Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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    knul A If * i"l > * T f vrwitum' r tmf-r-t -
/i/illy / and Sunday , Ono Your . tin m
Kfx intmtln . . . Km
Three months. . . . . . . . 2M
Hiiliilny Itc-o. One Your . . . . . . 2W
SVcolfly llec.Ono Vonr . 1
Oninlin. Tlio HOP Hnlltlln ? .
? . Ornnlin : Corner N and SHh Streets.
Jonnell IHtilTH , I ? I'eiirl Htieot.
: : iilcni < o < Jllleo , 'lii Cllmmbe-rnr Commerce.
N w Vork.lIimniH 13 , Hand ir > Trllitnc ) llulldlng
, ulu I'oiirtccnth street.
All communications relutlhe to nnvs nncl
rdliorliil nmtler should bo addressed to the
Kdltorlal Department ,
All business It-Horn mid remittances should
he nddrt' M > d to The Ilec Publishing Company ,
Otnuhii. Draft * . cheeks mid postonieii orders
to bo made payable to the Order of the Com-
The lice Publishing Company , Proprietors.
.Tlio Jlpcll'ldlni ; . Kuninm mid Sovcntcpiitli Ht .
btnleof Nohraskii , IK. ,
1 County of Douslai. I1" ' . _ , _
Gcnren tl. Tz-sehuck , necrotary of TJio nee
rtilillsliliiK Company , does wilrmnly nweur
Unit Hit ) nctiinl circulation of TIIK MAitr HKK
for tliu * eck uiidliiK Juno 21 , 1S1W , was as fol
lows :
Pnmlny , .Innn 1i ! . M.flll
.Monday , Juno 10 . . ; *
Tuesday , June 17 . ! )
\\Vdiip-duy. .IIIIIH lii . 1'VW
Thursday , Juno 19 . 11 > . " " 1
Frldnv , June 20 . 10.1' '
Balurdav. June 31 . . . . ' 'O.O.'g
Average . . . . 20,113
nroiiOR H. T/scmtcic.
Sworn to ' ) fore mo and subscribed In my
iPM'Mf-o tills ' 'Int day of JUMP , A , I ) . , IR'M.
[ Heal. ] I-'IIAMC A. SMITH. Notary Public.
Blntpof Nobrnikn , fiSJ l .
Countv of DoiiRlus
flconre It. Twliuok , beliifj duly sworn , do-
pon'n 'ind K.iys that liei \ secretary of The
lloo rnbltslilnjr Company , that the actual
nvcriiirn dull volrculutlori of Tun DAILY IIKK for
tlin month of June , 1&8 , wun jHa'iS copies : for
July , Jf1 , JR.Ts : copies ; for AtiRiist , JWO. Ifl.GSt
roples ; for September , 1HW. JH.710 copies ; for
Ocloljor. 1M > , Ifl.'TT copies ; for November , JS89 ,
] 9'llnroplpsj for December , IWU , S0.04.S copies ;
for Jnntmrv , lfi"o , NVkYieople-sj for Lobriiury ,
: f'JP , 1I',7BI co.'lcs : for March. 1800. 3),8iri conies ;
for Aprll.1800 BI.MI copies ; for Jlay 1800 , 20,130
IN Tin : rovlsod lexicon of the council
combine u public olllco is a private anap.
TIIK cohesive ] > o\vor of municipal
plunder has lost none of its potency in
.the combine.
THK marvelous activity in the sanitary
department Indicates a consuming fooling
ling for the public health.
A I.KTTKK from Charley Brown on
municipal reform , with Birkhnusor at
the heml of the board of public works , is
now in order.
Tin : BHK commiserates the democracy
on its inability to furnittli a more compe
tent man for chairman qf the board of
public works than Polo Birklmuser.
Tun fact that the city bonds of Deadwood -
wood netted a premium of four per cent
speaks well for the financial and commer
cial standing1 of the metropolis of the
Black Hills.
TIIK Minnesota prohibitionists are not
half as anxious to rout high license ns
they are to secure olllcc. This explains
their furious denunciation of existing
parties and the nomination of an inde
pendent state ticket.
SOMK cities in the state will doubtless
bo disappointed over the result of the
census , but they should not got discour
aged. Lot them accept the result cheer
fully and renew their olTorts to stimu
late I ratio and manufactures.
.Tonx T. CLAIIKK heads the list of
Birkhauhor'fl bondsmen. John testified
that the Tammany twenty-eight club , of
which ho is , member it
o , > composed en
tirely of republican stalwarts. And
precious stalwarts are they to bo sure.
TriK purchase of the museums by tin
English syndicate will not seriously af
fect the local supply of entertaining
curiosities. As long as the council com
bine oxlstB , there will bo no shortage in
the quantity and quality of local freaks.
New that the bullionatrcs have cooled
down they are willing to accept a coinage -
ago bill which establishes a steady nnr-
kot for all the silver produced in the
country and at the same time prevents
the national treasury Iwing made the
( lumping ground of the surplus silver of
Mexico , iaouth America and Germany.
. Tun plate glass manufacturers are
alarmed. The prospective loss of the in
creased tariff smuggled into the McKln-
ley bill touches a vital spot in their
pookotbooks. In view of the fact that
their industry netted twelve per cent last
year the demand forincreasod protection
Is decidedly cheeky.
- THKIIH are several luminous blood
spots on the Mexican moon , and a revo
lution imponds. It Is a dull , dreary
season that does not develop a crop of
domestic disturbance in the land of the
greaser. They are a vital element of
-the country's life. Without its periodi
cal revolt and blood letting the repub
lic would have no rational excuse for
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tun late Judge McCrary exemplified
in his life those nigged virtues born mid
strengthened by persistent tolj , His
early life afforded few of the advantages
which are' open to the youth of today.
Ills hard , ceaseless worlc on a farm
served to lay the foundation of a career
honorable to himself and his country.
