Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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    If THJfi OILAHA. nAJLY . , SATURDAY , JUI7Y 5 , 1890. 5
rhoj Celebrate the Fourth Vith a Reunion
UicTinio Sprnthi IhcliniiKlng Item *
ccH nnd ituuordliiK In *
clients of tlio Years ol *
IJOHK K < > '
What nglorlouH day itwn-j at Bcllevuel
Never Iwvo those historical grounds , with
theirtr.ulltlom or suffoilnffs , of lightings , ot
lim-le-fincss nnd great achievements ; with
their clopp ravines within whoso shadowy re
cesses the twilight over llngcra ; with their
tree crowned hills and all their picturesque
beauty never huvo they been lionored with
n more notable assemblage than ttioonotbnt
( tatlicrcd there yesterday a luunlou of the
pioneers of Ncbraslu.
It wiis n beautiful by out there In the
wooili , 'Jho nlr vnrt cool nnd dcllgiitful In
the 8bnJo\vs of tbo thickly ontwlncd
folingc. u\ll the dreadful noise
of the city did not shock tlio
eonsltivoear. A llttlo way from the mala
Batheriiif , whcro small hoysvero shooting
( Ire crackers , the birds Ind not been frinl
cned a-way and ono could still hoar thorn
singing sweet corals to each other.
Tlierocro \ two train loads of people tbnt
wont down to the llttlo \lllanafrom the
city , but a largo tiutnbcrof horses , hitched to
Wagon wheels , thutstood muncblni ; tbo'ras3 (
under u ( fioupor ticca , told thobo were
not the only ones in attendance.
Not only Omahn but nil tlio noiphborhoocls
about Jl"llovuo vero ruprciontcdvvhllo 11
fcwcamu from moro rcmoto district ! ! .
Your old settler U a reminiscent Individual ,
butall proploaro so , for tli at matter. Whcro
nro tbo schoolmate * who do not
enjoy la nftcr jc.irs to get to-
Bother and remind cacb oilier of
tbo escapades of school Hfcl
It is so In everything. All niun like to recall -
call the diys that luvo been hallowotl by the
longycais tbat ha\o rollu-d by and multi
'i'ho people that gatbrred together nt Hello-
vuoj'csUrd.iy wciono cveevtlon to the rule
Oray-lnlred men , lic'iuliiiK o\cr \ sUvci ,
their ty bcdimnied , their \olcca weak and
faltcrbiif , stood under trvcH they rcinoinborcd
ns bushes and recalled tbo stirrinp stems
tbntvcio enictod upon the ground upon
which they stood , ne.uly forty years apo.
Men who find stood shoulder to shoulder in
the days of trial , of danger nntl of tribula
tion cbiipod binds on jcstcnKiy nnd it vll3l
"Jlowdy , old boy ! God bless you I"
Now and then ono would step
up to another mid placing a bund upon
his shoulder , say , "Hello , old num. "
Thootlicr would tutn around and take tbo
profit-rod hand , but it vould ho Midcntthat
houun ] iiiKzlcd.
"What , < ton't jou roiiicmbcr niei" the
otlici- would ask. "Why , jou nnd i used to
brc.ilc pitilrio ground imcl pull stumps to-
gcthor. "
" \Vbut , you'ro not Gcor o ? "
"yop , that's who I am. "
"Well , whcro1 vo you been nil these years 1"
And then they would stele- secluded nook
und go over the years that they had been to-
( rottiur and tell of wluitbad luppcaod to each
durlnp the tlmo of separation.
So tbo day up until dinner time was spent ,
nnd then the baskets wuo drawn forth and
old f i lends hat down together and enjoyed
each other's , bounty , -whetting their appetites
withroinliictCH of the tlmo uhoiiluro neces
sities vure so hard to obtain and luxuries
wcio unknown.
J\t one taliloladcncd with Rood things sat II
T. Clarke , as host , Guncrul IJroo'te ' , ( ienciid
\Vhuitoii , Senator 1'adilock , Chjinplou B ,
ChiBe , Colonel Hughes , Lictitennnt licnlinm ,
andotlius. They hud bocu talking ot w-
unionso and somuof tlio Kontlemea hid told
BOUO excellent stoiles , when suddenly Sen
ator Pnddock laid dovn a thlcvkcn bouo that
ho had been dlscusship , and turning ; to Gen
eral Whcaton , abruptly ln < iuh'cd :
" , whcro were jou tuentj-seven
vpnnt fit'n t-nduv 4"
"Twenty-seven jenranffot" thORCiicral 10- ;
pcntotl thoughtfully , "Why let in "
"U'hj' , i know , " liiteiruptcd General
Brooico "You vvoro on the loft of the
union line at Gettysburg. I was
there , nnil it wni just about this
tlmo of the day that Himcock came ever to
inyrjunilorsand v\o sat , down to lunch to
gether. "
'Twenty-seven ' years ago tod-iy I was In
Vicksbwir,1'said Colonel Chiso. "The Yanks
and the Johnnies spent the day swapping licj
and stoics. "
"Well , I ivas close to you , " said Senator
Piuldoch. "I was on u uporters' Iwat In
front of Vicksbuif. "
Sothoclluner hour was spent In pleasant
reminiscences and storj-tolling.
f During the meal and clurliiR- the whole of
the day the Second regiment baud discoursed
the sweetest music. .After dluncr the
younger people had a season of dancing upon
a plat f 01 in prepatod for the occasion , while
S the older ones resumed thoil story-tolling- .
v Thin a favorable opportunity to look
around nnd sco who wcro i > resent.
