Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Tlioeo of Mrs , Fairfax and Mrs. Bruce Mourn
Loved Ones Drowned.
Tim Mclnnclmly Termination of n Col-
ornl IMotilo nt Klkliorn nml the
Had Cloning ( it * ix Model
Fnrmcr'fl Ijlfc.
There U n weeping mother nt 033 North
Twunty-flfUl street anil n stricken willow nt
the comer of Thlrtoclith and CMS , while- two
dead bodies Ho somewhere amount the slhno
nnd the snaho gnm nt the bottom of the Ellt-
hem river , near the beautiful picnic grounds
at Waterloo ,
Tuesday the colored Masons of Omaha
gnvo thuh-nnnual picnic nnd in the early
morning n , special train of several coaches
bearing nearly 200 colored people left the city
for the grove mentioned. Everybody \vca
happy unit n Jollier crowd novcr left Oinaha
lor n day's outing.
They returned at 11:15 : nt night laden
with sorrow , nnd leaving behind them dead
two of the jolllcst of their party.
Charles Fairfax nnd Ida Bruce , two of
those attending the picnic , wcro drowned
about ! : ItO o'clock In the afternoon.
from those who witnessed the catastrophe
the particulars have been ascertained.
The recent ruins had changed the usually
tranquil Klkhorn Into a raging torrent. The
latter had overflown Its banks until in many
places the stream had become a quarter of a
mlle wide.
OpiXKtlto the Waterloo picnic grounds n
rope hud been placed ncrois the river to aid
in operating the ferry , nnd above this the
excursionists had boon boating , when sud
denly a boat containing Charles Fairfax.
Ida llnico nnd a girl named Allen was swept
down the stream , and , striking the rope ,
Fairfax nnd Miss Bruce Immediately sank
and novcr rcnpjKjared , probably being swept
along beneath the sur/aco by an undertow.
The Allen girl , moro fortunate than her
companions , succeeded In grasping the rope
nnd was rescued a few seconds later by n
man named Wheeler and n bold fisherman ,
who had put oil from the bank as soon as the
accident happened.
A fruitless search was made throughout
the remainder of the afternoon for the bodies ,
but night came on nnd the now saddened cx-
curxlontabj were compelled to return to
Omaha , leaving n few of their number nt
Waterloo to continue the search.
The wlfo of Fairfax , the man who was
drowned nnd the mother of the girl , and her
sister also , who came hero n few days ago
from Kansas to spend her summer vacation ,
she being n teacher in the publlo schools of
that state , arc completely prostrated with
John Bruce , n brother of the girl , went to
Waterloo yesterday to assist in the search
for the bodies.
Ida Bruce was a bright girl. She was one
of the graduating class of the high school
last and rocolvod high tribute for the
excellent essay she rend on the defense of
St. Michael by Tousalnt IVOvcrturo.
Throughout her scholastic instruction hero
she did well and graduated with honors. She
possessed much elocutionary ability nnd a
short time before she met death she had as
sisted in entertaining her companions with
Fairfax was n porter on the Pullman sys
tem , running cast trom hero on the B. & M.
Ho was about thirty-live years of age , was
popular among his fellows and stood well
among all the colored people of Omaha.
The body of Miss Bruce was recovered
late yesterday afternoon. It was found
three-quarters of a mlle from whcro it went
down , in a pllo of drift wood , and shipped to
Omaha on Union Pucillo passenger train No.
0. A force of men nro dragging the river for
the body of Charles Fairfax , the other unfor
tunate. The river is raising rapidly.
Sulcldo or A. B. Knight.
Yesterday morning at between ! and 5 o'clock
the body of A. B. Knight was found sus
pended with a rope around the neck from a
bourn In his mow on his farm ut Irvington ,
ten miles from this city.
The discovery was made by ono of Mr.
Knight's farm hands nnd immediately com
municated to the dead man's relatives mid
friends. Word was also brought to Coroner
Ilnrrlgtni by a young man named Sleeker.
The announcement shocked the llttlo com
munity , where nothing of the kind had been
expected , nt least by the majority of the people
ple who had long known the deceased.
Mr. Knight was about fifty "years of ago
nnd had resided In the neighborhood about
thirty years , having entered upon his land us
a homestead many years ago. Ho was a
brother of B. P. Knight , ox-eommissionor of
Douglas. Ho leaves a widow and four chil
dren seine of whom have grown to manhood
and womanhood. His oldest son , Edward , is
, a civil engineer in the employ of tbo B. & M.
Another son , Arthur , is a member of the
graduating class of the high school. A
daughter , Lucy , graduated ut the high school
last year and has Just finished a post gradu-
nto course at the Peru normal school. Thcro
is besldo a younger child who had been
adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Knight.
Mr. Knight was considered n model
farmer , nnd the farm which ho
worked was considered ono of the
most valuable In' the state. Ho was
in comtortublo financial circumstances , and
there was no cause to bo assigned for the
rash act save mental derangement. The poor
man has of late been noticed to act strangely ,
nnd at times without provocation to bo in
tears. These peculiarities were noticed n
few days ago by Mrs. Sheriff Boyd , who was
paving a visit to the family.
Coroner Ilnrrigan hold an inquest at the
house yesterday afternoon. The tcstlmouj *
developed the following :
Mr. Knight had been complaining for some
tlmo of Hovcro pains in his head and was vnry
B despondent. His crop had not been as pros
perous as usual , and the last storm did con-
bldcmlilo dnmnco. Ho was frequently in
tears and acted hi a peculiar manner at
His condition was attributed to an attack
of the la grlppo last winter , but us ho had a
similar attack of despondency about n year
I , ago there seems to bo no connection with the
la grippe. Au undo of Mr. Knight's , on his
I mother's side , committed suicide before the
r. family moved to Nebraska from Mnssnouu-
suits ,
r.E. Mr. Knight was fifty-seven years old last
December , and was n kind husband and an
indulgent father. No family difficulties had
E. marred the peaceful married llfoof the happy
Yesterday morning Knight arose earlier
than usuid after n restless night and wont out
of the house , About 0 o'clock the youngest
sou , Arthur , aged about twenty-ono years ,
went to the barn with the hired man , C. Shop-
liord , to food the stock.
