Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1890, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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_ 8PEGIRLNgT108 , _
' for thMo eolurmfwlll
liolukrn until 13:30 : p.m. . Tor tliooventm
rdltlnn and until 8 ; : p. in. , for the uorulnjt
rdltlon niil.SlM ( > A.r HKR ,
rpEUMS-Casliln adidnco.
T > ATER Advprttsemcntsnn thlspuro will bo
JVelmnrcd forat thnratoof 1 < ( emit per word
fi.r . the llrst Insertion arid 1 eenl tier word for
raeh mib'.equent linorllon. und tl-V ) per line
tier month. No advertisement taken for
less than Ul cent * for the Insertion.
T NITIAI.y , MKutes. symbols , tto. , count oaoh
J as ono word.
TPIIKSE ndvprtlsptnonts must runponiecu-
JLtlrely find undrr no clrentnstnni'PS will
they bo tnkon or dlseontlniipd by telephone.
1 _ > AtTIiS ! ; advertising In thee columns and
J. hnrliiR their answer * mltlrmu'd ton "num-
Ijcr-dlottnr" Inonriiof TUB HRK will r * nlvo
n numbered clieok to enable thorn togutlholr
letter * . Answers will bo delivered only on
ti [ irciciitntlnn of thlneheck. Kncloio answers
tii i cnvoloycs pioporly addressed.
Mi ndvortl'omrnls under the lipnd of
A "Hpcclal Notices" urn nublMiod la Imlh the
Mornlnir and oienlngedillonsof TUB Mm. HHI
circulation of willed aggiegntPS inoro than
21,000 papers dally , and gives thp in vrrtlsor
1ho Iriictltnotonlyof tholawi circulation of
I'IIB llBis lii Omaha , but also In Connell lllultc ,
l.lntolu and other cities and towns In the ffest
) , ; for situations or for
main or fcnmlo help , not oMcecdlng 21
words urn Inserted In TlliSllNlAVllr.K : ) at half
rates during tlin months of July and August.
Thn regular rules will bo chnrged for each
additional won ! abinu ' . ' 1 words as neil as for
poimrctitlvi I inert Ions.
AdverthhiK for thosn columns will bo taken
on the above rondl lions , nt the following- busi
ness lion < cs who arc nuthnrlid to take special
notlocs. at the game rates un can had ut the
main olllce.
O sail N Street , tlitor Illock.
OHN wTTlKIiL , I'harmaclst , 630 South Tenth
ttreot ,
HARE & r.DDY , fitatloncrg and PrlnteM ,
lii : South ICth strent.
S Tr.Y'AltNSWOIlTH , rharmaclst , L'llJCuni-
Ins ? Ktreot.
J. IlliaiinS , rharmaclst , C24 North 16th
G TO. V , ' . 1'AUU , rharmaclst , 1718 Lcavon-
worth street.
U01IES' I'HAKHACV. 21th and I-'arnum.
_ _
1'or rates , etc. , ttr top nf jlrst column OH thti ) > aoe.
llulf rule * on Sunday. _
BOOICKKKrr.U 'Vnt.ts position about July
1st In HOIIIO iiinuntalii tonn ; satisfactory
lefuioncos. Addiuss O ? ' . Meo. 11U-0 *
by man and -wife to
tuko charge of uhotcl. Aildi-oss .T ! .7 , lice.
ir > i-c *
\ \ rANTI'Situation ! by man and wife In
> i hotel , man nseleikor hond waltrr , wlfo
us liousukuupvr , Address.1 Sf , lte . J.7J-6 *
SITPATION ns stenopraphor and tyno-
\\r\\ \ \ or. or for olllco work , by young ladyj
competent. Atldrcsi , J 81) ) , Hcoulllco. lUO-U *
UTT' rXTIOX wnntcd by a well oducatcd
k J youiiK lady ( ( iiirinan ) as hoiiM-kecpor In
Miiall fiinilly pieferred. Hefciencosijlvoiiand
jcqulied , Aihlies.s L. 0. , 1'reuioiil , Neb.
ii.8 :
_ _
" \VANTKI-Hy , ) inlddlo npril lady , free , posl-
' 1 lion us laanafiliiR housekeeper for sinjjlo
hoiHoUecior | ( if means or inhotvl , 1'roferto
KO cs > t , J. 5 , lice. luii-'J'
NOTH'i ' : to tncrchnnt tailors I'osltlon
wanted by ( Irst-class ciiltori tefcrcnecs
Kheii. Address II , GO , Ilco oilier. ( ISlJyiV
KOI irife * , etc. , tee titf of fmt rtili'inn ' on Uiti page ,
Half mien un Sunday ,
"VWANTKH-Twoactho young mm and two
T i ladles tosollcll ; salary M per day. Hoom
CO. Chamber of Uoinnioico. ftW-C *
\\7ANTK D-KorUoek Island work at youth
TI Omaha , 2)0 ) m n and M teams ; wu cs ,
tennis JJ.ST. . W. R Uallalmn. Jte'J 11 *
"V\7ANTKI > A onts to Boll our tioods to
Vi trnde. Good pay to Rood men. Hammond
ft Co. , US ) Dearboin , st. UhleaBo , III. IWG *
"V\f ANTKU At oneo. ton good toains with
eo.d bines ; steady work. " 18 a. lilth bt.
J. J. Johnson & Co. 070-0
it work u ml Rood wages. Apply at the Jos.
Gnrneiiu Ornckur Co , lllth and : Mason. 1)81 11
GKNTHAIistato agent wanted to open ofllco
lion ( ( quarters In sonic principal city , assume
axi'liisltu ctuitiol of our business and appoint
JH'il ( : and siib-nKents Inoveryclty la thlsutalo ;
poods well known , Ntaplo as tlour , In unlvoibal
deinand , nnd pay a net prollt of 100 per cent.
Address Tlio Union Compnny , No. 744 11 road-
way. Now York. 100 11 *
WA N T U O Three Hrstolnss men to ropro-
sent theOmahaltcohi and out of tlio olty.
Call at tliii spiHjIul ofllco of Omnlm Heo , corner
37th and Kaniam , ground lloor. 077
\\f A rf I M ) Men to Iraveffor our Canadian
IT nur.orlcs.Stoiio& ! Wellington , Madison , Wlb
* \\7H liavo an original plain In dealing with
IT our agents vthuro no money Is required.
] lost selling goodsoii tlio mnrket. Ontllt freo.
Address N. II. Krledmaa & Co. , Murtlnsburg ,
Bio. 114-0 *
" \\T ANTIvJ ) Sahsmen on salary orcominls-
ii moil tohandlo the new patent Chemical
Erasing Pencil. The greatest selling novelty
) vo > ' piiidnced. Erases Ink thoroughly In two
seconds ; no abrasion ofpn | > or ; 'Ml tuMOjior
cent prollt. One agent's snles amounted to
3i"0 ( In l\ days ; another * : U In two hours. Wo
want one oncrKCtlo general am > nt for each
Halo nnil terrllorv. S.impln by mall : t5 cts.
] 'or teiius nnd full particulars nddiess the
Jilonroo Krafcer JMunufiioturlns Co. , I.aUrossc ,
"V\rANTKIl-A youiiif mnn with fl2."ito ninii-
TT UKO an ollloo. Salary iiiO per nuintli. Don't
niiswor unless you liuvu the nionoy ulid uro
rouily for work. Adilios * J ? J , Hue. 1'JO-b *
GiNTs3.V : ) outfit on 30 ( lays' UmoV'MlW.oo
prollt In 1 wi'oks or no nay. Add. with
btaittp : JUM la A , Company , KucliiuVU. .
* \u7\NTii-Sali'Hiiien ) utST.'i per nioiitli sal-
i my and exponsosto sell a linn of hllver-
plutoil ware , watchoetc. . , hy s.nnplo only ;
horsi ) nnil tiviiu furnl liol ( free ; vrnto at oneo
for full p.irlloutaM und sample ease of coeds
frt'o. Htaiiilaril Silverware Co. , lloston , llass.
_ _ 773
\\rANT15D-At St. Ubnrlcs cur works , St.
I T Charles , Mo. , six good blacksinltliA and
_ H72-C *
\\T A NTKD Young niuu lit gtocory store at
I > 11,15 North aitli st. J4S-7 *
_ _ _
OOO1) ) MAN toiiianaRu nnolHce.itnanionth
Call or nildrcs < * with roforuncua at room MO ,
JtuniKO Inillillii ? , Unialia , Nub. KCl-U'
T\F1\NTEIi-Clly Bolleltor on salary , lluil-
l > ntMH will stand closest luvUDtlgutlon. Call
CMl'uxton block , II tol' . ' . lJ--0'
" \\rANTKD A good solicitor , fair salary paid
TT to tlio right narty. C'till ouThu CUdon Co. ,
11 anil 21 I < 'rribr bloofc. 12S-U *
* \V ANTED a hoys lo work In ganlnn. In-
> ' ijulro for Ktiyi's , third Imiiho nortlioiittof
east t'Mil of Looiibt utrc'ul ' bridge , ( Jut-Oir
Inland. IIU-C *
" \\7ANTKD A first olnsH Gorman butoliur ,
IT hloady work. Kood p ay , sluglo man. Olias ,
lllnrlcli.Viikollcld. . Kob.ay OJl-7
A Ol.NTS wanted , II ) now epoclaltlfs , all fast
L- sellers ; no oxporlencu mx-'ossary ; biff
iiioueyt Kiiinplo free. Address li C. llru\vstur.
j lolly. M leli. SI9jyll )
"QACT.SMK.N toBoll k | > eilnltloy to merchants
Mbys.iuiplo ; salary paid to peed men ; sam
ples furnished ; steady situation ; Model Jlan-
uf actu r 1 n g Co. . South lleml. Ind. 4S Jy'o ! *
li 'Mi laborers for calm road
. Apply to 1' . II , Johnson , U. d M.
dupot , Omnha. 488
wanted at Norfolk and
Jlioutrlce. Good wages paid. M. T , Murphy.
