Uhtrir.
I lo further states that Ula/cr refused to de
liver the lumhei , and Ilirnuid rotuseel to
carry out the terms of the bond. Tlio deeds
of the lots were made to Mrs. Uln/er , who
subsoqucntlv deeded apait of the property
to I'nuiK Klnifiniiti , for the purpoic , it is al
iened , of hldini' the piopcitv.
Iho plaintiffs pmy that the land may bo
rcconveed to them and the tille quieted , and
Unit liliwcr bo rniuli-cd to accept a deed for
the Holt county lind.
Ulatettf'oril ICavaiiiiiiKh Concert.
J > l.istei Hlntehfoid Kavanaugh , the famous
boy soprano , in conjunction with Master
Dinioml , violinist , of Chicago , anel thoT. K.
quartette and Mandolin club , of Omaha , will
appear In two delightful conceits nt lleiyd'a
opera house on Mondiy and Tuesday even
ings of this week The following Is the pro
gramme for tomoriovv evening :
Mandolin < lub.
Violin < - lo 7th ConccTto ( Ist movement
JliHtcr Hurry Dliiiniul.
Vi > ctl I ist Mulit . . . . Kjerulf
Muster Klite'lifoid ICiivniiaiiKli.
Maiiilollnsolu Piinst . . . Uounud-Dticiu
MiHlci DliniiiKl
Vocal Olvo Me"Vly < J\Mi NitUelsle . .Wliltc
T. K. OH u i telto.
\oeal lleiiMii llalbliLela Tiar. . .Kueken
Mnsli r K'iviiniitiib.
( Violin uliliKito by Mistei Dlninnd )
Noetnriii1 Cliopliiinasiilo
Vlnlln Miln >
V liillii
wlo-j , , _ Mo11ltt | | | ( ) llocclictlnl
Miindiilln ( lull.
Ki'ill.itho and Aila Aii'.oN Kvcr llrlnht and
I'ulr . . . . .llinelel
Maslei Kaviiniugli ,
Uniler the Trees.
The giandsactul coarcit by the Omaha
Musical union oreliesli.t at Hnnse-on park to-
moirovv afternoon fromUili ) p in. to 0 o'clock
p in will comprise tlu following selections :
1'ilestH * War Mateli fiom Athalla. .
Oveitiiic I.uUar/.t ladi.i . . .
( Javiitto-Tlu-riiHt llcirt Tliiiibs r.lldihoig
Oiiind bile-ctlon Huguenots ( lj ) le-imcsK
. . . . . jMojeihcer
u i. iud I'ntpeiiii ' 1 1 A Hiy in Itcrlln Ilartiuun
1'iinlo hole llniiiiirli llio Mr . Daniiii
ATr O. IVtiison ,
1 ant isla MaKiilllce-nt ion 8 IOUM ! SOUKS )
Me } idles
Idjll The I'or i > ln the Purest Mlelme-lls
Dc'seilpilim : 1 At nlilil. " Morning. I llv
tbo Inooh 4 Tliustetplo liell stitUes ,
f > Monilni ; in iiM'i. d 'Ihu foiKt' .
Ovirliiie-VVIlll.niTell . .Jlossinl
Duettu ltock-ii-llju-11 ebylby requcnO
. .
Mii.rH. . liiit/nnd lu'iiiiiimiii.
tir.inel f-cteellon ' II liov iitoio ' . . . Vc'rill
O\ crime ( On nalliinal nils ) Amot lea
. . . . . . Mej'illUs
'Jbo oieheitrn is KiUnjrits giandSatuiday
e'onecrt this afternoon at the siiac place.
liobeit P. IlosvsMi'th diel at thoicsidcneo
of bis nephew , Cl-orgo A Joplin , corner of
Thlity-secoiul stieot and I'oppleton avenue ,
on S.ituulny muiniii , , ' , .Inly 5 , aged forty-
thiw years. Mi Boswoith eimo to Omaha
imdcinbirlced in the ted eU.Uo biHiuess
about three years lye and has won m.iny
friends both in business and social dicle1 ? ,
who will syinpnthUoanel inotiiiiwitli ills fam
ily In their hid bereavement. IIo Ins sulfeted
lntense'1) ) since last January , having visited
Las Vegas , T.os Angeles and Colorado Spiings
in hopes of lepaiuing health , onlj to glow
we liter day bv day. Ills family , consisting
of n wife and tluee ehildien , have taken the
body to his old Kentucky home , vv hero it vv ill
bemlcirrd In the Lexington cemetery on
next Moiuliu afternwn.
AV. C. Powell died nt his residence , SJl
South U'vventletli sticot , Triday nitrlit. lie
had been up town dining tbo evening and ,
totutiiiiig shortly after 8 o'clock , cxpittd
almost Immediately after entering bis houso.
A > 'c\v Milk Oieltnatiec.
Twenty-five of the Omaha , milk men met at
Wolff'shall last night to consider the ordi
nance they will piescnt to the eouneil nt Its
ne\t session Insonio respects it will differ
from the ordinance piepined b } the boird of
health , but In tbo main it Is the siiine.
lloforo adjournment the question of black
llstlnp milk dealers who violate the ordi
nance was discussed , but upon this no action
vas taken.
A meeting of the executive committee will
bo helel at Otto H Stuben's ' ndlk depot , un
South 'Jliirteenth street , iioxtTiiesdnj night.
NextSiitiudav night the assoeiition will
hold another meeting at vVollTa ball , nt
wlileh time anel pheo the members will
again discuss mutters which me of interest
to milk dealers.
Tlii Ij Mtr Canlcrs' Association.
The meeting of the National Association of
Letter Can lei s helel in Wilvviukco was not
attended with satlsfactoiy results. Because
they could not eontrol the convention , the
ixMiicsentives from Is'ovv York and Biooklja
withdrew bce.tuso they could not agree upon
a iiuloof wage- )
'Ibis week a eoiifeieiieo is being held In
New' Yotk between their lupivsontat ives and
those of tlio association to settle mutters.
In the/Milwaukee meeting Oeoigo Klcllner
of this city cut a consieloniblo llguro anel on
August 12 lie will leave for lloitou to attend
the annual convention theio , when the icsult
of the eonfeieiii'o now being held in New
York , he sajs , v\lll bu made luiovvu and acted
upon. _ _
! coopcel Kansas City.