Uencrol Brooico and Colonel Hushes of his
staff , Colonel Whcatonuntl lr. Hurtsutl mill
'L.lcutoinnt Dcnham of his stall , and other
otllcera from the range , vUth members of
their family , were present us guests of Mr.
Among the old settlers that wcro there
plmleiiiK under the tires wcio the following ,
the nuiuorals showing the j ear of their ur-
rival in Nebraska ;
II. T. ClurKo 'CO , .Toliu 1C. novd ' 5O , Cham-
plon S. Uluiso ' ( Hi , John Hell ' .MS , 0. iJ , Dietz ,
GeneralKstnbrovlc'55 , Amos Gates Ml , John
I' iazier 'M , Robert McCarthy ' " > ,
Jfinloy Birch ' 55V. . J. .Maxwell ,
who used to run the ferry across
the Missouri , ' 07 , William Itobinson ' 57 ,
A.D. Joiies'M , l.cvl Klmliill 'M , C. 1' . Bur-
licit > nI , John Mifloltli ' . " > ( , Caiitain Ulnck
of PliittstnoutU , C. I * . Storra Til ) , Dr.
AYoocl ' ( > ! > , E. I'1. Cook 5i ) , "William Ale-
XAUrhlln | ' 01 , Horace Uogers 'J5 , lUchunl
JJauiels MB , Thomas I lend ricks ' . " > ,
t . L. . Poriino 'IK , J. , r. MeLnlu , A. W.
tllarko'iVI , KroultCaldwoll ' .V > , John Ohaso
i * oB , J times Davidson 'ol ) , Ilor.ico UoRers ' .V ) ,
931 , A. Lonfidorf , JudROUow'55 , Johnl'otcrs ,
Ur. IrvliiKton , AVllliam Lchiner ' 57 , Trunk
Leninor ' 57. Mrs. UuttcrUclil , lllchnnl
Stcbhlns , D. 0. Sutphcn ' 57 , Chailes
Chllds 'fid , Charles ( Jonnoycr ' 00.Vill -
Inm Smith 'M , Chailos Smith ' 51 ,
A. V. Uoscrs ' 50 , I ) . L. Thomas TO ,
\V , S. Hobeitson , Charles .Lalnp 'M , Dr.
Chuffca'tll . U , Bowen , A. "NVrltrht , J. 1C.
Ooss , Jlrs. Klopser. Mrs. Oliver , Mrs. Spen
cer , ( J. It , Martin , Dr. liatoj of SprlnKlfcld.
J.I' . Khkondall.J. T.Ulaiko ' ( , U. \ \ . Hut-
tcrllold'llt ' , J. H.Suhlcr ' 511 , Thonins Dyson
f > 5 , OttoMojcr ' 01 , UncusMoycr ' 01 , S. t\
J3urch'M , Williain McLaurhlin ' 53 , William
- - Hapoboni ' .13 , Senntor Paddock " 54 , W. II.
Smith ' .VS , I * II. Ciiso ' 57 , "W. T. Ilr.uidou ' 57 ,
1)V. . Kauffman T8 , came hero Jlrst In ' 50.
but wasscnivd nwav by tholndluis : J. il.
AVIso 'ot ' ) . L. Klinball 'M , J. U
Bjei-a > 5I , D. 1ST. Hosiers ' 50 ,
J. N. Martin 035 , B. L. Mnrlln 'M ,
AV. 1. Iruland ' 5S. W. V. Jlartin ' 55 , J. 11.
Bctz ' .Ml , J. A. 'ilioniison'.Vi | ' , W. II. Peters
' "A H. 0. Hates 'Si ' ) , John Kbau ' 55 und C. D.
Smith M , James Davidson ' 50.
After dinner a few brief ndJrosses wre
i _ made. II. T , Clniko elcomocl these present
T and was followed hy ticnoral Kstahiookvvho
T toldoftl.o Ufa of C. H. Henry , Soon after
ho came to Omaha ho was called us United
States attorney to Investigate a elurcro of
niunler iniulo nKtilust Henry. Henry told
him it was nn neclaent and ho believed It.
U'ho cuso was lnvebtlfsucd ( by two jriiind
juries and Henry \vns acquitted by both.
'I'ho general nlso told an inter
esting joke on his lint lUlt to
Bellevuo. Ho went there In company
\\lthColonclSarpy , the old Indian trader.
It was a blustery , disaui-ecablc 0 ly. As tlioc
came the liver the shtovvd old Colonel
Sarpy laid , "Let 1110 look about hero a little. "
and got out of the bumy und shiewmy
\valked nheiul in wo croisecl the slnky lee ,
tlio general drlvlnc * nlonp hotvveini nlr holes
vlth the water louilng through tholeoon
either side.
Colonel A. D. Jones , tbo llrst postmaster at
Bellevue , was intrcxluceti. The tlrst settle
ment of uny IniiKii-tanco ever inndo in thee
state , ho aalifv. , . In isa when 1'oUr Stupy
sallcil up the MUsotui. 'liiun catnotho cm-
baasadorn of the religious denominations
nnd then the Indian traders and then
tlio early Bottlers. Ho ivcullod the days
v > m the Mormons maclo their whaler quir-
tcn hero , nnilviicn lonp cmlRmnt trains
crossed the river on the old Bcllcvufl ferry.
Ho brought forth Inuuhtor by jccltlnff how ,
in order to elect n deiegnto to conKrws , the
Rood people hiul broil phi acrosIho rher t o
w ( ? on loads of HnAvkcycs. That vns the
Jlrst election , nnd the rnnn elected had to rldo
nsfnr mSt I.oulson her iebJi'k.
