THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SATURDAY , JULY 5 , 1890 , THE CITY , "Doc1' ' TwlpRJ Is a circus man , or at /cast lie helps to sol up nnd piiclt thoblp tent. Yesturdtiy "Dots"va plnlnp fern n plticoto lust Ills ueiii'j'frtuno , nnd passIng - Ing a North Twentieth street residence hoBplcil a hammock that was Just his she. On thin ho imdo n tucuk and un hour later limdcd injull , .AKliiRiccr A-tWHt il. Ulclc Nn h filled. himself with flgMlnR tvMslty yesterday afternoon and threatened to depopulate all that i > crtlonor the city In tlio vinlty | ! of Thirteenth find Jackson streets , Ho tail succeeded In scmllnini couplu . ofmcnto KMIH , when OIHeor ICirk arrived and plntcd the pugilistic Dick In irons. I'onplorrcmi New York cnn find tlio celebrated Hocilcksfe T.ifcl homo'iKithlu prcpanitionH atSticrmnn & IiCoimell'H i > ! .iiruuuy , "ad door \vost of P , O. s\ I'hci'ba "Peterson and TIIU Carlson , t-wo re- BjicctaUc younKhtHcti , > lutkc < 1 nlloucr from n Prospect lllll grave jostenlny afternoon. The cemetery policeman urrusteil them and sent them tothccltyill. ] , A a soon us the chief learned of tliu chargca ho ordered both of the youn K ladles released. , ) n 1 1 oil forllcitliijt n. Wo in m. There wns a row In Jillko JIoDonnld's sri- . loon ntTlihlccntk nnd Jlitson streets last nlph atid of'cr ' ItidulRlng in a knock down , . . Wlko Urcniwn nndW. B , Soulo went out- V doors , and upon seeltiR Mrs. AVIllinm Monsky I , they closed her , knocked her down nnd then tent her with bioom handles. Both of the men vere jailed. Tickets at lowest rates nnd superior nccoirmioiliitions via tlio great Hock Is- , , Innd route- Ticket oincc , lOOii Six- I * tcuntliandFarmtin Btreots , Oimhu. Btol" Ijaproljr. August Urundski attended the circus yes- Urilny afternoon , leaving his horse , cunlage nnd a valuable laprobo outside. After tlio sliow wns over ho fuund his liorso and car riage , but the laprobo was missing. A search vas instituted and In n short tirnottionrop- crtyMIS located hi the possession of Jlorris Jtcl.ulte , a circus employe. Jlorrii was nr- rested un d Is now in Jail , charged witlilur- vcny. He Fulled to < plel > As a collector John T. I'iorco is not n crowning success. 1'or some weeks John lias vorlccd for Adams &Som , who are doing a grading turn on South Thirteenth street. Yesterday JohtiWHsln need of funds that ho might properly obacivo the American birth * day oflihoity , so ho says ho went to hlsoin * ploycra and suggested the propriety of hav ing a few dollar ) . 'I'houph the rcimcst was made In a mild touo of voice , lie alleges that It aroused the Indignation of the Adams' ' , nnd , turning in , they fjuvo Pierce n most bru tal bratinc , cutting his face and otherwise Injurinp hll m-rson. In order to get even ho \vlll swear out some complaints in police court this morning. MM. Winston's Soothinfr Syrup for Chil dren Teething cum -wind colic , dlunhoua , etc. 25 cents a bottle. I'm IIIn Hand on tlio Hiimpcr , When at home , Joe Oltugcrtilh liis acres at Kandolpli , la , but lilto many other men yesterday ho visited Omaha to take in tlie fireworks and the elms. John had seen part of tlio show and Avas wander-lug nboul the vholciiilu distrhtH of the town. Shortly after noon he visited the Eleventh street viaduct. Underneath the structure lie. attempted to pass between two cars. Ho ac complished tills feat , but lie left two finger1) behind to remind him of the venture. It happened HUe this. Ingoing between tlio carsan , cndno pushed one of them forward. John put his himd'ori the bumper , tlio cars came together , and when tlio hand was re moved t o of tlio lingers wcro missing , Falconer's. "Wo will inako another of our ribbon ealcs on Monday next , Prices \vl 1 bo lower than GMJF , quality botlor ami nil the very latest shades will bo shown ; nlt > obl iclc , wliito and cream. For par ticulars sou Sunday p.mei-3. N.B. FALCONER. IK > IIJ ; Service. New York Weekly. Employment agent See horol liow is this ? You Btnjcd two weeks in your last place. How did that happen ? Domestic Sure , Oldunno. Oi musht av overslhopt mesolf. A Xotublo Ilcport. "For disordered tnensturatlon , annrrnla and steilllty , it may properly bo termed a Bpedlle. " JiMrnct from Dr. W P. Mason's report on thowatcis of Excelsior Springs Missouri. A. Hcralu Ilurclnr'g Howard. E.ivid Uarrott , the younjf convict who saved the lito of llttlo HSddlo O'Connor , has thereby odcuncd tlio stuto prison , says a Now York dispatch to the San FVimcibCo 3'lxaniinor. Ikrrctt jiiinpcd Into the river , nnd after u foveio struggle "brought tlio child to land , "Uarrott wis oxliausted and. wns taken to tlio hospital