In the halls of congress , in the cabinet
nnd on the l > onch ho displayed a con
scientious devotion to duty. Few men
leave a more meritorious record
than Judge McCrary ,
Tun British ministry is hopelessly 011-
tanglod. By porclslontblundoring.mon-
tal incapacity and bruUil disregard of
public sentiment , the tories and their
unnatural allies have boon driven into a
cottier from which they cannot extricate
themselves honorably , The narrow mar
gin by which they escaped defeat on the
lioaiiHO bill forced thorn to emasculate
the measure , but this only borvcd to in-
croasu their troubles. They musteither
abandon' the bill or appeal to the coun
try. The latter alternative tUoy will
avoid nt uny sacrifice of honor or principle
ple- , for they know that overwhelming
defeat awaits them at the polls. It maybe
bo expected , therefore , that the ministry
will cling to power , with one foot in the
grave , while there is u shadow of a
chunco of holding a majority lu the
commons ,
The Interstate commerce commission
in its report to the senate regarding
transportation charges on food products
from the west to the distribution cen
ters of the east , declared that the pre
vailing rales on corn and oats from the
Mist-ourl river , and from stations in
Kansas and Nebraska west of tlio river ,
are excessive and should bo .reduced.
Later the commission summoned the
woBtorn railroads to show cause why
their grain rates should not bo
reduced to the figures named
by Iho commission as a reasonable max
imum charge and appointed July 8 for
the hearing. This implied a purpose on
the part of Iho commission to order the
rates reduced.
The railroads will respond to the sum
mons with the intention , it is an
nounced , of contesting the right of the
commission to order a reduction. At a
meeting of prominent officials and lead
ing attorneys of the roads' In Chicago on
Tuesday it was decided to nmko
this issue , the roads taking the
broad ground that the commission
has no authority to interfere with trans
portation charges. The dispatch states
that the corporation attorneys will base
their action on the decision of the supreme
premo court in the Minnesota granger
cases , but it is not quite clear how this
can bo made to apply. Those cases in
volved the right of a state commission
to arbitrarily determine what wore
reasonable charges , the supreme court
deciding that the question of reasona
bleness was one to bo deter
mined by judicial investigation.
The principle involved was that
a legislature cannot delegate tea
a commission arbitrary authority which
might bo carried to the extent of prac
tically confiscating the property of a
corporation , and that where thcro is an
issue regarding the reasonableness of a
rate proscribed by a state commission a
railroad has the right to have the ques
tion judicially investigated and deter
mined. It is at least questionable
whether this can bo made to apply to
the action of the commission created by
a law of congress and representing the au
thority of the national government. It is
true that the interstate commerce act
docs not specifically confer upon the
commission the power to order a reduc
tion of rates , but such authority is cer
tainly implied.
The result of the action of tlio rail
roads in this matter will bo awaited with
very great and general interest , for the
question involved is obviously of the
very highest importance. It will bo the
first direct issue between the corpora
tions and the commission , and the result
will have great significance. If the cor
porations are sustained the value of the
commission , as the law now stands , will
bo very matetirally impaired , while if
they are defeated there will bo" a very
general demand for a readjustment of
rates by the commission. A conflict of
this kind was curtain to come sooner or
later , and the eauso that has produced
it is of such large and far-reaching im
portance iw to nriko it a mutter of na
tional interest.
The appointment of Birkhausor as
chairman of the board of public works
will create no surprise. Mayor C'ushing
has been a mere dummy in the hands of
the council combine since his election.
Ho has simply executed the orders of
the conspirators and meekly played into
their hands for the sake of having his
appointments conilrmod. Instead of
being a guardian of the interests of the
city , ho is ti mere catsp.iw to pull chest
nuts out of the lira for political jobbers
and venal contractors. What else could
have boon expected ? Cusning came into
olllco mortgaged body and soul to the
renegades and boodlers who founded the
Tammany twenty-eight club. Ho .will
continue the property of this precious
gang of rogues until they are broken up
by an outraged community.
Mayor Gushing can no longer pose as
a second Grover Cleveland , who pro
claimed that a public ollico is a public
trust. Starting out with loud profes
sions of his purp&ia to apply business
methods to the conduct of the affairs of
this city , ho has shown u shameful dis
regard of busineos methods in the most
important appointment at his disposal.
The chairman of the board of public
works of a city like Omaha should bo
qualified by education and experience to
supervise the construction and mainte
nance of public works. Mayor Gushing
has filled that olllco with a man whoso
only trade has boon trade in politics ant ?
speculation in real estate options. The
chairman of the board of public works
should bo a man frco from
all obligations to contractors
and above trading the iiifiuonco
of his position for political ends. Mayor
dishing has not only ignored those essen
tial qualifications , but helms chosen a
man whoso appointment has boon dictated -
ted by contractors , mercenary councilmen -
men , and political roustabouts.
The mayor nuulo this appointment
with the full knowledge that Blrkhauser
will hold Ills ollico for throe years unless
removed for causo. Wo venture to say
that in the history of American cities
thero' is not a p.millol for such a delib-
oratos.iurilioa of tlu public interests at
thobohcst of public plunderers.
If congress does not take bomo action
at the present session looking to the
preservation of the forests on the public
domain , the disclosures to bo oxpjctod
from the consu.s regarding the depletion
of the timber supply will perhaps induce
legislation at the next S3ssion. Tlio
dlniculty is that congiM-wmen sojm ut
terly unable to realize the importance
of this nvittor , and hence little attention
has boon pilJ tothofaotisubmlttad from
tlmu to tlnu showing the rapid destruc
tion of the forests or to the roconunonda-
tlons for its prevention. The striking
statistics of the ravages resulting from
the greed of lumberman and the
devastation of forest fires have failed to
duly impress the congressional mind
with the necessity df providing ade
quate safeguards against the continu
ance of thusa destructive agoncius , and
consequently the forosXs arc still at their
mercy. If this destruction is allowed to
go on unchecked it cannot bo many
years before the lumber supply of the
country is exhausted.
