r 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , THURSDAY , JUNE 26 , 1890. THE CITY. ' & , ' p.5 Six qnr lornls of tin were received tit f tlio customs hon.so from WnloH. consigned ' ' to the Annour-Uudiihy pucklny coin- I1' ' puny. 7 O. D. Brown nnd wlfo yoBtorday sold f William H. lliwhinnn 88xlt2 ! feet on Lonvcnwoi'lh Htreot betwcoii Tonlh nnd Klovcnth for * : )2l)00. ) ) Mrs. Clurko of the Open Door wnH culled to Clilcngo yestordiiy by n telegram - gram announcing the death of a grand child , the daughter of Mrs. Ilutchiuon. William A. LiW8on ; , of Elm Crook , Neb. , IUIH lout a fourteen year old boy , mimed Claud. lie has forwarded n de scription to the police and iiaks thorn to make a Hcarch , Arrangements are being made by the city and Frank Murphy to htivo the city prisoners put to work to earn their board on the rock pllo on the corner of Sixteenth and Ixard. 1 II. T. f'larko hn returned from Brad- Bhaw and denlea the report that has been published regarding a lack of 8ys- f tern in the distribution of goods and funds hont to the people of Bradshaw. Thirty or forty Tumors and their friends took the train at 8:1C : yesterday morning to tuko j > art In the oxorclaos of the Nebraska Turner bund at Lincoln. Mayor Gushing and Messrs. Vander- voort , Ilolmrod and Edgorton were in the party. The pastor and members of the Sow- nrd street M. K. church complain of the loud and profane language of the base ball players in the vicinity of the church nnd ask'for police interference. A simi lar complaint and request comes from the residents in the vicinity of Twenty- eighth and Ames avenue. The trains leaving Plattsmouth are being systematically worked by pick pockets. The latest victim reported In Omaha yesterday. His name is M. L. Davis of Hoxlo , Kan. "When leaving the Plattsmouth depot ho was uncere moniously jostled about by a group of four well dressed follows , who captured his pocketbook and $7 in cash. The I'urcst and IJust Articles known to medical bcienco nro used in preparing Hood's ' Sarsapurillii. Every In- Krcillont la carefully selected , personally ex amined , nnd only the best retained. The incdieiiic is prepared under the supervision of thoroughly bompctcnt pliarnmcists , tiucl every step in the process of manufacture is rarefnllv watched with a view to securing in Hood's ' Sarsapiu'illu the best possible result. Ij I'.l .I GJt.ll'liH. S. K. Jackson nnd wife left yesterday for an extended trip east. Louis Lltllollcld has been entertaining for some days p.ist his sister , Mrs. C. E. Baker , nnd her husband , of Cliieopee , Mass. Uotli of the latter Itfft for the cost yesterday by way of the Wabush road. Mrs , C. II. Dewey returned Tucsdav from Battle Creole , Mich. , where her husband is lying quite ill. W. I. ICiorsted , one of Mr. Dcwcy's ' partners in business , loft last evening for llattlo Creek. Mrs. Dcwoy will return to her husband in a few days. Ueeretl Up TJO. Marion Anderson was brought to Omaha from Fulls City and arraigned in the federal court on a dim-go of selling iicer to Indians. Ho pleaded not gallty and was bound over to the November term. Store Tor I' ' The net proceeds of tlio T. K. concert at Jloyd's opera house for. the bandit of the I ) mil haw sufferers was S'iliJ. The money lias been turned over to Mr. T. M. Shallen- berger of Ur.ulshaw by Knelid Martin , chair man of the lliiancc committee. An Absolute Cure. TheOKlGINAL AUIETJNfi OINTMENT Is only put up in largo two-ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute euro tor all sores , burin , wounds , < -napel | ) linnds ami all skin eruptions. Will posltlvulv euro nil kinds of piles. Asic lor the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at 25 cents per box by mall ! il ) cents. Uorhifj Tor Gas. The machinery for boring for gns in the west p'irt of the city was sent out yester day. It consists of a large derrick , a cable and other machinery. Tlio boring will bo done on Oscar I'lekaril's land on Park street , lust west of the Little Paplllion. The work is under the direction of Captain Lewis , and it is proposed to bore IIOO ! on 1 , IOJ foot. It will require