in an uncon- BulouB condition , The btory of his bnivoryrosultoiHn his arrest for burglary , llovas con victed , hut when ho was arraigned for Bontenco his lawyer pre&onted a petition to the court from Lii/ O'Connor. Slio Bald Uiu-rott had , at the risk of his life , rescued her boy from drowningimel she humbly prayed that bcntoneo bo biis- pcndou , Seven of the jurors who convicted BmTctt nUo ol ncil the petition for clcmoncy and Juil o.Nhutiiio busponded Boutonco. When yon liuvo tried nil over the city to got some article In the drug- line KO to Shonnan & McDonnell's phar macy , 151I5 Dodge st. , whoso stock is al ways cuinploto. for Kiio\\ti > K How. American Furniture G.i/.otto : "I jnltl nhlll the othorday. " Paid a larpo niiiu- ufnetutor lo ino , ' 'witliout ' a murinor , Blni ] > lybocausoo ( the way it was worded. My engineer found his hot water pump would not work , and aflor puttering at it for nn hour t-ent for a machinist. IIo bothered with Uhaltti day and concluded itmuhtcoino npnrt , I was much an noyed , for that meant the stoppage of my factory fora longtime' , lieforo I gave the cider to take It to pieces Mine ono susfjesteil that a noighboi-liifj englncor bo sent for , as hens \ a sort of genius lu the matter of machinery. IIo cnmo , nnd after studying' the pump a \vhtlo ho took a hammer and g-avo three "sharp nips over the vnlvo. 'J reckon Bho'llgo no\v'ho qulotly Biild , and put ting on steam Sho' did fo. ; The next day I i-ecclvod u bill from him for S- ) . < > 0. The price amazed mo , but wlicn Iliad CMimlnecl Iho Ilciiis Im-owa chock tit once. The bill read this -way : 'Messrs. DlnnUfc Co. , Dr. , to John Smith. For Using pump , 60 cents. For knowing lio\v , $2. $ ) . ' Hnil ho clmrficd ino $2o.oO for lixlng the pump , I ehotiUl have con * eldorcd it exorbitant. UuUO cents was reasonable , tind I rci-ognlzeil the value of knowledge , BO I paid and snld nothing. HOnTON.-Mr § . John O. , wlfo of John O. Morton , 'l'himiluyJiilya. , Funeral Saturday , July5 , from family res- ideucoiUOONorth THeuty-foutth tit3 p. m. Via INatt't ClilorltlcH to 1'iirlf ) ' 1)0 ) w 9to l'll'C3 | closets , stables , otc , THIJ GH13A1' DI2I1A.TI ; , It AVIII Ojicu nt Ucatrluo Tlihi The nnnounccinontof the Prohibition-High License. delate , which opnnH nt the Beatrice Chatauqun tnis morning at 8 n. m. , Is nt- tracting Avlde-sprcnd attention. The four gentlemen who have been Invited to partici pate in the discussion nra prominent before the public , nnd It Is expected on nil hands that better arguments than have ycl been presented will bomnJo ntUe.itrice , Mr. Orcen , the secretary , 1ms arranged n programme which will meet the approval of nil. Samuel Dielde , chill-man ol the prohibition na * tlonal cosnmlttco will open the contest with n thirty-minute argument In lichnlfof : prohi bition. IIo will bo followed for thirty min utes by Hon. Kdward Itoscwatcr , who will niguo In behalf of nigh license regulation. The third speaker will bo Ilev. Sam Smull , \vlio for thirty minutes wlh ondeuvor to show his auditors ttnt constitutional prohlhition Is the only means of bringing about true tem perance , The forenoon's ' debate will clew with nn argument by lion. John Ij. Webster , who will demonstrate the failure of statutory prohi bition und show that high license I * the only way by which the liquor trafllc can bo regu lated. There will ! > o a cessation of hostilities until 2 p. m. | Saturday , when the arguments will piocecd , thospcaicors alternatiiiR with thirty initiates each. Tb is order will ptcvall also during TUonday , except that the hlah lleonso speakers will lead. TitHilui : will print a full fatenograplilc report of nil tbo nr umciiLs and ns mueli space as practlcnhlo vlll bogivm them from day to day. Tnu SUNDAY BtE will contain the opening arguments. In other words , Tun Ben will print a true and reliable report of this important event. Headers In sympathy with either side of the question will bo nblo to read in TUB Bur precisely what each speaker says , and form their own con clusion as to the value or weight of each argument. These debates will furnish the freshest nnd most coniprulicnslvo campaign literature that has heretofore been produced in any state on tbo question now ugltatiug the people of this state , viz. : Shall the local-option high-license law prevail or shall constitutional prohibition bo voted I IlcmlnlKuenro of the Johnstown Flood Soon after tlioprcaL Hood intbeConcmnugh "Valley , Pn , Instsummc thoprcssdispatches licraldcd tbo news of nnenldcmloof diarrhoea , lit Johnstown. Tliofollowing letter from liov. II. L , Chapman , p.ntor of the Metho dist Kplscopal church , Johnstown , ijivoa the particulars and most successful remedy used : "Tho bo.x of six doyen Chainbcil.ilii's Colle , Cholera and Dlarrhica Iteiucdy , which you sent at the suggestion of Hon. "Wesley Itol- licnd , reached U3 soon nfter tlio great llooil and at n time wlicn dlnrihooH was quite prevalent. As soon as it became itu own tbat 1 iiatl the medicine for distribution there be- LMII iiBroatrunon It , whlcli continued until it was about all gone , livery one , so Jar as I heard from them , testified tolls virtues , de claring it the beat medicine for the purpose tbey bad cvor used , TliObO who got it shared It around with their neighbor * , so that I am conlldcntyourgencrodity in sc Jlny It was productive-of grant good. AVe used some of It ourselves and found itnotonlyan excellent medicine for dUrrluea but for all Iduds of pain and uiieiulnoss in tlio stomach anil bow els. It bus been regarded as tbo best medi cine knoun bero for tbo diseases It is recom mended for , In view of your Hcndlii ! ; such a laryoquantity for fi-eo distribution ainoiif ? poor people , 1 thinlt yon are entitled to this testimonial in Its fuvor. II. L. Chapman , Pastor Methodist Episcopal cbuivh , Johns town , la , ToChamberldin & Co. , DCS Molnes , la. H1 AV < VS OSI.UTU'S VAUGHN ! The liill to loimion IVcciImcn "Was Sired hy a Ijooal I2dltor. A Washington correspondent of the Cleve land Leader sent the following interesting dispatch to thai paper : A curious freak in tbo wns of proposed legislation is house hill No. 11,119 , Introduced "by request" hist week by Tslr. Council of Nebraska. AVhen a member bus a bill placed In his band.s which ho does not earo to "father , " ho disclaims all responsibility by patting on it the endorsement "by reqxjcst. " This hill is entitled , "To provide pensions for frecdmcn , and so forth. " It provides that "all persons released from Involuntary servi tude , commonly called slaves , In pursuance of the proclamation of President Abraham Lincoln , dated respectively September i ISO' ' , und January 1 , 1881. * * shall bo and hereby are , "made pcnsloncis upon tlio bounty of the United States , and also such persons as may bo charged by the laws of consanguin ity with the maintenance and suppoit of freodmcn who arounnblo by reason of ngc or disease to maintain themselves , " The BCC- otid section provides that "any person \vtio may have been held as a slave or involuntary servant under and by reason of any law of the United States , or of either of the states of tlio United States , or In consequence of any dovlco or custom prevailing within such state of tbo United States ( except for the commis sion of crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted ) , and -who shall have been released from such servitude la manner before stated , and wbo bluill at the date of the passage of tills act hu\o \ readied the ago of seventy years , shall bo entitled to and ro celvo the bum of yoo from the treas ury of the United States , and the sum of tl5 per month during iho residue of thcir natural lives. This provision shn.l apply to mnlo unit female frceilmcn alike ; and all persons so released from servitude who shall bo less than seventy years of a o anil of the ago of sKty years or over shall bo enti tled to anil rcceivo the sum of ! 00 and also $12 per month until they bhall reach the ago of seventy years , when they shall bo entitled to and reecivo tlio greater sum bcrolnbefoio stated as a monthly payment ; and all persons released from soivitudo us before stated who shall bo less than sixty years old and at tlio ago of llfty years or over shall be entitled to and rcceivo the sum ofJIOO and nlso ? a per month , until sixty years old , vhen they shall recelvo12 ; anil all persons released from soivitudo , us before suited , who shall he less than llfty years of age , shall bo entitled to rcceivo if I per month until fifty years old , when they shall icccivo ifv , all moneys herein authorized to bo paid shall bo dispensed from the general funds of the treasury not other wise appropriated. " The remaining sections provide for rela tives or others charged with tlio mainten ances ofiiKcd or iiillrm persons "releisod from involuntary servitude in manner afore said , " and prescribe regulations governing the secrotaij- the Interior in carrying the bill into effect , am ] tbo compensation of agents for prosecuting claims thereunder ; tlio law to go Into effect Juno I , 1881. I asked Mr. Connell about this singular bill and ho told mo that It was drafted and sent to him by a democratic editor In Omaha named Vaughn. ] "Is Tan BIIII n crank i1' I oslted. "No" replied Mr. Connell , "I don't think I would