Soiuo recent statistics regarding the
amount of lumber taken from Michigan ,
Mirtiip ota and Wisconsin are interest
ing. It appears that last year these
three states produced over eight billions
superficial foot of lumbar and that the
cut of shingles during that year in the
same section win nearly llvo billion
pieces. The census of 1890 estimated
that there wore standing lii those states
about eighty-four billion foot of lumber ,
and as the amount cut during the past
ton years has been over seventy-four
billion foot there is less than ton billion
foot remaining , or but one year's
stock on hand. Thus nt farthest two
jnoro years will very likely witness the
exhaustion of the white pine forests of
Michigan , Minnesota and Wisconsin. It
is said that equally as serious a con
dition of things exists among the spruce
forests of Maine , Now Hampshire and
Vermont , whllo the supply of the same
timber in the Adlrondacks lias been
greatly reduced. An authority on for
estry says that there is no more timber
in the South Atlantic and Gulf sections
than will bo required for homo use as
eoon as any material local - de
velopment shall take place , whllo
on the Pacific coast tracts of good ( 'Xxbcr
are confined to special spots , for the pro
duct of which there is a demand from
foreign markets. Those who have
counted on falling back upon Canada
may perhaps bo surprised to learn that
tlio dominion Is almost as badly olT as is
this country in the supply of merchant
able pine timber. All those facts show
the urgent need of provision , national
and state , for preserving the forests that
remain and for replenishing the rapidly
falling supply.
THK present congress ought not to ad-
jpurn without providing for a system of
cattle and meat inspection , unless nil ef
fort to enlarge our foreign tr.ido in cat
tle and meats is to bo abandoned. Oppo
sition to-a national law for this purpose
is confined , so far as wo have observed ,
to eastern shippers , who for reasons not
at all conclusive contend that such a law
would accomplish no good , but would operate -
orate to the disadvantage of their inter
ests. The fact that those shippers up-
p'car to bo fully satisfied with the present
condition of affairs is bimply evidence
that they enjoy peculiar advantages not
possessed by others in Iho same line , and
Is not to bo seriously considered in face
of the estimate , probably not at all ex
aggerated , that our foreign trade in
cattle and meals could bo increased in
value fifty million dollars a year if wo
had a judicious national inspection law
olllciontly enforced. The secretary of
agriculture has strongly recommended
such a law as absolutely necessary to
successful negotiations with Euro
pean countries for the removal or modi
fication of the restrictions upon the im
portation of American cattle and meat
products , and our ministers to Franco
and Germany have expressed a like
opinion. It is largely our own fault that
those restrictions exist , and the only
remedy is to bo found in a system of
thorough national inspection which will
deprive foreign governments of all ex
cuse for claiming that our moats cannot
sufoly bo used.
Now that Charley Brown has come to
the front as sponsor and bondsman for
Birkhauser , and indirectly has played
into the hands of the rottoncat combine
that has over had a grip upon Omaha
to-xpaj'ors , his boom for congress will bo
heartily seconded by the Tammany stal
warts. It is in accord with the eternal
fitness of things.
TUG work of smothering tlio jail job
goes on merrily. In less than seven days
Mr. O'Connor's smelling committee will
bo vigorously and effectively kicked into
the combine traces. Tlio gang cannot
afford to tolerate rebellion in the ranks ,
The whole thing has been a farce from
the outset.
THE firm of Birkhausor & Blumor will
continue business at the old stand.
Owing to tlio conspicuous positions oc
cupied by the members In municipal af
fairs they are enabled to give patrons
inside rates in the jobbing lino.
Marat Is Alter Tammany.
Clitcaao Inter-Ocean.
Munit Ilalstciul says : "New Yorlc ex
ceeds all precedents in municipal rascality
und mismanagement. " Hulstcad will doubt
less bo disliked by'l1 amurauy if lie continues
to tails that w. y.
Democratic Greeting to Governor Hill.
St. iMUli Tteiiulllc.
The Republic will do its best to secure Mr.
Hill the undivided attention of tlio west if
ho will use His knowledge of the slum
polities of Now York to give accurate details
concerning the trading and treachery by
which the national democracy Is defeated in
tlio political combination which jnakcs every
thing depend on two or three wards lu Now
York city. Otherwise ho might as well suvo
his railroad fare.
National Backbone.
It is understood that In the diplomatic in
tercourse between our country and Great
ni-ltnln the roprcsontattvo of the latter has
Invariably used the expression , "her majesty
oxpot'ts , " in stating his proposition. The
formula of our state department has been ,
"tho president ventures to hope. " The pres
ent udmliiUtnitioa hus violated this pi-eco-
dent.Mr. Bluino writes , "tho president ex
pects. " The change in the diplomatic
Iniinittitfo may perhaps produce a change in
the attitude of the liritish government
toward ours , BO that by and by such
expressions as those or the English will cease.
A Good \Voril for Tlwyor.
ItMlinn Sun.
Few men hnvo been subjected to more out
rageous abase und censure than Governor
Thnyor. But there are hosts of people In
Nebraska who recognize his great worth as a
mun , his ability n * an executive and hU
great serviced to the state and nation. As an
lustniioo of commendation wo publish the
following ;
Governor Thayer stands at the head of
Nebraska governors , and equals , nt least ,
uny governor of any other state in the Inter
est ho takes In the welfare of his people. Ho
Is always timely lu moving and acting for
their interests and protection as hi quar.
antlnlng the cuttle pluguo ; for calling for
rute.1 so as to omiblo fanners to ship their
corn with at least a little profit , and in many
other ways that oannot bo mentioned la u
brief article. Wliou the people of the north
west were overrun by outrages anil outlawry
Governor Tliayer did not louugo in uu easy
clmlr lu cosy parlors und dictate procla
mations from houreay and current rumors ,
but Uo ut ouco wout there , right where tlilov-
tmj ami lyntiiMU ; were done nnd saw and
talked common sense to the people. And
learning wh\U rtipht to bo tlono by personal
obscrvatlorf"hU did It , and law and order was
restored , thij interests of the border settlers
nnrt tholrgoodllinnio and that of the state
wore subaorvi-j. And no , recently , liciirlne ;
that the settlers In the oxtru mo western
part of the stiitd , were Btifferluff fr om destitu
tion , ho wont out there to see and learn if any
of his people needed broad nnd the neces
saries of life. JIo visited several counties ,
riding over \tno \ ( hundred and fifty miles by
staRO. Ho tlio people at their homos nnd
learned beyond a doubt thnt the rumors of
destitution out thcro were false ; thnt the pco-
plo needed nd Irtslp , but were amply nblo to
Hike cnro of-thomsclvos.