thirty to forty days to complete the tirst boring. Want , n Koad to 101 Ic Point. A party of gentlemen from Elk Point , S. D. , consisting of A. O. Hingsriul , secretary of state ; Geor o It. Freeman , capitalist , and I'1 , M. Gllmoro , attorney at law , visitoii the city yesterday for the purpose of convincing thoMlssoiuiPaeltlo people that a lluo of road from Omaha to Elk Point would bo a paying enterprise , arguing that it would piss through the richest portion of Nolnnska and tap the great corn and stook raising bolt of Dakota. The gentlemen were granted an audience , and alter receiving bonm promises that the question would bo investigated , re turned to their homes last evening. Stronger. Building Inspector Wliitlook has returned from the convention of building Inspsctcra in Chicago. Eight of the principal cities of the country were represented directly and many others by telegraph. An organization was effected nnd oHli'ors chosen for the ensuing year. Mr. Whitloek says that Chicago's mayor and building Inspector provided lavishly In the way of entertainment and that overv one had n nmgnillecnt time. The purpose of the organization Is to pro mote legislation for a strong building law and the general exchange of views. In February , the association will moot with tlio National builders' and traders' exchange in Now York. Tlio Hcpnrtcd Postal KoliliorlcH. Chief Clerk Cramer of the railway mail Bcrviee returni-d from Chicago yesterday , where he had been c.Ulo.l to consult with Su perintendent White relative to postal matters. In speaking of the reported wholesale robbery committed on tlio runs between Council Bin Its and Davenport , la. , Mr. Cramor staled that ho doubted the truthfulness of Hie re port , "for , " said ho , "It would bo Impossible , to carry on this system of stealing for eight or nine mouths without detection. I heard that the valno of the property stolen would amount to S'Al.O'X ' ) , but I doubt this , for If thieves took ovcrv registered package that parsed over the line during the year they could not obtain so largo a sum of monoy. My territory does not include Iowa , consequently 1 am not prepared to speak intelligently upon this subject , but the whole mutter is now in the hands of Inspector Jim Stewart of Chicago cage , aud ho will make the investigations , " Ho WnH Called Down. Elbert Nickel wears n broad flapping som brero , n buckskin belt , fringe on his p-mta nnd spurs on his heels. Ho comas from Cheyomia county , Kansas , nnd as lie stalked along the strcot the barrel of a navy revolver bum ; down below his coat. He , roila to the station in n patrol wagon and enjoyed the noveltv. A search disclosed a cartridxo bolt well nllcd and a tremendous pair of brass kiiu'Ulas. "Elbert you nro charged with carry Ing concealed - coaled weapons. " "That's right , Joiljjo , thorn's the wccpons nud they're dandles. " "What do you carry them forl" "What fur , why to shoot with. What do you carry 'cm furl" 'You can't carry n ( run in Oniahn , Elbert. " "Well , I BWOW I What do you do when a le'ler calls you downl" 4'Ko one will call you down hero. You can po , but 1 will take euro of the BUU , " und El- licit went out into the sunlight , diucd. No artldo of household supplies is inoro Im portant Hum PluU'a Chlorides , the dUdtifct- GOING EI.SinVHHKK. The KtpntrlntPil Union Pacific Kin- plnycfl Keok Honumcrntlve ImboY. . There wore no men discharged at the Union Pncllle shops yesterday and tlio men in authority assert that the 25 par cent reduc tion has been made and that the issuance of tttno checks to men discharged had ceased. "But , of course , " said one official , "man are leaving of their own accord every day. " Tno men looked naknnco nt the idea that no more of them will bo discharged. They express - press the opinion that the company , having discharged nearly two hundred men nnd re- dmyd tlio working time of tlio balance one- sixth , Is satlslIuJ to rest awhllo and give pub lic condemnation time to subiidc. What will all these men do who have been discharged ! " a reporter asked one of tlio workmen yesterday morning. "Well , " said the mechanic , as ho paused a moment In Us work , "there will bo very few of them that will bo able to obtain work cither in Omaha or Council Bluffs. Both of these places are tilled with mechanics and work is very slack. Many of the men , I have been told , are going to Washington and Oregon. " "Will the company furnish them free tmns | > ortntiou for themselves and families I" "No , but I think they will bo able to obtain reduced rates. " "Will the men bo taken back In the falU" was asked T. II. Dailoy , the president of the Pioneer employes1 association. "That is owing entirely to the condition of trafilc nt that time. Lust summer the num ber of working hours were reduced nnd in the fall they were restored. " The Pioneer association of Union Pacific railway company employes will hold a meet ing at tlio Durnnt engine house this af ternoon at ' 1:10 : for the purpose of admitting new members nnd discussing the feasibility of an excursion this summer. Tlio association is nearly entirely social and at the meeting to bo held today no action will bo taken on the discharge of the 100 men , which took place last Monday nnd yesterday. _ A handsome complexion is one of the great est charms a woman can possess. Pozzoui's Complexion Powder gives it. PUBLIC WOIUCS OWIOIAIjSf Tlio Chairman and the Kv-Clinlrmnii ol'tho Board Talk. "Goodbyes nro supposed to bo near nt hand now , are they not , Chairman Balcombe ! " quired a representative of TTic Biu : yes terday morning. "Yes , " replied the retiring chief of the board of public works , n look of genuine sat isfaction playing upon his face. "Yes , " lie repeated , "but you have forgotten my full title I'm ' nn 'ex' now , nnd us comfortable' and happy an 'ox1 as you over meet. Not a wave of trouble roll across my peaceful breast. " Ueplylng to other inquiries Mr. Bulcombo said : "From the day upon which I assumed the duties of chairman thrco joirs and n month ago-to date I never thought for a moment that I would bo my own successor. I have always acted upon the theory that I would bo n one term olllcial ; that any man who un selfishly and zealously performs the duties of this office strictly within business lines , us ho would conduct h'ls own business , ignoring all personal nnd political differences , friend ships nnd enmities nnd fearlessly and honestly strives for the best possible results for the great body of taxpayers , as I know I have done , is sure to bo a one-term of ficial under the present state of public indif ference nnd prosperity. While the great body of taxpayers may individually most heartily approve of such a course they do not attempt to exert anv influence la public affairs fur ther than to vote occasionally. Hence they allow in a city of this sUe about one hundred active , interested persons who nro either making money through their busi ness transactions with the city or who arc interested in political success to control , as a rule , the appointment of tlio public ser vants to their liking und In furtherance of their financial or political intoicsts. There fore , I never expected to bo my own suc cessor , nnd lot mo say that my successor now will meet the sumo fate if he pursues tlio same course that I have. "There have been $5GS2 , ! ) ! expended in public improvements in this city since 188'J , and over iSIriOO,00 ( ) of this amount has been expended during my term. " Being asked whether he had any plans for the future Mr. Balcombo replied : "Soon after my entering the ofllco I told an old friend that when my term was ended I should see a little of this bit : world in which I thought I had done as much hard work as the next one. I propose to now act upon my remark of three years ago nnd do some trav eling , though I cannot state Just yet wucti I shall start. " Mr. Blrkhnusor being seen said : " [ shall not take possession of my now plneo until July 1. I am as yet ui.ablo to say what changes will bo made in the ofllco. I know nothing about the plneo but I guess Mr. Balcombo will post mo up. I have known him for quite a while and I have no doubt but Hint ho will give mo what pointers I require. I made no tight on on Mr. Bnleombe