class him as such , and I know him pretty well , I have no doubt that ho sent this bill to mo for introduction In perfect good faith. Ho assured mo that ho would assume nil responsibility for it , " "Have you any idea how much money It would cost the government to cairy out Its provisions I'1 "I haven't ' tried to flfjuro it out , but I imagine it would make the turplus pretty tired. " Just to gratify my own curiosity I indulged Inn lltllo mathematics. Assuming that only half of the persons freed from blavcry lire now liriuK , and estimating upon a very mod erate average oflifo , I llnd that it would tnko not less than f.J,0kXM,000,000 ( ) within Tliu next thirty years , with a stroiiR prouahillty that it would exceed that amount by ouc-hnlf. Including the lump sum to bo paid down to nil who are fifty years old or over it would take fWO.OOO.OOU the Jlrst year , provided the claims wore proved unlthin tbuttitno. All this docs not include the cost of additional pension bureau , the work of which would bo fully as large in that of the present ono , Mr. Council suys Vaughn Is a democrat of the btrlcU-st sect. If ho- the editor Is not clean daft I cannot , coucclvo of bis object In pre senting such a hill unless It bo a schcmo tc allutiato tlio colored people from the republi can party by showing thorn that n republican congress refused to pass tills hill , which would put such a vast sum of money into their poelc- cts. Some evidence that Mr. Vaughn Is afflicted with mental strabismus Is presented in the language of the bill ns drawn by him. In the llrst section it rends t "All ponotii re leased from Involuntary servitude * In pursuance of the proclamations of ex- President Abraham Lincoln. " In quoting this at the outset 1 struclc off the "ex. " Lin coln never \vm nn "ex-president ; " ho died whllo president. . Nor would a proclamation Issued by an "cx-prcHidcnt" hnvo any moro authority than one set forth by an Omaha editor himself , It was "President Abraham Lincoln" that proclaimed freedom to the slaves nnd pnvo Jdr. Vaughn the opportu nity to introduce this bill. Merelianls1 hotol,0malm. $2 to $3 per day. NatBro\vnproprlra P.m b 11113 SJ.OCUMII IJ.V\Y. a'N Unequalled Statute for ( ho of Hie Lilinior Tralllc. The following isasynopsUof the Nebraska blub license , local option law : .Section I provides that the county board of onch county may grant license for the sale of malt , spiiltuous mid vinous llquora , If deemed expedient upon the application by petition of thirty of the re.sldent frco holders of tlio town , If the county Is under township orgnal- ration. The county board shall not have au thority to Issue any license for the sale of liquors in any city or incorporated village , or within two miles of the sumo. Sections provides for tlio JHlntr of the ap plication mid for publication of tlio applica tion for at least two weeks before the grant- IHR of the license. Section 3 provides for the hearing of tlio case If n remonstrance is lilcd against the grnntingof a license to the applicant. , Further sections provide for the appealing of the remonstrance to the district court : the form of the license ! the giving of -J'l.lXM . ) bond by the successful applicant for the li cense. Sections 8 , 0 nnd 10 make It nn offense , punishable by a line of $ v5 ! , for any licensed llijuor dealer to sell Intoxicating liquor to 'minors or Indians , Section 11 provides that any person selling liquor without a lleonso shall bo lined not loss thnnf 100 nor moro than t. " > ! )0 ) for each ofTcnso ; and section 1'J provides for the trial of such offenders. Section 1 il makes it an offense , punishable byallnoof $100 and n forfeiture of liccnso for any licensed liquor vender to sell adul terated liquor. Section 14 makes it an offense punishable hyaline of ? 1UO foriiny person to sell or giveaway nay liquor 011 Sunday , or on the day of nnv ircneral or special election. Sections into 23 inclusive , ileiino tlio lia bility of saloonkeepers for damages sustained by anyone in consequence-of Iho tralllcnnd provide the stops necessary to collect such claims. Section 24 relates to the Issuance of drug gists' permits. 