. . . . llt
ANTKD Kncrgotlo men nnd women for a
xenterl business pay Ing tan weekly profit
( osier than too monthly otherwise ; rxunrlrnco
unnecessary ; pormanunt position ami oicolu-
iilvo territory assured ; Wsumples frco ; Inves
tigate our money-making buslitoas. Address
vrlthilamp. Merrill Manufaoturln Co. . 11 Ki ,
Uhlonto. 111. M.lvlH | *
IVrntlw , etc. , ftetop of flrt column on Vita i > aje.
Half mtta on '
WANT I'D A lady to travol. No canvassing.
biliary , SuO pur month mill oxponsus.
Itoom''ti , Cbainborof Cotnmorco.
\\7AN"1'K1 > Olrl for lighthoufoworU Infum-
Hy of three. Call from 0 to 12 a in. Mrs.
3. U. Campbell , nil a. ath ) t. 110 7 *
WANTED To ftll vaoanclos , onolndy , two
youiiimoii Instruutlons and ultuntlona
In July. JB. Smllh.DlOA'ow Vork Life tiulld.
) ng. ia7 > *
" \\7ANTFU A few good lady canvassers for
i T KiniethliiB uow "on books , " only these
with experience need apply ut Koom wil. N. Y ,
WANTED A few experienced ludysollclt-
ers to canvass thU city with an article
that holbj ut tight , Rood prollu. Apply at
\ . V , Life.
A IjADV n rnt can mnlo W lo * . * dny nt
honiOHcllltm an nrtlflo of ( run merit to
Indies. St > nllM.tmpMlci ! lopay piwtnco for
frfONiitnpla. Mnyllowor Meil. Co. , 83K. Iinku
street. . . *
I for general liousi norkln
T t family ot ! l. Apply S.VM 1'nrkcr st. 080 B *
WIMi pay ladles n salary of Ilii per week
lo work forme In I ln'lr locality at boine.llitlit
work , good pav for part time. Write with
stamp. Mrs. II. tM-'arrlngton , box Toai'lilciigti.
"V\rA M'KI. ) Aniii9 < a Kin , Go"1 nian pro-
V > fctrcd. 4nNirtti ( ) ( 8.1(1.Ht . , t'7S- '
XXrAM'nii-UIrl for housework. Kd
_ > > 1'ark ave. O.M-0 *
\\rANTKD-A young lady to cnon llieroad ;
IT kalary nml u. pemos. Address .I 211. llec.
" \\rANTKlJ II wnltrt'sses und 3 laundresses
for Wyontliiir. * ! , 2 Wnltro scs for Hot
Springs , J3. . . Mrs. llrejfa , ailli South llftvenlh
st. lV-n
irANTHD-Atonco a younc Oormna lrl to
> doguneral hotinowork. ApplyIDljJnckwn.
1VJ-7 *
\\fANTKll-AtNo. 'i'JJ Hurt , good girl cook
T nnd Iniinilriiit. 8.'i per uei-k. _ 1 1.V3 *
" \\rANTKl-K.\pcrl ) 'iicc < l clrl for
housouork , IMO In family. 1113 South Mb.
"WANTED I nily stonosraimcrs must bo ex
it pvrlrncod , Rood lookliiK und ugiecalilo.
Add i o'W.Mfl.Jlou . , _ ntt-r. *
: I.l6uSEICntiMu-A : : widow Indy from : to
J iKi with nouhlldron unli'ss a boy 1 > years
old to koup lioitBiifor family of two Inconiitry
town , fond rofcicncos and vnsus wunled.
Address 11 : tl. HL-C. _ 1U'
A\7"ASTEI-.lliilnB-rootn ) RlrN nt Windsor
> > I Intol. H
ANTlillTlirco ) pxpcrlrncd dining room tliuJlliirklTjinli'l , _ 774 _
far nilw , ete. , sec l ; i of flnlioluiim on l/ifs / ) mgc
VS'O'AUKMKJSi'S Uidodiessiiiiklngln faml-
Jllea solicited. MlsaStuidy , KBS * . > th avu.
KS .lv . ' 4J y. Kith , finhlonablo
Ldreasinaklng. llulloy njNtuin tiuicht.
I ' 01t ItUNT lIOUSKS.
i , etc. ,
T71OH HENT ThosoolcKant atone rosldcncos
JL' on fit orglfi avo. , S. BUIh. . nt. , but. Mason
and I'ai'lllcsts. See ownorforlniiK thno Icaso.
II. H. Henderson , room 400 , 1'iixlon blk. 770
* 171O1UKNT ( 5-rooin houso. city vatcr iinQ
J. ' sorocus , at a bawiln to responsible purlins ,
7 Parker st. Apply 010 , 1'axtoa block. 120
lilOK KENT Furnished housp.twolvc rooms.
JJ barn und Al locution , for two months. For
particularssco 1) . V. Sholes , 213 First National
imiilt. 141-10
fW 5-room house , olty vrntor. bam If
wanted : ulsuU-roum house , 1J25N. IDIh.
140-8 *
Oil KENT 12-rooin brlok IIOUHC , with all
modern Improvements , lii : H.'Qthst. , clicii : > ,
Also arilco4-room cottaguon N. 17th st. .Tud u
Anderson. 1K-B
TrToil KENT 8-room IIOU-.P. . No. 2112 Oallfor-
-L nl.i st. Knqulro iMIHon Uogcra & Sons , 14th
and l''arnaiii ' st. ui7 : li
FOK KEN'T 7-rooin house In tjood repair
S ( l HunaiUiit. Inqnlio next uoorunst.
FOU'llENT I'lirnMied cottage of six rooms
one block from motor lines. 1IW- Corny tk.
b'J ' ? C
FOU KENT 11-room house. N'o. 310 N. S-'nd
si. liiqiilr < ! : ) l N.amlst. 80S
FOH KEN'T liosldcacps in all nnrts of city.
IjNt toolaiw to publish. Ulobu l oan , V
Trust company , 30" S. ICthst. 775
FUltNISIini ) house , nil modern ponven-
loncosduring biuumerseason , SOl'Loavon-
wort h , 8b8 7 *
1TIOK KENT 8 room house , : rd and Onmln-
L1 H Is. , Jaipur moil t Ik O. T. HatrUoii , Ull N.V.
I.lfo. HIS
FIHST floor , .1 rooms. 1217 Chicago st. . city
water and uHlorn. 10U1 : *
TTIOU KENT 'J Iliuj pressed liilok houses , cast
-U fionts on Georgia avu. , just north of I.eav-
oiiworth at. . ! ) rooms , batli , furnace , sewer con
nections , all convcnioncus ; will rent to respon
sible partita forJ. > 0. M. A , Uplou Co. , lUthand
I'limnm. 777
171OK UKNT ID-room house , all modern conK -
K vt'iiluncus. MCU Hurt. lr. ) I'aul. 013-t )
T71OH KENT House , 10 rooms , all modem 1m-
-U provements , largo yaid , t-i'i iior mouth.
Coiunilsslua to aguuts. Dcxtc'r L. Thomas.
YOU wish to rent a liouso or btoro sco II.
E. Colo. Continental block. _ 771 *
FOH KENT Two of the finest residence Hats
on South 10th striPt.with nil modern con
veniences , hot and cold water. clo-.o to lirown-
ell hall. 1'lrst class Hiirroundingy. Apply to
Olias , Kaufman , 1HM ! Douglas st. 7aujy 8
8-KOOMfliit with stoarn hiMit , 10th st. near
Jones. Thomas V , Hall , 311 1'axtbn block.
T71OU KENT iroom i house , 2107 Douglas. Tn-
.13 n''lro2lll ' ' Donglm. _ 7fljt _
C1OK Kl'.NT At S S.lSth st.a ft-room house
-L. in i t class older , cast front , elty and ela-
( onmuter. ! ) ' . ' ! C *
FINK residence , modern Improvements , 2)H ) (
St. Mary's ave. . # 5 per month. Inquire nt
pi utilises or at A. Heller's , liurarnam. 731
1/\OU \ KiVP ; 5-room house , good lepalr , nlco
J3 yard , el.stern water , rent iSS. Apply to 140-1
i-ontb. 7tli ave.or to Juo. W. IJell , drugglst.joth
NT.W C-room house , city water faowor. IftKJ N. ; a rooms. TO N. Otli. fffi-O *
Oil KENT 7-room house with barni nom
inal ii t to good party. 0. P. Harrison , Ull
N. Y. Mfo. lit
house on Karnamst. for rent.
Inquire Uurmun-Au'urleun bavliiKH bank. "
ri"VO Hats , 7 loom ? each , Sfi and $ fi. Inelnd
JL IIIB water , ran cawnlnsH , bcreons and oth
er conveniences ; now biilldlnz. cor. 10th and
Jones. George. Olouser , store , 701 S. 10th.
IJI'NT-At moderate rent , the three-
FOH basement brlclctmlldlnc situated
at Jio. 1110 Douglas street , suitable formniiu-
fucturlnir , wliolesalu or warehouse purposes ,
also ono store and basemontNo. 1079. nth st.
Apply toChas. Kaufmami. aaK Douglas st.
iip-ljytt *
1JIOK HKNT-Uornur hoiibc , No. 3U3 Loaven-
JCJ nurtli , 0 rooms , bath , gas and furnacp. all
roinplote , good yard and stable In rear. It. K.
HtoBo.8loy. _ V. Life. . K" > 3 U *
171011 KENT Good JO room house , Rower ,
Jv water , gas , bath , barn , furnace. In elegant
shnpe , cheap. 1 > . V. Slioles Co. , "U Klrst Nnt'l
bank. Ml
FIN R 7-room dwelling with yard , KM.
Also , 8-room dwolllng with yard. * JO.
0 nnd 10-rooni dwplllngn , WS to JOO.