I simply fought to get the place. " This Inst remark wns scarcely in consonance nance with an assertion which Mr. Blrk- haascr made a very few weeks ago to the very same reporter whom ho addressed this morning. The other remark wns in reply to questions .regarding a rumor that ho would bo appointed , when ho said that if there was anything of that sort ( his being appointed ) in the air ho didn't know anything about it. Headache , neuralgia , dizziness , nervous ness , spasms , sleeplessness , cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Kuha & Co.'splDth and Douglas. . UP WIC13 A FLASH. Tm'-Ilool' Maiiiiftictory Com pletely Destroyed l > y Fire. An alarm of lire from box 8 sent the do- dnrtmeut flying down to Thirteenth und Pierce Just before noon. A dense volume of smoke nnd n shaft of flame which could bo scon for many blocks attracted a crowd under the impression that the elevator was on lire. The blaze was in the tar-roof manufactory of T. W. Kogors , in tlio rear of Garnoau's branch bakery , and the wholouffnlr tar , frame buildings aud nil , went up like a pull of powder. The department responded promptly , but too late to bo of much service boyoad pre venting the spreading of the flames. The building nnd contents , consisting of material and machinery , WAS a total loss , and was valued at about ? U,500. It wns lusured for $ . $1,100. _ _ _ _ _ Hiuli School. The following is the programme for the commenconifciit exercises of the Omaha high school which tuko place this evening nt the Grand oporu house : Muslo Mm I'll Orchestra Ksstiy The Miibloof the Fiituro Minnie llurxlund Oration Tlio I'niuchlso , Arthur 1' . Montmorenuy Music No vulet to of Minimi n Harriet K , llrown Kssny The Use und Abu-iu at Ambition. . . Kutronln Ootnur Deeliinintlon The Chariot It'ieo From lion J1 tir l.tu rlmoi-o Uonlso Muslo Orchestra Ksiiiy Tlio .Modern llerulnn . .Alleu ! ' . llowulb Oration-Gnu of Our American I'ntblmm. . Prod S. Nave Music I'hino Duct I'osllllluu D'Aimmr. . . IV. lluhr KlUiilmMi l.Uliloll nnd I'linllna Coltott. Itncltutlon John Hums uf Uottystwr. ? . . . . , Kdnn llarncy Voo'il ole } " fiiruu mill Autumn..I'cruzzl ' 00 > u ' pl ° " 1 u. Vonlllaii lljntSoiiK Illuiimntlml l.oulbo IMIoltorf Oration Tlio I' idonln I'owur , . Hurry ij. Akin Mu < .lo. . . . ,0rchostr.i Conferring of Diplomas. < r tipraah by Mr. O. 1Goodman. . Piualdent lioaidof Udacutlon. Muslo , . . .Orchestra This evening the momlxirs of the class of 'Wl will bo received Into the fold of grad uates by the high school alumni association at a reception tq lie given In the halls of the high school building. LIve pigeons wanted before July 1 nt $1.60 pop dozen. Ship to P. E. Mockflt * ; Lincoln , Nob. The School Census. The work of taking the school census of Ouiahu la about completed , ami by Saturday night the enumerators will have their re turns in shape so they will bo enabled to tell the exact number of . .children of school ngo In tlio city. While the returns nro not complete , It is now known thnt the census will show n most gratifying increase in the school population , as it will not fall below. 21-IOt ) , or a gain of about 1,150 , since the taking of the 1830 cen sus. sus.By wards , the First , Second , Fourth , Fifth nnd Sixth , will show the largest Increase , while the others , with the exception of the Third , have held their own. The Third ward will show n slight falling off , which Is accounted for by the fact that during the past year tlio building of business houses nnd manufacturing establishments has driven the residents into other portions of the city. city.Tho The only railroad .tram out of Omaha run expressly for the accommodation of Omaha , Council BlulTs , Dos Molnoa nnd Chicago business is the Hock Island vcalibulo limited , leaving Omaha nt1:15 : p. m. daily. Ticket oillco 1002 , Sixteenth and Farnam St. , Omalia. BUILDING TIIIiTjtOCK ISLAND. The Bids Tor the Work to Lincoln Have Been Opened. Sscond Vice President Parker of the Hock Island road opened bids yesterday for tlio grad ing of that line between South Omilui nnd Lincoln. Contracts will probably bo lot to- dny and