Colonel Chamtiion S. Cliwo tmd only teen
In Nobrasltn twenty-Iho year * nnd iw such
n newcomer thnt ho vouhl leave tholndtilg-
In ? In rcmlnlsenccs of early days to the older
settlers AVhnt holshcd to do wai lo
present be fore tlio people present the ad van-
MICS ; of a society recently organized , the
Sons of the American Ucvolutlonxvhleh ho
did at some leuKth.
lies was followed by lion. John 1 ! . Boyd.
who excim-ilhliMcir thus : "Mr. Clniko told
TOO tint there wt'io no speeches to bo made ,
nnd upon tint nsturancu I came hero , I am
nooratfir. IdUln'thmo ' the early training.
Iy early < 1 T3vere sjioat inbho\ln the jnclc-
l > lane > . \Vliilo I have seen nnd participated
in n.nny stiiiliiK scenes in Nebraska , 1 liiuo
not the eloquence to tell you of them , and so
heK to he cxcusel"
J. IVIVoodof 1'lnttimouth\VMCiillcdutwn.
Ilosntd : "him liere today to scosoinoof the
old settlers nnd tilk tothc'n. In Chlcapo a
few dnjs iiyo I met a gciitleuinnvlio asked
nil vvbero 1 viis from nndvlmt ray
name wns 1 told lilm I fitmi
I'littsmouth and mv name waiVo6d. .
Wiy , said ho , I'lattsmouth h near
ny liomo. I wns bom nt liellovuo.
My father MM sent out them : isn niisblonity
to the Otoolnd him in IS'W , autl I wna boi n in
lSt > . > That was Ho v.S. r. AlerrillniidliU
missionary f.ithcr . was Kcv. Closes Merrill ,
who died here. The-reference to the old ( 'ays '
sent u thrill th TOUR ! ! , mo and when 1 heard oC
this reunion 1 determined to u > ine" Tlio
sneaker then toldsoinelnteresttnR facti of the
old church mission nnd other fcatutcs of In
terest lo tlio old settlers.
Or. Unlciecalled a number of IncldentsoC
tie early dajs. Ho told of omo cold winters
in N'ebmslca when the Ice In Lho river f 10/0
abou t five feet tlilclc and tlio mercury froze.
'Jho fnunoiiof theao days know nothing of
hard times. They should hive been heiein.
thoilnjs vhcn com Ind no market , or cattle
either. At that time law eN , doc-ton , farm-
CHandpfc.ichcrswcro ciiMped ( in town lot
speculation In Omnhnnncl Bellcvuo. Ho had
come out supplied \vith u small mecliclno caso.
ToRoout into the country to attend to n patient
tient- necessitated the pxpeiidituto of ? 10 for
atcnrnniidthc loss ofn dny in time , during
which sonic of these who were working on
town lots Mould steal a sale from the doctors
\vhkh they ml ht have made $500 , niidtho
doc.tois didn't ' feel lilto practicinu much.
Talk about haid times 1 He cngincrrcd his
family iifTiiirs for twenty-four months , -\\hcui
only ascents cish passed through his liands
. - . *
? 1 lu cash for eighteen montlia' pructlic.
Thisfuatuio of the pro raini'io aa ion-
clud'-dby u few f.tuutlous icinailts hj Seuitor
i'addock and uunio li.tUcli.'nd. . \ .
Alan } then loll for their homes , althoush
others I'oni.diird . and nto a lunch and
more stones.
Dlnrrhoca atJolinstown , 1'a.
Last Juno , after the prcat Hood , I lecelved
nbottlo of Chamberlain's ColU' , Cholera and
Dmrrhciiu luinedy from my pastor nt n tlmo
when I wns very much run clown \\lth
ihma , and had tiled tivo doctors without lind-
ins any relief. This itsincdy iellc\ed 1110 at
once , and uuod mo entirely iu a short time.
iRot sovoralbottlcs nnd RUO : itaround ainoiiB
my acquaiiiUijcu who -wcro nftlletcd in the
saino way. 1 think I pave it to n dozen | ieo-
nnd it relict cd and euicd , so far .is
allcnscs. It is the ocst incdlolnu for the dis
ease Ilmvocvcr known. Mrs. 1 ] , Li , Ilcurlo ,
Johnstown , 1'a. _
ClIAaiUY'lIIAT 1'AII ) .
TliisXnrinti Is Yoitclied for n * Bclnj ;
n True Story oiGutlniin.
Y ounfj Mr. do 13. Is n brpKor , and like
most inunin his walk ol lifo , generously
A.S ho left Ills office ono day lust week
ho was accosted by a , rougli-loollng' , rag--
gcilly dvesbcd man who requested , the
( ift ol 50 cents with which , to puichuso u ,
dinner , says Chatter.
"AVhy should I glvo you 60 cents for
jour airmorV" nslccd youiifj Mr. 15.
"Wlnt claim hnvo you upon me ? "
'Nono , " said the beggar. "Tlutt is , no
moro than the hungry imcl penniless al-
njyH'huou ] > oa those \vliohave soino-
soinething to hparo. "
" Do I look as il I had something to
spare ? "
" "You nro n. kol r , loturnotl the alms
Ecckor. "I never knew a broker nho
had. nothingtosparo to a liuiifjiyman. "
" "Why don't jou go towotk ? "
UI may linvo to il you doclhio to assist
me. "
"Tlmt Is stningo. What Is jour
worlc ? "
"I'll tell you. Iain apickpockot , and
I have iu-jt thia afternoon heon dis
charged from prison. I have no uionoy ,
no friends. 1 am , ns I hmo said , hun
gry. Y"ou sco wliat I nm brouglit to.