Pbll Andres , who represented Nebraska In
the National Turnbimd , held In Xow Voile
city , has returned home. Hoiepoits an en
thusiastic meeting , at which i ! < X ) delegates
vvcro in attendance. Injtho contest on the se
lection of the idieo for holding the next con
vention , eight elites enteied , with Omaha
and Kansas Citv , lit the Icul. When IWr. An-
eltvs saw that Omaha eoulel nut secmo the
ptizo lie tuined the Omaha vote for Wash
ington. This caused a stampede , and on the
thlul ballot that citv won
A AVaining tofiravo
Tllla Ciulson , tbo } oung vvoinnn who
plucked a ( lower from a grave In Pioipect
III11 ccmetci } , was in police court yesterday
and wits bound over lo the dlstiiet court In
the sum of J.V ) . Tlio case ngalnst Pbocbo
lioblnson was dlsini&seil , as Tilla aeknowl-
edetl | ! she was guilt ) of the it line , aud nether
her companion , lu pas-ing t > catence tbo
juilgei Minted his objoet was to make an cv-
ainplo of giave despollcra ,
Prompt Action Xcecssat-y ,
A call has been Issued to a number of Influ
ential citizens asking their .ittcndnnro at a
meeting called to consider the affairs of the
Young Men's Christian association. It is
stateei that a ciKls exists In the affairs of
the association which makes prompt action
ncee-ssaiy , and a meeting is therefore called
for S o'clock tomorrow evening. The call is
signed bv William Tlemlng , president ; W.
W Slabaugli , vice president ; Chailos I ]
Williamson , rec-ordlag secretaiy ; DtMii
Ciunlncr , .lolui I < . MiOanto , W. it. Ilusscll ,
I eavitt J Jiu nb nn , William K. Urummond ,
FivtiV. . CJinv , J. L. . ICoimedy , W , R Mlltw ,
M U. ; Hov. A.V. \ . I.amnr.
and Slnvln.
I.OVDOV , Jttlj 5. [ Special CablPRram to
TIIK 13m. ] Arrangements to mutch Joe JIc-
Auliffo and Slavln for the Ormoudo club
Btiikcs will bo completed today. Lord Lons-
dale bus aetvlsed Madden to accept the terms
offered , as bo coiisMero.l . thorn fair. As it
stwrtaman , ho thought tbat ho could not ad-
vlso otherwise.
Madden has taken Lonsdalo's advleo oiul
the articles will bo signed next week.
Madileu saiel that ho never hael any objec
tion to the Ormonde club , but that ho pre
ferred Lorel Lonsdalo's management.
"However , to show that wo mean business
and that we elid not rouio hero on n pleasure
trip , JIi'Aullfto will box whenever Slav la
likes. " Lord Lonsdalo said lie was convlnevel
tbo men would rcculv o fair pUy ut the Ar-
taoiide ,
Vandcrvcort IJoisti of Ilia Connection With
thb Omaha Tammany
Ills nrrortn to Secure tlio Sovpntli
AViifil Delegation fur Itroatuti
IlCHllIt III Ills llclllff
tailed n Unr.
"Pandemonium let looso" fails to describe
tlio meeting of the Seventh waul republican
ilub 1 ist night ut their room on 1'urli avenue.
Tlio loom wiii crowded , a largo majoilty beIng -
Ing republican , with it small sprinkling of
eleinocints. .
Paul Vumlcrvooit was there nnd took n
prominent p.ut In disturbing tlio linimony of
tlio meeting. Ho availed himself of the llrst
opportunity which offered to defend his
badly smlielicd political roeorel , although no
allusion was jmidoto lilui by any speaker.
Ho also took occasion to boom Hroitch for
governor anil lauded tlio Tvvent-eight ilnb
to the sltlcs , declailng It , was
nil orgnnl/ntlon of gentlemen
vv ho hud buided themselves togcthei to p o-
inoto inn Ity of tlio ballot andudvoeatovailous
Confusion reigned snnrcinc , the example of
Vandctvoorb being followed by a Polish
democrat named Klovveski , who took occasion
to denounce ono of his countrymen.
The meeting wis c.illcd to older by John
Thompson , who said it hud been called for
political discussion.
Mlko Lee was chosen for cluthman and
I' Ciawfoid was inadcsorrctar } .
In acknowledging the honor coaferied upon
him Mr. Lcc said the coining c.unpilgii was
tlio most important ono ever foaght in
Nebiosha Tlie prohibition amendment would
bu ti direct blow nt the property Interests of
the entire state , and he for ono was in fax or
of joining hands \\ltli tlio dcmocuitsln downIng -
Ing the piohibition cr.inks. Ho thought it be
hooved tlio lopublieims to place onlj uptight
men In noininatioii for every position to bo
Illied this year and to work in harmony to
down the menacing evil of piohibition.
John C Thompson advised that the factions
in the yovonthnrd unite , and suggested
Hint the leaders of the two futtions get to
gether and aininibly choose the deli rates to
the coming convention. Kvoty time there
\\iis strife In the rmksthc cliuntes of success
were lessened
E. C Currier thought there should be no
stiifo in the noblest waul in the city. He
did not consider the fuimois' ' move
ment us a v erj lounidablo one , and thought
the ic-publlcans should stnud together ut tlie
tleotlon Ho didn't believe the \otcrs of thu
Uty bhould stultify thcinselvos In cidoi to
down an } p.utie-ulir faction ' 1 ho aim of all
should bo to bring about a pure citj govern
Paul Vandervoort was called for , but said
he had nothing to s i > fuithcr than tttat lie
was full } in accord with tno sentiments
which hul been cxpiessod.
M L. Koc'elu1 spoke In favor of uniting all
factions. Ilorofuneel to the light vote east
at tlio school election and scored the voters
tlieivf' r. i to was of the opinon tbat
no ninount of boodle could Inlluenco
the vote In the ward if the voters would only
lomeoutniid cast a vote for pure clcctois to
the next convention.
Judge DulT } said lie a now voter in the
ward , although a lifelong republican Ilewns
sorrv to hoar that theioweio factions in tlio
\\arils , but did not favor any compiomlse to
gain the fuvoi of any faction. The lopubli-
ean p irtv VVIM bigger than iny man In it , and
he thought the man or faction which should
attempt to dibtuptthe party should be lele-
g.ited to tlio
J. W. Kllcr said ho was out of polities , but
ho VMIS in favor of harmony. lie didn't like
some of the nntioml legislation in eongiess.
Ho thought prohibition was a dead letter and
would bodctiimontnl to the police regula
tions ot the stite. " It would bo a dcid letter
In this city. Under the present law any town
or section which sees , lit to do so cm have
prohibition. Cam should bo taken in the
nomination of men for ofllec "What was
wanted was good republicans , and not any
compionilso republicans or mongrels. There
wusustrong fiuctionalfooling in the Seventh
ward , ho acknowledged. The voters had
their little "lackets" and then got o\er them.