( Governor Tlmyer U n model governor , nnd
the people especially the farmers should
stand by him as a solid friend , ono not only
nblo but willing to stand by them lu any
And the llnrs of the press , and the poli
ticians who , through envy and pure Inmito
meanness , slander nnd abuse tlio governor
without stint or a conscience should bo re
buked most effectually by every citizen. The
farmers and other laboring classes will look
in vain for a imn to fill his guboni ntiorinl
shoes , unless the silly "third turni" objec
tions are overcome for the people's bcncflt
und they again take John M. Tuaycr.
Wholly Uncalled Tor.
Heaver Valleil Trlhunc.
It seems to be popular with a certain class
of papers to insert in almost every Issue of
their sheets some moan little fling nt Gover
nor Thaycr about the extra session. This Is
not only getting vary stale , but Is wholly un
called for. Whatever may bo said of Gover
nor Thayer It cannot bo denied that ho has
bocti inoro of n common people's governor
than any governor the state has ever had ,
and It Is not Utting that every man who
wishes to bo funny should cost these pollota
at ono of the oldest citizens of Nebraska ,
whoso services as a soldier and a statesman
the people recognize.
The Mindcu Uazctto has started a semiweekly -
weekly edition.
Ashford oxpcets to have a forty-barrel rol
ler mill in operation soon.
The Custer count } ' republican convention
will bo held ut llrokon Bow July 11) ) .
The Woman's Christian Temperance union
of Ked Willow County held a convention at
McCook Wednesday.
Fourteen men have been laid off at the
Union Purille shop * at Grand Island , cutting
the force down to VM men.
The farmers' alliance of Snundors county
will celebrate the Fourth nt AVnhoo and listen
to an address by General Weaver.
The lawn tennis clubs of Elwood , McCook
nnd Holdrego will ploy a scries of champion
ship games nt Ar.xnahoo on the Fourth.
Miss Minnie H. Johnson , a teacher In the
North Bond schools , was blown from a buggy
during the recent storm and broke her loft
Theo A. Legcr , a graduate of the Peru rior-
mal school , has boon chosen general secretary
of the Ashland Young Men's Christian asso
Abhacl Webb of U'eigant , ngcd seventy-
seven years , has secured u license from the
ICnox county Judge to wed Mrs. Eleanor An
derson , ago unknown ?
Banner coufity h agitated over the possi
bility of another county seat struggle. .Lack
of water is the objection raised against Hur-
risburg , the present county seat.
The third annual conclave of the Oddfol-
lows of Iowa , Missouri and Nebraska will beheld
held in Plattsmouth August 13. Ton thou
sand Oddfellows are expected to bo hi attend
The stockholders of the North Nebraska
normal college utiMndlson have passed a resolution
elution characterizing the present manage
ment of the institution ns a failure and a com
mittee was unpointed to devise a remedy.
According to the Edgar Times , the farmers
near that place nude a raid on blackbirds in
the vicinity of Northrop's lake und killed
over one thousand eight hundred birds. The
birds had been doing considerable damage to
small fruit and grain.
Banner county has two agricultural asso
ciations. His honor , Judge Church , recently
determined thnt the association at Ashford
was entitled to county aid and the people
wore so jubilant that a few days later about
thirty men and teams set to work putting the
grounds in proper shape for the Banner
county fair.
Mrs. W. W. Jones of Tobias Is the only
lady undertaker in the stato. She was in at
tendance at the undertakers' annual meeting
! tt Grand Island , and when a corpse was pro
vided for the occasion she noxtorously stopped
to the front and took up the artery of the
arm nnd showed us much skill in the work as
the most export male undertaker in the con
While the family of E. Kennedy of Bassctt
were seated nt their dinner table lightning
struck the roof of their dwelling , and follow
ing down through the ceiling it seemed to
separate into three holts , all of which struck
their daughter Dora , killing her Instantly ,
ono bolt striking her in the head , ono on the
neck and the third right over the heart. No
other member of the family was oven shocked ,
while three dogs which were under the table
were killed.
A little Indian girl nt the agency named
Stella , daughter of "Made Above , " acci
dentally shot herself with n revolver unJ Dr.
Wells of Valentino successfully dressed the
wound. "Mndo Above" showed his gratitude
by appearing ut Valentino the other day with
but finding the doctor
n line two-year-old pony ,
tor away ho cniupou oat until his rcturn.wheii
ho presented him with the animal. The most
intimate friendship now exists between the
Indian and his physician.
A camp of Sons of Veterans has been mus
tered in at Hampton.
The Emmctshury packing house will bo in
operation by August 1.
Seven miles ot now paving has boon or
dered laid at Cedar Rapids.
Four horses were stolen In the vicinity of
Bayard , Gnthrio county , the other night.
Muscutino citizens are organizing a ceme
tery association. The melon crop promises
to bo largo this year.
Carroll has been selected as the place for
the next annual meeting of the Catholic Mu
tual Bcnclit association in Iowa.
Over ! JOO graduates ot' the s.tttto university
have resolved to 'organize by congressional
districts and work 1'or the udvnueomont of
the university.
The city council of Guthrlo Center has
contracted for u waterworks plantof suflloicnt
capacity to supply 500,001) gallons every
twenty-four hours.
Rev. Dr. 13 , Jainos , a colored divine und
corn doctor , U traveling around the stuto
warning the poopltt to letup on wickedness
and prepare-to no Hence , In a boly , on the
Ud uuy of July , 'Ib'.U. Ho claims to have
had u revelation1 tllut the earth will bo totally -
tally destroyed on ' ' dqto.
Constable Allen of DCS Molnos , while passing -
ing along n stroll in that city the other day.
noticed n woman digging in a garden and
turning up peculiar looking vegetables. After
she hud loaded TTer apron und left the scene
the constable ) went over and did a little dig
ging on his own hook , unearthing bovoral gal
lon jugs of whisky.