1'ho local option feature of tbo law is con * tallied in section S3 , the salient part of which reads : "Tlio corporate authorities of all cities and villages shall have power to lii-ciiHc , rogulnto and prohibit the selling or giving away of anyiiitoxicatliiR , malt , spirituous and vinous liquors , within the limits of such city or vil lage , This beetiou ulso Hxes tbo amount of the license fee , which shall not bo less than 5100 in villages and cities having less than 10,000 inhabitants nor loss than $1,000 in cities having a population of more tuna 10,000. Sections M nnd 27 relate to druggists' registers and penalties for violation of tbo rules governing tlio same. Section " 8 makes drunkenness nil offense punishable by a line of $10 and costs or im prisonment not exceeding thirty dnvs. section 'J provides that the doors and windows of raloons slmll bo kept free from screens or blinds. ItsinptrtoroxocllonooproTcn Inanition * of hornei forniorcthaiiafjuarturof it contiirr. U Is mo.l sr tlio United Status Go\erninttnt. llndorsocl by the liomU of thn trcMt iitilii'r.flilii. m the Stronzeit , I'urestnnd Moit Healthful , lir. 1'rlcoN Cream Halt- Inn 1'omlor. Jous not contain ammonia , llmo or aluni , told unly IIICMIH. 1'lllCK UVKI.VG rO\VDlIl CO. , New York Clilniro. Hun Kranclir > o Rt.Tinl * AMUSEMENTS. I10V1) & IIAYNK3 , Manaucri. Blonday and Tuesday , July 7 and 8. HKTU1W HN'OAGKMKNT OF [ BlaiiGhford Kauanagh THE PHENOMENAL BOY SOPRANO , AS < iHno : n v MASTER HARRY DIMOND , The onderful Violin nnd Mandolin Soloist , Hevciul otlior niiislpal features ! II lo Introduced formtiiira inont lnteri > * < llnv ; priiKminine. UcHUlir pilcca. bents KO un eulu auurilnj' morn- Ing. Ing.Di me OUR CLOSINGr WEEK. Ttu'8dayntid , Wednesday , TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM Thursday , rrldar , PnturdnynndSiinihjr , the 1't.nnl- uHtuf Irhh Absiinllllea , MoKENNA.'S FLIRTATION. Culbanc & Emerson's ' Comedy Stars. Introducing II A HV 1CD.VA , thu yoiinucat toni ; and tlanco itrtltt on tlioitaKe. Wednesday , July 2 , u luindioniu leather collar box , preu'ntui ! to our Kentloumn P'ltroni , KrUliiy , July ) , uncloKiint nouvunlr will bo presented onrlndy vlsltnrn. Saturday , July fi , a Hpildlnj llano Hull forlhn tinyx , and n beautiful Jnpnnoso l.ninp blnulo tor tlio girls. One Dime Admits to All. Perkins , Gatch LaJman , We have the finest assortment o s sortment of Wares in P the west , and cr CD CDT cc Bottom Prices T CD r-t C/ } Sec Us Before You Buy , * Crockery and Glassware. PERKINS , GATCH & LAUMAN j 514 Farnam Street. IV not remedied In season , Is liable to become habitual anil chronic. Dnu. tic purgatives , l > yvw ( > akculntlio liuwoli , cotiflnn , rather \.tlian euro , the evil. Aycr's 1'llls , Iwinjj inllil , oflcctivo , nml jtrengtlioiiliij ; Iu thdr action , arc guuur > ally tlio faculty as tlio test ol aperients. " Ilovlnn' nubjcct , for yearn , to ronatlriatioM , without bvhiK able to tliul much relief , I at laat trlcil AJLT'S 1'llb , I ilucin It both a duty and n iilrnsmo to testify tluit 1 liuvti dcrlvetl Rreiit ben * cllt ffuin tholr liso. For over two years ILIS t 1 have tnkeil one of theHO 1)1 IU very night buforu rctlrliii ; . 1 woulil not willingly 1)0 ) without tlieui. " 0. AV. lluwiuuii , ZU K.ut Malu St. , Carlisle , 1'a. " I Imvo been tnltlnR Ayor's Pills ntitl using thorn In my family Hinco 18S7. ntul tlicetfnlly rccoiiunond them to nil 111 need of n < mfe but effectual cathartic. " John Al , Hoggs , I.ouiaville , ICy. "For ol ht ycrtri I wns nftllcted with ronstlpntlon , whlcli nt last booiuno o 1i.itl that tlio doctors could do no moro fur nit- . Then I liepnii to take Ayor'a 1'lllst , nnd soon the bowels recovered their natural and rcculnr action , so tbat now I tun in excellent health. " S. Ij. Lou hbriilgo , Ilrynn , Texas. " llnvlns nsrd Ayor'H Tills , with peed results , T fully Indorse them for thu purposes - poses for which tluw are recommended. " -T. Conners , M. V , , Ccntni llrltlRc , 1'a. Ayer's Pills , nticrinBD DT Dr. J. C , Aycr & Co. , Lowell , Mats. Bold by allUruggUu and Dealer ) in Medicine. GRACEFUL-COMFORTING EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. "Ily a thorough knowledEO of tlm nnturxl Inwi vlilcli KovcrntliuupcrutloiMof illROtlun nntt nntrl- tlon , nril by acnrcful appllcntlon tiftliuflnu proper' ties ufncll selectcilCucon , Mr. Kppihas iTuvlilftl our brcnkfost tables nltli n dcllcntcly flarureil bctcrngo vhlchmny vo imimiiy lieavy ildctorn' blll , It H by tlio Judicious 110 or imcli nrtlulca of illut Hint a cuiiktltutluiininy lo k'raJinill ; built m > until Mrunj enoiiitli to ro l t every teiiiloncv to ill ' < o , llun- drcilH o ( tll'tlo ' malaitlosnru lluntlnmirotiiKl ill rcndr to attack n licrcvrr thcro Is n wrnk | iolntVo inn ; cioiipomnnya fHtnlnlinft by kccplnn uursalvci "i-ll for till ul wltli pure blood nnd n properl ; nouilsliuil Jnmiu , " CIUI Sorilco Rnrctto. Miiclo ( Imply with boiling water or mtlk. SoM only 1n linlfiKiunil tint , by crocori , InlicleU tlius : lAMl'N I'l'l1 ' & HomiPopntliluUhvmlBts , ' ( n JaiUljJ LI 1 O tt WU , , London. EnsluiiU. GOLD JlliiDAL , PAKib , 1U78. iv. ByEiT& co.'S Jt itlitoltitclts