Hmoatou & Allen , ICOOJi I'urnam st.
15J Jvll
Kornitcs , tie , , ( : tn\iof Jlrtt column on tills 7 > noe.
FOU KI'NT"l''urnlshod house ; sovenrooms ;
S blocks fium motor , I ? ? ) South.'list it.
107 *
"VTIOE rooms , all conveniences , 1710 Dave n-
J-S l > ortBt. 1. 7-1U'
"r .AUTlK f urnlahed room , 717 So. 1'JtU ' st.
JU 12.--C'
'VTlOEIiY furalslird rooms , most pleasant lo-
J-N cation In city. 1SII Capllul am. 130-7'
TTiOK TtHNT Furnished front room , moderu
J conveniences , ttil ! $ jj. 10th. l i 7'
I .AKGE front room , 12 small rooms. If. mod-
JUorn coiivt'iilencca , OOJN. 17th st. UC 7 *
O HOICK front room with alcove , furnished
or unfurnished , with boaid , Kontloiaan preferred -
forred ; roferenc6s'J10 X toth st. 1)577 ) *
"I30OMS to i ut. ( urnlshod and unf urnlshed.
J i Aj > ply at the Mcrrlam for pintlcularH. tTitli
and DodKO. 101 l'J
TjlUKNISHKD rooms , with boards newly fur-
JL' nlshcd thi-oiiKliout , with hot and cold water
bath. 1017 Pudge. 057-10 *
TjlUKNISHKI ) rooms , cool nnd comfortable ,
Jr..SO to flO .1111011111. iai".N.i li. QJ5-10 *
"VTIOKLY fnrnlslied rooms , all modern 0011-
± > vunlcnoci , a."J N 15th. _ CUI-U *
with board. IS.-.1 Chicago
at. . a-S't-K
"TjlOH KENT U nlco furnished rooms for light
JD housekeeping If necessary , and 1 furnished
front room for lor 3 gentlemen. IllM. . lit list.
tug a
A PLEASANT fiirnlkliod front room , private
family. fraS.'Jiltli ave. m-a *
"VTIOKIA' furnlblicd rooms for unit , id to J3 .
-L > on motor line , b08 So. SM , 151-S *
LAHOK front room , 110. WOB. Si'iil.8IJ12 *
T710R KENT FurnUlicd rooms , at ITS Onpl-
JU toluvo. 159-1J *
T7AOU UENT I'limUhod and unfurnished
JL' rooms ; uUo furulsbcd Hut. 13-JO Capitol
a\ctiuc. 157-6 *
l01t KENT Very handsome turnUlicd
JL ! rooms with board , ull modern linpruro-
,110 Mathbt. KknB *
HANDSOME und cool nxnis with orvtlthou
board , private family , 'MM DavvnportHt
V-o *
family , Mttmtert In modern re l-
PRIVATE clioloo rooms and pleasant
home , will accommodate a few bourdur , 2IIW
Harney. _ ' *
I OIt IfE rT-TurnTsFcTfooms. 1C09 fioitnliil
F 0lt UiNT--rurnlshod : rooms ; gas.bath nnd
, (011111 ( , IM'jJIoward. 78
'IT10K UiNT--Nlccly : furnlslicd roomall mod-
JL1 crn eoiiveiilciiees. (119 ( a Kill st. ? W
" " * f. ( ' LATU Kuropcnn fiolel , corner l.itir nnd"
Dodge , Special lalos by week or monlh , Till
\TK\VIjY furnNhed rooms nd board forsov-
1 > ernl parties at iWlil llatney st.l two inln-
luos'walk from center of Inxtnc * * . nnrt cool
place for summer. MlM Uavlnls A wnlljrldgo.
4001111(1111 NilCthflt. ; very de.slrablo rooms
with board. Mrs t'hiirehllrs. 1)10 ) b
MS , wltlTboiird'Ifdoslrcd , ! '
, tic. , ttf tofnf Jitt ctilionn on tliti
JJ liousckucplnc. W nnd il each ; dOT llownril.
. (107 ( tl
_ _
trtc.Me ( miofifl foliiinnon thl * .
p lVTtTISV 'J-siVirV"bVlcl " "hUii"oVNfCiSft""iiTr
Jv Jlary's. aEJxMllatof 11 roomsiisttilrs | , for
tent or itale % ury cheap. Ktiqulro t-iuii'l Hums ,
1)74 ) 0
_ _
TOIUIS nt T i S IRili , WxfiOcnch.nryn \ HIOW !
wlndim . hteam heat furnished. Thos , 1' ' .
Hull. I'.lU'iixloii block' . _ 71U
T7\1'U \ HUNTHust lociiloi ground Ilooronico ,
JL1 ar. s. uitii st. 111-10'
TntiNT-Tlii'4-story ] : brick bnlldliiB.wlth
or without pnMor. formerly occupied lj Iho
Hue l'ulillsliln C'o. , lllll I'arnam st. The bulld-
InKluiM u Iliopioof cunu'iit baMMiicnt. coniplclu
stt'iuii boatlim llxturos , wntoron nil tlio HOOM ,
gas , etc1. Apply nt the olllcu of Thu lluo _ U15
"IjlOU HKNT Kino corner stoic , IClh nnd
JL ? Jones , $ UO ; low lent. KOOI ! location nnd yul-
tlug bolter o\ cry Uay.
InilldliiK. hanilioiucly flaliieil fitoios
nd llalMjall inoduin liiinrovcmenHj.stciim In sflanon ; cor. I.i-ivcii : orth and IDtli sts.
Inquire Kelkunny llray , blk.
1710U "lillS'T Pine storeroom iiiNorfolk.'KciT.
J Sludvod Hiilfihlo for olotlilnc biihliuvii ;
olocttlullKlils. stoaiu liuat , ulu. . Address t/.A.
Mint. _ f.Til
"IjlINKolllccat small flRiiroHnn imximl lloor ,
JL : In lloyd'sopiTii hoiisu. liKjuhu of Aincrl-
L'iin Fuel C'o. . ! ! ! . - S. at. _ 11)8 )
T710H KKNT Itilolc wiireliouso , two stories
JL ? nnil hnhi > mfnt. li7.KKI ( Hniinrn font , wlt.l , 10tl
foot of ilonblo track on LT. 1' . railway , south
JOlti and 1'lorco Htreots. Address C. C/skniiip ,
Oinahii , Nob. f.l2 _
TTIOK KENT Small store room. $5. Ponth
JU Tenth. Four doors from depot. Suitable
for fruit or cigar store. Apply tlokct tillloe ,
bOT Son in 10th. KO.
f , etc. , tee Joj ) uftivt coliiiJin on tlitu
IV VOU lia\n a farm for sale wlllihrJi ) miles
of Unialia , Hit with me. Must ho loasonable
prlco , M. G. Muclood , uc ! N. V. Life bldtr.
\VKI.HIIANS ft M'Ciilloeli. W. end Krposl-
tlunbhlg. ftH-ii' '
OIITON'S rental iigoney , RIT I'axtoii bloclc.
HE , CO1.K , rental agent , Coiilliicntal hllr.
_ _ _ . _ _ _ 77'J '
EJ. 1KKY , lenlal ugentaxJ N. V. I.lfo.
j _ _ _ 71 > 1 _
For rn/ci / , etc. , fro foj > oJlivt c ! ( iriiu on tif.txtjf / \ \ ,
) - A ftnv 01 chlldtxMi to boa-o.
i > Good lioini1 , ipeohiloitionheu to Infants.
Address Mrs. M. J. Olvcr , I'.iplllloii , > 'cb.
_ _
ri IN worlcruoflni.spoiittiiivilloy ; < ; , otu..gnol
J. wet k anil low pi lues. K. isivagcilO IS lit ! tiling.
l''i > rrattf , etc. , * es top itf jirnt column onttitmjc. \ .
\\7AXTKi ) tO buy Illaekiiinre ! not over six
IT years old. utilght list or lil0 ! ! limit be
good driver. A. 1' . Tukuy , Now York Life bldg.
lisa ;
TTTXNTKll Tapiircliiibun small house anil
IT lot or a small piece of ground cheap In
Council Hliill's or Omaha. Address or cull on
A. Itrown. 'JiM X. 17th st. it-7 : ; *
" \\rANTKD-A canvns ton lu good repair.
about 10 by M ) fcnt. Address Knllroad
Itumeily Co , Mncoln , Neb. 103 U
T\7"ANTED Good commercial paper. Ne-
i V braska Mortgage I < ouaC'o.SIU I'axton blk.
TTIUltMTUKR , household goods , etc. Illshest
JL1 ensh price. 17 S. 1'lth. 7'JO '
USIUltKIjtjAM-UlTl > AlKS K'l'O.
For ralen , etc. , nee dip of flint column on this page.
MuEIjs rnpahed ; expert
key attln ; , ' at Ilellla't , gun bhop .110 N. Kith.
_ 4 Hi Jyl ! )
PAliASOI.H. umbiellas iinrt wngnu itinbrol-
las covered nnd repaired. Walking caniM
II. Haler , l.MJ Douglas ; Imsomeiit.
1 i-alen. ct ( . , Kcelojt of first column on tlite JKJC .
MASS AOH iiient , elect ro.thornml , liutlis.
se.iln &halrtreitmi ! > nt.iiinnlcurCkV ehlrop-
odlst , Mr . I'ost , It. a21mimoll ) \ blk.
SIB a 5'
M ASSAOi : nnd mnRnotIc treatmiMit. Ilii : 1'a-
cifle , half block from motor line.
jjin-fi *
Indian doctor guarantees to cure all
JL kinds of piles in tea day ; also nil diseases
of the thrnat and luncs In Ihosamotlmc. Tape
worms taken out In sl.\ hour * without leaving
ollleei and nil ( IKoi : > cthut uro curable , ( il *
h. 10th st. fall and see him.