StarMition or ciirne. II i can get it good
dinner I may bo able to &Uvo ofE the
other altcrnutlvo for m\hilc. \ "
YoungMr. . do B. was Impressed
naturally so , Pthinlc. Putting- luind
Into his tinuscrs pocket ho draw forth ti
half-dollar and banded It to the ox-con
"There , " ho said , "thero Is jour din
ner. I shall bo glad It I can save you
from crime , o n for u little while. "
Atthisjoung Ivlr. do 13. started on his
way , but the bcg-jf ar was at his elbow.
lIsay. my fiiend , " bald ho.
" \VollV"
"Would you mind tolling : rae the
time ? "
"Thoro Is tlio clock InTrinlty slooplo. "
"I know that hut your tlmo. AVhat
Is It ? "
Impatiently Mr , do C. felt for hla
H a ten. It was gone.
' I have been rolibcd , " he cried.
" Prucibclv , " said the e.x-comlct.
"iVnil hoio is the watch , " taking It fiom
the pocket of his grainy coat. "I took
It while jou vero hesitating sibout giving
ing1110 the half-dollar. Tlio Loul helps
thoin that help tliernfcclves , but Ho also
helps them usholjw others. Take jour
watch. I don't uood It. You { jot it
cheap. "
And so fay in ? , the hegffar turned nnd
walked clown the street , and \uts soon
lost to vlow.
Then youncMr. do B. , loplncliig his
tlmo-plcco in his pocket , sauntered
homeward , thinking- deeply nil the
while , and tliiinkiiifr his stars Hint being
n broker ho was , like- most men in his
wall ; of llfo , goneiouHly disposed.
Hot Wonthoriuul Ac-eld out * .
Tnlio nochnncca onheadaclies ot sunstroke
Thishotweather Is fcarful.butif youwilltako
afo\vor Krauso's Headache Capsules each
day jou will Ihul the tctuparataro will ho ro-
ducej and the likelihood ot sunstrolii ) or
prostration ubiolutely eounterac'tcd.
sale bj-
'I lie Solid Houth
Is solid on the proit "German HomeJv. "
Tclegr.unsnncl letters are received cvory clay
ilurlnu this heated term for Kruiiso's llcad-
ncho Capsules. The people from that section
say they reduce tlio temperature and prevent
su'iistrokf-s and heaJachea. For silo by all
dtugglsta , _
flu n Stroke.
Now is Iho time , the accepted tlmo , tonro-
vout sunstrokes , hoailiUJlK" ) , oto , Byiouuvliig
Iho teinporaturo ull these Olitrcsslns evils
will hu proveiiteil. Krauso's Hcaclaclio Cai > -
eulea are the thing.
Ono or two Krauso'a Honthcho Capsules
Wccn clurlnR the day will proven t nny head
ache , also uttacks ofsuustroUo , A.lldrug | sts.
Jester : "JohiiBon is n mean man. "
"So they say "
"I know it. I borrowed $20 o ( him ono
divv lust week und returned It next dny ,
and hovivs aetuiilly too mean to ullow
mo 5 percent off for cash down. "
Miles' rvo nml Iji\or Pills.
An Important discovery , They net on the
llvor , stoinncu and bowels through tbo
norvM. A new principle. They Rr " > eeiUly
c-uro bllllousneia , bad taste , torpid" liver ,
| ) llea uncl conitlnatlon. Bplciulid for inon ,
Vvonieu luiil cldulron. Binalloat , inlMest ,
mrost. llOdo.M's for'J5 cents. Samnlea free
at Kuhu A Co.1 * , 15th oud Dcuglua.
The Homj of II. II , dual the Scene of a
Stocking Accident.
Tl ejr .Attempt (0 ( M lit Ohclr ? Fire-
orntlp.s nt n Gasoline Stove ntul
fXll l- > \ll ) ( > Hl < IIl IVlllO
Soutlinrcl Injured.
\sa prohablo result of the careless hand
ling of .firecrackers tlio llttlo two-year-old
child of Mr. imcl Mrs II. It. . 2001
Lake street , it frightfully burned , ixiid should
It recover , It ulll bo disfigured .for 11 fo ,
Just nftcr ( jo'clock Inst evening.\tr.Cassol
pave his llttlo son , ft boy flvo years old , soma.
lire crncliors , and then started oft to thrs clr
cus. The boy gathered some nioro lads about
him , nnd going Into the kltehcn , they started
a celebration of thclrown.
Airs. Cosselhadltist started the gisollno
stove , mid placing the baby upon the Ice Iwc ,
near the atcvo , left the loom for a mo
ment , When uho TO turned u sight mot lior
pazo that made her sick nt.henrt , Tlio little
babo.enveloped in Humes mid 1U cilos
\vcromost piteous ,
G.V. . Morton , who uas sitting In front of
Cornlsli it loliusuu'ti di''i ' < j stoio , heard the
screams and luiinloR to the rear vl tliodwcll-
InpltleUcJ in the door , and grasping- clilld
In his nrmi li.istllv bore it from tlu > room ,
tonilnp : off Itsclothes IM hecnt \ After got-
tlntflt out-doois ho rolled It hi the glass , ex
tinguishing the flumes on the few shreds of
clothing Unit clung to the little body.