ground broken early next week. Smith , Glltett & Co. of St. Joe have al ready been awarded a contract to build tire bridges , and they expect to commsnco work at once. It is proposed to have the road completed nnd trains running before cold weather. When asked about right of way , Mr. Park er said that ho had secured title to all the land required through Douglas , Sarpy and Cess counties , but lie has not closed up the deals In Lancaster. Ho is wait ing for Lincoln to vote the SoO- 000 bonds that have been asked and when that slmll hnvo been done dirt will lly at a rapid rate. Ho could not say whether the Plntto would bo crossed nt North Bend or Ashland. Both places were still under con sideration , with the chances very largely in f'1\'nt ttf tlin fniMiinf * "It has been rumored Mr. Parker that you propose to locate nnd build shops of some kind at South Omaha. What foundation is there to it I" "None whatever. Wo have no occasion to build shons there , not even a round house , though thnt depends upon the arrangements for our connections and the way trains may run. Possibly wo might bo compdlccd to erect a house at South Omaha in which to shelter engines , but I doubt it. " A Louie Ijf.st of Active preparations nro being made for the great official "change act" in Union Pacific circles July I. The list includes about fif teen officials , running from road muster to general manager. Mr. Dickinson , who held the latter place , goes out entirely , and J. O. Brinkerhoff , superintendent of the Kansas division , succeeds him. This promotes A. T. Palmer to the vacant chair nnd brines E. Hush , nn old conductor , into the rank of as- fcistnnt. Mr. Hush's headquarters will be nt Wallace. John II. Griffith steps from the office of auditor of. disbursements into that of general purchasing agent , and Mr. Anderson traveling agent , is to bo his successor. No one has us yet been selected to take Anderson's place. Joseph W. Hill , a young man in the audi- tor'tf olllce , becomes assistant to Vice Presi dent Ilolcomb. J , S. Tcbbctts retires from the position of general freight a out to be come superintendent of the coal department ; 0. II. Uhoads has been appointed to the stone and William Wash burn to the hotel depart ment. Fred B. Whitney , assistant freight agent nt Kansas Citv , steps into Mr. Tcbbctts' shoes , J. V. Parker , the nssibtunt at Salt Lake , moves into the vacancy created by Whitney's promotion. E. C. Eccles , formerly Pacific coast agent , goes to Salt Lake City , while A. H. Johnson , heretofore in charge of the freight work ut/ Denver is transferred to the oillco in San Francisco. It is not known who his successor will be , though a young man named Adams , general nirent at Butte , Mont. , scorns to bo the favorite , Kant Instead of West. Jnck Dowling , the great Burlington rust ler , ticketed forty-three Of the discharged Union Pacific employes Tuesday evening. A Northwestern agent tried to get thorn but they boldly repudiated that line be cause of its close relations with the Union Pacific. Some went to Chicago , some to Buffalo , n few to Rochester , half a iiorcn to Syracuse and thirteen to New York City. Another party will follow tomorrow or next day. Showed Their Appreciation. General Passenger Agent John Francis , division superintendent , J. 11. Phclln and General Agent A. C. Zloinor , of the Burling ton , have been complimented by the news paper men with whom they took nn excursion recently to Newcastle , Hot Springs and other Black Hills points , with h indsomo presents. Messrs. Francis nnd Kleiner each received a line gold watsh chain nnd Mr. Pholln a very pretty charm. Iccorntd With the Shield. Since t\jo \ publication on Monday last of C. 11 , McKibbin's record as general purchasing agent of the Union Paclllu , hundreds of people ple , tilled with curiosity , have visited the Lowe avenue mansion erected bv that gen tleman. Vicc-Pre.sidcnt Ilolcomb , Director Mlllurd and S. P. Morse were out lookingnt it Tuesday evening. They discovered a distin guished feature In the shapes of a handsomely carved shield like that of the Union Pacific trade-mark set in tlio front wall as a Keystone over the mala entrance. The AVashontH ICcpnlrcd. Superintendent Jayncs says that the wash outs on the Norfolk branch of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railroad were repaired yesterday nnd all trains nro now run ning' . The water in the streams there Is now falling , while It is rising in the streams further cast towards Pcnstor. The estimate of damage to crops by the storm has boon ex aggerated. Some corn on the low bottoms was submerged , but ns the country is roiling the corn on ttio hills w.is but slightly dam aged. _ are' Soap Isthomo.