It v\as a little too soon after the last ono lor
tlio feeling to entiiely cool off. Ho refeued
to the last racket in the \\ard , namely , the
election lor mayor , when the voters of the
ward did not sou lit to unite on the rcpub-
Ic.ui candidate for major. Ho reviewed the
racy details of the actions of ex-Mayor
Uroaleh , and said thej might have forgiven
him for bolting the republican ticket if ho had
not made his coachman vote the icpubllean
Then , when this man entered into a combi
nation v > ith the democrats to control the
patronage of the city , it was time for a re
volt , Ilohad never befoio seen affairs in a
city in such .shape that with a majoilty of re-
piiblle'ima in the council the democrats would
contiol the city affairs. The people could
not keo why they should thus caily elevate a
man higher who had beliajcd the puty ,
They might do it a little later , but it was too
boon to think of ti j ing that now.
J f this man had stopped when the election
was over it would not have been so bad , but
ho Ind gutheied his friends together and bad
oivanl/ed a secret club to control the affairs
of the city. This club had not been satisfied
to dictate the all airs of thocit } council , but
had undei taken to dietate the appointments
ot the police commission and other bodies. If
the } would open up their club and let till re
publicans , or all democrats , or republicans
mid democrats , attend Its meetings it would
not bo so bail , but they manage their affairs
so that no oao knew what was coining
next. No ono know who the members
wcio , but It could bo felt in the air ,
It looked to hl'n as though the
plan already laid out not only contemplated
liroiiuh for governor , but Gushing foi con-
giess. lie was in favor of harmony. Ho did
not bcliovo any ono In the meeting wanted
Broitch , but they wanted harmony. The
best vvnj to Ining this about was to put up a
knovn icpubllean. Dr. Mercer VMIS a man
vv' o was it good republican and was not
mixed up with any factious.
The people who were in favor of Mercer
wcie also in favor of Council for congress In
the melio this might bo forgotten , but Con-
iiidl hurt hoon thiio l\\ii ve.irs mid had clrmo
good woik , but bo was Just getting well ac
quainted and should bo relumed.
If tlicio was to bo harmony ho
was in favor of it , but all the
republicans In tlio ward must bo invited to
purtlcipito in tlio harmony. Ho hoped the
v oters of the ward wo del unite on w hat was
for tlich best Interests.
Paul Yandci vooit arose to reinaik that ho
was glud to join in thotiel.d wave of bar-
monv. Ho slid ho was theio to defend his
conduct and to defend the mganlz.ition to
whleh he belonged. Ho hael always voteel
the republican tUkot except when Uosowatcr
was u candidate for coagiess and Linlnger
for mayor. Ho said ho had gene to Linliigcr
and told him ho would vote for him if ho
would pledge himself to close the saloons on
Sunday , but got no reply.
Mor . U ro i toll bad nothing to elo with tlio
defeat of Linlngcr , but he ( Vanelenoort ) had
and ho was glael of it. Urontih bail
enforced the Slocumb law , and this wa.s now
the strongest argument against prohibition.
Thnpeoplo of Omaha should cast thoirvoto
solid ngiilnst prohibition or it would be car
ried. Ho sworn lie was in favor of Connell ,
as lie was under personal obligation to him.
1 lo then took up the defense of the Tw cnty-
eight club. Ho said the club was organUed
on the plan of a pcrimnent lopubllcan club ,
It had men demonstrated that political clubs
were not permanent , aad this club was or
ganized to effect a permanent organization
It hid never dictated any action of any conn-
cilinin or other city otUcer. Ono question
before the dub hud been the annexation
question , and it had boon decided not to take
anypirtin that matter. Another question
hud been the board of educition and tno club
had endorsed the aettoa of the committee in
chasing a union ticket ,
The uluh was organized to dbeoumgo tlio
use of money in elections , and hiui done all
In its power to carry out this Idea. Tnoy
bad approached well known republicans for
membership In the club uuel had tried to lu-
dueo them to loin.
.Another thluu which tlio club had done
was to ndvoento the passage , ot the Austra
lian ballot liw
A vohv In the crowd nski dwhv the club
exacted Mi with from Its member * .
Vnmlervoort replied that , It was only n
promise on the honor of a grnitleinm not to
divulge the doings of the ehilj.
He guvo Kllcr it severe fcorclilng , and
said ho was known in a dlsorganUer.
Ho said he stood for Hruuteli , n peerless
soldier who had not been nfral j to stand up
for the right.
Ho was anxious to refute the aspersions
whleh hael been cast upon the club. Whoa
the campaign vvis over they would Invlto all
the republicans In the wnrd. to ntteiul llieir
meetings , and thryouldseofor thcinsclvc )
what they did. Ho said Ellorhad asked him
to vote fer a man who would appoint him
( llllcr ) as city attorney , and proceeded to
give Eller another roust.
Mr. Kllor responeled by saying bo bad nmelo
no personal accusations against any iiiim In
the room , and did not know Vimelcivooit VVIM
a member , as ho hud never before heard any
man acknowledge Unit ho was a number. lie
knew of soveial men who hael boon up-
mow-lied by members of the club ami solic
ited for mciiibeisblp , but when they wanted
to know its objects , etc. , they were tohi they
woulel find that out v\ hen thej goton the In
side.Ono thing ho would say , flatfooted , and
tbat was that the iiasortlon of Mr. Vaiidoi-
voort that ho bad uskcel him tosupportainan
who would support him ( Ullcr ) to the posi
tion of city attorney was a efovvniight lie.
Ho said lirDitU'h was mayor tureo years be
fore ho attempted to e'loso the saloons. When
ho dlel do it it was tlnougli pressure from the
police commission ! and not of his onn necord
Ho win ned the pcoplo that any such talk as
thit Indulged in by Vnndervoort was mew
political claptrap Ho askr-el all hi tlio room
who were members of the Twenty-eighth
club to hold up their hands. Vamlorvourt's
vvis the only hand raised.
Kller proceeded to score the club , when
Vandervooit throw out a slur about { * "W
This started Eller off on another lack , and
ho roistcd Yiuidci voort lu line stvlc
Ho denied the chnigo that ho had
accepted abiibowhilo ailing as judge IIo
elmged that thopuiposoot the club of
A'andeivooit was a incmbei wits to obtain
tull control of the election , and mule avoij
sarcastic speech about Vumlorvoort's ' re-
innks that the ilub didnotattuinpt to con
tiol lii ! ! council.
Ho said bo proposed to oppose any eundl-
date the club bet up. If n min wanted to bo
eleetcdlie should get out of tlio club. Thoio
weio inoio men out of the elubtlmnthc-ro , and tlioso on theioutsldo ghutild
tnko c.uo th it they evoiclsed their franchise
A motion was made to adjourn at this point
and lost.
M. L Koeder then took the floor. He re-
feuxiel to the Lininger b.iniuct ami tlie
utlonof some of those picseiit v\ho \ knifed
Unlngcr. Tlio action of Mi. Eller la bis
ofllclal capacity as Judges when horefuseel to
allow the BID itch King to veto gmd-
ors from other wards , was defended Tlio
question of pcisonnllties , ho said , had no
I > hce in thomettiag , Tiio meeting had been
called for all republleans In thewaid uud was
no place foi poi < oniilltios
On motion of Mr. Eller it dccieled Unit
when the meeting adjourned it bo until Mon
day evening.