Young Knight remained below while Shop-
hoi d wont into the mow for some hay. As ho
climbed up ho saw Mr. Knight standing , as ho
thought , near the hay. Another glance , however -
over , showed the truth and ho Jumped down
again to toll young Knight. Ho then Jumped
on a homo and fiew to the nearest neighbor ,
Frank H. Hibbard , a brothcr-lu-lnw of the
older Knight. Hibbnrd at once started for
the scene , whllo Shepherd continued on his
way to Ilruwster's.
Mr. Htbbard cut the body down and found
it still warm , but Hfo was extinct Ho went
nt once to the house nnd broke the naws to
Mrs. Knight , who was completely prostrated
by the shock and yesterday afternoon was in
rr a sorlous condition.
r The daughter , Lucy K. , aged nineteen , who
returned from Peru , lud. , last Thursday ,
where she in normal
00) had taken n courio
training , was also completely prostrated.
to * The oldest son , Kuwaiti , who is in the
101 Black Hills with a surveying party , was tclo-
grnptuxl ycsUmlay morning nnd la expcclcd
homo tonlgut. The funeral will not occur
until ho comod.
b The neighbors nnd friends of Mr. Knight
; V.ero all of the opinion that there was no for the deed oxcout his hoaltli. Ills
nttalt-b were In the best of condition , as far as
any ono knew , and liU farm of .200 acres was
t3 in good shape.
03) The Jury returned n verdict that the do-
03)WO consisl t-umo to hit death by strangulation
( WO during u temporary lit of Insanity brought on
I by
'u , Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous
i dyspopsiiv , dullness , bluee , cured by Dr.
[ Mlloa' Norvlno. Samples free at ICuuu &
u Co.'s , lUth and Douglas.
AH Action fl.r ? OOOOO IlroiiRht
Against C. II. McKllililn. i .
Action Identical with that Instituted In the I
federal court a few days ago was commenced 1
In the district court yesterday by the Union |
Pacific railway company against C. II. Me-
Klbbln , the ox-purchasing agent of that
railroad , an account of whoso alleged mis
doings has appeared In these column * .
It calls for Judgment In the sum of $ .W,000 ,
nnd nn attachment upon defendant's property.
Judge Wakclcy rendered two " de
cisions , Ono was In the application of
Alfred Mclnbcrirnml others for nn injunction
restraining McBrldo nnd others from using
their linn nnmo as ntrado mark. Tho.appllca-
tlon was granted.
The other was the old case of Patrick Mar
row against Patrick Mullen , Involving that
oftnllscussod Council Bluffs-Omaha gar-
nlsheo point. As usual the Nebraska law
was sustained.
llobert Judaic , who was recently brought
back from Chicago charged with passing n
forged check on the Nebraska clothing com
pany , has Informed the county attorney that
ho will pteud guilty and take his dose.
Tito Federal Ilnr'H Trllmlo to the Ijato
TtitlKO McCrnry.
Just prior to the adjournment of the United
States circuit court at noon Tuesday Judge
Dundy announced from the bench the death
nt St. Joseph of Hon. Gcorgo W. MeCrary , for
five years Judge of the federal circuit court
for the Nebraska circuit , nnd upon motion of
n member of the bar , appointed Hon. J. M.
Woolworth , Hon. John L. Webster , Judge
Gcorgo W. Ambrose , Hon. John D. Howe
nnd Judge W. K. Kelly a committee to draft
resolutions In memory of him.
Upon the convening of court at 10 o'clock
yesterday morning , after the transaction of
some necessary business , Chancellor Wool-
worlh , chairman of the commiltoc , arose and
presented the following resolutions :
Ilcsolvctl , That the announcement mndo
yesterday from the bcnuli of the death of the
Hon. Ooorso W. McOrary brings to the mem
bers ot the court and of Its oar a pursonul
Ills character endeared him to each
one of us. Ills simplicity , gravity
and dignity shown In Bound and
lionlthy moral principles , asserted nnd
vindicated with emphasis on all lit occasion *
and especially in tin : RontluriiKts and kindly
charities of social Intercourse , always deeply
impressed tlioso who were ndmltti-d to his fof-
hnvhlilp , und will hurcaftur romalu to us our
Inspiring and elevating Influence.
Unsolved. That in this melancholy event
the republic lias lost a loyal servant. His em
inent cnroor In the publlo Horvlco best attests
bis abilities. During his tlirco terms In con-
Kross ho attained , easily iind by reason oT his
unalilod abilities , a position ot commanding
Inllucncc. Ho was advanced from
that station to a .seat among the
ministers ot state. At last ho came
to the olllco of magistracy ,
In which wo best know him. Such n career of
publichurvlco lias boon trodden by no man
upon whom the highest gift of Intellect and
churuclur have not been bestowed by the
Itusolvcd , That the annals of the court have
boon Illubtrnted by the natno und Mir-
vlcus of Judge SloCriry. : Ho brought
to the bench an unlmpusslonecl deliber
ate and resolute sense of Justice which
could bo perverted uy no blandishment of
flattery or Intimidated by no four of great
powers. Ho was diligent In his duties , patient
In hearing counsel and deliberate In ruachlng
conclusions , clear , direct , pursplciious and
convincing in dollvurlng his judgments , und
ho added at times now Illustrations to the
gioat principles of our jurisprudence.
Resolved , That to tlioso who wcro nearer to
him thttn nil ul < o on earth , with great respect
and due icscrve wo tcndorour blnccio sympa
Without comment Mr. Woolworth moved
that the resolutions bo spread upon the rec
ords of the court , nnd it was so ordered.
Court then adjourned until 10 o'clock
this morning in respect to the memory of
the dead Jurist. _
Horsfortl's Acid Phosphate
For Sunstroke.
It relieves the prostration and nervous do-
rangomcnl. _
A. Structure Which Is Beliifj En-
croaolicd Upon by
In 1830 , when the old frame buildings were
torn down and the eight-room brickstiucturo
was erected upon the silo now occcupied by
Iho Cass school , it was thought the building
was sufficiently large to accommodate for
many years the pupils of that dlslrict. But
such was not the case , because three years
later the school was crowded and two rooms
known as the St. Barnabas school were
rented. Since that time Ihoy have been oc
cupied by the pupils of the seventh and eighth
During the past two years , business has
encroached upon the territory tributary to
the school and residences of the school pat
rons have been removed to make way for
them. As a conseiuoncc , manufacturing in
stitutions , stores , warehouses and railroad
trades arc almost within n stono's throw of
the school house upon every side.