Whllo Patrick FOJC and Miss Hottlo Connor -
nor , both of llloouiliuld , wore tripping along
the streets qf Qttumwa on their way to u
Justice of the noacb to got nurrlod , thu bridal
procosslon was'broftght ' to a sudden stand
still by the fullbiKAf a brick from the top of
a thivtvstory lluilulng , which struck the
prospective bridegroom squnro on the top of
the head , knocking him soimulass and culling
a big gush hi trls kculp. When ho regained
consciousness he refused to accept the Inci
dent us a warning and demanded that the
ceremony proceed , which It did without
further interruption.
Ex-Judgo Austin Adams of the Iowa su-
nrumo court , Ls sorioualy ill at hU homo In
Diibuquo from n peculiar.malady. . Several
mouths ago ho was attacked bv Indigestion ,
nnd his Btomach b gnn to distend until It
wat enlarged to thrco times its normal size ,
Medical examination dlsclasod the fact that
his staunch wa-1 full bf Indigested food , thu
opening from tha Stomach Into the Intestlnus
being closcil. Since thir examination a month
ago all food taken Into hb'atomactv has been
allowed to remain there for u time und has
then iMsen removed by moans of a pump. The
m'.K'nt U growing uaakur steadily unu very
little hope U entertained for hU recovery.
His illness resulted from close application to
oOlco duties uud lack of uxcrcUo.
Proceedings of the Oonforouoo Hold at
Lincoln Yesterday ,
A Motion to Insert n Prohibition
" " Plnnlc In the Itcsntutlons
Promptly Snt Uinvn Upon
Capital City News.
Ltxcor.x , Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special to Tun
Bur. . ] The union labor party held a confer
ence at lied lilbbou hall this afternoon.
Thrco hundred ntul twenty-live delegates
from various parts of the state handed In
their credentials ; but just nlnetyiilnovcro
I. N. Chamberlain of Stromsburg , chnlr-
mnu of the stnto committee of the union labor
party , called the convention to order. The
temporary organization resulted In the elec
tion of Allen Hoot of Douglas county as chair
man nnd J. H. Craddock of Lancaster county
as secretary. When Hoot took the chair ho
stated that the tlmo would come when the
producing class must Und means to remedy
the evils existing hi our state government ,
mid if the men elected to ofllco should play
them false thnt the hemp was growing that
would hang them.
William McICelgan of Ked Cloud made n
short speech , the tenor of his remarks being
that the tlmo had come when the labor or
ganizations demanded n secret ballot system
and a monetary system that would glvo the
people money. Ho was opposed to the ullen
ownership of laud.
After n short speech by I..N. Chamberlain
of Stromsburg J. E. Colby of Washington
county made n long speech in which ho
favored the making of gold , silver nnd green
backs for legal tender.
Mr. John H. Powers , president of thn stnto
alliance nnd vice president of the national al
liance , was called for. He said that ho rep
resented between 00,000 nnd 70,003 people.
That the organization ho represented was
distinctively a political organization. Ho
asked those urcscut to join with the alliance
in its work.
George Lynn , n lawyer from Hastings , said
that ho had been n prohibitionist since 1SIO.
Ho insisted that those who produce the wealth
of the country should enjoy it. Ho said ho
and Mr. J. B. Koch had done n great deal of
work In the publication of the labor paper ,
Our Own Opinion , and in other'lines for the
labor Interest and that they were deserving
of some of the money of the country as a fair
The report of the committee on credentials
was then adopted. On motion of ex-Gov
ernor David IJutler the temporary organiza
tion was m ide permanent.
I. N. Chamberlain then addressed the dele
gates saying that ho know the minds of the
people before him ; that this class of people
uro inexperienced ; Unit if any of them are
asked to come to Lincoln to attend a conven
tion they are liable to ask if Lincoln is In
Nebraska. If cue is asked to con tribute u penny
to the cause , ho will pinch the penny anil
keep It. The speaker said that ho hud
worked for the party for n year , that his
family had somehow got something to eat ,
but ho had received nothing for his services.
He spoke in a belittling manner of the antimonopoly -
monopoly republican convention dubbing it
"the Leese-Kosowator-Keckloy affair , " and
attempted to ridicule the action of Governor
Tlmyer in revoking the call for a special ses-
slonoftholegislature. Ilapuffed the "Journal
of the Knights of Labor" and urged his audi
tors to subscribe for this paper. His closing
scntcncowas : "I have labored as earnestly
as God has given mo strength to got you to
gether. Now do something. "
Ex-Governor Butler moved that Chamber
lain bo re-elected as chairman of the state
committee for the ensuing year.
Chamberlain then jumped up and said :
"Taffy don't feed the babies. If you go
along the principles I have proclaimed I will
go with you. If not I will not. "
Mr. Maxwell of Lincoln then nroso nnd ex
pressed considerable surprise that Governor
Butler should make such a motion. Ho did
not know that the meeting was of the union
labor political party. Ho supposed that the
representatives present were bimply hero on
invitation nnd could not vote on the reelection
tion of Air. Chamberlain or bo responsible
for the same.
"What did you come bpro for ! " snecringly
asked Chamberlain.
Maxwell paid no attention to the query and
Chamberlain asked the same question three
more times , adorning it each time with some
Chamberlain then moved thnt Maxwell bo
excused from voting and the chairman at
tempted to put the question without a second ,
but was culled to order.
S. J. Kent of Lincoln then nroso and said
ho came not as a politician , but as a member
of the carpenters' union to represent them lu
independent political action , und that ho
wanted to know before ho voted If the prin
ciples advocated by the carpenters' union
were to bo incorporated in the resolutions
adopted by the delegation present.
Air. McCord of Valley then insisted thnt a
series of resolutions bo llrst adopted instead ,
of attempting to club the delegates Into voting
ing before any dolhiito understanding had
been ugreed upon.