nuro ami it la tolublc * No Chemicals ore tiled In ! tl preparation. It has Ken f&dn ( Area timtt lAa itretiytlt of Cocci mixed with Eurcli , Arrooroot or HuE r , anj d thcrcfird fir mure economical , eoittny Itit than cnt ctnt a etip. It II delicious , liourUhlniMtrcnBthcnln ? , ' * MI.Y UlOEbTCt ) , unit admirably mlap'.etl for invalid ! u wclUi pcnons iu health. Sold by OroccrscTcrj iilicrc. W. BAEEE & CO. , Dorchester , Mass. NO RIBBON Permanent Alignment PKED , Strength. Sold U rider a POSITIVE GUAR ANTEE. GrEO. H. SMITH & CO. , General Agents Nebraska and Iowa. 31O S. 16th St. , - - Omaha DQUGLAS---STREET - - , On nccount of our Inrpo nntlinereiiBinf , ' Practice , \yo have REMOVED to moro spacious und con- vouioiit offices. Drs. Betts Betts , 1409 Douglas St. Omaha , Neb. ONE OF THE GREAT FIVE. New York , Chicago , Denier , Sail Lake City anl San Francisco. Mldwiir between Denver nril Snn Frnncl co ! 70C miles from flthitr , Dontlneii tobocomo ono of tbo Krcut commercial ccuicri. ( Famous Summer and Mountain Health Rciort. Altitude over 4,003 feet , yet funned for broczea Kin UBreutlriluiUfcaltScu. Finest Silt \Vuter ftiultmaiut ll.itliiiiK. 230,1X10 bailiuri In ( irent Milt Jjikw IliH jcar.l'rctent ( cusonopi > n il Muril ) . ( jnotl lintels , Hi-hliie. LluiulnitiindCuiuplnir. DrettH I'H- railo mid Military lluiid Coiaerta dully ut Fort A Mighty Inflow ol the Best American Blood In recent yenrn hits dnublcil the population , novr , , ulltluiioinliiatlotiH , f ( > steriil public Kliools.crcuicU vbarmliik' social cunctlUuiia. .AUellKtululliouiocltj. ni , t mi..iiiitn * * urKF. I niur JMIIIC , v-uumi * n t * * , > i no , 3lllionUI'nliitN-uturrtl < itl . ( ) il , I'otierlu'.SIiite , As- I'lmltiHii , Siono QmrrlCJ. limit iinrtMioo ructurlce , mill Wiuli'Hilc ! liniiicw , nil line ? . Our propli it'ffl nt- ilat . .Maiiiiiidiiiliintin / > rltti nml iilo ouu tlie Viml * . Combine \i\taa\m icllft ( titntlgatlou n/ the ' / * ? . fltuatititttt l'titnpliltt , &t'trl < il Tifiir * ( it lltitriitH < liircifci Ji < nniiliijH < letlrciimtiile < t/r < c. Address , HFtl. KbTUK hXtlliMit , Hilt tliy. I'lah. DO YOU WANT PENSIONS.DO . A PENSION ? InriilMVlilow' nr Minor' * , or ore ) ou ilrawlnu l.lts JIUO pur month ? lluvofuu n claim poti.llim . but want relief Nv \\rlt" ui mil ri'i'clve tir ri'tnrn mull n | > | irt ) | > rl to lilnnk nml lull Inilriictluiin fur voi'U i'i : e , nltli a copy ofllio nC'T anil Illirril f.ii < r IUNU9IIA\V i IUI.1AHI , Hcfcrcncoi tflvoi. lloxlii , Washington , I ) , C. \ \ ffiQp 1 DCLIV REL31 * vll lu any | 4Mf hi lit * ltiil * , | M iti AUo , I tlij , j Juni | > * rk , HicycUi , b fvliti inUGnU' Trkjrfr n ( - | . lr . OQII t.r more M tiolriU | > riti irut PWVSIU O. II dirrflfmrn I. < l mr > r'i Uo. cSjVH1" ) . l w , . ! . .nn n , ni r . fJ u "Will be offered , this -week in our Boys' Department , we are deter mined to close out our entire stock of Boys' light v/eiglit Clothing , and \vill have a grand unloading sale which it will pay you to attend. Boys'blue flannel Sailor Suits , with nicely embroidered collar , at 6oc ; sold everywhere at $1.25 , sizes from 4 to 10. Knee Pant Suits of good all wool cassimcrc , in neat checks , pleated coat and nicely niada up , at $2.25 ; worth $3. 5o. " " * One lot excellent Cheviot Suits of aSiice light plaid , is marked $2.50 ; the suit isvortlj , , fully $4.50. The grandest bargain we offer is a lot of very fine all wool Cheviot Suits , very stylish and well made , which we have marked clown to $2.90. The suit is cheap at $5. v In long pant suits we have also several large lots , which have been marked down very lotf , to insure quick clearance. One lot Boys'Suits , sizes 14 to i S , of strictly all wool cassinicrc , in two different pat terns , both very neat , these we offer at $4.60. It is a good working as well as a good wearing suit , and no young man need be ashamed to wear one. You have many times paid $10 for tv suit of the same quality of goods. Another lot of fine Silk Mixed Cassimcre Suits for Boys , sizes 14 to 18 , is offered at $6 The suit is worth fully double. We are headquarters on Knee Pants. Every mother knows that she can buy Knee Pants of us for less money than she will have to pay for the cloth in the garment , and she don't have to spend time to sew them over or mend them. "We select for our knee pants only durable mate rial , and have them made strong. It pays to come tons for knee pants. This season we have an immense variety , and are well prepared for vacation. IN OUR HAT DEPARTMENT WE OFFER THIS WEEK : 100 dozen Helmets at 4oc. 100 dozen Helmets , ventilated , at 450. The same qualities which hat stores sell