This has had its oltoct ujwn the attendance
because in 1SS3 the enrollment was 504. In
183U it dropped to Vft , while during the past
year the total enrollment has boon only 403.
The teachers , Miss Grace Wilbur , Mary E.
Slmonds , Ncllio Betmct , Annie I. GillLs , Hattie -
tie E. Slmonds , Lilllo M. Wilbur , Cora B.
Prtitt , Isabella Doyle , Hattlo M. Duncan and
Marv A. Frazlor are among Iho loading cdu-
caters of the city. That they have given sat
isfaction is evidenced by thu fact that many
have tuught In IhIs school from llvo lo ton
years , Miss Grace Wilbur having held the
position of principal continuously during the
past eight ycUrs.
The children In attendance nro largely
those of mechanics and laborers ! Ki being
the children of laborers , t0 ! of builders and
contractors , i)3 ) of machinists , 111 of manufac
turers and ' . ' 0 of railroad employes , while the
others nro children of tradesmen and others
engaged in various Hues of business.
The nativity of the llltlo ones is largely
American , 8 having boon born in British
America , HI In Great Britain , ill in Ireland ,
13 in Germany , ID In Sweden , 5 In Denmark ,
0 in Norway , U In other foreign countries ,
nnd the others In America , 4'J being natives
of Nebraska.
In thu school the girls outnumber the boys ,
there being 205 of the former und 210 of the
During the past year ten colored children
have been enrolled nnd ns In other schools of
the city , they nro nblo to cope with their
lighter colon * ! associates in all the brunches
of study taught , excelling In some , especially
in music , for which they seem to have a nat
ural tasto.
Last year the Cass sent a class of eighteen
to the lilgh school , nnd this year a class of
twenty-live has been prepared to pass the
finnl examination.
Ono diniculty that has been experienced
with the teachers has boeu the caring of
"babies , " who have been turned over to Miss
Mary 13. Slmonds , who has charge of the
eighth grade. In this room- there are
nearly fifty of the llttlo ones nun
many of them nro under school ago , Ihutr
mothers preferring to send them to school
rather than IMJ annoyed with thorn about
their homos. Notwithstanding this the lady ,
who is regarded ono of the best primary
teachers in the city , Is equal to the emer
gency and manages the llttlo things In a
manner that is truly astonishing. The first
principles of calisthenics are tmight and thu
drills have been for years something retnnrk-
ablo. Hnrc , too , the rudiments of drawing
are taught , and children of live years draw
from object lessors some excellent pieces.
The banking fad has fastened Itself with a
firm grip upon the Cass school , because ,
since the first day of the present term , the
pupils have deposited nearly $ tW In the sav
ings banks of the city , the desire to accumu
late money soumlng to grow upon the chll-
Since the beginning of the lost term the
. .Ivnucomont of the pupils has been very
marked , twenty-live having been recom
mended for special promotion In other
words , each ono of tlioso pupils has buo-
cocdeu lu making up a class , which for pupils
of those tender years Is considered a remurk-
uble thing. ,
As in many of the other schools , n great
deal of attention is paid to music , nnd in tbls
school there Is a number of Uuu vocalists.
Children of five to six years of age have boon
no thoroughly drilled that they are nblo to
ixtul dilfoivtit selections correctly and with
nn case that U astonishing.
The following pupils have been perfect In
attendance this year :
Bertha Hungutc , Albert Krause , seventh
grade ; Camilla Grantncr , fourth grade ; Wal
ter Lcary , Orluude ticibort , lieuo Leader ,
third grade { Walter Nichols , Uobort Wiley ,
Otto Grantncr , sffcond grade.
The following pupils nro members of the
eighth B for the high school next September :
Louisa MacUonagh , May Miller , Maud
Ktmbnll , Kuth Phlltlpnl , Agnes MncDonagh ,
Blanche Josselyn , Ida ButM , Besslollungntc ,
Bcsslo Hulbcrt , Nora Emerson , Jessie Godso ,
Anna Christie , Grace Allen , Florence Baker ,
LDnlsy Houston , Lilllo Burchmoro , Viola Saw-
er , Mlnnlo Ellis , Ira Van Camp , Wlllto
Hughes , Hey Austin. Kobcrt Goodwin , Wllllo
Hancy , Gordou Clark , Hobcrt Hays.
The Snored Heart Acnilcmy Sends
Forth Klght Accomplished Luullcs.
A heavy cloud of sorrow has for the past
month hung over this sanctuary of teaming ,
nnd yesterday afternoon , in its closing ex
orcises , n tone of pathetic sadness was plainly
On account of the great bereavement sus-
tnincd in the death of Bishop O'Connor , no
invitations were Issued save to the vicar gen-
'oral , the cathedral clergy and the rector of
Crclghten college.
, The beautiful hall of the academy was In
striking contrast , in its somber drapery , to
its former tasteful and elaborate floral decor
The first object that attracted the eye was
n life-sized portrait In pastel of the deceased
bishop. It was at the lower end of the hall ,
nnd seemed to bo resting nt the feet of n
beautiful stntuo of the Miidonnn. known nt
the Sacred Heart ns Mater Admlrabllls.
Over both waved six tall , handsome palms ,
which formed n sort of background to the pic
ture , Itself the work of N. F. Potts of this
city. So rcmnrkablo Is the likeness to the
noble prelate Ibo dloccso has lost that ,
for the moment , OHO was startled
by the illusion , but the spell was
soon broken by the presence of the dark
memorials of death everywhere visible. The
draped and vacant chair of him who , for the
first tlmo since the foundation of the ucademy
In. 1887 , was not thcro in person to bless and
crown the scholastic labors of his beloved
children , told Iho same sad story. Light
mourning drapery-took the place of the usual
array of cholco plants and flowers that were
wont to make of the apartment a veritable
bower of fragrant loveliness.