On motion of Mr. Craddock the following
resolutions adopted by the national conven
tion of the Knights of Labor ut St. Louis
were adopted :
1. That we demand the abolition of national
banks and the substitution of legal tniulor
treasury notus In lluu of national banks nolos ,
Nstiud In siilHulent volume to do thu builneis
of tliu country on a cash system ; reKiilatliiK
tlitt amount iiL'cdcil on a pur capita b.isU us thu
business Interest of tlio country demand ; and
that all immuy JsMiud by Ihu Kovoiuimmlbliull
IMJ li'Riil tender In payment of all debts , both
prlvutu and public.
2. Time \vts tlunmnd that congress shall pass
such luvta uHHliatloircutnully piuvunt tliedual-
liiK In fiuurusof ull agricultural and mechan
ical productions , pnisiiln ; ; u tttrlnxont system
of procedure In trials us Khali hcrimi tliu
prompt conviction and Imposing hnuh poniil-
tlus a > > shall hue nro thu most perfect coinpll-
ancu with law.
y. That wo demand the free und unlimited
coliniRoof silver.
4. That wo ( lunmml the passajro of laws pro
hibiting tliu alien ownership of land , and tlmt
confess taku early action to < Homo pluu
to obtain all lands now owned by alluns and
forulxn syndicates ; und that all lands now
hold by railroads and other coiporatlons In
excuisof such ns Is actually n.sod and ni'udiul
by them lie reclaimed by the government und
held for actual bottlers only.
5. Uulloylng In tlioiloetrlnoof equal rights to
all and Kiieelal favors to noiio. wo demand
that taxation , national or bUito , shall not In )
used to bnllu up ono class at tliu n\nunsu of
another.Vobcllovo tliut tlio nionuy of thu
country should bu kept as nineli us possible In
thu hands of tliu people , and heneo wu demand
that all revenues , national , Ht.ito or county ,
bhull bu limited to thu necessary ovpunsu of
tim government , economically and honcutly
II. That congress issiio a Mitllclont amount
ot fractional p ipcr currency lo facilitate es-
cliungo tlnougli thu medium of thu United
.Statc-s mull.
7. That thn ineani of communication and
transputtatlon lmll bo eontnillod by anil
operated In tliu Interests of tliu people , as U
lliu United Stutc.s postal .sy.stein.
And It Is further agioi-il. In order to eany
out tht-'se objects , thai wu will Hupporifur olll-
corx only nuuli men as can bu tlcptnulcU upon
to enact thesu principles into statute la\\ 1111-
Inlluenced by party caucus.
Mr. S. J. Kent then offered the following
H.'u also dpinanil the formation of a htuto
olglit-hiinr law on till.state wink.
U , Alsu that ivu will only mipjiort mich candi
dates as will plcdtru tliuinsnlviis to vote for tlio
Australian ballot law adapted to our wants.
10. Tlmt wo are In favor of womun'.s milfrugu ,
both htato unll national , us u ilyht and not uu
These resolutions were uUo passed.
Ex-Governor Butler then offered the fol
lowing resolution :
11. We aNo demand the passuKo of a liberal
Aorrlce pension bill uud also that Iho old
hold ler'H pay buuqual to tlmt of thu bonu-
This brought Chamberlain to his foot , and
ho wanted to know If there were also to bo
added resolutions favoring prohibition , 1'ron-
byterianism , utholsm und the Darwinian
theory. Ho sarcastically usked If the soldiers1
gruiuichlldron were next to bo heard from ,
lie made n long speech bitterly opposing the
Mr. MoKlegan then runio forward und
uskea Governor Butler the following ques
tion :
'Is It right to pay the bondholders In
"No , sir , " said Butler , "but wo uiual light
the devil with fire ! " After the loud laugh
tlmt followed had .subsided Ilutler asked :
"Mr. Mi'Klcpnti , l It wrong to stealIV
"Vc9 , " was the reply.
"Didn't wo stral from the soldiers mid
wasn't It wrong to do no I"
* "i'os , " wns the reply ngaln.
After seine other debate Mr. MeCom inndo
some spirited romnrles declaring that no
party can hurt Itself by standing for prlu-
The question was then put and carried
with a shout.
It. W. Maxwell then shouted Ills votco urging that n prohibition plank So
added lo the sorlc.s of resolutions , but was
emphatically sat down on by n hurried mo
tloti for the adoption of the resolutions as a
whole. This prevailed.
A motion was then inado lo proceed to put
In nomination n stnto ticket.
W. P. ICnox of Broken Bow took the plat
form , nnd claiming to voice the sentiments o
40,000 farmers , members of the union labor
party nml Knights of Labor , begged the
delegates not to put a ticket in uomlnatloi
until nftor the other political parties hai
brought out their candidates.
At the close of his speech the motion was
put und defeated by a vote of 0. > to 1U.
1. D. Chamberlain was then reflected
chairman of the state central committee.
Mr. Cradtlock then road the declaration of
principles and popular call for a iwoplo's
state convention prepared by Mr. Burroughs
of the farmers' nlllanco.
Mr. P. L. Loltutou then offered this mo
Hcsolvotl , That the chairman of the conven
tion appoint a committee of tlireo to confer
with the secretaries of thu state assembly o
tlio Knights of Labor anil farincm' alliance
and In conjunction with them cull an Inde
pendent Ntato convention.
This brought out n hot discussion , a nunj-
bcr of Knights of Labor and nlllanco men
charging the union labor mcu with n disposi
tion to run nfCalrs.
Chamberlain then took the stand and made
a long speech urging unity of action , urn
above all a Union labor party. Ho doclnrct
that the Knights of Labor nro children of the
union labor party , that they had just got their
eyes open und now they wanted to run the
Ex-Governor Butler then inndo a speech
declaring thnt a man who becomes a Knight
of Laborer an alliance man and declares that
ho Is either a democrat or n republican nt the
same tlmo Is cither half baked or not yet dry
behind the cars. "If , " said he , you put n
lot of republicans on your state ticket 1 will
ttiko the stump anil veto against the dead-
beats. "
Mr. O. E. Hall made a speech echoing the
sentiments of Butler.
Leightou's motion wns then voted down.
On motion of ex-Governor Butler , M. II.
Goltry of Washington county was rc-olccted
secretary of the state central committee.