JJiek Dingo csky stated tint Broateh em-
l locd 1SOJ men before thoeleetionand
them llvo or tea times , but when Hnmtch
was elefeatcd the men wcio at otue dis
John IvlowesMo Jmnpedupanel said Dai-
Lo/ej > k } had received sT > 0 from Broiteh befoi-e
tlm elcLtion , and prececeled to ratal ! a choke
lot of prlvito history inn mixture of Polish
and Door K
About a elo/eiimcn Juinpeelup and sbouted
"put him out , " uud confusion reigned
Ohaliinan Leo finally succecled In adjournIng -
Ing the meeting amid great confusion.
A QUtUf LiITflji : CAUCUS.
liroaloli nml thu Gaa Hold n
Secret ! csRlon.
W. J. Broatcli , John T. Clitiko , Duff Green
and about a doyen others held u quiet little
caucus In the ofllce of Kilkenny , Biay A , Co ,
In tlio Continental blade , last night lil
O Connor , who is the "Co. " of thollrin , took
u pi eminent paitln the proceedings.
The object of the meeting v\as to instruct
Duff Giecn , who Is a foreman hi the employ
of Contiactor Hugh Murnby , as to what was
expected of him duilng the campaign.
A reporter bad occasion to go to the ofllco
lo sea Mr. Kilkenny , The door was opened
b } Broateh. who closed It at once , but not
before the fnccs of several of the Inmates of
room liad been scon.
The business tiansactcd at the meeting was
Icai ned later.
National Council or Education.
ST. I'vT'i , Minn. , July 5. At tolay's ses
sion of the national council of education tlio
report of the ooimnlttco on the education of
gills v\as taken up. Chairmin John Ilan-
cock of Ohio ga\o \ a ropoit on the bubjoct ,
"Co-educatloii of tlio Sexes" Mi.
Ilmcock Is n httxni ? believer In co
education and he advanced many icasous
fd maintniaingliis position. The loport was
followed by an interesting discussion , In
which some difference of opinion was ex-
piessed. V. E. White of Ohm was fearful
tint co-education might often result in seri
ous impioptioty on the part of students The
most prominent featuio of the discussion was
the reply of Miss Convvuy of Memphis ,
Tenn. . who has a private school. She
aigued that exclusive education was tlio best ,
as in such colleges it was easier "to picservo
and foster that e-ssenco which woe ill woman
liness" JSlr. N , Hancock in bis closing 10-
imrks said the oidlniry rules whleh govern
society will govern buys nud ghla la school.
Obcrlln college was cited
At the afternoon session a repoit on tha
subject , "Ibo Piofessioiul Function of Poh-
Uclinie Schools" was made by Langdon H.
A lilvcly llovv Narrowly Averted.
Oonr.v , Utah , .1 uly 5. [ Special Telegram
toTiirBEL. ] The Kocky mountain carnival
came very noaily cloiing vvltn a li\oly sons i-
tion. Tlio identity of the king was a vvoll
iccpt secict among tlio nnnageis until iluring
the closhig hours of the show , Then itloaked
out in a limited way that the king vvonlel bo
John Q. Cannon , son of cx-Dclcgnto Cannon ,
and editor of the Ogden Standard , a Moimon
dally. This news raised such signs of astonn
that the nianasrors vciy piudontlv substi
tuted Cnptdn J , II. nohan of Now Orlcins a
few hourt > bofoio the unveiling ceremony and
his nanio was announced as king. Bsomo
oversight Trank Cannon , brother of the pie-
posed king , and Associated piess agent boie ,
hid not bcca notified of tlio change , and ho
unwittingly sent the announcement over the
vvhes that bis brother had been declared the
king. Had this really been done there would
piobaMy have boon a very hot eruption right
on the floor of the Coliseum There was a
good deal of gcntilowai paint all ready for
such a denouement.
Tlioltcfliiltora Protracted Sureo.
GIIUUII , Kan , July 5. [ Special Telegram
toTiir Hi-E.I This nfteiuoon Mrs. James
Smith went into the Kordheim original pack
age house anel commenced breaking bottles ,
when the now agent , Gust Steinbach , intci-
fcicd. Bho assaulted him with a buggy whip ,
sulking him half n dozen times before ho
ejected her from the room.
Ho hael her nirostcd and she was fined ? 1 In
the police court , the amount being- paid by
the bjstnnders , Her husband has been on a
protracted drunk since Iho house bas been
IntonM ! I lent nt Huron.
Hriiov , S. 13 , .Tidy 5 [ Social Telegram
to Tur. Brr. ] The thermometer registered
10 > in the shade at I o'clock this afternoon.
The heat so intense that fovv people vvcro
on the streets. A lightitiliower during the
early forenoon produced sufllclcnt moisture
to prevent Injury to crops by the heat ,
T ho Indeponelents of Ilcadlo countvaro In
scssioa hero this ovcnlng. J. R Cihr was
nominated for the state senate- , but the other
nominations will not bo roacheel until a Into
Control Will Jtomalit In Anicrlcn.
BOSTOV , Mass , July 5. V II , Prince &
Co , who are understood to rojirosen t tno
purchasers of the Chicago stockyards unel
transit company for about , state
today that the control of tha Union stock-
Aarelsof Chle'ogo v\lll remain In America ,
uhn tliunclal leorganl atlon of the company
will bo upon an American basis , with a lingo
majority of the now securities owned In this
country and tbo management will bo Amer
American Illllomou Honored.
BKiu.iv/July 5. Two thousand persons at-
tnded the kommon In the winter garden of
the Central hotel tonight lu liouoi of the > ! >
American rUlemcu ,
Steps Tcka Toward Opening a Ynrd for
Working Prisoners ,
The ; Committee ; on I'ltiniiuu Utrnws a
IJoinli Into the CIIIIIP ( if the
sors An Impuit-
Thoeornmltteoonlavv anel crelersubmllted
n report to tlio bo.trd of eounty commission
ers jostenlity afternoon , In vvbleli It was
iwonuneiideel that a yard for \voiktng pris
oners bo opened on hard otrvet between Fif
teenth unel Sl.xteenth , as thit street is im-
pissuMe on neeount of Its sltmtlon , The
Hssouri I'acille'pooplo otorcil to billlelasieli- )
trackprovldlni ! tboeityiuieleounty will piy
for giileling , ties anel spikes Mrs. Cum-
niliigN , who owns tbo property neljoliiing , of-
feied to allow the ti'O of her property If the
t.wesare pUel for the time dining which the
juopoity is usoel , an I V.m Court & I.cniist
olToreilto furnWi tlio stone and piy tlio olty
J'i cents per eublc yaid for bredcinj tlio
stone sultiiblo for concrolo.