The pupils were black sashes over their
white dresses and black gloves oven the
dainty llttlo crogrammea , bordered in black
nnd silver , wore eloquent tributes to hiui
whoso memory they honored.
The exorcises wcro very short , the chief
feature being the conferring of the highest
literary honors on ho eight graduates , some
of whom have followed the fortunes of the
Sacred Heart slnco its advent in Omaha.
They nro :
Miss MeCrcary , one of its three first pupils
who , lost year , won the gold medal for
music. ' Miss Lowe , the valedictorian , daugh
ter of General W. W. Lowe of this city , who
was so fortunate as to carry off the essay
modal which is annually awarded for the
host English composition. Miss Huncy
Ottis merited the Christian doctrine medal
which the late lamented bishop presented
every year ns his own gift , lo the pupil most
proficient in the study of religious dogma nnd
the evidences of Christianity. Her sister ,
Mis > s Nora Ottis , both of Humphrey , Neb. ,
has achieved great excellence in art , und re
ceived , besides her graduating honors , the
prize for cxcuiplarv conduct , a. sumptuous
quarto volume , richly bound nnd illustrated.
Miss Kntio Crcighton , second daughter of Mr.
J. D. Crcighton of ihis city , read the beauti
ful "In Momoriam" tribute to the memory of
the bishop , and received the gold medal for
lady-like deportment. Miss O'Kcofo ' who bos
passed four years nt the ncadcmyls u niece of
Mayor Gushing , and is distinguished for her
varied accomplishments. Miss Stcphcnson ,
daughter of Mr. James Stephcnson of this
city , won , besides a medallion for deport
ment , the gold medal for success in the study
of the Ficnch language. Miss Leo of Fre
mont , Neb. , was a graduate of the high
school of that city , but finding her education
Incomplete , entered the regular course at
Park Place which has bestowed on her
its highest honors.
The programme is ns follows :
I'AllT KIltST.
Entree Indian march ( fioni rAfrlnnlno ) . .
. Mevurbcor
First Piano Mine. Mucnteferln' , ' and Miss
Second Plnno Miss Lcc and MNsMcShuno.
Conferring of graduating honors on Miss
Crolgliton , Ml s Lee , Miss Lowe , Mlfs Mu-
Cieary. Sllss O'Kcofu , fillss Ottis , Ml s N.
Ottis , MlshStophnnbon.
Valedictory The Arrow and the Air .
Mlts Lowe.
Concert March Insti uincntnl Duo .
. Wallcnluiupt
JllhKogan and Miss MuAdnni.
Distribution of ribbons of merit , crowns and
Hungarian Dnnces Inst. Quartette. . .nrnlims
I'lrst I'liino Mine. Muenteferlng and Miss
Sei'onu I'lnno Miss Leo and Miss Lowe.
Thi > I'ubns Across the ltlrer..AINs Crulghtnn
( A tillmto of atrectlon and gratltudu to the
memory of our lattt beloved , Klght
Kovorond James O'Connor.
Thy Will bo loiio Vocal Trio and Chorus.
. H. Ili'lirens
Misses 1C. and E. Crolghton , Miss McUrcury ,
MUs Lee. Misses Llllls , King ,
Jlnorlochcr , I , onion.
The memory of thu Just bhall bo eternal. Vs.
"Tho Speeding Arrow nnd the Divided
Air" was the suggestive thought upon which
the young valedictorian built her able rhetor
ical essay , and u most beautiful analogy skil
fully worked out was the result of her labor.
She referred to the eight young lives which
were that day to go forth , nrrow-llke , on
paths ns rapid ns they nro unknown forth to
aims nnd ends no earthly forethought can
divine. What wish more natural than that
these darts , leaving the quiver this fair Juno
day , may exercise their potency for good
alone , and not only picrco the target's eye
themselves , but lu id all who have intercourse
with them to strike the aim and thus iulfll
their destiny.
After the valedictory and n pretty musical
interlude followed the general distribution of
premiums , These wcro valuable and costly
books of which a largo number of pupils ro-
ccivcd a goodly share.
Miss Pundt was awarded the prize for
success In all her studies , Miss McShano the
gold modal for music , Miss A. Mullen the
prize for politeness amongst the juniors and
Miss Mover for perfect order.
"The Palms Across Iho Klvor" was a most
touching and beautiful tribute to thu memory
of htm whom the pupils of Park Place so
Justly called their friend , Iheir father. The
fair speaker , who for years has experienced
the kindness and paternal interest of the
bishop , draw a telling picture of a band of
pilgrims pressing through the Holy Lund.
Ono of them has gone far in advance of his
companions and , crossing Israel's sacred
stream before them , has found rest under the
palm trees. Ho looks back at the wayfarers
painfully wending their way to the river's
brink. Ho smiles encouragement and waves
a white signal of cheer from the broad
branches of victory. The travelers call a
halt. They estimate the distance that sepa
rates them from him. They pause awhile to
ponder on the Journey stretching before
them across the plain and on the friend
awaiting them. Such a pause arrested the
steps of these favored children on the day
when , in other years , the mild volco that was
over ready to applaud their simple successes
could reach them only from the
distant shore. "But his memory lives
and will ever llvo In the an
nals of Park Place , the tear-dlmmcd
eyes of Ids children will see him beyond the
fust rolling river under the palms with God. "
A fitting close to thu refined nnd clogant
prograimuo was the the solemn nnd beautiful
trio nnd chorus , "Thy Will bo Done. " The
Instrumental muslu was spirited iu character.
emphatic nnd heart-stirring in execution und
of a kind that must bo hoard with the under
standing ,
The art exhibition , Including about seventy
pieces of excellent work In crayon , pencil ,
water colors und oil was very creditable to
thu gifted young artists who , without detri
ment to their studies In the regular course ,
found tlmo to cultivate the lighter accom
plishments with such marked success.
A Call Air n'.McotltiK oftho
can County Central Committee.
The republican county central committee
for Douglas county Is hereby called to moot
ut tbo committee room , Millard hotel , on
Saturday , Juno 23 , 1800 , 3 p , in. , sharp , for
the purpose of considering the cull of the
stuto central committee for n convention , nnd
such other business as may come before it.