EMOVAIi Mrs. fir. Day has fitted tip elegant -
gant bath nxinis , No. 141W Dodsu st. , the
proiinil lloor , mulls now piopnred to give Hot
Springs baths with civet ilclty. All snirering
from ilienniatlsiii. In cilppo , paralysis or
dropsy will do well In cull upon her.
i'ixsio.v ArKXQY.
Fur nifM , etc. , see tup of flrtl column on I/if *
N'KW law ; pensions for almost all soldiers ;
fathers , mothers , widows nnd minor uhll-
drou of fioldlcrs. ( Malms pushed by K. N.
Clliigmun.lU und" ! I'loirm blk. l. > years cvpe-
rlenco. Only pennloimlllco InOiiinlia. fesT
TT. I1 ATCI1 , exclusive pension and claim
attorney ; over 13 yams' axportoiiou ; lui\o
all tlio latest IIWH : und decisions. Olllco re
moved from KrenrorblocV to Chamber of C'oiu-
morco , room 54 , Omaha. 7UO ] y IS ) *
"PENSIONS Now Utho tltiin to apply under
Jnnw law. ( Mrculsfliowlng who are en
titled t-ent free. All soldiers , tholr widows
nnd dependent patents should uddiess Tall-
iinidiio .V Tallinndgc , uttornoyB , C'hlcuuo , 111.
and Washington , li. 0. 747-1' : *
1'or rates , ete. , tee top of flirt column enid ( j > f/oc.
rpKAOKAOK storage at lowest , rates. W. Jl ,
J. lliisliinnii. Ult l.i'iivenwortli. 70S
OOhU storago. IJavlil Cole , 613-817 Howard.
STORAGE llranch & Co. , 1211 Howard.
FUHNITUHi ; storage , supiiruto compart-
ineiitH , 815-817 Howard. WJ
rpHAOKAGE Btorago , David Cole , 815-817
JHoward. . 7PO
For rate * , etc. , tec ton of Jlitl column oil ittili
T OiST Oold watch , plain ease with diamond
-LJhtar setting attached to fob. Howard If returned -
turned toll. 1' . llroxol. 5tli and Jones. 100
THAVr.ll Illaek hori-e. neUlit about t > m.
right eye soro. Iteturu to IWd ti. luth st. and
got } i reward. _ 1K-7 *
GST Illaek bilk parasol nourUJil and Ouni-
t \\\a \ \ \ stieots. Jteiimi to ; ! ! - Ohlu atreot for
rowiird. Mrs. M. T. Mos. _ LVi-S'
' l.owo . lictwneii
- - ) on nvo.
I'limam and Hunillton. I'lndcr rewarded
at ittiU L'np. inc. _ 4iO :
I'urrntes.ttc. , , MI top of
K-- TiSt"tilnVs TlKhtVimiVwason.
llolbiook. g-JO S. 17th at , . lieu building. UiX )
"niOH HALK Oo ( l snail work liorses. Harness
JJ and wngoa ; weight 1'JW ) ; cash or timo. Old
i'nxtou blk. rj
rpEAM workhorses , will take buggy us part
-L pay. K. la. board of trade. 7H )
HOUSES Uzht drivers , narifain. U'ho late
llru 1ms niado tlio in cuuup. II. K , Cole , Cou-
tinontal block , to
TJ10H SAI.K A pair of mules , 7 years old ,
-t ? weight IKX ) Ibs. eaeb , good workers , kind ,
for Milo cheap. Also dray and hnrnessi to bo
neon nt Cniitluld'u Btablu , foot of l-'urimm bt.
U. S. Wind KiiKlnu & I'ump Co. 01U Jouus at.
FOB S.MiK A tinlr of Oaplilo gray work
her 08 Bl-xTWJbon nml leu box chnap for
cn.Hh. A.V ( , IWit' oeilst m 8 *
H aAinj--Kpan yoiitig unites cwt , about
41IOO oncli. itKKtvagon and harness , cn h or
tlmo. J. .1. WIIKIjRon.oi Paxton blK. _ 071 _
f p\VO SPAN lieavy and two span light muluJ
.1. for sale , on two years' tlmo at 7 per cent In-
Ureit wllli llrit or second mortgageUnmha
real c'tiitosocnrl , y , or ether nmirovpd ccurs-
lly. Solliy. riMifii n. llonrdTradp. Ol.'j ,
sprihU leather top
cnrrlngo nlnio t new , 1 hucklioard new ,
1 double , buggy ot carriage Imrncss. Apply
at an Wcbstel'Mreet. ' Omaha. _ f VJ.
"lilOBSAIjE A Rood black horse , well broken
JL1 to the city , uj . 17th st. ; l
-I.I OUSiS MO and up. II , 1
J L , 150
f , ete. , crtiixiiintrntiiNia | . / on thttmgt. \ .
TI' ! ) To lent hy young married
uple , cnttngo with inuilorn Iniptove-
Address . .1jl , Ueoolllee. 113-G *
B1ISIN1SS ! mini desires two fiiinhlicd roonn.
with bteukfiist In prlvat" family for self
and sister , host of references furnished , Ad
dress J ai , The llec. J49-
\\7ANTr.D- T\\o houses , 7 or 8 rooms each ,
i T convcnlenlly located , wllli modern lin-
jr\enienl ) . Applyat I'reyhan nud ICalui. OT
. llllli Ht. IXH
l'jatcs , tic , , sec tit ) > of jiiet column tlik jxvje.
17101 ! .SAM' niruiTunTirt inoT5rrooms with
JL1 leitso of building , ei'iitrally loeiited , Ad
dress. ) SUIuunlllcn. 10S8 *
I'Oll HA Ijli-.O
Mir mtcs , ete. , we tup of Jlitl column onits ( / ; < aor.
POIt SAUl--\ew Stt'lnway A Son piano ; best
make : party leaving city purl cash , bal
ance tiniu If desfied , Impilro at ( IIS I'axtoa blk
1710IJ SALK. eheap Ml-horso pov/er Rteel
* - hollur , good as now , with HttlitKs complete ;
heater , niiid-tliiim. plunge niinips , and No. : i
Knowlesj will sell for one-naif otlglnal cost.
JelfV. . lledfoid. bid
"IjlOIt SALR-bomo good wulojies and dla-
-L ? mends cheap 11.1' . Masters , room 4 , Wlth-
nell block. > l
| 7\OIlfAIK-A \ ! bargain ; black walnut stand-
.13 Ing desk , nearly now. 4KJ N. V. Mfo build-
Ins , telephone 117. 140-7 *
Oil HAI.K-A full blooded HimlUli mastllT.
i.17 Ohio st. Wl-8 *
rpillO famous \\arronslnirg nlillo and blue
JL sand .stone n 111 stand In any climate , Is lire
and frost nront and It suitable for till purposes
when ) slonii Is preferable to other material. I
am piopared to furnish this stone on short no
tice In any iiuantlty , rough. Hiiwcd or dressed
ready for use. Per further Information nil-
dress.Jacob 1'lel.el , Warrcnsbiug ( Qnarrles.Mo.
J l/TU . ) y *
_ _ _ _
P OK 8A1.T : 100 piano boxes price W. A.
1313 Douglas1. &Ma4
. ic. . are ( < > ; > / first column on till * jifioc.
IJKI'Ol.K ' buying a plnuo uxamlnu the new
JJ.scalcKliiibnll plnno. A. Hospe.l.'illl .mulas
11X ) . l'JlCliIiiN'IIKC'lleacherof : the banjo ,
Jwltli llospc , l.'il.l Douglas. "ID
l'"unatr * , etc. , tee tnuf \ \ Jiitl ctilinnn nn tliti
J OANS rily nnd farm lonn > > . iniirtsiiBO p.v
Jper iMiiKht. Mi't'nsjtio Investiiieiit t'o Wfl
MOXEV To loin on Omaha and Siuth
Omaha i i < al cMuto. No ilclayn or i'\pon-
se > . Mnnuy on hand at nil I Inn-- . Hates ,
Smith &Co. , Coiiimoiclal National bank liUlu' .
WJ-all tn
MONKV loaned ntlowoit lates , lonif time on
InipiovoilOninha real estate , no "eslrns , "
no delay. Ulobe Loan & Trust Co.i07 : S.
H)7 )
_ _ _ _ _ _
BtMLDINOloain. (1 ( to 7 percent : no addi
tional ehaijjcs for commission nr attorney's
fees. W. li. Jlulklo , First National bank bld | { .
_ r _ w _
"JjlIHST and second mortgages on \ acant nnd
-I hnjirovcd olty ptbporty. I'ountv warrants
buiiL'ht. Money on hand , K , M. liloliardson ,
8IH N. Y. Life. , , _ VM
SlO.POO.-.pcclal fund to loan Iminedlatuly on
vacant city property , K. M. Ululiardsun.tilS
N. Y. 1,1 fe. Din 1 1
TAfONEY U'.Gdrtr'Wilayson furnltiire.planiM.
I'l horses , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson. 018
I'axtonbllc. ' 800
/ 1IIATTEL loans at Jovvost rates ; business
VJcoiiflaantltil.SlOl'axton blk. J. 11. Enilnuer.
_ | _ . _ 810
/ 1OMMKUC'IAI < and gcnornl short tlmo paper
V-/boiiRht ; also roKulai live-yen r loans inndo
on hiiproved property. Ueo. P. Itlust A : Co. . 'Mi
It.miKo bldif. _ 811
inortKano lo.ins. r'ccond innrtmitos
liut'lit. ( Loans on vacant lots. Itocd &
Sclby , room 13 , Hoard Traoo. . 812
LIllKKAIi real estate loans niado by W. M.
HariU , room -0 , Krcnzur blouk , opp. I' . O.
RYSTONH MortziiBo Co. Loans of 410 to
$1,0)0 ) ; Kctournites before bonowliuj nnd
savu money ; loan on boisos , fm iilturo or any
uppruvod security without iitibllclty ; notes
bousht , for now loan , lenexnil of old and low
est rates , call K aw , Shoely blki : > tli A : Ilov\nrd.