-.tolciiaiittollctndjunct DULY ACICXOWLKDGKI ) . The Bradshaw Itellel * Committee Ho- ueivos the Moo'n Second Remittance. The following receipt has boon received by Tim Bun for funds collected in aid of the Bradshaw tornado sufferers : YOUK , Juno 21 , 1690. Received of Tin : BGK Publishing comp my contributions as follows , Jl'JO.Oil for Bradshaw cyclone sufferers , N. M. FmiQUsON' , Treasurer Bradshaw Hellof Fund. Its superior tlicallwneu proren In liilllloni of horns * for uinro than uquarlur of n century. U U u > e > > [ > y the United Buiiu * ( ioTurnmonU Kndortot by tlio liumUof thn uro.it unlversltlai , ni tlio btromicit , 1'urett nnd Mint Healthful , I > r I'rlce1 * Cream Dak- Inu 1'owilor , tloc > < not contain auiuionU , Uuiu or aluiu. Bold onlr tn cnni. ' ' - rOWDEU CO. . 1'Hll'M HAKI.N-0 , New Vork CUUaio. tiun kr ucl > ev. SULgul > Both tlio method niul rcsulta when Syrup of Figs is tnlten ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the tnslo , and nets gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem cflbcttmlly , dispels colds , head aches and fevers nnd ctirca habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of iis kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste nnd nc- ccptahlo to the stomach , prompt in ita action nnd truly beneficial in ite clliicts , prepared only from the most healthy nud agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to nil nnd have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 81 bottles by nil leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Do not accept nny substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FRANCISCO , CAL , nUIun.LE , XV / / ! / Y01K. N.Y. Habitual Costivoiiess cnu.ics tcrnncincnt of the entire system , nml Ix'grl * < Ilit uses tlmtiiroliuwirclouq to llfo. 1'LTMiiiH Dfcosthc Imblt tire Ktililvct to Haul. nclm , Di-fcctho Mumor.v , Gloomy Iforoliod- liiBS NervutiMipvi , 1'uvurx , UroMi-lnes ? , Irri- tnlilti Temper anil other KJ nijitoinswhich unfits tlio sullcrrr furImMiii ornmvi'iililo associations. ISrgulnr luihltof body alonu cmicorriTt tlicio eiiN , and nothing BUO- ciMMlixo ucll Imichlinlnt ; this condition a * Tiitfal'Ills. iytholr usu nut only is the sjhtcm renovated , bllUn consequence of the hurmoiiioiii chungcs thiiH created , tliero I > er\nilcsa fooling tifHntlMCHctlon ; tlioinrn- tn ) faculties perform their funet loin -with % lvuclty , mill there it nn exhliiiriitlini of Jiilnd n nllinily , nnd pi'rfecthenrt'Heiisothat beepcaku the full enjoyment of health. .Tntt's Liver Pills REGULATE THE BOWELS. DRINK ROOT HIRES BEER. The Purest and Best Drink in the "World. Appetizlzing , Delicious , Sparkling and the Best Blood Purifier aud Tonic. A I'uckngo [ liquid ] 2dO , mole33 callous. EVERY BOTTLE Guaranteed. No Trouble. Easily Made. Try It \&k your Druggist or Grocer for it and take no other. Pee that you go/t HIKES' . THE ONLY GENUINE. Madu by C. E. HIKES. Philadelphia , I'cnn. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. . . . . Tin : Cm : AT . > nL > c i r.xai isn UKM- KIII" . An mi I'M II- IIIK cure for Sain- lu.il Weakness , Sporniatorrlnp i. mipotency , und nil ilNen'tM Unit follow as n - qiieiuo of Si-lf- alnfe ; as lx > ss of .Memory. L'nl- versal La sltuilo , I'aln In the Hick. Dimness of VMiin , rrcnm'.iire Old ARC. nnd niiiny othsr ilKe.iii'H that lead to Ina.inlty or roniiiiiip'.lnn an I n premnt iioeruvo. WT Kiill pnrtlciilan In our pamphlet , wlilrliwo de- Blre to * > enu fico by mall to OMTV one. C"fr Th Spu- clllc tno llclnolH.sold nt 51 pos pnckiiuc. or pU pack- nn < " < tor } f > , or n 111 lie ent free by mall on tha lecclpl of the niniivy , by addles iln TI1K GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 FAUXAM STUEKT , - OMAHA , NKH. On Recount of countcrfclti wo have adopted tlio yellow n rapper , thu only genuine. 