Tbo mutter was rofurred tn the spochl
eoiiimittceof the bowl vOilch bail been iii- |
pointed to imcstigito tbo atonojiirdiiuti-
A protest signed bv about thirty residents
of "Waterloo piccinctvis received The
sisneis pwtested aciiust tbo proposed gr.ij-
iuir ofa reid in thitt product on the pound
th it tlio gi ute \vas unnecessary , lieferud
to tbo committee on roads
An application from u ippnsentntivo of a
pipe ; eompmy asked that bo bo allowed to
cuter his eovoimg aRiinst tbo Manville ami
the iniiioid v\ool uovoimg ; lefened to con-
Sheriff lloyd's bills foi boiihlhiK and com
mitting prisoners for June , uniountliiB to
$ .l0 ! S ) , ' .veixs referred to the Iluaneo commit-
teo.Tho Douglas County Agrhultmal society
applied foinidundoi tbo statutes iinioimtinu
tos-'Vi'J ' W , which v\as granted.
The county elerlc was dlroeteel to fnrtilsli
the cojnty ollieci's entitled to tbo compiled
statutes Avith aeop } of the same ) .
The committee on llnine-o threw it bomb
into the camp of thoasse.ssois anil their elcp-
utlcs by iceomncudlnj ! tliat till clalnm for
extra time bo not allowed. These moil aio
allowed se\cnU two dins bj law In which to
in iko their rctuuis. Some of them tinned In
the full ntimbei of dajt , but tuinoel In sev
eral bours extra rJlio eomniltteo bcU tint
the statutes did not piovielo f01 paj lug-for
any extra tlinoon this work.
Mr O'Keotroobjt'eteel to tbo icport , but
did not suggest urn thing , and the report of
the committee was adopted.
Henry Kb renpfort and Tliomas Uinj , ' ,
assessor and deputy of the 1'lrst w.ini ,
received asovcio 'roast" from the fmiuiio
coinnilttoe Tliesoho \ pentlenion sent In a
eoinniHniL.itioiila = 5t week ciltichiliiK the ac
tion of the tommittco in allowing tlio elaiin :
of assossois Iho slRiicis went out of their
way to scoie the coinmlttce and thoboniJ ,
and wound UD bv iiniriiu in their action In
allow in ; ? over-time to Iho oleiks who ninJo
up the iussessment book The ) finance com
mittee repot ted on this eonimunkation , and
the Inngu.uro of theieport very foieiblc.
In tbo opinion of the coinntlttco such a critl-
eism "c.\nio with illfraco ( from men who had
pioved bj thtlr work theit utter iniorniic-
tcncy to elo the work expected of them"
The ( Inn ? about the extia time nllovve'd tlio
clerics on the assess'nont books wis tcforwd
to as being "as nothing compiled with
the time , both re ultr anil oxtia , It
tikes to collect the fligrant orrois
In , nnd inequalities of. assessments turned
in by the signers of this com limitation , not
withstanding the statutes s ly hooks shall bo
completed and cornet. " The reportof the
committee was adopted.
Mr.O'KcoiTolntioeluccil n resolution vvhiih
\\.is referred to the commit tee on lo.uls , bin I-
lug the county to piy the sum of $10,500 for
pavhiK intersections on Twentp-fourth street
from A to N stioot Inclusive , pioviding the
sunols pivedwith stone , ( o bopaldoutof
the reid fuuel of Ib'JO when in condltioa.
The county cleric authorized to adver
tise for bids to paint the outildo of the hos-
pjtul with tvvocoitsof paint , blels to bo
nti Ail mist 2
Alt Turner moved to reconsider thcactlon
of tbo board in allow ing the eontiactoi to nso
otlioi than the Winvillo covering on the
steam pipes at the hospital. Ho slid he had
visited a numb'r of the hrgo oatiblisliments
In thoeltv and had inquired about tlio roh-
tivo qualities of the vaiious Icluds of pipe
coverings , and ho was satisfied that the Manville
villo the best.
The motion to reconsider v\as adopted nnd
Mr. Turner then undo a motion to re < iuho
the contractor to use the Manville coveiiii's. ,
Iho motion was adopted without eiobito and
the inittcr now stands us it elid before the
first move to icconsldcr.
The board thui adjourned until 10 o'clotk
Mondiy nortiing , vilientbo v\ork of considering -
ing the mutinous compl-tlns n aimt the
assessors'rc'tmas v\dl bauiUea upiu earncit.
The i-eturns of the bouel to the seato aud
itor must ba nudes on the 10th inst. , and It
will bo noecbsaiy for thobonid to woilt night
and diy to getovei tlie ground.
Cliilrinaii Anderson siid jestcidav , after
the boaul hud adjourned , that the
next trouble woulel bo to et the
pcop'o ' who made the complilnts about
the low assessment of their neighbors to
eomoueforo the bond and ttstlf.v to that ef
fect. Tim commissioner- no poivor to
ehanpo tboiibscssmcat unless these parties
( onioIn and substantiate tbo statements in
their complaint
"Thoy mustcomoin licro , " said he , "and
give the puty complained asdiiit an oppor-
timitj to eiossoxamlno them if they wish to
( lese A great many pcoplo uomo In heto
anel ( ninpiilii iigainst thuii neighbors but
when the } fiiiflthcy mu't come ) lu heio and
icpeatit they back out. "
Americans I'ttt toSliame by
Tills I'atriotic IiiMlriinioiit ,
lCu ] > nil\ilit \ IM/aliu / hunts Ganlonllciwlt. ' }
LONDON , July 5. [ Xciv Vork Hculd Ca
ble Special to TIIK Hci.l - Tlio glorious
routtlt v\as \ cclebiateil In London witii a
blayoof glory that musthavoineiiured about
a qinrtcr of an inch sijiiarc. Thcio nro
thousands of Americans lit London and per
haps there has never boon more hero ut this
season of the j ear , but for somoicnson they
did not , combine and demonstrate as they
would ha\e ilono had they been nt home. The
stars and stripes waved above the United
States consulate and itvas also visible In
the vicinity of the United Bt.itcs embassy.
It also waved \ery numerously front the roof
of the Sivoy hotel and Ilor.thl ofllce , and
fiom pciliaps n , do/en otbor buildings ,
but tncio was nn abienco of nolso ,
powder and amokothttt must have made the
Amcilcnn caglo feel as if ho was being-
badl ) treated. Ot courao the average Amer
ican began to Insist , almobt fiomtho moment
that ho vvolco up , to the IcnowloJgo that 111
j ears HBO his country had declared Its inilo-
ponilcnco , It need not bo wondered at If the
Atnivlcaii eagle should feel somodlfJlculty In
erecting Its tall feathers at the proper nnglo
when It , ponders upon the manner in which
) osteiday was spent la London by citizens
of the gieat republic' .