P. O'BittKX , VIce Chulrmuu.
Tickets nt lowest rates and superior
accommodations via the tfroat Rock Is-
lund routeTlolcot otrico , 1U02 Six
teenth uud Furuutu streets , Omuhu.
Additional Ucflnouscs to the Appeal
From the Tornado HulToror.s.
Uemltlanccs in , any amount sent to this
onico will bo acknowledged through our col
umns from day to tiaV.
The subscriptions'So far received by Tun
Bni : nro as follows !
1'roviously reported , , , . KtlTOO
Ht. 1'uul'n church , qlnrksvllle 8 0)
Hon. Henry Sprlok.'llmir ' 10 00
Total. . . . . . . WJo.OJ
To the Editor of Tut ! BUB : Inclosed please
find ft ) towards thrf Bmdshnw relief fund ,
sent by St. Paul's cluiroh , Clarksvlllo.
Truly yours , i UV. 15. MAUCII , lloctor.
Prostrated by the Ilcnt.
Henry Stargartd , employed In the boiler
rooms nt the Armour-Cudnhypacklnghouscs ,
was overcome by the heat yesterday nnd
taken to his residence , Twenty-eighth nnd II
streets , ,
Albert Hartmnyer of the Ice gang at the O.
II. Hammond packing houses n'so ' succumbed
to the sun Tuesday afternoon and was re
moved to his home ,
Josiwr Boorn of the bocf department nnd
N. W. Booth of the smoke house gang nt the
O. II. Hammond packing housewcro victims
of Tuesday's heat.
Dwlght Young of Gllmoro was another
victim of the excessive heat.
Serious Accident.
G. L. Sweeny and William Casey
took n colt belonging to Bruen & Car
penter out to break it. The animal became
fractious and throw the men out of the ve
hicle. Mr. Sweeny struck on his shoulders ,
Injuring his spine. Mr. Casey ran after the
animal and on his return found Mr. Sweeny
was gone. A gentleman came along and find
ing Mr. Sweeny had conveyed him to his resi
dence on Twenty-fifth street , -where physi
cians were summoned. His injuries wcro
painful and at first thought to bo serious , but
ho is now much better.
Closing KxcrclHCH ol'thc Publlo Schools
The closing exercises of the eighth grade
in thepublic schools will bo held in Blum's
opera house next Friday evening. Music will
bo furnished by the Magic City orchestra
under the leadership of Professor Barg of
the Second United States infantry , Fort
Notes About the City.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Sovart was buried at 5 o'clock Tuesday
The regular annual memorial services held
by Enterprise Led ; c , No. 79 , Knights of
Ppthias , was held Tuesday night over the de
parted brother Frank C. Marshall.
Thomas E. Howe of Johnstown , Pn. , and
Miss Catharine , daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Hughes , wcro married Tuesday in
St. Agnes church. The young couple left for
Johnstown , Pa. , with the best wishes of
many friends.
A World'H Fait-HiiirKCstlon. *
Aoiiroiio. Nob. , Juno So. To tbo Editor of
Tin : BIK : : I would like to suggest as a part
of Nebraska's exhibit at the world's ' fair the
erection of a sod cabin , similar to the rude
hills constructed by our early pioneers. Such
a fcaturo would bo novel nnd attractive , and
nt the same time givq eastern people some
idea of the spirit that prompts the strong
young heart of the west.
At Fn I rin on ntPark. .
There will l > o another open ait- concert
at Fail-mount park , Council Bluffs ,
Thursday , Juno 20 , from 4 to 8 p. in.
Dnlby'a military .Ivvnd hivs arranged i\
choice programme , and this , with the
delightful bhndo of the park , will prove
a grout nttrsictiim to all who hiivo over
visited this most biiautiful pluco. The
bridge motor line cars run into the park.
{ .licenses.
Licenses wcro- issued to the following
parties yesterday : , R
Name and address. , x Ago
I Alfred Johnson , Omaha . 21
( Willielmina Npilson , Omaha . 23
j John Wrcdo , Omaha . 27
( Barbara Wuhllg , Omaha . 20
( Nathaniel B. Norrls , Missouri Valley , la.SO
( Margaret Shepard , South Omaha . 23
County Court.
The Nebraska Savings bank has sued R.
Stevens & Son and J. E. Curtis for $295 on a
Herbert W. Hcdding has sued W. S. Lind
say for $050.81 for labor performed.
Allen Brolhers have brought suit against
Anton Bcrnekor for $300 for goods sold and
delivered. _
There promises to bo a big boom in
real estate at the Dakota Hot Springs.
The old settlers claim it will bo the second
end Saratoga of this country.
Nebraska , Iowa and Dakota Pensions.
WASHINGTON' , Juno 25. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Bun. ] Pensions granted to Nebraskans -
braskans : Original -Special net , Augustus
McKughlin , Corbln ; William Kizcr , Iln-
vonna ; Martin L. Burkett , Fairllold ; Wil
liam Lighthill , Humboldt ; Samuel B. Par
ker , S nmrtvillc. Increase William EUhiro ,
Falls City ; James Fisher. Bcnlccl-
mnn ; Charles L. Molts , Falls City ;
Adam T. Morris , Hay Springs ; Harvey K.
Ammonium , Fairbury ; James II. Mills. Gib
bon ; Simr.n Landis , Kearney ; John \V. Me-
Cuno , Omaha ; Jnmos D. Reynolds , Blue
Hill. Original widows Uaboccn J. , wife of
Lindloy F , Ellis , Alliance ; Lydia A. , widow
of Alonzo Collins , North Loup.
Iowa : Original invalid , William H. Allen ,
Lcrcnd ; EbcrDlxon , Ottumwa ; Gcorgo W.
Wuite. Strawberry Point ; Hubert H. Kil-
gore , Kns.son ; Martin Strifller , Hoekford ;
Edward P. Goldsmith , Ivoyvillo ; .Tames Knn-
dall , UockHapids ; Peter NowerlWuucomn ;
Floyd Kimball , Sheffield ; Samuel Koyo& ,
Hnrluu. Restoration and increase Him A.
Farnsworth , Follotts. Increase Charles II.