14O9 SI DOUGL6S---STREET. - - . _ . . account of our . nnd inurensinj , ' Practice , wo Imvo IIUMOVED to inoro Fpiicious and con venient olllccs. Betts & Betts , 1409 Douglas St. Omaha , Nob. Ml. J. E. THE SPECIALIST. The Doctor U unsurpassed In tlm treatment of nil form * of 1'rhntu Jjti1 more fiiccomf ill ami none * ' Jin Inn ! stronger endorse ment , A enrols iuunmHTi ; ! In lliu xvrynrnt cnpcs In f rom 1 to 5 \\ltlibiittholopfl of nn hour's time. - T)10L. ) W(10 ( | mxc , „ . , , „ iii'drrliu ' treatment for Stricture or illfllqiihy In ij tlio bhlderjproiinunie It a ninnomlcr - fill euccom. A complete euro In a few days \\liliotil piln. Inn'mtpcnts orlim > < timo. . timidity or IHTVOUPMCIC , In their worst forma ami m < )4t ) drenjf'il reinlM or a alitolntrly cured. A ml all 1'KMAI.R | , omo InetriimenU. A wonderful rnnuly , JIOUH9 for ladles from 8J9J < Q > 'I Y. anil all Plfcntes of flic Skin , lllood , llentt. I.lUT , Kid- nya nml nimhicr cured. P Cured JnW to Wdnys. Tlio nu , traiild , info ami effort- | VC treatment Known to the medical prnfeetlon. Every Irnco of Iho dlieero ic- mm ec | from llio blood : ft compute cure guaranteed , 1'or "man" or "womiin" , iach ( Do ( itr.min ) . Treatiuint by forre- Hpfludonco Klumi > for reply. N. K Con. 14TU AND PAIIVAM ST. Open from S A .M to 0 I' M. Untranrn oa Turnum or llthbt. , OMAHA. NEB , C V D U 11 I Q fan bo cuml. . . O I rrllLlO diivshy iisoot tlKUiuir- voloimMuele Iti-medy J.iUD.ixi foru case It I will not euro. t'Al'TION to pet th' ' < tinnulne ri'hi- edy. Wrltoori'iiUon T I * Joslytt , Olti liar- uey Street , Ouiuha , f . * " Our great sale of thin coats and vests has commenced. For custom ers -who remember our former summer sales the mere announcement of this sale is sufficient. They know that it means an opportunity to get their goods at about ONE-HALF THE PRICE THEY HAVE TO PAY ELSEWHERE FOR THEM. We have this season an enormous stock , and it consists mostly of the better grades of goods , but these will be slaughtered at prices which others will charge you for inferior and low grade goods. Fine plain Mohair Coats and Vests in several shades at $1.78 worth $3.8O. Fine striped Mohair Coats and Vests in several shades at $2.28. Very fine Drap D'Ete Coats and Vests , elegantly made up with A French facing at $3.28 ; you have to pay for similar goods fully $6. The finest Black Serge Coats and Vests at $3'.8O , worth about $7. Very fine FrenchFlannel Coats-andVestsin beautiful stripes at$2.9O. A large variety of black Alpaca Coats at $1 , $1.6O , $2 and $2.28 ; also extra long Alpa'ea Coats. To get a correct idea of the values we are offering in these goods you must see them. IK SUMMER SUITS We will not take any chances this time. The season promiscsto be the shortest we ever had ; and wo commence an early clearance sale , We offer today two lots of stiks at such reductions that buyers can , readily see the superior values we offer. One lot of all wool plain grey cheviot sack suits at $6.50. $ This is a suit that has been made up to retail for $12.50 to $15 ; the quality of the goods is excellent It is lined with double warp Italian , made up stylish , with patched pockets , and makes a splendid business suit. The second is a large lot of sack and frock suits of black cheviot , the most fashionable material this season. These are made up in fine style with worsted binding and fit elegant ; the suit is worth over $15 , and we offer them at $8.90. Ask our salesmen to show YOU these suits. SHIRTS It is astonishing what a quantity o { flannel shirts we are selling this season. The enormous sales induced us to buy very heavy. We have recently closed outa manufacturer's entire stock and place them on sale today at about one half their former prices. Among the lot we offer : 70 dozen Oxford Cloth Shirts , excellent patterns , woven colors , made up with yoke and in good style at 50c ; a few weeks ago these shirts would be considered cheap at $1. 