physician was summoned mir" cry tlilni ;
possible was done to rclle\o the little ouo's
The child was In a tcrrlhlo
condition , us tlierovm scarcely-
n place upon Its body that was not blisteml ,
\vullo itsllttlo face rind hnmls vero so badly
buincd that reut plocut of llesh foil oft as ft
was touched by tlio bandages ,
Nr. jMorton , who carried the child Into tlio
open nlr , wa ? nlso a severe sufferer , na the
lusldo of his h.inds wcro burned to a crisp.
llo\v the nu'idtiit occurred U a mystery ,
but It Issupiwsedtha chlkliencro lighting
their llrccratltera nt the steve and In some
wnj thogiisolino uas turned on , and In com
contact with a llghteil flu'craclter tlio
oxjilosion follo\vid , tluo-\vlntr the hurtling-
lluld over tbo clothes of the child ,
Is'ono of the other children in the room \\wo
Injured and none of them arc able to give any
account of the origin of the explosion.
Joe Soutlinril Injmecl.
Ex-Cltj" Cleric Joe Sou third and wiforo-
turncd jcstcrday from a four month's tour
through the crust. 'Iliey are both looking
veiy much rofrcsheil anil improved. Mr.
Southmd received an exceedingly Qory re
ception a few hours after reaching the city.
Ashowas standing in fionb of fie Alcr-
chmits1 Hotel an exuberant small boy
touched off n"giant" fiieeraekcrwitlilii about
twofectoT him. Thoiusult was that thoex-
cltycloilc weiy painfully burned upon
tholoftsldoof his ncclc bv ji great \vua of
burning pa per that struck him fiilrandstinnro.
In addition to inllictlnp the piinCulvound
upon Mr , Southaid , another result of thoex-
plosion ft as the sli-ittentiKOf u great pane of
heavy Fieuchpluto jjl.133 iuouo of the hotel
\ \
Ilurncd allele iti tlioKonf.
It was 1 o'clock jostcrdayvlicn aflrolnll
exploded on the ioof ofTitn Douglas1 saloon ,
at the corner of Fourteenth and Douglas
streets. A. liolo six feet sqtmro was burned
in the roof , and the entire building would
hnvo fjono but for prompt aitlou on the part
of the firemen.
Sturlcd a
.A number of small hoys vv Ith'a quantity of
fi rccmcliers thought It would bo great fun to
bum tliooldfRuuo shanty nt Ninth street
and Ciiiiltol nvenuo jesterday noon. ' 1'lioy
succeedcil in starting the blaze , but the fire
doiurtuient arrived in time to preheat the
dcstiuctlon of tbo building ,
A Clinserll'ciiloilcs.
The explosion of a "nigper" cbasor In n
barrel of straw at Eighteenth and California
streets g.wo the department an opportunity
to nulco a fine cxhihition run last night.
There vas no danger , the fire- having been
put out before tlio arrival of the firemen.
Nervous dcbilitj poor memory , dllfldcneo ,
sexual weakness , pimples , cui\d by Dr. Miles'
Meivino , Samples frco at Kuhn & Co.'fa 15th
and Douglas.
Hfrs. VaiNlerljlL'H Charities.
I heard the othe r clay of some o the
bountiful und unostentatious cliaritiesof
Mis. Frederick "Vanclervilt , says the
Chicago Herald's N"ow York "letter.
This lady is so modest about lior nlms-
fj-iviu T tliat she freiiuently does it
tlirough a fiiond of hers , and tlio recipi
ent no or suspects that aid cotucs f rora a
member of the Vaiidcrbllt family. The
lutly bus an Italian mission
down In the sliniis , Iloro drift
all the needy woman nnd
children , nnd lio\v does tlio lady ontcr-
tiiin theiiiV Byprajor imd exhortation ?
No ; tliero is indeed a short prayer after"
a. good , Hqinre , hot meal , for Mis. Viiu-
dothilt does not bollovo thut rollRiouis
aHfillincr foroinpty stonuujhs as hontty
food. Then she lias music and singlnp
by well known professionals. A few
weeks sliico she had Campiinlni and Gal-
ussl to sing for their coin. patriots , and
can you fancy tlio dcllglit of tlio o poor
waifs ns tlioy listened to songs of their
sunny land ?
Dr. Dlrnoypr < iotico limited to catarrhal -
al discasos of nose and throiit. Boo
An Infant ( Tlliiiitcss.
PlnvoLovcl , uhamlot Ijlufirslx orsovon
miles east of Dou < f lasvillo , Tox. , nnd just
across the state from Louisiana , boasts
of a phenomenon in the shtvpa of a girl
notyot quite ton years old who has
already atUlned tlio height of ton feet
flvo inches , fciiya the rhilndolnhlu
Times. She is the daughter of Jumos
Rutherford , onylnecr nt the luxnbor- mill
at Carter , llobinsoiut Co. , vho is hlra-
BoH a glnnthi fcUw , while his wio ( is six
feet and a quarter in height.
The girl , who \\vvs , IHT parents say ,
an unusually small , sickly luby , began
to grow \vhon she \ > as about six yairs
old , and in four yours lias gained" two
foot and a half , an almost unprecedented
giowtli. Slio is stout und clovelopod In
propoitlon , and hits tlio Btrcngth of a
man , but her mind Is feehlo , or else has
been bo outstripped by her body as to
ffi\o \ It 110 cliauco to dovolop. The
young ( 'iantctiH presents a most romnrkc-
aWe siioetacla with her chlldkh face
and ilrcst ) , seated jl.iyinif in the sand or
herself with a doll.