_ _ 814
inortKnRn loans at low rates and no
delay. 1) ) . V. hholes Co. . 21U 1st Nat.l bank.
_ _ _ _ _ _
/ " 1'HK OUNT residence loans , $ .1,000 to $111,001' .
" /IliiIldliiK loans atHpoelal r.iUH. The Mead
I nvest iiiiintt.'o. . lee ! hlilg. _ 810 _
MONHY to loan on horses , wagons , miilea.
hoiisuliold goods , pianos , orgnns.dlainondK.
ut lowest rail's. The llrsl. orsnnl/ou loan of-
flco In thu city. Makti loans fiom 110 to : iS
days , \vhlch can bo paid In pirl , ornhnlnat any
time , thus loitering the principal and Inluii'st.
Call and see us nlien jou want money. U'ocan
assist you promptly and to your advantage
ulihout removal of properly or ntibllclty.
Money always on hand. No doluv In making
loans. 0. I' . Reed & Co. , 310 S. 13th M. . over
Soiis 817
TTNVSUAJjhY lo\v rates
U Of Inteiest on Ili-st morlijagesof Impioved
real eMato for the next W ) days by thu Kansas
Cltv InvestiiientCii. , loomn ! : > Hoard of Trade.
JNJI . _ ! 'oa s o.jai \ \ laser. _ bSil
MONKV to loan on any seem Ity
for short time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on pursoual piopi'rty.
The Henderson Mortgage In vestment Com
pany , room 4IX ) , I'axton blk. _ 818
' I'list-elass Inside loans. Lowest
ralos. Call and sou us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1.101 Knrnain , 811) )
1 > El"OiaCnogotlallnsalo.iu tolmpiovo jour
iJienl pstnto get teims from
The Udell Investment Co. . 801 N. Y. Life hlilg. .
Tlios. ri. lloyd. lepresonlatlve. _ ii.M
eastern money
\J IMilladidphla Murtgasi ) and Tiust Co. .
always ready to loan and pav jiromptly ; llrst
mortgages wanted , tiiunvu . I , Coatos. rop-
rcs > entatlvi > , room 7 , Hoard of Trade. 821
tnlimiinn olty ] ironertv ;
EASTKrNmoiipy bought. ll.H.Irey.N.'i .I.lfe.
time loans on vacant lots. Sol by &
SHOUT . III. Hoard of Trade. b'JI
toloanlii nny nmoiint from 910 to
SlO.noufijriiiiytltm'fioml ' todmoiitlis. Loans
Hindu on hoiiMihold gi > ( Nliiiiosliorscs.iiiiiU's | ) ,
wagons. lioiiM'H , lcuji3 , etc , , In fact on any
available socially lu'nny amount at the low
est possibleiittis'wrltlioutreiuoviilof property.
Payments can | K > tuatlu at anytime r ( Hindi in
both principal and-interest. , on pay Interest
only for the tlmo yqn nso the money. If you
OHO ubalKiirn on 'your property 1 will take It
up andeuriy It fop you. .
Money hand. No delay. Nopub-
llclty. Noiomovul. 'Lowest rates.
H . II K. Masters ,
Koom 4 Wltlinoll Jilool. , l.'illi and llainoy sts.
K I'KH cent , inoijoy | o loan on real estate ae-
J curlty , J.onns can bo paid on * In Instal
ments. Jno. W. Itobbms , S0 ! N. V. Life bldj : .
1DUIVATE inotusy tiUmn ehenpT irT'riFiir
1 rlbon. Oil N. YJ LI/u. 8IJ
rt'fATTir : < loaiu , iti 10 Continental blk. , 15 *
W 1 Jouf las ; bus | < > i < i-coulUleiitliil. M. J. Hall.
f i } , &M
UIYATH fitniltt 'to loan on i-holcoelty pioji-
crty at lovust rates. Klmball. Chiiiup i
Hytin , VAti 1'arnam . - J7
/CHATTEL Hank , . ' 119 H. IMh Hi. will loan you
ratos.Uall44'J '
Wiuoney on chattel * titjmnk _
Money on hand , low rates. Omaha
IOANS IJluto& Trust Co."JOS. . 17lh .st. , IJeo
bulldlnr . m'
For talt , tic , , itt lop of flrtt column on thli pave.
NOTJOK Tlio spoclnl Bunuuer session of the
classes la penmanship und shorthand will
comiacucu Monday , Julyll. Classes will beheld
hold la the inornlne. afternoon and evening.
Call nn or address for Information , Standard
Bhorthaiid Hnilnoiss College , Now York l lfo
building , Umnlm , Nob. W
ECOND HAND CallftrapliR , llaniniond and
ItemlnKtons. John H. Cornea Co. l.ottur
fllu3 and ollico ipcclultles , Uatuno bide. tC7
on Ihit ( KIOC ,
.1J tiioii4 innsseiir and magnetic inanl'imlator.
Parlors. H10N. loth st , IkVJ 10'
MUS.DU.KnnVhasrotiirned. ThoronowiuJd
clairvoyant Is Iho seventh daughter fit
the BOMMith daughter , born with veil and great
prophetic sift of second sight , \Vhllncntraticed
wlIf rovertl tohorimt rimstuprv hidden mystery
In life. Hm long been pronounced In Kuropo
nnd America the greatest living wonder of the
present nRe. Understands the dclenco of the
' Persian and Hindoo magic. " or ancient
charm worklnp. and prepares Egyptian ( alls-
in ii n which will overcome your enemies ,
removes family troubles , restores lost
mToctlons , makes marrlago with the ono
you love no failure. Komnvos evil in-
fliionees , bad habits , cures witchery ,
Ills , and nil long standing und mysterious
dlsoasim. Pen ? l. J2 and $ .11 hours 0 a , m. to 8 p.
in. , strict. Hem ! stump for Illustrated circular.
1'uiloM ! U1 North r > tli su Always at home ,
JKHi CljAYTOX clairvoyant and magnet lo
healer , can , by her wonderful will power ,
giant any icnuesl. I/adlet Wo nud geutlomen
Jl.oi. ) s s. Kill i itt. , up stairs , DSl-7 *
I NA"NNM : \v7umfcN , ciaimiyiuTT
medical and business medium , I'emalo
dUoafcOMi pciilulty. 110 N,10th st.,1-oolns'J.'Hid ; i.
C\I ADAM IlKL/.IKi : . inngiietlsl , ] i nckowT-
-1'L edged by all competitors the ( | Uccii of
mnssnuii and mngiiotlsm , 1'nrlors over 110 S.
l.'ltlk llouisl ) toH ; Sundnya 10 toll.stilet.
irji 11 vT *
1'nr > nf ( , , etc. , ttettnjt af' ' ftift column mi Hit * } mae.
A MANUrACTIMilXOcouncillorMshstand-
- tliiRliuvliiK a lingo und KIIVHR > | tnido : il-
ready i" > tublNlicd In lorrltory trlliutnry lethe
point desiies to moot a party with $ . ! , ooOand a
Knoll hotlness rceonl , with a view lopslabllsh-
tin ; u btaiii'h lioitoo for tlio jobbing trade. Ad
dress Look HnxMI , ( . 'hlcugo ' , 111. U7S-G *
IJLsIN KsS opportunity TliVTiirliitlnVnnil
IJ biniUblndlng i-stabllhhmonl. to.u'etliur with
thp dally and xui'ltly ( luiinan NolirAskuTrlb-
iino nowspalioi * . nt Uimilin , Neb. , bclonulni ; to
tbu usliitoot K.O. rostncr , docpusod , Is hereby
olH'rod forsalo at : i fair valuation , with coed
will ; rltliorbnsliioss fci'pnrutoly or loffothcr.
The bnslnoss Is now kout In stii < oos < ifiil opera
tion , cleailnK u wcuKly not ( irnllt of from two
hundred to two hundred anil lllty dnltiirs.
Tor u.irtlciilars n rile to John U. K , l.olinnuni ,
oxcculor , Omiihu , Nub. 117-0
OH KiNT Hotel(3 rooms , tout low to a
Seed holol man. Apply 1811 C'ass Hi.S .
S < 1 8 *
FOU PAMi Hay press plantS IMC. Dralrlck
pcrputnal bay piesses attached to Atlns
and holler. Minuted ( inU'aeics adjoin-
town plat , together with nil buildings and
loolH. A il-ioll food mill and. l-hiiiH'l rondor-
Ins tank In ( tame buildings. All property pny-
hiK and In ( jooil ri'ptilr. Terms leasonablo.
I'los-icd lust jour 4l ) oars. Addicss A. * II.
Uuinplu'll. rjllxrr . ( 'rock. Nob. _ jfff 10 *
WANTI'.DI'arty with JJ.OOI ) to $10,000 to
takt ) stock In an establish < > d manufac
tory lmslnp < , i. located In one of the best In
land towns In the state ; good lallioad facili
ties ; buslines will p.iy 75 per cent eloaron th J (
Inviiitniont. fall onor address. Westcin Kx *
ohnngoCo. , Columbus , Nob. H'J-7 *
pAin'NiTr\vanurd : with V > IHI rush. 'ifTisTnoss
Iwill pay $ -SD ) per month. Addtuss J IS. ISoo.
-On account offalllng health ,
thu now and elegant f multure of a Ml-
iiioiii housi' , occupant1 * first-class , mi'oino
iieaily tl.WM permoiilh , flnost location In the
elly. Addre s J L'O. lieu olllce. 07x'-ii : :
"I JVl'UY for sale a conipleto Ihery stock ,
1-Jfoiiiprlslnt : buildings , hordes , harness , ear-
ilimes , etc. , all In flist-clnss eoudltloii , best lo
cal Ion In ton ir.good trade already established ,
price and terms reasonable. Addiess l\a\ \ lie ,
iiotliL'nbiirg , Neb. U17-15 *
ALi : The whole or half Inteiestln
FSS,8 , class , bakery. Inn.iiIiulKiN ( ! Kith st.