Mr. Craddock then moved that the old state
/cutral committee remain as it is. There was
some kick about Ci-addock being n member of
the union labor party , but ox-Governor But
ler declared ho wns all right , und the motion
was carried.
The conference then adjourned subject to
the call of the chairman of the state central
run Tur.XKtts.
At present the turners own the city of Lin
coln nnd the merchants and other cltLens are
vicing with each other to make the stay of
the visitors u pleasant ono. The great turn-
fest parade occurred this morning nnd was
an imposing and splendid spectacle that sur-
pilscu the crowds gathered along the streets
to witness It. The major portion of the busi
ness houses were decorated with flags , com
binations of the national colors and banners
bearing the words. "Prlsch , Froi , Stark ,
Treu , " which so fittingly describes the
turner societies and the individual members.
The procession paraded all the principle
strecti in the city.
The llrst hi line was a platoon
of mounted police. The Lincoln mili
tary band was next In line and
was followed by company I of the state
militia. The lady turners from Fremont
sixteen in all followed. In order then came
nnd Lincoln. The boys were constantly
cheered along the line of march. The mem
bers of the various turner societies who are
not active turners were next In line , nnd the
Lin coin brunch of the Irish Nationol league
and a baud were at the terminus of thu pro
The Nebraska Woslcyun university closed
Its first year today , and the graduating oxer-
jisos that took pluco this forenoon were held
; n the presenceof an assembly that tnxe < l
Lho capacity ot thu building to its fullest ex-
lent. The attendance during the year has
been KM ! , which is a very fluttering begin
ning. Tonight Chancellor Creighton held a
levee nt his residence adjoining the campus.
This afternoon n meeting of the board of
trustees was held. Ono question that re
ceived attention from the board wns the ex
pediency of establishing a mUlt'try depart
ment. If this is done a Nebraska gniduato
of West Point will no doubt bo identiiied
with it.
Mr. Craig , who was a largo owner of Dun
dee Place , Omaha , lately deceased , loft a be
quest of 825,000 , to the university , to bo paid
upon the compliance of the trustees with cer
tain conditions.
It Is proposed to extend a boulovanl to the
J nivorsity , distant three miles from Lincoln.
Illghtrof-way has boon secured through all
Intel-lying properly except the Stnto unl-
vcrsitv furm. The regents nro in favor of
the plan , but as the title Is vcjtcd In the
state It will require an actof the legislature ,
ind the next session will no doubt bo asked
to take action thereon.
The State Veterans' association mot nt the
state house at a o'clock this afternoon for the
) urposo of taking united action in regard to
wnsion matters und other ntluirs relating to
) ld soldiers. There was quite u largo turn
out of veterans und the session was held In
ropresentattvo hull. Secretary D. C. Wcrk
of Seward culled the mooting to order. 13. A.
Fletcher of Franklin cSunty was elected tern-
.xniu-yclmirman. Forty counties were found
: o bo represented.
The following resolution wns passed :
Koch-oil , That thuholillorri of Nebraska In
nans convention assembled heiuby extend
heir congratulations to Senator Inxulls of
ICunsas for Ills hr.ive words In fuvorof ample
compensation to the nld soldlursof tlio union
ind that this lesoliitlon , with "Uotl blesM
you , " bo sent him by tulcgiupli at once.
A peddler named Iman Klomlst was arrested -
rested today nt the Instigation of F. King of
David City. Mr. King charges Klomist with
laving sold a span of horses und a carriage
on which King held u mortgago.
Eniost Paine was arrested and thrown Into
ail today for refusing to obey thu command
> f nn olllcer to inovo on In compliance with
, ho order of n policeman while Paine wu-s
looking nt the turner parade.
Tlio Great Debate at Itcutriuo July 5
and 7.
Mr. S. S. Green , secretary of the Beatrice
3hiuituuquu assembly , bonds Tin ; Biu : the
'allowing for publication :
There will bo a Joint tlebato on the ques
tion of "Pro'.itbltlon ' vs. High License" nttho
Deatrlco Chautnuqna assembly , beginning at
0 a. m. , July ,5 , und ending the ulternoon of
July 7.
Samuel Dickie , chairman of the prohibition
nitlonal committee , and Ituv. Sam Small will
debate prohibition.
Hon. Edward Kosewntor. editor of Tun
But : , und Hon. John L. Webster of Omaha
will argue for high llix'uso.
j ,
Critltml Tin i en In .Bulgaria.
VIENNA , Juno l5. ! [ Special Cablegram to
1'iiK BKK. ] H Is reported hero that Prince
Ferdinand , ruler of Bulgaria , hus In a sudden
mil mysterious manner .started from Soil a
'or till * city by way of Varna und Bucharest.
: ils visit hero , It Is stated , Is connected with
he critical position in which Bulgaria is
ilacod unit the weakening of the Stunibuloff
nlnt-stry by the ronlgtmUoit of Dr. Stransky
ram the ministry of foreign atfulra.
Soniittliliii ; In tlio Wind.
HALIFAX , N. S , , Juno 25. ( Special Tele-
grata toTni : Bur . ] It Is believed hero that
lows or orders of the highest lm | > oi-timco
must hnvo been received , as tin extraordinary
activity prevailed all day yesterday In the
dock yard at the north end of the harbor.
AH tno men-of-war nowithero are being
victualled und coaled us rapidly us possible.
Ammunition carus were also busy nil duy-
.ransferriiiK powder from thu big magiulnu.
letow Wellington barracks to the yard ,
i'lils morning mi engineer und a torpedo
orps were In a steum launch buoying the
lurbor channel bctw" " " v < ivt Clurcuco and
George's UUiud. ,
Cleopatra's bone * nro for nalo. Timv nrt
valued nt S'iO.OW. ' This shows hnv tlmo In.
crouses the value of things , Cleopatra ouco
threw heraolf nway for one Maiv.
Sho-Lct this "no" bo llnal.
Ho With nil my heart. Then the novt
tlmo I propose you must say yes.
.tuck Were you ever crazy with lovei Jim . w
Yea , Indeed. .lack What cured you l Jim
Marriage. y \
I'lenlc lomonndo will bo innilo this / \
In the sumo old way. The girl holds tl ?
lemon anil the fellow docs the squee/lng.