Tliroufjh coichcs Pullman palace
bleopeis , dlningcaw , free reclining chair
curs toChicagro and intervening points
via the great liocklf > luml rnyte. Tickut
ollleo 1002 , Sixtcoiith and Farnuin.
I'ouullur Oilenlnl IHto ,
Invitations voro recently Usucd to all
olllfew and other lluropoun and nntlvo
residents to witness a festival known aa
4'Ainl ( Knud , " which , literally
vvallciiijj o\er apooloC fire , at the icsi-
dcncoof tlio Rani Coorg , sajs aBenaroa
letter. The iiitltatlonsworo laij'ely'ro-
Hiwndcd to and all the llui-opoah spectu-
tow wore astonlhhcd to BOO the natives
wiillciujr o\er a pool o living coals. The
place ffheio tlio fire was placed woa
about twenty foot Ion ? , four feet wldo
ami t'40 feet tlcop. Atone end of itu.s
situated the jjod of llt-es , made ofkncndod
Hour , nnd the gieut } od Mahndoo
\vas conveyed around the liio three
times In a grand juilunquln , liorno by
amid great Blriflliifj and
the faslilon of the In
dian \\ai \ * dunce and song.
R cm nrknJ > lc Structure to I3o
Hull ) In nn lovvnCity ,
The city of Ottuimvu , Ta. , is showing
moib signs o ! llfo flmii over heforo In its
history. Everywhere csin bo neon Indi
cations of thrift , of a , new uwtikenlnjr
which isnliiKBt tUtt-IUng to the ohler
cltbeng. Ottuinva , like sxll other towns ,
luta lind Its season of , "red paint. " and
llilsspring tliero Is nroviriit of the art
of p-ilntlng , but It la In bettor tnsto anil
In tnoro harmonious colors , 'J'lio reason
of tlio revival is Indirectly , H , indeed ,
not directly , nttributablo to the coining
coal imlaoe , writes n coiresjiondcnt ol
the Oliicigo Herald. The work Is begun ,
and by September 1 the pnlnco will bo
The palncowillbo nn imposingslruc -
tuvc ; 200foot ia length with nti average
width of 130 Icot , the main lower lilting
It&elf proudly over two hundred feot.
It will bo built with an architectural
diameter of UB own , nnd , unlllco otlicr
palaces In. Iho state , of Imy , wood
or Btubblo , Tlio wliolo structure
will bo veneered with coal , varloui
unlqtio designs cntorliij , ' into tlio build-
In i the materhil boin f obtained from
the output oltho vniious mines about
Ottum-vMi. A mlnlattiro coal mine la to
be ono of thofotuurosof the palace and
lliooxcavatlun ismohtnduilrably ndapt-
cd to the purpose. Into this mlno a
shaft will lead from tlio inalti tower over
150 feet bo\o. The lower tit its bnbo
will bo over forty foot square , nnd it will
bo icached by means of t\vo elevators in
thosonil-cirtulai'lowers toward the front
or by n Illffht of lit'iirs In either of the
other scini-oitculi'.r ' towers on the rent1
corners. From this point Iho slgMsocr
will got Into n car Justus In a regular
niino , henho will ho lov.orcd through
n dark and forbidding bhaft into the
sunken part whom thoimilcs , the miners
with lamps nnd picks anil tlio coal in
largo veins can bo Been. 1'roin Ihomino
the visitors can go dliectly to the first
lloor to vie\vthc exhibits or pass out of
the building by another c < chit. It uiny
bo of intorc&t to those who still have an
admiration for Terpsichore to know that
the top of this tower I
1 r l llrt-ll H JII 1
by the joung people for the graceful
minuet. Think of a dancing lloor with
twenty to twenty-five bets tripping tlio
light ' 'pedantic'1150 ' feet above the sur
rounding country ; with but a
balustrade to chock a ten
dency toward slipping off. Un
doubtedly the youthful swain will pay
thoilddlor veil , for the dance there will
"como hig-h" any way you vlow it , 'To
make imirkct quotations , however , it
willcost just ono nicKel torido to the top
of the tower , plunge down into the dark
shaft and yet lost , in the inazosof the
I'hc archltecturo of the building is a
compromise between the Gothle and the
By/nntino. The loftiness hints at the
Gothic , but the domesa little inpio
bulbous , would do credit to tlio Himaian
stjlo. The palace will botwobtoiies in
height , the first being about twenty-1'no
feet to the ceiling , and the other leach-
inn to the top of the structuic , varying
from fifty to ono hundred feet.
The pakico at night froin the exterior
will present the most striking tipponr-
aiico. Powei f ul electric arc lights will
Hash out their brilliancy from each of
tlio touors , nnd each of the many windows
dews will bo provided with various col
ored lights , making a scene more splen
did than any illuminated castle ot the
rich baioiisof feudsvl times.
As a Drinlc In Tcvcrn
Use Hera ford's j\cld Phosphate.
Dr. Chas. H. S. Davis , Mcridea , Conn ,
sajs : "I have ) used itnsnn nocessory In
cases of melancholia nnd nervous debility ,
and as a plcasiiit nncT cooling drink in fevere ,
and have been vciy much pleased with It. "
Jalilts ( of tlio Standard
Ken.rly all of the Standard Oil million-
lionaircs ha\o followed the load of ono
of the senior mcmbois of their trust and
built magnificent icsidonces on the
bound , B.iys the Now York Sun. Two or
Unco of them go to the main ollleo of
the Standard Oil company from their
residences eveiy morning on their
yachts , but Mr. Flag-ler , though ho
likes a sail as well ns tiny of
the other millionaires , still patronizes
the trains. The Flagler place near Larch-
mont occupies a peninsula , and is one of
the most magnificent country Boats on a
water fiont in the country. Just off Jtlr.