The phonograph played rather ait
active part in the celebration of the fourth.
Colonel ( louiand organized tin itniuomptu
meeting at the Kdlson house , Northumber
land avenue , and thctotho phonograph held
higbrovrl In an extremely pitriotlo way for
tbo delectation of n numerous compiny ,
among whom were Thomas Bailey Aldilch
and Ilov. Horatio Nelson Powers Both these
gentlemen run to poetry. Aldrleh Is known
by his writings on botbsldci of the Atlantlo
and Powers , next to Edison was the first man
\vhospolio into a phonograph , and when ho
did so ho told la beautiful language the story
of the little Instrument IIo told this story
again today unel it lost nothing
from having been told beforo.
Tor the llrst thno In Iho history
of tbo United States the volco ot tlie yiesl-
ilent was tipnrJ , duilnghls 'mil ' , In n foreign
( ountry. About ae > uriiKOColonel ( louniud
Vlsltexl the vhtt < ] house nnd exhibited iv
phonograph to 1'reslilent IlnrrNon , whom ho
liieliioed to say ifnv words , 'llieso vvorils
Iho phonograph repented tod.iy.
Pfeslelcnt IlirrUoit It not possosscil .of it
very rob u t voleo mid ho must have been
pivssed for tlino vvheti ho made his comintiul-
intlon to the phoimxrtpb , for the wools
winch the hit tor shot nt im expectant aiiill-
enco this afternoon wow fv \ In number and
o cloo together that to dl onhrijrli ! them
proiulsod to consuino mare time tlun any
AmcilcaneouM de\oteto \ such it tusk oit the
rotulli of Jul } ,
Pnsldent Harrison hnvlng had his say ,
the postnnstor general of the United States ,
Wunmmker , elellveied n inessni-o to Glad
stone 'Hits messigo It woulel not bo proper
lo unko publii1 , as It bin not been Uellvcicd
jet toOlalstoao.
OeiieralSheriniin also badloitiethIng tosiy
nael ho ww follovvoil by Major Oeneril Seho-
Ih'lel , his sucoessor as commander of Ihu
United Stitosnrnn. Then tbo phonograph
In n lir o , round and linpressioolco \ , 10-
lioatcl the decliiiittion of indopcndunee ,
\\hea\itall \ the A. ' > ri'iuis ! who llsteneel felt
much picisod. It also ilijod"Star Sptn-
glodHanner , " with whle-h the IMibon house
was bountifully decorated , although the
Union Jnelcvns tlu'io.
The woiutoiful little li'stiuinent alsuplmed
"MaivhliiR Thiough Gcorgti" and "Hall Co-
himblUj'MJoim ; Bitk to "UKUy'nud\\lnelliiK \
up v\ith "Vinikeo Dooille. " This vias fol
lowed by sotno tomts , the shortest of which ,
"Aiiioric.i , " VMIS g\cii ! by Colonel ( lOiirand.
It was responded to In ilitiinptgno of a qual
ity aalnst which not the slightest objection
eonldbo inatlooti any ehy inthcjcur ITotty
gentlemen , noirly ill of them Amoriimssiit ,
down to dinner ut tlio Centuiy dub In oixlcr
to oelobrato the dnj of all dijs on the other
side of the Atlantlo , Only two toasts were
given , ' ' 'Ihe Queen and fre-sldcnt" and "ilia
Day Wo Uolcbinto" To the former there
was i he uty resumse in the effoieseent
stimulant The latter was lospinded to by
Mr. Moiuurol ) Oonvvaj and Canon IliutfoRl.
Ha In Slops All Outdoor Amuse
ments at tlio Kiciich Capital.
le' i > j/ili'it ; ' ISM lij JHIM * Umlonllriuittt. ]
Pun- * , JulyS | N'evv Voile Hcrahl Cable
Special to Tin : HUP | 'llio t ilny weather
st ill umtlnucsim el the I'.iris edition of the Her-
alel Ins the satisfaction of knowing that this
eiioiiuuusconislgiiineiitof r.tlniseluototbe fact
tlinttliegieateeittid All uiticpeiiiuunut nnti-
lycloao Ins swung too fu , south , coitsciutuntly
storms fiom Amctie'tt brliiKto Franco Instead
of to Ireland ail thovuiorsof thogulfstreim.
which perhaps the leel.imlou itppiccltto
more keenly thin tlio Paris ! ins. All garden
parties ha\o been given up on account of the
so.iklng nins , inel the onli chitncu to show
prett } toilettetls nt the little afternoon tois ,
lights and dancos. Ooichiiii ; , stringoto siy.
Is still in biffl ! favor
Maurice do 1'leuiy in Pig.uo complains that
mostof the men oflettei-s of today are pbjsl
eal reeks , wtnpnvd with tbo Ileicnlean
poetsof li)0 ) , wliouslto ilde , shoot , drink
burguudj anil eo iutoad libitum , and hue
chronic aiipetltos like those ) of a she wolf.
Mauilce ? de L' > ury says Figi-o Jivoalt tolls
loailcis togUo a word of ndviious to how a
P.irhiim should ll\o \ and Iccep bis wits. Ho
should et up at , Utkeitbith at S.i ) , ti'co '
two ojileJ esss , not too much bjiled , so as to
get the full bcnelltof the phosphorus tbat the
jolk Ot the eyi , ' contains ; work
until U : . ' } ( ) , tlicii brcikfnst on
eggsbrains , weotbrc.ids andllbh ; uinokelmlf
of a good cigui , rei line hul f an houir elolco far
nicnto after Licakfast , then go out and at
tend to business , fcnueor take some Ugoious
evoixlse. At \ ha\oa good iHuncrittTciitnuQ ,
drink freely , look in at the theater foi a short
time , but don't ' Hilt too much , and letiro to
} oui virtuous eouih at tnlJalght. Hut the
great point is rogulunty In the hours for
breakfast and dinner Such Is tlio regime
prescribed 03 Maltie Medocln , and followeel
by ViotorilugoaudM. Utnile/Coli , butM. Xolu
adds to this rwimaii short siusti after br < uk-
fivst. Victor Hugo vvis mobust nun , and
thcro is certiliily no harm In follow Ing Ids
DDavid Urrnilmit , fillier of Mrs James
Hrowa-Poltcr , bus ariivea and Is stopping
with Mrs. Urciuhirt at the Hotel do Ibl-
laiido. Tlioy le.tvo hi afew days for Ham
burg , where it is icpoi'eel ' Mr. i'otter will
Join them later on when she leturns from
Australia , probvbly about the tinn of Ham
burg s height of soison MUs l)3\Volf , iMlss
May , Alts Giijvvold , I\IUi \ > All ion , Judge .liiel .