Had 7 *
DIU'O store , widow lady wishes tosullnt
once her Into husbands half Inteiest In
good paying tlius business. Invoicing about
$7,000 , In Lnnilor , Wvo. . as hho wishes to go
east. Address .Mrs. J. W. Sullivan , Lander.\Vyo
IroTKL 'M moms , nil conveniences , new ,
1 brick. 2 blocks fiom I1. O. H. 11. Itey.N. V.
Life IntlldhiK. 70i (
H" for s'llo. Two-story brick ; Is one of
the best hotels , doing an excellent good
business , on ono of tlio best eornerH In the city ,
Addiess Commercial Hotel , llioken HIMV. Neb.
( ' . " .
"I71OU SAhR A stock of druus , store flxturos
J-1 nnd a line soda fountain , located In a pros
perous county scat In Nebraska. Kverythlnit
h of ( holiest. The town Is a U. It. dlvlaloa
station and the U. 11. shops are located thoro.
Tor full pimleulars call or address II. H. Hen
derson , room 400 , I'axton blouk , Omaha , Nob.
11:1 :
For inlcfl , ( / < , , fee / < > ) > nf Jlrtt column on thl * ptive ,
flSrJ9tMm \ < d ry uooilIs"c1ot i IIn KClboots' ,
.shoes , furnishing goods ; must , sell for cash ;
bargain : boxSifi. Kraukfort , Ind. 1000U *
\\7ANTRn-To trade for good buggy , ll.i ; .
V > Cole , Continental bloclc 1I7-11 *
GOODhtoekofmerchnndlsu to ONOhango for
land and cash. Addruss , Western Ex-
oliango Co. , Columbus , Neb. J2I-7 *
OH r.\CI IANTCE--C'lear property In Kearney -
ney renting forWfeO per year for homo heio
will assume a light eueiinibraneu. U. 1' . Har
rison. Ill I N. Y. Life. 070 7
has alot or iv satisfactory equity to
oll'or In evchani , ' ! ) ford or 7 borses to bo
seen atV. . T. Hcaman's , Umaha'K largest vnrlo-
ty wagons and earrlages , JH'JllIU North 16th
N stock of mdse. want it'iil estate nnd
Hoxail. Kmnkforl. Ind. Ki'J-B *
lljrt.000 assorted luiiilwiuuto exchnngo for Koort
'J'liindsor oily moporty , In lols of JI.OOO or
more. ( M' . P. . llolIS. . COO 7
IJUMl KXL'IIANUB laud In Iowa and
JL1 Nebraska lo e.\chano for Omaha or South
Omaha vnoant lots ; will nssiimi ) wnall onciiin-
hrauco. M. S. Sturgeon , Koom 111. Hoard of
Trade. 173
FOR K.\UilANUi-Uood : farms , olty proper
ty and wild lands In Neb.and Iowa fortood
gen'l m'd'hp ; properly clear , title perfect. Ad
dress Lock lloxlti. H'runinnt. Nob. h20jSX
I'm nitcx , etc. ice fnjxiJlitt column on this
FOU PAl.K-On aeeonnt of falling health a
house of L'l rooms new and hiiiidsoiucly fur
nished , iiuviipants Ili-st eluss , Incomu nearly
11 , HH ) per month , llnest location in tbeclty , J
) . Hit ) cilllee. U72 ail
4IB ) acii'HehoIeo land In N'obraskTTand liil-
kotn ; want $1. > ,000 , 7 pur cent , D years. Dr.
U.lh Hently , Mncolii , Neb. 1010 *
FOU SA MVSovoral "old tlmo" bargains.
An aera near2lth and Ames ave , JM)0. )
An ncie. West Omaha , $ I'WJ.
K'S ftsiiuaio , facing : istreets , Sl .OOO.
Kast flout c'OttiiKo llanseom jilace , U rooms ,
bath , w. e. , isle. , terms eiiHy. J.I.'JIKI.
Kant front , I.ovvn avo. cash bargain.
ii mile fiom court house , water , sewer , gas ,
pavement am ! only Jb.5 per foot. J. II. Evans ,
.108 N. Y. Life. tr.7
oil HAl7i--Pucc'al : choice bargain lot 0 ,
block K Khluii s Hccnnd. ( l.r.W . , worth J'J.O I.
$700cash. t.r. ! Harrison , llll N. Y. I < lfo. "J707
TlIAVIla customer wliu wants Uibuyan
Improved fniiuof K'J to 100 acres between 7
to ill miles of Onmha. Owner ii-ply staling
teims or call M.U. Muclcod.lK ! N. V. Ufa bldg.
IIM5 7
SOUTH Onmha oa a boom nenln. The llook
Island Imlldliij out and the Mo. I'aclllc
building In. The Plockyaids Co. building a
laige bank building and ( ' .Mcndlii' ; tlio yards.
Another largo picking l.uiiso to bo ( 'rented Is
causing thu Music City to boom , nnd good
property purchtHud : right at present will make
ln\e lors big money.Vo can nH'or for this
month only , lot I. block 1. Iliown i'nik , 150ft.
south of Q st. , on 21th. fl.iXW. I.ols 20 and ' J
block IIon " 4lh one bloi'k south of ( J stieot ,
f , ! ! each. Lots III and 14. ( louhlocorncr.hloclc
( ion 23d st. two blocks south of Q ht. } lnoo for
both , : tOv7r rlzht In business canter on It. K ,
ave. heluccn N and O fits. $1000. Lot 4. block
7.1 , Ho. Unialia , on 2ilh hist north of M st.OOxl.V ) ,
Kr.idod down to guide , film eottago Inielirof
lot. ir.'i.dtK ) , 191 feet on ( J by lui feut on " 4th st.
Lots 1 and ' _ > , block 1 Drown Park. jnMO. ( Cor
ner across stipetwesl front , Hold for JIO.OiW.
Them li money In any'or all of tlm above.
Gel there while you can. M. A. Upton t'o.
hole agent. PIS7
17XTKA barKaln-lwixlM u. w. corner 19th
Jiiand 1'Ieico , 4 houses , icnts for f.KM a year.
AVI11 make price on this fora few days nt f Mxx ) ,
rjIK to J4luo ) casb , balance nt 0 pur cent. This
IsLfiper cent less than actual value. M , A.
Upton Co. . solo lu'iinls. t lft 7
"IjlAK.M nnd largo ranch for halo In Iho very
JL' choicest section of Htiinton county. Neb. ,
farms arc liiipro > ed nnd lltst class. The rnnoh
may buiino , tnoor three sections fenced , Mlth
houses , barns , running tit rcnm nnd best of hay
land , all at half value , a Knint barenln , might
tuko part pay In other properly. T. S.UIiirkwin ,
iiiuailth st/ OUOC
per month
will buy a J-rooin IIOIIMI anil lot on ll/th- /
blocks from motor ; Ilibt-chiss chuiicu to ue-
nulro n homo on oaMytiirms. Apply to II. h.
Cole , Contlnontnl block. Stl
' . IMnco and Ciirthimo lots , prlco
IINC'OI.N . ) , 0 doun , balance tin montUly. W. 1
Solby , room ii ; , llourdof Trade. E31
T\rAKiupaiid buy n homo on monthly pay-
\ > inontH. Clmlcuof HOVDII dlllorcnt houses
outh frontjon Karuuni nt , KvoryconvHiilenee
Inohidliig furnace and gas l'l n can boseei
at my olllco. Uall lu , li. V. Sbolcs Co. , 213 U
Nutlonul bank. Klj
1 < " ! OH SAWfA flnn now R-rootn collaRO near
JL1 olectrlo car line on N. .Tlh t.VIII ko as
part of cash iiaymcnt a itixxl horse or horse
and phaetun. 1' , 1301 I'arnani tiU _ _ 8.0
( - . HWWU CllUllt 7li"V UIIV'I ' , * IOO ( . 'ilall HIP , , II ,
"Imlnnco tl.t per month , Thos. L' , Hall , : ill
I'axton bhxk. ! 8.B
TyAUailVo terllcldrcalestateS.Omaliii. ,
TilOIl HATjK-IAmr good lols In Wnttmt Hill ,
JL1 on grnrtOi for J-.OOO , half pnh. ; lialnneo t < i
Biilt. Mrlngor v ronny , Douglas blk , Hilli nnd
i ; IIOIIHM In mint ntiy ndilltlon for
Vysalo lit from SI.HX ) up , on wisy monthly pay *
iiivntH. l l nnrllns , ! ll.irUt-r blk. _ Mt _ _
/"lAliTrbltNIAttliTtlioimi ) null kit , tlio\pry
v hi-st iiolitliborhood on that Htroct , for al
lit u hal'tfiiln. T..Clatksoii. ! ? I9H llHi st. 1X1(16 (
"I V YOU linvo niiytlitni ; to veil ur exuhnngo
1 cnlijit ' ois I'lltoii blDoic _ _ _ y _
"A" | OsT'ini sold to cToso tin p < tatc--r.ltht (
J.I1 ohiTluo lots In HuundorM ft Illmobmitfli's
uldltldii nt Ips thonthulr worth. If Mild soon ,
) nmlui llonl Kstutu & Trust Co. , 2SJ . < o. 17th St.
U'Q ' lnilldHiit. _ _ _ flsp
i ltu'lN'liK'ou Hiivoii | > rt unit aitli.IIT : ! > with
V/cotta i , \ ry ohoap anil very uhulco. T. S.
Clnrltsoii , iil'JS ' JllltHl ,
rjlllOUOl HlilA' hullt 8-rooni home , bath
JLrooni , hot and cold \vnlcr , llnlslu-il In tin-
lilllo oak , hniiil < oniH inantnH , bountifully
loconitcd , slldliu doors , lurito rucoptlnnhnIK
Hlato r jof. Rood sl/i'd harn.lot \\lilolitliU \
iniisuslnniHls KW.xtn tv l , Is 1111 n. huaullfitl
luvatlon In Oiindoo I'luoo. Wo will soil thlj
impiuiy forJii.W.