Flutter's private dock lies a huge steam
yacht , and bosldo It a big 100-foot
schooner. Both of the crafts arc fully
manned , so that whenever the Standaid
oil millionaire likes to taKe a tail ho has
only to stroll down to his pier and stop
aboard ono of his yachts. Mr , Staibuck ,
whoso place is four or five miles beyond
thoFlaglor housoontho sound , rises In
tlio Tjnoniing , takes his Inth , steps
aboard his jacht , and brcalcfafcts
on the vay to Now York. By the time ho
has finished with his breakfast and has
smoked his cig-fir on deck , ho is ready to
{ jo to the ollleo of the Standaid Oil com
pany and airango a few more twists for
the innocents. Oiioof the Rockefellers
lives fuithor up the toast of the hound
nl Greenwich -and his jnoht Indulge * In
nruoo with Mr. Starbuck'n The other
llocUefellor eomos down the Hudson to
business onhhstcnina''lit. ' . Taken all
in all HIP Standard OH millionaires en
joy tlio luxuries of llfo us thoroughly 113
nny Hltullnr group of financiers in "tho
The only railroad train out of Omalux
run oxprc'sly for the acooiinnod.itton of
Omaha , Council Blurt's , Des Molnos and
Chicago business is the llock Island
vestibule limited , leaving Omaha at 4:15 :
p , in. dally. ' 1'lekot ollleo ICO. , Sixteenth
und I'limam st , , Omaha.
AVorii-Out Slioeallavo IholrUscs.
\\"orn-out shoes have their use 8\y3
the IS'o\v Vork Tribune. Tlxo Italian
BtavenirorwhoraUoa up your ash barrel
and scuds the dust Hying over your door
stop lmo\\8 this well , and his black eyes
glisten at the sight of old leather. If
the shoos nro not worn to shreds , ho
sells thorn to n second-hand dealer and
they nro pitched up and resoled ; but if
they nro past mending ho takes them
homo to his cellar and rips thoui all
nnart , or his ulfo and children do. The
places ho sells to u manufacturer. From
the larger pieces , after bolntf soaked till
soft , the uppers of chlhlron'd alioos nro
cut. ThoBolcsarocut Into small pieces
to iimko up the layers of the- heels of
other shoe * , the iron peps that are not
bent , win bo used over ngnln , and tlio
L Ittlo scraps that nro loft utter all this
nro subjected to a treatment that makes
thorn all ono pliable mass from which a
kind of artistic leather is rolled out.
This Is used for covering chairs , books ,
trunks , boxes , etc. Many fancy patterns
are stamped on it and the trade in this
kind of "embossed" leather la the
United States is a wall established one.
Both tlio method nnd results vflien
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tlio tnsto , nnd acts
KGiitly } ct promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Uowcls , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , Lead-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy oi' its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomnch , piompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
eflccts , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeaUo substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
oyrup of Figs is for sale in 50o
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable drnggiat who
may not have it on Land will pro
cure it promptly for imy ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Boyd's Opera House Block.
- - .
On account ot our I
imcl incroiising Prnctico ,
vo have ItEMOVBD to
innro Epacious und con-
Aouiont oillcos.
Drs. Betts 8s Betts ,
1409 Douglas St , Omaha , Neb ,
Instantlystoin thomostoxoriiclntlii n lnsj no\or f.ilU totclvnp-isolo tliosufforor.
NT.UUAUJIA.SOIATLCA , 11KA1UCUE , TO01MIAUHC , ot iiiiy otlar 1'AI.V , a fo\r \ uiiplluu'
10113 arollkoiniiKlo , causlustho fata to Instuiitly stoi. |
rnternnlly tnkon In ( loses of from thirty to sixty drops In nlmlf tumbler olwatar will ourn Ir
a few mlmitrsCramp , fcpralns , SonrStnmnch , Oollo , VlatulcMic-u , lloartburn. C.'liolorn Morbus
Dyscntry' OlarrliaM , Sick Hc.i < liicho , Kausoa , Vomiting , Nervousness , Slcuplossucs'i , Mulurla ,
and nil Internal p.ilns nrl3liiromuliuugu of dint or wnturor ollioic.iusus. .
BO cents nbottlo. Sold by all Druggists.
w * vwvw'ww * 0vfw > vrtfvwvrw
Tea and coffee cheer but do not nourish. They even
leave an'injurious effect upon the nervous system. Indeed
there is'no beverage like .
It jlitttulafes and nourishes as none other , leaves no bad
effects and is a flesh-former of the most approved type.
( " < rae trlod.ilnnys oicd" ) niuy tnko
It with pleatnre nnil tliovcnlt with liu | nnlly. Tliucxelllns rirectiur tfu
und ciiffco * uroolidutt.l Iiy ! ( slcmly tincuuil iiei-rutu ill in.k > t-Hurr re. 5
llcveU and. prevented. Ii-lltlomlo tlio t i rgot aulu lit ( nu world. "
There Is nothing its equal for relieving the SORENESS , ITCHING
or BURNING , reducing the INFLAMMATION , taking out REDNESS ,
and quickly bringing the skin to its natural color ,
BEWARE of Imposition. Toke POND'S EXTRACT only. See landionpo
Irado-mark on buff wrapper. Sold only in our own bottles. All druggists ,
ATURE ? ContainlnR the ripest thought , the latoit researches -
searches , the best work of moro than ono thousand of the
foremost literary , scioutiilo and practical man of the nineteenth -
toonth century , ombraciurjr History , Tiavo'D ' , Biography ,
Physical and Moral Soioncos , the whole round of human
knowledge ; as much matter OB can bo found in 110 ordinary
12 mo. volumes.
inff a well written lifo of every prominent man -woman
of anclont or modem times , -with the biography of every
living omlnont character brourrht down to the present yoar.