at 750 andr.oo. An extraordinary opportunity will be offered this week in our Shoe Department. Wo have just received a delayed shipment of So cases of fine light weight calf , congress and lace Shoes , Ward well welt , smooth inncrsolc , very flexible and easy shoes for the summer. Tlicso shoes ought to have been here four weeks ago and were to be sold for $3.00. In order to close them out we ha c marked them $2.25. Positively $4.00 is the price which shoe stores would charge yo'u for such a shoe. Corner FoarteBnth and DoJgias Streets , DTI. Ja E. Mc HEW , THE SPECIALIST. The Doctor Is nnEurpnsscd In tlio treatment of nil forms of l'il\ntu Diseases. IIO Biiccce ( iil nml none luiii hmlBtroDscr cnilorec- meiit. A euro Is Ruarantceil In tlie \ cry worst cneeB in from 3 tnO lms wJllmuttho lofsof anhour'f time , " " Those who lm\o been under his trontriiint 'or 1 Striclnrocrdiaiciili/lu rclioin llie btalilor , pronouncolt n moctn'iUcr - fill uccue , Acninlctu ] ) cure inn IcwJnysuKliout jmin , InslnirnenlB or loss if tune , " AmlalhvcM ; ' ncis of tlio cscxiinlor timidity or nervo'ipncrs , In their worst forms most ifrenilf'il rcKiill * arc nlit-oliiti'ly ciuril. Ami nil KI'JfAIirl DISEASES nirccl nt homo without Instruments. A wonderful remedy. 11OUHS tot Indies from 2 to 4 ( INLY. nnd nil Dlecnsco of the Skin , HlooJ , llenrt. I.Ivor , Kill- nc)8 ) nn-1 llluiUer cured. Cutcil ii3JtolOdui8. The ino t ruplil , eufc anil elTcrt , Uctrentiiicnt known to tlie medical prnfeedon. E\crj'trncoof the dhenso re- mou'cl from the blood : ncomplrtc cure guaranteed , RffftSHRr fi ? For "rnnn" orvoninri" , ( ucli IPc ( stiimi ) ? ) . Tro.itiiinit by corns- Hpnnilonco fetamp for nply. N. i : Con. Mtn AND KAIINAU ST. Open from 8 A. J [ to ! ) ] ' . M. i2utranrn on Pnrnnm or Htli fat. OMAHA. NEO Drs. Merrill & Merrill. Chrnnlr , Ncrvout , lllnoil nml Surulcal rtlncn'oi , and UlFOnaoa of tbo Hyo , Knr , ( , 'oro , Throat iinU Client. Hjieoinl Alt iitioii to llMunsoH ol'Vo - inoii nixt Clillilrcn , The iloctorn Imvo liml yearn of cxporloneo In tlio liotpltnli of lliuoklyn nml Nun Yni k , anil lire IIIIIOIDC the uuiHt mcctssf ill uiul Mlilely knunu apcilalUtu In thu country , 'lo 'Vniini ; nnd Sllddlo- Aced Mon. I/i t Jlnnhooil , Nervous DoWlltjr , Rpornmtorrlim , fiomlnul IXIHHCO , Phrileiil lletnr , urliliiK friiiu llulls- crotlon , iiruiluiInK ultepleMiioi , ito | ) Oinlenpy , | ilm- pU'Jon tlio fucv , iivcriilunta Koclcty. nisllr ill co\ir- nuol , luck of ( untlilencu , dull , unlit fumtmly or buil- ncss , iin.l Iliulj Illo 11 tjunltn , siift'ly , I'Orumngntljuml ' pceUllycuruil. ( Uoiiil unit Pldli Dlwcnsoo. Sypbllh , n dloonio moit droatlful In Its result , cumploti'ly oraUleute 1 , Cli > iiitfi-lrlnnry ) Conorrhio , Cloi't.HMililll" , Ilrilrncelo , Varlrncclu ami Strlituro nullrally nnd mfuly i'iiru.1 wltliout pnln or iletcntlon frnni liuilneji AllHiivual Diilur niltloH mid lini'i'dliiifiits ' to murrliiKO lucccisfullif ro- IllOTCd All Itertil lUon ) f i nfeljr nml pcrmnnpnlly cured. Iloiintiu. in. , tllltip. in , MimhiyH , 10 till ! „ > N. II 1'ernoni unnbU ) tovMlii * inny liulrenlnl nt their ImmeH liyrurrrtpunilcnrv .Mallclnvi iinU In ( itnictloii went by uprusi. Connultiitlon freo. t-cnil UcntilnHtnmpii to Insure ruply. iilH niteciitll St. , Oiip iin Opurn lloiiui' , UmiUiii , Ni I ) . . ELECTOBC BELT \vrrHiuirtmtnnr ran SilminBr Bargain Sale -nv- MAX MEYER , & BEO. , Je-welers and Silversinitlis , SIXTEENTH ND FABNAM bTEBETS , - - OMAHA , NEB tins in. Bargains in Watches. Nltkel vftitchcs from f2.V ) upwards. Blht'r "Mitchos fromf'i up anlH. Diamonds. . Ladles' iulil wntchoH fronul. ' ) npwird Ucntlmnui'H KM watchusfrom S-0 upnnrds. Dlninonil rlnR from S250 upwnrdi. in Bargains Jewclcry. lilnniond tollur liittoni fii.m J.I upwards. . Illnninnd trnrf iilnn irom S. > upwards. \Vocarryiifnll line of Jownlory IncludliiK IMiinionil cult bultoiiH from In lipnnrcls. liolli KOllil cold nml line rolled pinto Hiik' , Diamond i-tiil fruni S7WI upnarili. nlni , i-nrrlliK'i 1 ckotN , cluilni , lirnicloti , Diamond lace pins from 110 npwunlj. nc'iUlnces nuilnad collar buttons , etc Ar > Illuiiionil car rliifsfroinflS upwanli. tleli'H actually vortlifl wort'll nt Mu lo TSo , lllaiiond tunculct'i ficjmMfiiiiwnnU. | ttiidull othtT KouiN uru solilut tlio Huiim pro Dlainund l > i'iiOints I ruin $ -.r ) npwiinls. portion. Son our liow nlnUowa. bco our Uluiuond necVIucea from t. > i ) upwurils. Watches , Clocks and Jewelry Repaired at Reasonable Prices. Greatly "Rc'duced Prices on Silverware , Clocks , Lamps , Umbrellas , Optical Goods , Etc. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute For the treatment of allCIIKONlO AND BOHQirATj DISKASK3. Ir ) * oi , Appllincei for Iiiformltlni" , n | TrniicB. llott hiellltles , Arnnratim nnd llumodlai for tiircoMfnl Irontrnrnt of oviirr form of dliensorc quIrlnuAlnlloiiUraiireloiilTrentraent , NINKTY IIOOJIS KUIt PAT1KNM Jlonrd awl nilomlanco Iloil Acconiniodutloni Wcit. Write for circular * on Dofc-mlilM ami limres , Trunscs , Club l > rt , Cnrraturiol Bplno , 1'llcj , Tuiimri , Cnwir ( uturrh , ISroneliltli , liihiilntlon , Dli'c ti Icily. I'urulnU. ICHI < .p y KUlncr , llladJer. Ke , K r. Hkln nndlllbnd , nnd oil Hiirjiloal opuratlons , OISKASKS OF WoaiK.S" a | ioclalty. Hook of DliensiiorVnaun Free. Wohnvnlatclj'iiildnd * I.jlnu'-ln Pcpartiiii-nt \Vonifndurlnu \ Continental ( Strictly ] > rlvnti. HcllaliloModUnl Inilltiitemuklni ; nrpeclitllr of I'UIVA'ri ' : IIISCAM'S. All lllooil niii'imenuccMifiillr trt'nti'd , HrplilHtlc iMl'on r inovccl from the y lern TUIiontmerciirr- NCMT ItoiitoriitlToTrratuiunt for U > im ul Vital Power. I'nrtlo unable to vIMl usmuy to t routed nt hmuii-f correrpondcnce Allcorammlcntlon oniillilcntlul .Mcilirlno or Imtrunionti rent tjr mall or oii'ruas , io > curtly parked , no marki tulndloatn tontcnunr sandiir. Ono lorxorml I ntfrvlnw prof erred. Call andconiuq u or lend history or your rntx , nnit wuwlll nond In ii | i In wrapper our IIOIIIC TO MICN I'll Kl ! , upon I'rlvttk Hueclnl or Nervous Ulsensci , liniiutencr , Syplillls , ilicotninlnrlcocilj , with < | iin > ilun Hit. Addrun Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Connor 9th and Harncy Sts , , Ornnho. Nob. i . f Ml'Vsiiircrliii from : oiroot T 7TTTMl'Vsiiircrliii ? \ AV / \ \ A ' ' "A' "f ' " 't Mai hood VV L-ArlrY YimtlifulErionUm | ) ) ' f * * 4 --1 * - - - - anil DNuiiM'S of Moil can lie rurcil perunnc'iilly nnd prlmlely by cuirCoxiial HIIO- cltlo. bunt tiy mull furifl. Hook mat ( ncnled ) lor Btnnip. lleautin Mcdkal Cuiupany , 167 W Btici't , lloitun , MasM. [ JFor lOSTorFAIUKO BfAimo Qeneral onJ NEBVOUB UUBtLITV W ckno of UoJynndKInd , Effect ! of ErrorBOrEcociicBinOUorYounr , Ollhillr llMlorrJ. ll.nlo Dllr , . { AhitluKIl ( Ifalllil HOIK THUlKhlT 1 : | 01. l du ! flaatMlllrrrvm ( OfiUlfiuid tarflicB fvanlrlfi.Trlllltirii , ) H crlptl * tlcok.fiuluiitloa i1 viratUuallfdfftfBifiDfrf. . KUttu ERI7. filEfniCAL. CO. . Dllr FAtO.N. V , TO WEAK GVBEM BulTi-rlnx fmrn tliu illccUcif youthfulcrrorl , enrlr dfc y. a tlniwvnknr ( ! > Hloit ininlioml , ! . , I win Kiul n talunbln triatlwi ( M > alnll coiitnliiliiK full Iiartlculan fnr home pure , fllKK ol rharea. A [ ilfiidl'l ' ini'flleal Murk : vhoulil lie xxad hypfery man hn IM n rvfuii nnd < | plillltnti < t * XiUlri'M , I'ruf. I' . C.I'OM'I IIIt. Jllooilun. uiiii , VIMNTKI ) AccntntUHflltliiirinlci iClntliciI.lnoi ' > tliounl ) liiieururlnvi'nli'ailiitlinlilHtlioilotlii'i wlthuut | iln : iiH-rlt'il vr/\miict'imintoiitroooiil' | ly liiucilimild only liyi > 'iiut'iitt , Iu wli'jm tlie vxilmlvu rlL'lit Is 1)1ro nlvi'tn on receiptiif Ml tin , e nind n I _ I i > > 5 iuiiiilullnuOy innlli nlnuclrculurH , prliu Hit uiiilluriui tu n i'iil > t nvcuto your territory tt cine. Aildrcn , TUB I'IM.UH cmniEB Lu > Co. , IT ilcrmoii ut , Wvrcotcr , MUI BOISE CITV , CAPITAL OF IDAHO. Motior.ollii until/ provision of constitution ftr IMIICII' Ciipllal. UiiiiHiinl opportunity for Invent ! iiii'iitniul tiuilncs' . ( 'u | > llal n Tiled. MorlenuuHnot Upunciit. Haw mlllH , lirli-k kllni , woolt'ii mills r run wtiiki wanted. Unlimited wntcr power Kent , foi'lcty , tiiliiiiili , chiirclic * . 1'ctfi'ct fllmiilc stuiC t-'ruiTDMpnra'lliKi ' hoi > Knornimiit ( l.inil ( Irent crnliit fruit nml Vfiieialilo rountry. Hulit cruim nut * 'Jl'cr | ' unu. Malio , ' ( iunor tlio Mountains , " willKIKIIIleu > tit . Third In imi l u minimi * . Diitpiii l.ixt join tl7.l XIWX , ) CuiiiMim liunlni > M nlth iilinmironna Mslt in. Kinirnlun rnici llliiHtrnlu I | 'iiiiiililotu ' aulluilfruu. IIUAItH OFTUAlii : Ikluillr. U I'O AND BBHIN TnEATMENT ] Mvntrrlt , IXiilnmi.Mt * . Kwirnll , Wtktt * , lal iMpruf Klon. MMtttnlnuoI tliu linlnr lullln/lii lrLi nlli > > it Icu'lllilfto lultei y iln / rteitlifPi-cinjuiro Olil Ay * . Iliuruimu. l.t ) nr l'o or iaolthsr HOI , liivoluntnr/ > - , uiul KiurnnluriL'j ' rtunii'l ' liy oter-ciertloi or llu luah , fulfiliuro o < uvui .linliilcrcncu. Luch liox contain * unemnnil. ' * trt&t. incut , ( i nli'ir , or l > for 1 , tunlly tn > llirvi | > IU \Vlth rM-li order for l l > o i , will mml imrtliuor r rant " in " ' I moni'v ( film Iron mint rnllitu OOODMAN DHUG CO 1110 Fnrnum Strcwt , Oiimim , Neb. AnnoiillICiK , I < ! nvy < Tl2 IH-nrlioni St. , Uliloak'o , Ul yiiirs MU'i'ciiful iirai'tli'o. AilvlcuKriu ! noiiubllclty. - n many bUtc > - . ,