Anolhor house In Diiiidi'O I'IIIPP , H loonn , hot
nnd cold milter , batli , flnlshod In houthurn
) liioriibbtd down In hard oil , new style iniin-
cli. pupur hanmncs of thDlatLSt dosltfiis , Mid-
tijt doors , Inr i ! rvcoptlon Imll. slutorooft tblt
louM ! nNo Ins luo\it."ifputof : i ; round nnd hand-
" -iiiuiily loonlod. Tlio pf I co Is only (0,11,10. It
, 'ou 1110 t-coklii ) ; u homo coinn In nnd lot 111
.how you thi'o iinipcitlus , Wowlll niuko thu
I'rnisho that yon can p.iy for tlioin easily ,
I'ho 1'iitrlck hand Company , gS | , ill tind J4tl ,
lloo build Ins.
" \V"KI'I' built brick house , H rooms , tlnlshoil
> In hard pine , ' 'lo.cintly papered , oak
mantle ; pilco only 9.tMlllnell \ on onsy
terms , 1A A. Smith. 5Hi lloo building. H47-0
"IJlOIC SAM. .Now bimlnoss block on Ifilli
JL street , rents are 10 par rout of prlco asked
$ . ' 0,000cash.balance lorn ; time , will bo on the
marUctonly a few day ! ! . Addicss 1172 , lloo.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7H1
Sl'KCIALbargaln In vacant lot on UhlciiRO
nuar2dli. ! T.S. Olark.son , 'J19S lllh st. UOUO
"IJ1O1C SAliT ; Men 7 room hoimo reaiFy to
J1 move Into with full lot.JJ.'JtM , t'XM cash. 0 ,
1' . Hnnlson.mi N. V. Life , 1IU
AH5IV alll'l'LlKS-Doliot , ( JimrloriniiHtnr's
Ulllfo. UniHliii. Nob. , July nth. IH , yonlud
nrnnoslllH In diinlluiito. will lioronnlvi'il nt IliU
onienlnitlllO a.m. . Tiii'silay , Anniist 5th , 18X ! ) .
it vrhlch tlinu nnd pluco tniiy will bo oponi'd
in the pri-Mjni'o of iittondliiK bidders for do-
llvory of itatlonary , HIO\U parts , Imrdnari1 ,
and oils , Iniiibor , wutur Htippllos ,
. fclu'Ctllcatlons , 1)1111111 ) It Ics and
ether Inforiiiatlnii will be fiitnlslicil upon iip-
pllcntlon to this olllco. I'ri'fotDiiro will bo
'lvcn to aitlc-los of doiiu'Stk1 production or
tiiaiinfactnro I'ondltlon of quality and price
InrlmlltiK In tlin prloo of forolxn piodiiutlon
man u fact n rot ho duty thi'ri'on ) bi'liiKOU ( | l ;
nnd furtbor , that norontiiictsshiillbo nwnid-
cd foi fimiMiiiiK urllclcs of foreign iiinduc-
tldii or inannfai'tiint whun the articles of
suitable quality of domestic production or
miiniifnotunt can bo oblaliu'il. The t rn-
ini'iit icsorvps the rltfht to iooiM | any or all
piopo-als. Hlddois should nttui'li a cony of
this iiilvoitlsuniPiit to tholr bills. JOHN
SIMPSON , Captain & Asst.Qr. Mr. , U.S. Army.
Umnlm. | Depot IQtli nml Miwin lroot ,
DM n ml . . . .Knnifts Clly Dnjr ICxi > ri > MM. . . . | li 10 p m
| ) 4. % pmjK.C. Nlcht Kxp. vln U. 1 * . Trriiis.J _ ( i l"n in
l.uiv : < 33 | U.SToJflsj\crKl ( TXrrlvoi"
Depot 10th unit .Mnrcy itrof ts. I Uinnhn.
VM p ni Dvurlnnil Hyor ' .HO i > m
7.W ) p m I'nclllo Kxpnms pin.
IU.0 n m Denver Kxnrosi I0"p in
4.45 p in ( Jrnnd iKlnml Krp , ( except Sun.v 7.45 n m
61X1 n in Knnmu City Kxpress 12U5 n m
IU 1 ! > n ni . . Knlnlelil lti ! > . ( exceptSun..J ) IIM p in
LUIIMM "TSTIfTfAlSO , li. ir4T.5Alri'iTl ! ! ; TArrlvoV
Oninlm. U. 1' . < lciit | , IQIIi anil Mnrcy SK | Oiuiihn.
fi.15 p in Nlnlit Kxprua ? HUlii n m
U.l.i n in Atlnntlo Kiprosi I CM ji m
4.15 p m Vostlliulu Limited . .10.4 % m
LUHTOI T 8ioux uirr3"icvcfi ! > 'fij ArrlvoJ
Qiniili * . | U. I' , depot. lUtli nmt Miiroy fits. Oiualri.
7.l.r > n ml Hlont City I'axsunKor I
jyULP in I . . . . . . .St. 1'AUl 100" n m
"ix-nvm i sicnmriTnri ArrlvoJ
Omnha. I Di-put Ifith nnd Webster Hti. Omnha.
U.W & m Ht. 1'iiul l.linltivt . | ' . )2. ) > urn
I rxvcs | CHIOAiOcV.NOHTll\VKSTUIlN. ( | Arrlvoa
Uinnlia. | U. i' . ( lupot. IQUi nnd Alarcy Sts. | Unialia.
_ , * tffi I'ATJlVrAmvM
Unmlm. | U , I' , ili'pot. lOUi ami Mnrcy 8ti. | Umnhn.
V.I 5 n m .M > lioxc ( pt Snmliiy ) . . liui p m
800 pm , , ( 'lilca < i > lipro DIJ u in
U.U ) p in 'ia. : } < m
Oinnln. | U.l' . depot. 10th and .Maroy HtH.j Omnha.
480 p m . Mt. Louis Cnnnon Hull. IV aj p m
Louvci K , U. .tUO. VVLLSr. Arrlvoi
Omnlm. Donotl'ithnnt WoliitsrSt 0-niln.
I ) ( XI n in . lllnok HUH rtTprcss
IUKJ n m . . .IliistliiKs Hip , ( Kv. HniHlny ) ,
.10 p m . .Wnhou Jc Lincoln 1'wsuni'or.
5.1U p m . . York i Norfolk IKx. Nnmlnj ) .
Omnlig. | Depot 15th nnil Wubsior Sts.
IMI.1 p m
l.'K ) p m
. . IIM n m
.j WJinm
"lAmus"T .MiBSoUltl PXClVIO : lArrlviji
Omnha. | Depot lAth Bn _ l Wobslcr Hti. | Oni-ilin.
fij-so ami. .St. louTs ft K. 0. iTxliro.s j fill p lii
11.15 p m.St. | l < jiihA KtC-JJijiriisi. . ! II30 um _
" UNION iMiJll'Iff-SUliriHllAN Tit A Ns
Tlieao trnlns iilio ( top nt 13th , 17tli , 3)th nmt 2IIU
itre t > , Bunimlt nnd Hnvliliio Uro slni { . ' '
mt < ir > trnlna ilo not run Snmlny.
llronqTnuiH - bhool'jr
way for Omnlm 8t - South Atbrl't
CllliiITi lt > piit. Dcimt. Hun. ( ) ; imlm. Dopot.
3 P
1i.l5 IU5
0.10 5.M iu ;
0.40 li.27 7.110 c.i : , iu ' n.uj 7.2 , 5V >
US 8Ui 7.11 S.'iJ 7.0.1 8 VU 7.IJO
II.OT , 8U7 7.S3
l 15 U.2 III 05 ' , 11.07 8.53 8W
P M I'll i' I'M
305 i'S.2J 1SII
4.05 4.OT 4. a l.M l.VJ :
i .o &U1 3.W CM
6.45 l ! . | B03 0.15 0.12
0.4T ) . . . .J 7.01 7.15
\A > niv | CllHAiO ; , U. I ,
Trninfuf I Iliilmi lt' | > ot. ( 'on
CJJ : P ml Nltilit ixl. : .