Full description , with location , population , eto. , of every
country , city and other political division or sub-division of
the world , accompanied with a complete sot of uow maps ,
including1 ono of every state in the Union.
"Whoso authority is acknowledged by every scholar , scien
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soever , with the absolute certainty of finding it plainly
stated and absolutely trustworthy.
'Well , you can got it by becoming a subscriber to THE BEE ,
and you cannot got it in nuy other way.
"WHAT WE MEAN IS THISVo : have concluded
arrangomoiits which ounblo us to offer THE BEE ( Dally
and Sunday ) for ono year in combination with the AMERI
THIRTY DOLLARS , paid in twelve monthly installments
already iP3Uod and w 11 bo delivered en pnymont of the
first instalment of $2.5O. _ The roma'nlngr flvowill bo de
livered within four months. The subscription to THE BEE
will bocr5n Immediately.
Encycloptodia which any ocho'.ar or librarian will toll you Is
the Standard Encyclopaedia of the world , revised to date
on I amended by the expansion of all articles of special In-
torostto Americans by the introduction of several hundred
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n'ca says not a word about Grant , Sherman , Sher dian ,
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Stowo and many others whcso names are household words
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N.w you Unow enough about the matter to dooldo
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EIGHT CENTS A DAYI If you thlnlc tint such a
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send us a postal card and our reproacmtatlvo w.Il call on
you ; or como in and oxamim the booto. They may bo
SCOQ at our coumiug rcoin uny hour of the day you choose
to call.
Grand Lottery of Juarez.
TJndor the Management of the Mexican International Bankins Co. , Conoosilonarloa.
Will take plaoo In publla at the CITY OK JUAUH/ ( formerly Paso del Norta ) , Moxloo
A EDNESDAY , JULY 23d , 189O.
Under tlio iiorsonal suporvWon ol fEN. , JOHN S , MOSDY , and Mn.OAMII.O
the former a eontlriinn of such iiromlnnncn In the Unltud Htatui hU iiri'Miico nlono 1
Bufflclent cuiirnnlvo rlo tliu pulillo tint tliu driwlii : i will liohuld wltli strlut IionuHty nuit 'alr-
ius3 toall.unJ thu latturtho ( Suiiorvlaurof the Muxiotn UuvorumuaU la ot uiiual ituuulu ;
und Integrity.
Only 6OOOO Tickets ! Only 60OOO TicketsI
1 Prize of Approximation Prlsai.
, . $60,000 , 1(10 ( Prlioi of IMonoli
' . 'rticof 10.UM . , . im l'rl/oi of .Vlosch 3,1)1) )
ICW I'rlioi of Mcach
I me. or j.utwcsch a.rxo Termlnil Frlzo'i.
10 rliojof soOeiuli i.OOl
10Vt rlioaof lUUuacli 6.0U ) fJSTorralnali tu 81ll ) > JU I'rUu of IU ) uacli. . .
100 rlieiof Keacli bun
va rlieiol BOeacli -'jr ] Tula Prlzos amounting to . $1B5,07O
Wo th iinaprntuned linrehyeertlfr that Iho llnncn If IIT ticket rtrawlnzi l > rUe h nont lo Ihn unlor-
NnclonM < if Mrnlto In Clilliuthun Inn an dopoilt fllined , 111 Inn ralnn will bn ( nlloctM unl ruialllol
from tbo Meilcnn lulc-tmtlonil llankln ; Coraimnr , to thu owner tliureof fmenf clmr ii.
th fuinU tu vunranteo tlio pnymimtof all KiiOAiill. UUDSHOV ,
tli prlio < drawn In tlio ( linn.l Ixitlttrr of Juurm. I'reildont Kl I'nio Nntlnnnl lltnK , Kl P"o. Tot
Wu further cortllj tliat wo will nni rvlio nil the ar- '
r nicmont , nnd In purion ninnnxe nn t cuntrol nil For club ralot , or nr ether Information , wrllo to
llioilr'tolnEi'if ' ' thli I.otlcrr , nnrt tint the IIDIO iiru
coniluctod nllh Iiniia t7 , lulrnoiJ onj lu guad ( attli Hlnto , Countr.airaotnnil Numlior. MoroMtilil mail
" ' d'ltvorr will boaiuro < i I j T ur encloiliuaa oaral *
"arilOi/Nttt'1 / , MOSnV. ComtnlMlonor. ui > i ) lienrlns ; your fulludJrim
OAMII.O Aiinui.i.i.K'1 , , MEIIOAN IwriiiiN'.vriovAt. lUNKi > aool
Ouporvlsur for tliu ( Jovornwoiit. I City nt Juarui. Muxlca
M'O'T'irjT S(1n ( < l rrmlttinan fortloknts by onllniry l.ittnr. cnntalnliiR SIoiwOrJpr. .
v * * v--1-- iMiiedliy all K\nn ) ilci , New Vork Exclmntju. lUnlc Druf tor I'ojtal
Koto. Address all riKlstuwl lottoialo
City of Juarez. Mexico , via mi Paao. Tox.