40 dozen silk striped French Flannel Shirts at 90c ; worth $1.75. Never were such bargains offered in flannel shirts as we have this week. 1 ' Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Yotself GomfortalilB , r' < V" " J Sydney Smith's sugges tion of talcing off one's flesh and sitting down in one's bones , was made before the days of modern improv- ments. Now comfort may be secured and good taste not be offended by simply donning a thin coat and vest and a light pair of trousers. A full supply of the same for the heated term may be found at HOW TO BUY u N Tl-Ihl F1KT1-1 _ STOKR. Every partleulur hcmwUerppr wants nleo llnan , Miu iiinst anil will have It. Wo are iiropaietl to BCiKl.saiuples to tlio ladles of Omaha , from wlileli they can uxiUo Wo deal oxeliislvely In I.lnens , anil curry only the choleeht Iniporlatloiis direct doin the inanafacturur. VIHI savothuiolddlo prollt. I'liroluisors have the henellt of IIUI.IAIIIMTV of L-ooils , anil tlio lowest jirliTH conshteututli lilXli iiuallty. Write in for Information. WM. S. KINSEY & CO. , Thu I Kill Aveiiuo Linen Store , 888 Fifth Avenue , - New Yorli PERKINS , GATCH & LAUMAN , ( < * Sole Agts. for Omaha , 1514 Farnam St. Grand Lottery of Juarez. Under the Manasement of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Concesslonarloa. INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF CHIHUAHUA , MEXICO , FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING Will take iilaco In publlu at the CITY Ol' JUAKEZ ( formerly Taso dot Norto ) . Mexico WEDNESDAY , JUNE 25th , 1S9O. Under the personal sitporvlsfnn ol GEN. JOHN'S. MOSDY , ami MK.OAMII-O tlio former a gentleman of Biich prominence In the United States that his iirosoiico alone l biifflolent Kiiaranteo to thu publlu Unit tlio drawings will ho hulil with Hlrlot honc-ity ami 'alr- nc > s to all , and the latter ( the Supervisor of the Moxloan Qovunimim'j la o ( uqutu Btuiiului ? and lutoarlty. CAPITAL PRIZE , $6OOOO. Only 6OOOO , Tickets ! Only 6OOOO TicketsI WHOLE TICKETS , $4 ; HALF TICKETS , $2 ; QUARTER 'HCKETS , $1 , LUST Ol ? 1 Prize of $60,000 , $60,0001 $ , , , , . „ „ , o/TOlr. . . " :1- : um ' . 'rlioof 10UXI 10,00) IIHI'rl/oj of M melt S.VJQ 1 I'rlruof 600) I W l 1UO 1'rlzui of 25 imch. . . . . . . . AMI 3 I'IIIB. of iuuu ei.ch . < * < ) I . Terminal Prljoi. 10 I'rliui of aw w . . MifiTcrmlniH Io fijVx ( ) I'rliu of 'tit oncli $11.930 ( / ? 1'rlzua of 100 uncli 6.UX ) tW Turmlnuli tufM.UW I'fUa of til ) uacli H > - 1U ) 1'rlunof tC ench t , ( W i of W eneli 7.&JU lOM Prizes araounttns to $126,070 \Vn Iliann.1c , lznci1 licrcby certify that tlio Ilnnro If nny llrko rtniTlnir ix prlzo 1 nont to tlio uiilnr. Knrlunal uf .MuxluG In ClilliUHhua litu on depuHlt elk'iivd , Its fiini vnlilo will bn rolluctud unit 'iuKU from HID Moxlnin Internnllorml Ilatlklni ; Compiiny , to thu uwiiur tUorenf fruo ol' Iho necostnry funcU Io Kiinr.intcu thu payment of all KIIIIAU 11. Mitossov , Iho prize * drawn tn thu liiand I ittery or Juarez , I'rcsldont III I's'o Nntloivil Hunk , Kl Tnio , Tot. W lurther corilty Hint wu " 111 nii | rtl > oidl thu nr- AGIiNTa WANTKI ) . rnnEURiont.1 , nnd In pemon iinuuitfit unit control nil Foriliihrutni , or nnr otlior Inforiuntlnn , wrllo t tlmilriwlni ; * of Ihli I.otturr , Mrnl that tlio nanio aru tlionniluralKniil. Btntlnu your nddroit clBiily. will } I'oniliiclud with hununtr , lalrnoji and In tfood f ltU Htalo. Oninty , Street 11111 Nuiubar. Morn nipld null townrtla nil p.arllHd. dollverf will lie imurod hy your cncluslni ail en ul Ci ti. MOBnv. Cdinnilsslonor. opu | jn rln < your full iiiMron. CAMII.O Aiiuur.iiK-i , SlEXIOA.X iNrUllNATlONATi IHNKINO ( JO. , lUipervlbor fur the Uovurnmont. . Ulty of JiuuL'i , Muxlua. pr Bond remittances for tickets liy ordinary letter , eoiitalnlna Monuy Order , - -UJ > Ithiiod Ijy ull ICxpn'saC'ompanloa , Now Vorlc Ktehaiigo , HaiiU Draft or 1'osta } Note. AddicHa nil lejjlstored letters to MEXICAN INTliillN.A/riONALi BA.NICINO CO. , Olttj -Juai'oV. . Moxioo , via ml ljaso , Tox.