IWU ii nil Atlantic Kxprciui I blft p in
6.UU p ml Vostllmle . . . . . . . . . | . : n ni
l.eaTe [ l'lliiA"j6 < SNOllTIIWHwTiOtN. Arrl m
Trnimrurl Union Di'pot. Council Illnlli. Trnmlur
11.40 R uil riilcnK < ) Kiirii .T II ( Up in
5.HO p m Vosllbulo l.lmluid VIM n m
ID.iW p m Kiistcrn Dyer 2.00 p m
8 00 p m | Allnntlo Mull. . . . _ .tj _ . . . | 7.a : ) n m
T.u v"i | CTIlC'Al ( ( ) , MTf. . i rfT" FALTf..rArrlvi'
Trnji fur | Union Depot , ruiiiicll IllulH , [ Trnnifor
.Chlcntfo Mali ( A-i6 p m
' ! . : p n Chicago Kiprcn It. 15 in
IU ) p in ChlcuKi ) KrprM . J ( W ] i m
1C r . . ffv , J01f S S H. ' | Arrfvoa"
Tr n for | Union Dupot Counvll lllulT Trnmfur
1001 "H ml . .Knimnal'TtyTlay Kxprui .7. . | ( " .4-1 P m
1UW p ii.j.Jnii'ns Clt Miflil Kxprms. . J li'-'O n m
Ixjavos "P OMAir < V % Ml' . TXiUlrf. lArrivun"
Tronj HrJ _ J Jiilun J > opot.jiin ; iuMinua _ . _ _ ITrnni for "
r.0ilj ) ml . . . . . .ft. IxnilH ( iindn Hull. JI2.1. ' > p in"
Leaves TCIIU'A.fOlHIUlN A yiflSCV.I Arrlio. "
Trniisfor ! Union Depot , ( ' 4iiiiirl ] lllulf * . . I'lrn
U.iu u m U.'AI p lu
low p m Kxiirmi * U 40 a in
- . : ) p in t'riMtnn Uiril 11.-jo u m
amuxoia'v , v TATIF IOT" Arrltm
Tr nifur _ Union Depot , Council Ilium. Trnnifiir
7.4Sa'm TlSlunx CUy Accoiimioilntlon U : i5 a in
Q.0 p 111 11,64 p m
Notice to Contrftctors 11. li. Work to Let
3.000,000 onblo yimU pnttliwotk. 2,500.00(1 ( foot
It. M.llmbor work. 1M.UOO lliinol feet pi II is ,
iW.ooti cross tlivs. I.noo aorps clonrlngs. Hilt
work Mocnlod In thowcslcrn part iif IOUIH-
Inna. botwfi-n Columbia , on the Onncblfn
rlvrr. and Alexandria. Tills llnornin throimli
a hlKlMlrv , healthy , rolling plmieoiiiilry. > o
swamps ! otoellanl oprlnit walor ami c oar
riinulns Htroann , five fiom all nmliirlal or
swamp Inllni'tiocK , oiiuly , loamy innl , llKlit
i-loiirlmr. olo. ; nrst class Mjrnper work , ton-
Klruotlou ratoi front any point on Missouri
I'aclllo railroad to the work. rrollli-j. fjiool-
Ilontion * . ami ether Information onn bo soon
ntuiirnlHiT , Hoom f.l , Uay Hulldlntr. corner
I'lne nnd Third otrcols. Hi. Louis , Mo. , or at
uniform work , at Columbia. ra ,
jMlOlp llKNItY I'OllUESr & CO.
Scaled proposals vlll bo rocelvo by th
Secretary of the Hoard of Kdiicatlon until 4
o'clock p. in. Aug. ttli , 1M1) ) , for furnlslilntf lox t
books , Htatloni'ry , printed blanks , . , . . , . , . . . - . ,
fuel , lumber , ami suoh oilier articles in are
needed by the schools during the unsntni ;
To * 1) tlilcrs on books , slatlonory , printed
bliinlis nnd coal , estimates of rciUtrcmcntand |
blank proposals n 111 bo furnhslicd.
I'roiiosu M for furnishing coal .should immo
tlio prlco tier ton for supplying 'aeh of the
val Ions Hcnool buildings with either liurd or
t-oft : as the board may o\erelso the light
tiieoiiliaet separately for furnishing either
hard ormft eonl to any omiorinoroliiiUdlnirs ,
The board roscnes the rlxht torejectanyaud
lly oiderot the Hoard of Kdnentlon.
J. li. I'li'tii , Secretary.
J illy r. . ISM. Jful'.t
Not tun to Contractor * .
South Uniahn' , Juno J. . " > tli. 1 b. I
Sealed ptopos.ils ulll bo received by the
utiilcrftlitncd up to 12 o'eloek noon , .Inly 7lh ,
IHO , for constrnctliiK u two-foot pipe Morm
v liter sewer on " " street , from : cird toWtli
slreolt Inelndlni : ealeli b.isim , i c , , al-o for
put tine In a bulkhead at the vest end of "Q"
street vlnilnet.
I'lansandspccincatlonstnaybo seen nnd all
Information obtained relative to the work at
this olllco. All bids to bo accnmp.mletl with
n cert tiled chock for $ IM.IO payable to the
oily of Eolith Omalm , to bo returned on all
bids not accepted.
No proposal fiom contractors In default
with tlio idly will ho considered.
The rlffht Is resorvctl to reject any or all
bids. H. CONNittr , ,
JJiidtf Cli nlrm nn H Iron tii _ i l _ , ' _ ; '
Notlcirio Ilnllilors.
Scaled bids will bo iccelvod till noon of
JulvJOth , MX ) , for the piirehnso of the brluk
nnd tnalorliil eoniposliiK tiio Herald hulldlin ; ,
corner 1Mb nnd llarney struot , or for the pur-
chasKof the bnlldlin and what It contains ,
cnnslstluu of boiler , jilpos , radiators , Ac. , .to.
Tlio right Is rosori'od to rojeut anyor all bld.s.
JOHN A.McSiUNiwiHoiitli : ; KithHt.
How the icings of tlio 1'nclllu Count
Will I.lvo In IliHtory.
A suit in the superior court of San
Fnuiclseo brought by "W. C. Uoynos
ngjiinst the History company for sulary
duo , dovolnps f-oiuo of tlio richest testi
mony over brought to the burfiicu liy n
civil suit in tlio community. The Exam
iner prints tlio nainug of hovorul do/.on
wealthy niul cclubnttud tnon anxioiid to
linvo thuif iiainoH and bioirrnphiud enrolled -
rolled in the work on which Air. Hoyno.s
was cngnfrcd l writinjf tind wliloh wtis
htylcd at Ilrrit "Chroniclcsof the Kin n. "
However , becoiniiif , ' dii-satisfioilwith this
unique title , tlio nnino of the book win
changed into"Chi'oniclosof the Builders
of the Commonwealth. " A circular was
always sent out to the parties with
money to oxchaHRO for fame , callin ; * his
or her attention to the prospective book ,
and the number who responded with
gusto and tlttsto ran into the hundreds.
The main reasons why future genera
tions should not bo deprived of the bi
ographies of those htiildord of the com
monwealth was tot forth in n supple
mental prospectus in which it was stated
that the publication was not to ho re
stricted to it I'ot'tiiin year. It was to bo
continuous , a sort of biographical per
petual motion , ' 'now biographloa buin'r '
Inset < cd as those entitled to u place ahull
como forward and take it. " And thus
the book was to live forever. This , the
proprietor claimed , was "a feature never
employed in any similar work , and gives
to this western world a book of heraldry ,
a registry of true nobility , such as no J
European aristocracy ever enjoyed. " X
After all this had been thrown before
the builders of the coimnomvcnlth
Boynos' work commenced , It was his
duty to talk these men of prominence )
into the pngcs of the never ending book
of biography. Of course , it was uxpon-
Bivo , but pi-ospoutivu builders wore told
that monuments of imirblo would
crumble into dust , but thnt the printed
history would live forever. Boynos says
Unit ono of the principal stoi'ios with
which itgonls gave force to this part o ;
their argument was that little narrit-
tivo of the Foot Pindiu' , who , when requested -
quested by Pythias of Algeria to write
an ode on an Isthmian g-amo nt which
the luttoi1 had been victor , naniud us his
price 1 titlunt , abnul.$6,000 of Aiueriuan
money. Pythias thought this rather
high , and said that for that sum ho could
have hia statues in bronze placed In the
temple. To this Plndiir responded Unit
his poem would outlive Loth statue and
people. Tlio poem wild written and paid
for and remains to this day , but the tom * "
pics of Algeria linvo lon jsince crumbled
There were various prices for which u
man could live forever in this "Chroni
cles of tiio Kings. " Here is the price
libt : The price of undying fume , portrait
on steel , as per exhibit D , with four
paged print , $1,000 ; portrait on steel , us
txsr exhibit K , with six pages print ,
$1,500 ; portrait on steel , us per exhibit
K , with eight pages print , * 2,0il ( ) ; portrait
trait on steel , as per exhibit II , with ton
pages print , $ " , GOU ; portrait on steel , in
per exhibit K , with twelve to fifteen
pages print , $5,000 ; portrait on steel , as
per exhibit F , with twenty-live to thirty
pages print , Sl)00. ( ) ( )
Following will ho found some printed
instructions which Mr , Boynos wits
armed with :
In fcomo SnstancoHj us in tlio case of ar
rogant olliehtls , capitalists or railway or
other monopolists , it may bo well tostatu ,
that tholr life and doing are being writ
ten up for this work ; that the biuno la
bound to bo published in Bomo form ;
therefore is it not bettor to have it right ,
than wrong ? Complete than incomplete ?
lu the case of objections to price , cost
and oxcltiHi.'oncss iiniht bo the answer.
Wo are crowning only kings.
Fac-sliniles of contracts signed by ex-
Senator Tabor of Colorado for $10,001) )
worth of undying fame and ox-Governor
George C. Porldns of California for
$1,000 worth are printed in tlio Kxain-
inoralhO , and among the ether erowiiwl-
heads might bo mentioned J. D , Free
man of Los Angeles , twelve pages , $5,000
worth ; ox-Governor IJowuor , Hlxloen
pages , for only & 3.000 ; JI. .T. Chureh of
Fresno , $ ] 0X , ( ) ( ) ; George II. Season of
Now York , $10,000 ; II.V. . Corbott of
Oregon , $ Ti,000. Mrs. H. L. Bonsloy ,
who beat her husband and his creditors
out of over $ "iX,000 ( ) ore she departed
from tills life , only contracted for r
$1,000. i
William GHpln of Denver secured a
810,000 fame pluto in the work , and so on
through a inii/.o of names , representing
not loss than $1,000 each. The work
prospered wonderfully.
0'ho , publication of those names nnd
the inminmIn which thu thousandH flew
Into the History company's hands by
this means lias created a sensation
throughout the Pacific coast , owing to
the great prominence of the parties.
niuiuilal Ccnolavn KnlghtH of 1'ythlan
nt Mllwaiikuc.
For this occasion tlio Hurllngton will
Boll tlckots to Milwaukee at rate of ono
fare for the round trip. Tickets on milo
.lulvltli to 7th , good roturnlng until
July 21st. Ticket olllco 1SJU3 Furnain nt.
Depot 10th nnd MUF.OII sts ,
Society In Toronto is wildly oxcltod about
an elopement between Mrs. Smith , the wlfti
of ono of thu blKKUHt inorcliants In Toronto ,
and lOddy Kuthuifortl , who liolong-t loonu ( !
the very Ural families of the Canadian city.