Mrs John IDavls aid Miss 1'urnieaa are also
booked for Hamburg's cure ,
Mrs. Ilurrell iloflCnun his gone to Da-
vonne , where Miss tedlth Qr.ttttU tnklnatho
cure , TjOuisoICinsella Is having twenty-one
days euro at Yichu. Mhs ICathor-
Ino Klnsolli Is at Glveiuoy ilrs.
Austin Ooihlti anil ISllss Cotbin
have left for Cnilsbal Mr. Corbln
is in Pails ut tlio Hotel Miubcau. Mrs.
Anne Sheldon Combs , tbo nuthoiesa , 1ms
Kotio to London , as luvo also Pierrepaitt
Moigiin and Misj Morgan Prlacuis Ilit/-
fcldt goes duilng tliooolc to Sptln Mis.
Thomas Lov.iy Uft tel ly for Mr.
Ordcn Golch hits boimlll , and incMiisiupucnuo
has bjenunablo tolettvo I'aiis. If , however ,
his condition improves ho and Mrs. Colch
will leave during the week for i'onUHo and
tticnco toAix les U.ilnos. Robert McLine
anel lloiiico Poiter aio In I'.uis.
Mr. and Mrs Till my , formerly Mis Yiiia-
qua , M r , anil Mrs. Model Sislcvillo "West
( nooMis ? l lora hiuk\Illo West ) aioattho
Hotel do Pllmpbo. Mr. and Mrs I1. O.
llichardsoa olllo'iton have left for Wiesbad.
\VIIllum Kmlicott of Iloston has ar-
livej at Rleurieo , as bavo also ( Joit-
cral , Mrs anilMiss Dnpor Mrs. Brockholst
CuttbiK ha-s gene to London , on louto to
Amciien Rlr C. A. Kinder andMti ICindor
( tico Miss Burnett of Boston ) aioat nollevue.
Tlio marriage of Mr Lawrence Turnouro
nttdMisa Homaino Stone is tirrmged to tike
place at St. 1'aul's , Knight's Bildao.Lonilon ,
July 15.
T Ir AithurJuloGooihnun haiarrivoel hero
for Harper's and thu Century aiiel has in ido
sorno closer sketches of Piineo anel Princess
Ilttttfolelt , ISIhsos Sanderson Kimes , Consul
General R.ithbono , M Massuot iiiul Gounod.
Tirjirtmie'tir i\j > .i IIIH.
The Skies \Vopt , Itut tlm Ardor of
AiiierioausViiH \ Not Dampened ,
[ Co ; > iilulil ; tSHObu Jiunc.1 tlniilin lltmtett {
I'nus.July 5-fNuv York Herald Ciblo
Special to Tnrniu | Ills thought that
thoprigmatlcal and por\eit > o cleik of thn
vveatheiordiincdthat Paiislan skies should
weep copiously jeistcrday , American en
thusiasm refuse ; ! to bo dampened by the
downpour , and the lllth annUerhiiiy of the
declaration of Independence was duly cele
brated with nX'- , banquets , receptions ,
spocc-hes , songs , oraeltew anil general re-
Joleliifj. Thow quarters In which the Araorl-
caiu'oloiiy In ) nnlnly pitched Its tents , nnd
in which the trans-Atl.intlo visitor weeks a
temporary domicile , VMTO pay w ith stars and
sttlpos and the Avenue do 1'Ojicrareminded
onoof Ikoadway * 3o lavish VMS the display
of bunting tint a fovv crackers would have
made tlio Illusion perfect. Fla j of sister re
publics floated in the window * or hung dis
consolately In the rain , as the case mlKht bo ,
though It was generally the latter.
Uho fourth of July vvai celebrated at tno
American minister's , ! ! . " Avcnuo Hocho , In a
brilliant nnd upptopriutu manner. Hurly in
thouvcnliiK a dinner \\ith \ twenty-four covers
wai given for twelve lYc.nth.uiiu aud twelve
ThoDressotlDjof Oonfllot Will Bo Dvmrfcel
Into Insignificance.
Clialrumit ( lottilaid
Out tin ) Snitfl lu
llatos-Only Ono \Vn ) to
I'rctciit Anotltor "War.
o , July ri-fSp'elalTele'gramto Tim
Or.r ] A rate war on eoul was bc un Unity
vvhlelt pronilses tod\varf tbo oiutorn war lit
dressed beef rate. ) . The bittlo was opened
by anotli'o of the SU I'aul road that on nml
after Jul } 10 It woulel nppl } to jwhit-s hi the
west from Alllvvnukeo the suiioiateon iloetc
coal us Is made from Oulutli
This is a reduction of SW touts it ton , innlc-
biKtbo iite > to Slous City , for Instance , S.ML
a ton instead of J.MW. The r alto tiitpenlor
lliiei hti\o \ iilrtays applioel n 'Jo cent illlTe'p-
e-tttiil on this coal , nnel this alone vvoiilet ciiu ei
a rate war , which will piobably end
In it rate of less than ? t to nil
points common to the Noithwesteiit
and St Paul B } stems Hut the hottest
time ise\pe-eleel from tlio Spilim Valley
mines In Illiinls , owni'd mainly by lion \v. \
lj. Se-ott of IViuiHyhinla and 1'nsident
Ilugblttof thoXeiilhvvestoin Mr He'ott U
also n dlnvtorof the' XoitliHosUnn and nomu
> oars iu'o nii.vtor ie-olt of the JCort hwoste'iu
liiiulo a conti.ict v\ith Duvctor Scott of the
Spilnn Valley iiilius to protect bis coal from
competition vli Milwaukee-
'Jbis eontract has bobbed up tuul been ven
tilated atntnneiroiHmcetiiiKSof the We'stem
KreightiHsoebitlon. and foi thosiikoof lur-
monv tlio St Paul wul Ins allowed the
N'oillmcstorn to iniiko the Uaho Kiipouor
r.ttefi-einSpiliiK Vallc'llio.St. \ . 1'iml bus
found , Iwvover , tint It must boon an oven
hocl with lUs cotnp 'liters and instead of ho-
In forced out of tno buiinc-is , pioiioies tola
all taso iniltotho sainoiateM via .NllUviiuUo
us via Uuluth
'lids opens upn trlnuirulir llg'it In \ \ 'licit '
nil norlhwostim llni > s will bo implicated mill
which will ruliie'o uitcs ! . ' . " > cents a ton In sco-
sav\ fashion until the end isicaOiccl.
Htiai hton Out tbo Snarl.