Asking papa Is n court of appeal , Love at
fli-st sight ami n runaway inateh Us a supreme
court ,
Mr. Slowboy- Miss Pussc , what tlo j. . >
think Is the best name for u girl I
Miss P.isso ( looking deep Into his eyes ) - .
That of the only man she ever loved.
"Hammock drosses" nro announced for
summer wear. Something a girl u.m slip out
of easily , wo presume. i
There Is n girl In Now York who has n ivc-
oitl of llvo feet four inches In the standing
high Jump. Her accomplishment must , bj
handy when there Is u mouse around.
Gold gentleman ( from head of the stairs at '
n lalo hour } Clara , I think you ami that
young man have talked enough for one even- / I \ ;
Ing. M N. .
Clara Ail right , pa. Wo won't say another
Backward Suitor I ilon't know what to
make of you.
She I'leuso don't make an old maid of mo
whatever you do.
Father Clanx , what game was thai you
were playing when I looked In the p.irlor last
night } Cluiii Hldo and seek. Fattier was the hissing for I Clnra-Oh , that
was the duty on the hide. ) .
Amy Mr. Dollcy called yostcrdnv mornIng -
Ing bcforo I was quite dro.sscdund I talked
to film llvo minutes without waiting to tin- * "
Mabel ( horriflcd ) What ?
Amy Ohdon't ' bo alarmed 1 Ho called over
the telephone.
"Thoro seems to bo a number of weddings
this month. " ho remarked. "By the way ,
Miss Carrlo , when will I bo Invited to
" \Vlllyounced nn Invitation 1" she asked ,
with downcast eyes and mantling cheek.
WAS SlKXKNMtE'f 31 VMl 1 > E11 KitC
\ Theory Ilognrrilng tlio Death of S.iu i
Salvatlor'H I'rc.sltlent. s + '
Nnw Yonif , Juno 23. [ Special Telegram '
to Tin : BKI : . ] Was the president of Sun Sal
vador. Mcncndc/ , who died suddenly on Sun
day night nt the conclusion of n b.iliquet , pol-
boncdJ This is the conjecture of a well known
Central American , who said today to a re
porter : "I think It exceedingly likely that
poison administered In the food or wine at tlio
Sunday banouet tcrmiiutcd the life of 1'ivsi-
tlcnt Menendcz. Ho had many and | x > worfal
enemies , who would not scruple to use any
means to nvengu their injarle-s at his hands
and get rid of him forever. Tliero was the
Xoldivar f action , J ways large , bold and ae-
tive , and thcro was besides the party opposed
to the propojod union of nil the Central Amer
ican states Inn federal government , \\hirh
Menendcz fuvorod a party In n decided minor-
it3 * , it is true , but for that very reason tlio
moro despoiMto. In ndtlltlon to thcbo are to
bo reckoned the many private enemies wlmm
Menendcz made by his rough ni.d overbear
ing rule. These facts , taken In connection
with the stnto of government In thoie coun
tries , the characteristics of the people and
the political traditions which Influence them ,
and there is no dlniculty in arriving ut the
very plausible conjecture that Moucudci was
poisoned. "
Quarantining A 'iliiHt Cholera.
MAKHID , Juno 25. [ Special Cablegram to
THK Bnr.j The authorities at all Spanish
ports have established ten days' quarantine
igninst vessels arriving from Gandia and
Valencia. If there bo cholera aboard n
vessel the quarantine is extended to llfteen
"Lot mo orprosa thn convlollnn that 'SVnamloali1
itliouM Im scon by every patriot of our country "
Lien. W. T. Mhurmnn.
Thursday. Suturclnu. Juno 26,27 , aid 28V
lii Ilronsou Ilowar J'a Greatest Triumph ,
L'rpBcntoil exactly n It wn-i noon for
ItCKUtiir prices. Renti and UOTOJ roaity Wo'lnoicliiy
) ime JVupee. [
Anna liowlln of Uliirlmla , la. ,
A Colored Woman \vlio \ is Turning White.
Hall , Dooley & Eldi-ldgo's Pnr-
, lor Minstrels.
Mclntyro & Heath's All Stnr
Specialty Co.
And the Carncross Quartette.
Conic and son Htar.s. the kins' , tlio prodiicoia ,
the oilglnatorH. the fashion plute.s of 10-
llned black face comedy.
One Dime Admits to All.
ducted by the
RBI/ / . John Hlex , DowiB
and Mrs , Dowis ,
(1'iom ( Melbourne , AiiNtrulla ) , In tliu
ft'rst Baptist Church , Omaha ,
( Corner Davenport and nth Ktroetw. )
Kvr.uvoNn WELCOME.
llrlns IlUilot ami 1'urt 5 Uospul Hymns.
"t'onio , for ull tliliiffs uio now ready. "
"till 111 ST IS AltL. "
- - .
On account ot our largo
nml Increasing I'motico ,
wo have IIKMOVKD to
nmro npacioua ami con
venient otlicos.
Drs. Bctts & Betts ,
1409 Douglas St. Omaha , Neb.
( iibsorltrpil and Guaranteed Capital. . . fVXKXH
aid In Uuiiltul . '
Ilnyx and Mill * HtooU'H anil IxjniU : nuK"0 ' *
oninnmjlal import rocolvos anil uxeeuii ! acts as trans furiiRUiit and tniNlun > "
oiporatloim , taku.i charge of i > rui > orty , " >
eels luxes. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
OmahaLoan & TrustCu
S.E. Corner 16th and Douglas SU
alii In Unpllnl v
iubsurlbeil und ( inuruiitnod Capital I"
.lability of atwkholtlurs
6 1'or Cunt InUnvxt I'uld on IniuslU ) |
OlllcersA. : U. Wynian. iiiebliliint , J. J. Ilruvvu ,
vlu - | > iu4ldeitl , W. T. Wynmii , irnuvirur
0 rector * A. U. Wyiiian. J. II. Mllhiiil , J
' - , lIurUin.K. W
tocu ! U. Luko.