Nash , Donison ; Joseph H. Hurinn , Ottumwu ;
Thomas McChenov , Clarinda ; William Shep
ard , Melrose ; Webb C. Brown , Tnraj
Edward B. Heatou , Hunloston ; J. A.
Enos , Panona ; Isaac O. Culvert , College
Springs ; Francis W. Downs , Gilberts Sta
tion ; John F , Pitt , Waukon. Reissue
William. ! . Conrad , Cedar Rapids ; Jackson
GIllcsplc , Bontonsport ; William F. Mur
phy , . Mount Etna ; Elva Reeves ,
Sitinoy. Reissue nnd Increase
Enos M. Shumnker , Mount Ayr ; William
MoNary , Ruthvon. Original widows , etc.
Ada B. , widow of James L. Bolce. Doxlor ;
William , father of William R. White. Iowa
Center ; Rhoda M. Fmziec former widow of
Andrew J. Stanford , Leon ; Catherine , widow
of Charles A. Duvla , Waterloo ; Rhoda , widow
of John M. Williumsi.Kcohuk.
South Dakota : Original Invalid Charles
Davis , Bnugor ; Samuel Keller , Bore.iford ;
Maxon W. Griswolil , Dell Ruplds. Increase
Samuel N. FarreU , Flnnderau ; Samuel C.
MeUuth , Watcrtowu ; Timothy Peters , Al
exandria ; Henry t C. Hyde , Alteruoon.
Original widows , etc. Josic , widow of
Wilhclm Rcuttgci-s Parksten.
* - A
When IUbjvr&a slckjiwe gave her Cutnrla ,
When SK ! > waa a Ulil/d.'s'ho / cried for Cajlorla ,
When ho became MU , f ho clunfto Costoria.
Whoa shs had CldUftj'rijplio garo them Costorla ,
' BoycTs Opera House Block.
Will bo paid to any competent chcmttt who will
find , onannb/slt , a partlclo of Hcrcury , Potash ,
or other poleoni in Swlt' ( Sixidflc ( S. B. S. )
IIcndctEon , Tcr. , Aog. S3 , 1339. "For elgtu
lecn month * I boil an eating eoro on my tonsna.
I vna treated by the best loctl phjdclvu , bat
obtained no relief , the core gradually growing
Korea. I concluded Anolljr to try S. S. S. , anil
\ru entirely enrol alter nthig a few bottles.
Ton hnTO mjr chccrfal pcrmlwkra to pablldi the <
tbovu etatcmcnt for the benefit of thcso ttmllarl } '
afflicted. " 0. D. lIoLxuonc. IlcnJoreonTcx.
Trtntlf e on Blood and Skin DUo/wMvn oiled f rco.
TI1R BWIFT BrKCIKIO CO. , Allantn. fin.
- - .
On account of our largo
nnd increasing Practice ,
wo Imvo UEMOVED to
moro flpiioiotts und con
venient olllcos.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
1409 Done-las St Omaha. Nob.
BuffcrlnR from Iho cirrcw of youthful errors , rarly
decor. \ > atliu vroivklicx , lost manhood , etc. , I will
nemi n valuable troatLw ( K-nh-rtl contalnliiK full
particular ! for homo euro. Fill' ! } of charge. A
plenUlilmcillcalworkhotiM Iw rvail by e ery
man who 19 nrrnmn nnil ilclillllAU-il. XilurrM ,
1'rof. l' . C.
Abwlutclr reliable , perfect IT Mfo. most powerful fcmato
regulatorl < uown i npvcrfAlliMa tMix.tost | > ald lone box
eufllclcnt. Ail < ln M I.ION DHITO CO. , ililtrnlu , K. V.
bold by OOODMAN DllUU CO.
JVrrtom Debility.
Youthful InJIicroliom ,
I.o l Mnnliood.
Go Your Own Physician 1
Miuiy nwn , from lh * IT ct of ynalSfnl
Imrrudftitrp. have kroiiRhl about a ttto of
wrftknvt * ttiM h&s idncnl Ui rmrral 9J9-
tern fo much u to Inilum ( mint tt ry
i other dl r , * , and the ml rinM of th
j troutiU c rc ly ttr txltur intivrtml , thf y
i an dortomt fur prrrjlhlnd but th right
f one , NotvUtuuuidlnfi th * tiuny TataaMft
i rvriMlfi thAt innllnl clrnco lii Koducul
! for th < relief of IhU clM of piMI ntn. non *
' of the on ] [ nary modci of tiratmcnt ctTcct a
[ cum lurtnKourtittnilT eollrK andhw
f rltM proctlcowo bare rxiwriinvntnt with
> anil dtivorrrf it now am ! concentrated rcme-
illrj. Thon-fomi nyliuj pn > , crlutlon li of *
fnkl M a certain and upocdy euro. M
nunitrvdiof cntrntnonr lcc-hnr hfcn
' reiloirti to | M < rf4t health liy tt lire aftvr
all other rrmeiltf a f AUM. IVrfPrtty l ire ln
crri ] | < Mit4 mutt I * uiwd ia Uic itrviMiraUon of
Ii Krjthroiylon roc * . I-t tlmehin ,
Jt > rubtbin. l-t clntchtn.
Ile.onUf PlolcA , 11 drachm.
< if tfH-mtn , I ( rrAin * .
Xit. IfniAtlm AtnAitn ( ftttohollcS ) | TT < UIU
Ktt , IrpMndro , I fcruplet.
Oljcfrmo , n , WIi. J
MAkoCOpflla. TiOiilpUlAtSp.ra&mlitn-
olhoron irolnffto Nnl. In4 > mnctv * 'ilt will <
t > f norotfnrr tor the pllont to tAke two ! ltu )
At lM * < Hlinnnmkln.r ( IhAnumberIhrwRiUy , <
Thta re row IT ! naap nl to OTWJ condition of 3
iicrroii * ilebtlltr AIII ! vrcnku-u lu rlthcrigi , ;
na ptnopirUl/ In the # cAea rrwaltlnff from i
lreprnil nc . The rmipvratlro iww r of J
thli rc tnrntlr nro trulj wton Wrtnflf , iu l IU
UN continued for n nhort tliuo chanfrrs the i
languid , tleMlltAt l. nrrrtil fs condition to J
QU * of rn wni life And vUror. 5
As * ro ftre const&ntlr In nvolpt of Utter * of
Inqulrr rvUllT * to this remcxly , wp would '
i\j tollio owhownuMpr rrrtuoMAlnttnf \
un , byrcmUllnR- n pormvly sAlol rwiokj j
m ? rontalnlnff CO pills , carefully com * <
] K > umleO\l.l l > nnt by if turn malt from ;
our ptlrntft lalmralnry. ur w utll furnlnh 0 <
wjkricMwhichwillcurTino ; caj * , forX !