Cine \.o ( , .Inly 5 [ Special TeK ji un to
Tin Uir ] Unless heiolo nieasniv. nio
brought to bear on the \\ostein passe ngcr
situation a collapse equal to thu one ] tist
ended la thie.ittued. 'L'ho piescMit bieilc
DofeMii a few days n o when the I3urlliii < loti
iltiotcel aiound trip rate of $ llTO ! b-tvviea
ICansas City anel Westein Spiings , n suburb
of ( Ibicago. Tliuiittenas iiiitdo on account
of the ! annual convention of the .siicti'tj ot
Chilstian woiUou and bus eiidul In lo\\or-
mil i id trip rntobetHcenlCaniis C'lty
to 10 70 , the former r.ito belli ) ;
'Iho Alton vvni the first to make this
late , but dm liar the elav all Iho
other Kansas Citv lines puvolho n'tpdsito
le il notic-o An even ivatei Iliiuv was
causeel b ) the Alton applviuir tlu sliort line
rnt bctweoiiSt Lmis and St. Paul on inibl-
ncss vin ChlriKo Tills mince * t he-present
firiiouiul tilp rate between St I emls and
L'hleitKOto ? ' ! , and all L'hliMjro lines tot'io '
soutluvest nio prep iring to meet the situ u'ou. '
CLiioi-al ! Passenger Aiont Cliiiltoii of tlio
Alton savs tills r.ilo is nmdoonlv throiiffti St.
Uouis OM business fiom the south , but other
p.lssenpr men eleelaro the tie'ld'ts em bo so
easily seilpcdas to call foriomsp Hiding ra-
ductlnnson all lines. Cliiiiinian CiodditrdnC
the \Veitcrn I'ltssen oi association is now lit
Minneapolis strul litouinjr out the su.uloC
i atos caused by Iho convention of the \a-
tiodil ICdiiiMtloniil association , bit vv is to.hy .
deluded vvitli telegrams relative to Iho situa
tion ,
I'lisscnper men tliomsolvcs deel ire that Mio
onlv vvav to nvoidit rate war is for Clialrinm
Godd.irdto apply the severest pen lilies ou
thosligbtet.t biealt In the agieuineat.
1ue > AppoliitmctitH.
CHICAGO , July 5 [ SpocUl Telegram to
Tut. Ui'i.-\V. ] J Alien , cfoncral supeim-
tcndent of the Hoclc Island llnca west of the
Missouil river , has been appointed assistant
general manager with lieadimintors at Chi
cago. Asslstimt General Superintendent
Dunlap tixlsos Mr Allen's place , lloth ap
pointments nro effivtlvo todiy.
Trylnjf to I'JIIIIYO | | ; Its Territory.
Cuicvoo , July 5. [ Special Tel i.nn to
Tin. BH'.J The St. Paul and Minneapnlia
Passenger association Is ti j liitf to cnl irfjo Its
tcultory so as toliicludo the Uiiluth , South
Shore Atlantic i ill roid. If it is successful ,
it will ho called the Noithvvesterii I'assengec
Hat os lOiijnl iicd.
Dis : Mo i MS Ii , July fl [ Spschl Tclo-
( ? rani to Tin. UUP. ] Injunction proceedings
ht\o been lieRiin against the Iowa i.iiluny
coiiinilbslon by the Minneapolis it St. Ioui3
r.illwn } eoinpiny to testrulii the boiril fiom
enforcing the schcdulo of t ties rccentljpio -
mulijated under tbo Joint rate l.nv. None of
thoinombcrsof the boird worn In town , but
the railway , thiouijli its iittornoy , seiveel
notice ? upon Commissioner Campbell at his
hisliomoat Xevv ton list evening , anel tlio
attorney vu'iit on to iovvi City
to BCIVO a similar notieu inieii
Commissioner 13 iv. Commissioner Hiiilla la
onhisvvaj to Wiishiiigton t nttcnl n liear-
liigof the liitorstiitu commission , and v , ill
probably bocached by tcleniji ( | ! TluMviit
of injunction issucel by . .Iud7eMver
tbiJiinhlhoiliH'U's ' onko at Knit Uol e , and
is maelo ictmnablo at that pla o on Scptom-
bei ! i' ( The rates enjoined were to bavo
taken effect } e s tei d uy ,
's New Cotnt
UBH OAK , lu , July n. [ Special to Tun
] rullyr.OUfli > uoplo witnessed the laying -
ing of tlio corner stone of Montgomery
eounty's new court liouso heio yestoulay.
The ceicnion } was under the chat'KO of thom
m isotilc grand lolpoof the state. The com-
mandcry of knights tomphir of 'ALliintio
servcel as escort , Oriind Mister Oamblo of
Ottumwi in e-lnr o Tbo ptomincnt men
fiom abroad wcio ( Jovomor lioiuj , Judtro
CSraiiKer , Grand Senior Win don Phelps and
Grind Tyler Hchrohai Subordinate Igilges
from Villlsci , Corning , Creston , Uouncll
IJlulTs , Shun mdo ih and ( Irlswold vveio pios-
cut , Govcinor Holes spoke In Iho sijunre ,
A 'loy Cnuiioii
la , July 5 ( Hpoclid Tclogram
toTiulliu | IwiUbmn Starr , an ilifhtcou-
yeir-old son of a prominent faiinci of this
pi ice , was seriously and probably fatally
injured by the explosion of an improvised
cannon with whhli ho was celebratlne ? The
lower pirt of the fiuo was completely loru
away mid his eyes doslrojcd.
Cmctoo , July 5 The coronor'H
into the cause of the death of Hilly U liien-
11:111 : , tlio pugilist killed in the ! spirrlii'j mituh
Tlmrsdiy nlsht , was luld ted ly A number
of witnesses wore examined ami the Jury 10-
turiieda veidlctlhat Ilrcnnan eaina to hi1 *
deitli from shoe-k and Injuries rcceivol vvhllo
Hpirrin with Gairaitl Tbo prlsoni'is vvuro
ttloised fiom custody Miyot Cre'alor has
aniiouneed tint no moro Hpuilnumatchea
will bo allowed in the city
A Fourth of July Tr/isfody. /
ArniHox , Kan , July n. ( Hpeclil Tolev
BIIIU to Till" Ilri : ] Yosterdiiy afternoon ,
while a Fourth of July celebration was in
progress at ICinnckuk , In the vvcstoin pait of
this county , Thomas Fields and William
Ktidy became Involved in it quart ul alwut a
Tcx.ts jwny Fields drew a knlfo anil stn'jbeel '
KJdy a nuinbur of times , once IKI-OSS llio
< \hdomcii. lie then ran awav U'ldy died "i
ii o'clock tills moining Fields listlll at liu o.
The two men were brothers-ln hvv.
Central UnltTil I'rojliyteihm chuidi , Kov
tcenth and Capitol uventio , Kov. > Iohn Will-
liiiiison , D. I ) , pistor I'roiiililnt , ' nt 10..K )
a.m. ami 811 m by Itov. Thomas McC'a0'iio.
Sabb.ith school at noon YOIIIIK p nnli '
ini-utliiK at ? p. in. All uru uoidlully lu\ltuii.
ScaU Uue.