* * J or call on
Raw England Medical Institute ,
2 1 Trcmonl HO\T , lloilnn. Mom.
Cooyrlirht. IW ( . by F. IL llnirx.
to anr rlic 'n ' Hi * Uiutnl t > utr * . AUo , muy
- ' -tiifwt. Bicycle , fUfrllM ind OirU * Trieyo
In. One ( , r mote At nholmU rrire ttnl
, C' . O. P. dirtrt from I * . U. Spt rtr * ( no-
' ' -7,111 W. Miwliinn St. . Ctiicir * . fJ 14
'Vi ' tavrd. H ml < r. iiimp for HUT csl *
hlogiu Tb Urrjcit fttU r fn lh world *
torfrt , t * rjntl * f .
Homo TrrAllio sent frcontid BMVleU. 18 1'rln 3
rwi LECLiHUK DSTITl'TE , 140 A 118 ITUtUai fit. , > .T.
Waller Besant.
THE QUEEN OF TABLE ; WATERS./ / less than a year three different Judges have
granted Injunctions protecting the well-known Yellow
APOLLINARIS LABELS from infringement.
The last defendant used an oval yellow label and a yellow
neck label on Mineral Water , and employed eminent Counsel
who vigorously defended the suit. The Supreme Court ,
when granting the injunction , expressed the opinion that
bottles of other Mineral Water put up with orange coloured
labels may well be mistaken for Apollinaris at a short
distance and without close inspection.
2 .
| Kings are but men , but all men are not kings. Therefore ,
' when the JZt'tig of Holland says , as he did by deed of August
12 , 1889 , that he is greatly pleased with
and , entirely unsolicited , grants the manufacturers the sole
right of styling their works the Royal Cocoa Factory , a sig
nificance attaches to the act which would not were he
not "every inch a king. "
For the treatment of ntl CIIUON1C AND BUIU.ICAIi niSHASra. Ilracoi , Appliances for D formltlo , nno
Truisca. llojt KticlUUos , Al > pirnlui und Hommllei tar uncucsnful treatment ot every form or dUeain rn-
quIrlnKMc-dleil or Hiirnlonl Treatment. NINKTV UOOM3 KOll 1'ATIF.NTM , Hoard nnd MtonitnnoB. Host
Accommodations Wist. Writ" for circulars on Deformities anil llrmoTruoics , Club t'evl , Currnlure ol
Bplnu , rites , Tumors , Cancrr , Cutnrrh , llroncliltls , Inbnlatlon , Kli-itrlolty. riiriilrnls , Killcji | y , Klilnrr
lllnrtdcr , Kje , Kir , Skin nnil lllnnd , nnd oil -mrKlcal opnnaiorn. D1HHASK3 Of WOMKN n Kimclultr. Hook
of Illson.ifi \Vomsn Krco. Wo lmro..ilaljrnddcda I.ylnit-tn Kcpirtmnnt for Women dnrlntiOnnllneruenl
( Strlctlr 1'rlvnto ) . Oulr llollablo .Moillcnl liutltuto mnklnj aaprclultr of 1'IllVATK 1IIBKAHKS.
All Illood Dlni''iaei nuucciifiilly trvnlcd , Hyphllltlc polnoo ruiuovoit fruni the Bjatcm irlthont mercurr
New Uontoratlro Trra.mcnt for Ixjnii of Vltnl Toner. I'artlos unuLlo to vlilt us runf bo troulcd at home lij
corrorpondenco. AIoiiiumiinli'ntlon | cniitlrtuntlal. Modlrtnn or Instrnmonti eunt tijrnmll or oxpruin ,
curoly paakiij , no nmrki to Indlc.itn contontn or ion > | nr. On vorsonal Intorvlew prnTeriml. Cnll and cnnnull
ui or * nml hlitory of your cu o. nnd nu will land In pi iln wrnppur our HOOK TO MKN FllKK , upon I'jlruto
ElpecUl or Nonom ll , 'n03 , iLUiKHunur , Hyplilll * , Olrat uud Varliox'la , wltti qui'ntlun Hit , Addruii
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Corner Oth and Harney Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Great Slimmer Barpain
Jewelers and Silversmiths ,
Watches , Clocks and Jewelry Repaired at
Reasonable Prices.
A.ND QNol , a
at. r c l. r lc t Kn > 1 rincot In tliy W rU ivi ,
lr .ngcr MTomoiliitlini * n < ic llp < l.
Kt'UNKSStA.luno2i I rW'A99IA ( , Jnlf I * .
1H.VONIA , July 6. | A.NCHUUtA.1ulr 10.
. Liverpool. 700
Now York , Qucorutown rim.
ThA Colrbrntoii I JunoZitti. JnlyMlh , <
CITVur KOMK. I AUB.SM. yo twin.
S WNt SKOHJD-pim \ 1
t ) i7.irtMi ? ? ? iwsTV Vilu"fliiiiaViiyHFBiiitl.iM
CirarolontKkrK rnlnrnl. minld T IUIiIn to rtturn
l > y rltlirr the i > lotiir ino Clrilo. Hirer Mcnvyi hortli or
K iilhnMn > l > iiil Nui.lMorilllirnllnr. . _ _ - ROO
l luwT't runrnt n\lr . > M > lrlo any of niir IOTA !
mfrnu.or to HENDERSON tlRO9M ChlOOBO.
I-ociil Anpiitii ntOniahal Hurry 1C. Moore , CliMlfc. . . ,
Mnrc . W. V , Vi.UI , 11.11 , buuel , Cllliou'i Unnk , Otl > lW1
CablnPa .iflo$35to$50 , according to location i.
jl.iteroom. Excurtlon $05 to $95. I.MO
Btoormro taunt Irom Ktiropontlxmcst Itnles. 403
AUSTIN DALDWIII & CO. , General Agent. .
63 Broadwar. NEW YORl.MO
Jno. niocon. Gpnorul Wol > rn A tin n t -
Randolph StrcotCbloajo , Hurry K. MoorrVVX )
Thos Uunno.
P 8S ooto and from Great Britain and af
patls ol Europe" Montreal-tlveroool roulo. by W
waters olSt. Lawronco. thortetlolall. UlancowtOOIl
lioflton , to Phtlnilelplila. Liverpool to nnil lrp oi'O
llaltlmoro. Thirty Stonmorn. Cla.-B oxcplelo ,
Accouitnoilatlunn imBarpasscil. Weekly snlllngi"1'
AM a2U A 4jO. . on. We U AR'to. the
C.J. Sundoll. uw > i-r. nil La ijallo at. , Chicago , IVoro
THU naimi : "o. " the
The Osuro 0 In our dntos will make a long ifin'lll '
No man or woranu now HvlnR will over dnti1'111 *
Jocumcnt without using the figure D. It ital0nu *
In the third pluco In 1800 , whcro It uill remain ( "do
jrtmn anil then move up to beoonJ plaoa In Id ° "
whcro H will rest for ono hundred years. 301'-
Thcro Is another " 9" \ \ lilch luw also oomo to st'OSO '
It Is unlike the flguro 0 In our dates In the rcsplUOB
that It ha * already moved up to first placa , wh1a
It will pcrmancntlx rumnln. H Is called the " 2
9" lllch Arm Wlioclvr A Wilson Sawing MaohlWOi *
The "No. 9" was endorsed for first plseo by * l1't | '
cx ] > crt3 of Europe at the 1'arU Kiiw-ltlon ot lltllCO
where , iiftur n severe contest with the lending nvilrt
chines of the world , U wns awnrdcil the o't ! { | > .
Grand Prlzo Rltcn to family sewing machines , ' o j
others on exhibit ImvlnK received lower nwn
of gold medals , oto , The French Govornm ) .
also reoognlzed llsnuporlorlty by thodecoratlot l'J ( '
Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler , 1'rcsidviitor the compu' 11 !
with the Cross of the Legion of Honor. mill
Tbo "No. 0" Is not nn old machine ImproSlng
upon , but is an entirely new machlno , nnd .
Grand Prlzo at Paris was a\vnrd l 11 as the granon ,
est advance In ecwiniT machlno mechaniim of ! , . . ( ,
ago. Tboso who buy It can rest assured , th > . .11
fore , of haying the vcrj- latest uud bciU '
irks ,
If it
it ,
. ro-
mt n
p of
. .ply
1S5 and 187 Wnbnsh Avo. , Ohicojrod
220 North 10th Street.
Inoi *
1 Oils
s in
Opposlto Hoyd's Opuru llouso. I l" °
To All Cases Tnlton During thu First , wla ! ;
Three Months. ( CCU.
Tlioso eminent I'liyhlaluns , SiirKOons i > wed
S | > ooliillHlH are pro-uinliiinitly ulxivu nil oil lire ,
In HID tri'iitmuiit of all Ulircmlo , NorvotiH , / , ,
mid Illootl Dlsoiisus , itiul dlbcusus jiuciilliir , ,
woniuii. No iniittor what your complii-Il Ol
consult tlieho Hklllfnl wirKooiiH , who mil uivotl
tO OlfOUl ClIIOH III IIIHIiy OUHUi tllllt llltVO I )
jiionouiiccil luipolu.sM , All surKlui'l < U cii.
tiininrsund iluforiiiltlti nnnovoil with iiHtllOJ-
Islilni ; rcsullH. Ucnlto-iirlnnry KiirRtiry , Ht lud
turn , nil dlKartHCH und ( luforinltlox of "It. , , , . . ,
si-x , till linpedlnicnt.H to intirrliiRO atilukly"11"
inovoil. I.OIIK iixpurlLMico , with unpanilH WU3
biicuoss , In the buiL ovldoncu of u ( lout
skill. i
Ollluo Hoiirs-0 n , m. until 8 n. in. Hundiii nna
lo 11 ! Tlidiihainlrt Hiicunssfully tritntiulKO U
corruspiiiiilonuu. All fonflduntliu , hund I
In KtuiniH to Insure iironipt ruply. _
Do You Know 5
That Dr. Simons ta emi of thu most scion/
illld BUIiCFHSdll pll/hlclllllS III tllU Ull110111
States , and tlial nu Is located at coi , and
Jonus anil inih MH. , and tuuils nil
llcally and Hiicccsafully. Dr. Kliaoils IHU HJ tliij
ItillHl In all fL'inaln uoinplulnlH. No poixin . tlOL *
fuilnj ? from any of tlioso dlstinb.sln Iron f ;
Hies to lot uvuryljody lomw It , o toJUUl
SInionH who IH a roxulaily uduuatod ph.VKlirs.
wlllioiit lli < ! huinllanufor ( jnackcry about I
llo will dlaKonoso your uasn anil lull , -pij
plainly whotlioryon can huonrt-dor not. ' '
on him as thouiaudn of otlicr.s have
I'onio and lu liuppy. Sucucssf ul truatnion
" '
U"ll't. SIMONS , 701 S. 10th St. , Oinalm , Ntit ,
DR. t the
Vfi auiu. . . . _ . _ brlhli. ,
. JUvrctiicTRte BUT AND suJrnui nni (
liKUVMunnf , Ut.lf for IhliiMdlK/ / , ,
it , r r. l a .rallit W. k . . * , | lrli ( rml ; , XIMK UUll
l * . iMlUuMf t.rrot. ot IlitliUIIT Urniiih all W'niinl
PKU1H , rviUirllif Ib.n to IIK1LTH > 4 TKIOnol'H TnE31/'uuM
l..lrt. ( > rt. l r.ll lull.II , , or toll.ll J.OO ) | lU * ] f |
M.JI..II/l r 4 In thr * . inoolbi.'KMl i' | m > liUI Krtt.01) Ob